
A745 / С20 / : 3Сарнов,Б.М. .
Сталин и писатели : книга тр
етья / Сарнов,Б.М. . -- Москва :
Эксмо, 2009.
992 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785699366699(h) : CNY312.80
A745 / Х55 / Хлевнюк, О. В. .
Хозяин : Сталин и утверждени
е сталинской диктатуры / Хле
внюк, О. В. . -- Москва : РОССПЭН
, 2010.
479 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785824313147(h) : CNY182.80
Ⅰ. История сталинизма
A745 / Г67 / Горбунов,Е.А. .
Сталин и ГРУ / Горбунов,Е.А. .
-- Москва : Яуза, Эксмо, 2010.
352 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785699404902(h) : CNY93.50
A745 / О-96 / Ошлаков,М.Ю. .
Сталин-Победитель : Священн
ая война Вождя / Ошлаков,М.Ю.
. -- Москва : Яуза, Эксмо, 2010.
288 c. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785699412501(h) : CNY116.30
A821 / L954 / Lukács,Georg. .
Lenin : A study on the unity of his thought
rg Lukács. . -- London : Verso, 2009
101 p. ; 20 cm
ISBN 9781844673520 : CNY73.00
A841 / М24 / Мао Цзэдун. .
Маленькая красная книжица /
Мао Цзэдун. . -- Москва : Эксмо
и др., 2010.
448 c. ; 21 cm.
/ Geo
ISBN 9785699406234(h) : CNY153.00
B0 / I61 /
Intermedialities : philosophy, arts, politics / e
dited by Henk Oosterling and Ewa Plonowska Ziarek.
. -- Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, c2011.
x, 231 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. .
-- General introduction / Henk Oosterling and Ewa P
lonowska Ziarek -- Part I: Interval, difference, ec
stasy -- Postmodern turns fin de siecle intermedial
ities / Hugh J. Silverman -- In-between spacing and
the chora in Derrida : a pre-originary medium / Lo
uise Burchill -- Cum ... revisited : preliminaries
to thinking the interval / Jean-Luc Nancy and Laure
ns ten Kate -- The ecstasy of the between-us / Luce
Irigaray -- Intersubjectivity as unground : freedo
m and mediation in Irigaray and Schelling / Elaine
P. Miller -- Part II: Art, technology, embodiment
-- Intermediality and the equivalency of time and s
pace : Manet's psycho-chronotope / George Smith -Beneath the skin of the book : thinking with Peter
Greenaway / Peter Schwenger -- The medium is the b
ody : computer-animated architecture and media art
/ Bernadette Wegenstein -- Allegro, ma non troppo :
on feminist becomings / Rosi Braidotti -- Part III
: The politics of inter-esse -- The body intermedia
ting community / Rosalyn Diprose -- Forgive me for
forgiving you : Derrida, Levinas, and Polish aporia
s of forgiveness / Dorota Glowacka -- Respect for t
he other and the refounding of society : practical
aspects of intercultural philosophy / Heinz Kimmerl
e -- Information imperialism, or Sir Rupert in the
sky with die minds / Purushottama Bilimoria and Sal
ly Percival Wood -- On resistance in the digital ag
e / Slavoj Zizek.
ISBN 9780739127353 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY500.0
ISBN 9780739127353 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY500.0
ISBN 0739127357 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739127353 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY500.0
ISBN 0739127357 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739127360 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739127353 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY500.0
ISBN 0739127357 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739127360 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 0739127365 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739127353 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY500.0
ISBN 0739127357 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739127360 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 0739127365 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739146552 (electronic)
ISBN 9780739127353 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY500.0
ISBN 0739127357 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739127360 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 0739127365 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739146552 (electronic)
ISBN 0739146556 (electronic)
B0 / C737 /
A companion to the philosophy of action / edited b
y Timothy O'Connor and Constantine Sandis. . -- Ch
ichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom ; Malden, MA
: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
xxii, 638 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781405187350 (hbk.: alk. paper) : CNY1334.00
ISBN 9781405187350 (hbk.: alk. paper) : CNY1334.00
ISBN 1405187352 (hbk. : alk. paper)
B0 / A317 /
Alain Badiou / edited by Justin Clemens and A.J. B
artlett. . -- Durham : Acumen, 2010.
xiii, 207 p. ; 22 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 191-202) an
d index.
ISBN 9781844652297 (hbk.)
ISBN 9781844652297 (hbk.)
ISBN 1844652297 (hbk.)
ISBN 9781844652297 (hbk.)
ISBN 1844652297 (hbk.)
ISBN 1844652300 (pbk.)
ISBN 9781844652297 (hbk.)
ISBN 1844652297 (hbk.)
ISBN 1844652300 (pbk.)
ISBN 9781844652303 (pbk.) : CNY198.06
B01 / J91 / Jubien, Michael. .
Possibility / Michael Jubien. . -- Oxford : Clare
ndon Press, 2009.
xv, 211 p. ; 21 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780199232789 (hbk.) : CNY391.53
ISBN 9780199232789 (hbk.) : CNY391.53
ISBN 0199232784 (hbk.)
B01 / F299(14) / Feinberg, Joel. .
Reason and responsibility : Readings in some basic
problems of philosophy / Joel Feinberg. . -- 14th
ed. . -- Boston : Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 201
xiv, 702 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781439046944 : CNY685.00
ISBN 9781439046944 : CNY685.00
ISBN 1439046948
B01 / Z82 / Zizek, Slavoj. .
The sublime object of ideology / Slavoj Zizek. . - [New ed.]. -- London ; New York : Verso, 2008
xxxi, 272 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
First edition published 1989. . -- Includes bibliog
raphical references and index.
ISBN 9781844673001 : CNY136.00
B017 / A911(3) / Audi, Robert, 1941 - .
Epistemology : a contemporary introduction to the
theory of knowledge / Robert Audi. . -- 3rd ed. .
-- New York : Routledge, 2011.
xix, 404 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415879224 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415879224 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415879221 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415879224 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415879221 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415879231 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY246.00
ISBN 9780415879224 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415879221 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415879231 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY246.00
ISBN 041587923X (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415879224 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415879221 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415879231 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY246.00
ISBN 041587923X (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780203846469 (ebook : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415879224 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415879221 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415879231 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY246.00
ISBN 041587923X (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780203846469 (ebook : alk. paper)
ISBN 020384646X (ebook : alk. paper)
B017 / B396 / Becker, Kelly, 1966 - .
Epistemology modalized / Kelly Becker. . -- New Yo
rk, N.Y. ; London : Routledge, 2007.
x, 174 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
ISBN 9780415956116 (hbk.) : CNY855.00
ISBN 9780415956116 (hbk.) : CNY855.00
ISBN 0415956110 (hbk.)
Ⅰ. Routledge studies in contemporary philosophy ;,
B022 / D399 / Dennett, Daniel Clement. .
Content and consciousness / Daniel C. Dennett ; wi
th a new pref. by the author. . -- London ; New Yo
rk : Routledge, 2010.
xxii, 241 p. ; 20 cm.
Originally published in 1969. . -- Includes bibliog
raphical references and index.
ISBN 9780415567862 (pbk) : CNY139.00
ISBN 9780415567862 (pbk) : CNY139.00
ISBN 0415567866 (pbk)
ISBN 9780415567862 (pbk) : CNY139.00
ISBN 0415567866 (pbk)
ISBN 9780203092958 (ebk)
ISBN 9780415567862 (pbk) : CNY139.00
ISBN 0415567866 (pbk)
ISBN 9780203092958 (ebk)
ISBN 0203092953 (ebk)
B023 / A473 / Alvarez, Maria. .
Kinds of reasons : an essay in the philosophy of a
ction / Maria Alvarez. . -- Oxford : Oxford Unive
rsity Press, c2010.
x, 209 p. ; 22 cm.
Includes index. . -- Includes bibliographical refer
ISBN 9780199550005 (hbk.) : CNY497.83
ISBN 9780199550005 (hbk.) : CNY497.83
ISBN 019955000X (hbk.)
B023.3 / C321 / Carson, Thomas L., 1950 - .
Lying and deception : theory and practice / Thoma
s L. Carson. . -- Oxford ; New York : Oxford Univ
ersity Press, 2010.
xix, 280 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Lying -- Deception and related concepts -- Kant an
d the absolute prohibition against lying -- Act-uti
litarianism -- Ross and rule-consequentialism -- Th
e golden rule and a theory of moral reasoning -- Th
e partial overlap/convergence of reasonable views - Deception and withholding information in sales -Deception in advertising -- Bluffing and deception
in negotiations -- Honesty, professionals, and the
vulnerability of the public -- Lying and deception
about questions of war and peace : case studies -Honesty, conflicts, and the telling of history : m
ore case studies -- Honesty as a virtue.
ISBN 9780199577415 (hbk. : alk. paper) : CNY497.53
ISBN 9780199577415 (hbk. : alk. paper) : CNY497.53
ISBN 0199577412 (hbk. : alk. paper)
B028 / Р64 / Розин, В.М. .
Понятие и современные конце
пции техники / Розин, В.М. . -Москва : ИФ РАН, 2006.
255 с. ; 17 cm.
ISBN 5954000441CNY91.80
B038 / Ч-39 /
Человеческий потенциал как
критический ресурс России /
Отв. ред. Б.Г. Юдин. -- Москва :
ИФРАН, 2007.
175 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785954000788CNY81.60
B08 / H673 / : 1
The history of continental philosophy. vol.1, Kant,
kantianism, and idealism: the origins of continent
al philosophy / general editor,Alan D. Schrift. .
-- North Carolina : Acumen Publishing Ltd , 2010
xv,343 p; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
ISBN 9781844652198 : CNY7883.75(8v.)
ISBN 9781844652198 : CNY7883.75(8v.)
ISBN 184465219X
ISBN 9781844652198 : CNY7883.75(8v.)
ISBN 184465219X
ISBN 9781844652112
B08 / C649 / Clugston,Byron. .
Transcendental-phenomenological proof and descripti
ve metaphysics / Byron Clugston. . -- Saarbrucken,
Germany : VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft
& Co. KG, 2010
150 p ; 22 cm
ISBN 9783639237207 : CNY684.00
ISBN 9783639237207 : CNY684.00
ISBN 363923720X
B08 / H673 / : 2
The history of continental philosophy. vol.2, Nine
teenth-century philosophy: the revolutionary respon
ses to the existing order / general editor,Alan D.
Schrift. . -- North Carolina : Acumen Publishing
Ltd , 2010
xv,316 p; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
ISBN 9781844652198 : CNY7883.75(8v.)
ISBN 9781844652198
ISBN 184465219X
ISBN 9781844652198
ISBN 184465219X
ISBN 9781844652112
: CNY7883.75(8v.)
: CNY7883.75(8v.)
B08 / H673 / : 3
The history of continental philosophy. vol.3, The n
ew century: Bergsonism, phenomenology, and response
s to modern science / general editor,Alan D. Schri
ft. . -- North Carolina : Acumen Publishing Ltd ,
xv,343 p; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
ISBN 9781844652198 : CNY7883.75(8v.)
ISBN 9781844652198 : CNY7883.75(8v.)
ISBN 184465219X
ISBN 9781844652198 : CNY7883.75(8v.)
ISBN 184465219X
ISBN 9781844652112
B08 / H673 / : 4
The history of continental philosophy. vol.4, Pheno
menology: responses and developments / edited by
Leonard Lawlor / general editor,Alan D. Schri
ft. . -- North Carolina : Acumen Publishing Ltd ,
xv,320 p; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
ISBN 9781844652198 : CNY7883.75(8v.)
ISBN 9781844652198 : CNY7883.75(8v.)
ISBN 184465219X
ISBN 9781844652198 : CNY7883.75(8v.)
ISBN 184465219X
ISBN 9781844652112
B08 / H673 / : 5
The history of continental philosophy. vol.5, Criti
cal theory to structuralism : philosophy, politics,
and the human sciences / general editor,Alan D. S
chrift. . -- North Carolina : Acumen Publishing Lt
d , 2010
xv,343 p; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
ISBN 9781844652198
ISBN 9781844652198
ISBN 184465219X
ISBN 9781844652198
ISBN 184465219X
ISBN 9781844652112
: CNY7883.75(8v.)
: CNY7883.75(8v.)
: CNY7883.75(8v.)
B08 / H673 / : 6
The history of continental philosophy. vol.6, Posts
tructuralism and critical theory's second generati
on / general editor,Alan D. Schrift. . -- North Ca
rolina : Acumen Publishing Ltd , 2010
xv,488 p; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
ISBN 9781844652198 : CNY7883.75(8v.)
ISBN 9781844652198 : CNY7883.75(8v.)
ISBN 184465219X
ISBN 9781844652198 : CNY7883.75(8v.)
ISBN 184465219X
ISBN 9781844652112
B08 / H673 / : 7
The history of continental philosophy. vol.7, After
poststructuralism: transitions and transformations
/ general editor,Alan D. Schrift. . -- North Caro
lina : Acumen Publishing Ltd , 2010
xv,398 p; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
ISBN 9781844652198 : CNY7883.75(8v.)
ISBN 9781844652198 : CNY7883.75(8v.)
ISBN 184465219X
ISBN 9781844652198 : CNY7883.75(8v.)
ISBN 184465219X
ISBN 9781844652112
B08 / H673 / : 8
The history of continental philosophy. vol.8, Emerg
ing trends in continental philosophy / general edi
tor,Alan D. Schrift. . -- North Carolina : Acumen
Publishing Ltd , 2010
xv,252 p; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
ISBN 9781844652198 : CNY7883.75(8v.)
ISBN 9781844652198 : CNY7883.75(8v.)
ISBN 184465219X
ISBN 9781844652198
ISBN 184465219X
ISBN 9781844652112
: CNY7883.75(8v.)
B081.1 / M587 /
Metaphysics / edited by Dietmar H. Heidemann ; edi
torial assistant, Katja Stoppenbrink. . -- Berlin
; New York : De Gruyter, c2010.
1 online resource (198 p.)
Includes bibliographical references. . -- Transcend
ental idealism and metaphysics : Kant's commitment
to things as they are in themselves / Lucy Allais
-- Kant and the understanding's role in imaginativ
e synthesis / Patrick E. Arens -- Pure reason's en
lightenment : transcendental reflection in Kant's
first critique / Karin de Boer -- Kant on the soul'
s intensity / Kirill Chepurin -- The Aeneas argumen
t : personality and immortality in Kant's third pa
ralogism / Corey W. Dyck -- Kant's epistemological
reorientation of ontology / Chong-Fuk Lau -- Kant'
s conception of self as subject and its embodiment
/ Christian Onof -- Time and metaphysics : Kant and
McTaggart on the reality of time / Matthew Rukgabe
ISBN 9783110222937 (online)
ISBN 9783110222937 (online)
ISBN 3110222930 (online)
ISBN 9783110222937 (online)
ISBN 3110222930 (online)
ISBN 9783110222920 (print) : CNY559.00
ISBN 9783110222937 (online)
ISBN 3110222930 (online)
ISBN 9783110222920 (print) : CNY559.00
ISBN 3110222922 (print)
ISBN 9783110222937 (online)
ISBN 3110222930 (online)
ISBN 9783110222920 (print) : CNY559.00
ISBN 3110222922 (print)
ISBN 9783110222944
ISBN 9783110222937 (online)
ISBN 3110222930 (online)
ISBN 9783110222920 (print) : CNY559.00
ISBN 3110222922 (print)
ISBN 9783110222944
ISBN 3110222949
B089 / L819 /
The locus of tragedy / edited by Arthur Cools ...
[et al.]. . -- Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2008.
xxii, 334 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 9789004166257 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY11
ISBN 9789004166257 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY11
ISBN 9004166254 (hardback : alk. paper)
B089 / S875 / Stoljar, Daniel. .
Physicalism / Daniel Stoljar. . -- London : Routl
edge, c2010.
xii, 252 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [237]-246
) and index.
ISBN 9780415452625 (hbk.) : CNY446.00
ISBN 9780415452625 (hbk.) : CNY446.00
ISBN 0415452627 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415452625 (hbk.) : CNY446.00
ISBN 0415452627 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415452632 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780415452625 (hbk.) : CNY446.00
ISBN 0415452627 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415452632 (pbk.)
ISBN 0415452635 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780415452625 (hbk.) : CNY446.00
ISBN 0415452627 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415452632 (pbk.)
ISBN 0415452635 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780203856307 (ebk.)
ISBN 9780415452625 (hbk.) : CNY446.00
ISBN 0415452627 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415452632 (pbk.)
ISBN 0415452635 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780203856307 (ebk.)
ISBN 0203856309 (ebk.)
B1 / Р64 / Розин,В. М. .
Традиционная и современная
философия / Розин,В. М. . -- Мос
ква : ЛИБРОКОМ, 2010.
400 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785397007665(h) : CNY239.30
B12 / P963 /
Proceedings of the Boston area colloquium in ancien
t philosophy volume XXV (2009) / Gary M. Gurtler,
William Wians. . -- Boston : Brill Academic Press,
286 p. ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9789004186781 : CNY833.00
ISBN 9789004186781 : CNY833.00
ISBN 9004186786
Ⅰ. Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in An
cient Philosophy
B13 / И73 /
Интеллектуальные традиции А
нтичности и Средних веков :
(исследования и переводы) /
Сост. и общ.ред.М.С.Петровой.
-- Москва : Кругъ, 2010.
736 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785739601674(h) :
B15 / B575 / Bhaskar, Roy. .
Reclaiming reality : a critical introduction to co
ntemporary philosophy / Roy Bhaskar. . -- 1st rev.
ed. . -- New York : Routledge, 2010.
218 p. ; 24 cm.
With a new introduction by Mervyn Hartwig
ISBN 9780415454933 (pbk)
ISBN 9780415454933 (pbk)
ISBN 9780415563703 (hbk) : CNY993.75
ISBN 9780415454933 (pbk)
ISBN 9780415563703 (hbk) : CNY993.75
ISBN 9780203843314 (ebk)
B371 / Ф91 / Фролова, Е. А. .
История арабо-мусульманской
философии : Средние века и с
овременность / Фролова, Е. А.
. -- Москва : ИФ РАН, 2006.
199 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 5954000573CNY66.30
B502 / M287 / : 2(1)Mansfeld, Jaap. .
Aetiana : The method and intellectual context of a
doxographer. 2.1 / by J. Mansfeld and D.T. Runia.
. -- Leiden ; New York : E.J. Brill, 1997-<2010>
xiv, 272 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -v. 1. The sources -- v. 2. The Compendium (in 2 pa
rts) -- v. 3. Studies in the doxographical traditio
ns of ancient philosophy.
ISBN 9789004172067 (set)
ISBN 9789004172067 (set)
ISBN 9004172068 (set)
ISBN 9789004172067 (set)
ISBN 9004172068 (set)
ISBN 9789004169876 (v. 2, pt. 2 : alk. paper) : CN
Y1843.00(2 v.)
ISBN 9789004172067 (set)
ISBN 9004172068 (set)
ISBN 9789004169876 (v. 2, pt. 2 : alk. paper) : CN
Y1843.00(2 v.)
ISBN 9004169873 (v. 2, pt. 2 : alk. paper)
B502 / P568 /
The philosophy of Epictetus / edited by Andrew S.
Mason and Theodore Scaltsas. . -- Oxford : Oxford
University Press, 2010.
181 p. ; 22 cm.
Originally published: 2007. . -- Includes bibliogra
phical references and index.
ISBN 9780199233076 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780199233076 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780199585519 (pbk.) : CNY242.08
ISBN 9780199233076 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780199585519 (pbk.) : CNY242.08
ISBN 0199585512 (pbk.)
B502 / M287 / : 2(2)Mansfeld, Jaap. .
Aetiana : The method and intellectual context of a
doxographer. 2.2 / by J. Mansfeld and D.T. Runia.
. -- Leiden ; New York : E.J. Brill, 1997-<2010>
273-745 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -v. 1. The sources -- v. 2. The Compendium (in 2 pa
rts) -- v. 3. Studies in the doxographical traditio
ns of ancient philosophy.
ISBN 9789004172067 (set)
ISBN 9789004172067 (set)
ISBN 9004172068 (set)
ISBN 9789004172067 (set)
ISBN 9004172068 (set)
ISBN 9004105808 (v. 1 : cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789004172067 (set)
ISBN 9004172068 (set)
ISBN 9004105808 (v. 1 : cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789004105805 (v. 1 : cloth : alk. paper) : C
NY1843.00(2 v.)
B502.232 / B649 / Blitz, Mark. .
Plato's political philosophy / Mark Blitz. . -- B
altimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.
326 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780801897641 (hbk. : alk. paper) : CNY513.00
ISBN 9780801897641 (hbk. : alk. paper) : CNY513.00
ISBN 0801897645 (hbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780801897641 (hbk. : alk. paper) : CNY513.00
ISBN 0801897645 (hbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780801897658 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780801897641 (hbk. : alk. paper) : CNY513.00
ISBN 0801897645 (hbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780801897658 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 0801897653 (pbk. : alk. paper)
B502.4 / S475 / Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, ca. 4 B.C.65Seneca : selected philosophical letters / transla
ted with introduction and commentary by Brad Inwood
. . -- Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2007.
[xxv], 409 p. ; 22 cm.
Includes index. . -- Includes bibliography.
ISBN 9780198238942 (hbk.) : CNY327.33
ISBN 9780198238942 (hbk.) : CNY327.33
ISBN 0198238940 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780198238942 (hbk.) : CNY327.33
ISBN 0198238940 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780199575626 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780198238942 (hbk.) : CNY327.33
ISBN 0198238940 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780199575626 (pbk.)
ISBN 0199575622 (pbk.)
B503.21 / E53 / Emery, Gilles. .
The Trinitarian theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas /
Gilles Emery ; translated by Francesca Aran Murphy
. . -- Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007.
xii, 440 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes index. . -- Includes bibliographical refer
ISBN 9780199206827 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780199206827 (hbk.)
ISBN 0199206821 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780199206827 (hbk.)
ISBN 0199206821 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780199582211 (pbk) : CNY968.00
B512 / Ш83 / : 2Шпет,Г.Г. .
Очерк развития русской фило
софии : II.Материалы. Реконст
рукция Т. Щедриной / Шпет,Г.Г
. . -- Москва : РОССПЭН, 2009.
848 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785824312775(h) : CNY312.40
B512.4 / Ч-12 / Чаадаев, П. Я. .
Философические письма : Апо
логия сумасшедшего / Чаадае
в, П. Я. . -- Москва : Терра, 2009.
464 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785275020250(h) : CNY260.90
Ⅰ. Канон философии
B512.4 / С91 / Сухов, А. Д. .
Литературно-философские кру
жки в истории русской филосо
фии (20-50-е годы XIX века) / Сухо
в, А. Д. . -- Москва : ИФ РАН, 2009.
150 с. ; 17 cm.
ISBN 9785954001334CNY64.60
B512.41 / Т46 / Тихонова, Е. Ю. .
Русские мыслители о В.Г.Берл
инском : (вторая половина XIX
- первая половина XX в.) / Тихо
нова, Е. Ю. . -- Москва : Совпаде
ние, 2009.
327 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785903060740(h) : CNY214.20
B512.49 / Н84 / Носов,С.Н. .
Антирационализм в художеств
енно-философском творчестве
И.В. Киреевского / Носов,С.Н.
. -- СПб. Дмитрий Буланин, 2009.
328 с. ; 17 cm.
ISBN 9785860076204(h) : CNY205.30
B512.5 / Ф27 / Фатеева, В. А. .
Славянофильство : Pro et contra /
Фатеева, В. А. . -- 2-е изд. . -- СП
б. СПбГУ, 2009.
1056 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785288047879(h) : CNY462.40
Ⅰ. Русский Путь
B512.5 / С19 / Сапова, В.В. .
Манифесты русского идеализм
а : Проблемы идеализма. Вехи
. Из глубины / Сапова, В.В. . -Москва : Астрель, 2009.
1072 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785271150234(h) : CNY595.90
ISBN 9785271150234(h) : CNY595.90
ISBN 9785271150234
Ⅰ. Социальная мысль России
B512.59 / С91 / Сухов, А.Д. .
П.А.Кропоткин как философ / С
ухов, А.Д. . -- Москва : ИФ РАН, 2
141 с. ; 17 cm.
ISBN 9785954000696CNY74.00
B512.59-5 / Ф56
Философия науки
/ Отв. ред.И.
П.Меркулов. Вып. 12. -- Москва :
ИФ РАН, 2006.
234 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 5954000522CNY71.40
B516.22 / Г42 / Герье, В.И. .
Лейбниц и его век : отношени
я Лейбница к России и Петру В
еликому / Герье, В.И. . -- СПб.
: Наука, 2008.
807 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020269422(h) :
B516.31 / G798 / Green, Garth. .
The aporia of inner sense : the self-knowledge of
reason and the critique of metaphysics in Kant / b
y Garth W. Green. . -- Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2
vi, 352 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9789004182707 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY15
ISBN 9789004182707 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY15
ISBN 9004182705 (hardback : alk. paper)
B516.54 / L591 / Lepadatu,Gilbert V. .
Early Heidegger : from life to being / Gilbert V
Lepadatu. . -- Saarbrucken,Germany : VDM Verlag Dr.
Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG2010
188 p ; 22 cm
ISBN 9783639208900 : CNY872.10
ISBN 9783639208900 : CNY872.10
ISBN 3639208900
B521 / W831 / Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 1889-1951. .
The Big Typescript, TS 213 / Ludwig Wittgenstein ;
edited and translated by C. Grant Luckhardt and Ma
ximilian A.E. Aue. . -- German-English scholar's e
d. . -- Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2005.
xviii, xviiie, 516, 506e p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1405106999 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY1228
B561.59 / L789 / Li,Puqun. .
Wittgenstein on non-significant propositions / Puq
un Li. . -- Saarvrucken,Germany : VDM Verlag Dr. Mu
ller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG, 2010
157 p ; 22 cm
ISBN 9783639238044 : CNY786.60
ISBN 9783639238044 : CNY786.60
ISBN 3639238044
B565.23 / Т19 / Тарасов,Б.Н. .
Мыслящий тростник : Жизнь и
творчество Паскаля в воспри
ятии русских философов и пис
ателей / Тарасов,Б.Н. изд. 2-е.
-- Москва : Языки славянских
культур, 2009.
896 с. : ил. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785955103419(h) : CNY707.20
Ⅰ. Studia philologica
B565.5 / F214 /
Fanon and the decolonization of philosophy / edite
d by Elizabeth A. Hoppe and Tracey Nicholls. . -- L
anham, Md. : Lexington Books, c2010.
xix, 278 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780739141250 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY641.2
ISBN 9780739141250 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY641.2
ISBN 0739141252 (cloth : alk. paper)
B565.53 / С20 / Сартр, Ж-П. .
Бытие и ничто : Опыт феномен
ологической онтологии / Сар
тр, Ж-П. . -- Москва : АСТ, 2009.
928 c. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785170565733(h) : CNY448.00
ISBN 9785170565733(h) : CNY448.00
ISBN 9785403011945
Ⅰ. Philosophy
fre / B565.59 / P622 /
Pierre Bourdieu : Un philosophe en sociologie / c
oordonne par Marie-Anne Lescourret. . -- Paris : P
resses universitaires de France, c2009.
190 p. ; 19 cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 9782130574910 (pbk.) : CNY151.00
ISBN 9782130574910 (pbk.) : CNY151.00
ISBN 2130574912
B712.5 / S854 /
Stich and his critics / edited by Dominic Murphy a
nd Michael Bishop. . -- Chichester, U.K. ; Malden,
MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
viii, 268 p. ; 26 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Introduction / Dominic Murphy and Michael Bishop - Is there a role for representational content in s
cientific psychology? / Frances Egan -- Representat
ionalism reconsidered / Peter Godfrey-Smith -- On d
etermining what there isn't / Michael Devitt -- El
iminativism and the theory of reference / Frank Jac
kson -- Why isn't Stich an eliminativist? / Fiona
Cowie -- A defense of the use of intuitions in phil
osophy / Ernest Sosa -- Reflections on cognitive an
d epistemic diversity : can a Stich in time save Qu
ine? / Michael Bishop -- Simulation theory and cogn
itive neuroscience / Alvin Goldman -- The triumph o
f a reasonable man : Stich, mindreading, and nativi
sm / Kim Sterelny -- Against moral nativism / Jesse
J. Prinz -- Replies / Stephen Stich.
ISBN 9781405112079 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781405112079 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 1405112077 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781405112079 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 1405112077 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781405112062 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY247.00
ISBN 9781405112079 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 1405112077 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781405112062 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY247.00
ISBN 1405112069 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Ⅰ. Philosophers and their critics ;, 14.
B82 / E84(2) /
Ethics : the big questions / edited by James P. S
terba. . -- 2nd ed. . -- Chichester, U.K. ; Malden
, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
ix, 591 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [585]-591
ISBN 9781405191289 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY353.00
ISBN 9781405191289 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY353.00
ISBN 1405191287 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Ⅰ. Philosophy, the big questions.
B82 / S373 / Schopenhauer, Arthur, 1788-1860. .
The two fundamental problems of ethics / Arthur Sc
hopenhauer ; translated by David Cartwright, Edward
E. Erdmann. . -- Oxford : Oxford University Press
, 2010.
1 v. ; 20 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780199297221 (pbk.) : CNY142.09
ISBN 9780199297221 (pbk.) : CNY142.09
ISBN 0199297223 (pbk.)
B82 / B152 / Baier, Annette. .
Reflections on how we live / Annette C. Baier. . - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2
ix, 275 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. .
-- Includes bibliographical references and index. .
-- The rights of past and future persons -- For th
e sake of future generations -- Discrimin.ite death
-dealing: who may kill whom, and how? -- Can philos
ophers be patriots? -- Why honesty is a hard virtue
postscript -- Getting in touch with our own feelin
gs -- How to get to know one's own mind: some simp
le ways -- The moral perils of intimacy -- Feelings
that matter -- Demoralization, trust, and the virt
ues -- Sympathy and self-trust -- Putting hope in i
ts place -- How to lose friends: some simple ways - Alienating affection -- Faces, and other body par
ts -- Other minds: jottings towards an intellectual
ISBN 9780199570362 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY35
ISBN 9780199570362 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY35
ISBN 0199570361 (hardback : alk. paper)
B82 / C437 /
Challenging moral particularism / edited by Mark N
orris Lance, Matjaz Potrc, and Vojko Strahovnik. .
-- New York, N.Y. ; London : Routledge, 2008.
x, 221 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p.[209]-216)
and index.
ISBN 9780415963770 (hbk.) : CNY855.00
ISBN 9780415963770 (hbk.) : CNY855.00
ISBN 041596377X (hbk.)
Ⅰ. Routledge studies in ethics and moral theory ;,
B82 / Z72 / Zimmerman, Aaron(Aaron Zachary).
Moral epistemology / by Aaron Zimmerman. . -- New
York : Routledge, 2010.
x, 246 p. 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Moral epistemology : content and method -- Moral d
isagreement -- Moral nihilism -- The skeptic and th
e intuitionist -- Deductive moral knowledge -- Abuc
tive moral knowledge -- The reliability of our mora
l judgments.
ISBN 9780415485531 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY24
ISBN 9780415485531 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY24
ISBN 9780415485548 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415485531 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY24
ISBN 9780415485548 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780203850862 (ebook)
B82-0 / F771(3) /
Foundations of ethics : an anthology / edited by
Russ Shafer-Landau and Terence Cuneo. . -- [3rd ed
.]. -- Malden, Mass. : Blackwell Pub., 2007.
xi, 504 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references. . -- The subje
ctivity of values / John Mackie -- The myth of mora
lity / Richard Joyce -- Critique of ethics and theo
logy / A. J. Ayer -- How to be an ethical anti-real
ist / Simon Blackburn -- Nondescriptivist cognitivi
sm: framework for a new metaethic / Terry Horgan, M
ark Timmons -- The reasons of a living being / Alla
n Gibbard -- Moral relativism defended / Gilbert Ha
rman -- The authority of reflection / Christine Kor
sgaard -- Ethical absolutism and the ideal observer
/ Roderick Firth -- Contractarian constructivism /
Ronald Milo -- Values and secondary qualities / Jo
hn McDowell -- A sensible subjectivism? / David Wig
gins -- How to be a moral realist / Richard N. Boyd
-- Moral realism / Peter Railton -- The authority
of reason / Jean Hampton -- Ethics as philosophy: a
defense of ethical nonnaturalism / Russ Shafer-Lan
dau -- The externalist challenge / Michael Smith -Externalist moral motivation / Nick Zangwill -- Vi
rtue as knowledge: objections from the philosophy o
f mind / Margaret Olivia Little -- Acting for a goo
d reason / Jonathan Dancy -- Morality as a system o
f hypothetical imperatives / Philippa Foot -- Inter
nal and external reasons / Bernard Williams -- Skep
ticism about practical reason / Christine Korsgaard
-- Moral reasons / Russ Shafer-Landau -- Ethics an
d observation / Gilbert Harman -- Moral explanation
s / Nicholas L. Sturgeon -- Moral facts as configur
ing causes / Terence Cuneo -- The nature of ethical
disagreement / Charles L. Stevenson -- Moral disag
reement / David Brink -- Wide reflective equilibriu
m and theory acceptance in ethics / Norman Daniels
-- Intuitionism, pluralism, and the foundations of
ethics / Robert Audi -- Seeing and caring: the role
of affect in feminist moral epistemology / Margare
t Olivia Little -- Supervenience revisited / Simon
Blackburn -- The supervenience of the ethical on th
e descriptive / Frank Jackson -- The subject-matter
of ethics / G. E. Moore -- Attitudes and contents
/ Simon Blackburn -- Expressivism and embedding / W
alter Sinnott-Armstrong -- New wave moral realism m
eets moral twin earth / Terry Horgan, Mark Timmons.
ISBN 1405129514 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 1405129514 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781405129510 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 1405129514 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781405129510 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 1405129522 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 1405129514 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 1405129522 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781405129527 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY387.00
Ⅰ. Blackwell philosophy anthologies ;, 26.
B82-05 / С78 / Стаут,Д. .
Демократия и традиция / Стау
т,Д. . -- Москва : Прогресс-Трад
иция,Территория будущего, 200
464 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 5911290383(h) : CNY280.20
B82-05 / C236 /
Capabilities, power, and institutions : Toward a m
ore critical development ethics / edited by Stephe
n L. Esquith and Fred Gifford. . -- University Park
, Pa. : Pennsylvania State University Press, c2010
viii, 206 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780271036618 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY399.0
ISBN 9780271036618 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY399.0
ISBN 0271036613 (cloth : alk. paper)
B82-05 / R968 / Russell,Bertrand. .
Human society in ethics and politics / Bertrand Ru
ssell. . -- London ; New York : Routledge, 2009
243 p. ; 22 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415487375 : CNY256.00
ISBN 9780415487375 : CNY256.00
ISBN 0415487374
B82-05 / M652 / Miller, Richard W., 1945 - .
Globalizing justice : the ethics of poverty and po
wer / Richard W. Miller. . -- Oxford : Oxford Uni
versity Press, 2010.
341 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780199581986 (hbk.) : CNY242.08
ISBN 9780199581986 (hbk.) : CNY242.08
ISBN 0199581983 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780199581986 (hbk.) : CNY242.08
ISBN 0199581983 (hbk.)
ISBN 0199581991 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780199581986 (hbk.) : CNY242.08
ISBN 0199581983 (hbk.)
ISBN 0199581991 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780199581993 (pbk.)
B82-052 / V819 /
Virtue and vice, moral and epistemic / edited by H
eather Battaly. . -- Malden : Wiley-Blackwell, 201
ix,245 p. ; 22 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Includes bibliographical references and index. . - Machine generated contents note: Notes on Contrib
utors -- Introduction: Virtue and Vice: Heather Bat
taly -- 1. Virtue Ethics and Virtue Epistemology: R
oger Crisp -- 2. Exemplarist Virtue Theory: Linda Z
agzebski -- 3. Right Act, Virtuous Motive: Thomas H
urka -- 4. Agency Ascriptions in Ethics and Epistem
ology: Or, Navigating Intersections, Narrow and Bro
ad: Guy Axtell -- 5. Virtues, Social Roles, and Con
textualism: Sarah Wright -- 6. Virtue, Emotion, and
Attention: Michael S. Brady -- 7. Feeling Without
Thinking: Lessons from the Ancients on Emotion and
Virtue-Acquisition: Amy Coplan -- 8. A Challenge to
Intellectual Virtue from Moral Virtue: The Case of
Universal Love: Christine Swanton -- 9. Open-Minde
dness: Wayne Riggs -- 10. Epistemic Malevolence: Ja
son Baehr -- 11. Epistemic Self-Indulgence: Heather
Battaly -- Index.
ISBN 9781444335620 (pbk. : perm. paper) : CNY233.0
B82-5 / Э-90 /
Этическая мысль / Отв. ред. А
. А. Гусейнов. Вып.7. -- Москва :
ИФ РАН, 2006.
213 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 5954000557CNY75.70
R / B82-61 / K97 / Kuusela, Oskari. .
Key terms in ethics / Oskari Kuusela. . -- New Yor
k : Continuum, c2010.
168 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes index. . -- Key terms -- Key thinkers -- K
ey works.
ISBN 9781441166104
ISBN 9781441166104
ISBN 1441166106
ISBN 9781441166104
ISBN 1441166106
ISBN 9781441131461 (pbk.) : CNY140.00
ISBN 9781441166104
ISBN 1441166106
ISBN 9781441131461 (pbk.) : CNY140.00
ISBN 1441131469(pbk.)
B842.1 / P568 /
The philosophy of recognition : historical and con
temporary perspectives / edited by Hans-Christoph
Schmidt am Busch and Christopher F. Zurn. . -- Lanh
am : Lexington Books, c2010.
vi, 378 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 338-342) an
d index.
ISBN 9780739144251(cloth : alk. paper) : CNY600.00
ISBN 9780739144251(cloth : alk. paper) : CNY600.00
ISBN 0739144251(cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739144251(cloth : alk. paper) : CNY600.00
ISBN 0739144251(cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739144275(electronic)
ISBN 9780739144251(cloth : alk. paper) : CNY600.00
ISBN 0739144251(cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739144275(electronic)
ISBN 0739144278(electronic)
B842.1 / F532 / Fish, William, 1972 - .
Philosophy of perception : a contemporary introduc
tion / William Fish. . -- London ; New York : Ro
utledge, 2010.
ix. 177 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references. . -- Introduct
ion: Three key principles -- Sense datum theories - Adverbial theories -- Belief acquisition theories
-- Intentional theories -- Disjunctive theories --
Perception and causation -- Perception and the sci
ences of the mind -- Perception and other sense mod
ISBN 9780415999113 (hardcover)
ISBN 9780415999113 (hardcover)
ISBN 0415999111 (hardcover)
ISBN 9780415999113 (hardcover)
ISBN 0415999111 (hardcover)
ISBN 9780415999120 (pbk.) : CNY246.00
ISBN 9780415999113 (hardcover)
ISBN 0415999111 (hardcover)
ISBN 9780415999120 (pbk.) : CNY246.00
ISBN 041599912X (pbk.)
ISBN 9780415999113 (hardcover)
ISBN 0415999111 (hardcover)
ISBN 9780415999120 (pbk.) : CNY246.00
ISBN 041599912X (pbk.)
ISBN 9780203880586 (ebook)
ISBN 9780415999113 (hardcover)
ISBN 0415999111 (hardcover)
ISBN 9780415999120 (pbk.) : CNY246.00
ISBN 041599912X (pbk.)
ISBN 9780203880586 (ebook)
ISBN 0203880587 (ebook)
B842.1 / К57 /
Когнитивные исследования :
Проблема развития / Под ред.
Д.В. Ушакова. -- Москва : Инсти
тут психологии РАН, 2009.
352 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785927001668(h)
B844 / F312(6) / Feldman, Robert S. (Robert Stephen
),Development across the life span / Robert S. Feldm
an. . -- 6th ed. . -- Upper Saddle River, NJ : Pre
ntice Hall, c2010.
xxii, 724 p. ; 26 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780205805914 (parent : alk. paper) : CNY982.
ISBN 9780205805914 (parent : alk. paper) : CNY982.
ISBN 9780205809950 (exam : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780205805914 (parent : alk. paper) : CNY982.
ISBN 9780205809950 (exam : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780205828647 (a la carte : alk. paper)
B844.1 / S998 / Szmigielska, Barbara. .
Children's dreams / Barbara Szmigielska. . -- Hau
ppauge, N.Y. : Nova Science Publishers, c2009.
198 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 9781608767045 (hbk.) : CNY533.00
B9-05 / E35 / Einstein, Mara. .
Brands of faith : marketing religion in a commerci
al age / Mara Einstein. . -- London : Routledge,
xiv, 241 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -The changing religious marketplace -- The business
of religion -- Branding faith -- The course to God
-- The new televangelists -- Kabbalah : marketing
designer spirituality -- The politics of faith bran
ds -- Has religious marketing gone too far?
ISBN 9780415409766 (hbk.) : CNY801.00
ISBN 9780415409766 (hbk.) : CNY801.00
ISBN 0415409764 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415409766 (hbk.) : CNY801.00
ISBN 0415409764 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415409773 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780415409766 (hbk.) : CNY801.00
ISBN 0415409764 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415409773 (pbk.)
ISBN 0415409772 (pbk)
ISBN 9780415409766 (hbk.) : CNY801.00
ISBN 0415409764 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415409773 (pbk.)
ISBN 0415409772 (pbk)
ISBN 9780203938874 (e-book)
ISBN 9780415409766 (hbk.) : CNY801.00
ISBN 0415409764 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415409773 (pbk.)
ISBN 0415409772 (pbk)
ISBN 9780203938874 (e-book)
ISBN 0203938879 (e-book)
Ⅰ. Religion, media, and culture series
B91 / P895 /
The practices of happiness : political economy, re
ligion and wellbeing / edited by John Atherton, El
aine Graham and Ian Steedman. . -- Milton Park, Abi
ngdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, 2011.
xviii, 276 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [245]-272
) and index. . -- Introductory essay : developing a
n overview as context and future / John Atherton -Economic theory and happiness / Ian Steedman -- Ha
ppiness, welfare and capabilities / Carl-Henric Gre
nholm -- Happiness through thrift : the contributio
n of business to human wellbeing / Peter Heslam -Happiness, work and Christian theology / Peter Sedg
wick -- Happiness isn't working, but it should be
/ Malcolm Brown -- Challenging inequality in a post
-scarcity era : christian contributions to egalitar
ian trends / John Atherton -- Fair trade and human
wellbeing / Michael Northcott -- Religion and happi
ness : perspectives from the psychology of religion
, positive psychology and empirical theology / Lesl
ie Francis -- Ethnographic insights into happiness
/ Jonathan Miles-Watson -- Institutions, organisati
ons and wellbeing / Tony Berry -- Religion, family
form and the question of happiness / Adrian Thatche
r -- Mental health, spirituality and religion / Pet
er Gilbert -- The "one in the morning" knock : ex
ploring the connections between faith, participatio
n and wellbeing / Christopher Baker -- Crime, wellb
eing and society : reflections on social, 'anti-so
cial' and 'restorative' capital / Christopher Jo
nes -- Supporting offenders : a faith based initiat
ive / Charlotte Lorimer -- Human happiness as a com
mon good : clarifying the issues / Patrick Riordan
-- Being well in creation / John Rodwell -- The "v
irtuous circle" : religion and the practices of ha
ppiness / Elaine Graham -- Well being or resilience
? blurred encounters between theory and practice /
John Reader.
ISBN 9780415550970 : CNY855.00
ISBN 9780415550970 : CNY855.00
ISBN 0415550971
ISBN 9780415550970 : CNY855.00
ISBN 0415550971
ISBN 9780203846902 (ebk.)
ISBN 9780415550970 : CNY855.00
ISBN 0415550971
ISBN 9780203846902 (ebk.)
ISBN 0203846907 (ebk.)
B911 / T282 / Temperman, Jeroen. .
