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122-computer sciece standard-14.05.2017 eng

The Minister of Education and Science
of Ukraine Grinevich L.M.
Head of National Agency for Quality
Assurance in Higher Education of Ukraine
Standard of Higher Education of Ukraine
LEVEL OF HIGHER EDUCATION _________First (bachelor) level_________
( n a m e o f t h e h i gh e r e d u c a t i o n l e v e l )
HIGHER EDUCATION DEGREE _______________Bachelor_______________
( n a m e o f t h e h i gh e r e d u c a t i o n d e g r e e )
BRANCH OF KNOWLEDGE __________12 Information technology _________
( c o d e a n d n a m e o f t h e kn o wl e d g e b r a n c h )
SPECIALITY __________________122 Computer Science __________________
(code and name of the speciality)
Official edition
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
І. Introduction
Standards of higher education of Ukraine for the first (bachelor) degree of
"Bachelor" for the branch of knowledge 12 "Information Technology" specialty 122
"Computer Science".
by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
___________ ________ № _____
Kovaliuk Tetiana Volodymyrivna, Ph.D, Associate Professor of the department
of Automated Systems of Information Processing and Management Department of the
National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute",
chairman of the subcommittee.
Yerokhin Andriy Leonidovych, Doctor of Engineering, professor, Dean of the
Faculty of Computer Science of Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics.
Mykhal'ov Oleksandr Illich, Doctor of Engineering, professor, доктор
технічних наук, професор, head of the Department Information Technologies and
Systems of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine.
Novozhylova Maryna Volodymyrivna, Doctor of Sciences, professor, head of
the department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies of the Kharkiv
National University of Construction and Architecture.
Subach Ihor Yuriyovych, Doctor of Engineering, docent, head of the department
of combat use of mathematical and software of the automated control systems of the
Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies
Dmytriyeva Ol'ha Anatoliyivna, Doctor of Engineering, professor, head of the
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of Donetsk National
Technical University.
Hlybovets' Mykola Mykolayovych, Doctor of Sciences, professor, dean of the
Faculty of Informatics of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.
Krak Yuriy Vasyl'ovych, Doctor of Sciences, professor, h ead of the Department
of theoretical cybernetics of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Medykovs'kyy Mykola Oleksandrovych, Doctor of Engineering, professor,
director of the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technology of Lviv
Polytechnic National University.
Cherevko Ihor Mykhaylovych, Doctor of Sciences, professor, dean of the
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National
Yaroshko Serhiy Adamovych, Doctor of Sciences, head of the Department of
Programming of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
Scientific and methodical Sub-Commission 122-1 Computer Science and
Information Systems (Computer Science)
_________________ № _____
Scientific and methodical Sub-Commission 8 of information technology,
automation and telecommunications
_________________ № _____
Table of contents
І. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 2
ІІ. General characteristics .............................................................................................. 5
ІІІ. Number of ECTS credits required for a bachelor’s degree..................................... 6
ІV. Graduate competencies ........................................................................................... 7
V. Normative content of university students 'preparation, formulated as learning
objectives' terms ............................................................................................................ 8
VІ. The forms of higher education applicants certification ........................................ 10
VII. Requirements for the presence of internal quality of higher education system .. 10
VIII. Requirements of professional standards............................................................. 11
IX. The list of regulations underlying the higher education standart ......................... 11
Appendix A ................................................................................................................. 13
ІІ. General characteristics
Higher education First (bachelor) level
Academic Degree Bachelor
Branch of
Limitations on
forms of studies
Subject area
12 «Information technology»
122 «Computer science»
«Bachelor of Computer Science»
Qualification «Bachelor of Computer Science»
Study focus points and/or activities:
− mathematical, informational, simulations of real phenomena, objects,
systems and processes;
− models of data and knowledge presentation;
− models, methods and technologies of receipt, storage, processing,
transmission and use of information;
− theory, analysis, development, estimation of efficiency, realization of
− methods and algorithms of operative multidimensional and intellectual
analysis of data and decision making;
− high-performance calculations, including parallel calculations and large
− system analysis of objects and processes of computerization;
− models of subject area and methods of construction of the intellectual
systems based on knowledge and technologies of making decision;
− methods and algorithms of recognition of sensory signals, sounds,
images and characters;
− mathematical providing of automated data processing systems and
management, and information support of life cycle of industrial wares,
programmatic systems and complexes, decision support system;
− mathematical and programmatic providing of project works automation
process, technology of visualization of data;
− software, linguistic and informational providing of the different setting
Purpose of study: preparation of specialists able to conduct theoretical and
experimental (including an imitation design) researches in industry of
computer sciences; applying mathematical methods and algorithmic
principles in a modelling, planning, development and accompaniment of
information technologies and systems; carrying development, introduction
and accompaniment of the intellectual systems of analysis and processing
of data in the organizational, technical, natural and socio-economic
Theoretical contents of the subject area: modern models, methods,
algorithms, technologies, processes and methods of receipt, presentation,
processing, analysis, transmission, storage of data in the information
systems with the purpose of their systematization and exposure of
necessary facts for information.
