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14 Выучите слова к тексту

Выучите слова к тексту:
1. fracture f frakt/э) п перелом (от лат. fractura)
2. Л to break (breik) v (broke, broken) ломать; n перелом :i.
3. bone Ibounj n кость
4. closed (klouzd] а закрытый
5. open а открытый
6. to complain [kam'plein] v жало- ваться (на боль)
7. to move [mu: v] v двигаться
8. swelling j'swelir)] n опухоль
9. to appear [a'pid] v появляться
10.splint (splint) n шина
11.to bind [baind] v перевязывать
12.X-rays ('eks'rciz) n рентгеновы лучи
13.plaster cast ['pla: sta'ka: st] гипсовая повязка
The word “fracture” means a break2 in a bone. There are two kinds of
fractures: closed4 and open.
In a closed fracture there is no wound on the skin.
In an open fracture there is a wound. Open fractures are more serious than
closed ones.
If a person breaks his arm or leg he complains6 of pain in the place of the
break. The pain becomes more severe if he presses the place or tries to move?
Swelling* appears9 quickly. Do not let the person move. Use a splint10 for
the broken limb. Bind1 the splints to the limb but not at the place of the fracture.
Doctors use X-rays12 to see the break and put plaster casts13 on the broken
I. Скажите по-английски:
открытый перелом; закрытый перелом; место перелома; боль
становится сильнее; пытаться двигаться, опухоль появляется; не
позволяйте кому-либо двигаться; сделать рентген; накладывать гипс
2 Прочтите диалог и разыграйте его в лицах:
G r a n n y : What is the matter with you, Ann? You look pale | (бледная).
A n n : There’s nothing the matter with me, Granny.
G.: But I see that something is wrong.
A.: Well, I fell on the skating-rink and hurt my right leg badly.
G.: Let me take off your shoe, Ann.
A.: Thank you, Granny. I can do it myself.
G.: I am afraid you have a fracture.
A.: Don’t be afraid, Granny. It’s not a fracture. You see there is no swelling on my leg.
G.: But I want you to have an X-ray examination.
A.: All right. I’ll consult a doctor.
Опишите картинку.
IV. Переведите текст:
A Case
M i l i t i a m a n 1 : Doctor, this girl was in a car accident.2 Will you examine her
and see if she has any broken bones. (Doctor examined the patient.)
D o c t o r : Well, she has some bruises and abrasions3 on the legs. 1 don’t think
she has a fracture, but I’m going to take several X-rays to make sure4 of it.
1. militiaman [mi'lifaman] n милицнонер
2. accident j'aekskbnt] n зд. Авария
3. abrasion [э'Ьгефп] n ссадина
4. to make sure [fua] убедиться
Laughter is the Best Medicine
T o m : How did you break your arm?
N i c k: Do you see those stairs (ступеньки) over there?
T o m : Yes.
N i c k : Well, and 1 didn’t.
“If you want the thine done well do it yourself.H
1. fainting [Teintirj] n обморок
2. cause (kxz) n причина; v (to) вызывать
3. emotion (i'moujon) n душевное волнение
4. want of food голод
5. fatigue [fo'tcg] n усталость
6. lose consciousness ['lu: z 'konfisnis] терять сознание
7. brain [brein] n мозг
sweat [swet] n пот. испарина
9. to feel dizzy чувствовать головокружение
10. weak (v/i: k] а слабый
11. shallow ['Jslou) а поверхностный
12. slow [slou] а медленный
13. to lay [lei] и (laid) положить
14. flat [flaet] adv плоско
15. to loose [lu: s] o зд. ослабить
16. to cover I'ltAvo) u покрывать
17. to sprinkle ['spriQkl) о брызгать
The cause1 2 3 of fainting may be different: strong emotion? want of food?
fatigue5 or pain.
In fainting person loses consciousness.6 Blood doesn’t get to -the brain7. The
face of a person before fainting gets very pale and'Ciueaf8 appears on his
forehead. He feels dizzy* and weak}6 His breathing is shallow.u His pulse is
weak and slow.12
If you help a person who lost his consciousness:
1. Lay the person flat * on his back.
2. Raise his feet a little.
3. Loose his dress.
4. Cover him warmly and open the window.
5. Sprinkle cold water on his face.
6. Give the person to breathe in ammonia [o'mounjo] \ water (нашатырный
I. Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания:
the cause of fainting; want of food; the face gets pale; sweat appears; she
feels dizzy; shallow breathing; weak pulse; slow pulse
II. Составьте небольшой рассказ о том, как вы помогли человеку,
потерявшему сознание на улице. Используйте слова и словосочетания
из текста.
shock Цэк| п шок
2 dangerous I'deindjras] а опасный
3 loss n потеря
4. rapid ('raеpid) а учащенный
5. to keep him quiet ('kwatot) зд. не тревожить его
Shock is very dangerous} Loss4 of blood can cause Shock Severe pain or
strong emotion can cause shock too.
The face of a person in shock is usually pale and the skin is cold. Breathing is
rapid4 and shallow. The pulse is rapid.
If you help a person who is in shock:
Lay him flat on his back.
Raise his feet little.
Cover him with blankets to keep him warm.
Give him a warm drink.
Keep him quiet.6
I. Найдите e тексте “Shock" соответствующие словосочетания:
очень опасен; потеря крови; вызвать шок; кожа холодная; учащенное
дыхание; положить на спину; поднять ноги; накрыть одеялом; теплое
II. Вставьте вместо точек нужные по смыслу слова (pale, rapid, to keep
warm, flat, back); прочтите каждое предложение целиком и повторите
его, не глядя в книгу:
I. When a person is in shock his face is.... 2. The pulse and breathing of a
person in shock are .... 3. If you help a person in shock lay him ... on his.... 4. It
is important... a person in shock.
Выучите слова к тексту:
1. poisoning ['poiznig) n отравление
2. to empty [ 'emptij v опорожнять
3. stomach [ 'sumak j n желудок
4. poison ['poizn] n яд
5. asphyxia [aes'fiksia] n удушье, асфиксия
6. prompt а быстрый
* -*The first aid for poisoning is to empty2 the stomach.3 Do it as soon as
possible. Give much water to drink — 4-8 glasses.
Some poisons4 cause shock, others — asphyxia.5 In every case the patient
needs prompt medical care.
I. Найдите в тексте "Poisoning" соответствующее ло- eta и
первая помощь при...; очистить желудок; в каждом случае; пациенты
нуждаются в быстрой медицинской помощи
II. Определите правильные ответы на вопрос: ‘ What are the aids for
1. lay the person down; 2. give the person four or eight glasses of water; 3.
take off the person’s dress; 4. examine the person’s mouth