Болезни раб.тетр

Influenza is a very infectious disease. The disease can be mild or severe. The
symptoms of influenza are: high temperature, headache, fever, sore throat, and
coughing, general pains. Typically, influenza is transmissed through the air by
coughs or sneezes, creating aerosols containing the virus. Influenza spreads
around the world in seasonal epidemics, resulting in about 3 or 5 million yearly
cases of severe illness and about 250.000 to 500.000 yearly deaths, rising to
millions in some pandemic years. In most cases the patient must stay in bed, be
warm, and drink much water, get plenty rest, avoiding using alcohol and tobacco
and, if necessary, take medications such as paracetamol to relieve the fever and
muscle aches associated with the influenza. The patient must stay in bed until the
temperature is normal and for the two or three days he may be up for only short
1. Influenza - [¸influ'enzə] – n. грипп вирусный, инфлюэнца.
2. mild - [maild] – a. слабый .
3. cough - [kɔf] – n.кашель; v.кашлять.
4. sneeze - [sni:z] – v.чихать; n. чихань
5. ache - [eik] – n.боль.
I. Скажите по-английски:
Вирусный грипп, симптомы, головная боль, жар, воспаление миндалин,
кашель, сезонная эпидемия, оставаться в постели, температура.
II. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Is Influenza an infectious disease?
2. Do you know the symptoms of influenza?
3. How many people are ill every year?
4. What patient must do, if he catches influenza?
III. Выпишите из текста и перескажите по-английски
рекомендации больному гриппом.
IV. Прочитайте и воспроизведите диалог по ролям.
At the Doctor’s
Patient: I haven’t been feeling well, doctor.
Doctor: What’s wrong with you?
Patient: I have a bad headache, always sneezing and coughing. And I think I
have a temperature.
Doctor: Show me your tongue and I must take your temperature. So, you have a
sore throat. And your temperature is very high. I see, you have influenza.
You must stay in bed for some days. I’ll prescribe you some medicine.
Take it regularly. You must avoid using alcohol and tobacco, drink much
water. Come to me in 3 days if you feel better. Good bye.
Patient: Thank you, doctor! Good bye!
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi. It may be
mild or severe. It simply means that the cold has spread to the air passages.
Bronchitis is characterized by the development of a cough, with or without the
production of sputum. Cough, a common symptom of bronchitis, develops in an
attempt to expel the excess mucus from the lungs. Other common symptoms of
bronchitis include: sore throat, shortness of breath, fatigue, running nose, fever
and the production of sputum. Treatment for bronchitis is primarily symptomatic.
Anti – inflammatory drugs may be used to treat fever and sore throat. Even
without fever, if the cough persists a doctor should be consulted.
1. Bronchitis - [brɔŋ'kaitis] –n. бронхит
2. inflammation - [inflǝmeiʃn] – n. воспаление
3. mucous membrane –['mju:kǝs 'membrein] - слизистая оболочка
4. bronchi - [brɔŋkai] – pl. анат. бронхи.
5. severe - [si'viǝ] – a. тяжелый, серьезный
6. air passages - [ɛǝ¸ pæsiʤis] – зд.дыхательные пути
7. sputum - ['spju:tǝm] – s. мед. плевки, мокрота
8. running nose - [rᴧniŋ] - насморк
9. attempt - [ǝ'tǝmpt] – s. проба
10.excess - [ik'ses] - s. избыток, излишек
I. Скажите по-английски:
Воспаление, дыхательные пути, бронхи, кашель, выбрасывать излишки
слизи из легких, мокрота, противовоспалительные таблетки, следует
проконсультироваться с врачом.
II. Ответьте на вопросы.
What is bronchitis?
What is the characteristic of bronchitis?
What are the symptoms of disease?
How does it treat?
III. Назовите по-английски все симптомы при заболевании
IV. Прочитайте реплики матери, у которой заболел ребенок,
и придумайте реплики для доктора:
Doctor: ......................?
Mother: My son has a cough, sore throat and shortness of breath.
D.: .......................... ....?
M.: Yes, he has a production of sputum and running nose too.
D.: ........... ..... ..... .... .
M.: Is it serious? And how does it treat?
D.: ................................ ..................... ...... .
M.: Oh, thank you very much, doctor! We’ll buy and take this medicine.
Pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the lungs. It may be caused by bacteria or
viruses. It begins suddenly. In most cases the temperature rises quickly. The pulse
and breathing are fast. Cough begins early and at first is dry and painful. The
patient feels ill, has flushed face and dry tongue. He may also complain of pain in
the chest. A doctor should be consulted, and depending on the severing the man
may be treated at home or admitted to a hospital. Most pneumonias can be treated
with antibiotics. The patient should be kept in bed, given plenty of water and a
light diet. The best position for a patient is half – sitting. Fresh air is very
pneumonia – [nju:'mounjǝ] – n. пневмония, воспаление легких
acute – [ǝ'kju:t] – a. острый, сильный
dry – [drai] – a. сухой
painful – ['peinful] – a.болезненный
flushed – [flʌʃd] – p.p.покрасневшее
antibiotic – [æntibai'ɔtik] – n. антибиотик
diet - ['daiǝt] – n. пища, диета
I. Скажите по-английски:
Острое воспаление, возникает неожиданно, сухой и болезненный,
покрасневшее лицо, кашель, боль в груди, антибиотики, свежий воздух.
II. Вставьте вместо точек слова или словосочетания из
was ill; light; flushed; fast; tongue; half - sitting
1. The patient ... with pneumonia. 2. The patient has a ... face and a dry ... .3. The
pulse and breathing are ... .4. The best position is ... .5. The diet must be ... .
III. Назовите по-английски все симптомы при заболевании
IV. Перескажите текст по следующим ключевым словам и
Acute inflammation; the temperature rises; dry and painful; flushed face; dry
tongue; doctor; admitted to a hospital; antibiotics; light diet; plenty of water; fresh
Tuberculosis is a specific communicable disease, usually chronic but occasionally
acute, caused by the bacillus tuberculosis. It is generally believed that the
pathogenesis of the disease is as follows: first contact with the disease results in a
lesion of the lung which is microscopic in size and usually produces no signs or
symptoms by which it may be diagnosed clinically. Tuberculosis can be observed
on the chest X-rays. The disease is widespread. The disease may result from the
inhaling of dust containing bacillus tuberculosis, from droplet infection or from
the contact with contaminated objects. The early symptoms (of the adult type) are
usually very insidious. Loss of weight, appetite, and strength, a chronic cough,
and a low grade temperature, are common complaints. It can be treat by
antibiotics, such as; isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol. For latent tuberculosis, the
standard treatment is 6 to 9 months of isoniazid alone.
Tuberculosis - [tju´bǝ:kju´lousis] – туберкулез
lesion - [li:ʒn] – повреждение
widespread - [waidspred] – широко распространенный
droplet - [drɔplet] – капелька
insidious - [in´sidiǝs] – скрытое, постепенное
inhale - [in´heil] – вдыхать, дышать
latent[´leitǝnt] – скрытый
I. Скажите по-английски:
Туберкулез, повреждение легких, может быть диагностировано, вдыхание,
ранние симптомы, потеря веса, потеря аппетита, хронический кашель,
общие жалобы, изониазид, скрытый туберкулез.
II. Назовите по-английски все симптомы при заболевании
III. Составьте 4-6 вопросов к тексту, и будьте готовы ответить
на них.
IV. Составьте и разыграйте по ролям диалог между врачом и
пациентом, у которого есть подозрение на туберкулез,
используя следующие слова и словосочетания:
What’s wrong...?, to have a contact with, loss of weight, cough, a low
grade temperature, X-rays of the chest, to make some test.
Common childhood diseases.
Name of
Symptoms and signs
The disease occurs in
epidemic or sporadic
forms. It may be
confined to just one
locality, and again a case
may occur in a
community without any
other cases developing.
The illness begins with
fever, slight headache
and listlessness. Within a
day or two spots appear
on the chest or back,
which soon look like
small blisters. There is a
lot of itching and the
child may scratch some
of the blisters.
Rubella spreads from
person to person through
the air and is contagious.
It consists of enveloped,
positive-stranded RNA
virus. Human are the
only source of infection.
A highly contagious
fever, marked by a
breaking-out on the
surface of the bodyirritation of the air
passages and skin. It is
said that measles that
measles caused more
deaths than any other of
the acute fevers in
Whooping cough is a
very contagious disease,
characterized by severe
coughing, caused by the
bacterium Bordetella
This is a mind disease
with low-grade fever,
some pain behind ears
due to enlargement of
glands, and a mild
pinkish rash, which only
lasts for a day or two.
