Home-reading Aid Методические рекомендации для проведения занятий по домашнему чтению со студентами, изучающими английский язык Петрозаводск 2008 1 Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное Агентство по образованию Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Карельский государственный педагогический университет» Печатается по решению кафедры английского языка КГПУ Методические разработки по курсу «Домашнее чтение» Составитель: В.О. Павлов, к.ф.н., доцент кафедры английского языка КГПУ Рецензенты: к.п.н. И.Л. Краснов, ст. преподаватель КГПУ; к.п.н. Ж.Е. Войнова, доцент КГПУ Данные методические разработки предназначены для студентов 2-4 курсов ФИЯ, изучающих английский язык как первую специальность. Печатается в авторской редакции. 2 ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ Пояснительная записка ……………………………………………………………. с. 4 Раздел I “The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway ………………………. c. 5 Раздел II “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding …………………………………. c. 13 Раздел III “The Great Gatsby” by Francis Scott Fitzgerald ……………………….. c. 23 Раздел IV “The Bridge of San Luis Rey” by Thornton Wilder ……………………. c. 32 3 ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА Настоящее пособие по курсу домашнего чтения рассчитано на студентов II – IV курсов факультета иностранных языков, изучающих английский язык как первую специальность. Оно состоит из четырёх разделов и включает в себя методические разработки по повести Э. Хемингуэя «Старик и море», роману У. Голдинга «Повелитель мух», роману Ф.С. Фицджеральда «Великий Гэтсби» и роману Т. Уайлдера «Мост короля Людовика Святого».* Каждый раздел открывается кратким предисловием, содержащим биографическую информацию об авторе и его творческом пути, а также основных темах его произведений. Система упражнений рассчитана на тренировку труднопроизносимых слов, обогащение словарного запаса студентов, привитие навыков перевода и правильного понимания оригинального текста, развитие речевых и письменных навыков, а также навыков самостоятельной работы над книгой с различными словарями, справочниками, а иногда и в сопоставлении с иными художественными произведениями. Речевые упражнения составлены так, чтобы они в то же время способствовали пониманию романа или новеллы, их идейного содержания и основных образов. Кроме этого в пособие включены упражнения по развитию навыков стилистического анализа. Упражнения по переводу предложений с русского языка на английский язык направлены на контроль употребления активных единиц и составлены с целью активизации употребления различных синтаксических структур, которые студенты изучают на данных курсах. Характер упражнений несколько усложняется по мере проработки материала. Так, например, несколько уменьшается вес языковых упражнений, и большее внимание уделяется речевым упражнениям, направленным на раскрытие содержания повести или романа. Вопросы и задания помогут студентам обсудить основные проблемы произведений, интересные эпизоды, поступки героев, название книги или рассказа, излюбленные стилистические приемы автора и т.п. Основная цель пособия – показать возможные пути и методы работы над художественным произведением на занятиях по домашнему чтению. _________________________ * 1. E. Hemingway ‘The Old Man and the Sea’/ Progress Publishers. Moscow, 1967 (с комментарием на русском языке) или E. Hemingway ‘The Old Man and the Sea’/ Progress Publishers. Moscow, 1971 (с комментарием на чешском языке) 2. W. Golding ‘Lord of the Flies’ / Progress Publishers. Moscow, 1982 или W. Golding ‘Lord of the Flies’ / The Penguin Putnam Inc. New-York, 1995 3. F. Scott Fitzgerald ‘The Great Gatsby’ /Scribner Paperback Fiction, NY, 1995 4. Th. Wilder ‘The Bridge of San Luis Rey’/ Москва, Просвещение, 1982 4 РАЗДЕЛ 1 «The Old Man and the Sea» Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), a prominent American novelist and short-story writer began to write fiction about 1923. With the publication of his first novel The Sun Also Rises (1926) he was recognized as a leading spokesman of the ‘lost generation’ by American expatriates in post-World War I. Writing in a somewhat dry, direct, tense and laconic style Hemingway focused on courageous people living essential, dangerous lives. His other major novels include A Farewell to Arms (1929), a tragic wartime love story, and For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940), based on an incident in the Spanish Civil War in which he was a correspondent. He is also famous for his vigorous short stories, e.g. The Killers and The Snows of Kilimanjaro. In 1945 Hemingway settled in Cuba, where he wrote a novella The Old Man and the Sea (1952, Pulitzer Prize). In 1954 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature. E. Hemingway later moved to Idaho, where, plagued by illness, he committed suicide. Assignment #1. (up to page 46 (24)* «Sometimes, someone would speak...). I. Study the vocabulary. Render the situations from the text containing these word-combinations: to make fun of smb. 34 (12); to hoist smth. 34 (12); to be faded to many different shades 40 (17); to be thoughtful for smb. 41 (19); to have smb. on the team 41 (19); to have smth. for all of smb.’s life 42 (20); in the older days 42 (20); one’s mind is on sth. (to have one’s mind set on smth./smb.) 42 (20); to prove smb. wrong/right 43 (21); to shiver with cold 45 (22); to take hold of smth. 45 (23); to leave one’s sleep 45 (23). II. Translate into English, using the vocabulary: Я с роду не видел ничего подобного! В нашей команде появился новый игрок, и дела сразу же пошли в гору. Если вы посетите выставку этого выдающегося художника, то вы запомните ее на всю жизнь. Ну, какая же ты соня! Когда бы ты ни ложилась спать, утром ты никак не можешь отойти ото сна. Давай заключим пари, и я докажу, что ты ошибался. В былые времена удача сопутствовала рыбаку. III. Make up lists of new words to topics: 1. the sea equipment 2. the fish IV. Give antonyms to the following: - to get rid of sth. - to be impartial to smb. - to lose one’s form/shape/fit _______________________ * Здесь и далее первая цифра, следующая за словом или выражением, показывает номер страницы по изданию 1967 г., а вторая - по изданию 1971 г. 5 V. Comment on the following: «First you borrow, then you beg» p. 39 (17) «Age is my alarm-clock» p. 43 (21) VI. Items for discussion: a) In what way does the description of the old man, his shack and his mode of life characterize him? b) Characterize the boy’s attitude towards the old man. c) What else is Di Maggio famous for, besides being an outstanding baseball player? VII. Prepare good reading and translation of the passage on p. 44 (22) «He no longer dreamed of storms»... up to the end of it. Assignment #2. 46-62 (24-40) up to words «I wish the boy was here…») I. Find the synonyms in the text for: to be drawn by 58(36) exactness / accuracy 50(27) to go for / to make for 47(24) fragile 47(25) a drop 58(36) to bear sth 59(37) II. Find the antonyms for: to congregate 46(24) a loud voice 47(25) unstable (2 words) 48,54(26,32) respect/esteem for sb. 53(30) harsh/rude (2 words) 56,57(34,35) optimistic 61(39) III. Study the pronunciation of the following words: phosphorescence; Portuguese; carapace; filaments; iridescent; imperceptible; gear; pivot; myriad; porpoise; scythe IV. Give the English equivalents from the text to: испытывать жалость 47(25) водоворот 47(25) проглотить наживку 50(27) быть в поле зрения 50(28) безрезультатно/неудачно 51(29) быть (не) восприимчивым к (болезни) 52(30) примета 55(33) V. Translate into English using the vocabulary of the chapter. 1. Джон был слабовольным человеком, он лишь плыл по течению жизни. 2. Мне больно смотреть на солнце, у меня появляются черные пятна перед глазами. 3. Не бойся, ты не упадешь - веревка толщиной с кулак. 4. Они работали попеременно. 5. Пароход тащил их лодку на буксире до самой пристани. 6. Если будешь долго оставаться в воде, у тебя начнутся судороги. VI. Explain the difference between the words given in pairs. Illustrate it with the sentences of your own. desperate – despairing course – direction tolerate – endure VII. Comment on the following: 1. «No one should be alone in their old age. But it’s unavoidable». p. 61(38) 2. «It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready». p. 50(27-28) 6 VIII. Speak on the following: 1. What details and trifles does an experienced fisherman pay attention to? How does he know that big fish is somewhere around? 2. The deceiving beauty of the sea. 3. Why did the old man refer to the fish he had hooked using the personal pronoun «he»? Was it just a fish for him? Did he consider the fish to be an enemy? 4. If you are asked to paint a picture on what you have read what colours would you use and why? Put the idea verbally. Assignment #3 (up to p. 78(56) «Just before it was dark...») I. Study the pronunciation: undulation; hurricane; cumulus; cirrus; sword; rapier; conscientiously. II. Explain the following. Be ready to reproduce the situations from the text. to take all the strain 63(41) to have a big reserve of smth. 64(42) to wipe smth. on smth. 68(45-46) of one’s own accord 70(47) to abuse smth. (but abuse of smth.) 70(47) to be out of sight 70(48) a treachery of smth/sb. 70(48) to break the confidence of smb. 77(55) III. Search the text for the synonyms to the following: to join the lines together 63(41); to make a sudden upward movement 64(41); to begin 71(49); to make smb. be sure 71(49); everlastingly 71(49); to imagine / to form an impression of 74(52). IV. Find in the text antonyms to the following: to tighten 71(48); cooked/prepared by boiling or baking 73(51); fair/ reasonable 74(51) non-clutched hands 76(54) V. Give English equivalents from the text: Это то, для чего я был рожден 63(40); он взял курс на север 64(42); ловушка 62(40); корма 65(43) / нос 66(44) лодки; кровоточить 66(44); потеря сил(ы) 67(45); падать ниц (опускаться на колени) 67(45); предатель 77(55). VI. Try to guess or find in the dictionary the meaning of the following expressions containing the words from the text: to fall (walk) into a trap – to lay a trap to tie the knot – to tie oneself in (to) knots to come to grips with smb./smth. – to get a grip on oneself to touch smb. on one’s raw to have a loosen tongue to take a person into one’s confidence VII. Think of some two situations of encouragement for your group-mates to use phrases from tasks II-VI.