Разговорные темы по английскому языку

Topic 1
This is John Brown. He is thirty-nine years old. He is a teacher of literature. He lives and works in Liverpool. He is an Englishman. He isn't
exactly a handsome man, but he is nice. He has a wife, whose name is
Mary, and two children — Susan and George. Mary is thirty-four years
old. She is a beautiful young Englishwoman. She is a designer, but she
doesn't work now. She runs the house and looks after the children. Their
children are healthy and beautiful.
The family is at home. John is reading a book and Mary is cooking.
She is in the kitchen. Their children are watching video. George is fourteen
years old and Susan is eight. They love each other very much and are fond
of playing together.
It is seven o'clock now. It is dark and gloomy outside, because it is
late autumn now. It often rains and the air is cold and damp. The nights are
long and the days are short.
— What date is it today? — It is the 25th of October.
— What is the day today? — It is Friday.
— What time is it? — It is seven o'clock.
— Are the Browns at home? — Yes, they are.
— What is John doing? — He is reading a book.
— Is Mary playing with the children? — No, she is not. She is cooking. She is in the kitchen. .
— How old is John? — He is thirty-nine.
— How old is Mary? — She is thirty-four.
— Are John and Mary husband and wife? — Yes, they are.
— Are they parents of Susan and. George? — Yes, they are
— What are the children doing? — They are watching video.
— How old are the children? — George is fourteen and Susan is
eight years old.
— Is George Susan's brother? — Yes, he is.
— Is Susan George's sister? — Yes, she is. Susan and George are
brother and sister.
— Where are the Browns now? — The Browns are at home now.
Nick's Birthday
— Nick is twenty-five on the third of February!
— Oh, is it his birthday on Wednesday?
— Yes, it is. All his friends and relatives are coming to see him. His
uncle and aunt are coming from Glasgow.
— Fine! Let's give him some new computer discs as a present.
— That's a good idea!
at home — дома
cousin – двоюродный брат, дво-
aunt — тетя
юродная сестра
birthday — день рождения
first name — имя
brother— брат
to be fond of smth. — любить что-
child — ребенок
children — дети
gloomy— мрачный
to cook — готовить (еду)
grandfather— дедушка
damp — сырой, влажный
handsome — красивый
healthy— здоровый
husband— муж
Englishwoman — англичанка
kitchen — кухня
exactly— точно
late autumn — поздняя осень
to play — играть ,
name — имя
to watch video – смотреть видео
outside— снаружи, на улице
teacher of literature (biology, parents — родители
mathematics, chemistry etc.) — relative — родственник
учитель литературы (биологии, to run the house — вести домашматематики, химии и т.д.)
нее хозяйство
wife,— жена
sister — сестра
uncle — дядя
surname — фамилия
Test yourself. Translate the following:
— Познакомьтесь с моими друзьями. Это мистер и миссис Ричарде.
— Очень рад. Как поживаете? (How do you do?)
— Ричардсы — врачи.
— Сколько вам лет, мистер Ричардс?
— Мне 32 года.
— У вас есть дети?
— Да, у нас трое детей. Полу пять лет, а Бетти и Лиззи по три года.
— Что делают сейчас ваши дети?
— Они с бабушкой. Они очень любят книги для детей. Она им сейчас
Say whit you can.
1) How old are you?
2) How old are your parents?
3) What is the name of your wife (husband)?
4) How old are your children?
5) What are their names?
6) How old is your friend?
7) What is his (her) name?
Topic 2
This is Mr Brown's new apartment. There are four rooms, a kitchen
and two bathrooms in it. The Browns' new apartment is very comfortable.
This is their living room. There is a window and a balcony in it. The
floor is covered with a thick green carpet. The walls are light green. The
ceiling is white and very high. There are some wall units in this room. Mr
and Mrs Brown keep their music centre, TV set and video-recorder there.
There is a divan-bed and a small table in front of the TV set. There is also
a dining-table and a few chairs in this room. There is not very much furniture in the apartment, but the Browns have got everything they need. They
are also planning to buy a dining set and two armchairs.
Not long ago the Browns moved into a new- apartment. Mr Dick, Mr
Brown's friend and colleague, wants to know everything about it and he
rings John up into his new apartment:
— Hello, my dear friend. I hear you moved to another apartment. Is
it true? — Yes, you are quite right.
— Is your apartment new? — Yes, it is.
— Is your apartment comfortable? — Yes, very.
— There are three rooms in your apartment, aren't there? — No,
there are four rooms, a kitchen and two bathrooms in it.
— What colour is the carpet on the floor? — It is green.
— Where is the music centre? — It is in the wall units.
— Where is the TV? — It is in the living room.
— What is the colour of the walls? — It's pale green.
— Is there a dining-table in the living room? — Yes, there is.
— Is there a divan-bed and a small table in front of the TV set? —
Yes, there is.
— Are there many video-cassettes in your apartment? — No, not
many. All of them are on the shelf.
— Is there much furniture in the apartment? — No, there is not, but
we have got everything we need.
— How many windows are there in the living room? – There is a
window and a balcony in it.
also — также, тоже
a few – несколько
floor — 1. пол; 2. этаж
armchair— кресло
furniture— мебель
balcony— балкон
kitchen — кухня
bathroom— ванная
living room — гостиная
bedroom — спальня
flunk centre
carpet— ковер
center— центр
rather— довольно-таки
colour— цвет
round-the-clock — круглосуточно
— музыкальный
comfortable— удобный
dining set — столовый сервиз di- thick— толстый, густой
van-bed — диван
wall units — мебельная стенка
elevator — лифт
Test yourself. Translate the following:
— На каком этаже ваша квартира?
— На десятом.
— В вашем доме есть лифт?
— Да, есть.
— Ваша квартира очень удобная?
— Да, она новая и удобная.
— В вашей квартире много мебели?
— Нет, но у нас есть все, что нам нужно.
— Какого цвета стены?
— Они синие. Ковер тоже синий.
— У вас есть телевизор и видеомагнитофон?
— Да, они стоят в гостиной.
Say what you can.
1) When do people say "East or West, home is best"?
2) What makes a home comfortable?
3) What is better — an apartment in a city or a larger house in the country?
4) Do you like everything about your apartment? What don't you like?
Topic 3
Mary Brown goes shopping almost every day. She likes fresh food.
So do all the Browns. Every morning Mary makes her shopping list. John
enters the kitchen and sees his wife writing something.
J.: What are you doing?
M.: Making a shopping list for today.
J.: Do we need so many things?
M.: We haven't got much tea or coffee left, and we have run out of sugar
and jam. So I must go to the grocer's.
J.: What about vegetables?
M.: I'll ask George to go to the greengrocer's after school. We haven't got
many tomatoes. But we still have a lot, of potatoes. And I must go to the
butcher's. We haven't got any meat at all.
J.: Is there any beer and wine left?
M.: No, there isn't. And I am not going to get any.
J.: I hope we've got some money.
M.: I haven't got much.
J.: Well I haven't got much either.
Mary is going to buy some fresh meat. So she goes to the butcher's,
which is just round the corner.
В.: Do you want any meat today, Mrs Brown?
Yes, please.
В.: Do you want beef or lamb? The lamb is very good today.
Beef, please. I like lamb, but my husband doesn't.
What about some steak? This is a very nice piece.
Give me this piece please. And a pound of mince too.
В.: Do you want a chicken? They are fresh and nice. No fat at all.
No, thank you. My children don't like chicken.
В.: То tell you the truth, Mrs Brown, I don't like chicken either.