Methods, techniques and technologies: mathematical models, methods and
algorithms for solving theoretical and applied tasks emerging in the
development of IT and IS; date technologies and programming platforms;
methods of data collection, analysis and consolidation of distributed
information; technology and methods of design, development and quality
assurance of IT and IS components; computer graphics and visualization
technology methods; engineering knowledge technologies.
Tools and equipment: IT and IS CASE-technology modeling and design;
distributed computing system; computer networks; cloud computing,
database management systems, operating systems.
Alumni Academic Ability of continuing education for the second (master's) level of higher
ІІІ. Number of ECTS credits required for a bachelor’s degree
The volume of the educational program of bachelor of Computer Science:
− on the basis of complete general secondary education with 11 years study
period 240 ECTS Credits;
− on the basis of complete general secondary education with 12 years study
period 180-240 ECTS Credits.
At least 50% of the programme's curriculum has to be aimed at providing
general and specific (professional) competencies determined by higher education
In order to reach a Bachelor degree on the basis of a Junior Bachelor degree
a higher education institution has the right to shorten the scope of a programme
ІV. Graduate competencies
Bachelor (FQ-EHEA - first cycle, EQF LLL - 6 level, HPK - 6
level) is able to solve complex problems and specialized tasks in computer
science, which involves the application of theories and techniques of
computer science, information technology and characterized by complexity
and uncertainty conditions.
GC1. Ability for abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis.
GC2. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.
GC3. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding
of the profession.
GC4. Ability to communicate both orally and through the written word in
the first language.
GC5. Ability to communicate in a second language.
GC6. Capacity to learn and stay up-to-date with learning.
GC7. Ability to search for, process and analyse information from a variety
of sources.
GC8. Ability to generate new ideas (creativity).
GC9. Ability to work in a team.
GC10. Ability to be critical and self-critical
GC11. Ability to design and manage projects.
GC12. Ability to make reasoned decisions.
GC13. Ability to evaluate and maintain the quality of work produced.
GC14. Determination and perseverance in the tasks given and
responsibilities taken.
GC15. Ability to act on the basis of ethical reasoning.
SC1. Ability to think mathematical and logical, formulate and research of
mathematical models, in particular discrete mathematical models, give
reasons why choosing methods and approaches for uniting of theoretical
and applied tasks in industry of computer sciences, analysis and
SC2.Ability to find out conformities to law of the casual phenomena,
apply the methods of the statistical processing of data and evaluation of
stochastic processes.
SC3.Ability to draw logically-grounded conclusions, use formal languages
and models of algorithmic calculations, plan, develop and analyse
algorithms, estimate their efficiency and complexity, and solvability and
insolvability of algorithmic problems for modeling subject areas and
creating software and information systems.
SC4.Ability to gain proficiency in modelling of mathematical objects
processes and phenomena, to develop models and algorithms of
mathematical objects modelling taking errors of approach solutions into
SC5.Ability to comply formalized description of operation research
problems in technical-organizational and socio-economic systems of
different purposes, determine their optional solutions, build models of
optimal choice of management taking into account the changes of
economic situation parameters, optimize management processes in the
systems of different setting and level of hierarchy.
SC6.Ability for system thinking, applying system analysis methodology
for different researching problems of different purposes and formalization
methods, as well as solving system problems with discrepant goals,
uncertainties and risks.
SC7.Ability to use theoretical and practical bases of methodology and
modeling technology, implement of modeling algorithms to research the
characteristics and behavior of complex objects and systems, carry out
experiments using modeling software with results processing and analysis.
SC8.Ability to project and develop software using different programming
paradigms: generic, object-oriented, functional, logic with appropriate
models, methods and calculation algorithms, data structures and control
SC9.Ability to implement tiered computing model based on client-server
model, including databases and data storage to suit many users, perform
transaction processing, including cloud services.
SC10.Ability to use methodologies, technology and tools for managing
life cycle processes of information and program systems, products and
information technology services according to customer requirements.
SC11.Ability for intellectual multivariate data analysis and efficient
analytical processing with results of analysis visualization in a process of
solving applied problems of computer science.
SC12.Ability to ensure organization of calculating processes in
informational systems of different purposes taking architecture,
configuration, indicators of operating system and system software
functioning productivity into account.
SC13.Ability to develop networking software functioning on the basis of
structured cable systems different topologies, uses computer systems and
data networks and analyses the quality of computer networks.
SC14.Ability to use the methods of information security, develop and
operate specialized information resources objects of critical information
infrastructure software.
SC15.Ability for analysis and business processes functional modeling,
construction and practical application of functional models of
organizational and economic, industrial and technical systems, risk
assessment methods for designing integrated circuits, synthesis of complex
systems based on the use of computer models.
SC16.Ability to implement high-performance computing based on cloud
services and technologies, parallel and distributed calculations in the
development and operation of distributed parallel processing.
V. Normative content of university students 'preparation, formulated as
learning objectives' terms
To apply fundamental knowledge of basic forms and laws of abstract logical
thinking, basics of scientific knowledge methodology, forms and methods of
exclusion, analysis, processing and synthesis of information in computer science
subject area.
