NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED Releasable to MD and ICI countries, Afghanistan, Australia, Iraq, Japan, The Republic of Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand and Pakistan NOTICE AC/98(EAPC)N(2015)0016 AC/23(EAPC)N(2015)0013 2 July 2015 CIVIL EMERGENCY PLANNING COMMITTEE (CEPC) CIVIL PROTECTION GROUP (CPG) IN EAPC FORMAT INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNATIONAL CBRN TRAINING CURRICULUM FOR TRAINERS OF FIRST RESPONDERS TO CBRN INCIDENTS Firefighters' Training School, Vilnius (the Republic of Lithuania) 24-28 August 2015 Note by the Head, Civil Preparedness 1. In the framework of the implementation of the Non-Binding Guidelines and Minimum Standards for First Responders to CBRN Incidents, please find enclosed an invitation to the International Course for trainers of first responders to CBRN incidents. The Course will take place from 24 to 28 August 2015 at the Firefighters’ Training School of the Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, in Vilnius, Lithuania. The working language during the course will be Russian. 2. Detailed information on the event is at Annex 1. The deadline for registration is Friday 24 July 2015. (Signed) Lorenz MEYER-MINNEMANN Annex 1: Annex 2: Annex 3: Annex 4: INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNATIONAL CBRN TRAINING CURRICULUM FOR TRAINERS OF FIRST RESPONDERS TO CBRN INCIDENTS REGISTRATION FORM PROGRAM FOR THE INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNATIONAL CBRN TRAINING CURRICULUM COURSE NATIONAL PRESENTATION TEMPLATE 4 Annexes Action Officer: Khan Jahier, ext 4984 Original: English NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED -1- NHQD9771 NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED Releasable to MD and ICI countries, Afghanistan, Australia, Iraq, Japan, The Republic of Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand and Pakistan ANNEX 1-MULTIREF AC/98(EAPC)N(2015)0016 INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNATIONAL CBRN TRAINING CURRICULUM FOR TRAINERS OF FIRST RESPONDERS TO CBRN INCIDENTS Firefighter's Training School Vilnius, the Republic of Lithuania 24-28 August 2015 General Information 1. The Non-Binding Guidelines and Minimum Standards for CBRN First Responders (NBG/MS) are a “package” of tools for first responders with regard to the planning for, and execution of responses to CBRN incidents. 2. The NBG/MS help to establish a common framework for international response to CBRN events and to enhance interoperability and cooperation of international response teams. The components of the NBG/MS are the Response Guidelines, the International CBRN Training Curriculum and the Advisory Support Team concept and modalities. Full information about the Non-Binding Guidelines and Minimum Standards project can be found on NATO public website at 3. The NBG/MS are entirely generic and designed to improve the national emergency preparedness and response arrangements and complement national training programmes, as well as to enhance civil-military cooperation during response to CBRN events. 4. The course is aimed at trainers/instructors that conduct training for response to CBRN events at the national and international level. 5. The courses are being held at the following five dedicated Regional Centres: the Centre for Crisis Management (CMC) in Kuopio, Finland, (2) the Joint CBRN Defence Centre of Excellence in Vyskov, Czech Republic, (3) the Professional Training Center in Montana, Republic of Bulgaria, (4) the Academy for Crisis Management, Emergency Planning and Civil Protection in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, Germany, (5) the Firefighters’ Training School of the Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania and (6) the Republican Study-Methodological Centre of the Civil Protection Committee for Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Objectives of the Course 6. The objectives of the course are to: 6.1. Familiarize the participants with the International CBRN Training Curriculum; NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED 1-1 NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED Releasable to MD and ICI countries, Afghanistan, Australia, Iraq, Japan, The Republic of Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand and Pakistan 6.2. ANNEX 1-MULTIREF AC/98(EAPC)N(2015)0016 Provide the participants with the knowledge and understanding required to implement the CBRN Training Curriculum within their own nation; 6.3. Ultimately, enhance interoperability among first responders in international response to CBRN events; 6.4. The course is expected to train already existing trainers to improve their knowledge and not to qualify the participants as trainers. Expected Outcomes 7. The expected outcomes of the course are that: 7.1. Participants are familiar with the International CBRN Training Curriculum; 7.2. Participants are prepared to deliver first responders training in line with the International CBRN Training Curriculum; 7.3. In addition, participants will be familiarised with other nations’ CBRN response arrangements. Participants’ Profile 8. Participants must: 8.1. be instructors of national civil protection training institutes and first responders organisations (civilian and military); 8.2. have concrete experience in fire and rescue, police or paramedic services, or similar activities (civilian and military) and with training activities in this field; 8.3. have experience in delivering CBRN training to first responders. 