At the Greengrocer's
— Will you show me these oranges? Where are they from?
— These are Spanish oranges. They are sweet and fresh.
— Yes, I see. I'll take three.
— Look at these dark grapes. They are very nice. We've got them today.
— Fine. I'll take a bunch of grapes. My children like grapes.
— What about some strawberry?
— Oh! I like it very much, but it's winter now. Strawberry is very expensive.
— Three oranges and a bunch of grapes. Is that all?
— Yes, thank you.
a lot of— много
jam — джем
almost — почти
lamb— баранина
beef— говядина
meat — мясо
beer — пиво
mince — фарш
butcher's— мясник
orange — апельсин
chicken — курятина
potato — картофель
coffee— кофе
to go shopping — делать покупки
enter — входить
shopping list — список покупок
fat — жир
steak— говяжья вырезка
grapes— виноград
still — все еще
a bunch of grapes — гроздь strawberry— клубника
sugar — сахар
greengrocer's-- овощной магазин
tea — чай
grocer's— бакалейный магазин
tomato — томат
grocery — бакалея
vegetable — овощ
wine — вино
Test yourself. Translate the following:
- Что ты делаешь?
- Я составляю список покупок. У нас почти все кончилось.
- Ты собираешься в мясную лавку?
- Да, я хочу купить фунт фарша и курицу к обеду.
- Хорошо. Я люблю курицу. Дети тоже.
- Я должна пойти в бакалею. Нам нужен сахар, кофе, чай и
кукурузные хлопья для детей.
- У нас совсем не осталось джема.
- Я куплю клубничный джем.
- Хорошо. Тебе нужна моя помощь?
- Да. Сумки будут очень тяжелыми.
Say what you can.
1) Who does shopping in your family and why?
2) Do you enjoy shopping?
3) What do you usually buy at the butcher's? What meat does your family like?
4) Do you like self-service shops?
5) What will you do if, by mistake, you are given wrong change?
Topic 4
John Brown usually has his lunch at half past one. He comes home
from college for it. Today he left for work without breakfast and by one
o'clock he was already hungry. Children have their lunch at school; they
do not come home till five o'clock.
The Browns are now sitting at the table in their kitchen. They usually
have their meals in the kitchen when there are no guests.
M.: Some more soup, Johnny?
J.: No, thanks. It's too salty today. Don't you know that I prefer salad to
M.: Sorry, dear. We have run out of vegetables. I am going to buy some
for dinner.
J.: Fine. Will you pass me some rye bread? You know, I like it with the
meat course. Pork chops, with roast potatoes look appetizing.
M.: Here it is. Shall I switch off the radio?
J.: Please, don't. Here is the weather forecast. Let's listen to it.
M: How do you like the chop?
Oh, it is delicious. Will you make some coffee? I have about five
minutes to spare.
M.: Yes, of course. But it's still early.
J.: I have an appointment with the principal at half past two.
M.: It takes you only about fifteen minutes to get to the college.
Yes, but let me remind you that my car is not fixed yet. That is why
I've got to go there by bus. Isn't it time for me to go?
M: Yes, it is. Hurry up. Don't forget to lock the door of the garage.
J.: Excuse me my haste, but I hate being late for an appointment.
M.: See you in the evening then. The children will be waiting for you.
Tea Time
Ann: Would you like a cup of tea, Kate?
Kate: Oh, yes. I am so thirsty.
A.: How many lumps of sugar do you like in your tea?
K.: Three will do.
A.: I am sorry, there are only two lumps of sugar left.
K.: That is all right. Two lumps are better than one.
appointment — встреча, свидание That Is why — Вот почему
breakfast— завтрак
Three will do. — Хватит трех (ку-
course — блюдо
delicious — вкусный
to be going — собираться
dinner — обед
to be hungry — быть голодным
early — рано
to be thirsty — испытывать
haste — спешка
Hurry up! — Поторопись!
buy — покупать
It takes you — Тебе требуется
to have breakfast — завтракать
lump — кусочек (сахара)
to have dinner — обедать
lunch — ленч
to have lunch — есть ленч
meal — принятие пиши, еда
to have supper — ужинать
pork chop — свиная отбивная
to make haste — спешить, торо-
potato— картофель
principal — директор колледжа,
to prefer — предпочитать
to remind — напоминать
roast — жареный
to spare — иметь в излишке
rye— рожь, ржаной
to switch off— выключать
salty — соленый
to switch on — включать
supper— ужин
usually – обычно
weather forecast - прогноз погоды
Test yourself. Translate the following:
— Я проголодалась. Давай поужинаем.
— Давай. Что у нас на ужин?
— Отбивные из баранины с рисом. Правда, они аппетитные?
— Да, они выглядят замечательно. Мне разлить вино?
— Да, пожалуйста. Я сделала салат. Ты не забыл купить хлеба?
— Нет, Вот он. Дети уже ужинали?
— Нет, Они все еще смотрят видео. Они выпили молока с печеньем.
— Давай после ужина выпьем чаю.
– Извини, у нас кончился чай. Налить минеральной воды?
— Нет, спасибо.
Say what you can.
1) Why are children taught not to eat between meals? Is it better to eat
at regular intervals? Will a child eat his dinner with appetite if he eats
something before usual dinnertime? Do sweets take our appetite away?
2) Which comes earlier in the day, lunch or breakfast? What time do y6u
have these meals?
3) Suppose you find that the soup is too salty. What will you do to make
it less salty? Will you add something to make it less salty?
Before you order a meal at a restaurant, you will have a look at the
menu. What two things will you try to find out first?
Topic 5
Everyone has a favourite time of the year. In spring the air gets
warmer and days longer. Flowers come out and green leaves appear on the
In autumn leaves go yellow, red and brown, and there are plenty of
In summer it is usually hot. Sometimes it rains, but the rain seldom
lasts long. Children and their teachers have a holiday, and everybody tries
to spend as much time as possible in the country.
In winter the air gets frosty, it often snows, the temperature drops below zero and people go skiing and skating.
John Brown has just come from a trip to Russia. His wife wants to
know everything about the country and the people.
M.: How did you like Russian winter?
J.: Oh! It was so cold! You wouldn't believe it. The temperature dropped
twenty degrees below zero when I came to Moscow. There was a lot of
snow everywhere. The rivers were frozen.
M.: Is their average winter so severe?
J.: It depends... Sometimes winter months are rather mild and sometimes
winter begins In October and lasts till April.
M: Did it snow often?
J.: Yes. It snowed every day. People went skiing in the parks. Russians enjoy skiing and skating. Children prefer tobogganing.
М: Did you try to ski?
J.: No, you know my hobby is fishing and gardening.
M.: Do Russians know what is gardening at all in that cold climate?
J.: Actually everything is not so bad, though Russian climate is more severe than British. The spring is usually cool, but it's quite hot there in
summer. People grow vegetables, berries and flowers.
Climate In Britain
Linda: Where do you come from?
Ted: I come from England.
L.: What is the climate like in your country?
Т.: It's mild, but it's not always pleasant. The weather is often cold in the
North and windy in the East. It's often wet in the West and sometimes
warm in the South.
L.: Do you like it in England?
