Дидактические материалы к урокам делового английского языка

Тезисы к работе Богдановой Е.Л.:
Дидактические материалы к урокам делового английского языка для групп,
обучающихся по профессии «Оператор связи».
В последние годы увеличился объём международной телеграфной и почтовой
связи и, соответственно, выросла потребность в персонале отделений телеграфной
и почтовой связи со знанием иностранных языков. Это и является причиной
составления данного комплекта дидактического материала.
Цель данного комплекта: расширение профессионального кругозора учащихся и
ознакомление с основами делового общения на иностранном языке.
Задачи заключаются в следующем: расширить профессиональные знания
учащихся, а также повысить интерес к профессии.
Материал распределён по профессионально ориентированным темам.
Собственно, раздаточный материал – это:
1. мини-словарь профессиональной лексики,
2. таблица соответствия русского алфавита латинскому для отправки телеграмм за
3. упражнения на ознакомление с новой лексикой и на закрепление,
4. ситуативные диалоги, отражающие профессиональную специфику (для чтения,
перевода и инсценирования),
5. тексты познавательной тематики, освещающие информацию, так или иначе
связанную с будущей профессиональной деятельностью обучающихся, а также
тексты страноведческого характера (для чтения и перевода) и задания к ним.
В результате обучения на основе данного материала учащиеся должны
приобрести профессионально-ориентированные знания по следующей тематике:
моя профессия, рабочий день, связь, письма, телеграф, телефон, Интернет, деньги,
почты разных стран, страноведческие знания о России, Великобритании, США,
Департамент образования и науки Кемеровской области
г. Новокузнецка
Адрес учреждения: 654041, Кемеровская область, г. Новокузнецк,
ул. Циолковского, 49.
Телефон учреждения: (3843) 77-02-97, 77-00-56.
Дидактические материалы к урокам делового английского языка для групп,
обучающихся по профессии «Оператор связи».
Преподаватель иностранных языков
Богданова Елена Леонидовна
654041, Кемеровская область, г. Новокузнецк, ул. Циолковского, д. 50, кв. 71.
Телефон (сот.): 8-905-066-34-98
Новокузнецк, 2012
Оператор связи (мини-словарь)
отделение связи
оператор связи
почтовая открытка
10 денежный перевод
11 почтовый перевод
12 контейнер
13 марка
14 календарный штемпель
15 клише
16 маркировальная машина
17 ценное письмо
18 ценная бандероль
19 заказное письмо
20 уведомление
21 квитанция
22 извещение
23 бланк
24 печать
25 перевозка
26 почтовый вагон (поезд)
27 самолёт
28 автотранспорт
29 накладная
30 почтовый индекс
31 почтовый штемпель
32 электронная почта
33 телеграф
34 телеграфист
35 телеграмма
36 правительственная т.
37 срочная т.
38 международная т.
39 криптограмма
40 служебный заголовок
41 адрес
42 текст
43 подпись
44 принимать
45 оформлять
46 записывать
47 время приёма
48 дата приёма
49 заполнять (бланк)
head post-office
post department
communication operator
parcel post
money order
post order
calendar postmark
marking machine
registered letter (with statement of value)
registered book-post (with statement of value)
registered letter
mail car (train)
motor transport
post index
government telegram
urgent telegram
international telegram
official banner
draw up
write in
receipt time
receipt date
fill in
Тема «Моя профессия».
My friend Lucy.
My friend Lucy is a telephone operator. She works in a large company which
specializes on mobile communication services.
Lucy graduated from a professional school several years ago. There she learnt technical
aspects of telephone apparatus, ways of transmitting information in bad weather
conditions, special cipher in case of secrecy of the information transmitted. Now Lucy
also attends correspondence courses in the state university. She wants to get more
profound training in the field.
Lucy works day shifts from early in the morning till late at night. What she does she
give consultations to the clients of the company. They want to know different
information: What number to dial in order to call to a foreign country, where to pay
bills, how to change a number and so on and so forth.
I think her job is very interesting, although not well-paid. But I am sure Lucy will go up
the career ladder and become a real professional in the world of telephones!
The necessary characteristics of a person who wants to become a telephone
1. Good command of oral language:
It means that a telephone operator should speak clearly, take time while explaining a
problem to a client.
2. Knowledge of human psychology:
A lot of people call to the service every day. A telephone operator should be tactful
and friendly.
3. Good memory:
Sometimes it is good to remember all emergency phone numbers and other
4. Knowledge of technical characteristics of the apparatus:
A telephone operator should know how to fix a break down.
Тема «Рабочий день».
The Workday.
I am a communication operator. I graduated from a professional school two years ago,
and now I work at a head post-office.
I usually get up at seven o’clock. I make my bed, open the window and do my morning
exercises. Then I go to the bathroom where I wash my hands and face, clean my teeth
with a tooth-brush and a tooth-paste. I always wash with cold water, as I do not like to
wash with warm water in the morning. Sometimes I take a shower. After that I go to my
room, dress, brush my hair.
Now I am ready for breakfast. I prepare it myself. For breakfast I usually have cheese
sandwiches and a cup of coffee or tee.
After breakfast I put on my hat and coat, take my bag and go to work. The workday
begins at eight. As my house is near the head post-office I always walk.
I and my colleagues have a lot of work to do. We work with clients. We receive and
give parcel posts, book-posts, money orders and post orders, registered letters. We work
up the entrance mail and prepare it for sending. Postmen deliver letters, newspapers,
magazines to our clients. The PC-operators receive communal payments.
I like my work but I always get tried by evening. I have break for dinner from twelve to
thirteen and go home at seven o’clock p.m. After work I go shopping to buy anything to
eat. When I come home I have a short rest, make my supper and enjoy my meal. Then I
watch TV, read books and newspapers or magazines, do my homework. Sometimes I
visit my friends or go to the cinema. I go to bed at eleven o’clock.
- Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the head post-office, please?
- Well, it is in the city centre in Metallurgov street.
- Is it far to walk?
- Yes, you’d better take a bus. It is about five stops.
- Thank you very much.
- Not at all.
- What can I do for you, madam?
- I want to send a registered letter, please.
- You need an envelope and a stamp. Here they are.
- Thank you. How much postage does this letter need?
- One hundred roubles, please.
- Thank you, good bye.
- Bye.
Meeting people (dialogues).
Mr. Smith, may I introduce Mr. Petrov?
How do you do, Mr. Petrov?
How do you do , Mr. Smith?
Mr. Smith, I’d like you to meet Mr. Petrov.
I’m glad to meet you, Mr. Petrov.
Happy to meet you, Mr. Smith.
Mr. Smith, this is Mr. Petrov.
I’m very pleased to meet you, Mr. Petrov.
