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Lutfulla Jurayev • Svetlana Khan • Ludmila Kamalova
Ludmila Tsoy • Mahprat Abdullayeva • Larisa Matskevich
Rozaliya Ziryanova • Hayothon Tuhtarova
Klara Inogamova
Fly High
Teacher’s Book
TO SHKENT — 2011
yflK: 372.111.1(072)
BBK: 74.268.1 A htji.
Fly High English 7: Teacher’s Book/ L. Jurayev (et al). —
Toshkent: „Tafakkur“ nashriyoti, 2011. — 144 b.
1. Jurayev Lutfulla
ISBN 978-9943-24-013-1
YflK: 372.111.1(072)
BBK: 74.268.1 AHrn.
0 ‘qituvchilar uchun moljallangan mazkur metodik qo'llanma umumiy o'rta
ta'lim maktablarining 7- sinflari uchun nashr etilgan „Fly High 7“ nomli ingliz tili
darsligi asosida tayyorlangan. Undan darslikning bolim lari, mavzulari, darslarning kommunikativ maqsadlari, grammatikasi, lug'ati haqidagi mundarija,
har bir dars va mashqning maqsadlari, o'qituvchilar uchun til va madaniyatga
oid qo'shimcha ma’lumotlar, mashqlaming javoblari, kasseta uchun yozuv materiallari, o'quvchilarni rasmiy baholash uchun qo'llasa bo'ladigan uchta namunaviy
testlar (javoblari bilan), o'quvchilarning darslarni qanday o‘zlashtirganliklarini
tekshirishga mo'ljallangan testlar, darslikdagi ma§hqlarni to‘g‘ri tashkil etish
bo‘yicha aniq ko‘rsatmalar, kuchli, shuningdek, o‘zlashtirishi sekin bo'lgan sinflar
uchun takliflar o'rin olgan.
Ingliz tilida
Lutfullo Jo‘rayev, Svetlana Xan, Ludmila Kamalova,
Ludmila Tsoy, Mahprat Abdullayeva, Larisa Matskevich,
Rozaliya Ziryanova, Hayothon Tuhtarova, Klara lnog‘omova
7- sinf
„Tafakkur“ nashriyoti
Toshkent -2011
Muharrirlar: L. Jo‘rayev, S.Xan
Badiiy muharrir: H. Safaraliyev
Kompyuterda sahifalovchi: L. Jo'rayev
Texnik muharrir: O'. Muxtorov
Original-maketdan bosishga ruxsat etildi 24.10.2011. Bichimi 60x901/16.
Kegli 10 shponli. Arial garniturasi. Ofset bosma usulida bosildi.
Shartli b.t. 9,0. Nashr. b.t. 9,0. 5000 nusxada bosildi. Buyurtma Ne 1991.
„Sharq“ nashriyot-matbaa aksiyadorlik kompaniyasi bosmaxonasida chop
etildi. 100000, Toshkent shahri, Buyuk Turon ko'chasi, 41-uy.
ISBN 978-9943-24-013-1
© L. Jo'rayev va boshq.
© „Tafakkur“ nashriyoti, 2011.
Introduction............ ..................................................................... - .............. 4
Map of cofltenfs .
........ ....................................................................18
Unit 1 City alntl villar)e..„............................................................................. 28
Unit 2 Youf health.....,.....
Unit 3 Sport.
......................................- ............... 40
Unit 4 Olympic games............
Unit5Clothes.................................... ..
Unit 6 Shopping and customers' riahts.
v ..~......... -........51
.......................... -............61
...... ,....................... - .........72
....... v..... ........83
Unit 7 Leisure.......................... ........................ -................ ........................ 94
Unit 8 Geography................................................. ....................................103
Unit 9 Travelling.......... ................................... .............. ..*■........................ 113
Unit 10 Holidays, Holidays!!......................................................................124
Progress checks................................. .......................... ........................ 132
T e s ts ............................................................................... ........................ 140
1 About the authors
The team of authors working on the English textbooks consists of:
experienced secondary and specialised secondary school teachers
methodologists from the Ministry of Public Education and from InService Teacher Training Institutes
experts from University
All of us have been trained to create materials which meet the needs of
pupils and teachers in Uzbekistan and conform to the national standards laid
down for State secondary schools.
2 What does Fly High 7 consist of?
Fly High 7 is the third book in a series of books for secondary classes of
English. It follows on from Fly High 5-6 which were published in 2000-2011,
and which we hope you and your pupils have already used and enjoyed. It
provides material for up to 102 hours of study, arranged in a flexible way to
cater for faster and slower classes.
The book is divided into 10 units which cover Year 7. Each unit is broken
down into 6 lessons. Each lesson takes up one page. The content of the
lesson is listed in the map of the book unit by unit and lesson by lesson. The
lessons progress from simple to more complex.
Project Work
The sixth lesson in each unit contains project work. Project work was in­
cluded in Fly High 5 and 6 and has proved very successful and popular. It
was not used in textbooks in the past. So it might be new for some teachers.
It is explained further in the section ‘Project Work’ below.
New Features: Debates, Reading Rules and Translation
New features in Fly High 7arethe introduction of Debates, Reading Rules for
pronunciation and Translation. You can find detailed information about them
further on in the section ‘Debates’, ‘Pronunciation’ and Translation’.
G ram m ar Reference
At the back of Fly High 7 Classbook there is a handy section ‘Grammar
Reference'. This contains a summary of all the grammar pupils learn during
the course. Teachers and pupils can refer to it.
The final part of Fly High 7 Classbook is a ‘Wordlist’ with the vocabulary used
in the book listed in alphabetical order together with parts of speech, tran­
scription and translations into Uzbek and Russian.
Extra Gram m ar Exercises and Homework
After the six lessons in each unit there are Workbook pages. The Workbook
pages contain two types of activities: Pronunication, Grammar and
Wordbuilding Exercises which can be conducted at a convenient time during
the lessons, and Homework which contains exercises intended to be done at
You can find instructions when and where to use these exercises in the notes
for each lesson in the Teacher’s Book.
Progress Checks
This section is given after the 10 units. There is a Progress Check for units
1,2,3,5,6,8,9 (after units 4, 7, 10 there are tests - see below). Progress
Checks give pupils an opportunity to check how well they have learned the
material in the units. They are an effective way of revising and developing
pupils’ sense of responsibility for checking themselves.
The Progress Check can be done with Classbooks open during the lesson,
or, for slower classes the Progress Check may be divided, with pupils
doing one part in class and some more at home, or all of it at home.
The tape contains natural recordings of texts, dialogues, etc. performed by
native speakers of various types of English (American, British, etc.) and by
good Uzbek speakers of English. It includes all the material needed for the
listening activities in the Classbook.
There are various types of activities and exercises involving in the cassette.
Some involve simple repetition of words or phrases. Others require pupils to
listen to short texts and perform various tasks.
If you find that the space between items on the cassette is too short use the
pause button on your tape-recorder to give your pupils more time to repeat or
If you don’t have the cassette you can read out the tapescript yourself. All
tapescripts are printed either in the Teacher’s Book or in the Classbook.
The tape is designed both for use during the lesson and for pupils to use at
home. The cassette is not copyright so please make copies for your colleagues
and/or pupils.
At the beginning of the Teacher’s Book you can see the map of the book
which lists the contents of each lesson, unit by unit. The Teacher’s Book is
an essential part of the Fly High package. Teachers must have it and use it in
order to conduct their classes effectively. The Teacher’s Book contains:
• a detailed map of the Classbook arranged according to: Units, Lessons
and Topics, Communicative and Skills Development aims of the lessons,
Grammar and Pronunciation focus, Vocabulary area, Homework and Cross­
curricular links
• language and culture notes to assist teachers with explanations, answer
keys for the activities
• tapescripts for the cassette material
• three sample tests which can be used for official marks
• clear explanations for teachers on how to organise the activities in the
Classbook and suggestions for faster/slower classes
3 Tests
We have included some tests for you to use for official marks. We hope that
you will also use these as models for your own tests and quizzes.
The tests are based entirely on the material in the Fly High units so a pupil
who has attended classes and completed all class activities and exercises
as well as homework tasks should do well.
The listening exercises contained in the tests are not recorded on the cassette.
You should read them to your class.
4 Frequently used activities in Fly High 7
Titles of the lessons and units
They include new words which are not introduced separately in the lesson,
so it is essential for the teacher to focus on them during the lessons. Where
possible the title includes the vocabulary or language point of the lesson.
They are designed to help pupils to understand what the lesson will be about,
and to remember it.
Matching activities
In these kind of activities pupils match the pictures and the new words by
guessing the meaning. When they finish they should check their answers
with you or with their partners to find out whether they guessed right or wrong.
This activity is much more fun than the traditional method in which the teacher
gives the meaning of the new words. It also helps to develop pupils’ cognitive
skills, e.g. by comparing the English word to any other languages they know
and seeing if they can find the meaning in this way. Using one language to
learn another is an important skill in foreign language learning. (It doesn’t
matter if your pupils can’t guess, or guess wrong. You will tell them the meaning
of words if necessary.)
Use of pictures
In Fly High 7 all pictures serve a language learning function. There are no
pictures just for decoration. The pictures must be used actively during the
lessons both by teachers and pupils. Misusing or neglecting the pictures will
reduce the effectiveness of teaching and learning.
Listen and repeat
Listen and Repeat activities are mostly done after matching activities or
after pupils know the meaning of the words or structures. Research shows
that we memorise better if new words or structures are listened and repeated
once pupils know the meaning, rather than listening and repeating without
knowing the meaning of the new words or structures.
Chain Drill
This activity is used frequently, it was used in book 5 and 6 too. Chain Drills
are a good way of dealing with new material. They give every pupil a chance
to practise the new language or structure. They can be done very quickly.
Chain drills are a class activity. The teacher introduces the new material. For
example I’ve got a pain in my knee/back. The teacher practises this with
one pupil. S/he says I’ve got a pain in my knee/back. What about you?. The
pupil answers for himself and asks the question (What about you?). The
teacher answers for him/herself and practises this structure with this pupil
again, the other pupils watch and listen to him/her. After that the teacher can
ask the pupils to do the same procedure like this:
P1: I’ve got a pain in my back. (Turns to the next pupil.) What about you?
P2: I’ve got a pain in my leg. (Turns to the next pupil.) What about you?
P3: I’ve got a pain in my back (Turns to the next pupil.) What about you?
P4: I’ve got a pain in my hand. (Turns to the next pupil.), etc.
To make the process faster, the teacher can organise the Chain Drill in rows.
Point and Say
This activity is used to practise new words. It helps pupils memorise the new
vocabulary in a practical way rather than learning the new words by heart.
Point and Say is pair work which is done with the help of pictures. Pupil A
points to a thing in the picture. Pupil B says the word. After that they take turns.
Gam es
Game activities are used in Fly High 7 for two purposes: to warm up the
class at the beginning of the lesson and to practise language or a structure
which was studied in the lesson. These activities make lessons interesting
and fun and often also offer the opportunity to drill language thoroughly. They
increase pupils’ interest and encourage them to learn more.
Some activities in the book require pupils to draw. We have noticed that most
pupils of this age do it willingly as it adds fun and variety to a lesson.
If however some pupils are reluctant you should explain that it is not necessary
to be a good artist to make quick, simple drawings.
When pupils need to be more artistic, for example in Project lessons, you
should give them more time and encourage them to think hard about their
design. Also try to make sure that there is at least one pupil with a talent for
drawing in each group.
Study Skills
In the series the authors tried to introduce more and more activities to de­
velop Study Skills. Study skills work is varied. It includes dictionary tasks
such as the use of the Wordlist, using tables, note taking, applying spelling
rules, using the Grammar Reference, etc. Study Skills teach pupils how to
work practically and prepare them to work independently.
Information gap
Information gap activities practise real communication. In real life we do not
know exactly what someone is going to ask us or how someone will reply. In
information gap activities pupils must exchange information by asking and
answering. Only by communicating successfully can they get the information
to complete the task.
It is important that pupils do not show their information to each other. Usually
the activity is divided into two parts, printed in different parts of the Classbook
so that pupils cannot see each other’s information.
Pupil A asks questions about missing information, similarities or differences
in the pictures, etc. in his/her part.
Pupil B answers Pupil A’s question(s) according to the information in his/her
part. Then Pupil B asks Pupil A questions.
Remember boxes
These are at the bottom of the page in the Classbook and highlight the new
language material. They are convenient for teachers and pupils to focus clearly
on the objective of the lesson very quickly. While, or after, introducing the
new structure or language, teachers are recommended to draw pupils’ atten­
tion to the examples in the Remember boxes.
Project Work
Project Work is an essential part of this course. It is the final activity in each
unit. It is based on all the work covered in the previous five lessons. It gives
pupils an opportunity to use what they have learnt in these lessons in an
unconscious, freer and more personal way with less control by the teacher. It
provides an opportunity for all pupils to work at their own level; strong pupils
will produce longer, more complex work as they fulfill the task, weaker pupils
will produce shorter, simpler work. Project Work gives pupils an opportunity
to be proud of their work, their knowledge and their creativity.
For this reason it is very important to display the posters and pictures pro­
duced in Project Work around the classroom so that pupils have the chance
to look at each other’s work. Pupils can also be asked to assess the work of
other pupils. During Project Work pupils are introduced to the writing process
when they write ideas and some notes about the topic. Then they use their
notes to write descriptions, articles, letters, stories and poems, make post8
ers and programmes. They cut out and draw pictures, maps, graphs, organise
interviews, etc. For this purpose it is useful for the teacher to have a box with
materials, scissors, rulers, paper, glue, paperclips, etc. Or before the Project
Work lesson the teacher could ask pupils to bring these things.
Another very important point is the choice of the Project. From the very
beginning Project Work must not be difficult and it is better to divide it into
several parts or steps.
It is better to organise Project Work in the same groups because pupils
cooperate with each other continuously. Further detailed methodological help
for each Project lesson is given in the Teacher’s Book.
Debates help pupils develop their critical thinking skills and consider a prob­
lem from different points of view. Debates also are an important new feature
in Fly High 7. They help pupils to build their confidence in speaking because
pupils are not thinking about language accuracy but about proving their point
of view. While preparing for debates pupils read previous lessons to find
information for the debate. In this way debates encourage pupils to read
effectively to get information. Debates also help pupils to become active
listeners. While listening to their opponents, they try to find contradictions
and make counter-arguments.
Here are the steps for how to organise the debates. The procedure looks
complicated, but we have trialled it in a number of schools and pupils have
enjoyed it very much. We hope you and your pupils will enjoy it too.
Steps I and II will only be needed the first time you organise a debate.
Step I
Elicit what pupils know about debates. You could ask questions such as:
1) What is a debate?
2) Where do we have debates?
3) Have you ever taken part in a debate? When? What was the debate about?
4) Who takes part in debates?
5) Why do we have debates?
6) What happens in a debate?
7) Where do we sit in a debate?
Step II
Explain that today the class is going to hold a debate. They are going to
debate the topic (motion), for example, ‘Sport is always a good thing. We
should have sports lessons every day at school.’ The class will be divided
into two. Half of the class agree with/are for the motion, and half disagree/are
Step III
Choose one pupil to be the chairperson. You could choose the best student in
the class (so that s/he does not dominate the debate or inhibit other pupils
from speaking) or you could choose a shy student who might not normally
Step IV
Tell the groups they should prepare a piece of paper with a line down the
middle. On the left hand side they should write the reasons they think the
other group will give. On the right hand side they write their reasons. Each
person in the group should have their own copy of the list.
Write the following table on the blackboard and tell pupils to do the task
according to it.
good for health
wastes time
Groups have 10 minutes to write their lists.
Step V
Once groups have started on their lists and you are confident they know
what to do, brief the chairperson on his/her role and give him/her a slip of
paper with some of the things she/he can say. e.g.
Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to class .... We are here today to debate
the motion ........... Pupils for the motion are sitting on my left, pupils
against the motion are sitting on my right. We have ... minutes for the
debate. Please raise your hand when you wish to speak. I decide the
person to speak. Please be polite and don’t interrupt. No-one may speak
for more than 1 minute. At the end we are going to have a vote. Let’s
begin. (Turns to the’For’ group).
Your time is up.
Next speaker please.
Order! Order!
That’s all we have time for.
Please vote now. If you are for the motion, raise your hand. (Counts.) If
you are against, raise your hands. (Counts).
The Fors/Againsts are the winners.
Step VI
Revise how to give an opinion, if necessary, and how to agree/disagree. If
necessary write the phrases Dn the blackboard.
e.g. I think that.......
Sorry, I don’t agree. We know that.... s o ......
It’s true that...... b u t..........
Step VII
Ask pupils to arrange the classroom with the “Fors” opposite the “Againsts”
and the chairman in the middle. Give each person except the chairman a
small piece of paper. When a pupil speaks, s/he puts the paper in a box.
Every pupil must get rid of the paper, no pupil can speak if s/he has used her
paper. This ensures that all pupils take part and no pupil dominates.
Explain that you will not take part in the debate. The chairperson is in charge
and pupils must do what he/she says. Explain that at the end of the debate
the chairperson will ask everyone to vote. At that point they may vote ac­
cording to their own ideas, not according to their role in the debate.
Ask the chairman to begin the debate by reading from the paper you have
given him/her. Do not interrupt the debate, try to sit in an inconspicuous
place and note down any repeated mistakes pupils make, any particularly
good things they say, any things they want to say but can’t/or say in mother
tongue. You will need these notes for feedback at the end of the debate.
Make sure that after the given minutes the chairperson ends the debate and
organises the vote.
Step IX
After the vote bring the debate to a close. Let pupils return to their proper
seats. Then ask them for feedback on the activity. You could ask:
Did you enjoy the debate?
Why?/Why not?
Then you can tell them your feedback on their performance.
Pre, while and post reading/listening activities
In English series three steps of activities are used to read or listen effec­
tively. They are pre, while and post reading/listening activities.
Pre-reading/listening activities are done before reading/listening texts. They
arouse pupils’ interest in the topic, encourage them to predict information,
bring them closer to the ideas in the reading/listening text.
While-reading/listening activities are done during the process of reading/
listening to a text. They help readers/listeners understand the content of the
reading/listening passage, the way passage is organised and the writer’s
Post-reading/listening activities are done after reading/listening to the text
and they take the reader/listener beyond the text. They encourage readers/
listeners to relate the text to their own views, interests and knowledge and/or
to do something with the information they have learnt from the text.
The objective of the three step approach is to make reading/listening
manageable and also to help pupils to read in a natural way. In real life, for
example, if we read the newspaper, first we look at the headlines and get a
general idea. Then we look/read in more detail.
Reading and Listening text types
The reading and listening texts in Fly High 7are real life texts. There is a wide
variety of text types: newspaper and magazine articles, advertisements,
extracts from dictionaries and encyclopedias, labels and packets, letters,
radio broadcasts, live interviews, speeches at competitions, etc.
Integration between skills
In Fly High 7the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing are
taught in an integrated way. The reason is that there are few cases in real life
when we do not talk or write about what we have read or when we do not
relate what we have read to something we might have heard. Therefore we
have tried to link different skills to each other through various activities such as:
reading and writing, e.g. reading and filling in the tables, writing summa­
ries, writing an answer to a letter, writing about oneself, note making,
writing questions, writing opinions, etc.
reading and listening, e.g. reading and checking the information through
listening, matching text and opinions, etc.
reading and speaking, e.g. reading and answering questions, saying True
or False information, discussing the information in the text, debating, etc.
listening and reading, e.g. listening and putting the texts in order, finding
the required information in the text, etc.
listening and writing, e.g. listening and completing the missing information,
completing tables, writing opinions, etc.
listening and speaking, e.g. listening and answering questions, discussing, etc.
At earlier stages, in Fly High 5-6, the authors did not do this, because pupils
did not have enough vocabulary and it was useless to practise reading rules
without knowing the meaning of words. Research shows that it is effective
and easier to learn how to pronounce words when pupils practise with words
they already know
The first activity each time is to draw pupils’ attention to all the possible
spellings of a sound. Then pupils practise reading words they know with the
sound. Pupils are introduced to phonetic symbols. (These are included at the
back of the Classbook for reference.)
The pronunciation work is on the same page as the extra grammar exercises
at the end of each unit. Teachers should fit them whenever convenient during
the unit.
Extra Gram m ar Exercises
These introduce extra exercises for the grammar that was practised in a
lesson or a unit. You can find instructions when and where to use these
exercises in the Teacher’s Book. The purpose of using extra grammar exer­
cises is to give more practice and consolidate the grammatical knowledge
already gained, and to give support to weaker pupils or pupils who need more
practice in grammar. These exercises can also be used to give pupils the
opportunity to work independently and autonomously. The extra grammar
activities are given on a separate page at the end of each unit.
Translation is used to highlight the similarities and differences between Mother
Tongue and English. Pupils translate single sentences, structures and words
in book 7 as these are the first steps of translation. Translation skills will be
further developed in books 8 and 9.
The Fly High Approach
Fly High follows a syllabus approved by the Scientific Methodical Council on
Foreign Languages. The syllabus is based on topics which were chosen after
consulting pupils and teachers in different parts of Uzbekistan.
Fly High aims to help pupils develop the four Language Skills: reading,
listening, speaking and writing. There is an emphasis on teaching Modern
English for Communication so special attention is paid to speaking and
listening, which in the past have often been neglected. Of course young
learners also need a good foundation in Vocabulary, Grammar and Pronun­
ciation so these are also developed systematically. The vocabulary in Fly
High has been chosen and organised according to topics, and grammar is
taught as an integral part of communication. Book 7 also begins the process
of developing translation skills systematically. At this level translation is used
to compare and contrast new structures and vocabulary in English and the
mother tongue. The purpose is to make pupils aware that there is not a-one to
one correspondence between English and the other languages they know.
The main difference between Fly High and other textbooks you may have
used is that Fly High encourages a learner-centred approach to teaching.
What does this mean? We feel that in the past there has been too much
focus on the role of the teacher in the learning process and not enough on the
learners themselves. Of course teachers are very important too but research
has shown that pupils learn to communicate more effectively if they are
given frequent opportunities to practise and experiment with new language.
So the learner-centred methodology used in Fly High aims to put the pupils the learners - at the centre of most things that happen in the classroom.
For this reason Fly High contains many activities, exercises, debates, projects
and games, which encourage pupils to use the new language naturally through
working in pairs or in groups.
Of course you will still need to present new vocabulary and grammar to your
pupils, but in the learner-centred classroom you will also spend a lot of time
organising and monitoring pair and group work.
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Organising the Learner-Centred Classroom
Here are some suggestions for making pairs, threes and fours for a classroom
with fixed furniture. In the diagrams below the pupils are shown as ^
0 and the teacher as a T
a Here are the twelve pupils doing work with the teacher listening. The dots
show where each pair is focusing.
b Here are the same twelve pupils doing pair work, but pairing with a new
partner this time, although they are each sitting in their original places. The
teacher is helping.
c Here are the same twelve pupils working in threes. They still have not
changed seats. The teacher is listening to one group of three,
d In these fours, the pupils can work in twos with the person opposite another change of partner for some. The teacher is noting errors to help the
pupils later in the lesson.
The Role of the Teacher in the Learner-Centred Classroom
One of the reasons that pupils are often unsuccessful in real-life communication
is that the types of interaction they are most used to are as follows:
a The teacher lectures a class. The interaction is all to the teacher or through
the teacher.
b The teacher asks one of the pupils to come to the front of the class and
either listens to her/him or talks with her/him.
c The teacher listens to or talks with one of the pupils, who remains at her/his
d The teacher asks two pupils to speak to each other (e.g. present a dialogue
they have learnt by heart).
If pupils are asked to speak to each other they usually take turns in speaking
rather than communicating naturally. Moreover, the teacher is at hand, listening
to everything that is being said.
The following illustrations of some types of classroom interaction should
help to show that in most cases only one interaction at a time takes place in
the classroom and that the teacher is usually one of the speakers.
Here we see the type of interaction that is appropriate for the group-work
activities in Fly High.
A communicative activity in a learner-centred class.
As can be seen, the teacher is free to listen, monitor, think ahead, re-plan the
next stages and hear her pupils teaching one another the vocabulary and
grammar they know.
While communicative activities are in progress, the teacher no longer
“teaches”, s/he organises, sets up activities and ‘monitors’ them discreetly,
that is s/he listens to the pupils and makes sure that everything is in order.
The teacher should help only if s/he is quite certain that his/her pupils cannot
manage on their own.The teacher should be like the conductor of an orches­
tra: conduct but not play.
At first you may find some of these activities a little difficult to organise but
you will soon get used to them. We are sure that your pupils will find them so
motivating and enjoyable that they will help you.
Dealing with errors in spoken English
Many teachers nowadays find it difficult to decide whether they should or
should not correct every error their pupils make. In the traditional classroom
the emphasis is usually on accuracy and all mistakes are corrected immedi­
ately. The problem with this is that a lot of pupils will be reluctant to speak for
fear of making mistakes and being corrected.
In the learner-centred classroom, where pupils are being encouraged to use
English in real communication, fluency is just as important as accuracy. We
are not suggesting that correction should be abandoned, but that it can be
postponed until after the communication activities in Fly High. If you do this
then you will not be constantly interrupting your pupils. Of course you will
need to remember the mistakes your pupils make so we suggest you note
them down as you walk around the classroom. At the end of the activity you
can point out some of the common or more important mistakes you noted.
In a learner-centred classroom noise is inevitable and should be seen as a
good thing provided it is controlled and constructive. Train your pupils to
speak quietly and politely during pair and group work and be ready with addi­
tional tasks for those who finish their work early. If you give clear instructions
before an activity you will find that pupils will be able to do the tasks without
confusion and unnecessary noise. Set clear rules on how you expect pupils
to talk to you and to one another.
Using Mother Tongue
The authors of Fly High believe that English is best learned through English
so we expect the teacher to use English as much as possible in the
Of course there are some instances where pupils will need explanation or
clarification in their mother tongue. However we hope that you will try to
resist the temptation to translate everything. Research has shown that pupils
learn more effectively if they are encouraged to work out meaning for them­
Checking hom ework
Every experienced teacher has his/her own routine for how to correct
homework. Here are some hints for inexperienced teachers.
There are several ways of checking homework.
a Traditional method The teacher takes the children’s works and tries to
correct every single mistake.
b Non-traditional method The teacher uses two coloured pencils or pens
for checking.
Green colour - warning.
When a pupil makes a mistake for the first time, you underline it with the
green pen. Here pupils should work on the mistake made.
Red colour - bad.
When a pupil makes the same mistake in many exercises you underline it
with red pen. Here pupils should really work hard on the mistake made.
You can correct the mistakes yourself but it is better to give the pupils a
chance to do it themselves. You can help your pupils correct their own
mistakes by providing the following symbols in the margin:
Gr - grammar mistake
Sp - wrong spelling
WO - word order mistake.
P - punctuation
c Self-checking method Pupils check their own work following a given
model (for example the teacher asks pupils and writes the correct answers
on the blackboard.)
d Inter-checking method The teacher asks pupils to swap their work and
correct any mistakes following a model which they are given.
a While pupils are doing classwork activities, you can go round and quickly
look at their homework.
It is a good idea to ask pupils to have two exercise books. One for classwork
and one for homework.
b You can assess homework during the Project lesson,
c You can take pupils’ exercise books home to assess.
It is essential to collect pupils’ work because:
• It is only through doing homework to supplement the three lessons a
week that pupils will make good progress. If you do not check the
homework, pupils will stop doing it.
• Pupils will make mistakes in their homework as they experiment with the
new things they have learned. Every mistake is a learning opportunity if
you help them to find it. If you don’t, they miss the opportunity to learn,
and may even learn something wrong!
• You can see the pupil’s progress.
• You can work with the pupil individually.
• You can stimulate your pupils to make displays, competitions, etc.
• It will help you to work with pupils’ parents.
Additional information
The following symbols appear in the Classbook:
Pupils should open and write in their exercise books.
I H Play the cassette or read the tapescript if you do not have the cassette
or tape recorder.
The following abbreviations are used in the Teacher’s Book:
P = pupil;
PP = pupils; BB = blackboard; Ex.Bks = exercise books
Enjoy Fly High 7!
We, the authors, had great fun writing Fly High 7. Now we hope that you, the
teachers, will enjoy using it with your pupils. Good luck to you and your
2 — Fly High 7
Grammar and
Communicative and Skills
Development aims
and Topics
Talking about famous places in Uzbekistan
Lesson 1
Toshqo'rg'on Listening for main ideas
Reading for detailed information
Writing a connected paragraph about
1 City and village
Lesson 2
How do I
get to ...?
2 Your health p. 14-21
Asking & saying where something is
Asking fo r& giving directions using a
simple street plan
Listening for detailed information
Vocabulary to
describe places
Qualification: not very,
a bit, a little, quite, very,
very, very
Pronunciation: [s], [z]
There is ... It i s ...
There are ... They are ...
Excuse me ...
vocabulary for
Prepositions of place:
buildings and new
opposite, on
Adverbial phrases of
direction and distance: e.g. post office
as far as, go along
Prepositions o f place:
near, in front of, in,
next to ...
Writing sentences about
hometown, city, village using
the model
Learning about famous
places in Uzbekistan &
Making a speech
Editing: (finding &
correcting mistakes
IMaking words from the
jumbled words.
Working with a street map
Writing the dialogue in order
Lesson 3
Talking about activities in a Language
Listening for detailed & specific
Reading for detail
would like to do
Wh questions
Asking for and giving
vocabulary for
schooling and
school activities
Learning about Language
Finding e-mail, internet
addresses from newspapers, Centres, Web site, e-mai
journals, etc. & trying to send Interviewing I
messages to them
Lesson 4
Talking about places in a town or a city
Reading for specific information
Inferring the meaning of words from
would like to
Wh questions
Asking for and giving
Vocabulary for
adverts and
city/town features
Writing about one's next
summer holidays
Learning about famous
places in the UK: Cambridge
Practising dictionary skills
with the Wordlist
Lesson 5
Apple Day
Talking about festivals; Reading for
Yes/No and Wh
detailed information & making notes
Inferring the meaning of words from context would like to do
Listening for main points
Vocabulary for
festivals and
festival activities
Writing about one's favourite
holiday or festival.
Learning about festivals in
the USA & local ones in
Lesson 6
Designing & making a poster advertising
hometown/village & using it to make a
Preparing for the Progress
Writing leaflets
Practising presentation &
evaluation skills
Lessons and
Communicative and Skills
Development aims
A ll grammar related to All vocabulary
related to the
the topic
Grammar and
Lesson 1
I've got a pain
in m y ...
