Англо-русский словарь американского сленга. 1993

Цзс/сиК£м>а&вй «Книжный сси/л
Москва /9 9 3
Б Б К 81
А 64
Англо-русский словарь американского сленга:— М.: Изда­
тельство «Книжный сад», 1993.— 544 с.
Данный словарь является переводом изданного в 1989 году
в С Ш А издательством « N A T I O N A L T E X T B O O K C O M P A N Y » тол­
кового словаря «D IC T IO N A R Y O F A M E R I C A N S L A N G ».
Содержит около 9 тыс. слов и выражений, относящихся к аме­
риканскому сленгу и разговорной лексике английского языка в
её американском варианте. Даны переводы их толкования и приме­
ры употребления в речи.
В конце словаря дан алфавитный указатель слов и выражений
американского сленга.
Предназначен для широкого круга пользователей.
По^а, общей редакцией Е. И.^ Тузовского
Перевод с английского Е. И. Тузовского и Д. М . Смушковича
Ответственный за выпуск Ю. А. Трифонов
Художник А. А . Волошин
Издательство выражает благодарность фирме «TESS PETRQLIUM » ltd. . за
оказанную финансовую поддержку.
Лицензия № 061544 от 18.08.92 г.
Сдано в набор 01.09.93. Подписано в печать 30.09.93. Формат 84Х 108‘ /з2- Бумага офсетная.
Гарнитура «Тайм с». Печать офсетная. У ел. п. л. 28,56. Уч.-изд. л. 51,13. Тираж 55 000 экз.
Заказ № 1224
Издательство «Книжный сад». 119619, Москва, Боровский пр., 6-36.
Отпечатано с готовых диапозитивов на Книжной фабрике № 1 Министерства печати и ин­
формации России. 144003, г. Электросталь Московской обл., ул. Тевосяна, 25.
IS B N 5— 85676— 022— 0
Все права принадлежат Е. Тузовскому
Для пользователя..................... .. . . . . . v .................. 4
Как использовать словарь
. . . . .
Условные знаки и сокращения . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
О транскрипции
. . . . . .
........................... ..
. . . . . .
. . . . | . .11
Англо-русский словарь американского сленга
ипримеры . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Именной указатель
. . . . . . . . .
. . . .13
. . . . . . . . . . . 470
Данный словарь является авторским переводом изданного в 1989 году в
С Ш А издательством “N A T IO N A L T E X T B O O K C O M P A N Y ” толкового словаря
Ричард А. Спиерс, составитель “D IC TIO NAR Y OF AM ERICAN S LA N G ”, в
своей редакционной статье пишет, что более чем за два столетия
существования Соеденённых Штатов Америки язык американских пьяниц,
воров, грабителей, наркоманов был основным поставщиком американского
сленга. Свои жаргонны е слова всегда были у представителей лю бой
специальности. Во второй половине нашего века бурно развивающиеся
технические средства массовой информации начали вводить их в язык. В
настоящее время сленг является неотъемлимой частью американского языка.
“ D I C T I O N A R Y O F A M E R I C A N S L A N G ” — п рекрасное издание. К
со ж алению , ам ериканцы д е лали его для себя, и для того, чтобы им
пользоваться, надо знать английский язык на уровне преподавателя
английского языка.
В связи с изменением экономической формации на территории бывшего
С С С Р и массовой пробой граж данам и своих сил в частном предпри­
нимательстве, иностранные языки вообще, и английский язык в частности,
получили новое, прикладное значение. Рано или поздно любой из тех, кто
решил посвятить себя частному бизнесу, столкнется с американским сленгом.
Н а протяжении более семидесяти лет на территории бывшего С С С Р
преподавали так называемый “классический английский.” Трудно сказать, в
какой именно части Великобритании на нем говорят, но подобное преподавание
было частью политики государства. Разговорн ая речь, живой язык,
целенаправленно преподавались очень ограниченно.
Приступая к переводу, авторы столкнулись с рядом трудностей. Трудность
первая— “мат.” Равные по значению слова, в русском языке имеют неизмеримо
большую антиобщественную силу. Мы пошли по пути, проложенному в АнглоРусском Словаре В. К. Мюллера: fuck— совокупляться (грубо); fucking—
проклятый (грубо). В культурной жизни России в последнее время ведутся
попытки легализации “мата”, но пока они имеют Несколько экстравагантную
форму, и общество их, в целом, не приняло. Трудность представляют биржевые
выражения и выражения, связанные со спортивными играми, не получившими
пока широкую популярность: бейсбол, американский футбол. И , наконец,
наркотики. В русском языке, слава Богу, нет даже прилагательного для
определения человека, употребившего наркотик. В американском уже трудно
разделить выражения на сленговые и литературные, настолько они все приняты
Рассм атривая данное издание скорее как справочн ик, а не как
академическое издание, авторы во многих случаях не взяли на себя смелость
создания нового языка. По мнению авторов, приведенные в словаре взятые из
оригинала примеры несут, кроме первоначально задуманной функции—
показать, как использовать сленг— ещё одну. Авторы считают, что при переводе
мог быть упущен не общий смысл, а некоторые нюансы. Гсм из пользователей,
кто достаточно хорош о знает английский язык, примеры помогут
скорректировать перевод.
1. Словарные вокабулы расположены в алфавитном порядке, без какой-либо
связи с пунктуацией.
2. Чтобы найти нужное слово в Словаре, вначале поищите его по алфавиту.
Выражения, состоящие из нескольких слов, внесены в словарь в их обычном
порядке, как например: chill someone’s action, а не action, chill someone’s.
3. Если вы не находите искомого выражения или не можете с уверенностью
указать его точную форму, поищите любое значащее слово в И М Е Н Н О М
УК АЗАТЕ Л Е. Там вы найдете все выражения, содержащие это слово. Найдя
искомое выражение, поищите его в Словаре.
4. Вокабулы выделены жирным шрифтом. Грамматические аббревиатуры (см.
ниже п.9 и “Условные знаки и сокращения.”) и примеры даны курсивом.
5. Вокабула может иметь несколько равнозначных форм. В этом случае они
даются жирным шрифтом после “и” , разделяясь запятыми или, если вокабула
содержит запятые, точкой с запятой. Например:
s p o n d u lix s, sp o n d u lic s
[span’ duliks] п. деньги □ How much spondulicks
will this set me back? □ I don’t have enough
spondulix to swing the deal
6. Определения даны обычным шрифтом. Близкие по значению определения
разделяются запятыми, альтернативные— точкой с запятой. Например:
ritzy [ ’ritsi] mod. яркий, блестящий; элегантный
О That is a real ritzy car. □ It's really ritzy! 0
What a ritzy coal! Is it new?
7. Некоторые определения содержат в скобках уточняющие пометки, которые
ограничивают область применения данного выражения. Например:
blindside tr. (для кого-либо или чего-либо)
ошеломить, застать врасплох человека (или
животное) О The new tax law blindsided about
half the population. CJ The mugger came up and
blindsided her with a blow to the head before she
knew what had happened.
8. За определением в скобках может следовать комментарий, дающий
информацию о происхождении данного выражения, его применении, ссылки и
сноски. Каждое значение слова может иметь собственный комментарий
Stay tuned. 1. sent. “Оставайтесь с нами на этом
(радио или теле-) канале." Формула перед
рекламой.) D I'll be right back after these
announcements. Stay tuned. □ Stay tuned. Back
in a minute. 2. sent. “Ждите дальнейших
событий (сообщений).” (От п. 1.) О Things are
developing rapidly in this area Stay tuned. □
Stay tuned. Pending legislation could change all
9. За каждой вокабулой следует грамматически» аббревиатура, укалывающая
на грамматическую или синтаксическую функцию выражении. Аббревиатуры
выделены курсивом. Они помогают определить, в каком качестве употребляется
данное выражение. Особенно это относится к переходным и непереходным
глаголам, употребление которых в английском и русском языке часто
отличается. Список аббревиатур дан в разделе “ Условны е знаки и
сокращения.” "Например:
асе 1. mod. (о людях) лучший, наилучший □
She is ап асе reporter with the newspaper. □
Frank is an ace swimmer. 2. n. один доллар О
Give me an ace. I have to get some telephone
change. □ It only costs an ace. Buy two. 3. tr.
с легкостью пройти проверку (на пять) (См.
асе out.) О Man, I really aced that test. □ I
knew I wouldn't ace it, but I never thought I'd
flunk it!
10. Некоторые выражения, являющиеся определителями (помечены mod.),
могут располагаться только до или только после определяемого, другие как до,
так и после. Расположение определителя указывается в примерах. Например:
back -to-back mod. подряд □ I can't take two
days like this one back-to-back. □ I schedule all
my appointments back-to-back to save time. О
These back-to-back appointments are killing me.
11. Многие выражения имеют несколько значений. Каждое значение отмечено
арабской цифрой. Например:
sting 1. tr. обмануть кого-либо; назначить
кому-либо завышенную цену □ That street
merchant stung me, but good. □ They are likely
to sting you in any of those hockshops. 2. n.
хорошо продуманный план поимки преступни­
ков □ The sting came off without a hitch. □ It
was a. welhplanned sting and shouldn't have
failed- 3. tr. завлечь в ловушку и поймать
кого-либо □ The feebies stung the whole gang
at once. D “ We've been stung.1” they hollered.
12. Иногда какое-либо из значений выражения имеет альтернативную форму,
которая неприемлема к остальным значениям. В этих случаях после арабской
цифры ставится “и” и дается альтернативная форма. Например:
birdbrain 1. п. придурок О You silly birdbrain.
Stop it! U I ’m such a birdbrain. I forgot my
driver's license, officer. 2. и birdbrained mod.
глупый О I ’ve never heard such a birdbrain idea
in my life. □ Look, you birdbrained idiot, you
are dead wrong!
13. Некоторые вокабулы помечены звездочкой ( * ) , которая указывает на
потенциально или фактически оскорбительные или непристойные выражения,
требующие осторожности при употреблении. Так же помечены и выражения,
не имеющие специфически оскорбительного или непристойного смысла, но
содержащие слова, считающиеся обычно непристойными. Например:
scare the hell out
испугать кого-либо
figures scare the hell
shut and scared the
of som eone* tr. сильно
(Употр. с остор.) □ These
out of те. О The door blew
hell out of me.
14. Если из нескольких значений слова осторожности при употреблении
требует лишь часть, звездочка (* ) ставится после вокабулы и после номера
соответствующего значения. Например:
butt* [bat] 1.* п. «задница* (Употр. с остор.)
□ She fell right on her butt. О The doctor gave
her a shot in the butt. 2. n. окурок сигареты О
Whose butts are those in the car ashtray? О Don't
leave your butts ik the houseplants! 3. n. любая
сигарета О You got a butt I can bum? О What
kind of butt is that, anyway?
15. Вокабулы, содержащие необычные слова и слова, произношение которых
не вытекает из правописания, имеют фонетическую транскрипцию знаками
IPA. См. “Т РАН СК РИ П Ц И Я .”
Транскрибироваться может всё выражение:
triple whammy [ ’trip ’млн]
или только часть его:
beer and skittles [...’skidz]
Варианты произношения разделяются “или”:
anti [ ’nti или ’ntai]
Транскрипции альтернативных вариантов вокабулы разделяются “и”:
le gal-b eagle и le gal-eagle [ ’lig ’big] и ['lig ’ig]
16. В некоторых словарных статьях содержатся ссылки на другие словарные
статьи через пометки: “см.” , “см. тж.” , “ср.", “син.” Выражения, на которые
имеется ссылка, выделены курсивом. Например:
В—ball п. баскетбол; баскетбольный мяч (См. тж.
hoops. Ср. V-ball.) О Lefs go play some В-ball.
□ Toss me the В-ball, huh?
17. Если грамматическая структура вокабулы требует включения в себя
существительного, его заменяет “someone”, если речь идет о человеке, “some­
thing”, если речь идет о животных или предметах, или “someone or something”,,
если возможны оба варианта. Например:
saddled with som eone or something mod.
нагруженный, обремененный чем-либо или
кем-либо □ I'v e been saddled with the children
all day. L efs go out tonight. Q I don't want to
be saddled with your work.
18. Иногда одно из значений слова может относится только к людям или только
к предметам. В таких случаях за арабской цифрой следует (с someone) или (с
something). Например:
lay som eone or something и lay out som eone
or something 1. tr. (c someone) строго бранить
Si кого-либо (См. тж. laid out.) О Don’t lay me
out! I didn't do it! О She really laid him out
but good. What did he do, rob a bank? 2. tr. (c
someone) ударом сбить кого-либо с ног О The
boxer laid out his opponent with a blow to the
head. О I can't wait to get into that ring and
lay the guy out. 3. tr. (c something) тратить
какую-либо сумму денег □ I can't lay out that
kind of money every day! О She laid out about
$ 24,000 for that beemer.
19. В некоторых словарных статьях отдельные значения отличаются по своей
пунктуации от основной вокабулы. Эти отличия отмечаются в примечаниях.
blow up t. in. потерять над собой контроль от
злости О I just knew you'd blow up. □ So she
blew up. Why should that affect you so much?
2. n. скандал, драка (Обычно blow-up.) О After
the thrid blow-up, she left him. О One blow-up
after another. Yuckl 3. n. увеличенная копия:
фотографии, карты, рисунка и т.п. (Обычно
blow-up.) О Here's a blow-up of the scene of
the crime. О Kelly sent a blow-up of their wedding
picture to all her relatives. 4. n. разрушение
чего-либо (Обычно blow-up.) О The blow-up
in the financial world has ruined my chances for
early retirement. О After the blow-up, they called
one another to compare notes.
big deal 1. n. что-либо действительно важное
О D on't make such a big deal out of it! □ This
isn’t a big deal as I see it. 2. exclam. «Н у и
что?!«, «Какая разница?!« (Обычно Big deal!)
О So he snoresl Big deall Snore backl О She
says to me, "Your socks don’t match." And I
say back, "Big deal!"
20. В вокабуле могут иметься скобки, с помощью которых объединяется
несколько сходных выражений. Например, выражение waffle (around) может
употребляться как waffle и w affle around. Выражение (b ab y ) boomer может
употребляться как boomer и b a b y boom er. Выражение co m e clean (with
som eone) (about something) объединяет в себе com e clean, come clean with
som eon e, com e clean about som eone и com e clean with som eon e about
отмечает слова, при употреблении которых необходимо соблюдать
осторожность; О её употреблении см. тж. “Как использовать словарь” пп. 13 и 14.
□ отмечает начало примера,
exclam, exclamation восклицание.
in. intransitive непереходный (глагол или глагольное выражение),
inter], iflterjective междометие,
interrog. interrogative вопрос.
mod. modifier определитель. Так помечены прилагательные, наречия и
производные от них выражения.
n. nominal существительное или производное от него выражение.
phr. phrase фразеологический оборот.
prep, preposition предлог.
pro. pronoun местоимение.
sent, sentence предложение.
tr. transitive переходный глагол или отглагольное выражение,
аббрев. аббревиатура,
англ. английский язык.
арабск. выражение пришедшее из арабского языка,
бейсбольн. бейсбольный термин,
биржев. относиться к биржам и биржевым маклерам,
больниц, больничный жаргон,
бродяж . жаргон бродяг.
Великобрит, выражение пришедшее из Великобритании.
ВМФ Военно Морской Флот,
военн. армейский жаргон,
возм. возможно.
вокаб. вокабула— Словарное слово или фраза.
Врем ён сухого закон а, отмечает слова, вошедшие в употребление во
время действия сухого закона,
выраж. выражение,
гоноч. жаргон автомобильных гонок,
датск. выражение пришедшее из датского языка,
детск. используется Детьми или взрослыми при обращении к детям,
диал. правоп. диалоговое правописание,
др. другой.
еврейск. выражение пришедшее из еврейского языка.
зал. выражение произошло или преимущественно используется в западных
звукозап. пром. звукозаписывающая промышленность,
звукоподр. звукоподражание,
знач. значение.
журналист, жаргон журналистов,
игорн. жаргон азартных игр.
Игра на ... игра слов на определённом выражении,
индейск. выражение пришедшее из языков индейцев,
инструм. инструмент.
ИСПан, выражение пришедшее из испанского языка.
калифор. преимущественно распространено среди молодёжи Калифорнии^
ковбойск. ковбойский жаргон,
компьют, компьютерный термин» жаргон,
латин. (от) латинского.
ЛСД LSD Диэтилоамидлизергиновая кислота .
МГ миллиграмм.
Мед. медицинский термин.
Мекс, испан. выражение пришедшее из Мексиканского испанского языка.
местоим. местоимение.
мн. множественное число.
морск. морской термин.
муз. музыкальный жаргон.
наз. название.
Намеренный спунеризм. намеренный обмен начального слога пары слов,
например, queer old dean вместо dear old queen.
нарк. выражение относящееся к наркотикам, их продаже и употреблению,
науч. научный термин.
негрит, выражение произошло или преимущественно используется из речи
чернокожих американцев.
нем. выражение пришедшее из немецкого языка,
нестанд, нестандартный.
общеизв. общеизвестное слово или его значение,
общеупотр. общеупотребительное слово или его значение,
осн. (в) основном.
ост. (в) остальные (ых).
остор. (с) осторожность (ю).
отриц. (с) отрицание (ем), (в) отрицательной
первонач. первоначальное значение выражения.
перен. выражение имющее переносное значение.
подраз. подразумевается,
подрост, подростковый жаргон.
лож. пожелание.
полушуточн. выражение имеющее полушуточное значение,
поросячия латынь, форма игры слов, при которой вторую половину слова
помещают перед первой и в конце слова добавляют “аум, например, junk—-unkjay.
правой, правописание.
презрит, выражение имеющее презрительное значение.
пренебреж . выражение имеющее пренебрежительное значение.
предпол. предположительно.
притяжат. притяжательное местоимение.
провокац. выражение имеющее провокационное значение.
произ, производное.
простонар. простонародное выражение.
противоп. противопоставление.
русс, выражение пришедшее из русского языка.
саркаст. выражение имеющее саркастичное значение.
син. синоним.
сокр. сокращение.
следующ. следующий.
словосочет. словосочетание.
случ. случай.
см. смотри.
ср. сравнение.
стан д. стандартный.
студенч. преимущественно употребляется студентами колледжей,
счит. та буи р. выражение считается табуированным,
тж. также.
типографск. типографский термин,
т.ч. (в) том числе
традиц. традиционное выражение,
тюремн. тюремный жаргон,
уголовн. уголовный жаргон.
уличн. происходит из уличного жаргона крупных городов США.
употр. употреблять,
устар. устаревшее значение.
Ф БР Федеральное бюро расследования СШ А.
финансы жаргон относящийся к купле и продаже денег,
фирм, фирма.
ЦРУ Центральное разведовательное управление СШ А.
шут. выражение имеющее шутливое значение.
эвфем. выражение имеющее эвфемистическое значение.
южн. выражениепреимущественно используется в южных штатах.
ямайск. выражение пришедшее с Ямайки.
Принятый в С Ш А вариант Международной фонетической транскрипции
отличается от того, которым привыкли пользоваться мы. Ниже помещен список
транскрипционных символов со словами, иллюстрирующими их произношение.
Данная система транскрипции делает различие между [а] и [о ], а также
[w ] и {м ], хотя в речи большинства американцев эта разница смазывается. В
многосложных словах перед ударным слогом ставится знак [ ’].
Использование “и” и “или” в транскрипции аналогично их употреблению в
вокабулах. Многоточие (...) в транскрипции обозначает пропуск легких для
произношения слов в сложном выражении. Скобки в транскрипции либо
соответствуют скобкам в предшествующей вокабуле, либо выделяют звук,
который может выпускаться при произношении, например “t” в [ ’artsi ’krf(t)si]
Фонетическая транскрипция дается только к словам, произношение
которых не вытекает из написания, длинным и необычным словам, а также к
словам, в произношении которых большое значение имеет ударение.
Tt П / cl*eese
\ pitcher
в>1 {,‘„7
ГЭ-1 {шЙе
[ай { ; г*.‘оЬ
[f] 1
H fifi
[g] {frog
( bring
Ш Xthing
r t f
toil { “ “
[o] \( w
[u] \Г put
[oi] I( spoil
[v] \f save
[i] Xhiss
( caught
[o] i yawn
[w] Ш
[«] { ! “ «
( yellow
Ш \you
[p] /t‘P
[J A ]
/ can
[k] \ keep
( rat
[r] \berry
( fuzzu
[z] \zoo
[1] \Гyellow
{S o
M { bubble [i] l^leak
f k &
\ kitten
( sun
( bottle
[ 1] \puddle
[J] \sure
W 111
f top
[t] \pot
[6] \f faith
[u] | blue
( wheel
\ while
( pleasure
f 'water
[ ’] 1ho'tel
А. 1. n. (acid) Л С Д (Парк.) D A. is
just as illegal as any other drug. □
M ax went on a 4-hour trip with A. 2.
п. амфетамины в виде таблеток или
растворов (Нарк.) □ Fred is shooting
A now, and gets half out o f his mind.
□ H e is almost burnt out A.
A-1 и A number 1 [ ’e ’wan и ’e ’пэт
b # ’wan] mod. наилучший, отлич­
ный □ This steak is really A -1 ! □ /
would like to get an A number 1
secretary for a change.
abbreviated piece o f nothing п. не­
значительный человек или предмет
□ Tell this abbreviated piece of noth­
ing to get his tail over here, but fast. □
Why don’t you drive your abbreviated
piece of nothing over to the service
station and have a muffler put on?
able to cut something phr. способный
с чем-то справится или что-то ис­
полнить (Часто с отрицанием.) □
Н е is not able to'cut his responsibili­
ties like we thought. □ We thought he
could cut it. □ D o you think you’re
able to cut it?
abortion [s ’borjjij] n. пародия, насме. шка □ M ove your abortion of an auto­
mobile out of my driveway! □ This
isn’t a drama! It’s an abortion!
a bove board Cm. open and above
a b s [aebz] n. мышцы брюшного прес­
са (abdominals. Спортив.) □ Look at
the abs of this guy. Like a crossword
puzzle. О I do situps to harden my
abso -bloo d y -lu te ly
[ ’aebsobbdi’lutli]
mod. абсолютно, полностью, пре­
дельно □ We are abso-bloody-lutely
sick to death of your wishy-washy atti­
tude. □ D o I like pizza? Abso-bloodylutely!
absotively (posilutely) [ ’aebsa’tivli ’pa
zs’lutli] mod. абсолютно; решительно
□ I will be there at ten, absotively
posilutely. □ I am absotively ex­
Acapulco (gold) n. крепкая, коричне­
вато-золотая марихуана из Мексики
(Н а р к .) a Acapulco gold used to be
the best. □ John just sat there taking
hits off his pipe full of Acapulco.
accidentally-on-purpose mod. наме­
ренно, но с виду похоже на случай­
ность □
Then I accidentally-onrpurpose spilled water on him. □ I
knew it was done accidentally-on-pur­
pose. That kind of thing doesn't just
A .C.-D .C . и A.C./D.C. mod. бисексу­
альный □ Clare said Tom is A .C J
D.C., but 1 don't believe it. □ 1 didn't
realize at first that we were in an
A .C .-D .C . bar!
ace 1. mod. (о людях) лучший, наи­
лучший О Frank is an ace swimmer.
□ She is an ace reporter with the
newspaper. 2. п. один доллар □ It
only costs an ace. Buy two. □ Give me
an ace. I have to get some telephone
change. 3. tr. с лёгкостью пройти
проверку (на пять) (См. aced out.)
□ Man, I really aced that test. □ I
knew I wouldn't ace it, but I never
thought I 'd flunk itl 4. n. прозвище
глуповатого человека (Саркастичес­
кое, обычно как обращение.) О Неу,
асе, hand те that monkey wrench —
if you know what one is. □ Look, ace,
you can't expect to fix an engine
without getting dirty. 5. n. сигарета с
марихуаной (Нарк.) □
That nut
wants two bucks for an ace! □ John
just stood there with an ace dangling
from his lower lip. 6. n. капсула или
таблетка наркотика (Йарк. Негрит.)
□ How about you loan me a couple of
aces? □ How much does that dude
charge for an ace? 7. tr. превзойти
кого-то в чём-либо, переиграть, по­
бить (См. асе someone out.) □ Fred
aced Tom in the contest for the best
beard. □ The Japanese firm aced the
Americans by getting the device onto
the shelves first.
aced [est] 1. mod. обыгранный, обой­
дённый □ Rebecca really got aced in
the track meet. □ “ You are aced,
sucker?' shouted Rebecca as she passed
Martha in the 100-yard sprint. 2. mod.
пьяный О H o w can anybody be so
aced on three beers? □ I'v e never seen
anybody that aced in my life. :
ace in the hole n. “заначка” , козырь
□ The twenty-dollar bill I keep in my
shoe is my ace in the hole. □ M arys
beautiful singing voice was her ace in
the hole in ease everything else failed.
ace in (to something) in. попасть в
удачное место, прорваться О I do
not know how I aced in 1 was just
lucky. О I hope I can ace into the af­
ternoon physics class.
ace out in. быть удачливым О I really
aced out on, that test in English. П
Freddy aced out at the dentist's office
With only one cavity.
ac e som eone out и ac e out som eone
tr. переиграть, обойти кого-то; по­
бедить кого-то (См. тж. асе и aced.)
□ 1 plan to асе you out in the first lap.
□ Martha aced out Rebecca to win the
first—place trophy.
acid n, Л С Д , диэтиламид лизергиновой кислоты (П арк.) О Acid and
potl That’s all you think about. О
Freddy got hold o f some bad acid and
freaked out.
acid funk [’aesid ’fatjk] n. депрессия
после употребления Л С Д (Нарк.) □
Freddy was in his acid funk for at
least a week. □ This is no acid funk.
I ’m cracking up over a girl.
acidhead n. человек, регулярно ис­
пользующий Л С Д и часто нахо­
дящийся под его влиянием (Нарк.
См. тж. A -h e a d .) □ None of these
acidheads can hold a real job. О
Sometimes acidheads look real happy.
(acid) mung [ ’aesid ’meg] n. неприят­
ные ощущения после прйёма Л С Д
(Нарк.) О I don't mind the flashback.
It 's that old mung that gets me down.
□ Yeah, there’s nothing worse than
acid mung.
a c id ro c k n. музыкальный стиль,
связанный с ЛСД , с текстами песен,
относящимися к употреблению Л С Д
□ Isn ’t acid rock out o f style? □ The
name is, but the old acid rock ju st
evolved a little into stuff like heavy
ac id test 1. n. тщательная проверка
(От проверки пробы золота кисло­
той.) □ We put your invention through
the acid test, and'-% / am extremely
sorry to tell you — it failed miserably.
О I ’ll take this home to my kids and let
them give it the acid test. I f it survives
them, it's a winner. 2. n. массовое
первое употребление Л С Д (Н а р к .
Основывается на значении п. 1.) О
Fred is throwing a big acid test for
everybody over in the park at midnight.
Wanna go? □ One time they put L. S. D.
into the punch so that everyone would
drink some without knowing it. I f they
did n 't freak out, they had passed the
acid test.
action 1. n. действие; событие во­
обще; то, что происходит □ This
place is dull. I want some action, □
How do I find out where the action is
in this town? 2. ri. доля чего-либо;
доля доходов или награбленного
(См. piece of action.) □ I did my
share o f the work, and I want my
share of the action □ Just what did
you do to earn any of the action? 3. n.
секс, половой акт □ Paul is Over at
Martha's house looking for some ac­
tion □ A ll those guys play around
with girls just trying for a little action
4. n. незаконные действия, торговля
наркотиками, преступлБййё; “дейо?"
(Уголовн.) □ Things have been a little
slow here, but there is so me action on
the East Coast. □ You Want a fast
buck, you get in on that action over on
4th Street.
activated mod. пьяный, подвыпивший
P Will this stuff get me seriously acti­
vated? О A ll four Of them went out
and got a little activated.
active citizen n. вошь (Обычно во мн.
Шут.) □ What can I do to get rid of
these active citizens? □ Somebody in
this place' is carrying around som eah-active citizens.
Act your age! exclam. “Веди себя
согласно своему возрасту!’?; “ Не
маленький!” О Stop whining! Act
your age! □ You're 27 years old, and
you still sleep with a teddy bear? Act
your age!
addict [ ’aedlkt] n. человек, выказыва­
ющий кому-то или чему-то явное
предпочтение (В словосочетаниях.
Н е связано с наркотиками.) О М у
uncle is a mystery addict. О Sam is a
real opera addict. H e just loves the
adios muchachos [adi’os mu’tj;at<jos]
phr. “конец”, “финиш” , “до сви­
дания” (Испан.) Q I'v e got a gun
aimed at your navel. I f you move so
much as one muscle, you can just say
adios muchachos. О I f you step out in
front o f a car like that again, it’s adios
ad obe dollar [s ’doubi ’d a l»] n. мекси­
канское песо □ H ow many o f these
adobe dollars does it take to buy a can
of pop here? О One greenback will get
you about 2400 adobe dollars these
afraid not phr. “ извиняюсь, но нет”
(Веж ливы й отказ.) О L e n d you $
400? No, I ’m afraid not. □ B IL L : How
about com ing to my party? T O M :
Afraid not. I ’m tied up all weekend.
African black n. разновидность марих­
уаны из Африки (Нарк.) О Where сап
I get some o f that African black that
everybody seems to be lighting up these
days? □ There is no such pot as African
black. It’s all from California.
Afro [ ’aefro] 1. n. американский негр
О Two Afros came in and bought a
case of champagne. П The earliest
Afros to settle the islands spoke a
mixture of African languages. 2. n.
причёска, характерная для негров
обоего пола □ Some gal in a big fluffy
Afro came in and left this note for
you. □ I thought Afros were out this
A fter you. phr. “Пожалуйста, прохо­
дите передо мной.” (Формула веж­
ли вост и .) □ " N o , п о ", said Paul,
stepping back, “after you.” □ As John
opened the door, he turned to Paul and
said, “After you."
a g e Out in. “перерасти” уголовщину и
антиобщественную деятельность к 40
годам О M ost of the young guys in the
county slam m er will age out and
straighten up. The rest will end up in
the state pen. □ Some o f them know
they will age out and are squeezing in
alt the crime they can manage before
that time.
a g e s [ ’edjaz] n. (очень) долгое время
О I haven't seen you in ages! □ That
ridiculous ceremony seemed to go on
for ages. О I ’ve been here just ages! I
want to go home!
aggie f a e g i ] 1. mod; сельскохозяй­
ственный (О т agricultural.) □ Her
aggie interests faded fast. □ She spent
a year at some aggie college, but didn't
like it. 2. n. студент сельскохо­
зяйственного колледжа или группы
What kind o f jo b can an aggie get
these days? О M ore and more aggies
are going back for their M .B . A.S. 3.
фьючерсные сделки с сельскохо­
зяйственными продуктами (Биржев.
Обычно во мн.) □ The March aggies
are looking good right now. О Lefs
take a look at the aggies and see how
the bellies are doing. 4. n. агатовый
ш арик (для детской игры) или
стеклянный “под агат” О Somebody
stole ту prize aggie! О I found the old
aggies I played with when I was a kid.
agin’ [a’gin] 1. prep, против (Простонар.) О A ll these votes are agin' your
city bred ideas. □ I 'm agin’ them and
you. 2. n. тот (и ли т о ), кто против
чего-либо О Seven people are for it,
but the agin's win. □ So you're the agin’
who keeps voting against me.
agonies [ ’segsniz] n. “ломка”, крайне
неприятные ощ ущ ения при пре­
кращ ении
приёма наркотиков
(Н а р к .) □ M a x is at home suffering
from the agonies. □ The agonies start
with sneezing and yawning.
ag ree to disagree phr. согласиться на
переговоры с правом остаться при
своём мнении О We have accom ­
plished nothing except we agree to dis­
agree. □ The two political parties
agreed to disagree in 1971, and that
was the last agreeable thing either one
Of them did.
A -h e a d 1. n. (an acidhead) человек
употребляющий Л С Д О A real А -
aheiad of the game*
head can be a strange person. О There
was a bunch o f А -heads in the alley,
singing and crying. 2. n. человек, при­
вычно употребляющий амфетамины
или другие стимуляторы (Парк.)
D on ’t try to tell me I can became an
А -head from taking pep pills! □ Most
А -head use speed.
a h e a d o f th e g a m e mod. успеть до
времени, получить преимущество;
сделать больше, чем необходимо
(Употр. с get или keep.) □ Without а
car telephone, I find it hard to get
ahead o f the game. □ I f being ahead of
the game is important to you and to
your business, lease a mobile telephone
from us.
aim fo r the sky и reach for the sky,
s h o o t fo r the sky in. стремиться к
ч ем у-то; добиваться ч его-ли бо □
Shoot for the sky, son. Don't settle for
second best. □ Set your sights high.
Aim for the sky!
ain’t* [ent] phr. “is not” , “am not”,
“are not” и т.д. (Нестанд. Часто в
сленге.) □ And that ain’t hay! О You
ain’t kidding.
ain’t no good nohow* phr. “всё равно
никуда не годится” (П ростон ар.
Осторож но с ain’t.) □ I t does not
matter i f I wreck my car. I t ain’ t no
good nohow. □ M y brother got put in
jail, but he ain't no good nohow.
air n. кондиционер (И з реклам по
продаже домов и автомобилей.) □ I
told them I wanted a fou r-d oor with
air, but they didn't have one. О Our
house doesn't have air, and summers
can be very unpleasant.
air-b a g s n. лёгкие □ Fill those air-bags
with good Colorado air! О I 'v e had a
cold or something in my air-bags for
about three days now.
air ball n. в баскетболе
бросок, ко­
торый не попадает никуда, особенно
в корзину О Old Fred has become a
master with the air ball. The net will
never get worn out. О Another air ball
fo r F red W ilson. T h at's his fourth
airbrain Cm. airhead.
air guitar n. воображаемая гитара, на
которой “ играю т” под музыку □
Dave stood near the window while his
roommate played air guitar in front of
the mirror. □ Jed, who sees himself as
some sort of rock star, plays air guitar
when he's happy or sad.
airhead и airbrain n. дурак (у кото­
рого воздух вместо мозгов) □ What is
that loony airhead doing there on the
roof? □ Some airbrain put mustard in
the ketchup squeezer.
air h ose n. “невидимые носки” , нос­
ки, которых нет □ A ll these kids run
around campus in air hose. You did
think they'd get blisters. □ How do you
like my new air hose? One size fits alL
air o n e's belly tr. опустошать желу­
док, блевать □ What was in that ham­
burger? I think I'v e got to air my belly.
□ That must have been some party. I
heard you airing your belly for most of
the night, after you got home.
air o n e ’s dirty linen in public и wash
o n e’s dirty linen in public tr. стирать
на людях грязное бельё, выносить
сор из избы □ I d o n 't want you to
have to air your dirty linen in public. □
P e o p le ju s t try t o get sympathy by
washing their dirty linen in public.
air o n e’s pores tr. раздеваться догола
□ I ’m fixing to air my pores and take
a shower. О M e and Wilbur, thafs my
brother, both fell in the creek and had
to air our pores a while so our pants
could dry out.
airplane 1. n. устройство, придержи­
вающее окурок сигареты с мариху­
аной (Нарк.) О Use your little
airplane, or you'll burn your fingers. О
Walter thought the airplane would help
him get higher. Stupid burnout! 2. n.
вдыхать дым марихуаны через нос
(Нарк.) □ M a x likes to airplane, but
sometimes he burns his nose. О
What's the advantage of airplaning? It
looks wasteful
airy-fairy [ ’ tri’ftri] mod. нереальный,
безосновательный □ Haven't you out­
grown that kind of airy-fairy thinking
yet? □ Her ideas are too airy-fairy
thinking yet? □ I don't care to hear
any more of your airy-fairy ideas.
ak и ok [ak] n. октябрь (Биржев. По
отношению к фьючерсным сделкам.)
□ The ak futures are looking worse by
the hour. □ When the oks expire on
Friday, we'll start looking at the dec
alchy и alkie, alky [ ’aelki] 1. n. спирт,
алкогольный напиток □ H e showed
all right
up with a week's supply o f alkie. □ The
crooks stole most of the alchy from the
bar at the club. 2. n. алкоголик □ You
see alchy after alchy all up and down
Maxwell Street. □ Some alkie came in
and asked for a quarter.
Alibi Ike [ ’aelabai ’aik] n. прозвище
человека, всегда имеющего алиби
или уважительную причину для
неудачи (Также как грубое об­
ращение.) □ Well, Alibi Ike, whafs
the excuse this time? □ Here comes
Alibi Ike, late as usual. I wonder what
caused it today.
Alice B. Toklas brownies [...’toklas...]
n. маленькие квадратики шоколад­
ного печенья с запечённой в них
марихуаной (Изобретение Alice В.
Toklas, подруги Gertrude Stein.) □
They said they were serving Alice B.
Toklas brownies, but I think the whole
business is a joke. О A ren't Alice B.
Toklas brownies just an eccentric bit of
a liv e a n d k ic k in g mod. здоровый;
“ ж и в -з д о р о в ” (П р о ст о н а р .) □ Is
your uncle still alive and kicking? □
J E D : H ow ’s it going, Gary? G A R Y :
Oh, I'm alive and kicking.
alive an d w ell mod. живой и здоро­
вый; целый, работающий □ Is that
idea of yours about putting in a window
here still alive and well? О Everybody
in my family is alive and well, except
Freddy, who has a little cold.
alkie C m . alchy.
alkied (up) [ ’aelkid...] mod. пьяный □
That old. bum looks completely alkied
up. □ She spends a lot of time alkied.
alky C m . alchy.
all balled up C m . balled up.
all bets are off phr. прежние про­
гнозы недействительны; прежние
ставки отменяются □ I can’t figure
out what is going on at work. All bets
are off on this Wilson contract. О The
stock market just crashed. When it
comes to our net worth, all bets are
all by o n e 's lonesom e mod. в одино­
честве (Простонар.) О She ju st sat
there for hours all by her lonesome. □ /
just can’t spend New Year’s Eve all by
my lonesome.
all ears mod. внимательно слушая;
желая услышать □ Keep talking. Гт
all ears. О The lecture was so fascinat­
ing that the audience was all ears for
an hour and a half.
a lle y a p p le 1. n. лошадиный навоз
(См. road apple.) □ Harry is collecting
alley apples fo r his garden. □ The
route o f the parade was littered with,
alley apples after about twenty minutes.
2. n. камень или кирпич в уличном
мусоре О Kelly kicked an alley apple
so that it struck a garbage can with a
metallic crash. □ “Drop it!" the cop
called to the kid with an alley apple in
his hand.
all-fired mod. чертовски; дьявольски
(Простонар. Эвфем. от hell-fired.) □
I'm all-fired maid at you! □ Don’t get
so all-fired snooty with met
all get out 1. mod. очень; очень сил­
ьно (Простонар. Обычно с as.) □ I
am as tired as all get out! □ She was
sick as all get out for a while. 2. n.
чёрт; дьявол (Простонар. Обычно с
as.) О I was as all get out! О H e
crashed into the room screaming at
Clare like all get out!
all in 1. mod. утомлённый, “выжа­
тый” □ I ’m just all in. I can’t move a
muscle. □ The whole gang was all in
and spent the day relaxing and talking
about the meaning of life and the price
o f chicken. 2. mod. пьяный (Эвфем.)
□ H e looks — ah — all in. I think he
is had enough to drink. О I'm a bit all
in after last nighfs party.
all-nighter 1. n. что-то, что длится
всю ночь, как вечеринка или учёба
перед экзаменом □ After an a llnighter studying, I could not keep my
eyes open for the test. □ Sam invited
us to an all-nighter, but we’re getting
a little old for that kind of thing. 2. n.
кафе, магазин или контора, работа­
ющие всю ночь □ We stopped at an
all-nighter for a cup of coffee. □ I
worked in an all-nighter for a mouth.
I just couldn’t keep those hours
though. 3. n. человек, который часто
бодрствует всю ночь □ Fred is an
all-nighter. H e is not worth much in
the mornings though. О I ’m no a llnighter. I need my beauty sleep, for
all right 1. interj. да; о’кей □ A ll right.
I ’ll do it. □ A ll right. I ’ll do it. 2.
mod. разумеется, точно □ H e is the
all schnozzled up
one who said it, all right. 3. mod. хо­
роший, “классный” (Обычно a llright, Относится к сленгу при
употреблении перед существитель­
ным.) О Wally is an all-right guy. □
We had an all-right time at your
party. 4. exclam. “Хорошо!” ; “Д а­
вай!” (Общее выражение одобре­
ния; обычно от слушателей во время
или после выступления. Обычно АН
right!) □ After the last drum beat, the
entire audience exploded into a roar­
ing " A ll right!" □ “All right!” cried
the crowd when they heard the an­
nouncement about the pay increase.
all schnozzled up [...’$naz|d ...] mod.
пьяный □ She spends a lot o f time all
schnozzled up. □ I'v e never seen any­
body all schnozzled up that bad before.
all-star 1. n. член сборной спортивной
команды из “звезд” или такая команда
О She played with the state all-stars last
year. □ She was an all-star two years ina
row. 2. mod. относящийся к игроку или
команде, описанным в п. 1.0 Beingon
the all-star team was the best thing about
this year. □ I got tickets to the all-star
All system are go, sent. “Всё в поряд­
ке.” (И з космонавтики.) О I hope
everything is ready for tomorrow. Tell
us when all systems are go. □ All sys­
tems are go. L e t's get on the road
before the traffic builds up.
all that jazz n. всякая всячина; “и всё
такое прочее” О I need some glue,
paper, string, and all that jazz to make a
kite. □ She told me I was selfish, hate­
ful, rude, ugly, and all that jazz.
all (that) meat and no potatoes phr.
чудовищно толстый человек (Н ас­
мешка.) □ Look at that guy — all meat
, and no potatoes. □ All that meat and no
potatoes. She should go on a diet.
all the w a y mod. с полным набором
ингредиентов, как в гамбургере (См.
тж. go all the way.) Q I 'd like one
double cheeseburger — all the way. D
Make mine all the way, too.
all the w ay live mod. восхитительный;
великолепный (К али ф ор.) □ Man,
this place is all the way live. О Oh,
Tiffany is justi like, all the way live!
a ll th u m b s mod. неловкий, неук­
люжий; “руки растут не оттуда” О
I ’ m all thumbs when it comes to
needlework. □ I can’t do that kind of
fine work. I ’m all thumbs.
all-time mod. редкостный, уникаль­
ный □ The lake is at an all-time high
this year. □ The stock market broke an
a ll-tim e high record every day this
all-tim e favorite 1. n. кто-либо или
ч т о -л и б о , популярное в течении
долгого времени О This recording is
an all-time favorite of mine, о Shirley
was an all-time favorite in our town. 2.
mod. популярный в течении долгого
времени О Frankie is ту a ll-tim e
favorite singer. □ Who is your all-time
favorite pitcher?
all wet mod. совершенно неправильно
Wrong again! You are really all wet.
o I f you think I ’m going to take that
kind of talk from you, you’re all wet.
almighty mod. ужасный, чертовский
(Простонар.) О There is an almighty
argument going on next door. □ I ’m
almighty tired, and I ’m going to bed.
almighty dollar n. д о лла р , воспри­
нимаемый как символ власти или
жадности О You don’t care about any­
thing but the almighty dollar. □ The
world's economy seems to depend on
an adequate supply of the almighty dol­
a lp h a b e t s o u p n. акронимы или
сокращения вообще □ The names o f
these government offices are just alpha­
bet soup. □ Just look at the telephone
book! You can’t find anything because
ifs filled with alphabet soup.
also-run n. проигравший; не имею­
щий шанса на успех О John was ап
also-ran in the contest for governor. □
He's just an also-ran. H e'll never go
am bulance chaser 1. и chaser n. ад­
вокат, который спешит к месту не­
счастного случая, чтобы попытаться
сделать пострадавшего своим клиен­
том □ The insurance companies are
cracking down on ambulance chasers.
D Two minutes after the spectacular
wreck, seven chasers with police radios
showed up and began harassing the vic­
tims. 2. п. унизительное название
адвоката (Т ж . как грубое об­
ращ ение.) О Look here, you ambu­
lance chaser, I can’t afford your rates.
О That ambulance chaser is trying to
angel hair
charge me for reaching his office when
I called a wrong number!
amies Cm . amy.
amigo [a’migo] n: друг (Испан. Тж. об­
ращение.) □ M e and ту amigo want to
rent a couple o f horses. □ Hey, amigo,
lefs go somewhere for a drink.
ammo [ ’aemo] 1. n. амуниция □ There
they were, trapped in a foxhole with
no ammo, enemy all over the place. □
What do you think happened? 2. n.
компрометирующие сведения; аргу­
менты в споре О I want to get some
ammo on the mayor. I think he’s a
crook. О Try to keep my traffic tickets
a secret. The opposition will use them
as ammo in the next election.
ammunition 1. n. туалетная бумага О
Could somebody help me! We are out
of ammunition in here! О The am­
munition in Europe is better these
days than it used to be. 2. n. спиртное
(См. shot.) □ The cowboy walked in,
downed a shot, and called for more
ammunition. □ He’s had about all the
ammunition he can hold.
am ped [aempt] mod. опьянённый ам­
фетаминами (Нарк. Cm, amps.) □
Hank got himself amped last night. □
Larry was amped for a long time after
his three-day run.
am ps n. амфетамины (Н а р к . Ср.
damps.) О Paul is on a roller coaster of
amps and damps. D 1 never do any
drugs except maybe a few amps now
and then, and the odd downer, and
maybe a little grass on weekends, but
nothing really hard.
amy [ ’emi] 1. n. и amyl [ ’aem|] n. со­
судорасширяющее средство, употре­
(Нарк.) О Н е seems to like ату for
some reason. H e won’t say what it is.
О They use amyl for kicks. 2. n. кап­
сула “Amytal™”, барбитурата (Нарк.
Мн. am ies.) О She had a handful of
amies in her purse when she was ar­
rested. □ She has to take an amy or
two to bring her down after an upper
amyl Cm. amy.
anchor-clanker n. моряк (Воен н .) □
The bar was suddenly filled with anch or-cla n k ers, and the army guys
began looking fo r a way out. О How
can you anchor-clankers stand being
cooped up on those cans?
ancient history n. кто-то или что-то
полностью забытое, особенно про­
шедшие любовные истории (См. тж.
history.) И Bob? I never think about
Bob anymore. H e's ancient history. □
That business about joining the army is
ancient history.
and change phr. и ещё несколько со­
тых (Употребляется для обозначения
дополнительной доли целого в ценах
или вообще числах.) □ This one only
costs 10 bucks and change. □ The New
York Stock Exchange was up seven
points and change for the third broken
record this week.
and everything phr. и так далее; и всё
прочее □ And when I ’m elected you can
be sure that the farm situation, the
budget deficit, the trade deficit, and
everything will improve. □ Please bring
your book, pencil, handkerchief.wallet,
comb, keys, watch, and everything over
here, and put them on the table so we
can make a list.
And how! exclam. “Согласен!”, “Ещё
к а к !” О I am really excited you are
here. And how! О B IL L : I am pleased
you are here. B O B : M e, too! And how!
angel 1. n. человек, который тайно
оплачивает что-либо О Who was the
angel for your new play? □ / was
hoping for an angel to see this project
thought, but all the fat-cats seem to
have disappeared. 2. n. кокаин
(Нарк.) О One gram Of angel was
found in the lining of the coat of the
Suspect. О Do you mean angel or
angel dust? 3. n. фенциклидин,
P .С.P., транквилизатор для жи­
вотных (Нарк.) О There is a new
variety on the streets now. They call it
angel. □ Non, this pill is what we call
angel. It sort of numbs you, but it’s
out o f this world. 4. n. любимый (ая)
(Тж. как обращение.) О Okay,
angel, let's get in the car. Q See my
angel standing over there? Isn't he
angel dust и an ge l hair, dust Of an­
gels n. обычное название P.C.P.
фенциклидина (Первонач. нарк.) О
Angel dust is getting to be quite a prob­
lem in this town. □ I thought that
angel hair and stuff like that was a
problem o f the sixties.
angel hair Cm. angel dust.
angel puke
an gel puke [ ’endjJ ’pjuk] n. фенцик­
лидин, P.C.P. (Нарк. Ср. angel dust.)
□ I don't care what you call it, I call it
angel puke. That stuff is deadly. □ M ix
a little angel puke with this grass, and
you'll really have a treat.
angie [ ’aendji] n. кокаин (Нарк. См.
angel.) □ I didn't know that angie was
addictive. □ Wally was the last person
you would think would be hooked on
a n g le 1. n. эгоистичный мотив D
Okay, Ted, I know you better than to
think that you are doing this out o f the
kindness of your heart* What is your
angle? □ I don’t have any angle. I have
reformed. 2. n. направление; уклон;
смысл О Let is try to get a good angle
on this news story so the wire service
will buy it from us. □ I think that by
studying the M a ya I will be able to
develop a new angle on why they disap­
animal n. мужчина, ведущий себя как
зверь в смысле поведения, чи­
стоплотности или сексуальной агрес­
сивности (Тж. как обращение.) □ You
are an animal! □ Stop picking your
nose, animal.
ankle 1. n. привлекательная женщина
(Обычно с some.) □ Now, there’s
some ankle I'v e never seen around
here before. □ D o you get ankle like
that around here all the time? 2. n.
уйти с работы, уволиться (Ср. walk.)
□ One more day like this, and I ’m
gonna ankle. □ I didn't fire her. I told
her she could ankle if she wanted.
annihilated [s ’naisledsd] mod. пьяный
О Drunk, hell. H e was annihilated! О
Those three women became totally
annihilated on a bottle of wine.
another mouth to feed n. ещё один
человек в доме, особенно новый
ребёнок О What is another mouth to
feed? Come on, sit down and eat! □
That's all we need, another mouth to
another peep (out of you) n. ещё
одна жалоба, слово или звук от
когсг-либо (Обычно как угроза.) □ I
don’t want to hear another peep out of
you! □ I ’ve heard enough! N ot another
ante [ ’aenti] l . n. начальная ставка в
определённых карточных играх (в
покере) О Whafs the ante to join this
game ? □ That's a pretty high ante.
Forget it! 2. n. цена; штраф О The
ante is marked on the sticker. □
Whafs the ante for a used 1985 fo u rdoor?
ante (something) up и ante up som e­
thing tr. & in. выплачивать свою
долю; прийти с требуемой суммой
денег □ Come on, ante up! Pay what
you owe. □ Are you going to ante up
your part, or do I have to ask some of
the boys to help you?
anti [ ’asnti или ’aentai] 1. n. тот, кто
против чего-либо (См. тж. agin'.) О
She’s an anti. D o n ’t even ask her. О
All the antis are going to vote for it this
time. 2. mod. против чего-либо или
кого-либо (Иногда в роли предлога.)
Г т not anti the proposal, I just
have some questions. □ Four are in
favor, and two are anti.
antifreeze 1. n. героин (Нарк.) □ M ax
could not come out till he filled up on
antifreeze. О H e can't get through one
o f these cold nights without antifreeze.
2. n. спиртное любого сорта и
самогон □ With enough antifreeze, I
can stand the cold. □ B et's some anti­
freeze to stop your teeth from chatter­
antifreezed mod. пьяный □ Man, I feel
totally antifreezed. □ H e appears to be
frozen even though he's antifreezed.
antinuke [ ’aenti’ njuk или ’aenti’nuk]
mod. относящийся к лицам, высту­
пающим против ядерной энергии и
ядерного оружия □ Are you antinuke
or not? □ The antinuke crowd is pick­
eting the power company. □ Who is
voting for the antinuke candidate?
antsy [ ’aentsi] mod. нервный, беспо^
койный (См. have ants in one's
pants.) О You look a little antsy.
Whafs wrong? □ Who is that antsy
guy? О She gets antsy before a test.
anymore mod* сейчас (Простонар.) О
D o you still: swim anymore? □ Any­
more, kids tell us what to do.
any old how mod. как угодно, “как
бог на душу положит” О D o it any
old how — the best you can. □ What a
mess! You can’t just paint the wall any
old how!
Anytime, interj, “Пожалуйста” , “He за
что ” , ^ П ри ятн о было оказать
у с л у г у .” (Ч асто в ответ на Thank
you.) □ M A R Y : Thanks for the ride.
P A U L : Anytime.Thlnk nothing of it. □
T O M : You' ve been a real friend, Sally.
I can't thank you enough. S A LLY : Any­
A -O K [ ’ e ’ o ’ k e] mod. в наилучш ем
состоянии О I really feel A -O K . О
Show me the most A - O K canary you
A.P.B. и A P B n. “all points bulletin” ;
полицейская тревога в широком рай­
оне, с описанием разыскиваемого
преступника □ They sent out an
A.P.B. on the smuggler. □ We just got
an A P B on that Johnson character.
Keep an eye out for him.
ape n. сутулы й или длин норукий
мужчина, особенно крупный и силь­
ный (Уголовн.) О Tell your ape to let
me go! О You take your apes and get out
of here!
aped [ept] mod. пьяный □ H e comes
home aped about once a month. О I'v e
never seen my brother so totally aped
a p e h a n g e r s n. ш ирокий руль на
велосипеде или мотоцикле □ Who is
that guy riding the bike with ape hang­
ers? О A r e n 't ape hangers sort o f
a p p le 1 .n . бейсбольны й мяч □ Jim
clammed the apple over the plate, but the
up called it a ball. О Just when I raised
my arm to throw to second, the damn
apple slipped out of my hand and rolled
down my arm. Now, explain that! 2. n.
капсула “ Seconala™” , барбитурата
, (Нарк. “Seconal™” красного цвета). О
N o more apples! N o more apples! I gotta
have amps! О Man, you got any apples
you can spare a friend?
apple of som eone’s eye n. безнадёжно
желанная вещь или человек; “свет
очей” (Всегда с the.) О Martha is the
apple o f Larry's eye, but she hardly
knows he exists. О That car in the show
window is the apple of my eye.
apple-polisher n. льстец □ Doesn't
that wimpy apple-polisher know how
stupid he looks? □ Everybody at the
office seems to be an apple-polisher
but me.
applesauce n. чепуха □ D o not give
me that applesauce. I know better. □
Thafs just applesauce!
ap p s [asps] n. устройство для приёма
наркотиков (От apparatus. Нарк.) □
Where is ту apps! I need my apps
now! P M ax keeps his apps in the
closed under the blue towel.
arb [arb] n. спекулянт, биржевой иг­
рок (От arbitrageur. Биржев.) □ The
arbs are at it again, buying up compa­
nies like hot cakes. О I wanted to be an
arb, but it takes about forty million to
get in the door.
Arctic explorer n. нарком ан, упот­
ребляю щ ий кокаин (С и н . snow.
Н арк.) □ The place was full o f Arctic
explorers trying to lose them selves in
the snow. О Three Arctic explorers
trudged up to the door 6 f the crack
Are you holding? и Are you carrying?
interrog. “ Продаёшь наркотики?”
(Н арк.) О The nark asked M a x it he
was holding, and M a x just stared at
him. D Then M a x reached in his
pocket and pulled out a handful o f
A re you ready for this? interrog. “Ну,
как тебе?” ; “Продолжать?” □ Did
you see what Gary and Jill were doing?
Are you ready for this? □ You wouldn’t
believe who is about to lose house and
car in a sheriffs sale. A re you ready
for this?
ark [ark] n. старый автомобиль И
Why do not you get rid o f that old ark
and get something that’s easier to
park? □ this ark is the most com­
fortable car I ’ve ever had. I 'l l drive it
till it falls apart.
arm n. офицер полиции (Уголовн.
См. тж. long arm o f the law.) □
What 11 you do if the arms come in
while you are sawing the bars of your
cell? □ So this arm says to me,
“Going to a fire?”
armpit n. лю бое неприятное место
(Прозвище неприятного города или
посёлка.) □ Who wants to spend a
weekend in an armpit? □ The town
should be called the armpit of the na­
arm-twister n. человек, который ис­
пользует сильны е средства для
убеждения □ M y aunt works as an
arm-twister, collecting overdue bills for
the telephone company. □ I have to
seem like an arm-twister, collecting
overdue bills fo r the telephone com­
arm-twisting n. убеждение с помо­
щью силы О The boss is very good at
arm-twisting. □ I f nice talk won't
work, try a little arm-twisting.
arm y brat n. ребёнок, один из роди­
телей которого служит в армии (что
связано с частыми переездами) □ I
was an army brat and went to 7 differ­
ent schools before I got out o f high
school. □ We army brats tend to stick
around the bend и round the bend 1.
mod. ненормальный; псих О I think
I ’m going around the bend. О She
sounds like she's round the bend al­
ready. 2. mod. пьяный или опья­
нённый наркотиком Р O ne more of
those, and you'll be around the bend. P
From the look in her eye. I'd say she is
completely round the bend now.
artillery 1. n. огнестрельное оружие;
гранаты (У г о л о в н .) Р Where does
M a x stash the artillery? P A lt the ar­
tillery is locked in the trunk o f the
getaway car. 2. n. столовые приборы
P Go get your own artillery. This ain't
the Ritz. P Who put out the artillery?
