Tale time I think reading is …. It can help you to … Objectives: to learn: new fiction genres [ʒɔŋrəz] (литературные жанры) to do: listen, read and talk about fiction genres, authors Literary genres Adventure story Suspense story Detective, mystery Novel Drama Humorous story Comedy Myth Fairy tale Science fiction Biography Legend Agatha Christie ['ægəθə 'krɪstɪ] Hercule Poirot Miss Marple Sir Arthur Conan Doyle [sɜː 'ɑːθə konæn doil] Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson Jules Vern Captain Nemo Your task p. 16-17 read and translate information about greatest names in fiction Objectives: to learn: new fiction genres [ʒɔŋrəz] (литературные жанры) to do: listen, read and talk about fiction genres, authors Literary genres Adventure story Suspense story Detective, mystery Novel Drama Humorous story Comedy Myth Fairy tale Science fiction Biography Legend Authors and stories аккуратный neat [niːt] внешность appearance [ə'pɪər(ə)ns] одержимость obsession [əb'seʃ(ə)n] порядок order ['ɔːdə] investigation [ɪnˌvestɪ'geɪʃ(ə)n] расследование at first glance [æt fɜːst glɑːns] с первого взгляда Authors and stories inspire [ɪn'spaɪə] solve [sɔlv] faithful ['feɪθf(ə)l] case [keɪs] cape [keɪp] a magnifying ['mægnɪfaɪ] glass вдохновлять решать верный, преданный случай плащ; накидка; увеличительное стекло Authors and stories imagination [ɪˌmæʤɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] воображение несколько several ['sev(ə)r(ə)l] странный strange [streɪnʤ] Your task WB ex. 1 p. 11 cards