Т.: Yes, I do. Our climate is not very good, but it's certainly interesting. It's
our favourite subject of conversation.
above— выше
to last — длиться
autumn— осень
mild — мягкий
average— средний
pleasant— приятный
below— ниже
plenty — много
climate— климат
to rain— идти (о дожде)
conversation — беседа
rather— довольно, достаточно
cool — прохладный
river— река
to drop — падать
seldom— редко
to enjoy— получать удовольствие severe — суровый
favourite — любимый
to snow — идти (о снеге)
fishing — рыбная ловля
sometimes— иногда
to be frozen — замерзнуть
spring— весна
gardening — садоводство
summer — лето
to go skating — кататься на конь- trip — путешествие, поездка usuках
ally— обычно
to go skiing— кататься на лыжах
weather— погода
to go tobogganing — кататься на wet — влажный, сырой
windy— ветренный
to have a holiday — быть в отпус- winter — зима
ке, на каникулах
You wouldn't believe It! — Ты не
not— жаркий
It depends — Когда как (Это от
многого зависит)
Test yourself, Translate the following:
— Идет дождь. Не забудьте взять зонтик.
— Я брал его вчера, а дождя не было.
— ОН не будет идти долго.
— Сегодня холодно.
— Да. Всего 15 градусов тепла. В прошлом году осень была теплее.
Думаю, зима будет холодной.
— Я надеюсь, зимой будет много снега. Я очень люблю кататься на
— А я не умею кататься на лыжах. Я люблю просто гулять по
зимнему парку.
Say what you can.
When are the leaves heavier: when they are still green or when they
turn yellow in autumn?
2) Why do we look for the shade in summer?
What do you do when you get caught in the rain? In what places do
you usually find shelter from the rain?-^"'
4) Why is it darker outdoors on a cloudy day than on a sunny day?
5) Is a raincoat more convenient than an umbrella?
Topic 6
George Brown and Margaret Snow are classmates. They are friends
and have very much in common. They go to discotheques, theatres and
skating-rinks together. Today George decided to invite Margaret to the
cinema to see a new film. He rang her up.
G.: Hello! Is that you, Maggie?
M: Hello. Yes, it's me.
G.: How are you?
M.: Pretty much the same. What about you?
G.: Can't complain. Listen, are you busy tomorrow evening?
M: Let me think... No, I am not. Why?
G.: Let's go to the cinema. There's a new film with that American actor...
M.: It would be great! But it will be awfully difficult to get the tickets.
G.: We'll think of something. What time shall 1 call for you?
M.: 6.30 would be fine.
G.: Tomorrow at 6.30 I'll be at your place.
G.: Hi, Maggie.
M.: What's the matter with you? You don't look yourself. Has anything
G.: I have totally forgotten that today is my granny's birthday.
You have seen my grandmother, haven't you?
M.: Yes, I know her. She is a nice old woman. She is well-read end wise,
she has a keen sense of humour. It's a pleasure to talk to her.
G.: You are quite right. My sister Susan and I must go and see her. She
loves us, very much. It would be awfully impolite of me not to come. I
don't want her to be upset today.
M.: But of course you must go. She has always been very kind to both of
G.: Will you join us, Maggie? My granny would be delighted. She likes to
be in company with young people.
M.: I don't know if it is convenient.
G.: She will be delighted, I swear.
M; All right, I'll go... It's a pity we'll miss the film. It is hot on video.
G.: Don't get upset about it. We might go to the cinema tomorrow. Tomorrow is Saturday, we have no classes.
M.: Wonderful. Let's make it Saturday.
— Please come to tea on Tuesday and meet my Mum and my cousin.
— Tuesday... Let me see... I've got a busy day this Tuesday...
— Then come to lunch on Sunday, if it's convenient for you.
— On Sunday? Lovely! Yes! What time? -Will 1.30 be all right?
— Wonderful. Till Sunday, then!
awfully — ужасно
I swear! — Клянусь!
to be busy — быть занятым
It's a pity — жаль
both — оба, обе
It would be great! — Это было бы
to call for — заходить за кем- здорово!
либо; чем-либо
to make an appointment (date) -
cinema — кино
назначить встречу (свидание)
complain - жаловаться
to miss — пропускать
convenient - удобный
pleasure— удовольствие
delighted — довольный, радост- skating-rink - каток
theatre — театр
discotheque — дискотека
usually – обычно
cranny - grandmother
upset — огорченный, печальный
to have a keen sense of humour — well-read — начитанный
иметь тонкое чувство юмора
what's-his-name —как, бишь, его
to have much in common — зовут...
иметь много общего
Why? — зд. А что?
Impolite— невежливый
wise— мудрый
Test yourself, translate the following:
— Ты занята сегодня вечером?
— А что? Ты хочешь пригласить меня куда-нибудь?
— Да. Давай пойдем в театр. У меня есть два билета.
— Как ты достал их?
— Не задавай мне вопросов, просто скажи, идешь ты со мной или
— Конечно, иду. Как я Могу упустить такой шанс? т- Ты хочешь,
чтобы я за тобой заехал?
— Конечно. Это было бы очень любезно с твоей стороны. Давай
договоримся на б часов.
— Хорошо, в 6 я буду у тебя.
Say what you can.
1) Which theatre would you like to go to with a friend? How would you
invite him (her)?
2) Have you ever been late for an appointment? What did you say?
What would you say if you want to decline (отказаться) an invita-
Topic 7
George Brown and Margaret Snow often go to the cinema together. It
is Saturday today. They decided to see a new film, which is not yet on video.
G.: It is the latest picture and it is considered the best of the year. There are
a lot of people at the box-office. The film is playing to full houses. This
cinema is always full though.
М.: Shall we be able to get seats?
G.: Unfortunately, it was impossible to reserve seats, but I am sure we'll be
able to get in.
М.: We'll have to wait for stall seats.
G.: I wonder, are balcony seats still available?
M.: Oh, no! They are usually too far from the screen. We won't see anything...
G.: Oh! Here we are at last. Look! There are two vacant seats in the foyer.
The film starts in fifteen minutes. Let's wait there and have a Pepsi.
M.: It's an American film, isn't it? I am sure, nobody in our class has seen
G.: You know Tom, he is an inveterate cinema-goer. He said he had seen it
and enjoyed it immensely. He said it was a talented and original film.
G.: Well, did you like the film?
M.: Yes, the plot is quite interesting. It makes you forget that you are at the
cinema. The stereo sound is done well. But the actors speak American
English. This spoils the effect. They should have dubbed the film.
G.: The acting is wonderful though. It is strong and moving, it makes up
for the language. And the plot really carries one away. The previous film
by this producer was weaker. I don't think this one will please everybody,
but it will cause a lot of discussion.
M.: I agree. I say, George, it's quite late already. It's high time for me to
go home. Let's go to the park tomorrow.
G.: I am all for it.
M.: See you tomorrow!
Booking Cinema Seats
Clerk: Hallo. ABC cinema.
Alice: Hallo. I'd like to know what film is on tonight.
C: “Goodbye to Everybody,” an Italian film.
A.: Oh, good! I'd like to reserve two stalls please.
C: Sorry, madam. All stalls are sold out. Would dress-circle do?
A.: Are the seats good?
C: First row, seats 15 and 16, that'll be right in the middle.
All right. I guess, that'll do. My name is Price. I'll call for them some
time around six.
Very good, madam. We'll keep your booking till 6.30 then. Good-bye.
A.: Thank you. Bye.
available — имеющийся в про- plot— сюжет
даже, доступный
previous— предыдущий
box-office — касса (в театре, producer — режиссер; продюсер
row — ряд
cinema— кино; кинотеатр
to reserve — забронировать
cinema-goer — любитель кино
screen— экран
to consider — считать, полагать seat — место
dress-circle — бельэтаж
balcony seat — место на балконе
to dub — дублировать
(в верхней галерее)
foyer — фойе
to spoil — портить
С though— однако, тем не менее,
все же
Immensely — в огромной степени vacant — свободный
Inveterate— заядлый, неисправимый
Test yourself. Translate the following:
— Тебе понравился фильм?
