HYDRAULIC TRUCK-MOUNTED CRANES Éˉp‡‚΢ÂÒÍË Íp‡Ì˚ χÌËÔÛÎ ÚÓp˚ hydrauliczne żurawie samochodowe The business unit PM was established in 1959 in Modena, first Italian truck mounted crane manufacturer, and was called “Precisione Meccanica S.r.l.”. After few years its name was changed in “Autogru PM S.p.A.”. Starting from the 70s, the company has acquired an industrial status, and, especially over the last decade, it has constantly extended its range - now boasting 45 series and more than 350 models – and has invested heavily in technological research and innovation in order to optimize productive phases and assure certified product quality. Over the first months of 2002, a group of entrepreneurs, with B&S Private Equity acquired 100% of Autogru PM’s share capital in order to optimize company performance and accelerate its growth. Ç Ì‡˜‡Î 2002, „ÛÔÔ‡ Ô‰ÔËÌËχÚÂÎÂÈ Ò Û˜‡ÒÚËÂÏ B&S Private Equity ÔËÓ·ÂÎË 100% ‡ÍˆËÈ Autogru PM S.p.A. ˜ÚÓ·˚ Ô‚‡ÚËÚ¸ Âfi ‚ Ö‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍÓ„Ó Îˉ‡ ÔÓ ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Û Í‡Ì Ï‡ÌËÔÛÎflÚÓÓ‚. äÓÏÔ‡ÌËfl Precisione Meccanica S.r.l. (PM) ·˚· Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡Ì‡ ‚ 1959 „Ó‰Û ‚ „ÓӉ åÓ‰Â̇ ̇ ë‚ àÚ‡ÎËË. óÂÂÁ ÌÂÒÍÓθÍÓ ÎÂÚ Ì‡Á‚‡ÌË ·˚ÎÓ ËÁÏÂÌÂÌÓ Ì‡ “Autogru PM S.p.A”. 燘Ë̇fl Ò 70ı „Ó‰Ó‚ ÔÓ¯ÎÓ„Ó ‚Â͇ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËfl ‰ÓÒÚ˄· Ë̉ÛÒÚˇθÌÓ„Ó ÒÚ‡ÚÛÒ‡, ÏÌÓ„Ó ËÌ‚ÂÒÚËÛfl ‚ ËÌÌÓ‚‡ˆËË Ë ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ˜ÚÓ·˚ ‰ÓÒÚ˘¸ ÒÂÚËÙˈËÓ‚‡ÌÌÓ„Ó Í‡˜ÂÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ‰Û͈ËË. ë„ӉÌfl ÏÓ‰ÂθÌ˚È fl‰ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË ÒÓÒÚÓËÚ ËÁ 45 ÒÂËÈ, ‡ ˝ÚÓ ·ÓΠ350 ÏÓ‰ÂÎÂÈ. Swiss Aust Trentino e sta Friul Lombardia monte Veneto Modena Liguria Ligurian Sea Emilia Romagna Mar Toscana Umbria Corsica Now PM exports the 70% of the production to more than 100 countries all over the World. In markets of greater interest, it is present with direct sales branches, in order to obtain greater control of the sales network. Its 6 branches are located in: the US, UK, France, Spain, Argentina, Russia, Germany, Asia Pacific and Chile PM Group has 7 production facilities ( 6 in Italy and 1 in Romania ) covering 130,000 sqm, over 62,000 sqm indoor, housing its own R&D department, painting process, production workshops and testing area. A Lazio ë„ӉÌfl êå ˝ÍÒÔÓÚËÛÂÚ ‰Ó 70% ÔÓ‰Û͈ËË ‚ ·ÓΠ˜ÂÏ 100 ÒÚ‡Ì ‚Ó ‚ÒfiÏ ÏËÂ. ç‡ Ì‡Ë·ÓΠÔÂÒÔÂÍÚË‚Ì˚ı ˚Ì͇ı ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËfl Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ÎÂ̇ ÚÓ„Ó‚˚ÏË Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂθÒÚ‚‡ÏË Ò ÚÂÏ ˜ÚÓ·˚ ·˚Ú¸ ‚ ÚÂÒÌÓÏ ÍÓÌÚ‡ÍÚÂ Ò Ô‡ÚÌfi‡ÏË Ë ÓÔ‡ÚË‚ÌÓ„Ó Â‡„ËÓ‚‡Ú¸ ̇ ÔÓÊ·ÌËfl ‰ËÎÂÓ‚. íÓ„Ó‚˚ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂθÒÚ‚‡ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË Ì‡ıÓ‰flÚ¸Òfl ‚ ëòÄ, ÇÂÎËÍÓ·ËÚ‡ÌËË, î‡ÌˆËË, àÒÔ‡ÌËË, êÓÒÒËË, ÉÂχÌËË, Ä„ÂÌÚËÌÂ, óËÎË, ‡ Ú‡Í Ê ‚ ÄÁËË Ë íËıÓÓ͇ÌÒÍÓÏ Â„ËÓÌÂ. PM Group ËÏÂÂÚ 7 ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÔÎÓ˘‡‰ÓÍ (6 ‚ àÚ‡ÎËË Ë 1 ‚ êÛÏ˚ÌËË) Ó·˘ÂÈ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰¸˛ 130000 Í‚.Ï., ËÁ ÍÓÚÓ˚ı 62000 Í‚.