Talking about parts of the body & Use of 'have got1with pains
health problems
Spelling & pronunciation of:
Translating a structure into
wrist, knee, thumb, tongue,
mother tongue
Listening for gist & specific
Pronunciation: [m] and|n]
Demonstrative pronouns
Lesson 2
What's the
Talking & writing about
illnesses/health problems
Reading for specific information
& making notes in a table
Use of indefinite article with
Health problems/
illnesses after'have got (a) ... illnesses
Spelling of 'ache'
Short answers to questions
Complex sentences: When and if
Putting the words in order to
make sentences
Lesson 3
I've brushed
my teeth
Talking & listening about
duties/responsibilities we have
Present Perfect (regular
verbs) (affirmative, question,
Short answers
Writing five questions using
regular verbs in the Present
Lesson 4
He's broken
his leg
Talking about accidents Reading
for gist
Present Perfect (irregular verbs) Recycling
(affirmative, question, negative) vocabulary about
Short answers; 1don't feel well. health
1hope you feel better soon.
Reading short conversations
(irregular verbs in the Present
Perfect) & writing the problem
information: what to
write & say when
people are ill
Lesson 5
Have you
taken a
Talking about symptoms & giving
advice; Working with the Wordlist
Listening for gist & specific
information; Giving instructions
Practising translation
Modal verb: Must
Medicines &
vocabulary for
Reading short dialogues &
completing the doctor's notes
Komparing sayings in
English, Uzbek, Russian
& other languages
through translation
Dictionary skills
Lesson 6
Dear A b b y ...
please help
Talking about problems
Reading for gist, specific &
detailed information & making
notes in a table
Writing replies to letters & giving
advice; Listening for detail
Prefix: un-
needed to
problems and
give advice
Preparing for the
Progress Check
Cross-cultural information:
learning about teenage
magazines with
problem pages
Evaluation skills
Parts of the body
1 Writing conversations
2 Finding words with silent
vocabulary about
Raising awareness of
symptoms & how to
treat common illnesses
3 Sport p. 22-29
Grammar and
Lesson 1
Sports at
Talking about sports one likes/ dislikes,
& PI lessons
Listening for specific information
Use of do & play with sports
Pronunciation: [a:] and [o:]
Present Simple
1like ... but 1don't like
Writing about sports
Verbs do & play
at school & sports
vocabulary for sports one does or plays
Komparing PI lessons
in the UK & Uzbekistan
Lesson 2
I like kurash. So
do I..
Talking & writing about sports one
likes/dislikes & giving reasons
Expressing agreement & disagreement
Listening for specific information
So do 1, 1do too. Nor do 1, 1
don't either 1don't. 1do.
Use oflfs+sdj (fun,difficult, etc)
Complex sentences with
Writing about sports
vocabulary for sports one likes/doesn't like
& adjectives
& giving reasons
Practising with So do
1, etc.
Learning the way of
socialising during the
Lesson 3
Girls in sport
Talking about men & women in sport;
giving opinions about women in sport
Reading for main ideas
Use of sport(n) & sports(adj)
Complex sentences with
because Likes & dislikes
Writing reasons for &
vocabulary for sports against women in
& adjectives
Gender issues:
discussion of women &
Lesson 4
The President's
Talking about players & tournaments
Working with the Wordlist
Writing biographical information
Reading for specific information
Yes/no and Wh questions
Past Simple
Vocabulary related
to tournaments
Lesson 5
Sport: for and
Talking & writing about reasons
for/against doing sport
Practising translation
Agreeing & disagreeing
Giving opinions
Focus on sports (adj) & sport (n)
Complex sentences
1think/know th a t...
1agree/disagree th a t...
Complex sentences with
'because ’
Recycling adjectives
Talking about debates
Debating about sport
All grammar related to the
All vocabulary
related to the topic
Lesson 6
Lessons and
Communicative and Skills
Development aims
Grammar and Pronunciation
Writing questions to
interview an athlete
Writing about a
favourite athlete
Raising awareness of
international sports
events in Uzbekistan
Completing sentences
with'sport' (n)or
'sports' (adj)
Writing reasons for &
against sport
Preparing for the
Progress Check.
Learning to debate
Critical thinking
Citizenship skills
(chairing a meeting)
Working independently
Lesson 1
Talking about the Olympic Games
Use of 'be going to' for future
Writing about what one is
Getting information
The Origin of
plans/ intentions
the Olympic
Reading for specific information &
main ideas; Inferring the meaning of
related to the
going to do before his/her next
English lesson
about the origin of
the Olympic Games
new words from context
Yes/no and Wh questions
Lesson 2
Talking about the Olympic symbols
Reading for specific information
Inferring the meaning of words from
context; Working with the Wordlist
Present Simple
4 Olympic Games p 30-37
Communicative and Skills
Development aims
Lessons and
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Talking about what one has done
since some time in the past
Reading for gist
Inferring the meaning of words from
context; Working with the Wordlist
Pronunciation: [au] and [oi]
Yes/no and Wh questions
be going to
Present Perfect + Preposition of Vocabulary
duration: since
related to
Past Simple, dates (rears)
Yes/no and Wh questions
the Olympics
Talking more about sports & athletes be going to
Listening for detailed information
Yes/no and Wh questions
Writing interview questions
Lesson 5
Talking more about Olympic Games
Past Simple
The Millennium
Reading to check knowledge & for
detailed information
Present Simple
Listening for specific information
’can' for ability
Uzbekistan and
Writing six facts about the Olym­ Getting information
related to Olym­ pics (using Present Simple).
about the Olympic
pic Games and Making sure the verbs are
symbols and
used correctly
opening ceremony
be going to
Writing a short paragraph
Recycling voca­ Word square with vocabulary
bulary for sports, of the unit.
Writing about what you can do
transport, the
& asking for permission using
A ll grammar related to the
All vocabulary
Designing & making a leaflet about
related to the
sports champions;
of national pride
Writing questions for an
about sport
Debating about the Olympics
Getting information
about national
developing a sense
Teenage Olympics
friend has done since some
time in the past
prizes and
Lesson 6
imaginary Uzbekistan
Writing about what one & a
Preparing for the Test
Getting infomation
about famous athletes
Working with the
Grammar Reference
Getting information
about Australia &
the Olympic Games
in Sydney
Learning to debate
Critical thinking
Citizenship skills
(chairing a meeting)
Working indepen­
dently Learning to
organise an event
5 Clothes p.38-45
Lessons and
Words used only in plural
to try something on
Wh questions
Past Simple , Present Simple
vocabulary for
Reading a dialogue &
filling in the gaps with the
appropriate words;
Writing a dialogue
Talking & writing about uniforms in
Uzbekistan, the UK and around the
Listening for specific & detailed
Tag questions
Present Simple
Vocabulary to
Completing the sentences
with the correct tag
Writing about teachers
Talking & writing about what clothes
are made of
Working with the Wordlist Listening
for gist, detailed information & note
taking Writing about national
costume for special days
What is it made of? It’s made of
Where is it made? It's made in
Vocabulary for
Expressing opinions about clothes &
school uniforms
Writing a reply to a formal letter
Complex sentences
We believe th a t... is good.
Designing a new school uniform.
Making a poster about it &
presenting it to the class Debating
about school uniform
Lesson 2
What size do
you take?
Talking about clothes, buying them
and sizes
Listening for gist & detailed
Lesson 3
School uniform
and Topics
Writing words from jumbled
letters; Writing a letter
about national costumes
Present Simple
Past Simple
Lesson 4
What's it made
related to
Pronunciation: [9] and [5]
Talking & writing about national
costume in Uzbekistan & Britain
Reading & listening for detailed
Lesson 6
6 Shopping and customers’ rights p.46-53
Grammar and Pronunciation
Lesson 1
Lesson 5
We think that...
Communicative and Skills
Development aims
dress/clothes in
Uzbekistan & in the
Uniforms in
Uzbekistan & in the
National costumes
for special days
Wh questions, Present Simple
I've got ...
needed to
discuss school
Replies to formal
Word square to revise
topic vocabulary Putting the letters
words in order to make
Language to express agreement
and disagreement
1 beiieve/knov/ think th a t...
Vocabulary to
school uniform
Preparing for the
Progress Check
Grammar and Pronunciation
Present Continuous
We think/know that
Communicative and Skills
Development aims
Lesson 1
Talking & writing about shopping centres &
buying things
Reading for gist & detailed information:
dictionary entry
Word building: book + shop
(n+n) electrical+shop (adj+n)
Pronunciation: [f] and [tj]
Modal verb can for possibility
types of shops
Writing where the things
can be bought
Finding words in the
Wordlist & translating
Lesson 2
Bargain for
the best
Talking about sizes & clothes & shopping
Listening for detailed & specific
Reading for detailed information
It suits/doesn't suit you.
It fits/doesn't fit you.
'be going to'; 'can'for possibility
Yes/no and Wh questions
Past Simple
Vocabulary for
buying and selling
Writing the dialogue in
Writing sentences using
'it fits/doesn't fit' you and
'be going to'
Lesson 3
Talking about customers' rights
Reading for gist
Listening for specific & detailed
It's broken
Past Simple and Present
Perfect Language o f opinion,
agreement & disagreement
'Should' for advice
Vocabulary related Writing a dialogue about Raising awareness
to buying and
customers' rights in order of customers' rights
selling things
Lesson 4
Buy mine.
It's the best.
Reading & understanding information on
Talking &writing simple adverts
Supertative+object+ti me/place
Adverts on
Lesson 5
Reading &understanding advertisements
Talking & writing about the power of
advertising; Reading for gist & main ideas
Making notes
Identifying the role of sentences in the text
Inferring the meaning of words from context
Present Simple
Vocabulary related Finding & bringing three
to advertising and adverts to class
Understanding the
structure of adverts
Raising awareness
of the advantages/
disadvantages of
Lesson 6
Talking about advertisements Reading for
detailed information
Writing a formal letter
Opening 8 closing of a formal
Complex sentences wth
vocabulary related
to advertising
Raising awareness
of the organisation
of formal letters
Working coopera­
tively; Developing
critical thinking
Categorising words
Present Simple
Preparing for the
Progress Check
Raising awareness
of the kind of informa­
tion in a dictionary of
language & culture
Understanding the
parts of an advert on
Lessons and
Communicative and Skills
Development aims
Grammar and Pronunciation
7 Leisure p.54-61
Talking about the most/least popular
Lesson 1
My favourite hobby hobbies & leisure activities
Listening for specific information
Reading information in tables
Pronunciation: [ju:] and M
1like + ing
Present Simple for facts
Writing about the
most popular
vocabulary for
hobby from class 5 activities in the
Leisure activities
Lesson 2
He likes carving
Talking about pupils' hobbies in the
UK & Uzbekistan
Reading for gist
Listening for specific information
be going to
1think (that) it's ...
Vocabulary for
Writing about
one's hobbies
Writing sentences
about intentions
Lesson 3
Popular TV
Talking about popular TV
Reading for detailed information
Use of 'will' for
decisions for the future
Present Simple
TV programmes
and other
Doing a quiz
about how active
one is.
Lesson 4
Watching TV - is it
Debating about the advantages &
disadvantages of TV
Listening for detail
Reading for specific information &
Talking about television programmes
& leisure activities
Will for immediate/spontaneous
vocabulary for
Language to express agreement types of TV
programmes from
and disagreement
class 5 & 6 and
Complex sentences: 1
leisure activities
believe/knoWthink th a t...
Complex sentences viith
Lesson 5
I won't stay in town
Talking about different types of
summer camps
Reading for gist, main ideas, specific
& detailed information
Writing letters about summer camps
Will/won't for future predictions
Writing an advertisement for a
summer camp; Drawing a plan
Presenting the camp to the class
Will/won't for future predictions
'Can' for possibility
'For' for duration
Comparing Uzbek &
English boys' & girls'
hobbies, leisure activities
Getting information about
national handicrafts of
Writing about
what one will do
tonight using first,
then, next, after
that, finally
Advantages &
disadvantages of TV
Vocabulary related
to astronauts and
the IYAS
Completing the
application form
Learning how to complete
application forms
Raising awareness of
The IYAS in Uzbekistan
vocabulary of this
Preparing for the
Learning how to plan,
organise and write
'because, if, when'
Lesson 6
Communicative and Skills
and Topics
Development aims
Lesson 1
We're going
to Britain
Talking about Great Britain, its parts,
counties, queen
Reading & listening for detailed
information; Practising translation
/ vent t o ...
Complex sentences wth 'because'
Grammar and Pronunciation
Present Passive (affirmative)
Pronunciation: [f| and [d3]
Vocabulary related to
Identifying the correct
form of the verb (active/
passive) in a paragraph
Present Simple
Working with the Wordlist
Lesson 2
Talking about the USA
We're in
Reading & listening for specific
8 Geography p.62-69
Learning about the
UK, counties, admini­
strative centres, ruling
power Working with
the map of the UK
be famous for
Vocabulary related to
Writing the correct form
of the verb (active/
passive) in a paragraph
Present Passive
I'd like to...
Learning about the
USA, states & what
the states are famous
Working with the Wordlist for; Working with the
map of the USA
Lesson 3
Talking about Uzbekistan, its
Present Passive
Vocabulary related to
Completing the
East or west,
geographic location & districts
Present Perfect
geography, famous
home is best!
Reading & listening for detailed &
people and products
specific information
Learning about
Uzbekistan, the
regions & what the
they are famous for
Working with the map
of Uzbekistan
Lesson 4
Talking about Tashkent, places of
Present Passive (negative &
Vocabulary related to
Completing a text with
Learning about
Tashkent -
interest; Reading & listening for
question); Short answers
capital city
detailed information
I'd lik e ...
the correct forms of the
Tashkent & places of
Making notes from reading
Present Passive (affirmative)
Lesson 5
Talking about countries, flags,
Present Simple
Vocabulary for
Designing a flag &
Learning about coun­
What do the
flags say?
nationalities & languages Reading &
listening for specific information
Complex sentences: 1think
describing flags,
nationalities and
writing what it
tries, their flags, nation­
alities & languages
questions in the passive
Working with the Wordlist
represents Writing
Raising awareness of
countries with multi­
lingual populations
Lesson 6
Writing & doing a quiz about
Uzbekistan, the UK and USA
Present Passive
Recycling the vocabu­
lary of the unit and other
related vocabulary
Preparing-for the
Progress Check
Working cooperative­
ly in a group Writing
neatly & clearly
9 Travelling p.70-77
and Topics
Communicative and Skills
Development aims
Grammar and Pronunciation
Talking about means of transport,
travelling & trips
Reading for gist & main points
Inferring information not explicitly
stated in the text
'By bus/air1etc & 'on foof
Pronunciation: [ai] and [eij
1want to...
Past Simple
Vocabulary related to
transport and travelling
Writing about the places
one wants to travel to
and what transport one
will use
Learning about Marco
Polo, the 13th century
Following a world map
while reading a text
Lesson 2
The Silk
Talking about the Silk Road Listening
for specific information
Writing & talking about places PP
want to visit
Comparative - bigger than 1...
/not as ... as 1expected/
wanted/hoped/ thought
1 z\ant to .... because
Present & Past Simple
Recycling the
vocabulary related to
Writing about the
country one wants to
visit and giving a
Working with maps
Information about the
Silk Road
Lesson 3
Planning a
Talking & writing about travelling, and
what to show a visitor in Uzbekistan
Reading for gist & detail Giving
Working with the Wordlist
'Should' for suggestions
so that
Vocabulary related to
trip (n)
journey (n, v)
travel (v)
Reading a text from the
dictionary and completing
the sentences with a
suitable word
Writing questions for a
friend asking for his
Learning how to make
arrangements for
Practising dictionary
Present Simple
Lesson 4
Talking & writing about tips
Xush Kelibsiz! Reading for gis; Inferring what is not
explicitly stated in the text
Asking for & giving directions
Word building: verb+ing=adj
Present Simple, Past Simple
Adverbial phrases o f direction
and distance (in directions)
Vocabulary describing
the cultural side of
Reading and answering
Leaning about life &
society in Uzbekistan
Lesson 5
World Spots
Talking & writing about places in the
UK, USA and around the world
Reading for specific & detailed
Writing an informal letter
Present Simple
Complex sentences wth
Vocabulary related to
famous places
Writing about one's trip
using questions from
the previous lesson
Writing sentences using
the word cloud
Learning about
famous places in the
UK, USA & around
the world
Lesson 6
Talking about & making a plan for a
trip Writing about the things needed
for the trip
All grammar related to the
Recycling vocabulary
of travelling and
Preparing for the
Progress Check
Organising a presen­
tation so all members
of the group have a
role Dealing with ques­
tions from the floor
Lessons and
Communicative and Skills
Grammar and
Development aims
Holiday in
Talking about holiday activities & places
in the UK
Working with the Wordlist
Listening for specific & detailed
p . 78-85
Lesson 1
From Italy to
Lesson 1
10 Holidays, Holidays!!
Lesson 2
Talking & writing about exotic places in
Talking about good places to go on
Talking & writing about places o f interest
Welcome to
in Australia; Reading for detail
Listening for specific information & detail
Working with the Wordlist
Lesson 4
Talking about preferences & personal
Use of punctuation marks: .
Preposition of diration: for ages
Pronunciation: [uj and [3 :]
Present & Past Simple
Wh question
Vocabulary related
Reading the rules for
Learning about
to holidays
punctuation & answering
holiday activities &
questions about it
Reading & writing the
places in the UK
Present Simple
Reading the rule for
Learning about exotic
describing exotic
punctuation & correcting
places to visit in
the sentences
Past Simple
letter in order
Reading for gist, main ideas & detailed
Lesson 3
Writing the things
needed for travelling
would like t o ...
Present Perfect
Vocabulary related
Reading the rule for
Learning about
to zoology,
punctuation & correcting
geography and
the sentences
Australia, its zoology,
places of interest,
places of interest
I would (rd) rather do...
Vocabulary related
Reading the rule for
What makes a characteristics
to travelling, sports,
punctuation & correcting
Working with the Wordlist
Present Simple
the sentences
Reading for detail
would like t o ...
Lesson 5
Talking & writing about good travelling
I'd rather go...because ...
Recycling the
Raising awareness
Are you a
1uould like to ... M/70 ...
vocabulary related to
of the need to know
Reading for detailed information
Listening for specific information
Doing the crossword
yourself & your
Lesson 6
Talking & making posters about good
Recycling the
places for a day out in Uzbekistan &
All related grammar to the
vocabulary leamt in
out in Uzbekistan &
other countries
the previous units
other countries
Preparing for the Test
Best places for a day
Unit 1 City and village
Lesson 1 Toshqo‘rg‘on
• to revise there is/it is
• to listen for main ideas
• to read for detail
• to write a connected paragraph
• to give a short speech about an interesting local place
Activity 1
Objective: • to introduce the new vocabulary; to prepare for listening
Ask PP to look at the pictures. Introduce the words ‘path’ and ‘footprint’.
Ask PP to read and answer the questions. Accept short answers/answers
in mother tongue.
1 Thousands of years ago.
2 Very big - more than 15 metres long.
3 Very tall - more than 10 metres high.
4 Some were vegetarian and ate plants, but some were meat-eaters.
5 We’re not sure but probably because of a change in the weather.
6 In a museum, on TV, in films - but not in real life!
Activity 2a
Objective: • to practise listening for main ideas
Explain the situation: There is a competition. Pupils are giving talks. The
topic is: ‘Visit my place. It’s great!’
Ask PP to listen to the speeches and answer the questions.
Good morning everyone. My name’s Sherzod. I come from
Toshqo‘rg‘on. It’s a big village in the mountains. And it’s very
beautiful! Toshqo‘rg‘on means a castle of stone and our houses
are made of stone. They are big and strong.
My village is very famous. Why? Because there is a dinosaur
path in the mountains near our village... There are 23 dinosaur
footprints on the path!
Wow! That’s amazing ...
I love dinosaurs ...
Dinosaurs ...
Sherzod: I invite you all to come to our village and see the dinosaur
They’re fantastic. A lot of tourists and scientists come to see
them every summer. Toshqo‘rg‘on’s famous. Thank you for
listening - and hope to see you soon in Toshqo'rg'on!
Thank you Sherzod. Our next speaker is Naima. Please give her a
big hand. (Applause)
Naima: Good morning everyone. My name's Naima. I come from Oltinsoy.
My village’s in a valley. It’s very beautiful too. In spring all the trees
are in blossom. My village’s name is Oltinsoy because it is near the
river Oltinsoy. The water in the river’s clean but very cold.
You know, our village is an interesting place too. We have a very
big, old tree in our village. It’s so big that many years ago people
had a school in the tree.
Voices: Wow! That’s amazing ... Tree school...
Fantastic. School in a tree ...
Naima: Yes, it’s amazing. And my grandfather went to school in that tree.
You’re welcome to my village to see the tree.
Thank you for listening - and hope to see you soon in Oltinsoy!
Thank you Naima. Our next speaker is ...____________________
1. Sherzod and Naima.
2 Sherzod lives in Toshqo‘rg‘on, Naima lives in Oltinsoy.
3 Toshqo‘rg‘on is famous for the dinosaur and Oltinsoy is famous for its big tree.
Activity 2b
Objective: • to practise writing a connected paragraph
PP work in pairs. Pupil A writes about Toshqo‘rg‘on. Pupil B writes about Oltinsoy.
When they have finished they can make groups of four and read their paragraphs
to each other to check them.
Suggestion: With slower classes, you could ask them to finish this work at
Suggestion: With strong classes, you could ask them to take notes from the
cassette under headings e.g. Name, Place, Interesting thing, etc. and write a
paragraph without the help of the text in 2b.
Toshqo‘rg‘on is a big village in the mountains and it is very beautiful. Toshqo‘rg‘on
means a castle of stone. The houses there are made of stone. They are big and
strong. The village is very famous because there is a dinosaur path in the
mountains near the village. There are 23 dinosaur footprints on the path.
Toshqo‘rg‘on is famous. A lot of tourists and scientists go to see the dinosaur
footprints every summer.
Oltinsoy is a beautiful, small village in a valley. In spring all the trees are in
blossom. The village’s name is Oltinsoy because it is near the river Oltinsoy.
The water in the river is clean but very cold. The village is an interesting place
because there is a very big, old tree there. It is so big that many years ago
people had a school in the tree. In summer, if you go to the village, you can see
the tree school.
Suggestion: Before doing activity 3, you could do Grammar Exercise 3, or
you could leave it for later or assign it for homework.
Activity 3
Objectives: • to practise writing about the place you live in; to practise
giving a short speech
Ask PP to think about their town or village. Help them to find something
interesting in the place they live in or in the region (interesting buildings,
houses, mosques, choyhona, etc., interesting people. Encourage PP to find
something to be proud of. Write their answers on the BB.
Suggestion: You could do Grammar Exercise 1 here if you think your PP
need more practise with There is ... it is
before writing.
Divide PP into groups of 3-4 and ask them to write about their place.
Then they should give a short speech about their place. Ask the class to
choose the most interesting description or interesting facts in the speeches.
Lesson 2 How do I get to...?
• to ask for and give directions
• to listen for detail
• to practise working with a map
Suggestion: You could do a warmer to revise the words PP already know
(bank, supermarket, market, bus stop, school, library, hospital, near, next
to.) Ask PP questions and let them answer. If your PP are strong, they could
ask the questions as well,
e.g. Teacher: What’s next to/near the market?
The bus stop.
Activity 1a
Objective: • to introduce the new vocabulary
PP read the new words, listen to you or the tape say them and then repeat
them after you or the tape. Make them say the word all together several
times, then ask individual PP to say the word.
^ See Classbook for Tapescript
Activity 1b
Objective: • to practise pronunciation and memorise the new vocabulary
Ask PP to listen to the new words, repeat them. Then work in pairs doing
point and say. P1 points to any building (words) on the picture. P2 reads.
Activity 2a, 2b
Objective: • to give further practice in using the new words
This is a normal Chain drill. In 2b PP do the same activity, but in pairs.
Activity 3a, 3b
Objective: • to listen for detailed information
Ask PP to look at the Remember box. Explain the meaning of the phrases.
Ask PP to write the numbers 1-3 in their Ex.Bks. Then they look at the map in
1a, b and listen to the conversations. Stop the tape after each conversation. PP
write the name of the place the person is asking for. You may need to playthe tape twice.
Then play the tape a third time, line by line. PP repeat after the tape.
[ H See Classbook for Tapescript
Suggestion: If you have a strong class you could use the structure suggested
in the syllabus: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the ...? This is a
long and complex structure so for the majority of PP we have given the
easier alternative: Excuse me. How do I get to ...?
For the same reason we have not included the alternative form ‘until you get
to’ but have used only ‘as far as’. If you have a strong class, you could teach both forms.
Activity 4
Objective: • to ask for and give directions
PP work in open pairs having conversations similar to the ones in 3a (but
saying the place they want to find) using the map at the top of the page.
When you feel that PP can do it without making mistakes, let them continue
to work in closed pairs.
To check the activity you could ask a few pairs to perform their conversations
to the class.
Activity 5a
Objective: • to prepare for activity 5b
PP copy the map into their Ex.Bks TWICE and add the places wherever
they like on ONE of the maps. Make sure they do not let their partners see!
Activity 5b
Objective: • to give further practice in asking for and giving directions
PP take turns to ask and answer about where places are. First Pupil A asks
where places are, Pupil B answers according to his/her map, and Pupil A
writes the names of the places in the right place on his/her empty map. Then
the pair does the same for Pupil A’s places.
Go round quickly and check all pairs are working correctly. Then just go
round and help/correct as necessary. If PP have understood each other
correctly, the map P1 completed according to P2’s instructions should be
the same as the map P2 drew.
Suggestion: You could do Grammar Exercise 2 here. It is a new kind of
exercise. PP have to find and correct mistakes.
Lesson 3 Language Centre
• to revise and practise asking for, giving and following directions
• to read for detail
• to listen for specific information and for detail
• to raise PP awareness about useful activities they can do in cities
e.g. going to a Language Centre
Activity 1a
Objective: • to raise PP awareness of Language Centres
Ask PP to answer the questions. Help them if necessary.
Activityl b
Objective: • to practise following directions
Ask PP to look at the map of the centre of Nukus. Explain that PP are going
to hear a conversation when someone asks the way to the Language Centre.
Make sure that PP understand that the conversation takes place in Bobur
Street. PP listen and say which building is the Language Centre and which
is the railway station.
H i A:
Excuse me.
Yes, Can I help you?
How do I get to the Language Centre?
This is Bobur Street. Go along this street and turn left. Go along that
street - it’s Dosnazarov Street. The Language Centre’s on the left near
the railway station.
So that’s ... along this street and turn le ft... along Dosnazarov Street
and it’s near the railway station.
Yes, that’s right.
Thank you.
You’re welcome.
Activity 1c
Objective: to read for detail
Ask pupils to read the leaflet and say what information they can get from it.
Help them find: opening hours, location, activities, something special etc.
Activity 2a
Objective: • to listen for specific information
Ask PP to listen to the tape and answer the questions.
Hello. My name is Gulsinay. I’d like to invite you to our Language Centre.
It was founded in 1992 and offers students many after school activities.
More than one thousand students come to our language classes four
times a week after regular classes. Our program includes video classes,
audio practice, and music classes built around English songs. Our
International Business School has 29 professors, six of them from the
USA and Canada. Our Teen Club ‘Shigis’ (‘Sunrise’ in Karakalpak) is a
club that was opened to offer a safe space to teens from low-income
families. It’s a UNICEF-Uzbekistan project. These young people have
classes in English and computers, they learn music, dance, painting and
business. We have two indoor gyms as well as an outdoor football field
and basketball court. Our gymnastics teams compete all around the
country. We have Taekwon-do, football and basketball teams. We also
have a pre-school programme for small children who come four days a
week. They learn to read, write, sing and dance. For more information you
can call 2332280. I’d like to welcome you to come and ‘progress’ your
knowledge at our Progress Centre.
Activity 2b
Objective: • to listen for detail
PP listen and say True or False. You will probably need to play the tape
twice. The second time you could stop each time just after the answer is
given, and check the answers with the class.
Activity 2c
Objective: • to stimulate a personal response to the idea of a Language Centre
PP answer the questions. For each question, listen to several PP opinions.
Activity 3
Objective: • to give freer practice in asking for and giving personal
information; to practise completing a form
This is an information gap activity. PP work in closed pairs. One is the Head
Teacher at a Language Centre, the other is a P who wants to join the Centre.
Ask the Head Teachers to copy the form into their Ex.Bks while the PP
decide what activities they want to have at the Centre. Go round quickly at
the beginning of the activity and make sure that all pairs know what to do.
Then listen in to various pairs and make a note of any common mistakes or
difficulties to discuss with the class after the activity.
Suggestion: If you have a slower class, you could revise personal questions
(What’s your name, etc.) with the class before doing the paired activity.
Suggestion: You could do Word Building Exercises here. Many of the
examples are to do with learning a language.
Lesson 4 Cambridge
• to read for specific information
• to practise inferring the meaning of unknown words and using the Wordlist
• to write about where one would like to go on his/her holidays
• to revise and practise asking for and giving directions
• to introduce cultural information about a historic city in the UK
Culture Note: Cambridge is famous for its university. It is the second
oldest university in the UK (Oxford is a little older). The university was
founded in the 13th century. The name of the city comes from the name
of the river it lies on - the river Cam [kasm]. Some very famous people
studied at the university e.g. John Milton, the famous poet and writer;
Isaac Newton the famous physicist; John Maynard Keynes, the famous
economist; and many other famous people.
3 — Fly High 7
Activity 1a, 1b
Objectives: • to introduce Cambridge and where it is in the UK; to prepare
for the reading the texts in activity 2
PP look at the map and answer the questions. Then they read and check
their answers to questions 1 and 2.
Activity 2a, 2b
Objective: • to read quickly for specific information
To practise reading the entries in the way they would be read in real life once to find out what there is to do, then again to find out specific details
about the places we want to visit.
Key: 1 and 2 not free;
3 we don’t know; 4 free.
Activity 2c
Objective: • to practise inferring the meaning of unknown words and using
the Wordlist to check
PP work out the meaning of the words and then check in the Wordlist. You
could ask them how they guessed (similar to their language, similar to a
word they already know, from the context, etc.) Then say the words and ask
PP to repeat them after you in chorus, in rows and individually.
Activity 2d
Objective: • to stimulate a personal response to the information in the texts
PP work in pairs telling each other the places they would like to visit. When
they are ready, ask a few pairs to tell the class their answers. Find which
places are the most popular.
Activity 3
Objective: to revise and practise asking for and giving directions
Ask PP to work in pairs. PP take turns to ask directions to one of the places
on the map in activity 2a and to give directions.
Lesson 5 Apple Day
• to guess the meaning of words from the context
• to read for detail and listen for main points
• to write notes from reading and use them as a basis for talking about smth
• to learn about special days and festivals in the USA and Uzbekistan
• to write about a favourite holiday or festival
Activity 1a
Objective: • to help pupils to read the leaflet
Ask PP to look at the questions, read the leaflet and find the answers. Give
them some time to do this. Then check their answers.
Activity 1b
Objective: • to guess the meaning of words from the context
PP read the leaflet and find the words. They guess the meaning and write
the translation in mother tongue. If they can’t guess, PP can look in the
Activity 2
Objective: • to listen for main points
Tell PP they are going to listen to a radio programme about Apple Day. Ask
PP to read the questions and note the answers while listening. After the first
listening ask PP if they have found the answers, if they have, ask them
what they think the answers are. Do not say if PP are right or wrong. Then
play the tape again and stop after each answer and let PP tell you if they
were right or wrong.