I’m glad to meet you, Mr. Smith.
Mr. Smith, do you know Mr. Petrov?
I don’t think we have met before. I’m Mr. Petrov.
My name is Smith. Glad to meet you, Mr. Petrov.
Good morning!
Good morning! Nice weather today, isn’t it?
Oh, yes, it is fine!
How are you getting on?
Thank you. I’m fine. And what about you?
I’m doing fine. Thanks.
Glad to hear it.
Good evening!
Good evening! Nice evening today, isn’t it?
Yes, it is. I hope you are doing well?
Quite well, thank you. And how are you getting on?
Not bad, thank you.
Good morning, Mr. Brown! I’m so pleased you could come.
Good morning! It was very kind of you to invite me.
Hello, everybody!
Hello, Peter!
Excuse my being late.
Never mind.
Hi, Nick!
Hi, Pete! What a pleasant surprise!
Never expected to meet you here.
This is a small world!
Excuse me for interrupting you.
That’s all right. What can I do for you?
Sorry, I hope you don’t wait for me too long?
Not at all.
I’m very sorry.
Never mind.
I’m very sorry, I won’t be able to keep my appointment tomorrow.
It’s a pity.
Good morning! I’m Mr. Petrov. I have an appointment with Mr. Smith at 10
o’clock today.
Good morning, Mr. Petrov! Will you sit down, please? Mr. Smith will be in a
Goodbye and thank you for everything.
Goodbye and all the best to you.
Goodbye, it is been nice to meet you.
Goodbye. Happy to have met you.
Goodbye, hope to see you again soon.
Goodbye and have a nice day.
It’s very kind of you, thank you.
Переведите диалоги на английский язык.
- Доброе утро, г-н Смит! Позвольте представить Вам г-на Миллера.
- Здравствуйте, г-н Миллер.
- Здравствуйте, г-н Смит.
- Г-н Петров! Вы знакомы с г-ном Брауном?
- Я не думаю, что мы встречались раньше. Здравствуйте, г-н Браун.
- Здравствуйте, г-н Петров.
- Здравствуйте! Как Ваши дела?
- Вполне хорошо, спасибо. А как Ваши дела?
- Неплохо, спасибо.
- Добрый день. У меня назначена встреча с г-ном Грином на 3 часа.
- Добрый день. Г-н Грин будет через пять минут. Садитесь, пожалуйста.
- Какой приятный сюрприз! Никогда не ожидал встретить тебя здесь. Как дела?
- Неплохо, а как твои дела?
- Спасибо, хорошо.
- До свидания. Надеюсь скоро снова встретиться с Вами.
- До свидания. Всего наилучшего.
Parcel post is a service of a postal administration for sending parcels through the post.
It is generally one of the less expensive ways to ship packages that are too heavy to be
sent by regular letter post and is usually a slower method of transportation. The
Universal Postal Union (UPU) parcel mail agreement of 1880 (in effect 1881),
established an international postal agreement for the orderly shipment of mailed
packages and parcels from one country to another according to predetermined rates.
Great Britain and Commonwealth
In 1882 the British General Post Office (later Royal Mail) first initiated domestic,
commonwealth, and foreign parcel post services. The eight Australasian colonies (South
Australia, Western Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, New
Zealand, British New Guinea and Fiji) and the other separate postal services of the
colonies joined the UPU in 1891.
United States
In the USA, Parcel Post is a United States Postal Service (USPS) method of shipping
parcels of books, merchandise, and other bulk goods; items can weigh up to 70 pounds.
International parcel post service between the USA and foreign countries commenced in
1887. That same year, the U.S. Post Office (predecessor of the USPS) and the
Postmaster General of Canada established parcel post service between the two nations.
A bilateral parcel post treaty between the independent (at the time) Kingdom of Hawaii
and the USA was signed on December 19, 1888 and put into effect early in 1889. Parcel
post service between the USA and other countries grew with the signing of successive
postal conventions and treaties. While the Post Office agreed to deliver parcels sent into
the country, it did not institute a domestic parcel post service for another 25 years.
Domestic parcel post service within the USA was finally inaugurated by Postmaster
General Frank H. Hitchcock on January 1, 1913 under the administration of President
William Howard Taft. The advent of parcel post service greatly increased mail volume,
and stimulated development of nationwide trade and commerce.
Even though USPS ended the International Parcel Post service in May 2007, domestic
parcel post service is offered. International services were replaced by Priority Mail
International, Priority Mail International Flat-Rate, and Express Mail International.
Тема «Связь».
The basic purpose of communication is a high-quality satisfaction of needs of the
population, economy and defence of the country.
Communication is follows: mail, telegraph, phone, radio, TV.
Post communication has some kinds: post communication for general use, special
communication, federal courier communication, courier-post communication to the
Ministry of Defence of Russia.
Post communication for general use covers all territory of Russia with the help of a
network air, ground and a sailing charter. Post communication provides reception,
processing, transportation, delivery of items of mail and the postal order of money
resources, delivery of newspapers and magazines, delivery of pension, transfer of
documents and books, reception of municipal payments and other kinds of services.
Special communication sends the items of mail containing subjects, forbidden for
transfer on post communication for general use.
Federal courier communication sends items of mail between the state controls.
Courier-post communication to the Ministry of Defence of Russia sends items of mail
between management offices of armed forces of the state and military men.
The following requirements are present to post communication: availability (the low
price), high speed, a regularity. Availability and quality of services are guaranteed by
the state. “Post rules” is the basic document which is regulating the work of post
Mass media: the press, radio, TV, cinema are fast developed and they play the big role
in life of people. People look in telecasts for a material which touches their interests, put
them in a mood to reflections. Mass media should correspond to these needs and be
engaged in actual most questions of life. The mass-media are obliged to actively
interfere with life and to carry away the readers, listeners, on-lookers.
TV is a favourite mass media in Russia today. The first TV-set in Russia was made in
1934 and had the screen 3 on 4 centimeters. Experimental telecasts between Moscow
and Leningrad have begun in 1938. The first TV-sets have started to be on sale in 1940.
In 1951 the central studio in Moscow began the daily transfers in black and white.
Now the TV-set is in each family. Both adults and children daily look through the
favourite telecasts. Many of them have cable or satellite TV.
Тема «Письма».
Business Letters.
Structure and layout of business letters.
Business letters in different countries are identical. As a rule, business letters are
written on the form of the firm and consist of 9 elements:
1. Date.
2. The internal address – name and address of the person, to whom the letter is
3. Polite greeting.
4. Subject of the letter.
5. Text of the letter – the essence of a question.
6. Polite “Good bye”.
7. Signature.
8. Enclosures.
9. Copies.
1. Nov. 10.2010
Mr. George Ganson
113 Carpenter Ave, 11579
Sea Cliff, NY, USA
Dear Mr. Ganson,
Re: Offer of Goods
Thank you very much of your offer of goods sent to us.