— Да, я получила большое удовольствие. Сюжет и музыка были
— А мне понравилось, как играл Том Круз. Я люблю этого актера.
Его фильмы заставляют забыть обо всем.
— К сожалению, места в бельэтаже были не очень хорошими. Экран
был слишком далеко.
— Я даже не заметил этого. Ты сказала, что все видишь и слышишь.
— Я не хотела, чтобы ты огорчился. Тебе было так трудно достать
— Да, билетов в партер уже не было.
— Мне все равно очень понравился фильм. Спасибо большое.
Say what yon can.
1) Why is cinema-going still a favourite pastime for many people?
Sometimes they say that a certain film is a must. What is meant by the
Some films are produced for young audience. What is special about
such films?
For what purposes are film festivals held? Have you ever been to a
film festival?
Topic 8
Mary Brown is a pretty young woman. She takes pains to look beautiful.
Two weeks have passed since Mary went to the hairdresser's. Now she decided to change her style altogether. She made an appointment with her
hairdresser, but she is a bit late.
M.: Good morning! I am afraid, I am a bit late.
H.: Good morning. Don't worry, I have a vacancy now. Is it a long time
since you had your hair died? Do you want it died black?
M.: I'd like a haircut first. Please, cut my hair short.
H.: Are you sure? Your hair is beautiful. Let's have it trimmed.
M.: Oh, no. I am sick and tired of long hair. Cut it short, please and then
die it blond.
H.: Shall I give you a shampoo?
M.: Yes, please. I like herbal shampoo.
H.: Your hair is dry. Honey shampoo would be better.
M.: Fine. Let it be honey. What type of dye do you have?
H.: I've got a very good French dye. It has only been on sale for a month.
M.: It won't take long, will it?
H.: It will take about an hour. Are you in a great hurry?
M.: Unfortunately I am. My husband will be waiting for me near our favorite restaurant in an hour and a half. Today is our wedding anniversary.
H.: Congratulations! Then you'd better have your hair dried with a fan.
M.: All right. You may set it as well... Is there anybody in the beauty parlour now?
H.: I'll try to find out. What would you like?
M.: I'd like a massage and a good make up.
H.: Just a moment... They can take care of you in fifteen minutes.
M.: I'm lucky. I am sure I'll be in time.
At the Baiter's
— Good afternoon. I'd like to have my beard and moustache trimmed.
— Yes, please. When did you have your hair cut?
— I don't remember... About a month ago.
— I think you need a haircut.
— Really?
— Yes. And I'd offer you to shave off your beard and moustache.
— Will my wife recognize me?
— I am sure she will. And you will look much younger.
— Fine. Agreed.
altogether — совсем, совершенно
to have one's hair cut — под-
anniversary— юбилей
barber's — (мужская) парикма- to have one's hair set — уложить
beard — борода
to have one's hair trimmed —
to be in a hurry — спешить
подравнять волосы
to be in time — успевать вовремя
herbal — травяной
to be on sale — быть в продаже
honey— медовый
beauty parlour — косметический It won't take long... — Это не зайкабинет
мет много времени...
a bit — немного
to make an appointment — назна-
to comb — расчесывать
чать встречу; записываться .(на
Congratulations! — Мои поздрав- прием)
make up — л. косметика, макияж;
dry — а, сухой; v. сушить
v. накладывать косметику
to dye — красить (волосы)
manicure — маникюр
fan — фен
massage — массаж
haircut— стрижка
moustache — усы
hairdresser's — (женская) парик- to shave — бриться
to shave off one's beard — сбри-
to have a shampoo — вымыть го- вать бороду
wedding— бракосочетание
Test yourself. Translate the following:
— Добрый день. Я хотела бы покрасить волосы.
— Добрый день. Садитесь, пожалуйста. Вымыть голову?
— Нет, не надо. Как вы думаете, мне нужно постричься?
— Давайте просто подровняем волосы, а затем покрасим их.
— Хорошо... Сейчас есть кто-нибудь в косметическом кабинете?
— Там никого нет. Они сейчас свободны. Что бы вы хотели?
— О! Мне повезло! Я бы хотела сделать маникюр.
Они смогут обслужить вас, но давайте сначала подравняем
волосы и покрасим их.
Say what you can.
1) How often do you go to the hairdresser's (barber's)?
2) When did you go there last? What did you do there?
3) How long does it usually take to have one's hair cut?
Topic 9
John Brown met his old friend Martin Hazelnut, whom he hadn't seen
for several years. Martin invited John to his place for a cocktail.
M.: I am so glad to see you again after so many years.
J.: I am glad to meet you too. Sorry I failed to get in touch with you earlier.
M.: How is life?
J.: No complaints. How are you? You look tired. How is your health?
M.: Oh, it's not the health. I am really quite tired. Please, sit down and
make yourself comfortable. Want a cocktail?
J.: Yes, please. Excuse my curiosity, but what do you do?
M.: You'd better ask me what I don't do. I am deputy director of a publishing house.
J.: You've made quite a career. That must be interesting.
M.: It really is. But I am extremely busy all day long. My boss wants me to
keep everything under control. J have to sign documents, answer telephone
calls, participate in talks, discuss the terms of the agreements and do many
other things.
J.: Isn't there anybody to help you?
M.: There are lots of things that nobody else can do. I solve the most difficult problems. Almost no days off.
J.: How could it be otherwise? How long does your working day last?
M.: It depends... I come to my office at a quarter past nine and at 5.30 p.m.
my working day is over. But if I have many things to do, I stay at the office till everything is done. Usually there are several piles of papers to be
looked through and signed.
J.: You work overtime. No wonder you look tired. Do you have a break for
M.: Sure. I have a break, which lasts for an hour.
J.: Do you often go on business trips?
M.: All of our employees go on business trips. Book exhibitions are organized all over the world. We sell our books everywhere and we sign
agreements with other publishing houses.
J.: Have you been to Russia?
M.: Not yet. I am planning to go there this year. I have already been to
Germany, France, Australia and Canada. And you, have you been to Russia?
J.: Yes, I was there last winter. I spent ten days in Russia. It was a tourist
trip. I don't go abroad as often as you.
M.: Did you like it there?
J.: Immensely.
Talking Business
— Could you help me, please? I have a few questions to ask.
— Well, no, not just now, I am afraid. I have a lot of work to do. Please,
come this afternoon about three or so.
— What are you doing?
— I am looking for some information in the Internet. I must pick it up and
translate the most interesting parts for the chief.
— How long will it take you?
— I don't know yet.
— Are you going to make a break for a cup of tea?
— Sure. Let's meet at the cafeteria in half an hour and discuss your problems. Is that all right?
— Splendid. Thanks.
abroad — за границей
How could it be otherwise? – Как
break— перерыв
может быть иначе?
curiosity — любопытство
immensely – чрезвычайно
day off— выходной
to keep under control – держать
deputy director – заместитель под контролем
to last – длиться
to discuss the terms of agreement to look through – просматривать
– обсуждать условия договора
to make oneself comfortable –
employee – сотрудник
устраиваться поудобнее
extremely – крайне, чрезвычайно, No complaints. – Не жалуюсь.
в высшей степени
no wonder – неудивительно
to fail – не удаваться
to get in touch with – связаться; участвовать в перегонках
дать о себе знать
pile – стопка, пачка
to go on a business trip – уезжать publishing house – издательство
в командировку
to sign – подписывать
to have many things to do – иметь You have made quite a career. –
много работы
Ты сделал хорошую карьеру.