3. n. принадлежности для впрыски­
вания наркотиков (Н а р к .) Р The
junky got all her artillery ready fo r a
fix. P M ax kept his artillery on the top
shelf of his closet.
artist n. В сложных словах “спе­
циалист.” См. beat artist, booze art­
ist, bullshit artist, burn artist, castor
oil artist, con artist, flimflam artist,
goof artist, hype artist, таке-o u t art­
ist, off artist, rip-off artist, takeoff
artsy-craftsy [ ’ artsi ’ kraef(t)si] mod.
занимающийся искусством; худо­
жественный P Wally is sort of artsycraftsy. P Gary's an artsy-crafty kind of
guy with lots o f talent. P The artsycrafty crowd held a show in the library
parking lot last Sunday.
A.S.A.P. и A S A P mod. “as soon as pos­
sible”, “так быстро — как можешь”
Р Get this thing done A S A P ! P
A. S. A. P. or not, it will get done when
it gets done, period!
ASCII, и asky [ ’aeski] n. “American
Standard for Computer Information In­
terchange” , алфавитная интерпре­
тация компьютерного кода Р This
program produces a regular A S C II file.
P Fred knows what the asky code for
У is.
ash e s n. конопля (Нарк.) P Lem me
have a drag of your ashes, what do you
say? P How much for just a little pipe
full of ashes, Max?
a s is mod. “в нынешнем состоянии”,
“как есть” ; без гарантии Р I ’m sel­
ling this as is. Look it over carefully.
О I f I take it as is, does that mean
there is no guarantee?
asky C m . A S C II.
asleep at the switch mod. невнимате­
лен на дежурстве (He обязательно
спящий.) Р Donald was asleep at the
switch when the call came in. P H e sat
there reading-asleep at the switch as
asphalt jungle n. городской ландшафт;
город как зловещее место Р / don’t
look forward to spending the rest of my
days in an asphalt jungle. P I want to
go back to Kansas. I hate the asphalt
a s s * 1.* n. ягодицы, зад (Употр. с остор.) Р Look at the fat ass on the
goalie. P Shut up, or I ’ll throw you
out of here on your ass. 2.* n. дурак,
глупец (Употр. с остор. Провокац.)
Р D o not be such an ass! P who’s cal­
ling who an ass?
asshole* 1.* n. задний проход (Употр.
с остор.) Р Н е threatened to kick те
in the asshole, or something like that,
if I didn’t leave at once. P H e had to
tell the doctor about the pain in his
asshole because he simply didn't know
any other word for it. 2.* n. мерзкая
личность (У п о т р . с остор. Р у г а ­
тельство и провокац. Тж. как грубое
обращение.) Р Shut up and get out,
you asshole! P Some days it seems like
only the asshole got up, and everyone
else stayed in bed.
astronomical mod. предельно дорогой;
громадный (о числах) Р The prices
here are astronomical! P The market
indexes have all reached astronomical
heights for the second time.
at a snail’s pace и at a snail’s gallop
mod. очень медленно, “со скоростью
улитки” Р Things are moving at a
snail’s pace here, but we will finish on
time - have no fear. P Poor old Wally
Aztec two-step
is creeping at a snail’s gallop because
his car has a flat tire.
at lo o s e e n d s mod. нервный и воз­
буждённый; утомлённей бездельем
О Тот usually works puzzles whenever
he is at loose ends■ о I'm at loose ends
on weekends.
at the market mod. по нынешней ры­
ночной цене (Биржев. В инструк­
циях брокеру.) D I never buy at the
market. M y orders are always a point
or two under the market price. □ I put
in an order f o r 200 shares at the
market, but my broker placed the order
wrong and it cost me a fortune.
attic n, голова (как вместилище ин­
теллекта) О She's just got nothing in
the attic. That is whafs wrong with her.
О Ken has an attic full o f fear and re­
sentment he needs to clean out before
he will feel comfortable again.
Aunt Mary n. марихуана (Нарк.) □
I'v e got some Aunt Mary in the closet
under the red towel. О We’ll have a
little conversation with Aunt Mary
after diner tonight.
avs [aevz] n. случай; законы вероят­
ности (От averages. Уличн. Всегда с
the.) О The avs say that I ought to be
dead by now. О It looks like the avs fi­
nally caught up with him.
aw ash mod. пьяный О H e showed up for
his interview all avash. О Sue got her­
self pretty much awash on gin last night.
aw ay 1, mod. аут (в бейсболе) О Jim
put the last one away, and that is
three outs retiring the side. D There's
one away and two men left on base. 2.
mod. в тюрьме (Уголовн.) □ M y
cousin is away for a year. О The judge
wanted to put him away for two years,
but decided on one instead.
aw esom e 1. exclam. “Великолепно!”,
“Потрясающе!" (Обычно Awesome!
Обвдеупотр., но часто в сленге.) D
You own that gorgeous hog? Awe­
some! И Awesome! I ’m impressed.
2. mod. впечатляющий П That
thing is rgally awesome. □ Let me
have a look at this awesome hew
box of yours.
A.W.O.L. и A W O L [e ’dabyu ’o 41 или
’ewal] mod. “absent without leave” ;
беглец (из тюрьмы), дезертир (из
армии ), “самовольщик” О The kid
the cops picked up was AW OL. H e is
had it. О I f I don’t get back to the
base, they're going to think Vrn
Aztec [ ’aeztek] n. одежда в стиле мек­
сиканских индейцев О She just
doesn’t look good in Aztec. О Madam
asked to see something Aztec. Is this
what madam had in mind?
Aztec tw o-step n, понос у туристов в
(Син. Montezuma's revenge.) □
was there for only two days before I
was struck down with the Aztec tw ostep. □ I spent a week in Cancun and
never even heard of anybody with
Aztec two-step.
b ab e и b ab e s 1. п. ласковое обоз­
начение женщины или мужчины
(Тж. как обращение. См. ЬаЬу.)Щ&
Say, babe, b r i n g a beer, would
you? □ Look, babe, get in there and
tackle that guy!- 2. n. симпатичная
женщина О Who is that babe stand­
ing qnt the corner over there? О That
babe happens to be tny sister.
babo o n В - сопляк', ничтожество, ду­
рак (Тж. как грубое обращение). □
Stop acting like а baboon! ^ row ищ
Й y f e t l that ugly baboon to get out of
here □ Hey, baboon, get off my lawn!
baby 1. n. любовник(ца); любимый
(ая) (Тж. как обращение.) □ Соте
over here and kiss me, baby. □ Look,
baby, I think tie can work this out. 2.
n. обращение к ;ipviy или знако.м р м ^ ^ й б р гр Л я а О Come on, baby,
push this thing hard! □ Hey, baby!
Getting any action? 3. па предмет,
устройство, Кетучка; машина . (на­
пример, автомобиль) (Син. sucker.)
-This baby.is a real bear. О Hand
me that baby with the sharp point,
will you? П What kind of tranny does
that baby have?' 4. ,n. Щ роеЙ » (кай
чьё-то детище; всегда с указанием,
чьё) Q You give the report This pro­
ject is your baby. □ Whose baby is the
Johnson account? 5. n. и bab^'|bijli;
n. марихуана (Нарк.) □ She claims
she only smokes baby buds and they
won’t affect ‘het dr'iving ability. □
Baby can set you back a lot, but
-j there's not much to iV 6. n. елабое
1^чиуначинающееся пристрастие к
D You just have а
baby. Wait a Jew years till ‘the tolerance begins to build. □ I can remem­
ber when'mhis monkey was a baby. Icould actually take it vr hmve it.
baby bear n. начинающий патруль­
ный полисмен дорожной полиции
(См. Smokey (ще: Ьё^г).Ж □ Some
baby bear tried to arrest me for speed­
ing, but I. conned him out of it. □ tie
may be just a baby bear, but he can
still bite hard.
B a b y Bell n. одна из новых регио­
нальны х телефонны х ком паний,
бывших ранее частью American Tele­
phone and Telegraph Company (См.
M a Bell.) □ The Baby. Bells are doing
better that the parent company. □ “I f the
Baby Bells get into long distance serv­
ice, say goodbye to
shot money manager muttered in his
third martini.
(baby) boom er n. человек, рождён­
ный во время “детского бума” — с
45-го до начала 60-х. О When the
baby bfxmiers get around to saving up
for retirement, you're going to see q
lot of ihytstmdnl scams. □ At about
age 45 the boomers will start putting
' money away. ■
babycakes и honeycakes n. ласковое
обращение; милый (ая); дорогой (ая)'
M y babycakes gave те a flimsy
nightie f o r ' ту birthday. □ Look,
honeycakes, I found some lipstick on
your collar.
b aby-k isser n. ноЛйтикйП. Onct'thdse
baby-kissers get in office, 'they spend,
spend, spend □ There were lots of
promises at the town square today
,when 4 local baby-kissers tried to rally
the upcoming election.
b aby-sit tr. & in. сидеть с кем—го и
направлять его во время приёма
Л С Д (Парк. Тж. с with.) □ Who will
baby-sit with Fred? □ Max promised
to baby-sit me when I took the'stuff,
' but he was'ri(Wthir$0^aM'UirMl''di^1k
ba b y sitter n. руководитель во время
коллективного приёма Л С Д (Нарк.)
M a x is a lousy baby sitter. □ It s
dangerous to trip out with a stoned
baby sitter.
backbone n. храбрость; сила воли □
I f you had any backbone, you would be
able to deal with this. □ She lacks
backbone, that’s all
back -d oor trot(s) n. понос (Выраже­
ние происходит из тех времён, когда
по нужде приходилось выходить во
двор через чёрный ход;) □ I can't go
out tonight. I got a case of the back­
door trots. □ She gets the back-door
trot when she drinks wine.
b a c k e d up mod. опьянённый нар­
котиками □ Oh my God, I ’m really
backed up! О O ld B en n y 's really
backed up.
backer n. человек, поддерживающий
или финансирующий политическую
компанию, игру и т.п. □ I had a lot
o f generous backers for the play. □ I
was hoping for a backer, but the project
was too chancy.
backfire (on som eon e) in. для плана,
призванного навредить кому-либо —
навредить тому, кто этот план
выполняет □ I hope this plan does not
backfire on me. □ H e r attempt to
frame Bill for the-crime backfired.
backhander n. пощ ёчина (ты льной
стороной ладони) □ Then she gave me
a powerful backhander without even
looking to see who I was. О Yes, of­
ficer, a perfectly strange woman came
up and clobbered me with a backhander
that loosened a tooth
backlash n. отрицательный ответ на
ч то-либо О Was there any backlash
aim ed at your suggestion? □
weren't prepared for the backlash we
back number n. старомодный человек
(Как старый номер журнала) □ Oh,
Dad! You're getting to be such a back
number! □ Som e old back number
wearing gaiters wants to have a word
with you.
b a c k o ff (fro m s o m e o n e or s o m e ­
thing) 1. in. удаляться (Тж. в перен.)
О We decided to back o ff from our
plan. □ Gary was screaming at me,
and t thought I 'd better back off for a
bit. 2. in. (c someone) утихомиривать
злобу на кого-либо О Gary began to
back off from me a little. О Come on,
man Cool it! Back off!
backroom mod. тайный, скрытый □ I
am going to watch for backroom deals.
□ A ll the candidates were selected in
backroom meetings.
backroom boys Cm. boys in the back­
backseat driver n. надоедливый пас­
сажир, советующий водителю, как
ехать; человек, указывающий, как
надо делать что-либо □ I don’t need
any backseat driver on this project. О
Stop being a backseat driver!
backside n. ягодицы □ She fell right on
her backside. □ There is some mustard
or something on your backside.
backslapper n. излишне общительный
или дружелюбный напоказ человек
□ A t election time, city hall is filled
with backslappers and baby-kissers. □
I n the used car dealership, this
backslapper comes up to me and tells
me he’s got something that will last me
a lifetime.
b ack -to -b ack mod. подряд □ A can’t
take two days like this one back-toback. □ I schedule all my appoint­
ments back—tcr-back to save time. О
These back-to-back appointments are
killing me.
back to square one phr. опять сна­
чала (Часто с go.) О Well, it looks
it’s back to square one. □ We've got to
get this done without going back to
square one.
back to the salt m ines phr. снова на
работу □ Well, ifs Monday morning.
Back to the salt mines. □ Break's over!
Back to the salt mines, everybody.
back up in. отказываться (от чего-то)
□ Fred backed up at the last minute,
leaving me with 20 pounds of hotdogs.
□ D o n 't back up now, man. It 's too
backwards n. барбитурат; вообще
успокоительный наркотик (Н арк.
См. forwards.) □ Backwards always
put me to sleep. □ She’s hooked on
backwards and forwards and has been
for years.
bacon n. поли ци я; полицейский
(Негрит. Ср. pig) О Keep an eye out
for the bacon. □ That bacon is hassling
b a d 1. mod. сильный, мощный (H e грит.) О Man, that is really bad music!
This grass is bad! 2. mod. подхо­
дящий; превосходный (Негрит.) D 1
got some new silks that are really bad. О
That is a bad man dancing there.
baddy и baddie [ ’ baedi] h. плохая
вещь илй человек □ Using butter is
supposed to be a real baddy. О Marty
has become such a baddie that no one
speaks to her anymore.
bad eg g n. отвратительная личность □
You're not such a bad egg after all. □
She's a real bad egg.
b a d g e r g a m e n. разновидность мо­
шенничества— женщина заманивает
мужчину в компрометирующее его
положение, затем шантажирует □
The old man was taken for a bundle by a
s windle called the badger game. □ So
Jed is up to the old badger game again!
b a d g r a s s n. ф енциклидин, P.C.P.
(H e марихуана! См. grass.) □ Stay
away from bad grass. It turns you into
a zombie. О M an, this is some bad
bad-m outh t. tr. ругать кого-то или
что-то (С м . тж. dirty mouth.) П /
wish you would stop bad-mouthing my
car. □ Harry bad-mouths everything he
doesn't understand. 2. n. человек, ко­
торый ругает кого-то или что-то □
Harry is such a bad-mouth! The world
is filled with bad-m ouths. We need
more caring people.
bad news 1. n, счёт (за что-то) □ Here
comes the bad news. О Okay, lets see
what bad news is. 2. mod. непри­
ятный, несчастливый □ That poor
guy is really bad news. □ It’s bad news
Freddy on the phone again.
bad paper n. неверный чек О She got
6 months for passing bad paper. □
There is more bad paper passed in this
town in one month that in all of
Sweden for a whole year!
b a d ra p 1. n. лож ны е обвинения
(Уголовн. Син. bum rap.) □ Freddy got
stuck with a bad rap. □ A ll those guys
get nothing but bad raps. Nobody's ever
guilty. 2. h. незаслуженная критика О
This car has gotten a bad rap, and I
don' t know why. □ Butter has been get­
ting sort of a bad rap lately.
b a d s e e d n. кактус пейотль (Н арк.
Всегда с the.) □ I spent most of Satur­
day casting around with the bad seed.
She's got the bad seed at the top of
her list of happy dope.
b ad trip 1. n. неприятные ощущения
от наркотика (Нарк.) О M y first trip
was a bad trip, and I never took
another. □ The guide is supposed to
talk you down from a bad trip. 2. n .
любое неприятное впечатление или
человек □ This class is a bad trip. □
Harry can be such a bad trip.
bafflegab [ ’baeflgaeb) n. жаргон □ Do
not throw that bafflegab at me. Use
English. □ Watch out for the bafflegab
they use to try to sell that stuff.
b a g 1, tr. арестовать кого-либо (Уго­
ловн. См. тж. bagged.) О They bagged
the robber with the loot still on him. □
W e'll be able to bag the alleged killer
when we have more evidence. 2. a.
уродливая женщ ина (У н и зи т .) □
She has turned into an absolute bag. □
Tell the old bag to mind her own busi­
ness. 3. n. чья—либо любимая вещь;
вещь, подходящая под ч ь и -ли б о
вкусы □ M y bag is things with
whipped cream. □ That kind of stuff is
just not my bag. 4. tr. достать чтолибо П I ’ll try to bag a couple of tick­
ets for you. О See if you can bag one of
the red ones. 5. tr. покупать нар­
котики (Нарк.) □ She went out to bag
some grass. О See if you can bag some
horse. 6. ill пакет с наркотиками
(Н арк. fie обязательно настоящая
сум ка.) □ Two bags o f П .fo r two
dimes? О The man flipped a couple of
bags out from a little stack he had held
under his wrist by a rubber band.
b agged 1. и in the b ag mod. пьяный
□ She just sat there and got bagged. О
How can anybody be so bagged on four
beers? 2. mod. арестованный □ “ You
are bagged," said the officer, clapping
hand on the suspect’s shoulder. □
" I ’m not bagged yet, copper," said the
Bag it! 1. exclam. Убегай! (Калифор.
См. тж. Bag your face!) □ You are
j not rad, and you are not awesome, so,
like, bag it! □ Bag it yourself! 2. ex­
clam. “Заткнись!” □ Bag it! I ’m read­
ing. О Oh, bag it! I ’ve heard enough
bag lady и b ag wom an n. торговка
наркотиками (Нарк. См. bag.) О M y
bag lady says she can get some cheap.
□ The cops picked up a bag woman
pushing pot over on Maple Street■
bagm an [ ’bsegmasn] 1. n. бродяга □
Two old bagmen wandered slowly,
down the lane. O ' The bagman asked
politely for some work that he would
be paid for in food. 2. n. торговец
наркотиками (Нарк.) D Sam was a
bagman for a well-known dealer for a
while. □ We don't just want the bag­
man. We want to arrest Mr. Big. 3. n.
рэкетир О So you think you and your
bagmen can just walk in here and take
over! □ Some bagman from the mob
was pulled out of the river yesterday.
b ag of bo n es n. чудовищно костля­
вый человек или животное □ I ’m
just turning into a bag o f bones. □ Get
that old bag o f bones off the racetrack!
b ag of wind C m . windbag,
b a g som e rays C m . catch some rays.
Bag your face! exclam. “Уматывай!” ,
“Убирайся!” (См. тж. Bag it!) □ You
are in the way. Bag your face! □ You
outrage me. Bag your face!
B aham a-m am a
[Ьэ'Ьатэ’т а т э ]
тучная негритянка □ That Bahamamama who was just in here ordered
four chocolate shakes. О Clare has
turned into a real Bahama-mama.
She’s gonna have to lay -off eating so
bail (out) in. отказаться, освободиться,
уволиться, уйти □ 1 can't take any
more. I'm going to bail out. □ Albert
bailed just before he got fired.
baked mod. пьяный или опьянённый
наркотиком □ A ll four of them went
out and got baked. □ I ’ve never seen
anybody so baked.
baker’s dozen n. тринадцать штук (Ср.
long dozen. Когда в кондитерской просишь дю ж ину, тебе дают три­
надцать.) □ 1 had hoped to get a baker’s
dozen, but they, don't do that anymore.
There’s a baker's dozen dogs in the
front yard digging up your tulips.
baldy и baldie [ ’baldi] n. лысый □ I ’m
getting to be an old baldy. □ 1 turned
into a baldy in my twenties.
bale (of hay) n. большое количество
марихуаны; килограмм марихуаны
или гашиша (Нарк. См. hay.) О 1
only want a tiny bit, not a whole bale.
□ Sam wants to buy a bale of hay for
a party.
ball* 1. n. веселье на вечеринке О We
really had a ball. See уa! □ Your birth­
day party was a ball! 2. in. развлекаться
(Двусмысленно из-за значения 3.) О
The whole crowd was balling and having
a fine time. О We balled the whole eve­
ning. 3.* tr. & in. совокупляться с кемлибо (Употр. с остор.) □ Isn’t there
anything more to you than balling? □ I
hear she balfed him but good. 4.* n.
семенник (Обычно во мн. “ яйца” .
Употр. с остор.) О Не got hit right in
the balls. □ The teacher preferred 'testi­
cles' to ’balls,’ if they had to be men­
tioned at alL
ball and chain n. жена (Обычно
шут.) □ I'v e got to get home to my
ball and chain. □ M y ball and chain
is mad at me.
balled up и b alled-u p mod. ошара­
шенный, смущённый О That dame is
so balled up she doesn't know any­
thing. □ This is really a balled-up
mess you've made.
ball is in som eone’s court phr. сейчас
чей-то ход (чья-то очередь) (Всегда с
the.) □ The baits in your court now. You
do something. Ш Я can’t do anything as
long as the ball is in John's court.
ball of fire и fireball n. энергичный и
честолюбивый человек (Син. go-get­
ter.) □ That guy is a real ball o f fire
when it comes to sales. О I don't want
to hire some young fireball. I need wis­
dom and thoughtfulness.
ball park estimate и ball park figure
n. очень приближенная, неточная
оценка □ / can only give you a ball
park estimate at this time, о A ll I
need is a ball park figure. Exactness
comes later.
ball som eone or something up и ball
up som eone or something tr. при­
водить в беспорядок О I hope I do
not ball it up again! □ You ball up
another contract, and you are fiiiished.
ballyhoo [ ’bwaelihu] 1. n. реклама □ /
have never heard so much ballyhoo for
such a lousy movie. □ After the bally­
hoo died down, we realized that noth­
ing at all had really changed. 2. tr.
проталкивать, продвигать, рекла­
мировать □ We promise to ballyhoo
John at election time. □ They ballyhooed this movie on television for a
month before it came out
balmy 1. mod. сумасшедший □ You are
totally balmy if you think I will put up
with that stuff О What a balmy ideal
mod. пьяный □ She's not ju st
drunk, she’s a little balmy. О How can
anybody be so balmy on four beers?
baloney и bologna
[b s’louni]
чепуха (Тж. как восклицание.) О
D on't give те all that baloney! □
That's just a lot of bologna. Don't
believe it for a
bam boozle [b x m ’buzl] tr. обманывать
кого-либо (См. тж. bamboozled.) П
D on't try to bamboozle me! I know
what I want! □ The crooks bam­
boozled the old man out of his life
bam boozled |bxm’bu/.|d] 1. mod. Оше­
ломлённы й, “ обалдевший” (П р о стонар.) О This stu ff sure has me
bamboozled. О I d o n 't know who’s
more bamboozled, you or me. 2. mod.
пьяный (Студенч.) □ She's not just
drunk, she’s totally bamboozled. □ She
just sat there and. got bamboozled as
the dickens.
bam bs C m . bams.
bammy и bammies [ ’baemi(z)] n. ма­
рихуана; сигарета с марихуаной
(Нарк.) □ I want to get hold of some
bammies to send over to my brother
in jail. □ The guard found a bammy
in,his cell and sold it to another pris­
bam s [baemz] 1. n. амфетамины в
капсулах (Нарк.) □ These bams are
wearing me out. □ H e is on a steady
diet of bams and soda pop. 2. и
bam bs n. барбитураты в капсулах
(Нарк.) □ I want some bams, like,
downers, ypu know, p Bambs around
here are called sec. 3. n. сигареты с
марихуаной (Нарк. См. bammy.) □
1 need some bams. Who’s selling? □
Bams is just kid stuff.
ban an a-h ead n. дурак О Kelly can be
such a banana-head. □ Ask that
banana-head why she is wearing a
coat like that in
banana oil n. чепуха □ Thai‘:i0fhe
silliest banana oil I have ever heard! □
I refuse to listen to any more o f your
childish banana oil.
banana republic 1. n. стереотипный
образ маленькой центрально-амери­
канской страны с постоянными во­
енными переворотами (Бананы —
Этих стран.) □ This is по Ьагшпа re­
public! Things like this aren't sup­
posed to happen here! □ I f you want
to change governments like underwear,
maybe you should emigrate to some
banana republic. 2. mod. в беспорядке
(как в банановой республике) □ We
have had enough of your banana re­
public tacticsl/U who would think that
you would have banana republic
politics in your own backyard?
b ananas 1. mod. сумасшедший □ You
are driving me bananas! pi You were
bananas before I ever showed up bn
the scene. 2. mod. восторженный’ □
The kids went bananas when they saw
their presents. О The audience was
bananas over the new star.
banana split ti. ампула амилнитрита
(Ш р к .) О She sat right in class and
broke a banana split. □ Harry found a
few banana splits in his locker and
wondered who put them there.
B. and B. mod. “breast and buttock”;
относящийся к женской наготе □
Many movies contain a littleЖ and B.
just to get an R-rating. □ There were
some picketers in front o f the store
protesting the sale of B. and B. mags
over the counter.
bang 1, Ttt. развлечение □ We got a
bang out of your letter. □ What a bang
the party was! 2. n. крепость спи­
ртного О This stuff is quite d bang! □
The bang is gone from this wine. 3. n.
(Нарк.) □ I need a bang pretty fast.
О I f M a x doesn't have a bang by
noon, he gets desperate. 4. tr. & in.
делать инъекций) наркотик^МНар^)
□ They were in the backroom banging
away. □ She banged herself and went
on with her work. 5. n. наркотическая
эйфория (Сип. rush. Нарк.) □ One
snort and the bang will knock you
over. □ There Was one sudden bang
and then nothing.
(b an g )(d e ad ) to right mod. во время
преступления □ There he was, bang
dead to right with the gun still smok­
ing. □ We caught her dead to rights
with the loot still on her.
banger 1. n. передний бампер у
автомобиля ЩиOther than a dent or
bankroll 1. n. пачка денег; чьи-то
two in the banger, this buggy's okay.
наличные деньга О M y bankroll is
How much for a used banger like
getting a little low. □ D on't show that
this old heap? 2. n. шприц для под­
bankroll around herer-2. tr. фййшеикожных инъекций Ш арк.Ш о Jed
ровать что-либо □ We were hoping
dropped It4iis"‘ banger and really,
to find somebody who would bankroll
panicked when it broke. %f.:His banger
the project □
Wilson Sanderson,
and other staff 'were upstairs under a
famous for bankrolling struggling ac­
loose board.
ting companies, could not be reached
bang for the buck n. соотношение
for comment.
barb n. барбитурат; капсула барби­
удовольствия tom выгоды □ I didn’t
турата ( Н а р й □ Old Joey is hooked
get anywhere near the bang for the
oirbarbs. □ You got a barb I can bam?
buck I expected. □ How much, bang for
barb freak n: наркоман, употребляю­
the buck did you really think you
щий барбитураты (Парк;;) П There is
would get from a twelve-year^old car­
an example of a real barb freak: lxx>ks
at any price?
like he ‘just, got up. □ M ost barb freaks
bang in the arm n. инъекция нар­
are a little olderkhan the typical acid
котика (HapKv C-м. bang shot in the
iCser.' '
arm.) □ The guy looked like he
needed a bang in the arrit right thenWm Barbie doll 1. и barbies n. таблетка
или капсула барбитурата (Нарк. См.
One good bang in the arm- leads to
Ken doll.) □ How about one of 'them
another, they always say.
Barbie dolls you got there?1□ That guy
bangster n. наркоман (П арк.) □ Two
popped a whole rack of Barbie dolls. 2.
teenage bangsters huddled in the alley,
n. симпатичная девушка □ She's ]и ш
nodding and rocking from side to side.
a Barbie doll. □ Ask that little Barbie
О The former bangster was among the
doll if she wants a drink.' '
last witnesses to come before the com­
b a re -a ss e d * mod. голый (У н о т р . с
b an g-u p mod. великолепны й U We
остор.) □ Man, that little store has the
biggest display of bare-assed girlie ma­
, had a bang-up time at your bash. □ /
like to throw a bang-up party once or
gazines I have ever see it.
And she
twice a year. □ Another bang-up day at
' stood there at the window, drunk and
the factory!
bare-assed for all the world to see ’
Ь а г ^ в а М Щ ^ ^ В Ш ё в а т ь □ Don’t.barf
banjaxed [ ’ baiiidjiekstl 1. m od. уни­
чтоженный,' разрушенный □ M y car
think-T/^0Mg.;;to^pa^!'2i n.
is totally banjaxed. What a mess! О
блевотина; рвотнтгя масса □ Is tlicit
Everything I worked far is now ban­
barf on your ihoe? Q Whatever it is, it
jaxed. 2. mod. пьяный □ A ll foctnof
look like barf 3. in. (для! компьютера),
them went out and got banjaxed. О She
; отказать
just sat there and got banjaxed. :
about noon, and cm the dpta was lost.
О M y littW computer barf aI>out once a
banji Hb®ndji|Sii4’ anaiua; марихуана
со Среднего Востока Ш арк.) □
barfola [b a rf ч М 'ш к
•. Where can I get some banji? □ You
“ Чёрт побери!” , “ Мать твою (его,
, can't get banji around here..
:Ващв5-.'П Barfola! You're out of your
bank bandit pills и гbank bandits n.
mind! Ш Barfola! You're out o f your
барбитураты в капсулах, особенно
черных и белых (Марк.) О Л handful
barf bag «б Л & г к н ы 'й пакет в само­
летах для страдающий воздушной
■/o f bank bandit pills was all that the
bust uncovered.j'Q Look at these bank
: [;banditm S e e m e 'black mask over the
to see anyone use a barf bag. □ What
' while'f& ce? ,
do they do with used barf bags?
ban k er’s hours n. короткий рабочий
barfly 1; n. завсегдатай баров О Who
день, с 10 часри'до 2 часов дня □
will trust this word of an olid barfly like
When'did you start keeping banker's
Wally? □ There were 6tily:(i few of the
^ hours? □ There aren't many banker's
regular barflies hanging over their
ш ИмЗ?.' I
place. 2. n. пьяница □ You are noth­
ing but an old barfly! П Some barfly
staggered out of the tavern straight into
the side of a car.
barfola C m . barf.
B arf out! exclam. “У ж асн о!” (К али ф о р.) □ Look at that scrungy wimp!
Barf out! □ Barf out! Get a life!
barf—out n. неприятный человек или
вещь □ What a barf-out! I want my
money back. □ That guy is real barfout.
barf som eone out и barf out som eone
tr. вызывать отвращение (Калифор.)
О The movie barfed out everybody in the
theatre. □ This whole scene like, so like,
barfs me out.
(bargaining) chip n. довод в перегово­
рах □ I want to use this incident as a
bargaining chip in future negotiations.
1 need a few chips to use when we
get down to drawing up the contract.
bar! и bary [ ’bacri] n. баритон-сак­
софон (Муз.) □ Wally played the bari
when he was in college. □ A fine bary
will cost thousands of dollars.
barnburner n. событие, привлекающее
внимание О The current barnburner in
Washington is the Wilson investigation.
This is a real barnburner! Everyone
will want to see it.
barnstorm 1. tr. & in. для артиста
выступать проездом в маленьких
городках О M y great uncle used to
barnstorm Kansas and Oklahoma with
his medicine show. □ H e barnstormed
for three years before his death. 2. in.
летать на бреющем полёте на бип­
лан е над маленькими городками
(Видимо, пикировать на амбары.) □
When we used to barnstorm, everybody
thought we were kooks. О The old bi­
plane we used to barnstorm with is the
safest plane ever built.
barnyard mod. отвратительный, омер­
зительно непристойный (Ср. следующ. вокаб.) □ Those barnyard movies
belong in the barnyard. □ You are
thinking barnyard thoughts again. I see
it in your eyes.
barnyard language n. ругательство □
We don't allow any barnyard language
in the house. □ 1 don't care to hear so
much barnyard language.
barrel 1. tr. & in. слишком много пить
спиртного □ Stop barreling beer and
le ts go home. □ Those guys are bar­
reling like beer was going out o f style.
2. n. пьяница □ The barrel was full
up and through for the evening. □ A
tired and weepy barrel staggered in
and fell into a booth in the corner. 3.
in. быстро идти; быстро ехать на
автомобиле О Н е was barreling along
at about 90. О She barreled out of
here like a bat out of hell.
barrel a s s * in. вести машину или
идти быстро и неосторожно (Употр.
с остор.) □ I'm gonna barrel ass outa
here in just one minute. □ H e was bar­
rel assing along at nearly 90.
barreled (up) mod. пьяный □ Those
guys are really barreled up! □ She
spends a lot o f time barreled.
barrel fever 1. n. состояние опьянения
She seems to get barrel fever about
once a week. □ I think she has figured
out what caused her barrel fever. 2. n.
похмелье □ That business last night
gave me a touch of barrel fever, о Man,
have I ever got barrel fever. 3. n. белая
горячка □ The old man is down with
barrel fever again. □ The barrel fever hit
him in the middle of the night.
barrel o f fun n. чудовищное количес­
тво веселья О We had a barrel of fun
at your party. □ M olly is just a barrel
o f fun on dates.
bary C m . bari.
b a se 1. mod. грубый (Син. gross.
Калифор.) О You are so, like, base! □
What a base creep! □ Oh, how base! 2.
C m . free base.
baseballing и (free) basin g n. упо­
требление free base, формы кокаина
(Н арк.) О M ax is at Fred's, basebal­
ling as usual. □ Basing is very expen­
b a s e b in g e [...b in d }] n. длительное
состояние эй ф ори и от free base,
формы кокаина (Н а р к .) □ Clare is
o ff on another base binge. О Base
binges are very expensive.
b ase house n. дом или вообще место,
где продают и используют free base и
другие продукты и предметы, свя­
занные с кокаином (Н а р к .) □ Who
would expect to find a base house in
Beverly Hills? О The cops raided the
base house at midnight.
basem an n. кокаинист, человек, упо­
требляющий free base (Нарк.) □
bay window
They say that all those rich guys are
basemen. □ Basemen shouldn’t drive.
bash [boe^] 1. n. вечеринка (особенно
буйная) О What a bash! I 'm ex­
hausted! о There's a big bash over at
Wally's place. 2. in. праздновать
(С и н . party.) О L e t is go out and
bash, how bout it? □ N o more bashing
for me till I recover from last night:
bashed Ibac^t) 1. mod. разбитый"О•
His poor car was bashed beyond recog­
nition. P Give me that bashed one,
and I 'l l straighten it out. 2. mod.
пьяный О I've never seen anybody so
bashed. □ All four of them went out
and got bashed.
bashing n. критика, клевета (В слож­
ных словах стоит последним ком­
понентом.) □ / hope you'll excuse the
broker bashing, but some o f these guys
don’t play fair. □ On T.V. they had a
long session o f candidate-bashing,
and then they read the sports news■
basing. C m . baseballing.
basket n. желудок (См. breadbasket.) □
/ got a pain in the basket. О You’ve got a
lot of something ih yoiir basket. I t s huge.
basketballs n. 250 мг капсулы “Placidyl1" ” (Н арк .) П Ernie is flying on
basketballs again. О Basketballs are too
much for me.
b ask et c a s e ri. нервно истощённый
человек (Ранее Относилось к полным
инвалидам.) О After that meeting, I
was practically a basket case.’ П The
\ waiting was so intense that I was a real
basket case. "
B asra belly-' J’basra ’beli] n. понос □
The Basra belly hit me while I was on
the bus. d How do you tell Basra belly
from Montezuma’s revenge?
bastard* n. отвратительный человек,
ублюдок (Син. son o f a bit ch. Р у ­
гательство, провокац. Употр. с остор.) □ You damn bastard. What the
hell do ya think you're, doing? □ He
can be such a bastard!
basted [ ’beisted] 1. mod. побеждён­
ный» разбитый □ The team got basted
three games in a row. □ We were re­
ally basted in the market crash. 2.
mod- пьяный О I got totally basted, □
I got so basted I vowed never to touch
another drop.
bat [bict] 1. n. запой □ She was on a
bat that lasted over a week. □ What's
the longest bat you’ve ever heard of? 2.
n. пьяный} пьяница □ Somebody give
that bat a hand before he falls down.
D A tired old bat — still waving a
bottle — met me on the stairs.
batch (it) и bach (it) [bast^...] tr. & in.
жить в одиночестве, как холостяк р
I tried to bach it for a while, but I got
too lonely. □ I didn’t want to batch,
but I had to.
bathtub gin n. самогон (Времена су­
хого закона.) □ M y grandfather was
an expert at making bathtub gin. О
Did people really mike bathtub gin in
bats (ba:ts] 1. и batty |’baidi] mod.
сумасшедший □ You're bats! □ You
are driving me batty! 2. и batty mod.
пьяный; обалдевший от спиртного О
The guy was bats — stewed to his ears.
О She was sort o f batty from the wine.
3. п. белая горячка (Всегда с the.) □
M y >buddy is shaking because of a
slight case o f the bats. □ The bats: get; ting you down again, Jed?
batted 1. mod. пьяный О She spends a
lot o f time batted. □ Will this stuff get
the batted? 2. и b atted out mod.
арестованный (У го л о в н .) □ I got
baited out on my first day as a booster.
□ This gal got batted twice last year on
the same rap.
battered mod. пьяный О M an , was I
battered. I will never drink another
drop. □ Those guys really got battered
at the party.
battle-ax [ ’baedl’acks] n. воинственная
старуха (У н и з и т .) □ T e ll the old
battle-ax she can go straight to blazes.
□ I can handle any battle-ax. Send her
an in.
battle of the bulge n. попытка не
потолстеть (П о названию одной из
битв II мировой войны.) О She ap­
pears to have lost the battle of the
bulge. □ I ’ve been fighting the battle of
the bulge ever since I Had the baby.
battleship C m . gunboats.
batty C m . bats.
bawl som eone out и bawl out som e­
one tr. обругать кого-либо □ I
specialize at bawling out people: □
You know they're really going to bawl
you out over this.
b ay window n. живот, брюхо □ Your
bay window is getting Out of hand. О
You are going to have to do something
about that bay window.
bazillion [ba’ziljan] n. неопределенное,
но очень большое число, “уйма” □
Ernie gave me a bazillion good reasons
why he shouldn't do it. И Next year's
bazillion-dollar budget should make
things even worse.
bazoo [ ’ b a ’ zu или ba’ zu] 1. n. на­
смешка (Син. raspberry.) □ They gave
Ted the old bazoo when he fumbled, the
ball. □ A chorus o f bazoos and hoots
rebuked the coach when he threw the
chair on the court. 2. n. рот □ You
would have to open your big bazoo and
tell everything. □ Don't-talk with a full
b az o o m (s)* n. груди (Употр. с остор.
Шут. или эвфем.) □ This doll has
real bazooms. О She has Quite a — ah
— bazoom.
B .B . 1. n. “ blue bom ber” , 10 мг та­
блетка “Valium™” ,транквилизатора
(Н а р к .) О There were a few В. B .’s
and a bottle o f cough syrup in his
locker, о M ax took some B. B.s to help
break a habit, then became addicted to
them. 2. n. “ base bu rnout” , поме­
шанный от передозировки free base
(Нарк.) □ The hospital admitted 2 B.
B .'s in cardiac arrest last night. □ A
couple o f B. B.s spent the night in the
alley behind the grocery. 3. n. Б р и ­
джит Бардо, кинозвезда □ I used to
dream of В. B. when she was younger.
□ How many movies did В. B. actually
В-b a ll n. баскетбол; баскетбольный
мяч (См. тж. hoops. Ср. V-ball.) □
L e fs go play some B-balL □ Toss me
the В-ball, huh?
В. B. brain n. дурак ( “с мозгами
размером с таблетку” Тж. как
грубое обращение.) □ What В. В.
brain left the door open? □ Look
here, В. B. brain, straighten up and
fly right!
beach bum n. молодой человек, часто
бывающий на пляже □ A bronzed
beach bum helped me find my lotion.
О Some of those beach bums are get­
ting to look sort o f old.
beach bunny n. молодая женщина,
часто бывающая на пляже □ This
little beach bunny bounced up and
offered to put lotion on me. О They
say that most o f those beach bunnies
have some degree of sun blindness.
be a drag (on som eone) phr. быть
кому-то обузой □ I wish you would
not be such a drag on your friends, о
1 don't want to be a drag on the de­
beak п. большой нос □ What a beak on
that guy! □ I want some glasses that
sit ini just the right place on my
wonderful beak.
be-all, (and) en d-all n. страсть, при­
страстие O She is my be-all, and
end-alL □ For you, booze has become
a be-all, and-all.
bean 1. n. голова (См. bean ball.) □
I got a bump right here on my bean.
Put your brim on your bean and
cruise. 2. tr. ударить кого-то по
голове □ The lady beaned me with
her umbrella. □ A board fell off the
scaffold and beaned the worker. 3. и
beaner n. таблетка или капсула,
обычно амфетаминов (Нарк.) ; О
Тот came home from the party with
a pocket full o f beans. □ Beans can
be just about anything, but usually
they are uppers. 4. C m . beans.
bean ball n. в бейсболе — случай,
игроку по голове (Спорт.) □ The guy
is a master at throwing a bean ball
and living to tell about that. □ H e got
hit by a bean ball and went after the
pitcher with a bat.
bean-counter n. статистик □ When
the bean-counters get finished with the
numbers, you won’t recognize them. □
The bean-counters predict a recession
sometime in the next decade.
beaned up mod. находящийся в нар­
котической эйфории от амфетами­
нов (Нарк.) a Ernie is beaned up
again. □ Two students were beaned
up and were sent home.
beaner C m . bean.
beanery n. дешёвая забегаловка (где
подают варёные бобы) □ I 'm tired
o f eating in beaneries. □ I stopped
in for a cup of brew at a little a llnight beanery on 34th Barlowe was
beanhead и bean head 1. n. олух □
You are such a beanhead! □ Why I
keep running around with a bean head
like you is beyond me. 2. n. наркоман,
употребляющий таблетки (Нарк.) □
beast 1. n. уродливый человек □ Who
There is по harm in being a bean head.
is that beast with the big hat? □ That
beast should give the monkey back its
You beanheads are just as much
junkies as the jerks who shoot.
face before it bumps into something. 2.
beanpole n. тощий человек □ I'm
n. грубый, жестокий или сексуально
агрессивный мужчина (Син. ani­
getting to be such a beanpole. □ I
mal.) □ That beast scares a hell out of
used to be a beanpole. Look at me
now-both o f me!
me. □ Oh, Martin, you’re such a
beast! 3. n. спиртное □ I feel a little
beans 1. n. ничего □ You act like you
overcome by the beast. □ Pour me
don't know beans about it. □ I have
some more o f that beast.
nothing I can give you. Nothing, zotz,
beasty mod. (о человеке) неприятный
beans! 2. n. чепуха □ Come on, talk
•(Син. yucky. Калифор.) ,Ti I can’t
straight. N o more beans! □ Stop feed­
stand that gross beasty jerk! □ You are
ing the beans. 3. n. фьючерсные
like, so like, beasty!
сделки на соевые бобы (Биржев.
beat 1. mod. утомлённый, “выжа­
Обычно с the.) □ The beans are
тый” □ I am just beat! □ The whole
headed south. □ Buy the jan beans
family was beat after the game. 2.
and sell puts on the bellies.
mod. потрёпанный, сломанный □
bean time n. время обеда □ Hey, you
This thing is beat. I don’t want it. □
gUys! It's bean time! □ I ’m hungry.
Who wants a beat hat? 3. n. район, в
When's bean time around here?
котором работает полисмен, репор­
Bean Town n. Бостон, шт. Maccaтёр, рабочий, др.; участок □ That's
чусеттс (От Boston baked beans.) □ I
not on ту beat. You'll have to talk to
play to hit Bean Town about noon. □ I
someone else. □ Your store is on my
got a lot o f buddies in Bean TownS
beat, and I want to make sure every­
bean trip n. наркотическая эйфория
thing is okay. 4. n. ритм (в музыке)
от “Benzedrine” ”, амфетамина □
□ The notes are nice, but it has no
Man, he's on a real bean trip! □ I
beat! □ Man, that is just the kind of
never take enough for a bean trip.
After all, I really don’t do drugs.
beat I like. 5. mod. относящийся к
богемной молодёжи 50—х годов □
bear 1. n. сложная задача П This
M y brother looked sort o f beat, but I
problem is a real bear. □ This is a
was neat as a pin. □ Actually, I don't
bear of a job. I ’ll be glad when ifs
think I ever saw anybody who I would
over. 2. n. уродливая женщина
call beat. О The beat guys are all
(Унизит.) □ Tell the old bear to hold
gone now. 6. mod. разорённый, ни­
her tongue. □ How can a bear like that
щий □ Man, I ’m beat. I got no cop­
be allowed to run around loose? 3. n.
per, no bread. □ A ll we need is
патрульный полисмен на шоссе (См.
another beat mouth to feed. 7. tr.
Smokey (the bear).) □ There's a bear
отделаться от определённого обви­
hiding under that bridge. □ A bear is
нения О I tried, but I could not beat
overhead, watching your speed from a
the rap. □ I beat it twice, but there is
no third time. 8. mod. относящийся
bear c a ge n. полицейский участок □
к поддельным наркотикам (Нарк.)
Have you ever been in a country bear
□ This stuff is beat. Ditch itI □
cage? □ I sat for two hours in that
Whose ever it is, it’s beat. 9. tr.
stinking bear cageпродавать кому-либо поддельный
bear in the air n. полисмен на само­
наркотик (Нарк.) О M y bag lady
лёте или вертолёте □ They've got а
beat те again with that bull jive. О
bear in the air on duty in northern In ­
Who wants to risk complaining when
diana. □ There’s a bear in the air and
another regular one keeping watch
somebody beats you in a dope deal?
10. mod. относящийся к марихуане,
over your speed.
после того, как её выкурили (Син.
bear trap n. ловушка для превышаю­
cashed.) □ This stuff is beat. Who
щих скорость ( водителей □
wants it? □ Who sold you this beat
whole town is a glorified bear trap. □ I
got caught in a bear trap.
dope? 11. mod. несчастливый (Сту2— 1224
beat artist
денч.) □ This has been a beat day. О
What a beat deal you got!
beat artist 1. n. наркоман, грабящий
прохожих, добывая деньги на нар­
котики (Нарк.) О M ax is a beat art­
ist and shouldn't be trusted. О The
streets aren't safe with all these beat
artists lurking about. 2. п. торговец
наркотиками, который продаёт под­
дельные наркотики (Нарк.) □ I was
hit by a beat artist again. □ This town
is full o f beat artists and junkies.
beat box n. человек, создающий сло­
весный ритмический фон в песне
стиля “рэп” □ Let те be the beat box
this time. □ What makes him sound so
good is his beat box.
beater 1. n. старый потрёпанный ав­
томобиль О I like my old beater even if
it has no bumpers. О I want an old
beater that doesn't cost more than 800
bucks. 2. C m . beatnik.
Beat it! exclam. “Убирайся!”, “Ума­
тывай!” □ You bother me. Beat it! □
Beat it! I ’ve had it with you.
beatnik и beater [ ’ bitnik и ’ bit?] n.
представитель богемной субкультуры,
процветавшей в 5 0 -х (nik из русского
через идиш) □ Those beatniks back in
the fifties were something to behold. □
This beater comes up to me and mumbles
something I can't hear.
beat one’s brains out (to do som e­
thing) и beat out ^one’s brains (to
do something) tr. выкладываться
(делая что-либо) О I'm tired of beat­
ing my brains out to do what you want.
О He beat his brains out to get here on
beat o n e’s gum s tr. тратить время на
пустые разговоры □ I'm tired of
beating my gums about this stuff. □
You’re just beating your gums. N o one
is listening.
beats me phr. (ответ) мне неизвестен
(Ударение на me.) □ I don’t know
the answer. Beats me! О Beats me how
those things stay in the air.
beat som eone or something out и
beat out som eone or something 1.
tr. (c someone) победить кого-либо;
показать себя лучше кого-либо О I
beat out Walter in the footrace. Q We
have to beat the other company out,
and then we'll have the contract. 2. tr.
(c something) напечатать что-то на
машинке или сыграть на фортеп­
ьяно О It'll just take те a few
minutes to beat this out. О H e beat out
a cheery song on the old ivories..
beat som eon e’s brains out 1. tr. же­
стоко избить □ She threatened to beat
my brains out. О Those thugs. nearly
beat his brains out. 2. tr. выкла­
дываться (чтобы достигнуть чеголибо) □ Don’t beat your brains out.
Just give it a good try. □ I beat my
s brains out all day to clean this house,
and you come in and track up the car­
beat the drum for som eone or som e­
thing tr. поддерживать или продви­
гать кого-либо О I spend a lot of
time beating the drum for our plans
for the future. О The senator is only
beating the drum for his special inter­
beat the living daylights out o f som e­
o ne и beat the stuffing out of
som eone, beat the tar out of som e­
o ne tr. жестоко избить кого-либо;
сильно отшлёпать ребёнка О D o you
want те to beat the living daylights
out o f you? О H e threatened to beat
the tar out o f me.
beat the stuffing out of som eon e C m .
beat the living daylights out of some­
beat the tar out o f som eone C m . beat
the living daylights out of someone.
beat up и b eat-u p mod. потрёпанный
с виду □ M y coat is too beat up to
wear to the opera. О Get your beat—up
car painted or something!
beaut [bjut] n. что-то или кто-то
великолепный (не обязательно кра­
сивый) О Man, this fishing rod is a
beaut! □ This is a beaut of a day!
beautiful mod. чудесный, прекрасный
О This wine is really beautiful! П
Man, this place is beautifuL You got
your own sink and toilet right in the
room and good strong bars to keep the
riffraff out.
beauty sleep n. сон; требуемое время
сна (Обычно шут.) □ I gotta get
home and get my beauty sleep. П You
really need some beauty sleep. Why
don't you try a week o f it and see if
that works?
bed of roses n. роскошная или лёгкая
жизнь □ Who said life would be a bed
of roses? О / f I had a million bucks, I
would be in a bed of roses.
bedrock 1. n. основы; твёрдые факты
P L e fs get down to bedrock and quit
wasting time. О This is bedrock — the
truth. 2. mod. основной, фундамен­
тальный О You've been avoiding the
bedrock issues all your life. P Lefs
hear some more about these bedrock
bedroom eyes n. соблазняющие глаза
О Beware of bedroom eyes. They mean
trouble. □ She batted those bedroom
eyes at me, and I knew I was a goner.
bedtime story C m . fairy tale.
bee и В. я. спичечный коробок мари­
хуаны; небольшое количество мари­
хуаны (Нарк.) О How much for а В.?
О The cops never found the bee in his
coat pocket.
bee bites n. следы от уколов (Нарк.)
□ Look at the bee bites on her arms. О
I f she's wearing long sleeves, it's prob­
ably to hide the bee bites.
bee f 1. п. жалоба; ссора О I gotta beef
against you. О Okay, whafs the beef?
2. n. уголовное обвинение О The beef
is that you appear to have left the bank
Monday with about 75 grand that isn't
yours. О Well, officer,'what's the beef?
3. n. высокий и мускулистый муж­
чина □ Lefs get one of those beefs in
here to help. О The two beefs pushed
and piished, but couldn't budge the
crate. 4. in. жаловаться P Stop your
beefing! P Whafs he beefing about
beefcake 1. n. выставка мужествен­
ности или мужской красоты (Ср.
cheesecake.) D There was one calen­
dar showing beefcake rather than the
usual cheesecake. □ There was some
beefcake at the party just to liven
things up. 2. n. мускулистый симпа­
тичный парень О I prefer skinny
guys to a beefcake. О She’s been
going out with a real beefcake.
b ee f-h e ad n. олух (Син. meat-head)
□ Look you beef-head, lay off! □ This
beef-head here thinks he knows how to
do my job.
beef something up и beef up som e­
thing tr. добавлять чему—л ибо силы
□ L e fs beef this up with a little more
on the drums. О They beefed up the
offer with another thousand dollars.
beem er f* bints'] n. автомобиль марки
“BM W ” О I had to sell my beemer
when the stock market crashed. О
Tiffany's beemer was leased, but no
one was supposed to know.
been had и w a s had 1. phr. иметь
половое сношение; забеременеть О
I ’ve been had, and I 'm going to have
the baby. О When she said she' was
had, I didn’t know it was on her
honeymoon. 2. phr. “меня надули”
(См. тж. taken.) Q Look at this shirt!
was had! О I ' ve been had by that
lousy gyp joint.
beeper n. сигнал переносного телефо­
на О M y beeper went off, and I had to
leave the meeting. □ I have somebody
call me during a meeting so my beeper
will go off and get me out o f it
beer 1. in; пить пиво Q Lets just sit
here and beer for a while. О Fred and
Tom sat in. there watching the game
beering and belching like two old
whales. 2. tr. опьянеть от пива P I
beered myself, but good. О Lets go
beer a few.
beer and skittles {... ’skidjz] n.
лёгкая задача P Did you think life
was alt beer and skittles? □ A ll you
want is beer and skittles. D on't you
know you have to work hard for what
you want?
beer belly и beer gut n. большой жи­
вот P You’re going to end up with a
real beer belly hdnging over your belt if
you don't let up on that stuff. P Look
at the beer gut on that guy. s
beer blast и beer bust n. вечеринках
пивом О Kelly's having a beer blast at
his place, starting tonight. P There is
a beer bust somewhere around here al­
most every night.
beerbong [ ’birbog] t. n. банка пива,
приготовленная для того, чтобы
выпить её одним глотком Р D o you
know how to таке a beerbong? P A
beerbong is a great way to liven up a
party. 2. in, выпивать банку пива
одним глотком О I tried beerbonging
once, just once. P Those guys who were
beerbonging all barfed it was over.
b eer bust C m . beer blast.
beer gut C m . beer belly.
beesw ax [ ’bizwaeks] n. дело, забота
(См. mind your, own beeswax, none of
someone’s beeswax.) P Is this any of
phony love. P., A meeting of happy
your beeswax? □ '(end to your, own
people, yes; a be-in this is not..
being a s how phr. .потому что Щ роbeetle n. автомобиль “Volkswagen” □
стонар.);Р Being as how.you seem to
We wanted to buy a beetle,,but decided
have found your car, we’ll call off the
on a domestic model. □
search. □ Being as how you're the
wlien people used to put big windup
sheriffs daughter, we'll have a big
keys on their beetles to make them
■.party. ,
look like windup toys.
belch [btltvj. .1. in. рыгать (См. тж.
beetlebrain [ ’bidlbren] n. дурак □
berp ) □ They swallow beer by the can
Some beetlebrain left a can o f paintjn
and see who can Ье А Ш е оМ е$Щ Ш ';
the hall, and guess wfio knocked it
belched, and everybody ^fargd. 2. n.
: оуег%.Щ'Щ %- м е you such ,л beetle­
рыгание □ That was the loudest beteh
brain when it comes to math?
I'v e ever heard. □ What I really need
b eeveed ees t’ftlv f Я И -д. мужское
гЯШа good belch. 3. n. нивр, особенно
нижнее бельё, трусы □ Гщ, soaked
плохое □ Where did,, you get this
right through to my beeveedees. □ It's
belch? □ Pass the belch. Anything’si
too cold for beeveedees. I want, some
good on a hot day.
insulated stuff.
belcher B b£ltjj 3*] :1. n. <#ю,битель пива
beezer Цйггг] 'n.
a zit
□ Look at the belly on that, belcher. □
on my. ЬеежгшШ, /аз (^ а щ Щ ’моуМ
Harry is a confirmed belcher. 2. n.
bop me on the beezer. .
пьяница ДВу A couple of :Ь$1§ЩЩ$£
begathon n. телевизионный призыв к
wandered in pbout midnight. Other
пожертвованиям O..MJ_seems like Mfs.than that, the night is dead. □ I ’m a
station is one long begathon all, year
belcher, and I know it.
long. □ They made 2 million in the
Believe you me! ехс1ат.йй“Ты мне
begathon last month.
должен поверить!” , “У ж поверь ты
behind n. ягодицы □ She needs some
мне!” И Believe yqu те, that‘\was
jeans that will flatter her behind. □
some cakp.S ^ ^ rhis.t.iS,.,a fine picnic.