We shall keep you informed as to our decision concerning the terms and conditions of
your offer.
Very truly yours,
7. J.B.Priestly
2 Enclosures
Cc: J. Smith
III. Who to Whom?
1. Business firm to business firm.
2. Business firm to consumer.
3. Job applicant to company.
4. Citizen to government official.
5. Employer to employee.
6. Staff member to staff member.
IV. What is regarding.
1. to persuade
2. to inform
3. to request
4. to express thanks
5. to remind
6. to recommend
7. to apologize
8. to congratulate
9. to reject a proposal (of cooperation) or offer (of goods)
10.to introduce a person or policy
11.to invite or welcome
12.to follow up
13.to formalize decisions
Как правильно обратиться к адресату.
1. Вам известно имя конкретного человека.
Dear Professor Turro,
Please accept my congratulations on occasion of your birthday!
Sincerely yours,
James d. McDuggan.
2. Вы пишете письмо в компанию и имя адресата вам неизвестно.
Dear Sir or Madam:
We are happy to inform you that your order has been accomplished. Please feel free
to call us at your convenience.
Dreamworks Productions.
3. Вы составляете письмо информативного характера. Вам нужно, чтобы
оно дошло до любого адресата в компании (фирме).
To Whom It May Concern:
We are proud to inform you that Dreamworks Productions are going to celebrate its
10th Anniversary.
GOLDEN RULES (if you want to write a letter…).
 Decide what to say before you start to write. If you do not, the sentences are
likely to go on and on and on before you can think of a good way to finish the
message. In other words, make sure that you plan ahead.
 Put each separate idea in a separate paragraph.
 Use short sentences.
 Use short words that everyone can understand. You may be writing to people
whose English is not as good as yours.
 Think about your reader. Your letter should be:
Clear – make sure the reader knows exactly what you mean.
Complete – make sure you give the reader all the necessary information.
Courteous – write in a sincere, polite tone.
Correct – the reader may be confused if there are too many mistakes in grammar,
punctuation or spelling.
 Check your letter through before you print it – and correct any mistakes you find.
Phrases frequently used in business correspondence.
Как спросить о чём-либо.
1. I would be glad to know…
2. I should be grateful if you would let me know whether or not you are still
interested in…
3. We would be very much obliged if you could inform us…
4. We would be very much obliged if you could give us a short explanation…
5. Would you please be kind enough to let us know how things stand with…
6. I would be grateful if you could let me know…
7. As the matter is urgent, will you please let us have a reply by return.
8. I should be very much obliged if you could let me have the following information.
9. With reference to your advertisement in… I should be pleased to receive detailed
information about…
10. Please let us know whether you can…
Как сообщить о чём-либо.
1. In reply to your enquiry I wish to advise you that…
2. As you know from previous correspondence…
3. We have carefully considered your proposal.
4. This is to inform you that…
5. Please take note of the…
6. This is to certify that…
7. Be advised, please, that…
8. Please take due note that…
9. I would like to inform you that our firm is intending to…
10.Permit me to say that…
Как предложить свою помощь.
If you need something else, please let me know.
Please do not hesitate to let us know if you require any other information.
We will be glad to answer any technical questions on the…
We would of course be happy to lend you a …
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you would like to receive…
I trust you will not hesitate to contact us…
Как заверить в чём-либо.
1. Please be assured that I will do my best to bring this matter to a satisfactory
2. You may be assured that I will make…
Как выразить надежду на что-либо.
We very much hope that you will come to a positive decision on…
We expect you to use every effort to…
We look forward to hearing your further proposals soon.
I sincerely hope you will be able to help me in this matter.
I hope to have further news for you before too long.
I do hope I am not putting you to too much trouble if…
Как выразить просьбу.
I (we) would be most grateful if you could…
send me…
confirm that…
correspond with me regarding the sale (purchase) of…
notify us…
Please send us urgently… in accordance with our contract.
We would very much appreciate hearing from you so that we may…
We request to pay…
We ask you for some additional information…
We would kindly request to provide us with…
VII. Как выразить благодарность.
May I take this opportunity of thanking you for…
I wish to express my appreciation for all your efforts…
I sincerely appreciate your kindness.
I am truly grateful for your advice.
I am most grateful to you for helping me.
The first world postage-stamp « a black penny » was issued in the Great Britain in 1840.
In Russia the first postage-stamp has appeared in December, 1857. It was so-called
«Tiflisskaja stamp».
Except for their first purpose - payments for post services, postage-stamps almost at
once have got art and a historical value. Philatelists began to collect them.
Each stamp has its own history. This is a small window in the big world. It is possible to
learn much about other countries and peoples by studying stamps.
Stamps reflect a history of development of culture, science and engineering. Stamps can
replace the textbook of a history of any country. There are many series of stamps which
are thematically focused.
Manufacturers of stamps involve philatelists with interesting novelties.
The memorable stamps devoted to significant events are issued. They are more
colourful and are in great demand. Flavored stamps were issued in Germany in 50th
years. A fragrant series « gifts of nature » was issued in Russia in 2003. Stamps and
blocks with the volumetric image on silk, foil, wood, with the gold stamping, covered
with varnish, with using of luminous paints are known. Stamps are even decorated with
Sealing wax.
In olden time gold, silver and lead were used for manufacturing seals. Prints all over
again were made on wax. But it is not firm. That is why people began to produce special
mastic, adding in wax paints, chalk, pitches, fats. There were also smoked seals.
Ordinary soot was served for such prints.
Sealing wax has appeared in Europe in 16 century. The Holland sailors have brought it
from China. Europeans have learned to make it later. The need for sealing wax at that
time was very significant. There were no envelopes yet.
The letter was put in a pure sheet of a paper, turned off by a special way. It was
surrounded with a special tape and it was sealed up by a personal seal.
There was also another way. The letter was folded so, that the text was inside.
The ends of the letter were joined by leaflets of a red and white paper with the help of
sealing wax and were sealed up by the big sealing wax seals. If the letter was urgent it
was sealed up by a seal with the image of a feather.
In 19 century rubber stamps have appeared. But sealing wax is used till now. It is used
for the sealing up especially important correspondences, registered letters, book-posts,
parcel posts and insurance bags.
Тема «Телеграф. Телефон».
Написание русского алфавита латинскими буквами
(для отправки телеграмм за рубеж).