Test yourself. Translate the following:
— Доброе утро. Садитесь, пожалуйста. Устраивайтесь поудобнее. Вы
— Да. Но я могу выполнять работу секретаря.
Это очень хорошо. Вам предстоит просматривать много
документов, переводить их и искать информацию в Интернете.
— Когда я должна приходить на работу?
— В 9.30. У вас будет перерыв на обед с 13.30 до 14.00. Ваш рабочий
день будет заканчиваться в 5 вечера. Если работы будет много, вам
придется работать сверхурочно.
— Кто будет моим начальником?
— Мистер Дрейк. Он держит все под контролем и не любит, когда
кто-то опаздывает.
— Кто-нибудь из сотрудников знает английский?
— Никто. Вам придется помогать всем, кто вас об этом попросит. У
нас очень много договоров на английском языке. Не все из них
присылаются с переводом.
Say what you can.
1) Do you often have to work overtime? Is it difficult for you?
There is, of course, somebody for whose work you have great respect.
Who is that person, and what is his work?
3) What is the best way to organize your working day?
Do you think school children can find a suitable job for themselves?
How can they organize their working day?
Topic 10
John and Mary Brown decided to go to Leeds for a few days to visit
their friends. They made a hotel reservation beforehand. Now they are in
their inside double room on the fifth floor of "Tavistock" hotel. It is a
small hotel not far from the center. They are speaking with the valet.
M.: Is this room quiet?
V.: Yes, madam. The street is also very quiet. How long are you planning
to stay?
J.: I guess, we'll stay for two or three days. Do you have any facilities for
V.: Yes, sir. You should give your laundry to the maid. The ordinary service takes two or three days. If you want it done the same day, it will be
express service.
J.: I’d rather have express service.
V.: Have you filled in the registration form?
J.: Yes, of course. One more request. I'd like to have this suit and my
wife's dress pressed, we'll wear them tonight.
V.: Fine. They will be returned to you by 4 p.m. Is it all right?
J.: Yes, quite all right. And here are my shoes. I want to have them
V.: Don't you bother about it.
M.: Do you have a restaurant? We haven't had breakfast in the train.
V.: Yes, sir. The restaurant is downstairs. The food is excellent, you will
see. Anything else?
M.: That will be all, thank you.
V.: If you need something, press this button.
Three days have passed. The Browns are checking out. Their bill was
prepared one day before their leaving. They are now talking to the clerk at
the reception desk downstairs.
C: Here is your bill.
J.: The total amount is a bit too large.
С: The charge is 10.50 daily, plus 12% service charge, inclusive of breakfast.
J.: Oh! I didn't know that. I shouldn't have tipped our maid and waiter. I'll
keep it in mind next time.
M.: Could I ask the hall porter to bring down our luggage?
C: Yes, of course.
M.: Please, bring down a black leather suitcase and two blue bags. Room
number 503.
C: Do you require a taxi?
M: Yes, please. It's nearly time to go to the station. It's twenty to five,
J.: Oh, is it? Come on, then! We may be late!
At a London Hotel
Guide: Our plan for today is to see the West End, to have a walk down
Downing Street and be back at the hotel for lunch at half past two.
Tourist: Have I got enough time to go and get my camera?
G.: Yes, of course! We have still got half an hour. You can all go to your
rooms and have a short rest. But please be in the lobby at ten sharp. Don't
be late.
Т.: Right!
G.: All right!
beforehand— заранее
lobby — вестибюль
bill — счет
luggage- багаж
button— кнопка
maid— горничная
to cheek in — зарегистрироваться ordinary service — обычное обв гостинице
to check out— выписаться из
porter — портье
to press — гладить
downstairs — на первом этаже reception desk — стойка админиexpress service — срочное обслу- стратора гостиницы
to require — 1. требовать; 2. нуж—
средства даться
to till In the form— заполнять номер
double room — двухкомнатный
ball — холл, вестибюль
to include— включать
suite — номер люкс
inclusive — включительно
suitcase — чемодан
inside room — комната с окнами to tip — давать на чай
во двор
outside room — комната с окнами занимающийся стиркой, чисткой
на улицу
и т. д.
laundry— 1. белье; 2. прачечная; waiter— официант
3. стирка
Test yourself. Translate the following:
— Гостиница «Зеленый дуб». Добрый день.
— Добрый день. Я хотел бы забронировать номер на одного
— Какой номер вам нужен?
— Однокомнатный номер с ванной, телефоном и телевизором.
— На какой срок вы планируете остаться у нас?
— На три дня, начиная с 10-го октября.
— У нас нет такого номера. У нас есть двухкомнатный номер с
окнами на улицу. Улица очень тихая.
— Сколько он стоит?
— 20.30 в день плюс 13% за обслуживание, включая завтрак.
- Это несколько дороговато, но я беру его.
- Подтвердите, пожалуйста, свой заказ по электронной почте.
- Хорошо, спасибо.
Say what yon can.
1) Have you ever stayed at a hotel? For how long? Did you like it?
2) What facilities did you use? Was it very expensive?
3) What was the service like? Did you pay for it? Did you tip the maid?
Where did you have your meals? Did you have them brought to your
Topic 11
Mary Brown goes shopping almost every day, but if she wants to buy
something special, she goes to a large department store. Mary finds these
stores very useful. She likes shopping there, but she can't afford to do it
very often. Now she wants to buy a pair of trousers to match her new
The escalator took her to the second floor, where there are some boutiques and a department of women's clothes. A shop assistant comes up to
her as soon as she enters the department.
Shop assistant: Good morning. Can I help you?
Mary Brown: Good morning. I'd like to buy a pair of warm trousers.
Sh.: What colour would you like?
M.: Something greyish, something to match this sweater.
Sh.: Look at these. They are not grey though, they are blue, but the colour
will match your sweater. It's pure wool, made in Scotland. It seems to me,
this pair is your size.
M.: I am afraid it's too dark. Show me these trousers over there.
Sh.: Here they are. Care to try them on?
M.: Yes, please.
Sh.: This way please. Here is the fitting room.
M.: They look like being my size. Do they fit me?
Sh.: This pair fits you perfectly. And the colour is becoming to you.
M.: Yes. I believe you are quite right. And these trousers match my sweater. They won't bag at the knees, will they?
Sh.: I don't think so.
M.: How much are they?
Sh.: Does the price suit you?
M.: It's a bit too expensive, but I'll take them. Show me this blouse, please.
Sh.: Here it is. Do you like it? It's the latest fashion.
M.: I like the style, but the colour is too bright.
Sh.: We have blouses of various shades and colours. This is a very fashionable colour. The style is the same. Try it on.
M.: It's a bit too loose, but it matches my new trousers. I suppose, I'll take
it. How much is it?
Sh.: It's the latest fashion.
M.: All right.
Sh.: Thanks a lot. Come again.
Shopping With the Wife
Jack: Will this tie match my new suit? Margaret: Not quite, I am afraid. It's
too dark, don't buy it.
J.: And what about this one?
M.: Yes, dear. That's a nice one. It looks quite different. Let's take it, shall
J.: Fine.
M.: And what about this dress?
J.: It's a lovely dress, but it's too small for you. I don't like the colour either.
M: I want a dress like this one! But it must be my size.