State-religion relationships and human rights law
: towards a right to religiously neutral governance
/ by Jeroen Temperman. . -- Leiden ; Boston : B
rill, 2010.
lviii, 382 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Religious states, state religions & state churches
-- State support & state acknowledgement of religi
on -- Accommodation of religions & non-identificati
on -- Secularism & separation of state and religion
-- Secular state ideologies & negative identificat
ion -- Preliminary legal questions concerning estab
lishment of religion and state atheism -- Religious
laws & the state -- State entanglement with religi
on & the equal religious rights of others, freedom
of expression, freedom of association and equal emp
loyment opportunities -- Religion & education -- Re
ligion & politics -- Towards religiously neutral go
ISBN 9789004181489 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY10
ISBN 9789004181489 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY10
ISBN 9004181482 (hardback : alk. paper)
B911 / R382 / : 1
Religion and politics : critical concepts in relig
ious studies. vol.1, The world religions and politi
cs / edited by Jeffrey Haynes. . -- London ; New
York : Routledge, 2010.
xxvii,397 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -v. 1. The world religions and politics -- v. 2. Re
ligion and governance -- v. 3. Religion and interna
tional relations -- v. 4. Religion, development, an
d security.
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493055 (v. 1)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493055 (v. 1)
ISBN 0415493056 (v. 1)
B911 / R382 / : 2
Religion and politics : critical concepts in relig
ious studies. vol.2, Religion and governance / edi
ted by Jeffrey Haynes. . -- London ; New York : R
outledge, 2010.
xi, 386 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -v. 1. The world religions and politics -- v. 2. Re
ligion and governance -- v. 3. Religion and interna
tional relations -- v. 4. Religion, development, an
d security.
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493055 (v. 1)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493055 (v. 1)
ISBN 0415493056 (v. 1)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493055 (v. 1)
ISBN 0415493056 (v. 1)
ISBN 9780415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493055 (v. 1)
ISBN 0415493056 (v. 1)
ISBN 9780415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 0415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set)
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493055 (v. 1)
ISBN 0415493056 (v. 1)
ISBN 9780415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 0415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 9780415493031 (v. 3)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set)
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493055 (v. 1)
ISBN 0415493056 (v. 1)
ISBN 9780415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 0415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 9780415493031 (v. 3)
ISBN 041549303X (v. 3)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set)
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493055 (v. 1)
ISBN 0415493056 (v. 1)
ISBN 9780415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 0415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 9780415493031 (v. 3)
ISBN 041549303X (v. 3)
ISBN 9780415493024 (v. 4)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set)
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493055 (v. 1)
ISBN 0415493056 (v. 1)
ISBN 9780415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 0415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 9780415493031 (v. 3)
ISBN 041549303X (v. 3)
ISBN 9780415493024 (v. 4)
ISBN 0415493021 (v. 4)
: CNY6943.00
: CNY6943.00
: CNY6943.00
: CNY6943.00
B911 / R382 / : 3
Religion and politics : critical concepts in relig
ious studies. vol.3, Religion and international rel
ations / edited by Jeffrey Haynes. . -- London ;
New York : Routledge, 2010.
xi, 386 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . --
v. 1. The world religions and politics -- v. 2. Re
ligion and governance -- v. 3. Religion and interna
tional relations -- v. 4. Religion, development, an
d security.
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493055 (v. 1)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493055 (v. 1)
ISBN 0415493056 (v. 1)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493055 (v. 1)
ISBN 0415493056 (v. 1)
ISBN 9780415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493055 (v. 1)
ISBN 0415493056 (v. 1)
ISBN 9780415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 0415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493055 (v. 1)
ISBN 0415493056 (v. 1)
ISBN 9780415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 0415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 9780415493031 (v. 3)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493055 (v. 1)
ISBN 0415493056 (v. 1)
ISBN 9780415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 0415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 9780415493031 (v. 3)
ISBN 041549303X (v. 3)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493055 (v. 1)
ISBN 0415493056 (v. 1)
ISBN 9780415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 0415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 9780415493031 (v. 3)
ISBN 041549303X (v. 3)
ISBN 9780415493024 (v. 4)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493055 (v. 1)
ISBN 0415493056 (v. 1)
ISBN 9780415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 0415493048 (v. 2)
ISBN 9780415493031 (v. 3)
ISBN 041549303X (v. 3)
ISBN 9780415493024 (v. 4)
ISBN 0415493021 (v. 4)
B911 / R382 / : 4
Religion and politics : critical concepts in relig
ious studies. vol.4, Religion, development, and sec
urity. / edited by Jeffrey Haynes. . -- London ;
New York : Routledge, 2010.
xi, 380 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -v. 1. The world religions and politics -- v. 2. Re
ligion and governance -- v. 3. Religion and interna
tional relations -- v. 4. Religion, development, an
d security.
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493024 (v. 4)
ISBN 9780415490245 (set) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 0415490243 (set)
ISBN 9780415493024 (v. 4)
ISBN 0415493021 (v. 4)
B913 / D771 / Drees, Willem B., 1954 - .
Religion and science in context : a guide to the d
ebates / Willem B. Drees. . -- 1st ed. . -- New Yo
rk : Routledge, 2010.
vii, 168 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [154]-164
) and index. . -- Religion and science in multiple
contexts - - Worldly interests: apologetics, author
ity, and comfort - - Science, sense, and superstiti
on: criteria - - Hunting a snark: religion in reli
gion and science - - Mystery in an intelligible wor
ld - - Values in a world of facts - - Meaning in a
material world - - Engaging in religion and science
: an epilogue.
ISBN 9780415556163 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415556163 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415556163 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415556163 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415556163 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415556170 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY694.00
ISBN 9780415556163 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415556163 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415556170 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY694.00
ISBN 0415556171 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415556163 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415556163 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415556170 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY694.00
ISBN 0415556171 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780203869604 (ebook)
ISBN 9780415556163 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415556163 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415556170 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY694.00
ISBN 0415556171 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780203869604 (ebook)
ISBN 0203869605 (ebook)
B920 / P974 / : 1
Psychology of religion. vol.1, Explaining religion
and spirituality / edited by Justin L. Barrett. .
-- London ; New York : Routledge, 2010.
xxxi,393 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415543644 (1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415543644 (1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543637 (2 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415543644 (1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543637 (2 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543620 (3 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415543644 (1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543637 (2 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543620 (3 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543613 (4 : alk. paper)
B920 / C912 /
Creating ourselves : African Americans and Hispani
c Americans on popular culture and religious expres
sion / Anthony B. Pinn and Benjamin Valentin, edit
ors. . -- Durham [N.C.] : Duke University Press,
432 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780822345497 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY166.0
ISBN 9780822345497 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY166.0
ISBN 0822345498 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780822345497 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY166.0
ISBN 0822345498 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780822345664 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780822345497 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY166.0
ISBN 0822345498 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780822345664 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 0822345668 (pbk. : alk. paper)
B920 / E45 / Eller, Jack David, 1959 - .
Introducing anthropology of religion : culture to
the ultimate / Jack David Eller. . -- New York ;
London : Routledge, 2007.
xv, 352 p. ; 26 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [331]-345
) and index. . -- Studying religion anthropological
ly : definitions and theories -- Religious entities
and concepts -- Religious symbols and specialists
-- Religious language -- Religious behavior -- Reli
gion, morality, and social order -- Religious chang
e and new religious movements -- World religions -Religious violence -- Secularism and irreligion -Religious fundamentalism -- Religion in the USA.
ISBN 0415408954 (hbk)
ISBN 0415408954 (hbk)
ISBN 9780415408950 (hbk) : CNY748.00
ISBN 0415408954 (hbk)
ISBN 9780415408950 (hbk) : CNY748.00
ISBN 0415408962 (pbk)
ISBN 0415408954 (hbk)
ISBN 9780415408950 (hbk) : CNY748.00
ISBN 0415408962 (pbk)
ISBN 9780415408967 (pbk)
ISBN 0415408954 (hbk)
ISBN 9780415408950 (hbk) : CNY748.00
ISBN 0415408962 (pbk)
ISBN 9780415408967 (pbk)
ISBN 0203946243 (ebk)
ISBN 0415408954 (hbk)
ISBN 9780415408950 (hbk) : CNY748.00
ISBN 0415408962 (pbk)
ISBN 9780415408967 (pbk)
ISBN 0203946243 (ebk)
ISBN 9780203946244 (ebk)
B920 / P974 / : 2
Psychology of religion. vol.2, religious psychology
/ edited by Justin L. Barrett. . -- London ; Ne
w York : Routledge, 2010.
xi,386 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415543644 (1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415543644 (1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543637 (2 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415543644 (1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543637 (2 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543620 (3 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415543644 (1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543637 (2 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543620 (3 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543613 (4 : alk. paper)
B920 / P974 / : 3
Psychology of religion. vol.3, Consequences of reli
gion / edited by Justin L. Barrett. . -- London ;
New York : Routledge, 2010.
xi,422 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415543644 (1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415543644 (1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543637 (2 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415543644 (1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543637 (2 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543620 (3 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415543644 (1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543637 (2 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543620 (3 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543613 (4 : alk. paper)
B920 / P974 / : 4
Psychology of religion. vol.4, Psychological practi
ce and general issues / edited by Justin L. Barret
t. . -- London ; New York : Routledge, 2010.
xi,343 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415543644 (1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415543644 (1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543637 (2 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415543637 (2 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543620 (3 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415488761 (set : alk. paper) : CNY6943.00
ISBN 9780415543644 (1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543637 (2 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543620 (3 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415543613 (4 : alk. paper)
B929.561-7 / C956(2) / Crumb, Lawrence N. .
The Oxford movement and its leaders : a bibliograp
hy of secondary and lesser primary sources / Lawre
nce N. Crumb. . -- 2nd ed. . -- Lanham, Md. : Scar
ecrow Press ; [Chicago, IL] : American Theologi
cal Library Association, 2009.
xxvii, 907 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes indexes. . -- Editor's foreword -- Prefac
e -- Preface to the first edition -- Chronology -List of abbreviations -- Bibliography -- Appendix 1
: Bibliographic ghosts and other problem citations
-- Appendix 2: Newman's Apologia -- Appendix 3: El
ectronic texts -- Author index -- Periodical index
-- Subject index -- About the author.
ISBN 9780810861930 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY1233.
ISBN 9780810861930 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY1233.
ISBN 0810861933 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810861930 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY1233.
ISBN 0810861933 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810862807 (ebook)
ISBN 9780810861930 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY1233.
ISBN 0810861933 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810862807 (ebook)
ISBN 0810862808 (ebook)
R / B929.9 / V519 / Verkamp, Bernard J. .
Encyclopedia of philosophers on religion / Bernard
J. Verkamp. . -- London : McFarland & Co., 2010.
x, 229 p. ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9780786449293 : CNY366.00
ISBN 9780786449293 : CNY366.00
ISBN 0786449292
B932 / Ш48 / Шеппинг,Д. .
Мифы славянского язычества
/ Шеппинг,Д. . -- Москва : АСТ М
ОСКВА, 2008.
301 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785975702333(h) : CNY289.20
ISBN 9785975702333(h) : CNY289.20
ISBN 9785971368625
R / B94-61 / M478 / McClelland, Norman C., 1944 - .
. McClelland. . -- Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, c2
v, 315 p. ; 26 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780786448517 (illustrated case binding : alk.
paper) : CNY366.00
ISBN 9780786448517 (illustrated case binding : alk.
paper) : CNY366.00
ISBN 0786448512 (illustrated case binding : alk. pa
B96-61 / G549(3) / Glasse, Cyril. .
The new encyclopedia of Islam / by Cyril Glasse. .
-- 3rd ed. . -- Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Pub
lishers, c2008.
viii, 718 p., xxvi p. of plates : ill. (chiefly co
l.), maps ; 26 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 711-718)
ISBN 0742562964
ISBN 0742562964
ISBN 9780742562967 : CNY700.00
B969 / О-95 /
Очерки истории исламской ци
вилизации / Под общ. ред. Ю.М.
Кобищанова. Т.1. -- В 2-х т. . -- М
осква : Российская политичес
кая энциклопедия, 2008.
936 с. ; илл., 30 cm.
ISBN 9785824310795
ISBN 9785824310795
ISBN 9785824310788(h) :
B969 / О-95 /
Очерки истории исламской ци
вилизации / Под общ. ред. Ю.М.
Кобищанова. Т.2. -- В 2 т. . -- Мос
ква : РОССПЭН, 2008.
776 с. ; 30 cm.
ISBN 9785824310801
ISBN 9785824310801
ISBN 9785824310788(h) :
B969.712 / B627 /
Black routes to Islam / edited by Manning Marable
and Hishaam D. Aidi. . -- 1st ed. . -- New York :
Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
vi, 323 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781403977816 (pbk.) : CNY212.00
ISBN 9781403977816 (pbk.) : CNY212.00
ISBN 140397781X (pbk.)
ISBN 9781403977816 (pbk.) : CNY212.00
ISBN 140397781X (pbk.)
ISBN 9781403984005 (hc)
ISBN 9781403977816 (pbk.) : CNY212.00
ISBN 140397781X (pbk.)
ISBN 9781403984005 (hc)
ISBN 140398400X (hc)
B97 / Н64 / Никонов, А. .
Опиум для народа : Религия к
ак глобальный бизнес-проект
/ Никонов, А. . -- Москва и др.
ЭНАС, 2009.
344 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785931969978(h) : CNY227.80
ISBN 9785931969978(h) : CNY227.80
ISBN 9785498079684
Ⅰ. Точка зрения
B971 / C614 / Clasby, Nancy Tenfelde, 1938 - .
God, the Bible, and human consciousness / Nancy Te
nfelde Clasby. . -- Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmill
an, 2008.
xii, 255 p. ; 22 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index
ISBN 9780230605435 (hbk.) : CNY530.00
ISBN 9780230605435 (hbk.) : CNY530.00
R / B971-61 / D554 /
Dictionary of biblical criticism and interpretation
/ edited by Stanley E. Porter. . -- London ; New
York : Routledge, 2007.
xii, 406 p. ; 26 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415201001 : CNY1602.00
B972 / P361 / Pears, Angela, 1966-. .
Doing contextual theology / Angie Pears. . -- Lond
on : Routledge, 2010.
viii, 196 p. ; 24 cm.
Formerly CIP. Uk. -- Includes bibliographical refer
ences and index. . -- The contextual nature of theo
logy -- Starting from base : the roots of contempor
ary liberation theology in Latin America -- Gender
matters : feminist informed theologies -- Further c
ontexts of liberation the multiplicity of liberatio
n theologies -- Postcolonial theologies -- Contextu
ality in critical perspective.
ISBN 9780415417044 (hbk.) : CNY741.00
ISBN 9780415417044 (hbk.) : CNY741.00
ISBN 041541704X (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415417044 (hbk.) : CNY741.00
ISBN 041541704X (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415417051 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780415417044 (hbk.) : CNY741.00
ISBN 041541704X (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415417051 (pbk.)
ISBN 0415417058 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780415417044 (hbk.) : CNY741.00
ISBN 041541704X (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415417051 (pbk.)
ISBN 0415417058 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780203877821 (e-book)
ISBN 9780415417044 (hbk.) : CNY741.00
ISBN 041541704X (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415417051 (pbk.)
ISBN 0415417058 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780203877821 (e-book)
ISBN 0203877829 (e-book)
B972 / N532 /
New perspectives for evangelical theology : engagi
ng with God, Scripture, and the world / edited by
Tom Greggs. . -- London ; New York : Routledge, 2
xvi, 223 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Foreword / David F. Ford -- Introduction: Opening
evangelicalism : towards a post-critical and format
ive theology / Tom Greggs -- The Bible before us :
evangelical possibilities for taking Scripture seri
ously / Richard Briggs -- Election and evangelical
thinking : challenges to our way of conceiving the
doctrine of God / Paul Nimmo -- The atonement : God
's love in action / Paul Dafydd Jones -- Entire sa
nctification and theological method : a Wesleyan dy
namic for discovering good news in every context /
George Bailey -- Reformation pessimism or pietist p
ersonalism? : the problem of the Holy Spirit in eva
ngelical theology / Simeon Zahl -- Feeding and form
ing the people of God : the Lord, His Supper, and t
he church in Calvin and 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 / Be
n Fulford -- Embodied evangelicalism : the body of
Christ and the Christian body / Elizabeth Kent -- E
mbodied Christianity : practice illuminating a bibl
ical ecclesiology / Donald McFadyen -- From glory t
o glory : the transfiguration of honour and giving
in the light of the glory of Christ / Jason Fout -Beyond the binary : forming evangelical eschatolog
y / Tom Greggs -- Evangelicalism and the political
: recovering the truth within / Andi Smith -- A wor
d about the Word : building scriptural bridges with
the Muslim community / Sarah Snyder -- The theolog
ical and political ramifications of a theology of I
srael / Glenn Chestnutt -- Postscript: Seeking a ce
ntred, generous orthodoxy / Richard B. Hays.
ISBN 9780415477321 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415477321 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415477328 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415477321 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415477328 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415477338 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY694.00
ISBN 9780415477321 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415477328 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415477338 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY694.00
ISBN 0415477336 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415477321 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415477328 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415477338 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY694.00
ISBN 0415477336 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780203867389 (ebook)
ISBN 9780415477321 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415477328 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415477338 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY694.00
ISBN 0415477336 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780203867389 (ebook)
ISBN 0203867386 (ebook)
B976.2 / Г80 /
Греко-русские певческие пар
аллели : К 100-летию афонской
экспедиции С.В. Смоленского
/ Сост. А.Н. Кручинина и др. . - Москва и др. : Альянс-Архео,
336 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785988740247(h) :
B978 / P458 / Perrin, David Brian, 1956 - .
Studying Christian spirituality / David B. Perrin.
. -- New York ; London : Routledge, 2007.
xii, 346 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references
ISBN 9780415394734 (hbk.) : CNY960.00
ISBN 9780415394734 (hbk.) : CNY960.00
ISBN 0415394732 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415394734 (hbk.) : CNY960.00
ISBN 0415394732 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415394741 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780415394734 (hbk.) : CNY960.00
ISBN 0415394732 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415394741 (pbk.)
ISBN 0415394740 (pbk.)
B978 / W651 / Wiesner, Merry E., 1952 - .
Christianity and sexuality in the early modern worl
d : regulating desire, reforming practice / Merry
Wiesner-Hanks. . -- 2nd ed. . -- London : Routled
ge, 2010.
viii, 352 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Previous ed.: 2000. . -- Includes bibliographical r
eferences and index.
ISBN 9780415491884 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415491884 (hbk.)
ISBN 0415491886 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415491884 (hbk.)
ISBN 0415491886 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415491891 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780415491884 (hbk.)
ISBN 0415491886 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415491891 (pbk.)
ISBN 0415491894 (pbk.)
: CNY748.00
: CNY748.00
: CNY748.00
: CNY748.00
B978 / T522 / Thorsteinsson, Runar M. .
Roman Christianity and Roman Stoicism : a comparat
ive study of ancient morality / Runar M. Thorstein
sson. . -- New York, NY : Oxford University Press,
248 p. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9780199578641 (hardback) : CNY758.00
B978 / K89 / : 1Krason, Stephen M. .
The public order and the sacred order : contempora
ry issues, Catholic social thought, and the western
and American traditions. vol.1 / Stephen M. Kraso
n. . -- Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2009.
xviii, 703, 514 p. ; 29 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Quadragesimo anno (encyclical) -- Centesimus annus
(encyclical) -- Libertas praestantissimum (encycli
cal) -- Aristotle, The politics, selections -- Cice
ro, De re publica, selections -- George Washington'
s farewell address -- Alexis de Tocqueville, Democr
acy in America, selections -- Robert R. Reilly, "T
he truths they held : the Christian and natural law
background to the American constitution" -- Roe v
. Wade -- Doe v. Bolton -- Abraham Lincoln, "The p
erpetuation of our political institutions" -- Pier
ce v. Society of Sisters -- UN Convention on the Ri
ghts of the Child -- Everson v. Board of Education
-- Wisconsin v. Yoder -- Humanist manifesto II -- D
ignitatis humanae (Vatican II document) -- Roth v.
U.S -- Pacem in terris (encyclical) -- Federalist 7
8 -- Lincoln's second inaugural address -- Sen. Je
sse Helms, speech in U.S. Senate, September 2, 1982
-- Orestes A. Brownson, "The higher law"
ISBN 9780810863965 (cloth : alk. paper) :CNY1333.0
ISBN 9780810863965 (cloth : alk. paper) :CNY1333.0
ISBN 0810863960 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810863965 (cloth : alk. paper) :CNY1333.0
ISBN 0810863960 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810863972 (electronic : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810863965 (cloth : alk. paper) :CNY1333.0
ISBN 0810863960 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810863972 (electronic : alk. paper)
ISBN 0810863979 (electronic : alk. paper)
R / B978 / E56 / : 1
Encyclopedia of Catholic social thought, social sci
ence, and social policy. vol.1, A-J / edited by Mi
chael L. Coulter ... [et al.]. -- Lanham, Md. :
Scarecrow Press, 2007.
x, 592 p. ; 29 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -v. 1. A-J -- v. 2. K-Z.
ISBN 9780810859067 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY1
ISBN 9780810859067 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY1
ISBN 0810859068 (hardcover : alk. paper)
R / B978 / E56 / : 2
Encyclopedia of Catholic social thought, social sci
ence, and social policy. vol.2, K-Z / edited by Mi
chael L. Coulter ... [et al.]. -- Lanham, Md. :
Scarecrow Press, 2007.
x, 593-1165 p. ; 29 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -v. 1. A-J -- v. 2. K-Z.
ISBN 9780810859067 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY1
ISBN 9780810859067 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY1
ISBN 0810859068 (hardcover : alk. paper)
B978 / K89 / : 2Krason, Stephen M. .
The public order and the sacred order : contempora
ry issues, Catholic social thought, and the western
and American traditions. vol.2 / Stephen M. Kraso
n. . -- Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2009.
xviii,514 p. ; 29 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Quadragesimo anno (encyclical) -- Centesimus annus
(encyclical) -- Libertas praestantissimum (encycli
cal) -- Aristotle, The politics, selections -- Cice
ro, De re publica, selections -- George Washington'
s farewell address -- Alexis de Tocqueville, Democr
acy in America, selections -- Robert R. Reilly, "T
he truths they held : the Christian and natural law
background to the American constitution" -- Roe v
. Wade -- Doe v. Bolton -- Abraham Lincoln, "The p
erpetuation of our political institutions" -- Pier
ce v. Society of Sisters -- UN Convention on the Ri
ghts of the Child -- Everson v. Board of Education
-- Wisconsin v. Yoder -- Humanist manifesto II -- D
ignitatis humanae (Vatican II document) -- Roth v.
U.S -- Pacem in terris (encyclical) -- Federalist 7
8 -- Lincoln's second inaugural address -- Sen. Je
sse Helms, speech in U.S. Senate, September 2, 1982
-- Orestes A. Brownson, "The higher law"
ISBN 9780810863965 (cloth : alk. paper) :CNY1333.0
ISBN 9780810863965 (cloth : alk. paper) :CNY1333.0
ISBN 0810863960 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810863965 (cloth : alk. paper) :CNY1333.0
ISBN 0810863960 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810863972 (electronic : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810863965 (cloth : alk. paper) :CNY1333.0
ISBN 0810863960 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810863972 (electronic : alk. paper)
ISBN 0810863979 (electronic : alk. paper)
B979 / R869 /
The Routledge companion to early Christian thought
/ edited by D. Jeffrey Bingham. . -- London ; New
York : Routledge, c2010.
x, 347 p. ; 26 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Christianity in the Graeco-Roman world : socio-pol
itical, philosophical, and religious interactions u
p to the Edict of Milan (CE 313) / George H. van K
ooten - - Early Christianity and philosophy / Mark
J. Edwards - - Greco-Roman understanding of Christ
ianity / Paul Hartog - - Jews and Christians / Ly
nn H. Cohick - - Imitations in literature and life
: Apocrypha and martyrdom / J.K. Elliott - - Ignat
ius and the Apostolic fathers / Clayton N. Jefford
- - Justin and the apologists / Oskar Skarsaune - Irenaeus of Lyons / D. Jeffrey Bingham - - Roma
n and North African Christianity / Geoffrey D. Dun
n - - Clement and Alexandrian Christianity / Henny
Fiska Hagg - - Origen / Ronald E. Heine - - Gnosi
s and Nag Hammadi / Anne McGuire - - Schism and he
resy : identity, cracks, and canyons in early Chris
tianity / Pheme Perkins - - God / M.C. Steenberg
- - Christ : the Apostolic Fathers to the third cen
tury / J.A. McGuckin - - Redemption / James D. Er
nest - - Scripture / Peter W. Martens - - Communit
y and worship / Everett Ferguson.
ISBN 9780415442251 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY10
ISBN 9780415442251 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY10
ISBN 0415442257 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415442251 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY10
ISBN 0415442257 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780203864517 (ebook)
ISBN 9780415442251 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY10
ISBN 0415442257 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780203864517 (ebook)
ISBN 0203864514 (ebook)
B979.512 / К12 / 2 / Кабузан, В.М. .
Распространение православи
я и других конфессий в Росси
и в XVIII-начале XX в. (1719-1917 гг.)
/ Кабузан, В.М. . -- Москва : Инс
титут рос. истории РАН, 2008.
270 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785805501990
B979.712 / J48(2) / Jelen, Ted G. .
To serve God and Mammon : church-state relations i
n American politics / Ted G. Jelen. . -- 2nd ed. .
-- Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press
, c2010.
xix, 188 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781589016378 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY179.00
ISBN 9781589016378 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY179.00
ISBN 1589016378 (pbk. : alk. paper)
B979.712 / O13 / O'Brien, Elmer J. .
The wilderness, the nation, and the electronic era
: American Christianity and religious communicatio
n, 1620-2000 : an annotated bibliography / Elmer J
. O'Brien. . -- Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press ;
[Chicago, IL] : American Theological Library Ass
ociation, 2009.
xxiii, 663 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes indexes. . -- Foreword / by Leonard I. Sw
eet - - Bibliographical sources - - General studies
- - Colonial period, 1620-1689 - - Colonial period
, religious ferment, and the new nation, 1690-1799
- - Growth of the nation, 1800-1860 - - The Civil W
ar and rapid technological development, 1861-1919 - The modern electronic era, 1920-2000.
ISBN 9780810861589 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY833.0
ISBN 9780810861589 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY833.0
ISBN 0810861585 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810861589 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY833.0
ISBN 0810861585 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810863132 (ebook)
ISBN 9780810861589 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY833.0
ISBN 0810861585 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810863132 (ebook)
ISBN 0810863138 (ebook)
B985 / Г91 / Грушевой, А.Г. .
Иудеи и иудаизм в истории Ри
мской республики и Римской и
мперии / Грушевой, А.Г. . -- СПб
. : Факультет филологии и иск
усств СПбГУ, 2008.
484 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785846507289(h) :
B989.1 / А46 / Алексанян, А.Г. .
Манихейство в Китае : (опыт и
сторико-философского исслед
ования) / Алексанян, А.Г. . -- М
осква : ИДВ РАН, 2008.
164 с. ; 21 cm.
C831 / Р76 / : 2009
Россия и страны--члены Европ
ейского союза. 2007 : статисти
ческий сборник / Ред. кол.:А.Е
. Суринов и др.. . -- Москва, 2009.
259 c. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785854762777CNY264.20
C91 / С69 /
Социологическая теория : Ис
тория, современность, перспе
ктивы. . -- СПб. Владимир Даль,
831 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785936150821(h) : CNY618.80
C91 / С59 / Соколов,К.Н. .
Духовные основания геополит
ической борьбы / Соколов, К.Н
. . -- Москва : Поколение, 2009.
192 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785976300873(h) : CNY174.40
C91 / С69 /
Социальное проектирование в
эпоху культурных трансформ
аций / Отв. ред. Розин, В. М. . - Москва : ИФ РАН, 2008.
267 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785954001051CNY102.90
C91 / Ц17 / Цаплин,В.С. .
Разумное, но не мыслящее / Ца
плин,В.С. . -- Москва : Крафт+, 20
352 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785936751509(h) : CNY312.40
C91 / A418 / Allan, Kenneth, 1951 - .
A primer in social and sociological theory : Towar
d a sociology of citizenship / Kenneth Allan. . -Los Angeles : SAGE/Pine Forge, c2011.
xv, 271 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781412960519 (pbk.) : CNY316.00
ISBN 9781412960519 (pbk.) : CNY316.00
ISBN 1412960517 (pbk.)
C91 / K87(14) / Kottak, Conrad Phillip. .
Cultural anthropology : appreciating cultural dive
rsity / by Conrad Phillip Kottak. . -- 14th ed. .
-- New York : McGraw-Hill ; c2011.
xxxv, 437 p. : col. ill., col. maps ; 28 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 401-419) an
d index.
ISBN 9780078116988 (pbk.) : CNY911.00
ISBN 9780078116988 (pbk.) : CNY911.00
ISBN 0078116988 (pbk.)
C91-0 / H789(10) / Hoover, Kenneth R., 1940 - .
The elements of social scientific thinking / Kenne
th Hoover, Todd Donovan. . -- 10th ed. . -- Boston,
MA : Wadsworth Cengage Learning, c2011.
ix, 198 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781439082423 : CNY326.00
C91-03 / E55(5) /
Empirical approaches to sociology : a collection o
f classic and contemporary readings / Gregg Lee Ca
rter. . -- 5th ed. . -- Boston : Allyn & Bacon, c2
xvi, 592 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780205628094 (alk. paper) : CNY610.00
ISBN 9780205628094 (alk. paper) : CNY610.00
ISBN 0205628095 (alk. paper)
C91-095 / С69 /
Социальная идентичность сре
дневекового человека / Отв.
ред. А.А. Сванидзе и др. . -- Мос
ква : Наука, 2007.
327 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020355491(h) :
C91-095 / О-28 /
Общественная мысль славянск
их народов в эпоху раннего с
редневековья / Отв. ред. Б.Н.
Флоря. . -- Москва : Рукописные
памятники Древней Руси, 2009.
320 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785955103006(h) :
C91-095.65 / S678 /
The social after Gabriel Tarde : debates and asses
sments / edited by Matei Candea. . -- London : Ro
utledge, 2010.
xv, 287 p. : 1 map ; 24 cm.
Published in association with the ESRC Centre for R
esearch on Socio-cultural Change. . -- Includes bib
liographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415543392 (hbk.) : CNY908.000
ISBN 9780415543392 (hbk.) : CNY908.000
ISBN 0415543398 (hbk.)
C912 / L728 / Lilja,Nina. .
Participatory research and gender analysis : new a
pproaches / Nina Lilja[...et al]. . -- London ;
New York : Routledge, 2010
208 p ; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415577687 : CNY855.00
ISBN 9780415577687 : CNY855.00
ISBN 0415577683
Ⅰ. Development in practice books
C912.11 / W554 / Wharton, Tim. .
Pragmatics and non-verbal communication / Tim Whar
ton. . -- Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge Un
iversity Press, 2009.
x, 219 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780521870979 (hardback) : CNY679.00
ISBN 9780521870979 (hardback) : CNY679.00
ISBN 0521870976 (hardback)
ISBN 9780521870979 (hardback) : CNY679.00
ISBN 0521870976 (hardback)
ISBN 9780521691444 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780521870979 (hardback) : CNY679.00
ISBN 0521870976 (hardback)
ISBN 9780521691444 (pbk.)
ISBN 0521691443 (pbk.)
C912.13 / S126 / Sadowski, Piotr, 1957 - .
From interaction to symbol : a systems view of the
evolution of signs and communication / Piotr Sado
wski. . -- Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjam
ins Pub. Co., c2009.
xxi, 300 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Systems theory : between philosophy and science, b
ut more science than philosophy -- Towards a system
s model of communication -- Needs as motivators of
behaviour -- From emotive vocalizations to bodily a
dornments : the origins of referentiality -- Photog
raphy, or the magic of iconic indexicality -- Photo
graphy plus movement, or even magic -- From mimicry
to metaphor : the origins of art -- The thrills of
visual realism -- Linguistic iconicity and the lim
its of arbitrariness -- The origins of language and
the advantages of arbitrariness -- Language and th
e symbolic compulsion.
ISBN 9789027243447 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027243447 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9027243441 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027243447 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9027243441 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027288905 (eb)
ISBN 9789027243447 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9027243441 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027288905 (eb)
ISBN 9027288909 (eb)
: CNY979.00
: CNY979.00
: CNY979.00
: CNY979.00
C912.2 / I19 /
Identity and participation in culturally diverse so
cieties : a multidisciplinary perspective / edite
d by Assaad E. Azzi ... [et al.]. -- Chichester,
West Sussex, UK ; Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2
xii, 383 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
ISBN 9781405199476 (hbk. : alk. paper) : CNY801.00
ISBN 9781405199476 (hbk. : alk. paper) : CNY801.00
ISBN 1405199474 (hbk. : alk. paper)
C912.3 / H926 / Humphreys, Tony. .
Relationship, relationship, relationship : The hea
rt of a mature society / Tony Humphreys, Helen Rud
dle. . -- Cork : Cork University Press, 2010.
180 p. ; 21 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781855942165 : CNY155.00
ISBN 9781855942165 : CNY155.00
ISBN 185594216X
C912.3 / D834 / Duck, Steve. .
Rethinking relationships / Steve Duck. . -- Los An
geles, Calif. ; London : SAGE, c2011.
x, 218 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781412958769 (pbk.) : CNY384.25
ISBN 9781412958769 (pbk.) : CNY384.25
ISBN 1412958768 (pbk.)
C912.3 / L783 / Liu, Shuang. .
Introducing intercultural communication : global c
ultures and contexts / Shuang Liu, Zala Volcic and
Cindy Gallois. . -- London : SAGE, 2011.
x, 318 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781848600355 (hbk.)
ISBN 9781848600355 (hbk.)
ISBN 1848600356 (hbk.)
ISBN 9781848600355 (hbk.)
ISBN 1848600356 (hbk.)
ISBN 9781848600362 (pbk.) CNY357.62
ISBN 9781848600355 (hbk.)
ISBN 1848600356 (hbk.)
ISBN 9781848600362 (pbk.) CNY357.62
ISBN 1848600364 (pbk.)
C912.4 / A628 /
Anthropology and politics : Visions, traditions, a
nd trends / Joan Vincent. . -- ArizonaUniversity o
f Arizona Press , 1994.
570 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780816515103 : CNY200.00
C912.4 / B723(2) / Bonvillain, Nancy. .
Cultural anthropology / Nancy Bonvillain. . -- 2nd
ed. . -- Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall,
xix, 508 p. : col. ill., col. maps ; 28 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -What is anthropology? -- The nature of culture -Studying culture -- Language and culture -- Learnin
g one's culture -- Making a living -- Economic sys
tems -- Kinship and descent -- Marriage and the fam
ily -- Gender -- Equality and inequality -- Politic
al systems -- Conflict and conflict resolution -- R
eligion -- The arts -- Colonialism and cultural tra
nsformations -- Living in a global world.
ISBN 9780205685097 (pbk.) : CNY916.00
ISBN 9780205685097 (pbk.) : CNY916.00
ISBN 0205685099 (pbk.)
C912.4 / M652(2) / Miller, Barbara D., 1948 - .
Cultural anthropology in a globalizing world / Bar
bara Miller. . -- 2nd ed. . -- Boston : Prentice H
all, c2010.
xxi, 337 p. : col. ill., col. maps ; 28 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780205776986 (pbk.) : CNY614.00
ISBN 9780205776986 (pbk.) : CNY614.00
ISBN 0205776981 (pbk.)
C912.81 / U72 / : 1
Urban regeneration and renewal / edited by Andrew
Tallon. . -- New York : Routledge, 2010.
522 p. ; 22 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415475068 (set, hardback) : CNY7317.00(4v
ISBN 9780415475068 (set, hardback) : CNY7317.00(4v
.)0415475068 (set, hardback)
ISBN 9780415475068 (set, hardback) : CNY7317.00(4v
.)0415475068 (set, hardback)
ISBN 9780415475075 (volume 1, hardback)
C912.81 / H985 / Hutton, T. A. (Thomas A.).
The new economy of the inner city : restructuring,
regeneration and dislocation in the 21st century m
etropolis. -- New York, NY : Routledge, 2010.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415569323 (pbk) : CNY254.00
ISBN 9780415569323 (pbk) : CNY254.00
ISBN 041556932X (pbk)
C912.81 / U72 / : 2
Urban regeneration and renewal : Critical concepts
in urban studies. 2, responses to urban change fro
m national governments / edited by Andrew Tallon.
. -- New York : Routledge, 2010.
806 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415475068 (set, hardback) : CNY7317.00
ISBN 9780415475068 (set, hardback) : CNY7317.00
ISBN 0415475068 (set, hardback)
ISBN 9780415475068 (set, hardback) : CNY7317.00
ISBN 0415475068 (set, hardback)
ISBN 9780415475082 (volume 2, hardback)
C912.81 / U72 / : 3
Urban regeneration and renewal : Critical concepts
in urban studies. 3, city responses to urban chang
e / edited by Andrew Tallon. . -- New York : Rout
ledge, 2010.
341 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415475068 (set, hardback) : CNY7317.00
ISBN 9780415475068 (set, hardback) : CNY7317.00
ISBN 0415475068 (set, hardback)
ISBN 9780415475068 (set, hardback) : CNY7317.00
ISBN 0415475068 (set, hardback)
ISBN 9780415475099 (volume 3, hardback)
C912.81 / U72 / : 4
Urban regeneration and renewal : critical concepts
in urban studies. 4, city reponses to urban change
/ edited by Andrew Tallon. . -- New York : Routl
edge, 2010.
508 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415475068 (set, hardback) : CNY7317.00
ISBN 9780415475068 (set, hardback) : CNY7317.00
ISBN 0415475068 (set, hardback)
ISBN 9780415475068 (set, hardback) : CNY7317.00
ISBN 0415475068 (set, hardback)
ISBN 9780415475105 (volume 4, hardback)
C913 / M152(4) / Macionis, John J. .
Social problems / John J. Macionis. . -- 4th ed. .
-- Boston : Prentice Hall, c2010.
xxxi, 520 p. : ill. (chiefly col.), col. maps ; 2
8 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
ISBN 0205749003 (alk. paper)
ISBN 0205749003 (alk. paper)
ISBN 9780205749003 (alk. paper) : CNY793.00
C913.6 / L793 / Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter. .
Population ageing and international development :
from generalisation to evidence / Peter Lloyd-Sher
lock. . -- Bristol : Policy, 2010.
xvi, 288 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . --
International development and population ageing -Experiencing later life in contexts of development
-- Older people, pensions and development -- Popul
ation ageing and health -- Later life and social re
lations: family, migration and care -- Ageing and d
evelopment in South Africa -- Ageing and developmen
t in Argentina -- Ageing and development in India - Conclusions and overview.
ISBN 9781847421937 (hbk.)
ISBN 9781847421937 (hbk.)
ISBN 1847421938 (hbk.)
ISBN 9781847421937 (hbk.)
ISBN 1847421938 (hbk.)
ISBN 184742192X (pbk.)
ISBN 9781847421937 (hbk.)
ISBN 1847421938 (hbk.)
ISBN 184742192X (pbk.)
ISBN 9781847421920 (pbk.) : CNY861.25
C913.68 / J14 / Jackson,Robert Max .
Destined for equality : the inevitable rise of wom
en's status / Robert Max Jackson. . -- Ambridge,P
ennsylvania : Harvard University Press, 2010
316 p. ; 23 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780674057289 : CNY153.00
ISBN 9780674057289 : CNY153.00
ISBN 0674057287
ISBN 9780674057289 : CNY153.00
ISBN 0674057287
ISBN 9780674055117
C913.68 / B987 / Butler, Susan Bulkeley. .
Women count : a guide to changing the world / Sus
an Bulkeley Butler ; with Bob Keefe. . -- West Lafa
yette, Ind. : Purdue University Press, c2010.
131 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 9781557535696 : CNY166.00
ISBN 9781557535696 : CNY166.00
ISBN 1557535698
C913.68 / G562 /
Global perspectives on gender and work : readings
and interpretations / edited by Jacqueline Goodman
. . -- Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Pub., c2010.
ix, 606 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780742556133 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742556133 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0742556131 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742556133 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0742556131 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742556140 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY846.45
ISBN 9780742556133 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0742556131 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742556140 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY846.45
ISBN 074255614X (pbk. : alk. paper)
C913.68 / A182 / Ackerly, Brooke A. .
Doing feminist research in political and social sci
ence / Brooke Ackerly and Jacqui True. . -- Basing
stoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
xiv, 303 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780230507760 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780230507760 (hbk.)
ISBN 023050776X (hbk.)
ISBN 9780230507760 (hbk.)
ISBN 023050776X (hbk.)
ISBN 9780230507777 (pbk.) : CNY243.00
ISBN 9780230507760 (hbk.)
ISBN 023050776X (hbk.)
ISBN 9780230507777 (pbk.) : CNY243.00
ISBN 0230507778 (pbk.)
R / C913.68-61 / E93 / : 1
Every woman's encyclopaedia. vol.1 / Edition Syna
pse. . -- London : Edition Synapse , 2009
816 p. ; 22 cm
ISBN 9784861661235 : CNY10628.00(8v.)
R / C913.68-61 / E93 / : 2
Every woman's encyclopaedia. vol.2 / Edition Syna
pse. . -- London : Edition Synapse , 2009
817-1536 p. ; 22 cm
ISBN 9784861661235 : CNY10628.00(8v.)
R / C913.68-61 / E93 / : 3
Every woman's encyclopaedia. vol.3 / Edition Syna
pse. . -- London : Edition Synapse , 2009
vii,1537-2256 p. ; 22 cm
ISBN 9784861661235 : CNY10628.00(8v.)
R / C913.68-61 / E93 / : 4
Every woman's encyclopaedia. vol.4 / Edition Syna
pse. . -- London : Edition Synapse , 2009
vii,2258-2976 p. ; 22 cm
ISBN 9784861661235 : CNY10628.00(8v.)
R / C913.68-61 / E93 / : 5
Every woman's encyclopaedia. vol.5 / Edition Syna
pse. . -- London : Edition Synapse , 2009
vii,2978-3696 p. ; 22 cm
ISBN 9784861661235 : CNY10628.00(8v.)
R / C913.68-61 / E93 / : 6
Every woman's encyclopaedia. vol.6 / Edition Syna
pse. . -- London : Edition Synapse , 2009
3697-4416 p. ; 22 cm
ISBN 9784861661235 : CNY10628.00(8v.)
R / C913.68-61 / E93 / : 7
Every woman's encyclopaedia. vol.7 / Edition Syna
pse. . -- London : Edition Synapse , 2009
vii,4418-5136 p. ; 22 cm
ISBN 9784861661235 : CNY10628.00(8v.)
R / C913.68-61 / E93 / : 8
Every woman's encyclopaedia. vol.8 / Edition Syna
pse. . -- London : Edition Synapse , 2009
vii,5137-5856 p. ; 22 cm
ISBN 9784861661235 : CNY10628.00(8v.)
C913.7 / D584 / Dinham, Adam. .
Faiths, public policy and civil society : Problems
, policies, controversies / Adam Dinham. . -- Basi
ngstoke [England] ; New York : Palgrave Macmill
an, 2009.
xiv, 232 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 213-221) an
d index.
ISBN 9780230573307 (hbk.) : CNY577.00
ISBN 9780230573307 (hbk.) : CNY577.00
ISBN 0230573304
C916 / S678 /
Social work research and evaluation : foundations
of evidence-based practice / edited by Richard M.
Grinnell, Jr. and Yvonne A. Unrau. . -- 9th ed. . - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 20
xxiv, 616 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780199734764 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY701.0
ISBN 9780199734764 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY701.0
ISBN 0199734763 (cloth : alk. paper)
C916 / K94(2) / Krysik, Judy. .