* VIII. Translate into English using the vocabulary discussed: 1. Он не знал, что она не умеет хранить секреты, и доверился ей. 2. Он так хотел, чтобы мы его сопровождали, что падал на колени. _______________________________ * студенту необходимо придумать небольшую ситуацию, реагируя на которую, другие студенты могли бы употребить вокабуляр предыдущего задания. Не путать с заданием Complete my sentence, please! 7 3. Где они? Они ушли еще вчера и до сих пор не вернулись. Наверное, чтото произошло. - Возьми себя в руки (2 варианта). Они, должно быть, вернутся c минуты на минуту. 4. Он такой жестокий, от него не дождешься ни капли жалости. К тому же он всегда и всем ставит ловушки. Лучше бы нам от него избавиться. 5. Я же просила тебя не вытирать руки о брюки, когда ремонтируешь машину. IX. Comment on the following: 1. «... he knew no man was ever alone in the sea». p. 70(48) 2. «There is no sense in being anything but practical though» p. 69(46). Does it somehow hold true with our everyday life? X. Be ready to discuss the following: 1) Why did the old man feel humiliated when his arm was cramped, though no one witnessed it? 2) Was the old man really religious or his prayers had another meaning for him? 3) The fish was two feet longer than the skiff and the old man was absolutely alone, but it even didn’t occur to him to give up the idea of killing the fish. More than that, it made him more determined. Why? 4) Why did the author describe the episode with the hand-game? Assignment #4 (pp. 78-92(56-69) up to the words: «The fish was coming in ...») I. Give the title to the part you have read. II. Study the pronunciation of the following words: sheath; bow; maw; gills; leprous; descent; fillet; calloused; nausea; nourishment; lavender; eel; placid III. Explain the meaning of the following word combinations. Give the situations with them from the text: to bend and flap in the air 78(56) /note: to bend smb. into smth./, to gut a fish 79(57), to make a drag 79(57) /note: to be a drag on smb./, sustenance 80(57), to have perils and merits 80(58) /note: at one’s peril/, to confide 81(59), to slit 82(60), to scoop smth. clean 82(60), to be nauseated 84(61), to rest one’s chin (hand, eye) on smth. 85(62), to cede the line 86(64), to pivot with smth. 88(66), to be bound to do smth. 89(67). IV. Translate into English using the vocabulary of tasks II and III. 1. Она так и не заставила его передумать, и он не пошел на выборы. 2. На свой страх и риск Том все-таки купил лотерейный билет. 3. Ник считал, что семья мешает ему достичь успеха. 4. Его руки огрубели от многолетней работы в шахтах. 5. Корабль сел на мель и его пришлось буксировать. V. Prepare good reading and translation of the passage on p. 84(62) «He held the line tight»... up to ... «he was asleep». VI. Comment on the following: 1. «I have never seen or heard of such a fish, but I must kill him. I’m glad we don’t have to try to kill the stars» p. 80(58). 8 2. «The punishment of the hook is nothing the punishment of hunger and that he is against something that he does not comprehend is everything» p. 81(59). 3. «And pain doesn’t matter to a man» p. 87(65). or to translate from Russian into English, using the vocabulary above. VII. Discuss the following: 1. What made the old man wake up? 2. Why did the fish head east? 3. Was the old man afraid of the black spots before his eyes? 4. How did the fish look like? 5. How can you explain the old man’s dreams? Any connection in their succession? 6. Think of your own problem question. V. Comment on the following. Give the examples from our everyday life where possible to illustrate your point of view. Assignment #5. (pp. 92-102 (69-80) up to the words: «The breeze was steady».) I. Study the pronunciation and the meaning of the following: to swamp 94(72); a sword 95(73); a thwart 96(74); cumulus 97(75); cirrus 98(75); malignancy 99(77); resolution 99(77); to plough 100(77); to be mutilated 100 (78); scavenger 102(80) II. Find in the text the following words and phrases: сращивать, соединять 95(73) валяться, барахтаться 95(73) прищемить, сдавливать 96(74) тащить, буксировать 97(75) править рулем, управлять 97(74) питаться чем-либо 98(76) рассекать 99(76) препятствие 101(78) III. Think of some 2-3 sentences for your group-mates either to paraphrase IV. Prepare good reading and translation of the passage on p.96 (74) «He did not need a compass ... tasted good?» 1. «It was too good to last, he thought. I wish it had been a dream now and that I had never hooked the fish and was alone in bed on the newspapers» p.100 (78). 2. «When the fish had been hit it was as though he himself were hit» p.100 (78). 3. «A man can be destroyed but not defeated» p. 100 (78). 4. «But I must think, he thought. Because it is all I have left» p.100 (78). 5. «He watched only the forward part of the fish and some of his hope returned» p.101 (79). VI. Think over the following problem questions: 1. Why does the old man constantly consider upon his actions from the point of view of «the great Di Maggio»? 2. The old man lived almost without food and water for a pretty long time and didn’t sleep at that. What made him not lose his strength? Was it natural health or great experience or something else? Where else from can you get energy? 3. Do you agree that ‘everything kills everything in some way’ (p. 102(80)? 4. What’s your own understanding of what a sin is? 5. Give your own problem question. 9 Assignment #6. (pp.102-117 (80-94) I. Give the title to the part you have read. II. Study the pronunciation of the following words: Vertebrae, cartilage, trough, rigidity, hatchet, perceptible, proprietor, wrench III. Find the synonyms in the text to the following: to beat, to hit with a fist 104(82) to hurt, to plunge (into) with one’s teeth 107(88) to revolt, to protest 103(81) to extract, to pull out 104(82) to eat up what the others have left on the table 112(90) IV. Explain the meaning of the following expressions, containing the words from the text: to give smb. a broadside to lean over backwards to hang out one’s ear to hang up one’s hat V. Translate the following sentences: 1. Джоанна сжала дверную ручку, но не решалась войти. Проходивший мимо Боб спросил ее: «Ты что, подслушиваешь?». «Нет, что ты! Просто вчера я протестовала против подписания нового контракта и боюсь, что, когда я войду, все обрушатся на меня». 2. Уэнди, которая раньше была заядлой курильщицей, ударилась в другую крайность и бросила курить. 3. Энн надолго осталась у Билла. Они слишком много времени проводили вместе, и отношения. это погубило их VI. Think of some 2-3 sentences for your group-mates to translate from Russian into English using vocabulary of tasks II-III. VII. Translate the passage on p. 104(82) from «The skiff was still shaking...» up to the end of the passage. VIII. Answer the questions: 1. What reasons besides money and food did the old man have for killing the fish? 2. Do you support the theory that it’s not a sin to kill somebody, if you love him/her? 3. The old man said he thought too much. Do you believe that his thoughts helped him or brought only harm? 4. Was the fish, which the old man had hooked worth killing? 5. Was the old man strong enough to kill the sharks? How did he manage to do away with most of them? Was it a sin to kill them? 6. Why did the old man wish his fight with the sharks to be a dream? 7. What can you buy LUCK with? 8. In what way did the people react to what had happened? 9. Will the old man go fishing again? Why? IX. Comment on the following: 1. «You are tired, old man, he said. You’re tired inside»? 107(84). 2. «You violated your luck when you went too far outside». 110(87). 10 A written test recommended for checking the students’ knowledge of the vocabulary of the book «The Old Man and the Sea» Use the vocabulary of the book instead of the underlined wordcombinations: 1. Bob has quarreled with his former girl-friend last week and yesterday he got married in order to wound her in the most sensitive spot. 2. He had been saving money for three years and didn’t do anything he wanted very much, but not long ago he changed his habits radically and splashed out on a new pair of shoes. 3. Nick’s Granny stayed with him for a long time and in the long run he made up his mind to do away with her and calmly did her in. 4. Brace yourself up! You got stuck because of your habit of talking too much. And now the only thing to be done is to be brave and uncomplaining. 5. President Nixon told his wife the secret concerning future financial course of the US but a spy overheard him and blackmailed him afterwards. 6. She thought he loved her, but he acted accordingly to his own interests and overindulged in her confidence. 7. James walked over everybody that’s why there was no one to help him when he was caught by trick. 8. Get a grip on yourself! What a beautiful teacher you are! You shouted your students down only because they didn’t learn the expressions from the text. 9. The old man struggled with the shark and hit her with his knife. 10. In public this girl seems to drift and not to fall into extremes but at home she doesn’t throw away the slop-pail and speaks rudely to her mother. «The Old man and the Sea» Topics for the final discussion 1. Express your impressions of Hemingway’s literary style. Is it really lexically poor? Does it really lack emotions? 