Грамматический ринг (тема «Сложное дополнение

Грамматический ринг (тема «Сложное дополнение»)
1. Обобщение материала по теме «Времена английского глагола» (сложное
2. Закрепление лексических и аудитивных навыков.
3. Тренировка монологической и диалогической речи.
Оборудование: задание на карточках «Дополни предложение»
Задание на карточках «Исправь ошибки» для четырех команд; задание на
карточках «Выбери правильный вариант»; карточки со словами «see, watch, notice,
hear»; сюжетные картинки для составления вопросов.
Ход мероприятия
I. Организационный момент
Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad 10 see you. (We are glad to see you, too.)
How are you, children? (We are OK. thank you.) Today we shall have a Grammar Ring
and remember The Complex Object. We shall play different games, recite poems and
sing songs. You will divide into four Lean». There will be 5 pupils in each team.
Учитель приветствует детей и сообщает цель мероприятия. Учащиеся делятся на
4 команды по 5 человек в каждой команде.
II Задание 1
- It's time to begin our competition. The first task for the teams is ю answer my
questions using the Complex Object. We shall find out if you have good imagination.
Командам предлагается ответить на вопросы учителя. Каждая команда должна
дать свой вариант ответа на каждый из вопросов. Всего учитель может задать от
3 до 5 вопросов. За каждый правильный вариант ответа команда получает 1 балл.
В данном конкурсе побеждает команда, которая наберет больше баллов.
Вопросы и варианты ответов:
1. What do (don't) parents want their children to do? (Parents want their children to be
polite. Parents want their children to tell the truth. Parents want their children to help
about the house. Parents don't want their children to tell и lie. Parents don't want their
children to be too noisy. Parents don't want their children to go to the disco alone.
Parents don't want their children to be selfish.)
2. What would (wouldn't) you like your friends to do? (I would like my friends to keep
my secrets. I would like my friends to help me when I am in trouble. 1 would like my
friends to go to the New Year party with me. I wouldn't like my friends to smoke
cigarettes. I wouldn't like my friends to take drugs. J wouldn't like my friends to be
3. What do (don't) teachers usually expect their pupils to do (to be)? (Teachers usually
expect their pupils to be hard-working. Teachers usually expect their pupils to be
honest. Teachers usually expect their pupils to do their homework. Teachers don '.*
expect their pupils to run in the classroom. Teachers don't expect their pupils to be lazy.
Teachers don 7 expect their pupils to drink alcohol'
4. What do (don't) people expect their government to do? (People expect their
government lo help poor people. People expect their government to build new houses
and hospitals. People expect their government to open museums. People don't expect
their government to be loyal to the criminals. People don't expect their government to
close kindergartens. People don 7 expect their government to waste natural resources.)
Задание 2
— I can see you have a lot of interesting ideas. Now it's time complete some sentences
on the cards. Your team will be the winner you-arc quicker and do the task correctly.
Учитель предлагает детям выполнить задание на карточках «Дополни
предложение». В данном конкурсе побеждает команда, которая выполнит задание
правильно и быстрее, чем другие команды.
Задание на карточках (insert "to " where necessary):
1. Nobody expected the ship... be so beautiful.
2. We wouldn't like Nick... come to the party.
3.1 felt something... touch my leg.
4. They didn't hear her... come into the classroom.
5. The pupils were no) allowed... speak loudly.
6. Jane's parents never made her... wash up.
7. My friend was made... write Exercise Ten in class.
8. The teacher wants her pupils... read that book.
9. Who saw Mi. Smith... cross the street?
10. You can hardly watch my parents... play chess.
Ключи: 1 to; 2. to; 3. -; 4. -; 5. to; 6. -; 7. to; 8. to; 9. -; 10. - .
IV. Задание 3
— It's time to ask and answer the questions. Look at the picture, please. You will ask
the questions using the Complex Object and the words "see, watch, notice, hear". You
can see the first picture. Who is ready to ask the question?
Учитель вывешивает на доске карточки со словами «tee, watch, notice, hear", а
затем демонстрирует различные картинки для составления вопросов. Задание
для команд: составить для соперников вопросы по картинке. Ученики работают по
цепочке: команда, ответившая на вопрос, получаeт право задать, свой вопрос.
Учителю следует подобрать сюжетные картинки, по которым можно составить 3-4
Примерные вопросы по картинкам:
1. Did the girl seе the squirrel climb up the tree?
2. Do you watch a bear dancing?
3. Have you ever seen a monkey reading a book?
4. Can the boy notice the hare run across the field?
5. Where could people hear the girls singing?
6. Who has seen a horse carry a child?
7. Why did children see Mother cooking a pie?
V. (задание 4)
Now I want you to look at the blackboard. You will put the sentences in the logical order
and write them down on the sheets of paper.
Учитель привлекает внимание детей к словам на доске и объясняет задание
командам. Ученики должны поставить слова в логическом порядке и записать их
на листах бумаги. И в данном конкурсе побеждает команда, которая правильно и
без ошибок выполнит задание.
Put the words in the logical order:
1. Kitty, they, at, to, a hotel, stay, expect. (They expect Kitty to stay at a hotel.)
2. A pilot, father, to, want, doesn't, me, become. (Father doesn 7 want me to become a
3. Tonight. Mike, late, will, us, let, back, come? (Will Mike let us come back late
4. Made, the, by, pupils, learn, heart, were, to, the poem. (The pupils werе made to
learn the poem by heart.)
5. Notice, we, them, didn't, the river, swim, across (We didn't notice them swim across
the river,)
6. Football, the children, who. playing, watched (Who watched the children playing
VI. Задание 5
- Now 1 want you to find the mistaken in the sentences. You will read them one by one
and correct the mistakes.