Good morning listeners. You’re listening to Farming Today on Radio 2 with
Frank Smith. We begin our programme today with a look at Apple Day.
This year Apple Day is on October the 21st. But what is Apple Day? Mr
John Drake is an apple farmer and he’s here to tell us all about it.
Good morning, Mr Drake.
Mr Drake: Good morning, Frank.
So tell us, Mr Drake, what is Apple Day?
Mr Drake: Apple Day is a celebration of apples, orchards and character.
The festival began in 1990. People in the USA and the UK were unhappy
because old kinds of apples were disappearing ... in fact .. well, in the
market there were just a few, international kinds of apple. They looked
beautiful, but you know, they didn’t always taste nice! People wanted
their traditional, delicious apples. So in many villages and small towns
people like me got together and began to have Apple Days and Apple
Festivals to make people interested in the old, traditional kinds of apples....
Activity 3a
Objective: • to make notes from reading; to use the notes to talk from
Write this table on the BB. PP copy it into their Ex.Bks and then complete it
as they read the text.
Name of the holiday
or festival
e.g. Apple bay
When they have finished, ask PP about Apple Day and ask them to answer
using their notes with the CB closed.
Activity 3b
Objective: • to guess the meaning of words from the context
PP find the words in the leaflet. They guess the meaning and write the
translation in mother tongue. You could ask them how they guessed (similar
to their language, similar to a word they already know, from the context,
etc.) Then say the words and ask PP to repeat them after you in chorus, in
rows and individually.
Activity 3c
Objective: • to stimulate a personal response to the information in the texts
PP can work in pairs telling each other the places they would like to visit.
When they are ready, ask a few pairs to tell the class their answers. Find
which events/things are the most popular.
Activity 4a, 4b
Objective: • to practise writing notes about a festival or special day in PP
own place
Ask PP to think about festivals in their town or village. Help them to find
something interesting in the place they live in or in the region. Encourage
PP to find something to be proud of. Remind them to use the questions to
help them. They should copy the table in 3a again and complete it for this
festival. They may add extra columns e.g. for special clothes.
They will use the notes in the table for their homework so it is important that
every PP copies the table and completes it.
Lesson 6 Project
• to develop an appreciation of PP own culture
• to revise and consolidate the material of the unit
• to develop PP ability to work independently and creatively
• to develop the skill of working cooperatively in a group
•to develop planning, layout and design skills
• to develop evaluation skills
Divide PP into groups of 3-4 and ask them to prepare a leaflet about their
town/village. They should include interesting information about the place
they live in. Explain that the leaflet should contain information about the four
things listed in their CB.
When they have finished, display their posters on the desk tops or on the
walls, if possible. Ask PP to go around and look at all the leaflets. They
should imagine they are tourists. They should find one thing they like about
each leaflet.
When PP have finished looking at the leaflets, and are sitting in their seats
again, go through each leaflet in turn and ask PP to say what they like about
each one.
P ro n u n c ia tio n 1
Pronunciation Exercise 1a
sentence, seaside, scenario, recipe, once, space, miss, cycle, decide, across
Pronunciation Exercise 2
Note: The underlined letters are read as [k] and bold ones as [s],
consist, concert, circle, cassette, castle, accept
If you think it will help your pupils you can explain as follows. However,
many pupils learn better simply by focusing on, practicing and so learning
the pronunciation of each word as they meet it for the first time. *
Explain that: The letter ‘c’ is read as [s] before vowels ‘e, i, y’. In other
cases it is read as [k]. The letter ‘s’ is read as [s] when it comes at the
beginning of words, before or after voiceless consonants and after ‘voice­
less consonant + vowel’ combinations at the end of words. Letter combina­
tions like ‘see, ss’ are read as [s]
Pronunciation Exercise 3
PP own answers.
Pronunciation 2
Pronunciation Exercise 1a
music, desert, eraser, squeeze, suppose, busy, Uzbek, snooze, leaves
Pronunciation Exercise 2
Note: The underlined letters are read as [s] and bold ones as [z],
pleasant, physics, size, cheeseburger, close, cosy
If you think it will help your pupils you can explain as follows. However,
many pupils learn better simply by focusing on, practicing and so learning
the pronunciation of each word as they meet it for the first time.
Explain that: The letter ‘s’ is read as [z] between two vowels, after voiced
consonants and at the end of words after ‘voiced consonant + vowel’
combinations. The letter ‘z’ is always read as [z].
Pronunciation Exercise 3
PP own answers.
Grammar Exercise 1
1 There are ten boys in our class. They are Sulton, Bahodir, etc.
2 There is a castle on the hill. It is very old.
3 There is a supermarket in my village. It is new and beautiful.
4 There is a new director at our school. He/she is very kind.
5 In summer our town is very beautiful. There are lots of fountains. They
are cool and nice.
6 There are several choyhonas in our town. They are friendly and comfortable.
7 There are 34 pupils in our class. They are all good pupils.
8 There is a bus from our village to the town. It is not expensive.
Grammar Exercise 2
1 There are many beautiful places in our village.
2 There is a castle on the hill. It is very old.
3 There is a supermarket opposite the bank.
4 Excuse me. Is there an art gallery near here?
5 How do I get to the art gallery?
6 There are many beautiful places in our village.
Grammar Exercise 3
Uzbek: Toshqo'rg'on judachiroyli qishloq. Oltinsoydajuda, juda katta
daraxt bor.
Russian: ToniKypraH —sto oneHb KpacHBaa ^epeBHH. B OjrmHcoe ecTb
oneHb, oneHb Gojibinoe aepeBo.
1 Uzbek: Men tangalarga uncha qiziqmayman. Sizchi?
Russian: 51 He oneHb HHTepecyiocb MOHeTaMH. A tm ?
2 Uzbek: Men bir oz isib ketdim. Derazani ochaylik.
Russian: MHe HeMHoro xapno. ^aBairre oTKpoeM o k h o .
3 Uzbek: Men biroztashvishdaman, chunki bugun ertalab toshbaqamni topa
Russian: 51 HeMHoro Bojinyiocb,
nepenaniKy yrpoM.
noT O M y
He CMorjia Haft™
m o io
4 Uzbek: Men ancha ochman, chunki ertalab hech narsa yeganim yo]q.
Russian: 51 nporojioaajica,
n o T o w y h t o He
PP own answers.
Word Building
Word Building Exercise 1
The prefix ‘re-’ means ‘again’. ‘Reuse’ means ‘use again’.
Word Building Exercise 2
1 If a text is difficult, we can reread it to make sure we have understood,
reread = read again
2 If you don’t hear something, ask your teacher to repeat it.
repeat = say again
Word Building Exercise 3
PP own answers.
Unit 1 Homework
Lesson 1 Toshqo‘rg‘on
1 Write eight sentences about your town/village/city. Use activity 2b to
help you.
PP own answers.
Lesson 2 How do I get to ...?
1 Find and write the words.
1 art gallery
4 theater
2 opposite
5 post office
3 pharmacy
6 supermarket
2 Write the dialogue in order.
2 Excuse me.
4 Yes.
7 Is there a supermarket near here?
3 It’s opposite the school.
5 How do I get to it?
1 Go along this street as far as the school.
8 Thank you.
6 You’re welcome.
Lesson 3 Language Centre
1 Find five more e-mail or Internet addresses. Copy them carefully
and bring them to class. If possible, send a message to one of them.
PP answers will vary.
Lesson 4 Cambridge
1 Write about your next summer holidays. Copy and complete.
PP own answers.
Lesson 5 Apple Day
1 Write about your favourite holiday or festival. Use the questions in
activity 4a to help you.
PP own answers.
Lesson 6 Project
Prepare for the Progress Check.
PP look through this unit.
Unit 2 Your health
Lesson 1 I’ve got a pain in my ...
• to present and practise words for parts of the body
• to enable PP to talk about health problems
• to practise listening for gist and for specific information
• to write short conversations for reinforcement (HW)
Activity 1
Objective: • to revise words for parts of the body
Play Simon Says. Tell PP they should do the action or show the parts of their
body if they hear the words “Simon says” e.g. “Simon says put your hands on
your head.” If they hear only “Put your hands on your head” they should not
do the action. If they do it, they are out of the game and must sit down. The
teacher gives instructions. Use the words: face, eye, head, leg, arm, hair,
etc. After a few rounds, a P could give the instructions. The winners are
those PP still in the game after 10 instructions/2 minutes.
Activity 2a
Objective: • to present and practise vocabulary for more parts of the body
Ask PP to look at the picture, read and listen as you say the words. Then ask
PP to repeat the words after you in chorus and individually. Using the
Remember box, draw PP attention to the silent letters in ‘wrist’, ‘knee’, ‘thumb’,
‘tongue’ and the pronunciation of ‘ch’ as [k] in ‘stomach’.
1 1 See Classbook for Tapescript
Activity 2b
Objective: • to practise using the new words
PP work in pairs. They take turns to say a part of the body which their partner
must show or point to.
Activity 3
Objective: • to introduce the structure ‘I’ve got a pain in ...’
PP look at the picture and guess the meaning of the phrase using the picture
and the words.
Ask PP to repeat the phrase after you.
Activity 4
Objective: • to practise using the new structure and new words
This is a normal Snowball activity. Each P must say all the sentences from
before and add one of his/her own.
Activity 5a
Objective: • to practise listening for gist
Ask PP to cover/close their books while they listen to the conversations and
answer the questions.
Mum, I’ve got a pain in my ear. I can’t hear you.
Oh, poor you.
I’ve got a pain in my tooth. I can’t eat anything.
Oh, poor you.
Key: 1 Alisher: pain in the ear; 2 Sevara: pain in her tooth
Acivity 5b
Objective: • to practise listening for specific information
Ask PP to read the conversations in 5b and write the numbers 1-6 -in their
Ex.Bks. Play the cassette and pause after each number. PP listen and write
the missing words in their Ex.Bks.
I’ve got a pain in my knee. I can’t walk.
Oh, poor you.
I’ve got a pain in my wrist. I can’t write.
Yes, you can. You’ve got a pain in your left wrist.
Answer key: 1 knee 2 walk 3 wrist 4 write 5 left 6 wrist
Activity 6
Objective: • to practise talking about health problems
Divide the class into pairs. Ask PP to make their own conversations.
Lesson 2 What’s the matter?
• to present and practise words for health problems/illnesses
• to practise talking about health problems/illnesses
• to practise reading for specific information
• to write for reinforcement (HW)
Activity 1
Objective: • to present and practise words for health problems and illnesses
PP look at the pictures and guess the meaning of the words and phrases.
Then ask PP to look at the pictures, read and listen as you say the
words. PP repeat the words after you or the tape in chorus and individu­
ally. Draw PP attention to the Remember box and the use of ‘a’ with some
problems and not with others, and the pronunciation of ‘ache’ [k].
Then ask PP to listen to you and do.
e.g. Say “I’ve got a headache”. PP should touch their heads.
1 1 See Classbook for Tapescript
Activity 2
Objective: • to practise using the new words in questions
A P mimes a health problem. The class say what s/he mimes and the P says
if they guessed right or not.
Activity 3
Objective: • to introduce and practise the question “What’s the matter with you?”
Read the dialogue aloud to the class and help them to understand the meaning
of the question. Ask PP to repeat the question after you.
Then PP work in pairs making conversations.
Activity 4a
Objective: • to practise reading for specific information
Language Note:
‘Medicine’ is the word for tablets, etc. given by a doctor or a pharmacist.
‘Home remedy’ is used for traditional “medicines” which people make at
home such as tea made from herbs.
Read the example text with PP and look at the example in the table. Explain
‘home remedy’. Ask PP to copy the table into their Ex.Bks. Then PP read the
other texts silently and complete the table for each of them.
e.g. cold
1 headache
2 sore throat
3 stomachache
4 flu
Home remedy
hot lemon tea with honey
massage, flower tea
ice-cream, jelly
herbal tea, hot water bottle
hot chicken soup
Activity 4b
Objective: • to talk and write about PP own experience
Suggestion: If you have a weaker class, discuss with the class what home
remedies their mothers give them for a cold, flu, etc. and then ask PP to
write about one of them following the example. Use ‘herbal tea’ for any tea
made from plants.
Suggestion: If you have a strong class let them write about as many health
problems and home remedies as they can.
When PP are ready, ask a few of them to tell the class about the home
remedies their mothers give them. The class could find out the most popular
home remedies.
Lesson 3 I’ve brushed my teeth
• to introduce and practise the Present Perfect of regular verbs
(affirmative, negative, interrogative) for talking about health
• to write for reinforcement (HW)
Activity 1a
Objective: • to introduce the Present Perfect for actions completed at an
unspecified time in the past
Ask PP to look at the pictures. Ask questions about them to lead to the
meaning of the Present Perfect.
e.g. Who can you see? How old is s/he do you think? What is s/he doing?
Is s/he doing it or is it finished?
Let PP answer in mother tongue if necessary. Then introduce the model
sentences in 1a. Pupils read, listen and repeat the phrases.
[irs] See Classbook for Tapescript
Activity 1b
Objective: • to check the meaning of the Present Perfect
Ask PP to read the questions and answer them. Discuss the activities the
girl in the pictures has just done. You may ask one of your good pupils how
the tense is formed or explain it to the class yourself. Draw PP attention to
the Remember box.
Activity 2a
Objective: • to introduce the third form (Past Participle) of regular verbs
Ask pupils to listen and then repeat after you or the tape the three forms of
the regular verbs.
D See Classbook for Tapescript
Activity 2b
Objective: • to revise the pronunciation of past tense ending -ed
Ask pupils to listen again and write the words in the right column:
[t], [d] or [id]. Check the answers.
[t] - looked, washed, finished, watched
[d] - cleaned, ironed, answered
[id] - visited, tidied, translated.
Ask PP if they can remember/work out the rule for how to pronounce -ed.
Remind them if they have forgotten ([t] after unvoiced sounds ‘k’ ‘sh’ and
‘ch’; [d] after voiced sounds ‘r’ and ‘n’; [id] a fte r‘t’ and ‘d’.)
Activity 2c
Objective: • to practise the Present Perfect
This is a normal Snowball activity.
Activity 3a
Objective: • to listen for specific information
PP listen and say why Botir cannot go to bed.
Mum, I have finished my homework. Can I go to bed now?
Mother: Have you washed your face and hands?
Yes, I have.
Mother: Have you washed your feet?
Yes, I have.
Mother: Have you cleaned your teeth?
No, I haven’t.
Mother: Well, go and clean them now.________________________
Activity 3b
Objective: • to practise Present Perfect questions and short answers
This is a normal Chain Drill activity.
Activity 3c
Objective: • to give freer practice of Present Perfect questions and short
Divide the class into pairs and ask PP to play Parents and Children.
Ask pairs to make their own conversations and write them in their Ex.Bks.
If you have time, you could ask some pairs to perform to the class.
Activity 4
Objective: • to focus on the irregular verbs: ‘cut’ and ‘hurt’ and the Present
Perfect with s/he
Ask PP to look at the pictures and say what’s happened e.g. She’s cut her finger.
Lesson 4 He’s broken his leg
• to introduce and practise the Present Perfect of irregular verbs
(affirmative, negative, interrogative) for talking about health problems
• to practise reading for gist
• to provide cultural information about the USA and the UK
• to introduce some social language (I hope you feel better soon)
Activity 1
Objective: • to revise the three forms of irregular verbs.
Read the three forms of the verbs. PP listen and repeat in chorus.
1 3 See Classbook for Tapescript
S uggestion: For further practice you could do a Chain drill e.g. P1 says
“begin”, P2 “began”, and P3 “begun”. P4 chooses another verb, etc.
Suggestion: For further practise you could play Bingo! PP draw a simple
cross and write the Past Participle of any four verbs in each section of
the cross. You call out the first form of the verb e.g. ‘take’ and if they have
‘taken’ on their card they cross it out. When all four squares are crossed
out the P puts his/her hand and shouts “Bingo”. The first person to finish
is the winner.
Suggestion: You could do Grammar Exercises 1 and 2 here.
Activity 2a
Objective: • to prepare for the next activity
Ask PP to look at the picture and answer the question.
Key: A boy, George, has broken his leg.
Activity 2b
Objective: • to practise reading for gist
Ask PP to read and match the pictures and sentences.
Key: 1c 2b 3a 4d
Activity 2c
Objective: • to give information about American and British culture
Ask PP to look at the picture and answer the questions.
Culture Note:
Explain that in the USA and the UK when people are ill, their friends send
them a “get well” card to make them feel better. Ask PP what they do when
their friends are ill. (Usually in Uzbekistan we visit the person who is ill.
People in the USA and the UK sometimes do this too.)
Activity 2d
Objective: • to talk about the situation in the picture
PP work in pairs. Ask them to look at the third picture and answer the ques­
tions. Then check the answers with the whole class.
Suggestion: You could do Grammar Exercise 3 here - or give it for homework.
Activity 3
Objective: to practise conversations about health
Ask PP to read the sentences and put the dialogue in the correct order. Then
check by asking some PP to read the conversation.
Key: 1c 2a 3b 4e 5d 6f
Culture and Language Note:
Draw PP attention to what Botir says in f) and to the Remember box. It is
polite in English-speaking countries to say to people who are ill or don’t
feel well ‘I hope you feel better soon/tomorrow.’
Suggestion: To reinforce the correct use of the Simple Past and the Present
Perfect you could ask PP to explain in mother tongue why Botir says ‘Why
didn’t you come to the gym?’ but 'How long have you had a temperature?’
Key: The first question is about a definite time in the past - during school
time which is over now so the Simple Past is used. The second is about an
indefinite time in the past so Present Perfect is used.
Suggestion: For weaker classes you could ask PP to practise reading aloud
the conversation in pairs. For stronger classes you could ask PP to work in
pairs and make up similar conversations.
Lesson 5 Have you taken a tablet?
• to present and practise new words for medicine
• to talk about health problems and give advice
• to develop translation skills
• to provide cultural information about the USA and the UK
• to write notes (HW)
• to listen for gist and specific information
Activity 1a, 1b
Objectives: • to practise using the Wordlist; to introduce the new words
Ask PP to find the words in the Wordlist and then say the translation of the
words and sentences.
Ask PP to listen and repeat after you or the tape.
H I See Classbook for Tapescript.
Activity 1c
Objective: • to practise using the new words in sentences
This is a normal Chain drill using the words from 1a.
Activity 2a, 2b
Objective: • to practise listening for gist
Ask PP to listen to the tape and answer the questions. If necessary, play the
tape twice.
Key: 1 He’s got a temperature and a headache.
(You should) Take one aspirin three times a day, have hot tea and stay in bed.
Rahim: Good morning.
Doctor: Morning.
Rahim: I’ve got a temperature and a headache.
Doctor: Mmm.You must take one aspirin three times a day and you should
have hot tea and stay in bed.
Rahim: Thanks, doctor.
Doctor: Bye.
Then ask PP to write the numbers 1-6 in their Ex.Bks and write what they
think the missing words are in the conversation in 2b. Then check the answers
one by one. Each time ask PP for the answer, then play the tape again,
pausing after the answer.
1 a temperature
4 three times a day
2 and a headache
5 have hot tea
3 one aspirin
6 stay in bed
Activity 2c
Objective: • to practise giving advice about treatment using the new words
In pairs PP make their own conversations using the given words and phrases.
Go round and help pairs with their conversations.
Activity 3a
Objective: • to practise translating the instructions on medicines
This is the beginning of developing translation skills. Help PP to translate
well by asking them for some examples of the instructions on medicines in
mother tongue before they begin to translate the English instructions. Draw
PP attention to the way such instructions are written in English:
• using the imperative or ‘You must’;
• with frequency at the end of the sentence ‘four times a day’;
• the use of ‘one tablet’ instead of ‘a tablet’ to emphasise the number of tablets.
Suggestion: You could ask PP to role play ‘At the doctor’s’ using the
conversation in 2b as an example and phrases from 3a for treatment. Ask a
few pairs to perform their conversations to the class.
Activity 3b, 3c
Objective: • to provide cultural information about the USA, the UK and
Culture Note:
Tell PP that this is a famous saying in the USA and the UK. Ask PP what
they think it means (If you eat an apply every day you will be healthy so
you won’t need a doctor) and if they agree with it. Then ask them to trans­
late the saying.
Finally ask PP about other sayings they know in any languages they know, if
they believe them, etc.
Suggestion: If you have a strong class, you may wish to teach them this
rhyme too:
Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. (If you go
to bed early and get up early you will be healthy, wealthy and wise.)
Lesson 6 Dear Abby ... please help me
• to enable PP to talk about their problems
• to read for gist and for detail
• to write an informal letter with advice
Objective: • to practise expressing problems
Culture Note: In the USA and the UK there are many magazines, espe­
cially for teenagers, which have a ‘Problem Page’. There is a person,
usually a woman, who answers readers’ letters. The woman is usually like
a wise aunt or elder sister. People write about their problems expecting to
get some advice. Usually the advice is published on the same page as
the letter. Recently, in magazines aimed at boys and men, the ‘wise aunt’
is a man.
Ask PP to read the example and write any problems they have.
Activity 2a
Objective: • to practise reading for gist
Ask PP to read the texts and say what problems the children have.
Suggestion: You could do the Word Building Exercise here. Draw PP atten­
tion to the examples in the Remember box and then do the exercise.
Activity 2b
Objective: • to practise reading for detail
Ask PP to copy the table and complete the first two columns with information
from the letters. Do Natalie's letter together with the class as an example.
e.g. Natalie
girl unkind,
takes pens,
pulls hair,
asks for money
tell your teacher and mother about the
girl, talk to the girl with your teacher,
go home in a group with your friends
Activity 3a
Objective: • to practise reading for specific information
PP read Abby’s reply and say her advice to Natalie. Then they complete
column three in the table (see above).
Activity 3b, 3c
Objective: • to practise reading for detailed information and writing informal
letters with advice
PP work in groups of three. They read the letters, choose one and write a
reply. Go round and help groups with their writing.
When they have finished, groups can exchange their letters with other groups
or they can leave their letters on their desks. Let the class walk round and
read the different replies. To keep order in the classroom you can organise it
like this: PP walk in single file to the next desk and read. Then they wait. At
your command, they move to the next desk and read, etc. You can say:
“Wait, OK now move to the next desk and read again”, etc. When they have
finished, PP sit down.
You can ask them which answer they liked best/liked writing/etc. and give
feedback on any common mistakes in the writing/read out some good answers.
Pronunciation 1
Pronunciation Exercise 1a
meeting, million, money, morning, temperature, comb, column, plum, soum
Pronunciation Exercise 2
Note: Letter combinations ‘mb’ at the end of words are read as [m],
melon, thumb, map, team, lamb, symbol, swim, summer, climb, small, tram
Pronunciation Exercise 3
PP own answers.
Pronunciation 2
Pronunciation Exercise 1a
noise, nice, niece, know, sneeze, snore, knee, snow, knew, pine, pin
Pronunciation Exercise 2
Note: Letter combinations ‘kn’ at the beginning of words are read as [n],
napkin, known, nose, snake, now, thin, stand
Pronunciation Exercise 3
PP own answers.
Grammar Exercise 1
1 I have broken my pencil.
5 We have had our breakfast.
2 She has hurt her thumb.
6 Our relatives have come to see us.
3 They have done their homework. 7 I have written a letter to my penfriend.
4 They have gone home.
8 My mother has taken my brother to
the doctor.
Grammar Exercise 2
1 They haven’t gone home.
2 I haven’t done my homework.
3 We haven’t had dinner.
4 My parents haven’t come back from work.
5 I haven’t seen my friend today.
6 My elder sister hasn’t put the Fanta in the fridge.
7 I haven’t written a letter to my penfriend this month.
8 The doctor says my brother hasn't broken his ankle.
Grammar Exercise 3
1 Have you broken your pencil?
2 Has she hurt her thumb?
3 Have they done their homework?
4 Have they gone home?
5 Have you had your breakfast?
6 Have our relatives come to see us?
7 Have you written a letter to my penfriend?
8 Has my mother taken my brother to the doctor?
Word Building Exercise
1 She has a friendly face. I think she’s kind.
2 He looks sad. I think he’s unhappy.
3 I like the story. It has an unusual ending.
4 Please pick up your things. This room is very untidy.
5 I don’t like stories with an unhappy ending. They make me cry.
6 Please listen carefully. I have some important news.
Unit 2 Homework
Lesson 1 I’ve got a pain in my ...
1 Write three conversations like activity 6.
PP own answers.
2 Find similar words:
knee knife, know, knowledge, kneel, knew, knock, knockout
wrist, wrong, write, writer, writing, wrote
stomach, ache, Chemistry, Christmas, chrysalis
4 — Fly High 7
thumb, comb, lamb, climb
7 When the weather is good it is pleasant to walk by the lake.
Lesson 2 W h at’s the matter?
1 Put the words in order and write sentences.
1 My friend has got a headache.
2 Nodira has got a high temperature.
3 I’ve got a pain in my knee.
4 I’ve broken my leg.
5 I can’t go to the PI lesson because I don’t feel well.
Lesson 3 I’ve brushed my teeth
1 Write five questions.
PP answers will vary. PP questions must be in Present Perfect.
Lesson 4 He’s broken his leg
1 Read the short conversations. Write what the problem is.
1 Katya’s broken her wrist.
2 Aziza and Faina have done their lessons
3 Sergey’s hurt his ankle.
4 Tom and Jerry have seen the film.
5 Dilorom’s cut her hand.
Lesson 5 Have you taken a tablet?
1 Read the dialogues and complete the forms.
She's got a
He’s got the flu:
a headache, cough
and runny nose.
Take tablets early in the morning
and late in the evening.
She mustn’t eat any fruit.
He must stay in hospital
and have some injections.
Lesson 6 Dear Abby ... please help me
Prepare for the Progress Check.
PP look through this unit.
Unit 3 Sport
Lesson 1 Sports at school
• to present and practise vocabulary for sports
• to present and practise using ‘do’ and ‘play’ with sports
• to enable PP to talk about sports lessons in the UK and Uzbekistan
• to practise listening for specific information
Activity 1a
Objective: • to revise vocabulary for sports from Book 5
PP look at the pictures and match them with the words in their Ex.Bks.
e.g. 1h
Key:1h 2e 3g 4i 5b 6c 7a 8d 9j 10f 11k
Activity 1b
Objective: • to practise using the words from activity 1a
This is a normal Chain drill.
Activity 2a
Objective: • to introduce new sports vocabulary
First PP do the matching activity as in 1a. Then they listen to the teacher and
check their answers.
Key: 1b 2a 3d 4c
Language Note:
Tell PP that the word “gymnastics” takes a singular verb as it is considered
to be an activity. Ask PP which school subjects are similar and look plural
but take a singular verb. The answer is mathematics and computer studies.
Activity 2b
Objective: • to practise and memorise the new words
This is a normal Point and Say.
Suggestion: You can omit this activity if PP do not need it.
Activity 2c
Objective: • to practise using the new words
PP work in pairs. They ask and answer what sports they like or don’t like
using the new words.
Suggestion: You can omit this activity if PP do not need it.
Activity 3a
Objective: • to introduce the use of ‘do’ and ‘play’ with sports
Ask PP to read the phrases and translate them. Then they should answer the
questions. Discuss the answers with PP. Tell them that using sports with
these words in English is the same as in mother tongue. In Russian it will be:
51 Hipaio 4>yr6oji. 51 3a H H M a io c b r u ia B a H b e M . In Uzbek it will be: Men
futbol o‘ynayman. Men suzish bilan shug'ullanaman.
Language Note: We use ‘play’ with sports which are games and ‘do’ for
activities. When we ask a general question “What sports do you do/play?”
either verb can be used. But in the answer, we will use the appropriate verb
for sports activities or games - do or play.
A ctivity 3b
Objective: • to practise using ‘do’ and ‘play’
PP go round the class, ask and answer about sports they do or play.
A ctivity 4a
Objective: • to prepare for the next activity
How many PI How long is a
PI lesson?
lessons a
Uzbekistan e.g. 2
40 mins
Where do you
have PI?
What do you
do in PI?
play football,
do high
school yard,
sports ground, jumping,
swimming pool, etc.
Draw this table on the BB (but w ithout the answers in Italics)
PP copy the table and complete it with the information about PI lessons in
their school. They do not need to write sentences, only numbers or words.
A ctivity 4b
Objectives: • to practise listening for specific information; to learn about PI
in the UK
PP listen to the English PP talking about PI lessons in UK schools and
complete the table for the UK.
(A g ir l ): Hi, my name is Christine. What can I tell you about PI?.. Well, we
have three PI lessons a week. Usually we have a 45 minute lesson in the
gym once a week and then we have games on Wednesday afternoon. In
winter we play hockey, in summer we play tennis. I love tennis so I play
tennis after school on Tuesday and Thursday.
(A boy): My name's David. I play football, basketball and hockey. We have
three lessons a week. On Wednesday afternoon we have a double lesson
- one and a half hours - and at the moment we’re playing football. Then on
Fridays we do gym -jum pin g, climbing and using equipment. Oh, I forgot,
we sometimes do running on Wednesday too. I hate it - eight kilometres!
A ctivity 5
Objective: »to compare PI lessons in Uzbekistan and UK
PP work in groups of 4. They find similarities and differences in PI lessons.
When your PP are ready, check the activity by asking several PP to tell the
class their sentences.
Lesson 2 I like kurash. So do I.
• to revise and consolidate sports vocabulary
• to express agreement using ‘So do I, I do too, Nor do I, I don’t either’
• to express disagreement using 1 do/l don't’
• to write for reinforcement (HW)
A ctivity 1
Objective: • to revise sports vocabulary
Mime your favourite sport and ask PP to guess it. The P who guesses will
mime his/her favourite sport and the others should guess it.
Suggestion: If your PP are strong, they could play in groups.
A ctivity 2a, 2b
Objectives: • to talk about sports likes/dislikes and give reasons for them;
to write for reinforcement
Ask PP to make sentences about their sports likes and dislikes using information
from the substitution table. You can ask PP at random or in a chain.
Then ask PP to write some of the sentences in their Ex.Bks.
Activity 3a, 3b
Objective: • to introduce and practise phrases for agreeing with positive statements
PP listen to you or the tape and repeat the phrases. Draw their attention to
the stress on T whatever its position in the sentence: So do I. I do too.
Then do the chain drill in the usual way, but in 3s. Finally, ask PP to work in
groups of 3 and practise using these phrases with different sports.
1 ! See Classbook for Tapescript
A ctivity 4a, 4b
Objective: • to introduce and practise phrases for agreeing with negative statements
The same as in 3a,3b.
1 1 See Classbook for Tapescript
A ctivity 5
Objective: • to practise listening for specific information
Tell PP they will listen to a cassette letter from a class in the UK to a class
in Uzbekistan. They will hear about their sport likes/dislikes. Draw the table
in the answer key (without answers) on the BB and ask PP to copy it in their
Ex.Bks (or ask them to do it for HWK. They can use the list in Unit 3, Lesson
1, Activity 1). They should complete it with ^ o r * as they listen.