Ï. ‚ Á‡Í˚Ú˚ı ÔÓÏ¢ÂÌËflı. äÓÏÔ‡ÌËfl ‡ÒÔÓ·„‡ÂÚ ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚Ï ËÒÒΉӂ‡ÚÂθÒÍËÏ ˆÂÌÚÓÏ Ò ÓÚ‰ÂÎÓÏ ËÌÌÓ‚‡ˆËÓÌÌ˚ı ‡Á‡·ÓÚÓÍ, ÔÓ͇ÒÓ˜Ì˚Ï ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒÓÏ Ë ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÓÏ ÏÂÚ‡ÎÎÓÍÓÌÒÚÛ͈ËÈ, ‡ Ú‡Í Ê ÚÂÒÚÓ‚ÓÈ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰ÍÓÈ. PM guarantees an extensive and prompt spare parts availability for any model of crane throughout the world. Even for models that have been out of production for 10-20 years. PM can count on a warehouse of considerable dimensions (more than 20% of the total area of the plant) and the availability of over 14,000 items listed in a spare parts catalogue that constitutes a reference tool for Authorised Workshops. êå „‡‡ÌÚËÛÂÚ Ì‡Î˘Ë Á‡Ô‡ÒÌ˚ı ˜‡ÒÚÂÈ ‰Îfl β·˚ı ÏÓ‰ÂÎÂÈ Í‡ÌÓ‚ χÌËÔÛÎflÚÓÓ‚ ˝ÍÒÔÎÛ‡ÚËÛ˛˘ËıÒfl ‚Ó ‚ÒfiÏ ÏËÂ, ‰‡Ê ÚÂı ˜ÚÓ ÔÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌ˚ 10-20 ÎÂÚ Ì‡Á‡‰. ëÍ·‰ Á‡Ô‡ÒÌ˚ı ˜‡ÒÚÂÈ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ÎflÂÚ ·ÓΠ20% ÓÚ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚‡ Ë ‚ ̇΢ËË ‚Ò„‰‡ ·ÓΠ14000 ÔÓÁˈËÈ Òӄ·ÒÌÓ Í‡Ú‡ÎÓ„‡Ï Á‡Ô‡ÒÌ˚ı ˜‡ÒÚÂÈ Ì‡ ‚ÂÒ¸ ÏÓ‰ÂθÌ˚È fl‰ äåì. ùÚÓ fl‚ÎflÂÚÒfl ˝ÙÙÂÍÚË‚Ì˚Ï ËÌÒÚÛÏÂÌÚÓÏ ‰Îfl ‡·ÓÚ˚ Ä‚ÚÓËÁÓ‚‡ÌÌ˚ı ë‚ËÒÌ˚ı ñÂÌÚÓ‚. Russia UK Germany France Spain North America Asia Pacific åËÓ‚‡fl ÒÂÚ¸ ‰ËÒÚË·ÛˆËË: å˚ ˝ÍÒÔÓÚËÛÂÏ ‚ ·ÓΠ˜ÂÏ 100 ÒÚ‡Ì Ë Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌ˚ 6 ‰Ó˜ÂÌËÏË ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËflÏË Á‡ ԉ·ÏË àÚ‡ÎËË Cile Argentina èÂÂÏ¢‡fl Ò Ï‡ÍÒËχθÌÓÈ ÒËÎÓÈ CERTIFIED QUALITY PAINTING SYSTEM ÒÂÚËÙˈËÓ‚‡Ì̇fl ÒËÒÚÂχ ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚‡ Ó͇ÒÍË 3 YEARS OF WARRANTY ON THE STRUCTURAL PARTS 3 „Ó‰‡ „‡‡ÌÚËË Ì‡ ÏÂÚ‡ÎÎÓÍÓÌÒÚÛ͈ËË EN12999: IN ACCORDANCE TO THE EU SAFETY STANDARD PM Group S.p.A. is quality certified ISO 9001, VISION 2000 Company Quality Certification; Our cranes comply with CE standards in conformity of the EN 12999, the most strict safety rules in our field, and they are certified under Russian Gosstandard. EN12999: Ç ÒÓÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚ËË ÒÓ Òڇ̉‡Ú‡ÏË ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚË Öë ç‡¯Ë Í‡Ì˚ ÒÓÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚Û˛Ú Ú·ӂ‡ÌËflÏ ëÖ Òڇ̉‡ÚÓ‚ EN 12999, ̇˷ÓΠÊÂÒÚÍËÏ Ú·ӂ‡ÌËflÏ ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚË ‚ ̇¯ÂÈ Ó·Î‡ÒÚË, ‡ Ú‡Í Ê ËÏÂÂÚ ëÂÚËÙËÍ‡Ú ëÓÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚Ëfl ÉÓÒÒڇ̉‡Ú‡ êÓÒÒËË. 2.8 3.6 2822 2823 3622 3623 1 Kg 10 Kg Kg 8 Kg 8 8 8 6 6 6 4 4 4 315 400 590 2 2 990 525 990 6 500 385 465 4 800 2 445 830 990 735 700 0 0 990 570 0 0 -2 -2 -2 -2 0 2 4 tm 2822 2823 2,4 2,4 6 OIL 0 l/min Mpa 12 12 330 2 23 23 2 ° 360 360 kg. 4 6 0 ST 2 4 tm 425 1800 1540 500 450 1800 1540 500 3622 3623 2,9 2,8 Manual flip up outriggers Max. capacity from horizontal to vertical ÄÛÚË„Â˚ Ò Û˜Ì˚Ï Ô‚ÓÓÚÓÏ ÓÔÓÌ˚ı ˆËÎË̉ӂ å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ̇ ÔÓÎÌÓÈ ‡ÏÔÎËÚۉ 6 OIL 0 l/min Mpa 12 12 25 25 2 ° kg. 360 360 4 6 ST 455 1880 1605 500 480 1880 1605 500 Trucking Crane Combination 퇷Îˈ‡ ÂÍÓÏẨÛÂÏ˚ı ¯‡ÒÒË ‚ Á‡‚ËÒËÏÓÒÚË ÓÚ ÒÂËË Í‡Ì‡ PTT/GVW 2.8 PTT/GVW 3.6 3,5 ton 3,5 ton 5,0 ton 5,0 ton 6,0 ton 6,0 ton 6,5 ton 6,5 ton 7,5 ton 7,5 ton 8,0 ton 8,0 ton 10,0 ton 10,0 ton 12,0 ton 12,0 ton 13,5 ton 13,5 ton 15,0 ton 15,0 ton 18,0 ton 18,0 ton 19,0 ton 19,0 ton 26,0 ton 26,0 ton 32,0 ton 32,0 ton 2 outriggers STD ëڇ̉‡ÚÌ˚ ‡ÛÚË„Â˚ 4 6 4021 4022 6021 Kg 6022 Kg 8 Kg 10 8 Kg 8 8 6 6 6 1500 6 1400 4 4 990 780 4 990 4 560 750 1070 2 2 2 1010 1750 1750 0 730 1500 1585 2 0 2675 0 2675 0 2 4 tm 4021 4022 0 3,9 3,8 OIL l/min Mpa 10 10 24,5 24,5 0 2 ° kg. 360 360 4 6 -2 0 2 4 ST tm 530 2035 1830 600 570 2035 1830 600 5,3 5,3 6021 6022 Available up to 4 hydraulic extensions OIL 0 l/min Mpa 20 20 27,5 27,5 2 ° 390 390 kg. 4 6 ST 728 2290 1985 700 775 2290 1985 700 Trucking Crane Combination 퇷Îˈ‡ ÂÍÓÏẨÛÂÏ˚ı ¯‡ÒÒË ‚ Á‡‚ËÒËÏÓÒÚË ÓÚ ÒÂËË Í‡Ì‡ ÑÓ 4 „ˉ‡‚΢ÂÒÍËı ÒÂ͈ËÈ ÚÂÎÂÒÍÓÔËÓ‚‡ÌËfl ÒÚÂÎ˚ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌ˚ PTT/GVW Manual tilting outriggers 3,5 ton ÄÛÚË„Â˚ Ò Û˜Ì˚Ï Ô‚ÓÓÚÓÏ ÓÔÓÌ˚ı ˆËÎË̉ӂ 5,0 ton Max. capacity from horizontal to vertical å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ̇ ÔÓÎÌÓÈ ‡ÏÔÎËÚۉ 2 outriggers STD ëڇ̉‡ÚÌ˚ ‡ÛÚË„Â˚ 6,5 ton 7,5 ton 6,0 ton 8,0 ton 6,5 ton 10,0 ton 7,5 ton 12,0 ton 8,0 ton 10,0 ton Max. nominal capacity with fixed hook å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl ÌÓÏË̇θ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ‚ ÒÚ‡Ú˘ÂÒÍÓÏ ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌËË, Í˛Í ‚ ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ÌËË ÒÚÂÎ˚ PTT/GVW 4 2 outriggers XL òËÓÍË ‡ÛÚË„Â˚ 13,5 ton 15,0 ton 12,0 ton 18,0 ton 13,5 ton 19,0 ton 15,0 ton 26,0 ton 18,0 ton 19,0 ton 26,0 ton 32,0 ton 32,0 ton 4 outriggers 2 Ô‡˚ ‡ÛÚË„ÂÓ‚ 6 8 9 8022 - 8022 LC 8021 Kg 8 9021 Kg 9022 - 9022 LC 10 Kg 8 2320 8 6 2150 6 2350 4 890 1830 2 2710 3200 1060 2 2650 0 2710 1400 2 1315 3100 4 1550 2 1235 6 4 4 1930 2135 2850 6 2050 10 Kg 8 4380 0 4000 2600 4380 0 0 4000 -2 -2 0 2 tm 8021 8022 6,7 6,5 0 4 OIL l/min Mpa ° 20 27,5 20 27,5 400 400 2 kg. 6 0 ST LC ä‡Ì˚ êå ‚ ‚ÂÒËË LC ËÏÂÂÚ ‚ÌÂ¯Ì˛˛ „ˉ‡‚΢ÂÒÍË Á‡‰‚Ë„‡ÂÏÛ˛ ÒÚÂÎÛ, ÍÓÚÓ‡fl ÔÓÁ‚ÓÎflÂÚ ‡·ÓÚ‡Ú¸ Ò „ÛÁÓÏ ‚·ÎËÁË ÍÓÎÓÌÌ˚ Ë Ó·‡·‡Ú˚‚‡Ú¸ ÚflÊÂÎ˚Â Ë ÍÛÔÌÓ„‡·‡ËÚÌ˚ „ÛÁ˚ 2 tm 870 - 2325 1900 710 925 980 2325 1900 710 PM crane in LC version, with first hydraulic retractable boom, optimizes the load positioning close to the column, and makes easy the placement of heavy and bulky loads. Available up to 4 hydraulic extensions 4 9021 9022 4 OIL 8,8 8,5 Only with LC version íÓθÍÓ ‚ ‚ÂÒËË LC Manual tilting outriggers ÄÛÚË„Â˚ Ò Û˜Ì˚Ï Ô‚ÓÓÚÓÏ ÓÔÓÌ˚ı ˆËÎË̉ӂ 0 l/min Mpa ° 30 26,5 30 26,5 400 400 2 kg. 4 6 ST LC 1054 - 2390 1985 680 1138 1188 2390 1985 680 Max. capacity from horizontal to vertical å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ̇ ÔÓÎÌÓÈ ‡ÏÔÎËÚۉ Max. nominal capacity with fixed hook å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl ÌÓÏË̇θ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ‚ ÒÚ‡Ú˘ÂÒÍÓÏ ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌËË, Í˛Í ‚ ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ÌËË ÒÚÂÎ˚ Trucking Crane Combination 퇷Îˈ‡ ÂÍÓÏẨÛÂÏ˚ı ¯‡ÒÒË ‚ Á‡‚ËÒËÏÓÒÚË ÓÚ ÒÂËË Í‡Ì‡ ÑÓ 4 „ˉ‡‚΢ÂÒÍËı ÒÂ͈ËÈ ÚÂÎÂÒÍÓÔËÓ‚‡ÌËfl ÒÚÂÎ˚ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌ˚ PTT/GVW Jib with 1 and 2 extensions on 2 extensions crane version ÉÛÒfiÍ Ò 1 ËÎË 2 ÒÂ͈ËflÏË ÚÂÎÂÒÍÓÔËÓ‚‡ÌËfl ̇ ÓÒÌÓ‚ÌÓÈ ÒÚÂÎÂ Ò 2 „ˉ‡‚΢ÂÒÍËÏË ÒÂ͈ËflÏË 8 PTT/GVW 8,0 ton 10,0 ton 10,0 ton 12,0 ton 12,0 ton 13,5 ton 13,5 ton 15,0 ton 15,0 ton 18,0 ton 18,0 ton 19,0 ton 19,0 ton 26,0 ton 26,0 ton 32,0 ton 32,0 ton 9 11 PM crane in LC version, with first hydraulic retractable boom, optimizes the load positioning close to the column, and makes easy the placement of heavy and bulky loads. Available up to 5 hydraulic extensions ÑÓ 5 „ˉ‡‚΢ÂÒÍËı ÒÂ͈ËÈ ÚÂÎÂÒÍÓÔËÓ‚‡ÌËfl ÒÚÂÎ˚ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌ˚ ä‡Ì˚ êå ‚ ‚ÂÒËË LC ËÏÂÂÚ ‚ÌÂ¯Ì˛˛ „ˉ‡‚΢ÂÒÍË Á‡‰‚Ë„‡ÂÏÛ˛ ÒÚÂÎÛ, ÍÓÚÓ‡fl ÔÓÁ‚ÓÎflÂÚ ‡·ÓÚ‡Ú¸ Ò „ÛÁÓÏ ‚·ÎËÁË ÍÓÎÓÌÌ˚ Ë Ó·‡·‡Ú˚‚‡Ú¸ ÚflÊÂÎ˚Â Ë ÍÛÔÌÓ„‡·‡ËÚÌ˚ „ÛÁ˚ Manual tilting outriggers ÄÛÚË„Â˚ Ò Û˜Ì˚Ï Ô‚ÓÓÚÓÏ ÓÔÓÌ˚ı ˆËÎË̉ӂ 11021 - 11021 LC 11022 - 11022 LC 11023 - 11023 LC Kg Kg Kg 10 12 8 2815 10 2650 8 3500 2490 3250 6 8 3100 6 6 4 4 1840 4 1230 1605 2 2 2 1125 1715 0 4300 5350 0 4300 5300 0 4300 5350 880 -2 -2 -4 0 2 4 6 0 Max. capacity from horizontal to vertical