Research for effective social work practice / Judy
L. Krysik, Jerry Finn. . -- 2nd ed. . -- New York,
NY : Routledge, 2010.
xxv, 394, 8, 26 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -The context of social work research -- The politic
s and ethics of social work research -- The researc
h process : from problems to research questions -Single subject research -- Qualitative research -Group research design -- Sampling -- Measurement -Implementation : from data collection to data entr
y -- Describing quantitative data -- Bivariate stat
istics and statistical inference -- Evaluation of s
ocial work services -- Writing and presenting resea
ISBN 9780415805056 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415805056 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415805063 (pbk.) : CNY694.00
ISBN 9780415805056 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415805063 (pbk.) : CNY694.00
ISBN 9780203859704 (e-book)
ISBN 9780415805056 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415805063 (pbk.) : CNY694.00
ISBN 9780203859704 (e-book)
ISBN 0415805058 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415805056 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415805063 (pbk.) : CNY694.00
ISBN 9780203859704 (e-book)
ISBN 0415805058 (hardback)
ISBN 0415805066 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780415805056 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415805063 (pbk.) : CNY694.00
ISBN 9780203859704 (e-book)
ISBN 0415805058 (hardback)
ISBN 0415805066 (pbk.)
ISBN 0203859707 (e-book)
C916 / M643(6) / Miley, Karla Krogsrud, 1942 - .
Generalist social work practice : an empowering ap
proach / Karla Krogsrud Miley, Michael O'Melia, B
renda DuBois. . -- Updated 6th ed. . -- Boston : A
llyn & Bacon, c2011.
xx, 507 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. .
-- Generalist social work practice -- Human system
perspectives -- Values and multicultural competence
-- Strengths and empowerment -- An empowering appr
oach to generalist practice -- Forming partnerships
-- Articulating situations -- Defining directions
-- Identifying strengths -- Assessing resource capa
bilities -- Framing solutions -- Activating resourc
es -- Creating alliances -- Expanding opportunities
-- Recognizing success -- Integrating gains.
ISBN 9780205789818 : CNY735.00
ISBN 9780205789818 : CNY735.00
ISBN 0205789811
C916 / H323 / Harrison, Gai, 1962 - .
Rethinking social work in a global world / Gai Har
rison, Rose Melville. . -- New York : Palgrave Mac
millan, 2010.
xiii,195 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Machine generated contents note: Introduction * Po
stcolonialism * Global Economics, global poverty an
d social work * People movement and mass migration
* Women and globalization * Health and globalizatio
n * ITC * -- Sustainable development and the enviro
nment * Human rights, discourses, United Nations an
d social work * Conclusion.
ISBN 9780230201354 (pbk.) : CNY243.00
C916.2 / R896(7) / Rubin, Allen. .
Research methods for social work / Allen Rubin, Ea
rl R. Babbie. . -- 7th ed. . -- Belmont, CA : Broo
ks/Cole, c2011.
xvii, 653 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 631-642) an
d index.
ISBN 9780495811718 (hbk.) : CNY971.00
ISBN 9780495811718 (hbk.) : CNY971.00
ISBN 0495811718
C924.1 / K16 / Kantner, John Frederick, 1920 - .
International discord on population and development
/ by John F. Kantner, Andrew Kantner. . -- Basing
stoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
xii, 257 p. ; 21 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [225]-248
) and index.
ISBN 9780230621138 (pbk.) : CNY212.00
ISBN 9780230621138 (pbk.) : CNY212.00
ISBN 0230621139 (pbk.)
C924.512 / В31 / Вербицкая, О.М. .
Российская сельская семья в
1897-1959 гг. : (историко-демогра
фический аспект) / Вербицкая
, О.М. . -- Москва и др. : Гриф и К
, 2009.
296 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785812512392(h) :
C93 / S857(9) / Stillman, Richard Joseph, 1943 - .
Public administration : Concepts and cases / Rich
ard Stillman. . -- 9th ed., International ed. . -Belmont, CA : Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2009.
xxiv, 507 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
ISBN 9780618993017 : CNY685.00
C93 / S243 / Sarangi, Prasant. .
Innovations in management science
/ Prasant Sarang
i[...et al],Durga Madhab Mahapatra,Saroj Kumar Da
sh.et al. . -- India : Global Research Publication
305 p. 24 cm
ISBN 9788189630072 : CNY602.33
ISBN 9788189630072 : CNY602.33
ISBN 8189630075
C93 / M478 / McNabb, David E. .
Case research in public management / David E. McNa
bb. . -- Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, c2010.
xxi, 314 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 285-301) an
d index.
ISBN 9780765623362 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY268.0
ISBN 9780765623362 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY268.0
ISBN 0765623366 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780765623362 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY268.0
ISBN 0765623366 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0765623374
ISBN 9780765623362 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY268.0
ISBN 0765623366 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0765623374
ISBN 9780765623379
C93 / R497(2) / Rice, Mitchell F. .
Diversity and Public Administration : Theory, issu
es, and perspectives / Mitchell F. Rice. . -- 2nd.
ed. . -- New York : M.E.Sharpe, 2010.
vi, 322 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780765626332 : CNY288.00
ISBN 9780765626332 : CNY288.00
ISBN 0765626330
C936 / O68 /
Organizing in the face of risk and threat / editor
, Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges. . -- Cheltenham : E
dward Elgar, 2010.
v,177 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Originally published: 2009. . -- Includes bibliogra
phical references and index.
ISBN 9781848447998 (pbk.) : CNY264.34
ISBN 9781848447998 (pbk.) : CNY264.34
ISBN 184844799X (pbk.)
C95-05 / С30 / Семенов,В.М. .
Власть в этноисторическом п
ространстве России / Семено
в,В.М. . -- Москва : ИФ РАН, 2006.
117 с. ; 17 cm.
ISBN 5954000670CNY41.70
ISBN 5954000670CNY41.70
ISBN 9785954000672
C955 / G742 / Graham, Kevin M., 1968 - .
Beyond redistribution : White supremacy and racial
justice / Kevin M. Graham. . -- Lanham, Md. : Le
xington Books, c2010.
xv, 115 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Racism or White supremacy? Understanding race-rela
ted injustice -- Police violence and the White supr
emacist state -- The political significance of soci
al identity -- Autonomy, individualism, and social
justice -- Distributive justice and the injustice o
f hate speech -- After the buses stop running: dist
ributive justice or dialogue?
ISBN 9780739130964 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY470.25
ISBN 9780739130964 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY470.25
ISBN 073913096X (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739130964 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY470.25
ISBN 073913096X (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739130988 (electronic)
ISBN 9780739130964 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY470.25
ISBN 073913096X (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739130988 (electronic)
ISBN 0739130986 (electronic)
D0 / F529 / Fischer, Frank. .
Democracy and expertise : reorienting policy inqui
ry / Prof Frank Fischer. . -- Oxford ; New York,
NY : Oxford University Press, 2009.
x, 339 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 301-327) an
d index.
ISBN 9780199282838 (hardback)
ISBN 9780199282838 (hardback)
ISBN 0199282838 (hardback)
ISBN 9780199282838 (hardback)
ISBN 0199282838 (hardback)
ISBN 9780199565245 (pbk.) : CNY213.00
ISBN 9780199282838 (hardback)
ISBN 0199282838 (hardback)
ISBN 9780199565245 (pbk.) : CNY213.00
ISBN 0199565244 (pbk.)
D0 / P769 / : 1
Political and civic leadership : a reference handb
ook / Richard A. Couto, editor. . -- Los Angeles
: SAGE Reference, c2010.
xxxviii, 540 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781412962636 (set : cloth) : CNY2186.25
ISBN 9781412962636 (set : cloth) : CNY2186.25
ISBN 1412962633 (set : cloth)
D0 / L732(2) / Lim, Timothy C., 1960 - .
Doing comparative politics : An introduction to ap
proaches and issues / Timothy C. Lim. . -- 2nd ed.
. -- Boulder, Colo. : Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2
xi, 369 p. : ill., maps ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781588267443 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY184.00
ISBN 9781588267443 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY184.00
ISBN 158826744X (pbk. : alk. paper)
D0 / P769 / : 2
Political and civic leadership : a reference handb
ook / edited by Richard A. Couto. . -- Thousand Oa
ks, Calif. ; London : SAGE Publications, c2010.
584 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781412962636 (hbk. : set) : CNY2186.25
D0 / Ф80 /
Форум-2009 : Цивилизационные и
национальные проблемы / Гл.
ред. Т. Тимофеев. -- Москва : И
НИОН РАН, 2009.
298 с. ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9785248005093
D02 / G914 / Guardiola-Rivera, Oscar. .
Being against the world : rebellion and constituti
on / by Oscar Guardiola-Rivera. . -- London : Bir
kbeck Law, c2009.
xii, 290 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415459457 (hbk.) : CNY342.00
ISBN 9780415459457 (hbk.) : CNY342.00
ISBN 0415459451 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415459457 (hbk.) : CNY342.00
ISBN 0415459451 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415459464 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780415459457 (hbk.) : CNY342.00
ISBN 0415459451 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415459464 (pbk.)
ISBN 041545946X (pbk.)
ISBN 9780415459457 (hbk.) : CNY342.00
ISBN 0415459451 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415459464 (pbk.)
ISBN 041545946X (pbk.)
ISBN 9780203930762 (ebk.)
ISBN 9780415459457 (hbk.) : CNY342.00
ISBN 0415459451 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415459464 (pbk.)
ISBN 041545946X (pbk.)
ISBN 9780203930762 (ebk.)
ISBN 0203930762 (ebk.)
D03 / O58 /
On the way to statehood : secession and globalizat
ion / edited by Aleksandar Pavkovi 鈉, Peter Radan.
. -- Aldershot ; Burlington, Vt. : Ashgate, c200
177 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780754673798 (hbk.) : CNY576.00
D03 / P147 / Paine, S.C.M. .
Nation building, state building, and economic devel
opment : Case studies and comparisons / S.C.M. Pa
ine. . -- London : M.E.Sharpe, 2010.
xiv, 330 p. ; 22 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780765622457 : CNY235.00
ISBN 9780765622457 : CNY235.00
ISBN 0765622459
D033.3 / B751 / Bottomore, Tom. .
Theories of modern capitalism / Tom Bottomore. -New York : Routledge, 1985
97 p. ; cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415578943 : CNY583.00
D035 / K81 / Koliba, Christopher. .
Governance networks in public administration and pu
blic policy / Christopher Koliba, Jack W. Meek, As
im Zia. . -- Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, c2011.
xxxvi, 349 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781420071269 : CNY681.00
ISBN 9781420071269 : CNY681.00
ISBN 1420071262
D068 / W589 / White, Craig M., 1956 - .
Iraq : the moral reckoning : applying just war the
ory to the 2003 war decision / Craig M. White. . - Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, c2010.
x, 295 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -pt. 1. Introducing just war theory --An old theory
, today's and tomorrow's wars -- How to apply the
criteria, and who should do it -- pt. 2. Applying
the criteria -- Sovereign authority -- Just cause I
: an armed, reckless regime that harbored terroris
ts -- Just cause II : preemption, UN resolutions, a
nd a new Iraq -- Just cause III : the legal case -Right intention/the aim of peace -- Proportionalit
y of ends -- Last resort -- Reasonable chance of su
ccess -- Replies to neo-conservative objections -pt. 3. Conclusion -- Was it just? : evaluation and
ISBN 9780739138939 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739138939 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0739138936 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739138939 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0739138936 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739138946 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY256.07
ISBN 9780739138939 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0739138936 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739138946 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY256.07
ISBN 0739138944 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739138939 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0739138936 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739138946 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY256.07
ISBN 0739138944 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739138953 (electronic)
ISBN 9780739138939 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0739138936 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739138946 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY256.07
ISBN 0739138944 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739138953 (electronic)
ISBN 0739138952 (electronic)
D08 / K73 /
Knowledge democracy : Consequences for science, po
litics, and media / [edited by] Roeland J. in '
t Veld. . -- New York : Springer, 2010.
xvi, 397 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9783642113802 (hard cover : alk. paper) : CNY
D081 / И26 / Игнаткин, О. Б. .
Равенство в свободе : Принци
пы политической философии Р
ональда Дворкина / Игнаткин
, О. Б. . -- Москва : РГГУ, 2008.
203 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785728109792CNY136.90
D081 / H758 / Holtug, Nils, 1964 - .
Persons, interests, and justice / Nils Holtug. . - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 20
x, 356 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [341]-352
) and index. . -- Introduction -- Prudence. Self-in
terest ; Personal identity ; What matters ; On the
value of coming into existence -- Justice. Welfaris
m ; Egalitarianism ; Prioritarianism ; Population e
thics ; Metaphysics and justice.
ISBN 9780199580170(hbk.) : CNY639.92
ISBN 9780199580170(hbk.) : CNY639.92
ISBN 0199580170(hbk.)
D081 / S883 / Stopford, John, 1953 - .
The skillful self : liberalism, culture, and the p
olitics of skill / John Stopford. . -- Lanham : L
exington Books, c2009.
xv, 235 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 203-224) an
d index.
ISBN 9780739123348(cloth : alk. paper) : CNY641.25
ISBN 9780739123348(cloth : alk. paper) : CNY641.25
ISBN 0739123343(cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739123348(cloth : alk. paper) : CNY641.25
ISBN 0739123343(cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739135082(e-book)
ISBN 9780739123348(cloth : alk. paper) : CNY641.25
ISBN 0739123343(cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739135082(e-book)
ISBN 0739135082(e-book)
D082 / N975 / Nussbaum, Martha Craven, 1947 - .
Not for profit : why democracy needs the humanitie
s / Martha C. Nussbaum. . -- Princeton, N.J. : Pr
inceton University Press, c2010.
xv, 158 p. ; 21 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -The silent crisis -- Education for profit, educati
on for democracy -- Educating citizens : the moral
(and anti-moral) emotions -- Socratic pedagogy : th
e importance of argument -- Citizens of the world -
- Cultivating imagination : literature and the arts
-- Democratic education on the ropes.
ISBN 9780691140643 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY1
ISBN 9780691140643 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY1
ISBN 0691140642 (hardcover : alk. paper)
D082 / G798(9) / Greenberg, Edward S., 1942 - .
The struggle for democracy / Edward S. Greenberg,
Benjamin I. Page. . -- 9th ed. . -- New York : Lon
gman, c2009.
xxiv, 610, [84] p. : ill. (chiefly col.), maps (
chiefly col.) ; 28 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. E1-E28) and
index. . -- Introduction: main themes -- Democracy
and American politics -- Structure -- The constitu
tion -- Federalism: states and nation -- The struct
ural foundations of American government and politic
s -- Political linkage -- Public opinion -- The new
s media -- Interest groups and business corporation
s -- Social movements -- Political parties -- Votin
g, campaigns, and elections -- Government and gover
ning -- Congress -- The presidency -- The executive
branch -- The courts -- What government does -- Ci
vil liberties: the struggle for freedom -- Civil ri
ghts: the struggle for political equality -- The bu
dget and economic policies -- Social safety nets -Foreign policy and national defense.
ISBN 9780205648467 : CNY807.00
ISBN 9780205648467 : CNY807.00
ISBN 9780205648474
ISBN 9780205648467 : CNY807.00
ISBN 9780205648474
ISBN 0205648479
D082 / F596 / Fleiner-Gerster, Thomas, 1938 - .
Constitutional democracy in a multicultural and glo
balised world / by Thomas Fleiner, Lidija R. Basta
Fleiner. . -- Berlin ; London : Springer, 2008.
xxvi, 670 p. : maps ; 24 cm.
"English translation from the German 3rd revised e
dition 'Allgemeine Staatslehre' by Katy Le Roy."
--T.p. . -- Includes bibliographical references and
ISBN 9783540764113 (hbk. : alk. paper) : CNY935.00
ISBN 9783540764113 (hbk. : alk. paper) : CNY935.00
ISBN 3540764119 (hbk. : alk. paper)
D082 / K99 / Kymlicka, Will. .
Multicultural odysseys : navigating the new intern
ational politics of diversity / Will Kymlicka. . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007.
ix, 374 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 317-352) an
d index. . -- Part I. The (re-)internationalization
of state-minority relations: 1. The Introduction - 2. The shifting international context : from post
-war universal human rights to post-cold war minori
ty rights -- Part II. Making sense of liberal multi
culturalism: 3. The forms of liberal multiculturali
sm -- 4. The origins of liberal multiculturalism :
sources and preconditions -- 5. Evaluating liberal
multiculturalism in practice -- Part III. Paradoxes
in the global diffusion of liberal multiculturalis
m: 6. The European experiment -- T7. he global chal
lenge -- 8. Conclusion : The way forward?
ISBN 9780199280407 (hbk. : alk. paper) : CNY185.24
ISBN 9780199280407 (hbk. : alk. paper) : CNY185.24
ISBN 9780199562558 (pbk.)
D082 / S271 / Saward, Michael, 1960 - .
The representative claim / Michael Saward. . -- Ox
ford : Oxford University Press, 2010.
x, 206 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780199579389 (hbk.) : CNY639.92
ISBN 9780199579389 (hbk.) : CNY639.92
ISBN 0199579385 (hbk.)
D082 / О-66 / Орлов, Б.С. .
Социал-демократия в 21 веке :
Проблемы, поиски, перспекти
вы / Орлов, Б.С. . -- Москва : ИН
ИОН РАН, 2009.
90 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785248005000
D351.23 / Ц75 / : 2
ЦК ВКП(б) и национальный вопр
ос : Книга 2. 1933 - 1945 гг. / Сост.
Гатагова, Л.П. и др. . -- Москва
: РОССПЭН, 2009.
1095 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785824311112(h) : CNY357.80
Ⅰ. Документы советской истор
D445.12 / С75 / Стайтс, Р. .
Женское освободительное дви
жение в России : Феминизм,ни
гилизм и большевизм 1860-1930 / С
тайтс, Р. . -- Москва : РОССПЭН,
616 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 5824303878(h) : CNY210.80
D5 / K26(3) / Kegley, Charles W. .
The global future : A brief introduction to world
politics / Charles W. Kegley, Jr., Gregory A. Raym
ond. . -- 3rd ed. . -- Boston : Wadsworth/Cengage
Learning, c2010.
xxii, 453 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 418-438) an
d index.
ISBN 9780495569275 : CNY652.00
ISBN 9780495569275 : CNY652.00
ISBN 0495569275
D5 / V575(2) / Veseth, Michael. .
Globaloney 2.0 : the crash of 2008 and the future
of globalization / Michael Veseth. . -- 2nd ed. .
-- Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield, c2010.
vii, 230 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780742567450 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY427.5
ISBN 9780742567450 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY427.5
ISBN 0742567451 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742567450 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY427.5
ISBN 0742567451 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742567467 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742567450 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY427.5
ISBN 0742567451 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742567467 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 074256746X (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742567450 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY427.5
ISBN 0742567451 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742567467 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 074256746X (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742567474
ISBN 9780742567450 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY427.5
ISBN 0742567451 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742567467 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 074256746X (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742567474
ISBN 0742567478
D5 / R666 / Robinson,William I. .
Latin America and global capitalism : a critical g
lobalization perspective / William I. Robinson. .
-- Baltimore ,Maryland : Johns Hopkins University
Press, 2010
412 p ; 22 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780801898341 : CNY299.25
ISBN 9780801898341 : CNY299.25
ISBN 080189834X
Ⅰ. Johns Hopkins studies in globalization
D5 / О-66 / Орлов,Б.С. .
Социал-демократия в XXI веке
: Проблемы, поиски, перспект
ивы: Аналитический обзор / О
рлов,Б.С. . -- Москва : ИНИОН РА
Н, 2009.
90 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785248005000CNY49.60
D50 / G562 /
Global democracy and its difficulties
/ edited by
Anthony J. Langlois and Karol Edward So 釴 tan. . -London : Routledge, 2009.
xviii, 204 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415776523 (hbk.) : CNY801.00
ISBN 9780415776523 (hbk.) : CNY801.00
ISBN 041577652X (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415776523 (hbk.) : CNY801.00
ISBN 041577652X (hbk.)
ISBN 9780203893647 (ebk.)
ISBN 9780415776523 (hbk.) : CNY801.00
ISBN 041577652X (hbk.)
ISBN 9780203893647 (ebk.)
ISBN 0203893646 (ebk.)
D50 / H624 / Hibbard, Scott W., 1962 - .
Religious politics and secular states : Egypt, Ind
ia and the United States / Scott W. Hibbard. . -Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2
xvi, 306 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780801896699 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY5
ISBN 9780801896699 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY5
ISBN 080189669X (hardcover)
D50 / I86 /
Issues in 21st century world politics / edited by
Mark Beeson and Nick Bisley. . -- Basingstoke : Pa
lgrave Macmillan, c2010.
viii, 302 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780230594517 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780230594517 (hbk.)
ISBN 0230594514 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780230594517 (hbk.)
ISBN 0230594514 (hbk.)
ISBN 0230594522 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780230594517 (hbk.)
ISBN 0230594514 (hbk.)
ISBN 0230594522 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780230594524 (pbk.) : CNY254.00
D501 / H773 / Honig, Bonnie. .
Emergency politics : paradox, law, democracy / Bo
nnie Honig. . -- Princeton ; Oxford : Princeton U
niversity Press, c2009.
xviii, 197 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780691142982 (hbk.) : CNY183.00
D501 / S664 / Smith,B. C. .
Understanding third world politics : theories of p
olitical change and development / B. C. Smith. . - 3rd ed. -- London : Macmillan, 2009
296 p. ; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780230223578 : CNY688.00
ISBN 9780230223578 : CNY688.00
ISBN 0230223575
D502 / E89 /
European and North American policy change : driver
s and dynamics / edited by Giliberto Capano and Mi
chael Howlett. . -- Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ;
New York : Routledge, 2009.
xix, 243 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415485289 (hbk.) : CNY748.00
ISBN 9780415485289 (hbk.) : CNY748.00
ISBN 0415485282 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415485289 (hbk.) : CNY748.00
ISBN 0415485282 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780203875810 (ebook)
ISBN 9780415485289 (hbk.) : CNY748.00
ISBN 0415485282 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780203875810 (ebook)
ISBN 0203875818 (ebook)
D51 / C932 /
Crisis of the state : war and social upheaval / e
dited by Bruce Kapferer and Bjon Enge Bertelsen. .
-- New York : Berghahn Books, 2009.
viii, 330 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Introduction: the crisis of power and reformations
of the state in globalizing realities / Bruce Kapf
erer and Bjon Enge Bertelsen -- The military-indust
rial complex and the crisis of U.S. capital / June
Nash -- Post-Soviet formation of the Russian state
and the war in Chechnya: exploring the chaotic form
of sovereignty / Jakob Rigi -- Market forces, poli
tical violence, and war: the end of nation-states,
the rise of ethnic and global sovereignties? / Caro
line Ifeka -- Rebel ravages in Bundibugyo, Uganda'
s forgotten district / Kirsten Alnaes -- Fear of th
e midnight knock: state sovereignty and internal en
emies in Uganda / Sverker Finnstrom -- The shepherd
's staff and the AK-47: pastoralism and handguns i
n Karamoja, Uganda / Frode Storaas -- The sovereign
as savage: the pathos of ethno-nationalist passion
/ Christopher Taylor -- The paramilitary function
of transparency: Guatemala and Colombia / Staffan L
ofving -- Sorcery and death squads: transformations
of state, sovereignty, and violence in postcolonia
l Mozambique / Bjon Enge Bertelsen -- Collective vi
olence and counter-state building: Algeria 1954-62
/ Rasmus Alenius Boserup -- Malignant organisms: co
ntinuities of state-run violence in rural Liberia /
Mats Utas -- Israel's wall and the logic of encys
tation: sovereign exception or wild sovereignty? /
Glenn Bowman.
ISBN 9781845455835 (alk. paper) : CNY577.00
ISBN 9781845455835 (alk. paper) : CNY577.00
ISBN 1845455835 (alk. paper)
D52 / O65 /
Order, conflict, and violence / edited by Stathis
N. Kalyvas, Ian Shapiro, and Tarek Masoud. . -- Cam
bridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Pres
s, 2008.
xiii, 436 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780521897686 (hardback) : CNY246.00
ISBN 9780521897686 (hardback) : CNY246.00
ISBN 0521897688 (hardback)
ISBN 9780521897686 (hardback) : CNY246.00
ISBN 0521897688 (hardback)
ISBN 9780521722391 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780521897686 (hardback) : CNY246.00
ISBN 0521897688 (hardback)
ISBN 9780521722391 (pbk.)
ISBN 052172239X (pbk.)
D521 / C276 / Carey, Sabine C., 1974 - .
Protest, repression and political regimes : an emp
irical analysis of Latin America and Sub-Saharan Af
rica / Sabine C. Carey. . -- London ; New York :
: Routledge, 2009.
ix, 138 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [125]-132
) and index.
ISBN 9780415424844 (hardback) : CNY801.00
ISBN 9780415424844 (hardback) : CNY801.00
ISBN 0415424844 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415424844 (hardback) : CNY801.00
ISBN 0415424844 (hardback)
ISBN 9780203884980 (ebook)
ISBN 9780415424844 (hardback) : CNY801.00
ISBN 0415424844 (hardback)
ISBN 9780203884980 (ebook)
ISBN 0203884981 (ebook)
Ⅰ. Security and governance series.
D523.3 / P766 /
Policing developing democracies / edited by Merced
es S. Hinton, Tim Newburn. . -- London ; New York
: Routledge, 2009.
xi, 314 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415428484 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415428484 (hbk.)
ISBN 0415428483 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415428484 (hbk.)
ISBN 0415428483 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415428491 (pbk.) : CNY320.00
ISBN 9780415428484 (hbk.)
ISBN 0415428483 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415428491 (pbk.) : CNY320.00
ISBN 0415428491 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780415428484 (hbk.)
ISBN 0415428483 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415428491 (pbk.) : CNY320.00
ISBN 0415428491 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780203926932 (ebook)
ISBN 9780415428484 (hbk.)
ISBN 0415428483 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415428491 (pbk.) : CNY320.00
ISBN 0415428491 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780203926932 (ebook)
ISBN 0203926935 (ebook)
D523.4 / G721 /
Governments, NGOs and anti-corruption : the new in
tegrity warriors / edited by Luis de Sousa, Peter
Larmour and Barry Hindess. . -- New York, NY : Rou
tledge, 2009.
241 p. : 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [215]-235
) and index.
ISBN 9780415466950 (hardback) : CNY748.00
ISBN 9780415466950 (hardback) : CNY748.00
ISBN 9780203891971 (ebook)
ISBN 9780415466950 (hardback) : CNY748.00
ISBN 9780203891971 (ebook)
ISBN 0415466954 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415466950 (hardback) : CNY748.00
ISBN 9780203891971 (ebook)
ISBN 0415466954 (hardback)
ISBN 020389197X (ebook)
Ⅰ. Routledge/ECPR studies in European political sc
ience ;, 55.
D523.4 / G721 /
Government of the shadows : parapolitics and crimi
nal sovereignity / edited by Eric Wilson. . -- Lon
don ; New York : Pluto Press, 2009.
viii, 290 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780745326238 : CNY210.00
ISBN 9780745326238 : CNY210.00
ISBN 0745326234
D564 / P769 /
Political parties and partisanship : social identi
ty and individual attitudes / edited by John Bartl
e and Paolo Bellucci. . -- London ; New York : Ro
utledge, 2009.
xx, 233 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [205]-226
) and index.
ISBN 9780415460965 : CNY735.00
ISBN 9780415460965 : CNY735.00
ISBN 0415460964
ISBN 9780415460965 : CNY735.00
ISBN 0415460964
ISBN 9780203884454 (ebook)
ISBN 9780415460965 : CNY735.00
ISBN 0415460964
ISBN 9780203884454 (ebook)
ISBN 0203884450 (ebook)
Ⅰ. Routledge/ECPR studies in European political sc
ience ;, 57.
D59 / О-23 /
Образы власти на Западе, в Ви
зантии на Руси : Средние век
а. Новое время / Под ред. М.А.
Бойцова и др. . -- Москва : Наук
а, 2008.
443 с. ; илл., 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020355538(h) :
D6 / К45 /
Китайская Народная Республи
ка : политика, экономика, ку
льтура. К 60-летию КНР / Ред. к
ол.:Асланов, Р.М. и др. . -- Моск
ва : ФОРУМ, 2009.
592 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785819904176(h)
D61 / М53 / Аллаберт,А.В. .
Место конфуцианства в модер
низации Китая (конец XX-начал
о XXI века) / А.В.Аллаберт;Отв.
ред. Л.С. Переломов. -- Москва
: Институт Дальнего Востока
РАН, 2008.
228 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785838101389
D61 / Т67 /
30 лет реформ в КНР : опыт, про
блемы, уроки / Отв. сек. С.А. Г
орбунова. Ч.2. -- Москва : ИДВ Р
АН, 2008.
186 с. ; 21 cm.
D61 / Г19 / Ганшин,В.Г. .
Китай: искушение либерализм
ом / Ганшин,В.Г. . -- Москва : ИД
В РАН, 2009.
224 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785838101631
D669 / Ш59 / Шилов, А.П. .
Конец древности : О духовном
кризисе современного китай
ского общества и поиске новы
х ценностей / Шилов, А.П. . -- М
осква : Институт Дальнего Во
стока РАН, 2009.
236 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785838101600
D733.822 / G562 /
Globalization & national autonomy : the experience
of Malaysia / edited by Joan M. Nelson, Jacob Mee
rman & Abdul Rahman Embong. . -- Singapore : Insti
tute of Southeast Asian Studies ; Bangi, Selangor
Darul Ehsan, Malaysia : Institute of Malaysian & I
nternational Studies, 2008.
xx, 353 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Developmentalist state in Malaysia / Abdul Rahman
Embong -- The Look East Policy, the Asian crisis, a
nd state autonomy / Lee Poh Ping -- The Malaysian s
uccess story, the public sector, and inter-ethnic i
nequality / Jacob Meerman -- Poverty eradication, d
evelopment, and policy space in Malaysia / Ragayah
Haji Mat Zin -- Trade liberalization and national a
utonomy, Malaysia's experience at the multilateral
and bilateral levels / Tham Siew Yean -- Malaysia'
s education policies / Joan M. Nelson -- Malaysia'
s healthcare sector / Joan M. Nelson -- Globalizati
on, Islamic resurgence, and state autonomy, the res
ponse of the Malaysian state to Islamic globalizati
on / Norani Othman -- The national culture policy a
nd contestation over Malaysian identity / Sumit K.
ISBN 9789812308160(pbk.) : CNY233.00
ISBN 9789812308160(pbk.) : CNY233.00
ISBN 9812308164(pbk.)
ISBN 9789812308160(pbk.) : CNY233.00
ISBN 9812308164(pbk.)
ISBN 9789812308177(hard)
ISBN 9789812308160(pbk.) : CNY233.00
ISBN 9812308164(pbk.)
ISBN 9789812308177(hard)
ISBN 9812308172(hard)
ISBN 9789812308160(pbk.) : CNY233.00
ISBN 9812308164(pbk.)
ISBN 9789812308177(hard)
ISBN 9812308172(hard)
ISBN 9789812308184(pdf.)
ISBN 9789812308160(pbk.) : CNY233.00
ISBN 9812308164(pbk.)
ISBN 9789812308177(hard)
ISBN 9812308172(hard)
ISBN 9789812308184(pdf.)
ISBN 9812308180(pdf.)
D734.1 / L811 /
Localizing and transnationalizing contentious polit
ics : global civil society movements in the Philip
pines / [edited by] Teresa S. Encarnacion Tadem.
. -- Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, c2009.
xx, 294 p. ; 24 cm.
"Published in partnership with United Nations Rese
arch Institute for Social Development (UNRISD).".
-- Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780739133064(cloth : alk. paper) : CNY726.75
ISBN 9780739133064(cloth : alk. paper) : CNY726.75
ISBN 0739133063(cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739133064(cloth : alk. paper) : CNY726.75
ISBN 0739133063(cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739133071(pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739133064(cloth : alk. paper) : CNY726.75
ISBN 0739133063(cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739133071(pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 0739133071(pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739133064(cloth : alk. paper) : CNY726.75
ISBN 0739133063(cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739133071(pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 0739133071(pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739133088(electronic)
ISBN 9780739133064(cloth : alk. paper) : CNY726.75
ISBN 0739133063(cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739133071(pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 0739133071(pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739133088(electronic)
ISBN 073913308x(electronic)
D734.263 / P719 / Platzdasch, Bernhard. .
Islamism in Indonesia : politics in the emerging d
emocracy / Bernhard Platzdasch. . -- Singapore :
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, c2009.
xxxvii, 411 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 361-396) an
d index.
ISBN 9789814279093 : CNY400.00
ISBN 9789814279093 : CNY400.00
ISBN 9814279099
ISBN 9789814279093 : CNY400.00
ISBN 9814279099
ISBN 9789814279086(pbk.)
ISBN 9789814279093 : CNY400.00
ISBN 9814279099
ISBN 9789814279086(pbk.)
ISBN 9814279080(pbk.)
ISBN 9789814279093 : CNY400.00
ISBN 9814279099
ISBN 9789814279086(pbk.)
ISBN 9814279080(pbk.)
ISBN 9789814279109(pdf)
ISBN 9789814279093 : CNY400.00
ISBN 9814279099
ISBN 9789814279086(pbk.)
ISBN 9814279080(pbk.)
ISBN 9789814279109(pdf)
ISBN 9814279102(pdf)
D737 / E61 / Entessar, Nader. .
Kurdish politics in the Middle East / Nader Entess
ar. . -- Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, c2010.
x, 265 p. ; 24 cm.
Rev. ed. of: Kurdish ethnonationalism / Nader Entes
sar. Boulder : Lynn Rienner Publishers, 1992. . -Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780739140390 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY641.2
ISBN 9780739140390 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY641.2
ISBN 0739140396 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739140390 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY641.2
ISBN 0739140396 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739140413 (electronic)
ISBN 9780739140390 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY641.2
ISBN 0739140396 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739140413 (electronic)
ISBN 0739140418 (electronic)
D737.29 / B249 / Barfield, Thomas J. (Thomas Jeffer
soAfghanistan : a cultural and political history /
Thomas Barfield. . -- Princeton, NJ : Princeton Un
iversity Press, c2010.
xi, 389 p. : maps ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -People and places -- Conquering and ruling pre-mod
ern Afghanistan -- Anglo-Afghan Wars and state buil
ding in Afghanistan -- Afghanistan in the twentieth
century : state and society in conflict -- Afghani
stan enters the twenty-first century -- Some conclu
ISBN 9780691145686(hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY20
ISBN 9780691145686(hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 0691145687(hardcover : alk. paper)
: CNY20
D737.3 / M676 / Mirsepassi, Ali. .
Democracy in modern Iran : Islam, culture, and pol
itical change / Ali Mirsepassi. . -- New York : N
ew York University Press, c2010.
xv, 219 p. ; 24 cm.
ORDER LEVEL RECORD. . -- Includes bibliographical r
eferences (p. 193-204) and index. . -- Introduction
: democracy and culture -- The origins of secularis
m in Europe -- Modern visions of secularism -- A cr
itical understanding of modernity -- Intellectuals
and democracy -- Religious intellectuals -- Alireza
Alavi-Tabar and political change -- The predicamen
ts of Iranian public intellectuals -- An intellectu
al crisis in Iran -- Conclusion: modernity and its
ISBN 9780814795644 (alk. paper) : CNY280.00
D738.1 / C437 / Challand, Benoit.
Palestinian civil society : foreign donors and the
power to promote and exclude / Benoit Challand. - London : Routledge, 2010
266 p. ; 23 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415592413 : CNY238.00
ISBN 9780415592413 : CNY238.00
ISBN 0415592410
D740.1 / F829 / Franke, Benedikt, 1981 - .
Security cooperation in Africa : a reappraisal /
by Benedikt Franke. . -- Boulder, Colo. : FirstFor
umPress, 2009.
x, 337 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 297-331) an
d index.
ISBN 9781935049098 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY5
D747.02 / F299 / Feinstein, Andrew, 1964 - .
After the party : corruption, the ANC and South Af
rica's uncertain future / Andrew Feinstein. . -Updated paperback ed. . -- London : Verso, 2010.
xxi, 307 p. ; 21 cm.
Originally published: 2009. . -- Includes bibliogra
phical references and index.
ISBN 9781844676279 (pbk.) : CNY170.57
ISBN 9781844676279 (pbk.) : CNY170.57
ISBN 1844676277 (pbk.)
D750 / C558(2) / Chryssochoou, Dimitris N., 1970 . Theorizing European integration / Dimitris N. Chry
ssochoou. . -- 2nd ed. . -- London ; New York : R
outledge, 2009.
xiii, 207 p. ; 26 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [151]-197
) and index. . -- The state of a discipline -- On f
ormative theorizing -- The confederal phase -- Disc
ourses on polityhood -- The consociational analogy
-- Theorizing treaty reform -- The normative turn - Organized synarchy.
ISBN 9780415437509 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415437509 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415437504 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415437509 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415437504 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415437516 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY296.00
ISBN 9780415437509 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415437504 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415437516 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY296.00
ISBN 0415437512 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415437509 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415437504 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415437516 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY296.00
ISBN 0415437512 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780203946107 (ebook)
ISBN 9780415437509 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415437504 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415437516 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY296.00
ISBN 0415437512 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780203946107 (ebook)
ISBN 0203946103 (ebook)
D750 / F517 / Fioramonti, Lorenzo. .
European Union democracy aid : supporting civil so
ciety in post-apartheid South Africa / Lorenzo Fio
ramonti. . -- London ; New York : Routledge, 2010
xii, 161 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Introduction -- Promoting democracy through the ci
tizens : civil society, micro-assistance to democra
cy, sustainability -- Democracy promotion and civil
society aid : the EU approach -- Civil society and
democracy in South Africa : the grassroots dimensi
on of a changing sector -- EU democracy aid to Sout
h Africa : the first ten years of democracy (1994-2
004) -- Democracy from below : EU support to advice
community-based organizations -- EU micro-assistan
ce to democracy and sustainability : a multi-level
analysis of grassroots organizations -- Conclusion.
ISBN 9780415548540 (hbk)
ISBN 9780415548540 (hbk)
ISBN 0415548543 (hbk)
ISBN 9780415548540 (hbk)
ISBN 0415548543 (hbk)
ISBN 9780203852736 (ebk)
ISBN 9780415548540 (hbk)
ISBN 0415548543 (hbk)
ISBN 9780203852736 (ebk)
ISBN 0203852737 (ebk)
: CNY801.00
: CNY801.00
: CNY801.00
: CNY801.00
D750 / S775 / Stacey, Jeffrey. .
Integrating Europe : informal politics and institu
tional change / Dr Jeffrey Stacey. . -- New York,
NY : Oxford University Press, 2010.
xii, 270 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 248-261) an
d index.
ISBN 9780199584765 (hardback) : CNY710.44
ISBN 9780199584765 (hardback) : CNY710.44
ISBN 0199584761 (hardback)
D750.0 / B156 / Bailey, David J. .
The political economy of European social democracy
: a critical realist approach / David J. Bailey.
. -- London ; New York : Routledge, 2009.
1 online resource (xii, 193 p.)
Description based on print version record. . -- Inc
ludes bibliographical references (p. [177]-191) a
nd index.
ISBN 9780203867662 (ebk)
ISBN 9780203867662 (ebk)
ISBN 0203867661 (ebk)
ISBN 9780203867662 (ebk)
ISBN 0203867661 (ebk)
ISBN 9780415462136 (hbk) : CNY193.00
ISBN 9780203867662 (ebk)
ISBN 0203867661 (ebk)
ISBN 9780415462136 (hbk) : CNY193.00
ISBN 0415462134 (hbk)
D750.1 / В58 /
Власть и общество : непросты
е взаимоотношения. Страны Це
нтральной и Юго-Восточной Ев
ропы / Отв. ред. Е.П. Серапион
ова. -- Москва : Институт слав
яноведения РАН, 2008.
448 с. ; 21cm.
ISBN 9785757502268
D750.3 / T737 /
Towards a new executive order in Europe? / edited
by Deirdre Curtin, Morten Egeberg. . -- London : R
outledge, 2009.
ix, 223 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415483131 (hbk.) : CNY1009.00
ISBN 9780415483131 (hbk.) : CNY1009.00
ISBN 0415483131 (hbk.)
D750.3 / C932 /
Crisis management in the European Union : cooperat
ion in the face of emergencies / Stefan Olsson (ed
.). . -- Dordrecht ; New York : Springer, c2009.
xii, 171 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9783642006968 (alk. paper) : CNY920.00
ISBN 9783642006968 (alk. paper) : CNY920.00
ISBN 9783642006975 (e)
D750.32 / C456 /
Changing government relations in Europe : from loc
alism to intergovernmentalism / edited by Michael
J. Goldsmith and Edward C. Page. . -- London ; New
York : Routledge/ECPR, 2010.
xviii, 284 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415548465(cloth : alk. paper) : CNY748.00
ISBN 9780415548465(cloth : alk. paper) : CNY748.00
ISBN 0415548462(cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415548465(cloth : alk. paper) : CNY748.00
ISBN 0415548462(cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780203858486(ebook)
ISBN 9780415548465(cloth : alk. paper) : CNY748.00
ISBN 0415548462(cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780203858486(ebook)
ISBN 0203858484(ebook)
D750.62 / P967 /
The protection of minorities in the wider Europe /
edited by Marc Weller, Denika Blacklock and Kather
ine Nobbs. . -- Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan,
x, 296 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes index
ISBN 9780230001299 (hbk.) : CNY635.00
ISBN 9780230001299 (hbk.) : CNY635.00
ISBN 0230001297 (hbk.)
Ⅰ. Palgrave studies in European Union politics
D750.868 / G325 /
Gender politics in the expanding European Union :
mobilization, inclusion, exclusion / edited by Sil
ke Roth. . -- New York ; Oxford : Berghahn Books,
x, 272 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1845455169 (alk. paper)
ISBN 1845455169 (alk. paper)
ISBN 9781845455163 (alk. paper)
ISBN 1845455169 (alk. paper)
ISBN 9781845455163 (alk. paper)
ISBN 1845455177 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781845455163 (alk. paper)
ISBN 1845455177 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781845455170 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY173.00
D751.06 / Э-46 /
Элиты в странах Восточной Ев
ропы (Начало 21 века) / Отв. ре
д.Л.Н.Шаншиева. -- Москва : ИНИ
ОН РАН, 2009.
172 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785248004935
D751.062 / В78 /
Восточная Европа в современ
ной геополитике / Редкол.: Иг
рицкий, Ю.И. и др. . -- Москва : И
НИОН РАН, 2008.
194 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785248004652
: 1D751.2 / Р76 /
Россия в 20 веке : Реформы и р
еволюции / Ред.Севостьянов,Г
. Н. Т.1. -- В 2-х т. . -- Москва : На
ука, 2002.
657 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 5020088013(h) : CNY719.10
ISBN 5020088013(h) : CNY719.10
ISBN 5020087920
D751.2 / Ш37 / Шевцова, Л. .
Одинокая держава : Почему Ро
ссия не стала Западом и поче
му России трудно с Западом /
Шевцова, Л. . -- Москва : РОССП
ЭН, 2010.
272 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785824312744(h) : CNY182.80
D751.2 / С89 / Супоницкая, И. .
Равенство и свобода : Россия
и США: сравнение систем / Су
поницкая, И. . -- Москва : РОССП
ЭН, 2010.
302 с. ; 17 cm.
ISBN 9785824313406(h) : CNY101.20
Ⅰ. Россия. В поисках себя...
D751.2 / К21 / Кара-Мурза, С. Г. .
Матрица " Россия" / Кара-Мур
за, С. Г. . -- Москва : Эксмо и др
., 2010.
256 c. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785699411443(h) : CNY110.80
D751.2 / С56 /
Современная Россия в оценка
х восточноевропейцев : Сб. н
аучн. трудов / Отв. ред. Игриц
кий, Ю.И. . -- Москва : ИНИОН РАН
, 2009.
216 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785248004836CNY112.90
D751.2 / Н35 /
Национальная идентичность Р
оссии и демографический кри
зис : Материалы Третьей Всер
оссийской научной конференц
ии (Казань, 13-14 ноября 2008 г.) /
Ред. Ю.Е. Мешков. -- Москва : На
учный экспрет, 2009.
840 с. ; 23 cm.
CD хранятся в электронном чит
альном зале
ISBN 9785912900488(h) :
D751.2 / З30 /
Западные прогнозы будущего
России / Под ред. М.Г.Носова и
др. . -- Москва : Институт Евро
пы РАН и др., 2008.