2. The sea and its inhabitants as expressed in the novel. 3. Is the old man the only main character of the book? 4. Would you call the old man’s life «a total defeat»? Was that life worth living? Prove your point. 5. The matters of sin and virtue as expressed in the novel. 6. Dwell upon the ideas that the book provoked you to think about. 7. Compare the sea in Hemingway’s novel with the one described in Emily Dickinson’s poem. I started Early – Took my Dog— And visited the Sea— The Mermaids in the Basement Came out to look at me— And Frigates – in the Upper Floor Extended Hempen Hands— Presuming Me to be a Mouse— Aground—upon the Sands— But no Man moved Me—till the Tide Went past my simple Shoe— And past my Apron—and my Belt And past my Bodice—too— 11 And made as He would eat me up— As wholly as a Dew Upon a Dandelion’s Sleeve— And then—I started—too— And He—He followed—close behind— I felt His Silver Heel Upon My Ankle—Then my Shoes Would overflow with Pearl— Until We met the Solid Town— No One He seemed to know— And bowing—with a Mighty look— At me—The Sea withdrew— --Emily Dickinson, 1862 12 РАЗДЕЛ 2 “Lord of the Flies” by W. Golding* When William Golding (19111993) was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1983, the Nobel Foundation cited: "His novels which, with the perspicuity of realistic narrative art and the diversity and universality of myth, illuminate the human condition in the world of today". Those novels are relatively few in number - twelve. He seems to have known from childhood that he wanted to be a writer. His first published work appeared when he was twenty-three. Quite apart from his obvious achievements as a writer, it is worth pointing out the vast range and diversity of the subject matter of his novels, and the challenge he set himself. Perhaps his greatest achievement is to have lived through the most terrible and inhumane of centuries, and to have left behind a body of work that can be said to reflect much of the horror of that time as well as an understanding of it. Assignment № 1 Chapter I. “The Sound of the Shell” (pp. 39-73 \ 7-31). ** I. Make use of internet to find information about William Golding and his novel “Lord of the Flies”. Be ready to share it with the others. II. Study the pronunciation of the following words: lagoon, echo, adolescence, typhoon, rescue, conch, obedience, descent, choir, mirage, to exhaust. III. Learn the following words and word-combinations, explain their meaning in English and use them in the situations from the book: to be offhand 41 (8), as far as smth. goes 44 (10), to undo smth. 44 (10), to bear smth. with patience 48 (13), to make the best of a bad job 58 (20), to intimidate 58 (21), to know one’s own mind 59 (21), to keep to oneself 59 (22), to be no good 63 (24). IV. Give English equivalents to the following verbs of motion and use them in sentences of your own: пробираться 39 (7), карабкаться 39 (7), направиться 42 (9), кинуться прочь 42 (9), перелезть через чтолибо 43 (9), поспешить куда-либо 46 (12), идти на цыпочках 48 (13), трусить, семенить 49 (14), броситься вперед 72 (31). V. Think of some short situation (5-6 sentences) to encourage your group-mates to use the vocabulary of tasks 2-4. Do not mix up this task with the task Complete my sentence, please! ___________________________ * При подготовке данного раздела использованы некоторые задания, представленные в Методических разработках по домашнему чтению по книге У. Голдинга «Повелитель мух» (составитель В.Г. Прозоров), Петрозаводск, КГПИ, 1986 г. ** Здесь и далее первая цифра указывает № страницы по изданию 1982 года, а вторая – по изданию 1995 года 13 VI. Answer the following questions: 1. When does the action take place? How can you prove it? 2. What happened to the boys? 3. What did Ralph use the shell for? 4. What did the boys who had gathered on the beach look like? 5. How did the members of the choir differ from the other boys? 6. Why did Jack prefer to be called by his last name? 7. Why was Ralph elected chief? 8. What plan did he put forward? 9. What did the boys feel like during the expedition? 10. What made the boys think that the island was uninhabited? 11. Why did Jack fail to stab the pig? VII. Comment on the sentence: “… here at last was the imagined but never fully realized place leaping into real life” (p. 50 \ 15). VIII. Give character sketches of Ralph, Piggy and Jack. Prepare a list of keywords for each sketch. IX. On a separate sheet of paper give a written translation of the extract on p. 72 (31) from “They were in the beginning … up to … back to the track”. Assignment № 2 Chapter II “Fire on the Mountain” (pp. 73-93 / 32-47) Chapter III “Huts on the Beach” (pp. 94-106 / 48-57) I. Learn the pronunciation of the following words: to seize, dubiety, to caress, maintenance, grotesque, incompetence, horizon, silhouette, tumult, opaque, spear II. Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations. Use them in the situations from the book: to look round challengingly 74 (33), to break the rules 75 (33), to be about to do smth. 77 (35), to twist into oneself 77 (35), to keep up with 82 (38), to be the first to do smth. 83 (39), to find room for smth. 83 (39), to break into a cheer 85 (41), to keep a look-out 88 (43), to lose one’s temper 91 (45), on all fours 94 (48), to take smb. seriously 100 (53), to get fed up 103 (55), to cock one’s ears 106 (57). III. Give English equivalents to the following phrases: влезть в разговор (32), голосовать поднятием руки (33), взрыв смеха (35), искать поддержки (36), неподтвержденный доказательствами (37), потерять нить разговора (37), перекричать (43), завизжать, запищать (44), выйти из себя (45), жестикулировать, пытаясь подобрать подходящее слово (50). IV. Situations of encouragement. V. Fill in the gaps with prepositions: 1. Ralph surveyed the wreck __ distaste. 2. He rolled __ and peered __ Jack’s fierce, dirty face. 3. He screwed __ his eyes and swung __ __ search the horizon. 4. The ground was hardened __ an accustomed tread and as Jack rose __ his full height he heard something moving __ it. 5. He squatted __, parted the leaves and looked __ __ the clearing. 6. I wonder how far __ you could see that. 14 VI. Comment sentences: on the following combinations; use them in the situations from the book: 1. Until grown-ups come to fetch us we’ll have fun (77\35). 2. Once more … was shed that glamour, that strange invisible light of friendship, adventure and content (83\39). 3. But you can feel you are not hunting, but – being hunted (101\53). 4. Jack had to think for a moment before he could remember what rescue was (101\53). to adjust oneself to smth. 108\59; natural belligerence 109\60; to feel the unease of wrong doing 110\60; to scavenge over the beach 111\61; to pull smb.’s leg 116\65; to be at home 117\65; to impose one’s will upon smb. 123\70; to keep smth. going 124\71; to go red 124\71; to drive smb. to violence 125\71; to give way 126\72; to put oneself in the right (wrong) 126\72; to break silence 129\74. VII. Topics for discussion: 1. The meeting and the decisions taken at it. 2. Making a fire on the mountain. 3. Dwell upon the symbolic meaning of the conch. 4. You are Piggy. Make up your speech on top of the mountain. 5. What was the attitude of the boys towards Simon and to what he said? Why? VIII. Give a written translation of the extract on p. 83 (39) from “They found a likeliest path” … up to “Not for the two of us”. Assignment № 3 Chapter IV “Painted Faces and Long Hair” (pp. 107-130 \ 58-75) I. Learn the pronunciation of the following words: flood; assembly; triumphant; filthily; diameter; involuntarily; taboo; opalescence; malevolently; perpendicular; exhilaration; vicious; opaque; squeal II. Give synonyms or explain the following words and word- III. Situations of encouragement. IV. Comment on the following sentences: 1.… the mask was a thing of its own, behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self-consciousness (115\64). 2. By the time the pile was built, they were on different sides of a high barrier (127\73). V. Comment on the author’s allusion to the events in the big world: “civilization that knew nothing of him and was in ruins” (113\62). Is there any relevance between the outbreak of the war and the situation on the island? VI. Give some facts to prove the following statements. Quote the text if necessary: 1. The littluns led quite a distinct life of their own. 2. There had grown an opinion that Piggy was an outsider. 3. Ralph began to lose his authority as chief. 4. The children might have been saved by a passing ship. 5. It was Jack’s 15 fault that the fire had burnt out. 6. Jack played a dirty trick on Piggy. VII. Give a character-sketch of Roger. VIII. Give a written translation of the extract on p. 121\68 from “A procession had appeared … up to … spill her blood” p. 69. Assignment № 4 Chapter V “Beast from water” (pp. 130-155\76-94) I. Transcribe the words and learn their pronunciation: wearisomeness, apex, reverence, effigy, clamour, tempestuous, ludicrous, bogy, to bully, to yawn, row (138/81), row (140/83) II. Explain in English and provide the context: to be dotted with (131/77), to be worn away (132/77), to have the wit to do smth. (132/77), to fish smth. out of smth. (134/78), to put things straight away (135/79), to be taken short (136/80 и 143/85), to flit through one’s mind (139/82), Serve you right! (140/83), to flinch away from the memory (144/86), to summon one’s wits (151/91) III. Give English equivalents to the following phrases and make up your own sentences for your group-mates to translate: чем пойдет речь (134/79), обдумывать следующую мысль (137/81), брать слово без очереди (150/90), вскочить на ноги (151/91) IV. Give three synonyms to the word to fight (pp. 149-151/90 – 91) V. Comment on the sentences: 1) Serve you right if something did get you, you useless lot of cry-babies! (140/83) 2) Piggy: “I know there isn’t no fear … unless we get frightened of people” (141-142/84). Simon: “maybe there is a beast. What I mean is … maybe it’s only us” (148/89). VI. Give some facts to prove the following statements. Quote the text if necessary. 