å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ̇ ÔÓÎÌÓÈ ‡ÏÔÎËÚۉ 2 4 6 8 Max. nominal capacity with fixed hook å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl ÌÓÏË̇θ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ‚ ÒÚ‡Ú˘ÂÒÍÓÏ ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌËË, Í˛Í ‚ ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ÌËË ÒÚÂÎ˚ 11021 11022 11023 11,1 10,7 10,3 OIL l/min Mpa ° 30 30 30 27,5 27,5 27,5 400 400 400 kg. ST LC 1265 1350 1436 1345 1430 1518 2410 2410 2410 2068 2068 2068 780 780 780 2 4 6 8 10 Trucking Crane Combination 퇷Îˈ‡ ÂÍÓÏẨÛÂÏ˚ı ¯‡ÒÒË ‚ Á‡‚ËÒËÏÓÒÚË ÓÚ ÒÂËË Í‡Ì‡ PTT/GVW Only with LC version íÓθÍÓ ‚ ‚ÂÒËË LC tm 0 15,0 ton 26,0 ton 12,0 ton 18,0 ton 32,0 ton 13,5 ton 19,0 ton 11 2 outriggers STD ëڇ̉‡ÚÌ˚ ‡ÛÚË„Â˚ 2 outriggers XL òËÓÍË ‡ÛÚË„Â˚ 4 outriggers 2 Ô‡˚ ‡ÛÚË„ÂÓ‚ 14 Stabilizers with manual and hydraulic extension, extendable up to 6 m ÄÛÚË„Â˚ Ò Û˜Ì˚Ï Ë „ˉ‡‚΢ÂÒÍËÏ ‚˚‰‚ËÊÂÌËÂÏ ·‡ÎÓÍ ÓÔÓ, ‰Ó 6 Ï Up to 5 hydraulic extensions available ÑÓ 5 „ˉ‡‚΢ÂÒÍËı ÒÂ͈ËÈ ÚÂÎÂÒÍÓÔËÓ‚‡ÌËfl ÒÚÂÎ˚ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌ˚ Jib with 2 extensions on 3 extension crane version ÉÛÒfiÍ Ò 2 ÒÂ͈ËflÏË ÚÂÎÂÒÍÓÔËÓ‚‡ÌËfl ̇ ÓÒÌÓ‚ÌÓÈ ÒÚÂÎÂ Ò 3 „ˉ‡‚΢ÂÒÍËÏË ÒÂ͈ËflÏË 14024 14023 14022 12 16 14 Kg Kg Kg 14 12 10 2300 12 2500 10 8 2200 10 2740 8 2640 2950 8 6 6 4 4 4 1550 1380 1450 2 2 1920 2050 0 7000 6 0 4300 7000 2 1050 1840 1130 850 0 4300 7000 -2 4300 -2 -4 -2 -4 0 2 4 6 8 0 Max. capacity from horizontal to vertical å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ̇ ÔÓÎÌÓÈ ‡ÏÔÎËÚۉ 2 4 6 8 10 Max. nominal capacity with fixed hook å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl ÌÓÏË̇θ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ‚ ÒÚ‡Ú˘ÂÒÍÓÏ ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌËË, Í˛Í ‚ ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ÌËË ÒÚÂÎ˚ -6 0 14022 14023 14024 13,4 12,6 12,4 OIL l/min Mpa ° 30 30 30 29,5 29,5 29,5 400 400 400 kg. ST LC 1880 1990 2080 2030 2140 2230 2410 2410 2450 2220 2220 2220 860 860 860 4 6 8 10 12 Trucking Crane Combination 퇷Îˈ‡ ÂÍÓÏẨÛÂÏ˚ı ¯‡ÒÒË ‚ Á‡‚ËÒËÏÓÒÚË ÓÚ ÒÂËË Í‡Ì‡ PTT/GVW tm 2 14 19,0 ton 15,0 ton 26,0 ton 18,0 ton 32,0 ton 2 outriggers STD ëڇ̉‡ÚÌ˚ ‡ÛÚË„Â˚ 2 outriggers XL òËÓÍË ‡ÛÚË„Â˚ 4 outriggers 2 Ô‡˚ ‡ÛÚË„ÂÓ‚ 16 VERSION WITH 7 EXTENSIONS Maximum hydraulic extension of over 19 m in horizontal position and 23 m in vertical position. FRONT COUPLINGS ON CYLINDERS Direct coupling of pipes, without bends. A guarantee against oil leaks and of high mechanical safety. îêéçíÄãúçéÖ ëéÖÑàçÖçàÖ çÄ ñàãàçÑêÄï çÂÔÓÒ‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ ÔflÏÓ ÒÓ‰ËÌÂÌË „ˉÓÎËÌËÈ Ò ˆËÎË̉‡ÏË ·ÂÁ ËÁ„Ë·Ó‚, „‡‡ÌÚËfl ÔÓÚË‚ Ú˜ÂÈ Ë ‚˚ÒÓ͇fl ÏÂı‡Ì˘ÂÒ͇fl ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚ¸ ÄÅëéãûíçÄü àççéÇÄñàü ÇÖêëàü ë 7 ëÖäñàüåà ëíêÖãõ å‡ÍÒËχθÌÓ „ˉ‡‚΢ÂÒÍÓ ‚˚‰‚ËÊÂÌË ÒÚÂÎ˚ ‰Ó 19 Ï ÔÓ „ÓËÁÓÌÚ‡ÎË Ë ‰Ó 23 Ï ÔÓ ‚ÂÚË͇ÎË SLIDING PADS TO GUIDE AND SLIDE THE EXTENSION BOOMS Made of highly resistant materials. Externally fitted sliding pads guarantee easy maintenance. èãÄëíàçõ ëäéãúÜÖçàü Ñãü çÄèêÄÇãÖçàü à éÅãÖÉóÖçàü ëäéãúÜÖçàü ëÖäñàâ ëíêÖãõ ë‰Â·Ì˚ ËÁ ÔÓÚË‚ÓËÁ̇¯Ë‚‡˛˘ËıÒfl χÚ¡ÎÓ‚ ç‡ÛÊÌÓÈ ÍÂÔÎÂÌË Ô·ÒÚËÌ ÒÍÓθÊÂÌËfl ӷ΄˜‡ÂÚ Ó·ÒÎÛÊË‚‡ÌË CDS LOW PRESSURE CONTROL SAFETY VALVES* Totally accurate movements and no oscillations. CAST IRON ROTATION UNIT: structural optimisation of the rotation unit for intensive uses and a high number of cycles, with the possibility of oil bath lubrication. ãàíéâ ìáÖã åÖïÄçàáåÄ èéÇéêéíÄ: ÒÚÛÍÚÛ̇fl ÓÔÚËÏËÁ‡ˆËfl ÏÂı‡ÌËÁχ ÔÓ‚ÓÓÚ‡ ‰Îfl ËÌÚÂÌÒË‚ÌÓÈ ˝ÍÒÔÎÛ‡Ú‡ˆËË Ë ·Óθ¯Ó„Ó ÍÓ΢ÂÒÚ‚‡ ˆËÍÎÓ‚ Ò ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸˛ ÔËÏÂÌÂÌËfl χÒÎflÌÓÈ ‚‡ÌÌ˚ ‰Îfl ÒχÁÍË ¯ÂÒÚÂfi̘‡ÚÓÈ Ô‡˚ äÎ‡Ô‡Ì CDS ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌËfl ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚ¸˛ ÌËÁÍÓ„Ó ‰‡‚ÎÂÌËfl* Ä·ÒÓβÚÌÓ Ô·‚Ì˚ ‰‚ËÊÂÌËfl ·ÂÁ ÍÓη‡ÌËÈ *íÓθÍÓ Ò „·‚Ì˚Ï „ˉӇÒÔ‰ÂÎËÚÂÎÂÏ ÍÓÏÔÂÌÒËÓ‚‡ÌÌÓ„Ó ÚËÔ‡ 16 16022 16023 0 10’ 20’ 0 16024 10’ 20’ 30’ 0 10’ 20’ 30’ 40’ 14 kg ft 40’ 10 16 50’ kg ft kg ft 12 14 30’ 40’ 12 10 8 30’ 10 8 20’ 30’ 6 8 20’ 6 20’ 4 7900 17420 10’ 4 3760 6085 4 7800 17200 10’ 1930 4255 2 4700 10365 2550 5625 0 0 2 4 6 20’ 30’ 4500 9925 0 8 0 2 2 2400 5295 4 1390 3060 6 0 8 10’ 0 40’ 4300 9480 0 10 3400 7500 1000 2 2205 1660 3660 7700 16980 0 16026 16025 0 1790 3950 7800 17200 0 7700 16980 10’ 3580 7895 7900 17420 6 2 2260 4985 1260 2780 0 4 6 8 10 12 20’ 30’ 40’ 50’ 60’ 16027 10’ 20’ 30’ 40’ 50’ 0 10’ 20 60’ kg ft kg kg 18 60’ f 70’ 22 t 18 20 16 16 50’ 60’ 18 50’ 14 14 16 50’ 40’ 12 40’ 40’ 10 30’ 14 12 12 10 30’ 10 8 8 30’ 8 20’ 6 20’ 6 20’ 4 7600 16760 10’ 7600 16760 0 3250 7170 4100 9040 0 2 4 1540 3400 2130 4700 6 1140 2515 8 10 2 710 1570 12 7500 16535 10’ 890 1965 0 14 7500 16535 0 3090 6815 3880 8555 0 Max. capacity from horizontal to vertical å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ̇ ÔÓÎÌÓÈ ‡ÏÔÎËÚۉ 2 4 1420 3135 2000 4410 6 780 1720 500 1105 2 1030 2275 8 10 610 1345 12 14 0 16 Max. nominal capacity with fixed hook å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl ÌÓÏË̇θ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ‚ ÒÚ‡Ú˘ÂÒÍÓÏ ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌËË, Í˛Í ‚ ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ÌËË ÒÚÂÎ˚ 16522 16523 16524 15,8 15,4 15,0 OIL 4 10’ 7400 16315 7400 16315 0 l/min Mpa ° 40 40 40 27,5 27,5 27,5 400 400 400 kg. ST LC 1990 2100 2220 2110 2220 2340 2445 2445 2445 2220 2220 2220 880 880 880 3000 6615 3750 8270 0 2 4 1350 2980 1930 4255 6 710 1570 960 2120 8 10 440 975 540 1195 12 14 2 370 820 16 18 Trucking Crane Combination 퇷Îˈ‡ ÂÍÓÏẨÛÂÏ˚ı ¯‡ÒÒË ‚ Á‡‚ËÒËÏÓÒÚË ÓÚ ÒÂËË Í‡Ì‡ PTT/GVW Only with LC version íÓθÍÓ ‚ ‚ÂÒËË LC tm 6 4 16 PTT/GVW 18,0 ton 26,0 ton 19,0 ton 32,0 ton 2 outriggers STD ëڇ̉‡ÚÌ˚ ‡ÛÚË„Â˚ 16 2 outriggers XL òËÓÍË ‡ÛÚË„Â˚ 4 outriggers 2 Ô‡˚ ‡ÛÚË„ÂÓ‚ 0 19 VERSION WITH 7 EXTENSIONS Maximum hydraulic extension of over 19 m in horizontal position and 23 m in vertical position. ÄÅëéãûíçÄü àççéÇÄñàü ÇÖêëàü ë 7 ëÖäñàüåà ëíêÖãõ å‡ÍÒËχθÌÓ „ˉ‡‚΢ÂÒÍÓ ‚˚‰‚ËÊÂÌË ÒÚÂÎ˚ ‰Ó 19 Ï ÔÓ „ÓËÁÓÌÚ‡ÎË Ë ‰Ó 23 Ï ÔÓ ‚ÂÚË͇ÎË SLIDING PADS TO GUIDE AND SLIDE THE EXTENSION BOOMS Made of highly resistant materials. Externally fitted sliding pads guarantee easy maintenance. èãÄëíàçõ ëäéãúÜÖçàü Ñãü çÄèêÄÇãÖçàü à éÅãÖÉóÖçàü ëäéãúÜÖçàü ëÖäñàâ ëíêÖãõ ë‰Â·Ì˚ ËÁ ÔÓÚË‚ÓËÁ̇¯Ë‚‡˛˘ËıÒfl χÚ¡ÎÓ‚ ç‡ÛÊÌÓÈ ÍÂÔÎÂÌË Ô·ÒÚËÌ ÒÍÓθÊÂÌËfl ӷ΄˜‡ÂÚ Ó·ÒÎÛÊË‚‡ÌË CDS LOW PRESSURE CONTROL SAFETY VALVES* Totally accurate movements and no oscillations. ÄÎ‡Ô‡Ì CDS ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌËfl ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚ¸˛ ÌËÁÍÓ„Ó ‰‡‚ÎÂÌËfl* Ä·ÒÓβÚÌÓ Ô·‚Ì˚ ‰‚ËÊÂÌËfl ·ÂÁ ÍÓη‡ÌËÈ *íÓθÍÓ Ò „·‚Ì˚Ï „ˉӇÒÔ‰ÂÎËÚÂÎÂÏ ÍÓÏÔÂÌÒËÓ‚‡ÌÌÓ„Ó ÚËÔ‡. CAST IRON ROTATION UNIT: structural optimisation of the rotation unit for intensive uses and a high number of cycles, with the possibility of oil bath lubrication. ãàíéâ ìáÖã åÖïÄçàáåÄ èéÇéêéíÄ: ÒÚÛÍÚÛ̇fl ÓÔÚËÏËÁ‡ˆËfl ÏÂı‡ÌËÁχ ÔÓ‚ÓÓÚ‡ ‰Îfl ËÌÚÂÌÒË‚ÌÓÈ ˝ÍÒÔÎÛ‡Ú‡ˆËË Ë ·Óθ¯Ó„Ó ÍÓ΢ÂÒÚ‚‡ ˆËÍÎÓ‚ Ò ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸˛ ÔËÏÂÌÂÌËfl χÒÎflÌÓÈ ‚‡ÌÌ˚ ‰Îfl ÒχÁÍË ¯ÂÒÚÂfi̘‡ÚÓÈ Ô‡˚. Max. capacity