. volleyball
2 . swimming
3. boxing
4. tennis
5. high jump
6. long jump
7. football
8. running
9. kurash
(a girl) Sally: Hi! My name’s Sally. I’m in class 7 in the UK. Do you like
sport? I love it. I’m lucky, my school specialises in sport. My favourite,
favourite is volleyball and I play every day.
(a girl) Anna: So do I. My name’s Anna. I love volleyball but I don’t like
anything else - 1don’t like swimming, tennis, high jump, or long jump,
(a boy) Oliver: My name’s Oliver. I like football and swimming. I go
swimming every day.
(a boy) Mark: Hi, I’m Mark. I like swimming too. But I don’t like football or
Children all together: Please send us a cassette letter about your sports
likes and dislikes.
A ctivity 6
Objective: • to discuss different sports
PP make groups of 3-4. First each P says what sports s/he likes or doesn’t
like. Then the group note the main likes/dislikes for the group, ready to report
to the class what sports they like or don’t like. They should write these
comments in their Ex.Bks. A member from each group gives feedback.
Lesson 3 Girls in sport
• to practise reading for gist
• to practise agreeing and disagreeing with others’ opinions
• to practise writing a questionnaire
A ctivity 1
Objective: • to revise and consolidate sports vocabulary
PP read the words and say what sports girls or boys can do/play. They can
give different opinions.
Activity 2a
Objectives: • to practise talking about sports programmes pupils like to watch;
to prepare PP for the reading text
Before doing this activity draw PP attention to the Remember box and explain
the rule. Then ask PP to answer the questions. If they do not watch TV
programmes ask them what kind of sport events they would like to watch.
Suggestion: You could do the Word Building Exercise here or assign it for
Activity 2b
Objective: • to practise reading for gist
PP read the text and answer the questions.
Key: 1 Let them give different opinions e.g. one P may say They give different
opinions about TV programmes.’ Another may say ‘Rano wants to see
programmes where women do different sports, and Timur is against women
doing karate or boxing.’
2 They are writing to the TV director.
Activity 2c
Objective: • to practise agreeing/disagreeing with others’ opinions
Ask your PP to say if they agree with Rano or Timur and why.
Suggestion: If your class is very big, or your PP are strong, you could do
this activity in groups instead of as a class.
Activity 3
Objectives: • to express opinions and give reasons for them; to prepare for
the homework
Ask girls to make groups and discuss what sports they like or want to do.
Each group should choose one or two sports. Then ask boys to join any
group they want.
The girls in each group take turns to say what sports they have chosen and
why. All PP should make a list of the sports and the reasons. You can ask
them to copy this framework for their lists:___________________
group 1
It’s good fun and it’s healthy.
After the girls have reported, the boys should say why they agree or disagree
with the girls in their group. All PP should add to their lists.
Suggestion: Strong classes can be asked to write their own letter to the TV
station, either during the lesson or for homework.
NOTE: The next lesson is about the President's Cup. If you think that your
PP do not know anything about the President’s Cup, you could ask them to
find out for homework in mother tongue so that they are ready for Lesson 4.
Lesson 4 The President’s Cup_________________________
• to introduce new words
• to practise reading for specific information
• to practise asking for and giving information about tennis players
• to learn about sports events in Uzbekistan
• to develop a sense of pride about the achivements of Uzbekistan
• to practise writing interview questions
Activity 1a, 1b
Objectives: • to enable PP to work independently using the Wordlist; to
present and practise more sports vocabulary;
Ask PP to find the meaning of the words in the Wordlist and write them and
their translation in their Ex.Bks. Then PP listen and repeat the words.
I H See Classbook for Tapescript
Activity 2a
Objective: • to prepare for reading
Ask PP what they know about the President’s Cup and write their answers on
one side of the BB. Then ask them what they want to know about the Cup
and write these answers on the other side of the BB.
Suggestion: If your PP do not know about the President’s Cup it does not
matter, go on to the next activity.
A ctivity 2b
Objective: • to practise reading for specific information
PP read the text and answer the questions. Then ask PP to look at the BB
and check if what they knew before reading and if they have got answers for
their questions after reading the text.
1 The President of Uzbekistan.
2 Russia, France, GB, Germany, Italy, Israel, and other countries.
3 Yes, people in Great Britain can watch it.
Activity 3
Objective: • to practise asking for and giving information about tennis players
PP work in pairs. One of them is ‘A’, the other is ‘B’. Ask them to copy an
empty table to their Ex.Bks (Name, Date of birth, etc. like the one on the
page). One P is a reporter, the other Oleg Ogorodov/lroda Tulaganova. They
take turns to ask questions and complete the tables. If necessary, revise
with PP what questions they could ask.
NOTE: It must be a good idea to practise the names of some of the
competitions as a class in chains before PP begin the information gap activity.
Lesson 5 Sport: for and against
• to
• to
• to
• to
express opinions using ‘I think th a t...’
practise talking about advantages/disadvantages of sport
focus on the difference between ‘sport’ and ‘sports’
practise writing opinions and giving reasons for them________________
A ctivity 1a, 1b
Objective: • to stimulate PP ideas about sports they like and don’t like as
preparation for the debate in Lesson 6
Ask PP to write five sentences about sports they like and do not like and give
reasons why. Then ask them to work in pairs and share their likes and dislikes.
A ctivity 2
Objective: • to focus on the difference between ‘sport’ and ‘sports’
Ask PP to read and translate the sentences and find the difference in the
words ‘sport’ and ‘sports’.
O i l Language Note: The word ‘sport’ is more general. We use the word ‘sports’
II when we speak about different kinds of sport.
A ctivity 3a, 3b
Objectives: • to practise expressing opinions, etc.; to gather ideas for the debate
Before doing this activity write this example on the BB:
I agree. Sport is healthy.
I agree that sport is healthy.
Explain that we can join two sentences by using ‘that’. Ask PP to translate
both sentences. They will see that in Russian the structure is the same, but
in Uzbek the structure is different. Draw PP attention to the Remember box.
Suggestion: Before continuing with 3a, you could do Grammar Exercise 1.
Divide PP into groups, ask them to choose a timekeeper. The timekeeper
should give 1-2 minutes for each P to say why sport is good. Ask PP to write
all the reasons in their Ex.Bks. When PP have listened to all group members,
ask them to change groups and share their ideas with PP in the new group.
Any new reasons should be added to the Ex.Bks lists. Give your PP only 10
minutes for this activity.
A ctivity 4a, 4b
Objectives: • to practise expressing opinions, etc.; to gather ideas for the debate
This is the same activity as 3a,3b but now PP should speak and share ideas
about why sport is bad. Again, give only 10 minutes for the activity.
Lesson 6 Project
• to
• to
• to
• to
revise and consolidate the material of the Unit
develop PP ability to work independently
develop critical thinking
develop citizenship skills (chairing a meeting)
A ctivity 1
Objective: • to help PP to understand what a debate is and why we need to
practise debating
As this is the first time PP take part in a debate you could explain what a
debate is in mother tongue and give some examples before you do activity 1.
Ask PP to answer the questions. Help them to understand why they are going
to use this technique in the lesson.
A ctivity 2
Objective: • to revise/practise language needed foragreeeing and disagreeing
Revise how to give opinions and how to agree/disagree. If necessary, write
the phrases on the BB. Ask PP to read the phrases, check their pronunciation
and intonation.
Suggestion: If you think your PP need some practice with these phrases,
you could do Grammar Exercise 2.
A ctivity 3,4
Objectives: • to revise and consolidate all the material in the unit; to develop
PP ability to work independently
Write the motion on the BB. ‘Sport is always a good thing. We should have
sports lessons every day at school.’
Divide the class into those who are ‘for’ the motion and those who are against.
Ask PP to arrange the classroom with the ‘Fors’ opposite the ‘Againsts’ and
the Chairperson in the middle. Give each P except the Chairperson a small
piece of paper. When a P speaks, s/he puts the paper in a box. Every P must
get rid of the paper; no P can speak if s/he has used her/his paper. This
ensures that all PP take part and no P dominates.
Explain that you will not take part in the debate. The Chairperson is in charge
and PP must do what s/he says. Explain that at the end of the debate the
Chairperson will ask them to vote. At that point they may vote according to
their own ideas, not according to their role in the debate.
Ask the Chairperson to begin the debate by reading the paper you have given him/
her. Do not interrupt the debate; try to sit in a place where PP do not notice you and
note down any repeated mistakes PP make, any particularly good things they
say, any things they want to say but can’t/or say in mother tongue. You will need
these notes for feedback at the end of the debate. Make sure that after 20
m inutes the Chairperson ends the debate and organises the vote.
After the vote bring the debate to a close. Let PP return to their proper seats.
Then ask them for feedback on the activity.
PP say why they like or do not like the activity. Then T tells them her/his
feedback explaining strong and weak answers of each team.
For detailed steps of how to organise Debates look at the introduction to the
Teacher s Book.
NOTE: As this is the first time PP have a debate, the activity may be only
partially successful. For example, some PP may try to read their ideas from the
paper instead of saying them, and the activity may take longer than it should.
The Chairperson may read his/her notes. Don’t worry, this is normal. There are
more debates in the book and PP will get more practice. If the debate is only
partially successful, and if you have time, you could repeat the debate. PP will
do better the second time and this will give them a great feeling of success!
^11 Language Note: It is considered sexist to use the old word ‘Chairman’ in
| | modern English. The neutral word ‘Chairperson’ is used instead.
Pronunciation 1
P ronuncia tion Exercise 1a
art, arm, sharp, cartoon, faster, castle, flask, ask, pass, guard, bathroom,
father, Uzbekistan, branch, draughts, laugh, tomato, karate
P ronuncia tion Exercise 2
parcel, France, forecast, large, plant, postcard, grandfather, basketball,
after, March
P ronunciation Exercise 3
PP own answers.
Pronunciation 2
P ronuncia tion Exercise 1a
or, for, more, score, four, pour, autumn, August, awful, saw, paw, ball,
fall, talk, walk, warm, brought, bought, taught, caught, water
P ronunciation Exercise 2
tortoise, boring, walnut, short, autograph, story, horse, your, snore,
sport, always
P ronunciation Exercise 3
PP own answers.
Gram m ar Exercise 1
1 I agree that girls can play football.
2 I agree that most boys like kurash.
3 I disagree that girls should play football.
4 I know that sport makes us healthy.
5 I know that we should do some exercise three times a week.
6 Sorry, I disagree that some sports are dangerous.
7 I think that kurash is exciting.
8 I think that the President’s Cup is very famous.
9 I know that many girls like playing badminton.
101 agree that Iroda Tulaganova is a wonderful tennis player.
Gram m ar Exercise 2
PP own answers but their answers should have a language of agreement and
disagreement as So do 1.1 do. I do too. I don’t either. Nor do 1.1 d on’t
W ord B uilding Exercise
1 sports car
5 sports team
2 sports programme
3 sports centre
6 sports bag
7 sports day
4 sports news
Lesson 1 Sports at school
1 Write sports you have at school.
PP own answers.
2 Write sports you do/play at school.
PP own answers.
Lesson 2 I like kurash. So do I.
1 Write about 5 sports you like and 5 sports you do not like. Explain why.
PP own answers.
2 Write if you agree or not.
PP own answers but their answers should have a language of agreement and
disagreement as So do 1.1 do. I do too. I don’t either. Nor do 1.1 don’t.
Lesson 3 Girls in sport
1 Give three reasons for and three against women in sport.
PP own answers.
Lesson 4 The President’s Cup
1 Prepare eight questions to interview an athlete.
PP own answers.
2 Write about your favourite athlete.
PP own answers.
Lesson 5 Sport: for and against
1 Complete the sentences with the correct word ‘sport’ or ‘sports’.
‘sport’ (n)
‘sports’ (n pi)
‘sports’ (adj)
1 I like different sports (n pi).
2 Mike likes to watch sports (adj) programmes on TV.
3 Swimming, karate and kurash are my favourite sports (n p i) .
4 Most people think sport (n) is good for you. I think so too.
5 I want to be a sports (adj) reporter.
6 There were different sports (adj) events at the competition.
7 I like reading about sport (n) in the newspaper.
8 Do you like playing football and handball? The sports (adj) club is
looking for new members. Join us, keep fit and have fun!
2 Give three reasons for and three against sport.
PP own answers.
Lesson 6 Project
Prepare for the Progress Check.
PP look through this unit.
Unit 4 Olympic Games
Lesson 1 The Origin of the Olympic Games
talk about future intentions using ‘be going to’
practise reading for specific information and for main ideas
develop PP ability to work independently with the Wordlist
develop strategies to guess the meaning of unknown words
develop translation skills
learn about the origin of the Olympic Games
A ctivity 1a, 1b
Objectives: • to practise using the Wordlist; to introduce and practise the
new words
PP find the meaning of the words in the Wordlist and write them in their
Ex.Bks with the translation. They listen and repeat the words after the teacher
or the tape.
See Classbook for Tapescript
Activity 2a
Objective: • to stimulate PP ideas about the topic; to provide a reason for
Divide the BB into two parts: what PP know and what they want to know.
Ask PP to work in pairs/groups and write down their ideas for both sides of
the BB in their Ex.Bks. Then ask PP for their ideas and write them on the
appropriate part of the BB.
Activity 2b
Objectives: • to practise reading for specific information; to check the
answers to 2a
PP read the text and check their answers to 2a.
A ctivity 2c
Objective: • to practise reading for main ideas
PP read and find the answers to the questions. You could let PP work in
pairs and write down the answers to make sure that all PP are involved.
1 The modern Olympic Games take place in different countries.
2 Men and women take part in the modern Olympic Games.
3 Olympic Champions get gold, silver and bronze medals.
A ctivity 3
Objective: • to develop strategies to guess the meaning of unknown words
PP work independently using their knowledge of any languages they know
and the clues in the text to guess the meaning of these new words.
A ctivity 4a, 4b
Objectives: • to introduce the meaning of ‘be going to’
PP look at the picture, answer the questions and guess the meaning of the
new structure. Then they read and translate the dialogue in 4b. Discuss the
form of ‘be going to’ with PP.
Activity 4c
Objective: • to practise talking about future intentions using ‘be going to’
This is a normal Chain drill.
Activity 5
Objective: • to reinforce the new grammar structure
Ask PP to work in pairs and say what they want to watch at the next Olympic
Games. Then ask pairs to report to the class.
Suggestion: You could do Grammar Exercises 1 & 2 here, assign them as
homework or do them after Lesson 2.
Lesson 2 Olympic symbols
develop PP ability to work independently with the Wordlist
practise reading for specific information
develop strategies to guess the meaning of unknown words
learn about the Olympic Games
practise writing factual information
Warm up
You could revise ‘be going to’ using a chain drill. Each P quickly makes one
sentence saying what they are going to do today. You can start as an example
e.g. I’m going to give you some nice homework today.
A ctivity 1a, 1b
Objectives: • to practise using the Wordlist; to introduce and practise the
new words
PP find the meaning of the words in the Wordlist and write them in their
Ex.Bks with the translation. They listen and repeat the words after the teacher
or the tape.
1 1 See Classbook for Tapescript
A ctivity 2a
Objective: • to stimulate PP ideas about the topic
PP work in pairs looking at the pictures and answering the questions. Check
the answers by asking one P to answer and then letting others add anything
else they know. (The answers are in the text in 2b)
A ctivity 2b
Objective: • to practise reading for specific information
PP read the text and check their answers in 2a. They guess the meaning of
the new words from the context.
A ctivity 2c
Objective: • to develop strategies to guess the meaning of unknown words
PP read the text again and check their answers to 2a.
A ctivity 3
Objective: • to relate the information from the text to personal experience
PP answer the questions about the National Olympic committee of Uzbekistan.
NOTE.i The National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan was
established on January 21 1992. The President is Ruziev Sobir Sabitovich.
It is located at Almazor 15/1, Tashkent 70003. There are 13 members who
work in the office there. Across the Republic there are 111 members who
include some Sports School Directors and officials. The goals of the
Committee are to develop sporting relations with other countries, to organise
sports competitions in the Republic and generally to develop sport in
Uzbekistan. There is an Executive Committee meeting four times a year,
which is attended by the 13 m e m b e rs ^ J ^
A ctivity 4a
Objective: • to stimulate PP imagination; to prepare for the next activity
Ask PP if they think it would be good to have a mini-Olympic Games in
Uzbekistan. You could point out that it would help to find and train young
athletes in Uzbekistan so that Uzbekistan can do well in the International
Olympics in the future. Explain the games could be called T he Uzbekistan
Teenage Olympics’.
In pairs/threes, PP design a symbol for the Uzbekistan Teenage Olympics.
Draw PP attention to the example of a symbol and motto in 4b.
A ctivity 4b
Objective: • to practise presenting designs and ideas
Each pair/group presents its symbol and motto in turn. At the end praise
every design and motto and explain the class will vote for the best symbol
and motto. Hold a vote.
Lesson 3 Teenage Champions
• to
• to
• to
• to
• to
introduce and practise talking about what one has done using ‘since’
practise strategies to guess the meaning of unknown words
practise reading for gist
revise dates (years)
learn about national sports champions
Activity 1a
Objective: • to prepare for reading
PP answ er the questions. If they know more inform ation about the
Abdumavlonovs let them tell the class what they know.
Activity 1b
Objective: • to read for gist
PP read quickly, identify what the article is about, and choose an appropriate title.
Ask PP what title they chose and why.
Suggestion: If you have a strong class, encourage them to think of their own title.
Activity 1c
Objective: • to practise strategies to guess the meaning of unknown words
PP find the words in the text, guess their meaning, write them in their Ex.Bks
and then check their answers in the Wordlist. Discuss with PP if their guesses
were right, how they guessed, etc.
A ctivity 1d
Objective: • to ask and answer about sporting achievements; to revise dates
PP work in pairs asking and answering. If your class is slow, do the activity
as a class activity. If your PP are strong, you could do a couple of examples
with the class and then let PP work in closed pairs.
Language Note: Remind PP how to say the years in English: nineteenninety nine; two thousand; two thousand and one.
Language Note: The sentence ‘What competitions did the brothers take
part in in 1999?’ is correct. The verb is ‘to take part in (a competition)’ and
for dates we say ‘in 1999’. The result is ‘in in’ which is correct.
Ask PP to look at the Remember box, explain how ‘since’ is used with a
point in time (you can ask PP to look in the Grammar Reference 6), and
then do Grammar Exercise 3.
Activity 1e
Objective: • to use the language of the unit to talk about personal experience
PP answer the questions. Encourage PP to say as much as possible by
asking follow up questions e.g. Does s/he practise a lot? Does s/he go to a
lot of places for competitions? etc.
Lesson 4 Uzbekistan and the Olympics
• to practise talking about sports and athletes
• to practise listening for detailed information
• to revise and practise Wh-questions
A ctivity 1a
Objectives: • to introduce and practise the new vocabulary; to stimulate
interest in the topic
PP look at the pictures and answer the questions. Introduce the new words
and ask PP to repeat them several times.
A ctivity 1b
Objective: • to practise listening for detail
Ask pupils to copy the table into their Ex.Bks without the answers.
Play the tape of the radio programme twice. PP complete the table.
S 3 (Music to introduce the programme)
[ Hello and welcome to Sportsweek. This week we welcome all water sports
fans in particular. There are going to be fantastic water sports all week at
our wonderful new swimming pool in the city centre. You can watch waterpolo
on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Come and see strong teams, fast
players and interesting games in the pool. Teams from Germany, Russia,
China and Brazil are going to fight to find the best players in the world.
Monday and Thursday are for diving fans. You can see the best divers
from China, the USA, Australia and France.
And the most attractive sport is on Saturday'and Sunday. Don’t miss the
synchronised swimming competitions^This is one of the newest sports events. It’s
really a show not a sport! It’s a kind of water ballet - and only women compete.
If you want more information about any of these events visit the information
centre on the first floor or call 122 609 44... I look forward to seeing you
at the pool. (Music)
water polo
water polo
water polo
synchronised swimming
synchronised swimming
A ctivity 1c
Objective: • give PP freer practice in speaking about sport events
PP work in pairs and share ideas about sport events they want to visit using
‘to going to’.
A ctivity 2a
Objective: • to stimulate interest in the next activity
PP answer the questions. If they know information about Muhammadqodir
Abdullayev let them tell the class what they know.
A ctivity 2b
Objective: »to revise and practise WH-questions
PP can do this activity alone or in pairs.
Suggestion: With slower classes you could practise the questions orally first.
A ctivity 2c
Objective: • to practise talking about sports and athletes using WH-questions
PP can ask and answer about the athletes in Lessons 3-4 or about other
athletes that they know about including friends and relations.
NOTE: It would be helpful to have a world map in the next lesson.
Lesson 5 The Millennium Games
to revise the names of countries and means of transport
to practise listening for specific information
to practise reading for detail
to practise writing a short paragraph recycling a number of grammar
points: complex sentences, ‘can’ for ability, ‘be going to’
• to learn about the Australia and about the Olympics held in Australia
5 — Fly High 7
A ctivity 1
Objectives: • to prepare for the main activity; to have fun
Tell the class they are going to play Who Knows the Most? Divide the class
into two groups. The groups take turns to give one fact about the last Olympic
Games. A different member of the team must speak each time. The winners
are the group who give the last fact.
Before activity 2a, pin up a world map if you have one, and ask PP to point to
Australia, Greece and New Zealand. They can look at the countries near Australia.
A ctivity 2a
Objective: • to stimulate interest in the topic ready for listening
PP work in pairs to complete the questionnaire. If they are nalsure about an
answer, advise them to guess.
Activity 2b
Objective: • to listen for specific information
PP listen and check their answers to 2a. If necessary play the tape a second
time and stop after each answer.
Max: Welcome to Sport Today. As usual we bring you all the latest news
about the Olympics. Our first item today is from our correspondent
in Sydney. Hello, David. What’s going on. Has the Olympic torch
arrived yet?
Ian: Hello, Mike. Yes, well, I’m standing here at the Olympic stadium
and we expect to see the torch any minute now ... but while we’re
waiting I’m going to tell you a few amazing facts about the torch.
It’s quite big - 72 centimetres high and it weighs more than a kilo so
it’s not that easy to carry. The flame is a special kind and it’s safe
and friendly for the environment - and it can burn in all kinds of
The torch began its journey here from Greece in May. It passed
through Guam, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Tonga, the Cook Islands,
New Zealand and every Australian state; It went by plane, by boat,
% on skis and on m ountain bicycles, 6n foot, on a camel and
underwater! 13,000 people took part in getting the torch to Australia.
They ate 10,400 breakfasts and used 13,144 hotel beds! ... and I
th in k ... ah, yes, there it comes now. This is the most exciting moment
of the Olympic Games. The most famous Australian athlete is
running with the torch into the stadium ... yes, he’s here nowand ...
a n d ...
Show PP on the world map the route that the torch took, but you do not need
to tell them the names of all the countries.
Activity 3
Objective: • to revise the names of countries and means of transport
PP can do this activity in groups of 3/4. Let them decide on their route, etc.
and then ask groups to tell the class their route and means of transport.
A ctivity 4a
Objective: »,lo practise reading for detail
PP look at the pictures, read and answer the questions. Let PP discuss
their answers in pairs before you discuss the answers with the class.
A ctivity 4b
Objective: • to stimulate discussion and prepare for the next activities
You could let PP discuss in groups and then report to the class, or do this
as a class activity.
Suggestion: If you have a weaker class, you could do Grammar Exercise 4
which revises can.
Suggestion: If you have a strong class, you could do this extra activity.
O bjectives: • to raise PP awareness of ways of making a description
interesting through repeated use of one sound; to have fun
Explain the meaning of ‘cute’ and ‘cuddly’ - or ask PP to guess and then
check the Words in the Wordlist. Ask them what feeling they get from the
phrase ‘cute cuddly koala’. Elicit that we notice the phrase because of the
repeated sound, and that the repetition makes us feel it’s informal and fun.
Invite PP to make similar phrases and tell them to the class. Help them with
vocabulary/suggest they use the Wordlist.
A ctivity 5a, 5b
Objectives: • to practise writing a short paragraph recycling a number of
grammar points: complex sentences, ‘can’ for ability, ‘be going to’
PP work in groups of 3-4 to design and draw mascots for the Uzbekistan
Teenage Olympics and write a paragraph explaining their design. PP present
their designs and descriptions to the class.
Lesson 6 Project
revise and consolidate the material of the unit
develop PP ability to work independently and creatively
develop the skill of-working cooperatively in a group
develop critical thinking
develop evaluation skills__________________________________________
There are two possible projects in this unit. Strong PP may be able to do
both of them. They should do at least the first one. Weaker PP can do only
Project 2.
Activity 1
Objectives: • to read for gist; to formulate complex ideas
Read the beginning of the text together with your PP and elicit if they can
think of good and bad points about the Olympic Games. Then let PP begin
activity 1, reading silently and finding ideas they agree with. They can add
more ideas, if they want to.
A ctivity 2
Objective: • to give PP a chance to rehearse their ideas
PP work in pairs and share their ideas. This gives PP a chance to practise
expressing their ideas privately before expressing them to the rest of the
class. They should give reasons for their views.
A ctivity 3
Objectives: • to practise expressing views and giving reasons; to practise
seeing good and bad points in something
Listen to at least one view from every PP and keep a record of how many
views are about positive effects of the Games and how many about negative
ones. At the end summarise the discussion for PP. Encourage PP to use
the language they learned for debates
e.g. Aziza: I think the Olympics are a good thing because sport is fun.
Dilfuza: I agree with Aziza, I think that the Olympics are a good thing too. As
she says they are exciting and they help towns and cities to build new
sports centres.
A ctivity 1
Objective: • to give practice in designing a leaflet to give information about
an event
PP work in groups of 3-4. They can use some of the things they designed
during previous lessons (logo, etc.) and put the whole thing together in a
leaflet. This should not take more than half the lesson.
Activity 2
Objective: • to enable PP to see what others have been doing
Help PP display their work either on the desk tops or on the wall.
Activity 3
Objective: • to develop PP ability to evaluate their work
PP walk round and find differences, similarities and good things about each
Pronunciation 1
Pronunciation Exercise 1a
out, sound, pound, thousand, mouth, house, owl, clown, shower,
powerful, how
Pronunciation Exercise 2
counter, proud, cow, shout, bow, South, about, house, loud, our, mouse
Pronunciation Exercise 3
PP own answers.
Pronunciation 2
Pronunciation Exercise 1a
coin, noisy, point, boil, boy, toy
Pronunciation Exercise 2
poisonous, oil, toilet
Pronunciation Exercise 3
PP own answers.
Grammar Exercise 1
1 I’m going to go to the next Olympics.
2 When I’m there, i’m going to watch the kurash and the bo>*
3 They’ re going to go to the World Cup. They love football.
4 My brother and I can’t go so we’re going to watch it o n '
5 My sister is going to take part in the regional footbalj/ham pionship.
6 She’s going to play football for her school.
7 My brother and I are good at karate. We’re goinjefto teach our sister to
do karate too.
8 My father is going to help us.
Grammar Exercise 2
1 What sports are you going to learn next year?
2 What sports are you going to watch on TV at the weekend?
3 Where is your brother going to play football next weekend?
4 Who are you going to visit at the weekend?/
5 Which club are you going to join next year?
6 Where are you going to go swimming on Saturday?
7 What film are your fam ily going to watch on TV tomorrow?
8 What food is your mother going to cook tonight?
Grammar Exercise 3
PP answers will vary but the following would be an example.
1 I’ve had a headache since yesterday.
2 I’ve written six letters since last week.
3 I’ve eaten two apples and two peaches since yesterday.
4 I’ve known him since I was a child.
5 I’ve had my cat since 2001/for two years.
6 I’ve had two showers since Tuesday.
7 I’ve bought two new pens since last week.
8 This is my mascot. I’ve had him for a month.
Grammar Exercise 4
1 Can you show me your arm, please, (request)
2 Can I watch a video, please? (ask for permission)
3 I can swim 100 metres, (ability)
4 Can we make pancakes tomorrow? (ask for permission)
5 They can play badminton, (ability)
6 Can you open your books at page 65, please, (request)
7 You can go home now. You have worked well, (permission)
8 Can you write that on the blackboard, please, (request)
9 We can count to 100 in English, (ability)
10 Can we have a rest now, please? (ask for permission)
Unit 4 Homework
Lesson 1 The Origin of the Olympic Games
Write six sentences about what you are going to do before your next
English lesson.
PP own answers.
Lesson 2 Olympic Symbols
1 Write six facts about the Olympic Games.
PP answers will vary. The following facts can be helpful for you:
1 The Olympic Games have a flag and a motto.
2 Five circles in the Olympic Flag represent the five continents of Africa,
Asia, Australia, Europe and North and South America. The motto means
‘Faster, higher, stronger’.
3 The Olympic Games are held every four years.
4 The origin of the Olympic Games was in Greece.
5 Thousands of runners take part in bringing a torch from the valley of
Olympia in Greece to the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.
6 The final runner lights the new Olympic Flame and the Flame burns until
the end of the Games.
2 Check the verbs in your sentences. Make sure they are correct.
PP own answers.
Lesson 3 Teenage Champions
Write three sentences about yourself and three about your friend.
You can use the Grammar Reference to help you.
PP own answers. The answers must have Present Perfect and ‘since’.
Lesson 4 Uzbekistan and the Olympics
Write Yes/no/Wh-questions for answers.
1 Masha Bugakova. What’s your name?
2 I come from Tashkent. Where do you come from?
3 I’m a swimmer. What are you?
4 My parents are my trainers. Who are your trainers?
5 I’ve taken part in competitions in many countries: Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan,
Russia, Malaysia, Japan and France. Where have you taken part in
6 My first medal was in 1997 in Alma-Ata. I won one silver and one bronze
medal. When and where was your first medal? What medals did you win?
7 My first gold medal was two years later in France. I won three gold
medals there. When and where was your first gold medal?
8 Yes, I went to the Sydney Olympic Games. Did you go to the Sydney
Olympic Games?
9 No, I didn’t win any medals there. Did you win any medals?
10 Yes, I’m going to the next Olympics and I’m going to try to win there.
Are you going to the next Olympics? Are you going to win there?
Lesson 5 The Millennium Games
1 Find and write 16 words.
1 Olympics
5 medal
9 committee
13 motto
2 origin
6 president
10 record
14 torch
3 bronze
7 polo
11 trainer
15 festival
4 flame
8 silver
12 professional
16 karate
2 Write five things you can do.
PP own answers.
3 Write five sentences asking fo r permission.
PP own answers.
L esso n 6 P ro je ct
Prepare for the Test.
PP look through Unit 1-4.