Аа - Aa
Бб - Bb
Вв - Vv
Гг - Gg
Дд - Dd
Ее - Ee
Жж - Jj
Зз - Zz
Иий - Ii
Кк - Kk
Лл Мм Нн Оо Пп Рр Сс Тт Уу Фф -
Хх - Hh
Цц - Cc
Чч – CH ch
Шш – SH sh
Щщ – SC sc
Ыы - Yy
Ээ - Ee
Юю – IU iu
Яя – IA ia
Составьте поздравительную телеграмму (не менее 20 слов). Запишите
сначала, пользуясь русским алфавитом, а затем латинским.
Прочитайте текст, переведите и запишите основные пункты в
The techniques of telephoning are very much the same in all countries.
Only remember your good telephone manners:
1. When talking on the telephone – speak clearly, not too fast but not too slowly either.
Take your cigarette out of your mouth, and do not shout. If it is a casual or a business
talk you need to sound friendly. A smile will make your voice pleasant, friendly,
accommodating, and attending.
2. Make sure that your conversation with a busy person is a brief as possible. List key
points you want to make in note form before you place the call. Check off each point as
the call moves along. Then you will never forget what you wanted to say and will not
keep another person on the phone too long.
3. When calling a friend or a person who knows you but does not recognize your voice
– do not play a guessing name: “Guess who?”. Announce yourself promptly.
4. When you get a wrong number do not ask: “ What number is this?” It is a good
manner to ask: “Is this two-three-four-six?” If not – apologize.
5. If a wrong-number call comes through do not lose your temper. Simply say: “Sorry,
wrong number” – and hang up. Do not bang the receiver.
6. Always identify yourself when making a call, especially if you are calling on
business: “This is Mrs Smith from the head post-office. Could I speak to Mr Jones?”
7. If you have a visitor, do not carry on a long chat while your visitor tries hard to avoid
listening to your conversation. The best thing to do is to say you are busy at the
Подставьте в пропуски слова, подходящие по смыслу, и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. Could I have a long …….. call?
2. There are a lot of ……. phones in the street.
3. Hold the …….., I’ll check it for you.
4. Just a moment, I’ll …… you through.
5. Do you know the …… code for France?
6. Dial first 34807 and then ….. 142.
7. You can find this phone number in a ….. .
8. This telephone is only for …… calls!
9. I’m sorry, I didn’t …… that.
10.We seem to have a bad line. Could you ….. …..?
Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык.
When we haven’t got a chance to speak face to face and it is necessary to get or send
urgent information we deal with a telephone. But if the person we need is out at the
moment we can leave a message on the answerphone.
The message is a short summary of the whole conversation containing the most
essential information. That is why you should be especially careful about numbers,
dates, times and names. Speak slowly and clearly. Make notes while you are taking
messages, don’t rely on your memory, and read all the important details back to the
caller. Don’t interrupt the person you speak to, let him finish what he wants to say.
Speak in a polite voice.
Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим
Иметь возможность, срочная информация, необходимо получить, говорить с
глазу на глаз, иметь дело с …., человек, который нам нужен, самая важная
информация, краткое изложение, вот почему.
Ознакомьтесь с образцом записи сообщения.
8 June
Message for: Irene, manager
From: Mike
Wants to change the time of his arrival.
He wants to come on Sunday, not Friday.
Call him.
IV. Составьте и инсценируйте диалог на основе предыдущего задания.
SITUATIONS (by telephoning)
Вы знаете, о чём спросить, но не знаете ни имени, ни должности
My name is Mrs. Brown. I would like to speak to the manager, please.
Do you need Mr. Grey, manager for services, or Mr. Black, manager for
I’m not sure. I would like to know when the new department will be open.
Then you need Mr. Black, manager for communication. Let me connect you.
Переадресация звонков.
Звонящий не знает, кто ему нужен.
- “Pan” Publishers. This is Ann, may I help you?
- I would like to ask someone about the release of new textbook.
- You need Ms. Black, just a moment, please. You may now speak to Ms. Black.
Звонящий знает, кто ему нужен.
- May I speak to Ms. Black, please?
- May I ask who is calling?
- This is Jeff Goldman of the Ohio branch.
- Mr. Goldman, and this is regarding?
- Our previous talk about an expansion.
- Just a moment, please. You may now speak to Ms. Black.
Вопрос звонящего к Вам не относится, но Вы знаете, кто может на него
- I would like to know the statistics for this month.
- You need to speak to Mr. Grey, madam. Let me re-direct your call.
Вопрос звонящего к Вам не относится, и Вы не знаете, к кому отправить
I would like to know the statistics for this month.
Do you mean the statistics for the money orders, or for the personnel?
I need the statistics for the money orders.
I see. Why don’t you leave your phone number with me, madam. We’ll call you
back as soon as possible.
- It’s 222-33-34. Ms. Smith, assistant manager.
Вам нужно попросить звонящего подождать, пока вы его переключите
или попробуете получить ответ на его вопрос.
- Please, hold a moment. (Can you please hold?)
- Would you like to hold, or shall I call you back?
Варианты ответа на звонок с просьбой соединить с каким-либо
Нужный сотрудник на месте.
- Post Office, may I help you?
- Yes, I’d like to speak to James Barr, please.
- May I have your name, sir?
- Adam Green.
- One moment please.
Нужный сотрудник на месте, но занят либо не хочет отвечать на
некоторые звонки.
- Post Office, may I help you?
- Yes, I’d like to speak to James Barr, please.
- May I have your name, sir?
- Adam Green.
- I’m sorry, sir. Mr. Barr is in a meeting right now. May I take a message?
- Tell him Adam green called. My number is 212-870-3445. I’m in New York till
- Mr. Green, 212-870-3445, NY till Friday. And may I ask what is it in reference
- Yes. I wanted to discuss transportations.
- OK, transportations. Thank you, sir. Good-bye.
- Bye.
Сотрудник (начальник) просил в случае, если будет звонить мистер «Х»,
тщательно записать сообщение и принести ему записку немедленно.
Main Post Office, Irina speaking, may I help you?
Hi, Irina, John Smith here. I have a very quick question for Ivanov.
I’m sorry, sir, Mr. Ivanov cannot be disturbed right now. May I take a message?
But this will only take a minute!
I’m sorry, sir, he told me to take messages only.
This is urgent!
Why don’t you tell me what the message is, sir, and I’ll take it to Mr. Ivanov
- Oh… OK. Can you tell him that he needs to call me as soon as possible?
- Yes, sir. And this is regarding?
- It’s about … no, I’ll tell him personally.
Вы срочно относите записку, а в случае повторных звонков, отвечаете:
- Irina, John Smith here. Did you give my message to Ivanov?
- Yes, sir, I gave him the message at once.
- Do you have any idea when he might call?
- I’m sorry, sir, I cannot say.