To use mathematical apparatus of continuous and discrete analysis, linear algebra,
analytic geometry in professional practice for solving theoretical and applied
problems in the projection process and implementation of information objects by
To demonstrate knowledge on regularities of random phenomena, their properties
and operations on them, stochastic process models and modern development
environment for solving problems of experimental data statistical processing and
predictive modeling.
To plan, develop and analyze algorithms of solving computational and logical
problems, evaluate the effectiveness and complexity of algorithms taking the use
of formal models of algorithms and computable functions into account.
To apply basic knowledge of numerical differentiation and integration of
functions methods, solution of ordinary differential and integral equations,
features of numerical methods and capabilities to adapt them to engineering
problems, to have the skills of programming of numerical methods.
To demonstrate fundamental understanding of organizational and technical
systems simulation and operations simulation; methods of operations research,
solution one - and multi-criteria optimization tasks of linear, integer, nonlinear,
stochastic programming.
Ability to use the methodology of the simulation modelling of objects, processes
and systems, to plan and to run experiments with models, the decision making to
achive the goal by the simulation results.
Ability to develop software models of subject environments, to select a
programming paradigm from the position of convenience and quality of usage to
implement methods and algorithms for solving tasks in computer science field.
To use tools for developing client-server applications, to design conceptual,
logical and physical models of databases, to develop and optimize queries thereto.
To create distributed databases, storages and data marts, knowledge bases,
including cloud services, using web programming languages.
To have skills of using the management techniques of software lifecycle,
information technology products and services in accordance with the
requirements and restrictions of the customer, to be able to prepare project
documentation (feasibility study, technical requirement, business plan, creative
brief, contract, agreement etc.).
To be able to apply the methods and algorithms of data mining for classification
tasks, forecasting, cluster analysis, searching of associative rules by using
software tools of support multidimensional data analysis through the use of
technology DataMining, TextMining, WebMining.
To know the system programming languages and software programs development
methods that interact with components of computer systems, to demonstrate
knowledge of network technologies, architecture of computer networks and
practical skills in technology management of computer networks and their
PR14. To apply knowledge of methodologies and CASE-means of designing the
complex systems, methods of structural analysis of systems, object-oriented
design methodology in the process of construction and practical application of
functional models of organizational and economic, production and technical
PR15. To demonstrate knowledge of information security concepts, principles of safety
software design, to ensure the safety of computer networks in conditions of
uncertainty and incomplete source data.
PR16. To perform parallel and distributed computing, to apply numerical methods and
algorithms for parallel structures, parallel programming languages when
developing and operating of parallel and distributed software.
VІ. The forms of higher education applicants certification
The forms of
higher education
Requirements for
qualifying work
The final state attestation is performed in the form of defence the
graduate qualification work of the bachelor (diploma project or work).
Qualification work should include theoretical, system integrator or
experimental study of one of the crucial tasks of specialty 122
“Computer Science” and demonstrate the ability of the author to use
the achievements of competence and learning outcomes, logically,
based on modern scientific methods, to express their views on
research, make well-founded conclusions and formulate concrete
proposals and recommendations on the solved problem and identify
the author's tendency to research or practice.
The objects of research can be different nature phenomena,
production processes, technologies, activities in the framework of
formulated problem.
Qualification work must be checked for plagiarism.
Higher educational institution (HEI) should define the requirements
for the content, scope and structure of qualification bachelor work.
Topics and annotations of the graduate qualification works of the
bachelors should be published on the official website of the HEI or its
division (faculty, institute, department).
VII. Requirements for the presence of internal quality of higher education
HEI should provide the quality assurance system of the educational activities
and quality of higher education (system of internal quality assurance), which includes
the following procedures and measures:
1) determination of principles and procedures for quality assurance of higher
2) monitoring and periodic review of education programs;
3) annual evaluation of students, research and teaching staff of higher
educational institution and regular publication of the results of such assessments on the
official website of the HEI, on notice boards and in any other way;
4) providing the skills upgrading of educational and scientific employees in the
form of training or pass courses with obtaining relevant supporting documents at least
once every five years or by defense of a thesis;
5) providing the necessary resources for the educational process, including
independent work of students at each educational program;
6) providing the availability of information systems for the efficient management
of the educational process;
7) attracting educational sector employers to participate in the preparation and
implementation of educational programs of specialty 122 “Computer science and
information technologies” and its specializations, coordination with them educational
and professional standards;
7) providing the publicity of information about educational programs, higher
education degrees and qualification;
8) development practices of academic honesty, specifically providing an
effective system of prevention and detection of plagiarism in scientific works of HEI
employees and students;
9) other procedures and measures.
The system of providing by higher educational institution the quality of higher
education (system of internal quality assurance) upon the submission of HEI, evaluated
by National higher education quality assurance agency or by accredited independent
institutions of higher education evaluation and quality assurance for its compliance
with the requirements for quality assurance in higher education, approved by the
National higher education quality assurance agency, and international standards and
guidelines for quality assurance.
