Course Overview - Laboratory of Mathematical Logic | of PDMI RAS

Ben Livshits
Ben Livshits
Microsoft Research
Redmond, Washington
Microsoft Research
Microsoft Research
Redmond, WA
Организация Microsoft Research
• 300-400 исследователей и ученых
• Исследования в computer science
• …с двумя основными целями:
– академическое влияние и публикации
– исследования, отражающиеся в продуктах
Microsoft’а в следующие 5-10 лет
• Before lunch:
• Figuring out students’ background
• Making sure that everyone is on the same page
• Lunch
• Free-form discussion
• Feeding time ;-)
• After lunch
Show some of the current research
Will give several conference talks that appeared in the last 2 years
Will give a sense of what the research community is interested in
Will give a sense of the flavor of work that is being done and what it takes
to get a paper published
• Will answer questions
• 11:15-12:50: Introduction to security
• 13:00-14:35: Introduction to compilers
• Before lunch:
• 14:35-15:35: Lunch
• Lunch
• Figuring out students’ background
• Making sure that everyone is on the same
• Free-form discussion
• Feeding time ;-)
• 15:35-17:10: Connecting the two
• Recent research
• 15:35-16:30: Nozzle
• 16:30-17:10 Gatekeeper
• After lunch
• Show some of the current research
• Will give several conference talks that
appeared in the last 2 years
• Will give a sense of what the research
community is interested in
• Will give a sense of the flavor of work that
is being done and what it takes to get a
paper published
• Will answer questions