The arms of Arkhangelsk

ГКООУ Волгоградская санаторная школа-интернат
Кафедра иностранных языков
Arkhangelsk coat of arms
(Герб Архангельска)
английского языка
Текучева Ольга
-2013 -
Coat of Arms of
Arkhangelsk Archangel Michael on
striking the devil first appeared on the
banner Regiment of
Arkhangelsk in 1712.
Though in the notebook of
Peter I, relating to 1701,
there is a pencil sketch of
a picture of the banner. In
the centre of the banner we
can see the coat of arms of
The author of the final composition of the
Arkhangelsk coat of arms, which remained
unchanged until 1917, is considered to be
Francis Earl Santee. He was invited to compose the
coats of arms by Peter I
Description of coat of arms
In the Golden field of the shield flying
Archangel in a blue robe with a fiery
sword and shield, beating a black devil
is depicted.
The symbolism of the emblem:
Flying Archangel in a blue
Black devil
robe with a fiery sword impersonates
and shield symbolizes the (олицетворяет)
Russian army, the victory the enemy, the
of the forces of good over evil will be
evil (добра над злом).
Arms of
Arkhangelsk was
approved by imperial
decree October 2,
In Soviet times, religious themes оn official
symbols were not allowed, so the coat of
arms of the secular character was adopted.
It shows the ship, as Archangelsk - a
major port.
Returning to the historical coat of
arms of Arkhangelsk occurred in 1989
It was approved by the decision of the
eleventh session of the Arkhangelsk city
Council of 10 October 1989
The Emblem was solemnly fixed at
the city administration building of
Coat of arms of Arkhangelsk
submarine «Novomoskovsk»
(407) in February 2004 in the
Barents sea.
Experts in the field of heraldry
offer to hold a competition for a
new graphic image of the coat of
arms. In their opinion, the option
of 1989 quality inferior to the
historical prototype and was
made quite
The image of Archangel Michael was embroidered (
вышивали крестиком) on military banners in Russia,
considering it as the protector of the Russian land.
Perhaps this is why, on the far Northern edge of Russia
Michael-Аrchangelskiy monastery was erected. The city
of Arkhangelsk grew later around it.
Archangel Michael pray for help and
protection from thieves, evil enemies,
natural disasters, war and death in
vain, sorrows and misfortunes.
О, Господень Великий Архангеле Михаиле! Помоги
нам грешным (имя) и избави нас от труса,
потопа, огня, меча и напрасной смерти, от
великого зла, от врага льстивого, от бури
поносимой, от лукавого избави нас навсегда,
ныне и присно и во веки веков. Аминь. Святой
Архистратиг Божий Михаил, молниеносным
мечом Твоим отжени от меня духа лукавого,
искушающего и томящего мя. Аминь.