VIII. Requirements of professional standards
The corresponding professional (multi) national organisational standard for the
programme 122 "Computer Science and Information Technology" is absent as of the
standard development date.
IX. The list of regulations underlying the higher education standard
1. Закон України від 01.07.2014 № 1556-VII «Про вищу освіту»;
2. Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України від 23.11.2011 р. № 1341 «Про затвердження
національної рамки кваліфікацій»;
3. Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України від 29.04.15 року № 266 «Про затвердження
переліку галузей знань і спеціальностей, за якими здійснюється підготовка
здобувачів вищої освіти»;
4. Класифікація видів економічної діяльності : ДК 009:2010. – На заміну ДК 009:2005;
Чинний від 2012-01-01. – (Національний класифікатор України);
5. Класифікатор професій : ДК 003:2010. – На заміну ДК 003:2005 ; Чинний від 201011-01. – (Національний класифікатор України);
6. Области образования и профессиональной подготовки 2013 (МСКО-О 2013):
Сопроводительное руководство к Международной стандартной классификации
образования 2011. – Институт статистики ЮНЕСКО, 2014. – Режим доступу:
http://www.uis.unesco.org/Library/Documents/isced-f-2013-fields-of-educationtraining- 2014-rus.pdf;
7. Стандарти і рекомендації щодо забезпечення якості в Європейському просторі
вищої освіти. К. : Ленвіт, 2006. – 35 с. ISBN 966-7043-96-7;
8. Національний освітній глосарій: вища освіта / 2-е вид., перероб. і доп. / авт.- уклад.
: В. М. Захарченко та ін. / За ред. В. Г. Кременя. – К. : ТОВ «Видавничий дім
«Плеяди», 2014. – 100 с. ISBN 978-966-2432-22-0.
9. Наказ МОН України від 01.06.2016 № 600 «Про затвердження та введення в дію
Методичних рекомендацій щодо розроблення стандартів вищої освіти».
10. Computer Science 2013: Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Programs in
11. Бахрушин В.Є. Компетентності і результати навчання у нових стандартах вищої
освіти [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу: http://education-ua.org/ua/articles/702kompetentnosti-i-rezultati-navchannya-u-novikh-standartakh-vishchoji-osviti
12. Класифікація видів економічної діяльності : ДК 009:2010. – На заміну ДК 009:2005;
Чинний від 2012-01-01. – (Національний класифікатор України);
13. Класифікатор професій : ДК 003:2010. – На заміну ДК 003:2005 ; Чинний від 201011-01. – (Національний класифікатор України);
Appendix A
Table 1 – Compliance matrix based on standard of NQF descriptors competence
Competence classification
by NQF
Autonomy and
Implementation of social
communication in the
process of communicating
with specialists and nonspecialists in computer
science, ensuring the
exchange of logical
arguments to achieve mutual
understanding and
The ability to sociability,
emotional stability,
endurance, stroke, defending
own point of view, clear
expression of their opinions
The responsibility for
assigned work, autonomy
in decision-making on
solving problems in
computer science
Generic competences
1. Ability for abstract thinking,
analysis and synthesis.
A knowledge of the basic
forms and laws of the
abstract-logical thinking,
basics of the logic,
critical approach
standards, basics of the
methodology of the
science knowledge, forms
and methods of the
analysis and synthesis
2. Ability to apply knowledge in A knowledge of teaching
practical situations.
methods, organization
and implementation,
promotion and motivation
3. Knowledge and
understanding of the subject area of teaching and learning
of understanding
and understanding of the
computer science subject
Gaining systematic
knowledge in computer
science, analyzing the
problem in terms of current
scientific paradigms,
interpreting and making
reasonable conclusions
from scientific and
educational literature and
experimental results
Implementation of learned
concepts, theories and
methods of the intellectual
and practical activities in
computer science,
reflection of the content
and sequence of ways for
performing actions
summarizing and
organizing the results of
Ability to organize the
work to achieve results,
performance and mental
and practical actions,
methods and operations
of awareness of
responsibility for their
activities, the use of selfmonitoring and selfevaluation
Competence classification
by NQF
Autonomy and
4. Ability to communicate both
orally and through the written
word in the first language.
A knowledge of lexical,
grammatical and stylistic
features of state and
foreign vocabulary,
computer science
terminology, grammar to
understand and produce
oral and written foreign
texts in professional field
Professionally meeting
state and foreign languages,
developing the state and
foreign languages for
documentation systems,
products and services
information technology to
read, understand and use
technical documentation in
Ukrainian and foreign
languages in professional
Possession and usage of
typical professional
communication lexical and
syntactic models, building
communication in speech
and writing state and foreign
languages, based on the
objectives and the situation
of communication.
The responsibility for an
accuracy and correctness
of the statements in
official and foreign
A knowledge of
techniques and teaching
methods, self-education
methods, basic scientific
and research activities,
methods of searching,
collection, analysis and
processing of information
Assessing the subject of
educational activity,
defining a common goal
and specific tasks, choosing
the adequate means to solve
tasks to achieve the result,
making the necessary selfcontrol, using reference
books and technical
documentation, developing
and applying creativity in
professional activity,
organizing workplace,
planning working time.