134 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785912990458
: 2D751.2 / Р76 /
Россия в 20 веке : Реформы и р
еволюции / Ред.Г. Н. Севостья
нов. Т.2. -- В 2-х т. . -- Москва : Н
аука, 2002.
543 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 5020088021(h) :
ISBN 5020088021(h) :
ISBN 5020087920
D751.209 / С56 /
Современная Россия в оценка
х восточноевропейцев / Редк
ол.: Игрицкий, Ю.И. и др. . -- Мос
ква : ИНИОН РАН, 2009.
216 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785248004836
D751.232 / Р95 / 2 / Рынков, В.М. .
Социальная политика антибол
ьшевистских режимов на вост
оке России (вторая половина
1918-1919 г.) / Рынков, В.М. . -- Ново
сибирск : Институт истории С
О РАН, 2008.
440 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785943010668
D751.237 / Е60 / Емельянов, Ю.Н. .
История в изгнании : Историч
еская периодика русской эми
грации (1920-1940-е годы) / Емелья
нов, Ю.Н. . -- Москва : НП ИД "Ру
сская панорама", 2008.
494 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785931652139(h) :
D751.237 / П78 /
Проблемы истории Русского з
арубежья : Материалы и иссле
дования / Отв. ред. Н.Т. Энеев
а. Вып.2. -- Москва : Наука, 2008.
451 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020355521(h) :
D751.238 / Д45 / Дикий, А. .
Евреи в России и в СССР / Дик
ий, А. . -- Москва : Алгоритм, 201
320 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785926507574(h) : CNY225.00
D751.27 / М64 / Миронов, Б.Н. .
Благосостояние населения и
революции в имперской Росси
и : 18-начало 20 века / Миронов
, Б.Н. . -- Москва : Новый хроног
раф, 2010.
911 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785948810812(h) :
D751.285 / Ш66 / Шкаев,Д.Г. .
Менталитет молодежи в постс
оветский период : Аналитиче
ский обзор / Шкаев,Д.Г. . -- Мос
ква : ИНИОН РАН, 2009.
56 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785248004722CNY30.60
D751.285 / Ш66 / Шкаев,Д.Г. .
Менталитет молодежи в постс
оветский период / Шкаев,Д.Г.
. -- Москва : ИНИОН РАН, 2009.
56 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785248004722
D751.29 / С60 / Соловей, Т. .
Несостоявшаяся революция :
Исторические смыслы русско
го национализма / Соловей, Т
. и др.. . -- Москва : Феория, 2009.
440 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785287006464(h) : CNY299.90
D751.29 / О-75 / : 1912
Особые журналы Совета минис
тров Российской империи : 190
9-1917 гг. 1912 год / Отв. сост. Б.Д
. Гальперина. -- Москва : РОССП
ЭН, 2004.
488 с. ; 30 cm.
ISBN 5824300089
ISBN 5824300089
ISBN 5824305625(h) :
D751.29 / П34 / 2 / Писарькова, Л.Ф. .
Московская дума / Писарьков
а, Л.Ф. . -- Москва : Новый хроно
граф, 2010.
752 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785910220717(h) :
ISBN 9785910220717(h) :
ISBN 9785948810980
D751.29 / П83 / Протасов, Л.Г. .
Люди Учредительного собрани
я : портрет в интерьере эпохи
/ Протасов, Л.Г. . -- Москва : Р
ОССПЭН, 2008.
463 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785824309720(h) :
D751.29 / Л63 / Лисейцев, Д.В. .
Приказная система Московско
го государства в эпоху Смуты
/ Лисейцев, Д.В. . -- Тула : Гри
ф и К, 2009.
792 с. ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9785812512538(h) :
D751.69 / F911 / Friedlèander, Saul, 1932 - .
Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1933-1945 / Saul Friedl
ander ; abridged by Orna Kenan. . -- 1st ed. . -- N
ew York : Harper Perennial, c2009.
xvi, 482 p. : maps ; 21 cm.
"Abridged edition of Saul Friedlander's two volum
e history of Nazi Germany and the Jews"--Introduct
ion. . -- Includes bibliographical references and i
ISBN 9780061350276 (pbk.) : CNY113.00
D756.05 / O72 / Orlow, Dietrich. .
The lure of fascism in western Europe : German Naz
is, Dutch and French fascists, 1933-1939 / Dietric
h Orlow. . -- 1st ed. . -- New York : Palgrave Mac
millan, 2009.
xiv, 260 p. ; 22 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [227]-248
) and index. . -- Leaders, agencies, groups, agenda
s -- Between angst and euphoria : January 1933-Augu
st 1934 -- Europe will be a fascist Europe : July 1
934-May 1936 -- Fascism, the only bulwark against t
he advance of Bolshevism : May 1936-March 1938 -- "
We don't understand our friends anymore" : March
1938-September 1939.
ISBN 0230608655
ISBN 0230608655
ISBN 9780230608658 : CNY551.00
D756.09 / Х29 / 2 / Хачатурян,Н.А. .
Власть и общество в Западной
Европе в Средние века / Хача
турян, Н.А. . -- Москва : Наука,
313 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020359819(h) :
D756.09 / Х29 / Хачатурян,Н.А. .
Власть и общество в Западной
Европе в Средние века / Хача
турян,Н.А. . -- Москва : Наука, 2
313 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020359819(h) :
D756.1 / L434(2) / Leach, Robert, 1941 - .
Political ideology in Britain / Robert Leach. . -2nd ed. . -- Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, c2
xii, 282 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Previous ed.: Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002. . -- Inc
ludes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780230584723 (cased) : CNY635.00
ISBN 9780230584723 (cased) : CNY635.00
ISBN 0230584721 (cased)
ISBN 9780230584723 (cased) : CNY635.00
ISBN 0230584721 (cased)
ISBN 023058473X (pbk.)
ISBN 9780230584723 (cased) : CNY635.00
ISBN 0230584721 (cased)
ISBN 023058473X (pbk.)
ISBN 9780230584730 (pbk.)
D756.1 / B862 /
Britishness : perspectives on the Britishness ques
tion / edited by Andrew Gamble and Tony Wright. .
-- Chichester, U.K. ; Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwel
l in association with The political quarterly, 2009
viii, 173 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Introduction : the Britishness question / Andrew G
amble and Tony Wright -- "Bursting with skeletons"
: Britishness after empire / David Marquand -- Doe
s Britishness still matter in the twenty-first cent
ury--and how much and how well do the politicians c
are? / Linda Colley -- Being British / Bhikhu Parek
h -- Britishness : a role for the state? / Varun Ub
eroi and Iain McLean -- England and Britain, Europe
and the anglosphere / David Willetts -- What Briti
shness means to the British / Peter Kellner -- The
BBC and metabolising Britishness : critical patriot
ism / Jean Seaton -- Don't mess with the missionar
y man : Brown, moral compasses and the road to Brit
ishness / Gerry Hassan -- Britishness and the futur
e of the union / Robert Hazell -- Devolution, Briti
shness and the future of the union / Charlie Jeffer
y -- Englishness in contemporary British politics /
Richard English, Richard Hayton and Michael Kenny
-- The wager of devolution and the challenge to Bri
tishness / Arthur Aughey -- Do we really need Brita
nnia? / Bernard Crick -- Churchill's Dover Speech
/ Peter Hennessy.
ISBN 9781405192699 (pbk.) : CNY233.00
ISBN 9781405192699 (pbk.) : CNY233.00
ISBN 1405192690 (pbk.)
D756.10 / H674 / Hitchens, Peter, 1951 - .
The broken compass : how left and right lost their
meaning / Peter Hitchens. . -- London ; New York
: Continuum, 2009.
xxi, 236 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 9781847064059 (hardback) : CNY219.00
ISBN 9781847064059 (hardback) : CNY219.00
ISBN 1847064051 (hardback)
D756.109 / M235 / Makovsky, Michael, 1963 - .
Churchill's promised land : Zionism and statecraf
t / Michael Makovsky. . -- New Haven, Conn. ; Lon
don : Yale University Press, 2007.
xv, 342 p., [8] p. of plates : ill., maps ; 25
"A New republic book.". -- Includes bibliographic
al references (p. 299-321) and index. . -- 1. Churc
hill's worlds -- 2. "The Lord deals with the nati
ons as the nations dealt with the Jews," 1874-1914
-- 3. "Zionism versus Bolshevism," 1914-1921 -4. "Smiling orchards," 1921-1929 -- 5. Together i
n the wilderness, 1929-1939 -- 6. Champion in war,
1939-1945 -- 7. Zionist at the end, 1945-1955.
ISBN 9780300116090 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780300116090 (hbk.)
ISBN 0300116098 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780300116090 (hbk.)
ISBN 0300116098 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780300143249 (pbk.) : CNY134.00
ISBN 9780300116090 (hbk.)
ISBN 0300116098 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780300143249 (pbk.) : CNY134.00
ISBN 0300143249 (pbk.)
D756.12 / R666 / Robinson, Chris, 1958 - .
Electoral systems and voting in the United Kingdom
/ Chris Robinson. . -- Edinburgh : Edinburgh Univ
ersity Press, c2010.
xii, 222 p. : ill., maps ; 22 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [217]-219
) and index.
ISBN 9780748627509 (pbk.) : CNY225.12
ISBN 9780748627509 (pbk.) : CNY225.12
ISBN 0748627502 (pbk.)
D756.122 / B619 / Birrell, Derek. .
The impact of devolution on social policy / Derek
Birrell. . -- Bristol, UK : Policy Press, 2009.
xiii, 234 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 197-222) an
d index.
ISBN 9781847422255 (pbk.)
ISBN 9781847422255 (pbk.)
ISBN 184742225X
ISBN 9781847422255 (pbk.)
ISBN 184742225X
ISBN 9781847422262 (hbk.)
ISBN 9781847422255 (pbk.)
ISBN 184742225X
ISBN 9781847422262 (hbk.)
ISBN 1847422268 (hbk.)
: CNY344.37
: CNY344.37
: CNY344.37
: CNY344.37
D756.124 / S881 / Stoneman, Paul, 1978 - .
This thing called trust : civic society in Britain
/ Paul Stoneman. . -- Basingstoke [England] ;
New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
xii, 228 p. : ill., maps ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 202-222) an
d indexes.
ISBN 9780230542679 : CNY635.00
ISBN 9780230542679 : CNY635.00
ISBN 0230542670
D756.19 / G239 / Garrett, Jane. .
The triumphs of providence : The assassination plo
t, 1696 / Jane Garrett. . -- London : Cambridge U
niversity Press, 2008.
xi, 289 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780521089302 : CNY280.00
D771.2 / A182 / Ackelsberg, Martha A. .
Resisting citizenship : feminist essays on politic
s, community, and democracy / Martha A. Ackelsberg
. . -- New York : Routledge, 2010.
xii, 272 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Introduction. From Resisting the Canon to Resistin
g Citizenship -- Pt. I. Rethinking Politics/Rethink
ing Community -- 1. Women's Collaborative Activiti
es and City Life: Politics and Policy -- 2. Communi
ties, Resistance, and Women's Activism: Reflection
s on Democratic Theory -- 3. Terrains of Protest: S
triking City Women / Martha A. Ackelsberg and Myrna
Margulies Breitbart -- Pt. II. Challenging Dichoto
mies: Dependency, Privacy, Identity, Power -- 4. De
pendency or Mutuality: A Feminist Perspective on Di
lemmas of Welfare Policy -- 5. Privacy, Publicity,
and Power: A Feminist Rethinking of the Public-Priv
ate Distinction / Martha A. Ackelsberg and Mary Lyn
don Shanley -- 6. Gender, Resistance, and Citizensh
ip: Women's Struggles with/in the State / Martha A
. Ackelsberg and Mary Lyndon Shanley -- 7. Rethinki
ng Anarchism/Rethinking Power: A Contemporary Femin
ist Perspective -- Pt. III. Is Citizenship the Goal
? -- 8. Exclusion or Inclusion? The Ambiguities of
Citizenship -- 9. Broadening the Study of Women's
Participation -- 10. Women's Community Activism an
d the Rejection of "Politics": Some Dilemmas of P
opular Democratic Movements -- 11. Families, Care,
and Citizenship: Notes toward a Feminist Approach - 12. Democracy and (In)Equality: Community Activis
m and Democracy in a Time of Retrenchment.
ISBN 9780415935180
ISBN 9780415935180
ISBN 0415935180
ISBN 9780415935180
ISBN 0415935180
ISBN 9780415935197 (pbk.) : CNY310.00
ISBN 9780415935180
ISBN 0415935180
ISBN 9780415935197 (pbk.) : CNY310.00
ISBN 0415935199 (pbk.)
D771.2 / Z66 / Ziegenfuss, James T. .
Creating America's future : stopping decay with c
itizens, students, and strategies / James T. Ziege
nfuss, Jr. . -- Lanham : University Press of Ameri
ca, c2008.
x, 230 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [221]-226
) and index.
ISBN 9780761841142 (clothbound : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780761841142 (clothbound : alk. paper)
ISBN 0761841148 (clothbound : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780761841142 (clothbound : alk. paper)
ISBN 0761841148 (clothbound : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780761841159 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY253.00
ISBN 9780761841142 (clothbound : alk. paper)
ISBN 0761841148 (clothbound : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780761841159 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY253.00
ISBN 0761841156 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780761841142 (clothbound : alk. paper)
ISBN 0761841148 (clothbound : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780761841159 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY253.00
ISBN 0761841156 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780761842637 (eISBN)
ISBN 9780761841142 (clothbound : alk. paper)
ISBN 0761841148 (clothbound : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780761841159 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY253.00
ISBN 0761841156 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780761842637 (eISBN)
ISBN 0761842632 (eISBN)
D771.2 / S332 / Schier, Steven E. .
Panorama of a presidency : how George W. Bush acqu
ired and spent his political capital / Steven E. S
chier. . -- Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, c2009.
ix, 198 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 173-190) an
d index.
ISBN 9780765616920 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780765616920 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0765616920 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780765616920 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0765616920 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0765616939 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780765616920 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0765616920 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0765616939 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780765616937 (pbk : alk. paper) : CNY186.00
D771.2 / H424(7) / Haynes, Karen S. .
Affecting change : social workers in the political
arena / Karen S. Haynes, James S. Mickelson. . -7th ed. . -- Boston : Allyn & Bacon, c2010.
xx, 220 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -All social work is political -- Social work values
versus politics -- The emergence of a social work
polity -- The debate -- Policy models for political
advocacy -- The practitioner's influence on polic
y -- Influence through lobbying -- Tools to influen
ce and organize others -- Monitoring the bureaucrac
y -- The campaign -- Social workers as politicians
-- Your time is now!
ISBN 9780205763689 (alk. paper) : CNY558.00
ISBN 9780205763689 (alk. paper) : CNY558.00
ISBN 0205763685 (alk. paper)
D771.2 / S473 / Sempa,Francis P. .
America's global role : essays and reviews on nat
ional security, geopolitics, and war / Francis P.S
empa. . -- Lanham,MarylandRowman & Littlefield Publ
128 p ; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780761847298 : CNY427.50
ISBN 9780761847298 : CNY427.50
ISBN 0761847294
D771.2 / K19 / Kasniunas, Nina, 1971 - .
Campaign rules : a 50-state guide to campaigns and
elections in America / Nina Kasniunas and Daniel
M. Shea. . -- Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield,
vi, 226 p. : maps ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781442201750 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY384.3
ISBN 9781442201750 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY384.3
ISBN 1442201754 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781442201750 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY384.3
ISBN 1442201754 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781442201774 (electronic)
ISBN 9781442201750 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY384.3
ISBN 1442201754 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781442201774 (electronic)
ISBN 1442201770 (electronic)
D771.20 / D631 /
Do they walk like they talk? : Speech and action i
n policy processes / Louis M. Imbeau, editor. . -Dordrecht ; New York : Springer, c2009.
xiv, 305 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780387896724 (hbk.) : CNY935.00
ISBN 9780387896724 (hbk.) : CNY935.009780387896717
ISBN 9780387896724 (hbk.) : CNY935.009780387896717
D771.22 / C692 / Coleman, John J., 1959 - .
Understanding American politics and government : b
rief edition / John J. Coleman, Kenneth M. Goldste
in, William Howell. . -- New York : Longman, c2010
xxxi, 655 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780205688609(softcover) : CNY528.00
ISBN 9780205688609(softcover) : CNY528.00
ISBN 0205688608(softcover)
D771.22 / D598 /
Direct democracy's impact on American political in
stitutions / edited by Shaun Bowler and Amihai Gla
zer. . -- 1st ed. . -- New York : Palgrave Macmill
an, 2008.
xvi, 199 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [173]-190
) and index. . -- "Hybrid democracy" and its cons
equences / Shaun Bowler and Amihai Glazer -- Was Ro
ve right? Ohio's gay marriage ban and the 2004 pre
sidential election / Daniel A. Smith -- Electoral s
upply and demand: direct democracy campaigns, polit
ical interest, and participation / Caroline Tolbert
and Daniel Bowen -- Direct democracy and the publi
c agenda: ballot initiatives and public beliefs abo
ut important problems / Stephen P. Nicholson -- Dir
ect democracy's effects on political parties / Sha
un Bowler and Todd Donovan -- The initiative proces
s and interest group attention to legislative acti
vity / Frederick J. Boehmke -- Direct democracy and
the executive branch / John G. Matsusaka -- Direct
democracy and the stability of state policy / Amih
ai Glazer and Anthony McGann -- Direct democracy an
d good governance: does it matter? / Russell J. Dal
ISBN 0230604455
ISBN 0230604455
ISBN 9780230604452
: CNY530.00
D771.224 / W776 /
Winning with words : the origins and impact of pol
itical framing / edited by Brian F. Schaffner and
Patrick J. Sellers. . -- New York : Routledge, 201
x, 200 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415997935 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415997935 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415997933 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415997935 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415997933 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415997942 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY256.00
ISBN 9780415997935 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415997933 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415997942 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY256.00
ISBN 0415997941 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780415997935 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415997933 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415997942 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY256.00
ISBN 0415997941 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780203883112 (e-book)
ISBN 9780415997935 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415997933 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415997942 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY256.00
ISBN 0415997941 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780203883112 (e-book)
ISBN 020388311X (e-book)
D771.236 / W677 / Wilford,Hugh. .
The mighty Wurlitzer : how the CIA played America
/ Hugh Wilford. . -- Cambridge : Harvard Universi
ty Press, 2008
342 p. ; 23 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780674032569 : CNY127.00
ISBN 9780674032569 : CNY127.00
ISBN 067403256X
D771.238 / A512 /
American immigration and ethnicity : a reader / D
avid Gerber, Alan M. Kraut. . -- 1st ed. . -- New Y
ork : Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
345 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0312293496 (hbk.)
ISBN 0312293496 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780312293499 : CNY583.00
D771.28 / C212 / Canaday, Margot. .
The straight state : Sexuality and citizenship in
twentieth-century America / Margot Canaday. . -- P
rinceton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2009
xiv, 277 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Immigration. "A new species of undesirable immigr
ant" : perverse aliens and the limits of the law,
1900-1924 -- Military. "We are merely concerned wi
th the fact of sodomy" : managing sexual stigma in
the World War I-era military, 1917-1933 -- Welfare
. "Most fags are floaters" : the problem of "una
ttached persons" during the early New Deal, 1933-1
935 -- Welfare. "With the ugly word written across
it" : homo-hetero binarism, federal welfare polic
y, and the 1944 GI Bill -- Military. "Finding a ho
me in the Army" : women's integration, homosexual
tendencies, and the Cold War military, 1947-1959 - Immigration. "Who is a homosexual?" : the conso
lidation of sexual identities in mid-twentieth-cent
ury immigration law, 1952-1983.
ISBN 9780691135984 (alk. paper) : CNY200.00
ISBN 9780691135984 (alk. paper) : CNY200.00
ISBN 0691135983 (alk. paper)
Ⅰ. Politics and society in twentieth-century Ameri
D771.28 / P461 / Perrucci, Robert. .
America at risk : the crisis of hope, trust, and c
aring / Robert Perrucci and Carolyn C. Perrucci. .
-- Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,
xi, 161 p. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9780742563698 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742563698 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0742563693 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742563698 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0742563693 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742563704 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY213.32
ISBN 9780742563698 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0742563693 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742563704 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY213.32
ISBN 0742563707 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742563698 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0742563693 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742563704 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY213.32
ISBN 0742563707 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742566323 (electronic)
ISBN 9780742563698 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0742563693 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742563704 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY213.32
ISBN 0742563707 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742566323 (electronic)
ISBN 0742566323 (electronic)
D771.28 / R363(9) / Reiman, Jeffrey H. .
The rich get richer and the poor get prison : ideo
logy, class, and criminal justice / Jeffrey Reiman
, Paul Leighton. . -- 9th ed. . -- Boston : Allyn
& Bacon, c2010.
xx, 264 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780205688425 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY283.00
ISBN 9780205688425 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY283.00
ISBN 020568842X
D771.28 / S691(5) /
Solutions to social problems : lessons from other
societies / [edited by] D. Stanley Eitzen. . -5th ed. . -- Boston : Allyn & Bacon, c2010.
vi, 217 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references. . -- U.S. soci
al problems in comparative perspective / D. Stanley
Eitzen (revised) -- The European social model / T.
R. Reid -- The Swedish welfare state / D. Stanley E
itzen (revised) -- How Canada stole the American dr
eam / Duncan Hood (new) -- Poverty, work, and polic
y : the United States in comparative perspective /
Gary Burtless and Timothy M. Smeeding (new) -- How
other countries fight the war on poverty / Sid Ryan
(new) -- Income and wealth inequality / Americans
for Democratic Action (new) -- Inequality here and
there / Claude S. Fischer, Michael Hout, Martin San
chez Jankowski, Samuel R. Lucas, Ann Swidler, and K
im Voss -- Europe crawls ahead / Megan Rowling -- G
ender equality in Sweden / Swedish Institute (new)
-- Social shift opens door to gay marriage plan (ca
nada) / Clifford Krauss -- Gay rights and European
citizenship / Joydeep Sengupta -- As good as it get
s : what country takes the best care of its older c
itizens? / Mike Edwards -- We should rejoice in an
ageing society, so long as we plan properly for it
/ Hamish McRae -- We're not finnished with you yet
/ Gail Edmondson (new) -- Atlantic passages : how
Europe supports working parents and their children
/ Janet C. Gornick (new) -- The father generation /
Rainer Stumpf (new) -- Teen pregnancy : trends and
lessons learned / Heather Boonstra (new) -- Early
childhood education and care in advanced industrial
ized countries / Sheila B. Kamerman (new) -- Learni
ng from South Korean schools / David J. Lynch (new)
-- A world transformed : how other countries are p
reparing students for the interconnected world of t
he 21st century / Vivien Steward (new) -- The vanis
hing American vacation / Don Monkerud (new) -- A ne
w WPA? / Ryan A. Dodd (new) -- International health
systems / Physicians for a National Health Program
-- Has Canada got the cure? / Holly Dressel (new)
-- New lessons from the old world / Jay Walljasper
-- I love Paris on a bus, a bike, a train and in an
ything but a car / Serge Schmemann (new) -- Flush w
ith energy / Thomas L. Friedman (new) -- Scandinavi
a gets serious on global warming / Bruce E. Johanse
n (new) -- The $6.66-a gallon-solution / Simon Rome
ro -- Lawless, but gunless / Ken MacQueen (new) -Reducing crime by harnessing international best pra
ctices / Irvin Waller and Brandon C. Welsh -- Does
Europe do it better : lessons from Holland, Britain
, and Switzerland / Robert J. MacCoun and Peter Reu
ter -- Europe : curing, not punishing, addicts / Ri
ck Steeves (new)
ISBN 9780205698349 (pbk.) : CNY256.00
ISBN 9780205698349 (pbk.) : CNY256.00
ISBN 0205698344 (pbk.)
D771.285 / B994(8) / Bynum, Jack E. .
Juvenile delinquency : a sociological approach /
William E. Thompson, Jack E. Bynum. . -- 8th ed. .
-- Boston, MA : Allyn & Bacon, c2010.
xxii, 522 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 474-503) an
d indexes. . -- Conformity, deviance, and juvenile
delinquency -- Causes of juvenile delinquency -- Ju
venile delinquency in a social context -- Applied t
heory : social control and the juvenile justice sys
tem -- Applied theory : strategies for dealing with
juvenile delinquency.
ISBN 9780205665716 : CNY487.00
ISBN 9780205665716 : CNY487.00
ISBN 0205665713
D773.00 / M3575 / 1
Contemporary Latin American social and political th
ought : an anthology / edited by Ivâan Marquez.
. -- Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c20
xiii, 391 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780742539914 (cloth : alk. paper)CNY552.00
ISBN 9780742539914 (cloth : alk. paper)CNY552.00
ISBN 0742539911 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742539914 (cloth : alk. paper)CNY552.00
ISBN 0742539911 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742539921 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742539914 (cloth : alk. paper)CNY552.00
ISBN 0742539911 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742539921 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 074253992X (pbk. : alk. paper)
Ⅰ. Latin American perspectives in the classroom
D80 / K64 / Kleiner, Jurgen. .
Diplomatic practice : between tradition and innova
tion / Juergen Kleiner. . -- Hackensack, NJ : Wor
ld Scientific, c2010.
xiv, 480 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 387-392) an
d indexes.
ISBN 9789814271240 : CNY388.00
ISBN 9789814271240 : CNY388.00
ISBN 9814271241
D80 / П78 /
Проблемы национальной страт
егии / Вед. ред.И.И. Гейвандов
а. Кн1(2). -- Москва : Проблемы н
ациональной стратегии, 2010.
178 с. ; 26 cm.
D81 / А54 / Алчинов, В. М. .
СНГ- Россия - Евросоюз : Проб
лемы и перспективы интеграц
ии / Алчинов, В. М. . -- Москва :
Восток-Запад, 2008.
220 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785478009663CNY138.60
D81 / M477 / Mazzini, Giuseppe, 1805-1872. .
A cosmopolitanism of nations : Giuseppe Mazzini's
writings on democracy, nation building, and intern
ational relations / edited and with an introductio
n by Stefano Recchia and Nadia Urbinati ; translati
ons by Stefano Recchia. . -- Princeton : Princeton
University Press, c2009.
viii, 249 p. ; 24 cm.
Translated from the Italian. . -- Includes bibliogr
aphical references and index.
ISBN 9780691136110 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY2
ISBN 9780691136110 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY2
ISBN 0691136114 (hardcover : alk. paper)
D81 / A263 / Agathangelou, Anna M. .
Transforming world politics : from empire to multi
ple worlds / Anna M. Agathangelou and L.H.M. Ling.
. -- London ; New York : Routledge/Taylor & Fran
cis Group, c2009.
xiii, 191 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [166]-186
) and index.
ISBN 9780415772792 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415772792 (hardback)
ISBN 0415772796 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415772792 (hardback)
ISBN 0415772796 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415772808 (pbk.) : CNY224.00
ISBN 9780415772792 (hardback)
ISBN 0415772796 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415772808 (pbk.) : CNY224.00
ISBN 041577280X (pbk.)
ISBN 9780415772792 (hardback)
ISBN 0415772796 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415772808 (pbk.) : CNY224.00
ISBN 041577280X (pbk.)
ISBN 9780203880333 (ebook)
ISBN 9780415772792 (hardback)
ISBN 0415772796 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415772808 (pbk.) : CNY224.00
ISBN 041577280X (pbk.)
ISBN 9780203880333 (ebook)
ISBN 0203880331 (ebook)
D81 / U84(7) /
The use of force : military power and internationa
l politics / edited by Robert J. Art and Kenneth N
. Waltz. . -- 7th ed. . -- Lanham, Md. : Rowman &
Littlefield Publishers, c2009.
xi, 539 p. : plans ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 9780742556690 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742556690 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0742556697 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742556690 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0742556697 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742556706 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY366.00
ISBN 9780742556690 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0742556697 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742556706 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY366.00
ISBN 0742556700 (pbk. : alk. paper)
D813 / Н34 / Наумов,А.О. .
Международные неправительс
твенные организации в совре
менной мирополитической сис
теме / Наумов,А.О. . -- КРАСАНД
, 2009.
269 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785396000261CNY297
D814.1 / B466 / Bengtsson, Rikard. .
The EU and the European security order : interfaci
ng security actors / Rikard Bengtsson. . -- London
; New York : Routledge, 2010.
173 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415497237 (hardcover) : CNY942.00
ISBN 9780415497237 (hardcover) : CNY942.00
ISBN 041549723X (hardcover)
ISBN 9780415497237 (hardcover) : CNY942.00
ISBN 041549723X (hardcover)
ISBN 9780203872031 (e-book)
ISBN 9780415497237 (hardcover) : CNY942.00
ISBN 041549723X (hardcover)
ISBN 9780203872031 (e-book)
ISBN 0203872037 (e-book)
Ⅰ. Contemporary security studies
D814.1 / E86 /
EU cohesion policy after enlargement / edited by M
ichael Baun and Dan Marek. . -- Basingstoke ; New
York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
xvii, 295 p. ; 22 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780230524729 (hbk.) : CNY688.00
ISBN 9780230524729 (hbk.) : CNY688.00
ISBN 0230524729 (hbk.)
Ⅰ. Palgrave studies in European Union politics
D814.1 / Y81 / Youngs, Richard. .
The EU's role in world politics : a retreat from
liberal internationalism / Richard Youngs. . -- Mi
lton Park, Abingdon, Oxon [England] ; New York
: Routledge, c2010.
x, 186 p. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9780415583688 (hardback) : CNY993.75
ISBN 9780415583688 (hardback) : CNY993.75
ISBN 0415583683 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415583688 (hardback) : CNY993.75
ISBN 0415583683 (hardback)
ISBN 9780203847138 (e-book)
ISBN 9780415583688 (hardback) : CNY993.75
ISBN 0415583683 (hardback)
ISBN 9780203847138 (e-book)
ISBN 020384713X (e-book)
D814.1 / E89 /
The European Union and democracy promotion : a cri
tical global assessment / edited by Richard Youngs
. . -- Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins University P
ress, 2010.
206 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780801897320 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY5
ISBN 9780801897320 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY5
ISBN 0801897327 (hardcover : alk. paper)
D815.5 / C377 / Cavarero, Adriana. .
Horrorism : Naming contemporary violence / Adrian
a Cavarero ; translated by William McCuaig. . -- Ne
w York : Columbia University Press, c2009.
viii, 154 p. ; 24 cm.
Translated from the Italian. . -- Includes bibliogr
aphical references (p. [147]-154). -- Etymologies
: "terror", or, on surviving -- Etymologies : "
horror", or, on dismembering -- On war -- The howl
of Medusa -- The vulnerability of the helpless -The crime of Medea -- Horrorism, or, on violence ag
ainst the helpless -- Those who have seen the Gorgo
n -- Auschwitz, or, on extreme horror -- Erotic car
nages -- So mutilated that it might be the body of
a pig -- The warrior's pleasure -- Worldwide aggre
ssiveness -- For a history of terror -- Suicidal ho
rrorism -- When the bomb is a woman's body -- Fema
le torturers grinning at the camera.
ISBN 0231144563 (hard cover : alk. paper)
ISBN 0231144563 (hard cover : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780231144568 (hard cover : alk. paper) : CNY
ISBN 0231144563 (hard cover : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780231144568 (hard cover : alk. paper) : CNY
ISBN 0231519176 (e-book)
ISBN 0231144563 (hard cover : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780231144568 (hard cover : alk. paper) : CNY
ISBN 0231519176 (e-book)
ISBN 9780231519175 (e-book)
D815.5 / J71 / Johnson, Thomas Alfred. .
The War on Terrorism : a collision of values, stra
tegies, and societies / Thomas A. Johnson. . -- Bo
ca Raton : CRC Press, c2009.
xix, 369 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 341-345) an
d index. . -- Globalization, ideology, and the clas
h of societies -- Terrorism, Islamic insurgency, an
d religious war -- Targets of terrorists -- Weapons
of mass destruction -- Our intelligence community
-- The reform and reorganization of our intelligenc
e community -- National security and counterterrori
sm policy formulation : transformational issues and
challenges -- Future trends in global terrorism :
mapping the strategy to defeat an ideology.
ISBN 9781420079876 (alk. paper) : CNY566.00
ISBN 9781420079876 (alk. paper) : CNY566.00
ISBN 1420079875 (alk. paper)
D815.5-532 / N279 / NATO Advanced Research Workshop
oPolitical violence, organized crimes, terrorism, an
d youth / edited by M. Demet Ulusoy. . -- Amsterda
m ; Washington, DC : IOS Press, c2008.
xii, 253 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781586039035 (pbk.) : CNY1073.00
ISBN 9781586039035 (pbk.) : CNY1073.00
ISBN 1586039032 (pbk.)
D815.7 / N556 / Newman, Michael, 1946 - .
Humanitarian intervention : confronting the contra
dictions / Michael Newman. . -- London : Hurst, 2
xiii, 246 p. ; 22 cm.
Includes bibliography (p. 219-232) and index.
ISBN 9781850659754 (casebound)
ISBN 9781850659754 (casebound)
ISBN 9781850659747 (papberback) : CNY168.00
D82 / К45 /
Китай в мировой и региональн
ой политике : История и совр
еменность / Отв. ред. Е.И. Саф
ронова. Вып.14. -- Москва : ИДВ Р
АН, 2009.
272 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785838101662
D820 / Г15 / Галенович,Ю.М. .
Китайские сюжеты : Чем довол
ен и недоволен Китай / Гален
ович,Ю.М. . -- Москва : Восточна
я книга, 2010.
480 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785787305227(h) : CNY306.00
: 13D820 / К45 /
Китай в мировой и региональн
ой политике : История и совр
еменность / Ред.:В.Я.Портяков
и др.. Вып.13. -- Москва : ИДВ РА
Н, 2008.
276 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785838101440
D822.313 / С30 / Семин,А.В. .
Японо-китайские отношения :
состояние, проблемы и тенде
нции (конец XX-начало XXI века)
/ Семин,А.В. . -- Москва : ИДВ РА
Н, 2008.
282 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 978583820
D822.351.2 / М43 /
Международные и российско-к
итайские отношения в посткр
изисный период : проблемы и
перспективы развития / Под.р
ед.Кокарева,К.А. . -- Москва : Р
ИСИ, 2010.
120 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785789301227CNY91.80
: 1D822-532 / Ш51 /
60 лет КНР : Шестидесятилетие
дипломатических отношений
СССР/РФ и КНР (1949-2009 годы) / Ре
д.: Белилина, Е.В. и др.. Ч.1. -- М
осква : ИДВ РАН, 2009.
281 с. ; 21 cm.
: 2D822-532 / Ш51 /
60 лет КНР : Шестидесятилетие
дипломатических отношений
СССР/РФ и КНР (1949-2009 годы) / Ре
д.: Белилина, Е.В. и др.. Ч.2. -- М
осква : ИДВ РАН, 2009.
271 с. ; 21 cm.
D829.512 / С18 /
Санкт-Петербург—Китай : Три
века контактов / Отв. ред. А.
В. Прохоренко. . -- СПб. : Европ
ейкий Дом, 2006.
340 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 5801502076
D838.49 / A316 / Al-Enazy, Askar H. .
The creation of Saudi Arabia : Ibn Saud and Britis
h imperial policy, 1914-1927 / Askar H. Al-Enazy.
. -- Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Rou
tledge, 2010.
216 p. ; 25 cm.
"Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada"-T.p. verso. . -- Includes bibliographical referenc
es (p.[203]-210) and index.
ISBN 9780415453721 (hbk. : alk. paper) : CNY801.00
ISBN 9780415453721 (hbk. : alk. paper) : CNY801.00
ISBN 9780203871997 (eBook)
D850.0 / E89 /
European foreign policies : does Europe still matt
er? / edited by Ronald Tiersky and John Van Oudena
ren. . -- Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield, c201
viii, 318 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Europe and the geopolitical order / Ronald Tiersky
-- The European Union as a foreign policy actor /
John Van Oudenaren -- Europe and the United States
/ Philip Stephens -- Europe and Russia / John Van O
udenaren and Ronald Tiersky -- Europe-China relatio
ns : a delicate dance / David Shambaugh -- Europe,
the Mediterranean, and the Middle East : a story of
concentric circles / Nathalie Tocci and Benedetta
Voltolini -- Europe and globalization / Paul Taylor
-- France : nostalgia, narcissism, and realism / R
onald Tiersky -- The United Kingdom : old dilemmas
and new realities / John Van Oudenaren -- Germany :
still a reluctant power? / Helga Walsh -- Italy :
the astuteness and anxieties of a second-rank power
/ Mark Gilbert -- Poland and Eastern Europe / Krzs
yztof Bobinski.
ISBN 9780742557789 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742557789 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0742557782 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742557789 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742557796 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY341.57
ISBN 9780742557789 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0742557782 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742557796 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY341.57
ISBN 0742557790 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742557789 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0742557782 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742557796 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY341.57
ISBN 0742557790 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742557802 (electronic : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742557789 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0742557782 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742557796 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY341.57
ISBN 0742557790 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780742557802 (electronic : alk. paper)
ISBN 0742557804 (electronic : alk. paper)
D851.09 / С75 /
Средняя Европа : Проблемы ме
ждународных и межнациональн
ых отношений. XII-XX вв. / Отв. ре
д. А.С. Стыкалин. -- СПб. : Алете
йя, 2009.
544 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785914191594(h) :
D851.09 / С75 / 2 /
Средняя Европа : Проблемы ме
ждународных и межнациональн
ых отношений. XII-XX вв. Памяти
Т.М. Исламова / Отв. ред.А.С.Ст
ыкалин. -- СПб. : Алетейя, 2009.
544 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785914191594(h) :
D851.2 / Р76 /
Россия и Европа : хрестомати
я по русской геополитике / с
ост. Шишелина, Л.Н. . -- Москва
: Наука, 2007.
614 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 5020351881(h) : CNY627.30
D851.22 / Я81 / Яскина, Г.С. .
Россия—Монголия—Китая : пр
облемы сотрудничества и пре
одоление противоречий / Яск
ина, Г.С. . -- Москва : ИЭ РАН, 200
52 с. ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9785994001875CNY189.00
D851.229 / З56 / Зенькович, Н.А. .
1993.Честная хроника безумных
дней / Зенькович, Н.А. . -- Мос
ква : ОЛМА Медиа Групп, 2010.
640 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785373033183(h) : CNY406.00
D851.29 / Б23 / Бантыш-Каменский, Н
.НРеестры греческим делам Мос
ковского архива Коллегии ин
остранных дел : Рос. гос. арх
. древ. актов. Фонд 52. Опись 1
/ Бантыш-Каменский, Н.Н. . -- Мо
сква : Индрик, 2001.
414 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 5857591481(h) :
D851.29 / Р24 / Распопович, Р. .
Россия и Черногория в начале
XIX века : русское консульств
о в Которе в 1804-1806 гг. / Распо
пович, Р. . -- СПб. : Алетейя, 2009
207 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785914191679
D856.19 / P416 / Pennybacker, Susan D. (Susan Dabne
y)From Scottsboro to Munich : Race and political cul
ture in 1930s Britain / Susan D. Pennybacker. . -Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c20
xvi, 382 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Ada Wright and Scottsboro -- George Padmore and Lo
ndon -- Lady Kathleen Simon and antislavery -- Sakl
atvala and the Meerut Trial -- Diasporas : refugees
and exiles -- A thieves' kitchen, 1938-39.
ISBN 9780691088280 (cloth : acid-free paper) : CNY
ISBN 9780691088280 (cloth : acid-free paper) : CNY
ISBN 0691088284 (cloth : acid-free paper)
ISBN 9780691088280 (cloth : acid-free paper) : CNY
ISBN 0691088284 (cloth : acid-free paper)
ISBN 9780691141862 (pbk. : acid-free paper)
ISBN 9780691088280 (cloth : acid-free paper) : CNY
ISBN 0691088284 (cloth : acid-free paper)
ISBN 9780691141862 (pbk. : acid-free paper)
ISBN 069114186X (pbk. : acid-free paper)
D871.2 / W631 / Wiarda, Howard J., 1939 - .
Think tanks and foreign policy : the Foreign Polic
y Research Institute and presidential politics / H
oward J. Wiarda. . -- Lanham : Lexington Books, c2
1 online resource (xi, 158 p.)
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -From AEI to FPRI -- Introduction to Philadelphia a
nd FPRI -- History and background -- Think tanks an
d foreign policy -- The colleagues -- The central a
dministration -- Work life -- Out and about in Phil
adelphia -- Foreign travel and the 1988 presidentia
l race -- Conclusion : return visits.
ISBN 9780739141649 (electronic)
ISBN 9780739141649 (electronic)
ISBN 0739141643 (electronic)
ISBN 9780739141649 (electronic)
ISBN 0739141643 (electronic)9780739141625 (cloth :
alk. paper) : CNY470.25
ISBN 9780739141649 (electronic)
ISBN 0739141643 (electronic)9780739141625 (cloth :
alk. paper) : CNY470.250739141627 (cloth : alk. pa
ISBN 9780739141649 (electronic)
ISBN 0739141643 (electronic)9780739141625 (cloth :
alk. paper) : CNY470.250739141627 (cloth : alk. pa
per)9780739141632 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739141649 (electronic)
ISBN 0739141643 (electronic)9780739141625 (cloth :
alk. paper) : CNY470.250739141627 (cloth : alk. pa
per)9780739141632 (pbk. : alk. paper)0739141635 (pb
k. : alk. paper)
D871.22 / C886 / Craig, Campbell, 1964 - .
The atomic bomb and the origins of the Cold War /
Campbell Craig, Sergey Radchenko. . -- New Haven, C
onn. ; London : Yale University Press, c2008.
xxv, 201 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780300110289 (hbk.) : CNY180.00
ISBN 9780300110289 (hbk.) : CNY180.00
ISBN 0300110286 (hbk.)
D871.22 / P742 / Podliska, Bradley F. .
Acting alone : a scientific study of American hege
mony and unilateral use-of-force decision making /
Bradley F. Podliska. . -- Lanham, Md. : Lexington
Books, c2010.
xvi, 255 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 227-245) an
d index.
ISBN 9780739142516 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY641.2
ISBN 9780739142516 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY641.2
ISBN 0739142518 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739142516 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY641.2
ISBN 0739142518 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739142530 (electronic)
ISBN 9780739142516 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY641.2
ISBN 0739142518 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739142530 (electronic)
ISBN 0739142534 (electronic)
D871.29 / F668 / Folly, Martin H., 1957 - .
Historical dictionary of U.S. diplomacy from World
War I through World War II / Martin Folly, Niall P
almer. . -- Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2010.
lxvii, 465 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references. . -- Chronolog
y -- Introduction -- The dictionary -- Appendix A:
International conferences -- Appendix B: Presidents
, secretaries of state, and undersecretaries -- App
endix C: Chairs of Senate Committee on Foreign Rela
tions -- Appendix D: Major ambassadorships.
ISBN 9780810856066 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY1026.
ISBN 9780810856066 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY1026.
ISBN 0810856069 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810856066 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY1026.
ISBN 0810856069 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810873766 (eBook)
ISBN 9780810856066 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY1026.
ISBN 0810856069 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810873766 (eBook)
ISBN 0810873761 (eBook)
D90 / P977 / Pufendorf, Samuel, Freiherr von, 163216On the duty of man and citizen according to natural
law / Pufendorf ; edited by James Tully ; transla
ted by Michael Silverthorne. . -- Cambridge [Engla
nd] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1991
xliv, 183 p. ; 23 cm.
Translation of : De officio hominis et civis. . -Includes bibliographical references (p. xxxviii-xl)
and index.
ISBN 0521351952 (hardback) : CNY213.00
ISBN 0521351952 (hardback) : CNY213.00
ISBN 0521359805 (pbk.)
Ⅰ. Cambridge texts in the history of political th
D90 / I61 /
Intersectionality and beyond : law, power and the
politics of location / edited by Emily Grabham ...
[et al.]. . -- Abingdon : Routledge-Cavendish,
xiii, 377 p. ; 25 cm.
"A GlassHouse book". . -- Includes bibliographica
l references and index.
ISBN 9780415432429 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415432429 (hbk.)
ISBN 0415432421 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415432429 (hbk.)
ISBN 0415432421 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415432436 (pbk.) : CNY460.00
ISBN 9780415432429 (hbk.)
