Загрузил Vladislava Kovaleva

Article for English

the difficulty of self-determination
Kovaleva Vladislava
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
March 1, 2018
“You will never be happy if you
continue to search for what happiness
consists of. You will never live if you
are looking for the meaning of life.”
Albert Camus
t is difficult to be exactly who you
are, not what you would like to be.
Awareness of oneself, one's
abilities and personal predestination
leads to an understanding of one's
place in life. We often ask ourselves
"What's next?", "How will my future
We are like two-month-old kittens that
only recently saw the light and do not
know how to live. They need care and
support for their continued existence.
But what do they really need?
We are completely out of the way.
We do not know what we want. We
were disappointed in everything, as
previously seen meaning. We have
outlived our worst fears and the most
cherished dreams, but how to live and
what can help us understand? There
are too many questions, but no
answers at all.
When we cannot understand
something, we hide. We start to rush
from one activity to another. We try to
find ourselves, while losing. All our
uniqueness, all inner selves wink out.
We look at our reflection in the mirror
and see only the skin without essence
as Hamlet without the Prince of
hamlet without the prince
a performance or event taking place without the
principal actor