Сотрудника нет на месте, но о возможном звонке он Вас предупредил.
- Post Office, may I help you?
- Yes, I’d like to speak to James Barr, please.
- May I have your name, sir?
- Adam Green.
- Oh, yes, Mr. Green. Mr. Barr is not in right now, he had to leave unexpectedly,
but he left a message for you. May I read it to you?
- Fire away.
- “Can’t make it today. Lunch tomorrow 1 p.m. Tavern on the Central Green”.
One moment, let me check. Can you tell him to make it 1: 30?
- Yes, sir.
- OK, I’ll be there. Thanks.
Использование функции HOLD.
Вы просите собеседника подождать, если:
 Не знаете точного ответа на его вопрос,
 Не уверены, на месте ли начальник (захочет ли он разговаривать),
 Знаете, что начальник ждёт этого звонка, и просто переключаете
разговор на его линию,
 Вам звонят по другой линии.
Если звонят сразу по нескольким линиям, обозначьте их цифрами и отвечайте.
А также переключайте линии по очерёдности. Исключение составляют очень
важные клиенты.
Как вежливо прервать разговор (варианты).
Mr. Smith, I have an incoming call. Talk to you some other time.
Ms. Smith, my boss wants my attention, bye now.
Как правильно обращаться к собеседнику.
Разговаривая по телефону, всегда внимательно слушайте, как собеседник
представился. Если вы сами звоните, предварительно выясните должность,
звание, титул, а потом так и обращайтесь к человеку. И только если при
разговоре Вас попросили называть собеседника просто по имени, используйте
его имя, причём именно в том варианте, который он предложил.
Лучше всего записать и положить под стекло на рабочем столе варианты имён
тех, с кем Вы общаетесь чаще всего.
Margaret Brown – Marge;
Margaret Longwood – Peggy;
Margaret Dilly – Maggie.
Difficult situations by telephoning.
Неправильно набран номер.
Is this 212-854-2288?
No, you have a wrong number.
But it is Insurance Office?
No, this is Post Office.
Как корректно прервать болтливого.
Пользуйтесь «золотым правилом» общения: повторяйте общепринятую
формулу вежливости до тех пор, пока не добьётесь нужного эффекта.
- Post Office, may I help you?
- Yes, I would like to speak to Mr. Barr.
- I’m sorry, we don’t have a Mr. Barr here.
- Strange… Listen, what is your name?
- May I ask which office you need, sir?
- I’d love to talk to you, you have such a nice voice. What is your name?
- Sir, I have another call coming.
(- Sir, I can not tell you that. Bye.)
- Post Department, may I help you?
- Yes, I would like to speak to Ms. Jones.
- Ms. Jones is busy right now, would you like to leave a message?
- Let is see. And how are things in the office in general, Jane? Busy, eh?
- Yes, sir. Would you like to leave a message?
- Sure. I remember the days when there were just the two of us in the office…
- I’m sorry, sir, I have another call coming. Would you like to leave a message, or
call again tomorrow?
- I’ll call.
Угрозы и оскорбления по телефону.
Никогда не отвечайте оскорблением на оскорбление. Если звонит хулиган,
пьяный, нестабильный человек, вежливая и достаточно сложная формулировка
его останавливает. Он не знает, как реагировать.
- Post Department, Nina speaking.
- Nina, you know you are no good? (Unprintable insults follow.)
- Sir, if you continue speaking in this insulting fashion, I will be obliged to
terminate the call.
- Post Office, Nina speaking. May I help you?
- Hi, Nina. We are doing a survey. Are there any black people working in your
- May I ask which survey is that, sir?
- Oh, you are a nigger-lover, eh?
- I have to terminate this call.
Звонок террористического характера.
Вам нужно задержать звонящего на линии, чтобы соответствующие службы
могли установить его номер. Продлить разговор удаётся простейшим
способом: переспрашивая.
Head Post Office, Nina speaking. May I help you?
There is a bomb in your building.
I’m sorry, sir, I can not hear you. What did you say?
There is a bomb in your building!!!
Good God, a bomb?
Yes, you have thirty minutes until it goes off!
Как только вы услышите слово «бомба», нажимайте кнопку «тревога» или
переводите разговор в режим «громко». При этом делайте вид, что не
расслышали, стараясь задержать собеседника на линии.
Итак. Что помогает нам справиться с любой неприятной, опасной или
непонятной ситуацией?
- Набор вежливых формул.
- Чёткие правила поведения.
- Понимание того, что лично к вам данная ситуация не относится.
Найдите английские аналоги к следующим словам и
Неправильно набранный номер, оставить сообщение, здание, я хотел бы,
быть вынужденным, у нас нет, входящий звонок, сейчас, я вас не слышу,
занят, другой, непечатные оскорбления, вам нужно…, опрос,
прервать(уничтожить), взрываться, оскорбительный тон, снова,
что вы сказали?, продолжать. (20)
Тема «Интернет».
The Internet, a global computer network which embraces millions of users all over the
world, began in the USA in 1969 as a military experiment. It was designed to survive a
nuclear war. Information sent over the internet takes the shortest path available from
one computer to another. Because of this, any two computers on the Internet will be
able to stay in touch with each other as long as there is a single route between them.
This technology is called packet switching. Owing to this technology, if some
computers on the network are knocked out (by a nuclear explosion, for example),
information will just route around them. One such packet-switching network which has
already survived a war is the Iraqi computer network which was not knocked out during
the Gulf War.
Most of the Internet host computers (more than 50 %) are in the US, while the rest are
located in more than 100 other countries. Although the number of host computers can
be counted fairly accurately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet,
there are millions worldwide, and their number is growing by thousands each month.
The most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the people, who have access to the
Internet, use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. However,
other popular services are available on the Internet: reading USENET News, using the
World-Wide Web, telnet, FTR, and Gopher.
In many developing countries the internet may provide businessmen with a reliable
alternative to the expensive and unreliable telecommunications systems of these
countries. Commercial users can communicate cheaply over the Internet with the rest of
the world. When they send e-mail messages, they only have to pay for phone calls to
their local service providers, not for calls across their countries or around the world. But
who actually pays for sending e-mail messages over the Internet long distances, around
the world? The answer is very simple: users pay their service provider a monthly or
hourly fee. Part of this fee goes towards its costs to connect to a larger service provider,
and part of the fee received by the larger provider goes to the cover its costs of running
a worldwide network of wires and wireless stations.
But saving money is only the first step. If people see that they can make money from
the Internet, commercial use of this network will drastically increase. For example,
some western architecture companies and garment centers already transmit their basic
designs and concepts over the Internet into China, where they are reworked and refined
by skilled – but inexpensive – Chinese computer-aided-design specialists.