ISBN 0415432421 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415432436 (pbk.) : CNY460.00
ISBN 041543243X (pbk.)
D90-05 / L415(3) /
Law and the Internet / edited by Lilian Edwards an
d Charlotte Waelde. . -- 3rd ed. . -- Oxford ; Por
tland, Or. : Hart, 2009.
il, 713 p. ; 24 cm.
Previous ed.: 2000. . -- Includes bibliographical r
eferences and index. . -- International governance
and the Internet / Antony Taubman - - The fall and
rise of intermediary liability online / Lilian Ed
wards - - The changing face of electronic consumer
contracts in the twenty-first century : fit for pur
pose? / Christine Riefa and Julia Hornle - - The j
urisdictional challenge of the Internet / Julia Ho
rnle - - EC regulation of audio-visual content on t
he Internet / Elizabeth Newman - - 'Appropriate f
or the digital age?' : Copyright and the Internet
: 1. Scope of copyright / Hector L. Macqueen - - '
Appropriate for the digital age'? Copyright and th
e Internet : 2. Exceptions and licensing / Hector
L Macqueen - - Search engines and copyright : shapi
ng information markets / Charlotte Waelde - - Sear
ch engines, keyword advertising and trade marks : f
air innovation or free riding? / Tobias Bednarz an
d Charlotte Waelde - - Domain names and trade marks
: an uncomfortable interrelationship / Caroline W
ilson - - Protection of computer software / Arne K
olb - - Free and open-source software / Andres Gua
damuz - - Scholarly communications and new technolo
gies : the role of copyright in the open access mov
ement / Charlotte Waelde - - Intellectual property
, competition and the Internet / Abbe EL Brown - Privacy and data protection online : the laws don'
t work? / Lilian Edwards - - Consumer privacy law
1 : online direct marketing / Lilian Edwards - - C
onsumer privacy law 2 : data collection, profiling
and targeting / Lilian Edwards and Jordan Hatcher
- - Privacy and surveillance : legal and socioecono
mic aspects of state intrusion into electronic comm
unications / Judith Rauhofer - - The retention of
communications data in Europe and the UK / Judith
Rauhofer - - Cybercrime and Internet security : a c
riminological introduction / Richard Jones - - Por
nography, censorship and the Internet / Lilian Edw
ards - - Information security and cybercrime / Ian
Brown, Lilian Edwards and Chris Marsden.
ISBN 9781841138152 (pbk.) : CNY315.00
ISBN 9781841138152 (pbk.) : CNY315.00
ISBN 1841138150 (pbk.)
D904.1-61 / Т44 / R / Тираспольский,
Г.Римские законы : (предъюсти
нианская эпоха ):словарь-спр
авочник / Тираспольский, Г. И
. . -- Москва : Флинта и др., 2010.
312 с. : ил. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785976507371(h) : CNY189.60
ISBN 9785976507371(h) : CNY189.60
ISBN 9785020348387
D912.1 / A238 /
Administrative law in a changing state : essays in
honour of Mark Aronson / edited by Linda Pearson,
Carol Harlow and Michael Taggart. . -- Oxford ; P
ortland, Or. : Hart, 2008.
viii, 417 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [407]-409
) and index. . -- Between the devil and the deep bl
ue sea : administrative law in an age of rights /
Thomas Poole - - Common law and statute law in US F
ederal administrative law / Jack M. Beermann - - T
hesurrogacy principle and motherhood statements in
administrative law / Matthew Groves - - Interpreta
tive obligations as constitutional tools / Jack Be
atson - - TheCanadian Charter of Rights and Freedom
s : a 'direct driver' of judicial review of admin
istrative action in Canada? / David Mullan - - The
equitable origins of the improper purpose ground /
J. J. Spigelman AC - - Thecrown in the courts : ca
n political theory help? / Janet McLean - - Common
law price control, state-owned enterprises and the
level playing field / Michael Taggart - - Politic
s, policy and outsourcing in the United States : th
e role of administrative law / Alfred C. Aman, Jr.
- - Poetic justice : public contracting and the ca
se of the London Tube / Richard Rawlings - - Apuni
tive role for tort law? / Carol Harlow - - Underst
anding administrative adjudication / Peter Cane - Fact-finding in administrative tribunals / Linda
Pearson - - Administrative law, pluralism and the
legal construction of merits review in Australian e
nvironmental courts and tribunals / Elizabeth Fish
er - - Ombudsmen and integrity review / Anita Stuh
mcke - - Soft law v. hard law / Robin Creyke and J
ohn McMillan.
ISBN 9781841137872 (hbk.) : CNY682.00
ISBN 9781841137872 (hbk.) : CNY682.00
ISBN 1841137871 (hbk.)
D912.29 / A633 /
Antitrust and regulation in the EU and US : legal
and economic perspectives / edited by Francois Lev
eque and Howard Shelanski. . -- Cheltenham, UK ; N
orthampton, MA : Edward Elgar, c2009.
xi, 207 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Introduction : balancing antitrust and regulation
/ Franeois Leveque and Howard Shelanski -- Syntheti
c competition / Douglas H. Ginsburg -- European com
petition policy and regulation : differences, overl
aps, and constraints / John Temple Lang -- Contrast
ing legal solutions and the comparability of EU and
US experiences / Pierre Larouche -- Modeling an an
titrust regulator for telecoms / James B. Speta -Rethinking merger remedies : toward a harmonization
of regulatory oversight with antitrust merger revi
ew / Philip J. Weiser -- Market power in US and EU
electricity generation / Richard Gilbert and David
Newbery -- Mobile call termination : a tale of two
-sided markets / Tommaso Valletti.
ISBN 9781847207616 (hardcover) : CNY682.00
ISBN 9781847207616 (hardcover) : CNY682.00
ISBN 1847207618 (hardcover)
D912.5 / T772 /
The transformation of labour law in Europe : A com
parative study of 15 countries, 1945-2004 / edited
by Bob Hepple and Bruno Veneziani. . -- Oxford ;
Portland, Or. : Hart Publishing, 2009.
xvii, 393 p. ; 24 cm.
"This book [is] a sequel to The making of labour
law in Europe : a comparative study of nine countr
ies up to 1945"--P. [4] of cover. . -- Includes
bibliographical references (p. [355]-373) and ind
ISBN 9781841138701 : CNY525.00
ISBN 9781841138701 : CNY525.00
ISBN 1841138703
D913 / F329 / : 1
Feminist legal studies, vol.1, Evolution
/ edited
by Joanne Conaghan. . -- London : Routledge, 2009
xxi,444 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -v. 1. Evolution -- v. 2. Neo/liberal encounters -v. 3. Legal method, legal reason, legal change -v. 4. Challenges and contestations.
ISBN 9780415447461 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415447461 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 0415447461 (set)
ISBN 9780415447461 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 0415447461 (set)
ISBN 9780415447478 (v. 1)
ISBN 9780415447461 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 0415447461 (set)
ISBN 9780415447478 (v. 1)
ISBN 041544747X (v. 1)
D913 / F329 / : 2
Feminist legal studies, vol.2, Neo/liberal encounte
rs / edited by Joanne Conaghan. . -- London : Ro
utledge, 2009.
xxi,444 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -v. 1. Evolution -- v. 2. Neo/liberal encounters -v. 3. Legal method, legal reason, legal change -v. 4. Challenges and contestations.
ISBN 9780415447461 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415447461 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 0415447461 (set)
ISBN 9780415447461 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 0415447461 (set)
ISBN 9780415447485 (v. 2)
ISBN 9780415447461 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 0415447461 (set)
ISBN 9780415447485 (v. 2)
ISBN 0415447488 (v. 2)
D913 / F329 / : 3
Feminist legal studies, vol.3, Legal method, legal
reason, legal change / edited by Joanne Conaghan.
. -- London : Routledge, 2009.
xxi,453 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -v. 1. Evolution -- v. 2. Neo/liberal encounters --
v. 3. Legal method, legal reason, legal change -v. 4. Challenges and contestations.
ISBN 9780415447461 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415447461 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 0415447461 (set)
ISBN 9780415447461 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 0415447461 (set)
ISBN 9780415447492 (v. 3)
ISBN 9780415447461 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 0415447461 (set)
ISBN 9780415447492 (v. 3)
ISBN 0415447496 (v. 3)
D913 / F329 / : 4
Feminist legal studies, vol.4, Challenges and conte
stations / edited by Joanne Conaghan. . -- London
: Routledge, 2009.
xxi,453 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -v. 1. Evolution -- v. 2. Neo/liberal encounters -v. 3. Legal method, legal reason, legal change -v. 4. Challenges and contestations.
ISBN 9780415447461 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415447461 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 0415447461 (set)
ISBN 9780415447461 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 0415447461 (set)
ISBN 9780415447515 (v. 4)
ISBN 9780415447461 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 0415447461 (set)
ISBN 9780415447515 (v. 4)
ISBN 0415447518 (v. 4)
D913.4 / I61 /
Intellectual property law : Economic and social ju
stice perspectives / edited by Anne Flanagan, Mari
a Lilláa Montagnani. . -- Cheltenham, UK : Edward
Elgar, [2010], Ã2010.
xviii, 212 pages ; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781848446274 (hardback) : CNY631.00
D913.991 / R236 /
Rationality in company law : Essays in honour of D
D Prentice / edited by John Armour and Jennifer Pa
yne. . -- Oxford ; Portland, Or. : Hart Publishing
, 2009.
xii, 400 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1841138061
ISBN 1841138061
ISBN 9781841138060 (hbk.) : CNY787.00
D95 / C178 / : 10
The Cambridge yearbook of European legal studies. V
olume 10, 2007-2008 / edited by Catherine Barnard.
. -- Oxford : Oxford and Portland, Or., 2008.
lxvi, 631 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1841133612 (hbk.) : CNY1312.00
D95 / E89 /
European Ombudsman-Institutions : A comparative le
gal analysis regarding the multifaceted realisation
of an idea / Gabriele Kucsko-Stadlmayer (ed.). -Wein : New York : Springer, 2008.
xv, 584 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [551]-572
) and index.
ISBN 9783211728802 : CNY841.00
ISBN 9783211728802 : CNY841.00
ISBN 3211728805
D950.1 / E89 /
European Union non-discrimination law : comparativ
e perspectives on multidimensional equality law /
edited by Dagmar Schiek and Victoria Chege. . -- Lo
ndon ; New York : Routledge-Cavendish, 2009.
xxxi, 411 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [371]-399
) and index. . -- From European Union non-discrimin
ation law towards multidimensional equality law for
Europe / Dagmar Schiek -- Is European Union equal
ity law capable of addressing multiple and intersec
tional discrimination yet? Precautions against negl
ecting intersectional cases / Ruth Nielsen -- Multi
dimensional equality from within : themes from the
European Convention on Human Rights / Oddny Mjoll A
rnadottir -- Positive rights and positive duties :
addressing intersectionality / Sandra Fredman -- In
tersectionality scope and multidimensional equality
within the European Union : traversing national bo
undaries of inequality? / Ulrike M. Vieten -- Stig
ma : a limiting principle allowing multiple-conscio
usness in anti-discrimination law? / Iyiola Solanke
-- Multi-dimensional exclusion : viewing Romani ma
rlinglisation through the nexus of race and poverty
/ Morag Goodwin -- From single to multidimensional
policy approaches to equalities : the example of c
ontract compliance / Michael Orton and Peter Ratcli
ffe -- Utility-based equality and disparate diversi
ties : from a Finnish perspective / Kevat Nousiaine
n -- Comparative approaches to gender equality and
non-discrimination within Europe / Susanne Burri an
d Sacha Prechal -- Multidimensional equality in the
Czech and Slovak Republics : the case of Roma wome
n / Kristina Koldinska -- French legal approaches t
o equality and discrimination for intersecting grou
nds in employment relatins / Sylvaine Laulom -- Mul
tipe equality claims in practice of the Norweigna a
nti-discrimination agencies / Hege Skjeie -- The he
adscarf debate : approaching the intersection of se
x, religion, and race under the European Convention
on Human Rrights and EC equality law / Titia Loene
n -- Religion, ethnicity and gender in the Danish h
eadscarf debate / Lynn Roseberry -- Religion and eq
uality in Germany : the headscarf debate from a co
nstitutional perspective / Ute Sacksofsky.
ISBN 9780415457224 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415457224 (hbk.)
ISBN 041545722X (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415457224 (hbk.)
ISBN 041545722X (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415471152 (pbk.) :CNY1015.00
ISBN 9780415457224 (hbk.)
ISBN 041545722X (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415471152 (pbk.) :CNY1015.00
ISBN 041547115X (pbk.)
ISBN 9780415457224 (hbk.)
ISBN 041545722X (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415471152 (pbk.) :CNY1015.00
ISBN 041547115X (pbk.)
ISBN 9780203892626 (ebk.)
ISBN 9780415457224 (hbk.)
ISBN 041545722X (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415471152 (pbk.) :CNY1015.00
ISBN 041547115X (pbk.)
ISBN 9780203892626 (ebk.)
ISBN 0203892623 (ebk.)
D950.22 / C976 /
Current issues in European financial and insolvency
law : Perspectives from France and the UK / edit
ed by Wolf-Georg Ringe, Louise Gullifer, and Philip
pe Thery. . -- Oxford : Hart, c2009.
x, 244 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781841139357 (hbk.) : CNY472.00
ISBN 9781841139357 (hbk.) : CNY472.00
ISBN 1841139351
D950.229 / M953 / Mukwiri, Jonathan. .
Takeovers and the European legal framework : a Bri
tish perspective / Jonathan Mukwiri. . -- London
; New York : Routledge-Cavendish, 2009.
xxiii, 176 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [145]-150
) and index. . -- Legal framework of takeover regul
ation -- The myth of tactical litigation in UK take
overs -- EC regulatory objective I : shareholders - Directors' duties and takeover regulation -- Reg
ulation of EC cross-border takeovers -- EC regulato
ry objective II : harmonisation -- Takeovers and fr
ee movement of capital.
ISBN 0415491576 (hbk.)
ISBN 0415491576 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415491570 (hbk.) : CNY855.00
ISBN 0415491576 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415491570 (hbk.) : CNY855.00
ISBN 9780203877104 (ebk.)
ISBN 0415491576 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780415491570 (hbk.) : CNY855.00
ISBN 9780203877104 (ebk.)
ISBN 0203877101 (ebk.)
D950.229 / W728 / Williams, Rebecca. .
Unjust enrichment and public law : a comparative s
tudy of England, France and the EU / Rebecca Willi
ams. . -- Oxford ; Portland, Or. : Hart, 2010.
lviii, 294 p. ; 24 cm.
Originally presented as the author's thesis (docto
ral)--University of Birmingham, England. . -- Inclu
des bibliographical references and index. . -- Unju
st enrichment and public law in England and Wales.
Definitions and controversies - - Woolwich and the
creation of the public law reason for restitution - The scope of the public law reason for restituti
on - - A hierarchy of reasons for restitution - - D
efences - - Conclusions and further implications - Unjust enrichment and public law in France. Publi
c body unjust enrichment claims in France : lessons
for England and Wales - - Unjust enrichment and pu
blic law in the European Union. Unjust enrichment a
nd the EU institutions - - Unjust enrichment in nat
ional and European law, and the "remedies" jurisp
rudence of the ECJ.
ISBN 1841134147
ISBN 1841134147
ISBN 9781841134147 (hbk.) : CNY525.00
D950.229 / T164 / Tang, Zheng Sophia. .
Electronic consumer contracts in the conflict of la
ws / Zheng Sophia Tang. . -- Oxford ; Portland, O
re. : Hart, 2009.
xxix, 317 p. ; 24cm.
ISBN 9781841138473 (hbk.) : CNY525.00
ISBN 9781841138473 (hbk.) : CNY525.00
ISBN 1841138479
D950.25 / M235 /
The making of labour law in Europe : a comparative
study of nine countries up to 1945 / edited by Bo
b Hepple. . -- Oxford : Hart, 2010.
xiv, 412 p. ; 24 cm.
Originally published: London : Mansell, 1986 (Studi
es in labour and social law). . -- Includes bibliog
raphical references and index.
ISBN 9781841138206 (pbk.) : CNY420.00
ISBN 9781841138206 (pbk.) : CNY420.00
ISBN 1841138207 (pbk.)
D950.3 / H689 / Hodges, Christopher J. S. .
The reform of class and representative actions in E
uropean legal systems : A new framework for collec
tive redress in Europe / Christopher Hodges. . -Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2008.
xxix, 319 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 9781841139029 : CNY367.00
ISBN 9781841139029 : CNY367.00
ISBN 1841139025
Ⅰ. Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and
Comparative Law ;, v. 8.
D950.3 / S511 / Seville, Catherine. .
EU intellectual property law and policy / Catherin
e Seville. . -- Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, c2009.
l, 431 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781847201232 (hbk.) : CNY997.00
ISBN 9781847201232 (hbk.) : CNY997.00
ISBN 1847201237 (hbk.)
D950.3 / M235 /
Making European private law : governance design /
edited by Fabrizio Cafaggi and Horatia Muir-Watt.
. -- Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA : Edward El
gar, c2008.
xi, 355 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781847201980 (hbk.) : CNY892.00
ISBN 9781847201980 (hbk.) : CNY892.00
ISBN 1847201989 (hbk.)
D950.3 / R344 /
The regulatory function of European private law /
edited by Fabrizio Cafaggi and Horatia Muir Watt. .
-- Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, c2009.
xxx, 345 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781847201997 (hbk.) : CNY997.00
ISBN 9781847201997 (hbk.) : CNY997.00
ISBN 1847201997 (hbk.)
D950.3 / K88 / : 2007Koziol,Helmut. .
European tort law. 2007 / Helmut Koziol, Barbara C
. Steininger. . -- New York : Springer-Verlag Vien
na, 2008
661 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN 9783211779910 : CNY1481.00
ISBN 9783211779910 : CNY1481.00
ISBN 3211779914
ISSN 16161-8623
Ⅰ. European tort law,2007
D950.4 / M684 / Mitsilegas, Valsamis, 1971 - .
EU criminal law / Valsamis Mitsilegas. . -- Oxford
; Portland, ORHart Pub., 2009.
xii, 352 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 325-345) an
d index.
ISBN 9781841135854 (pbk.) : CNY471.00
ISBN 9781841135854 (pbk.) : CNY471.00
ISBN 1841135852 (pbk.)
Ⅰ. Modern studies in European law ;, v. 17
D950.6 / T939 / Turk, Alexander. .
Judicial review in EU law / Alexander H. Turk. . - Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar
, c2009.
xlvii, 354 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 330-337) an
d index.
ISBN 9781845422035 (hbk.) : CNY997.00
ISBN 9781845422035 (hbk.) : CNY997.00
ISBN 1845422031 (hbk.)
Ⅰ. Elgar European law.
D951.2 / Я86 / Ясюкова, Л. А. .
Правовое сознание в структу
ре ментальности россиян / Яс
юкова, Л. А. . -- СПб. С.-Петерб.,
167 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785288046988CNY173.40
D951.2 / K31 / Kembayev, Zhenis. .
Legal aspects of the regional integration processes
in the post-Soviet area / Zhenis Kembayev. . -- B
erlin : Springer, c2009.
xii, 217 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 213-217). - Available to OhioLINK libraries.
ISBN 9783540876519 : CNY833.00
ISBN 9783540876519 : CNY833.00
ISBN 3540876510
ISBN 9783540876519 : CNY833.00
ISBN 3540876510
ISBN 9783540876526 (e-isbn)
ISBN 9783540876519 : CNY833.00
ISBN 3540876510
ISBN 9783540876526 (e-isbn)
ISBN 3540876529 (e-isbn)
D951.209 / Д28 / 2 /
Декреты Советской власти.. Т
.18, Август 1921 г. . -- Москва : РО
ССПЭН, 2009.
671 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785824311778(h) :
D951.225 / В68 / Володин, А.Ю. .
История фабричной инспекции
в России 1882-1914 гг. / Володин,
А.Ю. . -- Москва : РОССПЭН, 2009.
207 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785824312010(h) :
D956.1 / B674 / Bogg, Alan. .
The democratic aspects of trade union recognition
/ Alan Bogg. . -- Oxford : Hart Pub, 2009.
xxxi, 303 p. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781841137902 : CNY472.00
ISBN 9781841137902 : CNY472.00
ISBN 1841137901
D971.2 / C787 / Corace, Don, 1957 - .
Government pirates : the assault on private proper
ty rights--and how we can fight it / Don Corace. .
-- 1st ed. . -- New York : Harper, c2008.
xiv, 271 p. ; 21 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780061661433 (pbk.) : CNY100.00
ISBN 9780061661433 (pbk.) : CNY100.00
ISBN 0061661430 (pbk.)
D971.222.9 / G283(2) / Gavil, Andrew I., 1957 - .
Antitrust law in perspective : Cases, concepts, an
d problems in competition policy / by Andrew I. Ga
vil, William E. Kovacic, Jonathan B. Baker. . -- 2n
d ed. . -- St. Paul, MN : Thomson/West, c2008.
xlii, 1267 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. + teacher's manua
Includes index. . -- Includes bibliographical refer
ences and index.
ISBN 9780314162618 (alk. paper) : CNY1111.00
ISBN 9780314162618 (alk. paper) : CNY1111.00
ISBN 0314162615 (alk. paper)
ISBN 9780314162618 (alk. paper) : CNY1111.00
ISBN 0314162615 (alk. paper)
ISBN 9780314162625 (teacher's manual)
ISBN 9780314162618 (alk. paper) : CNY1111.00
ISBN 0314162615 (alk. paper)
ISBN 9780314162625 (teacher's manual)
ISBN 0314162623 (teacher's manual)
Ⅰ. American casebook series.
D971.226 / G721 / : 2008(1)Government Institutes Re
seEnvironmental statutes. 2008(2) / Government Insti
tutes Research Group. . -- 2008 edition. -- Lanham
: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing, 2008
xvi,940 p ; 23 cm
Includes index.
ISBN 9780865871953 : CNY873.00
ISBN 9780865871953 : CNY873.00
ISBN 0865871957
D971.226 / G721 / : 2008(2)Government Institutes Re
seEnvironmental statutes. 2008(2) / Government Insti
tutes Research Group. . -- 2008 edition. -- Lanham
: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing, 2008
xvii,941-1763 p ; 23 cm
Includes index.
ISBN 9780865871953
ISBN 9780865871953
ISBN 0865871957
: CNY873.00
: CNY873.00
D99 / W253 /
War, torture and terrorism : rethinking the rules
of international security / edited by Anthony F. L
ang, Jr. and Amanda Russell Beattie. . -- London ;
New York : Routledge, 2009.
xvii, 213 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415465212 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415465212 (hardback)
ISBN 0415465214 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415465212 (hardback)
ISBN 0415465214 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415465229 (pbk.) : CNY256.00
ISBN 9780415465212 (hardback)
ISBN 0415465214 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415465229 (pbk.) : CNY256.00
ISBN 0415465222 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780415465212 (hardback)
ISBN 0415465214 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415465229 (pbk.) : CNY256.00
ISBN 0415465222 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780203888452 (ebook)
ISBN 9780415465212 (hardback)
ISBN 0415465214 (hardback)
ISBN 9780415465229 (pbk.) : CNY256.00
ISBN 0415465222 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780203888452 (ebook)
ISBN 0203888456 (ebook)
D99 / S555 /
The shifting allocation of authority in internation
al law : considering sovereignty, supremacy and su
bsidiarity ; essays in honour of Professor Ruth Lap
idoth / edited by Tomer Broude and Yuval Shany. .
-- Oxford : Hart, 2008.
viii, 437 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -pt.1. The structures of international law -- The c
entipede and the centrifuge: principles for the cen
tralisation and decentralisation of governance -- O
n the causes of uncertainty and volatility in inter
national law -- Structural paradigms of internation
al law -- Subsidiarity as a method of policy centra
lisation -- Fragmentation(s) of international law:
on normative integration as authority allocation. .
-- pt.2. International authority and the state -State sovereignty, international legality and moral
disagreement -- Democracy without sovereignty: the
global vocation of political ethics -- Subsidiarit
y, fragmentation and democracy: towards the demise
of general international law?. -- pt.3. Allocation
of authority among judicial bodies -- Towards a Sol
ange-method between international courts and tribun
als? -- Exercise in constitutional tolerance? When
public international law meets private internationa
l law: Bosphorus revisited -- Domestic courts and s
overeignty. . -- pt.4. Allocations of authority in
specific normative contexts -- Regionalism, economi
c interdependence, approximation of laws and their
impact on sovereignty, national identity, and legit
imacy: the Euro-Med case -- Conflicting obligations
in international investment law: investment tribun
als' perspective -- Multi-level accountability: a
case study of accountability in the aftermath of th
e Srebenica massacre -- Territorial administration
by non-territorial sovereigns.
ISBN 9781841137971 (hbk.) : CNY630.00
ISBN 9781841137971 (hbk.) : CNY630.00
ISBN 1841137979 (hbk.)
D99 / G798 / Green, James A., Dr. .
The International Court of Justice and self-defence
in international law / James A. Green. . -- Oxfor
d, England ; Portland, Or. : Hart Publishing, 200
xvi, 229 p. ; 24 cm.
Originally presented as the author's thesis (Ph.D)
--University of Nottingham, 2007. . -- Includes bib
liographical references (p. [211]-225) and index.
. -- Introduction - - The criterion of an armed at
tack in the jurisprudence of the International Cour
t of Justice - - The criteria of necessity and prop
ortionality - - The trouble with armed attack and t
he merged conceptions of self-defence - - A proposa
l for redefining armed attack - - The ICJ : roles a
nd restrictions - - Conclusion.
ISBN 9781841138763 (hbk.) : CNY472.00
ISBN 9781841138763 (hbk.) : CNY472.00
ISBN 1841138762
D990 / W557 / Wheatley, Steven.
The democratic legitimacy of international law / S
teven Wheatley. . -- Oxford : Hart Publishing, 201
xxiv, 400 p. ; 25 cm.
Contains bibliograpical references (pp.[383]-394)
and index.
ISBN 9781841138176 : CNY630.00
D992 / A996 / Azopardi, Keith. .
Sovereignty and the stateless nation : Gibraltar i
n the modern legal context / Keith Azopardi. . -Oxford ; Portland, Or. : Hart Pub., 2009.
xxxv, 417 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -From strategic gain to fortress colony to 'The ri
ght to our land' -- Changing landscapes : sovereig
nty status and governance by 1986 and their converg
ence onto the european stage -- Sovereignty, state
and statelass nation -- 'The sensitivity of the un
derlying bilateral issue' : bilateralism and the g
overnance deficity 1986-2004 -- Sub-state power, re
presentation and influence and the zenith of bilate
ralism -- Negotiating a way through the mist : old
concepts, new meanings -- Making advances : power,
influence and representation within the european di
mension and the status dilemma.
ISBN 9781841139166 (hbk.) : CNY630.00
ISBN 9781841139166 (hbk.) : CNY630.00
ISBN 1841139165 (hbk.)
D993.3 / E93 /
The evolution of the law and politics of water / J
oseph W. Dellapenna, Joyeeta Gupta, editors. . -- N
ew York : Springer, c2009.
xix, 413 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781402098666 (hardbook : alk. paper) : CNY12
ISBN 9781402098666 (hardbook : alk. paper) : CNY12
ISBN 1402098669 (hardbook : alk. paper)
D993.5 / C556 / Christodoulou-Varotsi, Iliana. .
Maritime safety law and policies of the European Un
ion and the United States of America : Antagonism
or synergy? / Iliana Christodoulou-Varotsi. . -- N
ew York ; London : Springer, 2008.
xvi, 162 p. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9783540698715 (hbk.) : CNY748.20
ISBN 9783540698715 (hbk.) : CNY748.20
ISBN 354069871X (hbk.)
D993.9 / Q6(2) / Quigley, Conor. .
European state aid law and policy / Conor Quigley.
. -- 2nd ed. . -- Oxford ; Portland, Or. : Hart
Pub., 2009.
lxvi, 574 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1841137472
ISBN 1841137472
ISBN 9781841137476 (hbk.) : CNY1574.00
D993.9 / O94 /
The outer limits of European Union law / edited by
Catherine Barnard and Okeoghene Odudu. . -- Oxford
; Portland, Oregon : Hart Pub., c2009.
vi, 446 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1841138606
ISBN 1841138606
ISBN 9781841138602 (hbk.) : CNY525.00
D993.9 / R434 /
A responsibility to assist : EU policy and practic
e in crisis-management operations under European se
curity and defence policy : a COST report / edited
by Tom Hadden. . -- Oxford ; Portland, Or. : Har
t, 2009.
xiv, 155 p. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781841139340 (pbk.) : CNY315.00
ISBN 9781841139340 (pbk.) : CNY315.00
ISBN 1841139343 (pbk.)
D993.9 / T746 / Townley, Christopher. .
Article 81 EC and public policy / Christopher Town
ley. . -- Oxford ; Portland, Or. : Hart Pub., 200
xxxiii, 363 p. ; 25 cm.
Based on the author's thesis (Ph.D.)--European Uni
on Institute, Florence. . -- Includes bibliographic
al references (p. 327-350) and index.
ISBN 9781841139685 (hbk.) : CNY682.00
ISBN 9781841139685 (hbk.) : CNY682.00
ISBN 1841139688 (hbk.)
D998.35 / R571 /
A right to inclusion and exclusion? : normative fa
ult lines of the EU's area of freedom, security an
d justice / edited by hans Lindahl. . -- Oxford ;
Portland, Or. : Hart Pub., 2009.
xi, 285 p. ; 27 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781841139494 : CNY525.00
ISBN 9781841139494 : CNY525.00
ISBN 1841139491
E0-052 / D133 /
Daily lives of civilians in wartime twentieth-centu
ry Europe / edited by Nicholas Atkin. . -- Westpor
t, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2008.
xlv, 230 p. : ill., maps ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [201]- 21
5) and index.
ISBN 9780313336577 (alk. paper) : CNY472.00
ISBN 9780313336577 (alk. paper) : CNY472.00
ISBN 0313336571 (alk. paper)
E20 / К18 / Каменнов, П.Б. .
КНР: военная политика на руб
еже веков / Каменнов, П.Б. . -Москва : Институт Дальнего В
остока РАН, 2008.
224 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785838101501
F0 / S518(5) / Sexton, Robert L. .
Exploring microeconomics / Robert L. Sexton. . -5th ed. . -- Australia ; Mason, OH : South-Wester
n Cengage Learning, c2011.
xxxii, 637 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 9781439040508 : CNY1104.00
F0-0 / L449 / Lebowitz, Michael A. .
Following Marx : method, critique and crisis / by
Michael Lebowitz. . -- Leiden ; Boston : Brill,
xvi, 370 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [359]-365
) and indexes.
ISBN 9789004149427 (harddback) : CNY823.00
ISBN 9789004149427 (harddback) : CNY823.00
ISBN 9004149422 (harddback)
F091.354 / S664(2) / Smith,David. .
Exploring innovation / David Smith. . -- 2nd ed. .
-- London : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2010
330 p. ; 25 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780077121235 : CNY530.00
F11 / S749 / Spero, Joan Edelman. .
The politics of international economic relations /
Joan Edelman Spero, Jeffrey A. Hart. . -- Boston,
MA : Wadsworth Cengage Learning, c2010.
xviii, 504 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9780534602741 (pbk.) : CNY760.00
ISBN 9780534602741 (pbk.) : CNY760.00
ISBN 0534602746 (pbk.)
F114 / M478 / McKinley, Michae. .
Economic globalisation as religious war : tragic c
onvergence / Michael McKinley. -- London ; New Yo
rk : Routledge, 2008
xii, 330 p. ; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references (p. [301]-323
) and index.
ISBN 9780415479639 : CNY251.00
Ⅰ. Routledge advances in international relations a
nd global politics ;, 58
F119 / B369 / Beattie, Alan, Economics corresponden
t.False economy : A surprising economic history of t
he world / Alan Beattie. . -- New York : Riverhea
d Books, 2009.
321 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [305]-312
) and index. . -- Making choices : why did Argentin
a succeed and the United States stall? -- Cities :
why didn't Washington, D.C., get the vote? -- Trad
e : why does Egypt import half its staple food? -Natural resources : why are oil and diamonds more t
rouble than they are worth? -- Religion : why don'
t Islamic countries get rich? -- Politics of develo
pment : why does our asparagus come from Peru? -- T
rade routes and supply chains : why doesn't Africa
grow cocaine? -- Corruption : why did Indonesia pr
osper under a crooked ruler and Tanzania stay poor
under an honest one? -- Path dependence : why are p
andas so useless? -- Conclusion : our remedies oft
in ourselves do lie.
ISBN 9781594488665 (hbk.) : CNY119.00
ISBN 9781594488665 (hbk.) : CNY119.00
ISBN 1594488665
F119 / T971 / : 3
Twentieth century economic history : Critical conc
epts in Economics / edited by Lars Magnusson. . -New York : Routledge, 2010.
352 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415496070 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415496070 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415496087 (1)
ISBN 9780415496070 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415496087 (1)
ISBN 9780415496094 (2)
ISBN 9780415496070 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415496087 (1)
ISBN 9780415496094 (2)
ISBN 9780415496100 (3)
ISBN 9780415496070 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415496087 (1)
ISBN 9780415496094 (2)
ISBN 9780415496100 (3)
ISBN 9780415496117 (4)
F119 / T971 / : 2
Twentieth century economic history : Critical conc
epts in Economics / edited by Lars Magnusson. . -New York : Routledge, 2010.
352 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415496070 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415496070 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415496094 (2)
F119 / T971 / : 1
Twentieth century economic history : Critical conc
epts in Economics / edited by Lars Magnusson. . -New York : Routledge, 2010.
352 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415496070 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415496070 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415496087
F119 / T971 / : 4
Twentieth century economic history : Critical conc
epts in Economics / edited by Lars Magnusson. . -New York : Routledge, 2010.
422 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415496070 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415496070 (set) : CNY6943.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415496117
F120 / С30 /
XVII съезд КПК и проблемы соци
ально-экономического развит
ия КНР на современном этапе
/ Сост.П.Б. Каменнов . -- Москв
а : Учреждение Рос. академии
наук Б Институт Дальнего Вос
тока РАН, 2009.
272 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785838101532
F120.4 / Б48 / Бергер, Я.М. .
Экономическая стратегия Кит
ая / Бергер, Я.М. . -- Москва : И
Д "ФОРУМ", 2009.
560 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785819904138(h)
F121-532 / Т67 /
30 лет реформ в КНР : опыт, про
блемы, уроки : тезисы докладо
в XVII международной конферен
ции "Китай, китайская цивили
зация и мир. История, совреме
нность, перспективы" (Москва
, 22-24 октября 2008 г.) / Отв. сек
. С.А.Горбунова. Ч.1. -- Москва :
ИДВ РАН, 2008.
207 с. ; 21 cm.
F125.51 / Ф91 / Фроленков,В.С. .
Современные торгово-экономи
ческие отношения КНР с центр
альноазиатскими странами-чл
енами ШОС и Туркменистаном
/ Фроленков,В.С. . -- Москва : ИД
В РАН, 2009.
264 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785838101587
F135.15 / B315 / Baskaran, Arockia. .
Impact of foreign direct investment on indian econo
my / Arockia Baskaran ; Soundararaj, J.J. -- New D
elhi : Excel Books, 2010
333 p; 24 cm
ISBN 9788174468437 : CNY276.74
ISBN 9788174468437 : CNY276.74
ISBN 8174468439
F150.43 / I58 /
Innovation policy in Europe : measurement and stra
tegy / edited by Claire Nauwelaers and Renâe Wint
jes. . -- Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA : Edwa
rd Elgar, c2008.
xxiv, 295 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1845427599 (hbk.) : CNY1022.00
ISBN 1845427599 (hbk.) : CNY1022.00
ISBN 9781845427597 (hbk.)
F150.54-09 / C932 /
Crises in European integration : challenge and res
ponse, 1945-2005 / edited by Ludger Kuhnhardt. . - New York : Berghahn Books, 2009.
167 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [143]-155
) and index.
ISBN 9781845454418(hbk. : alk. paper) : CNY315.00
ISBN 9781845454418(hbk. : alk. paper) : CNY315.00
ISBN 1845454413(hbk. : alk. paper)
F151.243 / Р68 /
Роль интеллектуальной собст
венности в инновационном ра
звитии России / Отв. ред.: И.А
. Близнец. -- Москва : РГИИС, 200
336 с. ; 29 cm.
ISBN 9785895080467(h)
F151.29 / Б91 / Бурнашева, Н.И. .
В единении--сила! : История к
ооперации Якутин (вторая пол
овина XIX в.-1920-е гг.) / Бурнаше
ва, Н.И. . -- Москвап : АИРО-ХХ1,
288 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785910221103(h) :
F151.29 / Ш33 / Шватченко, О.А. .
Вотчинное землевладение в Р
оссии в конце XVI века / Шватч
енко, О.А. . -- Москва : Институ
т рос. истории РАН, 2008.
189 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785805501983
F155.54 / F349 / Ferfila, Bogomil. .
Slovenia's transition : from medieval roots to th
e European Union / Bogomil Ferfila with Paul Phill
ips. . -- Lanham : Lexington Books, c2010.
x, 214 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Before the nation state (sixth century to1991) -Transition and economic development in Slovenia: th
e first decade of independence -- The transformatio
n of institutions: the development of corporatism i
n Slovenia -- Monetary and exchange rate policy dur
ing Slovenia's transition -- Labour and the transi
tion, part 1: unions and the evolution of a new ind
ustrial relations -- Labour and the transition, par
t 2 -- The political economy of the Slovenian trans
ition, 1945-2004 -- Political change and fiscal pol
icy: the role of the budget in the Slovenian transi
tion -- Slovenia and the EU: the accession -- After
word: Slovenia in the EU.
ISBN 9780739136300 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY555.7
ISBN 9780739136300 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY555.7
ISBN 0739136305 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739136300 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY555.7
ISBN 0739136305 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739136324 (electronic)
ISBN 9780739136300 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY555.7
ISBN 0739136305 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780739136324 (electronic)
ISBN 0739136321 (electronic)
F171.244 / R813 / Rosenberg, Jerry Martin. .
The concise encyclopedia of the great recession, 20
07-2010 / Jerry M. Rosenberg. . -- Lanham, MD : S
carecrow Press, 2010.
xiv, 391 p.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780810876606 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY51
ISBN 9780810876606 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY51
ISBN 9780810876910 (ebook)
F224.0 / W913(2) / Wooldridge, Jeffrey M., 1960 - .
a / Jeffrey M. Wooldridge. . -- 2nd ed. . -- Cambr
idge, Mass. ; London : MIT, 2010.
xxvii, 1064 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Previous ed.: 2002. . -- Includes bibliographical r
eferences (p. [1025]-1044) and index.
ISBN 9780262232586 (hbk.) : CNY525.00
ISBN 9780262232586 (hbk.) : CNY525.00
ISBN 0262232588 (hbk.)
F323 / А25 /
Аграрная проблема Китая (кон
ец XX-начало XXI века) / Отв. ред
. В.И. Шабалин. . -- Москва : ИДВ
РАН, 2009.
304 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785838101570
F335.1 / R161 / Raizada, Sumesh. .
Scope & challenges of rural marketing in India / S
umesh Raizada,Visha Agarwal. . -- New Delhi : Exce
l Books, 2010
389 p ; 24 cm
ISBN 9788174468420 : CNY276.74
ISBN 9788174468420 : CNY276.74
ISBN 8174468420
F351.29 / Е83 / Есиков,С. А. .
Российская деревня в годы НЭ
ПА : К вопросу об альтернати
вах сталинской коллективиза
ции (по материалам Центральн
ого Черноземья) / С. А. Есиков
. . -- Москва : РОССПЭН, 2010.
246 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785824313833(h) : CNY127.50
Ⅰ. История сталинизма
F421 / М91 / Муромцева, З.А. .
Китайская Народная Республи
ка : путь к индустриализации
нового типа / Муромцева, З.А
. . -- Москва : ИДВ РАН, 2009.
264 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785838101556
F547.12 / M978 / Murphy, John, 1968 - .
The Eisenhower interstate system / John Murphy. .
-- New York : Chelsea House Publishers, c2009.
142 p. : ill., some col. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 132-134) an
d index. . -- The good road movement -- Thomas Macd
onald and the bureau of public roads -- The new dea
l and interstate highways -- Eisenhower's "grand
plan" -- Building the interstates -- Interstate co
ntroversy and crisis -- A new age for the interstat
e highway system.
ISBN 9781604130676 (hardcover) : CNY235.00
F825.129 / Я62 / Янин, В.Л. .
Денежно-весовые системы дом
онгольской Руси и очерки ист
ории денежной системы средн
евекового Новгорода / Янин,
В.Л. . -- Москва : Языки славянс
ких культур, 2009.
416 с. ; илл., 22 cm.
ISBN 9785955101729(h) :
F827.121 / Д83 / Дункан, Р. .
Кризис доллара : Причины, по
следствия и пути выхода
/ Ду
нкан, Р. . -- Москва : ЕВРО, 2010.
296 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785902537144(h) : CNY407.00
ISBN 9785902537144(h) : CNY407.00
ISBN 0470821027
F830.3 / F491 /
Finance and banking developments / Charles V. Kars
one, editor. . -- New York : Nova Science Publishe
rs, c2010.
xii, 342 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 27 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781608763290 (hbk.) : CNY879.00
ISBN 9781608763290 (hbk.) : CNY879.00
ISBN 1608763293 (hbk.)
F830.9 / F491 / : 1
Financial markets and financial fragility / edited
by Jan Toporowski. . -- Cheltenham : Edward Elgar
, c2010.
511 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 9781848440975 (hbk. : v. 1) : CNY3710.00
ISBN 9781848440975 (hbk. : v. 1) : CNY3710.00
ISBN 1848440979 (hbk. : v. 1)
F830.9 / F491 / : 2
Financial markets and financial fragility / edited
by Jan Toporowski. . -- Cheltenham : Edward Elgar
, c2010.
461 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 9781848440975 (hbk. : v. 2) : CNY3710.00
ISBN 9781848440975 (hbk. : v. 2) : CNY3710.00
ISBN 1848440979 (hbk. : v. 2)
F837.120 / F491 /
Financial regulatory reform / editor, Stephen E. M
oyer. . -- Hauppauge, N.Y. : Nova Science Publishe
rs, c2009.
168 p. ; 22 cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 9781607415671 (hbk.) : CNY600.00
F837.125 / A258 /
After the crash : the future of finance / Yasuyuk
i Fuchita, Richard J. Herring, Robert E. Litan, edi
tors. . -- Tokyo : Nomura Institute of Capital Mar
kets Research ; Washington, D.C. : Brookings Inst
itution Press, c2010.
viii, 150 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -After the crash : will finance ever be the same? /
Yasuyuki Fuchita, Richard J. Herring, and Robert E
. Litan -- The uncertain future of U.S. commercial
banking / Alan McIntyre and Michael Zeltkevic -- Re
gulatory changes and investment banking : seven que
stions / Kei Kodachi and Tetsuya Kamiyama -- The fu
ture of the hedge fund industry / Christopher C. Ge
czy -- Is there a case for regulating executive pay
in the financial services industry? / John E. Core
and Wayne R. Guay.
ISBN 9780815704041 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY230.04
ISBN 9780815704041 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY230.04
ISBN 0815704046 (pbk. : alk. paper)
G0 / М65 / Мисюров, Д. А. .
Символы о символах : Начала
культурно-символической пол
итики / Мисюров, Д. А. . -- Изд.
2-е. -- Москва : Либроком, 2009.
232 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785397005517CNY205.70
G151.2 / Ф27 / Фатющенко,В.И. .
Русский мир в контексте миро
вых цивилизаций : курс лекци
й / Фатющенко,В.И. . -- Москва :
Гнозис, 2009.
320 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785942440268(h) :
G151.2 / С56 /
Советское прошлое и культур
а настоящего : монография /
Отв. ред. Н.А. Купина и др.. Т.1.
-- В 2 т. . -- Екатеринбург : Изд
-во Урал. ун-та, 2009.
244 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785799604714
ISBN 9785799604714
ISBN 9785799604707
G151.2 / С56 /
Советское прошлое и культур
а настоящего : монография /
Отв. ред. Н.А. Купина и др.. Т.2.