The first symptoms are:
sneezing and coughing.
The disease begins with
signs of heavy cold, a
running nose and a dry
cough. The rash appears
on the third or fourth day
behind the ears and
around the mouth and
then covers the whole
The symptoms occur in
stages. The first stage
begins with a cold, runny
nose, sneezing, mild
fever and cough. The
second stage includes
uncontrolled coughing. A
person may vomit, or
their lips or face may
look blue from a lack of
oxygen. This stage may
last 4-6 weeks. The last
stage is where symptoms
begin to disappear.
The first symptoms of
rickets may appear very
early when the child is
Chickenpox is usually a
mind disease and there is
no particular treatment,
except to keep the skin
clean and use some
smoothening lotion for
itching. The itching can
also be relieved by bathing
the child with a small
quantity of soda 2-3 times
a day.
The whole illness lasts 2-3
days and needs no
treatment at all.
Rickets is a softening of
bones in children due to
deficiency or impaired
The patient should be kept
in bed, given plenty of
water. Fresh air is very
important. Medicines are
given by physicians to
relieve the distressing
Certain antibiotics may
make the illness less
severe if started in the
early stage of the disease.
Infants younger than 6
months of age and persons
with severe cases may
need to be hospitalized for
The treatment and
prevention of rickets is
known as antirachitic. The
metabolism of vitamin
D,phosphorus or
calcium, potentially
leading to fractures and
only 2 or 3 months old.
The back of the head
sweats and a wet place
appears on the pillow.
The child often cries
sleeps badly.
most common treatment of
rickets is the use of
Vitamin D.
An acute infectious virus
disease caused by the
poliovirus, characterized
by fever, motor paralysis,
and atrophy of skeletal
muscles often with
permanent disability and
deformity. The most
susceptible patients are
the children from 9
month to 5 years.
The main symptoms of
the disease are: slight
fever, general discomfort,
headache, stiff neck and
There is no cure for
poliomyelitis, so
prevention is very
important. Patients who
recover from poliomyelitis
may require physical
therapy, leg braces, or
even orthopedic surgery to
improve physical function.
Tetanus is an infectious
disease caused by
contamination of wounds
from the bacteria
Clostridium tetani, or the
spores they produce that
´´live in the soil, and
animal feces.
The main symptoms of
tetanus are stiffness of
jaw, spasms and
convulsions, difficulty in
The disease is not
communicable from
person to the person. The
patients of all the ages are
susceptible to the disease.
The patient with tetanus
should be hospitalized and
the wound should be
cleaned immediately. A
doctor must use tetanus
toxoid separate or in DPT
to treat the patient.
1. Chickenpox – [´tʃikinpɔks] – n. ветряная оспа
2. German measles – [¸ʤǝ:mǝn ´mi:zlz] – n. краснуха
3. sporadic – [sprɔ´rædik] – a. спорадический
4. locality – [´lоu´kæliti] – n. местность
5. listlessness – [listlisnǝs] – n. вялость
6. spot – [spɔt] – n. пятно
7. contagious – [kǝn´teiʤǝs] – a. заразный
8. RNA – ribonucleic acid –(РНК)рибонуклеиновая кислота
9. enlargement – [in´la:ʤ] – n. расширять(-ся)
10. gland – [glænd] – n. железа
11. rash – [ræʃ] – n.. сыпь; a.стремительный, безрассудный
12. jaw - [ʤɔ:] – n. челюсть
13. measles – [´mi:zlz] – n. корь
14. whooping cough – [´hu:piƞ kɔf] - n.коклюш
15. rickets – [rikits] - n. рахит
16. poliomyelitis – [¸pɔuliəumaiə´laitis] - n.полиомиелит
17. tetanus – [´tetǝnǝs] - n. столбняк
18. vomit – [´vɔmit] – v. рвать
19. oxygen – [´ɔksiʤən] – n. кислород
20. antibiotic – [æntibai´ɔtik] - n.антибиотик
21. infants – [´infənt] - n. младенец, отрок, подросток
22. deficiency – [di´fiʃənsi] – s. недостаток, неимение
23. metabolism – [mə´tæbəlizm] - n.метаболизм, обмен веществ
24. phosphorus – [´fɔsfərəs] - n.фосфор
25. calcium – [´kælsiəm] - n.кальций
26. deformity – [di´fɔ:miti] - n.порок развития, уродство; деформация,
дефект, изъян
27. spore – [spɔ:] – n. спора
28. poliovirus –[¸pɔuliəu ´vaiərəs] – n. вирус полиомиелита, полиовирус
29. DPT – вакцинация против дифтерии, коклюша и столбняка
30. motor paralysis –[pə´ræləsis] - двигательный паралич
31. prevention – [pri´venʃən] – n. профилактика, предотвращение
32. wound – [wu:nd] – n. рана
33. stiff – [stif] – a. окостеневший, застывший; ригидный;
34. susceptible – [sə´septəbl] - a. восприимчивый, чувствительный
35. brace – [breis] – n. бандаж, корсет; скоба; скреплять.
