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SEER-Sheet Metal Cost Estimator Overview

SEER-Sheet Metal Cost Estimator
within CATIA v5
Start SEER-Sheet
Metal Cost Estimator
Select and
Enter Process
Click Estimate
when ready
SEER-Sheet Metal Cost Estimator
Part & Process inputs
• Customize Manufacturing Environments to set Part and Process Defaults
• Hole part features are automatically added if separate drilling cost
estimation required
Manufacturing Environment
Part Inputs
Process Options
Hole Drilling Options
SEER-MFG Cost Model
Cost Results Summary
reported to CATIA Engineer
Detailed SEER-MFG cost
model created based on
CATIA and Sheet Metal
Cost Estimator Inputs
Results Saved with CATIA
Data saved as Parameters
within CATIA for reference
Cost Trend of Trade
studies indicated
Key Functionality
• Create detailed sheet metal part cost estimates for labor (setup, direct,
inspection, rework), material, and tooling costs.
• Update and refresh estimates as the design matures.
• Comprehensive part cost estimates covering all commonly used
fabrication forming process, preforming, post forming, and finishing
• Create and save estimate for each part to compare and trade options.
• Customizable knowledge base templates and rules to fit your factory
environments, labor rates, and processes.
• Publish estimates as SEER cost models to be shared with SEER users for
inclusion into other estimates.
• CATIA users can review the estimate, even if Sheet Metal Cost Estimator
and/or SEER are not installed.
Set CATIA Options to view
SEER-Sheet Metal Cost Estimator
• Tools > Options > General > Parameters and Measure > With Value = TRUE
• Tools > Options > Part Infrastructure > Parameters = TRUE
Create Manufacturing Environment
1a – Copy an Existing Environment folder
1c – Rename Environment
1b – Paste to create a copy
Edit SEER Knowledge Bases
2a – Double Click to open SEER-SMCE-KBases.MFG file
a) Double click the SEER-SMCE-KBases.mfg
file to open it.
b) Make edits to SEER inputs as required
e.g. labor rates, labor calibration,
production experience, etc. to match the
environment. Save and Close SEER.
2b – Make Changes as required, Save, and Close
Edit Manufacturing Environment
a) Open the SEER-SMCE Template Editor.xlsm file within the
manufacturing environment you want to update/edit.
b) Make Changes to data as required in each table.
c. Click Save Environment
Settings, and then OK.
This will save the SEERMFG KBases, and the
spreadsheet data for
the manufacturing
d. Save and Close the
SEER-SMCE Template
Edit Environment Material Tables
Material Analogy Tables contain Form, Pre-Form, After Form, and Detailed Part Finish
Operations, these can optionally be modified.
Set Defaults to appear using Yes/No options.
You can OPTIONALLY remove form operations (rows), or process specific operations
(table columns) from the Material Analogy Tables
To remove Form
operations, delete the
entire Row
To remove a Process
Option, delete column
within the table