История истолкования романа Э. Бронте «Грозовой перевал» в

» (1847),
» (the Spectator) (18.12.1847)
» [1, c. 218]
» (the Athenaeum) (25.11.1847)
» (the Examiner) (01.1847)
» [1, c. 220].
», «
», «
», «
» [1, . 234].
» [4, c. 335].
» [1, . 225].
c. 354].
» [1, . 217].
» (the Literary World) (04.1848)
» [1, . 232].
» [1, . 247-248].
: «
» [2,
: 3, . 16].
» [1, . 221].
: «
1850 .
» [5, . 87].
» [6, . 307].
»: «
» [6, c. 306].
: 8, . 576].
, –
.: 4, c. 337].
» [10, c. 340-341].
: «
» [8, . 576].
» [6, c. 313].
. «
, «
» –
: 8, . 580].
» «
» [8, c. 580].
. «
» [6, c. 314]. «
» [6, c. 311].
. «
» [8, c. 580].
» [8, c. 582].
. [19].
:« .
.), «
» [22, c. 6].
, ,
.: 23].
.: 4, . 337].
. «
» [10, c. 335].
[25]. C.
» (
: «
» [26, c. 356-357].
» [26, . 356]. .
» [27, c.
The article deals with a history of interpretation of E. Bronte’s «Wuthering Heights» within the framework of a
biographic approach. The adherents of a biographic approach examine the biography and the personality of the writer (the alive,
concrete person) as the determining moments of creativity. The activity of critics promoted preservation of the facts about the
real and imagined world in which the writer lived. The specialists in literature have been trying to consider the following
questions: an authorship of «Wuthering Heights», a projection of the family and the personality of the author to characters of the
novel, remaking of real historic events in the events of «Wuthering Heights», interest of the author in the concrete historical
personalities, the certain kinds of activity, etc.
The value of biographic interpretations of «Wuthering Heights» is conclusive: the given interpretations allow critics to
establish the connection of the novel with an environment most close to the writer. The exaggeration of a role of the biographic
author conducts to subjectivity of research. Similar interpretation, focusing on events of a life of the writer, refuses it available
creative fiction. Biographic interpretations were the first critical experience of studying of E. Bronte’s «Wuthering Heights» and
have created preconditions for the further studying of the novel within the framework of other approaches: cultural - historical,
comparative-historical, sociological, psychological, etc.
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. – ., 1990. – . 356 – 358.
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» «
» (1916) / .
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, . 9, 230003.
74-97-86; 939-82-88; 689-69-10.
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09. 04. 09.