1) Ralph’s enthusiasm of first days was gone. He thought it was the right time to talk seriously. 2) “We decide things but they don’t get done.” 3) Piggy still tried to stick to the rules of the world of adults. 4) Children started getting frightened of the unknown beast. 5) The assembly ended in a failure. VII. Think of a problem question starting with ‘Why?’ based on the events of the chapter. VIII. Give a written translation of the extract on p. 130-131/76 from “The tide was coming… up to … tried again”. язвительно улыбаться (131/76), прокрутить речь в голове (131/76), запутаться в мыслях (two variants) (131/76, 132/77), быстро принимать решение (133/78), четко выразить, о 16 Assignment № 5 Chapter VI “Beast from the Air” (pp. 155-174 / 95-108) I. Learn the pronunciation of the following words: contour, tremulously, parachute, leviathan, menace, contemptuously, guano, impenetrable, polyp, mutinously, constrainedly, exasperation, festoon, stupendous II. Study the following words and word-combinations, give synonyms or explain them and use them in the situations from the book: to be on watch 157(96); to take fire 158(96); to drive smb. insane 158(97); to spread the (dreadful) news 161(99); to take up the story 162(100); to pull smb.’s leg 163(101); to be on the lookout 163(101); to keep smb. out of danger 164(101); to track the beast 165(102); to give smb. the energy to do smth. 165(102); to make a fool of oneself 167(103); the landsman’s view \ bird’s eye view 169(105); to do smth. on one’s own 170(106); to be off one’s rockers 174(108). III. Situations of encouragement. IV. Imagine you have just seen the beast. You are supposed to tell the assembly about it. Make use of the vocabulary list. V. Comment on the following sentences: 1. “But a sign came from the world of grown-ups, though at the time there was no child awake to read it” 156(96) 2. “We don’t need the conch any more. We know who ought to say things”. 165(101-102) 3. Ralph walked in the rear, thankful to have escaped responsibility for a time. 166(103) 4. However Simon thought of the beast, there rose before his inward sight the picture of a human at once heroic and sick. 167(103). VI. On a separate sheet of paper give a written translation of the second passage of the chapter pp. 156-157(95-96) VII. Topics for discussion: 1. Does Ralph always feel confident taking a decision? Provide examples when he does not. 2. Is Jack ready to take up the position of a chief? What makes you think so? 3. How do you understand the phrase “the pressure of personality” Simon thinks about on p. 167(103)? 4. What urged Jack to join Ralph on p. 170(106)? 5. Compare the reaction of the boys when they saw the “fort”. How does it characterize them? Assignment № 6 Chapter VII “Shadows and Tall Trees” (pp. 174-194 / 109-123) I. Learn the pronunciation of the following words: nausea, bravado, infuriatingly, viciously, luxuriance, canopy, boar, self-consciousness, caress, intimidate, obtuseness, spectacular, supreme 17 II. Study the following words and word-combinations, explain them and use them in the situations from the book: to be content to do smth. (174/109), to put smth. out of one’s mind (174/109), to come in handy (175/109), to indulge in a habit (175/109), to get a kick out of smth. (175/109), to be a subject for smth. (175/110), out of custom (175/110), to be in charge of smth. (178/112), to take aim (179/113), to do smb. (180/114), by oneself (186/117), to take smb. at low water (189/119). III. Paraphrase the following sentences using the vocabulary of the chapter: 1. Ralph was glad to let Jack be responsible for the hunt. 2. Ralph made an effort to forget about the beast. 3. Ralph thought that he needed a proper bath and wouldn’t mind having a toothbrush. 4. The boys seemed to enjoy stuffing themselves with bananas. 5. Only Simon dared to go through the forest alone. 6. The boys were afraid that the beast would attack and kill them. 7. Jack’s suggestion to go up the mountain took Ralph by surprise. IV. Comment sentences: on the following 1. The desire to squeeze and hurt was over-mastering. (182/115) 2. “You want a real pig”, said Robert … “because you’ve got to kill him”. “Use a littlun”, said Jack and everybody laughed. (183/115) V. Give a written translation of the extract on pp. 193-194/123 from “In front of them …” up to “… the ruin of a face”. VI. Topics for discussion: 1. How does Simon reveal himself in the chapter? Pay attention to his dialogue with Ralph on p. 177/111. 2. What for does W. Golding resort to Ralph’s reminiscences of his life at home? (pp. 178-179/112) 3. In what way does the competition for leadership between Jack and Ralph develop? Assignment №7 Chapter VIII “Gift for the Darkness” (pp. 194-221 / 124-144) I. Learn the pronunciation of the following words: dozen, to squat, uncooperative, tremor, hysteria, fervor, menace, cynicism, grimace, to vibrate, catastrophe, to gnaw, sow, demure, obscene, immediacy, sanctity, furtive, iridescent II. Study the following words and word-combinations, explain them and use them in the situations from the book: to jerk away 194(124), good riddance 195(124), to be astir 196(125), to call an assembly 196(125), to stab the air with smth. 198(127), to pay no heed 199(127), to do without smb. or smth. 200(128), no go 201(128), contribution to the good of society 202(129), to be close at hand 202(129), to have no common sense 205(132), to size smb. up 206(133), to inch forward 208(134), to look round in inquiry 208(134), to spurt with the last strength 209(135), to play leap-frog 213(138), to be vexed 214(139), to raid smb. for smth. 218(141). 18 III. Find in the text synonyms to the following words: to reproach 200(128), understanding 202(129), to leave secretly 204(131), banquet/festival 205(132), to follow smb. 206(132), to look fixedly 213(138), to disappear 217(141), unconvincing 219(142), indecent 221(143), absurd 221(143). IV. Situations of encouragement. V. Comment sentences: on the following 1. Only Piggy could have the intellectual daring to suggest moving the fire from the mountain p. 201(129). 2. For the first time on the island, Piggy himself removed his one glass, knelt down and focused the sun on tinder 203(130). 3. … ages ago they had stood in two demure rows and their voices had been the song of angels 206(133). 4. The island was getting worse and worse! 214(139) VI. On a separate sheet of paper give a written translation of the passage on p. 202(129) from “The greatest ideas are the simplest” up to p. 203(130) “… a bush of yellow flame”. VII. Items for discussion: 1. How do you understand the title of the chapter? 2. Why was Ralph sure Jack would come back? 3. How did Piggy change when Jack left the boys? 4. What impression did the description of hunting the sow produce upon you? Does the fact the boys hunted the sow with piglets and killed her bear any significance? 5. Dwell upon the symbolic meaning of the episode describing the talk between Simon and Lord of the Flies. Is it a dialogue? Who talked to Simon? How can you prove this? Assignment № 8 Chapter IX “A View to a Death” (pp. 222-234 / 145-154) Chapter X “The Shell and the Glasses” (pp. 235-252 / 155-168) I. Learn the pronunciation of the following words: drearily, mechanics, succulent, parody, idol, derision, gigantic, sulphurous, phosphorescence, fragile, gesticulate, accompaniment, obscene, composite II. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations: выражать предупреждение (228/149), вступать в чьё-либо племя (229/150), он на это напросился (238/157), сменить тему (240/159), прокрасться тайком (241/160), отмахнуться от возражения (243/161), поддерживать огонь (245/163), выбраться из беды (246/163), тронуться умом (248/165), вести к чему-то, намекать на что-то (246/163), настоящий вождь (252/168), задать взбучку кому-либо; показать что по чём (251/167). III. Translate the following sentences into English using the vocabulary of the book: 1. Саймон понимал, что новость о том, что зверь не мог причинить вреда, нужно было сообщить как 19 можно скорее. Он начал спускаться с горы, но ноги его подкосились. 2. «Это был несчастный случай», сказал Хрюша. – Нечего ему было так выползать из темноты. Он был ненормальный. Сам напросился. 3. Джек спросил, кто хочет вступить в его племя. В его голосе звучало предупреждение. 4. Единственной надеждой для Ральфа и его друзей выбраться из беды – было поддерживать огонь. 5. Некоторые мальчики сомневались, что Ральф и его друзья попытаются тайком пробраться в Замок, но Джек отмахнулся от их возражений и сменил тему. 6. Ральф утверждал, что он задал неплохую взбучку одному из нападавших. Эрик согласился, что они им неплохо всыпали и те не скоро снова сунутся. 7. После удачного ночного нападения Джек чувствовал, что он – настоящий вождь. 8. Ральф мечтал о жизни в тихом городке, где не было места кровожадной жестокости. 1. Why did even Ralph and Piggy participate in the murder? How did they try to forget it? Could they forget it? 2. Why does the tribe never address Jack by his name and use the word ‘chief’ instead? 