I ’ve got a boil on the behind that's
Believe you :щ е Л |
driving me crazy.
bellies n. свинина; фьючерсные сдел­
behind acid mod. находящийся под
ки на свинину (Ьиржев. Часто с
воздействием Л СД (См. acid. Нарк.)
the.) □
What are the deq, bellies
□ The gal was behind acid for about a
doing? □ Buy,the bellies and sell the
w e & ik P o o r MffjS.he-.speiit. most.-.of
her tinw behind acid.
bells and whistles n. излишние, кра­
behind bars mod. в тюрьме, “за peсочные приспособления □ A lt iaosM
шёткой” О You belong behind bars,
bells and whistles add to the cost. □ I
you creep! □ I'v e got something here
like machines with all the bells .and
that will 'keep/you behind bars §j|j;
bellyache [ ’bcliek] 1. n. боль в животе
behind the eight ball 1. mod. в не­
□ That stuff will give you one fin e
удачном или проигрышном* ^ в л о ­
bellyache. P Oh, mama, d o j have a
жении □
’Щ behind the qighi bull
bellyache! 2. in. ж алом т^я д а Уpu are
again. □ John spends a lot of time bealways bellyaching! □ Dnn’t belhaclw
' hind the eight ball. 2. mod., без денег
to me about it!
□ I was behind thie eight ball ag$lm
belljju button n. пупок □ Do dogs have
and couldn't make my car payment. □
belly buttons? И Is your belly button
Sorry, I'm really behind the eight ball
...an,ins$' or an 'out§y$ (
this month. I can't make a contribu­
belly flop 1. n. неудачный прыжок ij
воду, при котором грудь ;и живот с
beige [Ьез1 mod. скудный (Калифор.
шумом .ударяются о воду О A belly
См. тж. vanilla.) □ The party is beige,
flop gets,zero points in a dive 'т@щ.I jf
Ijet’s cruise. □ Let’s blow this beige
Wow, I never knew that a, belly-flop
joint! О This day is way beige! Bag it!
hurts! 2. in. прыгнуть в
be-in |’bi in] n собраш.е\ хиппи О
описано i n. 1. О Sam belly, flopped
This is just like asixiti > b e * ^ !$ U $ ^
again. □ I get so embarrassed when, §
стро □ Here, drink th $lowlMDon4
~ belly flop!
belt it down. □ She always beltdown,
bellyful n. более чем достаточно;
her rink-like she really needsiifX> \
больше чем нужно □ I'v e had a bel­
belt the grape tr. напиваться □ He
lyful o f your excuses. □ You’ ve given
, has a ’tendency to belt the grape —
us all a bellyful. Now, good iiight.
twenty-four hours a day. □ She's been
belly laugh и belly laff n.;. утробный,
belting the grape more than she wants.
долгий смех
doqft want to hear
Be my guest sent. “Пожалуйста, про­
giggles when I tell a joke. T want long
ходите-” , “Будйте как дома.” К Щ ^ :
belly laugh. □ ;f/ ;iet- out a loud belly
yourself to w h d teveK y^ ’t^edii JBe^if,
laff at the preacher’s joke. A no-no,
guest, a John stood aside at the open
for sure.
door and said to Walter) “He my guest.”
belly up 1. mod. пьянйй D After four
bench ■1. tr. удалять с поля (Спорт/!.
beers, I was belly up, for sure. □ Syl­
□ Яры? coach benched
via was boiled — belly up — glassy­
jured his arm. □ I f you don't stop
eyed. 2. mod. мертвый □ That's the
fouling, I ’ll bench you! 2. tr. уволить,
end. This company is belly up, □ After
выставить ШЙЖ worked as a bridge
the fire the firm went belly up. 3. C m .
paiiiter for 25 years until they benched
belly up ( to something).
me. □ The manager benched the entire
belly up (to som eth in g) in. придви­
, Sales,^staff'j/Jfm^oh^nimg: on their- ex­
pense reports.
нуться к чеь^даибОг часто к стойке
bench jockey n. игрок, сидящий на
бара □ .4s he bellied up, he saidgADo
you know who I ahif? Ц The man swag­
gered in and bellied up to the counter
советы ( С п о р т □ The coach told all
and demanded my immediate attention.
the bench jockeys to shut up. О Do
belt 1. n. удар (рукой) D I got a belt
want you are tolif, or be a bench jockey
in the gut for щу trouble. □ Quiet dr
...Jor the rest o f the season!
bench warmer n. игрок, большую
I 'l l give you a belt in the chops. 2. tr.
часть игры сидящий на скамье запа^
ударить кого—либс) □ Quiet or I 'l l belt
снь)х;: игрок средней рукй[. (Спорт.)
you one! □ Dorft beltr me! 3. n.
□ You’ll never be anything but a bencfi
состояние эйфории, удовольствие □
warmer. □ I do want
told so I can
We all got Quite a belt from your jokes.
play every game. I don’t want to be a
Kelly gets a belt, from roller
coasters. 4. n.' наркотическое оп­
ьянение (от инъекции) (Нарк.) □
bender B n. заной щМ'ек. bender usu­
ally last about 10 days. □ Paul is off
This stuff has one hell of a belt. П The
bender :«д а ^ 7 «Щ :Я п ь я н и ц а □
belt nearly 'knocked'her over. 5. n.
This bender comes up to me and
инъекция наркотика (Нарк ) '
nearly, kilts, me with his breath, asking
could use a belt of smack to hold off
for a^match. □ In the dim light F
the pain. □ Gimme a belt in the leg,
could make out a few of the regular
will you? M y arms are finished. 6. n.
benders, but Harold wasn’t there.
глотокйс.ниртного Q Three more Quick
bend o n e’s elbow и bend the elbow,
belts and he was ready to sit down and
talk. □ H e took a belt and rolled it H ift o n e’s elbow tr. пить спиртное □
around in his hkouih before draining it
He’s down at, the tavern, bending his
elbow. □ Piuid gets :'Ш^<^-ехег<щ $^ Щ
down into his rumbling belly. 7. tr.
bends his elbow 30 limes a day.
пить '(%|я'ибо).. (См. :be& the grape.%
□ He belled his drink and asked for
bend the law;;tr.: несколько жульни­
another. □ Don't belt it! Savor it!. Go
чать, не нарушая закойпШут.) □ /
didn't, break the law.
law a little. jsLgNobody еуёг got ar­
belted mod. пьяный йли ол’ьянённиЖ
rested for bending the law.
наркотиком □ We were belted out of
benies n. доходы (С м В ж . benny.) чО
our minds. Ш How many belts does it
take to get belled?
The salary is good, but the benies are
belt something down и belt down
almost noneXiStent. W Are retirement
som ethingp^Bi.innTb что-либо бы­
contributions one o f your benies?.
bennied (up)
“Benzedrine” ”, амфетамином (Нарк.
См. benny.) О I got myself a little
bennied on the road the other night. О
When a bennied up driver comes in
here for coffee, I try to talk him down
a little.
benny и bennie n. таблетка или кап­
“Benzedrine” ”,
(Нарк.) □ You got a benny or two you
could spare a poor man? □ A couple
o f bennies will chase away the blues.
benny (jag) n. интоксикация “Benze­
drine” ” , амфетамином (Нарк. См.
benny.) О A benny jag is like a long,
very nervous day. □ I ’m on a big
benny, now.
bent t. n. пьяный или опьянённый
наркотиком О I'v e never seen two
guys so bent. □ I can get bent on a
glass o f wine. 2. mod. нечестный,
жуликоватый □ I ’m afraid that Paul
is a little bent. H e cheats on his taxes.
D A lot of those officeholders get bent
in office — if they weren't before. 3.
mod. злой О H e was so bent there was
steam coming out of his ears. П Come
on, don't get bent. I was only kidding.
bent out of sh ap e 1. mod. злой,
оскорблённый О I got bent out of
shape because o f the way I was
treated. О Man, there is no reason to
get so bent out o f shape. I didn't mean
any harm. 2. mod. пьяный или
Опьянённый наркотиком □ / was so
bent out of shape I thought I 'd never
recover. О I ’ve been polluted, but
never as bent out o f shape as this.
ben z (benz) 1. n. “Benzedrine™”,
амфетамин (Нарк.) О Benz will pep
you up, but you give it all back later.
Stay off the benz. Coffee is enough
to perk anybody up. 2. и Benz n.
автомобиль “Mercedes Benz” □ ! I
traded in my Benz for a beemer. О M y
uncle had a Benz that he took back to
Germany every two years for service.
berp и burp [bap ] 1. in. рыгать (См.
тж. belch.) О She burped quietly be­
hind her hanky, so no one would no­
tice. О Try not to burp at the table. 2.
n. рыгание О The burp did not go un­
noticed. П What can you do when you
berp in church?
berps и burps [ba-ps] n. спиртное;
пиво (См. тж. belch.) □ Did you
bring the berps for the party? О Hey,
this is pretty good berps.
berpwater n. пиво, эль, шампанское
О I don’t care for all that berpwater.
О Berpwater is for sissies.
berries 1. n. лучший, наилучший
(Всегда с the. Существительное со
Those people are really the berries. □
Man, this stuff is the berries! 2. n.
вино (Первоначально негрит. Ср.
grape(s).) О N o berries for me.
Where’s the belch? О Lemme stop at
the liquor store for some berries.
betcha* [ ’bctjjs] phr. “Держу пари...”
(Диал, правоп. В написании употр.
с остор. См. тж. you betcha.) □ Bet­
cha can’t do this! О Betcha I can.
Bethesda gold [b s ’eezda ...] n. слабая
разновидность марихуаны (Нарк.)
I tried to get some Bethesda gold,
but I guess it's just locaL □ Bethesda
gold is nothing special anyway.
bet o n e ’s bottom dollar tr. быть
ставку в полной уверенности в выи­
грыше □ I bet ту bottom dollar you
never ever went to Alaska! О H e bet
his bottom dollar on that horse, and it
died at the gate.
bet som eone dollars to doughnuts tr.
ставить что-то ценное против чегото, стоящего намного меньше □ I -bet
you dollars to doughnuts that she is on
time. □ H e bet me dollars to dough­
nuts that it would snow today.
better half n. чья-то жена (или муж),
чья-либо “половина” О I gotta go
home to my better half. □ M y better
half disapproved of the movie.
better luck next time sent. “Желаю
удачи в следующий раз.” О So you
goofed up. Better luck next time. □
You blew it, you stupid twit. Better
luck next time.
between a rock and a hard place
mod. в крайне неприятном положе­
нии; перед трудным выбором из
двух зол О You got him caught be­
tween a rock and a hard place, for
sure. □ I'm between a rock and a hard
place. I don’t know what to do.
between you, me, and the lamp post
и between you, me, and the bed­
post phr. “между нами говоря” П
Between you, me, and the lamp post,
big deal
things are going to get worse before
they get better. □ They're worse than
you think now, just between you, me,
and the bedpost.
B. F. n. “best friend” , лучший друг
(Студенч.) □ Sharon is my B.F. О
You would have thought you and she
were B.F.s to hear her talk.
bhang [bail] или bag] 1. n. конопля
(Нарк. Из Индии.) О Martha grows
bhang is a pot in her room. О She
farms bhang for her own use. 2. n. си­
гарета с марихуаной; курение такой
сигареты □ M ax had to stop for a
bhang. D The kids found an old bhang
in Fred's car.
bhang ganjah [basg ’gauidja или bag
’gandja ] n. марихуана; конопляная
смола (Нарк.) □ Can you get bhang
ganjah by itself? О I t s the bhang gan­
jah that gives the stuff its kick.
bhong C m . bong.
bicarb [ ’baikarb] n. питьевая сода p /
sure could use a little bicarb after that
chili she served. О I can't stand that
sweet-tasting stuff. I want bicarb.
biff [bif] t. tr. ударить кого-либо О
Tom biffed Fred on the snoot. О Fred
got biffed, and that really made him
mad. 2. n. удар □ The biff on the nose
gave Fred a nosebleed. О Tom got a
biff in the gut for his trouble.
biffy t’bifl] n. уборная □ Where's the
biffy? □ The house we toured has a
pink biffy. Can you believe it?
Big A pple n. Нью-Йорк (Всегда с
the.) О The Big Apple is filled with
young kids trying to get into show biz.
О M ax and his gang went to the Big
Apple to lie low for a while.
b ig a s life (and twice a s ugly) и big
a s y ou p le a s e , la r g e a s life (a n d
tw ic e a s u g ly ) mod. присутству­
ющий, реальный (Говорится о че­
ловеке или вещи, появившемся в
определённом месте. Тж . с as. См.
примеры.) О And there he was, big as
life and twice as ugly. □ Seeing the
actress as large as life was a real thrill.
О There was my fine new car, big as
you please, sparkling in the sum.
big as you p lease C m . big as life (and
twice as ugly).
big blue n. акции IBM или сама
компания (Биржев. См. тж. beam.)
О I have 400 shares of big blue that I
would like to sell. О Big blue led the
market lower again today.
big board n. Нью-Йоркская Фондовая
Биржа (Биржев.) О Is that stock on
the big board or where? D O n the big
board, stocks were down again today,
bringing the loss this week on the Dow
to nearly 175 points.
big brother 1. n. персонификация то­
талитарного государства (Из романа
Дж. Оруэлла “ 1984”.) О Big brother
has changed the tax laws again. □
Now big brother has fixed it so you
can’t even babysit without paying
taxes. 2. а. кто-то, олицетворяющий
тоталитарное государство: полиция,
родители, учителя О Old big brother
grounded me for a week. О Big brother
says the paper is due tomorrow, or
big bucks n. масса денег (См. mega­
bucks.) О To me, $ 400 is big bucks.
She gets paid big bucks to worry
about stuff like that.
b ig -C 1. n. рак (Болезнь. Обычно с
the.) О She was struck with the big-C.
О The big-C. will finish off quite a few
of us. 2. n. кокаин (Нарк.) О When
she started taking big-C., she was only
8. О They use kids to deliver big-C.
because they know they re not going to
get put in prison.
big ch eese n. босс, начальник, клю­
чевая фигура □ Here's a note from
the big cheese telling me to come in
for chat. О The big cheese is giving
everyone a bonus at the end of the
big chief 1. n. мескалин (Нарк.) □
They say that Indians used big chief
all the time. О 1 don’t care if it is big
chief. It looks like something nobody
should eat, and I won’t eat it! 2. n,
Л С Д (Нарк.) О This is big chief be­
cause there?s a little picture o f a big
chief an the paper. □ Who makes big
chief anyway?
b ig-D . n. Даллас, шт. Техас □ Kelly is
from big-D. D What is big-D . famous
big deal 1. n. что-то действительно
важное О Don’t make such a big deal
out o f it! О This isn’t a big deal as I
see it. 2. exclam. “Н у и что?!”,
“Какая разница?!” (Обычно Big
deal!) Q So she snores! Big deal!
big doings
Snore back! □ She sdys to me? "Your
bocks don’t match?-- And I says back,
“Big dealt’'
big doings n. что-то восхитительное;
приготовления кдйему^го восхити­
тельному (Простонар.) О We've got
some big doings at our Ш и х -Щ в
There’s big doings o ve r'b t the fair­
grounds this weekend.
big drink n. Атлантический океан,
океан вообще И We flow some big
drink in an hour or two: 'KUjffl&n
you’re over the big drink you really get
to feel how tiny we humans are.
big drink of water 1>. n. очень высокий
человек (Прос1гои&р;Йр| Kelly grew
into a big drink of WatermmTim is
sure a big drink of water: 2.Ш.Чгску-чный, утомительный человек или
занятие ( Каламбур на “hard Ц6
take”.) О The lecture was a big drink
o f water. □ She is a big drink of water,
but she could be worse.'
big enchilada [... Ent^a’ladal^fi. босс,
начальник (См. тж. big cheese.f'&il
wanna see the big enchilada! О The
big eriehilada has sent word that ifs
safe to return.
big fish n. босс, начальник* дет парь
(Уголовн.) □ We took in the little
guys, bat the big fish got away. О The
big fish ordered the killing.
biggie 1. ti. к т о - т о и л и
ч т о -т о
важное £ » This оп&$ s# biggie. Treat
him well. □ As problems go, this
one's a biggie. 2. n. половой ак+
(Обычно с the.) П But 1 don’t think
I'm ready for the biggie. О lie wanted
to do the biggie!
biggity I’bigodi] mod. высокомерный,
наглый D Kelly ’i b too biggity for ?WV'
taste. О Who is that biggity guy with,
the moustache?
big gun n. важный и могущественный
человек, например, офицер компа­
нии (Часто с bring in.) □ 1 knew they
would bring in the big gum at the last
minute. □ It went up to-the big guns,
who said no immediately.
b ig-H . n. героишЙНаркЗ: □ She's on
big-И . now. Soon she'll be hooked for
good. □ The big-II. i№ this town is so
watered down, you can joy pop for
years and never get hooked.
(big) Harry n. героин (Нарк&. □ I
’ want to know where I kart'find big
Harry^l8$ Harry is cheaper now than
you would believe.
big head n. похмелье □ You look tike
you have the bighead this morning. Ц I
got a case o f the bighead. Tiio much
like you have the bighead this -morning.
bigheaded 1. ’mod. самодовольный □
Look at him swagger. He is so big­
headed- P Now don't get bigheaded,
but you are a top drummer' iti my
book, □ What a bigheaded jerk! 2.
Mod. похмельный1fWfiffany t$ a little
bigheaded this morning, о Щ feet.:0if
o f bigheaded.
big house n. тюрьма штата или фе­
деральная тюрьма (Всегда1с the.) □
Two years in'the big house is like two
’$Р}й custom-made hell. □ J i l l
either go straight now or spend the rest
o f your life -iti the big house..
b ig iron iis больш ой, центральный
компьютер (КомпыЬт. См.' iron.) □
Wluit kind o f big iron do they have over
there? □ We'll have to run this job on the
big Iron over at the university. ■
big John n: полиция, офицер полицмШЗ Big John is going to have a
deal with you. □ Big John took her jrl
and hit her with a vice rap.
big juice n. крупный мошенник
(llerpHfj. См. juice.) □ Marty's big
juice now that lie's got himself a gang.
О So, you’re the big juice around here.
big league 1. n. положение, когда со­
перничество сильно' -и ожидается
высокий уровень качества (Обычно
мн. Первонач. относилось к высш'ей
лиге в спорте.) □ In the big leagues
you’ve got to know what you're worth.
□ You're in the big leagues, now — no
more penny-ante stuff. 2 : и b ig league
качественный (Из бейсбола.) □ Н е
Works .рЩ рп е of the big-league ac­
counting *fini№. □ When I'm a big league siOrlmfksend you free tickets. a
big-M . п.*морфин (Нарк.) a ,T h e bigм. is relatively hard to get these days.
□ Addiction to the b ig -M . dates, back,
to .the Civil War.
Big J'Mac attack n. неожиданная £i
отчаянная :потребность „в сандвиче
“ Big Mac""” ' (продукт сети рестора­
нов “McDonald’s”) О I feel a Big
M ac attack coming on! □ I.just cant
fight off a Big M ac attack.
big top
big man on cam pus n. выдающийся
студент колледжа (См. тж. В. М. О.
С.) □ Hank acts like such a big man
on campus. О Let some big man on
campus do the dirty work for a change.
b ig mouth 1. n. человек, говорящий
слишком много или громко; чело­
век, не хранящий тайн (Тж. как об­
ращение.) О Tell that big mouth to
shut up. □ Okay, big mouth! Shut up!
2. tr. разглашать тайны □ Why do
you always have to big mouth every­
thing around? О D on't you big mouth
this, but I'm going to have a baby.
big name 1. n. известный и значи­
тельный человек О Lots of big names
were there lending their support to the
cause. □ One of the big names invited
for the event canceled out, at the last
minute. 2. и big-nam e mod. извест­
ный, важный □ Some big-name star
I ’ve never heard of was there pretend­
ing to serve dinner. □ The big-name
ballplayers nwke millions.
big noise 1. n. значительная персона
□ She's the big noise in Washington
right now. О I f you're such a big
noise, why don't you get this line
moving? 2. n. важные текущие
новости, 'последний
What's the big noise around town
now? □ There's a big noise up on
Capitol HilL Something about budget
b ig -O . n. опиум □ Most of the users of
big-O. died out 30 years ago. □ The
big-O. is making a comeback, I hear.
big of som eone 1. mod. великодушно P
I t was big o f T om to com e back and
apologize. □ That is really big o f you,
Fred. 2. mod. “ мило с чьей-то сторо­
ны” (Часто саркаст.) □ A whole pound.
Wow, that is really big o f you! □ Three
daisies he gave me! “Oh, that’s big of
you!" I said, batting my eyes.
big shot и bigshot 1. n. очень значи­
тельный человек □ So, you really
think you're a big shot. □ I ’m no big
shot, but I do have a little power
around here. 2. mod. могучий, мощ­
ный, сверхзначительный □ I f you
think that a big shot title impresses
me, you're wrong. □ You bigshot ideas
are getting us nowhere•
big spender n. человек, тратящий
много денег (Часто саркаст.) □ The
big spender left me a whole quarter
tip! □ I t ’s the big spenders who get
themselves into money trouble.
big stink n. скандал, крупный спор,
большое событие □ There was a big
stink made about in my absence. □
Don't make such a big stink about it.
big talk 1. n. хвастовство, преувеличе­
ние □ N o more big talk. I want ac. tion! □ I heard nothing but big talk
since you got here. 2. tr. ра­
споряжаться кем-либо □ D on't big
talk me. I know who you are. □ She
came in and big talked everybody, and
we just naturally thought she was the
big-ticket mod. относящийся к чемуто дорогостоящему О Will the go­
vernment cut back oh the big-ticket
programs? О In a survey taken last
month, heads of families said they
were unwilling to put big-ticket items
at the bottom of their shopping lists.
big time 1, n. предел успеха □ I'v e fi­
nally reached the big time! □ When
the pressure the big time got to be too
much, the guy simply retired. 2. и
big-tim e mod. выдающийся; экстра­
вагантный □ I can't stand any more
o f this big-time living. О This is one
o f your real big-time stars. 3. и b ig time mod. уголовный (Уголовн.) □
M ax is into big-time stuff now. О The
gang pulled a real big-time job and
got away with it. 4. n. героин (Нарк.)
□ Once you hit big time, you're way
hooked. □ Guess who’s shooting big
big-tim e operator и B.T.O. 1. n. круп­
ный бизнесмен О I f you’re such a
B.T.O ., why are we standing here in
the rain? □ H e's no big-time operator!
2. п. бабник □ This big-time operator
comes up and asks me to go home with
him, О That twit thinks he's a bigtime operator. A stud he's not.
big-tim e spen der n. человек тратя­
щий много денег □ Martin is the
original big-time spender. О A big time spender doesn't look at the prices
on the menu.
big top 1. n. цирк шапито, цирк вооб­
ще □ The best acts take place under
the big top. □ And now, one of the
greatest acts under the big top. 2. mod.
цирковой О Big top life doesn't ap­
big wheel
peal to me at all. □ One big top ex­
perience is enough to last me a life­
big wheel n. очень важная персона О
Kelly was a big wheel with the gas
company for a while. О Some big
wheel wrote the order. Don’t blame
bigwig n. важный человек; самовлю­
блённый человек О Some bigwig in a
pinstripe suit waltzed through and
asked me to leave, о The bigwig in
charge of that sort of thing will be in
big with som eone mod. предпочитае­
мый кем-либо P This kind o f ice
cream is really big with my family, О
Soup is big with everybody in cold
big Z ’s n. сон P I need me some of
them big Z ’s. P The big ZTs must
have set in before I could finish the
bike 1. n. велосипед D M y bike's the
yellow one. P I got a new bike for
Christmas. 2. n, мотоцикл P How
much did that bike set you backT P
You have to wear a helmet with a bike
that size, don’t you?
biker n. мотоциклист P That biker is
wearing about a dozen earrings. P
Four bikers roared by and woke up the
bill and coo in. обниматься и цело­
ваться (Н а манер голубей,) п Keep
an eye on those kids. They aren't going
to be satisfied with billing and cooing
forever, you know, P I f they bill and
coo enough now, maybe they will re­
member how when they're older.
billie и bill (у) [ ’bill] n, счета; бумаж­
ные деньги (Калифор.) Р Do you
have any billies pn you? P Nope, no
billies on me.
bimbo [ ’bimbo] 1. n. любитель поду­
рачиться P I f that bimbo doesn’t keep
quiet, I 'l l bop him. P What a' silly
bimbo! 2. n. легкомысленная женщи­
на; женщина лёгкого поведения D
Now the bimbo is a star in the movies!
P So she's a bimbo. She still has
rights, Have a heartI
bind n. проблема P I'v e got a little
bind here I didn't anticipate. P Unfor­
tunately, a new bind has slowed down
the project.
bindle 1. п. свёрток, узел, узелок
бродяги Р The guy had a bindle tied
to a stick, just like an old-time tramp.
P Throw your bindle over yonder, and
plunk your butt on that empty crate. 2.
п. пакетик с наркотиком (Нарк.) Р
She had a bindle of H. in her purse. P
That bindle was more important than
bing [big] t . n. доза наркотика; инъ­
екция наркотика (Нарк.) Р Н е took
a bing like fury. Р Н е needed a bing
tike fury. 2. n. наркотическая эйф­
ория (Нарк.) □ There's not much o f а
bing in this stuff. P The bing from the
bang made him shudder, then he
started to nod.
binge [bind;] 1, n. запой или много­
дневная наркотическая эйфория Р
Larry is the type who likes a good
binge every now and then- P A coke
binge can cost a lot o f cabbage. 2. n.
любой кутёж P About Thanksgiving
time I star a month-long eating binge.
P The crying binge started when
Marty got off the train. 3, in, перепи­
ваться P H e has been binging since
June. P She binges about once a
month and s stone cold sober the rest
o f the time.
binged [ ’bingjd] mod. пьяный P She
sat there, binged out o f her mind. P
I'm gonna go out and get myself
binged, but good.
Bingo! [ ’biqgo] exclam, “Д а!” , “Всё
верно!” (Из игры в бинго.) Р Bingo!
I'v e got the answer! P And we put this
tittle jobber here, another one here,
and bingo! We're done,
bird 1, n. женщина; девушка □ I like
the bird you were with last night. P
What a bird! I want one. 2. n. пре­
зрительное фырканье (Син. raspber­
ry.) □ The third time he fumbled, he
was greeted by two thousand mouths
making the bird. D You guys making
the bird aren't perfect either. 3. n.
странный человек P Some old bird
came up to me and tried to sell me a
cookbook. P This bird is too much for
me. I ’m leaving. 4. n. грубый жест
средним пальцем (См, пояснение к
finger wave.) Р The kid gave me the
bird, so I bopped him. P A lot of
little kids give people the bird all the
time because they see it on television.
5. п. самолёт □ I like his bird. She's
a dream to fly. □ The bird crashed on
take off.
birdbrain 1. n. дурак □ I'm such a
birdbrain. I forgot my drivefs license,
officer. О You silly birdbrain. Stop it!
2. и birdbrained nod. глупый □ I'v e
never heard such a birdbrain idea in
my life. P Look, you birdbrained idiot,
you are dead wrong!
birdbrained См. предыдущ. вокаб.
bird -d og t. tr. “увести” чужую по­
дружку О W hyd you have to go and
bird-dog me, your best buddy? О I
didn't bird-dog you. I ’m fust more
lovable, thats all. 2. tr. наблюдать за
кем-то □ I wish you would stop birddogging me! □ Barlowe knew some­
body was bird-dogging him, but he
was too smart to show it.
birdseed 1. n. мелкие деньги (Ср.
chicken feed.) О Thats just birdseed
compared to what I spend. P Forty
billion is birdseed to a government
with a 600 billion dollar budget. 2. n.
чепуха (Основ, ш B .S.) П Cut the
birdseed. I ’m not stupid, you know. □
I'v e heard enough birdseed here to last
for a lifetime.
birdturd* t * п. отвратительный чело­
век (Употр. с остор.) □ You silly
birdturd. Wake up! P Clare can be
such a birdturd when she wants. 2.*
mod. глупый, противный □ O f all
the stupid, under-handed, birdturd
tricks — this takes the cake! О Get
your ugly birdturd car out of my
bird-watcher n. человек, развлекаю­
щийся, наблюдая за проходящими
девушками о Harry is a dedicated
bird-watcher. □
You bird-watchers
should just mind your own business.
birdwood n. марихуана (Нарк.) О I
asked the guy on the corner where I
could find some birdwood, and he just
stared at me. D Max says he smokes
birdwood, but I think M U smoke any­
birdy и birdie mod. сумасшедший; с
“заскоком”; с придурью □ She acts
a little birdy from time to time. P
Would you kindly take your birdie
friends and go?
biscuit f’biskatj 1. а. голова P She got
a nasty little bump on the biscuit. P
H e wears a tin can on his biscuit in
case he tumbles. 2. а. пейотль, кактус
пейотль (Нарк.) О Two biscuits
should таке you fly all the way to
heaven and back. □ r
ale three
biscuits, and now you tell me that’s
too much! 3. C m . {dog.} biscuits.
bit 1. n. отсвдка (Уголовн.) О 1 did a
two-year bit in Sing Sing. P H e got
only a four-year bit. H e was afraid of
getting worse. 2. n. эпизодическая
роль (В театре. От bit part.) О Г
worked in bits for a year and then
started selling used cars. P It was
just a bit, but I needed the money. 3,
n. любая часть, сцена, любой биз­
нес или событие О I didn't like that
bit concerning penalties. О Now, in
this next bit, you are to move stage
bit-bucket n. воображаемое место,
куда попадают стёртые компью­
терные данные (Компьют.) Р I guess
ту data went into the bit-bucket. О I
bet the bit-bucket is filled with some
of the best stuff in the world.
bitch* 1. я. “сука” (Ругательство.) Q
The stupid bitch doesn't know from
nothing. О You bitch! Stop it! 2.* n.
ферзь (в шахматах), дама (в кар­
тах) (Употр. с остор. В осн. шут.) О
And I take your bitch. О You dealt me
the bitch. 3.* n. жаловаться (Употр. с
остор.) Р You are always bitching! О
I f I couldn't bitch, I would blow my
top. А .* п. сложная вещь или че­
ловек О This algebra problem is areal
bitch, О Life’s a bitch. S.* и. сломать
что-либо (Употр. с остор. См. тж.
bitch something up.) О Here’s a clean
one■ DorCt bitch it. □ You really
bitched this coil o f wire. 6.* n. чьялибо подружка (Употр. с остор.
Грубое, в осн. шут.) Р She's ту
bitch, and I love her. P M e and my
bitch really like this kind of stuff.
bitched C m . bitchin'
{bitchen-)twttchen j’bitjjij’twiK^] mod.
великолепный (Калифор.) О This is
a bitchen-twitchen way to boogie, P
She is like, twitchen!
bitchin' и bitchen f’bit;;q] t. mod. от­
личный, великолепный D This is a
totally bitchin' 'pair o f jeans! P This is
a way bitchen rally, my man! 2. exelam.
bitch of a someone or something
Bitchin’!) □ Four of them? Bitchen! □
Bitchen! L e ts do it again!
bitch of a som eone or som ething* n.
сложный, трудный человек или
предмет (Употр. с остор.) □ What а
bitch of a day! □ lie is really a bitch
of a boss. ■
bitch se ssio n *' n. неформальная бе­
седа или встреча, где люди “пла­
чутся в жилетку ”-•*(Употр. с остор.)
□ The bitch session went tin for forty
minutes. □ / learned never j o open
my mouth in those office bitch ses■'щфт': :-jbitch som eone off* и bitch off som e­
o n e*
ЧУпотр. с остор.) О You h ‘ally bitch
те off, do you know that? □ That foul
temper of yours could bitch off any­
bitch something up* и bitch up
som ething* tr. разломать что-либо,
остор.) □ You really bitched ту day
up! □ How caii one person bitch up
something this easy?
bitchy* [ ’bitji] mod. грубый, злопа­
мятный, жалующийся, неуравнове­
шенный □ Don't be so bitchy! П Who
needs a house full of bitchy kids?
bite in. “клюнуть” (на приманку) □ /
knew somebody would bite. □ We put
up a sign advertising free pop, but
nobody bit.
biters n. зубы □ M y biters need a little
work. □ I gotta get my biters to the
dentist while there are still a few left.
bite the bullet tr. принять непри­
ятности и попытаться жить с ними
□ You are just going to have to bite
the bullet and make the best of it. □
Jim bit the bullet and accepted what
he knew had to be.
bite the dust 1. tr. умереть □ I 'm too
young to bite' the dust. □ A shot rang
out, and another Cowboy bit the dust.
сломаться, выиТи из строя □
M y car finally bit the dust. □ This pen
has bitten the dust.
Bite the Icel exclam. .^би р^^й ^вЯ
чёрту!” □ Get a life! Bite the ice! О
I f that’s what you think, you с Ш 0 Ш
bite the ice!
Bite your tongue! exclam. ‘Щрйкуси
•язык!” , “Возьми свои слова обрат­
но!" □ M e a thief? Oh, bite’ ydur
tongue! □ Why do you say that this
will fait? Bite your tongue!
bit much mod. слишком много* боль­
ше, чем нужно (Всегда с а') П That
was a bit much, Paul. After all there is
such a thing as good taste. □ Your
birthday card was a bit much, but
thank you just the same.
bit of the action C m . piece of the ac­
biz [biz] 1. n. бизнес; дело, занятие О
What biz you in? □ I ’m in the plumb­
ing biz. 2. n. устройство для инъ­
екций наркотика (Нарк.) □ The biz
is right there in the towel on top o f the
stack. □ Use your own biz. I got that
disease, I think,
B.K. n. “Burger King” , сеть закусоч­
ных (Студенч.) □ Let's go over to
B.K, for some fries. □ N o B.K. for me.
I need pizza!
blab [blaeb] 1. n. разговор, болтовня
□ Cut the blab and get to work. О J
never pay any attention to blab like
that. 2. tr. разглашать тайны □ I ’ll
tell you if you promise not to blab it.
□ Tiffany blabbed the whole thing.
1. n.
хранящий тайн □ See if you can
keep your brother — who is a blabber­
mouth В to keep this still □ You are
such a blabbermouth! 2. tr. выбал­
тывать секреты □ D on't blabber­
mouth this to everybody. □ Somebody
blabbermouthed the story all over
black 1. mod. кофе без молока или
сливок □ Black coffee, good and hot,
please. □ I 'd like mine black, please.
2. n. конопля высшего сорта (Нарк.
См. African black, black gungeon.) □
don’t smoke nothing but black, ya
see? □ Get me some black while
you’re out.
black and blue mod. в синяках (В
прямом и переносном смысле.) □
I ’m still black and blue from my
divorce. □ What is that black and blue
area on your leg?
black and white 1. n. полиция; чёр­
но-белая полицейская патрульная
машина и полицейская машина
вообще □ A black, and white pulled up
to the curb, o Call flie~black and
whites. We got rtrouble ‘ here. 2. и
(black and white) minstrel п. кансу-
лы амфетаминов — наполовину бе­
лые, наполовину чёрные (Нарк. См.
тж. bank bandit pills.) □ I don't touch
minstrels. That stuff is too strong. □
Here, pop a black and white. That'll
hold you (ill you can fix.
blackball tr. голосовать против при
тайном голосовании, “прокатить на
вороных” □ I chose to blackball her,
and I'm
not sorry. □
blackballed the prospective member.
blackbirds n. капсулы амфетаминов
(Нарк.) □ A handful of blackbirds
and a bottle of wine was all that was
left. О Too many blackbirds can leave
you wired.
black eye n. вред чьему—либо престижу
' □ That kind o f behavior can give us all a
black eye. О The library has gotten a
black eye from this incident.
black gungeon и black gunion, black
gunnion p./gandjan и ...’ganjsn] n.
высококачественная конопля (Нарк.)
0 Is this black gungeon or tea? □ Real
black gunnion is softer than this.
blackjack 1. n. небольшая обтянутая
кожей дубинка, чтобы оглушать
людей?(Уголовн. См. тж. sap.) □
The thug used a blackjack to silence
Barlowe. □ M ax always carries a
blackjack in his coat pocket. 2. tr.
ударить кого-либо такой дубинкой
(Уголовн.) □ M ax black-jacked the
сор, and the guy crumpled up. □
Someone blackjacked me as I came
into the office.
blacklist 1. n. список нежелательных
лиц, “чёрный список” □ Am I on
your blacklist? □ I hear they keep a
blacklist on all the people they dis­
agree with. 2. tr. вносить кого-либо в
“чёрный список” □ Nobody else I
know was blacklisted. □ They black­
listed me for not belonging to the right
black mo См. следующ. вокаб.
black moat и black mo(te) [ ’blaek
’mot] n. разновидность чёрной креп­
кой марихуаны (Нарк.) □ They call
grass black moat on the West Coast. О
1 heard the best kind was black mote.
Is that the same?
(black) widow n. (чёрная) капсула
амфетамина (Нарк.) Q Those black
widows have quite an effect on me. □
A couple of widows will cheer you up.
blade 1. n. нож □ Bring your blade over
here and cut this loose. □ What are you
carrying a blade for? 2. n. сообрази­
тельный и общительный молодой
человек □ O ne o f those blades kept
winking at me. □ A couple of blades
from the international jet set ordered
vintage wine fo r everyone. 3. n.
гомосексуалист (От “ gay blade” . Cm.
gay.) О Som e blade came over and
offered to buy me a drink. □ This blade
comes up and says, like “ Gotta match?"
blah [bla] 1. mod. скучный, тупой □
What a blah performance! □ After- a
blah day like this I need something re­
ally exciting like a hot bath 2 mod.
мрачный, усталый О When I get into
a blah mood like this, I just want to
cry. □ I'm really blah Would you
mind awfully if I just went home? 3.
mod. пьяный о I got myself blah%n
about 20 minutes. О We are going to
get totally blah tonight.
blah-blah [ ’ bla'bla] phr. чепуха, бес­
престанная болтовня (Звукоподр.) □
She's going blah-blah on the phone all
the time. □ Why all this blah-blahrblah?
blahs [biaz] n. состояние депрессии
(Всегда с the.) □ You look like you're
got the blahs. □ I'v e had the blahs
about as long as I can stand.
blank 1. n. белое вино (От франц.
Ыапс. См. тж. plonk.) О She can put
away blank like it was water. □ How
about a nice glass o f blank? 2. n. поддельный героин, порция поддел­
ьного героина (Нарк.) □ This stuff is
a blank. □ Don’t let them sell you any
blanks this time. 3. tr. продавать
кому-либо поддельный героин □
Somebody blanked Bruno. □ Damn! I
got blanked!
blanket drill n. сон -(ночной) (Военн.)
О Blanket drill is the only thing I like
in the army. □ Fred is still on blanket
drill. H e’s in for it.
[ ’blaeqkadi ’ blacijk] mod. проклятый
(О т обычая на месте ругательств
оставлять в типографском наборе
пробелы. См. тж. bleasted.) □ Get this
blankity-blank cat out o f here! □ I'm
tired of your blankety-blank bad humor.
blast 1. n. великолепная вечеринка П
What a blast we had! □ Fred knows
blast a joint
how to put on a real blastt 2. n.
удовольствие, восхищение □
roller coaster was a blast. □ That gag
gave me a blast. 3. tr. застрелить
кого-либо □ The cops blasted the
crook till there was nothing left. □
The speeding car drove by, and some­
body tried to blast him with a ma­
chine gun. 4. tr, словесно нападать,
критиковать кого-либо или чтолибо О She really blasted the plan in
front of the board. □ H e blasted his
brother until we all left in embarrass­
ment. 5. n. словесное нападение □
The senator leveled a blast at the ad­
ministration. □ The administration
delivered an enormous blast at the
senate hearing. 6. tr, & in. прини­
мать наркотики, курить марихуану
(Нарк. См. blast a joint.) О Those
kids will blast for the rest o f their
lives. О M ax went out to blast some
pot. 7. n. состояние эйфории от
приёма наркотиков (Нарк.) □ That
stuff really gives me a blast. □ With a
blast like that, somebody's gonna get
hooked fast.
blast a joint и blast a stick, blast the
w eed
марихуаной (Нарк.) □ I don't have
time to blast a joint. О Let's stop here
and blast a stick or two,
biasted 1. mod. пьяный или опья­
нённый наркотиком О I got so
blasted I swore never to blow another
joint. О I got myself blasted. I ’m re­
ally sorry. 2. mod. проклятый, чё­
ртов D I asked her to get her blasted
stockings off the shower curtain, О
Shut your blasted mouth!
blaster C m . ( ghetto) blaster.
blazes C m . (b lu e ) blazes.
bleed tr. выкачивать из кого-либо
деньги постоянными требованиями
или шантажом □ You can’t bleed те
anymore. I ’m tapped. О I'm going to
bleed you till I get what I deserve.
bleed for som eone in. симпатизиро­
вать кому-либо □ I really bleed for
you, but there’s nothing I can do. □
We bleed for you, we really do.
bleed som eon e dry См. следующ.
bleed som eone white и bleed som e­
one dry tr. разорить кого-либо
(вымогательством) (См. bleed.) О
The creeps tried to bleed me white. □
M a x got some picture of Fred and
Paul together and tried to bleed both
o f them dry.
blimp а. прозвище тучного человека
(Грубо.) О Look at that blimp who
just came in. О This enormous blip
who just came in.
blimped mod. пьяный, опухший от
пьянства □ I am still a little blimped
from our party last night. □ I ’m big­
headed and still blimped this morn­
blimp out in. переесть □ I only blimp
out on weekends. О I love to buy a bag
o f chips and just blimp out.
blind drunk mod. сильно пьяный, “в
стельку” □ They drank till they were
blind drunk. О You came in blind
drunk last night. What’s going on?
blind(ed) mod. пьяный или опьянён­
ный наркотиком П They were both
blind as they come. О I guess she was
blinded. She couldn't stand up.
(blind) munchies n. страстное жела­
ние поесть или пожевать (Первона­
чально нарк. См. тж. munchies.) □
midnight I
the blind
munchies. □ There is nothing like po­
tato chips when you've got the
biindside tr. (для кого-либо или чеголибо) ошеломить, застать врасплох
человека (или животное) □ The new
tax law blindsided about half the
population. D The mugger came itp
and blindsided her with a blow to the
head before she knew what had hap­
blinkers n. глаза О As I opened my
blinkers, guess who I saw? □ Look at
those classy blinkers!
blinky и winky [ ’bliqki и ’wiqki] n. ус­
тройство для курения free base (раз­
новидность кокаина) (Нарк.) □ Не
broke his blinky and is desperate for a
new one. О Hold the winky here and
wait till I tell you.
blip [blip] 1. n. отметка на экране
радара О A blip caught the control­
ler's eye for an instant. О Did you see
that blip, Freddy? 2. а. нечто крат­
кое, незначительное О It was noth­
ing, just a blip. The press blew it out
o f proportion. О It wasn't really a
fight. It was just a blip.
blood bath
blissed (out) и blissed-out [blist...] 1.
mod. в состоянии блаженства □ I
know a gal who can get blissed from a
sunset. О After the second movement,
was totally blissed out. □ What a
blissed—out dame! 2. mod. пьяный
или опьянённый наркотиком □ She
is more than blissed. She is stoned. □
M y friend is a little blissed out. Can
she sit here?
bliss ninny pblis ’nini] n. легко­
мысленный или сбитый с толку че­
ловек □ Tiffany is such a bliss ninny
all heart though. □ You silly bliss
ninny. Who watches over you, anyway?
bliss out in. блаженствовать □ I blissed
out Just because it is spring and I am
with you. □ 1 always bliss out from talk
like that, but I still love Wally.
blisterfoot n. человек, который много
ходит: патрульный, полицейский,
солдат и т.д. □ This blisterfoot puts
his hand on my shoulder and says,
“ Whafs the rush, chum?" □ So this
blisterfoot just falls down right there
on the parade ground.
blithering idiot [ ’bllSa-iij...] n. дурак,
оболтус, обалдуй □ You blithering
idiot! You've buttered the tablecloth! О
How can you be such a blithering
blitz [blits] 1. n. разрушительное на­
падение О After that blitz from the
boss, you must feel sort of shaken. □
That’s my second blitz this week. 1 feel
like London. 2. tr. разгромить коголибо или что-либо О Two o f your
friends came by and blitzed my re­
frigerator. Q The team from downsfate
blitzed our local team for the third
year in a row.
blitzed (out) [blitst...] mod. пьяный
или опьянённый наркотиком □ То
say she is blitzed out is putting it
mildly! О 1 want to go out and get
totally blitzed. Г 11 show her who’s in
blivit [ ’blivst] n. кто—то или что—10
ненужное и раздражающее О D o not
be a blivit. Just calm down. □ The
dame’s a blivit. She adds up to one too
blixed [ ’bliksi] mod. в состоянии сла­
бого наркотического опьянения □
Н е was a little blixed when 1 last saw
him. О H e has been blixed for hours.
blob [blab] 1. n. дурак, дурачок □
Don't be a blob. Get up and get going.
О This blob just sits there and lets me
do all the work. 2. n. слабовольный
человек □ I ’m amazed that blob can
tie his own shoes. □ You blob! Show
some spunk! 3. n. очень толстый
человек О What a blob! о You'd think
being a blob like that would get old
after a while.
block 1. n. голова (См. knock some­
one's block off.) □ Try to get this stuff
through your block before the test. О
That block of yours is pretty dense. 2.
n. аукцион О The painting went on
the block and sold for nearly fiftythree million dollars. □ The house had
just gone on the block, and the first
bid was already opened.
blockbuster 1. n. что-то невероятное,
особенное, фильм или книга, при­
влекающие большое внимание □
That blockbuster should make about
20 million. □ / need two blockbusters
like that to pay for the last flop. 2. n.
(о предмете)
восхитительный и
успешный □ The new blockbuster
movie made about a zillion bucks in a
month. О With a blockbuster novel like
that in print, you should make quite a
blocked mod. пьяный или одурманен­
ный наркотиком □ How can anybody
get so blocked on 4 beers? n Man, he
is really blocked.
blockhead n. дурак (См. block.) □
Without a blockhead like you to re­
mind me of the perils of stupidity, 1
might be less efficient than I am. □
Why did he call me a blockhead? I
didn't do anything.
blood 1. n. кетчуп О Somebody pass
the blood. Q How ’bout some blood for
my burger? 2. C m . blood (brother) .
blood and guts 1. n. словесная борь­
ба, подшучивание o There is a lot of
blood and guts around here, but we get
our work done. П Cut out the blood
and guts and grow up. 2. mod. язви­
тельный □ There are too many blood
and guts arguments around here. О
Old blood and guts Wally is here
making threats again.
blood bath n. битва О There was d
blood bath at the office when the
manager fired 20 people. □ What a
blood (brother)
blood, bath! The whole town collapsed
after the bank failed.
blood (brother) n. приятель-негр □
This blood brother keeps asking me for
money. □ One of the bloods came up
to say hello.
blooey [ ’blui] 1. mod. разрушенный,
finished, blooey! □ All my plans are
blooey! 2. mod. пьяный □ Bruno is
totally blooey. H e can't open his eyes.
□ Man, I'm blooey. I ’m stoned to the
blooper [ ’blup?] 1. n. оговорка или
ошибка в телевизионной или радио­
передаче, которую приходится вы­
резать О I made a blooper, and they
cut it out of the program. □ There is
a record you can buy that lets you
hear the famous bloopers o f the past.
2. n. ошибка □ Another day, another
blooper. □ That was a real blooper.
Did you get fired?
blort [blort] n. героин (Нарк.) □
Somebody watered down this blort. □
You got any blort?
blot som eon e out и blot out som e­
one tr. убить кого-либо (Уголовн.)
□ Sorry, chum, we got orders to blot
you out. □ They blotted out the wit­
ness before the trail.
blotter 1. n. пьяница
(См. тж.
sponge.) □ The guy's a blotter. H e'll
drink anything and lots of it. □ They
say that Mr. Franklin is a blotter and
needs treatment. 2. n. наркотик ЛСД,
продающийся в пакетиках из про­
мокательной бумаги □ M ost of the
acid in this town is blotter. □ Blotter
can bring I to 5 dollars a pop. 3. n.
список арестованных в полицейском
участке □ The blotter is full of the
names of petty criminals and drunks.
□ We went downtown to have a look at
the blotter. There was no Matthew
Wilson on it anywhere.
blotto [ ’blado] 1. m крепкой спирт­
ное □ Let’s get some blotto and
get blocked. □ Let's go get a little
of that blotto. 2. mod. пьяный;
сильно пьяный □
She just lay
there — blotto. О L e fs get some
smash and get blotto.
b lo w 1. tr. & in. уходить в спешке,
удирать (См. тж. blow town, blow the
joint.) □ It’s late. I gotta blow. □ They
blew this place before you got here. 2.
tr. разрушить что-либо, упустить
шанс □ You really blew it! □ I t was
my last chance, and I blew it. 3. n.
удар, нападение О It was a real blow
to our prestige. □ A cm e Systems In ­
dustries suffered a blow to its plans to
acquire A .B .C . Steel Widgets. 4. tr.
тратить деньги, растрачивать деньги
□ We blew it all at a fancy restaurant.
□ M ary blew 40 bucks on a second­
hand radio. 5. in. сильно разозлиться,
выйти из себя (См. blow a fuse) □ Fi­
nally I had had enough, and I blew. О
The brass blew, and we heard the noise
all the way down here. 6. in. играть на
музыкальном инструменте (не об­
язательно на духовом) □ She blows,
and everybody listens. О Man, listen to
her blow. 7. и blow -out n. попойка □
M a n , come to my blow -out. I t ’s the
best place to go. □ What a blow over at
J oe’s. I 'l l never get sober. 8. tr.
вдыхать порошкообразные нарко­
тики (Н а р к .) □ Those guys all their
time blowing coke. □ A re you blowing
something good? 9. in. курить марих­
уану (Нарк.) О They say that blowing
that much will affect your brain. □ He
sits there blowing by the hour. How can
he afford it? 10. n. кокаин (Нарк.) □
You can get some good blow over at
that crack house. □ Whafs blow cost
around here?
blow a fu se и blow one’s fuse, blow a
gasket, blow o n e’s cork, blow o n e’s
lid, blow one’s top, blow one’s stack
tr. выйти из себя, потерять над собой
контроль □ C om e on, d o n 't blow а
fuse. □ Go ahead, blow a gasket! What
good will that do?
blow a gasket C m . blow a fuse.
b lo w a hype tr. закатывать истерику
(Син. spaz out.) □ Come on, don’t blow
a hype. □ I was afraid she would blow a
hype about the broken window.
blow beets tr. опустошать желудок,
блевать О What was in that stew? I
feel like I gotta blow beets. О She
wasted a few minutes blowing beets,
just to make things worse.
blow chunks tr. опустошать желудок,
блевать (Студен.) □ The stuff makes
me blow chunks every time I get near
it. O Wilson Food Service strikes
again. Time to blow chunks.
blow one’s lines
blow cold in. выказывать неприязнь □
The committee blew cold as my plan
unfolded. □ Lately, he's sort of blow
cold when I ’m around.
blowed (aw ay) mod. пьяный или
опьянённый наркотиком (См. тж.
blown away.) □ I was so blowed away*
I couldn't see straight, a I'm afraid I
am way blowed.
blower 1. n. наркоман, употребляю­
щий кокаин (Нарк.) □ M a x is a
blower, among other things. □ I can
spot a blower any day. 2. n. кокаин
(Нарк.) □ What’s the best quality
blower around here? □ George says he
can't live without blower. 3. n. си­
гарета □ That’s the third blower in
ten minutes! 4. n. носовой платок □
H e pulled a crusty blower from his
back pocket. О And wluit does he do
when he doesn’t have a blower?
blowhard [ ’blo’hard] n. хвастун, болтун
You’re just a big blowhard. □ When
and if this blowhard finishes, lefs go.
blow in in. прибыть □ I just blew in
last night. Where can I find room? □
When I blew in, nobody was here.
Blow it out your ear! exclam. “Уби­
райся!” ; “H e верю!” □ Oh, blow it
out your ear, you cornball! О You are
not way rad, you’re just way out, twit!
Blow it out your ear!
blow jive [...djaiv] tr. курить мариху­
ану (См. jive.) □ Man, let’s go out
and blow some jive! □ You would
rather blow jive than eat, I think.
blow lunch C m . blow one’s lunch.
blown away 1. mod. мёртвый; убитый
(Уголовн.) □ That guy was blown
away weeks ago. О Four of the mob
were blown away when the cops got
there. 2. и blown mod. пьяный или
опьянённый наркотиком □ I drank
till I was blown, and then I drank
some more. □ Whatever that pill was,
Cecilia is totally blown away. 3. mod.
впечатлённый, поражённый □ Like
it? I was blown away. □ We were just
blown away by your good words.
blown out mod. опьянённый,, нар­
котиком (Нарк.) О Max is blown out
and making threats. □ I still feel sort
of blown out. Is that normal, three
days after?
blown (up) mod. пьяный (См. тж.
blown away.) □ I guess I ’m a little too
blown up to drive, о You are blown as
blazes, you twit!
blow off 1, in. тратить время, откла­
дывать со дня на день □ You blow
off too much. О A ll your best time is
gone. — blown off. 2. n. человек
который тратит время
blo w -o ff.) О Fred is such a blow-off!
□ Get busy. I don’t pay blow-offs
around here. 3. n. что-то, что можно
сделать быстро и не напрягаясь
(Обычно blo w -o ff.) □ The test was a
blow-off. □ Oh, that is just a blow off. Nothing to it. 4. n. последнее
оскорбление; причина спора (Обыч­
но b lo w -off.) □ When the blow-off
happened, nobody was expecting any­
thing. □ The blow-off was a call from
some dame named Monica who asked
for Snookums. 5. n. спор, скандал
(Обычно blow -off. См. blow up.) О
After a blow-off like that, we need a
breather. □ There was a big blow-off
at the plant today.
blow off (som e) steam и let off
(som e) steam tr. срывать злость на
окружающих □ D on’t worry. She’s
just blowing off steam О Let off some
steam. Get it out of your system.
blow one’s cookies tr. опустошать
желудок, блевать О I think I ’m
going to blow my cookies. □ Okay,
if any you guys gotta blow . your
cookies or something, do it here,
not inside!
blow o n e’s cool tr. разозлиться □
Now, now, don’t blow your cooL □ I
almost blew my cool when the dog wet
my pants leg.
blow o n e’s doughnuts и lose o n e ’s
doughnuts [...’donats] tr. опусто­
шать желудок, блевать □ Who lost
their doughnuts in the hall? □ The
stuff was so vile, I thought I would
blow my doughnuts.
blow o n e ’s fu se C m . blow a fuse.
blow one’s groceries tr. опустошать
желудок, блевать О She blew her
groceries all over the front seat. □ I
gotta blow my groceries. Look out!
blow o n e’s l|d C m . blow a fuse.
blow o n e’s lines tr. забыть или
переврать текст своей роли в пьесе
□ I f you blow your lines, just try to
cover it up. О There I was in my first
major role, and I blow my lines!
blow one’s lunch
blow o n e ’s lunch и blow lunch,
lose o n e’s lunch tr. опустошать
желудок, блевать □ / almost lost
my lunch, 1 ran so hard. О I
wanted to blow my lunch, thafs
how rotten I felt.
blow o n e’s own horn и toot o n e’s
own horn tr. хвастаться □ Gary sure
likes to toot his own horn. О “1 hate to
blow my own horn," said Bill, tying
through his teeth.
blow o n e ’s stack C m . blow a fuse.
blow o n e’s top C m . blow a fuse.
Blow on it! exclam. “Наплюй!”, “He об­
ращай внимания!” P Hey, man. Relax.
Blow on it! □ It's all right, T om Blow
on it!'
blow -out n. непомерное употребление
еды и питья □ Man, what a blow-out.
Г т still full! О I have a nightly blow­
out at 11:00 P.M . in front of the re­
blow sm oke 1, tr. строить фразы так,
что они приобретают двойной смысл,
скрывая правду (См. smoke and mir­
rors.) Р When they began to figure him
out, he began to blow smoke. P She is
a master at blowing smoke. She bebng
in government. 2. tr. курить марих­
уану (Нарк.) P M ax sits around blow­
ing smoke when he’s not selling. P The
whole sales force blows smoke during
office hours.
blow snow tr. нюхать кокаин (Нарк.)
P A ll the guy does is blow snow. He's
in love with it. P See that house over
there. For ten bucks you can go in and
blow snow.
blow som eone away и blow away
som eone 1. tr. убить кого-либо;
застрелить кого-либо (Уголовн.) Р
The boss said we was to blow you away
if you gives us any trouble. P We blow
away guys like you ever day. 2. tr.
