Neuroendocrine syndromes in gynecology prof.: Мagzumova N.M. Neuroendocrine syndromes in gynecology Premenstrual Syndrome Algomenoreya Postcastration syndrome Menopause Postpartum obesity Neuroendocrine syndrome is not associated with pregnancy Postpartum hypopituitarism (Shien syndrome) Polycystic ovaries AGS Hyperprolactinemia Premenstrual syndrome (PMS 20-55%) pathological syndrome that occurs after 2-10 days before menstruation; manifested neuropsychiatric, autonomic cardiovascular and metabolic-endocrine disorders; disappear immediately at the begining of menstruation or during the first days. PMS: The prevalence у 75% встречаются предменструальные симптомы 25% ПМС 4% ПМДС PMS Stress mental strain abortions and pathological labors chronic infectious disease Who are particularly susceptible to PMS? Women who have standing or sitting work (sedentary) Young mothers after pregnancy or lactation period PMS symptoms Symptoms of mental and physical nature: Irritability, depressive disorders, anxiety, inner state restlessness, apathy, fear of affect attacks Headaches, mastodynia, swelling, feeling of "overcrowding", bloating, puffiness The consequences of fluid retention PMS forms Easy - there are 3.4 symptoms for 2-10 days before menstruation with considerable severity of symptoms 1.2. Severe- 5.12 symptoms appear for 3-14 days before menstruation, and 2-5 of them (or all) pronounced. PMS stages Compensated Subcompensated decompensated PMS clinical forms • Neuropsychiatric • Edematous • Cephalgic • Crisic Как я ненавижу эти дни! Mainly in the clinical picture of PMS - is its cyclicity PMS symptomes Physical Hadeache Pain in the abdomen and back, joints Emotional Behavioral Mood swings ravenous appetite Depression oppression forgetfulness Isolation tearfulness Voltage breast heartbeating irritability weight gain anxiety PMS meanegment 1.Prove the recurrence of the problem (menstrual calendar at least 2-3 months) 2. Are the following symptoms: - swelling - Headaches - Panic attacks - Emotional disorders symptomatic therapy 3. Lifestyle changes (diet, work, exercise, rest) 4. Eliminate cyclic hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle (CCO; GnRH agonists, Mirena) In need of treatment about 15% of women PMS symptomatic therapy Swelling, bloating - diuretics (preferably aldosterone blocker spironolactone 100 mg with a 14-day cycle in Tech. 3-6 months). Mediana Headaches –medicines with antiprostaglandin (Celebrex, indomethacin, diclofenac). Fatigue, drowsiness, insomnia - behavior regulation: limiting caffeine, alcohol, sedatives and hypnotics, active. Drugs with sex hormones: Duphaston 10-20 mg with a 16 to 25 day cycle, utrojestan 100 mg Norkolut from 5 to 21 mg per day for 5 women closer to menopause with mastopathy and uterine cancer Other treatments: Mastodinon to 25 drops. 2 times a day or 1 tab. 2 times a day for 3 months. Antihistamines (tavegil, diazolin, suprastin). Antianxiety agents: seduksen, phenazepam; Antidepressants: gelarium, Dismenorm; Algomenoreya (31-52%) Painful menstruation Primary (functional) - pain for 1-2 days before menses, nausea, headache, vomiting, and diarrhea. Primary algomenoreya Treatment: Prostaglandins inhibitors (indomethacin, brufen, indomethacin, aspirin, Melbeck, Celebrex for 3 days to a month - 3-5 months Electrophoresis with novocaine OC - 3-4 months acupuncture tranquilizers Algomenoreya Secondary (genital lesions - endometriosis, fibroids, PID, adenomyosis, IUDs) Treatment - the basic pathology. Modern OC not only protect against pregnancy, but also ... Regulate and normalize the menstrual cycle Reduce menstrual pain Improve skin and hair PMS Postcastration syndrome (PCS) 60-80% It is a complex of pathological neuropsychiatric, vegetative-vascular, metabolic-endocrine symptoms occurring after total or subtotal removal of the ovaries. Pathogenesis Increased secretion of gonadotropins in the absence of feedback between the gonadotropins and sex steroids. Violation of all neuroendocrine systems involved in adaptation. PS after ovarectomy develops at every second at the age of 45-50 years. Clinical features 1.Neyrovegetative violations 2.Psyhoemotional disorders 3.Endocrine disorders Against the background of estrogen deficiency are observed: In the cardiovascular system: hypertension, ischemic heart disease dishormonal cardiopathy In hormone-dependent organs: atrophic colpitis, urogenital disorders PCS management Pathogenetic therapy - HRT. The goal of therapy - pharmacological hormone replacement lost ovarian function. Warn sexual dysfunction. Minimum term HRT therapy - 5-7years Climacteric Menopause (from the greek. Climacter - step ladder) physiological period age-related changes in a woman's involutional processes