Ключи к Урок 9

Unit 9
Существительные с предлогами. Степени сравнения
прилагательных. Артикли. Говорение
Раздел 9
Lesson 9
Listening Practice
A. Listen to the dialogue and remember the notes below
Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями
каждого говорящего 1-6 и утверждениями, данными в списке A-G. Используйте
каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В
задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите
свои ответы в таблицу.
A. There will be restrictions for making the trip in future.
B. Language was the only problem during the trip.
C. The trip back to the airport was delayed due to poor weather conditions.
D. The speaker felt quite free and flexible on his tour.
E. The speaker stayed with a local family during the trip.
F. The speaker experienced some severe weather conditions during the trip.
G. The group was under control of the guide who gave required provisions and instructions.
Аудирование (скрипт + разъяснения)
Speaker 1
We visited Southern Spain in the first week of half term. The purpose of the trip was to enjoy the art and
architecture of the region, particularly the mediaeval Moorish influence. And, of course, to enjoy the taste of
Spanish food and society. Without a guide, but well supplied with guidebooks, we could really take our time and
enjoy the country. Organizing all our own sightseeing and meals gave us considerable flexibility, and not being
tied to a guide and a timetable turned out to be quite a bonus. Finally, we made out way back to the aiport by
taxi, train and bus. It was a highly successful trip in every way!
Жирным шрифтом выделены слова, которые выражают главную мысль текста. Говорящий утверждает,
что без гида они могли не спешить и наслаждаться страной (Without a guide… we could really take our time
and enjoy the country); они сами организовывали осмотр достопримечательностей (Organizing all our own
sightseeing); и не были привязаны к гиду (not being tied to a guide). Все это значит, что он чувствовал себя
свободно во время путешествия - The speaker felt quite free and flexible on his tour.
Speaker 2
Eight days of hiking in Marocco. Just imagine it. On the first day we met our guide. A local man with
dreadlocks. Actually he was a nice chap and very experienced. The days were filled with travelling. We started
the trek, and walked, with small ten minutes rest every hour, if we were lucky for about seven hours. At nights
we slept next to the river which was an extremely pleasant place. One night, though, we were shocked by the
monsoon style rain and hurricane. We enjoyed the Morroccan food. After eight days of the expedition we left
exausted and in tears.
В этом высказывании для ответа на вопрос нам нужно понять всего лишь одно предложение, которое так
легко потерять в этом рассказе. Девушка говорит, что одной ночью они были поражены сильным ливнем
и ураганом, что соответствует - The speaker experienced some severe weather conditions during the trip.
Ефремов А.А.
www.izenglish.ru – 2012 Сайт учителя английского языка
Speaker 3
Going to Berlin was a fantastic experience as it is truly the most diverse city in the world. Apart from the usual
tourist attractions there are plenty of other areas worth visiting. Also, I found the German people not to be as
serious and efficient as I thought they would be. They were very friendly and hospitable. It’s a shame that future
6 formers won’t have an oportunity to go on this exchange in future because our partner school is restricting it to
4th years.
Здесь важно понять последнее предложение. Он говорит о том, что шестиклассники не смогут совершить
такую поездку в следующем году, т.к. школа-партнер вводит ограничения до четвертого класса.
Несомненно, это сложное предложение, но для ответа вам может помочь глагол restrict (ограничивать),
однокоренной со словом restriction, которое есть в утверждении из списка. Итак, ответ - There will be
restrictions for making the trip in future.
Speaker 4
We spent three weeks travelling around South East Asia. On arrival the group was met by our chief guide, who
briefed us on the forthcoming trek and provided the necessary sleeping bags, carry mats and supplies. Next
morning we headed into the jungle first by minibus and then by boat. Our first port of call was the Canopy walk,
basically a rope walkway suspended between tress 40 foot above the ground. Then the group left the river and set
off on foot to explore the interior.
Говорящий рассказывает, что их группу встретил гид (on arrival the group was met by our chief guide),
снабдил необходимыми спальными мешками, матрасами и питанием (provided the necessary sleeping bags,
carry mats and supplies). Соответственно, ответ - The group was under control of the guide who gave required
provisions and instructions.