подавлять, сокрушать P The music
about blew me away, о The whole idea
just blew her away.
blow som eone or something off и
blow off som eone or something 1.
tr. запустить дела; игнорировать
кого-либо или что-либо Р Don't
blow те off. Listen! 1 want it done
now! P Get it done now. Don't blow
it off! 2. tr. (c someone) обмануть,
облапошить P Don't try to blow me
off! I know whafs what. P They
blew off a young couple and conned
a hundred bucks out o f them.
blow som eone out of the water
tr. полностью уничтожить коголибо (как корабль торпедой) Р
This is too much. I ’m gonna blow
that guy out of the water. P How
does it feel to be blown out of
the water like that?
blow som eon e’s cover tr. “раскрыть”
кого-либо; открыть истинное лицо
Р I didn't mean to blow your cover. P
The dog recognized me and blew my
blow som eon e’s doors off tr. побе­
дить кого-либо, превзойти коголибо Р We'^e gonna really blow your
doors off in the next game. P They
blew our door off in sales last year.
blow som eone’s mind 1. tr. произвести
на кого-то впечатление Р This whole
business just blows my mind. P Your
credentials really blow my mind! 2. tr.
(для наркотика) одурманивать P This
stuff will blow your mind. P That blue
acid blew my mind.
blow som eon e to som ething tr. уго­
щать кого-либо чем-либо P Let me
blow you to a meal. P I think I 'l l blow
myself to a fancy dessert.
blow something wide open и bust
something wide open tr. предать
конец взяточничеству Р I'm going to
bust this racket wide open. P The
press is trying to blow the town wide
open, and the feebies are trying to
hush them up so they can move in in
blow the joint tr. удирать откуда-либо
в спешке (Уголовн. См. joint.) Р
Come on, lets blow the joint before
there's trouble. P They blew the joint
about an hour ago.
blow the lid off something tr.
предать гласности скандал, кор­
рупцию Р The reporter blew the lid
off the latest city hall scandal P I'm
going to blow the lid off another
phony candidate.
blow town tr. уезжать из города в
спешке (Уголовн.) Р 1 gotta pack
and blow town. The cops are on to me.
P H e blew town yesterday.
blow up 1. in. потерять над собой
контроль, от злости; “взорваться” Р
blue boys
I just knew you’d blow up. О So she
blew up. Why should that affect you so
muchi 2. п. скандал, драка (Обычно
blowup.) P After the third blow-up,
she left him. □ One blow-up after
another. Yuck! 3. n. увеличенная
копия: фотографии, карты, рисунка
и т.д. (Обычно blow -up .) О Here’s а
blow up o f the scene of the crime. О
Kelly sent a blow-up o f their wedding
picture to all her relatives. 4. n.
b lo w -u p .) □ The blow-up in the fi­
nancial world has ruined my chances
for early retirement. Q After the blow­
up, they called one another to compare
blow Z 's [...ziz] tr. спать О I got to
blow Z ’s for a while; then we'll talk. □
Him? Oh, he's in the back blowing Z ’s,
blubber [ ’bisba-] in. тихо плакать,
всхлипывать О B y the end o f the
film, everyone in the place was blub­
bering. □ Don’t sit there and blubber,
dammit. Get it over and done with.
blubber gut(s) [ ’ЫоЬгг ’gat(s)] n.
ращение.) О Hey, blubber guts! Get а
girdle. □ Why doesn't that blubber gut
do something about all that weight?
blue 1. mod. депрессия, меланхолия
□ That music always makes me blue.
о I ’m feeling sort of blue. □ I'm in a
blue mood. 2. mod. вульгарный,
грязный, пошлый О Those blue jokes
don't go over very well around here.
О Enough of your blue interests. Get
out and take all these magazines with
you. □ That one was really blue. 3. n.
небо; небеса □ The idea came to me
right out of the blue. D I just look up
at the blue and hope for the best. 4.
mod. пьяный О You might say I'm
blue. Others might note that I am
stoned. О What have you been drink­
ing? You’re getting a little blue. 5. n.
таблетки или капсулы амфетами­
(Нарк.) О How are blues different
from reds and yellows? a I'm sort of
wired. You got any blues? 6. n. поли­
ция, полицейский О The blues will
be here in a minute. Q One blue isn't
enough to handle the job. 7. n. 10 мг
таблетка “Valium™” (Нарк.) D In
treatment they kept giving me blues to
calm me down. Now 1 can't live
without them. О A blue is enough to
put most people into a stupor. Why
do you want two?
blue acid n. наркотик Л С Д (Нарк.) □
Blue acid is the cheapest thing around
here. Toot is a lot more. □ Who makes
this blue acid?
blue and white n. полицейская
машина, полиция □ A blue and white
suddenly appeared, and I knew we
were finished. О I can usually spot a
blue and white before anyone else.
blue around the gills и green around
the gills 1. mod. больной □ You are
looking a little blue around the gills. О
How about a little air? I feel a little
green around the gills. 2. mod.
пьяный О In the middle o f the drink,
I knew I was getting blue around the
gills. О Marty — now thoroughly green
around the gills — slid neatly under
the table, and everyone pretended not
to notice.
blue baby t. n. синюшный младенец
(от недостатка кислорода) □ I was а
blue baby when I was born, but I got
over it fast О They put the blue baby
on oxygen. 2. n. наркотик Л С Д
(Нарк.) О A bit o f blue baby is just
what this cowboy needs. О Blue baby
will cost you 4 clams a 'pop.
blue (barrels) n. голубые таблетки
наркотика Л С Д (Нарк.) □ Whatever
these blue barrels are, its powerful
stuff. □ You got any blue barrels?
bluebird n. капсула “Amytal” ,” барби­
турата (Нарк.) О Here, this little
bluebird will sing you to sleep. О Do
bluebirds make you fly?
(blue) blazes n. ад, дьявол □ It’s as
hot as blazes here. О You can go
straight to blue blazes as far as I care.
blue blood n. аристократ, дворянин □
She acts like a blue blood, but we all
know she comes from a long line of
horse thieves and tramp. О The blue
bloods will never take over this neigh­
blue bom ber n. таблетка “Valium” ” в
10 мг, транквилизатор (Нарк.) □ A
couple of blue bombers will knock you
flat. О How about a blue bomber just
to start off the evening?
blue boys и blue coats n. полиция
(Негрит. См. men in blue.) □ The
blue chip
blue -coats climbed out of the black and
white and just ‘ stood there. □ Four
blue boys held me'while ё fifth slipped
the cuffs on me. 1 ain't no pushover.
blue chip 1. 11: пакет акций крупной
ко*шании, имеющий большую сто­
имость <Киржев.) П The blue chips
took another nose dive in today's trad­
ing. □ I buy nothing but blue chips. 2.
mod. относящийся к акциям круп­
ных компанийНобычно blue-chip.
В:ищЩв>) Ц ■ip^ds<^mhkr blue-chip
led sell off О The blue-chip rally ran
for a third
blue devils 1. n. мелайхолия, депрессия
Wm llank is down with the blue devils
again. O -H o w d A j^ ^ t v U '& f t h ^ bt&e
devils?' 2. ti. белая гормчка В - The
shakes, or the blue devils, are a sure sign
• of a s e M U S 'd r i n k i ^ f i ^ b h ^ ^ f f ^ i i
‘ wouldn' 1 think that a-‘s^Mpda'mii-4'ike
that would
you? 3. n. к&пе^йш AAyjfel™* * барбиту])&^ O How much for a little box of
blue dievils? □ .
blue devils do it to you?
blu e-eyed т о й .Л ^ и М Й й й ; О Ldok,
you little blue-eyed 5’Щ<Шёt :J: know
your ganw! □ He’s sure his blue-eyed
wonder couldn't have lift my child. □
Don't try to lfx)k sa.blue-eyed.
blue flu [ ’blu ’flui^-’ n. воображаемая
болезнь, поражающая полицейских
во время остановка», работы (метод
забастовки) □ АшзЩф',-'ф00щё0Ф:Ш
'the blue flu -struck,Ш йш
ficers early today. □ It seems that the
’ city's criminals tmd lawbreakers are
Ыттипе^ to %АеоМи$л$$ЩАмг. .тящ
goes on totally unaffected.
blue funk [ ’blu ’foqk] п. депрессия □
■i^M ‘gld d ^ ^ jou i< o§ iti^ blue
•You've got to-.get out of your blue funk
and get-bac.k to work.
blu e in the fa c e mod. 6^iw®ireOT Ус­
талости или? йетощййия □ She worked
hard enough to be blue in the face. □ I
laughed until I was blue in t-he face.
blue Johnnies u\ белая горячка О The
one that's shaking has the.blue Jolinv nies. Everybody еШеиш
tank is just
dm n k .^'M ^efc6 M e'th 0 tblu e:M li0 ^s
blue movie nv порнографическй&эди
^^эротинес^йфЖгй^^О 1 'sagmnyrfist
- blue rMyte-imdzfouitd it^^appQmting.
□ I ’ve got an old blue nmvie from the
blues 1. n. барбитураты (Противоп.
rhythm(s), амфетамины.) П The
principal found a bottle of blues in
somebody's locker. □ When M ax said
he really likes rhythm and blues, no
one knew w hathew as really talking
about. 2. n. меланхолия, грусть
^(Всегда с the.) □ When I have the
blues, I. like sad music. □ You look
like you really have the blues. What's
wrong? 3. n. белая горячка (В про­
должение n. ■:%' Всегда с the.) id
When I can't gel wine, I get blues-, □
■The blues don't make me shake. /
can’t move at all when I have the
B.M.O.C. n. “big man on campus,” вы­
или* наглый ' студент
колледжа □
Whefr this В.М .О. С.
'0&кШ;" Ш :: to leave, T .:ig^ed iM rh x№ Who’s the B.M .O .C. who keeps trying
to get elected class president?
B.O. 1. n. “body odor”| Запах пота □
■Man, do you have B .O .! □ Now here
is a product ihai iwill end, your worries
about B.O. 2. m “box office™ касса,
где продают билеты □ The show was
a big hit at are B.O. □ I f you want
your money back, you’ll have to go 4a
the B.O.
bo [bo] n. марихуана; марихуана из
Колумбии (Негрит. от Colombo.) □
That bo is good stuff, babe. О How
much for a bee o f bo?
boat 1. n. ботинок болыиогойразмера
□ Whose boat is that under the coffee
table'! W Jiiose boats are special made,
in fact. 2. n. большой автомобиль;
грузовик с 2-х или 3-х осным при, цепом О I don't want to. drive a big
boat like that. □ How do you stop that
boat? Throw out an anchor?
b o -b o (bush) [ ’bo’bo...] n. мариху­
ана, гашиш Ша’р,к.) □ B o -b o bush is
just another kind of hash. О She likes
to blow bo-bo she says. Is that what
grows on a bo-bo bush?
bod |bad | 1. n. тело, особенно краси­
вая фигура (Ср. o dd ~bod .)0 You got
a nice .bcid, Tom. □ J f you got a good
bod and enough money,, vfhy are you
: depressed? 2. n. человек □ How manJl
bods are coming over tonight?:, □
Who’s the bod
the tight slacks?
bodacious [ ’bo’dejjas] mod. смелый,
дерзкий (Простонар.)' □ That is a
bodacious plan, for sure. О Yes, sir!
That is really bodacious.
body count 1. n. число трупов после
боя О The body count at Hill 49 was 3.
О The body count seems to go down
during the rainy season. 2. n. число
пострадавших от любого потрясения
0 The pink slips are coining out every
day. The body count on Monday was
23. □ M ost everybody is flunking quan.
The body count after the last test was
in the twenties. 3. n. число при­
сутствующих □ The body count was
about 45 at the meeting, a The body
count seems to go down each month,
body-pack er и body carrier n. кон­
трабандист, провозящий наркотики
в пакетиках в своем желудке
When a packet breaks inside a body
carrier, that's the end. О The guy —
who they decided later was a bodypacker — had just crumpled up on the
floor and died.
body shake n. обыск, тщательный
обыск (Уголовн. См. shakedown.) □
You can’t give me a body shake. I
want my lawyer! □ They give every­
body who passes through these doors a
body shake.
boff [baf] 1. tr. ударить кого-либо
кулаком О I was afraid she was going
to boff me. □ Ted boffed Harry play­
fully. 2. in. опустошать желудок,
блевать (См. тж. barf.) □ She boffed
and boffed, until she was exhausted. О
1 think I'm gonna, boff!
boffo [ ’bafo] ,1. n. успешная пьеса,
постановка, фильм, др. □ I need а
boffo just once in my life. О The last
one was a tremendous boffo, but we
only broke even. 2. mod. успешный,
грандиозный □ We had boffo time at
your rally. □ Another boffo success for
Wally! That was really boffo!
bogart и bogard [ ’bogart и ’bogard] 1.
in. присваивать себе общую сигарету
с марихуаной □ Come on, man. Don't
bogart on us! □ Sfop bogarding and
take a hit! 2. in. прикидываться
“ крутым” , как Хэмфри Богарт
(Н егрит.) □ Look at him bogarting!
W ho needs tough guys? □ There's
nothing funnier than a wimp trying to
bogard around.
b o gu e [bog] mod. поддельный, под­
ставной □ Keep your bogue gold
watch. I don't want it! □ She is So,
like, bogue!
bohem e [b o ’ him] n. стиль женской
одежды —г, никакой косметики, меш­
коватая одежда, длинные юбки и
удобные туфли (С ту д ен ч .) □ She
looks so good in boheme! □ Boheme is
not you.
boiled 1. mod. обозлённый □ I am so
boiled at you! □ Now, don’t get boiled. It
was only a joke. 2. mod. пьяный □ How
can you get so boiled on wine? О The two
were boiled and not much use to us.
boiling (m ad) mod. чертовски злой □
She is really boiling mad. □ Mad, I'm
not mad. I ’m just boiling:
B.O. juice n. дезодорант, интимный
дезодорант (Студенч. См. В .О .) □
Help this man find B.O. juice, fast!
H e really needs it. □ Who took my
B.O. juice? I'v e got to go to class.
bokoo и boku [ ’bo’ku] mod. много
(Игра на франц. beaucoup.) □ There
are already boku people invited. □ I'v e
got bokoo things to do today.
bolus [ ’boubs] n. врач (От латин­
ского bolus — пилюля.) О There is a
new bolus in town. □ The bolus kept
trying to get me to lose weight.
bom b 1. n. неудачная постановка или
изначально плохая пьеса □ They
tried as hard as they could, but the
thing was a bomb from act one on. □
The latest bomb on Broadway, like all
bombs, will only go off once. This one
finished to a chorus o f boos before the
final curtain. 2. in. не удаться, про­
валиться □ M y first try bombed, but
things got better. □ I t bombed the
minute the first curtain went up. 3. и
bom b out in. (для компьютера или
компьютерной программы) отказать
You expect a program to bomb a
time or two. D The whole thing
bombed out at just the wrong time. 4.
C m . bomb(shelt).
bom bed (out) mod. пьяный или одур­
маненный наркотиком □ They were
bombed and looked nearly dead. □
How can I drive when I ’m bombed
bom ber 1. n. капсула барбитурата □ I
am so tired from that bomber you gave
m.e. □ I didn’t give you a bomber!
That was horse! 2. n. большая,
толстая сигарета с марихуаной □ Н е
rolled himself a bomber and lit up. □
H e can go through a bomber like that
in 10 minutes.
bom b (shell) n. неожиданная новость
0 I am still recovering from your
bomb of last evening. О After you left
us with the■ bombshell about your
marriage to the Christmas tree farmer
in Montana, we began to realize that
it’s your life and you should do what
you want.
bone [bon] n. тромбон (Муз. См. тж.
bones.) Herman is just a wonder on
the bone. О She plays the bone like
nobodys business.
bone factory 1. n. больница □ After
about two months in the bone factory,
1 was back on the job. □ Lemme outa
this bone factory! 2. n. кладбище □ I
know I ’ll end up in the bone factory
just like everyone else. О We must
have passed by 40 bone factories going
across Missouri.
bonehead 1. n. тупой или упрямый
человек О Don't be a bonehead.
Cooperate! □ You are such a bonehead
when it comes to buying cars, 2. и
boneheaded mod. глупый, упрямый
О Why am I married to the world’s
greatest, all-time bonehead klutz? □
Don’t be so boneheaded.
boneh eaded См. предыдущ. вокаб.
bo n e idle mod. очень ленивый □ Your
problem is that you are bone idle. D
Take your bone idle brother and move
bone orchard n. кладбище □ That is a
very pleasant bone orchard. О Does it
really matter how comfortable a bone
orchard looks?
boner [ ’bon?] n. глупая ошибка,
неудача D Well, that was a bad boner.
□ What a boner! You must be embar­
bones 1. n. игральные кости О Throw
them bones and hope for the best. D
Toss me the bones arid get out your
checkbooks. 2. n. прозвище судового
врача (От sawbones.) о This fat
bones actually wanted me lose weight.
О This is quite a cut. You'll have to go
over to the bones in Adamsville. 3. n.
прозвище худого человека □ Well,
bones, how about a nice big meat? □
Ask bones there what he wants to
boneyard 1. п. кладбище □ I ’U take a
boneyard with a view o f the lake. О I'd
like to be planted in a boneyard like
that. 2. п. свалка П This old car's
ready for the boneyard. □ I got used
right-hand door from a boneyard.
bong и bhong jbor)] 1. п. кальян,
устройство для курения марихуаны,
(Нарк.) □ Fill up your bong and lefs
get going. О This bong is really getting
sort of nasty. 2. tr. & in. курить ма­
рихуану через кальян (Нарк.) □
You can't just bong for the rest o f you
life! О Wanna go bong a bowl? 3. n.
затяжка марихуаны через кальян □
I 'l l take two bongs, and then I gotta
go. □ I only got one bong! 4. tr. & in.
высасывать пиво из бочонка через
трубку (Калифор. См. тж. beerbong.)
There were по cups, so people had
to bong their beer. □
bonged till the keg was empty.
b onged (out) [boqd...] mod. nepeкурившийся марихуаны □ She was
still bonged out after the first week of
classes. □ I was bonged all through
the holidays.
bonk [boqk] 1. tr. удариться головой
0 H e bonked his head on the shelf. О
1 bonked my bean. 2. tr. ударить
кого-либо по голове О Н е wouldn't
move, so I bonked him. D I bonked
John on the head.
bonkers [ ’boqkirz] 1. и crackers mod.
сумасшедший, “стукнутый” О . Get
this bonkers brother o f yours out of
here! О I think I am going bonkers. 2.
mod. слегка пьяный □ I'm just a
little bonkers, nothing really serious.
О She’s too bonkers to drive.
bonzo [ ’banzo] mod. сумасшедший □
You are completely bonzo! □ I want
out o f this bonzo place!
boo и b u [bu] n. марихуана, сигарета
с марихуаной (Нарк.) О Gimme а
drag on your boo, huh? □ Get your
own bu, you wimp!
b o o b * [bub] 1. n. тупица, деревен­
щина □ You boob! What have you
done? D Why did I marry a boob like
you? 2.* и b o o b y * [ ’bubi] n. грудь
(Употр. с остор. Обычно во мн.) О
With boobs like that, she can go any­
boom box
where she likes. О M y boobs aren't
what I might have wished for.
bo o -bird [ ’bufcrd] n. человек, осви­
стывающий игру или представление
□ It was a big day for the boo-birds at
Wrigley field. □ The catcher turned
and stared right at the loudmouthed
boo-bird. Everybody knew what he was
b o o -b o o
[’bubu) n. ошибка (См.
make a boo-boo.) □ It's only a small
boo-boo. Don’t stress yourself. О
Another boo-boo like that, and you are
bo c b -tu b e [ ’bubtub] n. телевизор (в
который смотрят boobs.) □ Whafs
on the boob-tube tonight? О You
spend too much time in front o f the
bo oby Cm. boob,
bo oby hatch [ ’bubi...] n. психиатри­
ческая больница □ I was afraid they
would send me to the booby hatch- □
D on't you mean send you back to the
booby hatch?
bo oby trap 1. n. скрытая ловушка (В
буквальном и переносном смысле.
См. примеры.) О This clause in the
contract is a real booby trap. Let’s re­
write it. О Some kind of booby trap in
the warehouse kept the robber from
getting away, 2, tr. установить скры­
тую ловушку (Обычно booby-trap.)
Р The agents booby-trapped the cel*
lar. P They booby-trapped the eleva­
tor so it turned into a cell if you
didn’t know the code to open the
boodle Cm. boody.
boodle [ ’bud|] n. добыча, награблен­
ное (Уголовн.) P All of the boodle
was recovered in a suitcase. P They
divvied up the boodle and got out of
bo o d y * и boodle*, bootie* [ ’budi] n.
ягодицы, задница (Употр. с остор.)
Р Look at the nice little boody on this
guy. P Get your boodle out on that
dance floor and shake it,
bo o g er Cm. boogie.
b o o g ie * [ ’bugi или ’bugi] 1. n. танец
буги P I didn't like the boogie until I
learned how to do it right. P The
boogie will tire you outf but good. 2,
in. танцевать буги P I don't like to
boogie, P I ’m too old to boogie. 3, n.
место, где танцуют буги Р There’s а
boogie over at Steve's tonight. P One
more boogie and I 'm through for the
year. 4.* in. совершать половой акт
(Употр. с остор.) Р Come on! Let’s
get on! L e ts boogie! P When you said
lets boogie, I thought you wanted to
dance! 5. in. заняться работой О The
whistle blew. Time to boogie. P All
right, its time to boogie. Cool it! 6.* и
b o o g er* [ ’bugar] n. сопли (Употр, с
остор.) P Is that a boogie on your tip,
or what? P That's no way to take care
o f a booger!
b o o g ie -b o a rd [ ’bugibord или ’bugibord] 1. n. доска для серфинга
(Калифор.) Р Get your boogie-board
out there in that tube. P She cracked
her boogie-board apart on that gig
one. 2. n. скейтборд, роликовая
доска (Подрост.) Р Н е fell off his
boogie-board. and broke his tailbone. P
Can you imagine a boogie-board cost­
ing 600 dollars?
boogie down (to som ew here) in.
спешить (куда-либо), направляться
(куда-либо) Р I ’m gonna boogie
down and see whafs going on. P So,
why don’t you boogie down to the store
and load up with bud and berries for
the weekend?
boogiem an [ ’bugimaen или ’bugimaen]
n. воображаемое существо, пугаю­
щее людей; вообще ложная угроза,
“Бука” Р D on't turn те into а
boogieman. Spank the child yourself.
P The press has made the secretary
into some sort of boogieman.
book 1, in. уходить P Time's up. Gotta
book, P L e ts book. I 'm late. 2. tr.
предъявлять уголовное обвинение P
The cop booked him for vagrancy. P
She looked sort o f scroungy, and they
wanted to book her for something, but
didn't know what, 3, in. изучать, учи­
ться (См. тж. book it.) P I have to
book all night. P I gotta book. Bye.
bookie n. букмекер P M ax was a
bookie till he got into drugs. P M y
bookie wants his money on the spot.
book it tr. старательно учиться P I'v e
got to spend the rest of the night book­
ing it. P I am so tired o f booking it
every night of my life.
boom box n. переносной стерео ра­
диоприёмник (См. тж, box.) Р Тйгп
down that damn boom box, or I ’ll kick
it in. □ Hey, man! You. even gonna
take your bo o m . box to church, or
boom er 1. n. рабочий, переезжающий
от одного экономического бума к
другому О Fred's great-uncle was а
boomer in the days o f the Oklahoma
oil rush. □ M ost of the old boomers
settled down and raised families. 2.
C m . (baby) boomer.
boom sticks n. барабанные палочки
(Муз.) □ I need new boom sticks.
They keep breaking. О H e always car­
ries his boom sticks in his back pocket,
and he beats on walls, radiators,
desks-you name it.
boondocks и boonies [ ’bundaks и
’buniz] n. изолированное или дикое
место; дальние пригороды (От слова
“гора” в языке тагалог. Со времен II
мировой войны.) □ I don't want to be
stuck out in the boondocks! □ The
weather out in the boonies looks cold
and dry.
bo on doggle [ ’bundogj] n. трата вре­
мени и денег; проект, растрачиваю­
щий общественные деньги О This is
boondoggle — just the thing every
single baby-kisser pledged to stop. □
Another Washington boondoggle came
to light today as investigators revealed
plans for a dam in a California
canyon that doesn’t have any water.
boonies Cm. boondocks.
boost 1. tr. & in. украсть что-либо
(Уголовн.) □ H e specializes in boost­
ing meat for resale. □ H e boosts for a
living. 2. tr. хвалить, поддерживать
что-либо или кого-либо □ She is al­
ways boosting some cause. О I f she
would boost me as well, I wouldn’t
object to the time she spends hyping
other people.
booster 1. n. грабитель □ The cops
hauled in two boosters by noon. □
Gary was a part-time booster till he
got into dope. 2. n. человек, под­
держивающий что-либо или коголибо □ We don’t have enough boosters
to have any effect. □ I 'm a booster of
lots o f good causes.
b o oster pill n. капсула или пилюля
амфетамина (Н а р к .) О I ’ m glad I
don’t need booster pills to start off the
day. □ Are booster pills luibit-forming?
boot 1. n. трепет, забота □ I get a
real boot out of my grandchildren. О
Their little games give me a real boot.
2. tr. убрать, вышвырнуть кого-либо
□ I booted him myself. □ Bruno, boot
that guy at once! 3. n. увольнение,
уход □ Seven people got the boot. О
I got the boot even though I had
worked there for a decade. 4. tr. & in.
запустить операционную систему
компьютера О I booted the thing, but
it just sat there. О When I booted, all
I got was the feeper going batty. 5. in.
опустошать желудок, блевать О The
kid booted and booted and will prob­
ably never smoke another cigar. □ I
think I ’m gonna boot. Gangway!
boot som eone out и boot out som e­
one tr. вышвырнуть кого-либо О I
don't boot out anybody. Bruno does
that. Bruno, come here. □ Are you
going to boot me out?
b ooze [buz] 1. n. спиртное (Жаргон с
X V I века.) □ Where’s the booze? □ I
don't care for booze. It makes me
sneeze. 2. и b ooze up in. перепи­
ваться □ Stop boozing for a minute
and listen up, guys. О Let's go out and
booze up!
booze artist n. пьяный, пьяница □
Tod was a booze artist for a decade
before he realized what he was doing.
□ A wobbly booze what he was doing.
boozed mod. пьяный □ I think I am a
little boozed. □ Wow, is he ever boozed!
booze it (up) tr. перепиваться, пить
до белой горячки □ L ets go out and
booze it, okay? □ You come home
every night and booze it up.
boozy-w oozy
[ ’buzi’wuzi]
пьяный □
The boozy-woozy man
clung to the railing and sang at the top
o f his voice. □ I think I am just an
itty-bitty boozy-woozy.
bop [bap] 1. tr. ударить кого-либо
или что-то □ You wanna get bopped
in the beezer? □ I bopped the car on
the hood and made a dent. 2. n. сти­
ль джаза, популярный в 1940—х
годах О We heard some bop in an
old movie. О Bop is not popular, but
it is by no means dead. 3. n.
наркотика (См. hit.) Q Give те а
bop of that stuff, will ya? □ You
gonna drop both of them bops?
border (red) n. капсулы секобарбитала
в Мексике
(Нарк.) □ Border are cheap and not
too safe either. □ People: looking for
secs end up with border reds.
bore the pants off (of) som eone tr.
утомлять, надоедать □ The lecture
bored the pants off of everybody. □
You bore the pants off me!
bosh [bajj] n. чепуха, болтовня (Тж.
как восклицание Bosh!) □ That is
enough of your bosh! □ Oh, bosh' You
don’t know what you're talking about.
bosom buddy n. близкий друг или
подруга □ Oh, yes, Sharon is my
bosom buddy. О We are bosom bud­
dies, but we can still get into a big
fight every now and then.
bosom chums и bosom friends n. вши
0 The old guy sat there scratching at his
bosom chums. □ “Nobody seems to like
my bosom friends,” he muttered.
bosom friends См. предыдущ. вокаб.
b o ss mod. превосходный, мощный P
That is a boss tune. □ This rally is re­
ally boss.
b o ss habit n. физическая зависимость
от героина (Нарк.) □ M ax has a boss,
habit that keeps him hustling for cop­
per. □ Man, that is a boss habit. You
are massively hooked.
b o ss lady n. командир, начальник
(женского рода) □ You'll have ask
the boss lady. □ The boss lady asked
again for volunteers.
b o ss man n. командир, начальник □
The boss man’s coming. Watch out! О
1 guess the boss man is about ready to
both sheets in the wind mod. пьяный
(См. three sheets in the wind.) □
She’s not just both sheets in the Wind
— they’re all in the Wind. □ She's both
sheets in the wind at the moment.
bottle 1. n. пьяница □ The bar was
empty save an old bottle propped
against the side of a booth. □ That
old girl is just a bottle. There’s more
booze in her than outside. 2. n. ал­
когольный напиток (Всегда с the.)
□ Her only true love is the bottle. □
The bottle plays a big role in his life.
3. in. пить спиртное □ Lets go out
and bottle into oblivion. □ 1 wish
there was a way I could get through
the day without bottling.
bottleache [ ’badjek] n. похмелье, бе­
лая горячка □ I got a touch o f the
bottleache this morning. □ A lot of
these guys really suffer from the bot­
tleache, but what can they do?
bottle baby n. алкоголик □ The bottle
babies sat there, waiting to be thrown
out at closing time. □ There is help for
bottle babies.
bottom 1. n. ягодицы □ M y bottom
is sore from sitting too long. □ Ted
fell on his bottom and just sat there.
2. n. (в бейсболе) вторая половина
подачи О It’s the bottom of the sec­
ond, Wilbur’s up. □ Wilbur hit a
double-bagger in the bottom of the
bottom dollar n. последний доллар
(См. тж. bet one-s bottom dollar.) □ I
lost my bottom dollar on that deal. □
I'm down to my bottom dollar. How
about a little loan?
bottomless pit 1. n. очень голодный
человек U The guy is a bottomless pit.
There isn't enough food in town to fill
him up. О I'v e got two boys, and
they re both bottomless pits. 2. n. бе­
обычно неприятностей □ This house
is a bottomless pit. Keeping it up is
endless. □ Our problems come from a
bottomless pit.
bottom line 1. n. общий итог, оконча­
тельный баланс (Всегда с the.) □
The company s bottom line is in bad
shape. □ I f the bottom line is positive,
everything is okay. 2. n. результат,
счёт, суть О The bottom line is that
you really don’t care. О Well, when
you get down to the bottom line, it’s
only money that matters.
bottom of the barrel и bottom of the
heap n. местонахождение людей
или вещей низкого сорта (Обычно с
from. См. тж. scrape the bottom of the
barrel.) □ That last secretary you sent
me was really from the bottom of the
barrel. □ I don’t need any candidates
from the bottom of the heap.
bottom of the heap См. предыдущ.
bottom out in. достигнуть низшей
точки (когда хуже некуда) О Inter­
est rates bottomed out last February.
□ A ll my problems seem to be bottom­
ing out. They can’t get much worse.
Bottoms up
Bottoms up sent. “До дна!” (Тост.) О
They all raised their glasses, and the
host said, “Bottoms up." О Well, bot­
toms up.
bounce 1. in. (для банковского чека)
быть возвращённым из банка (отказ
в оплате) (См. тж. rubber (check).)
О I f your check bounces, you’ll have to
bring us cash. □ The check bounced,
and I had to pay a penalty fee. 2. tr.
(для банка) отказаться оплатить чек
They bounced another of my checks
today. О The bank won't bounce any
more checks because I closed the ac­
count. 3. tr. вышвырнуть кого-либо
o The owner came out and bounced
us. □ Bruno bounced me, and I ran to
my car and beat it. 4. n. энергия,
силы О All this kids have a lot of
bounce. □ I never have any bounce
' when 1 wake up early.
boun ce for something Cm. spring for
bouncer n. вышибала (В баре или
аналогичном месте. От bounce п. 3.)
Не was the biggest bouncer I'v e
ever seen. О I saw the bouncer look­
ing at me, and I got out of there fast.
bounce something off (of) som eone
tr, поделиться мыслью, спросить
чьего-либо мнения □ Let те. bounce
this off of you. О I bounced the idea
off Gary, but he wasn't at alt im­
bowl 1. п.,трубка или другое устрой­
(Нарк.) □ Where is ту bowl? I got
some real Q. gold. □ There's some­
bodys bowl out in the hall. Go get it
before the neighbors call the fuzz. 2.
Cm. bowl (u p ).
bowl (up) in. набивать трубку коно­
плёй □ I was just bowling up when
you came it. □ Man, lets bowl and get
on with this!
bo w to the porcelain altar in.
опустошать желудок, блевать О Н е
spent the whole night bowing to the
porcelain altar. О / have the feeling
that I will be bowing to the porcelain
altar before morning.
b o w -w o w [ ’bauwan] 1. n. собака, пёс
(Детск.) □ The bow-wow frightened
me. D We’re going to get you a bow­
wow! 2. n. уродливая женщина
(Син. dog п. 2. Унизит.) О What а
bow-wow! О I would have chosen a
better nose if 1 had been given a
chance, but — all in all — I ’m not
such a bow-wow.
box 1. n. гроб □ I want the cheapest
box they sell. □ Put him in a box and
put the box in a hole. Then the matter
is closed. 2. n. аккордеон (См.
( squeeze-)box.) □ I f he brings his
box to the party, we'll polka all night.
0 A box — if used right — can do
something special for a band. 3. n.
проигрыватель □ Yours is old! M y
box still has tubes! О M y box is old,
but still good, 4. n. переносной
стерео приёмник (Син. (ghetto) box.
См. (ghetto) blaster.) □ Does that
damn box have to be so loud? □
Where did you get that box? 5. n. пи­
анино О M an, he plays a mean box.
Q She sure can pound the devil out of
that box!
boxed in mod. лишённый выбора,
загнанный в угол □ I got him boxed
in. He’ll have to do it our way. □ I re­
ally feel boxed in around here.
boxed (up) 1* mod. пьяный или одур­
маненный наркотиками □ I am way
boxed, and I feel sick. О She got
boxed up on gin. 2. mod. заклю­
чённый в тюрьме □ Pat was boxed up
for two days till we got bond money. О
1 did it, and I was boxed for a long
time for it. Now lay o ff!'
box som eone in и box In som eon e tr.
лишить кого-либо выбора (См. тж.
boxed in.) О I want to box in the
whole staff, so they 11 have to do it my
way. О I don’t want to box you in, but
you are running out o f options.
Boy howdy! [ ?boi ’haudij exclam.
“Н у!” , “Это да!” (Простонар.) □
Boy howdy! What a game! П Boy
howdy! Are you ever stoned!
bo ys in blue Cm, men in blue.
bo ys in the backroom и backroom
bo y s n. любая группа людей, тайно
политическое О The boys in the back­
room picked the last presidential can­
didate. □ The backroom boys have
decided too many things in the past.
Their day is over.
bozo { ’bozo] п. клоун, ничтожество,
дурак (Тж- как обращение.) □ Look,
you bozo, I ’ve had enough of your jab­
bread and butter
ber. □ Those bozos are at it again.
Spend, spend, spend.
bra-bu rn er n. феминистки в 1960-х
70-х (Унизит.) □ Didn't the braburners give way to whale-savers in
the seventies? О Mike wants to know if
the bra-burners took them off first.
brack-braih [ ’brakbren] n. дурак a
One bradc-brain around here is
enough D o you want me to leave? О
The brack-brains in Washington have
done it again!
brain 1. n. хороший студент, очень
умный человек (См. тж. brains) □
I'm по brain, but I get good grades. О
Who was the brain who figured this
out? 2. tr. ударить кого-либо по
голове, “вышибить мозги” О I ought
to brain you for that! □ She almost
brained me with her umbrella.
brain-burned и brain-fried mod. по­
вредившийся в уме от наркотиков
(Н арк. См. burnout.) О Man, you’re
gonna get brain-burned from this stuff.
The kid is a tittle brain-burned, but
still has a chance at an independent life.
brain-burners n. инъекции амфета­
(Нарк.) О The kid’s a burnout all
right. Brain-burners did it. О What
did you think was going to happen to
you when you started shooting brainburners?
brainchild 1. n. чья-то хорошая идея
(Как потомство его мозгов.) □ Listen
to this. I f s my best brainchild. □ Is
this your brainchild? It won't work. 2.
n. человек, имеющий хорошие идеи
О The boss’s new brainchild seems to
have gone dry. □ You can’t just go out
and hire a brainchild. They’ve got to
want to work for you.
brain-drain n. утечка мозгов (из
страны туда, где лучше платят) О It
looks like the brain-drain of the fifties
is reversing with more and more aca­
demics leaving the U.S. to join British
universities. О Where there is a good
education system, there will always be
a brain-drain.
brain-fried C m . brain-burned.
brains n. человек который должен
что-то обдумывать О Bruno is not
w U a t I would call the brains of the
gang. О Who’s the brains around this
brainstorm 1. n. неожиданная, хоро­
шая мысль О This brainstorm hit me
while I was in the shower. □ I had a
sudden brainstorm and got out of bed
to write it down. 2. in. проводить
“мозговую атаку” , пытаться решить
задачу, думая вместе О They are in
the meeting roOm now, brainstorming.
О L ets brainstorm on this for a little
brain-teaser См. следукмц. вокаб.
brain-twister и brain-teaser n. загад­
ка, головоломка О This Maltese fal­
con case is a real brain-twister. О
Can you help me with this brainteaser?
(brand) spanking new mod. совер­
шенно новый О Look at that brand
spanking new car! D M y car is spank­
ing new.
b ra ss n. офицеры или чиновники вы­
сокого ранга (См. тж. top brass.) о
The brass said no to your promotion,
0 We’ll see what the brass has first.
brassed (off) mod. злой, разочарован­
ный О You look so brassed off at the
world. Smile! a I ’m not brassed in the
least, really.
b rass hat n. офицер или чиновник
высокого ранга О A brass hat came
up to me and asked me where I was
going. О When are the brass hats
going to start paying attention to the
important things?
brass som eone off и b ra ss off som e­
one tr, разозлить кого-либо П - She
really brasses me off! О The dean
brassed off the entire fraternity by put­
ting them on probation.
b ra ss tacks n. суть дела (Обычно в
“get down to brass tacks.”) □ Now
that we are talking brass tacks, how
much do you really want for this
watch? □ Since we haven’t gotten
down to brass tacks, would it be un­
ethical for me to buy you lunch?
bread n. деньги о I need to get some
bread to live on. О You got any bread
you can spare?
b read and butter 1. n. средства к
жизни О I t s bread and butter to me.
1 have to do it. □ I can’t give it up.
I f s my bread and butter. 2. phr.
фраза, произносимая, когда двое
идущих вместе обходят с разных
сторон столб или что-то подобное
bread and butter letter
(Простонар.) □ I 'll say “bread and
butter” at the next post. □ Why do
people say “bread and buttei" at all?
bread and butter letter n. вежливое
письмо, отправленное после визита
встречи, или разговора □ I sat down
after I got home and wrote a stack of
bread and butter letters. □ I got a
bread and butter letter from Frank. I
should have sent him one first.
breadbasket и dinner basket n. жи­
вот, ^елудок О I hit him, pow, right
in the breadbasket. □ With a dinner
basket like that, he must have a devil
of a time buying clothes.
break 1. n. шанс, случай P Come
on, give me a break! □ I got my
first break in show biz when I was
only 12. 2. n. бегство из тюрьмы □
I hear there's a break planned for
tonight. □ Two cons got shot in the
break. 3. in. (для рассказа или ис­
тории) быстро раскрываться, раз­
ворачиваться (Журналист.) О Щ
the story continues to break, we will
bring you the latest. □ Something is
breaking on the Wilson murder. 4.
n. соло музыканта при молчащем
оркестре □
This is your break,
A ndy: - Leum hear it, man. О I t
wasn’t much o f a break, but I gave
in everything.
B re a k a le g ! exclam. “Удачи!” ; “Ни
пуха ни пера!”; “Сломай себе ногу!’.
(В театральном мире традиц. пож.
“ G o o d lu ck !” имеет обратное
.Значение.) Р “Break a leg!" shouted the
stage manager to the heroine. P Let's all
go and do Our best. Break a leg!
breaker 1, n. танцор брейка P H e is
one of the best breakers in the city. О
I ’m too fat to be a breaker. 2, n.
человек, пытающийся использовать
занятый радиодиапазон □ There’s а
breaker trying to use this channel.
Let’s drop down to 11. a You got it,
breakfast of champions n. первая вы­
пивка за день, утром, вместо зав­
трака (Студенч.) О Well, here it goes
— the breakfast of champions. □ He
calls it the breakfast of champions. I
call it a bad sign of something out of
Break it up! exclam. “Остановитесь!”
(Приказ, когда двое или больше че­
ловек, делают что-либо одновре­
менно, например дерутся.) □ A ll
right you two, break it up! □ She told
the boys to break ft. up or get sent to
the principals office.
break the ice 1. tr, первым сделать
что-то О N o one wants to break the
‘Qce. I guess I will be first. P Well, I
guess we should break the ice and
start dancing. 2. tr. попытаться
сдружиться с кем-либо О Не tried
to break the ice, but she was a little
cold. P A nice smile does a lot to
break the i n ­
breathe ea sy in. расслабиться □
Now I can sit down and breathe
easy. О I won’t breathe easy until
this matter is settled.
breather n. период отдыха О I re­
ally need a breather □ As soon as
we've had a breather, it's back to
breeder n. не гомосексуалист (В го­
мосексуальном, контексте.) □ Why
not? The breeders invited us to their
party. 0 Don’t invite Wally. lie’s a
breeze д. легкий разговор, болтовня
Р Nothing to do it. It was a breeze. P
I went through it like a breeze.
breeze along in. быстро и рискованно
ехать Р We were breezing along at
about 80 when we saw the red light. P
You were breezing along sort of fast
there, weren’t you, son?
breeze in in. быстро войти, войти как
обычно И She breezed in, did her
work, and left. P You can't just breeze
in here and expect to be fed!
breeze off in. быстро уйти P I hate to
just breeze off, but duty calls. P I
knew she would breeze off like that.
She is so busy.
breeze through (som ething) tr. & in.
быстро пройти через что-либо Р I
breezed right through the tax form. P H e
breezed through on his way to Chicago.
небрежный P Your breezy attitude
burns me up. P I f she just wasn't
so breezy about it, I wouldn't mind
so much.
brew 1. n. кофе, иногда чай P I could
use a nice cup of brew. P This is my
. kind of brew — hot, Ыаск, and aro­
matic. 2. n. пиво; банка, бутылка
brohter Ben
стакан : йива
favorite brew, and it's at just the right
temperature. Ш Hey, -give me a cold
brew, will
b rew -h a I'bruhaJ n, пиво □ One
■ brew-ha over here, innkeeper' О
■’bout another brew-ha, Mike? .
b rew -o u t n. ливней .запой О Was that
Tom's brew-out I was at? Щ Were-you
at'{Tom's brew-out?., I was.too bombed
to see who was there.
brewski и brewsky Sjjfbruski) n. пиво
□ Heyeghow ’bout a brewski?№pm'.ll
brick ;>,1. и brick gum п. брикет
не обработан ного опиума (Парк.) □
Where would anyone get; дед. brick
gum these dfiys? Is S ta tin g .'ЪщЯфу
□ He got it from some refugee, and
he doesn't know what to do wiih Ш.
2.. (I. килограмм ирсссонаиной ма­
рихуаны; брикет г | в :в й Я Н а р | ;)
□ Don said he left a whole brick
under the car seat. □ What does a
brick cost these days? '
bridge n. держатель для сигареты с
марихуаны (Парк.) □ 1 had a bridge
in ту stash, but it's gone, p , Gimme a.
■ bridge. I burned my finger. ■
brig [brig] n. тюрьма (От\ названия
или . тюрьмы
В М Ф .) □ Throw this jerk in the brig.
□ The brig in that ,ofie-fiorse town is
a mess.
bright and flr e e z y mod. весёлый и
возбуждённый CT You look a ll, brigA
and breezy. What happenedf □ Brighi
and breezy people oh a “day like mis
. make me sick .
bright-eyed and bushy-tailed mod.
возбуждённый и деятельный (как
белка) О You look ‘ all. bright-eyed
and bushy-tailed this morning. □ The
child —
? failed — woke everydne up at dawn.
brim n. шляпа О Man, that.’ is one fine
brim you got. □ New 'silks call for a
new brim.
bring-dow n 1. n. что-либо угнетающев .рж Ле news was a terrible bring­
down. □ Just to see your face was a
:b rin g ^ d om B 2 . п., что-либо, возвращающес о \
я М1‘4 1ы к pi .i i i . i i o i hi О
The. bill for the week’s stay_was a real
bring-down. □ I have.had bv.e bring-
'dowtl after another today.
bring home the bacon tr. зарабатывать.;
на жизнь,зарабатывать на хлеб □ :/
have to bring home the bacon for-six
kids «Ц When I have to bring horne the
bacon, I hope I have an interesting job.
bring som eone down и р М п д down
som eone 1. tr. прекратить приём
наркотиков □ It. took a lot: to bring
her down. □ We brought down the two
of then} carefully. 2._ tr. угнетагь
кого-либо CJ, The news really brought
me down. О The failure o f the busi­
ness. brought down the staff'" :
bring som eone on и ,.bring on som e­
one tr. возбуждать; возбуждать сек­
суально □ She was trying to bring her
date on, but he sqw her game., П This
kind o f music brings me on.
bring something up и bring tip som e­
thing 1. tr. упоминат ь что-ли/5о (0 6 щеупотр.) П Why did you have J o
bring that up? О Then they brought up
the question of money. 2. tr. выблевать или выкашлять что-либо р, See<
if you 5ЭДЙ. get him : to firing up file
penny. □ w t^ id , and he brought up a
nickel instead! '
broad n. Женщина (Йервонач. ^йиаиi. Сейчас обычно унизит.S( D ^ ffu S '
pushy broad comes up to me and asks
if I have any manners! □ So — come
■ on, whdi'. d 'уЩ/£ещЬе broad?
broker 1. n. торговецнаркотиками
или их перекупщик. (Нарк.) П The
guy, never, touches the stuff II$ s a
broker, ’though; and а ЗрсЙ .one. О
H e said he had t№, meet .pith hjs
broker. I thought he was ' talking
about stocks. 2. n. наркоман
развалившийся в моральном и фи­
зическом qMbiqiie (Нарк.) О He's а
burnout, a broker. Chill him! □ This
broker comes;, up and puts S fo u c h
on me for old times' sake. '
Bronx cheer [ ’bragks ’t<;ir] n. грубое
фырканье (Син. raspberry.). U HMgot
only a Bronx cheer far. his effort);. □
'.'^Ье..М^В‘Щ г 'ф т р ^ е ц ^ .:М /'^ (:с^4ег,
o f the parking lot made'a noise likei a
Bronx cheer.
brother Ben n. персойификация а м ­
фетамина “Benzedrine™”, в П а 'р к И
□ With the help of brother Ben,' Til
make i l “.to L.A
by morning □
Brother Ben can get you in a Ш '-ief
b ro w n -b a g 1. n. завтрак в пакете О
Bring a brown-bag, and we’ll talk and
eat at the same time. О I lost my
brown-bag, but I ’ll come to talk any­
way. 2. in. приносить завтрак в
пакете о I like to brown-bag. I don't
eat so much when I do. □ He’s back to
brown-bagging while he saves up for
his vacation. 3. mod. относящийся к
встречам, когда люди приносят еду с
собой D The brownr-bag meeting
wasn't very useful. О These brown-bag
affairs seem so tacky. О It’s brownbag. Come if you can.
brow ned (off) mod. злой О The boss is
browned — to say the least. □ I am
really browned off at you.’
brownie points n. воображаемые “оч­
ки” , начисляемые за хорошо еде-*
ланную работу О How many brownie
points do I get for not frowning when
you take tny picture? □ N o brownie
points for you, twit!
b ro w n -n o se 1. и b row n -noser n.
льстец, низкопоклонн ик О You are
just a plain old brown-nose. О That
brown-noser actually gave the boss a
bottle of wine for her birthday. 2. tr.
& in. льстить, вымаливать у коголибо милости О Don keeps brownnosing, and the professor pretends
not to notice. О D on't you brown­
nose me!
b row n -n o se r См. предыдущ. вокаб.
brown out 1. in. (для лампочки) по­
меркнуть, потускнеть О The power
kept browning out. О The lights
started to brown out, and I thought
maybe I didn’t pay the bill for the
juice. 2. n. падение напряжения в
сети О There was another brown out
today. □ They keep building all these
expensive power stations, and then we
still have brown outs.
brown som eon e off и brown off
som eone tr. разозлить кого-либо
(См. тж. browned (o f f ).) □ That
whole business with the cab really
browned me off. О I ’m afraid I ’m
going to brown off everyone, but here
goes anyway.
brown su g ar n. зернистый, слабый
героин (Нарк.) □ Some people prefer
brown sugar as long as it’s cheap. □
This stuff is brown sugar. I'v e been
brown w eed n. марихуана (её корич­
невая разновидность) □ This brown
weed is as good gold. О Brown weed is
as good as anything you can get
around this town.
bruised [bruzd] mod. пьяный О How
can anybody get so bruised on so little
booze? □ I am bruised. M y head
hurts, and my gut feels у иску.
bruiser { ’ bruza'] n. крупный, наглый
мужчина О That big bruiser must
weigh a ton. □ They call that 320pound bruiser “ The Fridge."
brush n. встреча О It seemed like a
brush with death □ M y brush with
the bear was so close I could smell its
breath — which was vile, I might add.
brushoff [ ’brajjof] n. игнорирование
кого-либо, отставка (См. тж. give
someone the brushoff.) □ I got the
brushoff, but 1 can take it О N o
brushoff for her. I told her to beat it.
brush som eone off и brush o ff som e­
one tr. избавляться от кого-либо или
чего-либо (См. тж. give someone the
brushoff.) О Don’t just brush me off.
Answer me! О They brushed off the
charges without any comment.
brutal mod. великолепный, мощный □
Man, what a brutal tune! О That last
wave was brutal to the max.
B.S. n. чепуха (От bullshit.) О I ’ ve
heard enough o f your B.S. □ Less B.S.
and more facts, please.
B.T.O. Cm. big-time operator.
bubbiehead 1. n. дурак, легкомыс­
ленный человек О You silly bubblehead. Watch where you are going! О
I f you can’t say anything without
coming off like a bubbiehead, keep
your mouth shut. 2. n. любитель
шампанского О It takes a pretty
good bankroll to be real high-class
bubbiehead. О Part-time bubbleheads
go into operation at weddings and
other celebration.
bubble water и bu bbles n. шампан­
ское О M ore bubble water, or do you
want something stronger? □ I want
about a gallon of bubbles, thanks.
bubbly n. шампанское (Всегда с the.)
The bubbly will brighten up any
party. О I ’d like a big glass of bubbly,
if you don't mind.
buck 1. n. доллар П Here's a buck; get
me some cigarettes. □ Gimme a buck
for a bottle of wine, will you mister? .
tr. противостоять чему-либо □ Don’t
buck it. D o what you are told. □ H e en­
joys bucking the system. 3. n. кожаные
туфли (из оленьей кожи) (Обычно
мн. ч .) □ Look at ту new bucks! О
You don't see many red bucks. Are you
sure you got the right thing?
bucket 1. n. корзина в баскетболе
(Спорт.) □ When he holds his arm
up, his hand is as high as the top of
the bucket. О Freddy arced one at the
bucket and missed.
. n. удачный
бросок в баскетболе (Спорт.) О Four
buckets in 2 minutes. Is that a record,
or what? О The last bucket put A d amsville ahead by points.
buck for something tr. пробиваться,
добиваться (обычно повышения) □
You can tell she's bucking for promo­
tion. □ I'm just bucking for recogni­
tion, and o f course, a
% raise.
buck naked mod. совершенно голый
(Простонар. По цвету оленьей ко­
жи.) П Н е stood there buck naked,
scratching his belly. О They all slipped
off their trousers and went swimming
buck naked.
bucko [ ’Ьэко] n. друг; приятель (Тж.
как обращение.) □ Hey, bucko, соте
here a minute. О Ask your bucko there
if he wants to joint us.
buckpasser n. человек, который не
может взять ответственность на себя
(См. pass the buck.) □ You are the
most irresponsible buckpasser I have
ever had to deal with! О when some­
thing really goes wrong, everybody
suddenly becomes a buckpasser.
buck up in. развеселиться, взбодрить­
ся О Come on, now, buck up. Things
can't be alt that bad. □ She began to
buck up when I showed her the results
of the tests.
bud [b a d ] 1. п. марихуана, содержа­
щая цветочные почки конопли
(Н а р к .) □ She has a bag o f buds in
her stash □ She takes the buds out of
everybody else's stuff. 2. n. пиво “Budw eiser™ "; пиво вообще (С м . budhead. ) П How 'bout one o f them buds
in a green bottle? □ I got four kinds of
bud here. Which do you want?
Buddha stick [ ’buds ’stik] n. сигарета
с марихуаной (Нарк.) О She says
she wants a Buddha stick, which is
just a fancy name for a joint. □ I 'l l
show you how to make a Buddha stick.
buddy [ ’badi] n. друг; приятель (Тж.
как обращение.) О Look, buddy, I
gotta a little problem maybe you can
help me with D M y buddy over there
is from Bean Town.
buddy-buddy [ ’badi’badi] mod. дру­
желюбный, излишне дружелюбный
Why is that guy so buddy-buddy
with me? О DQn't try to get too
buddy-buddy with these people. They
don’t like strangers.
buddy up to som eone in. становиться
к кому-то слишком дружелюбным П
Try to buddy up to him and pretend
you are interested in what he is doing.
Why are you buddying up to me? I
don't even know you.
buddy up (with som eone) in. делить­
ся с кем-то жилплощадью; вообще
делиться с кем-то О Let’s buddy up,
okay? □ There weren't enough to go
around, so we had to buddy up.
budget crunch См. следующ. вокаб.
budget squ eeze и budget crunch n.
денег О
Facing another budget
squeeze, the legislators were forced to
put off their pay increase. □ The
budget crunch hasn’t begun to affect
us yet.
bud head [ ’badhed] n. пьющий пиво
(Негрит. См. bud.) □ You’re a budhead, and you’re getting worse. П
Here comes Charlie, my favorite budhead. How about a brew, Charlie?
buffaloed [ ’bafalod] mod. обалдев­
ший, ошеломлённый P These tax
forms really have me buffabed. О H e
was so buffaloed by the problem that
he didn't get any work done.
bug 1. и. ошибка в программе ком­
пьютера □ As soon as I get the bugs
out, I can run my program. О There is
a little bug still, but it hardly causes
any problems.
. n. в словосочета­
ниях — энтузиаст чего-либо О А1
has turned into a real compact disc
bug. □ Mary is a camera bug. 3. n.
стремление или одержимость О I ’ve
got this bug about making money. О I
had this bug that made me eat all
shapes of pasta. 4. n. шпионское ус­
тройство для подслушивания О I
found a little bug taped under my
chair. □ The agency bulls put bugs
everywhere. 5. tr. прятать где-либо
микрофон □ Who bugged my office?
□ we will have to bug the bookie joint
to get the goods on those guys. 6. tr.
раздражать кого-либо □ Stop bug­
ging me, you twit! □ This kind of
thing really bugs me.
b u ggy [ ’bagi] n. автомобиль □ Other
than a dent in the front bumper, this
buggy is in A -1 condition. О I t s time
to buy a new buggy.
Bug off! exclam. “Убирайся!” ; “П о­
шёл вон!” □ Bug off and leave me
alone! □ Bug off! Get out of here!
bu g out 1. in. собраться и отступить
(Военн. Война в Корее.) □ Order
are to bug out by oh—nine—hundred.
□ Okay, everybody, move it! We’re
bugging out. . in. уходить от кудалибо быстро □ I gotta find a way
to bug out of here without getting
caught. □ Okay, ifs clear. Let's bug
built like a brick outhouse й built
like a brick shithouse* mod. (о че­
ловеке) хорошо сложенный — при­
влекательный или сильный (Употр.
с остор.) □ That guy's built like a
brick shithouse. □ This garage is built
like a brick outhouse. It'll last for
bull 1. n. чепуха (От bullshit.) □
Thafs just a lot o f bull. □ Don’t give
me that bull! I won't buy it. 2. tr. & in.