A usage of communicative
competence for an effective
cooperation in different
areas of communication;
selection and
systematization of
information materials with a
goal to communicate in a
professional field, use media
to receive, process and
create actual information in
form of documents,
abstracts, reports, articles,
interviews; improvement of
personal communicational
competency based on skills
Take a responsibility for
development, exercise
independence in carrying
out independent
generalizations, make
independent decisions
and perform independent
actions in overcoming
learning difficulties,
based on experience in
creative solution of
5. Ability to communicate in a
second language.
6. Capacity to learn and stay upto-date with learning.
Competence classification
by NQF
and abilities of interpersonal
Using the system of
communications to meet the
information needed in the
field of Computer Science
and Information
Autonomy and
7. Ability to search for, process
and analyse information from a
variety of sources.
A knowledge of methods,
techniques and
technology of collecting
information from various
sources, analysis content
of documents, analysis
and data processing
Using technology and tools
of search engines, methods
of data mining and text,
processing interpretation
and synthesis of data.
8. Ability to generate new ideas
A knowledge of basic
steps and stages of the
creative process, role of
correctly formulated
purposes and problems
for their achievements in
the field of computer
science, human creativity
ability, the mechanism of
the genesis and
development of
knowledge, methods of
generating ideas,
understanding of
creativity as a universal
process of unusual ideas
A knowledge of the
teamwork principles,
team values, conflict
foundations. Knowledge
management of IT project
Showing curiosity, appetite
for risk, ability to think, get
inspired by new ideas,
implement them, light them
around, combine and
Making professional
contacts and
understanding interlocutors
psychological effect in the
communication process,
adequate understanding of
verbal and nonverbal
communication signals,
ability to overcome
communication barriers.
Autonomy and
responsibility for
generating new ideas and
decision making in the
field of computer science
in the development of
methods, models,
algorithms and their
Building connections and
relationships with people,
taking into account the
opinion of colleagues, to
understand other people,
The ability to plan
communication in a team
with customers, respect
correct behavior, tolerance,
rights, acknowledgment
The ability to express
thoughts while working
in a team, being
responsible for the work
team, the ability to take
9. Ability to work in a team.
10. Ability to be critical and selfcritical.
Autonomy in the
processing, interpretation
and synthesis of data,
responsibility for the
timeliness, accuracy and
reliability of
Competence classification
by NQF
11. Ability to design and manage
methodology, RMBOK
standards, software tools
for IT projects managing.
12. Ability to make reasoned
13. Ability to evaluate and
maintain the quality of work
expressing confidence the
team to recognize their
mistakes, avoiding and
preventing conflicts,
containing personal
ambitions. Carrying out the
selection and preparation of
information and tasks for
the project team, setting
goals, formulating
objectives and goals for
projects and programs
A professional knowledge Conducting analysis of the
in Computer Science,
strengths and weaknesses
knowledge of
of the decision, analyzing
the opportunities and risks
approaches to training
of decisions, evaluating the
procedures for decision
effectiveness of decisions.
making of organizational
and managerial nature,
manner behavior in
unusual situations.
A knowledge of
Applying in the
international standards for international standards of
quality assessment
quality assessment
software, services and IT software, services and IT
management services,
management services,
model for evaluating the
valuation models of
maturity of software
software development
development processes,
processes maturity.
Autonomy and
thoughts of another person
and the ability to take part in
the proper debate, overcome
selfish attitudes, principles
of self-criticism, distribution
of information about the
progress of work.
responsibility to the team
as a leader.
Conducting business
negotiations for the transfer
of information using
analysis, reasoning and
The ability to take
responsibility for
decisions, including
decisions in unusual
situations, the ability to
defend decision.
The development of
communications plans in the
project; preparing and
conducting meetings;
problem diagnosis and
conflicts during the work.
The ability to take
responsibility for the
quality of work,
enforcement of
contractual rights and
Competence classification
by NQF
14. Determination and
perseverance in the tasks given
and responsibilities taken.
15. Ability to act on the basis of
ethical reasoning.
methods, quality
assurance of IT systems.
The ability to adjust
focused behavior by
circumstances that
prevent the achievement
of goals, overcoming
various obstacles.
A knowledge of the
system of general rules of
moral behavior and
human groups of people,
ethics, understanding the
code of professional
Autonomy and
Analyzing problematic
situations, asking
themselves specific goals
for solving professional
problems and consciously
seeking their
implementation, choosing
the path for future action,
determining the means to
achieve goals, making
The ability to develop
communication in the team,
find understanding in the
implementation of
individual tasks and
fulfillment of obligations.
The ability to prepare to
meet problems, develop
design solutions taking
uncertainty into account,
develop appropriate
guidance and regulations
as well as proposals and
measures to implemented
projects and programs.
Implementing a system of
moral relations in
professional activities.
The ability to plan and
implement interpersonal
communication based on
certain moral principles.
