Cleaning and disposal of industrial waste water environmental sanitation for 4th year

Department of Municipal Hygiene and health? Lecture on
environmental sanitation for 4th year
Cleaning and disposal of industrial waste
1. Problems of water pollution by sewage.
2. Methods of treatment of industrial
3.Measure to reduce industrial water
In recent years, water recycling in the industry
amounted to an average of about 60%:
In recent years, water recycling in the industry
amounted to an average of about 60%:
Himicheskaya- 77%
Black Metallurgy 78%
Non-ferrous metallurgy, 56%
Meat and dairy -54%
Meat and dairy -54%
Industry stroymaterialov- 50%.
When using urban wastewater in closed systems
technical water supply is sufficient to ensure the
safety of the epidemic, which is achieved by
water and the appropriate rank of technical
When using wastewater in open
systems, service water supply in
addition to providing
epidemiological. Safety
evaluation includes criteria to
guarantee the harmlessness for
human chemical composition
and favorable organoleptic
Hygienic quality criteria
treated municipal
wastewater used in
closed systems technical
water supply.
Sanitary wastewater
quality criteria used in
open systems, service
water supply.
Admissible levels
chemical absorptivity of
oxygen, mg 02/l
biological absorptivity
of oxygen, mg 02/l
Coli- index
Weighed substance
For cleaning waste water
containing oil and oil products,
used oil traps, which are
conventional horizontal tanks.
Defend oil collected header tubes, sediment
should be removed periodically.
For proper operation of the oil trap the oil
content in the effluent is reduced to 50-100
mg / l.
In most cases, after the oil traps requires
wastewater treatment.
Adsorption methods of wastewater
treatment used to extract nickel from
wastewater production of synthetic
rubber, izopropilbenzola- from
wastewater production of
isopropylbenzene hydroperoxide, ortho
and para-nitrophenol.
Removing the disulfide
of sewage plant and
synthetic artificial fibers
using activated carbon
not only allows to
remove completely
carbon disulfide, but
return to the production
of carbon disulfide to 7.5
m per month.
Ion exchange.
Among physicochemical methods include the use
of filters, operating on the principle of ion
Ion exchange filters are loaded with solid granular
material having the ability to communicate entered
into its composition ions ions contained in the
The ion exchange resin used for adsorption ionovelectrolytes used in industry as a filter for
demineralizing the water removed from the water and
cleaning it from toxic impurities.
For hyper- and ultrafiltration wastewater
used polymer membrany- cellulose acetate,
Term efficient operation is 1-2 years.
If the character of polluted wastewater
apply to them the same cleaning
methods as to domestic waters, the
techno-economic feasibility of joint
performance of their processing.
mixture of domestic
and industrial waste water when
entering the biological treatment
facilities must comply with the
SNIP 11-32-74 "Sewerage. External
networks and facilities. "
on the biological structures can be exposed
sewage meat plants and dairy enterprises.
treatment of oily
wastewater at
refineries can be
done both
individually and in
a mixture with your
household water.
For sewage treatment enterprises
artificial and synthetic materials
are recommended biological
methods as the most efficient
and reliable in terms of the rank
of water protection.
Used for averaging ponds reclaimers and
special containers:
Ponds -usredniteli have a relatively large
capacity, averaging liquid waste is achieved
by stirring re-enter its servings with water
Special tanks reclaimers have a small
capacity, averaging is achieved by
mixing forced to re-enter the liquid
waste with the contents of the tank.