of the reproductive system termination of first childbearing, and then menstruation. Modern women problems Menopause is perceived by society as a biological, and therefore is emotional call to nature of Homo sapiens The average life expectancy of women in the past 10 years has increased to 75 years The number of elderly people, who are mostly women, is 8 billion, in 2025 is expected to 8840, and in 2050 - 9008 billion On average, for every 100 men over age 60 have 224 women The main causes of death in women over 60 years loss of mobility after stroke (50%), ischemic heart disease (31%) and the consequences of fractures (20%) Menopause phases Premenopausal MENOPAUSE Perimenopause Postmenopausal OLD AGE Glossary of terms: Premenopausal - a period of about 4 years, with the first symptoms of estrogen deficiency (with 45,5-47,5 years) to menopause (50-51 years) Menopause - the date of the last menstrual period Perimenopause - the period from the first symptoms of menopause up to 2 years after menopause Postmenopause - with menopause until 65-69 Old age - older than 70 years Menopause A. Natural: stop bleeding as a result of reduction of ovarian activity retrospectively last menstrual period - 1 year ago B. Early menopause to 40 years C. Induced menopause after removal of the ovaries or ovarian function after ablation (chemotherapy, radiotherapy) CLIMACTERIC SYNDROME. CLINICAL FEATURES EARLY SYMPTOMS OF CLIMACTERIC SYNDROME VASOMOTOR HOT FLUSHES TO THE HEAD AND UPPER BODY CHILL EXCESSIVE SWEATING HEADACHES TACHYCARDIA HYPO-OR HYPERTENSION CLIMACTERIC SYNDROME. CLINICAL FEATURES EARLY SYMPTOMS OF CLIMACTERIC SYNDROME EMOTIONAL-VEGETATIVE IRRITABILITY DROWSINESS WEAKNESS ANXIETY DEPRESSION FORGETFULNESS INATTENTION DECREASED LIBIDO CLIMACTERIC SYNDROME. CLINICAL FEATURES By the number of hot flashes determine the severity 1. Mild form - up to 10 hot flashes a day, condition and performance is not affected. 2. Moderate - 10-20 tides a day, headache, pain in the heart, the deterioration of the general condition and decreased performance. 3. Severe form - more than 20 hot flashes per day, a significant or total loss of earning capacity. Mean symptoms: Dry, brittle nails, wrinkles, dryness and hair loss Vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, itching and burning, urethral syndrome, urinary incontinence CLIMACTERIC SYNDROME MEAN SYMPTOMS: I Urogenital Disorders - Atrophic vaginitis - Bacterial vaginosis (60% of patients) - Atrophic tsistouretrit (urethral syndrome) - pollakiuria - nocturia - cystalgia - Stressor incontinence - Incomplete emptying of the bladder. POSTMENOPAUSAL SEXUAL DISORDERS Reduced Sexual Desire Dyspareunia Inadequate Lubrication Reduction In The Frequency And Intensity Of Orgasms Vulva dystrophy Multiple foci of hemorrhage atrophy Atrophic Epithelium Skin of genitalis: • dystrophy (kraurosis) Epithelium of vagina: Urethra,urinary bladder: • thinning • dryness • infections • dysuria Decreased • infections estrogen Cervix: • Thinning of epithelium Muscles and ligaments of pelvis: •Trauma • prolapsus • Changes in cervical topography • fall • retension CLIMACTERIC SYNDROME LATE METABOLIC DISORDERS: - Cardiovascular disease (coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis) - Postmenopausal osteoporosis - Alzheimer's disease Postmenopausal Osteoporosis "Silent Disease", which are the only manifestation is the fractures. Each year in the U.S. due to osteoporosis is 1.3 million fractures. 40 60 80 лет Woman´s bones age-specific of dynamics state 33 года 55 лет 72 года Osteoporosis "Osteoporosis - a serious and growing problem“ 75 million people worldwide suffer from osteoporosis The number of fractures related to osteoporosis is doubling in the next 50 years Bones at 33 y "HRT is gold standard of prevention of osteoporosis" World Congress on Osteoporosis, Amsterdam, 1996 Bones at 55 y Bones at 72 y POSTMENOPAUSAL OSTEOPOROSIS Risk factors Women are underweight; A history of trauma of bones; late menarche (after 15 years); Early menopause (before age 50); Oligo-and amenorrhea in reproductive age; Anovulation and infertility; Prolonged lactation; Smoking, alcohol and coffee consumption in large quantities; Sedentary lifestyle. Indications for HST: Expressed menopause Postcastration syndrome Amenorrhea in young women (gonadal dysgenesis, hypogonadotropic amenorrhea syndrome, ovarian failure, resistant ovary syndrome) Severe atrophic processes (urogenital disorders) High risk of osteoporosis (gr. risk), CVD, Alzheimer's disease. Treatment of climacteric syndrome consists of 3 stages: 1-stage: Rational hygienic mode of labor Diet (vitamins A, C, E) Restricting food dominated hydrocarbons and fats EPE Therapeutic exercise: Morning exercise (15-20 