The ability to take
responsibility towards
colleagues and the public
the result of work, the
ability to support the
reputation of the group,
compliance with moral
prohibitions and
The ability to form effective
communication strategy
through accuracy reasoning
in mathematical outlining.
The ability to solve
professional tasks using
modern mathematical
tools and take
responsibility for the
derived solutions.
Specific competences
1 Ability to think mathematical
and logical, formulate and
research of mathematical models,
in particular discrete
mathematical models, give
reasons why choosing methods
and approaches for untiing of
theoretical and applied tasks in
A knowledge of
theoretical and applied
provisions of continuous
and discrete analysis,
including analysis of the
infinitely small, integral
calculus, linear algebra,
analytic geometry,
Effectively using modern
mathematical tools in
professional activities for
solving theoretical and
applied in the analysis,
synthesis and projecting of
information systems.
Competence classification
by NQF
Autonomy and
differential equations,
functional analysis,
combinatorics, graph
theory, Boolean algebra.
2. Ability to find out
A knowledge of patterns
conformities to law of the casual of random phenomena,
phenomena, apply the methods of their properties and
the statistical processing of data
operations on them,
and evaluation of stochastic
random variables and
distribution laws,
probability methods of
complex systems, basic
concepts of mathematical
statistics, empirical data
processing methods,
verification of statistical
hypotheses based on
sample data, elements of
the theory of regression
and correlation.
Solving typical tasks using
basic theorems of
probability theory; building
distribution laws of random
variables and calculating
their numerical
characteristics; building
models of random
processes and carrying out
their analysis; applying
probabilistic and statistical
methods for evaluation of
stochastic processes; using
modern environment for
solving statistical analysis
of experimental data.
The ability to substantiate an
own opinion about
application of statistical data
and evaluation of stochastic
processes in the real world in
communication with
colleagues, customers,
partners, create analytic and
written reports and to use the
own work results at
meetings, conferences, etc.
The ability to solve
professional tasks using
modern mathematical
apparatus of probability
and mathematical
statistics, take
responsibility for the
derived solutions.
3. Ability to draw logicallygrounded conclusions, use formal
languages and models of
algorithmic calculations, plan,
develop and analyse algorithms,
estimate their efficiency and
complexity, and solvability and
insolvability of algorithmic
problems for modeling subject
areas and creating software and
information systems.
Using formal models and
algorithms, computable
functions, setting
solvability, partial
solvability and unsolvable
algorithmic problems to
project, develop and
analyze algorithms,
evaluating their
performance and
The ability to communicate
with colleagues, customers,
partners on specific issues of
projecting and modeling of
information systems and
software, write analytical
reports, present the results
of their work at meetings,
conferences etc.
The ability to
substantiate own opinion
on the design,
development and
analysis of algorithms
and computable
functions in the subject
area modeling.
industry of computer sciences,
analysis and interpretation.
A knowledge of the basic
concepts of the theory of
algorithms, formal
models of algorithms,
primitive recursive,
general recursive and
functions, solvability and
insolvability of massive
problems, the concepts of
time and space
Competence classification
by NQF
complexity of algorithms
for solving computational
4. Ability to gain proficiency in A knowledge of
modelling of mathematical
numerical methods of
objects, processes and
linear and non-linear
phenomena, to develop models
algebra, functions
and algorithms of mathematical
approximation, numerical
objects modelling taking errors of differentiation and
approach solutions into account.
integration of functions
methods, solving ordinary
differential, integral
equations and partial
differential equations,
numerical methods
theoretical features and
capabilities to adapt them
to engineering problems.
Using mathematical
packages and developing
programs of numerical
methods implementation,
reasonable choosing of
numerical methods for
solving engineering
problems in the projecting
and modeling of software
and information systems
and technologies,
evaluating the effectiveness
of numerical methods,
including convergence,
stability and complexity of
5. Ability to comply formalized A knowledge of concepts Formulating organizational
description of operation research of operation, operating
goal for technical and
problems in technicalsystem, model operation, economic systems
organizational and sociomodel development
management, forming a
economic systems of different
operations stages;
system of quality control
purposes, determine their
classification of economic criteria, building a
optional solutions, build models
and mathematical models mathematical model of the
of optimal choice of management and methods; principles
problem, selecting and
taking into account the changes
of organizational and
using the appropriate
of economic situation parameters, technical systems and
method for solving the
optimize management processes
operations modeling;
optimization problem and
in the systems of different setting methods of solution of
finding its optimal solution,
and level of hierarchy.
linear, integer, nonlinear, adjusting the solution of the
Autonomy and
The ability to substantiate an
own opinion about the
problem that is solved,
communicate with
colleagues, customers,
partners on specific issues of
projecting and simulation
software and information
systems and technologies,
create analytic and written
reports and to use the own
work results at meetings,
conferences, etc.
The ability to
independently determine
the formulation of the
problem, choose a
numerical method for
solving it, ensure the
required accuracy of
performed calculations,
take responsibility for
derived solutions.
The ability to substantiate an
own opinion about the
problem that is solved,
communicate with
colleagues, customers,
partners on specific issues of
the enterprise, institution,
organization, create analytic
and written reports and to
use the own work results at
meetings, conferences, etc.