9. Participants should be familiar with the Non-Binding Guidelines and Minimum Standards project products prior to attending the course. Information can be obtained from NATO public website via the link mentioned in paragraph 2. 10. Each national representative will be expected to give a 5 to 10 minutes presentation on their national structures/capabilities. A template for this presentation will be provided in the joining instructions. A template for this presentation can be found in Annex 4. NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED 1-2 NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED Releasable to MD and ICI countries, Afghanistan, Australia, Iraq, Japan, The Republic of Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand and Pakistan ANNEX 1-MULTIREF AC/98(EAPC)N(2015)0016 Number of Participants 11. The total number of participants will be limited to 20. If the event is oversubscribed, the Firefighters’ Training School will aim to ensure a balanced course on the basis of knowledge, experience and national representation. Methodology 12. The course will be conducted both in classroom (lectures) and practical training sessions, and involve interactive participation and group discussions. The Course Venue 13. The course will take place at the Firefighters’ Training School, Vilnius, Lithuania. Vilnius is situated in the south-eastern part of the Republic of Lithuania. 14. Accommodation in single rooms and meals during the course will be provided at the FFTS’s training field near Vilnius. The accommodation is up to 25 EUR per night, including breakfast. Lunch and dinner will cost approximately 10 EUR per day in total. Only EUROs in cash will be accepted. 15. The welcome party, official and social dinner will be organized free of charge. Participation in these social events is not compulsory. 16. No tuition fee will be charged. There will be no ATM in the place where the training will be held or the accommodation provided. Please refer to the section on financial arrangements for further details for partner countries. 17. The Firefighters’ Training School will provide protective clothes and complete equipment for the practical training. Travel Arrangements 18. Participants are requested to make their own travel arrangements to Vilnius. However, transport between Vilnius Airport, Bus or Railway Station and the Firefighters’ Training School (the place of accommodation) in Vilnius will be arranged by the course organizers. NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED 1-3 NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED Releasable to MD and ICI countries, Afghanistan, Australia, Iraq, Japan, The Republic of Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand and Pakistan ANNEX 1-MULTIREF AC/98(EAPC)N(2015)0016 Registration and Visa Arrangements 19. A registration form can be found at Annex 2. The form should be forwarded no later than Friday 24 July 2015 to the below mentioned contact person: Ms Vaida Jasėnaitė Firefighters‘ Training School, Lithuania Chief Specialist Tel. 00 370 5 240 2802 E-mail: 20. Participants are requested to make their own arrangements with valid travel documents (visa, passports, etc.). Participants requiring a Letter of Invitation for visa arrangements should state this requirement in their registration form. The Firefighters’ Training School will arrange such letters, which will be sent to the requesting participant(s). Financial Arrangements 21. All costs for participation in the International Course for trainers of first responders to CBRN incidents will have to be paid by the participant or the sending nation. Financial Arrangements for eligible Partner and MD Countries 22. In the event that participants from eligible Partner and Mediterranean Dialogue countries may not be able to cover the costs for participation in the course, limited NATO funds are available to subsidise 100% of the costs for travel and accommodation (room, breakfast and taxes only). Funds are available for two participants only per eligible country. All other expenses (including per diem, meals, transportation from and to the airport or train station, hotel incidentals, etc.) will not be reimbursed. A policy for financial support regarding eligible partner participation in CEP-related events has been circulated at reference 1. Travel costs 23. According to new administrative procedures, plane/train/bus tickets can no longer be booked by funded participants. Therefore, participants are to send their proposed itinerary directly to the assistant who will check with the NATO travel agency to determine the best travel options. After receipt of the participant’s confirmation, the assistant will issue the ticket and will send it to the participant by e-mail. 1 AC/98(EAPC)N(2012)0010 NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED 1-4 NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED Releasable to MD and ICI countries, Afghanistan, Australia, Iraq, Japan, The Republic of Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand and Pakistan Accommodation and breakfast costs ANNEX 1-MULTIREF AC/98(EAPC)N(2015)0016 24. The cost of accommodation, including breakfast, will be settled directly by NATO. 25. All financial requests should be addressed no later than Friday 24 July 2015 to: Ms. Dominique Van Israël Civil Preparedness (CIVPREP) Operations Division NATO Headquarters B – 1110 Brussels Tel. +32 2 707 5117 Fax. +32 2 707 7900 E-mail: and copy to: Languages 26. The working language during the course will be Russian. Interpretation will not be provided. Course