J.: I am afraid they haven't got a larger dress, It's the largest dress in the
afford — позволить себе (покуп- fitting room— примерочная
ку, удовольствие)
jacket— пиджак
to be becoming to someone — match — подходить по цвету
быть к лицу
pair of trousers — пара брюк
blouse— блузка
trouser suit — брючный костюм
blueish— синеватый
greenish — зеленоватый
рure — чистый
greyish — сероватый
shop assistant —продавец
boutique — небольшой магазин skirt — юбка
женской одежды, бутик
style— фасон
bright— яркий
suppose — полагать
cheap — дешевый
sweater— свитер
department— отдел
They won't bag at the knees, will
department store — универмаг
they? — Они не вытянутся на
expensive — дорогой
коленях, правда?
fashion — 1. фасон, покрой;
try on — примерять
2. мода
wool— шерсть
fashionable — модный
woolen — шерстяной
to fit — подходить по размеру
Test yourself. Translate the following:
— Покажите мне другое пальто, пожалуйста. Мне не нравится этот
цвет. Он немного темноват.
— Пожалуйста. Этот цвет сейчас в моде и он вам идет. Это ведь ваш
размер? Вам оно нравится?
— Да. Похоже, это мой размер, и мне нравится цвет. Это очень
приятный оттенок серого. Можно мне его примерить?
— Да, пожалуйста. Примерочная вон там.
— Как оно на мне сидит?
— Прекрасно! Рукава немного длинноваты, но это сейчас модно.
— Хорошо. Сколько оно стоит?
— Оно дорогое, потому что это последний фасон. Это кашемировое
пальто сделано во Франции. От Пьера Кардена,
— Я могу позволить себе любое пальто, если оно мне нравится. Цена
не имеет значения.
Say what you can.
1) Where do you buy your clothes?
Do you like to buy clothes alone or do you take somebody for compa-
ny? Who do you usually take? Why?
What would you do if you can't afford to buy something but you like
it very much?
4) What do you usually buy for presents and where do you buy it?
Topic 12
It is an autumn evening, a quarter to eight. John Brown I came,from
his trip to Italy only yesterday. He studied Italian literl ature and gave
some lectures on English literature in Rome Univer-4 sity. He is giving a
ring to his friend Trevor Dick, who is going to Italy in a couple of months.
J.: Hello, Trevor, how are you?
Т.: Speaking. Who is it?
J.: It's me, John Brown. Don't you recognize me?
Т.: Oh! I haven't spoken to you for about two months. No wonder I can't
recognize your voice on the phone. How are you getting on?
J.: Home at last! I am deathly tired after the trip. I came back only yesterday.
Т.: Awfully kind of you to ring me up immediately. How was your trip?
J.: Marvellous, except for my not speaking Italian. I wish I had taken at
least a few lessons.
Т.: You've said it. That's why I have made up my mind to learn Italian.
J.: Have you started yet?
Т.: Yes. I have been learning it for a month now. Sometimes it seems to
me, I just can't learn it. I try very hard, but all the same make a lot of mistakes. I can say only a few simple phrases without mistakes.
J.: Don't give up! The devil is not so black as he's painted. Learning any
language takes a lot of effort and time.
Т.: My teacher says the same. She thinks I am making good progress.
J.: Who is she?
Т.: She is Italian. Married to a British journalist. She has been living here
for fifteen years already.
J.: How many lessons a week do you take?
Т.: Three lessons a week. Each lesson lasts an hour and a half.
J.: Is it expensive?
Т.: The price is quite reasonable.
J.: May I join you? I hope to go to Rome next year again. At least they invited me to come.
Т.: I'll talk it over with my teacher and let you know. Anyway I have a
very good textbook only recently brought from Rome.
J.: Fine.
Т.: I am sure you have better things to do the first day at home than chatting to me. Let's meet tomorrow in our favourite pub and discuss you trip.
J.: All right. See you tomorrow then.
How Can I Do It?
— How did you learn French?
— I suppose, I learned it in Paris. But you could learn it very soon if you
really tried.
— But how? I've done French at school for ages, and I simply can't read it,
though I've often tried.
— What you learned at school is only to handle the tools — you've got to
learn to use them for yourself. You take "The Three musketeers", read
through a few pages, marking the words you don't know, look them up and
try to remember them. Don't linger over them too much, but try and get interested in the story.
— And what then?
— You'll feel you are making good progress long before you read it up to
the end.
anyway — во всяком случае; как
бы то ни было
at least — по крайней мере
marvellous — чудесный
to chat — болтать
no wonder — неудивительно
couple – пара
phrase — фраза
effort — усилие
pub — пивная, бар
except— за исключением
reasonable — умеренный, допу-
expensive — дорогой
to give up — бросать, оставлять, recently— недавно
to recognize — узнавать
How are you getting on? — Как
same — тот же
all the same — все равно
immediately — сразу же
to seem — казаться
to join — присоединяться
to take lessons — брать уроки
journalist — журналист
to talk over — обговаривать
to last — длиться; продолжаться
tool— инструмент
to linger— засиживаться, задер- The devil is not so black as he Is
painted. — поел. Не так страшен
to look a word up — искать слово черт, как его малюют.
в словаре
voice — голос
Test yourself. Translate the following:
— Ты действительно изучаешь китайский язык?
— Да. Я изучаю его уже шесть месяцев. Я собираюсь в Китай в
следующем году.
— Но ведь это очень трудный язык, не так ли?
— Да. Не многие люди хотят его изучать. Это отнимает много сил и
времени. Однако мне он нравится. Я занимаюсь китайской культурой
уже десять лет. Теперь я решил изучить китайский язык.
— Сколько уроков в неделю ты берешь?
— Три урока в неделю. Каждый урок длится два часа.
— Кто твой учитель?
— Он из Китая, психолог. Вообще-то он очень приятный человек. Я
хочу, чтобы он учил меня до конца года. Сейчас я могу себе это
— Жаль, что я не могу учить какой-нибудь иностранный язык. Я
очень стараюсь, но у меня никогда ничего не получается.
— По правде говоря, это не так уж и трудно. Не так страшен черт,
как его малюют.
Say what yon can.
1) What do you need to learn English for?
Doi your parents: (husband, wife) speak a foreign language? Can you
learn from them?
What would you like to speak about with an Englishman? Can you
speak about it in English?
Can you read English books and newspapers? What would you like to
Topic 13
Summer is in at last. John Brown is on a long summer leave. Geoige
and Susan enjoy their holidays. The elder Browns are thinking of taking
the family to the South this summer. They are at a loss however. Mary is
afraid they may not find a suitable hotel. John doesn't know if it is possible
to go there by car. At last Mary decided to ring up her cousin Charles and
ask his advice.
M.: Hallo, Charles, it's me, Mary.
Ch.: Hi, Mary, how are you?
M.: I'm very well, thanks. How are you?
Ch.: Oh, not so bad, you know.
M.: Good. I am ringing to ask if you know anything about hotels in
Ch.: No, I am afraid I can't be of very much help to you there.
M.: We are going to take the kids to the South this summer. I thought
you've been to Brighton.
Ch.: I have, Several times. But I've always taken a tent and done it the hard
M.: Oh, I see. I didn't realize that. We could never do it with George and
Susan. They are terribly disorganized, so we simply must find a nice hotel
where they'll put up with noisy kids,
Ch.: You have got a problem. It's certainly a bit late, but have you looked
at adverts?
M.: Well, yes. As a matter of fact I was reading one advert only this morning. It sounded marvellous. This hotel is right on the beach, and that's essential. The kids are really only interested is scrabbling in the sand and
jumping into the sea every five minutes.
Ch.: I know just how it is.
M.: And the rooms have balconies facing the sea, so it would be possible
for us to keep an eye on the kids while they are playing.