The ability to solve
problems on professional
activities using modern
methods, technical and
scientific literature,
modern software;
perform certain functions
of organizational and
technical management
related to information
processing, modeling
analysis of situations,
training solutions to
Competence classification
by NQF
stochastic and dynamic
programming; features of
multiple tasks
construction and solving.
model based on new
knowledge about the
problem and the operation,
making management
decisions about operations
and the implementation of
this decision, using
software for searching of
optimal solutions of
organizational and
economic governance.
Describing the subject area,
for applying the principles
of system approach for
information systems and
informatization objects
modeling and projecting, to
carrying out a systematic
analysis of business process
management systems,
uncertainty disclosing and
analyzing multifactorial
risks; finding solutions for
weakly structured
6. Ability for system thinking,
applying system analysis
methodology for different
researching problems of different
purposes and formalization
methods, as well as solving
system problems with discrepant
goals, uncertainties and risks.
A knowledge of system
analysis methodology for
a systematic study of
deterministic and
stochastic models of
objects and processes,
projecting and operation
of information systems,
products, services,
information technology
and other objects of
professional activity.
7. Ability to use theoretical and
practical bases of methodology
and modeling technology,
implement modeling algorithms
to research the characteristics and
A knowledge of queuing
models, Petri nets;
methodology and
simulation facilities,
Identifying the components
of structural and parametric
identification of models of
real systems, applying the
modeling of complex
Autonomy and
optimize the activities of
information systems
The ability to substantiate an
own opinion about the
system analysis of complex
objects and processes,
formalization methods of
system tasks when designing
complex systems,
communicate with
colleagues, clients, partners
about the specific problems
of information and program
systems design, create
analytic and written reports
and to use the own work
results at meetings,
conferences, etc.
The ability to substantiate
own opinion on models and
methodologies of projecting
of objects and processes,
communicate with
The ability to selfevaluate and form a unit
of study, determine the
feasibility and possibility
of solving the existing
uncertainty to formalize
the task, take
responsibility for
decisions regarding the
logical organization,
properties and behavior
of projected complex
The ability to
independently determine
the staging task to build
an information model,
choose the method or
Competence classification
by NQF
Autonomy and
behavior of complex objects and
systems, carry out experiments
using modeling software with
results processing and analysis.
processes and systems;
planning and conducting
experiments with models
of decision making to
achieve the goal by the
simulation results.
objects and systems using
appropriate software,
assessing the completeness,
adequacy, validity and
feasibility models of real
colleagues, customers and
partners on specific issues of
methodology and modeling
technology facilities and
systems, write analytical
reports, make performances
with the results of work at
meetings, conferences, etc.
The ability to form effective
communication strategy in
the software development
team, make decisions about
programming paradigms,
methods and algorithms for
computing, data structures
and mechanisms of control.
environment modeling,
perform modelling of an
object or a system, take
responsibility for the
decision to achieve the
goal according to the
simulation results.
The ability to substantiate an
own opinion about
architecture and technology
of client-server applications
development, including
database and data storage,
form a communication
strategy with colleagues,
customers, partners on
specific issues of the
The ability to work in a
team to implement tiered
applications, integrate
databases and data
storage in the
development of
distributed software to be
responsible for decisions
regarding the logical
8. Ability to project and develop
software using different
programming paradigms: generic,
object-oriented, functional, logic
with appropriate models, methods
and calculation algorithms, data
structures and control
A knowledge of basic
data structures and
methodologies and tools
for object-oriented
analysis and design,
characteristics of different
programming paradigms,
principles, models,
methods and technologies
for the design and
development of software
products for various
9. Ability to implement tiered
A knowledge of
computing model based on client- principles, tools, web
server model, including databases programming languages,
and data storage to suit many
technologies of creation
users, perform transaction
of databases, repositories,
processing, including cloud
data marts and knowledge
base for the development
of distributed applications
with integration of
databases and data
Software models of subject
media developing,
choosing a programming
paradigm from the
standpoint of convenience
and quality for
implementing the use of
methods and algorithms for
solving problems in
computer science for
reliable and efficient
software creation.
Using methods,
technologies and tools for
projecting and
development of clientserver applications,
projecting conceptual,
logical and physical models
of databases, developing
and optimizing queries
which create distributed
The ability to prepare
problems and develop
project solutions, taking
into account
uncertainties, develop
appropriate guidance and
regulations as well as
proposals about
implementing developed
projects and programs.
Competence classification
by NQF
warehouses in a clientserver architecture.
10. Ability to use methodologies,
technology and tools for
managing life cycle processes of
information and program
systems, products and
information technology services
according to customer
11. Ability for intellectual
multivariate data analysis and
efficient analytical processing
with results of analysis
visualization in a process of
solving applied problems of
computer science.
12. Ability to ensure organization
of calculating processes in
informational systems of
database repository and
data marts, knowledge
base, including cloud
development of client-server
applications, create analytic
and written reports and use
the own work results at
meetings, conferences, etc.