from horizontal to vertical å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ̇ ÔÓÎÌÓÈ ‡ÏÔÎËÚۉ Max. nominal capacity with fixed hook å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl ÌÓÏË̇θ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ‚ ÒÚ‡Ú˘ÂÒÍÓÏ ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌËË, Í˛Í ‚ ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ÌËË ÒÚÂÎ˚ Only with LC version íÓθÍÓ ‚ ‚ÂÒËË LC tm 19022 19023 19024 19025 17 16,45 16,1 15,8 OIL l/min Mpa 40 40 40 40 29,5 29,5 29,5 29,5 ° 400 400 400 400 kg. ST LC 2015 2155 2285 2405 2135 2275 2405 2525 2460 2460 2460 2460 2250 965 2250 965 2250 965 2250 1025 Trucking Crane Combination 퇷Îˈ‡ ÂÍÓÏẨÛÂÏ˚ı ¯‡ÒÒË ‚ Á‡‚ËÒËÏÓÒÚË ÓÚ ÒÂËË Í‡Ì‡ PTT/GVW 19 PTT/GVW 19 18,0 ton 26,0 ton 19,0 ton 32,0 ton 2 outriggers STD ëڇ̉‡ÚÌ˚ ‡ÛÚË„Â˚ 2 outriggers XL òËÓÍË ‡ÛÚË„Â˚ 4 outriggers 2 Ô‡˚ ‡ÛÚË„ÂÓ‚ 19 19023 19022 0 10’ 20’ 0 10’ 20’ 30’ 14 kg kg ft ft 10 40’ 12 30’ 10 8 30’ 8 20’ 6 20’ 6 4 9000 19845 10’ 4 4250 9370 9000 19845 5150 11355 10’ 2200 4855 2 4060 8955 3100 6835 0 2 4 2080 4590 2 8900 19625 0 0 8900 19625 6 5100 11245 0 0 8 19024 SP 2 2760 6085 4 1640 3620 6 0 8 10 19025 SP 0 10’ 20’ 30’ 40’ 16 50’ 60’ kg ft kg 18 ft 14 16 50’ 40’ 12 14 10 40’ 12 30’ 10 8 30’ 8 20’ 6 20’ 6 4 8800 19405 10’ 4 3880 8555 1950 4300 8800 19405 0 4900 10805 0 2 2620 5780 4 6 1200 2650 1500 3310 8 10 2 0 12 8700 19185 10’ 8700 19185 0 3720 8205 4700 10365 0 2 4 1820 4015 2500 5515 6 1080 2385 1400 3090 8 10 2 870 1920 12 14 0 21 CDS LOW PRESSURE CONTROL SAFETY VALVES* Totally accurate movements and no oscillations. ÄÎ‡Ô‡Ì CDS ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌËfl ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚ¸˛ ÌËÁÍÓ„Ó ‰‡‚ÎÂÌËfl* Ä·ÒÓβÚÌÓ Ô·‚Ì˚ ‰‚ËÊÂÌËfl ·ÂÁ ÍÓη‡ÌËÈ *íÓθÍÓ Ò „·‚Ì˚Ï „ˉӇÒÔ‰ÂÎËÚÂÎÂÏ ÍÓÏÔÂÌÒËÓ‚‡ÌÌÓ„Ó ÚËÔ‡ SLIDING PADS TO GUIDE AND SLIDE THE EXTENSION BOOMS Made of highly resistant materials. Externally fitted sliding pads guarantee easy maintenance. FRONT COUPLINGS ON CYLINDERS Direct coupling of pipes, without bends. A guarantee against oil leaks and of high mechanical safety. èãÄëíàçõ ëäéãúÜÖçàü Ñãü çÄèêÄÇãÖçàü à éÅãÖÉóÖçàü ëäéãúÜÖçàü ëÖäñàâ ëíêÖãõ ë‰Â·Ì˚ ËÁ ÔÓÚË‚ÓËÁ̇¯Ë‚‡˛˘ËıÒfl χÚ¡ÎÓ‚ ç‡ÛÊÌÓÈ ÍÂÔÎÂÌË Ô·ÒÚËÌ ÒÍÓθÊÂÌËfl ӷ΄˜‡ÂÚ Ó·ÒÎÛÊË‚‡ÌË îêéçíÄãúçéÖ ëéÖÑàçÖçàÖ çÄ ñàãàçÑêÄï çÂÔÓÒ‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ ÔflÏÓ ÒÓ‰ËÌÂÌË „ˉÓÎËÌËÈ Ò ˆËÎË̉‡ÏË ·ÂÁ ËÁ„Ë·Ó‚, „‡‡ÌÚËfl ÔÓÚË‚ Ú˜ÂÈ Ë ‚˚ÒÓ͇fl ÏÂı‡Ì˘ÂÒ͇fl ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚ¸ VERSION WITH 7 EXTENSIONS Maximum hydraulic extension of over 19 m in horizontal position and 23 m in vertical position. ÄÅëéãûíçÄü àççéÇÄñàü ÇÖêëàü ë 7 ëÖäñàüåà ëíêÖãõ å‡ÍÒËχθÌÓ „ˉ‡‚΢ÂÒÍÓ ‚˚‰‚ËÊÂÌË ÒÚÂÎ˚ ‰Ó 19 Ï ÔÓ „ÓËÁÓÌÚ‡ÎË Ë ‰Ó 23 Ï ÔÓ ‚ÂÚË͇ÎË CAST IRON ROTATION UNIT: structural optimisation of the rotation unit for intensive uses and a high number of cycles, with the possibility of oil bath lubrication. ãàíéâ ìáÖã åÖïÄçàáåÄ èéÇéêéíÄ: ÒÚÛÍÚÛ̇fl ÓÔÚËÏËÁ‡ˆËfl ÏÂı‡ÌËÁχ ÔÓ‚ÓÓÚ‡ ‰Îfl ËÌÚÂÌÒË‚ÌÓÈ ˝ÍÒÔÎÛ‡Ú‡ˆËË Ë ·Óθ¯Ó„Ó ÍÓ΢ÂÒÚ‚‡ ˆËÍÎÓ‚ Ò ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸˛ ÔËÏÂÌÂÌËfl χÒÎflÌÓÈ ‚‡ÌÌ˚ ‰Îfl ÒχÁÍË ¯ÂÒÚÂfi̘‡ÚÓÈ Ô‡˚ REGENERATIVE VALVE Maximum extension speed. ÇéëëíÄçÄÇãàÇÄûôàâ äãÄèÄç å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl ÒÍÓÓÒÚ¸ ‚˚‰‚ËÊÂÌËfl 21 21022 21023 0 10’ 20’ 21024 0 10’ 20’ 30’ 0 10’ 20’ 30’ 40’ 14 kg ft 10 16 50’ kg ft 40’ kg t 12 14 30’ 40’ 12 10 8 30’ 10 8 20’ 30’ 6 8 20’ 6 20’ 4 9500 20945 10’ 4 4750 10475 9400 20725 10’ 2450 5405 2 4 5200 11465 3100 6835 0 0 2 4 6 20’ 30’ 5100 11245 0 