лгать, обмануть кого-либо □ Stop
bulling me! □ Is she bulling again? 3.
n. офицер полиции, частный детек­
тив или национальный гвардеец □
And this bull comes up and says,
“ Where's the fire?" □ Here comes the
bulls. Get out.
bulldoze tr. оказывать давление на
кого-либо, принуждать сделать чтолибо □ You think you can bulldoze
people into doing What you want! □
Don’t bulldoze me! I push back.
bullheaded mod. упрямый □ Don’t be
so bullheaded. □ You are the most
bullheaded man I ’ve ever know.
bull jive n. разбавленная или под­
jive.) □ Don’t sell те по bull jive
again, you hear? □ Ш
is bull jive if
r ever saw it.
bull-pucky [ ’bulpski] 1. n. коровий
навоз О How can you tell it’s bullpucky? О Why didn't you watch where
you were going? Didn’t you expect to
find bull-pucky in a barnyard? . n.
чепуха (От bull-shit.) □ Don’t give
me that bull- риску! □ Thafs all just
bull-pucky. Don’t believe a word o f it.
bull sessio n
n. время болтовни,
обычных разговоров □ The gals were
sitting around enjoying a bull session.
□ The bull session ran on late into
the night.
bullshit* 1.* n. чепуха, ложь, обман
(Употр. с остор.) □ D on't give Me all
that bullshit! О Thafs just bullshit. 2.*
tr. обманывать кого-либо, лгать
кому-либо (Употр. с остор.) □ Stop
bullshitting те! О
You wouldn't
bullshit us, would you?
bullshit artist* и bullshitter* n. пре­
(Употр. с остор.) □ Jim is such а
bullshit artist! □ H e can’t talk straight
— nothing but a bullshitter.
bullshitter Cm. bullshit artist.
Bully for youl exclam. “Отлично
сделано!” О You are winner! Bully for
you! □ You did it! Bully for you!
bullyrag [ ’bulirseg] tr. & in. трево­
жить, изводить, беспокоить □ Don’t
bullyrag me just because you're Upset.
□ Tod is bullyraging again.
bum 1. n. бродяга □ You had better
get your finances in order unless
you want to become a bum. □ There
is a bunch of bums on the corner,
just doing nothing. 2. mod. плохой,
бесполезный □ This is a bum fuse.
N o wonder it won't run. □
screw has a bum head and won’t
turn. 3. Cm. bum something (o f f
bum around in. бродяжничать, ша­
таться (Син. kick around.) □
thought I 'd bum around a few years
before I settled down• П Those two
kids bummed around Europe for two
bum check n. поддельный или не­
действительный чек (См. paper.) □
I never wrote a bum check in my life.
□ We took wrote a bum checks today.
bummed (out) mod. депрессивный, в
отчаянии □
When you’re feeling
bummed out, think how many prob­
burbed put
lems I have, о I feel so bummed. I
think I need a nice hot bath.
bummer 1. и bum trip n. неприятные
ощущения от приёма наркотиков
(Н арк.) □ She almost didn't get back
from a bum trip. □ This bummer comes
from mixing pills. 2. n. неприятные
вещь или человек (Ср. buiz-kill.) □
M y coach is a real bummer. □ The game
was a bummer you wouldn't believe.
bumming mod. страдающий, депрес­
сивный, унылый (Студенч.) □ I'm
really bumming. I think I need some­
body to talk to. □ Everybody's bum­
ming. It must be the weather.
bum out 1. in. получить неприятные
ощущения от наркотика (Нарк.) □ I
bummed out on angel dust. О She
bummed out once too often and gave
up the stuff altogether. 2. in. вообще
получать неприятные ощущения □
The test was horrible. I bummed out,
for sure. □ We bummed out at the
concert. I dropped my music, and
Larry broke a string.
bump tr. выводить кого-либо из
самолёта из-за перегрузки О They
bumped те, but gave те something to
make up for it. О Is this airline in the
habit of bumping old ladies?
bump som eone off и bump off som e­
one tr. убить кого-либо (Первонач.
уголовн.) □ The mob bumped off the
witness before the trial. □ What am I
supposed to do, bump her off?
bum rap 1. n. подложное уголовное
rap.) О This is a bum rap, and you
know it. О I f a crook didn't scream
that he got a bum rap, I might
think he was really innocent. 2. и
bum -rap
огульно обвинять, хаять □ You’re
always bum-rapping your car! □
D on't bum rap me! I ’ll sue.
bum som eone out и bum out som e­
one tr. разочаровать кого-либо (См.
тж. bummed (o u t).) □ That darn
blow-out bummed me out. □ The
failure o f his tires bummed out the
race driver.
bum something (off som eone) tr.
выпрашивать, занимать что-либо (у
кого-либо) □ Can I bum a cigarette
off you? □ Can I bum a quarter for a
phone call?
3— 1224
bum ’s rush n. изгнание откуда-либо
□ I got the bum’s rush at that bar. D o
look that bad? О Give this dame the
bum’s rush. She can’t pay for nothin'.
bum steer Щ Ьэт ’stir] n. неверная
информация D You sure gave me a
bum steer when told me who he was. О
We spend all day checking out what
turned out to be a bum steer.
bunch of fives n. кулак □ How would
you like a bunch of fives right in the
kisser? □ H e ended up with a bunch of
fives in the gut.
bunco [ ’Ьэдко] 1. n. план мошенни­
чества (От banca, испанской карточ­
ной игры.) □ H e's been fiddling with
bunco on the West Coast. □ A ll the
stuff relating to bunco comes across
this desk. 2. tr. надуть кого-либо
(Уголовн.) □ Fred tried to bunco a
chick in Frisco, but felt sorry for her
at the last minute. □ They buncoed an
old lady and left her penniless.
bundle n. крупная сумма денег (См.
таке a bundle, package.) О Н е still
has a bundle from the sale of his
house. □ You must think I have a real
bundle of joy и bundle from heaven
n. ребёнок □ We are expecting a
bundle of joy next September. □
When your little bundle from heaven
arrives, things will be a little hectic
for a while.
bundle o f nerves n. очень нервный
человек, “комок нервов” □ Paul’s
been a bundle of nerves ever since
wreck. □ I ’m just a bundle o f nerves. I
wish this were over.
bunkie [ ’bagki] n. товарищ по ком­
нате □ M y bunkie is front Iowa. □ I
wish I had a bunkie. things get lonely
in a single room.
bunkum и buncom be [ ’Ьэцкэт] n.
чепуха □ That's just plain bunkum. О
Another candidate for governor means
just that much more buncombe.
buns n. ягодицы □ His face looks like
a mule kicked him, but have you seen
his buns! □ What cute little buns!
burb [ba-b] n. пригород (Обычно во
мн.) О I ’ve lived in the burbs all my
life. □ Our burb is too far from the
city for much pollution.
burbed out [birbd...] mod. похожий на
человека среднего класса (живущего
в пригородах) О She's all burbed out
with new clothes and a fancy car. □ He
looks sort of bwb?d out far a city guy.
burg [bergj n. маленький город (1 Ipeнебреж.) P I can't stand another day
in this burg. □ This burg is getting an
my nerves.
burger n. бутерброд “гамбургер” ;
котлета к такому бутерброду □
H e's cooking burger out on the grill
right now. § You ready for another
burn 1. п.. сигарета О Fred fust stood
there with a burn on his lower lip and
hands in his pockets. □ Gimme a
burn, huh? 2. tr. курить сигарету О
I need to burn a fag. Just a minute.
О This nicotine fiend needs to burn
one far a fix! 3. tr. курить коноплю
(Парк.) P jim spent Saturday out in
the field burning grass. О The two of
them sat there burning reefers for
hours on end. 4. tr. казнить на элек­
трическом стуле О I ’ll see that they
burn you for this! О The.D.A. tried to
burn me, but I got off with six
months. 5. in. быть казнённым на
электрическом стуле (Уголовн.) □ •/
ain’t afraid I 'l l burn, copper! Q I ’ll
see that you burn for this. 6. tr.
кого-либо О Н е will burn you if
you’re not careful. О Tom tried to
burn me by selling me a bum watch,
but I ’m too clever. 7. tr. застрелить
кого-либо (Уголовн.) □ H e burned
the guy with a pistol, but it didn’t
stop him. □ Hold it! I'v e burned one
guy tonight, and I ain't afraid of put­
tin' a hole through you. 8. n. обман,
обманщик □ We pulled off the bum
Without a hitch. О Man, that was a
burn. Thai guy was really mad. 9. n.
введения наркотика в вену (Нарк.)
о I don't want a big burn; fust drag
fit out for about an hour, D Man,
wait'll you taste the burn from this
stuff. 10. tr. готовить еду (Негрит.)
О Why don’t you burn some chow for
me. □ Burn your own stuff, you lazy
good-for-nothing man!
burn artist п. человек, обманыва­
ющий или вредящий, другим; ин­
форматор, сексот
(Уголовн.) ,р
Never trust a known-burn artist. О
The fuzz rounded up all the burn ar­
tists in the district and pumped them
for info.
burned 1. mod. обманутый, предан­
ный (кем-либо) □ Man, did I get
burned,in that place! О We sure got
burned on that deal 2. mod. уни­
женный, разочарованный P
You’re burned! □ Whenever we rap,
you’re never happy till I'm burned. 3.
и burned up mod. очень злой О I ’ ve
never been so burned up at anyone. P
Boy, was I burned!
burned out и burnt out 1. mod.
усталый, скучающий P I'm burned
out after alt that partying. P I don't
want to work with burnt out people.
I need /energy. 2. mod. относящийся
к исколотым венам наркомана О
These old ropes are fust burned out.
don't know what to do. О M y
veins are burnt out so I shoot in the
jug, 3. mod. сошедший с ума от
курения марихуаны (Нарк- См.
burnout.) □
The poor kid was
burned out at he age of
. О
What's left for these burned, out
kids? 4. mod. не подверженный бо­
лее действию определённого нарко­
тика (Нарк.) О She was burned out
on Q. P It’s no good. I ’m just
burned out. The stuff doesn’t affect
me at all.
burned up Cm. burned.
burnie I’bani] и. сигарета с марихуаной (Нарк.) Q Light те up а
burnie. О Gimme a burnie, will you?
burnout [ ’turnaut] 1. n. человек, све­
дённый с ума наркотиками P. The
kid’s a burnout. What can you do? P
Two burnouts sat on the school steps
and stared at their feet. 2. n. человек,
уже не справляющийся со своей ра­
ботой Р As a teacher, Fred is a burn­
out. Р We try to find some other
employment for the burnouts.
burn rubber tr. водить машину со
скоростью, при которой горят шины
Р Man, this hog can really bum rub­
ber. P When George was at the age
when the greatest thrill was burning
rubber, he began to shave once a
burn som eon e down и burn down
som eone tr. унижать кого-либо □
Mam, don't you ever bum me down.
like that again. О You just want to
don’t know who with. 2. n.
burn down everybody to тике yourself
воображаемое хождение по кустам в
seem better.
поисках занимающихся любовью
burn som eone up tr. очень злить
студентов □ The dean of women put
кого-либо (См. тж. burned up.) О
on her housecoat and went out on bush
That kind o f thing just burns me up. □
patrol. О Bush patrol starts at
This whole business burns all o f us up.
midnight, so be in by then.
burn something in и burn in som e­
bu sin ess end (of something) n. опас­
thing tr. испытывать микросхемы в
ная часть предмета, рабочая часть (в
противоположность рукоятке) О The
каком-либо приборе, включив его
на несколько часов □ We usually
robber pointed the business end of the
burn in all our computers for 48 hours
gun right at Kelly. P Harry burned
before we ship them. □ Did you bum
himself on the business end o f a
this one in? It doesn't ■even jeep!
soldering iron.
burnt offering n. подгоревшая пища,
bust 1. п. провал О The whole project
was a bust from the beginning. □ M y
Everything 1 try to cook turns out to
whole life is a bust. 2. tr. понизить в
be a burnt offering. О A ll I have to
должности (Первонач. военное, те­
look forward to after work is a burnt
перь употр. и в гражданском смы­
сле.) О I'm going to bust you to
burn with a low blue flame 1. in.
private! О The brass busted her on the
очень пьяный □ H e’s not just drunk,
spot. 3. n. загул, запой, попойка
he's burning with a low blue flame. □
(См. тж. burst.) О There was a big
Yeah, he's burning with a low blue
bust in the park until two in the morn­
ing. □ There was no beer at the bust.
flame. 2. in: злиться тихо и яростно
□ She was quiet, but everyone knew
Only wine. 4. n. полицейская облава
she would soon burn with a low blue
a The cops staged a bust on Max's
flame. □ She just sat there with her
place. О I knew it was a bust the
steak in her lap, burning with a low
minute they broke in the door. 5. tr.
blue flame.
(для полиции) обыскать помещение
burp C m . berp.
The bacon busted Bill's bar and put
burps Cm. berps.
Bill in the slammer. □ We’re gonna
burst 1. n. попойка, запой, загул
bust every bookie joint in town 6. tr.
арестовать кого-либо О The feds fi­
(Син. bust.) □ What a burst we had at
Clare’s! О You call that a burst? You
nally busted M a x on a tax rap. □ A
smokey busted Fred for not having a
should have been at Freddy's the night
after. 2. tr. & in. разделять листы,
taillight. 7. n. арест □ The bust was
выходящие из принтера компьютера
carried off without much stress. □
□ Now 1 have to sit down and burst What a bust' The man was hollering
these things before the meeting. □
and the kids were scoffing like mad. 8.
tr. выдавать кого-либо полиции □
D on't they make a machine that will
burst for you?
Tom busted Sam because there's bad
bushed [bujt] mod., утомлённый, ис­
blood between them. О I guess I
busted Max, but they threatened me.
тощённый □ / am just bushed. D
Another hard day! I am more bushed
9. n. полиция О Here comes the bust.
than ever.
Beat it! О The bust is gonna find you
no matter where you hole up.
bu sh es n. выращенная дома мариху­
bust a gut (to do som ething) и bust
ана (Нарк.) □ Sally has some bushes
growing in a pot in her room. □ Take
(on e’s ) a s s (to do som ething)* tr.
your old bushes and get out of my
прилагать все усилия (чтобы сделать
что-либо) (Употр. с остор.) □ I
bush patrol 1. n. объятия и поцелуи,
busted ту ass trying to get just the
ласки (Patrol здесь в значении “за­
thing you wanted! □ Don’t bust a gut,
дание, боевая задача”) О Martha
but try to get here on time.
and Paul spent the evening on bush
busted 1. и bust mod. арестованный
patrol. О Tom is out on bush patrol
О M ax is bust again. The third time
this month. □ I got busted for speed­
ing. 2. mod. пьяный □ I went to a
beer bust and got busted. □ Jim is
busted again — really boiled.
buster 1. n. барбитурат (Нарк. Противопост. к thrust(er).) O 'I really need a
buster. □ D on ’s been talking busters
and thrusters off and on for nearly a
year. 2. n. попойка, загул □ L e ts all
go on a real buster. □ Jed threw a real
buster at his pad, but I didn't go. 3. n.
алкоголик в запое □ One old buster
sat by the window, singing at the top of
his lungs. □ There were two busters
standing outside looking sort of sick. 4.
n. полицейский агент □ The busters
just left and took M a x with them. □
The busters wrecked my furniture look­
ing for dope. 5. ni прозвище муж­
чины вообще (Тж . как агрессивное
или грубое о бращ ен и е.) □ Look,
buster, get your dog off my lawn. □
W ell, buster, it’s time you learned
some manners.
bust (o n e’s) as s to (do something)
C m . bust a gut to do something).
bust som eon e’s head open tr. сильно
ударить по голове, повредить череп
I ought to bust your head open for
that! □ The jerk threatened to bust my
head open!
bust (som e) su d s 1. tr. выпить пйва
О Let’s go out and bust some suds. □
I'm tired of busting suds. Let’s play
cards. 2. tr. мыть тарелки □ I don't
want to spend the rest of my life bust­
ing suds. О You get into that kitchen
and bust some suds to pay for your
bust something up и bust up som e­
thing tr. разрушить, сломать что—*
либо □ I hate to bust up the party, but
we gotta go. О She tried to bust up my
bust something wide open Cm. blow
something wide open.
bust s u d s Cm. bust (so m e ) suds.
but mod. полностью, совсем (при оп­
ределённом порядке слов) □ Tell
him to get his tail over here but fast. □
This thing has to be done but good.
butch .[.but?] % 'n. врач (Презрит. От
butcher.) a The butch at the infirmary
was no help at all. П What does it take
to be a butch besides an office and a
degree? 2. mod. мужественный (Сре­
ди гомосексаулистов.) О Thafs а
real butch haircut, Claude. □ Really,
Clare. How butch!
butcher n. хирург; врач вообще
(Обычно презрит. Возм. шут.) □ I
won’t go back to that butcher for any­
thing at all. О H e's been a butcher for
seven years and pays 80% o f his in­
come for insurance.
butt* [batj 1.* n. “задница” (Употр. с
остор.) О She fell right on her butt. □
The doctor gave her a shot in the butt.
2. n. окурок сигареты О D on't leave
your butts in the houseplants! □
Whose butts are those in the car ash­
tray? 3. n. любая сигарета □ You got
a butt I can bum? □ What kind of butt
is that, anyway?
butterfingers n. человек, который не
может ничего удержать в руках,
растяпа (Тж. как обращение.) О
Hang onto this tight, butterfingers! □
I ’m such a butterfingers. I dropped my
butter flower n. марихуана (Нарк.) □
Where can I get some butter flower? □
There is a bag of butter flower in the
closed under the red towel.
butt in in. прерывать □ Please don't
butt in all the time. □ M ind if I butt
buttinsky и buttinski [bbi’tinski] n.
человек, влезающий в разговор □
Frank is such a buttinsky. □ I hate to
be a buttinski, but what are you talking
buttlegging [ ’bstlegiij] п. провоз через
границу между штатами сигарет без
уплаты пошлины (Игра слов на
bootlegging.) □ There's another news
story about buttlegging in northern In ­
diana tonight. □ M ost of the guys at
the plant do buttlegging on the way
hoine from work.
butt naked*
[ ’bat
совершенно голый (Студенч. Употр.
с остор.) □ M y roommate sleeps butt
naked. О She just stood there butt
naked, looking at us.
button 1. n. соль шутки, финал рас­
сказа, подколка □ When I got to
the button, I realized that I had
told the whole joke wrong, о When
I came to the button, I knew I was
really going to insult the guy. 2. й
buttons n. мескалин в виде мален­
buzz off
кактуса пейотль (Нарк. То же, что
cactus (buttons).) □
Н е ate а
couple of buttons and sat down. □
These buttons are just what you
need. 3. n. нарукавный знак или
бляха полисмена О The guy flashed
his button, so I let him in. □ Just
because you got a button, it doesn't
mean you can push innocent citizens
buttonhole tr. заставить кого-либо
слушать (Словно хватая за грудки
так, что пуговицы отлетают.) □ The
guy buttonholed те on ту way out,
and started asking me a lot of ques­
tions. □ See if you can buttonhole a
cop and get some directions.
Butt out! exclam. “Уймись!”, “Зай­
мись своим делом!” □ Go away! Butt
out! □ Butt out! I 'm busy.
buy 1. n. покупка □ Man, this is a
great buy. □ What a buy, two for the
price of one. 2. tr. поверить чемулибо, “купиться” О Nobody’ll buy
that story. □ I t sounds good to me,
but will your wife buy it?
buy it tr. умереть (См. buy the farm.)
О For a minute, I thought 1 was
going to buy it. □ H e lay there cough­
ing for a few minutes, and then he
bought it.
buy som eon e’s w olf ticket tr. бросить
вызов чему-либо, хвастаться* (Н егрит. См. sell a wolf ticket.) □ He's
such a fighter. H e'll buy anybody’s
wolf ticket. □ H e wants me to buy his
wolf ticket bad.
buy the big one tr. умереть □ I
don't plan to buy the big one for at
least another 30 years. □
conked out for good — you know,
bought the big one.
buy the farm tr. умереть, быть уби­
тым О I ’m too young to buy the farm.
□ H e bought the farm on Sam Juan
buy time tr. выгадывать время □ You
are just doing this to buy time. □
Maybe I can buy some time by asking
for a continuance.
buy trouble tr. вызывать или навле­
кать неприятности □ I don't want to
buy trouble. I have enough already. □
Saying something like that is just buy­
ing trouble.
buzhie [ ’bu3i] 1. n. человек сред­
него класса (От bourgeoisie.) О I
live in a neighborhood o f buzhies. □
M y mother was a buzhie, but my
father was a Bohemian type. 2. mod.
среднего класса О I can’t stand
this buzhie neighborhood. О I live in
a buzhie house and drive a buzhie
car. □ She is so buzhie!
buzz 1. n. звонок по телефону
(Всегда с give. См. тж. jingle.) О
I ’ll give you a buzz tomorrow. □ I
got a buzz from him yesterday. 2.
tr. позвонить кому-либо по теле­
фону □ Buzz те about noon. □ I ’ll
buzz Mary and see if she can go. '3.
tr. послать сигнал кому-либо звон­
ком □ Did you buzz, Gloria? □ I'll
buzz my secretary. 4. n. волнение,
нервная дрожь (от удовольствия)
□ The dancers gave the old man a
buzz. □ I got a real buzz put of
that. 5. n. смешок, хихиканье □
Here’s a little joke that'll give you a
buzz. □ She gets a buzz out of
reading the comics. 6. n. начальные
эффекты эйфории от приёма алко­
голя или некоторых наркотиков □
She took a hit and leaned back,
waiting for the buzz. □ Sam got a
little buzz from the wine, but he still
needed something stronger.
buzz along 1. in. отбывать, уходить,
уезжать □ Well, I must buzz along.
D I t s time to buzz along to work
now. 2. in. быстро ехать или дви­
гаться □ We were buzzing along at
about 70 when we heard a siren. О
“ You were buzzing along at 82 miles
per hour,” said the cop.
buzzard n. старик, мерзкий старик
(Особенно с old.) □ Some old buz­
zard is at the door asking for Mary
Wilson. □ Who’s the buzzard in the
wing-tip shoes? i
одурманенный наркотиком □ That
dame is really buzzed. □ H e gets
buzzed up and then calls his friends
on the phone to complain.
buzz-kill n. кто—то или что-то, что
разрушает веселье (Син. bummer.)
□ John is real buzz-kilL □ The news
about is a real buzz-kill.
buzz off in. уходить в спешке (Часто
как приказ.) □ I have to buzz off
now. I'm late. □ Buzz off! You're
bothering me.
buzzword n. слово из технического
или научного жаргона .(Ср. fuzzword.) □ Your constant use o f buzz­
word makes your work sound quite
trivial. О Whafs the latest buzzword?
buzzy mod. пьяный □ Fred was too
buzzy to drive, so I took everybody
home. □ Man, he is really buzzy.
B.V.D.S n. нижнее бельё (особенно
мужское) (Син. beeveedees. От наз.
фирм, произ. Bradley, Voorhies, and
Day. Всегда во мн.) □ Н е stood there
in his B.V.D.s, freezing. □ I f you don’t
wear a belt, your B.V.D.s will show.
B.W.O.C. n. “big woman on campus” , вы­
даю щ аяся или сам овлю блённая
студентка колледжа (Студенч. См.
тж. В .М .О .С .) О Some B. W.O.C. came
in and asked us to leave. □ I f s always
the same B. W.O. C. s you see in the paper.
by a whisker mod. “на волосок”
□ M y horse won by a whisker. О
I just barely qualified for admission
by a whisker.
B.Y.O.(B.) mod. “bring your own (booze
or bottle).” “приходите со своей
выпивкой” □ A note on the invitation
says that the party is B.Y.O.B. □ I
hate B.Y.O.B. parties. There!s never
enough to drink.
С. 1. п. сумма в сто долларов
(УгоЛовн. “С " от римской цифры
“сто”) □ This suit cost те 2 С. s. О
Four C.s for an old Junker like that?
You’re crazy! 2. n. кокаин (Марк.) □
They found d gram o f C. in his coat
lining. □ “How did this G* set in your
clothes?" said the cop, scratching his
c a b b a g e n. деньги (Первонач. уго­
ловн. См. green stuff под green.) □
How much cabbage you want for this
heater? О I don't make enough cab­
bage to go on a trip like that!
ca bbageh ead n. дурак, бестолковый
человек D What cabbagehead put this
thing on upside down? □ I ’m such a
cabbagehead. I mailed my paycheck
back to the office by mistake.
cabbie и cabby п. водитель такси
(Тж. как обращение.) О Ask the
cabbie if he can change a twenty. □
Say, cabby, do you know the way to
St. Joseph's Hospital?
ca b o o se [fca’busj n. зад (По назва­
нию последнего вагона поезда.) О
M y caboose is bigger than I want it,
but life is too short to fret about stuff
like that. О You just plunk your
caboose over there on the settee and
listen up to what I have to tell you.
ca ca * и kaka* f'kaka] 1.* я. ис­
пражнения, дерьмо (Дегск. Из испан. Употр. с остор.) □ There's
fresh caca in the front yard. □
Don't worry. It's dog kaka. 2* in.
остор.) □ Jimmy kakad in his di­
aper! □ 3. n. низкокачественный,
поддельный или разведённый геро­
ин или марихуана (Парк.) □ This
stuff is just kaka. You'll be sorry
you tried to cheat me.
cack* [k®k] 1.* n. испражнения,
дерьмо (Употр. с остор. См. саса.)
Wipe that саек off your shoes
before you come in here! О The side­
walks are just covered With cack! .*
in. испражняться (Употр. С остор.)
□ The dog caked right there on Fifth
Avenue, O “ Dogs can't cack hereM
hollered the police officer.. 3. in.
опустошать желудок, блевать Щ. I
cached all night with the flu, о I ’ ve
never heard anybody cack so loud in
my life!
cactus (buttons) n. кактус пейотль
содержащий мескалин (Нарк.) О
Gert came back from vacation with a
bag of cactus buttons. □ “ Who ate all
my cactus?” screamed Gert.
cactus juice n, текилла (Мексикан­
ский алкогольный напиток.) □ Ernie
brought back a big jug o f cactus juice
from Mexico, о This cactus juice will
make your hair stand on end.
caddy, pkaedi) n. автомобиль “Cadil­
lac" p Who'S the chick in the caddy£
□ What I really want is a caddy. Keep
your yuppie beemer.
cadet [ks’dst] n. наркоман Щ нови­
чок (Нарк.) □ M ax is always looking
for cadets. □ The cadet who O.D.ed
was pulled from the river this morn­
Cadillac [ ‘ka:d|<ck] 1. n. название че­
го-либо мощного или превосходного
(От марки автомобиля.) й- This pro­
duct is the Cadillac o f plastic kitchen­
ware. □ Acme is the Cadillac of mon­
surveillance equipment. . n. мощный
наркотик, особенно кокаин (Нарк.)
□ Nothing but Cadillac for M a x ! □
Just a pinch o f Cadillac in my junk
seems to keep me a little more lively.
cagey [ ’kedji] mod. хитрый, подлый,
пронырливый □
Bruno is pretty
cagey. You have to keep an eye on
him. О He's too cagey for me. I don’t
trust him at all.
cake п. деньги (От bread, dough.) □ I
can’t scrape together enough cake to
do the job. О
don’t have cake in my
pocket, in the bank, or under my
mattress. What am 1 going to do?
cakewalk п. что-либо очень неслож­
ное (Ср. sleepwalk.) □ Nothing to it.
I t s a cakewalk □ The game was a
cakewalk from beginning to end.
calabo o se [ ’kaebbus] п. тюрьма (Из
испан.) □ One night in the calaboose
is enough. О Are we going to tell what
happened, or are we going to spend
the night in the calaboose?
calendar n. месяц (Негрит.) □ Okay,
man. I ’ll see you in one calendar. □
One more calendar, then you get your
California cornflakes 11. кокаин □ I
never use California cornflakes when
I 'm on a sales trip. □ I f you asked
M ax for California cornflakes, he’d
laugh his head off.
C m . L.A.
call 1. n. решение, предсказание О The
market behaved as you said it would.
Good call a That was a good call, Mike.
2. tr. бросить ком у-либо вызов □ I
called him, but he ignored me. □ Are
you the guy who called me? Who do you
think you are? 3. n. начало действия
наркотика, начало эйфории, эйфория
(Нарк.) О You may not get the call on
this stufffor twenty minutes or more. □
A guy like this is only happy when he
senses the call.
call (all) the shots tr. решать, коман­
довать, управлять □ Why do you
have to call all the shots? □ D o what
you're told. I ’ll call the shots.
call girl n. проститутка, проститутка
по вызову □ The snatcher hauled her
in because she looked like d call girl.
О M ost o f the really call girls look like
M.B.A.S and drive beemers.
call house n. бордель, публичный дом
□ The cops busted a call house on 4th
Street last week. О The madame of the
call house certainly looked like a lady
to me.
Call my service, sent. “Свяжитесь со
мной через секретаря (или автоот­
ветчик) ” (Недружелюбное пригла­
шение.) □ I can’t talk now. Call my
service. □ Good to talk to ya, babe.
Call my service. Love ya!
call o f nature C m . natures call.
call som eone out tr. вызвать коголибо на драку О M a x wanted to call
him out, but thought better of it. □
D id you call me out? What are you
going to do about it?
cam См. следующ. вокаб.
Cam bodian red и cam (red) n. крас­
новато-коричневая марихуана из
Камбоджи (Нарк.) □ Where did you
get cam red? □ Cam is hard to find in
the last few years.
camp 1> n. нечто старомодное и но­
стальгическое (как летний лагерь)
Nobody really knows what style
camp really is, and very few even
care. □ Camp is dull and was never
interesting. О M y brother thinks
camp is just a joke. 2. и campy
mod. старомодный и ностальгичес­
кий □ Who needs camp movies? □
M ost camp entertainment is preten­
относящийся к гомосексуализму □
What a camp way of walking! □ She
is so camp, I could scream!
camp it up 1. tr. переигрывать □ Can
you make it a Uttle more lively without
camping it up? □ She's so dull that
she could camp it up and still look
half asleep. 2. tr. (для гомосексуа­
листа) вести себя излишне жен­
ственно на людях □ Can’t you even
walk across the room without camping
it up? Ш John just loves to burst into
the most sedate hotel in town and
camp it up in the lobby.
cam pus
[ ’kaempss] tr. ограничить
чьи-то действия до пределов сту­
денческого городка (Студенч.) □
The dean threatened to campus the
entire fraternity for a month. □ “ We
will campus you for a year, if neces­
sary," shouted the dean, who really
didn' t understand young people.
cam pused [ ’kasmpast] mod. ограни­
ченный до пределов студенческого
городка О She’s campused and can
only go to the library. О I can’t go to
town. I ’m campused.
cam pus queen n. симпатичная и по­
пулярная студентка колледжа □ I
always thought / wanted to, be a ,cam­
pus queen, but all that has changed.; □
wonder what some o f those campus
queens (юк like when they get up in
the morning.
campy C m . camp.
can* 1. n. голова Ql, What do you have
in your can, anyway? Lard? О Jerry
landed one on Frank's can. Frank
crumpled. 2. n. уборная □ I gotta use
the can before » ’<’ leave. □ H ell,, J
ain’t tired! Where's the can?. 3.* n.
ягодицы (Унотр. с -.остер.) О The
guy slipped on the ice and fell on his
can. Щ Look at the can on that guy!
4. n. тюрьма (Обычно с the.) □ I
had to spend the night in the can, but
it wasn't too bad, О You've seen one
can, you've seen 'em all. 5. tr. уво­
лить кого-либо □ The jerk tanned
everybody^who played a part in the
' gag. □ I'll can anybody who tries a
• stunt like that again. 6. n. машина □
That's a good-looking can he’s driv­
ing. □ Please don’t park your Old can
in front o f my house. 7. Cm. cans: 8.*
n. грудь (Употр. с остор. Обычно во
мн. ч.) П Man, • look at the cans on
that dame! □ Those cans can't be
real! 9. n. мера количества ма­
рихуаны (Нарк.) □ How much do
you want for a can? □ A can is too
much except for a party. Canadian quail Щ .-kwel] n. “Qiiaalude-",”' ; разновидность метаквалона
(Нарк.) □
You got some of that
Canadian quail? П M ax can tell iyou
who is serving Canadian quaik
canary [кэ’п £ п ]И Я п . певица О The
band had a cute canary who could re­
ally sing. D The drummer and the ca­
nary just don’t seem to be able to get
along. 2. n. капсула “Nembutal'”,”
барбитурата (Нарк. Капсулы жёл­
того цвета.) □ You got any canaries?
need a downer. D There are a
couple o f blues, which ought to do the
same as canaries.
■■■ .
cancel som eon e’s Christmas tr. уби­
ть кого-либо, уничтожить коголибо (Уголовн. Мертвец пропустит
следующее рождество.) p it Bru.no
threatened to cancel M ax's Christmas
if M ax didn't pay up. □ I f he keeps
bugging mr, I ’m gonna cancel his
cancer stick n. сигарета □ Kelly
pulled out his ninth cancer stick and
lit it up. □ A lot of people are ad­
dicted to cancer s ticks. ,
candied [Mcsendid] mod. пристрастив­
ш ийся к кокаину (Н арк.. См. nose
<candy) .) О Н е is one of those people
who gets candied at first snort. □ Un­
fortunately, Paul is candied, and he
lost his job so he can't buy tool.
candy 1. mod. пьяный (См. candy
store.) Щ fttf# he a littfee candyl^t; I
think he’s too candy to drive. 2. n.
наркотики вообще (Нарк. См. nose
candy).) О / gotta go get some candy
from the candy man. О Т his candy is
powerful stuff. <
ca n d y -a ss* 1.* n. трус (Употр. с ос­
тор.) О You are , sueh a candy-ass!
Stand up for your right. О Ralph
seems tough, but he's just a candyass. 2.* mod. трусливый (Употр. с
остор.) О Stop the candy-ass stuff.
Handle this issue directly. □ The
candy-ass approach just-isn't going to
candy man n. торговец наркотиками
(Нарк.) О Lefty said he had to go
meet with the candy man. □ M ax is
sort of a candy man.
candy store n. магазин епиртныхнапитков Щ L e ts stop at this candy
store and get some bubbles. □ Some­
body robbed the candy store on the
cane n. кокаин (Нарк.) □ What the
hell did you pay for this сапе? П Even
the kids can afford to buy cane now.
The social problems o f the 21st cen­
tury are starting right here.
Can it! exclam. -?3аткнись.” □ I'v e
heard enough. Can it! □ That’s enough
out of you! Can it!
canned 1. mod. пьяный □ Man, am I
canned! □ I ’ll drive. I'm too canned to
walk. 2. mod. относящийся к запи­
санному на плёнку см еху;или ап­
лодисментам, накладываемым на
звуковую дорожку телепередачи □
Canned laughter really sound phony* □
The dialogue.was funny, enough that they
, didn't need to have the laughter canned.
cannon n. ружьё, револьвер (Уго­
ловн.) О Rocko pulled out his.-cannon
can of worms
capish [ka’piJJ] in. понимать (Обычно
and aimed it at Barlowe’s throat. □
вопросы. Из итальянского диалекта.)
The cops found Rocko's cannon where
The matter is settled. N o more talk.
Barlowe had kicked it during the
Capish? D Non , if you don’t capish,
let’s get it clear right now.
can of worm s n. клубок взаимосвя­
cap out in. потерявший сознание от
занных проблем (Часто с open.) □
наркотического опьянения (Нарк.)
When you brought that up, you
О The poor kid capped out in class
opened a whole new can of worms. □
and fell out o f his chair. P I was
This whole business is a real can of
afraid that Marty would cap out in the
cans n. наушники (См. тж. can. п. 7.)
capper [ ’каергг] n. кульминация или
О The guy with the cans on his head is
высшая точка в чём-либо Р The cap­
the radio operator. □ I bought a new
per of the evening was when the
set of cans for my stereo.
hostess got lathered before midnight
can-shak er n. человек, собирающий
and couldn’t celebrate the new year. D
деньги для какой-либо цели (Слов­
When the butler tripped and served
но стоя на тротуаре и потряхивая
Mr. Wilson the entire dessert, in his
кружкой для пожертвований.) □
lap, that was the capper to an exciting
John was the mayors can-shaker in
the last election. P Fred was a pro­
captain of industry n. капиталист;
fessional can-shaker for a museum.
служащий крупной корпорации □
Maybe he has some ideas as to how we
The captains of industry manage to
can raise some money.
hang onto their money no matter what.
ca n ’t hit the (broad) side of a barn
D It’s fun to see those captains o f in­
phr. “не можешь точно прицелить­
dustry drive up in their benzes.
ся” □ You're way off. You couldn’ t hit
carb [karb] n. карбюратор P This can
the broad side o f a barn. P Carry the
needs a new carb. □ I learned how to
paper to the wastebasket. You can't hit
clean and adjust a carb by the time I
the side of a barn.
was in high school.
can’t win (th)em all phr. (следует и)
carbos [ ’karboz] n. углеводы (Атле­
проигрывать иногда, “Не всё коту
тизм.) P You need more protein and
масленица.” Р It doesn't really mat­
less carbos. □ Too much carbos will
ter. You can’t win them all. P Well, I
make you fat.
can't win 'em alL
carburetor n. приспособление для
cap u tr. превзойти что-либо О I
know I can’t cap that. That's just
дым с воздухом (Нарк.) Р I have а
supper! О Who could ever cap a
carburetor with the rest of my stash. P
joke like that? 2. п. капсула нар­
M ax showed Walter how to use a car­
котика □ Do you want it in caps or
elixir? P She spilled the caps on the
carcass [ ’ karkas] n. ч ьё -л и б о тело;
floor and had to fiiui every single
тяж ёлое и ли больш ое тело О Н е
one of them. 3. tr. делать капсулу
hauled his carcass out o f the car and
P M a x capped some H. for a pal.
lumbered into the bank. D Put your car­
p / must have capped
cass on a chair, and let’s chew the fat.
card 1. n. забавный, смешной человек
caper [ ’кергг] 1. n. любое событие,
D Molly is such a card. She cracks me
происшествие; трюк Р Another caper
up. P Gee, Fred. You’re a card. Some­
like that and I m il your parents. P
body's gonna have to deal with you- 2.
That little caper the kids did with the
tr. проверять удостоверения ли­
statue from the town square was a
чности P The bartender was carding
dandy. 2. n. уголовное дело: грабёж,
people so we left quietly. P They card
шантаж, похищение и т.д. (Уго­
everybody at the football games, even
ловн.) □ Who did you work with on
the parents.
that bank caper? P The black and
carrier n. перевозчик или продавец
whites pulled up right in the middle of
наркотиков (Нарк. См. тж. courier.)
the caper.
castor oil artist
□ The carrier has the most dangerous
job of all. □ You'll never see an old
carrot top n. рыжий (Тж. как грубое
обращение.) О Hey, carrot top, where
are you going? □ Sam is a carrot top
with the most beautiful hair I ’ve ever
carry 1. in. нести на себе наркотики
(Нарк.) □ You gotta learn when you
can carry and' when you can't. □ I f
you get busted while you're carrying,
you are in .big trouble with the man. 2.
n. наркотик, который носят с собой
как запас на случай ареста □ The
cops found ту carry, and I spent
three days in the clink climbing the
walls. □ I lost my carry somewhere.
carrying a (heavy) load mod. пьяный
□ Marty is carrying a heavy load. □
Your father's carrying a long again.
What are we going to do?
carry the stick tr. жить как бродяга
(Уличн. Бродяги носят свой узелок с
пожитками на палке.) □ I even car­
ried the stick for a while in the sixties.
□ I was afraid I'd be carrying the
stick if I got laid off.
carry weight tr, иметь влияние о I
don't carry much weight around here,
but Walter does. □ Tom carries weight
with the mayor. Ask him.
cartoon 1. n. наркотическая галлю­
цинация (Нарк.) □ H e dropped some
chief about a week ago, and he still
has cartoons. О Cartoons can go on
for a long time. 2. in. галлюцини­
ровать от наркотиков □ Right in the
middle of algebra, Gary began car­
tooning. О H e may go on cartooning
for a few weeks.
cartwheel n. белая, круглая таблетка
амфетамина с крестовидной насеч­
кой (Нарк.) □ Н е took cartwheels in
the morning and fender-bender at
night. О Cartwheels were the favorite
diet pill o f the 1960s.
carved in stone mod. постоянный, не
подверженный изменениям (Часто с
отриц.) □ Now, this isn’t carved in
stone yet, but this looks like the way
it’s going to be. D Is this polity carved
in stone?
c a se of the shorts C m . shorts.
ca se the Joint 1. tr. оглядываться, при­
кидывая, как удрать, что украсть и
т.д. (Уголовн. См. joint.) □ First of
all you gotta case the joint to see where
things are. О You could see he was
casing the jo in t the way he looked
around- 2. tr. оглядывать, обследовать
The dog came in and cased the joint,
sniffing out friends and foes. □ The old
lady entered slowly, casing the joint for
the face o f someone o f her era, and fi­
nally took a seat.
cash cow n. устойчивый источник до­
ходов О I put most of my money in a
dependable cash cow that pays off
once a mouth. О Mr. Wilson turned
out to be the cash cow we needed to
start our repertoire company.
cashed 1. mod. относящийся к ма­
рихуане из которой извлечены ак­
тивные вещества (Нарк.) □ This
stuff is cashed. Trash it. О M a x sold
the wrong guy some cashed grass. 2.
mod. утомлённый □ I ’m just cashed
— really pooped. □ After the game,
the team was cashed and couldn’t even
cash in o n e’s chips и cash in o n e’s
checks tr. умереть, “выйти из игры”
О Не opened his eyes, said goodbye,
and cashed in his chips, P I 'm too
young to cash in my checks.
Casper Milquetoast [ ’kaesp? 'milktost]
n. очень робкий человек (П о имени
персонажа мультфильма.) □ I ’m а
little sensitive — not a Casper Milque­
toast, but I have feelings. о He’s no
Casper Milquetoast. He’s quite a ten­
nis player in fact.
casting^couch n. предполагаемая ку­
шетка, на которой режиссёры со­
блазняют актрис, давая им роли □
They say she got the jo b on the casting-couch. □ They say the director got
his job on the casting-couch, too.
cast-iron stomach n. очень крепкий
желудок, который может перева­
рить плохую еду или что-либо
вообще несъедобное □ I f I didn’t
have a cast-iron stomach, I couldn't
eat this stuff. □ Fred — known for his
cast-iron stomach — ate all o f his
pepper soup,
castor oil artist п. врач Q This two-bit
castor oil artist tried to get me to lose
weight. П Check with your personal
castor oil artist to see if you should be
taking this medication.
cat 1. n. приятель, парень (Син.
dude.) О Ask the cat what he's got for
security. О Now, this cat wants to bor­
row some money from me. What
should I do? 2. in. опустошать же­
лудок, блевать □ I think I'm gonna
cat. □ Looks like somebody catted in
the bushes. 3. n. сплетница (См.
catty.) □ She is such a cat! О Mary
can be such a cat, you know.
catch 1. n. недостаток □ Okay, that
sound good, but what's the catch? □
There’s no catch I f s all on the up and
up. . tr. посмотреть что-либо, по­
сетить что-либо □ Did you. catch
“Gone with the Wind" oil T.V.? D
We'll take the chicks to catch a film
after we eat.
catch 22 n. указание которое невоз­
можно выполнить, не нарушив дру­
гого, не менее важного □ There was
nothing I could do. It was a classic
catch 22. □ I had my choice between
catch 22s. What do you call that kind
of a dilemma?
catch hell (for something) tr. полу­
чить строгий выговор □ I knew I'd
catch hell for it. □ Somebody is going
to catch hell for this!
catch som e rays и bag som e rays tr.
загорать, загореть □ I went to Hawaii
to bag some rays. □ We wanted to
catch some rays, but the sun never
came out the whole time we were there.
catch som e Z ’s и cop som e Z ’s, cut
som e Z ’s tr. поспать, соснуть □ I
gotta catch some Z ’s before I drop. О
Why don’t you stop a little bit and try
to cop some Z ’s?
catch up in. излечиться от при­
страстия к наркотикам (Нарк.) □
Bruno never tried to catch up. He’s
just too far gone. □ I just know I can
catch up, if I can just get through the
first week.
Catch you later, sent. “Поговорим
ещё, когда снова встретимся.” □
Can’t talk now. Catch you later. □
Sorry, gotta rush Catch you later.
cats and d o g s n. недоброкачествен­
ный или плохо раскупаемый товар
□ During the Christmas season, the
merchants try to get rid o f all their
cats and dogs. □ When people are
buying up even the cats and dogs, you
know business is good.
cat’s m eow [...mi’au] n. что-либо
отличное, великолепное □ This stuff
is really the cafs meow. □ Hearing all
the old big band music again is the
cats meow.
c at-so u p [ ’kaetsup] n. кетчуп □ Do
you want some cat-soup on your
burger? □ No, I never use cat-soup.
cattle-rustler n. вор, крадущий мясо в
магазинах и перепродающий его
(Уголовн.) □ Marty is a cattlerustler, arid she’s got some stuff for
sale. □ She’S a Cattle-rustler to sup­
port her habit.
catty mod. злобный, противный □ You
know how catty Mary is — almost as
catty as Gloria — well, she told me
something about you that really
shocked me. О How can anybody be so
cave man n. сильный, мужественный
мужчина О H e's sort o f a cave man,
big and hairy. □ I don’t care for cave
cazh [kaej] mod. небрежный □ M e ­
lissa is so, like, so, cazh10 Roger can
be so forceful and cazh — all at the
same time.
cee [si] n. кокаин (Нарк. См. С .) □
Where can I get a little bit o f cee? □
Ask M ax for some cee, but ask him
celeb [sa’U b ] n. знаменитость □ They
hired a few celebs to shill for their new
computer. О There were celebs all over
the place, but nobody I recognized.
cement city n. кладбище □ I ’m too
young to end up in cement city. □
There’s a cement city outside town,
and our house is just a half mile east
o f it.
cent n. один доллар (Уголовн.) □ One
cent for one joint? Not bad. □ A cent
for this thing?
century note n. купюра достоинством
100 долларов (Уголовн. См. C -n ote.)
I got a couple o f century notes for
driving these guys home from the
bank. □ Here's a century note for your
trouble, young man.
certain party n. “ некто -р т ы знаешь,
о ком я говорю” (Всегда с а.) О I
spoke to a certain party about the mat­
ter you mentioned. □ I f a certain
party finds out about you-know-what,
what on earth will you do?
charged (up)
cets и sets [sets] n. таблетки “Darvocet'Y ’ болеутоляющего (Парк.) □
You got any cets I can bum off you? □
I don't know anything about sets or
any of that stuff.
C-habit n. пристрастие к кокаину
(Нарк.) □ She's had a C-habit for
Over a year. D Her finances are totally
depleted by her C-habit.
chain(saw) tr. уничтожить что-либо,
жестоко урезать, О We didn't think
they'd come in and chain all our
plans. '□ The senatorial committee
tried to chainsaw the nominee, but the
full senate voted for confirmation.
chain(-sm oke) in. курить сигарету за
сигаретой О I have never wanted to
chain-smoke, but I got addicted. □ /
used to chain, and my husband
threatened to leave me if I didn't give
it up. I quit when he left.
chain-sm oker n. человек, который
курит сигарету за сигаретой- □ She
was a chain-smoker for thirty years,
and then suddenly, boom. She's gone.
There are fewer chain-smokers now
than there Were just a few years ago.
chair n. электрический стул (Уго­
ловн. Всегда с the.) □ You’ ll fry in
the chair for this, Lefty1 □ I don't
wanna go to the chair!
cham и chammy, shammyA^aem и
’Jasmi] n. шампанское О Would you
like a little more shammy? □ This is a
stunning cham you picked for us,
Tiffany. Is it famous?
champ [fjjaemp] 1. n. победитель, за­
щитник (Тж. как обращение.)7 □
Iley, champ, welcome home! U Mark
is a real champ — always there to
. n. преступник, надёжный
член банды (Уголовн.) □
would never sing. H e's a champ. □
Lefty is a champ. H e stood by me the
whole time.
cham pers Cm. shampers.
ch an ge n. деньги (См. тж. and
change.) □ It takes a lot of change to
buy a car like that. О I don't- have the
change to get one of those video tape
ch an ges n. изменения в умонастрое­
нии, в образе мыслей'-(Сфгтж. go
through the changes.) □ The changes
have sort of got me down. □ I ’m 40
and I 'm finished with the changes,
and if there’s anything, I don't want
its to be young again.
change the channel tr. сменить тему
разговора o Let's change the channel
here before- there is a fight. П Just a
minute. I think you changed the chan­
channel 1. n. источник наркотиков
(Син. connection.) □ Max is some­
body's channel, and he has his chan­
nel, also. □ The next slide is a
diagram o f the drug distribution chain.
Every user has to have a “channel’ to
obtain drugs. . n. крупная вена, в
которую делаются инъекции нарко­
тика (Нарк.) О She missed the chan­
nel and ended up skin-popping. О The
movie showed these characters inject­
ing into the channel, as they called it.
So grossMВ
Chap tr. злить или раздражать коголибо □ That whole business really
chapped me. □ I didn't mean to chap
chapped mod. злой, раздражительный
0 I was chapped. There was no way to
get around it. □ D on't get so chapped.
Nothing can be done now.
chapter and verse mod. до мельчай­
ших подробностей (От построения
библии по главам и стихам.) О She
knew her rights, chapter and verse. О
H e could recite the law concerning
state-funded libraries, chapter and
ch arge 1. n. доза или порция нар­
котика (Нарк.) □ / need a charge to
tide me over, о Just a little charge till
1 can get to my candy man. 2. n.
наркотическая эйфория (Нарк.) □
has по charge at all □
What kind of charge do you expect out
o f half-cashed weed? 3. n. глубокое
волнение, нервная дрожь О Seeing
ту kid up there on that stage a real
charge. □ I got a tremendous charge
out o f your last letter.
charged (up) 1. mod. (человек) слегка
передозировавший наркотик (Парк.)
О Н е was talking fast and nodding his
head back and fo r th .'I think he was
charged. □ The kid is usually charged up
by class time. 2 mod. опьяйЙ^нЦЙнаркотиком (Нарк,) О The way she sat
there nodding, you knew sh e was
completely charged up. □ Paul was One
charged up guy after the session- 3. mod.
восхищённый □ The;audience was
charged up and ready for the star to
come out. О The charged up quarterback
made some wonderful plays. •
Charles 1. n. кокаин (Нарк.) □ I
want to meet Charles somewhere. □
Is there a house where I can buy
some Charles somewhere close?. 2. o.
белый человек (Нсгрит. H e об­
язательно унизит.) О And what is
Charles gonna say about what you
did to his car? О That brother's so
backward, he's stilt afraid to go to
Charles' front door,
Charley п. вьетконговец (Воени. Вой­
на во Вьетнаме. От "Victor Charley”
из. аббрев. “V .C .”) О How соте
Charley never gets bit to death by
those snakes? о What if we meet up
with Charley down, there?
Charlie Irvine 11. офицер полиции
(Негрит. См. тж. Irv.) □ Look smart,
dude, here comes Charley Irvine. □
Charlie Irvine was around asking after,
charmer n. соблазнитель, человек спо­
собный очаровывать (Син. a make-out
artist.) О Willard is such a charmer!
Too bad he’s married. О You always
have to act like some half-ass charmer
scammirtg like it really mattered! Grow
up! .
chart и. партитура (Муз. См. тж.
тар.) О Come on, man! Look at the
chart! You are making clinkers like hot
cakes. □ Lemme borrow your chart for
awhile, okay?
charts n. “хит-парад” в музыкальных
журналах О Number five on the
charts again this week Еру? is “M y
Blue Heaven" with the Andrews Sis­
ters, a The big one is hack on the
charts this week. Give it a listen.
chas и chez [tjja?z и IJezJ а. спички
(Студенч. Сокр. от , matches.) О
Where are my chas? □ You got a
couple of chez?
ch aser 1. n. спиртной напиток ко­
торый пьют после неалкогольного;
пиво, вода или что-либо подобное,
чем запивают спиртное (См. тж.
wash.) О I'd like a double scotch atrd
a beer chaser, 0 I could use a little
chaser with this soda: 2. Cm. ambu­
lance chaser.
ch ase the dragon tr. вдыхать дым
опиума, через соломинку (Нарк.) □
Chasing the dragon may sound good,
but it smells awful. □ Harry thinks
that chasing the dragon sounds like
real fun.
C -h e a d 1. n. кокаинист (См. cubehead. Нарк.) О I don't want any C head operating on me! И How much
money does a С -head need to get
through the day?
. n. наркоман,
(Нарк.). □ Frank was а С -head in the
sixties. О Why don't you C—head gro w
cheapie n. дешёвка (См. тж. el
cheapo.) □ I do not want a cheapie. I
can afford better. О It broke. I guess it
was a cheapie,
cheap shot n. реплика, бьющая по
чьему-либо “слабому месту” □ It's
easy to get a laugh with a cheap shot
at cats. □ People who wouldn’t dare
utter anything negative about blacks,
Poles, or women fust love to take a
cheap shot at yuppies.
cheapskate [ ‘tvipsketl n. скупец (Ср.
piker.) □ A 5 % tip! What a cheap­
skate! □ I don't think of myself as a
cheapskate, but I do try to watch ray
cash flow.
cheaters n. солнечные очки (Ранее
очки вообще. См. тж. shades, sun­
shades!)',fi Get your cheaters oh. The
sun’s really bright. О Somebody sat on
my cheaters!
check 1. n. доза наркотика в капсуле
или в бумажном пакетике (Нарк.) □
M a x handed те a check, and I
slipped him some long green. □ How
much you want for a check? 2. inter,
о’кей, да, “да, уже (есть)” □ B I L L \
Four quarts of oil. T O M : Check. О
F R E D : Are you ready? P A U L : Check.
check out the plumbing и visit the
plumbing tr. идти в ванную (См.
plumbing.) О iJ think I ’d better check
out the plumbing before we go. U I
want you kids to visit the plumbing as
soon as we get there.
check something out и check out
something tr. обследовать что-либо,
обдумать что-либо Р I t is something
we all have to be Concerned with
Check it out. □ Check out this Billy
Biggies album.
chicken powder
check that tr. забудь об этом Со по­
следней реплике) □ Cheek that I
was wrong. □ At four, no, check that,
at three this afternoon, a bomb ex­
ploded at the riverside.
ch eese 1. n. блевотина □ There?s
cheese on the sidewalk. Look out! D In
there, there’s cheese on the bathroom
floor. So gross! 2. in. опустошать
cheesed on the sidewalk, о
popped into the bushes and cheesed
cheesecake 1. n. фотографии -или
изображения женщин, предполо­
жительно обнажённых (Ср. beef­
cake.) □ Women don't like to see
all that cheesecake on the walls
when they bring their cars in here to
be fixed, о Now they're even putting
the magazines with cheesecake under
the counter.
. n. симпатичная
женщина О Who's the cheesecake in
that low-cut job? □ Bring on the
ch eesed off mod. злой; раздражи­
тельный о C lare was really cheesed
Off at the butler. О The butler was
'< cheesed off at the cook.
ch eese-eater n. информатор, шпион
(Син. rat fink.) □ Molly, the cheeseeater, called the police. О Some
cheese-eater called the clerk and
warned her we were coming.
cheesehead ti. глупец, тупица □ Is
this cheesehead in town ride in my cab
in the same day? D Why do alt the
cheeseheads- in town ride in my cab in
the same day?
C h eese it (the cops)! exclam. “Беги,
полиция идёт!” П Ltmk out! Cheese
it, the cops! □ I f you See the fuzz com­
ing, you're supposed to yell, ''Cheese
it, the cops!" But / don’t know why.
Then they know we're doing something
cheesy mod. дешёвый, грубый (Син.
tacky.) О I wouldn't live in a cheesy
place like this if I could afford better.
That was a cheesy trick to pull on
chewed mod. усталый, утомлённый О
After that argument at the office
yesterday, / really felt chewed. □ After
an interview like that, I am too
chewed to even cry.
chew face tr. целоваться (Колее
шутливо, чем грубо.) О A couple of
kids were in a doorway chewing face.