Ch.: Sounds too good to be true. Expensive?
M.: Rather. The food is good though — according to the advert — but they
are bound to say that.
Ch.: Of course. The only way to find out is to go and try it. And that's taking rather a risk.
M.: Another thing. We don't know if it is possible to go there by car. It
takes longer with the children and holiday traffic.
Ch.: But if you go by train or by air you don't see much on the way.
M.: Yes, I agree with you.
Ch.: It's just occurred to me — Mr amd Mrs Croft over the road have been
to Brighton several times and they always stayed at the hotels.
M.: Did they?
Ch.: I'll ask one or the other of them to give you a ring.
M.: That's very kind of you. They won't mind, will they?
Ch.: They'll, be pleased to help.
M.: Thank you ever so much, Charles.
Ch.: No thanks at all. Glad to help if I can.
Are We Going Anywhere?
— Where are you going to spend your holidays this year?
— We may go abroad. I am not sure. My wife wants to go to Spain. I'd
like to go there too. We can't make up our minds.
— Will you travel by train or by air?
— We may travel by train.
— It's cheaper, isn't it?
— It may be cheaper, but it takes a long time.
— I am sure you will enjoy yourselves.
— Don't be so sure. We may not go anywhere. My wife always worries
too much. Who is going to look after the dog? Who is going to look after
the house? Who is going to look after the garden? We have this problem
every year. In the end we stay at home and look after everything!
— advertisement— объявление
различные advice — совет
to be at a loss — быть в
they are bound to say that — они растерянность
вынуждены так писать
to be in — наступать (о временах
where they'll put up with noisy года)
администрация to be on leave — быть в отпуске
мирится с присутствием шумных beach— пляж
I can't be of very much help to неорганизованный
you there. — Я не очень-то могу elder— старший
тебе в этом помочь.
essential — существенный, важ-
thread — за границей
ad, advert — краткая форма слова
Test yourself. Translate the following:
— Куда ты поедешь этим летом?
— Я поеду в Египет. Я люблю нырять (diving). Море там чистое. Это
очень интересно.
— Разве там не жарко летом?
— Довольно жарко. Но я еще не решился. Я, может быть, возьму
отпуск зимой и поеду в Египет в феврале. А какие у тебя планы?
— Я тоже еще не решил. Может быть, поеду по Европе, (go round Europe)
— Поездом?
— Нет, на машине. Я люблю путешествовать на машине.
— Возьмешь с собой семью?
— Нет, я люблю путешествовать один. Дети поедут в летний лагерь
(summer camp), а жена — на море. Хочешь со мной?
— Очень любезно с твоей стороны. Я, пожалуй, все же поеду в
Say what you can.
1) What is good about going abroad for holidays?
Each time you go to a mew place, you may come upon something un-
expected. What can it be?
In what way is travelling by sea attractive?
4) What would you see if you travel by train round Europe?
Topic 14
The Browns are not very rich. Apparently they sometimes can't make
both ends meet. So Mary decided to send a letter of application to one of
the companies. She wants to start working again. In the evening she decided to tell John about her decision.
M.: Listen, darling. I decided to apply for that job I told you about. Do you
J.: Yes. I remember. What was it? A furniture factory?
M.: No, interior designing company. Rather like the place I worked at
when we lived in Glasgow.
J.: Oh, yes, of course. I remember now. Do you feel optimistic about it?
M.: Well, I wouldn't say I exactly feel optimistic, but at least my training
and experience have given me a chance. Maybe I'll get short-listed. But the
interview — that's difficult.
J.: Why, for goodness sake? You are not scared of interviews, are you?
M.: No. But I don't feel at my best at interviews. I feel off balance when
they start asking me questions.
J.: Oh, I shouldn't worry too much about it if I were you. The job is absolutely made for you. I don't think they'll get many applicants with similar
M.: Well. We'll see.
J.: By the way, what's the pay like?
M.: The pay is good. Nearly twice what I used to get in Glasgow.
J.: We'll get a big difference if you get the job. We'll be loaded!
M.: I don't know about loaded. We need twice as much to be loaded.
J.: Is the money the main reason for your applying?
M.: One of the reasons. Probably not the main one.
J.: What was that then?
M.: Well, I don't know. I'd like to put a few ideas into practice. Do you
remember Bill: my boss in Glasgow?
J.: Yes, why?
М.: Не was very understanding and pleasant to work for, but it took him so
long to come round to a new idea. By the time he decided to try it out it
was no longer new.
J.: That didn't suit you.
M.: It didn't really bother me, but I still have a couple of thing that I want
to put into practice.
J.: Good for you. I hope you fed them everything about your qualifications
and experience in your application?
M.: Yes, of course. But one mustn't sound too good, you know. So 1 tried
to be factual and emphasize the most important points.
J.: I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
M.: Thanks, I need it.
It's Rather Difficult
- What is your son going to do after school?
- He'll be driving a taxicab. We think he is lucky to get a position as a taxi
driver right out of school.
- You must have known somebody in that business.
- Well, his father knew a man who owned three taxis. At first my son
wanted to get this job on his own; but after pounding the pavements for a
few months he realized that it isn't what you know, but whom you know in
taxi business that counts.
apparently — очевидно, видимо
to feel apprehensive — испыты-
apply for a job — подавать вать дурные предчувствия
заявление о приеме на работу (на to feel off balance — чувствовать
вакантную должность)
себя неуверенно
applicant— кандидат
to feel optimistic — чувствовать
to be loaded— разг. завалиться оптимизм,, надеяться на что-то
for goodness sake — ради всего
to be scared — быть напуганным, святого; ради бога
to get short-listed — попасть в
to emphasize — подчеркивать, число кандидатов для окончапридавать особое значение
тельного выбора
experience — опыт
factual — реальный
зд. Interview— собеседование
предоставлять информацию; букв. to keep one's finger's crossed —
скрещивать пальцы (на удачу)
to feel at one's best— чувствовать letter of application — письмо-засебя "на коне"
явление о приеме на работу
— main— главный
Test yourself. Translate the following:
— Знаешь, Фрэд, я решил подать заявление о приеме на ту работу, о
которой я говорил тебе на прошлой неделе.
— На автомобильном заводе?
— Да. Менеджером по персоналу.
— Хорошо. Как ты настроен?
— Вполне оптимистично. У них много кандидатов, но нет ни одного
с таким же, как у меня, образованием и опытом.
— У тебя будет собеседование?
— Если попаду в окончательный список кандидатов.
— Они спросят тебя, как долго ты был без работы (to be out of job).
— Какое это имеет значение? Очевидно, что я хороший инженер. Я
не боюсь этого собеседования.
— Молодец! Я буду желать тебе удачи.
— Да, мне это понадобится. Я едва свожу концы с концами. Мне
нужна эта работа.
Say what you can.
1) What questions do they usually ask during interviews?
What would you write about yourself if you were to send a letter of
3) What questions should you ask about the job you are applying for?
4) Why do people change their jobs?
Topic 15
Two years have passed since the Browns moved to Sheffield. They
made a lot of new acquaintances. John and Mary are very sociable — they,
made friends with all their neighbors and with many of their colleagues at
John's college and at Mary's office. Sometimes their friends ring them up
to ask for a favour or just to have a chat.
This evening the telephone rang again. John lifted the receiver:
Cynthia: Is that John?
John: Yes... who is that?
C: Oh, John. It's me, Cynthia.
J.: Cynthia? Cynthia! Oh, yes. How are you?
C: I'm fine. How are you and Mary and the kids?
J.: Oh, we are all well.