However, some problems remain. The most important is security. When you send an email message to somebody, this message can travel through many different networks
and computers. The data is constantly being directed towards its destination by special
computers called routers. However, because of this, it is possible to get into any of
computers along the route, intercept and even change the data being sent over the
Internet. In spite of the fact that there are many good encoding programs available,
nearly all the information being sent over the Internet is transmitted without any form of
encoding (“in the clear”). But when it becomes necessary to send important information
over the network, these encoding programs may be useful. Some American banks and
companies even conduct transactions over the Internet. However, there are still both
commercial and technical problems which will take time to be resolved.
Тема «Деньги».
Money is the special good. It is the common equivalent. Money has a long history. First
function of money was carried out with the various goods. It were skins of animals, a
grain, cattle, salt, spices and so on. Gradually people went to precious metals - to gold
and silver.
In all countries there is metal money (coins) and paper money (banknotes).
There is a currency in each country.
For example:
The Russian rouble, the Ukrainian grivna, the American dollar, DM, the French, Swiss
and Belgian franc, the English pound sterling, the Italian lira, the Japanese yen, the
Spanish peso, the Danish crone, the Austrian shilling, the Dutch gulden, the Greek
drachma and so on.
Since 2006 in the countries concerning the European Union, new European cash are
entered. This is Euro.
In international payments paper money, coins, bills, checks are used.
There are banknotes of a various face-value. For example: five-, ten-, twenty-, fifty-,
hundred- and one thousand euro banknotes are available.
The British currency includes coins: one-penny, two-penny, 5penny, 10penny, 20penny,
50penny pieces, a pound and notes: 5 pounds (blue), 10 pounds (orange), 20 pounds
(violet), 50 pounds (rose).
The American currency includes coins: one-cent, 5 cents, 10 cents, 25 cents, 50 cents,
one dollar and notes: one dollar, two dollar bill, five dollar bill, ten dollar bill, twenty
dollar bill, fifty dollar bill, hundred dollar bill.
The Savings Banks deal with money. There are many exchange currency offices in
cities and settlements. There are also automatic devices for changing of money. In all
countries there are cashmachines. They are located in streets, in shops, in cafes, on
filling stations. Using cashmachines it is possible to receive the certain sum of money
from the bank account if the bank does not work at present. For this purpose it is
necessary to have at itself a card and to remember the personal code.
There are various credit cards for convenience at calculations. There are some leading
systems of credit cards (Visa, Eurocard, Mastercard, Access, American Express and so
on). They are convenient.
In this case it is not necessary to have cash at itself. These cards are accepted both in
the own country and abroad.
Services in a bank.
1. Banks offer their customers different services mostly connected with organizing
money. When you are a visitor to country you’ll probably go there for two reasons: to
exchange currency or to put your money on a deposit or savings account.
When you are exchanging foreign currency in a bank, look for a sign saying “Foreign
Exchange” or if you have traveller’s cheques in Britain simply “Change”. If you have
pounds, however, you can cash them in the main part of a bank. Each time you
exchange money you’ll have to pay a small charge called commissions. Because of this
it is cheaper to exchange several notes together than to exchange them one at a time.
If you came to Britain for more than a few weeks you can open a current account at a
British bank. In this case the bank may ask you for a reference (the name and address of
a person who knows you) from someone who has a bank account in Britain.
Another way to keep your money safe is in an account for saving money – called either
a savings account or a deposit account. Instead of a cheque book, you usually get a
small book which you use to pay money in and to take it out.
All banks and the Post-office have accounts like this and they’ll be happy to tell you
about them.
2. In a bank you usually have a current account, which is one where you pay in your
salary and then withdraw money to pay your everyday bills.
The bank sends you a regular bank statement telling you how much money is in your
You may also have a savings account where you deposit any extra money that you have
and only take money out when you want to spend it on something special. You usually
try to avoid having an overdraft or you end up paying a lot of interest. If your account is
overdrawn, you can be said to be in the red (as opposed to in the black or in credit).
Sometimes the bank may lend you money – this is called a bank loan. If the bank (or
building society) lends you money to buy a house, that money is called a mortgage.
The money that you pay for services, to a school or a lawyer, is usually called a fee or
fees; the money paid for a journey is fare.
How to save your own money and things.
1. Keep your wallet and purse out of sight.
2. Do not wear a wrist wallet (they are very easily snatched). Keep your handbag
securely closed.
3. Do not leave a handbag, briefcase, bag or coat unattended, especially in pubs,
cinemas, department stores or fast-food restaurants, on public transport, at railway
stations and airports, or in crowds.
4. Do not leave your bag or coat beside, under or in the back of your chair. Hook the
handle of your bag around the leg of the chair on which you are sitting.
5. Do not put your bag on the floor near the door of the public toilet.
6. Do not wear expensive jewelry or watches that can be easily snatched.
7. Do not put your purse down on the table in a restaurant or on a shop counter while
you scrutinize (критически изучаете) the bill.
8. Do not carry a wallet in the back pocket of your trousers.
9. Do not enter parks and commons after dark and travel in groups of three or more if
possible at night.
Тема «Почты разных стран».
Posts of the different lands.
Post of France (La Poste).
Post of France is socially significant institute of the French state. It is about 600 years
old. In 1477 during the military actions Lui the XI-th has appointed special messengers.
They transferred the royal correspondence in armies. They are accepted for considering
the first postmasters. In 1576 the first post offices were formed. Their employees carried
also the private correspondence. In 1632 the first post roads-maps have appeared. In
1708 the first edition of the Post book has printed. There were post road-maps,
addresses of the post offices, distance between them and the prices for post services in
it. In 1897 the Ministry of post messages and telegraph is created. The modern post of
France develops promptly. New technologies of carriage, the Internet, post banking and
other services have appeared. Today Post of France includes 200 companies and 17 000
post offices, has 80 carriage-partners.
Post service of Sweden (Posten Sverige AB).
It was created in 1636. The modern post uses information technologies. They have
replaced manual operations with the mechanized processing and sorting of items of
mail. The post is engaged in delivery of letters, newspapers, post services. The main
clients are the commercial companies. Post distributes address and addressless
advertising. Post of Sweden is the leader in the market of delivery of packages in weight
up to 35 kgs. The post created an own web-portal. It allows users to send electronic post
cards, to buy marks and envelopes on-line, to send a hybrid mail, to find necessary post
codes, to find out quotations on post services, to pay accounts inside the country and
abroad, to carry out money orders.
Post of China – the oldest post of the world. It has arisen up to B.C. Today it is the
State post bureau of China and it renders the following services: post delivery,
distribution of magazines and newspapers, logistical and philatelic services, post
savings services and service of money orders. Today there are post offices in all
settlements of the country.