Unit 5 Clothes
Lesson 1 National Costumes
• to talk about the national costumes of Uzbekistan and the UK
• to read for detail
• to learn about national costumes in other parts of Uzbekistan
and the UK
A ctivity 1
Objective: • to learn and practise the meaning and pronunciation of the
new words
PP listen and repeat the words after the teacher or the tape in chorus, in rows
and individually then PP take turns to mime an action e.g. wearing duppi,
chopon, etc. Other PP guess and say what s/he’s wearing.
1 1 See Classbook for Tapescript
A ctivity 2
Objective: • to talk and write about what we wear every day and on special
First PP talk about what their family wear. Help them to express themselves
correctly. Then when you have listened to half/most of the class, PP should
write about the clothes their family wear.
A ctivity 3a
Objectives: • to read for detail
PP read the letter and identify the people in the picture. Check the answers
by getting them to hold up their books and point to the right person.
A ctivity 3b
Objectives: • to talk about and compare national costumes; to practise
using Simple Present for habits.
PP compare their national costume with the national costume described in
the text. They can also say which they like best following the examples in
the book.
A ctivity 4
Objectives: • to practise using the Wordlist; to introduce and practise the
new words
PP find the meaning of the words in the Wordlist and write them in their
Ex.Bks with the translation.
A ctivity 5
Objectives: • to make notes from a text and a picture
PP copy the table. Then read the letter in 3a again, look at the picture in 4
and complete the table.
Lesson 2 What size do you take?
• to introduce words only used in the plural
• to practise talking about clothes and buying them
• to listen for gist
A ctivity 1a, 1b
Objective: • to introduce and practise the new words
PP look at the pictures, listen and repeat the new words after the teacher or the tape.
This is a normal ‘Point and say’ activity.
H See Classbook for Tapescript
A ctivity 1c
Objective: • to give further practice with the new vocabulary
This is a normal Chain drill. PP must point to something they are wearing
and name it.
A ctivity 2
Objective: • to enable PP to talk about the size of clothes.
First ask some of your PP “What size shoes do you take?” Help them to
answer: “I take size 34.” Then ask PP to repeat in chorus “What size shoes
do you take?” Then practise with the class in open pairs.
Then ask PP to stand up. Tell them they should make a line in order of their
shoe sizes. Point to one end of the classroom and tell PP the smallest size
is there. Point to the other end and tell them the biggest size is there. With
your hand show where the line will be.
They should find out what size of shoes each of them takes by asking
questions. Demonstrate:
A: What size shoes do you take?
B: A size 34.
A: I take a size 35 so you are in front of me.
PP should find and stand in the right place in the line according to the size
which they take. When they all find their place check if everyone is in the
right place by asking each P to say in a chain:
e.g. I take size 35. What size do you take?
A ctivity 3
Objectives: • to introduce words used only in the plural; to practise “be going to”
Ask PP to read the dialogue and then answer the questions which follow it.
PP translate the sentences into mother tongue and the teacher points out the
difference between these words (jeans, trousers) in English and mother tongue.
A ctivity 4a
Objective: • to prepare for listening
PP look at the pictures and answer the questions orally.
A ctivity 4b
Objective: • to practise listening for gist
PP listen to the tape and check their answers in 4a.
Sales Assistant: Good morning. Can I help you?
Malika: Good morning. How much is that pink embroidered dress? W e’d
like to see it and try on it.
SA: What size do you take?
Ma: Medium.
SA: Here you are.
Ma: ... It’s too small. Have V uj gof a bigger size?
SA: Yes, here you are.... Size 40. Is this OK?
Ma: Yes. It’s very nice. We arffooing to take it. Here’s the money.
SA: Thank you. Here’s your dres^. Good-bye.
Ma: Good-bye.
Objective: • to practise listening for detail
PP listen to the tape again and answer the questions.
Lesson 3 School Uniform
• to introduce and practise tag questions for confirmation
• to talk about uniforms
• to listen for specific and detailed information
A ctivity 1
Objectives: • to practise talking about uniforms in Uzbekistan
PP look at the pictures and talk about them using the example.
A ctivity 2a
Objectives: • to practise listening for specific information
PP listen to the tape and find which countries the PP are from and if they
wear school uniform.
1 3 | Today’s programme is about uniforms around the world. Let’s speak first
to Victoria who is from t h e ^ K ^
Hello, Victoria.
You wear a uniform in your school, d on ’t you?
Yes, we wear a uniform. I like it because it’s beautiful. Girls
wear a white blouse and a dark blue skirt or trousers. Boys
wear a white shirt and dark blue trousers.
Thank you. Now it’s Michael’s turn. He lives in the USA. Hello,
Michael: Hello.
Michael, you don’t wear a uniform in your school, do you?
Michael: No, we don’t. I think it’s OK if we wear what we want. We wear
jeans, shorts, trousers, T-shirts and shirts and the girls do
Thank you. And what can you tell us about Japanese uniform,
Junji. Do you w ear a school uniform?
Yes, we do. All schools have the same uniform. I think that
pupils must wear a uniform when they go to school. It’s nice
/•''iTpjlJoils w ear th e /sa m e uniform . Boys w ear a shirt and
\ tro u ^ a s j j i r l g ^ blouse and a skirt.
Host: \ v h a t apout schools in Uzbekistan, Dilbar?
DWbat: All^sehDols in Uzbekistan have a school uniform. Boys wear
^ '"trta e k 'o r dark blue trousers and a white shirt. Girls wear a
white blouse, and a brown or black skirt or a light blue dress
and an apron.
A ctivity 2b
Objectives: • to practise listening for detail; to practise note-taking
PP copy the table into their Ex.Bks. Then they listen to the tape again and
complete the table.
A ctivity 2c
Objective: • to compare school uniform in Uzbekistan with uniforms in other countries
Let PP work in groups of 3-4 to answer the questions. Then check the answers.
Start by asking each group about qu estion l, then question 2, etc.
A ctivity 3a
Objective: • to introduce question tags to confirm information
PP look at the sentencess from the dialogue and guess the meaning of the
questions. Help them to understand the tag questions. Explain that we use
these questions when we are almost sure about something. Draw PP attention
to the form of the questions:
positive statement + negative tag positive + short answer (=yes)
negative statement + positive tag negative + short answer (=yes)
and draw their attention to the falling intonation.
A ctivity 3b
Objective: • to reinforce the new structure and its intonation pattern
Read aloud the sentences from the dialogue with tag questions or play the
tape and PP repeat them after you or the tape.Then write the examples on
the BB and mark the intonation as in the Grammar References.
Tell PP to copy the tag questions and intonation in their Ex.Bks.
H I See Classbook for Tapescript
A ctivity 3c
Objective: • to give practice in using question tags to confirm information
Work with the class in open pairs. PP make sentences about each other
using the example. Make sure they use the correct intonation. Start with
some strong pairs first, then more on to the weaker ones.
A ctivity 3d
Objective: • to give practice in writing question tags
In their Ex.Bks PP write 5 things they think are true about their partner
using verbs from the box.
A ctivity 3e
Objective: • to give practice in answering questions with question tags
PP work in closed pairs. They swap books and write answers to their partner’s
Suggestion: If there is time, when PP have finished they could read (in
pairs) some of their questions and answers to the class.
Lesson 4 What is it made of?
• to introduce ‘made in’ and ‘made of’ to talk about clothes
• to listen for gist, detail and for note-talking
• to write about national costume PP wear
Warm up
PP tell you the statements they wrote for homework (what they think they
know about you) and you answer ‘Yes, I do’ or ‘No, I don’t’. Encourage PP to
get the intonation right in the tag question.
Activity 1a
Objective: • to introduce and practise the pronunciation of the new vocabulary
PP find the words in the Wordlist, write them, and then repeat the words
after the teacher.
Activity 1b
Objective: • to reinforce the new vocabulary
Ask PP to find the labels on their clothes, or, if they haven’t got labels to
guess what their clothes are made of. Then have a normal Chain drill. PP
should show the clothes they mention.
Activity 2a
Objective: • to introduce ‘made of’ and ‘made in’
PP look at the pictures and answer the questions. Help them to say the
structures and understand the meaning of them.
A ctivity 2b
Objective: • to practise using ‘made o f and ‘made in’
This is a normal Chain drill. PP can answer about the clothes they are wearing.
Activity 3a
Objective: • to prepare for listening
PP look at the picture and answer the questions.
A c tiv ity
Objective: • to listen for gist
PP listen and check their answers to 3a.
Sales Assistant: Hello, can I help you?
Anvar: Yes, I want to buy a present for my friend’s birthday.
Well, ... we have nice T-shirts at the moment. A T-shirt’s a good
present for your friend. They’re fashionable.
Anvar: Can I see one? M m ...It’s 50% cotton and 50% silk, isn’t it?
Yes, it is. Do you know where it’s made?
Anvar: No, I don’t
E r ... ah ..It's made in Uzbekistan. What colour and size do you
Anvar: Blue. Size 36.
Size 36 in blue ... let me see ... yes, here you are.
Anvar: Oh yes, that’s very nice. I’m going to take it.
A ctivity 3c
Objective: • to practise listening for detail and note-taking
PP listen and complete the notes in their exercise books.
Suggestion: For faster classes PP: you can ask them to report what Anvar
bought using the Simple Past Tense.
A ctivity 4
Objective: • to write about national costume PP wear
Do the activity orally with one or two strong PP first. Then let PP write about
themselves. Wearker PP could work in pairs as this helps them to produce
a better text.
NOTE: We have included some exersices on relative pronouns and defining
relative clauses in the grammar section of this unit. This grammar has recently
been added to the State Standards for class 7. You may want to use the
material as a separate lesson on its own, or do some of the activities during
this unit and some later in the year.
Lesson 5 We think th a t...
• to enable PP to talk about uniforms (using the language studied in the
previous lessons)
• to introduce and practise complex sentences ‘I believe that’
• to read for gist and main points and to practise inferring
A ctivity 1a
Objective: • to practise writing a description of what someone is wearing
Tell the PP to write a short text about the clothes they are wearing today.
When they have finished, collect their Ex.Bks.
A ctivity 1b
Objective: • to practise listening to descriptions and describing clothes
T says e.g. ‘a blue cardigan’. PP look round, find who is wearing a blue
cardigan and put their hands up to answer. PP must answer in full sentences.
The P who answers, say the next description.
A ctivity 2a
Objective: • to practise comparing clothes
PP look at the children in the picture and compare what they are wearing.
A ctivity 2b
Objective: • to practise reading for gist
PP read the letters and answer the question. The texts are quite long but PP
do not need to read them in detail before they can answer the question.
Suggestion. If you have a slower class, you could let PP discuss the reading
in pairs/groups before you discuss the answers to the question with the class.
Activity 2c
Objectives: • to practise reading for main points; to practise writing formal
letters giving an opinion
PP work in groups of three or four. You can let PP choose groups according
to which letter they agree with, or you can assign them to groups. (If you
have a big class you will have several group As, and several group Bs.) PP
read the letters again and, in their role as school director, they write a reply.
They should use the same layout for their letters as in 2b. Remind PP that
they should look at both letters to find reasons for their reply.
A ctivity 2d
Objective: • to develop evaluation skills
Display the letters around the room (or put them on the desks). Ask PP in
their groups to go round and read the letters (if you have a big class you
could organise it so that groups go round clockwise and only move to the
next part of the room/desk when you give the order.) They should note:
• which letter they like best and why (neat, polite, accepts PP ideas, answers
all the points in the original letter, does not include unnecessary information)
• one good thing about each letter
When PP have finished reading, hold a brief feedback session. To keep the feedback
lively, ask each groups to say what they liked about the first letter, then about the
second letter, etc. At the end let them say which letter they liked best and why.
NOTE: If you decide to do Project 1, remind PP to bring magazines, crayons,
glue, scissors, etc. for the next lesson. You may even want to get PP started
on the project as part of their homework.
Lesson 6 Project
• to consolidate the material of the unit
• to give PP an opportunity to work creatively and cooperatively
Warm up
Check if PP found all the words in the homework wordsquare.
Across: polyester, jeans, wash,trousers, skirt, cotton
Down: sweater, jacket, leather, fur, sew , silk, shorts
Diagonal: cardigan, blouse
There are two projects. Choose one of them (or let your PP choose). If your
class is average or slow, you may prefer the first option.
Project 1
A ctivity 1,2,3
Go through the steps with the class and make sure that they understand
what to do. Set a time limit for them to finish making their posters and begin
their presentations. At least half of the lesson should be spent on the
presentations. Divide the class into groups of three or four.
Go round and help groups and remind them of the time.
A ctivity 4
Let groups give their presentations one after another. If possible, let the
posters stay on the wall until all groups have presented. Make sure there is
time for everybody and some time left at the end of the lesson for PP to give
feedback. When the presentations have finished ask each group to say which
uniforms they like and why.
Project 2
See Unit 3 Lesson 6 for the procedure.
Pronunciation 1
Pronunciation Exercise 1a
think, three, thunderstorm, thank, nothing, mathematics, month, south
Pronunciation Exercise 2
thick, Thursday, thing, thermometer, north
Pronunciation Exercise 3
PP own answers.
Pronunciation 2
Pronunciation Exercise 1a
that, there, their, the, weather, father, mother
Pronunciation Exercise 2
brother, them, these, together, then, those
Pronunciation Exercise 3
PP own answers.
Grammar Exercise 1
1 Dilbar likes films, doesn’t she?
2 They play tennis, don’t they?
3 He doesn’t speak French, does he?
4 She works very hard, doesn’t she?
5 You don’t like swimming, do you?
Grammar Exercise 2
a) Uzbek: Odamlaruchun forma shaklini tuzing. (Qaysi odamlar uchun?)
Olimpiada 0 ‘yinlarida ishlaydigan odamlar.
Russian: Cnejiaft nH3aHn (J)0p\ieHH0H o a e w iw dm .vodeu. (K aioix jnoaen?)
JlioaeH, Komopue pa6oTaioT Ha O jihm iihhckhx Hrpax.
b) Uzbek: Men kitobni o‘q\shri\ istayman.(Qaysi kitobni?)
Siz kecha menga bergan kitobni.
H xony npouHiaTb muey. (KaKyio KHury?)
Komopyw Tbi aaji MHe Bnepa.
K H H ry ,
c) Uzbek: Televizion dasturlaryo'q. (Qanday dasturlar?)
Ayollar sportini ko'rsatadigjan televizion dasturlar.
Russian: HeT mejieeinuoHHbix npoepaMM. (KaKMX nporpaMM?)
TejienporpaMM, ede noKa3aHbi >Kenm HHbi 3aHMMafOiuMCCH cnopTOM.
d) Uzbek: Vaqtim yo‘q. (Qanday vaqt?) Bo'sh bo'ladiganvaqtim.
Russian: HeT epeMenu!
(Kajcoro BpeMeHH?) BpeMeHH, Kozda h CBo6oaen.
1 Design a uniform for the people who work at the Olympic Games.
2 I’d like to thank the people who came to our kurash games.
3 The people who live in Karakalpakstan speak Karakalpak.
4 I like people who are friendly and kind.
5 Amateurs are people who do sports for fun, not for money.
PP answers will vary but their answers must be made of complex clauses
including ‘who’.
Grammar Exercise 3
1 This is the gold medal that/which Muhammadqodir won in 1995.
2 I want to see the cup that/which you won on Saturday.
3 I like the uniform that/which they wear in Japan.
4 This is the prize that/which I got for my soft toys.
PP answers will vary but their answers must be made of complex clauses
including ‘which or that’.
PP must omit ‘which or that’ from their answers for Exercise 2.
Grammar Exercise 4
1 This is the village where there are dinosaur footprints.
2 Show me the place where it hurts.
3 This is the sports centre where the Teenage Olympics are going to be.
4 This is the car park where you can leave your car.
Grammar Exercise 5
1 Autumn is the time when we pick cotton.
2 Monday is the day when we do the washing.
PP answers will vary but their answers must be made of complex clauses
including ‘when’.
Lesson 1 National costumes
1 Write the words.
1 apron 2 skirt 3 kavush 4 chopon 5 shawl
2 Write a letter to Lucy about the national costumes in your place.
PP own answers.
Lesson 2 What size do you take?
1 Read and fill in the gaps with the words from the cloud.
Assistant:Good morning. Can I help you?
Malika: Good morning. How much (5 words) is that pink embroidered
dress? W e’d like to see it and try it on.
Assistant: What size (3 words) do you take?
Assistant: Here you are.
It’s too small. Have you got a bigger (1 word) size?
6 — Fly High 7
Assistant: Here you are. Size 40. Is it OK?
Malika: Yes. It’s very nice. We are going to take it. Here’s (2 words) the money.
Assistant: Thank you. Goodbye.
Malika: (1 word) Goodbye.
2 Write your own dialogue like the one above.
PP own answers.
Lesson 3 School uniform
1 Copy and complete the sentences with the correct tag questions. Use:
don’t you, do they, don’t they, do they, don’t they, don’t you.
e.g. Karakalpak people don’t wear Uzbek national costume, do they?
1 You wear a school uniform, don’t you?
2 American pupils don’t wear a school uniform, do they?
3 Your family wear national costume on special days, don’t they?
4 In Japan all pupils wear the same school uniform, don’t they?
5 You like to wear a school uniform, don’t you?
2 Write two things you think are true about your teacher. Use verbs
from the cloud.
PP own answers.
Lesson 4 What’s it made of?
1 Finish A ctivity 4 in the Class Book.
PP own answers.
2 Write questions to ask your friend. You are not sure, so you must
write a question tag.
PP own answers.
Lesson 5 We think th a t...
1 Find 14 words and write them.
1 polyester
6 cotton
2 jeans
7 sweater
12 silk
3 wash
4 trousers
5 skirt
8 jacket
9 leather
10 fur
13 shorts
2 Write the sentences.
1 I think that her dress is pretty.
2 He believes that uniforms are a good thing.
3 Do you think those trousers are expensive?
4 I know pupils in the UK wear a uniform.
5 She agrees the trousers are cheap.
6 My parents agree I can buy a new schoolbag.
Lesson 6 Project
Prepare for the Progress Check.
PP look through this unit.
Unit 6 Shopping and customers’ rights
Lesson 1 Shopping centres
to enable pupils to talk about shopping centres and buying things
to present and practise n + n combinations
to practise working with an extract from a dictionary
to raise awareness of the kind of information that can be found in a
dictionary of language and culture
A ctivity 1a
Objective: »to establish the meaning of new phrases and revise known vocabulary
Ask PP to make phrases with the word ‘shop’ using the small pictures.
A ctivity 1b
Objective: • to teach PP how to use the phrases in sentences
Ask PP to say which shops they can see in the picture. Help them to
pronounce the new phrases correctly.
A ctivity 1c
Objective: • to practise using the new phrases in sentences
This is a normal Chain drill activity. In pairs PP make questions and ask
their partners to answer them.
A ctivity 2a
Objectives: • to read for gist; to raise awareness of layout, font, etc. as
integral features of particular text types
Ask PP to look at the pictures and answer the question.
Language and culture note:
This text is from the Longman Dictionary of Language and Culture. Ask
PP if they know what they can find in a normal dictionary (translation,
part of speech, example, phonemic transcription). Explain that there are
also dictionaries whk:h give extra information about culture (the habits in
a country). They are extremely helpful as PP will see in 2b.
A ctivity 2b
Objective: • to read for detail
Tell PP to read the text silently and tell you the differences between corner
shop and other shops.
Activity 2c
Objective: • to raise PP awareness of different cultures
Ask PP to answer the questions. Draw your pupils’ attention to the differences
of the corner shops.
Activity 3
Objective: • to read for gist
In groups of 3 PP read the conversation and then answer the question.
Activity 4a, 4b
Objective: • to give an opportunity for PP to work creatively
In groups of 3 PP make their own corner shop. They role play. One is a
Sales Assistant and the others are Customers. They practise buying/selling
things. They use the phrases in the cloud to help them.
Lesson 2 Bargain for the best price
enable PP to bargain and to talk about shopping habits
talk about the size of clothes using ‘it fits/doesn’t fit me’
practise listening for specific information and detail
read for detail
Warm up
A P says the name of something e.g. a book, another P says the name of
the shop where you can buy it e.g. book shop. This game should be played
very fast and only for one minute.
A ctivity 1a
Objective: • to introduce and practise the new expressions
Say the words and phrases from Lesson 1, Homework, Activity 2. Your PP
repeat after you or the tape in chorus, then in rows and/or individually.
I lS e e Classbook for Tapescript
A ctivity 1b
Objective: • to teach PP how to guess the meaning of the new phrases
with the help of pictures and sentences
Draw your PP attention to ‘ ‘This ... fits ’ which is used when we speak
about countable nouns in the singular and and These ... f it ’ which is used
when we speak about countable nouns in the plural.
A ctivity 1c
Objective: • to practise using new the words and phrases in sentences
This is a normal Chain drill activity.
Suggestion: You could do a Grammar Exercise 1 here to give more practise
with the structure ‘It’s too ...'.
A ctivity 2a
Objective: • to practise listening for specific information
PP listen to the conversation and answer the questions.
Sales Assistant: Can I help you?
Customer: Yes, I want to buy a pair of shoes. Have you got these shoes
in size 8, please?
SA: Let me see. Yes, here you are. Do you want to try them on?
Yes, please.
SA: Are they all right?
Yes, they fit very well. I’d like to take them.
Key: 1 He wants to buy a pair of shoes. 2 Yes, he does.
A ctivity 2b
Objective: • to practise reading for detail
Before PP start reading the conversation, draw their attention to the end
and explain that they must finish the conversation themselves.
A ctivity 3
Objective: • to give an opportunity for the PP to work creatively.
In pairs PP make their own dialogues. They make dialogues according to
the example.
Suggestion: You could do Grammar Exercises 3a & 3b here. They focus on
the use of ‘one, ones’ to avoid repetition of the noun. Exercise 3c could be
done at home by faster PP instead of/in addition to the homework on the
homework page.
A ctivity 4a
Objectives: • to practise talking about shopping; to prepare for listening
PP read and answer the questions. Their answers may vary.
A ctivity 4b
Objective: • to practise listening for detail
PP listen to the tape and answer the questions.
James: W illiam , Patti, can you w ait for me. I want to go into this
supermarket and get a new pen. Mine’s run out.
Oh .. I’m coming with you. I need a new exercise book.
William: Well, I might as well come too then. While you are getting your
things I can buy some chocolate.
William: Mmm... that’s better. Lovely chocolate.
Yeah, it’s great. Oh, can you wait a minute. I want to get a new
iron. This electrical shop should have one.
James: OK, Patti, but don’t be too long. ‘Neighbours’ is on TV in 10 minutes
and we want to get home in time to see it.
OK, OK. I can shop quickly, you know!
1 supermarket, electrical shop
2 pen, exercise book, chocolate, iron
3 three: two boys and a girl
A ctivity 4c
Objective: • to practise talking about PP own shopping experiences
PP work in pairs, they discuss the questions and then answer them.
Lesson 3 Customers’ rights
practise talking about customers’ rights and giving advice
practise listening for specific and detailed information
practise reading for gist
learn about customers1 rights
A ctivity 1a
Objective: • to practise talking about customers’ rights
PP read the sentences aloud and say if they are True or False.
A ctivity 1b, 1c, 1d
Objective: • to listen for specific and detailed information
Ask PP to listen to the tape and answer the questions in 1 b. Play the first
part of the tape, ask PP about their answers, play the tape once more and
stop after each answer on the tape so that any PP who got the answer
wrong can hear the correct answer.
Then PP look at the questions in 1c and you play part 2. Repeat the procedure
as for part 1.
Draw PP attention to the phrases from the phone call which are in the
Remember box which will help them answer question 3.
Then ask PP find their answers to 1a, listen to part 3 and check if they were
right. Repeat the procedure you used in 1b.
Tapescript (part 1)
(Ring ring ... ring ring ... ring ring ...)
Mr Smith:
Hello. Shoppers’ Rights Officer. How can I help you?
Mr Whitfield: Hello. This is Mr Whitfield speaking. I bought a cassette
recorder last week but it doesn’t work and ... well... and I
would like some information about what I can do.
Mr Smith:
I see. Where did you buy the cassette recorder?
Mr Whitfield: At Brown's in the High Street.
Mr Smith:
I see. And have you told them about the problem?
Mr Whitfield: Yes, I have. But they say that there is nothing they can do.
Mr Smith:
Oh dear...
Tapescript (part 2)
Mr Smith:
(fades in) Oh dear ... that just isn’t true. Now ... e r .. Can
you tell me when you bought the cassette recorder?
Mr Whitfield: Yes, last Wednesday it was ... let me see... the twenty-fifth
of November.
Mr Smith:
Uh huh. OK ... And have you still got the receipt?
Mr Whitfield: Yes, I have.
Mr Smith:
Good. And what is the problem with the cassette recorder?
Mr Whitfield: It doesn’t play cassettes. When I put a cassette in, the cassette
goes round but there is no sound. I’ve tried with several
cassettes... b u t.. it’s no good. It doesn’t work. I took it back to
Brown’s and it didn’t work there either... (fades away)
Tapescript (part 3)
Mr Whitfield: But .. it’s no good. It just doesn’t work. I took it back to
Brown’s and it didn’t work there either... (fades away)
Mr Smith:
OK. No, where’s what you can do. You can go back to Brown’s
again and tell them that you have spoken to me. Tell them I have
told you your rights and you want them to help you. You can
choose. You can ask them to give you another cassette recorder
or repair the cassette recorder you bought. But if you want your
money back they must give it back to you. That’s because things
you buy must work. Your cassette recorder does not.
Mr Whitfield: Thank you very much for your help.
Mr Smith:
You’re welcome. Good luck. Oh, and one thing ... make
sure you get the name of the person you speak to. If you
have any more problems, please let me know. My name’s
Mr Smith and I’ll be pleased to help.
Mr Whitfield: Goodbye.
Mr Smith:
A ctivity 2
Objective: • to talk about customers’ problems in Uzbekistan
PP read and answer the questions. Tell them when to use ‘bad’.
3 | | Language Note: Food which is not ‘good’ is ‘bad’.
A ctivity 3a
Objective: • to read for gist
PP read the letter silently and then answer the questions.
A ctivity 3b
Objective: • to give advice about customers’ rights
In pairs/groups, PP say what advice they can give John Priddy.
Lesson 4 Buy mine. It’s the best.
• to raise pupils’ awareness and understanding of adverts
• to practise talking about and writing adverts using the superlative and
adverbial phrases of place/time in end position______________________
A ctivity 1
Objective: • to introduce and practise the new vocabulary
Help PP with the meaning of the new words. Then say the words and ask PP
to repeat after you or the tape in chorus, row by row, and individually. Draw
attention to the stress on: ad advert advertisement advertiser
1 1 See Classbook for Tapescript
Activity 2a
Objective: • to practise talking about adverts
Ask PP to look at the advert, read and answer the questions.
A ctivity 2b
Objective: • to identify the parts of an advertising text
This is a normal matching activity.
Suggestion: Before moving on to activity 3 you could do the Word Building
Exercise. It helps PP make the kind of word combinations often used in
advertising. Stronger PP will be able to make many more combinations e.g.
with ‘cream’ - face cream, ice cream, orange cream biscuit, etc.
A ctivity 3
O bjectives: • to practise giving information about products using the
superlative; to practise adverbial time/place phrases in end
PP make sentences about products using the substitution table. Draw their
attention to the position of the time/place adverbial phrases.
A ctivity 4a, 4b
Objectives: • to give an opportunity for PP to work creatively; to practise
designing and writing an advert
Make groups of 3-4. Ask them to make an advert. Tell them that the name
should be memorable, the logo should be simple and memorable too, the
picture should be glamorous so that it makes us feel that if we buy the
product we will be smart/beautiful/successful, the text should be simple
and memorable, if possible a slogan.
Then ask them to display the advert and give a short presentation.
Suggestion: You could ask PP to do Grammar Exercise 2 here, at the
beginning of the next lesson, or for homework. It gives more practice in the
structures and topics of this lesson.
Lesson 5 Advertising
• to enable PP to talk about advertising and its role in society
• to practise reading for gist, main ideas and making notes
• to raise awareness of strategies for inferring the meaning of unknown words
• to identify the role of sentences in a text
• to identify the writer’s opinion in a text
Activity 1a
Objective: • to raise awareness of the role of visual information in a text
PP should look at the advert quickly and then answer the question.
A ctivity 1b
Objective: • to read quickly for gist
Ask PP to read the text carefully and check their answer in 1a. Draw their
attention to the importance of visual information as part of a text, particularly
in advertising.
A ctivity 1c
Objective: • to respond to the text
PP answer the questions. They could do this work in groups.
A ctivity 2a
Objective: • to practise reading quickly to identify the parts of a text
PP read and do the matching.
Key: 1b 2a 3d 4c
A ctivity 2b
Objective: • to raise PP awareness of strategies for inferring the meaning
of unknown words
PP do the activity. Then you can check it like this.
First ask your PP to say the translation of the words. Then in their mother
tongue PP should tell you how they guessed. Help them to realise that they
can often guess correctly without the help of the Wordlist or a dictionary if
they pay attention to the context and what they already know, other forms of
a word, words that are similar in mother tongue and in English, etc.
A ctivity 2c
Objective: • to practise reading for main ideas and making notes
PP copy the diagram, re-read the text and complete the notes. They can do
this work in pairs.
A ctivity 2d
Objective: • to identify the role of sentences in a text
PP say which sentences they found the information in, which sentences are
just examples and which sentences they need for a summary. This is a first
step in writing a summary.
A ctivity 2e
Objective: • to identify the writer’s opinion in a text
PP should read the sentences aloud and say whether they are True or False or
Don’t know and give their reasons based on sentences from the text.
Lesson 6 Project
revise and consolidate the material of the unit
develop PP ability to work independently
develop the skill of working cooperatively in a group
develop critical thinking
write a formal letter with correct layout, greeting and closing
A ctivity 1a
Objective: • to raise awareness of the structure and layout of formal letters
In groups PP should read the letter silently and answer the questions.
A ctivity 1b
Objective: • to process the information in the letter and to help PP to express
their own opinions with reasons for them
Divide PP into groups of 3-4. Some groups are For and some Against
advertising. In their groups PP discuss and answer the questions, give their
opinions and say why. Explain that the group should not have a reporter,
everyone in the group should say something during the report.
When PP are ready, let the groups give their opinions.
A ctivity 1c
Objective: • to give practice in writing formal letters
Tell PP to write a short letter to the senior citizens of the maxalla. For
weaker PP the letter may look like this:
Dear Senior Citizens o f th e mahalla
Thank you f o r your idea about th e advertising hoardings. W e are
going to th in k about your advice and t r y to fin d a good solution.
Yours sincerely
The Leader o f th e Mahalla Committee
Language and culture note: In British English if you write the name or
title of a person at the beginning of a letter, you close with ‘Yours
sincerely’. If you write ‘Dear Sir’ or ‘Dear Madam’ you close with ‘Your
American English uses ‘Yours truly’ for all.
Pronunciation 1
Pronunciation Exercise 1a
shark, mushroom, brush, dictation, information, musician, special,
delicious, ocean, Asian, possession, profession, sure
Pronunciation Exercise 2
British, invitation, cushion, goldfish, Spanish, nation, station, flash,
radish, dish, pollution, mathematician
Pronunciation Exercise 3
PP own answers.