Hey Molly! Wanna go chew face? ;
chew som eon e out и chew out som e­
one tr. бранить кого-либо □ I knew
my dad was going to chew me out. □
The dean chewed out the whole fraternity.
chew» something over и chew over
something 1. tr. обговорить чтолибо □ Why don’t we do lunch some­
time and chew this over? □ We can
chew it over at lunch. 2. tr. обдумать
что-либо □ Г U have to chew it over
for a while. I ’m not sure now. О Don’t
chew it over too long. The offer is only
good till Friday.
chew the fat и chew the rag tr. сплет­
ничать, болтать О Put your carcass
over on the chair, and let's chew the
fat for a while. □ We. were just chew­
ing the rag. Nothing important.
chew the rag См. иредыдущ. вокаб.
chez См. chas.
chick 1. n. девушка или женщина □
Who’s the chick driving the ragtop? P
We’re gOnnct take some c/licks to din­
ner and then catch a flick.
. n.
героин (Нарк.) □ This chick is really
stepped on. □ I gotta get to my chan­
nel and get some chick.
chicken n. трус □ Come on, let’s go.
Don’t be a chicken. О He’s no fun.
He's a chicken.
chicken feed n. небольшое количество
денег (См. тж. peanuts.) □ Sure I
can afford it. It's just chicken feed. О
I t may be chicken feed to you, but
thafs a month's rent to me.
chicken-hearted mod. трусливый □
Yes, I ’m a chicken-hearted softie. I
hope you don’t want to make some­
thing of it. □ He's chicken-hearted,
but I still love him.
chicken out (of something) щ. отка ­
заться от чего-либо, “выйти из де-ла’п; (обычно из-за трусости) О
Freddy chickened out o f the plan at
the last minute. □ Come on! Don't
chicken out now!
chicken powder n. амфетамины в по­
рошке (Нарк.) □ Those kidi seem to
be satisfied with chicken powder. □
Nobody is satisfied with chicken
powder for very long.
chick(en) shit habit
chick(en) shit habit* 11. слабое при­
страстие к наркотикам (Нарк. Употреб. с остор.) □ Paul just has a little
chicken shit habit. О A chick shit habit
will grow and grow.
chief [tjjif] 1. n. начальник (Тж. как
обращение.) Р Okay, chief, where
to? О You got a couple of clams to
pay the toll with, chief?
. и the
chief n. мескалин (Нарк.) P I gotta
go talk to the chief. P H e threw up all
the chef he ate. 3. и the chief n.
Л С Д (Нарк.) P The chief and I are
gonna go on a little trip. P See the
little picture of the Indian? Thafs
why they call in the chief
chief cook and bottle w asher Cm.
head cook and bottle washer.
chill 1. и chilly n. банка холодного
пива P Hey, toss me a chill, would
ya, buddy? P You ready for another
chill? 2. tr. убить кого-либо (Уго­
ловн.) P Rocko had orders to chill
Barlow or not to show his face again.
P I 'l l chill you with one blast from
my cannon, you creep. 3. tr. испугать
кого-либо (Станд. англ.) О The
specter chilled everyone who saw it. □
The prospect of having to go in there
alone chilled Wally, but good. 4. tr.
отвергать кого-либо P She chilled
me once too often. I won't take that
from a dame. □ The whole gang
chilled him, and this really made him
come home. 5. Cm. chill (o u t).
chill (out) in. успокоиться (От get
cool.) P A ll right now, people, chill ...
chill. P Before we can debate this mat­
ter, you're all gonna have to chill out.
chill som eon e’s action tr. подавить,
остановить (Негрит.), P Just wait!
I 'l l chill his action — just yoU wait. □
Freddie is trying to chill my action,
and I'm a little steamed about that.
chillum [ ’tjibm ] n, трубка или другое
устройство для курения марихуаны
(Нарк.) Р Не keeps a chillum in his
stash P Ernie carries a chillum with
him. He’s trying to sell it.
China n. зубы (См. тж. ivories.) □ I
spent a damn fortune frying to get this
China fixed up. P I f you would brush
your China every day, you'd be okay.
China white 1. и Chinese white n. чи­
стый или почти чистый героин
(Нарк.) □ Beware of that China white.
P You never see Chinese white any­
more. There's too many other kinds of
junk for anybody to bother with it. . n.
фентанил, синтетический наркоти­
ческий анальгетик (Нарк.)! Р That
Chinese white can paralyze your lungs.
□ A ll the hopheads I know o f stay
away from China white.
Chinese red n. героин (Нарк.) P
Chinese red Is really high quality.;fp
No, Chinese red is cheap.
Chinese white C m . China white.
chin music n. пустой разговор □
That’s enough chin music back there.
P Okay, chum, make with the chin
music. L ets have it,
chintzy [.’tjjintsi] 1. mod. дешёвый, по­
трёпанный, никудышный P Nobody’s
gonna buy this chintzy stuff. Throw it
out. P What a chintzy cart The door fell
off! 2. mod. скупой, прижимистый P
The chintzy guy left me no tip! □ Don’t
be chintzy. Give the man a dollar for a
cup of coffee.
chip 1. in. принимать вызывающий
привыкание наркотик в малых до­
зах, чтобы избежать привыкания
(Нарк.) □ Н е thought he could get
away with chipping, but now he’s
hooked. P I t doesn’t matter whether
you chip or shoot. I f you’re meant to
be a junky, you’re gonna be a junkie,
and that's the truth . tr. разбавлять
наркотик (Нарк.) □ Mr. Big didn’t
know that M ax was chipping the mer­
chandise. P M ax chipped the bag too
much and has some mad customers.
chipper 1, mod. весёлый, свежий, бо­
дрый (Станд. англ.) Р Well, you look
chipper this morning. P This chipper
young man will show you around. .
mod. пьяный P Larry here is chipper
already! P A glass o f wine will make
her chipper almost immediately. 3. и
chippie, Chippy (user)- n. человек,
изредка употребляющий вызываю­
щие привыкание наркотики (Нарк.)
Р The chippy users rarely end up in
the hospital. P Who can stay a chippie
very long?
chippy 1. и chippie n. шлюха—лю­
бительница P Some little chippie
stopped us to ask for a match. P Yeah,
so I ’m a chippie. So what’s that make
you? 2. in. заниматься сексом P She
won’t even chippie. P So me and my
boyfriend was chippying a little in the
hall. 3. C m . chipper.
chippy around in. вести беспорядоч­
ную половую жизнь □ She has been
know to chippy around, but not with
just anyone and never for money. □
She figures ifs her right to chippy
ch ippy-chaser n. мужчина, пресле­
дующий сексуально активных жен­
щин о Не tried to be such a charmer
you know, a chippy-chaser, but he
is so inept. О M ax used to be a
chippy-chaser, but the scag has him
sort o f debilitated these,days.
chippy habit n. слабое пристрастие к
наркотикам; редкое употребление
вызывающих привыкание наркоти­
ков (Нарк.) □ A ll I have is a chippy
habit. Is that illegal? □ A chippy habit
will grow into the kind of habit any
real junky would be proud of.
chips 1. n. деньги (См. тж. (bar­
gaining) chip.) О I managed to put
away a few chips when I worked for
Acme Systems. □ She saved some
chips over the years and bought her­
self a little place on the beach. 2. n.
плотник (Тж. как обращение j О
Tell our chip to come up here and
put in a new floorboard. □ Tell me,
chip, how fast can you build a cof­
chisel rt$iz|] tr. & in. вымогать (день­
ги) О Lefty tried to chisel forty bucks
outa me. □ H e's always chiseling.
That's his hustle.
chiseler n. мелкий мошенник, жулик
(Первонач. уголовн. Тж. как грубое
обращение.) О Why did you trust a
.. known chiseler like him? □ You dirty,
two-bit chiseler! Give me my money
chit [tjjit] 1. n. счёт (См. примеры.) □ I
don’t have any cash. Can I sing a chit
for it? □ Fred came in to play for his
chits about once a week. 2. n. чек Q /
have your chit for thefull amount. □ She
wrote out a chit for the balance due.
chitchat I’tjjittjjaet] t . n. разговор; пу­
стой разговор □ That's enough chit­
chat. Please get to work. О Please stop
the chitchat there in the back row. 2.
n. короткий дружеский разговор □
I ’d like to have a little chitchat with
you when you have time. □ We had a
chitchat about the problem, and I
think things will work out.
Chi (town) [ ’jaitaun или ’tjjaitaun) n.
Чикаго, штат Иллинойс □ I can’t
wait to get back to old Chitown, □ I
was born in C h i
chiv Cm. shiv.
chiz [tjiz] in. расслабиться (Студенч.)
□ I gotta get back to my room and
chiz a while. □ Chiz, guys, things are
getting a little rough.
chock-full mod. заполненный доверху
□ The trunk is chock-full. There's no
more room. □ The new musical is just
chock-full of laughs.
chocolate n. гашиш (Нарк.) □ Get me
some of that chocolate if you can. О I
asked M ax for some chocolate, and he
tossed me a cookie.
chocolate chips n. наркотик Л С Д
(Нарк.) □ Some of those chocolate
chips you got were impure, and they
gave Terry a very scary time. □ The
cops found a handful of chocolate
chips in Pauls pocket. They didn’t
know what it was.
choke in. (для компьютера) не вос­
принимать вводимую информацию
(Компьют.) □ I f you don’t have your
modem and your software set the same
way as the host, your machine will
choke. О I did what you told me, but
it choked anyway.
choked mod. относящийся к слиш­
ком разбавленным наркотикам □
This stuff is choked. D on't Score
with that guy again. О Why is this
stuff so stepped on — you know,
choker 1. n. сигарета, окурок □ Put
that damn choker out in my house! □
can smell a choker the minute
somebody lights it. 2. n. сигарета с
кокаиновой добавкой (Нарк.) □
Bruno made те a choker, bu I didn’t
like it at all □ Jim smoked a lot of
chokers, but he preferred banging.
chop n. грубая реплика, грубая шутка
□ Jerry made some chop about the
way I dress. □ That was a rotten chop!
Take it back!
chopper n. вертолёт □ The chopper
that monitors the traffic goes over my
house every morning at 6:00. О /
never want to ride in a chopper. Those
things scare me.
Choppers n. зубы □ / may be on my
last legs, but my choppers are still my
own. □ That horse has a nice set of
chop—shop >nv место, где краденые
автомобили разбирают на Запасные
части для перепродажи □ Once а
stolen car gets to a chop-shop, there's
по hope o f identifying it. □ The State
: is cracking down on these chop-shops.
chow t . 11. еда □
need some chow
before I go out and shovel snow. О
What time is chow served around
here? 2. tr. & in. кушать (что-либо)
(См. тж. chow dow ny О I ’ve been
chowihg canned tuna and stale bagels
to save motley. ^ When do we chow?
3. C m . ciao.
chowderhead n. глупый человек О
Look, chowderhead; do what I told
you. П D on't be such a chowderhead.
ch ow down in. поесть, перекусить О
Over there fe where we chow down. □
It's past my time to chow down.
chow hound п. человек, который лю ­
бит поесть, обжора □ Harry is a real
chow hound, and he's got love handles
to prove it. □ Okay, listen up all you
chow hounds. There's extra beans
chow something down и chow down
something tr. съесть что-либо бы­
стро или неаккуратно О We сап
chow this pizza down in about two
minutes! П / found d box of cookies
and chowed it down before anybody
knew what I was doing.
Christmas tree и. пьяница (Игра на
lit.) □ Some old Christmas tree stag­
gered by, muttering to herself. □ A
well-dressed Christmas tree sat in the
corner — lit up, of course.
chrom e-dom e п. блестящая лысая
голова; лысина (Тж. как грубое об­
ращение.) О Hey, chrome-dome,
you're blinding т е! О ' The guy with
the chrome-dome suddenly grasped
his chest and made a face.
chuck 1. и chuck up in. опустошать
желудок, блевать (См. тж. up­
chuck.) □ Look! Somebody chucked.
О I think / gotfd chuck! 2. tr.
выбросить что-либо О Chuck this
thing. It’s no good. □ The wrinklerod was so twisted we had chuck it. 3.
in. жадно есть П Don’t just chuck,
man, enjoy your food- □ The two
guys sat guzzling and chucking till
they were full. 4. n. еда □ Man, this
chuck is okay, о Who cooked this
chuck, man? I t s garbage!
chuck a
dummy tr. опустошать
желудок, блевать □ H e left the room
to Chuck a dummy, I guess. О
Some body chucked a dummy on the
chucked modi пьяный □ How did you
get so chucked? □ I ’m too chucked to
chuckers и chucks n. сильный голод,
ненормальный аппетит (Всегда с
the.) О Oh, man, I really got the
chucks. What time is chow? □ The
chuckers got my stomach asking if my
throat is cut
chuck it in tr. сдаться, отказаться,
отойти от дел (См. throw in the
towel.) О 1 was so depressed, I almost
chucked it in. □ I f I didn't have to
keep the job to live, I 'd have chucked
it in long ago.
c h u g (-a -lu g ) [t'JJagotag) tr. & in. вы­
пивать порцию (кружку) пива (или
другого напитка) одним глотком □
The two guys tried to see who could
chug-a-lug the most beer. □ Wally
; chugged two cans in a row. О All four
o f them sat there chugging.
chum n. приятель, хороший знако­
мый О This is my chum, Wally. D
Wef ve been churns for years. Went to
college together.
chummy I’tjjami] mod. дружествен­
ный, дружелюбный P I ’m glad to
See that you are a little more chummy
this morning. □
Don’t get too
chummy with me. I ’m a real son o f a
chump [Ijjampl n. дурак, доверчивый
человек □ You are such, a chump. □
See i f that chump will loan you Some
• money.' v
chumphead n. дурак □ John is not my
favorite chumphead: but he’s close. □
What a chumphead. You painted oyer
the windows.
chunk in. опустошать желудок, бле­
вать (Студенч.) О I think I gotta
chunk. □ The-cat chunked dll over the
C h u n ky mod. толстый:,; плотно сло­
женный □ Harry — the chow hound
— is getting a little chunky, cj It’s not
all fat! He's always been a chunky
church key n. консервный нож, ключ
для открывания банок Р Where is
the church key when I need it? о I
have a church key in my glove com­
churn tr. (для брокера) ускорять обо­
рот пакета ценных бумаг инвести­
тора (За каждую операцию брокер
получает комиссионные-) u / re­
ported ту broker for churning ту ac­
count. В They churn accounts Щ earn
the commissions.
ciao и chow Itjau] “До свидания.”;
“Привет.;” (Итал.) Р See ya- Ciao. О
Chow, baby. Call my service.
cid и sid |sid] n. галлюциноген Л СД
(Нарк. От acid. Sid тж. с заглавной
буквы.) Р Bruno can tell you where
Sid is these days. P Where can I go to
drop a little cid? [J You know where I
can rap with Sid?
cig [s»gl; n. усигарета, сигара P Bar­
lows fumbled for a cig and thought
better of it. P Toss me my pack of
cigs, will ya?
cigarette with no name и no brand
cigarette, no nam e cigarette n. си­
гарета с марихуаной (Нарк. Негрит.) Р
You got one of them
cigarettes with no name? P lie spends
his whole life burning those no name
ciggy и ciggie |'sigi| n. сигарета О
How 'bout a ciggy before we take off?
Where is m y pack of ciggies?
cinch [sintjjl 1. n что-либо очень
лёгкое P N o sweat! It was a cinch! □
What a cinch Anybody can do it. 2.
tr. решить что-либо, договориться о
чём-либо О Не cinched it with а
simple signature und date. О It only
took a handshake to cinch the deal.
cinched [sintjtj mod, решено, угово­
рено (Син. sealed ( up). Словно бы
подтягивая стремена.) □ I ’ve got it
cinched! No sweat! P This is a cinched
deal ■>— a done deal. N o one can stop
it from going through.
circular file n. корзина для мусора P
That letter went straight into the
circular file. Q M ost of the junk mail
sits here until I can put it into the
circular file.
city slicker n. горожанин (Простонар.) О These city slickers just don’t
know nothing about hogs. P Some city
slicker came through town and tried to
get us to vote for that Wilson guy.
civil serpent n. гражданский служа­
щий □ You have no idea the kinds of
things civil serpents have to put up
with P I ’m a civil serpent with the
civvies f’siviz] n. гражданская одежда
(Как противоположность униформе.
Первонач. военн.:),. Р I feel sort o f
funny in civvies.. P I re-upped because
I couldn't stand the thought of civvies
and stuff like that.
C.J, и К.J. n. фенциклидин P.С.P.
;ЗЦ арк. От crystal joint.) P M ax tried
to give me some o f that C.J. stuff, but
I wouldn't take it. D K J . is one of the
biggest problem in the inner city.
G-joint и coke joint u. место, где про­
дают кокаин (Нарк.) □ The cops
raided the С -jo in t and rounded up
about 20 people. □ The gang spent a
lot o f time at a welt-know coke joint
in Frisco. C.K. u. кокаин (Нарк. Как если бы
слово писалось “cokaine”.) □ D o you
know where I can get some good C.K.?
P You can't get C.K. around here any­
clam 1. n. доллар (Уголовн.) P Forty
clams for a sweater that doesn't even
have arms! □ You got a couple of
clams I can bum for a little bottle? 2.
n. молчаливый, замкнутый человек
Kocko's a clam.. Не won't say aword. О Suddenly, she became a clam
and wouldn't talk anymore.
clam up in. замолчать, затихнуть (См.
тж. dummy up.) □ You'll clam up if
you know what's good for you. D The
minute they got him inside the copshop, he clammed up.
clanked mod. усталый, очень утом­
лённый p At the end of the race, the
chick was totally clanked. □ I 'm really
clanked, man. Gotta take a rest.
clanks n. белая горячка P H e’s suffer­
ing with the clanks again. P Who’s the
old buzzard shaking with the clanks?
clap* n. гонорея (Употр. с остор.) Р
M ax has had the clap a dozen times.
P A case of the clap can change your
life for a while.
claptrap n. ерунда, чепуха □ This is
enough claptrap. I 'm leaving. □ I
know claptrap when I see it, and your
play was claptrap.
class 1. n. элегантность, “стиль” □
The dame’s got class, but no brains. □
Class isn't worth much in this neigh­
borhood. 2. mod. первоклассный,
отличный □ This was a class suburb
just a few years ago. □ I'v e always re­
garded the firm as a class outfit.
class act n. первоклассное действие □
I like the way you move on the field,
Jerry. I t s a real class act. □ The prof
puts on a real class act, but he grades
very hard.
classis-c h a ssis
classy -ch assy
[ ’klaesi 'tjjassi и 'klicsi ’jjaesij n. при­
влекательная женская фигура О
Who's the classis-chassis in the mink?
Now there is a classy-chassy if I
ever saw one.
classy mod. элегантный, щёгольский
□ Pretty classy place you got here. □
How much does a classy car like this
clay n. гашиш хорошего качества
(Нарк.) Р I like the feel o f this clay.
I ’ll take it. D Ask Bruno where you
can dig up some clay.
clay pigeon n. доверчивый человек
(Син. pigeon. Уголовн.) □ We need a
clay pigeon to divert attention from
the snatch. □ Who’s gonna be the clay
pigeon for the bank caper?
clean 1. mod. не употребляющий нар­
котики; не связанный с наркоти­
ками О I ’ve been clean for over a
month now. О There's a success story.
Kelly is one clean guy if I ever saw
one. 2. mod. не одурманенный нар­
котиком (Почти совпадает по смы­
слу с п. 1.) □ Just being clean for a
day is an accomplishment. □ He’s
clean right now, but he’ll get the call
in an hour or two. 3. mod. хорошо
одетый (Негрит.) □ Now there?s a
clean dude! □ New threads, huh?
Clean, baby, clean!
clean-cut mod. относящийся к акку­
ратному и подтянутому человеку □
H e 's a very clean-cut guy, and polite
too. □ H e’s sort of clean-cut looking,
but with bushy hair.
cleaned out 1, mod. разорённый; без
денег □ I ’m cleaned out. Not a cent
left. О Tom’s cleaned out. H e's broke.
H e’ll have to go home. 2. mod. с пус­
тым кишечником □ That medicine
really left me cleaned out. □ I feel bet­
ter now that I'm cleaned out.
clean som eone out и clean out
som eone 1. tr. забрать у кого-либо
все деньги (См. тж. cleaned out.) О
The bill for supper cleaned m e out,
and we couldn't go to the flick, □ The
robbers cleaned out everybody on the
train. 2. tr. прочистить кишечник
(См. тж. cleaned up.) □ That medi­
cine I took really cleaned me out. О A
couple o f those little burgers will clean
me out.
clean sw eep n. (фигурально) широ­
кий жест, влияющий на всех, кто
есть поблизости □ Everybody got а
raise. It was a clean sweep. О The
boss and everybody in the front office
got canned in a clean sweep from up­
clean up o n e’s act и clean o n e’s act
up tr. улучшить качество исполня­
емой работы □ I cleaned up my act,
but not in time. I got kicked out. □ We
were told to clean up our act or move
clean up (on something) in. делать
большие деньги на чём-либо □ The
promoters cleaned up on the product.
I f we advertise, we can clean up.
clear 1. mod. пьяный □ Man, is she
ever clear! О H e was clear, you know,
polluted. 2. mod. (о спиртном) не
разбавленный □ N o soda. Clear,
please. □ I like mine clear with just
one ice cube. 3. tr. заработать по­
ложенные деньги □ She cleared a
cool forty thousand on that Wilson
deal. □ We just want to clear a decent
profit. Nothing greedy.
clear a s mud mod. совершенно неясно
(Часто с as.) О A ll of this is clear as
mud to me. О I did all the reading,
but ifs still as clear as mud.
clear out in. уходить, уезжать □
Time for you people to clear out. I f s
past midnight. О The boss gave me
till next week to clear out. I ’m fired
clear sailing mod. лёгкий, легко под­
дающийся □ It’ll be clear sailing
from now on. □ When this is finished,
i f be clear sailing.
clock in
click (with som eon e) in. заинтересо­
tr. убить кого-либо О Rocko had
вать кого-либо, стать популярным
orders to clip both M a x and Bruno. □
среди кого-либо О The pink hair and
M a x and Bruno had set out to clip
multiple earrings never really seemed
Rocko first. 3. n. держатель для си­
to click with many kids. □ Sam and
гареты с марихуаной (Нарк. См.
Mary are getting along fine. I knew
roach clip.) О She's got a clip if you
they'd click,
need it. о M y clip's at home in my
cliff-dweller n. человек, живущий в
stash. 4. n. (музыкальный) ви­
высотном доме □ I could never sur­
деоклип О This next clip is some­
vive as cliff-dweller in a big city. □
thing you’ll all recognize. О Stay
The majority o f cliff-dwellers wouldn’t
tuned for more great clips. 5. n.
choose to live in any other way.
большая скорость □ By traveling at a
climb 1. n. сигарета с марихуаной
good clip, we managed to get there
(Нарк. Игра на high.) □ I need а
before the wedding started. □ You
climb to set me straight. □ Here, have
were moving at a pretty good clip
a swallow of this climb. . tr. бранить
when you ran into the truck.
кого-либо □ The boss climbed Harry
clip a butt tr. затушить сигарету, что­
бы докурить потом (Тж. с the.) О
for being late. □ Don't climb me! The
train broke down!
Like an old soldier, Wally took a puff
climb the w all(s) tr. делать что-либо
and then clipped the butt for later. О
безумное от отчаяния, возбуждения
You learn to clip a butt so you won’t
или скуки, “лезть на стену” О Не
waste what you can’t finish
was home for only three days; then he
clip joint n. фирма, контора, заве­
began to climb the wall. □
дение, где обманывают клиентов □
climbing the wdlls to get back to work.
That place is a clip joint. Stay away.
clinch [klintj] tr. решать, устраивать
□ The clip joint on 4th Street was
что-либо окончательно; завершать
busted last night.
I was able to clinch the deal, and I clipped 1. mod. обмануть □ When
got a raise for it. □ I want to clinch
Marty counted his change, he found
this contract before the weekend.
he'd been clipped. О You weren't
clinched [klint^t] mod. пьяный □ They
clipped by me. I just made a mistake.
got themselves totally clinched: □ Oh,
2. mod. арестованный □ M a x got
brother, are you clinched!
clipped as he got out o f his car. □ He
clincher [ ’klintjja-} n. “последняя кап­
was clipped and no one read him his
ля (переполнившая чаш у)” (См. тж.
rights, so off he went.
capper.) О The clincher was when the
clip som eon e’s w ings tr. сдерживать
clerk turned up the volume. □ Eating
ограничивать свободу
garlic by the bushel was the clincher. I
подростка □ One more stunt like that,
had to get a new roommate.
and I'm going to clip your wing for a
clink n. тюрьма □ We'll throw you in
couple o f weeks. □ H er father clipped
the clink if you don’t talk. О One
her wings for getting into trouble with
the cops.
night in the clink was enough.
clinker 1. n. ошибка; (в музыке) не­
clobber tr. ударить кого-либо; избить
верно взятая нота □ That was a bad
кого-либо; победить кого-либо □ 7
clinker in the middle o f the soft pas­
ought to clobber you, but good. □ She
sage. □ Look at the score, man! That
clobbered him over the head with her
series of clinkers just isn’t there. 2 n.
бесполезный человек или вещь □
clobbered mod. пьяный □ H e 's the
This guy is such a clinker. Who needs
kind o f guy goes home and gets clob­
him? P Ralph has turned out to be a
bered after work. □ The whole frater­
real clinker. We’ll have to pink slip
nity celebrated by getting themselves
clip 1. tr. обмануть, обжулить (См.
clock in in. записывать время своего
тж. clip joint; clipped п. 1.) □ That
прибытия □ When they clock in, give
guy in there clipped me for a fiver. О
them this envelope. □ H e clocked in
I didn't clip you or anybody else! 2.
three minutes late.
clock watcher
clock watcher n. рабочий или сту­
дент, постоянно поглядывающий; на
часы □
There are four clock
watchers in our office. P People who
don't like their jobs can turn into
clock watchers.
clodhopper 1. n. ботинки большого
размера P Wipe the mud off those
clodhoppers before you come in here.
P iMok at the clodhoppers she's
wearing! . n. дурак, деревенщина
P Some clodhopper came into town
and fell in with the wrong crown. P
You don’t know it, but that clodhop­
per is worth about two million
Close, but no cigar. [klos..4.] phr.
.‘"Близко к правильному ответу, но
не совсем точно.” Р You almost did
'■''lb. Close, buPno cigar. □ Close,, but ш
cigar! Give it another try.
close call См. следуют.. вокаб.
close shave и close call 11. неожи­
данное или маловероятное спасение
П The car passed this close to us r - a
real close call
closet mod. тайный, секретный P
Marty is a closed chocolate fiend. P
I'm a closed hard rock fan.
clotheshorse [ ’klozhors] n. человек,
стремящийся хорошо одеваться Р
Her brother is the real clotheshorse. P
Mary is: such a clotheshorse! Look at
her now.
clout n. влияние, власть (См. тж. wal<lop.) P You have clout with the mayor.
You try it. P I don't have any clout at
clouted mod. арестованный P Some
old wiito got clouted for spitting on the
sidewalk. O Thcy do things like that to
get clouted so they can have a warm
place to stay overnight. ,
clown n. дурак P Some clown threw
our paper in a puddle this morning. P
Tell that clown in the front row to can
clown around in. дурачиться P Please
stop clowning around and get to sleep.
P We were just clowning around. We
didn't mean to break anything.
cluck и kluck [k bk ] n. дурак, “кури­
ные мозги” ,P Why did they send me
и dumb cluck to do this work? P Some
kluck came in and asked for a, lefthanded monkey wrench
cluckhead n. дурак, тупица P What
cluckhead put sugar in the salt shaker?
0; I ’m getting to be such a cluckhead!
clucky mod. глупый, тупой P What a
clucky dame! P The plan you sub­
mitted to this office was rejected by
the policy committee. They noted that
it was the cluckiest idea they had ever
cluelessness n. тупость, глупость
(См. totally clueless.) P I just shake
my head in wonder at the cluelessness
o f my fellow humans. P This place is
just infested with juvenile clueless■■nessi-xm'
clue som eon e in и clue in som eon e
tr, сообщить кому-либо сведения P ?
think I 'd belter clue in Sam about the
rally. P Whafs going on? Clue me in. ,
clunk 1. tr. ударить кого-либо или
что-либо Р The branch clunked the
roof as it fell. P A small truck
clunked me from the roof as it fe ll .
n. удар, звук удара P The clunk on
the roof, was a falling branch. P I
heard a clunk on the roof. Must be
clunker 1ц n. старый автомобиль P H e
drives an old clunker and doesn't have
any insurance. P I gotta get rid o f this
clunker pretty soon.
. n, кто-либо
или что-либо бесполезное (Син.
clinker.) П Fred? There's another
clunker we don’t need. P There's
another clunker we don't need.
clunkhead n. дурак, тупица P What
clunkhead put sugar in ' the salt
shaker? P M y brother can be such a
clunky mod. громоздкий и неэффек­
тивный P The whole plan is too
clunky. Try to prune it down. P I got
rid of all the clunky stuff. Now ifs
lean and mean.
clutched mod. нервный P I get so
clutched before a test, P George is
clutched most o f the time. H e's in bad
clutch (up) in.. напрягаться в ожида­
нии P Cool it, babe! Don't clutch! P I
have been known to clutch up before a
n. дурак, простак
(Обычно мужчина. Син. SQuare. Тж.
как обращение.) Р Well, Clyde, I
think you’re way off base. P A dull
Clyde, that’s my old Bill, but I still
love him.
С -n o te и С-sp o t n. банкнота в 100
долларов ( “С ” — римская цифра
100. См. тж. century note.) □ How
much ammo will a C—note buy these
days? □ That guy wanted a С-sp o t to
fix my muffler.
coaster n. человек, живущий близ
океана (Калифор.) □ Tiffany is а
coaster now, but she was born, like,
somewhere else. □ The coasters just
dontt want to be beige, that's all.
co ast-to -co asts n. амфетамины дли­
тельного действия (Нарк. Использу­
ются водителями грузовиков.) О
M ax sold the guy the coast-to-coasts
that led to the accident. О The police
said the driver had a small box of
“ coast-to-coats" in his pocket. These
amphetamines were thought to have
contributed to the accident.
cocaine blues n. депрессия после
окончания действия накотика ко­
каина (Нарк.) О There is nothing
worse than the cocaine blues. □ The
trouble with the cocaine blues is that
the cure is more cocaine.
cock* n. мужской половой член
(Табу. Употр. с остор.) □ Н е made
some joke about a cock, but nobody
laughed. □ The streaker covered his
cock and ran across the field.
cockamamie [ ’kakamemi] mod. без­
умный, невозможный, дурацкий1О
What a cockamamie idea! О That is
the most cockamamie thing I ever
heard of.
cockeyed [ ’kakaid] mod. сумасшед­
ший □
Who came up with this
cockeyed idea, anyway? О I f you
didn't act so cockeyed all the time,
you'd have more friends.
cockle burrs [ ’kakl b »z ] n. амфета­
мины (в таблетках или капсулах)
(Нарк.) □ Cockle buirrs tend to make
you alert. □ One cackle burr a day
keep the blues away.
cocktail n. обыкновенная сигарета, с
прицепленным к ней окурком си­
гареты с марихуаной (Нарк.) □ All
want is a little cocktail. □ Here's a
roach- Make me a cocktail
coed [ ’kocd] 11. студентка колледжа
(Сокр. coeducational.) О Some of
these coeds are pretty strong-minded.
, О M y daughter is a coed at Midwest
coffee and n. кофе и булочка или
закуска □ I ’ll have coffee and. О We
stopped at a little shop for coffee and.
coffin-dodger [ ’kofn dadja] n. заяд­
лый курильщик О I just hale these
damn coffin-dodgers who light up a
cigarette in a restaurant! □ Coffinrdodgers, chain-smokers — who cares?
Let 'em commit suicide — in the
privacy of their own homes, of course.
coffin nail 1. и coffin tack n. сигарета
N o more coffin nails for me. □
Every coffin tack you smoke takes a
little off the end of your life. . n.
пить спиртное □ How about another
coffin nail? □ Coffin nail sounds bad.
Drink sounds good.
coffin varnish n. спиртное низкого
качества, самогон О You want some
more of this coffin varnish? □ D o you
see what that coffin varnish you serve
here has done to some of those guys?
coin n. деньги (См. тж. hard coin.) □
I ’m sort of short of coin right now. □
H e made a lot o f coin on the last pic­
cokeaholic [koka’halik] n. наркоман
употребляющий кокаин, кокаинист
(Нарк.) □
It’s hard to get a
cokeaholic to get treatment. О When I
realized I was a cokeaholic, I decided
to stop, but I couldn't.
Coke fiend и coke freak n. человек,
употребляющий кокаин в больших
дозах (Нарк.) □ The place was filled
with coke fiends sniffing and snorting
like fury. □ D o you know any coke
freaks who actually call themselves
coke freaks?
coke freak См. предыдущ. вокаб.
cokehead n. кокаинист (Нарк.) □ We
get a few depressed cokeheads in the
E.R. who have tried suicide. О Л * a
banker, I see two or three cokeheads
file for bankruptcy each year.
coke joint Cm. C-joint.
coke party n. сборище, где нюхают
кокаин (Нарк.) о Tom’s hosting а
соке party for his yuppie friends. □
There's a coke party in the warehouse
after closing tonight.
cokespoon и (fla k e ) sp o o n n. ма­
ленькая ложечка, которой порошок
кокаина подносят к ноздрям (Нарк.)
□ Wally wears a cokespoon around his
neck. О The principal wrote a letter to
Mrs. Simpson telling her that Jimmy
had brought a fluke spoon to school
cola [ ’kola] n. кокаин (Нарк. От
"Coca-Cola!'"’.) □
Some of there
clowns want only the best cola. □ The
crowd that specializes in cola doesn't
usually fret about the cost — till
they re almost wiped out.
cold 1. mod. (остановить что-либо)
и полностью □
stopped cold -— afraid to move further.
□ That remark stopped her cold. 2.
mod. мёртвый О This parrot is cold
“-r pifted! □ When I'm cold and
buried, I hope people will think o f me
fondly. 3. Cm. cold sober.
cold blood и cold coffee n. пиво (См.
тж. in cold blood.) О How would you
like a little cold blood to start things
off? □ A nice big cold coffee would do
me fine.
cold call tr. искать оптовых покупа­
телей среди незнакомых людей О
The broker cold called a number of
people each evening for two months.
□ Things have to be pretty bad when
the senior brokers at a major house
have to cold call people to get busi­
coldcock tr. оглушить кого-либо □
The clerk coldcocked the would-be
robber with a champagne bottle. □ The
guy who called M ax out wanted to
coldcock him foe, shorting him, but got
coldcocked himself.
cold coffee Cm. cold blood.
cold feet n. приступ робости или
страха О Suddenly I had cold feet
and couldn't sing a note. О You sort
of expect a candy-ass like that to have
cold feet.
Cold fish n. скучный и неразговор­
чивый человек О I hate to shake
hands with a cold fish like that. □ I
hate going out with a cold fish
cold shoulder 1. n. холодный приём
(Син. brushoff.) О I got the cold
shoulder at the office today. □ I
didn't expect to be greeted by such a
cold shoulder,
. tr. игнорировать
холодный приём □ The hostess coldshouldered те, so I spilled my ap­
petizers in the swimming pool. □
Tiffany cold-shouldered the guy who
was putting the moves on Roberta.
cold sob e r mod. трезвый (См. тж.
sold cober.) □ O f course, I'm - cold
soberI □ H e had a fine head on and
wanted more than anything to be cold
sober and alert.
cold turkey mod. (остановить что-ли­
бо) неожиданно, без предупреждения
(Особенно о приёме наркотиков. Первонач. нарк.) □ Martha stopped cold
turkey and survived. □ I stopped smok­
ing cigarettes cold turkey and had to be
hospitalized. □ I gave up rich desserts
cold turkey and lived to tell about it.
coll [ ’kalijin. марихуана (Нарк. От
broccoli.) □ There's a little bag o f coli
in the fridge. □ Who got into my stash
and took the coli?
collar 1. tr. арестовать кого-либо (См.
тж. collared.) □ The cops collared her
as she leaving the hotel. О The nark
tried to collar Max, but M a x moved
away too fast. 2. n. арест □ I t was a
tough collar, with all the screaming
and yelling. О I made the collar in
broad daylight.
collard greens [ ’kal<rd...] n. мариху­
ана (Нарк. Негрит.) □ This collard
greens you sold me is no good. □
Where does a dude latch onto some
collard greens in this town?
collared mod. арестованный □ Willard
Babbit? Oh, yes. H e's collared. Got
him last night. О Got collared during
a routine traffic stop.
Colombian (gold) и Columbian (gold)
n. марихуана из Колумбии (Непра­
ви льн ое написание — Columbian,). Ш
Colombian gold seems to be a favorite
around here. □ Columbian is cheap
and abundant in almost every city.
color of s o m e o n e ’s m oney n. коли­
чество наличных денег □ Lemme see
the color of your money. Then we'll talk.
Well, I can tell if we can make a deal
if I could see the color o f your money.
com bo
[ ’kambo] 1. n. маленькая
группа музыкантов, маленький ан­
самбль О Andy started his own
combo and made money from day
one. □ You can make a good living
with a combo. 2. n. группа людей
или набор вещей □ Those two make
an interesting conibo. □ The dish was
a combo of fish, garlic, and cream.
come on strong
com boozelated [ ’kam’buzaledad] mod.
пьяный (Студснч.) О I believe I am
just a little comboozelated. О How did.
you get so comboozelated?
Com e again? interrog. “Что ты ска­
зал?” (Простонар.) П Come again?
I t s awful noisy in here. □ I didn't
hear you. Come again?
Com e and get it! exctam. “Обед го­
тов!” (Простонар.) О Come and get
it, or we’ll throw it to the hogs! □ Din­
ner's ready! Come and get it!
com eback [ ’ksmbsek] 1. n. ответ О
Hank is pretty fast with the comeback.
□ One more snotty comeback like that
and you’re finished. 2. n. возвраще­
ние к прежнему состоянию О The
aging singer tried to sober up and
make a comeback. □ Her comeback
was not a financial success, but it im­
proved her spirits.
come clean (With something) (about
something) in. обратиться к комулибо за чем-либо □ I wish you’d
come clean with me about this prob­
lem. □ You’re gonna have to come
clean eventually.
co m e dow n 1. in.' случиться □ Hey,
man! What's coming down? □ When
soiriething like this comes down? ~ ri.
разочарование (Обычно comedown■)
□ The loss of the race was a real come­
down for Willard. □ I t s hard to face a
comedown like that. 3. in. начать при­
ходить в себя, после действия
наркотика или алкоголя □ She came
down slow, which was good. □ I t was
hard to get her to come down.
come down hard in. тяжело прихо­
дить в себя после действия нарко­
тика (Нарк.) О Mike came down
hard, and it took them a long time to
calm him down. П Some kids who
come down hard will need treatment,
but none of them get it unless they
look like they are bad off.
come-hither look (кэш’Ыйгг luk] n.
соблазняющей взгляд □ She blinked
her bedroom eyes and gave him a
come-hither look. □ She had mastered
the come-hither look, but was not
ready for the next part.
com e home 1. in. возвращаться к
реальности □ I 'm glad you decided
to come home, о Hey, wake up, you
spacy clown. Come home! 2. и come
home to haunt som eone in. (Для
проблемы) вызывать отрицательные
последствия':Щ 'А these things come
home to haunt you sooner or later. □
Eventually every single problem you
have avoided dealing with will come
Com e off it! 1. exclam. “He вооб­
ражай!”, “H e наглей!” □ Come off
it, Tiff. You're not the Queen of Eng­
land. □ Oh, you're just one of us.
Come off it! 2. exclam. “Откажись от
своей неверной точки зрения!” , “Не
упрямься!” □ Come off it! You’re
wrong, and you know it. □ You are ar­
guing from a foolish position. You’re
dead wrong. Come off it!
com e on [ ’кэтэп] 1. n. наживка,
приманка (Обычно com e-on.) □
Forty people responded to the com eon published in the Sunday paper, о
It's just a come on. Nobody is giving
away a decent color T.V. just for
listening to a sales pitch 2. n. при­
глашение, сексуальное привлечение
(Обычно co m e-o n .) □ She stared at
him With her bedroom eyes, giving
him that age-old come-on. О Who
could resist a come-on like that? 3.
in. начать хорошо выступать □ In
the second scene, the entire cast came
on, and the audience loved it. □ The
singer came on immediately. We knew
we had a star. 4. in. начать дру­
жеские" отношения □ After a few
minutes, they began to come on to
each other. □ When the nervousness
of meeting a blind date passed, Sam.
and Mary began to come on, and we
could see it would be a success.: 5. in.
ощущать действие наркотика; (для
(Нарк.) □ After what seemed a long
time, I have to come on to the stuff.
□ When I came on, I decided I
didn't like it, but then it was too late.
6. [кэт‘ап] exclam. “Ты неправ!”
(Обычно C o m e on!) □ Come on!
This is a good set of clubs! □ Come
on! Wasteful spending occurs at all
levels o f all governments! Nobody is
com e on
like gangbusters
следующ. вокаб.
com e on strong и com e on like ga n g­
busters in. выглядеть агрессивным,
come on to someone
производить впечатление агресси­
вного и самоуверенного человека
(См. тж. like gangbusters.) О She has
a tendency to come on strong, but
she's really a softie. □ The new presi­
dent comes on strong at first.
come on to som eone in. соблазнять
кого-либо, о H e came on to her, but
she beat it outa there fast. □ She
didn't even know he was coming on to
her, till they got to his place.
com e out ahead in. завершаться при­
нося прибыль, доход □ I never seem
to come out ahead at the end of the
mouth □ We'll come out ahead in the
end. Just you wait.
com e out in the wash in. “разберёмся
по ходу дела” □ Whatever it is, it 11
come out in the wash. D on't worry. □
All o f these things will come out in the
come out on top in. выиграть, побе­
дить О Tim always has to come out on
top — a classic poor loser: О She
made all the wrong moves and still
came out on top.
comer [ ’кэтгг] n. человек с большими
перспективами □ Fred is a real
comer. You'll be hearing a lot about
him. □ A comer like that can com­
mand a high salary.
come unglued и com e unstrung,
com e untied, com e unscrewed in.
разозлиться; выйти из себя □ I was
so mad, I fust knew I would come un­
glued. О The kid sat there for a while
and then just came unscrewed.
com e unscrewed C m . come unglued.
com e unstrung C m . come unglued.
com e unstuck C m . come unglued.
com e untied C m . come unglued.
com e up for air in. сделать перерыв □
The kissers — being only human —
had to come up for air eventually, о
They were taking in money so fast at
the box office that there wasn’t a
minute to come up for air.
com euppance [ksm’spsnts] n. заслу­
женный выговор □ I gave her a com­
euppance she’ll never forget. □ He
finally got the comeuppance that he's
needed for so long.
comfort station 1. n. уборная; общест­
венная уборная □ D o you have a
comfort station in this store? □ We
need to stop and find a comfort sta­
tion in the next town. 2. n. магазин,
где продают спиртное □ L e ts get
some belch at a comfort station along
here somewhere. □ Therms cops all
around that comfort station. Some­
body must have robbed it
comfy [ ’кэт(р)П ] mod. удобный □
This Is a very comfy chair. О 1 find
myself in a not too comfy position
with regard to your further employ­
ment here.
coming out of o n e’s ears mod. в изо­
билии О M r. Wilson has money com­
ing out o f his ears. □ Borrow some
paper from Chuck. H e’s got it coming
out of his ears.
com m a-counter n. педант □ Com m acounters can be such a pain. □ When
you need a proofreader, you need a
commie [ ’kami] n. коммунист □ What
are the commies up to now? □ The
commies are selling gold today, and
the price went down a lot.
com m ode-hugging drunk mod. упив­
шийся до рвоты; вдрызг пьяный □
Bruno got commode-hugging drunk in
the space of two hours. □
could tell
by the sounds coming from the bath­
room that Ernie had come home com­
mode-hugging drunk again.
company bull n. частный детектив
или охранник, работающий на ча­
стную фирму О Tod is company bull
for Acme Systems. □ The company
bull asked what we were doing there.
company man n. человек, всегда под­
держивающий своих нанимателей □
Ken’s a company man — he’ll always
take management’s side. □ You can
depend on a company man to do as he
is told.
com ps [kamps] n. общие экзамены □
She flunked her comps, but they let
her go on anyway. О / take my comps
tomorrow, and I ’m clutched up.
con 1. n. заключённый □ One of the
cons keeps a snake in his cell for a
pet. □ Is that guy in the gray pajamas
one of the escaped cons? 2. n.
мошенничество на доверии □ They
pulled a real con on the old lady. О
This is an okay con you got going. 3.
tr. обманывать кого-либо □ Don’t
try to con me. I know the score, о
Bruno conned him out o f his money.
con artist Cm. con man.
conehead 1. n. дурак, дурачок □
Some conehead put sugar in the salt
shaker, о You can be pretty much of
a conehead yourself sometimes, you
know. . n. интеллектуал, “умник”
(Син. pointy-head.) О They build
fences around universities to keep the
coneheads in. □ The coneheads have
decided that we are all making too
much money.
conga [ ’korjgs] n. марихуана из цен­
тральной Африки (Нарк.) О A nice
pipe o f conga would make me very
happy. □ Is this real conga or just
hyped up domestic?
con job n. обман, жульничество □
What a con job he tried to pull on us!
□ This is not an annual report! I f s a
con job!
conk и konk n. голова □ Put your brim
on your conk, and lets cruise, n
Where'd you get that nasty bump on
your konk?
conk-buster [ ’koqkbssta] n. низко­
пробное спиртное □ Another shot of
that conk-buster and I will just pass
out. □ Jed kept a jar o f conk-buster
under his bed against night sweats.
conk out 1. in. (для кого-либо) поте­
рять сознание □ I was so tired I just
went home and conked out. □ I was
afraid I would conk out while I was
driving. . in. (для чего-либо) сло­
маться, отказать □ M y car conked
out finally. □ I hope my computer
doesn't conk out.
con man и con artist n. профес­
сиональный жулик □ Gary is a con
artist, but at least he’s not on the dole.
□ H e looks like a con man, but he's
just a sweetie.
connection n. продавец наркотиков;
вообще источник наркотиков (Первонач. Нарк.) □ M ax's connection
got rousted. □ This connection you
keep talking about — is he depend­
connect (with som eone or som e­
thing) 1. in. (c someone) поговорить
по телефону или встретиться с кемлибо □ Let's try to connect on this
matter tomorrow. □
We connected
over a drink and discussed the matter
. in. (c someone) (для по­
дающего) попасть по мячу О Wally
connected for a double. О Н е swung,
but didn’t connect with the ball.
conniption (fit) [ka’nipjjan...] n. взрыв
гнева, ярости (Син. spaz.) О Н е had
a conniption fit over the question of
my marriage to Wally. □ Come on,
don't have a conniption!
constitutional n. первая доза нарко­
тика или порция спиртного за
день (См. тж. breakfast o f cham­
pions.) □ Н е downed a constitu­
tional and made ready fails to drop
a constitutional in the morning. О
H e never fails to drop a constitu­
tional in the morning.
contact high 1. n. наркотическая эй­
фория при вдыхание дыма чужой
сигареты с марихуаной (Нарк.) □
That place was so smoky, I almost got
a contact high □ Kelly — the cheap­
skate — tried to get a contact high at
the concert.
. n. эйфория от
общения с кем-либо □ I get a con­
tact high from just begin around young
people. □ Anyway, a contact high is
co o -c o o и cuckoo 1. mod. в бес­
сознательном состоянии □ I socked
him on the snoot and knocked him
coo-coo. □ Rocko was cuckoo for a
minute; then he was up and swinging.
. mod. сумасшедший, безумный □
The chick is just cuckoo, thafs all. □
How did I ever get involved in this
cuckoo scheme, anyway? 3. mod. пья­
ный □ Haw’d you get coo-coo so
soon? □ She’s too cuckoo to talk.
Leave her alone.
cook 1. in. умереть на электрическом
стуле (Уголовн.) □ I'll see that you
cook if it's the last thing I do. О I f
you think I ’m gonna cook for this rap,
you're dead wrong. . in. беспокоить­
ся, волноваться □ H e seemed to be
cooking about the lost check. □ You
could tell she was still cooking. The
whole business was a real worry. 3. и
simmer in. быть обдумываемым □
I ’ll let it cook overnight and see how I
feel about it in the morning. О Let this
idea simmer a while, and then we'll
talk about it. 4. tr. подделывать каки­
е-либо записи О Somebody cooked
the books, and the feds are in on it
now. □ Cooking the accounts is a risky
cooked mod. пьяный или опьянённый
наркотиком □ Tod is cooked, fried,
boiled, baked — drunk. D Gary is cal­
ling a cab. He's too cooked to drive.
cooked up и cooked-u p mod. выду­
манный, “состряпанный” □ What a
cooked-up story! O f course, you don’t
believe it. О The whole thing seems so
cooked up.
cookie pusher 1. n. льстец □ Another
cookie pusher came in today to tell
me what a great teacher
am. □
When you've got a whole office full of
cookie pushers, there’s always some­
one to take you to lunch. 2. n.
лентяй, бездельник О I ’m just look­
ing for a. cookie pusher to fire today.
Is Martin a couch potato or a
cookie pusher? That is the question!
cooking with g a s in. делать совер­
шенно правильно (Всегда с -in g .) □
Thafs great! Now you’re cooking with
gas! О I knew she was finally cooking
with gas when she answered all the
questions correctly.
cool 1. mod. не смущённый, не
спокойный, хладно­
кровный □ This chick is so cool —
no matter what happens. □ She is
totally cool and easygoing. 2. mod.
хороший, отличный О This is re­
ally cool setup! □ Then this, like,
cool muscleman comes over and
asks Tiffany if she’d like to dance.
3. mod. (о музыке) мелодичный,
слитный Q This stuff is so cool,
I'm just floating. □ Doesn't he blow
a cool trumpet? 4. mod. (о коли­
честве денег) не менее □ Н е earns
a cool million every year. □ She
cleared a cool forty thousand on the
Wilson deal 5. C m . keep one's cool,
lose one’s cool.
Cool bananas! См. следующ. вокаб.
Cool beans! и Cool bananas! exclam.
“Н у!”, “Н у даёшь!” □ You got a car?
Cool bananas! □ Cool beans, man.
Thafs great!
cool, calm, and collected mod. спо­
койный, не смущённый □ Before а
race I am anything but cool, calm,
and collected. □ Albert is almost al­
ways cool, calm, and collected.
cool cat n. человек (обычно мужчи­
на); который спокоен, не смущён,
не ошеломлён О There is a shortage
o f cool cats on this turf. О Monty is a
cool cat. I really like him.
cool down in. успокоиться □ Now,
just cool down. Chill, chili Every­
thing's gonna be real cool. □ When
things cool down around here, life will
be much more liveable.
cooled out mod. спокойный, не сму­
щённый U Ted is really cooled out
kind o f guy. □ When she’s cooled out,
she’s great.
cooler n. тюрьма (Всегда с the.) □ D o
you want to talk, or do you want to
spend a little time in the cooler? □ Let
me outa this cooler!
Cool It! exclam. “Успокойся!” , “Уй­
мись!” О Take it easy! Cool it! О
Come on, cool it, man!
cool off in. успокаиваться О Now, it's
all right. Cool off! □ I knew things
would cool off eventually.
cool out in. успокаиваться, рассла­
бляться (См. тж. cooled out.) □
Everybody cooled out after the emer­
gency, and everything was fine. О
Now, just cool out, man. This will
cool som eone out и cool out som e­
one tr. успокоить кого-либо О Cool
yourselves out, you people. □ The
manager appeared and tried to cool
out everybody, but that was a waste of
cooties [ ’kudiz] n. реальные или во­
ображаемые вши □ Randy pulled
back from me like I had cooties or
something. Whafs wrong with me? □
You have cooties, crotch-pheasants,
and bad breath What do you expect?
cop 1. tr. украсть, стащить (Первонач. уголовн.) □ Somebody copped
the statue from the town square. □
Who copped the salt from this table?
2. n. грабёж, воровство О They
pulled the cop in broad daylight. □ It
iv<zs a lousy cop. N o skill N o finesse.
3. n. офицер полиции О The cop
wasn’t in any mood to put with any
monkey business. О You call, the cops.
I ’ve got enough trouble. 4.
copped.) □ The officer copped him
and read him his rights. О They
copped Bruno with the evidence right
on him. 5. n. арест О It was a smooth
cop. N o muss, no fuss. □ The cop
corkscrewed (up)
went off without a hitch except for a
few little insults. 6. Cm. cop a fix.
cop a buzz tr. курить марихуану (См.
• buzz. Нарк.) □ L e fs go out and cop a
buzz. □ I f you want to cop a buzz, go
talk to Bruno.
cop a drag tr. курить сигарету (См.
drag.) Q She kept going off to the john
to cop a drag. □ Smokers who have to
leave the office to cop a drag must cost
this itation billions each year.
co p a.fix tr. добыть дозу наркотика P
She was gonna, like, die if she didn’t cop
a fix pretty $ щ. □ She carries her apps
so she can cop a fix whenever. ■
cop a head tr. опьянеть от наркотика
О The two old codgers sat there cop­
ping a heqd., or trying to anyway. □
■ H e was mad and depressed and went
home having decided to cop a head.
cop an attitude tr. высказывать отриC нательное отношение к чему-либо
5®(См||ж. tude.) □ 1люк, chum, don’t
сор an attitude with те! □ I think
you're copping an attitude. N ot ad■ vised, man. Not advised.
co p a plea tr. признать себя ви­
новным в меньшем преступлении О
Rocko copped a plea and got off with
a week in the slammer, й ji,wanted to
cop ' a plea, but didn't have the
i. chance.
copasetic [koupa'sedikl mod. преемлемый, удовлетворительный (Г1ервонач. Возможно из франц.) □
Everything is copasetic. Couldn't, be
better. □ This is one fine copasetic
cop a squat tr. садиться □ Hey, man!
. Come in and cop a squat. P Cop a
• squat and crack a tube.
co p a tube tr. поймать волну, загну­
тую аркой (Серфинг.) □ Н е was а
real pro at copping a tube, and always
. just the right one. □ Mark — as drunk
as all get autW m aid he was gonna go
out and cop a tube, ,
copilot n. человек, который направ­
ляет наркомана во время приёма
Л С Д (Парк.) П M ax was supposed
to, be Molly^s .^ p i^ b u t^ h e fa U e d . to
show. □ Stoned copilots are not cooL
co p ip t belli д. таблетка “Benzedrin^*”
амфйдалина (Н а р к ^ Р Copilot ben is
not what you need. О You got some
copilot ben on you?
cop out 1. in. признавать себя винов­
ным (в меньшем преступлении)
(Уголовн. См. сор a plea.) Р / de­
cided not to cop out and got a
mouthpiece instead. □ Frank copped
out and got off with a night in the
cooler. 2. in. сдаться, выйти из игры
(Син. chicken out ( o f something).) О
Why, do you want to cop out just
when things are going great? P I
couldn't cop out on you guys if I
wanted to. 3. n. небрежное изви­
нение, отговорка (Обычно cop-out
или copout.) Р T h is'
copout. P That's not a good reason.
That’s just a cop-out.
copped mod. арестованный P Jed got
himself copped — a speeder. P / was
copped for doing absolutely nothing at
copper 1. n. офицер полиции (Г1ервонач. уголовн. См; сор.)Ш See that
copper over there? H e busted me once.
P The coppers wilt catch up with you
some day. 2. n. деньги (От copper
penny. См. тж. rivets.) P How much
copper you got on you? P That car
takes too much copper to run.
cop—shop па-полицейский участок P
They hauled off everybody to the c o p shop. P The pigs down at the cop shop tried to act like they didn’t know
who M ax was. .
cop sickness ’пвйОтр^бность - в: нар­
котике (Нарк. См. сор a fix.) Р
Molly was facing сор sickness if she
didn't make a meet soon. P She went
into treatment because she hates that
cop sickness.
cop som e Z ’s Cm. catch some Z'sa.%
copycat п. человек, подражающий
действиям других Wi.Don’t be such a
copycat. Find a style that suits you. P
Jim is real copycat. He can say any­
thing у щ say, just the way you s a y ® ; ■
corked (up) и corky mod-рьяный P
You seem toube a little corked P
You’d be cocked up, . too, if you’d
drunk as much as I have.
corker n. кто—либо ипизчто—либо хо­
рошее, забавное или. интересное Р
That was a real corker. J thought i 'd
die laughing. P M o lly is quite a
corker. I bet she's fun at partiesc -corkscrew ed (up) т о й г смелый или
наглый от действия спиртного Р
After getting himself corkscrewed tip,
he went into the b o ss's office fo r a
word. О He used a bit o f vodka to get
corkscrewed enough to demand a raise.
corky Cm. corked (u p ).
corn 1. n. плоский юмор О Enough of
your corn! О All he can do is Juvenile
corn. He has no timing and no sense
of what the audience is thinking. St n.
