Загрузил Мила Воронюк

Колонизация космоса утверждение

We should support the colonization of outer space
Many of humanity's best minds, including physicist and cosmologist Stephen
Hawking, claimed in 2001 that the human race would die out within the next
thousand years if colonies were not created in space.
Outer space is a part of space that is outside the earth's atmosphere.
Colonization is the process of settlement and development of new territories
outside the Earth.
Support - this means that countries must make our first task the colonization
of outer space.
1) Cost and peace in the World.
2) Population.
3) Safety and radiation.
First argument:
Large-scale space exploration promises huge profits. On small asteroids can
produce 30 times more metal than people produced throughout its history.
One small asteroid is worth about $ 20 trillion at market prices in 2001. That is,
we can safely talk about the commercialization of space. These are new jobs
and high salaries. It has already been calculated that if we now engage in the
development of the necessary technologies, the return will come in 50 years.
Many people greatly exaggerate the cost of space, while underestimating the
cost of defense. For example, as of June 13, 2006, the us Congress sent 320
billion dollars to the war with Iraq, while the creation of the space telescope
"Hubble" cost only 2 billion dollars, and the average annual budget of NASA is
only 15 billion dollars. In other words, at the current level of NASA funding, the
money spent on the war with Iraq would have been enough for about 21 years
of the Agency's work on space exploration. And the annual military budget of
the whole world exceeds 1.5 trillion dollars.
Second argument:
Many of you have thought: "Why we must colonize space, us on Earth
well?" In fact, the world population is growing every day. At the moment the
world's population is more than 7 billions. For comparison, in 1980 the world's
population was about 4 billion. Imagine what can happen in 2050. 200 years
ago there were less than one billion humans living on earth. Today, according
to UN calculations there are over 7 billion of us.
200 years ago there were less than one billion humans living on earth.
Today, according to UN calculations there are over 7 billion of us. Recent
estimates suggest that today's population size is roughly equivalent to 6.5% of
the total number of people ever born. This is the most conspicuous fact about
world population growth: for thousands of years, the population grew only
slowly but in recent centuries, it has jumped dramatically. Between 1900 and
2000, the increase in world population was three times greater than during the
entire previous history of humanity—an increase from 1.5 to 6.1 billion in just
100 years.
Indeed, for a long time the world population grew at an increasing rate.
However, if we focus on the last couple of decades, we see that this pattern no
longer holds, as the annual rate of population growth has been recently going
down. 1962 saw the growth rate peak at 2.1%, and it has since fallen to almost
half. A long historical period of accelerated growth has thus come to an end.
The visualization shows how strongly the growth rate of the world
population changed over time: In the past the population grew slowly: it took
nearly seven centuries for the population to double from 0.25 billion (in the
early 9th century) to 0.5 billion in the middle of the 16th century. As the
growth rate slowly climbed, the population doubling time fell but remained in
the order of centuries into the first half of the 20th century. Things sped up
considerably in the middle of the 20th century. The fastest doubling of the
world population happened between 1950 and 1987: a doubling from 2.5 to 5
billion people in just 37 years — the population doubled within a little more
than one generation. This period was marked by a peak population growth of
2.1% in 1962.
Since then, population growth has been slowing, and along with it the
doubling time. In this visualisation we have used the UN projections to show
how the doubling time is projected to change until the end of this century. By
2088, it will once again have taken nearly 100 years for the population to
double to a predicted 11 billion.
Third argument:
We must understand that if there is a global catastrophe, then all the costs will
go to the tenth plan, and the first will be the preservation of human lives. That
is why the main argument for the colonization of outer space is the long-term
survival of human civilization.
In the middle of the twenty-first century, people will face two options: either
they survive by colonizing outer space in the next 200 years, or they will accept
the prospect of a slow and irreversible disappearance. In 2005, Michael Griffin,
a NASA leader, described space colonization as the ultimate goal of all ongoing
space exploration programs.
Hence it can be concluded that NASA is exploring space is not only for science,
but considering the prospect of expanding the habitat of earthlings. To live in
this world for hundreds of thousands and millions of years, it is necessary to
populate other planets. But today the technology in this direction is in its
infancy. Therefore, it is not yet possible to settle people on the moon, on
Jupiter's satellites, on Mars, on other planets and asteroids.
Also, on our planet there are also many dangers that can lead to the extinction
of the human race.
One of them is radiation. Of course, we all know about the Chernobyl nuclear
power plant. In some parts of the exclusion zone, radiation levels reach 20
sieves, with a lethal dose of only 6, and this is not the limit. Plutonium-241
here is called relatively safe, in the process of its half-life is formed much more
terrible isotope-americium, and the peak of radiation contamination in the
zone will be achieved only by 2058. Many fears are caused by work on the
fourth unit of the Chernobyl station.
In conclusion, whether we want to or not, the colonization of outer space will
be a necessary measure in the second half of the twenty-first century. The
population of the Earth is growing rapidly, along with it increases the volume of
industrial production. As a result, the environmental situation is deteriorating
and earth resources are shrinking. So anyway, and the salvation of the human
species can be only space. That's why we will prepare for interstellar travel and
life on other planets. There is simply no other way.