3. Why couldn’t Ralph and his friends keep the fire going? IV. to take the job off smb.’s hands (253/169); to scurry hither and thither (253/169); to hold on to smb. (254/169); to be a sport (256/171); to seek in one’s mind for words (256/172); against all odds (257/172); to find by touch (257/172); out of recognition (261/175); to play a dirty trick on smb. (263/176); to keep out of fighting distance (264/177); to keep an eye on smb. (264/177); to parry the blow (266/179). Situations of encouragement V. Comment sentences: on the following 1. Now out of terror rose another desire, thick, urgent, blind (231/152) 2. “Look, Ralph. We got to forget this. We can’t do no good thinking about it, see?” (238/157) 3. But the attraction of wildness had gone (247/164) VII. Prepare a written translation of the extract on p. 250 (167) “Then there was a vicious … up to the end of it. VIII. Items for discussion: Assignment № 9 Chapter XI “Castle Rock” (pp. 253271 / 169-182) I. Learn the pronunciation of the following words: luminous, myopia, multitudinous, propitiatingly, impenetrable, weapon, saber, agonizingly, truculently, cessation, lethal, muscles, foliage, rhythmic II. Study the following words and word-combinations, explain them and use them in the situations from the book: III. Find in the text synonyms to the following words: dirty (257/172), very large (259/173), very little (260/174), to decide (261/175), to steal (263/176), to take 20 hold of (266/178), to scream (268/180), seriously (270/182). IV. Translate the following sentences into English using the vocabulary of the chapter: 1. Ральф дул на костёр, пока у него не зазвенело в ушах от усилий, но всё без толку. Наконец утренний ветерок снял с него эту заботу. 2. Хрюша не собирался умолять Джека быть человеком. Он не хотел просить его вернуть очки, как об одолжении. Он был полон желания сказать Джеку, что тот обязан отдать очки. 3. Хрюша знал, что ему не поздоровится, но его терпение кончилось. 4. Хрюша мог найти дорогу только на ощупь. Поэтому Ральф посоветовал ему держаться на безопасном расстоянии. 5. Ральф не спускал глаз с Джека и отбивал его удары своим копьём. V. Comment sentences: on the following 1. They understood only too well the liberation into savagery that the concealing paint brought p. 258(172). 2. Which is better to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill? p. 268(180). 3. … they were a solid mass of menace that bristled with spears p. 268(180). 4. The hangman’s horror clung round him p. 270(182). VI. On a separate sheet of paper give a written translation of the passage on p. 268(180) from “Ralph heard the great rock…” up to p. 269(181) “… Piggy was gone”. VII. Items for discussion: 1. How do you account for Piggy’s resolution to go to Jack’s tribe? 2. Why did the boys smarten up before going there? 3. Did anybody expect their coming? 4. Dwell upon the symbolic meaning of the conch exploding into a thousand white fragments. 5. Give a character sketch of Roger. Assignment № 10 Chapter XII “The Cry of the Hunters” (pp. 271-279 / 183-202) I. Learn the pronunciation of the following words: pursuit, injury, fatal, vapour, ululation, vague, ambushing, interior, decipher, loyalty, ensconce, volleying, ravenously, elephantine, cruiser II. Study the following words and word-combinations, give their synonyms and use them in the situations from the text: for the time being (272/184), to make an outlaw of smb. (272/184), to shove off (277/187), to occur to smb. (279/189), to snatch at the advantage (280/190), to take (no) time (282/191), to diddle the savages (282/191), to have a stroke of luck (283/192), to put all eggs in one basket (288/195), to give a clue to a plan (288/195), to put up a good show (296/202). III. Match the word or phrase with its definition: 1. thicket 2. to jeer at smb. 21 3. to be touched by smb.’s action 4. simpleton 5. to pull oneself together 6. innocence ________________________________ a) somebody who has a very low level of intelligence b) to force oneself to stop behaving in a nervous way c) the fact of not being guilty of a crime d) a group of bushes and small trees e) to be moved and a little embarrassed f) to laugh unkindly at smb. to show that you strongly disapprove of them IV. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words and phrases: У него потекли слюнки (272\183), оставить кого-либо в покое (272\184), по его телу побежали мурашки (273\184), держать что-либо наготове (274\185), мне чурики (я в домике) (275\186), поднять тревогу (277\187), тебе же лучше будет (278\188), растянуться цепью (279\189), стоять на страже (280\190), продираться сквозь чащобу (287\195), прорвать цепь (288\196), пугало (295\201), передумать (296\201). V. Situations of encouragement. VI. Comment sentences: on the started forward, then changed his mind and stood still (296/201) VII. Topics for discussion: 1. What did Ralph see in the middle of the clearing? 2. Dwell upon the twins’ behavior when they saw Ralph. Why did they open Jack’s plans? 3. What ideas did Ralph have to rescue from the pursuit and which did he choose? 4. How do the boys change when the adults appear on the island? 5. Are you satisfied with the way the book ends? Why? Is it a weak ending? 6. Is the story true to life? The final discussion of the book is proposed to be arranged in the form of a trial. Jack’s case is heard in the Court. One of the students performs the role of a Judge and invites for hearings the witnesses from the offending and defending sides, which are represented by W. Golding, Ralph, Piggy, Simon, Roger, Robert, Samneric, other members of the choir, one of the littluns, etc. Jack is also given the floor to defend himself. following 1. Then there was that indefinable connection between himself and Jack; who therefore would never let him alone (272-273/184) 2. Roger sharpened a stick at both ends (280/190) 3. A little boy who wore the remains of an extraordinary cap on his hair … 22 РАЗДЕЛ 3 “THE GREAT GATSBY” Francis Scott Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896 in St. Paul, Minnesota to a once well-to-do family that had lost much of its wealth and influence. A wealthy aunt sent Fitzgerald to boarding school in New Jersey in 1911, and later to Princeton. Although Fitzgerald engaged actively in theater, arts and other campus activities, his financial background was considerably poorer than those of his classmates, and he resented what he perceived as his outsider status. He left Princeton after three years and joined the Army during World War I. During his army service, he was stationed in Montgomery, Alabama, where he fell in love with Zelda Sayre, daughter of a State Supreme Court justice. She rejected the young man, fearing he would not be able to support her. Fitzgerald moved to New York and wrote the autobiographical novel This Side of Paradise (1920), which immediately launched the 23-year-old writer to fame and fortune. Impressed by his success, Zelda agreed to marry him, and the two began a whirlwind life of glamorous parties and extravagant living in New York. Unfortunately, the Fitzgeralds lived far beyond their means and soon found themselves deeply in debt. They moved to Europe, hoping to cut back on expenses. There, they befriended other expatriate writers including Ernest Hemingway and Gertrude Stein. While in Europe, Fitzgerald finished his masterpiece, The Great Gatsby (1925). However, Europe proved no cheaper for the Fitzgeralds. As the couple's debts mounted, Fitzgerald plunged into alcoholism and his wife suffered several breakdowns. In 1937, Fitzgerald moved to Hollywood to try screenwriting. He fell in love with Sheilah Graham, a prominent Hollywood gossip columnist, stopped drinking and began renewed literary efforts. In 1940, while in the midst of writing a novel about Hollywood, The Last Tycoon, Fitzgerald died of a heart attack at the age of 44. The Last Tycoon was published posthumously in 1941. ASSIGNMENT #1 CHAPTER I I. Learn the pronunciation of the following words: gorgeous, plagiaristic, supercilious, riotous, bungalow, colossal, contour, tenor, buoy, infinitesimal, twilight, settee, crimson, insincerity, nourish. II. Study the vocabulary and render the situations from the text. Make up your own sentences with the vocabulary: to be privy to smth. 5, to be an eye-sore 9,10, to be a matter for reproach 10, to hate smb’s guts 11, a brute of a man, to take down a drink 15, it is beyond me 15, to go from bad to worse 18, to grasp one’s meaning 20, see you anon 23, to fling smb. together 23, to give smb. a heart-to-heart talk 24, gossip 24, (to be the gossip of). III. Find synonyms in the text to the following words: 23 to pretend 5, to be free from 6, prosperous 7, haughty 11, out of place/inappropriate 13, happening soon 14, to send friendly greetings 14, to be on the alert 17, to improvise 19, experienced in fashionable life 22, imperious 25. IV. With a situation of your own encourage your group-mates to use the vocabulary of tasks I – III. V. Comment on the following sentences: 1. “ … as my father snobbishly suggested and I snobbishly repeat, a sense of fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth”. (p. 6) 2. Life is much more successfully looked at from a single window, after all. (p. 9). 3. The extract on p. 12 “We talked for a few minutes … We’ll go inside”. 4. “Civilization is going to pieces…” (p. 17). 5. “I’m glad it’s a girl. And I hope she’ll be a fool – that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool”. (p. 21). VI. VII. Translate the passage on p. 11 “He had changed since his … who hated his guts” ASSIGNMENT #2 CHAPTER II I. Learn the pronunciation of the following words: impenetrable, borough, jovially, crepede-chine, proprietor, surplus, airdale, pivot, chiffon, hauteur, portfolio, chandelier II. Study the vocabulary and use it in the situations from the text: halfway 27; to resent smth. 28; to take (get) hold of smth. (smb.) 28; a drawbridge 28; to force smb. from somewhere 28; halt 28; to saunter about 28; to fade off 29; to be contiguous to 29; in the vicinity 30; scrawny 30; to bear resemblance to smb. 31; to interpose 32; to decompose 33; to be attired in 35; to be discreet 38; to gyp smb. out of smth. 38, to lick smb’s shoe 39; to cry to beat the band 39; to be through with smth. 40; in a daze 41 Speak on the following: III. 1. When and where does the action take place? 