-- В 2 т. . -- Екатеринбург : Изд
-во Урал. ун-та, 2009.
396 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785799604721
ISBN 9785799604721
ISBN 9785799604707
G171.22 / B464 / Beneke, Chris, (Christopher J.) .
Beyond toleration : the religious origins of Ameri
can pluralism / Chris Beneke. . -- New York : Oxf
ord University Press, 2008
ix, 305 p. ; 25 cm
Includes bibliographical references (p. [227]-294
) and index.
ISBN 9780195382662 : CNY233.00
G219.712.9 / M849 / Morgan, David. .
The lure of images : a history of religion and vis
ual media in America / David Morgan. . -- London
; New York : Routledge, 2007.
xii, 308 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [294]-300
) and index. . -- The aura of print -- Religious vi
sual media and cultural conflict -- Consumption and
religious images -- Parlors and kitchens: domestic
visual practice and religion -- Pictorial entertai
nment and instruction -- Seeing in public: America
as imagined community -- Facing the sacred: image a
nd charisma -- Back to nature.
ISBN 0415409144 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415409144 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415409152 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415409144 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415409152 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415409148 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY80
ISBN 0415409144 (hardback : alk. paper)
ISBN 0415409152 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780415409148 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY80
ISBN 9780415409155 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Ⅰ. Religion, media, and culture series.
G25-532 / Р86 /
Румянцевские чтения : Истор
ико-культурные традиции и ин
новационные преобразования
России.Просветительская от
ветственность библиотек / С
ост.:А.Н.Тихонова и др.. Ч.1. -- М
осква : Пашков дом, 2009.
304 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785751004545
ISBN 9785751004545
ISBN 9785751004538
G25-532 / Р86 /
Румянцевские чтения : Истор
ико-культурные традиции и ин
новационные преобразования
России.Просветительская от
ветственность библиотек / С
ост.:А.Н.Тихонова и др. Ч.2. -- М
осква : Пашков дом, 2009
200 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785751004552
ISBN 9785751004552
ISBN 9785751004538
G256 / М80 / Морозов, В.В. .
Лицевой свод в контексте оте
чественного летописания XVI в
ека / Морозов, В.В. . -- Москва
: Индрик, 2005.
288 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 5857593336(h) :
: 1G256.1 / Е79 / Ерусалимский, К.Ю.
.Сборник Курбского / Ерусали
мский, К.Ю. Т.1, Исследования к
нижной культуры. . -- Москва :
Знак, 2009.
888 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785955103051(h) :
G257 / П34 /
Писцовые и переписные книги
Вологды XVII-начала XVIII века /
Отв. ред. И.В. Пугач. Т.1. -- В 2 т
. . -- Москва : Кругъ, 2008.
412 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785739601438(h) :
G257 / П34 /
Писцовые и переписные книги
Вологды XVII-начала XVIII века /
Отв.ред. И.В.Пугач. Т.2. -- В 2 т.
. -- Москва : Кругъ, 2008.
412 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785739601445(h) :
R / G257-61 / Ф75 / Фокеев, В.А. .
Библиографическая наука и п
рактика : терминологический
словарь / Фокеев, В.А. . -- СПб
. : Профессия, 2008.
272 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785939131476(h)
G259 / O86(2) / Oswald,Godfrey. .
Library world records / Godfrey Oswald. . -- 2nd e
d. . -- Jefferson : Mcfarland and Company Inc, 200
327 p. ; 26 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9786612301025 : CNY266.00
G259.512 / К53 / 2 / : 88(2)
Книга : исследования и матер
иалы / Гл.ред. Б.В. Ленский. Сб
.88(Ч.2). -- Москва : Наука, 2008.
252 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785020363083
G259.512 / К53 /
Книга : исследования и матер
иалы / Гл.ред. Б.В. Ленский. Сб
.88(Ч.2). -- Москва : Наука, 2008
252 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785020363083
G279.512.9 / Р69 /
Роман Вилимович в гостях у П
етра Игнатьевича : псковски
й архив английского купца 168
0-х годов / Публик. подготови
ли П.С. Стефанович и др. . -- Мо
сква : Индрик, 2009.
176 с. ; илл., 22 cm.
ISBN 9785916740608(h) :
G30 / Н34 / : 2009
Науковедческие исследовани
я : 2009 / Отв. ред. А.И.Ракитов.
. -- Москва : ИНИОН РАН, 2009.
208 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785248004942
G301 / Н34 / : 2008
Науковедческие исследовани
я : 2008: Сб. науч. тр. / Отв. ред.
Ракитов,А.И. . -- Москва : ИНИО
Н РАН, 2008.
280 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785248004515CNY145.50
G304 / F434(4) / Feyerabend, Paul, 1924-1994. .
Against method / Paul Feyerabend. . -- 4th ed. . - London ; New York : Verso, 2010.
xxxii, 296 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781844674435 (hbk.)
ISBN 9781844674435 (hbk.)
ISBN 1844674436 (hbk.)
ISBN 9781844674435 (hbk.)
ISBN 1844674436 (hbk.)
ISBN 1844674428 (pbk.)
ISBN 9781844674435 (hbk.)
ISBN 1844674436 (hbk.)
ISBN 1844674428 (pbk.)
ISBN 9781844674428 (pbk.) : CNY157.00
G325.129 / А38 /
Академия наук в истории куль
туры России в XVIII-XX вв. / Отв. р
ед. Ж.И. Алфёров. -- СПб. : Наука
, 2010.
707 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785020253346(h) :
G325.129 / Н34 / 2 /
Наука в условиях глобализац
ии / Под ред. А.Г. Аллахвердян
а и др. . -- Москва : Логос, 2009.
520 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785987043700(h)
G325.129 / Н34 /
Наука в условиях глобализац
ии / Под ред.А.Г.Аллахвердяна
и др. . -- Млсква : Логос, 2009.
520 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785987043700(h) :
G40-09 / Б40 / Безрогов, В.Г. .
Традиции ученичества и инст
итут школы в древних цивилиз
ациях / Безрогов, В.Г. . -- Моск
ва : Памятники исторической
мысли, 2008.
459 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785884512344(h) :
G40-09 / Б40 / 2 / Безрогов, В.Г. .
Традиции ученичества и инст
итут школы в древних цивилиз
ациях / Безрогов, В.Г. . -- Моск
ва : Памятники исторической
мысли, 2008.
459 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785884512344(h) :
G40-58 / В31 / Вербицкий, А.А. .
Личностный и компетентностн
ый подходы в образовании : п
роблемы интеграции / Вербиц
кий, А.А. . -- Москва : Логос, 2009
336 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785987044520(h) :
G44 / Б27 / Басов, М.Я. .
Общие основы педологии / Бас
ов, М.Я. . -- СПб. : Алетейя, 2007.
776 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785903354658(h)
G535.1 / С89 / Супрунова, Л.Л. .
Опыт модернизации образован
ия в Индии / Супрунова, Л.Л. .
-- Москва : Прогресс-Традиция
, 2009.
248 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 5898263023(h) :
G551.21 / К93 / Куракин, А.Л. .
Образование в России : Тенде
нции и проблемы / Куракин, А.
Л. . -- Москва : ИНИОН РАН, 2009.
56 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785248004935
G551.29 / Е30 / 2 / Егорова, М.В. .
Повседневная жизнь учащихся
и учителей Урала в XIX-начале
XX в. / Егорова, М.В. . -- Москва
: Памятники исторической мы
сли, 2008.
216 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785884512399(h) :
G551.29 / Е30 / Егорова, М.В. .
Повседневная жизнь учащихся
и учителей Урала в XIX-начале
XX в. / Егорова, М.В. . -- Москва
: Памятники исторической мыс
ли, 2008.
216 с. ; илл., 22 cm.
ISBN 9785884512399(h)
G649.21 / Б82 / Боревская,Н.Е. .
Новые механизмы финансирова
ния высшей школы в КНР : кита
йский опыт в российском конт
ексте / Боревская,Н.Е. . -- Мос
ква : ИДВ РАН, 2009.
160 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785838101549
G649.512.9 / А65 / Андреев, А.Ю. .
Российские университеты XVIII
-первой половины XIX века в ко
нтексте университетской ист
ории Европы / Андреев, А.Ю. . - Москва : Знак, 2009.
640 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785955103204(h) :
G72 / Л74 / Ломакина, Т.Ю. .
Современный принцип развити
я непрерывного образования
/ Ломакина, Т.Ю. . -- Москва : На
ука, 2006.
221 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 5020339601(h)
H0 / E93 /
The evolution of human language : Biolinguistic pe
rspectives / [edited by] Richard K. Larson, Vivi
ane Deprez, Hiroko Yamakido. . -- Cambridge ; New
York : Cambridge University Press, c2010.
x, 269 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 232-262) an
d index. . -- introduction - - The faculty of langu
age : what is it, who has it, and how did it evolv
e? / Marc D. hauser, Noam Chomsky and W. Tecumseh
Fitch - - Language architecture. Some simple evo de
vo theses : how true might they be for language?
/ Noam Chomsky ; Your theory of language evolution
depends on your theory of language / Ray Jackendo
ff ; Three meaning of "recursion" : key distinc
tions for biolinguistics / W. Tecumseh Fitch ; On
obfuscation, obscurantism, and opacity : evolving
conceptions of the faculty of language / Marc D.
Hauser - - Language and interface systems. Prospect
ion as a cognitive precursor to symbolic communicat
ion / Peter Gardenfors and Mathias Osvath ; Did l
anguage evolve before speech? / Michael C. Corball
is ; A pragmatic perspective on the evolution of l
anguage / Dan Sperber and Gloria Origgi - - Biolog
ical and neurological foundations. Plasticity and c
analization in the evolution of linguistic communic
ation : an evolutionary developmental approach /
Daniel Dor and Eva Jablonka ; What is language, th
at it may have evolved, and what is evolution, that
it may apply to language / Massimo Piattelli-Palm
arini ; The creative capacity of language, in what
manner is it unique, and who had it? / Philip Lie
berman ; Genetics and the evolution of language :
what genetic studies reveal about the evolution of
language / Karin Stromswold - - Anthropological c
ontext. A putative role for language in the origin
of human consciousness / Ian Tattersall ; On two
incompatible theories of language evolution / Dere
k Bickerton ; On the evolution of language : impl
ications of a new and general theory of human origi
ns, properties, and history / Paul M. Bingham.
ISBN 9780521516457
ISBN 9780521516457
ISBN 0521516455
ISBN 9780521516457
ISBN 0521516455
ISBN 9780521736251 (pbk.) : CNY273.00
ISBN 9780521516457
ISBN 0521516455
ISBN 9780521736251 (pbk.) : CNY273.00
ISBN 0521736250 (pbk.)
Ⅰ. Approaches to the evolution of language.
H0 / N532 /
New challenges in typology : transcending the bord
ers and refining the distinctions / edited by Pati
ence Epps, Alexandre Arkhipov. . -- Berlin : Mouto
n de Gruyter, 2009.
xi, 428 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. .
-- Word and phrase structure -- Case, agreement, an
d localization -- Tense, aspect, and desire -- Clau
se structure and derivation -- Class struggle : era
sing borderlines -- New Challenges in methodology.
ISBN 9783110219050 (cl.) : CNY932.00
ISBN 9783110219050 (cl.) : CNY932.00
ISBN 3110219050 (cl.)
H0 / F726 / : 2
Formulaic language / edited by Roberta Corrigan ..
. [et al.]. -- Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John
Benjamins Pub. Co., c2009.
2 v. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. .
-- v. 1. Distribution and historical change -- v. 2
. Acquisition, loss, psychological reality, and fun
ctional explanations.
ISBN 9789027229977 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027229977 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 902722997X (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027229977 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 902722997X (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027229953 (v. 1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027229977 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 902722997X (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027229953 (v. 1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9027229953 (v. 1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027229977 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 902722997X (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027229953 (v. 1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9027229953 (v. 1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027229960 (v. 2 : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9789027229977 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 902722997X (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027229953 (v. 1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9027229953 (v. 1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027229960 (v. 2 : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027229961 (v. 2 : alk. paper)
H0 / A319 / Alanko-Kahiluoto,Outi. .
Writing otherwise than seeing / Outi Alanko-Kahilu
oto. . -- Saarbrucken,Germany : VDM Verlag Dr. Mull
er Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG, 2010
228 p ; 23 cm
ISBN 9783639242577 : CNY914.85
ISBN 9783639242577 : CNY914.85
ISBN 3639242572
H0 / P568 / : 1
Philosophy of language. vol.1, Foundational article
s / edited by A.P. Martinich. . -- New York : Rou
tledge, 2008.
308 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415434713 (set) : CNY6356.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415434713 (set) : CNY6356.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415434720 (vol. 1)
H0 / Г80 / Грек,М. .
Сочинения / Преподобный Мак
сим Грек. Т.1. -- Москва : Индри
к, 2008.
567 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785857594452(h) :
H0 / P568 / : 2
Philosophy of language. vol.2, Semantics / edited
by A.P. Martinich. . -- New York : Routledge, 2008
302 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415434713 (set) : CNY6356.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415434713 (set) : CNY6356.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415434737 (vol. 2)
H0 / P568 / : 3
Philosophy of language. vol.3, Singular terms, prop
ositional attitudes, and modality / edited by A.P.
Martinich. . -- New York : Routledge, 2008.
483 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780415434713 (set) : CNY6356.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415434713 (set) : CNY6356.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415434744 (vol. 3)
H0 / P568 / : 4
Philosophy of language. vol.4, Pragmatics, Thought,
and Some Contemporary Issues / edited by A.P. Mar
tinich. . -- New York : Routledge, 2008.
451 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -v. 1. Foundational articles -- v. 2. Semantics -v. 3. Singular terms, propositional attitudes, and
modality -- v. 4. Pragmatics, Thought, and Some Con
temporary Issues.
ISBN 9780415434713 (set) : CNY6356.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415434713 (set) : CNY6356.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415434720 (vol. 1)
ISBN 9780415434713 (set) : CNY6356.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415434720 (vol. 1)
ISBN 9780415434737 (vol. 2)
ISBN 9780415434713 (set) : CNY6356.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415434720 (vol. 1)
ISBN 9780415434737 (vol. 2)
ISBN 9780415434744 (vol. 3)
ISBN 9780415434713 (set) : CNY6356.00(4v.)
ISBN 9780415434720 (vol. 1)
ISBN 9780415434737 (vol. 2)
ISBN 9780415434744 (vol. 3)
ISBN 9780415434751 (vol. 4)
H0 / Г69 /
Горизонты современной лингв
истики : Традиции и новаторс
тво / Ред.: В.А.Виноградов и д
р. . -- Москва : Языки славянск
их культур, 2009.
856 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785955103143
H0 / П86 /
Психология, лингвистика и ме
ждисциплинарные связи : сбо
рник научных работ к 70-летию
со дня рождения Алексея Але
ксеевича Леонтьева
/ Под ре
д. Т.В. Ахутиной и др. . -- Москв
а : Смысл, 2008.
391 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785893572643(h)
H0 / А87 / Архипов, А.В. .
Типология комитативных конт
рукций / Архипов, А.В. . -- Моск
ва : Знак, 2009.
296 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785955103068(h)
H0 / С77 / Старостин, С.А. .
Труды по языкознанию / Старо
стин, С.А. . -- Москва : Языки сл
авянских культур, 2007.
928 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 5955101861(h) :
H003 / Э-15 /
Эвиденциальность в языках Е
вропы и Азии : Сборник стате
й памяти Наталии Андреевны К
озинцевой / Отв. ред. В.С. Хра
ковский. -- СПб. : Наука, 2007.
634 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020265301(h) :
H003 / Э-15 /
Эвиденциальность в языках Е
вропы и Азии / Отв. ред. В.С. Х
раковский. -- СПб. : Наука, 2007.
634 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020265301(h) :
H003 / Г61 / Голованивская, М.К. .
Ментальность в зеркале язык
а : Некоторые базовые конце
пты в представлении француз
ов и русских / Голованивская
, М.К. . -- Москва : Языки славян
ской культуры, 2009.
376 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785955103501(h) :
H0-05 / Т76 / Трошина, Н.Н. .
Речевые аспекты корпоративн
ой культуры : Аналитический
обзор / Трошина, Н.Н. . -- Моск
ва : ИНИОН РАН, 2009.
44 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785248004812
H0-05 / Л59 /
Лингводидактика : Социолинг
вистика. Языки мира / Редкол
.: Т.Б. Крючкова и др. . -- Москв
а : Советски писатель, 2008.
192 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785265057334(h) :
H0-05 / А22 / Автономова, Н.С. .
Открытая структура : Якобсо
н-Бахтин-Лотман-Гаспаров / А
втономова, Н.С. . -- Москва : РО
ССПЭН, 2009.
503 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785824312546(h)
H0-09 / C995 /
Cyclical change / edited by Elly van Gelderen. . - Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Pub.,
viii, 329 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. .
-- Cyclical change, an introduction / Elly van Geld
eren -- Jespersen recycled / Jack Hoeksema -- The J
espersen cycles / Johan van der Auwera -- The negat
ive cycle in early and modern Russian / Olena Tsurs
ka -- Jespersen off course? : the case of contempor
ary Afrikaans negation / Theresa Biberauer -- Weak
pronouns in Italian : instances of a broken cycle?
/ Diana Vedovato -- The subject cycle of pronominal
auxiliaries in old north Russian / Kyongjoon Kwon
-- Two instances of a broken cycle : sentential par
ticles in Old Italian / Cecilia Poletto -- The copu
la cycle / Terje Lohndal -- Rather : on a modal cyc
le / Remus Gergel -- Cycles of complementation in t
he Mayan languages / Clifton Pye -- The preposition
cycle in English / Cathleen Waters -- The study of
syntactic cycles as an experimental science / Roel
and Hancock and Thomas G. Bever.
ISBN 9789027255297 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027255297 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9027255296 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027255297 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9027255296 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027289216 (eb)
ISBN 9789027255297 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9027255296 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027289216 (eb)
ISBN 9027289212 (eb)
: CNY923.00
: CNY923.00
: CNY923.00
: CNY923.00
H03 / C951 /
Cross-linguistic semantics of tense, aspect and mod
ality / edited by Lotte Hogeweg, Helen de Hoop, An
drej Malchukov. . -- Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : J
ohn Benjamins Pub. Co., c2009.
vi, 406 p. : ill., maps ; 25 cm.
Papers from the workshop took place in Nijmega, the
Netherlands in November 2006. . -- Includes biblio
graphical references and index. . -- The semantics
of tense, aspect and modality in the languages of t
he world / Lotte Hogeweg, Helen de Hoop & Andrej Ma
lchukov -- Incompatible categories: resolving the '
present perfective paradox' / Andrej Malchukov -The perfective/imperfective distinction: coercion o
r aspectual operators? / Corien Bary -- Lexical and
compositional factors in the aspectual system of A
dyghe / Peter M. Arkadiev -- Event structure of non
-culminating accomplishments / Sergei Tatevosov & M
ikhail Ivanov -- The grammaticalised use of the Bur
mese verbs la 'come' and Owa 'go' / Nicoletta R
omeo -- Irrealis in Yurakare and other languages: o
n the cross-linguistic consistency of an elusive ca
tegory / Rik van Gijn & Sonja Gipper -- On the sele
ction of mood in complement clauses / Rui Marques - 'Out of control' marking as circumstantial moda
lity in St'at'imcets / Henry Davis, Lisa Matthews
on & Hotze Rullmann -- Modal geometry: remarks on t
he structure of a modal map / Kees de Schepper & Jo
ost Zwarts -- Acquisitive modals / Johan van der Au
wera, Petar Kehayov & Alice Vittrant -- Conflicting
constraints on the interpretation of modal auxilia
ries / Ad Foolen & Helen de Hoop -- Modality and co
ntext dependence / Fabrice Nauze -- Verbal semantic
shifts under negation, intensionality, and imperfe
ctivity: Russian genitive objects / Barbara H. Part
ee & Vladimir Borschev -- The Estonian partitive ev
idential: Some notes on the semantic parallels betw
een aspect and evidential categories / Anne Tamm -Index.
ISBN 9789027255310 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9789027255310 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027255318 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027255310 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027255318 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027288936 (ebk.)
ISBN 9789027255310 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027255318 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027288936 (ebk.)
ISBN 9027288933 (ebk.)
H030 / C676 /
Cognition and pragmatics / edited by Dominiek Sand
ra, Jan-Ola Ostman, Jef Verschueren. . -- Amsterdam
; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Pub. Co., c2009.
xvi, 399 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Preface to the series -- Acknowledgements -- Persp
ectives on language and cognition: from empiricism
to rationalism and back again / Dominiek Sandra -Artificial intelligence / Steven Gillis, Walter Dae
lemans & Koenraad DeSmedt -- Categorization / Elean
or Rosch -- Cerebral division of labour in verbal c
ommunication / Michel Paradis -- Cognitive grammar
/ Ronald W. Langacker -- Cognitive science / Seana
Coulson & Teenie Matlock -- Comprehension vs. produ
ction / J. Cooper Cutting -- Connectionism / Ton We
ijters & Antal van denBosch -- Consciousness and la
nguage / Wallace Chafe -- Developmental psychology
/ Susan M. Ervin-Tripp -- Experimentation / Dominie
k Sandra -- Language acquisition / Steven Gillis &
Dorit Ravid -- Metalinguistic awareness / Elizabeth
Mertz & Jonathan Yovel -- Perception and language
/ Roger Lindsay -- Psycholinguistics / Dominiek San
dra -- The multilingual lexicon / Ton Dijkstra -- I
ISBN 9789027207807 (pb : alk. paper) : CNY364.00
ISBN 9789027207807 (pb : alk. paper) : CNY364.00
ISBN 9027207801 (pb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027207807 (pb : alk. paper) : CNY364.00
ISBN 9027207801 (pb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027289209 (eb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027207807 (pb : alk. paper) : CNY364.00
ISBN 9027207801 (pb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027289209 (eb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9027289204 (eb : alk. paper)
H030 / L679 /
Lexical-semantic relations. : theoretical and prac
tical perspectives / Petra Storjohann. . -- Amster
dam : John Benjamin Publishing Company2010
188 p. ; 25 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9789027231383 : CNY979.00
ISBN 9789027231383 : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027231389
Ⅰ. Linguistic investigationes supplementa 28
H04 / E96 /
Explorations of phase theory : features and argume
nts / edited by Kleanthes K. Grohmann. . -- Berlin
; New York, NY : Mouton de Gruyter, c2009.
314 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Exploring features and arguments / Kleanthes K. Gr
ohmann -- Remarks on features / Halldâor âArmann
Sigurºsson -- Feature valuation by sideward moveme
nt / Bartosz Wiland -- On incrementality, overt agr
eement, theta-roles, and spec-head relations in the
phase-based framework / Ivan Ortega-Santos -- Stru
ctural case, locality, and cyclicity / Thomas McFad
den -- PRO, pro, and NP-trace (raising) are interpr
etations / M. Rita Manzini -- Movement of arguments
and negative feature / Masaaki Kamiya -- Inner asp
ect and phases / Jonathan E. MacDonald -- How to be
come passive / Berit Gehrke and Nino Grillo -- Erga
tivity, accusativity, and the order of merge and ag
ree / Gereon Mèuller -- Contributors -- Index.
ISBN 9783110205206 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY9
H04 / N832 / Nordstrom, Jackie. .
Modality and subordinators / Jackie Nordstrom. . - Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Pub.
Co., c2010.
xvii, 341 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 323-336) an
d indexes.
ISBN 9789027205834 (hc.) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9789027205834 (hc.) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027205833 (hc.)
ISBN 9789027205834 (hc.) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027205833 (hc.)
ISBN 9789027288608 (eb.)
ISBN 9789027205834 (hc.) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027205833 (hc.)
ISBN 9789027288608 (eb.)
ISBN 9027288607 (eb.)
H04 / G732 /
Gradience, gradualness and grammaticalization / ed
ited by Elizabeth Closs Traugott, Graeme Trousdale.
. -- Amsterdam, The Netherlands ; Philadelphia, P
a. : John Benjamins Pub. Co., c2010.
viii, 306 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. .
-- Contributors -- Acknowledgements -- Preface / Gr
aeme Trousdale and Elizabeth Closs Traugott -- Grad
ience, gradualness and grammaticalization: how do t
hey intersect? / Elizabeth Closs Traugott and Graem
e Trousdale -- Grammaticalization, the clausal hier
archy and semantic bleaching / Ian Roberts -- Gramm
atical interference: subject marker for and the phr
asal verb particles out and forth / Hendrik De Smet
-- Category change in English with and without str
uctural change / David Denison -- Features in reana
lysis and grammaticalization / Elly van Gelderen -How synchronic gradience makes sense in the light
of language change (and vice versa) / Anette Rosenb
ach -- What can synchronic gradience tell us about
reanalysis? Verb-first conditionals in written Germ
an and Swedish / Martin Hilpert -- A paradigmatic a
pproach to language and language change / Lene Schi
ler -- Grammaticalization and the it-cleft construc
tion / Amanda L. Patten -- Grammaticalization in Ch
inese: a construction-based account / Walter Bisang
-- Grammaticalization and models of language / Nig
el Vincent and Kersti Borjars -- Language index -Subject index.
ISBN 9789027206718 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY923.00
ISBN 9789027206718 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY923.00
ISBN 9027206716 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027206718 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY923.00
ISBN 9027206716 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027288448 (eb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027206718 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY923.00
ISBN 9027206716 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027288448 (eb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9027288445 (eb : alk. paper)
H04 / A694 /
Argument structure and syntactic relations : a cro
ss-linguistic perspective / edited by Maia Duguine
, Susana Huidobro, Nerea Madariaga. . -- Amsterdam
; Philadelphia, Pa. : John Benjamins Pub. Company
, c2010.
vi, 348 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Argument structure and syntactic relations / Maia
Duguine, Susana Huidobro and Nerea Madariaga -- Par
t I. Semantic and syntactic properties of the event
structure. Aspectual composition in causatives / M
aria Babicheva and Mikhail Ivanov -- Atelicity and
anticausativization / Ekaterina Lyutikova and Serge
i Tatevosov -- Minimalist variability in the verb p
hrase / Jonathan E. MacDonald -- On the L-Syntax of
manner and causation / Jaume Mateu -- Nominalizati
on, event, aspect and argument structure: A syntact
ic approach / Petra Sleeman and Ana Maria Brito -Part II. A cartographic view on argument structure.
The syntax of argument structure / Leonard H. Babb
y -- Argument structure and quantifier scope / John
Bowers -- Part III. Syntactic heads involved in ar
gument structure. An L-Syntax for adjuncts / 釧 ngel
J. Gallego -- The derivation of dative alternation
s / Javier Ormazabal and Juan Romero -- Advances in
Functional Linguistics : Basque ditransitives / Be
at Oyhar abal -- Applicative structure and Manda
rin ditransitives / Waltraud Paul and John Whitman
-- Unintentionally out of control / Knut Tarald Tar
aldsen -- Part IV. Argument structure in language a
cquisition. Zero time-arguments in French child lan
guage / Hamida Demirdache and Oana Lungu -- Reevalu
ating the role of innate linking rules in the acqui
sition of verb argument structure: Evidence from ch
ild Hebrew / Sigal Uziel-Karl -- Subject Index.
ISBN 9789027255419 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY923.00
ISBN 9789027255419 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY923.00
ISBN 9027255415 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027255419 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY923.00
ISBN 9027255415 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027288134 (eb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027255419 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY923.00
ISBN 9027255415 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027288134 (eb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9027288135 (eb : alk. paper)
H04 / П78 /
Проблемы функциональной гра
мматики : Категоризация сем
антики / Отв. ред. А.В. Бондар
ко и др. . -- СПб. : Наука, 2008.
470 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020252080(h) :
H042 / C951 /
Cross-disciplinary issues in compounding / edited
by Sergio Scalise, Irene Vogel. . -- Amsterdam ; P
hiladelphia : John Benjamins Pub. Co., c2010.
viii, 382 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. .
-- Why compounding? / Sergio Scalise and Irene Voge
l -- Part I. Delimiting the field. The role of synt
ax and morphology in compounding / Peter Ackema and
Ad Neeleman -- Constraints on compounds and incorp
oration / Marianne Mithun -- Compounding versus der
ivation / Angela Ralli -- Part II. At the core of c
ompounding. Units in compounding / Fabio Montermini
-- Compound construction: schemas or analogy? A co
nstruction morphology perspective / Geert Booij -The head in compounding / Sergio Scalise and Antoni
o Fabregas -- On the lexical semantics of compounds
: non-affixal (de)verbal compounds / Rochelle Liebe
r -- The phonology of compounds / Irene Vogel -- Pa
rt III. Typology and types of compounds. The typolo
gy of exocentric compounding / Laurie Bauer -- Coor
dination in compounding / Giorgio F. Arcodia, Nicol
a Grandi and Bernhard Walchli -- Parasynthetic comp
ounds: data and theory / Chiara Melloni and Antonie
tta Bisetto -- Synthetic compounds: with special re
ference to German / Livio Gaeta -- Corpus data and
theoretical implications: with special reference to
Italian v-n compounds / Davide Ricca -- Part IV. Q
uantitative and psycholinguitic aspects of compound
ing. Frequency effects in compound processing / R.
Harald Baayen, Victor Kuperman and Raymond Bertram
-- Computational issues in compound processing / Vi
to Pirrelli, Emiliano Guevara and Marco Baroni -- R
elational competition during compound interpretatio
n / Christina L. Gagne and Thomas L. Spalding -- Si
gn languages and compounding / Irit Meir ... [et a
l.] -- First language acquisition of compounds: wi
th special emphasis on early German child language
/ Wolfgang U. Dressler, Laura E. Lettner and Kathar
ina Korecky-Kroll.
ISBN 9789027248275 (hc : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9789027248275 (hc : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027248273
ISBN 9789027248275 (hc : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027248273
ISBN 9789027290892 (eb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027248275 (hc : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027248273
ISBN 9789027290892 (eb : alk. paper)
ISBN 902729089X (eb : alk. paper)
H042 / F529 / Fischer, Susann, 1964 - .
Word-order change as a source of grammaticalisation
/ Susann Fischer. . -- Amsterdam ; Philadelphia
: John Benjamins Pub. Co., c2010.
vii, 200 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. .
-- Introduction -- Different views on grammaticalis
ation and its relation to word-order -- Historical
overview of oblique subjects in Germanic and Romanc
e -- Historical overview of stylistic fronting in G
ermanic and Romance -- Accounting for the differenc
es and similarities between the languages under inv
estigation -- Explaining the changes: minimalism me
ets von Humboldt and Meillet -- References.
ISBN 9789027255402 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY886.00
ISBN 9789027255402 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY886.00
ISBN 9027255407 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027255402 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY886.00
ISBN 9027255407 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027288189 (eb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027255402 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY886.00
ISBN 9027255407 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027288189 (eb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9027288186 (eb : alk. paper)
H043 / S354 / Schmidtke-Bode, Karsten. .
A typology of purpose clauses / Karsten SchmidtkeBode. . -- Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjam
ins Pub. Co., c2009.
xii, 229 p. : ill., maps ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. .
-- Acknowledgements -- Abbreviations and notational
conventions -- Aims and scope of the book -- Theor
etical and methodological foundations -- The gramma
r of purpose : documentation and explanation -- Pur
pose clauses in the syntactic and conceptual space
of complex sentences -- Conclusion and outlook -- R
ISBN 9789027206695(hb : alk. paper) : CNY923.00
ISBN 9789027206695(hb : alk. paper) : CNY923.00
ISBN 9027206694(hb : alk. paper)
H043 / G166 / Gallego, Angel J. .
Phase theory / Angel J. Gallego. . -- Amsterdam ;
Philadelphia : John Benjamins Pub. Co., c2010.
xii, 365 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
ISBN 9789027255358 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9789027255358 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027255350 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027255358 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027255350 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027288370 (eb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027255358 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027255350 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027288370 (eb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9027288372 (eb : alk. paper)
H05 / M592 /
A method for linguistic metaphor identification :
from MIP to MIPVU / Gerard J. Steen ... [et al.]
. -- Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Pu
b. Co., c2010.
x, 238 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Linguistic metaphor
identification in usage -- MIPVU: a manual for ide
ntifying metaphor-related words -- Metaphor identif
ication in news texts -- Metaphor identification in
conversation -- Metaphor identification in fiction
-- Metaphor identification in academic discourse - Metaphor identification in Dutch news and convers
ations -- Reliability tests -- From method to resea
rch: cleaning up our act -- Metaphor in English dis
course: a corpus-linguistic approach -- The quality
of evidence: from MIP to MIPVU -- Appendix -- Over
view of annotated files from BNC-baby -- References
-- Index.
ISBN 9789027239037 (hb : alk. paper) CNY839.00
ISBN 9789027239037 (hb : alk. paper) CNY839.00
ISBN 9027239037 (hb : alk. paper)
Ⅰ. Converging evidence in language and communicati
on research,, 1566-7774 ;, v. 14.
H059-61 / О-75 /
Основные понятия переводове
дения (Отечественный опыт) :
Терминологический словарь
-справочник / Отв. ред. Раренк
о, М. Б. . -- Москва. : ИНИОН РАН,
260 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785248005123CNY135.30
H087-532 / R211 / RANLP 2007(2007 : Boroveëtìs,
BuRecent advances in natural language processing V :
selected papers from RANLP 2007 / edited by Nicol
as Nicolov, Galia Angelova, Ruslan Mitkov. . -- Ams
terdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Pub. Co.,
x, 338 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Papers presented at the Sixth International Confere
nce on "Recent advances in natural language proces
sing" (RANLP) held in Borovets, Bulgaria, 27-29 Se
pt. 2007. . -- Includes bibliographical references
and index. . -- Editors' foreword -- Ontotherapy,
or how to stop worrying about what there is / Yoric
k Wilks -- Constraint-driven transliteration discov
ery / Dan Goldwasser ... [et al.] -- Towards radi
cally incremental parsing of natural language / Wol
fgang Menzel -- Unsupervised graph-based word sense
disambiguation / Ravi Sinha & Rada Mihalcea -- Col
laborative entity extraction and translation / Heng
Ji & Ralph Grishman -- Generating models for tempo
ral representations / Patrick Blackburn & Sâebasti
en Hinderer -- The complexity of everyday language
/ Allan Ramsay -- Detecting topic drift / Dan Knigh
ts, Mike Mozer & Nicolas Nicolov -- Feature constru
ction for memory-based semantic role labeling of Ca
talan and Spanish / Roser Morante & Antal van den B
osch -- A maximization-minimization approach for up
date summarization / Florian Boudin & Juan Manuel T
orres-Moreno -- Integrating derivational morphology
into syntax / èOzlem ðCetinoæglu & Kemal Oflaze
r -- Biomedical named entity recognition using disc
riminative training / Sittichai Jiampojamarn, Grzeg
orz Kondrak & Colin Cherry -- Completing lists of e
ntities / Sisay Fissaha Adafre, Maarten de Rijke &
Erik Tjong Kim Sang -- Character n-grams as text al
ignment unit: CLIR applications / Jesâus Vilares,
Michael P. Oakes & Manuel Vilares -- K-best, locall
y pruned, transition-based dependency parsing using
robust risk minimization / Jinho D. Choi & Nicolas
Nicolov -- Minimal sets of minimal speech acts / D
ebora Field & Allan Ramsay -- Semantic similarity o
f short texts / Aminul Islam & Diana Inkpen -- News
from OPUS: a collection of multilingual parallel c
orpora with tools and interfaces / Jèorg Tiedemann
-- Reusing contemporary language resources to PoS
tag non-contemporary literary texts / Costanza Nava
rretta -- Domain independent mappings and source do
main reasoning for the semantics of metaphor / Rodr
igo Agerri ... [et al.] -- ConceptNet: a lexical
resource for common sense knowledge / Catherine Hav
asi, Robert Speer & Jason Alonso -- Confidence meas
ures and thresholding in coreference resolution / J
ohn Chen ... [et al.] -- The influence of pronomi
nal anaphora resolution on term-based summarisation
/ Constantin Oræasan -- Morpheme-based language m
odeling for an inflectional language, Amharic / Mar
tha Yifiru Tachbelie & Wolfgang Menzel -- Issues in
realizing the overall message of a bar chart / Sen
iz Demir, Sandra Carberry & Stephanie Elzer -- The
BulTreeBank: parsing and conversion / Atanas Chanev
... [et al.] -- List and addresses of contributo
rs -- Index of subjects and terms.
ISBN 9789027248251 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9789027248251 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027248257 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027248251 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027248257 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027290915 (eb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027248251 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027248257 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027290915 (eb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9027290911 (eb : alk. paper)
H314 / A235 /
Adjectives : formal analyses in syntax and semanti
cs / edited by Patricia Cabredo Hofherr, Ora Matus
hansky. . -- Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benj
amins Pub., c2010.
331 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. .
-- Adjectives: an introduction / Patricia Cabredo H
ofherr -- Syntactic positions of attributive adject
ives / Nadira Aljovic -- The Syntactic differences
between long and short forms of Russian adjectives
/ Leonard H. Babby -- The name of the adjective / H
agit Borer & Isabelle Roy -- Adjectives in Mandarin
Chinese: The rehabilitation of a much ostracized c
ategory / Waltraud Paul -- Comparisons of similarit
y and difference / Peter Alrenga -- Characterizing
superlative quantifiers / Javier Gutierrez-Rexach - Superlative adjectives and the licensing of non-m
odal infinitival subject relatives / Petra Sleeman
-- Sentential complementation of adjectives in Fren
ch / Catherine Leger -- Spanish adjectives within b
ounds / Rafael Marin.
ISBN 9789027255365 (alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9789027255365 (alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027255369 (alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027255365 (alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027255369 (alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027288349 (eb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027255365 (alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027255369 (alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027288349 (eb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9027288348 (eb : alk. paper)
H317 / A233 / Adger, David. .
Mirrors and microparameters : Phrase structure bey
ond free word order / David Adger, Daniel Harbour
and Laurel J. Watkins. . -- Cambridge, UK ; New Yo
rk : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
xiv, 190 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Introduction -- Nonconfigurationality and polysynt
hesis -- The clausal spin -- Making mirrors -- Inte
rface properties of clausal domains -- Anti-quantif
ication and the syntax-semantics interface -- Concl
ISBN 9780521517560 (hbk.) : CNY752.00
ISBN 9780521517560 (hbk.) : CNY752.00
ISBN 0521517567
Ⅰ. Cambridge studies in linguistics ;, 122.
H35 / С56 /
Современный русский язык :
Активные процессы на рубеже
XX-XXI веков / Отв. ред.Крысин,
Л.П. . -- Москва : Языки славянс
ких культур, 2008.
712 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785955102160(h) : CNY581.40
Ⅰ. Studia philologica
H35 / Р89 /
Русский язык как государств
енный язык Российской Федер
ации и языковая политика в с
овременном мире / Зав. ред.: А
.В. Голубева. -- СПб. : Златоуст
, 2007.
260 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785865473800
H351 / К60 / Колесов, В.В. .
Русская историческая фоноло
гия / Колесов, В.В. . -- СПб. : Фа
культут филологии и искусст
в СПбГУ, 2008.
400 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785846506442(h) :
H353 / О-95 /
Очерки исторической семанти
ки русского языка раннего Но
вого времени / Под ред. В.М. Ж
ивова. -- Москва : Языки славя
нских культур, 2009.
432 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785955103525(h) :
H353 / М89 / Мудрак, О.А. .
Свод камчадальной лексики п
о памятникам XVIII века / Мудра
к, О.А. . -- Москва : Вост. лит., 2
288 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020363885(h)
R / H353 / К99 / Кюршунова, И.А. .
Словарь некадендарных личны
х имен, прозвищ и фамильных п
розваний Северо-Западной Ру
си XV-XVII вв. / Кюршунова, И.А. . - СПб. : Дмитрий Буланин, 2010.
672 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785860075993(h)
H353.3 / Б24 / Баранов, А.Н. .
Аспекты теории фразеологии
/ Баранов, А.Н. и др. . -- Москва
: Знак, 2008.
656 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 5855102353(h) :
H353.3 / М74 / Мокиенко,В.М. .
Образы русской речи : истори
ко-этимологические очерки ф
разеологии / Мокиенко,В.М. . - 3-е изд. . -- Москва : Флинта и
др., 2009.
464 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785976500150
ISBN 9785976500150
ISBN 9785020345416(h)
R / H353-61 / Н74 /
Новое в русской лексике : Сл
оварные материалы-93 / Сост. Е
.А.Левашов и др. . -- СПб. : Дмит
рий Буланин, 2008.
448 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785860075931
H353-61 / К56 / Ковшова,М. Л. .
Семантика и прагматика эвфе
мизмов : Краткий тематическ
ий словарь современных русс
ких эвфемизмов / Ковшова,М. Л
. . -- Москва : Гнозис, 2007.
320 с. ; 17 cm.
ISBN 9785942440152(h) : CNY158.10
H354 / П78 /
Проблемы грамматики и типол
огии : Сб.статей памяти В.П.Н
едялкова (1928-2009)/Ред.В.Ф.Выдри
н. . -- Москва : Знак, 2010.
416 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785955103853(h) : CNY282.20
H35-53 / Р89 /
Русская речевая культура и т
екст : материалы VI Междунаро
дной научной конференции (2527 марта 2010 г.) / Под ред. Н.С. Б
олотновой. -- Томск : Изд-во То
мского ЦНТИ, 2010.
457 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785897022564(h)
R / H356 / Б48 / Берков,В.П. .
Большой словарь крылатых сл
ов русского языка / Берков,В
.П. и др. . -- Москва : АСТ и др.,
623 с. ; 26 cm.
ISBN 5170036558(h) : CNY1183.50
ISBN 5170036558(h) : CNY1183.50
ISBN 5271010058
ISBN 5170036558(h) : CNY1183.50
ISBN 5271010058
ISBN 5932590157
ISBN 5170036558(h) : CNY1183.50
ISBN 5932590157
ISBN 9851341002
H356 / Ш15 / R / Шагалова, Е. Н. .
Словарь новейших иностранны
х слов : (конец XX - начало XXI в
в.) / Шагалова, Е. Н. . -- Москва
: АСТ, Астрель, 2010.
944 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785170614882(h) : CNY420.80
ISBN 9785170614882(h) : CNY420.80
ISBN 9785271249617
ISBN 9785170614882(h) : CNY420.80
ISBN 9785271249617
ISBN 9785170614028
ISBN 9785170614882(h) : CNY420.80
ISBN 9785271249617
ISBN 9785170614028
ISBN 9785271249501
R / H356 / Б79 /
Большой академический слова
рь русского языка / Ред.: Н.В.
Соловьев и др.. Т.11, Н-Недрить
ся. -- Москва-СПб. : Наука, 2008.
632 с. ; 27 cm.
ISBN 9785020363052(h) :
ISBN 9785020363052(h) :
ISBN 5020336602
ISBN 9785020363052(h) :
ISBN 5020336602
ISBN 9785020252653
ISBN 9785020363052(h) :
ISBN 5020336602
ISBN 9785020252653
ISBN 5020284912
: 10H356 / Б79 / R /
Большой академический слова
рь русского языка / Ред.: Л.И.
Балахонова и др.. Т.10, Медяк-М
ячик. -- Москва-СПб. : Наука, 200
571 с. ; 27 cm.
ISBN 9785020363007
ISBN 9785020363007
ISBN 5020336602
ISBN 9785020363007
ISBN 5020336602
ISBN 5020284912
ISBN 9785020363007
ISBN 5020336602
ISBN 5020284912
ISBN 9785020252523
H356 / Б24 / Баринова, Е.В. .
Русско-вьетнамский словарь
музыкальных терминов / Бари
нова, Е.В. и др. . -- Москва : Инс
титут языкознания РАН, 2008.
204 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785265057174
R / H356 / А85 / Арсеньев, В.К. .
Русско-орочский словарь : Ма
териалы по языку и традицион
ной культуре орочей и удэгей
цев / Арсеньев, В.К. . -- СПб. : Ф
илологический факультет СПб
ГУ, 2008.
495 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785846507555(h)
R / H356 / Е87 / Еськова, Н.А. .