спиртное, самогон (Простонар.) О
Old Jed drinks more corn than he
grows. □ You want a swallow of real
' country corn?
cornball 1. n. дурак или пошлый
i .шутник О H e’s a cornball, but he’s
fun. О Who invited this cornball to
my party? 2. mod. глупый, идиот­
ский □ What a cornball idea! П Ken
is such a cornball hick!
corned mod. пьяный □ The old-timer
is corned on moonshine. □ L e ts go
out and get corned.
cornfed mod. деревенский, отсталый,
несложный О I enjoy her honest,
cornfed humor. □ Jed is a homey,
cornfed kind of guy. Don't know any­
body who bears him any ill will
corn squ eezin gs п. виски, самогон
(Простонар.) Пй Where’s that jar of
corn squeezings you usually keep
under the counter? □ H e puts away
more corn squeezing in a month than
most folks do in a year.
corn whiskey n. кукурузное виски
(Простонар.) О Н е makes his own
com -whiskey and sells it to his neigh­
bors. □ Most of that store-made bour­
bon is just earn whiskey with a
corn wine n. виски, вообще крепкое
спиртное П This is mighty fine corn
wine, Jed: О With corn wine like this,
all you need is somebody to feed your
hogs, and you're living in the lap of
corny 1'. mod. относящийся к « л о ским, излишним шуткам □ This
corny dialog has to be revised before
I 'll act in this play. О Don't be
corny. This is serious. 2. mod. от­
носящийся к излишним сантимен­
там □ Harry always laughs at corny
. much in a movie. □ The love scenes
hands-off-theMOughty-parts jobbers, but nobody
corpse 1. n. пустая бутылка из-под
пива или спиртного (См. dead
solder.) D Sam tossed another corpse
out the window. □ Throw your corpses
in the trash can, you jerk! 2. n.
окурок сигареты □ The wino picked
up the corpse and put it in a little
box of them he carried with him. □
H e is saving corpses to build a real
corral dust n. чепуха, ложь, пре1 увеличение (Эвфем. для bullshit.) □
The way Judy handles the corral dust,
she Must be running for political of­
fice. О That stuff is all corral dust.
Don’t believe a word o f it. :
cosm ic mod. отличный, мощный P
This pizza is absolutely cosmic! □
Who wants to see a really cosmic
cotton-picker n. никчёмный человек
(Обычно мужчина.) (I I ростомap.)
□ You silly cotton-picker! What do
you mean? □
What cotton-picker
put the scallops in the scalloped po­
cotton-picking и cotton-pickin’ mod.
нар.) □ Whafs the cottonr-picking'
idea? О Who is this cotton-picking
bigwig pushing us around?
и couch-turkey
психиатр, психоаналитик □ Some
couch—doctor told her to go out and
find a lover. О I finally walked out
on my couch-turkey. Now I 'm get­
ting it all together.
couch potato n. ленивый бездельник,
(См. тж. sofa spud.) □ I f there was a
prize for the best couch potato, my
husband would win it. О - You are
turning into a perfect couch potato.
couch-turkey C m . couch-doctor.
cough something up и cough up
• something tt. отдать что-либо (тре­
буемое) , обычно деньги □ Come on,
buster, cough it up, now! □ You owe
me seven stereo amplifiers. Now,
cough them up!
country drunk mod. пьяный; обалдев­
ший от пьянства (Простонар.) О The
cowboy, really country drunk this
time, got to town somehow and started
a fight. О Them good old boys know
how to get country drunk.
crake a tube
county—mounty n. офицер дорожной
полиции (Предупреждение по кана­
лу приёмопередающих автомобиль­
ных радиостанций.) □ Therms а
county-mounty waiting under that
bridge ahead of you. □ The countymounty wrote me seven tickets in that
one roust.
courage pill 1. in. таблетка героина в
виде пилюли (Нарк.) □ Н е used
courage pills as monkey bait. □ Max
capped about 40 courage pills for his
“dependents." 2. n. капсула барби­
турата (Нарк.) D A few courage pills
and he was ready to take on. the whole
world. О She can’t face any social
event without courage pills.
courier n. продавец или перевозчик
наркотиков; контрабандист (Нарк.)
□ The cops can catch the couriers
whenever they want. It is the big guys
they're after. □ The couriers are ex­
co ver-u p n. действия, скрывающие
что-либо □ The cover-up drew more
attention than whatever it was covered
up. □ The candidate accused her op­
ponent of a cover-up.
cow n. полная или уродливая жен­
щина (Грубо.) □ That cow can hardly
get through the door. О Wouldn’t you
think a cow like that would, go on a
cow boy n. водитель-лихач (Тж. как
обращение.) О Come on, cowboy, fin­
ish your coffee and get moving. □
Some cowboy in a new caddy cut in
front of me.
cow chips n. сухой коровий навоз □
Break up these cow chips and work
them into the base of the bushes. □
Therefs a whole field of cow chip out
there! Why do you want to by a bag of
the stuff at a nursery?
cow flop и cow plop n. коровий навоз
□ Mrs. Wilson is out in the pasture
gathering cow flops for her garden. □
Cow plops are not all the same, you
cow juice Cm. moo juice.
cow plop Cm. cow flop.
coyote-ugly [ ’kaiof agli или ’kaioti’
agli] mod. чудовищно уродливый (О
людях. См. double-bagger, triplebager.) О Is that your pet monkey, or
is your date just coyote-ugly? □ Isn't
that the most coyote-ugly creep you've
ever seen?
cozy up (to something) in. подлизы­
ваться к кому-либо □ M olly cozied
up to the prof, hoping for a good grade
at least. □ She failed to read the syl­
labus, which advised students not to
cozy up to the professor or call him at
crab n. вошь (Обычно мн. ч.) □ He's
scratching like he's got crabs. □ The
old wino and his crabs wandered into
the flop house for a little peace and
crack 1. n. шутка, дерзость □
Another crack like that and your
nose will be a little flatter than it
is. О Who made that crack? 2. n.
попытка (успешная или неудач­
ная) □ Have another crack at it. О
One more crack and I ’ll have it. 3.
п. штука (предмет); использование
(одноразовое) (См. примеры.) □
You would think twice, too, if you
remember that its $7 a crack. О A t
dollars a crack, this is the best
game on the midway. 4. n. кристалический кокаин для курения
(Нарк.) О This crack seems to have
become the drug o f choice for punks
of all ages. □ Crack became popular
when it became easy and cheap to
process. It ’s been around for years
in medicinal form. 5 . in. заговорить
под угрозой насилия, “расколоть­
ся” (Уголовн.) □ They kept at her
till she finally cracked and talked. □
We knew you’d finally crack. 6.
mod. (о человеке) отличный, вели­
dealer's crack salesman was no help
at all □ With our crack staff, we
can have everything worked out in
on time. 7. tr. вломиться куда-ли­
бо, во что-либо (Уголовн.) □ We
almost cracked the safe before the
alarm went off. □ His specialty is
cracking car trunks and stealing
crack book tr. открыть книгу, чтобы
учиться (Обычно с отрицанием.) □
I never cracked a book and still passed
the course. □ Sally didn’t crack a book
all semester.
crack a tube tr. открыть банку пива
(Син. tube.) □ Why do not you drop
over this evening, and we'll crack, a
few tubes? □ Would you crack a tube
for me? M y hands are too cold.
crackbrain n. дурак, тупица □ Some­
times you are quite a crackbrain your­
self. □
Did you hear about the
crackbrain who found part of the sky
floating in the lake?
crackbrained mod. бестолковый, не­
лепый □ I ’ve heard enough of your
crackbrained schemes. □ One more
crackbrained idea and you're fired.
cracked 1. mod: сумасшедший □
You’re cracked if you think I ’ll agree
to that. 2. mod. пьяный □
am too
cracked to drive. □ One пюге crackbrained idea and you're fired.
cracked up to b e mod. каким (ему)
положено быть О This pizza is not
what it’s cracked up to be. □ / wanted
to find out whether this stuff was what
it is cracked up to be.
crackerjack [ ’kraekerdjsek] mod. вели­
колепный, трудолюбивы Й О Fred is
a crackerjack stockbroker, but his per­
sonal life is a mess. □ Clare is a
crackerjack teacher, but she is looking
for something that pays a real salary.
Crackers Cm. bonkers.
crackhead n. наркоман, употребляю­
щий "crack” (Нарк.) □ They brought
an eight-year-old crackhead in for
treatment. □ Crackheads are a very
serious problem in the nation's Work
crack house n. место, где продают
или употребляют “crack” (Нарк.) □
The police are continuing their efforts
to Close down crack houses in the
area. □ I n one dilapidated neighbor­
hood, there is a crack house on ever
crack open a bottle и crack a bottle
open tr. раскупорить бутылку содер­
жащую спиртное (Тж. с the.) □
Let's crack open a bottle and celebrate.
H e cracked the bottle open and
poured a little for everyone to try.
crackpot 1. n. человек со странными
или безумными идеями О Some
crackpot called to tell us that the sky
is falling in. □ I ’m no crackpot! I saw
some of the sky floating in the lake. 2.
mod. относящийся к безумным идеям или предложениям Q Why not
start a crackpot idea contest? □ We
need a crackpot idea around here just
so we'll have something to compare
your ideas to.
crack som eone up и crack up som e­
one tr. рассмешить кого-либо □ She
giggled, and that cracked us all up. О
The lecturer would talk along sort of
boring like, and then all of a sudden
he would crack up everybody with a
crack up [кгэек’эр] 1. in. потерпеть
-крушение, аварию □
The plane
cracked up and killed two of the pas­
senger. □ Whose car cracked up on
the expressway? 2. in. разразиться
смехом О
whole audience
cracked up. □ I knew I would crack
up during the love Scene. 3. in.
получить нервный срыв □ The poor
guy Cracked up. It was too much for
him. О You would crack up, too, if
you had been through all he went
through. 4, [ ’кгаекэр] n. крушение,
авария (Обычно crack-up.) □ There
was a terrible crack-up oh the ex­
pressway. □ There were four cars in
the crack-up.
cram in. зубрить что-либо “в послед­
нюю минуту” перед экзаменом О
She spent the night cramming for the
test. □ I f you would study all the time,
you wouldn't need to cram.
crank 1. n. человек, раздражающий
фальшивыми сообЩёниями (Син.
crackpot.) О A crank called with а
bomb threat. О A crank came in and
offered to punch me in the nose for a
quarter. 2. mod. поддельный, фаль­
шивый □ We had four crank calls
threatening to blow up the Eiffel
Tower. О A crank letter promised Us a
million dollars if We would play “M y
Blue Heaven":' for two hours each
morning. 3. и cranks n. амфетамины
(Нарк. См. crink.) О M ax eats cranks
like candy. О Crank nearly wrecked
that guy. 4. n. раздражительный
человек (Студенч.) О The prof is
such a crank; he jokes only about once
a semester. □ Why are you such a
crank? Is something wrong in your
crank b u gs n. Наркотическая галлю­
цинация, при которой кажется, что
(Нарк.) И I have crank bugs, and Г п
craphouse* n. уборная (Унотр. с ос­
cartooning, too. □ t h e r e 's no such
тор.) О Wally’s out in the craphouse
thing as crank bugs, so stop scratching
reading, I guessit im Where's the crap­
house that used to be out there?
cranker h. наркоман (Парк. См.
crap out in. избегать, уклоняться От
crank.) □ He’s not just a nervous type.
чего-либо И С и н . chicken out ( o f
He’s a cranker. Look at his; pupiisb0something).) □ Fred crapped out, so
The cranker is wired. Don't you know
there are only three of us. □ Now,
wired When you see it?
don’t crap- out on me at the last
crank: freak и crank commando n.
наркоман, употребляющий попере­
crapper* 1.* n. уборная, туалет (Упо­
менно стимуляторы и депрессанты
треб. с остор. См. crap. п. 2.) □
(Нарк.) О When we find crank freaks
Where’s the crapper around here? □
on aHy o f
teams, ihdfsijt.
Old Jed never- passed up a chance to
They're gone. □ The crank comman­
use an indoor crapper. 2. ж " Хвастун
dos are made to sit on this^ bench
(Грубо.) □ The guy Ы а crapper and
where we can keep an eye on them till
they come home. '
can't be trusted at all. О Don't listen
to the crapper.
cranking mod. восхитительный, вели­
crapper dick n. офицер полиции или
колепный |§| This record is really
дЁтейрШ!: 'патрулирующий общёстcranking!’,J-P We had -a massively
венные уборные □ When he flubbed
cranking time at your set.
up the Wilson case, they made him a
crank something out и crank out
crapper dick in the central business,
something tr. производить', делать
district. □ Whafs a crapper dick get
что-либо в большом количестве □
paid?■ ■
She can crank mystery novels out like
crappy mod. плохой, паршивый □
fury. They're all good, too. □ That
Shut you crappy mouth! □ This is sure
man does nothing but crank out
one crappy day! •>. ;
crapshoot n. дело случая, случайность
crank something up и crank up som eО Basically; life is a crapshoot. □ The
thing 1. tr. включить ч то -ли б о О
stock inarket istPmfcmcemed with value
Crank up the copying machine. We've
anymore. It's just a crapshoot.
got a big jo b f o do. □ I 'l l go out and
■crank the car up so it can warm up. 2. tr.. crash 1. tr. & in. приходить без •при­
глашения на вечеринку или кудаувеличивать громкость (усилителя,
либо ещё (См. тж. crasher.) □ The
магнитофона и T.n..).D Kelly cranked
boys who tried to crash also broke a
up his S tereo:и ф й we were nearly
window. □ Some clown tried to crash
deafened. О He'cranked it up a little
the rally, but my dad called the cops.
m ore and C R A C K , there went both
2. in. провести ночь, переночевать
(См. crash pad.) □ / crashed at-' a
cranky mod., раздражительный*» кап­
friend's place in the city. О You’have
ризный □ Don't be cranky. We're ^al­
a place I can crash? 3. in. (для ком­
most there. □ M a x is cranky today.'
пьютера) отключиться □ This thing
The fuzz
crashes every time I hit a certain key..
crap* [kra;p| 1. п. дрянь, беашлрзная
Й M y machine hasn’t crashed since I
вещь, дерьмо ® Why don't you. just
gotkt. 4. n. полное отключение ком­
throw this crap away? о Get your crap
пьютера О Most o f my data was lost
off my bedim 2.* ‘Щ. и сп р аж щ ^ з
in the crash. □ Crashes are to teach
(Грубо. Употр. с остор.) □ There's
you to back up your data. 5. in; (для
dog crap on (lie lawn. □ D on't step in
любого/* электронного
that crap. 3. n. чепуха, ложь,
отключиться □ M y stereo crashed, so
had enough of your crap. Now talk
I ’ve Ьвещ watching T.Vi Щ M y T.V.
straight, or out you go. □
crashed, and I had to go out to watch
crap! 4.* in испражняться (Грубо.
at somebody elsefs house. 6. in. (для
Употр. с остор.) О Your dog empped
ценных бума'г) резко упасть в цене
on my lawn! □ I have to crap; then
□ When the bond market crashed,- the
I 'll be right with you. .
4— 1224
crash and burn
press didn’t even realize it. □ The
market crashed and scared the stuff­
ing out o f everybody. 7. n. финан­
совый крах О After the crash, a lot
of people swore off the market for
good. □ A crash like that was too
much for a lot o f people. 8. и crash
out in. резко прийти в себя и про­
трезвиться после окончания дей­
ствия наркотика (Нарк.) О Sally
crashed out and was a real mess for a
while. О We keep these pills here to
help if we crash. 9. in. потерять
сознание от злоупотребления спирт­
ным □ About midnight I crashed,
and 1 woke up here. П L ets get Wil­
bur юте before he crashes for good.
crash and burn in. (для молодого
человека) сильно влюбиться (Студенч. См. go down in flames.') О I
knew would crash and burn with her.
It stands to reason that if Ken
hadn't shot me down, I wouldn't have
crashed and burned.
crashed 1. mod. пьяный □ Fred is
trashed. Leave him alone. О There
were two crashed freshmen asleep on
the lawn. . mod. подвергшийся по­
лицейской облаве (См. bust.) □ Our
pad got crashed, and a lot of kids
were arrested. О After the place was
crashed, it was a mess.
crasher n. человек, приходящий на
вечеринку без приглашения (См.
crash.) □ The crasher were no more
rude than the guests. □ The crashers
ruined the party, and my dad called
the cops.
crash pad n. место, где можно пере­
ночевать, не предупредив заранее О
I ’ve got a crash pad in the city for
emergencies like this. □ I gotta find a
crash pad for tonight.
crate п. ветхий автомобиль О Where
did you get that old crate? О This
crate gets me to work and back. That’s
good enough.
crater п. шрам от прыща □ Ted has a
nasty crater on his cheek. О Walter
was always sort of embarrassed about
his craters.
crater fa ce n. человек со шрамами от
прыщей на лице (Грубо. Студенч.)
D Who’s the crater face putting the
moves on Sally? О Crater face over
there is talking sort of loud.
crawling with som eone or something
mod. кишащий кем-либо или чем ли б о □ The place was crawling with
police and F.B.I. agents. О The room
was just crawling with ants.
crazy t. n. сумасшедший, псих □ The
guy's a crazy, and he keeps coming in
here asking for money. О I think the
crazies are taking over the world. 2.
mod. отличный, великолепны й □
This stuff is really crazy, man. I love
itI □ What a crazy dress. It makes you
look like a million.
crazy bone n. локоть □ Ouch! I
hit my crazy bone! О Ken hit his
crazy bone as he went into church,
and was yelling “Oh! Oh! Oh!” as
if the Spirit had got into him or
crazy in the head mod. сумасшедший
(Простонар.) О You’re crazy in the
head if you think I ’m going out in this
blizzard. □ So I ’m crazy in the head.
I ’ll go myself.
cream tr. победить, побить кого-либо
О The other team creamed us, but we
had better team split. □ We ll cream
’em next week
creamed 1. mod. побеждённый, по­
битый D We were really creamed in
that last game, and the coach is
steamed. □ Midwest V. got creamed
again today by the Podunk Bargers. 2.
mod. пьяный □ Man, Tony is totally
creamed! □ I got myself creamed last
night, didn't I?
cream puff 1. n. слабак (Син. wimp.) О
Don’t be a cream puff all your life! Join
a health club! о We’re having a cream
puff special this week for you clowns who
can’t climb stairs without panting. 2. n.
подержанный автомобиль в очень хо­
рошем состоянии О This one is real
cream puff. Only driven to church by a
little old lady. □ This cream puff is
loaded, air and everything.
creased mod. усталый, истощённый
O What a day, I am totally creased. D
Here is one creased football player.
Let him hit the rack.
creep n, странный, жутковатый че­
ловек □ Charlie is such a creep when
he’s stoned. О I thought Charlie was a
creep no matter what.
creeping-crud 1. n. любая неизвест­
ная болезнь О There is some kind of
creeping-crud between my toes, P
got the creeping-crud growing in my
armpit. 2. n. отвратительный человек
□ Watty has become such a creepingcrud since he inherited all that money.
□ D on't be a creeping-crud. Just go
back to being a plain crud. 3. n. любое
мерзкое слизистое вещество □ You
got creeping-crud all over my pants
leg. □
That's not creeping-crud!
That’s my pecan pie!
creep joint и creep dive n. непри­
ятное место (Где обитают creeps.) О
You shouldn’t go into a creep joint like
tlidt alone. □ Why would anyone want
to work in a creep dive like that?
creeps n. “мурашки”, нервная дрожь(Всегда с the.) О These movies al­
ways give me the creeps. О The creeps
always make me have to go to the
creepy mod. жуткий, пугающий □
This is the creepiest old house I have
ever been in. □ I have this creepy
feeling that someone is just this very
moment reading something that J
crib 1. n. место, где собираются воры,
проститутки и т.д., притон (Уго­
ловн.) О The police busted a crib over
on 4th Street. О They use a basement
over there for a crib: 2. n. жилище
(Уголовн.) □ Where’s your crib, man?
О M y good threads are all back at my
cricket mod. преемлемый, джентль­
менский (Ср. kosher. См. примеры
с отрицанием на not cricket.) О Is it
really cricket to play under two differ­
ent names? □
Who cares if its
. cricket!
crink n. амфетамины (Нарк. Обычно
с some.) О He’s never had anything
but some crink — or so he says. О
Crink is just kid stuff.
cripple n, окурок сигареты с мари­
хуаной (Нарк. См. crutch.) О You
got a crutch I can borrow for my
cripple? □ Save those cripples for me.
crisco pkrisko] 13. толстяк (Тж. как
грубое обращение.) о Неу, crisco!
G o on a diet! О Some crisco came in
and ordered
large fries.
crisp mod. опьянённый наркотиком □
The crisp guy waving the bra is the one
we are after. О Man, is he crisp!
crispo и crispy [ ’krispo и ’krispi] n.
человек, сошедший с ума от куре­
ния марихуаны (Нарк.) □ The kid is
a crispo. I t
take years to make her
productive. □ Now take a crispy like
Karen. I can get her back on her feet a
month after she stops using.
crispy C m . crispo.
crispy-critter n. человек, опьянённый
марихуаной (От названия хлопьев к
завтраку.) О H e's fried all right. A
real crispy-critter. О A crispy-critter
came in and tried to sell tne his
croak 1. in. умереть О I was afraid I ’d
croak. О The parrot croaked before 1
got it home. 2. tr. убить кого-либо О
The car croaked the cat just like that.
P Somebody croaked my parrot.
croaker в. терапевт; тюремный врач
(Уголовн.) О The croaker says I got
fhe clap, a I better go see that
crock t . n. чепуха (Cm, crock o f shit.)
О What a crock! You don't know what
you are talking about! □ This whole
business is a crock. Hell, life's a crock!
2. n. пьяница О The crock wants
booze, not money. О Give the old crock
Some money, anything to get him outa
here before he barfs or something.
crocked [krakt] mod. пьяный О What
do you get out of getting crocked very
night? О Oh, my God! You’re crocked
crockery n. зубы (См, China.) □ I
gotta go to the dentist for some work
on my crockery. П Is that your own
crock o f shit* 1.* n. что-либо
действительно ужасное; чудовищ­
ная чепуха (Употр. с остор.) □
That whole place is just a crock of
shit. Nobody knows what's what. □
You went on vacation and left this
office with a real crock of shit. 2.*
n. бесполезный человек (Употр. с
остор.) □ Who is that crock shit
who brought in the dead cat? □
Some crock of shit put my coat on
the floor!
cromagnon [k ro ’maegnanj n. уродли­
вый мужчина (Студенч.) О Who is
that crom agnon you were with last
night? D That was no cromagnon. That
was your blind date for next weekend.
cro sses См. crossroads.
c ro ss-ey ed (drunk) mod. пьяный □
Whafs the point o f getting cross-eyed
drunk? О H e sat on the bar stool,
cross-eyed and crying.
cro ssroads и crosses, cross tops n.
таблетки амфетаминов с крестовид­
ными насечками (Нарк.) □ Does
your roommate really have to have
cross tops every morning in order to
wake up? □ Usually, just one. Some­
times she how much o f what she's had
the night before.
cro ss som eone (up) и cross up
som eone tr. противоречить комулибо, перечить, противостоять □
D on't cross me up if you know whafs
good for you. □ I told you not to
cross me again
cro ss top Cm. crossroads.
crotch-pheasant [ ’kratjfeznt] n. вошь
(Обычно во мн.) □ Н е appears to be
afflicted with what you might call
crotch-pheasants. □ There is a special
medicine that will get rid o f crotchpheasants.
crotch-rot n. раздражение кожи или
болезнь, вызывающая зуд в гени­
тальной области (Обычно у мужчин.
См. тж. grunge.) □ What will get rid
of crotch-rot? □ Here’s some medicine
for crotch-rot.
c r o w d 1. tr. угрож ать к о м у -ли б о ,
оказывать давление на кого-либо □
D o n ’t crown т е! □ M a x began to
crowd Bruno, which was the wrong
thing to do. 2. tr. наваливаться на
кого-либо толпой (Негрит.) О Some
guys were crowding Tod, so we chased
them off. □ They moved in from all
sides, carrying clubs, and began to
crowd us.
tr. ударить кого-либо по
голове □ The clerk crowned the rob­
ber with a champagne bottle. □ The
bride, at the end of her patience,
crowned the stuttering cleric with her
bouquet, shouted " I do,” and began
kissing the groom.
crud [ krod ] 1. n. мерзость, дрянь □
This is just crud. Get rid of it. □ Get
all that old crud out of the attic so we
can have room for newer stuff- 2. n.
отвратительный человек □ D on not
be such a crud! □ That crud kept try­
ing to paw me!
cruddy и crudy, cruddie [ ’kradi] mod.
мерзкий, ужасный, гнусный □ What
is this cruddy stuff on my plate? □ I t s
ju st chocolate mousse, and it’s not
cruddie. , „
cruise 1. in. ехать с предельной ско­
ростью О This old caddy can really
cruise. □ We cruised all the way to
Philly. 2. in. ехать, высматривая по
дороге знакомых или ища развлече­
ний □ We went out cruising, but
didn't see anybody. □ L e fs go cruise
for a while. 3. tr. преследовать пред­
ставителя противоположного пола □
Тот was cruising Tiffany, but she got
rid of him. О Are you cruising me,
Tom? You know you just barf me,
like, out! 4. in. двигаться, уходить,
уезжать □ Listen, I gonna cruise. □
Time to cruise. Monty Python's on in
ten minutes. 5. in. идти по жизни
без усилий, не напрягаясь □ I just
want to get a good job and cruise for
a while. □ I'm cruising just the way I
want now. 6. tr. с лёгкостью изучить
курс □ I ’m gonna cruise that math
course. □ Tom really cruised English
this semester.
cruiser n. автомобиль, скоростной
автомобиль □ This old hog is a real
cruiser. □ I don’t want a yuppie
cruiser, just an old family wagon.
cruising for a bruising и cruisin’
for a bruisin’ I kruzn for э ’ bru/n I
in. искать неприятностей □
are cruising for a bruising, you know
that? □
cruisin' for
crumb [кгэт] n. отвратительный че­
ловек □ The old man was a crumb
and tried to cheat us. □ Micky is a
crumb, and he treats me like dirt.
crumbum [ ’кгэтЬэш] 1. n. отвра­
тительный человек □ A skid row
crumbum asked us for a buck. □ I
gave the crumbum a buck and hoped
he would leave. 2. mod. низкока­
чественный, поганый, вшивый □ /
sent the crumbum food back to the
kitchen. О I want out of this crum­
bum place.
crumby Cm. crummy.
crummy и crumby [ ’krami] mod. вши­
вый, плохой, низкокачественный □
You know, this stuff is pretty crummy.
□ I f s worse than crumby.
crumped out mod: пьяный □ She was
too crumped out to drive herself home.
□ Are you crumped o u t again?
crum something up и crum up som e­
thing tr. запутывать, портить чтолибо □ Now don't
□ Who crummed the bird feeder up?
crunch n. кризис; бюджетный дефи­
цит □ We seem to be in a crunch of
one kind or another all the time. □
The budget crunch meant' that we
couldn't take trips to Europeanymore.
crunchers n. ноги □ M y crunchers are
sore from all this walking. О New
shoes can be hard on your crunchers.
(Военн. См. crunchers.) □ A couple
of crunchies were complaining about
the Army. □ Crunchies have a pretty
hard life.
crust n. наглость, самоуверенность П
It takes crust to sell this stuff to some­
body. You really gotta push. □ She’s
got a lot of crust — coming in here
like that.
crusty mod. грубый, резкий □ Jed is a
crusty old man• D Unlike most crusty,
avuncular old men, Jed hasn't a single
redeeming quality.
crutch 11. держатель для окурка си­
гареты q. • марихуаной О Here’s а
crutch so you can smoke your cripple.
□ I lost my crutch.
cry hughie [ ’krai ’hjui] in. опустошать
желудок, блевать □ H e is in the john
crying hughie. □ I think I gotta go cry
crying drunk mod. пьяный, в пьяных
слезах □ She was crying drunk and
feeling sorry for herself. □ I really
Iwte it when they come in here crying
crying towel n. кто-либо или что-ли­
бо успокаивающее, та “жилетка” , в
которую “ плачут” □ I guess I really
need a crying towel today. □ I ’m the
kind of person who has to carry a cry­
ing towel at all times.
crying w eed n. марихуана (Ср. up
pot.) □ I just have got hold of some
crying weed. This stuff leaves me cold.
□ On a rainy day, crying weed seems
just right.
cry in o n e’s beer in. жаловаться □
She calls up, crying in her beer, and
talk on and on about her problems. □
Don’t cry in your beer. Get yourself
straightened out.
cry ruth |'k rai ’ru0] tr. опустошать
желудок, блевать (См. ruth п. 2.) □
Someone is in the bushes crying ruth. □
/ think I have to cry ruth! Stop the car!
crystal 1. n. кристаллический кокаин
(Нарк. См. crack.) □ I wonder how
much crystal is used in this country
'■'leach day. О Crystal — an older name
for crack — was a favorite many years
ago. 2. n. жидкий “Methedrine'"” в
«Стеклянных ампулах (Нарк.) □ f|
.'feoi! that Wally’s shooting ауфЩШШ:
that true? О M ax has lots of crystal
right now.
crystal joint и krystal joint, crystal T.
ill,;.фенциклидин, P.C .P., транквили­
затор для животных (Нарк.) О Crys' ted joint is not meth, nor is it pot.
These poor kids never really' know
what they're taking. □ That crystal T.
stuff makes me numb all over.
crystallized mod. ойьяНённый “Methed$tte™#§ (H apk.) •’ □ She was one
scared crystallized kid. □ Look at that
kid shake. Look at his pupils. H e is
cube [kjub] 1. n. очень старомодный;
слишком добропорядочный (С ин.
square п. 1.) □ N o t just an L7, a real
cube. □ This nerd was the most un­
believable cube you have ever seen. .
n. игральная кость (Обычно во мн.)
□ Toss те the cubes. □ She shook the
cubes, saying, “Baby needs shoes.r’ 3.
n. кубик сахара, пропитанный Л С Д
(Нарк. Обычно во мн.) □ The cubes
were usually bluish □ First they took it
on cubes. Then on little bits o f paper.
cubehead n. наркоман, употребляю­
щий Л С Д на кубиках сахара (Нарк.)
□ The kid is a confirmed cubehead. О
A few of the cubeheads will drop out of
school each year.
cuckoo Cm. coo-coo.
cuddle bunny n. красотка □ All you
want is a cuddle bunny with big tits!
Grow up, Maxwell Wilson! □ Who is
that cuddle bunny driving the caddy?
cues [kjuz] n. таблетки “ Quaalude™”
(Нарк. От Q .) □ Give her a couple of
cues to help bring her down. О M a x
can get all the cues you want.
cuff tr. отнести расходы на чей-либо
счёт □ Would you cuff this for me.
cuff quote
pietist? □ Sorry, I can't cuff anyMore
for you.
cliff quote n. предельная цена — в
инструкциях биржевому маклеру
(Биржев.) О 1 с ш give you a tuff
quote o f 92, bat don't hold me to it. □
I can give you a cuff quote of 92, but
don't 'hold me to it.
cuffs п. наручники □ / felt the cuffs
tighten and snap shut oh my wrists, о
The cuffs carried the cold of the night
to my bare skin. O f course,
was in­
nocent, but that's not the way it works
in real life.
Cull п. уголовник, шпана □ Who'S the
cull driving the Edsel? О This place is
filled with culls. Let’s split,
culture-vulture 1. n. любитель искус­
ства О Many culture-vultures seem to
be long oh enthusiasm and short on
taste. О A gaggle o f culture-vultures
gawked its way M o the gallery. 2. n.
человек, наживающийся на йскусстве О Mr. Babbit, a well-know
culture-vulture in art circles, never
could pass up a chance to grab up all
the works of an up-and-coming
young artist. О Some culture-vulture
are throwing a wine and cheese party
on behalf o f some o f the young dolts
they have grubstaked.
clsme и cum [kjum] n. средний балл
M y сите is not high enough to get
into law school. □ M y cum Is a
straight A average.
cupcake n. привлекательная жен­
щина О Hey, cupcake, what ya doing?
О Who is that cupcake driving the
cup of tea n. что-либо предпочти­
тельное или желаемое (Часто с
отриц.) □ This drug scene stuff is
just n o t my cup o f tea. О Driving
children around all afternoon is not
my cup o f tea.
curl up and die in. отступить и
умереть (Часто фигурально.) О /
was so embarrassed, I thought I would
just curl up and die. □ The old cat,
finishing up the last of the nine lives,
just curled up and died.
curse n. менструации (Всегда с the.)
О The curse struck this morning. □
Oh, the woes of the curse!
curtains n. смерть (Уголовн.) О It s
curtains for you if you don’t come a
cross. □ Okay, Barlowe, this time it's
cushy t’kujji] mod. легкий, удобный
(От Cushion.) Q He's got sort of a
cushy job. О Thats a cushy kind of
life to lead.
Cuss [kss] 1. n. упрямый или на­
стойчивый человек (Простонар.) □
Jed can be a pretty tough cuss at times.
О Some old cuss Wants you to sharpen
this while he waits. 2. in. ругаться,
материться □ H e’s always cussing in
public. О I ' ll cuSS if I please!
c u ss som eon e out и c u ss out som e­
one tr. жестоко бранить кото—либо о
D on't CUss те out! I can’t take it. D You
can’t cuss out people you don’t know!
cut 1. mod. пьяный □ She's too cut to
drive. 0 H e got Cut on beer, which is
unusual for him. 2. tr. разбавлять
что-либо □ She always cuts her egg­
nog with cola. Yuck! О You can cut
the saltiness with a little sugar. 3. n.
доля награбленного или прибыли
(Первонач. уголовн.) О / want ту
cut now. О You’ll get your cut when
everybody else does. 4. n. одна песня
на пластинке или лазерном диске;
фрагмент музыкальной записи О
This next cut is one everybody likes.
L ets listen to another cut o f the
same album. 5. C m . cut a check. 6. tr,
прекратить что-либо □ Okay, chum,
cut the clowning. □ Cut that noise!
N ot another peep out of you. 7. C m .
able to cut something.
cut a check tr. выписать чек □ We'll
cut the check tonight and send it out
in tomorrow’s mail. О Please cut a
check for Mr. Babbit, Here's the
cut a deal №. сговориться, скрепить
сделку □ Maybe we can cut a deal.
Let’s talk. □ The two lawyers cut a
deal that left me with furniture, al­
though she got the house.
cut and run in. прекращать то, что
делаешь, и спасаться бегством О
The cops were coming, so we cut and
run. □ A t the first warning, we cut
and run.
cut corners tr. делать что-либо с
меньшими затратами □ They're al­
ways finding ways to cut corners. О I
won't cut corners just to save money. I
put quality first.
cyclone (s)
cutie n. умный или привлекательный
человек или вещь (Тж. как об­
ращение.) □ Your baby is a real
cutie. О Come here, cutie, let me fix
your collar.
cutie pie n. умный или привлекатель­
ный человек, обычно женщина или
ребёнок (Тж. как обращение.) О
She is such a cutie pie. О What's your
name, cutie pie?
Cut it out! exclam. “Прекрати!” □ Get
your hands off me! Cut it out! □
That's enough! Cut it out!
cut loose in. уйти, стать независи­
мым, освободиться □ It was hard to
cut loose from home. □ I guess ifs
time I cut loose.
cut no ice (with som eone) tr. не иметь
оказаться не в силах убедить коголибо □ I don't care who you are. It
Cuts no ice with me. О So you’re the
nutyor's daughter. It still cuts no ice.
cut o n e’s lo sses tr. делать что-либо,
что прекратит текущие потери (См.
примеры.) О I knew I had to do
something to cut my losses, but it was
almost too late. □ Sell some of the
high-priced stuff to cut your losses.
cut o n e ’s own throat tr. вредить са­
мому себе □ I f i do that, I'd be Cutting
my own throat. О H e's just cutting his
own throat, and he knows it.
cut o n e’s w olf lo ose tr. напиваться,
уходить в запой □ I ’m gonna go out
and cut my wolf loose tonight. □
You’re going to cut your wolf loose too
often and really get into trouble.
cut out in. уходить, уезжать, бежать □
It 's late. I think I U cut out. □ Don't
cut out now. The night is young.
cut-rate mod. дешёвый, уценённый □
I don’t want any cut-rate stuff. □
Where- are your cut-rate sweaters?
cut som eone in (on something) tr.
разрешить кому-то получить его
долю □ You promised you would cut
me in on this caper. □ We can’t cut
you in. There’s not enough.
cut som eon e off at the pass C m . head
someone off at the pass.
cut som e Z ’s C m . catch some Z ’s.
cut the ch ee se * и cut the mustard*
tr. пердеть (Употр. с остор.) о Who
cut the cheese? □ People who cut the
mustard in the car have to get out
and walk.
Cut the comedy! exclam. “ Стань серь­
ёзным!” , “Прекрати паясничать!” □
Thafs enough, you guys. Cut the
comedy! о Cut the comedy and get to
Cut the crap! exclam. “Прекрати
болтать ерунду!” □
I'v e
enough. Cut the crap! О Cut the crap.
Talk straight or get out.
cut the dust tr. пить спиртное □ I
think I 'l l stop in here and cut the
dust. □ I want to cut the dust. Can I
have a snort?
cut the mustard 1. tr. быть в состоя­
нии сделать что-либо, требующее
и силы
выраж. too old to cut the mustard.) □
D o you really think he can cut the
mustard? О She's not too old to cut
the mustard. 2. C m . cut the cheese.
cut up (about som eone or som e­
новаться о ком-либо или о чём-либо
□ She was all cut up about her
divorce. О You could see how cut up
she was.
cyclone(s) [ ’saiklonz] n. фенциклидин,
P .С.P., транквилизатор для животных
О I thought only kids O .D .ed on cy­
clones. □ What Sam thought was cy­
clones was really caffeine.
D.A. 1. n. “drug addict.” , наркоман
(Нарк.) □ Some old D A . was found
in the river last night. Щ Is M ax a
D.A.P 2. и DA n. “district attorney”,
районный следователь (Первонач.
уголовн.) □ The D.A. is anxious to
put Mr. Big out of business. О Why is
the D A trying to get Bruno.
dad n. мой отец, любой отец, любой
пожилой мужчина (Тж. как об­
ращение. С заглавной буквы, если
относится к отцу говорящего.) О
Hey, Dad, can I use the car tonight?
О Well, dad, how's it going?
daddy (of them all) Cm. granddaddy
( of them a ll).
daffy [ ’dasfi] mod. глупый, безумный
О Kelly was acting daffy because she
was so happy. □ Oh, don't be daffy!
dagw o od (sandwich) [ ’daegwud...] n.
(От персонажа комиксов Dagwood.)
О I really like to make an old-fash­
ioned dagwood sandwich every now
and then. □ How many calories are
there in a dagwood, on the average?
daily - dozen n. ежедневные физиче­
ские упражнения □ I need to day
daily dozen before breakfast. □ A
daily dozen would be good for you.
daily grind n. ежедневная скучная и
утомительная работа (См. тж. rat
race.) □ Well, it’s Monday. Time to
start another week of the daily grind.
□ The daily grind really gets me
daisy n. что-либо великолепное (Ср.
doosie.) □ This little car is a real
daisy. □ I want a daisy o f a haircut.
Something unusual with bangs or
dam age n. цена, размер счёта (за
что-либо) (Ср. bad news.) □ Okay,
waiter. Whafs the damage? □ As soon
as I pay the damage, we can go.
damfool [ ’daemful] mod. глупый (См.
тж. tomfool.) □ What a damfool
idea! □ Stop revving up that damfool
Dammit!* и Dam n!* [ ’daemit и daem]
exclam, проклятие, произносимое
обычно в ярости или возбуждении
(Употр. с остор.) □ That’s mine,
dammit! □ Oh, damn! I'm late!
dam n* 1. C m . Dammit! 2. и dam ned*
mod. проклятый, гнилой, бешеный
(Употр. с остор.) □ Get this damn
mess cleaned up! □ Clean up the
damned mess yourself! 3. n. что-либо
незначительное и дешёвое (Употр. с
остор. Обычно с give.) О I don't give
a damn what you do! □ Who around
here does give a damn?
dam n(ed) sight better* mod. на­
много лучше, значительно лучше
(Простонар. Употр. с остор.) О
This one is a damned sight better
than the old one. О The weather's
not great, but it’s a damn sight bet­
ter than yesterday.
dam n(ed) w ell* [ ’daem(d)’wel] mod.
разумеется, непререкаемо, (чертов­
ски) хорошо (Употр. с остор.) □ You
know damned well I ’m mad! □ I will
damn well be there when I said I
dampen som eon e’s spirits 1. tr.
испортить кому-либо настроение □
The news dampened everyone's spir­
its. □ I hate to dampen your spirits,
but there is a tidal wave headed for
this island. 2. tr. разбавлять спирт­
ное (Игра слов на п.1.) □ Bar­
tender, would you dampen my spirits
a bit? □ I hate to dampen your spirits
this way, but here goes. Say when.
dead from the neck up
dam ps n. барбитураты (Нарк. Анто­
ним amps, амфетамины.) □ Gary
dropped a few damps and felt relaxed.
□ M ax tossed Bruno a couple of
damps and smiled.
danged [daeqd] mod. чёртов (Про­
стонар.) □ Put your danged hat on a
hook! □ Thafs a danged stupid thing
to do.
dap [dsep] mod. хорошо одетый (От
dapper.) □ . Who is that dap looking
dude? □ Man, you look dap!
darb [darb] n. отличная вещь или че­
ловек □ Carl is a real darb. I ’m glad
to know him. □ What a swell darb o f a
dark horse 1. n. неизвестный ранее
участник соревнований или канди­
дат на выборный пост □ The party is
hoping that dark horse will appear
before the election. □ You’d be sur­
prised at how eagerly people will vote
for a dark horse. 2. mod. незнакомый
ранее □ Who would vote for a dark
horse candidate? □ A dark horse
player can win if all the others are
- creeps.
Dash it all! exclam. “О, чёрт!”, “Про­
клятие!” o oh, dash it all! I ’m late.
□ I broke it! Dash it all!
day one n. первый день □ You haven’t
done anything right since day one!
You're fired! □ She was unhappy with
her new car even on day one.
day person n. человек, более акти­
вный днём (Ср. night person.) □ I
am strictly a day person. Have to be in
bed early. □ The Count insisted that
he was not a day person, and he had
to remain on his home ground until
day the eagle files Cm, when the eagle
day-tripper n. турист, совершающий
однодневные поездки □ A t about
4:00 P.M . the day-trippers start thin­
ning out. □ Being a day-tripper is
hard on your feet sometimes.
dead 1. mod. тихий, мирный □ The
day was totally dead. □ What a dead
day! 2. mod. сильно усталый О 1 am
just dead from all that jogging. □ I
. went home from the office, dead as
. usual. 3. mod. скучный, безжи­
зненный, ровный □ This meal is sort
of dead because I am out o f onions. О
The pop went dead because someone
left it open. □ Who wants dead pop?
mod. (о человеке) потерявший
влияние или значение □
dead, Fred. You can’t help us any­
more. □ That guy is dead — out of
power. 5. mod. (о вопросе) уже не
важный, потерявший значение □
Forget it! I t s a dead issue. П The pro­
ject is dead. Don't waste any more
time on it.
dead and gone 1. mod. (о человеке)
давно умерший □ Old G erfs been
dead and gone for quite a spell, о
When I ’m dead and gone, I hope folks
remember me at my best. 2. mod. (o
вещи) давно прошедший □ That
kind of thinking is dead and gone. □
The horse — and — buggy days are
dead and gone.
deadbeat n. человек, не платящий по
счетам и не выплачивающий долгов
□ Pay up! Don’t be a deadbeat. О
Some deadbeat with the same name as
mine ruining my credit rating.
dead broke mod. совершенно разо­
рённый □ I'm dead broke — not a
nickel to my name. □ I'v e been dead
broke for a month now.
dead cinch n. абсолютная уверен­
ность; лёгкая работа О I t s a dead
cinch. I foresee no problems. □ The
job was no dead cinch, but we did it
on time.
dead drunk mod. пьяный; абсолютно
пьяный □ They were both dead drunk.
□ They could only lie there and snore.
□ Marty is dead drunk again.
dead duck n. вещь или человек
обреченный на неудачу, провал □
This whole plan was a dead duck from
the beginning. □ Wally is a dead duck
because he flunked astronomy.
dead easy mod. очень легко □ This
whole job is dead easy. О It was so
dead easy, Frank did it with one'hand.
dead -en d kid n. молодой человек без
перспектив О Kelly wasn’t your typi­
cal dead-end kid. □ M a x was a dead­
end kid from the day he was born.
dead from the neck up 1. mod.
глупый □ Merton seems dead from
the neck, up. □ She acts like she is
dead from the neck up. . mod. кон­
сервативный, не преемлющий новых
идей □ M y uncle is dead from the
neck up- >1 real fossil. D Everyone on
the board of directors is dead from the
neck up.
deadhead 1. n, дурак, глупец □ Who’s
the deadhead in the plaid pants? G
Wow, are you a deadhead! 2. tr. & in.
Садя кого-либо) вернуть ну Стой гру­
зовик, поезд, самолёт и т.п. туда,
откуда тог был отправлен D I dead­
headed back to Ims Angeles, tl Who is
supposed to deadhead this truck to
Miami? 3. it. поклонник рок-группы
“The Grateful Dead” □ What do these
deadheads see in that group? Q M y
son is a deadhead and travels all over
listening to these g ays. w
d e a d h o rse it. в опр ос, потерявш и й
своё значение, особенно, если к нему
постоянно возвращ аю тся (Ч а с т о с
beat, whip.) О .Forget it! D on't waste
time whipping a dead horse. Q The
Whole business is a dead horse.
dead Stt the water mod. неподвижный»
застрявший (Первонач, морское.) О
This whMe ш щгйяу is dead in the
water. □ The project is dead in the
water for the tone being.
d ead issu e п. вопрос потерявший
своё значение О It's a dead issue.
Forget it. □ The question o f my late
arrival is a dead issue.
dead tetter tv и. Письмо, которое
остаётся в почтовом отделении, так
как адресат не существует или ад­
рес ЩПйсан неправильно (О бщ е-
употр.) Ц
4md Mm have
return addresses in them. П Every
now and then they open the dead let­
ters to see if tliey can figure out who
they were meant for. 2. n. вопрос,
потерявший своё значение □ This
contract is a dead letter. Forget it! 0
The mayor's plan for Our raises is a
dead letter.
deadly (dull) mod. очень скучный,
унылый □ The lecture was deadly
dull, and I went to sleep. □ What a
deadly dull prof. О Her story was re­
ally deadly. I am sorry if was avmke
for part of it.
dead man Cm. dead soldier.
dead marine Cm. dead soldier.
deadneck ti. дурак, глупец О What
deadneck put sugar in the salt shaker?
0 Who’s the deadneck who painted the
fence purple?
dead on mod. совершенно правильно
□ That's a good observation, Tiffany.
You are dead on. □ Your criticism is
dead on!
deadpan 1. n. невыразительное лицо
U This guy has a super deadpan. О
Remember the deadpan she used to
put on? 2, it. человек с невыразител­
ьным лицом О The guy’s a perfect
deadpan. О When you come on stage,
look like a deadpan. 3, mod. тупой,
скучный, безжизненный (Обычно о
лице, выражении и т.п.) О What а
deadpan expression! □ Her face is
totally deadpan. О He has such a
deadpan approach to everything.
(dead) ringer (for som eone) n. точное
пОДеййё; двойник кого-либо О You
are sure a dead ringer for my brother.
GJ Isn't he a ringer for Chuck?
dead soldier и dead man, dead ma­
rine, dead one t. и. пустая бутылка
из-под спиртного или пива Q TOSS
your dead soldiers in the garbage,
please* О A dead wtaHne fe ll o ff the
tM e and woke uf> alt the drunks. 2. n.
окурок сигареты
(Реж е, чем в
пункте 1.) Q Не collected dead sol­
diers to me in кыИИиьЙ в v/ШШ ш Л е .
□ The bum found a dead soldier on
the ground and picked it up.
dead to rights Cm. (bang) (dead) to
rights, have SotneOtie dead to tights*.
dead to Hie world 1. mod. крепко
спящий t i After m ffm ш ш т , he’s
dead to the world. О He's dead to the
world, and I
can't rouse hint 2.
пьяный О Six beers and he was dead
to the world. О By midnight almost
everybody was dead to the world.
deadw ood и. плохо или непродуктив­
но работающие люди П W e'll have to
cut costs by getting rid o f the deadwood. Q is there any way to make the
deadwood productive again?
deal 1. n. сделка, уговор О This is a
real deal! О This is no deal. The price
is too high for el cheapo. 2. tr. & in.
перевозить или продавать нарк от ики (Н арк.) □ Max has been dealing
for years. □ He dealt only pills at
firs t v
dealer ii. поставщик или продавец
наркотиков (П арк.) О Yes; Max is а
dealer. Й There вге а Ш o f dealefs Ш
this neighborhood.
deal stock n. пакет акций готовый к
продаже (Биржев.) О 1 try to spot
the deal stocks early and buy them
before others do. □ You can lose « lot
of money on deal stocks, too.
Dear John letter n. письмо, в котором
девушка сообщает своему паршосолдату, что она его больше не
любит О Wally got a Dead John letter
tpday. D Sally sends a Dear John let­
ter about once a month.
Dear me! exclam. “O' боже мой!”,
“Мама родная!” О Dear те! Гт so
sorry. □ Dear те! I ’m late!
death on som eone or something 1. n.
вызывающий смерть или разруше­
ние кого-либо или чего-либо О This
kind of road is just death on tires. P
This candy is death on my teeth. 2. li­
fe something) двигаться на чём-либо
очень быстро или искусно (См. при­
меры.) Р Н е is way fast —1just death
on wheels. О Tod is death on skis. You
ought to see him go.
decent t . mod. хороший, очень хо­
роший P This is some pretty decent
jazz. P Your threads are decent, all
right. 2. mod. относящийся к высоко­
качественным наркотикам (Нарк.)
Р This grass is truly decent.'О You
got any decent dust?
deck 1. tr. сбить кого-либо с ног Р
Fred decked Bob with one blow, P I
was so mad I almost decked him. 2. n.
пачка сигарет P Can you toss me a
deck o f fags, please? P Why don’t you
stop In there and buy a desk? 3. n.
упаковка пакетиков с наркотиком в
порошке (Нарк.) Р M ax always car­
ried a deck held to his wrist by a rub­
ber band. P How much for a desk of
deduck i ’didok ] 1. n. снижение на­
логов, налоговые льготы (От de­
duct.) Р Interest is по longer а
deduck. Р 1 need a few more deduc­
tion from one’s paycheck. 2. и duck
n. вычеты с'чьего—либо банковского
счёта Р More of ту pay goes to de­
ducks than I get myself. P Whafs
this duck for?
deejay Cm. disk jockey.
deep pockets 1. n. хороший источник
денег P We need to find some deep
pockets to finance this venture. P
Deep pockets are hard to find since
the stock market crashed. 2- n, богач
P The lawyer went after the doctor
who was the deep pockets of the or­
ganization. P I want to find the deep
pockets who arranged all this.
d e ep six 1. tr. выбрасывать что-либо
(в т.ч. труп) с корабля в море Р The
captain had them deep six the garbage,
P They deep slxed the body of the first
mate who had died of the shakes, 2. n.
похороны в море (Всегда с the.) Р
They gave her the deep six with full
honors, P I think I ’d want the deep
six, but I ’M probably kick off on dry
land- 3. tr. убить кого-ли бо (У г о ло в н .) Р M r. B ig ordered Bruno to
deep six Max, P The thugs tried to
deep six the witness, but failed. 4. tr*
выбросить что-либо P Таке this old
thing out and deep six It- P I ’ve got to
deep six this old T.V, set■ 5, n. могила
(Всегда с the, Могилы обычно глу­
биной 6 футов.) Р When you know the
deep six is fhe end of the line no mat­
ter who you are, it makes you take life
less seriously. P The deep six can’t be
made attractive to many people,
def [dsf] mod. лучше (Негрит. От
definitive.) P Man, that yogurt is def!
P What a def set of threads!
defrosted mod. расквитаться с тем,
кто оскорбил или разозлил ко го либо (Негрит. См. chill, ice.) Р Bob
was finally defrosted when he insulted
Alice. P H e yelled at her till he was de­
frosted, and then things settled down,
Delhi belly [ ’ddi belt] n. понос, осо­
бенно у туристов в Индии О I ’ve got
something you can take for Delhi
belly. P I ’ve got a touch of the Delhi
belly and will have to miss the Taj
dellsh [da’liJlJ mod. восхитительный,
прелестный (От delicious.) P Oh,
this cake is just delish, P What a
delts fdelts] n. дельтовидные мышцы
(Атлетизм) P Look at the delts on
that dame! P How do you get delts
like that?
demo [ ’demoj 1, и dem [dem] n. пред­
ставитель, член демократической
партии р A couple o f dems are run­
ning for the caucus, but no other party
is represented, P Which demos are
they? 2. п. демонстрация, показ чето-
либо О Can I have a dem o o f this
model? О Hey, Chuck, give this man a
demo. 3. n. автомобиль илц другая
машина или устройство выставлен­
ное продавцом на витрину □ I, сап
give you a demo for half price. О D o
you have any demos? 4. tr. демонстри­
ровать что-либо (кому-либо) □ Let
me demo this for you so you can see
h o w f a w r k M A Will someone p le ^ e
d emo thm сотри ter? 5. tr. проде­
монстрировать кому-либо (что-ли­
бо) (См. примеры.) □ I'v e got to go
demo these people on this software. □
Can you demo me before you go?
dem s [d E m ^ il. Cm. detno п.\Л.-ц2. n.
“ Demerof “§e(HapK.) □ Dems are easy
to get in a hospital. O .y h e nurse was
hooked On dems.
d es |dis) n. декабрь (Биржев. Для
фьючерсных сделок.) □ The bean fu­
tures for des fell out of bed yesterday.
О Are these figures des or March?
desk jockey n. человек, работающий
в конторе за письменным icT^ifxM
(Игра слов на disc jockey.) □ .£/
couldn't stand being a cooped-up desk
i jockey. □ The desk jockeys at our
place don’t get paid very well.
destroyed mod., опьянённый наркоти­
ком О . The kid who took angel dust is.
destroyed fnost f.m $ p/ne* □ Wow,
what happened to Molly? She looks
1. n. дьявол, чё;рТ'
(Bcetyia с tHeiyЩ щ Ц -knock the deuce
out of you if you come around here
again: □ Get the deuce out of here! .
n. двойка (в картах) □ I f I could
only get a deuce. □ Ah, here's the
deuce I need. ■3,|Врдва доллара □
Can you loan me a deuce till payday?
□ Sure, here's .a deuce. Don't spend
all in one place. 4. n. два года
тюремнбго заключения
□ Left$ served id deuce up the river.
□ The D.A. made sure that Bruno got
more than a deuce.
devil of a time n. очень трудные
времена (Всегда с the.) □ I had the
devils, ow n'tim e with may taxes. О
This cold has been giving mep, deyil df,
a time. ■
devil’s own time n. очень тру;шые|
времена, тяжёлое время □ I had the
deviC-$. own time with these tax farms.
□ M y gout, is giving me the devils own
dew 1. Cm. (mountain) . dew. 2. n.
конопля (Нарк.) □ M ax always has
some dew within a few yards o f him. О
You got any decent de^t&i§
dex и dexo, dexy |dcks и ’dckso, ’dtksi)
i t “Dexedrine'V1 амфетамин. (Нарк.
и больнич.) О They-used to give away
dex at the infirmary like it was aspirin.
О In the past, a lot o f people used dexies
just to get perked up.
dexed MdekstJc- mod.
Jlf-pexedrine’v” (Нарк, Син. ‘ffigh.) О
Gert was dexed half out of her mind.