A knowledge of
Using methodologies,
The ability to develop and
standards, methods,
technologies and tools for
communicate with Ukrainian
technology and process
lifecycle management of
and foreign partners, current
management lifecycle
information systems,
interaction and joint
information and software software, products and
elaboration of decisions and
systems, products and
services of information
initiatives on development
services of information
technology in accordance
cooperation, business
with the requirements and
meetings on the
restrictions of the customer, development of information
the ability to prepare
and software systems.
project documentation
(feasibility study, technical
requirements, business
plan, creative brief,
agreement, contract, etc.)
A knowledge of methods Using DataMining,
Creative interaction with
and algorithms of
TextMining, WebMining
colleagues during the
analytical processing and technology for data mining; process of intellectual data
data mining tasks for
solving tasks using
analysis and data processing.
classification, prediction, methods of classification,
Еру ability to convince
cluster analysis,
prediction, cluster analysis, partners that it is necessary
associative search rules
associative rules search.
to use multidimensional
using software tools to
analysis technologies and
support data analysis.
A knowledge of computer Solving issues of the
The ability to form effective
architecture, operating
administration, effective
communication strategies in
systems (OS) functions,
use, security, diagnostics,
the field of computational
Autonomy and
organization of
properties and efficiency
of client-server software.
The ability to work in a
team to implement the
model of life cycle
methodologies in modern
design information and
software systems to make
decisions to improve
project performance and
changing business
processes of the
Independent and
responsible choosing of
the methods and
algorithms for analytical
processing and data
mining for applied
problems in computer
Ability to independently
carry out planning and
scheduling tasks,
Competence classification
by NQF
different purposes taking
architecture, configuration,
indicators of operating system
and system software functioning
productivity into account.
software interfaces for
application access to the
operating system
methods, programming
languages and system
software development
methods that interact with
components of a
computer system.
13. Ability to develop networking A knowledge of network
software functioning on the basis technologies, computer
of structured cable systems
networks architecture,
different topologies, uses
technology networks and
computer systems and data
administration of
networks and analyses the quality software in the
of computer networks.
implementation of
distributed computing.
14. Ability to use methods of
information security, develop and
operate specialized information
resources objects of critical
information infrastructure
protection software.
A knowledge of
information security
concepts, principles of
safe design IP and IT,
secure programming
methodology, threats and
attacks, computer
networks, cryptography
15. Ability for analysis and
business processes functional
modeling, construction and
A knowledge of design
methodology and
technology of complex
Autonomy and
recovery, monitoring and
optimization of computers,
operating systems and
system resources of
computer systems.
processes in information
systems for various
managing memory, files,
processes, input and
output devices; handle
interrupts using different
operating systems and
system software.
Possessing the methods and
means of work with
computer networks;
choosing the configuration
type and structure of a
computer network;
operating computer
networks in the
implementation of
distributed computing.
Keeping confidentiality,
integrity and availability of
information, ensure
authenticity, traceability
and reliability of
information in terms of
incompleteness and
uncertainty of input data,
multi-criteria professional
Using technology design
complex systems, choosing
CASE-tools; formulating
The ability to implement
communications strategies,
using computer networks
and distributed software.
Independent and
responsible choosing the
configuration type and
structure of a computer
network; operating
computer networks in the
implementation of
distributed computing.
The ability to form effective
communication strategies in
the process of information
exchange concepts, channel
of communication coding
and selection, transfering
messages and documents
through the channel, storage
and extraction of documents,
implementing feedback.
The ability to form effective
communication strategies in
the area of teamwork in the
Independent managing
reports and documents,
helding responsibility for
the content of
information resources
needed to ensure
information security.
An independent choice,
decision and
responsibility on
Competence classification
by NQF
practical application of functional
models of organizational and
economic, industrial and
technical systems, risk
assessment methods for
designing integrated circuits,
synthesis of complex systems
based on the use of computer
systems, CASE-tools
system design, methods
of structural analysis,
object-oriented design
methodology, project
documentation, the
methodology for
assessing the complexity
of developing complex
A knowledge of software
architecture and highperformance parallel and
distributed computing
systems, numerical
methods and algorithms
for parallel structures.
16. Ability to implement highperformance computing based on
cloud services and technologies,
parallel and distributed
calculations in the development
and operation of distributed
parallel processing.
Autonomy and
technical and economic
design and development of
requirements, designing
information systems and
information and software
systems using templates
and automated design tools.
methods of analysis and
functional modeling of
business processes,
construction and
practical application of
functional models of
organizational, economic
and industrial and
technical systems.
Performing parallel and
distributed computing, to
apply numerical methods
and algorithms for parallel
structures, parallel
programming language in
the development and
operation of parallel and
distributed software.
An independent choice,
decision and
responsibility on
numerical methods and
algorithms for parallel
structures like parallel
programming in the
development and
operation of parallel and
distributed software.
The ability to form effective
communication strategies in
the performance of parallel
and distributed computing.
Appendix B
Table 2 - Matrix of compliance of the learning outcomes and competencies defined by the standard
Special (professional) competencies
General competencies