Нормы русского литературног
о языка XVIII-XIX веков : Ударени
е. Грамматические формы. Вар
ианты слов. Словарь. Пояснит
ельные статьи / Еськова, Н.А.
. -- Москва : Рукописные памят
ники Древней Руси, 2008.
960 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785955102801(h) :
R / H356 / C48 /
Словарь языка Достоевского
: Лексический строй идиолек
таВыпуск 2. -- Москва : Азбуков
ник, 2003.
510 c ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785937860323(h) : CNY270
H542 / М21 / Мальчуков,А.Л. .
Синтаксис эвенского языка :
коммуникативные аспекты / М
альчуков,А.Л. . -- СПб. : Наука,
425 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020264571(h) :
H542 / М21 / 2 / Мальчуков, А.Л. .
Синтаксис эвенского языка :
, коммуникативные аспекты /
Мальчуков, А.Л. . -- СПб. : Наука
, 2008.
425 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020264571(h) :
H542.4 / М21 / Мальчуков, А.Л. .
Синтаксис эвенского языка :
, коммуникативные аспекты /
Мальчуков, А.Л. . -- СПб. : Наука
, 2008.
425 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020264571(h)
H63 / С40 / Сирк, Ю.Х. .
Австронезийские языки : вве
дение в сравнительно-истори
ческое изучение / Сирк, Ю.Х. .
-- Москва : Вост. лит., 2008.
480 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785020185579(h) :
H631 / О-37 / Оглоблин, А.К. .
Грамматика индонезийского л
итературного языка / Оглобл
ин, А.К. . -- СПб. : Изд-во С.-Пете
рб. ун-та, 2008.
441 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785288047138(h) :
H732 / О-75 /
Основы иранского языкознани
я : среднеиранские и новоир
анские языки / Отв. ред. В.А.Е
фимов. -- Москва : Вост.лит.РАН
, 2008.
446 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020363373(h) :
H733 / Э-19 / Эдельман,Д.И. .
Сравнительная граматика вос
точноиранских языков : Лекс
ика / Эдельман,Д.И. . -- Москва
: Вост. лит., 2009.
280 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785020363960
H74 / M678 /
MISCELLANEA Slavica : Сборник к 70-лети
ю Бориса Андеевича Успенско
го / Сост.Ф.Б.Успенский. -- Мос
ква : Индрик, 2008.
472 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785857594667(h) :
R / H74-61 / Э-90 /
Этимологический словарь сла
вянских языков : праславянс
кий лексический фонд / Под р
ед. А.Ф. Журавлева. Вып.33. -- Мо
сква : Наука, 2007.
284 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 5020356891(h) :
: 35R / H74-61 / Э-90 /
Этимологический словарь сла
вянских языков : праславянс
кий лексический фонд / Под р
ед. А.Ф. Журавлева. Вып.35. -- Мо
сква : Наука, 2009.
233 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020368835(h) :
H75-54 / Б20 / : 18
Балто-славянские исследован
ия : Сб. науч. трудов / Ред. ко
л.: А.А. Гиппиус и др. T.18. -- Мос
ква : Языки славянских культ
ур, 2009.
648 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785955102993(h) :
H81 / I61 / International Conference on Focus in Af
riThe expression of information structure : a docume
ntation of its diversity across Africa / edited by
Ines Fiedler, Anne Schwarz. . -- Amsterdam ; Phil
adelphia : J. Benjamins Pub. Co., c2010.
xii, 383 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Papers presented at the International Conference on
Focus in African Languages, held October 6-8, Berl
in, Germany. . -- Includes bibliographical referenc
es and indexes. . -- Introduction / Ines Fiedler an
d Anne Schwarz -- Information structure marking in
Sandawe texts / Helen Eaton -- Topic and focus fiel
ds in Naki / Jeff Good -- The relation between focu
s and theticity in the Tuu family / Tom Guldemann - Focus marking in Aghem: syntax or semantics? / La
rry M. Hyman -- On the obligatoriness of focus mark
ing: evidence from Tar B'arma / Peggy Jacob -- Foc
alisation and defocalisation in Isu / Roland Kiessl
ing -- Discourse function of inverted passives in M
akua-Marevone narratives / Oliver Kroger -- Topic-f
ocus articulation in Taqbaylit and Tashelhit Berber
/ Amina Mettouchi and Axel Fleisch -- Focus in Atl
antic languages / Stephane Robert -- Topic and focu
s construction asymmetry / Ronald P. Schaefer and F
rancis O. Egbokhare -- Verb-and-predication focus m
arkers in Gur / Anne Schwarz -- Why contrast matter
s: information structure in Gawwada (East Cushitic)
/ Mauro Tosco -- Focus and the Ejagham verb system
/ John R. Watters.
ISBN 9027206724 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9027206724 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027206725 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027206724 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027206725 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027288429 (eb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9027206724 (hb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027206725 (hb : alk. paper) : CNY979.00
ISBN 9027288429 (eb : alk. paper)
ISBN 9789027288424 (eb : alk. paper)
I045 / Ш73 / Шмид, В. .
Нарратология / Шмид, В. . -- 2-е
изд. . -- Москва : Яз. славян. к
ультуры., 2008.
304 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785955102535(h) : CNY351.10
Ⅰ. Коммуникативные стратеги
и культуры
I045 / Ф47 / Фещенко, В.В. .
Лаборатория логоса : Языков
ой эксперимент в авангардно
м творчестве / Фещенко, В.В. .
-- Москва : Языки славянских
культур, 2009.
392 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785955103181(h) :
R / I04-61 / Н76 /
Новые слова и значения : Сло
варь-справочник по материал
ам прессы и литературы 90-х го
дов 20 века / Отв. ред. Т.Н.Буце
ва. Т.1, А-К. -- В 2 т. . -- СПб. : Дми
трий Буланин, 2009.
813 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785860076372(h) :
R / I059.9 / E56 / : 1
The encyclopedia of Christian literature. vol.1, Ge
nres and types / Biographies A-G / George Thomas K
urian, editor ; James D. Smith III, coeditor ; Mark
E. Roberts, associate editor ; Sarah Claudine Day,
managing editor. . -- Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Pre
ss, 2010.
xv,347 p. ; 29 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -v. 1. Genres and types / Biographies A-G -- v. 2.
Biographies H-Z.
ISBN 9780810869875 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY1200.
ISBN 9780810869875 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY1200.
ISBN 081086987X (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810869875 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY1200.
ISBN 081086987X (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810872837 (ebook)
ISBN 9780810869875 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY1200.
ISBN 081086987X (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810872837 (ebook)
ISBN 0810872838 (ebook)
R / I059.9 / E56 / : 2
The encyclopedia of Christian literature. vol.2, B
iographies H-Z / Biographies A-G / George Thomas K
urian, editor ; James D. Smith III, coeditor ; Mark
E. Roberts, associate editor ; Sarah Claudine Day,
managing editor. . -- Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Pre
ss, 2010.
xv,348-711 p. ; 29 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -v. 1. Genres and types / Biographies A-G -- v. 2.
Biographies H-Z.
ISBN 9780810869875 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY1200.
ISBN 9780810869875 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY1200.
ISBN 081086987X (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810869875 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY1200.
ISBN 081086987X (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810872837 (ebook)
ISBN 9780810869875 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY1200.
ISBN 081086987X (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780810872837 (ebook)
ISBN 0810872838 (ebook)
I106 / D275 / Day,Grary. .
Literary criticism : a new history / Gary Day. .
-- Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press , 2010
344 p. ; 22 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780748641420 : CNY291.37
R / I106.2-61 / P745 / : 110
Poetry criticism : excerpts from criticism of the
works of the most significant and widely studied po
ets of world literature, vol.110 / Michelle Lee, p
roject editor. . -- Detroit : Gale Research Inc.,
xi, 468 p. ; 28 cm.
Includes indexes.
ISBN 1414459874
ISBN 1414459874
ISBN 9781414459875
ISSN 1052-4851
: CNY1359.00
I106.4 / S294 / Schaeffer, Jean-Marie. .
Why fiction? / Jean-Marie Schaeffer ; translated [
from the French] by Dorrit Cohn. . -- Lincoln : U
niversity of Nebraska Press, c2010.
xviii, 364 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Who is afraid of imitation? -- Mimesis: to imitate
, to feign, to represent, and to know -- Fiction -Some fictional devices.
ISBN 9780803217584 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY470.2
ISBN 9780803217584 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY470.2
ISBN 0803217587 (cloth : alk. paper)
I106.4 / Р70 / Ромодановская,Е.К. .
росы текстологии и русифика
ции: Исследование и издание
текстов / Ромодановская,Е.К.
. -- Москва : Индрик, 2009.
968 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785916740387(h) :
R / I106-61 / N714 / : 231
Nineteenth-century literature criticism : criticis
m of the works of novelists,philosophers,and other
creative writers who died between 1800 and 1899,fro
m the first published critical appraisals to curren
t evaluations. vol.231 / Kathy D. Darrow, project
editor. . -- Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 2
xiii, 478 p. ; 29 cm.
Includes indexes.
ISBN 9781414445267 (hardcover) : CNY1830.00
ISBN 9781414445267 (hardcover) : CNY1830.00
ISBN 1414445261
ISSN 0732-1864
Ⅰ. Guide to Gale literary criticism series
R / I106-61 / T971 / : 242
Twentieth-century literary criticism : topics volu
me : commentary on various topics in twentieth-cent
ury literature, including literary and critical mov
ements, prominent themes and genres, anniversary ce
lebrations, and surveys of national literatures. v.
238 / Thomas J. Schoenberg, Lawence J. Trudeau, pr
oject editor. . -- Detroit : Gale, 2010
xiii, 482 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 14144458002 : CNY2209.00
ISBN 14144458002 : CNY2209.00
ISBN 9781414458007
ISSN 0276-8178
Ⅰ. Guide to Gale literary criticism series.
R / I106-61 / C761 / : 295
Contemporary literary criticism : Criticism of the
works of today's novelists, poets, playwrights, s
hort story writers, scriptwriters, and other creati
ve writers. vol. 295 / Jeffrey W. Hunter, project
editor. . -- Detroit, MI : Gale, c2010
xiii, 498 p. ; 29 cm.
Includes indexes. . -- "Criticism of the works of
today's novelists, poets, playwrights, short story
writers, scriptwriters, and other creative writers
ISBN 1414446098
ISBN 1414446098
ISBN 9781414446097 : CNY2274.00
ISSN 0091-3421
R / I106-61 / C614 / : 127
Classical and medieval literature criticism : Crit
icism of the Works of World Authors from Classical
Antiquity Through the Fourteenth Century, from the
First Apprasisals to Current Evaluations. vol.127
/ Jelena Krstovic, project editor. . -- Detroit, Mi
ch. : Gale Research Co., 2010
xiii, 535 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.
"Criticism of the works of world authors from clas
sical antiquity through the fourteenth century, fro
m the first appraisals to current evaluations." .
. -- Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1414461976
ISBN 1414461976
ISBN 9781414461977
ISSN 0896-0011
: CNY1830.00
I300.7 / В78 /
Восточная классика в русски
х переводах : обзоры, анализ
, критика / Сост. Н.И.Никулин.
-- Москва : Вост. лит., 2008.
447 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020363359(h) :
I370.077 / М80 / Морозов, Д. А. .
Комедия "Тысячи и одной ночи
" : Эстафета мистификаций, ил
и Шедевр европейского роман
тизма / Морозов, Д. А. . -- Моск
ва : Древлехранилище, 2009.
224 c. ; 17 cm.
ISBN 9785936461545(h) : CNY204.80
I500.94 / Т30 /
Текстология и генетическая
критика : общие проблемы, те
оретические перспективы / Р
ед. кол.:Т.В. Балашова и др. . -Москва : ИМЛИ РАН, 2008.
272 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785920803115
I512.065 / С37 / Симуш, П. И. .
Поэтическая мудрость С. А. Ес
енина / Симуш, П. И. . -- Москва
: ИФ РАН, 2008.
228 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785954001167CNY91.00
I512.13 / П80 /
Произведения Максима Грека
: Рукопись из Славянского со
брания Парижской национальн
ой библиотеки / Сост.М.Е.Бычк
ова и др. . -- Москва : Институт
рос. истории РАН, 2009.
703 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785812512668(h)
I512.2 / П77 /
Природа в произведениях рус
ских поэтов от Г.Р. Державина
до И.А. Бунина / Сост. В.Я.Кор
овина и др.. Ч.1. -- В 2 ч. . -- Моск
ва : Гуманитаный издательски
й центр ВЛАДОС, 2009.
423 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785691014406CNY198.10(Ч.1-2)
ISBN 9785691014406CNY198.10(Ч.1-2)
ISBN 9785691014413
I512.2 / Ц27 / Цветаева,М. .
Молитва / Цветаева,М. . -- Харь
ков : Фолио, 2009.
222 с. ; 11 cm.
ISBN 9789660348349(h) : CNY115.60
I512.2 / П77 /
Природа в произведениях рус
ских поэтов от Г.Р. Державина
до И.А. Бунина / Сост. В.Я. Кор
овина и др.. Ч.2. -- В 2 ч. . -- Моск
ва : Гуманитаный издательски
й центр ВЛАДОС, 2009.
272 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785691014406
ISBN 9785691014406
ISBN 9785691014420
I512.4 / В64 / Вознесенская,Ю.Н. .
Мои посмертные приключения
/ Вознесенская,Ю.Н. . -- Москва
: Яуза-пресс, Эксмо, Лепта Кн
ига, 2010.
288 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785995501046(h) : CNY142.80
I512.4 / А65 / Андреев,Л. .
Красный смех : Повести и рас
сказы / Андреев,Л. . -- Москва
: АСТ, 2010.
252 с. ; 17 cm.
ISBN 9785170657049CNY73.10
I512.4 / Б95 / Быков, В.В. .
Полюби меня, солдатик... : по
вести / Быков, В.В. . -- Москва
: Эксмо, 2010.
384 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785699373444(h) : CNY157.10
I512.4 / С60 / Соломатина,Т.Ю. .
Акушер-Ха! : сборник повесте
й и рассказов / Соломатина,Т
.Ю. . -- Москва : Яуза-пресс, 2010.
416 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785998800681(h) : CNY153.50
I512.4 / К43 / Кириченко, К. .
Отстегните ремни : роман / К
ириченко, К. . -- Москва : Ад Ма
ргинем Пресс, 2009.
560 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 978511030629CNY237.40
I512.4 / Р69 / Рыбаков, А. .
Роман-воспоминание / Рыбако
в, А. . -- Москва : Эксмо, 2009.
512 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785699356638(h) : CNY198.10
I512.4 / С47 / Слаповский,А.И. .
Победительница : Роман / Сла
повский,А.И. . -- Москва : АСТ и
др., 2010.
316 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785170613090(h) : CNY169.60
ISBN 9785170613090(h) : CNY169.60
ISBN 9785271248344
I512.4 / Т73 / Тронина,Т. .
Мода на невинность : роман /
Т. Тронина. . -- Москва : Эксмо
, 2009.
384 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785699385317(h) : CNY108.80
Ⅰ. Истории любви. Романы Т. Тр
I512.4 / Б66 / Битов,А. .
Империя в четырех измерения
х : Измерение 4. Оглашенные:
Роман-странствие / Битов,А. .
-- СПб. Амфора и др., 2009.
447 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785367011456(h) : CNY226.70
I512.4 / Б53 / Бессмертная,А.В. .
Ребро и глина / А.В.Бессмертн
ая. . -- Москва : Эксмо, 2010.
416 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785699392520(h) : CNY142.80
Ⅰ. Лучшая современная женска
я проза
I512.4 / Щ61 / Щербакова, Г. .
Спартанки : Время ландшафтн
ых дизайнов:повести / Щербак
ова, Г. . -- Москва : Эксмо, 2010.
320 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785699392599(h) : CNY138.00
Ⅰ. Лучшая современная женска
я проза
I512.4 / Н14 / Набоков,В. .
Бледный огонь / Набоков,В. . - СПб. Азбука-Классика, 2010.
352 с. ; 18 cm.
пер. с английского
ISBN 9785998506901(H) : CNY216.00
I512.4 / П76 / Прилепин, З. .
Грех : роман в рассказах / Пр
илепин, З. . -- Москва : Вагриус
, 2008.
256 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785969706859(h) : CNY161.50
I512.45 / Б25 / Барков, А. С. .
Подвиги защитников отечеств
а / Барков, А. С. . -- Москва : ИТ
РК, 2009.
256 с. : ил. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785880102549(h) : CNY115.60
I512.6 / А87 / Архангельский,А. .
Гуманитарная политика : Ста
тьи для газеты "Исвестия": 11
сентября 2001-11 сентября 2005 /
Архангельский,А. . -- Москва :
ОГИ, 2006.
560 с. ; 17 cm.
ISBN 59428223855CNY115.60
I512.6 / Г88 / Гроссман, Л. П. .
Дантес и Гончарова : Записки
д'Аршиака / Гроссман, Л. П. .
-- Москва : Алгоритм, 2007.
480 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785926502975(h) : CNY157.30
Ⅰ. Любовные истории великих
I512.6 / В79 / Вощанов, П. И. .
Тени за Кремлевской стеной,
или Последний сон хозяина /
Вощанов, П. И. . -- Москва : Эксм
о, 2010.
224 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785699395170(h) : CNY91.00
Ⅰ. Исторический триллер
I512.8 / Ш23 / Шапка, Ю. М. .
Коекчучь : Мир глазами ребен
ка / Шапка, Ю. М. . -- Москва : Аг
раф, 2009.
432 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785778403895(h) : CNY251.60
I561.45 / H432 / Head, Bessie, 1937-1986. .
A question of power / Bessie Head. . -- London :
Heinemann Educational, 1974(1986 printing)
206 p. ; 20 cm.
Originally published: London : Davis-Poynter, 1974.
ISBN 0435907204 (pbk) : CNY89.00
Ⅰ. African writers series ;, 149.
I561.45 / N117 / Nabokov, Vladimir. .
Ada or Ardor : A family chronicle / Vladimir Nabo
kov. . -- London : Penguin Classics , 2000.
512 p. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9780141181875 : CNY127.00
R / I-61 / Г95 / Гурьева,Т.Н. .
Новый литературный словарь
/ Гурьева,Т.Н. . -- Ростов н/Д. Ф
еникс, 2009.
364 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785222135815(h) : CNY132.60
J04 / Б27 / Басин, Е.Я. .
Художник и творчество / Баси
н, Е.Я. . -- Москва : Гуманитари
й, 2008.
296 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785913670472(h) :
J110.93 / Ц18 / Царевская, Т.Ю. .
Роспись церкви Феодора Стра
тилата на Ручью и ее место в
искусстве Византии и Руси вт
орой половины XIV века / Царев
ская, Т.Ю. . -- Москва : Северны
й паломник, 2007.
616 с. ; илл., 29 cm.
ISBN 9785944312334(h)
J150.099 / N234 /
Narrating the nation : representations in history,
media, and the arts / edited by Stefan Berger, Li
nas Eriksonas, and Andrew Mycock. . -- New York :
Berghahn Books, 2008.
xii, 348 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [315]-331
) and index.
ISBN 9781845454241 : CNY609.00
ISBN 9781845454241 : CNY609.00
ISBN 1845454243
Ⅰ. Making sense of history ;, v. 11.
J151.209 / С28 / Северюхин, Д.Я. .
Старый художественный Петер
бург : рынок и самоорганизац
ия художников ( от начала XVIII
века до 1932 года) / Северюхин
, Д.Я. . -- СПб. : Мiръ, 2008.
536 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785988460497(h) :
J151.209 / Р89 /
Русское искусство : XX век: Ис
следования и публикации / От
в. ред. Г.Ф. Коваленко. Т.2. -- Мо
сква : Наука, 2008.
1008 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 97850230362420(h) :
J151.209 / Р89 /
Русское искусство : XX век: Ис
следования и публикации / От
в. ред. Г.Ф. Коваленко. Т.3. -- Мо
сква : Наука, 2009
805 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020368873(h) :
J151.209.3 / Д53 / Дмитриева,С.И. .
Традиционное искусство русс
ких Европейского Севера : эт
нографический альбом / Дмит
риева,С.И. . -- Москва : Наука, 2
286 с. ; илл., 29 cm.
ISBN 5020340189(h)
J151.209.4 / Б43 / Белоброва,О.А. .
Очерки русской художественн
ой культуры XVI-XX веков / Бело
брова,О.А. . -- Москва : Индрик,
440 с. ; илл., 24 cm.
ISBN 5857593301(h)
J151.209.5 / О-80 /
От средневековья к Новому вр
емени : Сборник статей в чес
ть Ольги Андреевны Белобров
ой / Отв. ред. М.А.Федотова. -Москва : Индрик, 2006.
688 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 5857593905(h) :
J151.29 / В67 /
Волдемар Матвей и "Союз моло
дежи" / Отв. ред. Г.Ф. Ковален
ко. . -- Москва : Наука, 2005.
451 с. ; илл., 22 cm.
ISBN 5020332216(h) :
J309.5 / К26 / Карпова, Е.В. .
Русская и западноевропейска
я скульптура XVIII-начала XX век
а : новые материалы, находки
, атрибуции. / Карпова, Е.В. . - СПб. : Искусство-СПБ, 2009.
606 с. ; ил., 23 cm.
ISBN 9785210016249(h) :
fre / J601 / B894 / Brunel, Pierre. .
Les arpeges composes : Musique et litterature / P
ierre Brunel. . -- Paris : Klincksieck, 1997.
302 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
ISBN 2252031344 : CNY365.00
Ⅰ. L'esprit et les formes.
K0 / H236 /
Handbook of oral history / edited by Thomas L. Cha
rlton, Lois E. Myers, and Rebecca Sharpless. . -- L
anham, MD ; Oxford : Altamira, c2006.
xi, 625 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references. . -- The histo
ry of oral history / Rebecca Sharpless -- Oral hist
ory as evidence / Ronald J. Grele -- Research desig
n and strategies / Mary A. Larson -- Legal and ethi
cal issues in oral history / Linda Shopes -- Oral h
istory interviews : from inception to closure / Cha
rles T. Morrissey -- Oral history and archives : do
cumenting context / James E. Fogerty -- The uneasy
page : transcribing and editing oral history / Elin
or A. Maz' -- Memory theory : personal and social
/ Alice M. Hoffman, Howard S. Hoffman -- Aging, the
life course, and oral history : African American n
arratives of struggle, social change, and decline /
Kim Lacy Rogers -- A conversation analytic approac
h to oral history interviewing / Eva M. McMahan -Women's oral history : is it so special? / Sherna
Berger Gluck -- Narrative theory / Mary Chamberlain
-- Publishing oral history : oral exchange and pri
nt culture / Richard C 鈇 ndida Smith -- Biography an
d oral history / Valerie Raleigh Yow -- Fractious a
ction : oral history-based performance / Jeff Fried
man -- Oral history in sound and moving image docum
entaries / Pamela Dean, Charles Hardy III.
ISBN 0759102295 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0759102295 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780759102293 : CNY975.00
K01 / C357 / Catana, Leo. .
The historiographical concept 'system of philosoph
y' : Its origin, nature, influence, and legitimac
y / by Leo Catana. . -- Leiden ; Boston : Brill,
xvi, 384 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [351]-368
) and indexes.
ISBN 9789004166486 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY96
ISBN 9789004166486 (hardback : alk. paper) : CNY96
ISBN 9004166483 (hardback : alk. paper)
Ⅰ. Brill's studies in intellectual history,, 0920
-8607 ;, v. 165.
K02 / W424(3) / Weinstein, Jay A., 1942 - .
Social change / Jay Weinstein. . -- 3rd ed. . -- L
anham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2010.
xxv, 431 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.
Prev. published under title: Social and cultural ch
ange. . -- Includes bibliographical references and
index. . -- The social scientific perspective -- So
cial and cultural evolution -- Population growth an
d demographic transition -- The heritage and dynami
cs of culture -- Social structures, systems, and pr
ocesses -- Social movements : concepts and principl
es -- Movements and revolutions in context -- The p
rocess of technological innovation -- From Gemeinsc
haft to Gesellschaft : the urbanization of the huma
n population -- A world divided -- The market, capi
talism, and socialism -- The paradoxes of developme
nt -- Democratic planning and applied sociology -The political economy of globalization.
ISBN 9781442202993 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY846.4
ISBN 9781442202993 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY846.4
ISBN 1442202998 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781442202993 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY846.4
ISBN 1442202998 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781442203006 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781442202993 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY846.4
ISBN 1442202998 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781442203006 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 1442203005 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781442202993 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY846.4
ISBN 1442202998 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781442203006 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 1442203005 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781442203013 (electronic)
ISBN 9781442202993 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY846.4
ISBN 1442202998 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781442203006 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 1442203005 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781442203013 (electronic)
ISBN 1442203013 (electronic)
K0-53 / Т78 /
Труды Отделения историко-фи
лологических наук РАН / Отв.
ред. А.П. Деревенко. 2007. -- Мос
ква : Наука, 2009.
541 с. ; илл., 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020369955(h) :
K06 / Ц57 /
Цивилизации / Отв. ред. А.О. Ч
убарьян. Вып.8, Социокультурн
ые процессы в переходные и к
ризисные эпохи. . -- Москва : Н
аука, 2008.
276 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020367241(h) :
K095.12 / Т78 /
Труды по россиеведению : сб
орник научных трудов / Гл. ре
д. И.И.Глебова. Вып.1. -- Москва
: ИНИОН РАН, 2009.
426 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785248005109
K1 / П53 /
Полюдье : всемирно-историче
ское явление / Под общ. ред. Ю
.М. Кобищанова. . -- Москва : РО
ССПЭН, 2009.
791 с. ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9785824312324(h) :
K10 / О-42 /
Одиссей : человек в истории.
Script/Oralia: взаимодействие уст
ной и письменной традиций в
Средние века и раеекк Новое
время / Гл. ред. А.О. Чубарьян
2008. . -- Москва : Наука, 2008.
483 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020367401
K107.8 / Н44 / 2 /
Неизвестные страницы отечес
твенного востоковедения / С
ост. В.В. Наумкин и др.. Вып.3. - Москва : Вост. лит., 2008.
719 с. ; илл., 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020363779(h) :
K124.4 / Д17 / Дандамаев, М.А. .
Месопотамия и Иран в VII-IV вв.
до г.э. : Социальные инститцт
ы и идеология / Дандамаев, М.
А. . -- СПб. : Факультет филолог
ии и искусств СПбГУ, 2009.
512 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785846508347(h) :
K125 / С90 / Суриков, И.Е. .
Аристократия и демос : поли
тическая элита архаических
и классических Афин / Сурико
в, И.Е. . -- Москва : Русский фон
д Содействия образованию и н
ауке, 2009.
256 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785912440113(h) : CNY253.50
K126 / К27 / Картледж, П. .
Спартанцы : Герои, изменивши
е ход истории; Фермопилы: Бит
ва, изменившая ход истории /
Картледж, П. . -- Москва : Эксм
о, 2009.
528 с. : ил. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785699379712(h) : CNY207.00
K13 / С75 /
Средние века : Исследования
по истории Средневековья и
раннего Нового времени / Отв
. ред. П.Ю. Уваров. Вып.70(3). -- Мо
сква : Наука, 2009.
233 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785020370074
K13 / С75 /
Средние века : Исследования
по истории Средневековья и
раннего Нового времени / Отв
. ред.П.Ю. Уваров. Вып.69(4). -- Мо
сква : Наука, 2008.
214 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785020367357
K13 / С75 /
Средние века : Исследования
по истории Средневековья и
раннего Нового времени / Отв
. ред. П.Ю. Уваров. Вып.70(1-2). -- М
осква : Наука, 2009.
453 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785020369948
K13 / С75 / 2 /
Средние века : Исследования
по истории Средневековья и
раннего Нового времени / Отв
. ред. П.Ю. Уваров. Вып.69(4). -- Мо
сква : Наука, 2008.
214 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785020367357
K134 / В42 /
Византийский временник / От
в. ред. Г.Г. Литаврин. Т.68(93). -Москва : Наука, 2009.
340 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785020369962
K134 / В42 /
Византийский временник / От
в. ред. Г.Г. Литаврин. Т.67(92). -Москва : Наука, 2008.
357 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785020359758
K134 / В42 /
Византийский временник / От
в. ред. Г.Г. Литаврин. Т.66(91). -Москва : Наука, 2007.
327 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785020355125
K143 / В65 /
Война и общество в XX веке : В
ойна и общество накануне и в
период Второй мировой войны
/ Отв. ред. Е.Н. Кульков. Кн.2.
-- В 3 кн. . -- Москва : Наука, 2008.
676 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785020359949(h) :
ISBN 9785020359949(h) :
ISBN 9785020359925
K143 / В65 /
Война и общество в XX веке : Во
йна и общество накануне и в п
ериод Первой мировой войны
/ Отв. ред. С.В. Листиков. В 3 кн
. Кн.1. . -- Москва : Наука, 2008.
611 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785020359932(h) :
ISBN 9785020359932(h) :
ISBN 9785020359925
K152 / G459 / Gigliotti, Simone. .
The train journey : transit, captivity, and witnes
sing in the Holocaust / Simone Gigliotti. . -- New
York : Berghahn Books, 2009.
viii, 244 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781571812681 (alk. paper) : CNY430.00
ISBN 9781571812681 (alk. paper) : CNY430.00
ISBN 1571812687 (alk. paper)
K246 / К97 / Кычанов, Е.И. .
История тангутского государ
ства. / Кычанов, Е.И. . -- СПб. : Ф
акультет филологии и искусс
тв СПбГУ, 2008.
767 с. ; ил., 25 cm.
ISBN 9785846506527(h) :
K265 / И20 / Иванов,В.И. .
В тылах Квантунской армии :
Правда о 88-й китайско-корейс
кой бригаде Дальневосточног
о фронта / Иванов,В.И. . -- Моск
ва : ИДВ РАН, 2009.
336 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785838101679
K300.3 / Ч-39 /
Человек и культура Востока
: Исследования и переводы.200
8 / Сост. В.Б.Виногродская. -- М
осква : ИДВ РАН, 2009.
240 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785838101563
K308 / А46 /
Александр Николаевич Самойл
ович : Научная переписка.Би
ография / Сост. Г.Ф. Благова.
-- Москва : Вост. лит., 2008.
590 с. ; илл., 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020363878(h) :
K365.8 / К24 / Кармышева, Б.Х. .
Каратегинские киргизы / Кар
мышева, Б.Х. . -- Москва : Наука
, 2009.
284 с. ; илл., 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020367593(h) :
K367 / В21 / Ватейшвили, Д.Л. .
Грузия и европейские страны
: очерки истории взаимоотно
шений, XIII-XIX вв. В 3 т. / Ватейш
вили, Д.Л. том 3.Кн. 2. Грузия и
Россия XVIII-XIX вв. . -- Москва : Н
аука, 2006.
531 с. ; ил., 22 cm.
ISBN 5020103578(h) :
ISBN 5020103578(h) :
ISBN 5020088684
K367 / В21 / Ватейшвили, Д.Л. .
Грузия и европейские страны
: очерки истории взаимоотнош
ений, XIII-XIX вв. В 3 т. / Ватейшв
или, Д.Л. том 3.Кн. 3. Грузия и Р
оссия XVIII-XIX вв. . -- Москва : На
ука, 2006
775 с. ; ил., 22 cm.
ISBN 5020103136(h) :
ISBN 5020103136(h) :
ISBN 5020088684
K367 / В21 / Ватейшвили, Д.Л. .
Грузия и европейские страны
: очерки истории взаимоотнош
ений, XIII-XIX вв. В 3 т. / Ватейшв
или, Д.Л. том 3.Кн. 4. Грузия и Р
оссия XVIII-XIX вв. . -- Москва : На
ука, 2006.
839 с. ; ил., 22 cm.
ISBN 5020103144(h) :
ISBN 5020103144(h) :
ISBN 5020088684
K367 / В21 / Ватейшвили, Д.Л. .
Грузия и европейские страны
: очерки истории взаимоотно
шений, XIII--XIX вв. В 3 т. / Ватейш
вили, Д.Л. том 3.Кн. 1. Грузия и
Россия XVIII-XIX вв. . -- Москва : Н
аука, 2006.
510 с. ; ил., 22 cm.
ISBN 5020088714(h) :
ISBN 5020088714(h) :
ISBN 5020088584
K374.8 / П77 /
Природное окружение и матер
иальная культура пратюркски
х народов / Отв. ред. А.В.Дыбо
. . -- Москва : Вост. лит., 2008.
342 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785020363441
K411.1 / R315 / Redford, Donald B. .
City of the Ram-man : the story of ancient Mendes
/ Donald B. Redford. . -- Princeton : Princeton U
niversity Press, c2010.
xxii, 240 p. : ill., maps ; 27 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -The beginnings -- The advent of Horus -- In the ti
me of the residence -- The collapse -- The mysterio
us centuries : the Middle Kingdom -- Mendes under t
he empire pharaohs -- The great chiefs of the Meshw
esh -- Egypt in the time of troubles -- The Ram, Lo
rd of Djedet -- The Saite revival -- Mendes, the ca
pital of Egypt -- The great disaster -- Dusk and da
rkness : the end of Mendes.
ISBN 9780691142265 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY2
ISBN 9780691142265 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY2
ISBN 0691142262 (hardcover : alk. paper)
K503 / В58 / 2 /
Власть, общество, индивид в с
редневековой Европе / Отв. р
ед. Н.А. Хачатурян. -- Москва :
Наука, 2008.
600 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020359871(h) :
R / K508-61 / С47 /
Славянские древности : Этно
лингвистический словарь / П
од общ. ред. Н.И. Толстого. Т.4,
П(Переправа через воду--С(Си
то)). -- В 5-ти т. . -- Москва : Меж
дународные отношения, 2009.
656 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785713313128
ISBN 9785713313128
ISBN 5713307034
K51 / К64 / Коновалова, И.Г. .
Восточная Европа в сочинени
ях арабских географов XIII-XIV в
в. : Текст, перевод, коммента
рий / Коновалова, И.Г. . -- Моск
ва : Вост. лит., 2009.
223 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785020364202(h) :
K510.3 / Х82 / Хорошкевич,А.Л. .
Судебная книга витебского в
оеводы, господарского марша
лка, волковыского и оболецко
го державцы М.В. Клочко : 1533-1
540 / Отв. ред.: А.Л.Хорошкевич
и др. . -- Москва : Наука, 2008.
525 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785020355156(h) :
K512 / H826 / Hosking, Geoffrey. .
Rulers and victims : the Russians in the Soviet Uni
on / Geoffrey Hosking. . -- Cambridge : The Belkn
ap Press of Harvard University Press , 2006
484 p. ; 23 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780674030534 : CNY134.00
K512 / И90 /
История России в современно
й зарубежной науке : Сборник
обзоров и рефератов / Отв. р
ед В.М.Шевырин. Ч.2. -- Москва :
ИНИОН РАН, 2010.
138 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785248005130CNY129.90
K512 / С30 / 2 / : 2Семенов-Тян-Шанс
киТо,что прошло / Семенов-Тян-Ш
анский,В.П. Т.2, 1917-1942. -- В 2 т. .
-- Москва : Новый хронограф, 20
658 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785948810591(h) :
K512 / С30 / Семенов-Тян-Шански
й,То,что прошло / Семенов-Тян-Ш
анский, В.П. Т.2, 1917-1942. -- В 2 т. .
-- Москва : Новый хронограф, 2
658 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785948810591(h) :
K512 / И90 /
Исторические записки / Сост
. Б.В. Ананьич. Вып.12(130). -- Моск
ва : Наука, 2009.
392 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785020370067(h) :
K512 / И90 /
Исторические записки / Сост
. Б.В. Ананьич. Вып.11(129). -- Моск
ва : Наука, 2008.
462 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020367364(h) :
K512 / И90 / : 1
История России в современно
й зарубежной науке / Отв. ред
. В.М. ШевыринЧасть 1. -- Москва
: ИНИОН РАН, 2010.
248 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785248005048
K512 / П54 / Поляков, Ю.А. .
Историческая наука : Люди и
проблемы / Поляков, Ю.А. Кн.3.
-- Москва : РОССПЭН, 2009.
336 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785824310726(h) :
K512 / И90 / 2 / : 2
История России в современно
й зарубежной науке / Отв. ред
. В.М. ШевыринЧасть 2. -- Москва
: ИНИОН РАН, 2010.
138 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785248005130
K512.06 / П34 /
Писцовые и переписные книги
Старой Руссы конца XV-XVII вв.
/ Сост. И.Ю. Анкудинов. . -- Моск
ва : Рукописные памятники Др
евней Руси, 2009.
534 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785955103105(h) :
K512.2 / Д73 /
Древняя Русь в свете зарубеж
ных источников : Хрестоматия
/ Под ред. Т.Н. Джаксон и др..
Т.5Древнескандинавские исто
чники. . -- Москва : Русский Фо
нд Содействия Образования и
Науке, 2009.
384 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785912440052(h) :
K512.2 / Д73 /
Древняя Русь в свете зарубеж
ных источников : Хрестомати
я / Под ред.Т.Н.Джаксон и др..
Т.1 Античные источники. . -- Мо
сква : Русский Фонт Содейств
ия Образованию и Науке, 2009.
352 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785912440045(h) :
K512.3 / К58 / Кожедуб, А.К. .
Иная Русь / Кожедуб, А.К. . -- М
осква : Эксмо и др., 2009.
304 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785699389551(h) : CNY108.90
K512.3 / Ч-92 / Чупин, Г.Т. .
Предыстория и история Киевс
кой Руси, Украины и Крыма / Ч
упин, Г.Т. . -- Литера Нова, 2010.
720 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 97859661553094(h) : CNY462.40
K512.3 / П64 / Потрашков,С.В. .
Награды России / Потрашков,С
.В. . -- Москва : Эксмо, 2010.
288 c. : илл., 29 cm.
ISBN 9785699341351(h) : CNY571.20
K512.3 / У74 / Усачев, А.С. .
Степенная книга и древнерус
ская книжность времени митр
ополита Макария / Усачев, А.С
. . -- Москва и др. : Альянс-Архе
о, 2009.
760 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785988740391(h) :
K512.3 / Б90 / Булгаков, М.Б. .
Народы Европейского Севера
России в XVII веке : управлени
е и хозяйство / Булгаков, М.Б
. . -- Москва : Институт рос. ис
тории РАН, 2008.
202 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785805501921
K512.3 / А46 / Александров, М.М. .
Русские земли-княжества IX-XV
веков : компаративистский а
нализ культурно-политически
х альтернатив / Александров
, М.М. . -- Москва : Новый хроног
раф, 2009.
232 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785948810867
K512.3 / К77 / : 25Кравчук, Н.В. .
История отечества глазами м
алоросса : (Метаисторически
е очерки) / Кравчук, Н.ВВыпус
к 25. . -- Москва : АИРО--ХХ1, 2009.
96 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785910220939
K512.3 / Т66 / Трепавлов, В.В. .
《Белый царь》 : образ монарха
и представления о подданств
е у народов России XV-XVIII вв. /
Трепавлов, В.В. . -- Москва : Во
ст. лит., 2007.
255 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 5020185475(h) :
K512.3 / Р89 /
Русские заговоры из рукопис
ных источников XVII-первой пол
овины XIX в. / Отв. ред. А.А. Тури
лов. . -- Москва : Индрик, 2010.
832 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785916740769
K512.3 / Т46 / Тихомиров, М.Н. .
Древнерусские города / Тихо
миров, М.Н. . -- СПб. : Наука, 2008.
350 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785020263093(h) :
K512.3 / К71 /
Космологические произведен
ия в книжности Древней Руси
/ Отв. ред. Т.В. Чумакова. Ч.1Те
ксты геоцентрической традиц
ии. . -- В 2 ч. . -- СПб. : Мiръ, 2008.
650 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785988460510(h) :
K512.3 / О-66 / Орленко, С.П. .
Выходцы из Западной Европы в
России XVII века : (правовой с
татус и реальное положение)
/ Орленко, С.П. . -- Москва : Дре
влехранилище, 2004.
344 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 593646072x(h) :
K512.3 / С75 /
Средневековая Русь / Отв. ре
д. А.А. Горский. Вып.8. -- Москва
: Индрик, 2009.
248 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785916740295
K512.3 / О-75 /
Особенности российского ист
орического процесса : сборн
ик статей памяти академика Л
. В. Милова : к 80-летию со дня р
ождения / Ред. кол.:А.А. Горск
ий и др. . -- Москва : РОССПЭН, 2
384 с. ; илл., 22 cm.
ISBN 9785824312805(h) :
K512.32 / Р89 /
Русь и монголы (13 в.) / сост. К
олыванова, М. О. . -- Москва : ОЛ
МА Медиа Групп, 2010.
256 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785373030113(h) : CNY124.90
Ⅰ. Россия - путь сквозь века
K512.34 / Д30 / Демкин, А.В. .
Лейб-компания императрицы е
лизаветы петровны (1741-1762 гг.)
/ Демкин, А.В. . -- Москва : Инс
титут рос. истории РАН, 2009.
224 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785805502119
K512.34 / М44 / Мезенцев, Е.В. .
Война России с Наполеоновск
ой Францией в 1805 году / Мезен
цев, Е.В. . -- Москва : Институт
рос. истории РАН, 2008.
364 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785805502003
K512.34 / М44 / 2 / Мезенцев, Е.В. .
Война России с Наполеоновск
ой Францией в 1805 году / Мезен
цев, Е.В. . -- Москва : Институт
рос. истории РАН, 2008.
364 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785805502003
K512.34 / Р83 / Ружицкая, И.В. .
Просвещенная бюрократия (1800
--1860-е гг.) / Ружицкая, И.В. . -- М
осква : Институт рос. истории
РАН, 2009.
340 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785805502126
K512.4 / W396 / Weeks, Theodore R. .
Across the revolutionary divide : Russia and the U
SSR, 1861-1945 / Theodore R. Weeks. . -- Chicheste
r, West Sussex ; Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 20
xiii, 282 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Politics -- Society -- Nations -- Modernization -Belief -- World -- Culture -- Conclusion -- Timeli
ISBN 9781405169615 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY5
ISBN 9781405169615 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY5
ISBN 1405169613 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781405169615 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY5
ISBN 1405169613 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781405169608 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781405169615 (hardcover : alk. paper) : CNY5
ISBN 1405169613 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781405169608 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 1405169605 (pbk. : alk. paper)
K512.4 / И88 /
Исследования по источникове
дению истории России ( до 1917
г.) / Отв. ред. С.А. Козлов. -- Мо
сква : Институт рос. истрории
РАН, 2009.
285 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785805502072
K512.43 / А47 / 2 / Алексеева, И.В. .
Последнее десятилетие Росси
йской Империи : Дума, царизм
и союзники России по Антант
е. 1907-1917 годы / Алексеева, И.В
. . -- М.-СПб. : Альянс-Архео, 2009.
536 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785988740322(h) :
K512.5 / С75 /
Сталин и немцы : Новые иссле
дования / под ред.Царуски,Ю.
. -- Москва : РОССПЭН, 2009.
367 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785824311877(h) : CNY203.20
Ⅰ. История сталинизма
K512.5 / Б90 / Буббайер,Ф. .
Совесть, диссидентство и реф
ормы в Советской России : (Ис
тория сталинизма) / Буббайер
,Ф. . -- Москва : РОССПЭН, 2010.
367 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785824313345(h) : CNY202.30
Ⅰ. История сталинизма
K512.5 / Д27 / Дейниченко,П.Г. .
Красная эпоха : 70-летняя ист
ория СССР / Авт.-сост. П.Г. Дей
ниченко. -- Москва : ОЛМА Меди
а Групп, 2010..
208 c. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785373030236(h) : CNY226.00
K512.5 / B730 / Bordjugov,G. .
Russia: a history of the twentieth century : Mater
ials for course the lections / G.Bordjugov,S.Devya
tov. -- Moscow : MediaPress,AIRO-XXI, 2009.
288 c. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785902750093(h) :
K512.5 / С59 / Соколов, Б.В. .
Как провалилась бериевская
"перестройка" / Соколов, Б.В
. Выпуск 26. . -- Москва : АИРО-ХХ
1, 2010.
64 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785910221035
K512.5 / Н34 / Наумов, Л.А. .