20 000 post offices are computer aided. They are the centres of access in the Internet.
The internal post of China works precisely. Letters within the limits of city always reach
this very day, and between the big cities - next day. The post of China carries actively
out a rate on development and perfection of traditional services and on the offer of new.
Post of Canada (Canada Post Corporation).
It has arisen in 1693. This year the first pack of letters was delivered from Montreal to
Quebec. In 1755 the first governmental post office was open. The first Canadian stamp
was issued in 1851. In 1918 the first post planes have appeared. Today the post of
Canada is 7 000 post offices, 70 000 employees, more than 9 billion letters and parcels
Тема «Россия».
Russia is the biggest state of the world. It places in northern hemisphere on the largest
continent Eurasia. From the north the territory of the country is washed by the Arctic
Ocean, from the east - by the Pacific Ocean. The area of Russia makes 17 million square
Extent of territory of the country from the north to the south makes about 4 000
kilometers. Distance between extreme western and extreme east points is about
10 000 kilometers. Almost all the territory of Russia is located in east hemisphere.
The most northern point of Russia on continent is Chelyuskin-cape on Taimyr
peninsula. The most southern point is in Dagestan. The extreme western point is at the
coast of the Baltic Sea about Kaliningrad. The most east point is on Ratmanova island
in the Bering strait.
There are 11 time zones on the territory of Russia. When at the Baltic coast the evening
comes, on Chukotka new day begins.
The extent of borders of Russia is about 60 000 kilometers. It makes 1,5 circles of globe
on equator. The western and southern borders of Russia pass mainly overland, but
northern and east are sea.
The western border of Russia begins at the coast of the Barentsev Sea in northwest of
Kolsky peninsula. Here there is a border with Norway, and there is a border with
Finland to the south. Further Russia borders are on Estonia, Latvia, Byelorussia and
Ukraine. Separately from other territory the Kaliningrad area is located. It borders on
Poland and Lithuania.
The southern border of Russia begins from the coast of the Black Sea and comes to an
end at the coast of the Japan Sea. On the south there is the border with Georgia,
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, Korea.
East border of Russia is sea. Our nearest neighbours are Japan and USA here.
In the north boundaries of Russia is the Arctic Ocean. Russia possesses the certain
sector of Arctic regions up to the North Pole.
The population of Russia is about 150 million people, 80 percent of which are ethnic
Russians. Russia is a multinational state, over 100 nationalities live in it, each with its
own language, culture and traditions.
The capital of Russia is Moscow, its political, administrative, cultural and scientific
centre. Moscow is the fifth largest city in the world, its population is over 10 million
Тема «Великобритания».
Great Britain.
Great Britain (official name – the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland) is situated on two large islands, the larger of which is Great Britain, the smaller
is Ireland. In addition to these two islands Great Britain includes over five hundred
small islands. The total area of Great Britain is 240,000 sq. kms, its population is
56,000,000 people.
In the north-west and west the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish
Sea, in the east – by the North Sea. The island of Great Britain is separated from France
by the English Channel. Northern Ireland, which is a part of Great Britain and which is
situated on the island of Ireland, is separated from Great Britain by the Northern
The island of Great Britain is divided into two parts: mountainous (in the north and west
of the island) and lowland (in the south and east). There are no very long rivers in Great
Britain. The most important rivers are Thames (the deepest) and the Severn (the
longest). The rivers seldom freeze in winter. Due to the moderating influence of the sea
Great Britain has an insular climate, rather humid and mild, without striking
discrepancy between seasons.
Great Britain consists of four main parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern
Ireland. Administratively Great Britain is divided into 55counties. The biggest cities of
Great Britain are London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Manchester, Edinburgh and Cardiff.
England is the largest part of Great Britain (it occupies over 50% of the territory and its
population amounts to 83% of the total population of Great Britain).
Wales is a peninsula in the south-west of the island of Great Britain. It occupies about
9% of its territory with the population of 4,8% of the total population. Scotland is the
most northern part of Great Britain with a territory of 32% of the total territory and with
a population of 9% of the total population of Great Britain.
Northern Ireland occupies the north-east part of the island of Ireland. Its territory
amounts to 5,2% of the total territory of Great Britain. The main cities of Northern
Ireland are Belfast and Londonderry.
The Welsh have their own language. However, many Welsh people do not know Welsh,
and English is spoken by everyone in Wales.
Scotland and Ireland also have their own language, but these are rarely spoken and
English is known by everyone there.
Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. Officially the head of the state is the Queen
(or the King). However, the power of the Queen in Great Britain is not absolute. She
acts only on the advice of the ministers and parliament. There is no written constitution
in Great Britain. The main principles of British legislation are expressed in other
documents, like “Bill of Rights”, the Parliamentary Act which decided the position of
the House of Lords, and the Judicature Act. British legislation does not provide written
guarantees of individual political rights.
Parliament in Great Britain has existed since 1265 and is the eldest Parliament in the
world. It consist of two Houses – the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The
House of Lords consists of 1000 peers who are not elected by the people. The House of
Commons is a nation-wide representative body which is elected by the people at
a general election, within 5 years of the last election. After the general election the
Queen appoints the head of the government – the Prime Minister. As a rule the Prime
Minister is the leader of the party that has won the election. The Prime Minister
appoints the ministers to make up the government. Each minister is responsible for a
particular area of government.
There are two main political parties in Great Britain: the Conservative party and the
Labour party. The conservative party came into being in the 19th century as a result of
the evolution of the Tory party. The Labour party was founded in 1900. Since 1906 it
has borne the name of the Labour party. The Labour party won the election for the first
time in 1945.
Among other political parties there is the Liberal party and the Social-Democratic party.
Great Britain is a highly-developed industrial country. The main fields of British
industry are machine-building, ship-building, metallurgy, electronics.
London is the capital and the largest city of the United Kingdom. Its population is about
eight and half million.
London is Great Britain’s biggest manufacturing centre and the country’s main banking
and financial centre. London is also one of the largest ports in the United Kingdom. It is
linked with all parts of the country by roads and railways.
London is a great educational and cultural centre. The University of London with 14
colleges has more than 76,000 students. The British Library houses one of the finest
collections in the world. Museums and galleries are world known too, among them the
British Museum, the National Gallery, the Tate Gallery, the Victoria and Albert
Museum. The city’s main concert halls are Covent Garden and the Modern Royal
Festival Hall.
London is a multinational city, with a large immigrant population from Britain’s former
colonies especially from South Asia and the West Indies.
In fact, there are several Londons. There is the City of London, which is the oldest part
of London. It is the country’s financial and business centre. There is the Bank of
England, the Stock Exchange, the Mansion House (the official residence of the City’s
Lord Mayor), and many other important landmarks.