minutes) Group lessons three times a week for 30-45 minutes Engage with the elements of sports, recreational and training sessions Physical treatments (galvanic "collar" with novocaine or magnesium sulfate) Electrosleep 35 to 60 minutes 15 to 20 sessions Spa treatment Medical therapy without hormones: 2 - stage Antianxiety agents: seduksen, phenazepam, etc. Antidepressants: gelarium, Dismenorm; 3- stage: Hormone replacement therapy Goal : Replace the hormonal ovarian function Using minimally-optimal doses of hormones to improve general condition Prevention of metabolic disorders later HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY Main advantages of HRT: levels of natural estrogen and the lowest dose (early phase of proliferation). combination of estrogen with progestogen (protects against the development of endometrial hyperplastic processes in uterus – if it available). Basic principles of HRT: Estrogen in uterus removed intermittent or continuous Progestogens and androgens (endometriosis or endometrial cancer Prevention of osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and urinary disorders (5-7 years or more) Information on the impact of short-term and long-term estrogen deficiency It should also inform women about the positive effect of HRT Consider the contraindications and side effects of HRT. Мonotherapy of estrogen Premenopausal estrogen drug for per os ПРОГИНОВА ЭСТРАДИОЛ ВАЛЕРАТ 2 МГ ТАБ. ПО 21 ШТ. ЭСТРОФЕМ 17В-ЭСТРАДИОЛ 2 МГ ТАБ. ПО 28 ШТ. ПРЕМАРИН КОНЪЮГИРОВАННЫЕ ЭСТРОГЕНЫ 0,625 МГ ДРАЖЕ ПО 28 ШТ. ОВЕСТИН ЭСТРИОЛ 1 ИЛИ 2 МГ ТАБ. ПО 30 ШТ. Combine drug Combine two-phase estrogen-gestogen drugs (for woman with womb) Фемостон 2/10 17b – эстрадиол 2,0 мг 14 таб 17b – эстрадиол 2,0 + дидрогестерон (дюфастон) 10 мг 14 таб Фемостон 1/10 17b – эстрадиол 1,0 мг 14 таб 17b – эстрадиол 1,0 + дидрогестерон (дюфастон) 10 мг 14 таб Combine two-phase estrogen-gestogen drugs (for woman with womb) Климонорм эстрадиола валерат 2,0 мг 9 драже эстрадиола валерат 2,0 мг + левоноргестрел 0, 15 мг 12 драже Климен эстрадиола валерат 2,0 мг 10 таб эстрадиола валерат 2,0 мг + ципротерона ацетат 1,0 мг 11 таб Combine two-phase estrogen-gestogen drugs (for woman with womb) Дивина эстрадиола валерат 2,0 мг 11 таб эстрадиола валерат 2,0 мг + медроксипрогестерона ацетат 1,0 мг 10 таб Циклопрогин ова эстрадиола валерат 2,0 мг 11 таб эстрадиола валерат 2,0 мг + норгестрел 0,5 мг 10 таб Combine two-phase estrogen-gestogen drugs (for woman with womb in postmenopause) Фемостон 1/5 17b - эстрадиол 1,0 мг + дидрогестерон (дюфастон) 5 мг 28 таб Климодиен эстрадиола валерат 2,0 мг + диеногест 2,0 мг 28 таб Клиогест 17b - эстрадиол 2,0 мг + норэтистерон ацетат 1 мг 28 таб Another estrogen (2009) Tibolon - Ливиал, ЛЕДИБОН Treatment of climacteric syndrome Prevention of osteoporosis" ТИБОЛОН Химическая структура – тиболона – 19-норстероидный прогестин 1980 г. Работа о защитном влиянии его на костную ткань С 1980 года зарегистрирован в 91 стране мира для лечения климактерического синдрома На фармацевтическом рынке с 1988 г. С 1990 г. в 45 странах - используется для профилактики остеопороза 2003 г. Представление на VI Европейском конгрессе по менопаузе как новый класс в лечении климактерических расстройств Согласно реестру Center for Drug Statistic Methodology (2009) Тиболон 2,5 мг отнесен к новой группе «Другие эстрогены» 1400 публикаций Inspection which is need before HRT Anamnesis Gynecological examination and US of genitalia Breast examination (mammografy, US) Smear cytology (Papanicolau’s method) Gemostasiogram (prothrombin index) Absolute contraindications for HRT Breast cancer; Bleedings unknown genesis; Tromboemboly at last 6 months; Liver and renal insufficiency; NB! Women with cancer of endometrial, ovary and cervix HRT is not absolute contraindication Life phases of women (old Chinese classification) Youth Family building Social duties Opening own mistakes Last creative period Favorable period of life Solidarity Till 20 years Till 30 years Till 40 years Till 50 years Till 60 years Till 70 years after 70 years Я быстро почувствовала положительное влияние Анжелика® на мой внешний вид. Я чувствую себя очень женственной! «Самое верное средство завоевать любовь других – подарить им свою любовь Ж.Ж.Руссо «В молодости мы живем, чтобы любить; в зрелом возрасте мы любим, чтобы жить» Шарль де Сент-Эвремон Французкий писатель, 19 век. Спасибо ЗГТ, я чувствую себя легкой, как ветерок! Возрастная динамика доминанты качества жизни женщины Детство Юность (желание скорее стать взрослой) Молодость (обладание способностью к деторождению) (желание быть привлекательной и любимой) Зрелость (социальная востребованность и независимость) Переходный возраст и старость (здоровье и духовность)