I. Скажите по-английски:
Коклюш, столбняк, ветряная оспа, краснуха, рахит, полиомиелит, корь,
симптом, кислород, спора, антибиотик, вирус, профилактика, заразный,
вялость, рана, недостаток, восприимчивый, расширять.
II. По симптомам определите название заболевания:
1) The illness begins with fever, slight headache and listlessness. Within a day or two
spots appear on the chest or back.
A stiffness of jaw, spasms.
The back of the head sweats and a wet place appears on the pillow.
Slight fever, general discomfort, headache, stiff neck and back.
The symptoms occur in stages: 1.cold; 2. uncontrolled cough; 3. the symptoms are
The disease begins with signs of heavy cold, a running nose and a dry cough. The
rash appears on the third or fourth day.
A mild pinkish rash, which only lasts for a day or two, a mind disease with lowgrade fever, some pain behind ears.
III. В правой колонке найдите перевод каждого английского
1) to prescribe
2) chicken –pox
3) to sneeze
4) cough
5) pain
6) spore
7) rash
8) measles
9) gland
10) listlessness
a) спора
b) кашель
с) корь
d) сыпь
e) выписывать рецепт
f) ветряная оспа
g) боль
h) чихать
i) железа
J) вялость
IV. Выпишите название заболеваний и их симптомы.
The problem of cancer is being discussed in innumerable papers from all parts of
the world because cancer still continues to be first among human diseases. Many
investigators and physicians of all continents carry on extensive research work to
find out the etiology of cancer and its successful treatment. Cancer is a malignant
tumor which arises from the epithelial cells. A tumor is a mass of new tissue
which grows independently from its surrounding structures. A malignant tumor is
made up of connective tissue enclosing epithelial cells. Some tumors remain
localized, other rapidly invade healthy tissue and metastasize leading to early
death. The symptoms being vague or absent at an early stage, cancer is a very
dangerous disease for life. The cancer may develop due to contact with certain
chemical substances, chromic acids, arsenic acids, anilines and others. Cigarette
smoking plays a major part in the etiology of lung cancer. The most important
thing in the prognosis of patients with cancer is the grade of malignancy, and,
therefore, the sooner the diagnosis is made, the better the prognosis. Each type of
cancer is curable if it is timely recognized and proper treatment is administered.
cancer – [´kænsə] – n. рак
malignant – [mə´lignənt] – a. злокачественный
tumors – [´tju:mə] – n. опухоль
etiology – [¸i:ti´ɔləʤi] – n. этиология
connective tissue – соединительная ткань
investigator – [in´vestigeitə] – n. исследователь
epithelial cells – эпителиальные клетки
8. metastasize – [mi´tæstəsaiz] – v. метастазировать
9. chromic acid – хромовая кислота
10. arsenic acid – мышьяковая кислота
11. aniline – [´ænili:n] – n. анилин, аминобензол, фениламин
12. malignancy – [mə´lignən(t)si] – n. злокачественность; злокачественное
I. Скажите по-английски:
Обширное исследование, этиология рака, успешное лечение, здоровая
ткань, соединительная ткань, химические вещества, правильное лечение,
рак легких, анилин.
II. Посмотрите на картинку. Выпишите все симптомы рака
и его метастазирование. Переведите на русский язык.
III. Составьте 4-6 вопросов к тексту, и будьте готовы
ответить на них.
IV. Выберите правильные ответы на следующие вопросы:
1) Where does cancer arise from?
a. Cancer arises from the healthy tissue;
b. Cancer arises from the epithelial cells;
c. Cancer arises from the connective tissue.