Учитель предлагает учащимся выполнить следующее здание: прочитать
предложения и исправить ошибки в них. Каждая команда получает карточку.
Предложения зачитываются командами по очереди. В данном конкурсе
побеждает команда, которая нашла и исправила все ошибки.
Задание на карточках:
1. Let your daughter to put up her smart clothes.
2. When I get excellent marks at school it makes my feels happy.
3. He was made cam his living at the age of fifteen.
4. Most of my friends are not allowed them to act as they like.
5. We would like the trade between our countries developing.
6.I saw he screaming at the top of his voice.
7.I never TV watched her to do harm to plants and animals.
8.I somebody felt touch me on me shoulder.
9. When, you did hear Kate singing at the party?
10.1 didn't watched him smoking.
11. We doesn't want father to go to the baker.
12. They don't never expect him to tell lies.
1. Let your daughter _ put up her smart clothes.
2. When I gel excellent marks at school it makes me feel happy.
3. He was made to cam his living at the age of fifteen.
4. Most of my friends are not allowed _ to act as they like.
5. We would like the trade between our countries to develop.
6.I saw him screaming at the top of his voice. 7.1 never watched her _ do harm to plants
and animals.
8. I felt somebody touch me on the shoulder.
9. When did you hear Kate singing at the party?
10.1 didn't watch him smoking.
11. We don't want father to go to the baker.
12, They _ never expect him to tell lies.
VII. Задание 6
- It's time to do the last task of our competition. Each team will have" ten sentences and
four variants to complete them.
Последнее задание, которое предлагается выполнить командам, оформляется в
виде теста. Ученики читают предложения и выбирают один вариант для
дополнения в каждом предложении. На лист ответов учащиеся заносят номера
предложений и буквы вариантов ответов.
Задание (Choose the correct answer (a, b. с d)J:
1. My parents always want... the washing up.
a) that I did;
b) me; c) me to do;
d) for me to do.
2. Our new teacher said he'd like... down everything he said,
a) that we must write;
b) us to write; c) us writing;
d| us write.
3. We expected our friends... fast fox a while.
a) to move:
b) moved; c) will move;
dl move.
4.1 shall make... lo the graveyard next week,
a) they to go;
b) they go;
c) them go;
c\ them to go.
5. Her relatives will let... Spain,
a) her to visit;
b) her visiting; c) that she to visit;
d) her visit.
6. The day before yesterday Mary was made... the poem by heart.
a) to learn;
b) learn;
с) learnt;
d) learning.
7.1 saw a strange man... up die stairs.
a) walking;
b) walked;
c) to walk;
d) him walk.
8. Mrs. Green felt the Hide girl... her hand, a) to touch;
b) touch;
c) toughed;
d) will touch.
9. Can you hear the child...?
a) to cry;
b) was cried;
c) crying;
d) cried.
10. They are never allowed... home late.
a) come;
b) to come;
c) will come;
d) came.
Ключи: 1. с; 2. b; З.а; 4. с; 5. d; 6. b; 7. a; 8. b; 9. c; 10. b.
VIII. Подведение итогов
- That's all for today. You have worked during the lesson very well. Now you can have a
Учитель поздравляет команду-победительницу и подводит итоги урока.
- The lesson is over. Good-bye, my dear children!
Задание на карточках (insert "to " where necessary):
1. Nobody expected the ship... be so beautiful.
2. We wouldn't like Nick... come to the party.
3.1 felt something... touch my leg.
4. They didn't hear her... come into the classroom.
5. The pupils were no) allowed... speak loudly.
6. Jane's parents never made her... wash up.
7. My friend was made... write Exercise Ten in class.
8. The teacher wants her pupils... read that book.
9. Who saw Mi. Smith... cross the street?
10. You can hardly watch my parents... play chess.
Ключи: 1 to; 2. to; 3. -; 4. -; 5. to; 6. -; 7. to; 8. to; 9. -; 10. - .
Задание на карточках:
1. Let your daughter to put up her smart clothes.
2. When I get excellent marks at school it makes my feels happy.
3. He was made cam his living at the age of fifteen.
4. Most of my friends are not allowed them to act as they like.
5. We would like the trade between our countries developing.
6.I saw he screaming at the top of his voice.
7.I never TV watched her to do harm to plants and animals.
8.I somebody felt touch me on me shoulder.
9. When, you did hear Kate singing at the party?
10.1 didn't watched him smoking.
11. We doesn't want father to go to the baker.
12. They don't never expect him to tell lies.
Задание (Choose the correct answer (a, b. с d)J:
1. My parents always want... the washing up.
a) that I did;
b) me; c) me to do;
d) for me to do.
2. Our new teacher said he'd like... down everything he said,
a) that we must write;
b) us to write; c) us writing;
d| us write.
3. We expected our friends... fast fox a while.
a) to move:
b) moved; c) will move;
dl move.
4.1 shall make... lo the graveyard next week,
a) they to go;
b) they go;
c) them go;
c\ them to go.
5. Her relatives will let... Spain,
a) her to visit;
b) her visiting; c) that she to visit;
d) her visit.
6. The day before yesterday Mary was made... the poem by heart.
a) to learn;
b) learn;
с) learnt;
d) learning.
7.1 saw a strange man... up die stairs.
a) walking;
b) walked;
c) to walk;
d) him walk.
8. Mrs. Green felt the Hide girl... her hand, a) to touch;
b) touch;
c) toughed;
d) will touch.
9. Can you hear the child...?
a) to cry;
b) was cried;
c) crying;
d) cried.
10. They are never allowed... home late.
a) come;
b) to come;
c) will come;
d) came.
Грамматический ринг
(тема «Сложное
Составила: преподаватель английского языка Романова А.А.