and Workshop Program 27. The program for the International Course for Trainers of First Responders to CBRN incidents is attached at Annex 3. NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED 1-5 NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED Releasable to MD and ICI countries, Afghanistan, Australia, Iraq, Japan, The Republic of Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand and Pakistan ANNEX 2-MULTIREF AC/98(EAPC)N(2015)0016 REGISTRATION FORM INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNATIONAL CBRN TRAINING CURRICULUM International Course for trainers of first responders to CBRN incidents Firefighters’ Training School, Vilnius (the Republic of Lithuania) 24-28 August 2015 Surname First name Post/Function Title (Dr., Mr. Ms.) Nationality Organisation Department Postal address: P.O. Box/Street City/Postal Code/Country Telephone Cellular E-mail Arrival in Vilnius: Date/Time/Flight number Departure from Vilnius Date/Time/Flight number Special requests Letter of invitation required? YES NO Please submit this registration by Friday 24 July 2015 to the following contact person: Vaida Jasėnaitė E-mail: or Fax: 00 370 5 240 28 04 NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED 2-1 NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED Releasable to MD and ICI countries, Afghanistan, Australia, Iraq, Japan, The Republic of Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand and Pakistan ANNEX 3-MULTIREF AC/98(EAPC)N(2015)0016 PROGRAM FOR THE INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNATIONAL CBRN TRAINING CURRICULUM COURSE PROGRAMME/SCHEDULE – OVERVIEW Arrival / in process: Sunday 23 August 2015 afternoon/evening Arrival / in process Monday 24 August 2015 09.00-12.00 Course begins Monday 24 August 2015 12.50 Ice-breaker Monday 24 August 2015 18.30-20.30 Course ends Friday 28 August 2015 12.00 Basic daily routine Morning training activities 08.30-12.30 Lunch Break 12.30-13.30 Afternoon training activities 13.30-16.30 Dinner 17.30-18.30 NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED 3-1 NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED Releasable to MD and ICI countries, Afghanistan, Australia, Iraq, Japan, The Republic of Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand and Pakistan ANNEX 3-MULTIREF AC/98(EAPC)N(2015)0016 List of the Curriculum Модули учебной программы 1. Understand the security context behind national and international CBRN preparedness and response. Понять контекст безопасности готовности и реагирования на ХБРЯ на национальном и международном уровнях. 2. Understand the methods employed to recognise a CBRN incident. Понять методы, используемые для распознавания инцидента с использованием ХБРЯ. 3. Understand protection of responders and safety of victims. Понять необходимость защиты сил быстрого реагирования и обеспечение безопасности потерпевших. 4. Understand the decontamination options at a CBRN incident. Понять методы дегазации и дезактивации на инцидентах с использованием ХБРЯ веществ. 5. Understand basic medical and psychological considerations in relation to CBRN incidents. Понять основные медицинские и психологические аспекты при работе на инцидентах с применением ХБРЯ веществ. 6. Understand the basic principles of the detection and sample taking. Понять основные принципы определения ХБРЯ веществ и отбора проб. 7. Understand the principles of command and control in relation to CBRN incidents. Понять принципы командования и управления на инцидентах с применением ХБРЯ веществ. 8. Understand the implications of bilateral or international assistance for local first responders. Понять последствия привлечения двухсторонней и многосторонней помощи для местных экстренных служб. 9. Understand some of the operational implications between civil-military interaction. Понять необходимость оперативного военно-гражданского взаимодействия. 10. Understand the capabilities and limitations of local crisis and consequence management structures and key services. Понять методы, возможности и структуру управления при ликвидации последствии локального кризиса. NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED 3-2 NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED Releasable to MD and ICI countries, Afghanistan, Australia, Iraq, Japan, The Republic of Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand and Pakistan ANNEX 3-MULTIREF AC/98(EAPC)N(2015)0016 1 Date Mon Понедельник No. Time Lesson 09:0010:00 In-processing, admin issues. Решение административных вопросов 12.0012.45 12:50 Lunch break Обед Photo Фото группы Introduction – Non-Binding Guidelines Project Overview Введение в курс. Обзор проекта необязательных руководящих принципов 1. Understand the security context behind national and international CBRN preparedness and response. Понять контекст безопасности готовности и реагирования на ХБРЯ на национальном и международном уровнях. Coffee Break Кофе-брейк 2. Understand the methods employed to recognise a CBRN incident. Понять методы, используемые для распознавания инцидента с использованием ХБРЯ. 13:0014:00 14:0015:00 15:0015:30 15:3016:30 18:3020:30 Ice-breaker Ужин «Ледокол» (знакомство слушателей курсов) NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED 3-3 Area Methods NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED Releasable to MD and ICI countries, Afghanistan, Australia, Iraq, Japan, The Republic of Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand and Pakistan ANNEX 3-MULTIREF AC/98(EAPC)N(2015)0016 08:3009:30 2 Tue Вторник 09:3010:15 10:1510:45 10:4511:45 11:4512:30 12:3013:30 13:0016:30 17:30 3. Understand protection of responders and safety of victims. Понять необходимость защиты сил быстрого реагирования и обеспечение безопасности потерпевших. 