2. Speak about the Carraways. What was the reason for Nick Carraway to leave the parents and move to the North? 3. West Egg and East Egg: the bizarre contrast between them. 4. What is your impression of the Buchanan’s family life? What epithets does the author use to describe Tom, Daisy and Jordan Baker? Give English equivalents to: предаваться размышлениям /созерцать 28, его решимость граничила с жесткостью 28, флакон духов 31, перейти из рук в руки 31, уступать чьему-либо мнению 31, я живу с ним по соседству 37, рекомендательное письмо 37, изощрённая ложь 38, пока все не уладится 38, деланный смех 40. IV. Paraphrase the following sentences using the vocabulary of tasks I – III: 24 1. Turning to Mrs. McKee with artificial laughter Myrtle confessed that she was done with that one and was about to buy another. 2. Everyone knew Tom had a mistress but at the same time everyone resented the fact that when they happen to see Tom with her in public places, he would walk around socializing with all her acquaintances in a very confident manner. 3. There are women who are willing to obey their husbands like slaves, through fear and admiration. 4. While heading to New York once Nick and Tom occupied two seats facing each other with nobody nearby. At some point the train stopped in the valley of ashes and Tom just got firmly Nick out of the car. 5. Though Nick had created an image of a thin young girl Myrtle turned to be faintly stout and in the mid-thirties. 6. The Airedale was reluctant to eat anything and the food just decayed in the saucer. 7. Tom insisted upon nick’s staying at their place and added some comments into the conversation from time to time. 8. Mr. McKee was a bit stupefied after having a short sleep and tried to make his way towards the door. V. Comment sentences: on the following 1. ‘Throwing a regal homecoming glance around the neighborhood, Mrs. Wilson gathered up her dog and her other purchases, and went haughtily in’. (p. 32-33) 2. ‘She came in with such a proprietary haste, and looked around so possessively at the furniture that I wondered if she lived here’. (p. 34) 3. ‘It’s really his wife that’s keeping them apart. She’s catholic and they don’t believe in divorce’. (p. 38) VI. Topics for discussion: 1. Why did Tom Buchanan want Nick to meet his mistress? 2. The Wilsons. Why did Myrtle marry Mr. Wilson? 3. Did Tom have any serious intentions towards Myrtle? 4. What’s your opinion of the McKees. 5. What social levels do Tom and Myrtle belong to? 6. What did Tom want to show by hitting Mrs. Wilson in the face? 7. What impression did the party at Catherine’s make on you? VII. Prepare a written translation of the passage on p. 27 from “About half way between …” up to “… operations from your sight”. ASSIGMENT # 3 CHAPTER III I. Learn the pronunciation of the following words: oboe, caterer, hors d’oeuvre, tumultuous, bona fide, conscientious, poignant, vacuous, innuendo, chauffer, buffet, premature, coupe, permeate II. Study the vocabulary and use it in the situations from the text: to be gaudy with smth. 44; to be in full swing 44; to prevent smth. 46; to be struck by smth. 46; to attach oneself to smb 46; to yield smb. up 49; to be liable to collapse 50; privacy, private 54; hilarity 54; to implore smb. to do smth. 25 55; ineptly (inaptly) 55; to tantalize 57; to run out of 59; to fade away 61. III. Give English equivalents to the following word-combinations and use them in the situations from the book: Без подготовки \ экспромтом 44; чувствовать себя не в своей тарелке 46; красться куда-либо 46; внимательно слушать кого-то 47; вертеться на языке 52; умыть руки 59. IV. Situations of encouragement. V. Prepare a written translation of the passage on p. 44 from “He smiled understandingly … to … picking his words with care”. VI. Comment on the following sentences: 1. “It was testimony to the romantic speculation he inspired that there were whispers about him from those who had found little that it was necessary to whisper about in this world”. (p. 48) 2. “And I like large parties. They’re so intimate. At small parties there isn’t any privacy”. (p. 54) 3. “Dishonesty in a woman is a thing you never blame deeply”. (p. 63) 4. “Everyone suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues, and this is mine: I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known”. (p. 64) VII. Topics for discussion: 1. The guests that came to Gatsby’s parties and what they said about the host. 2. What were your first impressions of Gatsby? To what extent did Nick’s expectations of Gatsby as personality come true? 3. Give a character sketch of Jordan Baker. What is Nick’s attitude towards her? What is her attitude towards men? 4. Nick Carraway and his visions of New York. ASSIGNMENT #4 CHAPTER IV I. Learn the pronunciation of the following words and state their origin: fiancée, chauffeur, punctilious, lieutenant, souvenir, limousine, beaux, sauterne, debut, amour, façade, unfathomable, rajah II. Study the vocabulary and use it in the situations from the text: to pay tribute to smb. 65, to turn cottonwhite 66, to be submerged in smth. 71, to set foot upon 72, to outstay smb.’s welcome 77, to lay eyes on smth. 80, to work up to smth. 84, out of the way 84, on the chance of doing smth. 84 III. Find synonyms in the text to the following: quick-wittedness 68, to keep under control 70, extremely funny 65, to satisfy 76, contemptuous 85, to read smth. very quickly without giving it a proper thought 71, blessing 77, to be take away by smth. 79 IV. Find antonyms to the following: to have enough money for smth. 67, regular 68, trustful 70, collaboration 73, to be shy to attract attention to oneself 77, to share the thoughts and news with smb. 80 26 V. Situations of encouragement. VI. Comment sentence: on the following 1. ‘There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired’. p. 85 VII. Topics for discussion: 1. Why does the narrator give a long list with the names of Gatsby’s guests? 2. Why did Gatsby want Jordan Baker to talk to Nick on his matter and didn’t do it himself? 3. What impression did Meyer Wolfshiem produce upon you and how does connection to this person characterize Gatsby? 4. If you were Daisy would you agree to meet Gatsby? VIII. Prepare a written translation of the passage on p. 83 from “Then it had not been …” up to “… a stranger’s garden”. ASSIGNMENT #5 CHAPTER V I. Learn the spelling and the pronunciation of the following words: gaudily, soggy, scrutinize, exhilarating, counterfeit, distraught, demoniac, postern, bureau, pompadour, feudal, jonquil II. Find synonyms in the text to the following word-combinations and use them in the situations from the book: to bring smb. problems 87, to interrupt 88, to be really busy 88, in payment for smth. one has done 88, to examine smth. very thoroughly and carefully 89, persistent 93, the smallest amount of quality/feeling 94, not to have more power to work / to be exhausted 97, to get gradually used to a new situation 101 III. Give English equivalents to the following: нелегальный бизнес 87, нервно обойти дом 93, взъерошенный человек в пижаме 96, огромное значение 98, талисман 98, тёмные брюки непонятного оттенка 100 IV. Situations of encouragement V. Comment sentences: on the following 1. ‘I’d like to get one of those pink clouds and put you in it and push you around’. p. 99 2. ‘No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart’. p. 101 VI. Topics for discussion: 1. Why was Gatsby so nervous and even pessimistic about the meeting? 2. What were they talking about while Nick was away? 3. What impression does the guided tour of Gatsby’s mansion produce on you? 4. How does the scene with the shirts characterize both Daisy and Gatsby? 5. How do you account for Gatsby’s imperative way of treating Klipspringer? 6. What symbolic allusions or coincidences have you noticed in the chapter? 27 VII. Prepare a written translation of the passage on p. 101 from “As I went on…” up to “… a deathless song”. ASSIGNMENT #6 CHAPTER VI I. Learn the spelling and the pronunciation of the following words: meretricious, grotesque, ferocious, hitherto, murmurous, euphemism, menagerie, notoriety, contingencies, debauchee, antecedent, lethargic, drowsiness, insidious II. Study the following wordcombinations and use them in the situations from the book: to transpire 103, to haunt 105, to be physically robust 105, to be startled 107, to be perturbed 110, to be appalled 113, to force one’s way in 115, to obliterate smth. 116 III. Give English equivalents to the following: похвальная предприимчивость 103, эгоцентризм 105, снискать чьё-либо расположение 107, гнетущая атмосфера 110, близость 113 IV. Pay attention to the usage of the following verbs of motion, differentiate between their meanings and think of some 3-5 sentences with them to be translated from Russian into English: to loaf along 104, to beat one’s way 104, to coast along 106, to trot around 107, to run around 110, to stroll 111, to saunter over 112, to linger 115 V. Comment sentences: on the following 1. The whole passage on p. 115 starting with ‘Her glance left me …’ 2. ‘You can’t repeat the past’. – ‘Can’t repeat the past?’ he cried incredulously. ‘Why of course you can!’ p. 116 VI. Topics for discussion: 1. The true story of Jay Gatsby. 2. Tom changed the usual atmosphere of Gatsby’s parties, didn’t he? 3. How does the behaviour of Tom, Daisy and Gatsby at the party reveal their inner world? 