Pronunciation 2
Pronunciation Exercise 1a
chain, kitchen, match, chalk, lunch, literature, temperature, picture
Pronunciation Exercise 2
chess, peach, culture, catch, creature, children, pinch-punch, vulture,
chicken, channel
Pronunciation Exercise 3
PP own answers.
Grammar Exercise 1
1 It’s too big to carry. I can’t carry it.
2 It’s too difficult to read. I can’t read it.
3 It’s too much to eat. I can’t eat it.
4 This homework is too difficult to do. I can’t do it.
5 This book is too long to finish. I can’t finish it.
6 It’s too windy to play badminton. I can’t play it.
7 I’m too tired to work. I can’t work.
8 This ice-cream is too cold to eat. I can’t eat it.
Grammar Exercise 2
1 They’re the best mobile phones in Uzbekistan, aren’t they?
2 It’s the most exciting film ever, isn’t it?
3 It’s the tastiest palov in Samarkand, isn’t it?
4 Oleg Ogorodov is a very famous tennis star, isn’t he?
5 The Abdumavlonov brothers are karate champions, aren’t they?
6 Tashkent is the biggest city in Central Asia, isn’t it?
7 These chocolates are delicious, aren’t they?
Grammar Exercise 3a
PP must say that ‘one’ is used in place of ‘shirt’ and ‘ones’ to mean ‘shirts’.
Grammar Exercise 3b
A: Can I help you?
C: Yes, I want some new shoes. I want black ones.
A: What size are you?
C: A 36.
A: OK. We have these ones or these ones.
C: Can I try those ones on, please?
A: How are they?
C: They’re too big. Have you got any smaller ones?
A: What about these ones?
C: Oh yes, they fit me.
Grammar Exercise 3c
PP own answers but they must use ‘one’ and ‘ones’ in the dialogue.
Word Building Exercise
PP answers will vary because every word in the first column can make a
new word with the words in the second column. The following eight new
words can be used as examples.
chocolate cake
orange drink
lemon vanilla
fruit vanilla
chocolate ice-cream
fruit ice-cream
orange vanilla
fruit cake
Lesson 1 Shopping centres
1 Look at A ctivity 1a and write where we can buy these things.
buy a dress in the clothes shop.
buy biscuits in the food shop.
buy chocolate in the food shop too.
buy tablets in the chemist’s.
buy flowers in the flower shop.
buy cameras in the electrical shop.
buy bags in the clothes shop.
buy a doll for your sister in the toys shop.
buy ‘Fly High 8’ in the bookshop.
buy a cassette player in the electrical shop.
2 Find in the W ordlist and write the translation.
1 U sizga yarashdi.
2 Oxirgi narxingizqanday?
3 Qancha tolamoqchisiz?
4 Arzonroq qilasizmi?
5 Yo‘q, bu juda qimmat.
6 sarflamoq
7 almashtirmoq
3 to
no^xo^HT Te6e.
2 KaKOBa Barna OKOHMaTe;ibHaH ueHa?
XOTHTe 3aiUiaTHTb?
5 HeT,
4 M o *eT e ycTynHTb?
Lesson 2 Bargain for the best price
1 Write the dialogue in order.
1 Can I help you ?
8 I’m going to buy a sweater.
7 Would you like this sweater?
2 Yes, I like it. I’ll take it. How much is it?
5 That’s 8000 soums.
3 Here you are.
6 Thanks. Goodbye.
4 Goodbye.
3 to cjim uikom m h o to .
6 noiparaTb
2 Look at the pictures and write sentences. Use the words in the cloud.
1 It’s too big. It doesn’t fit her. She’s not going to buy it.
2 It fits her. It looks nice. She’s going to buy it.
3 It’s too short. It doesn’t fit him. He’s not going to buy it.
4 It’s too small. It doesn’t fit him. He’s not going to buy it.
Lesson 3 Customers’ rights
1 Write the dialogue in order.
C: Good morning.
A: Good morning. Can I help you?
C: Yes. I have a problem with this cassette recorder.
A: Oh dear. What’s the matter?
C: The sound doesn’t work.
A: Let me t r y .....Oh yes, you’re right.
C: What are you going to do?
A: Well, I can give you a new one ... or give you your money back.
C: I’d like a new one, please.
A: OK. Here you are. I’m sorry about the problem. Here’s a free cassette to
go with the cassette recorder.
C: Thank you. Goodbye.
A: Goodbye, Sir.
Lesson 4 Buy mine. It’s the best.
1 Write the words in the right column.
NOTE: Warn pupils there are three items that don’t belong in any of the cat­
egories so they should think very carefully. They are: envelopes, writing paper
and glue.
Electrical things
iron, a television,
apples, peaches
Lesson 5 Advertising
1 Find three adverts and bring them to class.
PP own answers.
Lesson 6 Project
Prepare for the Progress Check.
PP look through this unit.
Unit 7 Leisure
Lesson 1 My favourite hobby is ...
• to practise talking about leisure activities
• to practise listening for specific information
• to practise reading information in tables
• to practise talking about most popular and least popular activities using
the superlative
A ctivity 1
Objectives: • to revise vocabulary from the 5th form; to introduce and
practise some new words
PP look at the labels and guess the meaning of the new words. Teach the
pronunciation of the new words. Ask PP to say the meaning of the words in
their mother tongue. Then ask them to make sentences using a verb and
appropriate noun as in the example: I like playing the dutar, etc.
A ctivity 2
Objective: • to practise listening for specific information
PP copy the numbers 1-3 in their Ex.Bks. PP look at the photo of Nodira
and her coins and read the 3 questions and write the answers. Ask th^m
who they can see, what Nodira is holding. ThefvPPIisTerTtolhetape and
check their guesses. Then ask them what they think are the most popular
leisure activities in Uzbekistan for boys and girls. Then they can try to guess
the most popular ones in Britain too.
Interviewer: Nodira, What’s your hobby?
I collect coins you know, coins from different countries.
I: Mmm... you collect coins. And how many have you got?
N: About two hundred, yes, two hundred I think.
I: Where do you find them?
N: Well, my father goes to different countries for his work, you know. He
gives me them. And when we go on holiday to other countries I always
get some coins.
I: Where do you keep your coins?
N: In beautiful albums. Would you like to see them?
I: Wow! They’re beautiful. You’ve got a lot, haven’t you? And which are
your favourite coins?
N: Er... I think the English coins are, yes, the English ones especially the
one with seven sides ... the 20 pence coin.
I: Have your friends got coins?
N: No, they don’t collect coins, they collect other things.
I: Thank you, Nodira.
Key: 1b 2b 3c
A ctivity 3
Objectives: • to practise reading information in tables; to practise talking
about most popular and least popular activities using the
Ask PP to read the table and complete the sentences in their Ex.Bks.
A ctivity 4
Objective: • to practise asking and answering about leisure activities in
Britain and Uzbekistan
Divide PP into groups.
PP ask and answer about their favourite activities. They should make a note
of the most popular five activities in their group. When groups are ready ask
each group to report and keep a note on the BB of the most popular activities
in the class.
PP need this information to do their homework.
Lesson 2 He likes carving
extend PP ability to talk about leisure activities
practise reading for gist
revise and practise ‘going to’ for intention
listen for specific information
A ctivity 1a
Objective: • to introduce and practise topic vocabulary
Explain the meaning of the words (using the pictures where possible). Say
the words or play the tape and ask PP to repeat after you or the tape in
chorus, in rows and individually. Then let PP do Point and say in pairs.
1 1 See Classbook for Tapescript
A ctivity 2
Objective: • to practise reading for gist
Tell PP to look at the pictures. Ask them to say who the people are and what
each of them is doing (in mother tongue). Then tell them to read each text
silently and match it with the appropriate person/picture in their Ex.Bks.
Key: 1 Munira 2 Adelya 3 Rustam
A ctivity 3
Objective: • to check understanding
4 Masha
5 Aziz
6 Viktor
PP check their answers in pairs, using the dialogues as a model. After
some time elicit answers by asking PP the questions.
A ctivity 4
Objective: • to practise listening for specific information
Explain that PP are going to listen to some British children being interviewed
about their hobbies. Write the table on the BB (without the ticks!) and ask
PP to copy it. (Or, if you think this will be too long, you draw it on the BB and
let PP just note down the name of the child and the letter of his/her hobbies
in their Ex.Bks)
PP listen and tick the appropriate hobbies for each person. Play the tape.
Play the tape again and stop after each text and elicit/check the answers.
origami collect read
coins comics photos flowers
poems computer
Tim othy
Anna, have you got any hobbies?
I like doing origami.
Oh, right. Okay. Origami. What about collecting things?
I’ve got a lot of coins.
I see. Okay. Er... Have you got a camera?
Well, it’s the family camera. S o ...
I see.
It’s not mine.
Not yours.
All right.
Right, Richard. Have you got any hobbies?
Yes, I have.
That’s good. What are they?
Reading comics and collecting.
What do you collect?
Er... just postcards.
Oh, right. Okay. Have you got a camera?
Yes, I have.
And do you take photos?
Mmm... Sometimes. And I love computer games.
I: Kate, have you got any hobbies?
K: Yes.
!: I see. And what are they?
K: I grow flowers and sew toys.
I: You grow flowers and sew toys. Is that one of your toys? It’s beautiful.
Do you collect anything?
K: No.
I: Okay. Er... Do you play any musical instrument?
K: Yes, I play the piano.
I: I see. Okay. Thank you.
I: Timothy, um ... have you got any hobbies?
T: Yes. Um ... I love writing poems and playing computer games and
reading comics, of course.
I: I see. Okay. Do you play a musical instrument?
T: No.
I: And do you collect anything?
T: No._______________________________________________________________
Activity 5
Objective: • to practise talking about hobbies and revise “be going to” for intention
Let PP do the Chain drill. Then ask them to translate the sentence they said.
Draw their attention to the meaning of “be going to” , that is for an intention at
the moment.
Lesson 3 Popular TV programmes
• to introduce and practise ‘will’ for decisions made just now in affirmative
sentences and Wh-questions
• to practise reading for detail
Activity 1
Objective: • to revise the material from the 5th form and prepare for the
next activity
Divide the PP into pairs. They take turns to ask and answer the questions
about television viewing habits.
Activity 2
Objective: • to practise reading for detail
Divide the PP into groups. They should read, say what they like, and find
which programmes are popular in their groups. A representative from each
group tells the class about what the group likes.
A ctivity 3
Objective: • to introduce and practise ‘will’ for decisions made just now in
affirmative sentences and Wh-questions
Explain the problem to PP and ask them to decide what they will do instead
7 — Fly High 7
of watching TV. Draw PP attention to the Remember box. Introduce the
structure in the situation that mother explains. Tell PP that ‘be going to ’ is for
an intention we made some time ago but when we make a decision just now
we use ‘w ill’. ‘Will’ means we are certain we will do the action, ‘be going to’
means it is an intention. Then explain the form to PP.
Then have an ordinary Chain drill, using the programmes in the TV guide.
Language Note:
In modern English ‘will’ is used for all persons of the verb. ‘Shall’ is not
used with future tense meaning.
A ctivity 4,5
Objective: • to reinforce the new structure
PP do further, more independent practice in groups.
S uggestio n: The homework is practice in reading. If you feel your PP need
more practice with the new structure you could do Grammar Exercise 1 (will)
and G rammar Exercise 3 (Wh-questions and will) or assign them for homework.
Lesson 4 Watching TV - is it good?
• to practise talking about advantages and disadvantages of television
• to practise listening for detail
• to practise reading for specific information and for detail___________
Activity 1
Objective: • to practise listening for detail
Tell PP to keep their books closed. Tell them they are going to listen to some
teenagers in Uzbekistan talking about TV and what they think about it. Write
the table on the BB and ask PP to copy (or use the technique explained in
Lesson 2 Activity 4. While listening PP tick the appropriate column.
Sports Music Nature Cartoons Films News Quiz Ads Education
Play the tape. Elicit answers. What do Aziz, Go'zal and Masha like watch­
ing? Don’t tell PP if their answers are right.
1 1 See Classbook for Tapescript
Activity 2
Objective: • to practise reading for specific information
PP open their books and read the interviews. Check how PP did and deal
with any difficult vocabulary. PP can work in pairs to do Activity 3.
Activity 3
Objective: to read for detail
PP copy the diagram into their Ex.Bks. Then they read the dialogues again
and write the advantages and disadvantages of television. They can add
some more from their own experience.
Activity 4
Objective: • to practise talking about advantages and disadvantages of television
Explain that the class is going to debate ‘TV is waste of time. Teenagers
should not watch TV’. Divide the class into 2 groups, one for and one against
the motion. Choose 1 pupil to be the Chairman. Ask the Chairman to begin
the debate by reading from the paper you have given him/her. Do not interrupt
the debate, make notes. You will need them for feedback. Revise how to give
an opinion and if necessary write the phrases on the BB. e.g. I think... Sorry,
I don’t agree. We know th a t... so ... It’s true th a t... b u t...
Explain that at the end of the debate the Chairman will ask them to vote
according to their own ideas, not according to their role in the debate. After
the vote ask PP for feedback. You could ask: Did you enjoy the debate? Why/
Why not? Then you can tell them your feedback.
Paper for the Chairman
Ladies and gentlemen. We are here today to debate the motion T V is waste
of time. Teenagers should not watch TV’. Pupils for the motion are sitting on
my left, pupils against the motion are sitting on my right. We have 15 minutes
for the debate. Please raise your hand when you wish to speak. I decide the
person to speak. Please be polite and don’t interrupt. At the end we are
going to have a vote. Let’s begin. Turns to the ‘For’ group.
Phrases for organising a debate.
Next speaker, please
Order! Order!
Please vote now. If you are for the motion, raise your hand(Counts). If you
are against, raise your hand(Counts). The Fors/Againsts are the winners.
Lesson 5 I won’t stay in town
talk about different summer camps
practise reading for gist, main ideas, specific and detailed information
practise using ‘will’ in negative sentences
practise writing an informal letter
A ctivity 1a
Objective: • to raise PP awareness of different camps
Ask PP to read the letters and answer the questions.
A ctivity 1b
Objective: • to practise reading for specific information
PP read the letters again and do the task.
A ctivity 1c
Objective: • to talk about what PP will do at summer camp or village using
‘w ill’ in affirmative sentences
PP work in pairs telling each other what they will do at their camp or village.
A ctivity 1d
Objective: • to introduce and practise ‘won’t ’ for negative sentences about,
future activities
Help PP with the new structure. They correct the statements.
S u g g e stio n : If you feel your PP need more practise, you could do Grammar
Exercises 2-3 here - or assign them for homework.
A ctivity 2a, 2b, 2c
Objective: • to give PP freer practice in talking about camps
PP look at the texts on the Project page and choose the camp they want to
go to. Practise saying the question and the response a few times. Then ask
all PP to get up and move around the room asking and answering until they
have found a partner/group who want to go to the same camp. They should
sit together and do 2 c.
A ctivity 2d
Objective: • to practise writing an informal letter
PP write a letter to their friend using the letters from Oleg and Shahnoza as
Lesson 6 Project
• to
• to
• to
• to
talk about definite future activity using ‘will’
practise reading for specific information and for detail
develop PP ability to work independently with the Wordlist
develop strategies to guess the meaning of unknown words
A ctivity 1a, 1b
PP read the task. Check that they understand. Divide PP into groups and
tell them they have 20 minutes.
Then groups take turns to present their camps to the class.
P ro n u n c ia tio n 1
Pronunciation Exercise 1a
university, usually, use, pupil, new, computer, irregular, human
Pronunciation Exercise 2
music, student, continue, few, cucumber, interview, popular
Pronunciation Exercise 3
PP own answers.
P ro n u n c ia tio n 2
Pronunciation Exercise 1a
up, understand, umbrella, unkind, unusual, fun, duck, jungle, cup,
hundred, butter, instruction, mushroom, one, onion, above, worry,
money, comfortable, love, another, blood, country, son
Pronunciation Exercise 2
duststorm, upstairs, hungry, us, study, puzzle, jum p, under, lunch,
number, must, uncle, some, wonderful, honey, other, cousin
Pronunciation Exercise 3
PP own answers.
Grammar Exercise 1
PP answers will vary.
Grammar Exercise 2
1 I’ll work harder next year.
2 I won’t eat sweets.
3 I'll do all my homework.
4 I won’t stay up late.
5 I won’t watch too much TV.
6 I won’t forget my brother’s birthday.
7 I won’t fight with my sister.
8 I won’t pester my parents to buy me things.
9 I’ll help my mother with the housework.
10 I’ll brush my teeth every day.
Grammar Exercise 3
1 Where will you go in the summer?
2 What will you do in French and English?
3 How long will you be there?
4 Who will you go there with?
5 What will you do in the evenings?
6 What will you do?
7 Who will come from Canada?
8 What won’t you do?
Lesson 1 My favourite hobby is ...
1 Write six sentences about your class. Use information from Activity 4.
PP answers will vary.
Lesson 2 He likes carving
1 Write your hobby in 5 sentences.
PP own answers.
2 Write eight things you are going to do next week.
PP own answers.
Lesson 3 Popular TV programmes
1 Do this quiz. Find out how active you are.
PP own answers.
Lesson 4 Watching TV - is it good?
1 Today you had a debate about TV. What w ill you do tonight? Watch
TV - or something else. Write six sentences about what you will do
tonight. Use first, then, next, after that, then and finally.
PP own answers.
Lesson 5 I won’t stay in town
1 Add ten sentences to the Mother’s Day card.
PP own answers.
Lesson 6 Project
Prepare for the Test.
PP look through Unit 5-7.
Unit 8 Geography
Lesson 1 We’re going to Britain
practise talking about the political structure of Great Britain
introduce the Present Passive in the affirmative form
practise reading for detail
practise listening for detail
practise working with a map
Activity 1
Objective: • to introduce the situation and prepare for the next activity
PP look at the pictures, read the speech bubbles and answer the questions.
A ctivity 2
Objective: • to revise the material of the 6th form
PP read the sentences and decide if they are True or False.
Key: 1 true
2 false
3 false
4 true
A ctivity 3
Objective: • to practise reading for detail
PP copy the map of Britain in their Ex.Bks. Then they read the text and complete
the map by writing the names of the counties in the appropriate places.
Activity 4a, 4b, 4c
Objectives: • to consolidate the Present Passive, to practise deducing the
meaning of the structure from the context
Ask PP to read and translate the sentences, then let them answer the
questions. You may ask one of the good pupils how Present Perfect is formed
or explain it to the class yourself using the Remember box. Then ask PP to
find other examples in the text, read and translate them.
Tell them they already know this structure. Remind them about ‘made of’
and made in’ which they learned in Unit 5.
Activity 5a, 5b
Objective: • to practise listening for detail
Ask PP to read the questions. Ask them to find the words they don’t know in
the Wordlist: Head of State, Queen, rule, power.
PP listen to the letter from the English PP and then answer the questions.
Dear friends in Uzbekistan, thank you for your letter. We really liked the
photos and we can’t wait to come and visit you.
You asked us to tell you something about how our country is organised so here you are.
In Britain the Queen is the Head of State but in fact she doesn’t rule the
country as she has no power. She’s a symbol of the country’s history and
it’s traditions. The Queen travels about tbeJJK, meets the people, entertains
important foreign visitors and makes official visits. Her family also do
these things.An important date in our history is 1949. That’s when Britain
and the former colonies founded the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth
includes many countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India
and South Africa. The Queen of Great Britain is also the Head of the
Commonwealth. The real power in our country doesn’t belong to the Queen
though, it belongs to the British Parliament. That’s all for now. We want to
know: Would you like to visit Parliament? Would you like to take a train
round Britain? Looking forward to hearing from you. Your exchange friends.
S u g g e stio n : You could do Grammar Exercise 1 here.
Lesson 2 We re in America
practise talking about the political structure of America
practise the Present Passive in the affirmative form
practise listening for specific information
practise reading for specific information
work with the map of America
A ctivity 1
Objective: to practise the pronunciation of the new words
Teacher reads the words or plays the tape and PP repeat them and point to
the right place on the map.
1 1 See Classbook for Tapescript
Key: The numbers of states match with the numbers on the map.
Activity 2a
Objective: • to stimulate PP interest in the text
PP read the sentences and try to guess if they are True or False.
Key: 1 false 2 true 3 true 4 true
A ctivity 2b
Objective: • to practise reading for specific information.
PP read the text and check their answers in 2a.
A ctivity 3a
Objective: • to practise talking about the location of the states
PP work in pairs. They take turns, point to any state and talk about its location.
Activity 3b
Objective: • to give further practice in talking about the states
PP continue to work in pairs. They take turns asking and answering questions.
Activity 4
Objective: • to practise listening for specific information
PP listen to the conversation and number the places in order.
Guide: OK now ...is everybody here? So I’m your guide for this city tour
of New York, the Big Apple. Now we’re driving along a river. Do you
know which river it is?
Anvar: The Hudson.
Guide: That’s right! Now isn’t this a beautiful park? Do you know what it’s called?
Anvar: It’s Central Park.
Guide: Yes. That’s right. OK now see this building. It’s the Metropolitan
Museum. New York has a lot of museums and galleries. You’ve
already seen the Statue of Liberty, and now on your right you can
see one of the very famous sights - look up and you can see....?
Anvar: The Empire State Building.
Guide: Yes.
Anvar: But I can’t see King Kong!
Key: 1c 2d
A ctivity 5
Objective: • to practise talking about the sights in New York
Pupils work in pairs, take turns in asking and answering the questions.
S uggestion: You could ask PP to find these words in the Wordlist for homework
to save time during the lesson. If you do this, review the words at the beginning
of Lesson 3. Ask PP to translate the words, what part of speech they are, etc.
1 port 2 region 3 monument 4 administrative 5 economic 6 railwa 7 ancient
Lesson 3 East or west, home is best!
• to
• to
• to
• to
practise reading and talking about regions in Uzbekistan
practise reading and listening for specific information
read for detail and makes notes
work with the map of Uzbekistan
A ctivity 1a
Objective: • to raise awareness of the regions of Uzbekistan
PP read the names of regions of Uzbekistan, look at the map and match the
numbers and letters.
A ctivity 1b
Objective: • to practise listening for detail
PP listen to the dialogue and check their predictions.
Iasi P 1 :
| know a. It’s Nukus. So the answer is a.
Yes, and I know b. It’s Urgench. So 2 is b.
I’m not sure, but I think 3 is k - Namangan.
Yes, that’s right.
And 4 is m - Andijan.
And 5 is I - Fergana. But what’s 6 ?
Yes 6 is difficult. It’s g - Termez.
Is 7 k?
No, you are wrong. 7 is f. It’s Karshi.
I know e. It’s Samarkand. Number 8 .
And 9 is c - Bukhara.
And 10 is d - Navoi.
I’m sure that 11 is h - Djizzak.
And I’m sure that 12 is i - Gulistan.
And 13 is j-T a s h k e n t.
Good. You are well done.
Key: 1a Nukus 2b Urgench 3k Namangan 4m Andijan 51 Fergana
6 g Termez 7f Karshi 8e Samarkand 9c Bukhara 10d Navoi
11 h Djizzak
12i Gulistan
13j Tashkent
A ctivity 2a
Objective: • to practise reading and listening for specific information
PP listen and read the text. They answer the question.
i H See Classbook fo r Tapescript
Key: Gulistan, Karshi, Tashkent
A ctivity 2b
Objective: • to read for detail and makes notes
PP complete Victoria’s notes in their Ex.Bks following the example.
A ctivity 2c
Objective: • to practise talking about the regions of Uzbekistan using the
notes from reading
PP work in pairs. They take turns to talk about the regions they want to visit.
S ugge stio n: You could ask PP to do Grammar Exercises 3 here. It practises
passive structures which PP already know (be interested in, be frightened of).
Lesson 4 Tashkent - capital city
• to practise talking about famous places in Tashkent
• to practise listening for detail
• to practise reading for detailed information
• to introduce and practise using the Present Passive in the negative,
interrogative and Wh-questions
A ctivity 1a
Objective: • to introduce the buildings and practise saying the English names
for them
PP look at the pictures and answer the questions.
A c tiv ity lb
Objective: • to practise listening for detail
PP listen to the text and write the answers in their Ex.Bks e.g. 1 i.
So, you know that the capital of Uzbekistan is called Tashkent. But do
you know what “Tashkent” means? It means “stone city” . Tashkent isn’t
situated on the Tashkent river. It’s situated on the Chirchik river. It’s a big
city. The population is more than 2 million. And as you can see, Tashkent’s
a garden city, there are a lot of parks and lakes. Now we’re coming to the
TV Tower, and there on your right, the Aquapark. In summer you can
swim there and have fun. Tashkent’s a modern city. There are a lot of high
buildings. Look on your right. You can see the beautiful Intercontinental
Hotel. Do you like it?
As you know, Tashkent’s the political, industrial, scientific and cultural centre
of Uzbekistan and on your right is the Tashkent Business Centre. A lot of
important meetings are held there. Now we are coming to the Oliy Majlis the parliament. Isn’t it beautiful? Here on your left is Mustaqillik S quare...
Now this is the Alisher Navoi Opera and Ballet Theatre, named after the
great poet, Alisher Navoi. It’s a beautiful building too. It shows operas and
ballets by famous Uzbek, Russian and foreign composers. You can go
here in the evening. If you don’t like ballet, you can go to the Uzbek
National Theatre. It’s in front of you. It’s the oldest theatre in Uzbekistan.
There are many museums in Tashkent. Amir Temur Museum shows the
history of Amir Temur’s state ... (fade)
Key1: 1i, 2b, 3a, 4c, 5g, 6f, 7e, 8 d, 9h
Key 2: j metro station
A ctivity 1c
Objective: • to talk about places PP would like to visit in Tashkent
PP talk about the places they’d like to go to. If your PP know Tashkent well,
encourage them to talk about places in Tashkent that they haven’t visited yet.
A ctivity 2
Objective: • to practise talking about Tashkent
PP read the sentences and say if they are True or False. If they are false
they should contradict the statement using the Present Passive in the
negative form. Introduce the negative by looking at the example. Draw PP
attention to the Remember box.
S u g g e stio n : If you feel your PP need practice, you could do Grammar
Exercise 4, or assign it as homework.
A ctivity 3a, 3b
Objective: • to practise making questions in Present Passive
PP read the examples and write the questions and answers in their Ex.Bks.
They can use all the texts in the Unit 8 . Help PP if necessary.
A ctivity 3c
O bjective: • to practise using the Present Passive in the negative,
interrogative and Wh-questions
PP work in pairs. Thpy take turns to ask and answer each other’s questions.
S u g g e stio n : You may want to ask PP to find these words in the Wordlist
and write their meaning for homework to save time during the lesson. If you
do this, review the words at the beginning of Lesson 5. Ask PP to translate
the words, what part of speech they are, etc.
1 sky 2 represent 3 peace 4 valour 5 background 6 purity 7 justice
Lesson 5 What do the flags say?
• to introduce and practise the words for country, nationality and language
• to practise talking about the flags of the UK, the USA and Uzbekistan
• to practise listening and reading for specific information
• to revise ‘I think that’ for speculating about things
Activity 1a
Objective: • to revise the material of the 6th form
PP match the countries and the flags in their Ex.Bks.
Activity 1b
Objective: • to introduce and practise the words for country, nationality and language
PP listen, read and repeat after the tape. Then they can do point and say.
See Classbook for Tapescript
Culture Note: Draw PP attention to the fact that Canada is a bi-lingual
country. You can also tell them that many people in the USA speak Spanish,
and that some people in the UK speak Welsh (in Wales) and Gaelic (in
S uggestion: You could do Grammar Exercise 2 here. It gives further practice
in countries and languages.
A ctivity 1c
Objective: • to practise introducing people in an international setting
This is a Chain drill done in pairs.
A ctivity 2a
Objective: • to practise listening and reading for specific information
PP listen and read the text and then answer the question,
m See Classbook for Tapescript
Key: the New Zealand, Australian, Canadian, Karakalpak flags are not
A ctivity 2b
Objective: • to practise talking about flags
PP work in pairs and take turns to ask and answer the questions. If your PP
find it difficult to make questions, you can give them some questions:
1) What do the crosses on the British flag represent?
2) What do the stripes on the Uzbek flag represent?
3) What do the stripes on the American flag represent?
4) What do the colours on the Uzbek flag represent?
5) What do the colours on the American flag represent?
6 ) What do the stars on the Uzbek flag represent?
A ctivity 2c
Objective: • to revise ‘I think that’ to speculate about the meaning of unknown
PP continue to work in their pairs and try to interpret some other flags.
Lesson 6 Project
• to revise and consolidate the material of the unit
• to develop PP ability to work independently and creatively
• to develop the skill of working cooperatively in a group
• to practise writing questions and affirmative and negative statements in
the Present Passive_________________________________________________
A ctivity 1
Divide PP into groups of four and let them write their questions and answers
on separate pieces of paper. Go round and help and correct as necessary.
A ctivity 2
As groups finish, check their work and make a note of any errors so you can
deduct the appropriate number of marks!
A ctivity 3
When all groups have finished, give each group a copy of the quiz written by
another group. Groups do the quiz. When they have finished they can get
the answer sheets from you and check their answers. Groups who work fast
may be able to do severaJ sheets of questions. (For this reason it’s good if
you also prepare a quiz so that there is always a spare one for groups who
finish quickly.)
S u g g e stio n : If you prefer, you could simply read out the questions yourself
for everyone to do together and then go through the answers together
At the end add up the marks, deduct any marks for mistakes that were
made when writing the questions and find the winning group.
P ro n u n c ia tio n 1
Pronunciation Exercise 1a
fly, famous, fifty, breakfast, butterfly, staff, leaf, photo, physics, sulphur,
nephew, autograph, draughts
Pronunciation Exercise 2
feather, fireman, cafe, coffee, leaflet, traffic, photograph, chef, cough
Pronunciation Exercise 3
PP own answers.
Pronunciation Exercise 1a
jaguar, jelly, energy, germ, geography, giraffe, imagine, large, sledge, gym
Pronunciation Exercise 2
language, jungle, just, German, vegetarian
Pronunciation Exercise 3
PP own answers.
Gram m ar
Grammar Exercise 1
PP answers will vary but the answers must be built with Present Passive.
Grammar Exercise 2
Karakalpak is spoken in Karakalpakstan.
Kazakh is spoken in Kazakhstan.
Turkmen is spoken in Turkmenistan.
English is spoken in the UK, the USA, Australia, India, South Africa,
Malaysia, Canada and New Zealand.
Tajik is spoken in Tajikistan.
Uzbek is spoken in Uzbekistan.
Russian is spoken in Russia.
Kyrgyz is spoken in Kyrgyzstan.
Grammar Exercise 3
PP own answers. Their answers must be built with the phrase ‘be/not
interested in’.
PP own answers. Their answers must be built with the phrase ‘be/not
frightened of’.
