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[1] With with I.Makedonskyi
Nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials, Demazure modules and PBW ltration,
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, pp. 6084, 2015.
The Cherednik-Orr conjecture expresses the t → ∞ limit of the nonsymmetric
Macdonald polynomials in terms of the PBW twisted characters of the ane level
one Demazure modules. We prove this conjecture in several special cases.
[2] With I. Cherednik
Extremal part of the PBW-ltration and E-polynomials,
Advances in Mathematics, Volume 282, Pages 220264.
Åâãåíèé Ôåéãèí
Given a reduced irreducible root system, the corresponding nil-DAHA is used
to calculate the extremal coecients of nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials in
the limit t → ∞ and for antidominant weights, which is an important ingredient
of the new theory of nonsymmetric q-Whittaker function. These coecients are
pure q-powers and their degrees are expected to coincide in the untwisted setting
with the extremal degrees of the so-called PBW-ltration in the corresponding
nite-dimensional irreducible representations of the simple Lie algebras for any
root systems. This is a particular case of a general conjecture in terms of the levelone Demazure modules. We prove this coincidence for all Lie algebras of classical
type and for G2 , and also establish the relations of our extremal degrees to minimal
q-degrees of the extremal terms of the Kostant q-partition function; they coincide
with the latter only for some root systems.
[3] With G. Cerulli Irelli and M. Reineke
Schubert Quiver Grassmannians
arXiv:1508.00264, submitted
Quiver Grassmannians are projective varieties parametrizing subrepresentations
of given dimension in a quiver representation. We dene a class of quiver Grassmannians
generalizing those which realize degenerate ag varieties. We show that each irreducible
component of the quiver Grassmannians in question is isomorphic to a Schubert
variety. We give an explicit description of the set of irreducible components, identify
all the Schubert varieties arising, and compute the Poincare polynomials of these
quiver Grassmannians.
[4] With I. Makedonskyi
Weyl modules for osp(1, 2) and nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials
arXiv:1507.01362 submitted
The main goal of our paper is to establish a connection between the Weyl modules
of the current Lie superalgebras (twisted and untwisted) attached to osp(1, 2) and
the nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials of types A2 and A2 . We compute
the dimensions and construct bases of the Weyl modules. We also derive explicit
formulas for the t = 0 and t = ∞ specializations of the nonsymmetric Macdonald
polynomials. We show that the specializations can be described in terms of the Lie
superalgebras action on the Weyl modules.
Êîíôåðåíöèè è ñåìèíàðû
[1] Conference "Enveloping Algebras and Geometric Representation Theory Oberwolfach,
10 May 16 May, 2015.
[2] Workshop "On the Interaction of Representation Theory with Geometry and
Combinatorics Bonn, 22 May 02 April, 2015.
Talk Abelianization and ane Grassmannians".
[3] Workshop "Aspects of Lie theory Rome, Italy, January 710, 2015.
[4] International summer school "Theoretical problems of physics of fundamental
interactions Zelenogorsk, 19 July 31 July, 2015.
Talk Solitons, vertex operators and symmetries".
[5] Summer school "Lie algebras, algebraic groups and invariants theory Samara,
22 June 27 June, 2015.
Talk Poincare-Birkho-Witt ltration and ag varieties
[1] Ane Lie algebras and applications, from 2nd year to PhD students, SeptemberDecember 2015, 2 hours per week.
Ane Lie algebras form one of the most well-known and popular classes of
innite-dimensional Lie algebras. During the last 20 years, they attracted attention
of many mathematicians throughout the world due to the beautiful and rich structure
theory and representation theory. The theory of ane Kac-Moody Lie algebras has
important applications in the number theory, algebraic geometry and in mathematical
1. Simple Lie algebras.
2. Ane Kac-Moody Lie algebras: basic denitions.
3. Ane Kac-Moody Lie algebras: integrable representations.
4. Ane sl2 : representations and theta functions.
5. Boson-fermion correspondence and Schur polynomials.
6. Ane algebras, theta functions and modular forms.
7. Vertex operator construction of representations.
1. Kac, V. Innite dimensional Lie algebras, Cambridge University Press (1994).
2. Kac V., Raina A. Bombay lectures on Highest weight representations of intedimensional Lie algebras (WS, 1987)
3. Pressley, A., Segal, G. (1986), Loop groups.
4. Di Francesco, P., Mathieu, P., Senechal, D. (1997), Conformal Field Theory,
5. Kumar, S., Kac-Moody Groups, their Flag Varieties and Representation Theory,
2012, Springer.