4. Is Gatsby a sentimental person? VII. Prepare a written translation of the passage on p. 105 from “But his heart…” up to “… along shore”. ASSIGNMENT #7 CHAPTER VII (pp. 119-131 up to “There is no confusion …”) I. Learn the pronunciation of the following words and be ready to translate them into Russian: villainous, weary, salon, couch, momentarily, cymbal, coupe, gauge, abyss, proprietor, inexplicable, sensuous II. Study the following phrases and make use of them in the situations from the chapter: to outline smth. 120, common store of life 121, to be affront to smth. 121, commutation ticket 121, to lean down 28 123, to be morbid 125, on the verge of tears 125, to mould senselessness into forms 125, Have it your own way! 126 III. Give English equivalents to the following words: подозрительно щуриться 119, душераздирающая сцена 120, тщательно скрытая неприязнь 122, хорошо вымуштрованный ребенок 124, внезапно 130 IV. 4. Why is heat given prominence in this chapter? such ASSIGNMENT #8 CHAPTER VII (SECOND HALF) I. Study the pronunciation of the following words: precipitately; mint julep; magnanimous; portentous; tumultuous; aluminum; vicarious; rancour; incoherent Situations of encouragement V. Comment on the following sentences: 1. “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall” p. 125 2. “I can’t say anything in his house, old sport”. p. 126 3. “Her voice is full of money”. p. 127 4. “ – and it occurred to me that there was no difference between men, in intelligence or race, so profound as the difference between the sick and the well”. p. 131 VI. Prepare good reading and translation of the passage on p. 120-121 from “The next day was broiling … “ to “… suspected me just the same”. VII. Items for discussion 1. Why did Gatsby stop giving parties? 2. What kind of discovery did Tom make? 3. Dwell upon the reasons that made Wilson wish to go west. Pay attention to the phraseological meaning the words to go west have. II. Explain the meaning of the following words in English and illustrate their usage with situations from the chapter: to elude smb. 132; to dart 132; to come into sight 132; to crab about smth 133; to cause a row 136; to count smb. out 137; to go off on a spree 138; Suit yourself! 141; to have smb. up 141; over the counter 141; to leave smb. in the lurch 141; to be snapped out 142; to draw into oneself 142 III. Encourage your group-mates to use the vocabulary of the chapter IV. Comment upon the following statements: 1. “Human sympathy has its limits …” p. 143 2. “He was his wife’s man and not his own” p. 144 3. “There was an unmistakable air of natural intimacy about the picture and anybody would have said that they were conspiring together” p. 152-153 V. Prepare good reading and translation of the passage on p. 137 from “Nowadays people begin …” up to “… the last barrier of civilization”. 29 VI. Topics for discussion: 1. Analyze the behaviour of all the characters during the row in the hotel. 2. What’s the idea of mentioning the wedding taking place in the room below? 3. Why did Tom insist that Daisy and Gatsby should go home together? 4. How come Nick didn’t remember his birthday? 5. Why did Tom cry on his way home? Were those tears about Myrtle? 6. What could Tom and Daisy be talking about at home after the accident? ASSIGNMENT #9 CHAPTER VIII I. Study the following vocabulary and reproduce the situations from the text: to clutch at smth 155; redolent of smth. 155/158; to make the most of somebody’s time 156; to take smb. under false pretenses 156; to commit oneself to smth 156; grail 156; to throw smb over 157; to keep dates with smb 158; to be in cahoots with 162; forlorn hope 167; holocaust 170 II. Learn the pronunciation of the following words: dejection; chiffon; holocaust; quotation; settee; ancestral; unscrupulously; vibrant; extravaganza; malice; garrulous; dew; swivel; protégé III. Find in the text synonyms to the following words: class/division of society 156; unexpectedly 157; fraud/impostor 159; tactless/awkward 164; unwell/ill 166 IV. Situations of encouragement V. Comment sentences: on the following 1. “… he was almost sure that Wilson had no friend: there was not enough of him for his wife” p. 167 2. “… he had lost the old warm world, paid a high price for living too long with a single dream” p. 169 VI. Prepare the translation of the passage on p. 158-159 from “Through the twilight universe … “ up to “… was still at Oxford”. VII. Topics for discussion: 1. Nick did not want to leave Gatsby alone in the morning. Why? What did he feel? 2. Why could not Nick talk to Jordan? 3. How do you account for inverted commas in the word nice on p. 155 in She was the first ‘nice’ girl he had ever known? 4. Would Gatsby be happy if he were not killed? ASSIGNMENT #10 CHAPTER IX I. Study the pronunciation of the following words: adventitious; indecipherable; prairie; deficiency; aesthetic; circumstantial; superfluous; defiance; pasquinade; involuntarily; commensurate 30 II. Explain the meaning of the words. Use them in the situations from the text: middle west ...” to ”… and no one cares”. VII. Topics for discussion: to set the key for smth. 171; to be into mischief 172; to grow upon smb. 172; to urge smb. to do smth. 173; a token of smth. 173; to get mixed in smth. 174/180; to be knocked down and out 174; to defer arrangements 176; to sneer 177; in vain 178; to seem reluctant to do smth. 181; to overtake smb. 186; to retreat back into smth. 188 III. Give English equivalents from the text of the following Russian phrases: 1. Уилсона определили как человека, поменявшегося от горя 172 2. У него не было ни гроша в кармане 179 3. Я вытащил его из грязи, из ничтожества 179 4. Он бы далеко пошел 182 5. Стоило ей только кивнуть 186 6. Сейчас мне уже наплевать 186 7. Он вам пускал пыль в глаза 187 IV. 1. Why almost nobody showed up for Gatsby’s funeral? What do you think of the reasons Klipspringer, Wolfshiem and others gave not to come? 2. How does the schedule for September 12, 1906 characterize Gatsby? 3. Jordan Baker. Did you manage to get her personality? 4. How do you account for the visions Nick was haunted by? (p. 185) 5. Is Tom directly guilty of Gatsby’s death? Why do you think Nick shook hands with Tom after all? 6. On having been published in 1934 the book didn’t sell well. Fitzgerald attributed it to the ‘weak’ title. Would you agree that “Great Gatsby” leads to the commercial failure of the novel? For the final class, please, submit an essay to the topic “What is great in Great Gatsby?” Situations of encouragement V. Comment on the following sentences: 1. “Let us learn to show our friendship for a man when he is alive and not after he is dead” p. 180 2. “I’m thirty,” I said. “I’m five years too old to lie to myself and call it honour” p. 186 3. “… that huge incoherent failure of a house” p. 188 VI. Prepare a written translation of a passage on p. 184 from “That’s my 31 РАЗДЕЛ 4 «The Bridge of San Luis Rey» by Th. Wilder Thornton Niven Wilder was born in 1897 at Madison, Wisconsin, USA. His father had gained a Doctorate at Yale and became an editor and owner of two newspapers. His brilliant editorials made his career. He was appointed by President Th. Roosevelt American Consul-General in Shanghai and Hong Kong between the years 1905-1909. From the age of seven to eleven Wilder junior attended school in China. His parents returned to America in 1910 and settled at Berkley in California. There young Thornton began to write. When he entered Yale he had already produced three short plays. Having a cultural family background Wilder began at an early age to study economy, history, philosophy and literature, which can be easily traced in his literary production. Wilder graduated in 1920 also from Yale and went to Europe to study architecture in Italy. On his return to America young Wilder taught French at school and wrote some short stories. In 1927 his novel The Bridge of San Luis Rey was published alongside with some plays. The publication of The Bridge ... made him famous in one night. It won him his first Pulitzer Prize, a notable American award for literature. His later plays Our Town and The Skin of Our Teeth got wide recognition and brought Wilder his second and third Pulitzer Prize. Some of Wilder’s novels and plays have been translated into Russian. Wilder died in 1975. Assignment #1. (Foreword, Part I (pp. 3-11 ) commentary (pp. 83-84) I. Study the following: pronunciation of the civilization; claimant; plague; reigning; conquistador; incessant; heresy antiquity; viceroy; inquisition; liturgy; osier; crusade; luxuriously; drought; marquesa; plumage; treacherously; usurer; admirable; remnants; hallucination; bracelet; stylization II. Pick out all the words with the meaning of «misfortune». III. Explain the meaning of the following word combinations and illustrate their usage with examples of your own: to raise smb. from obscurity (p. 4) to display originality and versatility in sth /doing sth/ (p. 5) to create complex characters (p. 5) to impart sth. to sth. (p. 6) to outvalue sth. (p. 6) a rent in sth. (p. 9) to bid sb. (to) do sth. (p. 9) to resort to sth. (p. 10) to inquire into sth (p. 10) to surprise a reason/one’s intentions (p. 10) to brush sb. of sth. (p. 9) to brush sth. away (p. 11) to canonize smb. (p. 83) 32 IV. Make up 2 sentences in Russian with these phrases for your group-mates to translate. V. Search the text for equivalents of the following: English достигать своей цели (p. 5); сбросить в пропасть (p. 8); перекреститься (p. 8); давно пора; обращать в веру (p. 9); принять решение; яростно выступать в защиту чего-либо (p. 9); вызвать чей-либо гнев (p. 83). VI. Think of some short situation to encourage your group-mates to use one of the phrases listed in task V. VII. Prepare good reading and translation of the first passage on p.10. VIII. Speak on the following: 1. Is it typical of a novel to start with a climax? Why? 2. When and where does the action take place? How well do you know the epoch described in the book? 3. Your attitude to the idea: «Either we live by accident and die by accident, or we live by plan and die by plan». 