Grammar Exercise 4
1 Sumalak is not made in winter. It is made in spring.
2 Navruz is not celebrated in autumn. It is celebrated in spring.
U nit 9 Travelling
Lesson 1 From Italy to China
• to talk about means of transport, travelling and trips
• to revise and practise previous vocabulary about travelling and transport,
eb-~i the superlative
8 The city ^ - —nding for gist and main points
•■*«*hirn.c are not explicit in the text
Lesson 1 We’re going to Britain
1 Write the verbs in the correct form.
1 is divided 2 is called 3 is situated 4 are called 5 is named 6 is called
7 is named
Lesson 2 We’re in America
1 Write the verbs in the correct form.
1 is divided 2 is called 3 are called 4 is known 5 is grown 6 is found
Lesson 3 East or west, home is best!
1 Complete the sentences.
1 Uzbekistan is divided into the Republic of Karakalpakstan,12 regions
and Tashkent, the capital of the Republic.
2 The Great Silk Road went through Fergana, Djizzak, Bukhara and Andijan.
3 Nukus is the centre for silk worms.
4 In ancient times Bukhara joined together such thinkers as Beruni,
Avicenna and others.
5 Termez is a port and railway centre.
6 Samarkand is famous for its historical monuments.
7 The great statesman Amir Temur was from Kashkadarya.
8 Bukhara is famous for its scientists and poets.
Lesson 4 Tashkent - capital city
1 Say if the verbs are regular or irregular. Say the past participle.
1 collect - regular verb, collected - past participle
2 deliver - regular verb, delivered - past participle
3 sort - regular verb, sorted - past participle
4 read - irregular verb, read - past participle
5 take - irregular verb, taken - past participle
2 Fill in the correct form of the verb.
1 are collected
2 are taken
orqa ton
tozalik, poklik
adolat, odillik
3aflH H H
M H cro ra
Lesson 5 What do the flags say?
1 Design a flag for your school/village/town and write what it represents.
PP own answers.
2 Write questions for the answers.
1 Where is football played?
6 What is used to make khon atlas?
2 When is cotton harvested?
7 Where is tennis played?
3 When is Mother’s Day celebrated? 8 Where are palov, chuchvara and
novvot eaten?
4 When is sumalak eaten?
9 Where is this book printed?
5 Where is khon atlas made?
10 What is celebrated on 1st September.
Lesson 6 Project
Prepare for the Progress Check.
PP look through this unit.
U nit 9 Travelling
Lesson 1 From Italy to China
• to talk about means of transport, travelling and trips
• to revise and practise previous vocabulary about travelling and transport,
and the superlative
• to practise reading for gist and main points
• to practise inferring meaning where things are not explicit in the text
Warm up
Revise the vocabulary that PP already know for ways of travelling.
Ask PP to say how people can travel and write the answers in two columns
on the BB:
By : bus, train, plane, car, trolleybus, tram, bicycle, boat, helicopter, jeep,
balloon, metro, ship
On: foot, a horse, a camel, a donkey, an elephant
(This vocabulary was introduced in the 5th and 6th forms.)
Suggestion. With weaker classes you could help them by writing the beginning
of words on the blackboard e.g. bicy - - - and leaving a dash for each missing
A ctivity 1a, 1b
Objective: • to introduce and practise how to talk about travel wishes
PP work in pairs. They look at the picture and read the conversation. Ask a
pair of PP to read the example aloud and help them to do it.
Then do a normal Chain drill.
Activity 2
Objective: • to revise and practise comparing means of transport using the
Ask PP to read the adjectives and say what transport is ‘the slowest’, etc.
Let them say what they think.
S ug g e stio n : With weaker classes you could let PP prepare their answers in
pairs in their Ex. Bks before eliciting answers.
Activity 3a
Objective: • to stimulate PP interest and ideas in the topic of the text
Ask PP to read and answer the questions.
Activity 3b
Objective: • to practise reading for gist
Ask PP to read the text and follow Marco Polo’s journey from Italy to China
on the map on the next page.
Activity 3c
Objective: »to practise inferring meaning where things are not explicit in
the text
8 — Fly High 7
Ask PP to read the text again and answer the questions.
Activity 3d
Objectives: »to interpret pictorial information; to practise talking about transport
Ask PP to look at the map and say what transport Marco Polo used on his trip.
Activity 4
Objective: • to practise talking about transport
PP should work in pairs and talk about the transport they would like to use to
repeat Marco Polo’s trip.
Lesson 2 The Silk Road
to practise talking and writing about places PP want to visit
to introduce and practise making comparisons with ‘... as I expected’
to practise listening for specific information
to practise map skills
Activity 1a
Objective: • to stimulate PP interest and ideas about the topic
Ask PP to read and answer the questions.
S uggestion. With slower classes you could let PP prepare their answers in
pairs before eliciting answers from the class.
Activity 1b
Objectives: • to revise the names of countries in Asia and Central Asia; to
prepare for listening
Ask PP to look at the map and say what countries the Silk Road crosses.
Activity 1c
Objective: • to practise listening for specific information
Write the following names of the tourists on the BB and ask PP to copy:
Fredric Stone:
Then ask PP to listen to the interview and write the places the tourists describe.
Guide: These tourists come from several countries. They’ve just finished
a trip on the Silk Road. It was great! They visited the old, historic
cities and some small villages. Listen to their stories and match
them with the route on the map.
Hello, my name’s Frederic Stone. I’m from Florida, USA. Do I like
the trip on the Silk Road? Sure. It was great! The most interesting
in my life. I have visited many countries: South Africa, Brazil, Mexico.
But this trip is the most exciting. I’m interested in handmade things
so I was waiting for the visit to Bukhara. I bought a carpet. It’s very,
very beautiful! It’s more beautiful than I hoped. My friends are
going to want one too!
I’m Roger, from Great Britain. It’s my first trip to the East and I
enjoyed it. Usually I spend my vacations in Europe. But now I know
visiting oriental countries is much more interesting than visiting
Europe. It’s a completely different culture, lifestyle and food. The
Great Wall is really ‘great’! It’s bigger and longer than I thought. And
Chinese food, mm ... really ‘great’. It was better than I expected.
What I liked in the trip? You can’t believe it’s a desert. I live in
Montana. The trees and mountains are green all the year round. I
didn’t expect the Kizilkum desert to be beautiful. Especially in the
early morning when the sun hasn’t come out and the clouds are
different colours. It’s more interesting than I expected. It’s a great
place to go to. Next year I want to cross the Karakum desert with
my new friend from Australia. Anyone who wants to join us is
welcome. Join us - my name’s Victoria.
What was the most interesting place on the Silk Road for you,
Khiva, it’s a miracle in the desert. The town is a museum. Walking
in its narrow streets you can feel time. It is like living in a fairy tale
about Aladdin. Khiva’s older than I thought. And more fantastic.
Key: Frederic Stone - Bukhara; Roger - China;
Victoria - Kizilkum desert; Alisher - Khiva
Activity 1d
Objective: • to practise listening for specific information
Ask PP to listen to the interview again and say what the tourists liked in each
Frederic Stone: carpets
The Great Wall, Chinese food
Victoria: the desert in the early morning
Alisher: Khiva. It’s like a fairy tale about Aladdin
Activity 1e
Objective: • to introduce and practise a new form of comparison
Ask PP to look at what the tourists said and say what kind of sentences they are.
Key: comparative (place is compared with how I expected it to be).
Draw PP attention to the example of how to make a negative comparison in the
Remember box.
S uggestion: You could do Grammar Exercise 1 here to practise the new
comparative form.
A ctivity 2a, 2b
Objective: • to write and talk about places PP want to visit
Ask PP to choose a place on the map of the Silk Road and write why they
would like to visit it. Then they work in pairs (or groups) and tell their partner(s)
where they want to go and why.
Activity 2c
Objectives: • to practise talking about places PP want to visit; to practise
geographical skills
Ask PP to make a line of the route of the Silk Road (You can do this activity
in groups 6-7 too to do it easily and fast). Show them the beginning (in the
east) and the end of the route (in the west). They stand in order on the line
according to which place they would like to visit. When they are all in their
places check that they are right by getting them to say the place. Anyone in
the wrong place can move.
Then they take turns to explain their choice; e.g. I want to visit Bukhara
because I’m interested in carpets. Remind them to listen carefully to their
classmates. At the end they should say;
a) who went to the same place as they did
b) what the most popular place was
Lesson 3 Planning a trip
• to
• to
• to
• to
practise talking and writing about what to show a visitor to Uzbekistan
practise working independently with the Wordlist
practise reading for gist and detail
revise and practise giving advice/suggestions with should
Warm Up
Play ‘Uzbekistan’. It’s the same as T he Silk Road’ in the previous lesson but
this time instead of a line you will show a rectangle which is Uzbekistan.
Show the north, south, east and west. PP stand in a place they want to visit
in Uzbekistan. The rest of the procedure is the same as for ‘The Silk Road’.
Activity 1
Objective: • to introduce and practise new words
Ask PP to find the new words in the Wordlist and write their meaning and part
of speech. Say the words and ask PP to repeat after you in chorus, rows and
individually. Draw PP attention to the words in the Remember box.
Language Note: the way to use these words is: ‘to go on a trip/journey’, ‘to
travel’. T o journey’ as a verb is formal and literary. As a noun it is used for
something longer and more important than ‘trip’, ‘long + journey’ usually go
together. ‘Travel’ can be a noun, but only in special circumstances,
e.g. ‘My Travels’ by Marco Polo.
Activity 2a
Objective: • to practise reading for gist
Ask PP to read the texts and match them with the situations.
Key: 1c 2d
A ctivity 2b
Objective: • to revise making suggestions/giving advice with ‘should’
PP say what advice the traveller gives for the situations in 2a.
S ug g e stio n : You could do Grammar Exercise 2 here.
Activity 3a, 3b
Objective: • to practise writing suggestions with ‘should’
Ask if any P in the class has a penfriend in another country. If so, ask them
to say where they want to take their penfriend when s/he visits Uzbekistan.
Explain to the class that they should all imagine they have a penfriend in
another country. PP writes three suggestions for their penfriend. PP work in
pairs/groups. They tell their partners their suggestions.
A ctivity 4a, 4b
Objective: • to prepare for the next activity
PP work in pairs. Ask them to think about different places and things in Uzbekistan
that they would like to show to their penfriend. Write these words on the BB.
Then asks PP to copy the words in their Ex.Bks in the correct column:
Activity 4c
Objective: • to practise talking about what to show a visitor to Uzbekistan
Ask PP to choose three things from the columns and tell the class why they
want to show them to their penfriend.
Lesson 4 Xush Kelibsiz! Welcome!
• to
• to
• to
• to
• to
practise talking about trips
practise reading for gist
practise inferring meaning where things are not explicit in the text
introduce and practise a new form of adjective made from a verb
revise and practise asking for and giving directions
Activity 1a, 1b
Objective: • to introduce and practise the new vocabulary
Ask PP to find the new words in the Wordlist and write their meaning and part
of speech. Say the words and ask PP to repeat after you.
Activity 2a
Objective: • to stimulate PP interest and prepare for reading
Ask PP to read the questions and answer them.
Activity 2b
Objective: • to practise reading for gist
Ask PP to read the interview questions and match them with what the tourists
K e y : 1 c 2 d 3a 4b'
A ctivity 2c
Objective: • to practise inferring meaning where things are not explicit in the text
Ask PP to read the text again and answer the questions.
1 The tourists were in Uzbekistan.
2 It was spring because the trees were in blossom.
3 They liked to eat in small restaurants in the side streets and in choyhonas.
Activity 3
Objective: • to introduce and practise a new form of adjective
Ask PP to read text b in 2b and find the phrases from the Remember box and
say what part of speech they are.
Key: adjectives
Draw PP attention to how to make an adjective from a verb. Ask them to
translate the phrase (with a strong class you could compare the translation
with the structure in English ‘a thing which is amazing’ ‘a person who is
S u g g e stio n : You could do Word Building Exercise here to practise the new
type of adjective.
A ctivity 4a, 4b
Objective: • to ask and answer about PP own trips
Ask PP to think about one trip they had (it could be a school trip) and write
answers to the questions in 2 b.
PP work in pairs. They take turns to interview their partner using the questions.
Or they can go round the class and interview other classmates.
A ctivity 5
Objective: • to revise and practise asking for and giving directions
PP work in pairs. They ask for and give directions using the map. They should
help the tourists find the right place.
Pairs take turns to ask and answer how to get to the places. This is revision
of material in Unit 1.
Tourist: Excuse me, where’s/how do I get to ...
Rustam: Go straight on ...
Lesson 5 World Spots
• to enable PP to talk and write about famous places in the USA and the
UK and around the world
• to practise reading for specific information and for detail
• to practise writing an informal letter
A ctivity 1a, 1b, 1c
Objective: • to introduce and practise the names of places
Ask PP to look at the pictures and match them with the names, listen and
repeat.Then they should work in pairs, point and say.
Key: 1g 2d 3c 4e 5b 6f 7a
1 1 See Classbook for Tapescript
A ctivity 2a
Objective: • raise PP awareness of different buildings and countries
Ask PP to say which places are in the USA and which are in the UK.
A ctivity 2b
Objective: • to give further practice in talking about the USA and the UK
Ask PP to work in pairs, choose the place and say why they would like to go
A ctivity 3a
Objective: • to stimulate PP interest in the text
Ask PP to look at the picture of the Statue of Liberty and answer the
A ctivity 3b
Objective: • to practise reading for specific information
PP read the text and check their answers in 3a.
A ctivity 3c
Objective: • to read for detail
PP read the text again and do the True or False activity.
A ctivity 3d
Objective: • to stimulate PP to talk about what they know about the UK
and the USA
This is a quick activity which will allow PP who know about these countries
the opportunity to say what they know, and talk about their own experience.
A ctivity 4a, 4b
Objectives: • to practise talking about famous places around the world; to
revise the material of the 5th and 6th form
PP think of places they know. Then in groups they play the game. One P thinks
of a place and says the name of it. The other has to say what country it is in.
P1: The Taj Mahal.
Group: The Taj Mahal’s in India./ls it in India?
Activity 5
Objectives: • to practise writing a postcard; to practise writing about places.
S u g g e s tio n : If you have no time this could be done as homework.
S u g g e s tio n : W ith weaker classes it may be better to do this as group
work. Together the group can produce something better than individually,
if the group do this, make sure that every m em ber has the final product
written in his/her Ex.Bks.
NOTE: It would be a good idea to ask PP to prepare for the project at home
before the project lesson. Divide PP into several groups. Ask each group to
think over the trip they want to have from their place to other country or
countries. Ask them to prepare a plan of the route, think about things they
need to take with them, what transport they want to have while travelling,
why they have chosen this place /places, what is the purpose of their visit,
what they expect to see there.
Lesson 6 Project
• to revise and consolidate the material of the unit
• to develop PP ability to work independently and creatively
• to develop the skill of working cooperatively in a group
• to develop critical thinking
• to develop evaluation skills
• to develop practical life skills
Explain the situation to PP. Make sure they understand and organise the
groups. Remind them to use the questions to help them plan what to write.
Remind them that they can use the map in Lesson 2. Show them what a
diary page looks like (draw one on the BB) like this:
Monday 4th
Monday 11th
Tuesday 5th
Tuesday 12th
Tell PP they have 25 minutes to do their project. Go round and monitor what
groups are doing. Tell them how the time is going. Warn them when they only
have 5 minutes left and make sure they have organised who will say what.
Let them present their projects. At the end, ask them if they are satisfied
with themselves. Did they all contribute to their group’s presentation? Did
they enjoy doing the project? etc.
P ro n u n c ia tio n 1
Pronunciation Exercise 1a
Irish, ice cream, Hi, library, polite, dialogue, night, right, kind, sign,
wild, July, sky
Pronunciation Exercise 2
tidy, fight, blind, butterfly, kite, high, find, bye, light, eye, smile, dino­
saur, nine, dining
Pronunciation Exercise 3
PP own answers.
P ro n u n c ia tio n 2
Pronunciation Exercise 1a
eight, neigh, hail, rain, tail, straight, great, May, day, play, take, snake,
volcano, grey
Pronunciation Exercise 2
again, neighbour, break, always, state, nail, say, potato, paint, today,
cage, mail, late
Pronunciation Exercise 3
PP own answers.
Grammar Exercise 1
1 These biscuits are more delicious than I expected.
2 My homework is not as difficult as I thought.
3 My father is stronger than I thought.
4 I am taller than I thought.
5 My mother is younger than I thought.
6 The weather is not as good as I hoped.
7 This book is not as interesting as I hoped.
8 My uncle arrived earlier than I expected.
9 These shoes are not as comfortable as I hoped.
10 This TV is cheaper than I expected.
Grammar Exercise 2
1 1 c, 2 d, 3 a, 4 b
1 Bazmga kechikmaslik uchun ertalab soat 7.00 da jo‘nashimiz kerak.
2 Bugun palov tayyorlay olishingiz uchun gurunch, sabzi, piyoz va go'sht
xarid qildim.
3 Yozuvingizni o‘qiy olishim uchun iltimos uni tushunarli qilib yozing.
4 Televizor ko'rayotgan paytimizda qulaylik yaratish uchun yangi divan
sotib olmoqchimiz.
1 M bI flOJDKHbl OTnpaBHTbCH B 7 HaCOB, flJIfl T o r o 4 T 0 6 b I n p H 6 b IT b H a
2 H Kyniuia pnc, M 0 p K 0 B b , Jiy K h mhco, htoSm tm CMorjia CBapmb iijiob
3 r i m i m n o jK a jiy ftc T a aKKypaTH O ,
iit o 6 m h
C M o rn a n p o w r a T b
pa6oT y.
4 M bi coSwpaeMca KynHTb hobmh ziHBaH. HTo6 bi 6 mjio yao 6HO cuaeTb h
CMOTpeTb rejieBH3op.
PP own answers.
Word Building 1
1 It’s an exciting book.
2 I was at the opening ceremony.
3 The President made the closing speech.
4 The Chairperson has the deciding vote.
5 The starting gun went and the race started.
6 She fell off the moving bus.
7 She switched on the reading light.
8 She bought six laying hens from her neighbour. The next day she found 12 eggs!
9 They went on a training course to learn to be teachers.
10 A talking book is a story in a book which is also on cassette. You can
listen and read.
1 U odamni toMqinlantirib yuboradigan kitob.
2 Men ochilish marosimida bo‘ldim.
3 Prezident yopilish nutqini so‘zladi.
4 Rais hal qiluvchi ovozga ega.
5 Start o‘qi uzildi va musobaqa boshlandi.
6 U harakatlanayotgan avtobusdan yiqilib tushdi.
7 U o ‘quv chirog'ini yoqdi.
8 U qo'shnisidan oltitata tuxum qo'yadigan tovuq sotib oldi. Ertasi u 12 ta
tuxum topdi.
9 U o ’qituvchilik kasbini o’rganish uchun trening kursiga qatnadi.
10 Matni kitob hamda kassetada bo’lgan hikoya so‘zlovchi kitobdir.
1 3
BO JiH yK»m aa KH H ra.
2 ft 6buia Ha uepe.MOHMH otkpmthh.
3 Ilpe3TOeHT BbicTynHJi c saitiiiOMHTejibHOH penbio.
4 n pejcejaTejibCTByiomMH HMeeT pcmaiomHii rojioc.
5CTapTOBbiif BbicTpe;i npo3Byqaji, h roHKa Hanajiacb.
6 OHa Bbinama H3 4BH*ymeroca aBTo6yca.
O H a BKJiioHHJia c b c t ajia
8 OHa KynHJia uiecTb KypHH HecyuieK y c b o c h coce/iKM. H a cjieayioiuHH
aeHb OHa Hanuia 12 hhu!
9 Ohh n o c r y m u iH H a K y p c b i TpeH H H ra, h t o S b i CTaTb yMHTejiHMH.
10 roBopaiuaH KHHra — 3 io paccKa3 hjih KHHra, KOTopaa 3anncaHa
Taoce h Ha KacceTe. B m MoxeTe HmaTb h cjiymaTb.
Lesson 1 From Italy to China
1 Write about three places you want to go to and how.
PP own answers.
Lesson 2 The Silk Road
1 Write what country you want to visit and why.
PP own answers.
Lesson 3 Planning a trip
1 Write questions for your friend asking for his suggestions
PP own answers.
2 Read the text from the dictionary. Complete the sentences with a
suitable word.
1 I’ve travelled to many countries.
2 I’m always nervous before a journey.
3 I’m tired. It was a long journey.
4 We went on a school trip to the mountains. It was great.
5 How long will the journey take?
6 How are we travelling there?
7 Pack your suitcase. We're going on a long journey.
8 I like going on trips .
Lesson 4 Xush Kelibsiz! Welcome!
1 Read the letter and answer the questions.
1 The letter is from Muhabbat.
2 The letter is to Muhabbat’s Mum and Dad.
3 She is in New York.
4 She has seen the Statue of Liberty.
5 She enjoyed seeing the Statue of Liberty.
6 She is going to visit the Metropolitan museum.
Lesson 5 World Spots
1 Write about your trip using the questions from 2b Lesson 4.
PP own answers.
2 Write two sentences of your own. Use the words in the cloud.
PP answers will vary but the following could be good examples.
1 She jumped into the moving bus.
2 She has seen a surprising thing in the museum.
3 They went to the meeting place earlier than others.
4 A lot of thanks were told to the organising committee.
5 The recording studio was closed when telephoned there.
6 The father kissed the sleeping child.
Lesson 6 Project
Prepare for the Progress Check.
PP look through this unit.
Unit 10 Holidays, holidays!!
NOTE: The homework for each lesson in this unit reviews and practises
punctuation. You may wish to do some of this work in class, especially if
your PP are not strong.
Lesson 1 Holiday in Plymouth
introduce some cultural information about England
practise listening and talking about a place of interest in Plymouth
listen for specific and detailed information
present vocabulary for punctuation marks
A ctivity 1
Objective: • to introduce the topic
Give PP some time to think over their answers. Help them if they are not
sure about how to answer the second question. A possible answer is: "To
the seaside in the south of the country".
A ctivity 2
Objectives: • to introduce cultural information; to practise talking and lis­
tening; to revise questions
This is a normal information gap activity. PP work in pairs. First they should
read the information on their pages, then write questions in their Ex.Bks,
ask each other and write answers.
A ctivity 3a
Objective: • to prepare for the next activity
PP find the words in the Wordlist and write them and their meaning in their
Activity 3b
Objective: • to teach PP to say the new words correctly
Say the words or play the tape and ask PP to repeat after you or the tape all
together, in rows and/or individually.
1 1 See Classbook for Tapescript
A ctivity 4a
Objective: • to listen for specific information
Before you play the tape, draw PP attention to the two questions and to the
phrase in the Remember box. Explain that people can say it when they
haven’t seen each other for a very long time. People can also use the follow­
ing phrase in letters: “Haven’t heard from you for ages!” Play the tape once
and ask your PP, possibly the best ones, to answer the questions.
1 She played basketball (with her grandfather), went to the beach (with her
grandmother) and to the National Marine Aquarium.
2 She saw sharks, seahorses and divers.
Hello, Anne. Haven’t seen you for ages! Where have you been?
Hello, James. I was away in Plymouth.
Why did you go there?
For my holidays. I stayed with my grandparents.
Uh, with your grandparents... must be boring.
Oh, no. My grandparents are wonderful! My grandad even played basket­
ball with me, and my granny and I went to the beach when the weather
was good. And one day they took me to the National Marine Aquarium.
James: The National Marine what?
Anne: The National Marine Aquarium. There are hundreds of fish there,
and there are skilled divers, and they feed the fish by hand.
James: Wow! That’s fantastic! What did you like most of all?
Anne: Baby seahorses and sharks!
James: Sharks?! How exciting! Please tell me all about them. How big
were they? Do they eat people?
Anne: Some do. I’ll tell you more about them and show you some pictures
of the Shark Theatre. And where did you go on holiday?
James: To North Cornwall...
(The voice fades away)
A ctivity 4b
Objective: • to listen for detail
Play the tape again. Pause to let PP write answers in their Ex.Bks.
Key: 1c
A ctivity 5
Objective: • to present the English names for the five punctuation marks
You can start this activity with asking your PP to say the names of the five
punctuation marks in their mother tongue, then they match them and the
English names orally.
Key:1b 2e 3d 4c 5a
Lesson 2 Exotic America
• to introduce some cultural information about the USA
• to practise talking and writing about good places to go to on holiday
• to practise reading gist, main ideas and detail
Activity 1a
Objectives: • to raise interest in the topic; to bring pupils’ background
knowledge into play
In pairs PP write what they can remember about the USA. They can write
the names of rivers, cities, famous people, places of interest.
U N IT 10
A c tiv ity 1b
Objective: • to practise reading for gist
PP read the two texts silently. When they finish, they should be ready to say
that the first text is about the Hawaiian Islands and the second is about the
Rocky Mountains and the Grand Canyon.
A c tiv ity 1c
Objective: • to practise reading for main ideas
PP read silently and match in their exercise books.
Key: 1 b,c,e 2 a,d,f
A c tiv ity 2
Objective: to practise reading for detail
PP read the text silently. After they have finished, ask them to answer the questions.
Key: Mr Green will go to Hawaii, because it’ll be interesting for him to see
how people dance hula and he can try shellfish.
A c tiv ity 3
Objective: • to practise talking about places where one can spend a holi­
In pairs PP talk about where they would like to go for a holiday. Tell them that
they can choose from the places mentioned in the two lessons: Plymouth,
Hawaii and Arizona and also talk about other places, both in Uzbekistan
and elsewhere. They can use phrases like “l”d like to go to... I think it’s ... I
c a n ... there.’
Lesson 3 Welcome to Dreamworld!
introduce some cultural information about Australia
practise talking and writing about places of interest in Australia
practise reading for detail
practise listening for specific information and for detail
A c tiv ity 1
Objectives: • to raise interest in the topic; to bring pupils’ background
knowledge into play
In pairs PP write what they know and remember about Australia.
A c tiv ity 2a
Objective: • to prepare for the next activity
PP find the words in the Wordlist and write them and their meaning in their
A c tiv ity 2b
Objective: • to read for detail
PP read silently. When they finish, ask as many of them as possible to say
which piece of information they find to be the most interesting. Ask PP to
explain why they think it to be interesting.
A c tiv ity 3a
Objective: • to practise listening for specific information
PP should listen to the tape and number the pictures in their Ex.Bks.
Key: 1b 2e 3d 4f 5c 6 a
Announcer: Hello and welcome to our listeners. I’m John Williams and in
today’s programme I’m talking to Philip Mell from Australia.
Philip is the manager of the Pacific Touring Company. Philip,
what kind of trips do you organise for those who want to see
As you know, Australia today is a country which attracts a lot of
visitors. Holidaymakers are fond of visiting Dreamworld. It is a
park on the Gold Coast just 40 minutes from Brisbane. We
organise groups of about 25 people who travel to the Gold
Coast in comfortable buses.
Announc.: The Gold Coast? Is that the place where Captain James Cook
landed in 1770?
E r ... yes, he landed on the east coast and raised the British
flag there. Anyway ... Dreamworld has a lot of attractions, like
roller-coasters, and lots more. There is a special place in
Dreamworld - Koala Country, with a full day’s entertainment.
Announc.: What about well-known Australian animals? Can visitors see
them in Dreamworld? You know, typical Australian animals:
kangaroos, emus, ...
Yes, and koalas too. You can even cuddle a koala and take a
photo with it.
Announc.: Oh, I know a lot of children would love to do that.
(laughing) And grown-ups too! Well, I could tell you a lot more
about Dreamworld, but why not come and see everything with
your own eyes? You know, once seen never forgotten.
Announc.: Thank you, Philip. Well, listeners, why not travel to the Gold
Coast with the Pacific Touring Company for a holiday to re­
A c tiv ity 3b
Objective: • to practise listening for detail
Play the tape again. In their Ex.Bks. PP write captions for the pictures. Here
are some possible ideas:
a Cuddling a koala; b Visit the Gold Coast! c Typical Australian
animals; d Riding a roller-coaster; e Captain James Cook.
A c tiv ity 3c
Objective: • to practise talking about visiting Dreamworld
Ask as many PP as time allows to answer the question.
A c tiv ity 4
Objective: • To give PP further practice in talking about visiting Australia
In pairs PP talk about an imaginary visit to Australia. Hopefully at least three
questions will be asked and answered. Walk round the classroom, listening
in and giving help when needed.
Lesson 4 What makes a good companion?
• to introduce and practise ‘I’d ra th e r...’ for expressing a preference
• to practise listening for specific information
• to practise reading for detail
A c tiv ity 1a
Objective: to prepare for the next activity
PP find the words in the Wordlist and write the meaning in their Ex.Bks.
A c tiv ity 1b
Objective: • to practise listening for specific information
Let PP listen to the whole interview. If you feel that it is difficult for them to
answer the questions, you can play the tape a second time, pausing in
necessary places for the PP to answer the three questions.
Key: 1 With his parents; 2 He’d like to travel with a group of boys and girls;
3 Emma thinks it’s good to go hiking with lively people who know a lot of
games; Melissa thinks that friendly people are good travelling companions.
S u g g e stio n : If your class is strong enough you can ask more questions,
e.g. What do you think about Andrew’s parents? Are they good travelling
companions? What do the girls say about their teacher?
Hello and welcome to the programme “Open Road”. To­
day we’re talking to a group of teenagers from London schools.
I’m sure you all like travelling, don’t you?
Voices of children:
Yes.Of course, I do. We do.
Do you usually travel alone or with your parents or
Let’s begin with you, Andrew.
Andrew: Well, first of all, I don’t travel much...
Announ.: But do you go anywhere on holiday?
Andrew: Oh, yes. Usually my parents and I go to Wales where my
grandma lives.
Announ.: Aha! So you travel with your parents. Are they good travelling
Andrew: You see, I don’t quite understand what you mean by a good
companion. My Mum and Dad know a lot about the places we
visit and ... er... it's fun to listen to their stories. But...
Announ.: Yes?
My Mum enjoys walking near the lakes and my Dad is fond
of mountain walks...
Announ.: And you?
I’d rather ride a bike.
Announ.: So you and your parents like different sorts of holiday activi­
Yes, and that’s why I sometimes dream of a biking holiday
with a group of boys and girls. Biking is really great!
Thank you, Andrew. Emma, what sort of people do you like
travelling with?
I think it’s good to go camping with lively people, people
who know a lot of games. They are never dull.
And do you know anyone who is never dull?
Why, yes, of course. My friend Melissa, for example.
You know, Emma and I belong to our school Hiking Club
and we often go on hikes in the north of England. I think
hiking with friendly companions is wonderful. One of the best
companions I know is our teacher.
Oh, yes, I agree. Ms. Stutford is a good teacher and companion.
A good teacher and a good travelling companion in one per­
son! Well, girls, I’m glad to meet someone as lucky as you. It
has been very interesting to talk to you all. Thank you, everybody.
A c tiv ity 2a
O bjective: • to make PP think about the meaning of the structure ‘I’d
ra th e r ...’