Speaker 5
This year I had decided to organize the work experience week in a different part of France and with a different
company. Indeed, though the week in Brittany had been a success every time, the main problem was in the
evening as the boys were all staying together and, therefore, speaking English. Trying to make them speak
French to each other, after having spent the day at their work placement trying to understand what was going on,
was a very difficult task.
В ключевых фразах речь идет о том, что говорящей было трудно заставить английских школьников
говорить друг с другом на французском во время поездки во Францию. Хотя, в общем, поездка всегда
была успешной (the week in Brittany had been a success every time). Т.е. Language was the only problem
during the trip.
Speaker 6
As we departed from Hampton, having been on the exchange before I thought that there wouldn’t be anything
new to me, except the language perhaps. As I found out over the next week France always has new experieces to
offer. The French host families were very kind and understaning while we spent the weekend with our hosts so
we felt as if we were back at home – well, apart from having to speak French, obviously! Our guides had planned
a range of excursions, including cultural, sporting and entertainment centers of the city.
Здесь важно понять выражение host family – гостевая семья, а также host - тот, кто принимает
гостей. Тогда по контексту можно понять или догадаться, что говорящая жила во французской семье
во время своего прибывания во Франции - The speaker stayed with a local family during the trip.
Nouns with prepositions
B. Complete the blanks with prepositions.
a description of
a failure in
a search for
a solution to
knowledge of/about
a rise in
sympathy for
a talent for
a taste of (flavor)
a taste for (liking)
a connection between/with
a decrease in
an increase in
Ефремов А.А.
a lack of
a reduction in
an advantage of
a demand for
a difference in smth
a difference of opinion
a difference between two
an intention of_ doing
an example of
an exception to
an opinion of /about / in
a question about
reaction to
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Examination Practice
C. Read the following sentences and complete them with prepositions.
The police released a description of the wanted woman.
There must be a solution to your problem.
“I’m a failure in life,” declared the famous actor to his adoring fans.
A final search for evidence at the scene of the crime proved fruitless.
Do you like the taste of pure chocolate more than that of Hershey’s?
A rise in inflation would have negative consequences for the country’s economy.
I didn’t like olive oil but I’ve developed a taste for it now that I’m living in Spain.
The lack of medical supplies made the doctor’s task even more difficult.
The President diplomatically labeled the crisis as a difference of opinions between the two nations.
The difference in price for the same product can vary considerably from store to store.
The difference between the rich and poor is staggering in most developing countries.
Most nouns form their plural in –s, but there are a lot of exceptions to this rule.
Examination Practice
Adjective: Degrees of Comparison
D. Complete the blanks with prepositions.
My father is heavy. My uncle is much heavier than my father.
The test in Geography was easy, but the test in Biology was easier.
Florida is sunny. Do you know the sunniest place in the USA?
Stan is a successful sportsman, but his sister is more successful than Stan.
My mother has a soft voice, but my teacher's voice is softer than my mother's.
Amy has a beautiful baby, but my daughter has the most beautiful baby on earth.
I live in a large family, but my grandfather lived in a larger family.
We have only little time for this exercise, but in the examination we'll have even less time.
Lucy is clever, but Carol is cleverer than Lucy.
Have you visited the old castle? It was the oldest castle we visited during our holidays.
Ефремов А.А.
www.izenglish.ru – 2012 Сайт учителя английского языка
Examination Practice
E. Choose the right answer.
1 Jack is _____ editor of ______ university newspaper.
a. an, a
b. the, the
Linda is _____ daughter of ______ famous singer.
a. -, a
b. -, the
c. the, -
c. the, a
____ Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from ______ France to _____ USA.
a. the, the, the
c. -, -, the
b. the, -, the
No one in _____ French class knew _____ correct answer to ____ Mr Johnson’s answer.
a. -, the, the
b. the, the, the
c. the/-, the, -
_____ Lake Erie is one of ______ five Great Lakes in _____ North America.
a. the, the, the
b. -, -, c. -, the, -
Speaking Practice
Раздел 5. (задания по говорению)
Task 1
Give a talk about your favourite school subject
Remember to say:
• what your favourite school subject is and why you like it
• what you do in the lessons
• whether your favourite subject is important for your future career or not
You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you
have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.
Ефремов А.А.
www.izenglish.ru – 2012 Сайт учителя английского языка