4. Your personal view on religion. Assignment #2. (pp. 12-23 ... But the person who saw ...) I. Study the pronunciation: supercilious; scurrilous; exquisite; idolatrous; obsequious; subtle; viceregal; flamboyance; conciliations; loquacious; rouge; inconspicuous II. Explain following: the meaning of the to err (p. 12) to persecute sb. /with smth./ (p. 12) to be denounced (p. 13) to insinuate oneself into smth. (p. 14) to long to do smth. (p. 15) to be vexed (p. 19) to drift through the weeks (p. 20) to emerge from smth. (p. 20) to be confounded (p. 21) to have resentment at smb. (p. 22) to take liberties with smb. (p. 19) III. Think of some 2 sentences in Russian for your group mates to translate, using the phrases from task II. IV. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following: пропотеть (p. 16); ходить по домам и предлагать что-либо на продажу (p. 16); быть близоруким (p. 17); оставить притворство (p. 19). V. With the situation of your own encourage your group-mates to use a phrase from tasks II and IV. VI. Prepare good reading and translation of the passage on p. 15 starting with «This was the old woman ...». VII. Speak on the following: 1. Was Marquesa’s life miserable and tragic? Who is to be blamed for that? 2. Marquesa’s writing abilities. 3. The incident in the theater and the consequences to which it lead. VIII. Comment on the following: 1. «Style is but the faintly contemptible vessel in which the bitter 33 liquid is recommended to the world» (p. 15). 2. «All families live in a wasteful atmosphere of custom and kiss one another with secret indifference» (p. 15). Assignment #3. (pp.23-32) I. Study the pronunciation: obstinacy; minute; efficacy; virtuosity; cessation; abominable; thither; brazier; trough; etiquette; tranquil; charcoal; torture; statuettes; jocose; obliquely; tumult; exhumed; endearment; encyclopædist II. Explain the meaning of the following and reproduce the situations from the text. to concede (p. 23) to be gnawed away (p. 23) to bind smb. to the maintenance (p. 24) to dash into smth. (p. 25) to withdraw into oneself (p. 26) to mitigate smb. (p. 26) the rites of smth. (p. 27) to rend from smth. (p. 27) to surge up (p. 27) to make a pilgrimage (p. 27) to be cut short (p. 28) to enclose smth. (p. 31) to ransack smth. (p. 32) Encourage your group-mates to use the vocabulary of the task by the situations of your own. III. Make up some 2-3 Russian sentences for your group-mates to translate into English using the vocabulary. IV. Read and translate the passage on p. 27 «At times... her daughter’s bed» V. Items for discussion: 1. The story of Pepita 2. Did the news about the child to be born change the Marquesa? 3. Why do you think the accident happened to them on their way back but not on their way to the shrine? Assignment #4. (pp. 32-41) I. Study the pronunciation: hideous; quills; congeniality; crucifix; tacit; resignation; choirmaster; somber; luxury; quaint; lore; futile; bodice II. Study the meaning of the following vocabulary: to evolve smth. (p. 34) to be perplexed (p. 34) to dissipate in (p. 35) to be fascinated by (p. 35) to quench excitement (p. 36) to cast oneself upon smth. (p. 37) to brood over smth/smb. (p. 38) Reproduce the situations from the text with these phrases. III. Think over a situation with the help of which you can encourage your group-mates to use one of the phrases from task II. IV. Find the English equivalents in the text to: суметь различить (p. 32); вытянуть (информацию) из кого-либо (p. 34); 34 полупустой зал (о театре) (p. 35); трепетать перед чьим-либо званием (p. 34). proprietor; serene; shepherd; sewing; draught; devout; reticence; wraith; guile; exasperation; prow; merchandise V. Translate into English: II. Explain the meaning of the following phrases and reproduce the situations from the text: 1. Близнецов всегда сложно отличить одного от другого. 2. Прокурору все-таки удалось вытянуть признание из обвиняемого. 3. Линда сразу же оказалась очарована умением Пола говорить комплименты и угадывать желания женщин. Make up your own sentences to translate from Russian into English. VI. Prepare good reading and translation of the passage on p. 36 «But the life... of their life». VII. Items for discussion: 1. In what way were the brothers alike and in what way did they differ? 2. Dwell upon your personal experience of communication with twins, if any. 3. Do you approve of parents trying to make their twin children dress alike? VIII. Comment on the following: 1. «Many people would never have fallen in love if they had not heard about it» (p. 36) 2. «...even in the most perfect love one person loves less profoundly than the other». (p. 36) Assignment #5. (pp. 41-51) I. Study the pronunciation: to fling oneself about (p. 42) to become delirious (p. 42) to skip smth (p. 44) to be dumped into the street (p. 44) to allude to smth (p. 45) to entertain a great respect for smb (p. 47) to blurt out (p. 50) to be content with (p. 43) Encourage your group-mates to use the vocabulary of the task by the situations of your own. III. Make up 2-3 Russian sentences for your group-mates to translate into English using vocabulary of task II. IV. Prepare good reading and translation of passage on p. 49. «I hear you went ... Is that true»? V. Items for discussion: 1. What made Esteban suffer after his brother’s death? Were those real sufferings or he exercised some other feelings? 2. Why did Esteban call himself Manuel? 3. Why didn’t Esteban want to take part in Manuel’s funeral? 4. What did Marquesa mean in one of her letters writing about Captain Alvarado that «he goes about the hemispheres to pass the time between now and his old age»? 35 5. Do thoughts about death come to your mind from time to time? In what way? In what connection? Assignment #6. (pp. 51-62) 2. How do his life-aims characterize Uncle Pio? 3. Uncle Pio and the ladies. 4. Uncle Pio plays Pygmalion. 5. Comment on the six attributes of the adventurer given on p. 53 I. Read chapter IV up to passage «The addition of the Archbishop ...» on p. 62. Assignment #7 (chapter IV up to p. 73) II. Study the pronunciation: I. Study the pronunciation: harlequin; coiffeur; lachrymose; connoisseurship; coterie; masseur; antiques; porcelain; nougat; frontier; omniscient; tenacious; turquoise; renaissance; puerile; omniscience cursory; divinity; vagabondage; furtive; usurpation; convalescence; distraught; ludicrous; vicinity; rachitic; dowager; parapet II. Study the vocabulary III. Study the meaning of vocabulary below and give situations from the text: the the to send word to somewhere (p. 51) to be moth-eaten by disease (p. 52) to be swamped with smth. (p. 53) to live by one’s wits (p. 53) to be tied down (p. 54) to reveal oneself (p. 55) to fall from favour (p. 55) to be contemptuous of smth. (p. 55) to bestir smb. (p. 59) to efface smb. (p. 59) of one’s own accord (p. 62) to allude to smth. (p. 64) to extricate oneself (p. 65) to linger about (p. 66) to fix a wish upon a star (p. 66) idle-handed (p. 66) to talk at random (p. 67) to have (no) heart for smth. (p. 68) to penetrate into (p. 69) to be impaired (p. 69) to besiege smth. (p. 69) to enforce one’s request (p. 72) III. Situations of encouragement. IV. Think of a situation to encourage your group-mates to use the vocabulary listed above. V. Prepare good reading and translation of the passage on p. 51 «As the golden wire ... mysterious errands of his». VI. Topics for discussion: 1. Uncle Pio’s biography. IV. Prepare good reading and translation of the passage on p. 63 «All night they talked ... the race of men» V. Topics for discussion: 1. Uncle Pio’s love for Camila. 2. What does «some island» mean for Uncle Pio? (p. 68) 3. What changes happened to Camila with years? 36 Assignment #8 (part V) I. Study the pronunciation: votive; horizon; friar; languorous; embroidery; procedure; unsavoury; rueful; sincere; avarice; chasm; frontier II. Study the vocabulary: • by dint of hearing (p. 74) • mainstay of a full hut (p. 74) • to contrive (p. 74) • to stumble about (p. 75) • to relapse into smth. (p. 78) • to gape over smb. (p. 78) • to fail smb. (p. 78) • to lurk about (p. 79) III. Your situations of encouragement. IV. Read and translate the passage «And so saying ...» on p. 75. Topics for the final discussion of «The Bridge of San Luis Rey» by Th. Wilder I. Speak on the style and the language of the book (choice of words, topical vocabulary, the way the author copes with the task to bring the ideas home to the reader, stylistic devices, etc.). II. Compare the different kinds of love described by the author: Marquesa’s love for her daughter Uncle Pio’s love for Camila Twins’ love for each other You can enlarge the list on your own. III. Do the characters have something in common that brings them to the Bridge? Work out a character-sketch of each victim. (5 persons for this task). IV. Does the book prove the idea that a person is his/her fate’s creator? Why do you think so? V. Items for discussion: 1. The way the work of Brother Juniper was evaluated. Why did he admit he was under the influence of the devil? (p. 76). 2. What brought Camila to the Abbess? 3. Give your opinion about the story of the master of San Martin (p. 75) 4. Comment on the reaction of Captain Alvarado (p. 77) «How false, how unreal». 5. Comment on the last words of the book. 6. Why those five? 7. Anyone who is interested in reading biographies? What do you find in them? V. Who do you mostly sympathize with in the book and why? (Say as much about the person(s) as you can). 37