PP read the sentence and the question silently. Ask several of them to say
what they think. You can also ask one of them to translate the sentence with
the structure into their mother tongue.
A c tiv ity 2b
Objective: • to practise talking about preferences using the new structure
Ask three PP to read the example aloud. Work with the stress and intonation
if necessary. Now practise the structure according to the example.
A c tiv ity 2c
Objective: • to give PP freer practice in using the structure to talk about
Make groups of three. PP should make dialogues according to the example.
A c tiv ity 3
Objective: • to practise reading for detail
PP read the texts silently and in pairs decide which children would make
good pairs.
Key: Robert and Mike; Amy and Frank.
Ask PP to explain why Fiona is not a good travelling companion. They can do
it either in English or in their mother tongue.
S u g g e stio n : You could do Grammar Exercises 1-3 here, or assign them
as homework. They all give further practise with ‘I’d ra th e r...’.
Lesson 5 Are you a good companion?
• to practise talking and writing about good travelling companions
• to practise reading for detail
• to raise PP awareness of the need to know themselves and their friends
9 — Fly High 7
A ctivity 1
Objective: • to practise talking about hiking in different seasons
You can start this activity by talking about yourself. If you do not like hiking,
you can say that you did when you were your PP age. Ask as many PP to
answer the questions as possible. There will probably be more people who
like hiking in summer rather than in other seasons. If so, say that when you
were at school, you liked hiking in some other season, because you didn’t
like hiking in hot weather. Possibly there will be PP who are of the same opinion.
A c tiv ity 2
Objective: • to practise talking about good travelling companions
If necessary PP can first read activity 3 in Lesson 4 to remember the teen­
agers. Then, using the model, they explain their preferences to the partners.
A c tiv ity 3
Objectives: • to revise Present Simple; to practise writing on the topic
PP do the activity in their Ex.Bks. It would be good if they wrote 4 or 5
sentences, the last of which can be examples of real people whom they
consider to be very good travelling companions. Remind PP of -(e)s in the
third person singular of the Present Simple Tense.
A c tiv ity 4
Objective: • to practise reading for detail
PP do the activity individually. When they finish, you can ask them to say
whether they agree with the description of themselves or not. We think it would
be especially interesting to listen to those who answer the third description.
Lesson 6 Project
O bjectives:
revise and consolidate the material of the unit
develop PP ability to work independently and creatively
develop the skill of working cooperatively in a group
develop critical thinking
develop evaluation skills
A c tiv ity 1
Objective: • to check PP knowledge of punctuation
This activity checks how well PP did their homework in the unit, which
prepared them for a task like this.
Key: Do you know that one of the best zoos in Britain is Paignton Zoo? You
can see plants and animals from different habitats: lions, zebras, gorillas,
penguins and a lot of snakes at the zoo. It is open every day from 10 a.m.
Have a great day out!
A c tiv ity 2a
Objectives: • to give PP an opportunity to work cooperatively; to give
freer practice in writing about a good place for a day out
Explain that PP are going to plan a day trip to a place of interest. They can
go somewhere in Uzbekistan, another country - or even the Moon! They
can travel in any way they lik e -ta x i, helicopter, spaceship ... Make groups.
Make sure that each member of a group has a certain role: there may be
authors, artists, editors. While PP are creating their posters, walk round
giving help with ideas, structures and vocabulary. When posters are ready
display them on the walls.
A c tiv ity 2b
Objectives: • to practise reading and talking, to help create a positive
attitude to the work done by others
Let PP walk and read each other’s posters. Encourage them to make notes
about the content and the design. Ask as many as possible to say what they
liked about other groups’ posters.
Pronunciation 1
Pronunciation Exercise 1a
her, servant, circle, earthquake,
w orld, hurt, turn, turnip
Pronunciation Exercise 2
G ra m m a r
Grammar Exercise 1
PP own answers.
Grammar Exercise 2
1 “I’d rather sleep.”
PP own answers.
6 “I’d
Pronunciation 2
Grammar Exercise 3a
interpreter, nurse, learn, hurt,
service, servant
Pronunciation Exercise 3
Pronunciation Exercise 1a
put, wool, foot, cook, Uzbek
Pronunciation Exercise 2
PP own answers.
rather stay in.”
rather not drink it.”
rather do it in the afternoon.”
rather read a poem.”
rather buy a brown bag.”
PP own questions. Their questions must
have the phrase ‘would rather do’.
Grammar Exercise 3b
PP own answers and questions in 3a.
But this time PP must use ‘would rather’
plus ‘because’.
L e s s o n 1 H o lid a y in P ly m o u th
1a Read and answer the question.
The expected answer from PP is ‘No’.
1b Read again. Answer the questions.
This time the expected answer is ‘Yes’ because the sentences in the text
have full stops in the end and the text is arranged clearly to make it
2 Read and write in order.
Dear Granny and Grandpa
How are you? Mum and Dad send their love to you.
Thank you for the wonderful time I had in Plymouth. I’ve told all my friends
about what we did together. The photos we took are great! I’ll send you
some of them. Can I come and stay with you again next summer?
Love, Anne
Lesson 2 Exotic America
1 Read and write the sentences correctly.
1 The boy wrote a letter.
2 He wanted to know a lot of things.
3 Did his friend answer all the questions?
2 Write what things you need if ...
PP answers will vary but the following are possible examples.
1 We need warm clothes, a camera, hot drinks and food
2 We need, a camera, extra films, cool drinks, some money and a good guide.
3 We need very warm clothes and footwear, a lot of money and a camera.
4 We need light clothes and footwear and books to read.
Lesson 3 Welcome to Dreamworld!
Read and write the sentences correctly.
1 We bought oranges, apples, tomatoes and carrots.
2 In autumn the leaves are red, yellow and brown.
3 If you go to the USA, you should visit Arizona.
Lesson 4 What makes a good companion?
1 Read and write the sentences correctly.
1 Our house has everything people need: gas, electricity, hot and cold water.
2 Pack these things: shirts, jeans, socks and a pair of shoes.
3 The story began like this: “School for me was the best place in the world.”
2 Find and write seven words.
1 beach 2 belong 3 comma 4 valley 5captain
6 colon 7 canyon
Lesson 6 Project
Prepare for the test.
PP look through units 8-10.
Unit 1 City and village
NOTE: Before you begin the Progress Check draw PP attention to questions
3,4 and 5 and explain that PP can write their own ideas - there is no right or
wrong answer - of course the language must be correct. You can check their
answers by collecting their exercise books and marking them - or by going
round and checking while PP are completing the rest of the Progress Check,
or by having PP read out their answers during the class.
1 Listen and find the right answer. (30 marks; 5 for each right answer)
Tapescript: Hello. My name’s Rosemary Moser. I live in East Prawle. It’s a
village in Devon near the sea. It’s a very beautiful place. I live here and work
here. I’m a painter. I came here 33 years ago. My studio is open from June to
the end of September. Visitors are welcome to see my work every afternoon
and at weekends. My studio is easy to find. When you get off a bus you can see
the post office opposite the bus stop. Behind the post office there is a bakery.
My studio is on its left. It’s a two-storey building with a green door.
Key: 1b 2a 3b 4b 5a 6a
r e a d in g
2 Read and write True or False. (30 marks; 5 for each right answer)
Key: IT 2F 3T 4T 5F 6T
3 Read the leaflets, choose one place you would like to visit and
write why. (5 sentences, 10 marks)
Key: Answers will vary.
4 Write a card to your friend. (20 marks; minus 1 for each mistake)
Dear Aziz
I’m having a great time here in Toshqo'rg'on. It’s a wonderful place. The weather
is hot and sunny. Yesterday I visited the dinosaur footprints. I liked it very
much and I want to see more things. Next Sunday I am going to go to Oltynsoy
to see the famous tree!
Wish you were here.
K ey: Answers will vary.
5 Write five sentences about places near your school. Use There is/
There are. (10 marks; 2 for each correct sentence)
Key: Answers will vary.
Total: 100 marks
U n it 2 Y o u r h e a lth
1 Copy the table. Listen and complete the table. You can listen
two times. (20 marks)
Hello, listeners. We’re at Estover school today We are talking to pupils
from year 9 and helping them with their problems.
Hello. What’s you name?
And what’s the problem you want to solve?
My Mum’s always tired. How can I make her better?
Does your Mum eat well? ...er... Make sure she has lots
of green vegetables because ...er...you know... they have
iron and makes you strong. If possible, she should eat
meat, too.
Hello. And what’s your name?
I’m Michael. And this is my problem: I can't sleep at night.
Michael.,.er..What do you do before you go to bed?
| watch TV, play football with my friends...
Hey, that’s no good. You should relax before you go to bed.
Listen to some music, read a book and be quiet for a
while... And some people find a drink of milk helps too.
OK, thanks. I’m going to try it.
Mum is always tired
Can’t sleep at night
Eat green vegetables, meat
Relax. Listen to music, read a
book, be quiet, drink milk
LISTENING/PRONUNCIATION (5 marks, no mark if verb is spelled wrongly)
2 Copy the table. Listen and write the words in the correct column.
1 counted
2 finished
3 translated
4 tidied
5 ironed
e.g. washed
2 finished
5 ironed
1 counted
3 translated
4 tidied
3 Complete the sentences w ith the co rre ct form of the verbs in
brackets. (25 marks)
Key: 2 have broken your leg. 3 have cut your head and arm 4 have hurt
your back 5 has seen you 6 has given you medicine
4 Look at the pictures and for each one write the problem. (5 marks)
Key: 1 He’s got earache. 2 He’s got backache. 3 He’s got toothache.
4 He’s got a temperature. 5 He’s got a stomachache.
5 Look at the picture of a girl and label the follow ing parts of her
body. (10 marks)
Key: her left wrist 6
her fingers 3
her stomach 5
her right thumb 4
her toes 10
her left knee 8
her right shoulder 2
a nail 7
her right ankle 9
6 Read the letter and write a reply. Use the words in the cloud.
Key: Here is an exam ple answer, but others are also possible.
Dear ...
Poor you. Toothache is horrible. You must brush your teeth every day in the
morning and the evening. Do not eat sweets, sugar or novvot. Go to the
dentist often.
PRONUNCIATION (10 marks; 2 for each correct pronunciation)
7 Read aloud the list of words your teacher gives you.
Teacher chooses which line P should read. P reads aloud the words,
a kangaroo
b catch
cheese stomach center
w hite
w rite
w rist
thum b
Total: 100 marks
Unit 3 Sport
1 Listen to the dialogue and find the right answer. (30 marks; 5 for each)
A: Hello. This is the A1 Sports Centre.
B: Hello. I’d like to visit your centre.
A: We’d be happy to see you. Would you like to get some information about it?
B: Yes, please. I’d like to know if there is a swimming pool in your centre. And
do you have trainers in your gym?
A: We have two big swimming pools: one indoor and one outdoor pool. And
we have a special pool for small children. There are trainers both in the
gym and in the pools. They can help you to choose special exercises. We
have tennis courts. If you do not know how to play, our trainers can teach
you. We have a stadium. If you like football or basketball you can join our
teams, and we’ve just organised a volleyball group. We have the best
karate and taekwon-do trainers in the town...
B: Great! But you see, I have some health problems...
A: Don’t worry. We have good doctors in the centre. Usually they examine
every person who visits the centre. If you need it they’ll offer you some
thing special. We have groups for people who have health problems.
B: Thank you. When can I come?
A: Any time. We work every day from 7 in the morning to 9 at night. We are
looking forward to seeing you.
B: Thank you very much.
Key: 1b 2a 3a 4c 5a 6c
2 Write your opinion. (25 marks; 5 for each)
PP write their own opinion. So they should write one of these phrases.
Key: Sentences 1, 2 and 4 are positive so the responses can be So do I. I do
too. (for agreement) or I don’t, (for disagreement)
Sentences 3 and 5 are negative, so the responses may be Nor do I. I don't
either, (for agreement) or I do. (for disagreement)
VOCABULARY/WRITING (25 marks; 5 for each)
3 Read the letter and fill in the gaps. Use the follow ing words: fit,
gym, swimming pool, short, court, morning, good, result, team, expen­
sive. There are more words than you need.
Key: a short, b team, c good, d expensive, e fit
4 Write a reply to Liza’s letter. ( 20 marks)
Key: Answers will vary. Marks can be reduced if the meaning is not clear or
if there are bad mistakes.
Total: 100 marks
Unit 5 Clothes
1 Listen to the text and find the boy in the picture. (5 m arks)
It was Sunday. Bahodir’s mother asked him to buy bread at the market.
B ahodir’s little brother Shavkat also wanted to go the m arket with him.
There were a lot of people at the market, and Bahodir lost Shavkat. Bahodir
couldn’t find his brother, so he went to the main office of the market and
explained his problem. The woman in the office made the following an­
nouncement over the radio “Attention, attention. A boy is lost. His name is
Shavkat and he has straight brown hair and dark eyes. He is wearing a white
cotton T-shirt, black jeans and white trainers. He is carrying a small white
plastic bag. Has anybody seen the boy? If you have, please help him to get
to the main office of the market. His brother is waiting for him” .
Soon a young woman brought Shavkat to the office. The brothers were very
happy to see each other, and Bahodir said, “I’m so glad I’ve got you back.
Let’s go and buy ice-cream” .
2 Listen again and write True, False or Don’t Know (20 marks, 4 for each)
Key: 1F, 2DK, 3T, 4T, 5F
3 Read the text. Give it a title. (2 m arks, if there are no gram m ar or
spelling mistakes and the title is good; 1 if the title is good, but there are
slight mistakes)
Key: Answers will vary.
4 Read the text again. Answer the questions. (18 marks; 3 for each)
Key: 1(Levi Strauss came to California) In 1850. 2 It was famous for its gold.
3 Because they were (working a lot) looking for gold. 4 Because canvas was
strong (and workers could use it for many things.). 5 They had no colour.
6 Answers will vary, but probably a lot of pupils will write, “Yes, I do” .
5 Translate into your mother tongue. (10 marks; 2 for each)
K ey: Uzbek
Siz hech qanday sport turi bilan shug'ullanmaysiz, shundaymi?
U tez-tez tabib huzuriga borib turadi, shundaymasmi?
Angliyada ayollarning hech qanday milliy kiyimi yo‘q, shundaymi?
Maktabingizdagi o ‘quvchilar forma kiyishadi, shundaymasmi?
Siz odatda yangi o'quv yili boshlanishidan oldin o'quv qurollarini sotib
olasiz, shundaymasmi?
1 Tbi He 3aHMMaeiubCH
2 O h nacTO xo/im t
3 JKeHiUMHbi
4 YqeHHKH b
h h k 3k h m
cnopTOM, He TaK
jih ?
B p an aM , He T a x jih ?
A hivimh He hocht nauMOHaJibHyro oaeaqiy, He n p a B z ia jih ?
niKOJie h o c h t f|)opvty, He TaK jth ?
5 Bbi o 6 h h h o n oK yn aeie uiKOJibHbie ripMHa,zuie>KHOCTH ;io Hanajia yHe6Horo
rofla, He TaK jih ?
B arn ett
6 Complete the tag questions. (10 marks; 2 for each)
Key: 1 Helen usually wears skirts and blouses, doesn’t she? 2 His grandfa­
ther gets up very early, doesn’t he? 3 You don’t take part in debates very
often, do you? 4 Anna’s parents don’t buy her expensive clothes, do they?
5 They don’t like sweets, do they?
7 Make one sentence out of two. (15 marks; 5 for each)
Key: 1 I know (that) my Mum wears an apron when she cooks. 2 We know
(that) this skirt is made of polyester. 3 I think (that) my jeans are very good.
WRITING (20 marks; 4 for each item)
8 W rite fiv e sentences about w hat kind of sch oo l u nifo rm you
would like to wear. You can w rite about
• colour
• material
• design
• price
• hats, schools bags, shoes and other things that
can go with the uniform.
Key: Answers will vary. Marks can be reduced if the meaning is not clear
or if there are bad mistakes.
Total: 100 marks
Unit 6 Shopping and customers’ rights
1 Listen and answer the questions. (15 marks; 5 for each)
Anvar: Good morning.
Sales Assistant: Good morning. Can I help you?
Anvar: Yes. I have a problem with this pen.
Sales Assistant: Oh dear. What’s the matter?
Anvar: It doesn’t write.
Sales Assistant: Let me try.... Oh yes, you’re right. Have you got your receipt?
Anvar: Yes.
Sales Assistant: Mmm ... I see. You bought it yesterday. Well, I can give
you a new one.
Anvar: OK.
Sales Assistant: Here you are. I’m sorry about the problem.
Anvar: Thank you. Goodbye.
Sales Assistant: Goodbye.
Key: 1 The pen doesn’t write.
2 The receipt.
3 A new pen.
2 Match. (20 marks; 2 for each)
Key: 1d 2e 3a 4b 5g 6j 7f 8c 9h 10 i
3 Read and match the problems and advice. There are two problems
but three letters of advice! (20 points; 10 for each)
Key: 1c 2 a
4 Write a reply to the letter. (20 marks)
Key: Answers will vary. Marks can be reduced if the meaning is not clear
or if there are bad mistakes.
5 Write an advertisement for one of these products: cassette recorder,
school bag. (10 marks)
Key: Answers will vary. Marks can be reduced if the meaning is not clear or
if there are bad mistakes.
6 Spelling dictation. (15 marks; 3 for each correct word)
You can choose any five words from the Unit which you find particularly
interesting from the point of view of their spelling.
Total: 100 marks
Unit 8 Geography
1 Write sentences. (10 marks; 2 for each)
Key: 1 This street is named after Navoi. 2 This part of Great Britain is called
the Lake District. 3 What languages are spoken in Canada? 4 Is Teacher’s
Day celebrated in October? 5 My shoes are made of leather. 6 A lot of letters
are delivered to our school every day.
2 The sentences with numbers have a mistake. Find and correct it.
(20 marks; 4 for each correct answer)
Key: You can improve your knowledge of the world by reading books, watch­
ing TV and travelling. (1) Before you go somewhere you need to learn about
the places you are going to visit. Interesting information can be found in
encyclopedias, travel leaflets, magazines and guide books. (2) You can learn
about different countries and the parts they are divided into. (3) You can
learn what these places are famous for. (4) Some places are named after
famous people. (5) It is good if you know something about them.
3 Read and translate the word lite ra c y ’ into your mother tongue.
(5 marks)
Key: Uzbek: savodxonlik
Russian: rpaMOTHOCTb
4 Read and find the word which means: (25 marks; 5 for each)
1 explained (line 2)
3 long talks given to people (line 4)
2 calculate (line 3)
4 pay for (line 5)
5 prize (line 5)
Key: 1 defined 2 compute 3 lectures 4 sponsor 5 award
5 Match. Be careful - there is one extra half. (25 marks; 5 for each)
Key: 1c 2a 3 (no matching part) 4e 5b 6d
6 Write three things you can do on International Literacy Day.
(15 marks; 5 for each)
Key: Answers will vary. Marks can be reduced if the meaning is not clear or
if there are bad mistakes.
T o t a l:
100 marks
Unit 9 Travelling
lis t e n in g
1 Listen and find the right answer. (15 marks; 5 for each)
Interviewer: Excuse me. We are doing a survey. Can you tell me, where are
you going for your holiday this year?
Actually, I’m going to Canada. I want to visit my relatives there.
I’ve got two aunts and some cousins there. They live in Ot­
the capital. It’s a long way to Canada so I plan to stay for a month.
Interviewer: Sounds great. When are you going?
In September. The fall is very beautiful there. I'm going to fly to
Toronto and then get the train to Ottawa.
Interviewer: Thanks for talking to me. I hope you have a really great time.
Key: 1a in a big city, 2 b a month, 3 b by plane and c by train
2 Read and answer the questions. (15 marks; 3 for each)
Key: 1 Max, 2 Sindy, 3 Rustam, 4 Max, 5 Rustam
3 Write a sentence for each form of transport. Use each adjective once.
(20 marks; 4 for each)
Key: Answers will vary but must include these elements:
2 on a horse 3 on an elephant 4 by ship 5 by boat 6 by train
the slowest, the fastest, the cheapest
the most/least comfortable, the most interesting
4 You visit an interesting place. Write a postcard to your friend.
(20 marks; 2 for each correct sentence/greeting/closing)
Key: See example in Unit 9 Lesson 4 Homework. Marks can be reduced if
the meaning is not clear or if there are bad mistakes.
5 Say what country or place you want to visit that you have not been to
yet. Talk about
(15 marks)
• what you know about this country
• what you would like to learn about it
Key: Answers will vary. Look at Tests 1-4, Activity VII for how to give marks for.
6 Talk about your last trip. Say (15marks)
• when you went on this trip
• who you went with
• what you saw and did during your trip
Key: Answers will vary. Look at Tests 1-4, Activity VII for how to give marks for.
Total: 100 marks
Units 1-4
I Copy the table. Listen and complete the table.
(20 marks; 8 for the problem, 12 for the advice)
Interviewer: Good morning. And you are...?
My name’s Cathy and I’m fourteen. And ... er... my problem
is difficult to... difficult to talk about.
Interviewer: I’m sure we can help.
I’ve got spots on my face. I don’t look nice. What can I do?
Interviewer: OK, here’s what to do. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables and
drink lots of water, yeah and get lots of exercise - go for
walks, play tennis, go swimming if you like, play handball.
And remember: no chocolate!
OK, so that’s good food, exercise, water and ...er.Jots of
Got spots. Not pretty.
Eat fruit, vegetables, don’t eat
chocolate, do sport/exercise.
II Read and write True, False or Don’t Know.
(20 marks; 4 for each correct answer)
Richard Dixey is the director of a big m edicine-producing company
‘Phytopharm’. ‘Phyto’ means ‘plant’ or ‘herb’.
“Using plants as medicine is old knowledge,” says Dr Dixey. “With the help
of Western technology we are going to bring this knowledge into the 21st
century”. Dr Dixey and his colleagues from ‘Phytopharm’ have travelled to
such countries as China, India, Indonesia and Africa and studied plants in
these places because they are going to use them in new medicines. At the
moment they are testing new medicines for fat people, for skin problems
and for old age problems.
1 ‘Phytopharm’ is an American company. 2 In old times people knew how to
use plants for illnesses. 3 Western technology can help in making medicines
out of plants. 4 Dr Dixey and his colleagues have travelled to some countries
in Asia and Africa. 5 They are testing two types of medicines now.
Key: 1DK, 2T, 37, 47, 5F
III Match the words and definitions. (20 marks; 4 for each correct answer)
a runners carry it to the place of the Olympic Games
b a starting point
c s/he decides the result of a competition
d the winner of a game or competition gets it
e an object, animal or person that is a symbol of the
O lym pic Games
Key: 1b, 2c, 3d, 4e. 5a
IV Copy and complete the table.
d id
w as/w ere
(10 marks)
V Match. (10 marks)
1 Their team is playing very well, a She’s going to visit a doctor.
2 I don’t feel well.
b He’s going to have a good rest.
3 Nelly’s broken her arm.
c I think they’re going to win.
4 Jim’s very tired.
d They’re going to have an important match.
5 They’re cleaning their school gym. e I’m qoinq to stay in bed.
Key: 1c, 2e, 3a, 4b, 5d
VI Choose the right verb. (5 marks)
1 He (has, have, is) got a lot of medals. 2 There (are, is, am) a big show at
the opening ceremony. 3 I (am, have, are) going to teach my friend to play
badminton. 4 (has, have, are) you cleaned your shoes? 5 My father and I
(have, am, are) going to watch a basketball match on TV.
Key: 1 has; 2 is; 3 am; 4 have; 5 are
SPEAKING (15 marks)
VII Talk about one of these things:
• real Olympic Symbols
• your favourite sport
• a famous athlete/footballer/tennis player
• a TV sports programme
• a fan club you’d like to have
Key: Answers w ill vary. Give m arks for:
• fluency (how quickly pupils can respond, how long the responses are)
• ideas (know what they like/don’t like, can say what they have/haven’t
learnt from the activity)
• accuracy (PP may make a few mistakes but not too many, subject and
verb agree, she/he is used correctly)
• range (use of varied and appropriate vocabulary, variety of structure)
Total: 100 marks
Units 5-7
l is t e n in g
I Listen and write what the boys want to do.
(2 m a r k s )
John: Come on, everybody. What shall we do? What do you think, Sam?
Sam: Why don’t we go to the park? We could play football there.
Lucy: No, Sam. We played football yesterday. Let’s go to the cafe. I’m hungry.
John: You’re always hungry, Lucy. I don’t think that’s a good idea. There’s a
new disco in our town. Let’s go there.
Sam: Okay, John. I think they play a lot of rock music. It sounds good to me.
What about you, Lucy?
Lucy: No, I don’t like rock music, it’s stupid. What about coming to my
house? We can watch my videos.
John: Oh, I don’t like your videos, Lucy. I’ve seen them all.
Key: They want to go to a disco.
II Listen again and write True or False. (18 marks; 3 for each)
1 Sam wants to play football. 2 Lucy says they played football yesterday.
3 John is always hungry. 4 They play pop music in the new disco.
5 Lucy doesn't like rock music. 6 John would like to watch videos in Lucy’s home.
Key: 1T 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F
III Write the verbs in the correct form. Use going to or will.
(20 marks; 4 for each)
My friend and 1(1 spend) our summer holidays in a language camp. We
think we (2 improve) our English. We (3 take) our English books and dic­
tionaries with us, but we hope we (4 not do) any boring exercises. We know
that it (5 be) hot in summer and we want to enjoy our holiday.
Key: 1 are going to spend, 2 will improve, 3 are going to take, 4 won’t do,
5 w ill be
IV Look and read. Match the pictures and words. Write their meaning
in mother tongue. Your teacher shows the pictures. (10 marks; 2 for each)
There is a Chinese story about the discovery of silk. The Emperor (1) asked
his wife: “What is,eating the mulberry trees (2)?” His wife said “Worms (3)
are eating them.” One day she dropped a cocoon (4) into some hot water
and played with the cocoon in the water. Silk thread (5) separated from
the cocoon. In this way she discovered silk in the garden of the Emperor. For
a long time only the Chinese knew how to make silk.-Today China is still the
biggest silk producer in the world.
1 [picture of mulberry fruit and leaf] 4 [picture of silk thread]
2 [picture of silk worm]
5 [picture of Chinese emperor, head only]
3 [picture of silk cocoon]
Eng mulberry
Uzb tut daraxti
Rus mejiKOBHua,
TyroBoe aepeBO
silk worm
ipak qurti
silk cocoon
ipak pillasi
tola, ip
H H TK a
V Number the sentences in order to make a summary.
(10 marks, 2 for each)
a The Chinese Emperor wanted to know what was eating his mulberry trees,
b Do you know the history of silk?
c The Emperor's wife knew that worms were eating the mulberry trees,
d And this is how she discovered silk in the garden of the Chinese Emperor,
e She dropped a cocoon into hot water. Silk thread came from the cocoon.
Key: 1b, 2a, 3c, 4e, 5d
VI Look at the pictures (your teacher shows them). What do the
boys like doing? Write five sentences. (20 marks; 4 marks each)
e.g. Rustam likes playing computer games. He likes . ...
[2 pictures: a) Rustam - playing computer games, collecting coins, mak­
ing models; b) Sasha - taking photos, collecting stamps, reading comics.]
Key: Rustam/He likes collecting coins. Rustam/He likes m aking models.
Sasha likes taking photos. Sasha/He likes collecting stamps. Sasha/He
likes reading comics.
VII Talk about yourself. (20 marks; 4 for each category)
1 Did you like taking part in the debate in your class? Why/Why not?
2 Would you like to have another debate? Why/Why not?
3 What things would you like to debate on?
4 Do you think you can be a good Chairperson? Why/Why not?
5 Do your friends think you can be a good Chairperson?
Key: Pupils should say a few sentences about the debates, and about
what they have learnt from doing them. Look a t Test 1-4, Activity VII key
fo r how to give m arks for.
Total: 100 marks
U n its 8-10
I Listen to the advert and answer the question. (You w ill hear the
tape two times.) (10 marks; 5 for each)
I What is the advert about? 2 What does GLOW represent?
Tapescript: (Music) Do you think GLOW is a good name for a summer
camp? We do because the word means not only soft light but also Girls
Leading Our Work. GLOW camp is a camp for girls. If you want to spend
an exciting week in this camp, call us at 3662 24 50 51. (Music)
Key: 1 It is about a camp for girls. 2 GLOW means Girls Leading Our Work.
II Fill in the gaps with the best prepositions from the list. You may
use a preposition several times: across by from for in through to on
(10 marks; 2 for each)
Dear Valerie
How are you? I haven’t heard from you (1) ... ages. I hope you are well. I m
fine. It is great travelling (2)
iesert in springAl am travelling (3) ... a
camel. Myl camel’s calteTTSultan id he’s famous (») ... beihg strong. He
belongs (p) ...my friend Ali. I'll writ^
K e ^ 1 for, 2 acrdiss, 3 on, 4 for, 5 to
III Read the interview. Complete the Q uestions in the Past Simple.
(20 /narks; 1 for each correct word)
Hello, Mary. I know you’ve ci
from Australia and I’d
/interview er:
like to ask you some quests
I’m happy to answer them.
uld you like to know?
How did you ( .. . 3 words)?
Key/ go/get/travel to Australia
By plane to Singapore,
by ship to Sydney.
Did you (... 4 words)?
e going/travelling by ship
Oh, yes, very much. I lov
How long ( . . . 5 words)?
did you stay in Australia
A month.
What ( . . . 4 words)?
' did you do there
The usual things a tour^ "'does: visiting places of interest
and taking photos.
(...2 words) the m o ^ interesting thing ( ...2 words)?
K ey: What was
K ey: you saw
I think it was tN ^anim als. They are very unusual - the
echidna, the^k^rfgaroos and, of course the koalas.
iy / PUnctuate the sentences. (15 marks; 3 for each sentence)
woula\ you ratherj^av^f by plane or train Key: W o u ld .......... train?
2lfTS~bfiochum-«dys^VVelcome to the national park” Key: The....says,
3 pacly your th in g s a T-shirt shorts and a baseball cap K ey: Pack your
things/ a T-sprfrt, shorts and a baseball cap.
HM/the gaps with the correct form of the verb. (25 marks; 5 for each)
How to make felt
Firg't the sheep (1 collect) and the wool (2 cut). Then the wool (3 wash).
After that the wool (4 comb). Finally the wool is coloured - brown, white,
red, blue, etc. and cut into smaller pieces. The pieces (5 make) into rugs.
Key: 1 is collected, 2 is cut, 3 is washed, 4 is combed, 5 are made
SPEAKING (20 marks)
VI Talk about your friend. Say
her/his name
things she/he can do well
Answer the questions:
1 Does your friend like travelling? If she/he does, what is her/his favourite
way of travelling? 2 Is she/he a good travelling companion? Why/Why not?
Key: Answers w ill vary. Look at Test 1-4, Activity VII key for how to give
m arks for.
Total: 100 marks