6. Understand the basic principles of the detection and sample taking. Понять основные принципы определения ХБРЯ веществ и отбора проб. Coffee Break Кофе-брейк 4. Understand the decontamination options at a CBRN incident. Понять методы дегазации и дезактивации на инцидентах с использованием ХБРЯ веществ. 5. Understand basic medical and psychological considerations in relation to CBRN incidents. Понять основные медицинские и психологические аспекты при работе на инцидентах с применением ХБРЯ веществ. Lunch break Обед Practical demonstration – ( Hot Zone Management, Detection, Decontamination, First Aid) Практические занятия – (Организация работ в «горячей зоне», обнаружение заражения, санитарная обработка, первая помощь пострадавшим). Dinner Ужин NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED 3-4 NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED Releasable to MD and ICI countries, Afghanistan, Australia, Iraq, Japan, The Republic of Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand and Pakistan ANNEX 3-MULTIREF AC/98(EAPC)N(2015)0016 08:3009:15 3 Wed Среда 09:1510:00 10:0010:30 10:3011:45 11:4512:30 12:3013:30 13:3014:15 National Presentation – Disaster Management and CBRN Response Capabilities of Host Nation Презентация Литовской Республики – Управление ликвидацией последствий катастроф и возможность Литовской Республики реагировать на катастрофы с применением ХБРЯ Student Presentations - Disaster Management and CBRN Response Capabilities (Each nation to provide 10-15min presentation) Презентации слушателей – Управление ликвидацией последствий катастроф и возможность реагирования на катастрофы с применением ХБРЯ (Каждая страна представляет 10-15 мин. презентацию) Coffee Break Кофе-брейк Student Presentations - Disaster Management and CBRN Response Capabilities (Each nation to provide 10-15min presentation) –CONT Презентации слушателей – Управление ликвидацией последствий катастроф и возможность реагирования на катастрофы с применением ХБРЯ (Каждая страна представляет 10-15 мин. презентацию)(продолжение) 9. Understand some of the operational implications between civil-military interaction. Понять необходимость оперативного военно-гражданского взаимодействия. Lunch Break Обед 8. Understand the implications of bilateral or international assistance for local first responders. Понять последствия привлечения двухсторонней и многосторонней помощи для местных экстренных служб. NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED 3-5 NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED Releasable to MD and ICI countries, Afghanistan, Australia, Iraq, Japan, The Republic of Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand and Pakistan ANNEX 3-MULTIREF AC/98(EAPC)N(2015)0016 14:1515:00 15:0015:30 15:3016:30 17:30 4 Thurs Четверг 08:3012:00 12:0013:00 13:0015:00 15:0015:30 15:3016:30 TBD 7. Understand the principles of command and control in relation to CBRN incidents. Понять принципы командования и управления на инцидентах с применением ХБРЯ веществ. Coffee Break Кофе-брейк Table Top Exercise (Command and Control – Bilateral/Multilateral assistance) Практические занятия (Командование и управление – двухсторонняя и многосторонняя помощь) Dinner Ужин Practical Training (Incorporating all aspects – C&C, HZM, Rescue, Detection, Decontamination, First Aid) Практические занятия (включающие все пройденные темы) Lunch Break Обед Practical Training – Continued Практические занятия (включающие все пройденные темы) Coffee Break Кофе-брейк Lessons identified, -reflection and exchange of view, Minimum standards / student national training systems. Полученные уроки – обмен мнениями о важности создания минимальных стандартов подготовки национальных кадров End of Course Dinner Официальный ужин окончания курса NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED 3-6 NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED Releasable to MD and ICI countries, Afghanistan, Australia, Iraq, Japan, The Republic of Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand and Pakistan 5 Fri Пятница ANNEX 3-MULTIREF AC/98(EAPC)N(2015)0016 08:3009:30 09:3010:00 10:0010:30 10:3011:30 11:30 12:0013:00 Course Evaluation Оценка курса Гипотетический взрыв «грязной» бомбы в городе (учебный фильм) Coffee Break Кофе-брейк Психологические последствия инцидентов с использованием ХБРЯ веществ Course closure Закрытие курса Lunch and Depart Обед и отбытие NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED 3-7 NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED Releasable to MD and ICI countries, Afghanistan, Australia, Iraq, Japan, The Republic of Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand and Pakistan ANNEX 4-MULTIREF AC/98(EAPC)N(2015)0016 National Presentation Template Minimum Standards and Non-Binding guidelines for First Responders regarding Planning, Training, Procedure and Equipment for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Incidents The International CBRN Training Curriculum Own Organisation – General Information: • • • • • Name. Location. Amount of Staff. Tasks. Other. Response to CBRN Events: • • Management Structure. CBRN tasks undertaken by your organisation and response times. Command Structure and Co-operation: • • Command Structure. Co-operation with other CBRN first responders. NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED 4-1