Сталин и НКВД / Наумов, Л.А. .
-- Москва : Новый хронограф, 20
602 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785948810904(h) :
K512.52 / К49 / Клименко, В.А. .
Красная Москва на страже рев
олюции 1918-1920 гг. / Клименко, В
.А. . -- Москва : Коипания Спутн
ик+, 2006.
124 c. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 536400399xCNY51.00
K512.52 / М69 / Михутина, И. .
Украинский Брестский мир : п
уть выхода России из Первой
мировой войны и анатомия кон
фликта между Совнаркомом РС
ФСР и правительством Украин
ской центральной рады / Миху
тина, И. . -- Москва : Европа, 200
288 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785973900908CNY136.00
Ⅰ. Евровосток
K512.53 / А65 / Андреевский,Г.В. .
Повседневная жизнь Москвы в
сталинскую эпоху : 1920-30-е го
ды / Андреевский,Г.В. . -- 2-е из
д., испр. и доп. . -- Москва : Мол
одая гвардия, 2008.
557 с. ; ил., 21 cm.
ISBN 9785235031234(h) : CNY411.40
K512.53 / С76 /
Сталинизм в советской прови
нции : 1937-1938 гг. Массовая опе
рация на основе приказа N0. 004
47 / сост. Юнге, М. и др. . -- Моск
ва : РОССПЭН, 2009.
927 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785824312423(h) : CNY248.20
Ⅰ. История сталинизма
K512.53 / И35 /
Изгнанники в свой стране : п
исьма из советской ссылки 192
0-1930-х годов / Сост. О.Л. Милов
а. -- Москва : Наука, 2008.
553 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785020367296(h) :
K512.53 / К61 / Колодникова, Л.П. .
Советское общество 20-х годов
XX века : по документам ВЧК-О
ГПУ / Колодникова, Л.П. . -- Мос
ква : Наука, 2009.
479 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020369979
K512.54 / С60 / Солонин, М. .
23 июня--"день М" / Солонин, М.
. -- Москва : Яуза, 2009.
512 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785995501039(h) : CNY160.70
K512.54 / Б95 /
Прибалтика : Под знаком свас
тики (1941 - 1945). Сборник докуме
нтов / Сост.Былинин, В.К. и др
. . -- Москва : Кучково поле, 2009
464 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785812900922(h) : CNY326.40
K512.54 / С77 / Стариков, Н. В. .
Кто заставил Гитлера напаст
ь на Сталина : Роковая ошибк
а Гитлера / Стариков, Н. В. . -СПб. Лидер, Питер, 2009.
368 с. : ил. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785498073293(h) : CNY183.60
K512.54 / П75 /
Прибалтика : Под знаком свас
тики (1941-1945) / Сост.:Былинин, В
.К. и др. . -- Москва : Объединен
ная редакция МВД России и др
., 2009.
464 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785812900922(h) :
K512.54 / К54 / Князев, Г. А. .
Дни великих испытаний : днев
ники 1941-1945 / Князев, Г. А., Отв
. ред. Н.П. Копанева. . -- СПб. : Н
аука, 2009.
1220 с. ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9785020252134(h) :
K512.54-61 / С76 / R /
Сталинградская битва : Июль
1942-февраль 1943 : энциклопедия
/ Под ред. М.М. Загорулько. -Волгоград : Издатель, 2007.
512 с. ; ил., 30 cm.
ISBN 5923306247(h) :
K512.56 / Г85 / Гришин, В.В. .
Катастрофа : От Хрущева до Г
орбачева / Гришин, В.В. . -- Экс
мо, 2010.
272 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785699416400(h) : CNY207
K512.8 / И90 / 2 /
История народов России в исс
ледованиях и документах / ре
д. Пруцкова,О.А.. Вып.3. -- Москв
а : Институт рос. истории РАН
, 2009.
274 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785805502089
K512.8 / Н35 /
Национальные истории на пос
тсоветском пространстве--2. /
Под ред. Ф. Бомсдорфа и др. . - Москва : Фонд Фридриха Наум
анна и др., 2009.
372 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785910221110
K512.8 / К95 / Куц, О.Ю. .
Донское казачество в период
от взятия Азова до выступле
ния С. Разина (1637-1667) / Куц, О.Ю
. . -- СПб. : Дмимтрий Буланин, 2
456 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785860076136(h) :
K512.8 / М60 / Миллер, Г.Ф. .
Описание сибирских народов
/ Миллер, Г.Ф. . -- Москва : Памя
тники исторической мысли, 200
456 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785884512580(h) :
K512.8 / Т74 /
Тропою Богораза : Научные и
литературные материалы / Ре
дкол.: В.С. Кривощёков и др. . - Москва : Институт Наследия-ГЕОС, 2008.
352 с. ; ил., 30 cm.
ISBN 586443123x
K512.8 / О-95 /
Очерки русской народной кул
ьтуры / Отв. ред. И.В. Власова
. -- Москва : Наука, 2009.
787 с. ; ил., 25 cm.
ISBN 9785020367449(h) :
K512.8 / Т98 /
Тюркские народы Восточной С
ибири / Отв. ред. Д.А.Функ и др
. . -- Москва : Наука, 2008.
422 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785020359888(h) :
K512.8 / И90 /
История и культура нивхов :
историко-этнографические оч
ерки / Отв. ред. В.А. Тураев . - СПб. : Наука, 2008.
270 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785020252387(h) :
K512.8 / Р89 /
Русские в Евразии XVII-XIX вв.
Миграции и социокультурная
адаптация в иноэнтичной сре
де / Отв. ред. В.В. Трепавлов.
. -- Тула : Гриф и К, 2008.
480 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785812511149(h) :
K512.8 / Б42 / Бекмаханова,Н.Е. .
Присоединение Казахстана и
Средней Азии к России (XVIII-XIX
века) : Документы / Авт.-сост
. Н.Е. Бекмаханова. -- Москва :
Институт рос. истории РАН, 200
425 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785805501945
K512.8 / И90 /
История народов России в исс
ледованиях и документах / Ре
д. О.А. Пруцкова. Вып.3. -- Москв
а : Институт рос. истории РАН
, 2009.
275 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785805502089
K512.8 / П77 /
Природное окружение и матер
иальная культура пратюркски
х народов / Отв. ред. А.В. Дыбо
. -- Москва : Вост. лит., 2008.
342 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785020363441
K512.9 / М32 /
Массовые репрессии в Алтайс
ком крае 1937-1938 гг. : Приказ No0
0447 / сост.: Г. Д. Жданова и др. ;
редкол.: Р. Биннер и др. . -- Мо
сква : РОССПЭН, 2010.
751 с. : ил. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785824313840(h) : CNY279.70
Ⅰ. История сталинизма. Докум
K512.9 / А35 / Азбелев,С.Н. .
Устная история в памятниках
Новгорода и Новгородской зе
мли / С.Н.Азбелев;Отв. ред. В.Л
.Янин. . -- СПб. : Дмитрий Булан
ин, 2007.
296 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 5860075359(h) :
K512.9 / П34 /
Писцовые книги Новгородской
земли / Сост. К.В. Баранов. Т.
6Писцовые книги Шелонской пя
тины XVI века. . -- Москва : Памя
тники исторической мысли, 200
382 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785884512474
K512.9 / С84 / Стрельников,С.В. .
Землевладение в Ростовском
крае в XIV-первой трети XVII век
а / Стрельников,С.В. . -- М.-СПб
. : Алянс-Архео, 2009.
360 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785988740308
K512.91 / Ш87 / 2 / : 2Штаден, Г. .
Записки о Московии / Штаден,
Генрих. Т.2. -- Москва : Древле
хранилище, 2009.
476 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785936461446(h) :
K512.91 / Г37 / Герберштейн, С.
.Записки о Московии / Герберш
тейн, С. Т.1. -- В 2 т. . -- Москва
: Памятники исторической мыс
ли, 2008.
776 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785884512429(h) :
K512.91 / Г37 / 1 / : 2Герберштейн, С.
.Записки о Московии / Герберш
тейн, С. Т.2. -- В 2 т. . -- Москва
: Памятники исторической мыс
ли, 2008.
656 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785884512436(h) :
K512.932 / В75 / Воробьева, Л. .
История Латвии от Российско
й империи до СССР / Воробьев
а, Л. Кн.1. -- Москва : РИСИ-ин-т
стратегических исследовани
й, 2010.
250 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9875999000071CNY328.10(Т.1-2)
K512.932 / В75 / Воробьева, Л. .
История Латвии от Российско
й империи к СССР / Воробьева
, Л. Кн.2. -- Москва : РИСИ-ин-т с
тратегических исследований
, 2010.
250 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9875999000088
K512.942 / H936 /
Hunger by design : the great Ukrainian famine and
its Soviet context / edited by Halyna Hryn. . -- C
ambridge, Mass. : Ukrainian Research Institute, Ha
rvard University, c2008.
xii, 150 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm.
Proceedings of the symposium, held on October 20, 2
003, entitled "The Ukrainian Terror-Famine of 1932
-1933: Revisiting the Issues and the Scholarship Tw
enty Years after the HURI Famine Project.". -- "P
reviously published in Harvard Ukrainian studies vo
lume 25, no. 3/4"--P. [4] of cover. . -- Include
s bibliographical references and index. . -- Forewo
rd / Lubomyr Hajda -- The Soviet 1931-1933 famines
and the Ukrainian Holodomor : is a new interpretati
on possible, and what would its consequences be? /
Andrea Graziosi -- Sources and resources on the fam
ine in Ukraine's state archival system / Hennadii
Boriak -- Victory over the peasantry / Sergei Maksu
dov -- The collectivization famine in Kazakhstan, 1
931-1933 / Niccolo Pianciola -- The 1932-1933 crisi
s and its aftermath beyond the epicenters of famine
: the Urals region / Gijs Kessler -- Holodomor and
memory / George G. Grabowicz.
ISBN 9781932650051 (alk. paper) : CNY166.00
ISBN 9781932650051 (alk. paper) : CNY166.00
ISBN 1932650059 (alk. paper)
Ⅰ. Harvard papers in Ukrainian studies.
K513.07 / S929 /
Studia polonica : К 70-летию Виктора
Александровича Хорева / Отв
. ред. В.К. Волков. -- Москва : И
ндрик, 2002.
456 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 5857591899(h) :
K515.5 / В29 /
Венгерские события 1956 года г
лазами КГБ и МВД СССР : Сборн
ик документов / Сост.: Зданов
ич, А.А. и др. . -- Москва : Объед
иненная редакция МВД России
и др., 2009.
520 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785812900908(h) :
K516 / B557 / Bessel, Richard. .
Germany 1945 : from war to peace / Richard Bessel
. . -- 1st U.S. ed. . -- New York : HarperCollins,
x, 522 p., [16] p. of plates : ill., maps ; 24
Includes bibliographical references (p. [497]-500
) and index.
ISBN 9780060540364(hbk.) : CNY193.00
ISBN 9780060540364(hbk.) : CNY193.00
ISBN 0060540362(hbk.)
K516.4 / Н72 /
Новейшая история Германии :
Труды молодых ученых и исле
довательские центры / Сост.
Б.Бонвеч и др. . -- Москва : КДУ
, 2007.
398 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785982274144
R / K516.44-61 / К93 / Курылев, О. П. .
Боевые награды Третьего Рей
ха : иллюстрированная энцик
лопедия / Курылев, О. П. . -- Мо
сква : Эксмо, 2010.
352 c. ; илл., 27 cm.
ISBN 9785699127214(h) : CNY509.30
K543.54 / V865 / Vladisavljevic, Nebojsa, 1969 - .
Serbia's antibureaucratic revolution : Milosevic,
the fall of communism and nationalist mobilization
/ Nebojsa Vladisavljevic. . -- Basingstoke [Engl
and] ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
ix, 235 p. ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9780230205215 (alk. paper) : CNY583.00
ISBN 9780230205215 (alk. paper) : CNY583.00
ISBN 0230205216 (alk. paper)
K546.3 / К88 / Кудрявцев, О.Ф. .
Флорентийская Платоновская
академия : очерк истории ду
ховной жизни ренессансной И
талии / Кудрявцев, О.Ф. . -- Мос
ква : Наука, 2008.
479 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020359796(h) :
K561.3 / C899 / Crawford, Sally(Sally Elizabeth Ell
enDaily life in Anglo-Saxon England / Sally Crawford
. . -- Oxford ; Westport, Conn. : Greenwood World
Pub., 2009.
xii, 245 p., [16] p. of plates : ill., maps ; 2
4 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 231-237) an
d index. . -- The Anglo-Saxons in England -- Societ
y, taxes and administration -- Housing and househol
ds -- Population density and life expectancy -- Foo
d and drink -- Clothing and appearance -- Trade and
travel -- Death and religion -- Health, sickness a
nd survival -- Slaves, criminals and outcasts -- Co
nquest and conclusions.
ISBN 9781846450136 (alk. paper) : CNY367.00
ISBN 9781846450136 (alk. paper) : CNY367.00
ISBN 1846450136 (alk. paper)
K561.43 / A432 / Allen, Robert C., 1947 - .
The British industrial revolution in global perspec
tive / Robert C. Allen. . -- Cambridge : Cambridg
e University Press, 2009.
xi, 331 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [276]-312
) and index.
ISBN 9780521868273 (hbk.) : CNY193.00
ISBN 9780521868273 (hbk.) : CNY193.00
ISBN 0521868270 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780521868273 (hbk.) : CNY193.00
ISBN 0521868270 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780521687850 (pbk.)
ISBN 9780521868273 (hbk.) : CNY193.00
ISBN 0521868270 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780521687850 (pbk.)
ISBN 0521687853 (pbk.)
K561.5 / R652 / Robertson, Nicole. .
The co-operative movement and communities in Britai
n, 1914-1960 : minding their own business / Nicol
e Robertson. . -- Farnham : Ashgate, c2010.
251 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780754660576 (hbk.) : CNY576.00
ISBN 9780754660576 (hbk.) : CNY576.00
ISBN 0754660575 (hbk.)
ISBN 9780754660576 (hbk.) : CNY576.00
ISBN 0754660575 (hbk.)
ISBN 9781409404040 (ebk.)
K565.41 / Г68 / Гордон, А.В. .
Великая французская революц
ия в советской историографи
и / Гордон, А.В. . -- Москва : На
ука, 2009.
380 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020367524(h) :
K611 / L399 / Laverty, John Robert, 1923 - .
The making of a metropolis : Brisbane, 1823-1925
/ John R. Laverty. . -- Queensland, Australia : Bo
olarong Press with the Brisbane History Group, [20
viii, 248 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 233-240) an
d index.
ISBN 9780975179352 (pbk) : CNY240.00
ISBN 9780975179352 (pbk) : CNY240.00
ISBN 0975179357 (pbk)
R / K712-54 / А61 /
Американский ежегодник / От
в. ред. Н.Н. Болховитинов. 2007.
-- Москва : Наука, 2009.
462 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020370005(h) :
R / K712-54 / А61 /
Американский ежегодник / От
в. ред. Н.Н. Болховитинов. 2006.
-- Москва : Наука, 2008.
365 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020367166(h) :
K812.5 / В88 / Вульф,В.Я. .
Великие имена XX века / Вульф
,В.Я. . -- Москва : Текстура-пре
сс,ЭКСМО, Яуза, 2010.
384 c. ; ил., 21 cm.
ISBN 9785699396511(h) : CNY136.90
R / K815.6-61 / D554 / : 358
Dictionary of literary biography. v. 358, Classical
Chinese writers of the pre-Tang period / edited b
y Curtis Dean Smith. . -- Detroit [Mich.] : Gale
Cengage Learning, c2011.
xxiv, 442 p. : ill., facsims. ; 29 cm.
"A Bruccoli Clark Layman book.". -- Includes bibl
iographical references and index.
ISBN 9780787681760(hardcover) : CNY1759.00
ISBN 9780787681760(hardcover) : CNY1759.00
ISBN 9780787681753(hardcover)
ISBN 9780787681760(hardcover) : CNY1759.00
ISBN 9780787681753(hardcover)
ISBN 0787681768(hardcover)
ISBN 9780787681760(hardcover) : CNY1759.00
ISBN 9780787681753(hardcover)
ISBN 0787681768(hardcover)
ISBN 078768175x(hardcover)
ISSN 1096-8547
R / K815.6-61 / A939 / : 84
Authors & artists for young adults. vol.84 / Proje
ct editor Amanda D Sams, Dane Ferguson. . -- Detroi
t : Gale, 2010
xiii, 258 p. ; 29 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0787694770
ISBN 0787694770
ISBN 9780787694777
ISSN 1040-5682
: CNY939.00
R / K815.6-61 / C761 / : 298
Contemporary authors : a bio-bibliographical guide
to current writers in fiction, general nonfiction,
poetry, journalism, drama, motion pictures, televi
sion and other fields. v.298. -- Detroit, Gale Rese
arch Co. 2010
xviii, 450 p. 29 cm.
"Each year's volumes are revised about five years
ISBN 1414445946
ISBN 1414445946
ISBN 9781414445946 : CNY1636.00
ISSN 0010-7468
R / K815.6-61 / S696 / : 217
Something about the author: facts and pictures abou
t authors and illustrators of books for young peopl
e. vol.217 /Lisa Kumar. . -- Detroit : Gale Resear
ch, 2010
xi, 376 p. : ill., ports. ; 29 cm.
"Facts and pictures about contemporary authors and
illustrators of books for young people."
ISBN 1414453779
ISBN 1414453779
ISBN 9781414453774 : CNY1399.00
ISSN 0276-816X
R / K815.6-61 / C761 / : 207
Contemporary authors: new revision series : a biobibliographical guide to current writers in fiction
, general nonfiction, poetry, journalism, drama, mo
tion pictures, television and other fields. vol.207
. . -- Detroit : Gale Research Company, 2010
xvi, 450 p. 28 cm.
ISBN 1414446102X(hbk)
ISBN 1414446102X(hbk)
ISBN 9781414461021(hbk) : CNY1636.00
ISBN 1414446102X(hbk)
ISBN 9781414461021(hbk) : CNY1636.00
ISBN 1414461631(ebk)
ISBN 1414446102X(hbk)
ISBN 9781414461021(hbk) : CNY1636.00
ISBN 1414461631(ebk)
ISBN 9781414461632(ebk)
ISSN 0275-7176
K833.737 / M233 / Majd, Mohammad Gholi, 1946 - .
From Qajar to Pahlavi : Iran, 1919-1930 / Mohamma
d Gholi Majd. . -- Lanham : University Press of A
merica, 2008.
462 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780761840299 : CNY413.00
ISBN 9780761840299 : CNY413.00
ISBN 076184029X
K835.121 / Х25 / Хатунцев, С.В. .
Константин Леонтьев : Интел
лектуальная биография. 1850-187
4 гг. / Хатунцев, С.В. . -- СПб. :
Алетейя, 2007.
208 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785914190139
K835.122 / Я40 / Язов,Д.Т. .
Маршал Советского Союза / Яз
ов,Д.Т. . -- Москва : Алгоритм, Э
ксмо, 2010.
432 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785699423460(h) : CNY146.90
K835.125 / Р17 /
Раздвигая горизонты науки :
К 90-летию академика С.Л.Тихв
инского / Гл. ред. М.Л. Титаре
нко. -- Москва : Памятники ист
орической мысли, 2008.
888 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785884512351(h) :
K835.125.4 / В78 / 2 / Востриков,В.Г. .
титель / Востриков,В.Г. . -- Йо
шкар-Ола : МарНИИЯЛИ, 2007.
176 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785949500392(h) :
K835.125.4 / В78 / Востриков, В.Г. .
В.М.Васильев--учёный и просве
титель / Востриков, В.Г. . -- Йо
шкар-Ола : МарНИИЯЛИ, 2007.
176 с. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9785949500392(h) :
K835.125.5 / А38 /
Академик Олег Николаевич Тр
убачев : очерки,воспоминани
я,материалы / Гл. ред. Е.П. Чел
ышев. -- Москва : Наука, 2009.
627 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020357105(h) :
K835.125.6 / Я31 / Ягункова,Л. Д. .
Василий Шукшин : Земной прав
едник / Ягункова,Л. Д. . -- Моск
ва : Эксмо, Алгоритм, 2009.
320 с. : ил. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785699358526(h) : CNY157.30
Ⅰ. Лучшие биографии
R / K835.125.7-61 / С48 /
Словарь русских иконописцев
XI-XVII веков / Ред. И.А.Кочетко
в. -- Изд. 2-е,испр. и доп. . -- Мос
ква : Индрик, 2009.
1104 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785916740325(h) :
K835.125.81 / Е45 /
Екатерина Николаевна Кушева
--Борис Александрович Романо
в : Переписка 1940-1957 годов / Р
ед. кол.: Б.В.Ананьич и др. . -- С
Пб. : Лики России, 2010.
480 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785874173197(h) :
K835.126 / В18 / Варламов,А.Н. .
Алексей Толстой : Биография
/ А.Н.Варламов. . -- Москва : Эк
смо, 2009.
736 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785699354313(h) : CNY260.10
Ⅰ. Лауреаты литературных пре
: 33K835.127 / М14 / 2 / Майский,И.М. .
Дневник дипломата : Лондон,
1934-194311934-3 сентября / Майский
,И.М. . -- В 2 кн. . -- Москва : Нау
ка, 2009.
398 с. : илл. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 5020351652(h)
ISBN 5020351652(h)
ISBN 5020340111
Ⅰ. Научное наследство, 33
K835.127.6 / П29 / Петелин,В.В. .
Шаляпин и Иола Торнаги / Пет
елин, В. В. . -- Москва : Алгорит
м, 2007.
448 с. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9785926503781(h) : CNY152.20
K835.128 / Ф80 / Фортунатов, В.В. .
Российская история в лицах
/ Фортунатов, В.В. . -- СПб. Пите
р, 2009.
576 с. ; илл., 25 cm.
ISBN 9785388003058(h) : CNY637.50
K835.128 / К64 / Конопацкий,А.К. .
Прошлого великий следопыт :
Академик А.П. Окладников: ст
раницы биографии / Конопацк
ий,А.К. Кн. 2. -- Москва : АИРО-ХХ
1 и др., 2009.
549 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785910220731(h) :
ISBN 9785910220731(h) :
ISBN 978594881095x
K835.16 / V945 / Von Klemperer, Klemens, 1916 - .
Voyage through the twentieth century : a historian
's recollections and reflections / Klemens von Kl
emperer. . -- New York : Berghahn Books, 2009.
[viii], 169 p., [12] p. of plates : ill. ; 24
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781845455842 (hbk.) : CNY399.00
ISBN 9781845455842 (hbk.) : CNY399.00
ISBN 1845455843 (hbk.)
K837.12 / B974 / Burton, Patricia A. .
More than silence : a bibliography of Thomas Merto
n / Patricia A. Burton ; with a special section on
rare books by Albert Romkema. . -- Lanham, Md. :
Scarecrow Press ; [Chicago, IL] : American Theo
logical Library Association, 2008.
xxiv, 210 p. ; 29 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780810860957 (alk. paper) : CNY440.00
ISBN 9780810860957 (alk. paper) : CNY440.00
ISBN 0810860953 (alk. paper)
Ⅰ. ATLA bibliography series ;, no. 55.
K853 / А72 / Антонов, В.А. .
Датская геральдика XII-XVII век
ов / Антонов, В.А. . -- Москва :
Наука, 2008.
561 с. ; ил., 25 cm
ISBN 9785020359727(h) :
K862 / Ч-49 / Черных, Е.Н. .
Степной пояс Евразии : Феном
ен кочевых культур / Черных,
Е.Н. . -- Москва : Рускописные
памятники Древней Руси, 2009.
624 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785955102900(h) :
K86-55 / К78 /
Краткие сообщения Института
археологии / Гл. ред. Н.А. Мак
аров. Вып.223. -- Москва : Наука,
286 с. ; илл., 24 cm.
ISBN 9785020359826
K86-55 / К78 /
Краткие сообщения Института
археологии / Гл. ред. Н.А. Мак
аров. Вып.222. -- Москва : Наука,
229 с. ; илл., 24 cm.
ISBN 9785020352254
K86-55 / К78 / 2 /
Краткие сообщения Института
археологии / Гл. ред. Н.А. Мак
аров. Вып.221. -- Москва : Наука,
255 с. ; илл., 24 cm.
ISBN 5020352195
K86-55 / К78 / 2 /
Краткие сообщения Института
археологии / Гл. ред. Н.А. Мак
аров. Вып.220. -- Москва : Наука,
235 с. ; илл., 24 cm.
ISBN 5020339873
K871 / Л24 / Лаптев, С.В. .
Предыстория и история народ
ов Вьет : археология Нижнего
Янцзы и Юго-Восточного Кита
я периода от раннего неолита
до раннего железного века /
Лаптев, С.В. Т.3. -- Москва : С.В
. Лаптев, 2006.
624 с. ; илл., 30 cm.
ISBN 5813503285(h) :
ISBN 5813503285(h) :
ISBN 585941204
K871 / Л24 / Лаптев, С.В. .
Предыстория и история народ
ов Вьет : археология Нижнего
Янцзы и Юго-Восточного Кита
я периода от раннего неолита
до раннего железного века /
Лаптев, С.В. Т.2. -- Москва : С.В
. Лаптев, 2007.
744 с. ; илл., 30 cm.
ISBN 5813503285(h) :
ISBN 5813503285(h) :
ISBN 5859412037
K871.13 / Л24 / Лаптев, С.В. .
Предыстория и история народ
ов Вьет : археология Нижнего
Янцзы и Юго-восточного Кита
я периода о раннего неолита
до раннего железного века /
Лаптев, С.В. Т.1. -- Москва : С.В.
Лаптев, 2006.
608 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 5813503293
ISBN 5813503293
ISBN 5813503285(h)
K883.11 / К88 / Кубарев, В.Д. .
Петроглифы Шивээт-Хайрхана
: (Монгольский анализ) / Куба
рев, В.Д. . -- Новосибирск : Изд
-во Института археологии и э
инографии СО РАН, 2009.
420 с. ; 30 cm.
ISBN 9785780301851(h) :
K883.35 / L317 / Lapteff,Sergey V. .
Phum snay sint and the origins of pre-angkor cambod
ia / Lapteff, Sergey V. . -- Moscow, 2009.
127 p. ; il., 30 cm.
ISBN 9785859413034(h) :
K885.102 / В16 / Вальчак, С.Б. .
Конское снаряжение в первой
трети 1-го тыс. до н.э. на Юге
Восточной Европы / Вальчак,
С.Б. . -- Москва : Таус, 2009.
292 с. ; 30 cm.
ISBN 9785903011674(h) :
K885.106 / Ц27 /
Цветные и драгоценные метал
лы на территории Восточной Е
вропы в эпоху средневековья
/ Отв. ред. Н.В. Рындина. -- Мос
ква : Вост. лит., 2008.
191 с. ; ил., 30 cm.
ISBN 9785020363403(h) :
K885.108 / Г70 /
Город Болгар : Монументальн
ое строительство, архитекту
ра, благоустройство / Отв. ре
д. Г.А. Федоров-Давыдов. . -- Мо
сква : Наука, 2001.
365 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 5020087297(h) :
K885.121 / Л77 / Лопатин, Н.В. .
Северные рубежи раннеславян
ского мира в III-V вв. н.э. / Лопа
тин, Н.В. и др. . -- Москва : Инст
итут археологии РАН, 2007.
252 с. ; 30 cm.
ISBN 9785943750571(h) :
K885.122 / З13 / Завьялов, В.А. .
Кушаншахр при Сасанидах : (п
о материалам раскопок город
ища Зартепа) / Завьялов, В.А.
. -- СПб. : Факультет филологии
и искусств СПбГУ, 2008.
296 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785846507999(h) :
K885.12-24 / И54 /
Императорская археологичес
кая комиссия (1859-1917) : к 150-лет
ию со дня основания : у исток
ов отечественной археологии
и охраны культурного наслед
ия / Ред. А.Е.Мусин. -- СПб. : Дм
итрий Буланин, 2009.
1191 с. ; илл., 26 cm.
ISBN 9785860076068(h) :
K885.12-24 / П76 /
Приложение : Императорская
археологическая комиссия (18
59 - 1917) :К 150-летию со дня основ
ания.У истоков отечественно
й археологии и охраны культу
рного наследия / Науч. ред.со
ст.А.Е.Мусин.Под общ. ред. Е.Н.
Носова. -- СПб. : Дмитрий Була
нин, 2009.
207 с. ; 27 cm.
ISBN 9785860076419(h) :
K885.125 / М33 / Матвеева, Н.П. .
Коловское городище / Матвее
ва, Н.П. . -- Новосибирск : Наук
а, 2008.
240 с. ; ил., 26 cm.
ISBN 9785020321540(h) :
K885.128 / Р93 / Рыбина, Е.А. .
Новгород и Ганза / Рыбина, Е.
А. . -- Москва : Рукописные пам
ятники Древней Руси, 2009.
320 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785955103310(h) :
K885.128 / А87 /
Археология севернорусской д
еревни X-XIII веков : средневек
овые поселения и могильники
на Кубенском озере / Отв. ре
д. Н.А. Макаров и др.. Т.3. -- В 3 т
. . -- Москва : Наука, 2009.
233 с. ; 30 cm.
ISBN 9785020355255
ISBN 9785020355255
ISBN 9785020355224(h) :
K885.128 / Л24 / Лапшин, В.А. .
Тверь в XIII-XV вв. : (по материа
лам раскопок 1993-1997 гг.) / Лапш
ин, В.А. . -- СПб. : Факультет фи
лософии и искусств СПбГУ, 2009
540 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785846509177(h) :
K885.128.8 / М18 / Малашев, В.Ю. .
Степное население Южного Пр
иуралья в позднесарматское
время : по материалам могиль
ника Покровка 10 / Малашев, В.
Ю. . -- Москва : Вост. лит., 2008.
365 с. ; ил., 30 cm.
ISBN 9785020363434(h) :
K885.129 / Д94 / 2 / Дэвлет, М.А. .
Мозага-Комужап--памятник нас
кального искусства в зоне за
топления Саянской ГЭС / Дэвл
ет, М.А. . -- Москва : Институт а
рхеологии РАН, 2009.
216 с. ; 23 cm.
ISBN 5861700621
K885.129 / Д94 / Дэвлет, М.А. .
Мозага-Комужап-памятник нас
кального искусства в зоне за
топления Саянской ГЭС / Дэвл
ет, М.А. . -- Москва : Институт а
рхеологии РАН, 2009.
216 с. ; 23 cm.
ISBN 5861700621
K885.156.3 / С37 / Симонова, Е.Н. .
Материальная культура славя
нского населения Северо-Вос
точной Вегерии VII-XI веков : п
о керамическим материалам. /
Симонова, Е.Н. . -- Москва : Нау
ка, 2008.
223 с. ; ил., 29 cm.
ISBN 9785020355262(h) :
K891.1 / Д20 / Даркевич, В.П. .
Светская праздничная жизнь
Средневековья IX-XVI вв. / Дарке
вич, В.П. . -- Изд. 2-е, доп. . -- Мо
сква : Индрик, 2006.
432 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 58577593506(h) :
K895.12 / И20 / Иванова, Т.Г. .
История русской фольклорист
ики XX
века : 1900-первая полов
ина 1941 гг. / Иванова, Т.Г. . -- С
Пб. : Дмитрий Буланин, 2009.
800 с. ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9785860076099(h) :
K895.12 / Н23 / Налепин, А.Л. .
Два века русского фольклора
: Опыт и сравнительное осве
щение подходов в фольклорис
тике России, Великобритании
и США в XIX-XX столетиях / Нале
пин, А.Л. . -- Москва : ИМЛИ РАН,
504 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785920803474(h) :
K915-64 / Г70 /
Города мира-мир города / Ред
. кол.: В.В.Ванслов. . -- Москва
: Северный Паломник, 2009.
303 с. ; ил., 30 cm.
ISBN 9785903888061
K915-64 / Г70 / 2 /
Города мира-мир города / Ред
. кол.: В.В.Ванслов. -- Москва :
Северный Паломник, 2009
303 с. ; ил., 30 cm.
ISBN 9785903888061
K951.25 / О-70 / Орфинский,В.П. .
Традиционный карельский дом
/ Орфинский,В.П. . -- Петрозав
одск : Изд-во ПетрГУ, 2009.
480 с. ; ил., 26 cm.
ISBN 9785802109199(h) :
K951.27 / С28 / Седов, Вл.В. .
Килисе Джами : Столичная арх
итектура Византии / Седов, В
л.В. . -- Москва : Индрик, 2008.
336 с. ; ил., 24 cm.
ISBN 9785857594469
K951.27 / С28 / 2 / Седов, Вл. В. .
Килисе Джами : Столичная арх
итектура Византии / Седов, В
л. В. . -- Москва : Индрик, 2008.
336 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785857594469(h) :
K995.12 / Н31 / Насибуллин, Р.Ш. .
Диалектологический атлас уд
муртского языка : Карты и ко
мментарии / Насибуллин, Р.Ш.
и др.. Вып.1. -- Ижевск : Регуляр
ная и хаотическая динамика,
260 с. ; илл., 29 cm.
ISBN 9785939726115(h)
K995.126 / Ф91 / Фролов, А.А. .
Исторический атлас Деревско
й пятины Новгородской земли
: (по писцовым книгам письма
1495-1496 годов)/ Фролов, А.А. Т.3.
-- Москва-СПб. : Альянс-Архео,
266 с. ; иил., 26 cm.
ISBN 9785988740292(h) :
ISBN 9785988740292(h) :
ISBN 9785988740261
K995.126 / Ф91 / Фролов, А.А. .
Исторический атлас Деревско
й пятины Новгородской земли
: (по писцовым книгам письма
1495-1496 годов) / Фролов, А.А. и д
р.. Т.2. -- Москва-СПб. : Альянс-А
рхео, 2008
272 с. ; илл., 26 cm.
ISBN 9785988740285(h) :
ISBN 9785988740285(h) :
ISBN 9785988740261
K995.126 / Ф91 / Фролов, А.А. .
Исторический атлас Деревско
й пятины Новгородской земли
: (по писцовым книгам письма
1495-1496 годов) / Фролов, А.А. и д
р.. Т.1. -- Москва-СПб. : Альянс-А
рхео, 2008.
368 с. ; илл., 26 cm.
ISBN 9785988740278(h) :
ISBN 9785988740278(h) :
ISBN 9785988740261
K995.4 / М20 /
Малый диалектологический ат
лас балканских языков : Сери
я лексическая / Гл. ред. А.Н. С
оболев. Т.3, Животноводство. .
-- СПб. : Наука, 2009.
658 с. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9785020252776
ISBN 9785020252776
ISBN 9785020252707
ISBN 9785020252776
ISBN 9785020252707
ISBN 9783866880399
Q988 / S967(2) / Sutton, Mark Q. .
Introduction to cultural ecology / Mark Q. Sutton
and E.N. Anderson. . -- 2nd ed. . -- Lanham, Md. :
AltaMira Press, c2010.
xvii, 399 p. : ill., maps ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Introduction -- Fundamentals of ecology -- Human b
iological ecology -- Cultural ecology -- Hunting an
d gathering -- The origins of food production -- Ho
rticulture -- Pastoralism -- Intensive agriculture
-- Current issues and problems.
ISBN 9780759112469 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780759112469 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0759112460 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780759112469 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0759112460 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780759112476 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY267.00
ISBN 9780759112469 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0759112460 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780759112476 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY267.00
ISBN 0759112479 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780759112469 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0759112460 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780759112476 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY267.00
ISBN 0759112479 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780759112483 (electronic)
ISBN 9780759112469 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0759112460 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780759112476 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY267.00
ISBN 0759112479 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9780759112483 (electronic)
ISBN 0759112487 (electronic)
R-052 / C538 /
CHIMBRIDS, Chimeras and Hybrids in Comparative Euro
pean and International Research : scientific, ethi
cal, philosophical, and legal aspects / Jochen Tau
pitz, Marion Weschka, editors. . -- Dordrecht ; Ne
w York : Springer, c2009.
xix, 1039 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9783540938682 (alk. paper) : CNY1481.00
ISBN 9783540938682 (alk. paper) : CNY1481.00
ISBN 9783540938699 (e-ISBN)
R512.91 / R436 /
Restoring hope : decent care in the midst of HIV/A
IDS / edited by Ted Karpf ... [et al.]. . -- Bas
ingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan on behal
f of the World Health Organization Regional Office
for Europe, 2008.
xxvi, 162 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Restoring hope / Ted Karpf -- The demand for equit
y / Kevin Moody -- Decency in a globalizing world :
care of people living with HIV / Eduardo Mendieta
-- HIV and AIDS, decent care, and the traditions of
the Catholic social teaching / Phyllis Hughes -- T
he Biblical mandate to care and cure / David Rosen
-- An Islamic view of health and sickness : how our
core values promote decent care / Sayed Elzenari - Decent care for people living with HIV : what are
we waiting for? / Anne-christine d'Adesky and Kat
hryn Anastos -- Care in a season of AIDS : an Islam
ic perspective / Farid Esack -- Towards a state of
good health : a dharmic view of HIV / Swami Agnives
h -- A Buddhist perspective on decent care / Nampet
Panichpant-Michelsen -- Decent care for life / Gar
y R. Gunderson and Teresa F. Cutts -- Decent care a
nd HIV : a holistic approach / Esther Mombo -- Ubi
caritas? care as faith in action / Denise M. Ackerm
ann -- A patient-centred approach to universal dece
nt care / Shoshanna Sofaer -- Universal access to c
ompassion and empathy, a cornerstone of decent care
/ Larry Dossey -- From GIPA to CAP : a new model t
o health entitlement / Cathleen E. Crain and Nathan
iel Tashima -- "Have you no sense of decency, sir?
" / David Barr.
ISBN 9780230223387 (hbk.) : CNY530.00
ISBN 9780230223387 (hbk.) : CNY530.00
ISBN 0230223389 (hbk.)
TK0 / S474 / Sen, Simantee. .
Energy management : an overview / Sen, Simantee.
. -- Hyderabad ,India : Icfai Books, 2010
233 p , 23 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9788131412466 : CNY348.83
ISBN 9788131412466 : CNY348.83
ISBN 8131412466
TP3-05 / Q7(4) / Quinn, Michael J. .
Ethics for the information age / Michael J. Quinn.
. -- 4th ed. . -- Boston : Addison-Wesley, c2011.
xxiii, 519 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . -Catalysts for change -- Introduction to ethics -Networked communications -- Intellectual property - Privacy -- Computer and network security -- Compu
ter reliability -- Professional ethics -- Work and
ISBN 9780132133876 (alk. paper) : CNY531.00
ISBN 9780132133876 (alk. paper) : CNY531.00
ISBN 0132133873 (alk. paper)
TP309.2 / N279 / NATO Advanced Research Workshop on
IIdentity, security and democracy : the wider socia
l and ethical implications of automated systems for
human identification / edited by Emilio Mordini a
nd Manfred Green. . -- Amsterdam ; Oxford : Ios P
ress, 2009.
xxiii, 117 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781586039400 : CNY1073.00
ISBN 9781586039400 : CNY1073.00
ISBN 1586039407
X196 / G615 / Goi Peace Foundation. .
Earth capitalism : creating a new civilization thr
ough a responsible market economy / compiled by Go
i Peace Foundation ; Patrick U. Petit, editor ; wit
h a foreword by Bill Gates. . -- New Brunswick, N.J
. : Transaction Publishers, 2011.
xvii, 227 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. . --
Reforming markets globally and the role of social
innovation for sustainability / Hazel Henderson -What will happen in capitalist societies in the fut
ure : a dialogue on the future of modern civilizati
on -- Hiroshi tasaka -- Entrepreneurs creating the
economic paradigm for the future / Paola Babos and
Monica Sharma -- Transformative entrepreneurship fr
om a global and integral perspective / Nancy Roof - Towards a responsible market economy : Plan B 3.0
: mobilizing to save civilization / Lester R. Brow
n -- Our role in ending overshoot / Mathis Wackerna
gel -- Creating an eco-social market economy / Fran
z J. Radermacher -- Featuring a new culture of agri
culture / Franz-Theo Gottwald -- Complementary curr
ency systems / Jacqui Dunne -- Ideas that changed t
he way the world does business / Mal Warwick, Debor
ah Nelson -- Inclusive business-profitable business
for successful development / Ricarda McFalls -- Ci
tizen entrepreneurship for a meaningful life / Guen
ter Faltin -- Peak oil and resource wars : how can
the business sector contribute to sustainable peace
? / Daniele Ganser -- The business case for involve
ment in conflict prevention, peace-building and pos
t-conflict reconstruction / Steve Metcalfe -- Givin
g more than money : the corporate social responsibi
lity strategy of Deutsche Bank / Hanns Michael Hoel
z -- Trustworthy products from a credible employer
/ Heike Leitschuh-Fecht -- Everyone a social activi
st / Yasuyuki Nambu.
ISBN 9781412811064 (alk. paper) : CNY256.07
ISBN 9781412811064 (alk. paper) : CNY256.07
ISBN 1412811066 (alk. paper)
ISBN 9781412811064 (alk. paper) : CNY256.07
ISBN 1412811066 (alk. paper)
ISBN 9780202363554 (alk. paper)
ISBN 9781412811064 (alk. paper) : CNY256.07
ISBN 1412811066 (alk. paper)
ISBN 9780202363554 (alk. paper)
ISBN 0202363554 (alk. paper)
X2 / R332 /
Reforming regulatory impact analysis / editors, Wi
nston Harrington, Lisa Heinzerling, and Richard D.
Morgenstern. . -- Washington, DC : Resources for t
he Future, c2009.
246 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
"April 2009."--Cover. . -- Includes bibliographic
al references and index. . -- Controversies surroun
ding regulatory impact analysis / Winston Harringt
on, Lisa Heinzerling, and Richard D. Morgenstern - The Clean Air Interstate rule / Richard D. Morge
nstern - - The technocratic and democratic function
s of the CAIR regulatory analysis / Nathaniel O. K
eohane - - The CAIR RIA : advocacy dressed up as po
licy analysis / Wendy E. Wagner - - The clean air
mercury rule / David A. Evans - - The mathematics
of mercury / Catherine A. O'Neil - - The CAMR : a
n economist's perspective / Alan J. Krupnick - The cooling water intake structures rule / Winston
Harrington - - Improving the CWIS rule regulatory
analysis : what does an economist want? / Scott Fa
rrow - - Fish tales / Douglas A. Kysar - - What we
learned / Winston Harrington, Lisa Heinzerling, a
nd Richard D. Morgenstern.
ISBN 9781933115757 : CNY167.00
ISBN 9781933115757 : CNY167.00
ISBN 1933115750
X-49 / G871 / Gritzner, Charles F. .
Environment and natural resources / by Charles F.
Gritzner. . -- New York : Chelsea House Publishers
, c2010.
125 p. : col. ill., maps ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781604132892 (hardcover) : CNY235.00
Z3 / B918 / Buchanan, Ian, 1969 - .
A dictionary of critical theory / Ian Buchanan. .
-- Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010.
500 p. ; 20 cm
Description based on print version record.
9780199532919 (pbk.) : CNY117.00
9780199532919 (pbk.) : CNY117.000199532915 (pbk.)
Z88 / П15 /
Памятные книжки губерний и о
бластей российской империи
/ Сост.:Н.М. Балацкая и др.. Т.3
,Ч.1Нечерноземный центр.Влад
имирская,калужская, московс
кая и рязанская губернии. . -СПб. : Дмитрий Бланин, 2009.
1061 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785860076174(h) :
ISBN 9785860076174(h) :
ISBN 9785860076150
Z88 / П15 /
Памятные книжки губерний и о
бластей российской империи
/ Сост.: Н.М. Балацкая и др.. Т.
3,Ч.2Нечерноземный центр.Смол
енская тверская тульская и я
рославская губернии. . -- СПб.
: Дмитрий Буланин, 2009.
1166 с. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9785860076198(h) :
ISBN 9785860076198(h) :
ISBN 9785860076150
Z88 / И90 /
История естествознание : би
блиогр. указ. изд.,опублик.в С
ССР / Отв. ред. В.М. Орел. Т.10(в
2 ч.), Ч.1. -- Москва : Наука, 2007.
167 с. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9785020360235