8 0 2 2 2920 6440 4 1775 3915 6 8 0 10’ 0 40’ 5000 11025 0 10 4295 9470 1275 2 2815 2030 4480 9300 20505 0 21026 21025 0 2190 4830 9400 20725 0 9300 20505 10’ 4520 9965 9500 20945 6 2 2760 6085 4 1550 3420 6 8 0 10 12 21027 10’ 20’ 30’ 40’ 50’ 0 10’ 20’ 30’ 40’ 50’ 60’ 20 60’ kg ft kg kg 18 60’ ft 70’ 22 ft 18 20 16 50’ 16 14 60’ 18 50’ 14 16 50’ 40’ 12 40’ 14 12 10 40’ 12 10 30’ 30’ 10 8 8 20’ 6 30’ 8 20’ 6 20’ 4 9200 20285 10’ 9200 20285 0 4125 9095 4900 10805 0 2 4 1890 4170 2600 5735 6 1410 3110 8 10 2 920 2030 12 9100 20065 10’ 1100 2430 0 14 9100 20065 0 3760 8290 4700 10365 0 Max. capacity from horizontal to vertical å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ̇ ÔÓÎÌÓÈ ‡ÏÔÎËÚۉ 2 4 1750 3860 2450 5405 6 970 2140 1280 2825 8 10 630 1390 2 750 1655 12 14 0 16 Max. nominal capacity with fixed hook å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl ÌÓÏË̇θ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ‚ ÒÚ‡Ú˘ÂÒÍÓÏ ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌËË, Í˛Í ‚ ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ÌËË ÒÚÂÎ˚ Only with LC version íÓθÍÓ ‚ ‚ÂÒËË LC tm 21022 21023 21024 21025 21026 21027 19 18,3 17,85 17,5 16,5 16,2 OIL 6 4 4 10’ 9000 19845 9000 19845 0 4500 9925 0 Mpa ° 40 40 40 40 40 40 29,5 29,5 29,5 29,5 29,5 29,5 400 400 400 400 400 400 kg. ST LC 2075 2215 2365 2500 2620 2715 2195 2335 2485 2620 2740 2835 2460 2460 2460 2460 2460 2460 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 965 965 965 1025 1045 1080 2 4 1660 3660 2360 5205 6 880 1945 540 1195 1200 2650 8 10 670 1480 12 14 2 460 1015 0 16 18 Trucking Crane Combination 퇷Îˈ‡ ÂÍÓÏẨÛÂÏ˚ı ¯‡ÒÒË ‚ Á‡‚ËÒËÏÓÒÚË ÓÚ ÒÂËË Í‡Ì‡ PTT/GVW l/min 3640 8025 20 PTT/GVW 18,0 ton 26,0 ton 19,0 ton 32,0 ton 2 outriggers STD ëڇ̉‡ÚÌ˚ ‡ÛÚË„Â˚ 20 2 outriggers XL òËÓÍË ‡ÛÚË„Â˚ 4 outriggers 2 Ô‡˚ ‡ÛÚË„ÂÓ‚ 24 Up to 5 hydraulic extensions available ÑÓ 5 „ˉ‡‚΢ÂÒÍËı ÒÂ͈ËÈ ÚÂÎÂÒÍÓÔËÓ‚‡ÌËfl ÒÚÂÎ˚ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌ˚ Jib with 2 and 3 extensions on 3 extension crane version ÉÛÒfiÍ Ò 2 ËÎË 3 ÒÂ͈ËflÏË ÚÂÎÂÒÍÓÔËÓ‚‡ÌËfl ̇ ÓÒÌÓ‚ÌÓÈ ÒÚÂÎÂ Ò 3 „ˉ‡‚΢ÂÒÍËÏË ÒÂ͈ËflÏË Stabilizers with hydraulic extension, extendable up to 6 m ÄÛÚË„Â˚ Ò „ˉ‡‚΢ÂÒÍËÏ ‚˚‰‚ËÊÂÌËÂÏ ·‡ÎÓÍ ÓÔÓ, ‰Ó 6 Ï 24023 24022 24024 16 12 Kg Kg Kg 14 12 10 12 10 3900 3600 8 5150 10 5100 8 4900 6 8 6 6 4 4 3700 4 2050 3600 3450 1900 2 2800 2 11000 2550 0 8500 0 11000 2 2700 8500 11000 1500 0 8500 -2 -2 -4 -2 -4 -6 0 2 4 6 0 8 Max. capacity from horizontal to vertical å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ̇ ÔÓÎÌÓÈ ‡ÏÔÎËÚۉ tm 24022 24023 24024 23,4 23,0 22,5 OIL 2 4 6 8 10 Max. nominal capacity with fixed hook å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl ÌÓÏË̇θ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ‚ ÒÚ‡Ú˘ÂÒÍÓÏ ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌËË, Í˛Í ‚ ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ÌËË ÒÚÂÎ˚ l/min Mpa ° 40 40 40 28,5 28,5 28,5 408 408 408 kg. ST LC 2580 2750 2890 2720 2890 3030 0 2345 2345 2345 1035 1035 1035 4 6 8 10 12 Trucking Crane Combination 퇷Îˈ‡ ÂÍÓÏẨÛÂÏ˚ı ¯‡ÒÒË ‚ Á‡‚ËÒËÏÓÒÚË ÓÚ ÒÂËË Í‡Ì‡ PTT/GVW 2440 2440 2470 2 24 PTT/GVW 18,0 ton 26,0 ton 19,0 ton 32,0 ton 24 4 outriggers 2 Ô‡˚ ‡ÛÚË„ÂÓ‚ 32 Jib with 2 and 3 extensions on 4,5 and 6 extension crane version ÉÛÒfiÍ Ò 2 ËÎË 3 ÒÂ͈ËflÏË ÚÂÎÂÒÍÓÔËÓ‚‡ÌËfl ̇ ÓÒÌÓ‚ÌÓÈ ÒÚÂÎÂ Ò 4,5 Ë 6 „ˉ‡‚΢ÂÒÍËÏË ÒÂ͈ËflÏË Up to 6 hydraulic extensions available ÑÓ 6 „ˉ‡‚΢ÂÒÍËı ÒÂ͈ËÈ ÚÂÎÂÒÍÓÔËÓ‚‡ÌËfl ÒÚÂÎ˚ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌ˚ Stabilizers with hydraulic extension, extendable up to 6 m ÄÛÚË„Â˚ Ò „ˉ‡‚΢ÂÒÍËÏ ‚˚‰‚ËÊÂÌËÂÏ ·‡ÎÓÍ ÓÔÓ, ‰Ó 6 Ï 32023 32022 32024 12 Kg Kg 14 16 Kg 14 12 10 12 6700 7000 10 10 8 6500 8 8 6 3700 6 6 4 4 3650 5000 4750 2 3500 2900 2 10000 10000 0 15250 0 15250 0 15250 4 2 2800 4650 8500 2200 -2 -2 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -4 8 0 Max. capacity from horizontal to vertical å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ̇ ÔÓÎÌÓÈ ‡ÏÔÎËÚۉ tm 32022 32023 32024 31,3 29,9 28,6 OIL 2 4 6 8 10 Max. nominal capacity with fixed hook å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl ÌÓÏË̇θ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ‚ ÒÚ‡Ú˘ÂÒÍÓÏ ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌËË, Í˛Í ‚ ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ÌËË ÒÚÂÎ˚ l/min Mpa ° 45 45 45 27,5 27,5 27,0 410 410 410 kg. ST LC 3300 3450 3590 3440 3590 3730 0 2340 2340 2340 1050 1050 1050 4 6 8 10 Trucking Crane Combination 퇷Îˈ‡ ÂÍÓÏẨÛÂÏ˚ı ¯‡ÒÒË ‚ Á‡‚ËÒËÏÓÒÚË ÓÚ ÒÂËË Í‡Ì‡ PTT/GVW 2500 2500 2500 2 26,0 ton 32,0 ton 32 4 outriggers 2 Ô‡˚ ‡ÛÚË„ÂÓ‚ 12 36 P Danfoss proportional hydraulic control valve block Scanreco/Hetronic multifunction radio control èÓÔÓˆËÓ̇θÌ˚È „·‚Ì˚È „ˉӇÒÔ‰ÂÎËÚÂθ Danfoss Scanreco/Hetronic ÏÌÓ„ÓÙÛÌ͈ËÓ̇θ̇fl ÒËÒÚÂχ ‡‰ËÓÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌËfl 36 P 36022 P 36023 P 36024 P 12 Kg 16 14 Kg Kg 14 12 10 12 7400 10 7700 10 8 6900 8 8 6 4000 6 6 4 4 2 5400 2 16000 4 2 2950 4950 16000 10000 16000 10000 3250 5250 2350 3700 4000 0 0 8500 0 -2 -2 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -4 0 8 36025 P 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 36026 P 18 20 Kg Kg 18 16 16 14 14 12 12 10 6400 6300 10 8 8 6 6 4 4500 2650 3250 1700 2 16000 3350 8500 2050 8500 16000 4400 2000 2500 1400 4 2 1600 0 0 -2 -2 -4 -4 -6 -6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -8 0 14 Max. capacity from horizontal to vertical å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ̇ ÔÓÎÌÓÈ ‡ÏÔÎËÚۉ tm 36022 P 36023 P 36024 P 36025 P 36026 P 34,7 33,3 30,4 28,4 27,9 OIL 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Max. nominal capacity with fixed hook å‡ÍÒËχθ̇fl ÌÓÏË̇θ̇fl „ÛÁÓÔÓ‰˙fiÏÌÓÒÚ¸ ‚ ÒÚ‡Ú˘ÂÒÍÓÏ ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌËË, Í˛Í ‚ ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ÌËË ÒÚÂÎ˚ l/min Mpa ° 45 45 45 45 45 30 30 28,5 28,5 27,5 410 410 410 410 410 kg. ST LC 3320 3470 3610 3750 3880 3460 3610 3750 3890 4020 Trucking Crane Combination 퇷Îˈ‡ ÂÍÓÏẨÛÂÏ˚ı ¯‡ÒÒË ‚ Á‡‚ËÒËÏÓÒÚË ÓÚ ÒÂËË Í‡Ì‡ PTT/GVW 36P 2490 2490 2490 2490 2500 2340 2340 2340 2340 2340 1050 1050 1050 1170 1170 26,0 ton 32,0 ton 4 outriggers 2 Ô‡˚ ‡ÛÚË„ÂÓ‚ 12 12 17 Lift Away 12012 LA 12013 LA Kg Lift Away 17012 LA Kg 8 17013 LA 10 Kg Kg 8 8 8 6 6 6 4 6 4 4 4950 1860 2 5170 1705 2640 8030 2 2860 4 7590 2805 2 2 1265 2090 4180 4290 0 2860 0 0 0 -2 0 2 4 tm 12012 LA 12013 LA 10,6 10,0 6 OIL -2 0 l/min Mpa 30 30 10 26 25 2 ° kg. 200 200 Up to 4 hydraulic extensions available ÑÓ 4 „ˉ‡‚΢ÂÒÍËı ÒÂ͈ËÈ ÚÂÎÂÒÍÓÔËÓ‚‡ÌËfl ÒÚÂÎ˚ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌ˚ Extension sequence boom èÓÒΉӂ‡ÚÂθÌÓ ‚˚‰‚ËÊÂÌË ÒÂ͈ËÈ ÒÚÂÎ˚ Stabilizers with manual extension ÄÛÚË„Â˚ Ò Û˜Ì˚Ï ‚˚‰‚ËÊÂÌËÂÏ 4 6 -2 0 ST 1114 2420 2520 720 1218 2420 2520 720 2 tm 17012 LA 17013 LA 15,7 15,7 4 OIL 6 0 l/min Mpa 40 40 28 28 ° 400 400 2 kg. 4 6 ST 1680 2450 2500 800 1785 2450 2500 800 NOTE BONFILIDESIGN.IT 836992 - ED. 01/2011 Technical data can be revised without prior notice. PM S.p.A. | Via G. Verdi 22 | 41018 S. Cesario Sul Panaro MO Italy | tel. +39 059 936811 | fax +39 059 936804 | info@pm-group.eu | www.pm-group.eu