C: That's good. Look, I am ringing to ask you for a small favour. I hope
you don't mind.
J.: No. No, of course not. Anything I can do, within reason. A friend in
need is a friend indeed.
C: The thing is that... You know Shirley?
J.: Shirley? I don't think so.
C: You know, she is the girl I work with. I think you met her.
J.: Did I? When?
C: She is the one with red hair.
J.: Oh. Don't remember.
C: Anyway, I wondered ... well... you see Shirley and I are giving a party.
Of course, we wondered if you and Mary would like to come...
J.: Well, that's very nice of you, I am sure.
C: We'd love to have you.
J.: Why not? We'd love to come.
C: Well, the point is, you see we wanted to Invite a lot of interesting people.
J.: Oh, yes...
C: And well,., you know our house; it really isn't big enough. And we were
wondering if there was the smallest chance of having it at your place. Just
for the evening, you know.
J.: Well... We'd love to let you of course. But just now it would be a little
C: Oh, no. It wouldn't be now. In about two weeks' time.
J.: Two weeks. Oh, I see. But unfortunately it would be even more difficult. You see, we are having part of the house redecorated, and in two
C: I suppose it wouldn't be possible to use the rooms that aren't being decorated?
J.: Well, you know what it's like, Cynthia, when you've got the decorators
in; you don't quite know where you are if you see what I mean.
C: Yes, yes, of course. It is a pity. I don't know what we'll do.
J.: I am sorry. We'd help if we could.
Invitation to a Dinner
— Good morning, Kenneth.
— Good morning, Lester. It's ages since I heard from you.
— I've been away for a while. It was a business trip to Thailand. And then
the days have been so crowded since my return that there have been few
occasions to visit any of my friends.
— I am glad to see you.
— By the way, will it be possible for you and Carol to come and have dinner with us on Friday at seven o'clock?
— Even if we had other plans for Friday, we'd try to cancel them to have
pleasure to see both of you.
— So this coming Friday, at seven. We are expecting some other interesting people to come,
— Thanks for the invitation.
— See you on Friday.
to ask for a favour — просить об It's a pity. — Жаль.
to make acquaintance — заводить
to cancel— отменять
coming— будущий
to make friends — подружиться
crowded — полный, наполненный occasion — случай, возможность
to decorate — красить, оклеивать pretext — предлог (ndnp. Для отобоями, отделывать
decorator— маляр
receiver— телефонная трубка
A friend in need is a friend in- to redecorate — производить косdeed. — Друг познается в беде.
метический ремонт
to give a party — устраивать to refuse — отказывать
refusal— отказ
to have a chat — поболтать
See you on Friday. — Увидимся в
Invite — приглашать
Invitation— приглашение
sociable — общительный
Test yourself. Translate the following:
— Доброе утро, тетя Роузи. Это Дженнифер, ваша племянница.
— А, Дженнифер! Рада тебя слышать. Как ты?
— У меня все замечательно, спасибо. Я звоню, чтобы пригласить вас
на чай в воскресенье.
— А что за повод?
— Никакого повода. Мы просто устраиваем вечеринку. К нам придет
много интересных людей. Среди них — некоторые ваши знакомые.
Джим и Хильда тоже придут. Они подружились, если вы понимаете,
что я имею в виду. Я полагаю, мы скоро услышим об их свадьбе.
— О, я бы очень хотела прийти, но, к сожалению, не могу. Дело в
том, что я приглашена на чай к одной своей знакомой.
— Как жаль! Я полагаю, вы не сможете это отменить.
— К сожалению, не могу. Ее муж умер не так давно. Ей нужно мое
общество. Друг познается в беде, знаешь ли. Она огорчилась бы, если
бы я не пришла.
— Понятно. Очень жаль.
Say what you can.
An English proverb says — "An unbidden guest knows not where to
sit". Why?
What would you say if you were invited to your friend's birthday par-
ty? What would you bring to him (her)?
3) What would you do if you got two invitations for the same day?
4) What pretext do you use if you don't want to accept an invitation?
Topic 16
George Brown is fourteen. He is a handsome and healthy boy.
George is not very good at school subjects, but he is quite good at sports.
He goes in for horse-racing and tennis. Besides he is a football fan and
tries not to miss a single game with his favourite Liverpool. Today he
came from school very excited.
S.: Hi, dad!
F.: Hi, son. How's everything?
S.: Not bad. Got two A's — one in math and the other in English. You
know, next week my Liverpool plays against your favourite Red Sox here
in Sheffield.
R: Are they really? That's great! Generally speaking they both are my favourite teams and I don't know whom to root for.
S.: Would you like to watch the match?
F.: Sure thing.
S.: Then you'd better start looking for a possibility of getting two tickets.
This is the only chance. It'd be a pity to miss it.
F.: All right. I'll think it over. How is your tennis?
S.: I play quite a bit, but still make very little progress on our grass court.
F.: Sorry to hear that. I'm afraid you are just lazy. I think it's worth trying
to increase the time of your training spells.
S.: Hard to believe that it could help. What was your favourite sport when
you were a schoolboy?
F.: Guess.
S.: Soccer or horse-racing.
F.: I liked soccer all right, but I think I liked tennis better.
S.: What about a game sometime?
F.: No, thanks, Now I am strictly a spectator.
S.: So, I hope you'll manage to get these tickets, won't you?
F.: I'll have a try. 1 am looking forward to this match myself.
Who Will Win the Cup?
— Well, that was an excellent game. The best we've seen this winter.
— Yes, thrilling. Better than last week. Our team was not bad, but their
players won because they are faster. Whom are our boys playing against
next week?
– Cardiff City I think.
— Which team do you think will win the cup?
— Blackpool has a good chance, but I think Manchester has a better one.
— What about Bolton?
— Perhaps they have the best chance of all.
— Why do you think so?
— Because they have a very fast team and some of their players are quite
clever with the ball. They can think as well as run, and that's the most important thing in football.
A — отличная оценка
to manage — суметь, справиться,
to be good at smth. — уметь ухитриться
хорошо что-то делать
to root For a team — болеть за ка-
coach — тренер
кую-либо команду
court — корт
single — единственная
fan — болельщик
soccer — футбол (английская вер-
to go in for sports (a hobby) — сия)
заниматься спортом (увлекаться spectator— зритель
strictly— строго
to guess — угадывать
team— команда
hockey— хоккей
thrilling— захватывающий
horse-racing — верховая езда
to think over — обдумывать
to Increase — увеличивать
training spell— тренировка
buy— ленивый
to win— выигрывать
to look forward to smth. — с нетерпением ожидать чего-либо
Test yourself. Translate the following:
— Как твои занятия лыжами?
— Я увеличила время тренировок. Я занимаюсь по два часа каждый
— Ты хочешь выиграть кубок?
— Да. Я не хочу упустить свой шанс в этом году,
— Лора быстрее тебя.
— Эдит тоже. Но я не собираюсь сдаваться. Я начала ездить на
лыжах, как только появился первый снег. Я достаточно сильна, чтобы
— Твой тренер согласен с тобой?
— Да, Он говорит, что я не делаю больше ошибок. "-. Трудно в это
— Я тружусь очень усердно, и дело того стоит.
— Буду с нетерпением ждать чемпионата.
Say what you can.
If you see a group of football fans after a match, can you guess if their
team has won? How do you guess?
Why do some people enjoy watching sports and not going in for
3) Can you watch a match or a game calmly or do you get excited?
Who in your opinion is a better chess-player — a computer or a hu-
man being? Why?
Учебные коллекции