2) What plays a major part in the etiology of lungs cancer?
a. Drinking hot liquid plays a major part in the etiology of lungs cancer;
b. Exposure to dust plays a major part in the etiology of lungs cancer;
c. Cigarette smoking plays a major part in the etiology of lungs cancer.
3) What is the most important thing in the prognosis of patients with cancer?
a. to made the diagnosis;
b. the grade of malignancy;
c. Proper treatment.
Acute Appendicitis
Acute appendicitis is known to occur in all age groups. Its incidence varies in
different sex groups. Acute appendicitis is known to begin suddenly with sharp
pain which is at first felt in epigastrium but then to become generalized in the
abdomen. The pain becomes worse on deep breathing in and coughing. Vomiting
is a frequent accompaniment. Constipation is the rule, but diarrhea is not
uncommon. Some patients exhibit no gastrointestinal symptoms. Typically, the
pain is more intensive on the right side of the abdomen and, as a rule, soon
localizes in the right lower quadrant. It may be diffuse. The temperature is normal
or subfebrile. The pulse is quick but it is found to be not more than 90-100 beats
per minute. The tongue is coated and dry. The attack of acute appendicitis is
known to last for 3-4 days. Then the temperature returns to normal, abdominal
pains decrease and only a moderate tenderness is felt in the right lower part of the
abdomen on palpation. Acute appendicitis is treated surgically. The operation is
performed both under general and under local anesthesia.
1. appendicitis – [ə¸pendi´saitis] – n. аппендицит
2. epigastrium – [¸epi´gæstriəm] – n. надчревье, надчревная область;
3. abdomen – [´æbdəmen] – n. живот, брюшная полость
4. accompaniment – [ə´kʌmp(ə)nimənt] - n.сопровождение, дополнение
5. constipation – [kɔn(t)sti´peiʃ(ə)n] - n.запор, констипация
6. diarrhea – [daiə´riə] - n.понос, диарея
7. gastrointestinal – [gæstrəuin´testinl] – a. желудочно - кишечный
8. diffuse – [di´fju:s] - a. рассеянный, распространенный
9. palpation – [pæl´peiʃ(ə)n] – n. ощупывание, осязание; пальпация
10.anesthesia – [ænəs´θi:ziə] – n. анестезия, обезболивание.
I. Скажите по-английски:
Аппендицит, острая боль, живот, глубокое дыхание, правая сторона живота,
правый нижний квадрант, субфебрильная температура, обложенный язык,
лечится хирургическим путем, местная анестезия.
II. Перепишите все симптомы, описанные в тексте.
III. Составьте 4-6 вопросов к тексту, и будьте готовы ответить
на них.
IV. Составьте и разыграйте по ролям диалог между врачом и
пациентом, у которого есть подозрение на аппендицит,
используя следующие слова и словосочетания:
What are you complaining of?, sharp pain in the abdomen; show me the place
where it hurts, to take temperature, show the tongue, to feel the pulse, must to
palpation, stay in hospital, surgical operation.
Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach, and has many possible
causes. Sometimes gastritis develops after major surgery, traumatic injury, burns,
or severe infections. Gastritis may also occur in those who have had weight loss
surgery resulting in the banding or reconstruction of the digestive tract the most
common symptom is abdominal upset or pain. Other symptoms are indigestion,
abdominal bloating, nausea, and vomiting and pernicious anemia. Some may
have a feeling of fullness or burning in the upper abdomen. A gastroscopy, blood
test, complete blood count test, or a stool test may be used to diagnose gastritis.
Treatment includes taking antacids or other medicines, antibiotics, and avoiding
hot or spicy foods. Many people with gastritis experience no symptoms at all.
However, upper central abdominal pain is the most common symptom; the pain
may be dull, vague, burning, aching, gnawing, sore, or sharp. Antacids in liquid
or tablet form are a common treatment for mild gastritis. Antacids neutralize
stomach acid and can provide fast pain relief. Many people also drink milk to
relieve symptoms; however the high calcium levels actually stimulate release of
gastric acid from parietal cells, ultimately worsening symptoms.