The West End is the name given to the area of central London which includes Trafalgar
Square, the main shopping areas of Oxford Street, Regent Street and Bond Street, and
the entertainment centre of Soho, Piccadilly Circus and Leicester Square. Many
government buildings, including 10 Downing Street (the residence of the British Prime
Minister), are nearby. There is also Buckingham Palace, the Queen’s residence.
The East End covers a wide area to the east of the City, which is quite different from the
other parts of London. There are many warehouses and factories producing clothes in
the East End. It is also one of those areas of London where working class people live.
The East End markets are famous throughout the world for all kinds of goods.
Traditionally someone born in the East End is known as a cockney.
London has a few famous parks: Hyde Park with its Speakers’ Corner, St. James’ Park,
Regent Park with its wonderful Zoo and others.
Тема «США».
The United States of America.
The United States lies in the central part of the North American Continent between two
oceans: the Atlantic Ocean to the East and the Pacific Ocean to the West. Friendly
Canada to the north and friendly Mexico to the south are the only countries bordering
The USA consists of three separate parts. These are the Hawaiian Islands, situated in the
central part of the Pacific Ocean, Alaska separated by Canada, and the rest of the USA.
The states differ very much in size, population and economic development.
There are many big cities and towns in the USA: New York, San Francisco,
Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles are the biggest.
The United States of America is a parliamentary republic. The government is divided
into three branches: legislative (the US Congress), executive (the President and his
Administration) and judicial (the US Supreme Court).
There are two main political parties in the USA: the Democratic (symbolized by a
“donkey”) and the Republican (its symbol is an “elephant”).
The US President is both head of state and government. He is elected for a four-year
term. Presidential elections are held every leap year on first Tuesday, following the first
Monday in November. The President is assisted by Secretaries who are the heads of the
executive departments.
The Supreme Court consists of the Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices who are
appointed for life. It is supposed to decide whether a law of the Congress or an
executive order or the President is constitutional or not.
The form of US government is based on the Constitution of September 17, 1787,
adopted after the War of Independence. In December 1791, the Congress adopted ten
amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights.
The Congress of the United States is composed of two houses, the Senate and the House
of Representatives. The Senate represents the states and the House represents the
population according to its distribution among the states. All states have electoral
requirements of the same nature. First of all they are residence requirements.
Through its power over the purse, the US Congress can control much that relates to
foreign policy, also it is a governmental body that determines taxation.
Each of the fifty states of the USA has a constitution patterned after the federal
Constitution, with its divisions of power: legislative, executive and judicial.
Washington, DC.
In 1790 the US Congress decided to build a capital on the Potomac River along the
Virginia-Maryland border. President Washington selected the area which was named
the District of Columbia after Christopher Columbus. The capital was originally called
Federal city and later it was renamed after the nation’s first president.
Washington is like no other city in the world, its population is a little over 600,000
people. Its only industry is government. All government departments and numerous
federal institutions are in the capital. There are the White House, where the US
president lives and works, the Capitol, the home of the US Congress and the Supreme
Court. The two centres are connected by Pennsylvania Avenue, the main business street
of the city.
The city as a whole is divided into four parts: northwestern, northeastern, southwestern,
Washington has always been the scene of mass demonstrations, marches and rallies.
Pennsylvania Avenue is Washington’s ceremonial street and the site of the president’s
inaugural day parade.
The second important aspect of the city’s economy is tourism. The national monuments
and museums attract more than 18 million visitors each year. The parklike centre of
Washington is formed by the Mall, the East Potomac and West Potomac Parks. In this
area there are the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the Vietnam Women’s Memorial, the
Thomas Jefferson Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.
Across the Potomac River, in Virginia, is Arlington National Cemetery and the
Washington is a major American cultural centre. Not far from the Mall there are
a number of important museums many of which are administered by
the Smithsonian Institution. Among them are the National Gallery of Art,
the Museum of American History, the National Museum of Natural History,
the National Air and Space Museum, the National Museum of African Art and others.
Overlooking the Potomac, there is the John F. Kennedy Centre for the Performing Arts,
which opened in 1971 as a memorial to President Kennedy. It’s a centre for drama,
opera, film and music. Other major theatres are Constitution Hall, the National Theatre,
Warner Theatre and Ford’s Theatre.
The majority of Universities in Washington are private, including Georgetown
University, the Catholic University of America, and Trinity college.
Тема «Канада».
Canada consists of almost all of the North American continent north of the US except
Alaska. Its total land area of more than 9 mln sq. km makes it the second largest country
in the world.
Canada’s topography is dominated by the Canadian Shield, an ice-scoured area
covering half the country. Most of northern Canada has sub-arctic or arctic climates,
with long cold winters lasting 8 to 11 month, short sunny summers, and little
precipitation. In contrast, the populated south has a variety of climatological landscapes.
The total population according to the 1981 census was about 24 mln people with an
average population density of 2,8 per sq. km.
English and French are the official languages of Canada and have equal status, rights
and privileges as to their use in all governmental institutions.
Canada is a federation of ten provinces and two northern territories.
The federal Parliament is made up of the House of Commons and the Senate. The leader
of the party that wins the largest number of seats in a newly elected House of Commons
is asked to form the government.
The civil law follows English common law everywhere except in Quebec, where it
follows the Napoleonic Code.
Canada is a world leader in the production of asbestos, nickel and other elements,
forestry products, and ranks first in the world in export of minerals. Although no longer
the foremost sector of the economy, agriculture is of major importance to the economy
as a whole. Canada is among the world’s leading wheat producers and is second in the
export of wheat.
Basically, Canada has a free-enterprise economy. A recurrent problem for Canada has
been the dominant position of US corporations and investors.
Early days in Canada.
Indians and Eskimos were the first settlers in Canada. They seem to have come to
Canada from Asia. Perhaps they crossed the narrow Bering Strait in boats.
The Vikings came to North America around AD 1000. Scientists believe they have
found the ruins of a Viking settlement on the northern part of Newfoundland.
After Columbus’s first voyage in 1492, the news of his discoveries spread across
Europe. Kings and merchants began to dream of the riches just across the sea. One of
these dreamers was also a very practical man, a sea captain named John Cabot. In 1497
he set sail in a small boat with his son Sebastian and seventeen other men. When they
sighted land, about seven weeks later, they thought they had reached Asia.
They returned home without gold, but during their voyage they found something
equally valuable – fish by the millions in the shallow waters to the south of the island of
Newfoundland. Their stories about the rich fishing grounds to the south of
Newfoundland interested many fishers from western Europe. Fishing became the first
important industry of Canada. It is still a valuable Canadian industry.