Загрузил Екатерина Андреевна Орлова

19 страница учебник английский для дизайнеров ответы

Example: He is speaking with new partner. — Present continuous
1) He worked for many famous companies.- Past Simple
2) I practically do not develop fashion collections. - Present simple
3) We are working on a number of projects. – Present Continuous
4) He has already built an eco-house for himself. – Present Perfect
5) Stark was working for the Tompson company as a creative Director.- Past
6) I will do a range of projects to live in the post-plastic era. – Future Simple
7) The furniture design will be collaborating all day tomorrow. – Future continuous
8) Space module will have been finished by the end of the year.- Future Perfect
9) We had made an agreement before inviting Stark to the conference. – Past
Philippe Starck believes that art and design are completely different things. The
design should to be functional, while art can exist for the sake of art. Philipp Stark
is a rebel, he is called a "pop icon of design", but in everyday life he is very
modest. Philipp lives in isolation from the world (on his own island), with his wife
and friends, entirely devoting yourself to your favorite work. In the eco-house of
the iconic designer, there is no electricity and gas, energy sources are completely
eco-friendly and renewable.