gastritis – [gæs´traitis] – n. гастрит
stomach – [´stʌmək] – n. желудок
traumatic injury – [trɔ:´mætik] [´inʤ(ə)ri] - травматическое повреждение
banding – [´bændiƞ] – n. обьединение
indigestion – [indi´ʤestʃ(ə)n] – n. несварение желудка;нарушение
6. nausea – [´nɔ:siə] – n. тошнота
7. pernicious anemia – [pə´niʃəs] [ə´ni:miə] - пернициозная анемия,
злокачественная анемия
8. antacids – [ænt´æsid] – n. антацид (средство, нейтрализующее кислоту)
9. vague – [veig] – a. неопределенный, неясный, смутный; неуловимый
10.gnawing – [´nɔ:iƞ] – a. мучающий, терзающий; грызущий
11.parietal cells – [pə´raiətl] [sel] париетальная клетка желудка
I. Скажите по-английски:
Гастрит, развивается, тяжелая инфекция, брюшное расстройство,
тошнота, жжение, ощущение сытости, гастроскопия, боли в животе, острая
боль, мучающая боль, облегчение, высокий уровень кальция.
II. Перепишите все симптомы, описанные в тексте. Какие
факторы способствуют появлению гастрита? Ответьте поанглийски.
III. Прочитайте диалог. Переведите на русский язык.
Patient: I haven’t been feeling well, doctor.
Doctor: What’s wrong with you?
Patient: I’ve pain in my stomach, and a feeling of burning.
Doctor: Show me with your finger the place where it hurts you.
Patient: Here, doctor.
Doctor: Have you ever had any operations? And have you had severe infections?
Patient: Yes, I’ve had my appendix out. I’ve never had infections diseases.
Doctor: Well, take gastroscopy, complete blood count test, and a stool test. I’ll tell you
the diagnosis after I have all your test. And I want to give you advice: please,
try to except from your nutrition hot and spicy food. It’s not good for your
health now. I suspect, you have gastritis.
IV. Выучите и разыграйте диалог по ролям.
Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
среднего профессионального образования
«Армавирский Медицинский Колледж»
министерства здравоохранения Краснодарского края
Рабочая тетрадь
по английскому языку
по теме: «Diseases» «Болезни».
Утверждено на заседании ЦМК
От ______________________
Протокол № _______________
Председатель ЦМК
Кучинская Т.Е. ___________
г. Армавир
2013-2014 уч.гг.
Приложение №1.
Англо – русский
тематический разговорник.
1. a bundle of nerves – комок нервов
2. to be operated upon – сделать операцию
3. to be running a temperature – иметь повышенную температуру
4. to take one’s temperature – измерять температуру
5. the danger is over – опасность миновала
6. the fever is over – лихорадка пропала (жар спал0
7. to catch (have) (a) cold – простудиться
8. to have a running nose - иметь сильный насморк
9. to suffer (from) - страдать (от)
10.to suffer from sleeplessness - страдать от бессонницы
11.to be examined by a doctor – пройти осмотр у врача
12.to be sick – испытывать тошноту
13.to be treated by a doctor – быть под наблюдением (лечиться у врача)
14.to fall ill (to be taken ill) – заболеть
15.to feel bad (well) – чувствовать себя плохо (хорошо)
16.to look tired – выглядеть усталым
17.to follow the doctor’s order – выполнять указания врача
18.to keep (stay) in bed – лежать (оставаться) в постели
19. to take care of – присматривать (за), заботиться о ком-то
20.to take a medicine – принимать лекарство
1. Can I do anything for you? – Могу я сделать что-нибудь для вас?
2. It is not good for your health – Это вредно для вашего здоровья.
3. The patient is feverish – У больного жар.
4. The patient is thirsty – больной хочет пить.
5. You are overtired – Вы переутомлены.
6. You don’t look well – Вы плохо выглядите.
7. You look pale – Вы бледны.
8. I am running temperature – У меня повышенная температура.
9. I am unwell – Я себя плохо чувствую.
10.I have a bad cold – Я сильно простужена.
11.I have a sore throat - У меня болит горло.
12.I have a (splitting) headache – У меня (сильная) головная боль
13. I have a pain (in).... – У меня болит …. .
14.I feel faint – Мне дурно.
15.You have a slight attack of grippe – У вас небольшой грипп.
16.I must check your BP (blood pressure) – Я должна измерить ваше
кровяное давление.
17.You will have your X-rayed and your blood examined – Вам сделают
рентгеноскопию грудной клетки и анализ крови.
18.You must keep (stay) in bed – Вам следует лежать в постели.
19.No reading in bed – В постели не читайте.
20.Take care of your health – Вы должны заботиться о своем здоровье.