***** 1 - Издательство

Проект: «Eco problems in my home town»УМК «English7»
Авторы: Афанасьева Алёна, 7 класс, МКОУ «Подойниковская сош
имени Героя Советского Союза М.И. Рогачева»
Алтайский край Панкрушихинский район с. Подойниково
Учитель: Михайленко Александра Сергеевна
The Siberian roe
The environmental problems in
Russia, in our region are the
same as all over the world. I’d
like to talk about them,
it’s necessary!!!
I live in the Pankrushikhinsky area. In the territory
of our area the Pankrushikhinsky wildlife preserve
is located. It is organized 21.09.1973.
The Siberian roe lives in our wildlife preserve.
заказник Панкрушихинский
The roe is a very beautiful and graceful
animal, not so big size, she moves easily
and gracefully.
The Siberian roe is a small deer, is externally
a little similar to a goat. The length of the
body is 130-150 cm; the height is 85-105 cm.
The fur colouring in the winter is grey, in the
summer is red. The Siberian roe differs from
the European roe in fur colouring, it has a
larger size of the body and larger hilly horns.
The Siberian roe lives in the south of Siberia, in the Far
East, in mountains of Central Asia, in Mongolia,
Northern and East China.
Roes eat grass, berries and mushrooms; in the winter —
branches, kidneys and dry leaves of trees and bushes.
They love acorns very much, they sometimes even dig
out from under the snow in the winter.
The Siberian roe occupies various types of the
deciduous and mixed woods.
The Siberian roe swims well.
Kids are born in May - June. The colouring of the
kids’ fur is spotty. During the first week they lie on
one place, then follow the mother. Kids start eating
grass at the age of 1 month. Their horns completely
develop by 3rd year.
Roes can live near people. At danger they
<BARK>. Their number is quite low because
of poaching.
In the territory of the Altai area there
is an emergency situation!
Roes suffer in the winter because of the deep snow. Weak
animals perish. Besides poachers cause an irreparable loss of
the Siberian roes.
Animals have no chances of rescue from snowmobiles.
Poachers kill just for the hell of it, passion and a
profit. Often they use very cruel ways - pursue an
animal and exhaust animals, and then press those
snowmobiles or finish in bits.
Save fauna of the Altai territory from
Let's rescue this beautiful and graceful
Everyone can help!
Берегите, Землю! Берегите
Жаворонка в голубом зените,
Бабочку на листьях повилики,
На тропинке солнечные блики…
Ястреба, парящего над полем,
Ясный месяц над речным покоем,
Ласточку, мелькающую в жите.
Берегите, Землю! Берегите!
Let's stop poaching!
Используемая литература:
Энциклопедия Алтайского края: В двух томах.- Барнаул:
Алтайское книжное издательство , 1996 год.
Позвоночные животные России: Косуля сибирская
Сибирская косуля на сайте www.ecosystema.ru