Загрузил Нилуфар Мухаммедова

Diabetes Basics

Made by student of 201 «А» group
Mukhammedova Nilufar
Diabetes Basics
Understanding Diabetes
 Complex disease
 Digestion breaks down carbohydrates
 sugar (glucose)
 Sugar  bloodstream
 Insulin moves sugar into cells for
Body Function Without Diabetes
Type 1 vs Type 2 Diabetes
No insulin (key) means that sugar
cannot enter the cell.
Insulin (key) cannot unlock the cell door. Insulin
resistance or inability of body to use insulin.
Management Goal
• Diabetes is managed but does not go
• Goal is to maintain a target glucose
Type 2
• Type 2 is the most common form of diabetes
• In this form, the body does not produce
enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin
that is produced.
• Insulin is required by the body in order to
use sugar.
• Insulin takes the sugar from the blood into
the cells.
• When glucose builds up in the blood instead
of going into cells, it can cause some
• In the short-term, your cells may be starved for energy
• In time, high blood glucose may hurt your eyes, kidneys,
nerves, or heart.
Although diabetes occurs in people of all ages and
races, some groups have a higher risk for developing
type 2 diabetes than others:
 African Americans
 Latinos
 Native Americans
 Asian American/Pacific Islanders
 Aged population
o Family history of diabetes
o Overweight
o Unhealthy diet
o Physical inactivity
o Increasing age
o High blood pressure
o Ethnicity
o Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)*
o History of gestational diabetes
o Poor nutrition during pregnancy
Risk factors
Symptoms of type 2 diabetes
o Excessive thirst and dry mouth
o Frequent urination
o Lack of energy, tiredness
o Slow healing wounds
o Recurrent infections in the skin
o Blurred vision
o Tingling or numbness in hands and feet.
Making Diabetes a Part of Life
• Insulin/Medication
• Regular Physical Activity
• Food Intake
• Maintaining a healthy body weight
• Not smoking
В случае недостаточного
контроля сахарного диабета 2
типа повышается риск:
 инфаркта миокарда
 инсульта,
 заболевания почек,
 неврологических нарушений,
 нарушений зрения (включая
слепоту), гангрены.
How can doctor help
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