О Larry was sort of jumpy and dexed.
dexo Cm. dex.
dexy Cm. dex,
dialog tr. попытатьсяi обмануть и ,т
соблазнить кого-либо О Just- let пи;
dialog her for a while; then you’l l see
some action. □ Ron was dialoging this
dame when her brother came in.
diamond in the rough n. человек, с
большими задатками-, • человек с
поведением □ Sam looks a little
tacky, but he's a diamond in the
rough. О H e's a diamond in the rough
'щ Л a little hard to take at times; but
, okay mostly. .
diarchea of the mouth и diarrhea
o f the jaw bone n. воображаемая
болезнь, сопровождающаяся посто­
янной бодтовнёЩ “словесный ионОс”И и Wow, does h e . ever have
diarrhea of the mouth! □ You're get­
ting diarrhea of the jawbone again.
dibs on something phr, пpитязан0с.
на что-либо (См. примеры*) □Ijjfee
got dibs on the yellow one! О Dibs on
the front seat!
dicey I’daisi] mod. рискованный, не­
определённый (Chhj touch and go.).'
□ Things are just :a>little.dU^tfght
O fiiS i iWorking- i m f a -d £ ^ : deal
(he city _пф : Ш> ъф;
dick* 1. П- др-тектив, офицер поли. ции (Уголовн. От .sj<$0gtiiye:) U
Some dicks.'. were abound looking for
you. □ Barlowe is a private dick who
has to keep one, step ahead of/the
cops. 2.* n. мужской член (Употр. с
остор.) □ She told some dirty .joke
about a dick, but everybody.kjust sat
there and looked straight ahead. □
1 0
covered, his dick and stooped down,
then reached up to pull down the
shade. 3.* n. дурак, тупица (обычно
мужчина) (Употр. с остор. Тж. как
провокац. обращение.) □ You stupid
dick! □ What stupid dick put this
thing here in the way?
dickens 1. n. дьявол, чёрт (Всегда с
the.) □ She was going to kick the dick­
ens out of me. О I left as bad as the
dickens, but what could I do? 2. n.
проказливый или злобный ребёнок
(Тж. как обращение.) □ Come here,
you little dickens. О You are suck a
cute little dickens!
dicty [ ’dikti] mod. снобистский (Н е ­
грит.) □ Those people can be so dicty!
□ That dicty lady told me I could
come to the back to get a tip if I
diddenwhacker ( ’ didijMaek^l n. без­
делуш ка, устройство, штучка, □
Where is the diddenwhacker that opens
the end of this? □ I lost the little did­
denwhacker that fits in this slot.
diddle* 1. tr. обманывать, облапоши­
вать кого-либо □ The clerk diddled
me so 1 reported her. □ Thats good
place to get diddled. You gotta watch
them in there. 2.* tr. & in. совершать
половой акт (Употр. с остор.) □ I
didn't think they’d diddle right there
in the film. О I'm tired of hearing who
has diddled whom in Hollywood.
diddle with something in. играть(ся)
с чем-либо О Here, don't diddle with
that watch О Stop diddling with your
hose, Jimmy!
diddly-squat и (doodly-)squat [ ’ didliskwat и ’dudliskwat] n. ничего (Прос­
тонар. Первонач, негрит. или южн.)
□ This contract isn't diddly-squat. □ I
get paid almost doodly-squat for a full
day's work.
D.I.D.O. и DIDO phr. “ dreck in,
dreck out” , “Что посеешь, то по­
жнёшь” (Компьют. акроним. См.
dreck, то это потому, что вы этот
dreck туда засунули.
G .I.G .O .) □ A s a programmer, I
specialize in D ID O . □ Look at this
stuff that the printer put out. What
is it? Oh, well. D.I.D.O.
die in. умереть (фигурально) от смеха
или другой эмоциональной реакции
□ The whole audience died laughing.
О H e laughed till he died.
die on som eon e 1, in. (для пациента)
умереть на чьём-либо попечении □
Get that medicine over here fast, or this
guy's gonna die on me. □ Come on, mis­
ter, d o n ’t die on m e! 2 in. (для
устройства) прекратить действовать
0 M y car died on те, and I couldn’t get
it started. □ M y stereo died on me, and
1 had to listen to the radio.
diff [dif] n. разница (От difference.) □
Aw, come on! What's the diff? О The
diff is about twenty dollars worth of
repairs, thats what.
differential n. ягодицы (Син. rear
(e n d ).) □ I got a little ache in the
differential. П You're walking like
there’s something wrong with your
different strokes for different folks
phr. “ У каждого свой вкус.” (Под­
колка.) □ D o whatever you like.
Different strokes for different folks. □
Different strokes for different folks.
That’s what I always say.
dig 1. tr. & in. понимать что-либо □ I
just don’t dig what you are saying О
Sorry. I just don’t dig. 2. tr. любить
что-либо, предпочитать что-либо О
Н е really digs classical music. □ Do
you dig chocolate?
digs n. жилище, жильё (включая всю
обстановку) О You got some pretty
swell digs, here. □ Nice digs. You like
it here?
Dig up! exclam. “Слушай!”, “Будь
внимательным!” , “Раскрой уши!”
(Негрит.) □ Did up, man! This is
important. □ Shut up and dig up!
dike* [d a ik ] n. лесби янка, гомо­
сексуальн ая ж енщ ина (У п о т р . с
остор. Счит. оскор.) О Why does she
work so hard to look like a dike? О
Who's the dike i the cowboy boots?
dildo* I’dildo] n. дурак (обычно муж­
чина) (От названия искусственного
мужского полового члена. Употр. с
остор.) □ Hank can be such a dildo
sometimes. □ You silly dildo!
dilly n. что-либо великолепное □ This
little car is a real dilly. □ What a dilly
of an apartment!
dilly-dally in. тратить время □ Stop
dilly-dallying around. □ I like to
dilly-dally over a cup o f coffee.
dim bulb
dim bulb n. скучный или глупый
человек □ George seems to be a dim
bulb, but he’s a straight-A student. □
1 feel such a dim bulb when I do
thinks like that.
dime—dropper п. осведомитель (У го ­
ловн. Чтобы позвонить в полицию,
осведомитель долж ен опустить в
телефон—автомат монетку в 10
центов (dime). См. тж. drop a dime.)
I think that Molly is the dime-dropper who caused the roust. □ The fuzz
protects its dime-droppers with every­
thing they've got.
dim e s to re n. контора, которая так
м ала, что в ней постоянный бе­
спорядок О I can’t stand this dime store
anymore. This is no way to run a law
firm □ Things move so fast around here
that we have become a dime Store rather
than an accounting office.
dimwit [ ’dimwit] n. дурак, тупица
(Тж. как грубое обращение.) О Oh,
Dave, you can be such a dimwit! О
Come on, now, you're not really a
dinero [di’nero] n. деньги Шспан.) о
/ don't have as much dinero as I
need, but other than that, I ’m doing
okay. □ You got some dinero I can
ding tr. прострелить, выбить, ударить
что-либо О The bullet dinged Rocko’s
right arm. Q The rock dinged my left
d in g -a-lin g [ ’diipli] n. бестолковый
человек, человек испытывающий
головокружение (у которого в ушах
колокольный звон) Q This d in g -a ling comes up and asks me for a dollar
for the orphans. I tell her I got all the
orphans I can use at any price, о
Who's the ding-a-ling who painted the
windows stuck?
dingbat 1, п. приспособление, штуч­
ка, безделушка О Isn't there sup­
posed to be a little red dingbat that
goes ih this hole? tt Is this the dingbat
.you ш ап? . « . дурак, ш упецО who
is five dingbat with Merton? О That’s
no dingbat; that's his sister. 3. n.
любой неприятный человек (Тж.
как грубое обращение.) О Look,
dingbat, stop laughing! О I ’m tired of
reading about that dingbat in the
paper every day.
dinged out mod. пьяный □ Gary is
dinged out and can’t drive. □ H e got
dinged out on a couple o f quarts of
dingus [ ’diggas] n. штучка, устрой­
ство, предмет □ I have a little dingus
that helps me clean Venetian blinds. □
Toss me one of those dinguses that
holds' the wire in the groove, will ya?
dingy [ ’digi] mod. чокнутый, легко­
мысленный □ That friend o f yours
sure does act dingy sometimes. □ Tell
the dingy drip to forget it. □ I ’m not
dingy, I ’m just in love.
dinky [ ’digki] mod. маленький, мень­
ший О Isn’t this a little dinky for a $
14 steak? о I 'l l take the dinky one.
I ’m on a diet.
dip 1. n. пьяница (От dipsomaniac.)
□ Buy the dip a drink. That 11 shut
him up for a while. □ A dip hung
around outside the tavern, mooching
coin for drinks. 2
n. вор-кар­
манник (Уголовн.) О Watch out for
dips at the racetrack. О The dip
tried a snatch, but the dupe turned
around at the wrong time. 3. n.
понюшка табака или порция жева­
тельного табака D Н е took a dip
just before he picked up the bat. П
After the hit, he got another dip, 4.
n. табачная жвачка □ You could
see he had a big dip in his cheek □
I won't tell you what he did with
the dip when he was finished with
it 5. Cm. dipshit.
diphead Cm. dipshit,
dippy mod. сумасшедший, чокнутый
О Who is that dippy chick with the
lamp shade on her head? □ Tom is
dippy, but fun.
dipshit* и dip, diphead, dipstick n.
дурачок, ничтожество (Син. jerk.
Употр. с остор.) О Why are you ac­
ting like such a diphead? О Is there a
convention of dipsticks or something
here today?
dipso [’dipso] п. пьяница, алкоголик
(O f dipsomaniac. См. тж. dip.) D
Oh, / didn’t realize she was a dipso. 0
S m s sort af a closet dipso.
dipstick Cm. dipshit.
dipsv ( ’dipsi) mod. пьяный (См, dip.)
□ I think that Jed is permanently
dipsy. □ The cap pulled the dipsy
dame over and arrested her.
dirt 1. n. низкий, бесполезный чело­
век О Н е is just dirt. О I am not
dirt. I'm just temporarily financially
embarrassed. . n. скандал; компро­
метирующие сведения (Син. dirty
linen.) □ Whafs the dirt on Molly?
/ don't want to know about any­
body's dirt!
dirt cheap mod. очень дешёвый □ /
picked this thing up dirt cheap. □
Get one o f these while they're dirt
dirt g r a s s n. низкокачественная
конопля (Нарк.) □ This junk is just
dirt grass! □ M a x will buy anybody’s
dirt grass and sell it to some punk.
dirty 1. mod. непристойный, непо­
требный □ You have a dirty mind. □
The niovie was too dirty for me. 2.
mod. низкий, подлый □ What a dirty
trick! □ That was really dirty! □ What
a dirty thing to do! 3. mod. выка­
зывающий знаки пристрастия к нар­
котикам (Нарк.) □ The cops saw that
Molly was dirty and locked her up,
hoping that her need for drugs would
force her to “cooperate.’' □ John’s
dirty even though he says otherwise.
dirty crack n. грубая реплика □
Who made that dirty crack? □
Another dirty crack like that and I'll
dirty deal п. нечестная сделка □ That
was a dirty deal.
feel cheated. О I
got a dirty deal at that shop, and I
won’t go back.
dirty dog п. низкий, подлый человек
O What a low, dirty dog. □ That dirty
dog tried to get fresh with me!
(dirty) dozens п. перепалка, обмен
оскорбительными репликами о род­
ственниках (Негрит. Всегда с the.)
О Man, wfmfs with уш ? Always the
dirty dozens. You just gotta start
something all the time. D Freddy is
out giving the dozens to Marty,
dirty joke 1. n. неприятная, пошлая
шутка O Fred told a dirty joke that
shocked almost everyone. О N o dirty
jokes around here. We get enough of
that on television. 2. n. очень уродли­
вый иди очень глупый человек □
Look at that face. That is a dirty joke.
Merton is sort of a dirty joke tlmt
nobody can laugh at.
dirty laundry См. следующую фразу.
dirty linen и dirty laundry n. скандал;
компрометирующая личная инфор­
мация О / wish you wouldn't put our
dirty linen out for everyone to see. □
I'v e heard enough about her dirty
dirty look n. взгляд, призванный вы­
разить неудовольствие сказавшим
или сделавшим что-либо О I gave him
a dirty look, and he took his arm off my
shoulder. □ What is that dirty look mean
to mean?
dirty-minded mod. выискивающий во
всём двусмысленности или пош­
лости □ Bruno is sort of dirtyminded, but he wouldn't do anything
really vile. □ H e's a vile, dirtyminded jerk. О Most o f those are
dirty mouth 1. n. человек, постоянно
ругающийся или говорящий непри­
стойности (См. bad-mouth.) О You
are getting to be quite a dirty mouth,
Gary. □ Some dirty mouth yelled out
the most obscene things during the
meeting. 2, tr. ругать кого-либо или
что- либо (См. тж. bad-mouth.) Р
Please stop dirty ntsuthing friends, p
You have dirty mouthed cats just
about enough.
dirty old man n. распутный старик
(Обычно шут.) О Jimmy, you are
getting to be dirty old man! □ What
a terrible joke. You are a dirty old
dirty pool n. деятельность, связанная
с нечестными или подлыми действи­
ями О They're playing dirty pool now.
This calls for a new plan. Q When
they start playing dirty pool, ifs time
to get mean.
dirty word n. ругательство или непри­
стойность Q N o dirty words are al­
lowed on this computer bulletin board.
tJ Some kid got the microphone and
yelled a dirty word into it.
dirty w ork 1. n. трудная, сложная,
у томительная работа О Who do I al­
ways get stuck with the dirty work? О
We should share the dirty work evenly.
2. п.,подлые действия О I hear that
Sam is up to his Old dirty work again.
Q H e is a master at dirty work.
disc jockey Cm. disk jockey.
discom bobulate Jdiskam’ babplet] tr.
запутывать кого-либо □ That kind of
discussion discombobulates me some­
thing awful. О Don’t let the heat o f the
argument discombobulate you.
discom bobulated
и discom boobulated [ diskam’ babjsledad и diskam
’ bubjaledad] 1. mod. ошеломлённый
0 I get completely discombobulated
when I think o f figures that big. □ I ’m
so discomboobulated these days! □
She is one discombobulated gal. 2.
mod. пьяный О From the way she is
walking, I'd say she is discombobu­
lated. □ You’d be discomboobulated,
too, if you’d drunk as much as she
dish n. красивая женщина □ Wow,
isn’t she a dish? □ Now there’s a
good-looking dish.
dishrag Cm. limp dishrag.
dish something out и dish out som e­
thing 1. tr. подавать на стол (Общеупотр.) □ I ’ll dish it out, and you
take it to the table. □ Careful how you
dish out the mashed potatoes. There
may not be enough. . tr. разносить
новости □ The press secretaries were
dishing out reports as fast as they
could write them. □ The company
dishes out propaganda on a regular
basis. 3. tr. приносить неприятности;
бранить, критиковать □ The boss was
dishing out criticism this morning,
and I really got it. □ The teacher
dished out a scolding to each one who
was involved in the prank,
dish the dirt tr. распространять слухи,
сплетничать □ Let’s sit down, have a
drink, and dish the dirt. О David goes
down to the tavern to dish the dirt.
dish jockey и deejay, disc jockey,
D.J., DJ n. диск-жокей; диктор ра­
дио, объявляющий песни (Ср. desk
jockey.) О The disk jockey could not
pronounce the name of the singing
group. □ I was a D.J. for a while, but
1 didn't like it.
ditch 1. tr. избавиться от чего-либо,
бросить что-либо □
The crooks
ditched the car and continued on
foot. □ The flyboy ditched the plane
in the lake and waded ashore. . tr.
& in. избегать, увиливать от коголибо или чего-либо □ Tod ditched
class today. □ I f you ditch too
often, they'll throw you out of the
dither [ ’did?] n. состояние обалдения
(См. in a dither.) □ I'm too far gone
with this dither to sleep. □ A dither
like that is hard to break out of.
Maybe a good nights sleep would
ditsy и ditzy [ ’ditsi] mod. наглый, пи­
жонский, снобистский □ Who is that
ditsy old girl who just came in? О This
table is so ditzy — gold artillery and
such — and I would just like to sit
here and eat some grits or something.
ditz [dits] n. рассеянный, глуповатый
человек □ You silly ditz! □ I'm get­
ting to be such a ditz!
dive n. питейное заведение низкого
пошиба О I don’t think I want to
spend the whole evening in this dive.
□ Hey, this dive ain’t bad.
divot [ ’divat] n. хохол; волосы рас­
тущие вверх на лбу или затылке
(См. тж. rug.) □ I think that Sam is
wearing a little divot. □ His divot
slipped, but no one laughed.
divvy [ ’divi] n. доля чего-либо (См.
следующ. вокаб.) □ How much is my
divvy? □ Give me my divvy so I can
go home.
divvy something up и divvy up som e­
thing tr. делить что-либо □ They
divvied up the fish and drove back to
the city. □ We had to diWy my aunt's
things up after her death.
dizzy mod. глупый, рассеянный □ The
prof is a little dizzy, but entertaining.
□ Who is that dizzy dame?
D.J. C m . disk jockey.
do 1. n. вечеринка, сборище вообще
□ We had a smashing time at your
little do. □ I'm having a do for a
friend this weekend. Would you like to
come? . tr. & in. употреблять нар­
котики (См. тж. do a line, do drugs.)
□ Is Molly doing dust again? □ Molly
never stopped doing. She just switched
from dust to splash. 3. и doo n. при­
чёска O Nice do. Is it new? □ I can’t
go out in this rain and get my doo wet!
4. Cm. must do. 5. in. хорошо по­
служить какой-либо цели (Обычно
с will или won’t.) Q This will do quite
nicely. О Oh, yes, this will do. О That
won’t do at all! 6. Cm. doo-doo.
D.O.A. и DOA 1. mod. “ dead on ar­
rival.” мёртв по прибытии (Больнич.) □ The kid was D.O.A. and there
(dog) biscuits
d o c(s)—in—а-b o x n. пункт медицин­
was nothing anybody could do. □ D o
ской помощи в торговом центре
you want to end up D.O.A. 2. n.
(См. тж. M cD o cto r(s).) □ I was cut
человек, мёртвый по прибытии в го­
and went immediately to the d o c s-in спиталь □
They brought in two
a-box in the mall. □ The d o c -in -th e D.O.A.s Saturday night. □ Drugs in­
box finally closed because o f lack of
crease the number of D.O.A. 3. n.
P.C.P. фенциклидин (Нарк.) □ The
doctor’s orders n. что-то, что насто­
kids use D.O.A. no matter what. □
ятельно советуют сделать; “то, что
Stay away from D.O.A. There's a good
доктор прописал” О I have to spend
reason why it’s called that.
a month in Arizona. Doctor’s orders.
do a dump on som eone or som e­
□ I'm doing this on doctor's orders,
thing и dump all over som eone or
but I don't like it.
something, dump on som eone or
dodge [d a d }] n. обман, жульничество
something tr. критиковать что-либо
□ What sort o f dodge did you get flim или кого-либо; уничтожать чтоflammed with? О Gary has a new
либо или кого-либо □ There is по
dodge to make money, but he hasn't
need to do a dump on me. I didn't
made any yet.
wreck your car. □ The boss — mad as
do drugs и do dope tr. принимать
a wet hen — dumped all over me. □
наркотики постоянно (Нарк. сейчас
That rotten jerk really did a dump on
общеупотр.) □ Rocko doesn’t do
my car. Look at that fender!
drugs, and he doesn't drink. О M a x
do a fade tr. уйти, уехать □ Max did
started doing dope when he was very
a fade when he saw the pig-mobile. □
It's time for me to do a fade.
dog 1. n. нога (Обычно во мн.) □ M y
do a job on som eone or something
dogs are killing me. □ I gotta get
tr. разрушить что-либо, избить
home and soak my dogs. 2 n. урод­
кого-либо О The cops did a job on
ливая девушка О I ’m no dog, but I
Rocko, but he still wouldn’t talk. □
could wish for some changes. □ So
There's no need to do a job on me,
she's not a movie star; she’s not a
man, I ’ll tell you everything I know —
dog either! 3. n. что-либо ненужное
which is zip. □ That punch sure did a
или бесполезное; неходовой товар □
job on my nose. 2. Cm. do a number
Put the dogs out on the sale table so
on someone.
people will see them. □ They even
do a line tr. вдыхать дозу наркоти­
bought all the dogs this year. Sales
ков в порошке, обычно кокаин
Were great. 4. n. собачьи испражне­
(Нарк.) D M ax slipped into a door­
ния (См. dog-doo.) □ There’s some
way to do a line. О Ernie has to do
dog on the lawn. □ Don’t step in the
a line about every four hours —
dog. 5. tr. следовать за кем-либо □
night and day.
The cop dogged Lefty for a week. □
do a number on som eone и do a job
Stop dogging me, you twit! 6. tr. (o
on som eone tr. нанести вред комумыслях) преследовать □ Will this
либо; обмануть кого-либо □ The IR S
memory dog me all the days of my
really did a number on me. □ M y
life? О The thought o f all that cake
local friendly plumber did a job on me
and ice cream dogged me all during
cleaning out my drain.
my diet.
do a slow burn tr. тихо злиться (См.
d o g a n d p o n y s h o w n. часто
тж. slow burn.) о I did a slow burn
повторяемое шоу, демонстрация или
while I was getting my money back, □
речь О Wally was there with his dog and
was doing a slaw burn, but I didn't
pony show about water safety. □ I ’ve
let it show.
seen that dog and pony show so many
do a snow jo b on som eone tr.
times, it’s like I know all the words.
кого(dog) biscuits [ ’dogbiskits] n. пей­
либо О D o not try to do a snow job on
отль, кактус пейотль (Нарк. См. тж.
me. I know all the tricks. □ She
gorilla biscuits.) □ Jim brought a big
thought she did a snow job on the
bag of dog biscuits into the room. □
teacher, but it backfired.
He dumped the biscuits on the table
and said, I Dig inГ
d o g -d o o и do g-d e w , dog—do [ ’dag
du] n. собачьи испражнения (См.
тж. do.) □ Don’t step in the dog-doo.
О When the snow melts, the sidewalks
are covered with dog-doo.
d o g -e a t-d o g mod. жестокий; с силь­
ной конкуренцией О This is a d ogeat-dog world, o It’s dog-eat-dog out
do gface n. пехотинец (II миров, вой­
на. Тж. как обращение.) □ Get those
dogface over here on the double. О
Did I see a salute, dogface?
d oggo [ ’dogo) mod. спрятанный, ожи­
дающий (См. lie doggo.) D This error
was there, doggo, for nearly thirty years.
Here is another one o f your doggo
deadbeats on this list.
d o ggon e(d ) [ ’do’g o n (d )] mod. чёртов,
проклятый (Син. dam n(ed).) О /
sort o f wish my hooter wasn’t so dog­
gone big. П Who made this doggoned
doggy b ag
[ ’doglbaeg]
п. пакет,
предлагаемый\в ресторане, для несъеденной еды, которую можно
забрать с собой □ D o you have а
doggy bag for my mousse? □ We do
not have doggy bags, but we do
supply foil.
dog meat n. мертвец (Обычно в угро­
зе. См. пример.) □ Make one move,
and you're dog meat. □ They pulled
another hunk of gangland dog meat
out of the fiver.
d o -g o o d e r { ’duguda-] п. человек, по­
стоянно докучающий своей по­
мощью (Часто унизит.) □
do-gooders are demanding a bigger
cut of the pie. О I don't consider my­
self a do-gooder, but I try to help
Do 1 have to paint (you) a picture? и
Do I have to draw (you) a picture?
interrog. “Всё ещё не понял?” , “На
пальцах тебе показать” □ This is
supposed to be easy. D o I have to
paint a picture? □ D o I have to draw
you a picture, or can you visualize
dojigger и doojigger [ ’dudjiga-] п. ус­
тройство, безделушка, штучка о А
doojigger like this is worth about a
quarter, but you’ll pay
times that
for it. □ Whafs this little dojigger
doll 1. п. красивая девушка или жен­
щина О Who's the doll I saw you with
last night? □ That doll was my sister,
jerk. 2. п. пилюля (Нарк. Обычно во
мн.) □ She took stuff, yeah, but only
dolls. □ Taking dolls is different from
shooting up.
dom ajig(ger) и dom ajiggus [ ’ dumadj i g ( ^ ) и ’ dumadygas) n. устройство,
безделушка, штучка О There is sup­
posed to be a little domajig which fits
in right here. О Is this the domajiggus
you’re talking about?
dom e-doctor n. психолог или психи­
атр □ They sent me to a dome-doctor,
but it didn't help. □ The dome-doctor
lets me talk while he keeps score.
domestic n. марихуана, выращенная
в С Ш А (Нарк.) D M ost o f the stuff
on the streets is domestic, no matter
what they call it. О The South Ameri­
can sources are all busy smuggling in
cocaine, so domestic is getting a big
done [don или dan] n. метадон
(Нарк.) О They make the addicts take
the done right there so they won't go
out and setl it. □ Ernie gets done from
a clinic.
done by mirrors и done with mirrors
mod. иллюзорный, намеренно об­
манчивый □ The whale budgetary
process is done with mirrors. О The
self-review was done by mirrors and
didn't come off too baddone deal n. завершённая сделка;
что-либо уже решённое О I f s too
late. I f s a done deal О The sale of
the property is a done deal. There is
nothing that can be done now.
done for mod. мёртвый, обречённый
О I ’m sorry, this whole scheme is
done for. □ I knew I was done for.
done over mod. побитой, побеждён­
ный □ The other team was done Over,
and they knew it □ Bruno felt that
M ax would get the idea if he was done
over a little.
done to a turn 1. mod. хорошо при­
готовленный □ The entire meal was
done to a turn. О The turkey was done
to a turn. 2. mod. побитый, побежд­
ённый Q when Wilburs opponent was
done to a turn, Wilbur was declared
do oneself proud
the winner. □ M ax was done to a turn,
and Bruno walked away.
donkey’s breakfast n. что-либо сде­
ланное из соломы: шляпа, матрас и
т.п.) □
don’t really want to sleep on
a donkey's breakfast, but it's better
than the floor. □ The tourist was wear­
ing a red dress and had a donkeys
breakfast on her head.
donkey’s years n. долгое время □ I
haven't seen you in donkeys years. □
It’s been donkey's years since we
donnybrook n. спор, стычка, пота­
совка О There was a big donnybrook
at the concert, and the police were
called. □ Who started this donny­
D o n 't ask sent. “ И не сп раш и вай .”
(Ответ так мрачен, что тебе его лучше
не слышать.) Р How am I? Don’t ask.
□ This has been a horrible day. How
horribler you say? Don't ask.
Don’t ask me. sent. “Я тоже не знаю.”
(С ударением на т е .) О I don't know.
Don’t ask me. □ Don't ask me. I wasn't
Don’t call us, w e ’ll call you. sent,
стандартная формула, при собе­
седовании с кандидатом на рабочее
место О Thank you, Eddie Evans.
Don’t call us, we’ll call you. a Stu­
pendous, Gloria, just stupendous.
What glamour and radiance! Don’t
call us, we'll call you.
Don’t give it another thought, и Don’t
give it a second thought, sent. “Это
мелочи. He думай об этом” . О No
problem. Don't give it another thought.
D Yes, the vase is broken, but don’t
give it a second thought It was old
anyway — about 400 years.
D on’t give it a second thought. C m .
предыдущую фразу.
D on’t I know it! exclam, “ Это действи­
тельно правда!” , “Мне ли не знать!”
□ It’s bad all right D o not I know it!
□ Late? Don’t I know it I ’m yawing
like hot cakes.
Don’t make m e faugh! exclam. “He
смеши меня!” , “Это глупое предло­
жение!’* О You are judge? Don’t таке
me laugh! О D on't таке те laugh.
Toni could never do that.
Don’t sw eat Ml exetem. “ He бе­
спокойся об этом!” О N o problem.
Don’t sweat it! □ Don’t sweat it! We'll
take care o f it.
Don’t you wish! и You wish! exclam.
“Я уверен, что тебе этого хочется.”
You think you'll win? Don’t you
wish! □ There’s no school tomorrow?
You wish!
doo C m . do.
d o ob a ge [ ’dubidj] п. тайный запас
марихуаны (См. stash. Нарк.) О The
dorm counselor found my doobage. О
Is there a bridge in your doobage?
doobie и dooby, duby [ ’dubi] n. си­
гарета с марихуаной, толстая си­
гарета с марихуаной (Нарк-) □ М ах
sells doobies like they were candy. П
Want a doobie?
[ ’ dudaed] n. устройство,
безделушка, штучка □ What are these
tittle doodads? P I don’t know what
they're called. I f they had names, they
wouldn’t be doodads, now would they?
doodly-squat C m . diddly-squat.
d o o -d o o [ ’dudu] 1. и (d o -)d o [ ’dudu]
n. испражнения (Особенно живот­
ных. См. dog-doo.) □ Don't step in the
doo-doo. о There's a lot of pigeon d o o doo in the attic. 2. in. испражняться
(Детск.) Q Jimmy was reminded that
he had to remember to docr-doo in the
potty. Q H e has to d o o -d oo before he
goes to bed, too.
doofer и dufer |’dul>] n. (найденная
или выпрошенная) сигарета, зату­
шенная, чтобы докурить её впослед­
ствии (От do for.) □ Sam always has
a doofer stuck behind his ear. О H e
takes two fags, one to smoke and a
doohickey См. слйдующ. вокаб.
doojigger и doohickey [ ’dudji&zr и
’duhlM] n. устройство, безделушка,
штучка О Toss me that little red doo­
hickey, will you? □ Jim has one of
those doohickies that will tighten the
bit in the drill
do one’s dam nedest* tr. сделать так
хорошо, как только возможно (У п о ­
треб. с остор.) о I don’t know if I
can, but Г U do my damnedest. □ T U
do my damnedest to get it done on
do oneself proud tr. “хорошо пора­
ботать” O That's super! You’ve done
yourself proud! □ I feel like I'v e done
myself proud.
do one’s (own) thing
do o n e’s (own) thing tr. делать то,
окружающих □ She's going to start
doing her own thing for a change. □
I ’ve always done my thing, and I don’t
see a great amount of benefit from it.
d o -o r-d ie mod. старающийся так сил­
ьно, как только можно О Н е has ob­
sessive d o-o r-d ie attitude. □ I was
determined to get there — do-or-die.
doormat n. слабовольный человек,
которого используют другие □ I al­
ways feel like a doormat. □ Why do
people treat me like a doormat?
doors и dors [dorz] n. успокоител­
ьное “Doriden™” (Нарк.) □ Dors
aren't seen in this neighborhood any­
more. О Doors can really get you
doosenwhacker [ ’ duzijMaeka-] n. без­
делушка, устройство, штучка □
Where is the doosenwhacker that
opens the end of this? □ I lost the
little doosenwhacker that fits in this
d oosie и doozie, doozy [ ’du/i] n.
что-либо выдающееся (хорошее или
плохое) О The trade show was a real
doozy this year. □ Old Gert was a real
[ ’duMaski] 1, n. вещь,
устройство, штучка P Where is the
doowacky I laid here? О Is this your
doowacky? I was going to throw it
away. 2. n. деньги □ You got some
doowacky I can borrow? □ I 'm out of
doowacky myself.
dope 1. n. тупица □ I ’m not such a
dope. □ That dope has done it again!
2. n. наркотики вообще; марихуана
□ Lay off the dope, will ya? О How
much dope do you do in a week any­
way? 3. п. новости (Син. scuttlebutt.)
□ What’s the dope on the new mayor?
□ I got some dope on the tavern fire if
you want to hear it.
doper n. наркоман; курильщик гаш­
иша (Нарк.) □ M ax is a doper, and
so are all his friends. □ There are a
lot of dopers in this neighborhood
dope something out ^ dope out
something tr. вычислить что-либо,
исходя из имеющихся сведений
(См. dope п. 3.) □ I think I can dope
this thing out from the evidence avail­
able. □ We can dope out the truth
from her testimony if we have to.
d o p e up 1. in. вводить наркотики;
принимать дозу наркотика (Н арк.)
О I ’m hurting, man, I gotta dope up,
now! □ She slipped iiito the back room
to dope up. . in. покупать наркотики
про запас (Нарк.) □ Where’s ту old
friend Max? I gotta dope up. □ M ax is
doping up, himself. H e doesn’t grow it
himself, you know.
dopey 1. mod. глупый □ What a dopey
guy! □ That was a dopey thing to do.
2. mod. сонный □ I feel sort of dopey.
The soft music made him dopey. 3.
mod. опьянённый наркотиком □ He
looks sort of dopey. □ The chick is too
dopey to drive. See that she gets home,
Ralphy, huh?
do—re—mi и do—re—me [ ’do’re'mi] ti.
деньги (От dough) □ It takes too
much d o -re -m i to live in this part of
town. □ Do you have a little d o-re-m e
you could loan me?
странный человек О You are a prizewinning dorf. □ Is there a convention
o f dorfs here today or something?
dork* [dork] 1. n. странный человек
(Син. jerk. См. тж. megadork.) □
Here comes the king o f dorks again. □
Ye gods, Sally! You are a dork! 2.* n.
мужской половой член (Употр. с
остор.) □ Paul told a joke about а
dork, but everybody just sat there and
looked straight ahead. □ H e covered
his dork and squatted down; then he
reached up and pulled down the shade.
dorky [ ’ dorki] mod. странный, сума­
сшедший, неприятный □ That is real
dorky idea. Just forget it. □ I t s just
too dorky. □ Let me out of this dorky
d o ’s and don’t’s n. правила; то, что
следует и чего не следует делать □ I
must admit that a lot o f the do’s and
don’t’s don’t make much sense to me
either. О Better learn the do's and
doh't'S immediately.
do som e bo n gs tr. курить марихуану,
обычно через кальян (Нарк. См.
bong.) О A ll the kids think that doing
bongs is the greatest thing on earth □
Hey, dude, wanna do some bongs?
do som eone dirt tr. навредить комулибо или чьей-либо репутации Q
double nickels
You really did. me dirt.Xi' It seemed
that the lawyer was determined to do
me dirt right there in the courtroom.
Do tell sent. “Да ну.” (Фраза под­
держивающая неинтересный разго­
вор.) □ So, you're a dentist. D o tell.
О D o tell. I'v e never heard that before.
Nice talking to you.
do the drink thing tr. употреблять
много спиртного □ H e's been doing
the drink thing quite a lot lately. О H e
started doing the drink thing when he
got out o f prison.
do the drug thing tr. употреблять нар­
котики; быть связанным с наркоти­
ками □ Man, you gotta stop doing the
drug thing. О All she thinks about is
doing the drug thing.
do the trick tr. сделать именно то, что
нужно □ This about does the trick, □
Does this little dudenwhacker do the
do time tr. сидеть в тюрьме (Уголовн.
См. hard time.) □ Lefty had done
time ,on a number of occasions. □
You’d better talk and talk fast if you
don't want to do time.
double n. двойная порция спиртного
Make mine a double, bartender. □
Sam usually has two doubles on the
way home.
d o u b le -b a g g e r 1. n. двойной удар в
бейсболе □ The hit was good for a
double-bagger. □ Wilbur hit a nice
double-bagger in the top of the fourth.
2. n. очень уродливый человек (чьё
уродство нужно прикрывать двумя
мешками. См. Bag your face! См. тж.
triple-bagger.) □ Fred is what I would
call a double-bagger. What a mug! О I
am no double-bagger!
d o u ble-barreled
бюстгальтер □ Why does she wear a
red double-barreled slingshot? □ Who
dropped a double-barreled slingshot
on the floor?
double buffalo C m . double nickels.
double cross 1. tr. предать кого-либо
(Первонач. более сложный смысл,
когда double-crosser объединяться с
жертвой заговора против первонача­
льного заговорщика.) □ Don’t even
think about double crossing me! □
M ax double crossed Mr. Big a few
years back. 2. n. предательство (См.
пояснение к п. 1.) О Н е always re­
membered that double cross. О It's
one double cross M ax is sorry about.
d o u b le-cro sser n. предатель (Часто с
dirty. См. пояснение к double cross
п. 1.) □ You dirty, lowdown double
crosser, you! О M a x is the classic
dou ble-deck er 1. n. двухэтажный ав­
тобус □ I like to ride in double-deck­
ers. □ Some double-deckers don't
have tops. 2. n. двухслойный сандвич
□ H e put away a giant double-decker
and a glass of milk □ How can any­
body eat a double-decker that is so
d o u b le-d e u c es n. число 22 □ The
National Weather Service says it’s
going down to the double-deuces
tonight. □ H e’s double-deuces today,
thats right, twenty-two years old!
dou ble-dipper n. человек, получаю­
щий две зарплаты; федеральный
служащий, получающий федерал­
ьную пенсию и социальную помощь
The voters of the state were
shocked to learn there were no laws
double-dippers say they weren’t doing
anything wrong.
dou ble-dom e 1. n. интеллектуал □
It's not that what the double-domes
say is wrong, its that they are so sure
that they are: right that scares me. □
I 'd rather be just folks than a double­
dome. 2. mod. интеллектуальный □
N o more of your double-dome ideas.
□ M ost kids need to be exposed to
double-dome profs at college for a
double-gaited mod. странный, экс­
центричный □ Carl is a little doublegaited at times. Tries too hard for a
laugh. □ Wow, is he ever doublegaited! □ She is one o f the most
successful double-gaited comedians
I'v e ever seen.
double nickels и double buffalo n.
число 55, ограничение скорости 55
миль в час (Первонач. Предуп­
реждение по каналу автомобильной
Бизон изображён на монете в 5
центов (никеле) и считается за
пятёрку.) О You’d better travel right
on those double nickels in through
here. The bears are hungry. □ The
double saw(buck)
double buffalo is enforced on this
roaddouble saw (buck) n. 20-ти долларо­
вая купюра (См. sawbuck.) □ This
whole thing only cost a double sawbuck. О Can you loan me a double
sawbuck till payday?
double take n. удивлённый повтор­
ный взгляд на что-либо О I did а
double take and blushed■ □ Fred did a
double take, then recognized Molly.
double-trouble n. причиняющая боль­
шое беспокойство вещь или человек □
Oh, oh. Here comes double-trouble. □
That car you got is double-trouble.
double up (with laughter) in. сог­
нуться от сильного смеха □ We all
just doubled up with laughter. □ I
doubled up when I heard the punch
d o u b le w h a m m y
[ ’ dabl’M sm i] n.
двойная порция чего-либо, особенно
причиняющего беспокойство (И з
комикса Li’l Abner.) О We got a real
double down at the office. □ This morn­
ing was bad, but this afternoon the boss
gave us a double whahntty.
douche b ag n. отвратительный или
неприятный человек (Грубо.) □ Oh,
shut up, you old douche bag! □ Don’t
be a douche bag!
dough [do] и. деньги (См. bread) □ /
got a lot of dough for that ring I
found. О I heed some dough to bay
dove [dav] n. человек, поддержи­
вающий мирную внешнюю поли­
тику С Ш А (Ср. hawk.) О The doves
want to sell the tanks and distribute
the money to the poor, о The hawks
want to ignore the poor and the doves
and buy tanks with the money.
down 1. mod. депрессивный, меланхо­
личный, скорбный (См. тж. down
''With'something.) □ I feel sort o f down
today. О We're a l i a little down. 2.
mod. (о машине) не работающий
(Перпонач. о компьютере) О The
system is down. Come back later. О
How long has it been down? 3. tr.
съесть или выпить что-либо быстро
D Не downed a can of soda and
burped like a thunderclap. □
downed her sandwich in record time.
4. tr. сбить с ног О Wilbur downed his
opponent and won the match. □ Paul
downed the guy with one blow. 5. mod.
отстающий в счёте О We’re three
points down with minutes to play■ И
They’re 20 points down, and it look
like the Adamsville team has won, 6.
mod. окончательный, завершённый
□ Well, I ’ve got the test down. Now
what? P One down and three to go, 7.
mod, заученный (От п. 6.) P I got
all the dates down pat- P I ’ve got the
dates down, but not the names, 8.
mod. готовый (Син. knowledgeable.
Негрит. От п. 7.) О Everything $
down for the party. P Are you down
for the test tomorrow? 9. mod. пьяный
P Five beers and he was down, P They
were all down by midnight, 10. C m .
downbeat mod. спокойный, уверен­
ный ( С р . upbeat.') О H e is sort of a
downbeat character — no stress. P I
wish I was downbeat like he is. P /
had sort of a downbeat day. N ot your
typical Monday.
downer и down, dow nie t, n. барби­
турат или транквилизатор (Нарк.) Р
She favors downers. P Too much booze
with those downers, and you’re dead. 2.
неприятные ощ ущ ения
наркотика (Син. drown trip. Нарк,) Р
That stu ff you gave me was a real
downer. P Dust is a downer fo r most
people. 3. n. неприятное событие,
угнетающая ситуация от наркотика
(Син. down trip п. 2.) Р These cloudy
days are always downers. P M y birthday
party was a downer.
down for the count mod- неактивный
на некоторое время (Из бокса.) Р
I ’ve got a terrible cold, and I think
I ’m down for the count. P Fred is
down for the count. H e’s in ja il
down som eon e’s w ay mod. близ
чьего-либо жилища (Простонар.) Р
What's happening down your way? P
There was a fire down your way, I
down the drain mod. сгинувший,
потраченный зря P Well, there's 400
bucks down the drain. P A lot of
money went down the drain in that
Wilson deal.
Down the hatch! exclam. “ Выпьем!”
(Тост. См. hatch.) о Down the hatch!
Have another? P Bottoms up! Down
the hatch!
down time n. время, в течении ко­
торого компьютер не работает (Ср.
up time.) О I can't afford a lot of
down time in the system I buy. □ We
had too much down time with the
other machine.
d o w n to the w ire mod. до последней
минуты □ It came down to the wire
before I turned the proposal in. D We
went right down to the wire on that one.
downtown n. героин (Нарк. Антоним
uptown.) О She is high on good old
downtown, o By the time they get on
downtown, they're really hooked.
down trip 1. n. неприятные ощущения
от приёма наркотика (Нарк. Ср.
downer.) 0 Tod is stilt suffering from
that down trip he had. О For some of
them, one down trip is enough, . n.
любое неприятное событие (Ср.
downer п. 3.) О Today was a classic
down trip. О M y vacation was a down
down under n. Австралия, “антиподы” □ i ’ve always wanted to visit
down under. £3 We spent Christmas
down under.
down with something 1. mod. при­
ятный, удобный (Обычно с get.) D
Let’s get down with some good music.
□ Tod wanted to get down with some
grapes. 2. mod. больной чем-либо О
was down with the flu for two weeks.
Q Fred and his wife were down with
colds for Weeks at a time.
doxy [ ’daksi] n. женщина гангстер
(Уголовн, Устар.) О Lefty’s doxy
dropped off this package. □ Does Max
have a doxy?
dozens Cm. (dirty) dozens.
O.Q. в. “Dairy Queen,'’ торговая мар­
ка сети закусочных, специализи­
рующейся на мороженном (Подрост,
и студенч.) □ The D.Q. is closed for
the winter. □ Let’s go to D.Q., okay?
drafty п. пиво d How about a could
drafty? O Another drafty, Tom?
drag 1. п. что-либо скучное, утоми­
тельное Q This day's a drag. О What
a drag, l e t s go someplace interesting.
2. и. неприятный, раздражающий
человек; обуза (Ср. schlep.) О Gert
could sure be a drag when she
wanted. Ш Clare was a drag whether
she wanted to be or not. 3. n. под­
ружка □ You got a drag for the
dance yet? □ M y drag finked out on
me. 4. n. затяжка (сигареты) □ He
took a big drag and scratched at his
tattoo. О One more drag and he
coughed for a while and stubbed out
the fag. 5. tr. затягиваться (си­
гаретой) □ She dragged a couple and
sat in the funk for a while. □ When
she dragged a fag, you could see her
relax and get straight. 6. tr. устроить
автогонку О I ’m planning to drag
you at the fairgrounds next Saturday.
Better be there. □ I don’t drag any­
body anymore. I lost my license.
dragged mod. беспокойный или ис­
пуганный после курения марихуаны
(Hapk. С р .4 wired.) О The kid was
dragged. You could tell he didn't have
much experience with the real world.
d Some of these burnouts really look
d r a g g e d out mod. усталы й, утом­
лённы й О / fe e l so dragged out. 1
think I need some iron. О After the
game, the whole team was dragged out.
draggin’-w a g o n n. скоростная или
гоночная автомашина О M y draggin'-^wagon is in the shop, d Y m t
draggin’-wagon can't be driven in
town, can it?
drain 1. n. что-либо или кто-либо
утомительный о Harry is such a
drain on me. □ What a drain these
meetings are.
. tr. утомлять коголибо □ Arguing like that drains me
something awful, d
Your constant
bickering is meant to drain me till I
submit. Is that it?
dfaih the bilge in. опустошать желудок, блевать Q Fred left quickly to
drain the bilge. П Who drained the
bilge in the bushes?
Drat! [draet] exclam. “Чёрт!” d Drat!
I'm late! □ Oh, drat! Another broken
dreamboat n. идеальный любовник
(Тж. как обращение.) d Oh, Tad is
my dreamboat. d A face man makes a
great dreamboat, as long as you never
get to know him.
dreck fdrsk] n. грязь, мусор, ис­
пражнения (Из нем, через идиш,)
О What is all this dreck in the
corner? d I'v e had enough o f this
dreck around here. Clean it up, or
I'm leaving.
dressed to kill
dressed to kill mod. одетый так,
чтобы поразить кого-либо О She is
always dressed to kill О I ’m never
dressed to kill I just try to be neat.
dressed to the nines и dressed to
the teeth mod. хорошо одетый □
She showed up for the picnic dressed
to the nines. □ Clare is usually
dressed to the teeth in order to im­
press people.
d ressed to the teeth См. предыдущ.
drinkies [ ’drigkiz] n. напитки; спи­
ртное □ Okay, kids, ifs drinkies all
around. □
What time is drinkies
around here?
Drink up! exclam. “Допивай!” , “Допей
это и ещё по одной!” □ Okay, drink
up! I f s closing time. □ Drink up, and
let's get going.
drinkypoo [ ’drirjkipu] n. маленький
глоток спиртного О Wouldn't you like
just one more drinkypoo of Madeira?
О Just a little drinkypoo, my deardrip n. дурак (Син. nerd.) □ Oh, yuck.
H e's such a drip. □ Merton is a drip,
J guess, but he’s harmless.
drippy mod. слабый, неэффективный,
нежелательный О Merton can be so
drippy without even trying. □ You are
proposing some pretty drippy ideas.
drivers Cm. truck drivers.
drive som eone around the bend tr.
сводить кого-либо с ума (См. тж.
around the bend.) □ This tax stuff is
about to drive me around the bend. □
Gert tried to drive us all around the
clrive som eone bonkers и drive
som eone nuts tr. сводить с ума (См.
bonkers, nuts.) □ This cold is driving
me bonkers. О These tax forms are
driving me nuts.
drive som eone nuts См. предыдущ.
drive som eone up the wall tr. разд­
ражать, выводить кого—либо из себя
В These day of waiting drive me up
the wall. И Staying in the house drove
us all up the wall.
drive the bus и drive the porcelain
bus, ride the porcelain bus tr.
блевать в унитаз □ Harry's in the
john driving the big bus. □ Who do I
hear driving the porcelain bus in the
; .who?
drive the porcelain bus См. преды­
дущ. вокаб.
droid [droid] n. роботоподобный че­
ловек (От android.) □ Merton is as
close to a droid as we’ll ever see. □
The droids are taking over this cam­
droob и drube [drub] n. олух, дура­
чок □ Who's the droob standing by the
punch bowl? □ That drube is my
drool (all) over som eone or som e­
thing tr. очень сильно хотеть чтолибо или кого-либо □
Sam was
drooling over Martha like a lovesick
calf. □ H e was just drooling all over
that new car.
droopy-draw ers n. кто-либо, обычно
падают (Тж. как обращение.) □
Hey, droopy-drawers, pull up your
pants. О Jimmy is a regular droopydrawers. Maybe he needs suspenders.
drop 1. tr. убить кого-либо □ He
dropped the deep with one shot. □
Lefty tried to drop the leader of the
gang. 2. in. быть арестованным
(Уголовн.) О I ’m not going to drop
for you. □ Bruno dropped, but Mr.
Big got him off. 3. tr. сбить коголибо с ног □ Jim drooped Willard
with a punch to the shoulder. О The
swinging board hit him and dropped
hint. 4. n. маленький глоток или ма­
ленькая порция спиртного □ I ’ll
take just another drop of that dew, if
you don't mind. □ Can I give you
another drop? 5. n. место, где хра­
контрабандные наркотики,
спиртное и пр., чтобы их забрал ад­
ресат □ The police discovered the
drop and waited for the runner. □
They switched drops constantly just in
case of discovery. 6. tr. принимать
наркотики, особенно acid (Л С Д )
(Нарк.) О Ted dropped some stuff
and went on a trip. □ Now he doesn’t
drop even once a month.
drop a bom b(shell) Cm. drop a brick.
drop a bop tr. принимать наркотики
в таблетках (См. bop.) □ Tyrone
dropped a bop and went on his way.
О Wanna come over and drop a bop
or two?
drop a brick и drop a bom b(shell) tr.
сообщать поразительные сведения □
drugstore cowboy
M olly came iti and dropped a brick
that scared us all. □
You really
dropped a bombshell!
drop a bundle (on som eone or som e­
thing) 1. tr. (c someone) потратить
много денег, развлекая или ублажая
кого-либо □ 1 dropped a bundle on
the candidate, and it didn't help me at
all. O Over the years, I'v e dropped a
bundle on clients at that restaurant. 2.
tr. (c something) платить за что-либо
много денег □ Tod dropped a bundle
on this car. О I always buy el cheapo.
I ’ve never dropped a bundle on any­
drop a dime tr. сообщать полиции об
уголовных действиях (Уголовн. См.
. .пояснения к dim—dropper.^D We
were pretty sure that Molly is the one
who dropped the dime. □ No, almost
anybody will drop a dime these days.
drop a roll C m . pop a roll.
Drop deadl exclam. “Нет!”, “К чёр­
ту!”, “Убирайся и не беспокой меня
больше!” □ I don't care. Just drop
dead! О Drop dead! Beat it!
d ro p-dead list in. воображаемый спи­
сок неприятных людей, без которых
жить стало бы легче □ You are right
at the top o f my drop-dead list О I
put M a x on my drop-dead list.
Drop it! exclam. “Забудь об этом!”,
“Плюнь на это!” □ Never mind! Just
drop it! □ Drop it! I should never have
brought it up.
drop o n e’s cookies tr. опустошать
желудок, блевать (См. toss one’s
cookies.) □ The runner went off to the
side and dropped her cookies. □ I f you
feel like you're going to drop your c o q kies, don't do it on the carpet.
drop one’s teeth tr. сильно удивлять­
ся чему-либо D I almost dropped my
teeth when she told me her news. □
They dropped their teeth when I told
them I was marred.
drop out 1. in. покончить с обычным
образом жизни О Sometimes I just
want to drop out and raise pigs or
something. □ Ted dropped out and
bought a farm. 2. in. уйти или вы­
лететь из школы или какой -ли бо
организации □ I dropped out before I
got promoted. □ Don’t drop out before
I got promoted. 3. и dropout n. че­
ло век, вылетеяший; из школы □
Dropouts find it very hard to get a job.
D. Some dropouts make great successes
o f themselves, but not very many.
dropped mod. арестованный □ M ax
was dropped only once last year. О H e
got himself dropped on a speeding
drop som eone or something like a
hot potato tr. мгновенно отстра­
ниться, отбросить что-либо или
кого-либо □ When we learned of the
conviction, we dropped him like a hot
potato. □ / dropped the idea like a
hot potato.
drop the ball tr. не исполнить чтолибо; позволить чему-либо провали­
ться □ I didn’t want to be the one who
dropped the ball, but I knew that
someone would flub up. О Sam
dropped the ball, and we lost the con­
drug 1. in. употреблять наркотики
(Нарк.) О There is no way that she
will stop drugging by herself. □ Why
does she drug so heavily? 2. и drug
out mod. подавленный, печальный □
Man, am I drug! □ We are all drug
out after that, meeting.
druggie и druggy n. наркоман □ That
druggy loves to hang out here. □ There
are too many druggies in this neigh­
drughead n. наркоман (Нарк.) □
They find a drughead in the river
about once a month. □ The drugheads are taking over this neighbor­
drug lord n. хозяин, преступной
организации, торгующей наркоти­
ками □ The drug lords like Mr. Big
seem never to get arrested. D M ax had
always admired the sheer power of the
domestic drug lord.
drugola [drsg’o u b ] n. взятка, ко­
торую торговцы наркотиками платят
полиции (Игра на payola.) □ М ах
pays a little drugola, but mostly the
cops never come into this area anyway.
□ A lot of drugola
simply paid in
drugstore cow boy n. мужчина, ко­
торый любит знакомиться с женщи­
нами в закусочных или других
общественных местах О You don't
see the old drugstore cowboys around
this part of town anymore, itWffhe
drunk back
drugstore cowboys of years ago are all
hidden away shooting up something.
drunk back mod. пьяный, очень
пьяный □ The whole bunch was drunk
back by midnight. О Larry was drunk
back and couldn't drive us home.
drunk tank n. тюремная камера, для
пьяниц (Ср. junk tank.) □ A couple
of hours in the drunk tank really made
me think about alcohol. О They hose
down the drunk tank every hour on
\Friday and Saturday nights:
dry 1. mod. трезвый P M o lly $ dry, I
hear. О How long will Ernie stay dry?
2. n. трезвенник □ The drys are in an
increasing majority. О D o you know
even one dry? 3. mod. относящийся к
месту, где запрещена продажа спи­
ртного (Ср. wet.) О Is Kansas still
dry? Q I hate to get stuck in a dry
town. О Some small towns are dry,
but not many.
d ry -a s-d u st mod.- скучный P I can’t
take another one of his dry-as-dust
lectures. О All her ideas are dry-a sdust. P Some dry-as-dust old crock
talked endlessly about old bones.
dry high n. конопля (Нарк. См. high.)
□ M ax always favored dry highs till
crack came along. О Rudy liked the
dry high, although it gave him a
gravelly voice.
Dry up! exdam. “Заткнись!” ; “Уйди и
не беспокой меНя!” □ Aw, dry up!
I ’ve heard enough. О Dry up and beat
dub [dab] 1. tr. & in. копировать чтолибо; дублировать что-либо Р He's
busy dubbing right now. О Dub this
and keep d copy yourself. 2. n. копия,
дубликат P The dub was so poor we
couldn’t understand the dialog. О This
is an almost perfect dub of the origi­
ducats и du c-d u c s [ ’dakats и ’dak
daks] n. деньги (См. тж. gold.) О
I'Ve got duc-ducs galore! □ Who's got
enough ducats to pay for the tickets?
du c-d u c s Cm. ducats.
duck 1. n. “утка” (больнич.) О Some­
body in room 212 needs at diick. P
Take this duck down there quick 2. tr.
избегать кого-либо или что-либо О
Clare is ducking her responsibility. □
You can’t duck this investigation.
They're on to you. 3. Cm. deduck.
duck butt* и dusty butt* n. невы­
сокий человек, особенна с большими
ягодицами (Тж. как грубое об­
ращение. Употр. с остор.) Р The
duck butt who just came in reminds
me o f somebody I once knew. P Hey,
dusty butt, where you been keeping
ducks n. билеты О You got the ducks
for Friday? a There were no ducks
du ck -squ eezes n. человек, озабочен­
ный состоянием окружающей среды
(Особенно спасением уток покры­
тых нефтепродуктами. См. eagle
freak.) Р Some duck-squeezer Were
complaining about what the new dam
might do. P The duck-squeezers were
picketing the dam site.
ducky mod. хорошо; хороший (Часто
саркастич.) Р Now, isn’t that just
ducky? P Thafs a ducky idea!
dud [dad] 1. n. провал; что-либо, что
не идёт как нужно Р The whole idea
turned out to be a dud. P The play
was a dud from start to finish. 2. Cm.
dude [dud] n. друг; приятель; парень
(Тж. как обращение.) Р Who’s the
dude with the cowboy boots? P Hey,
dude, whafs happ?
dudenwhacker [ ’ dudnAMek*?] n. без­
делуш ка, устройство, штучка P
Where's my Mustache dudenwhacker? P
I s this thing the dudenwhacker you
dude up in. одеваться О Let’s get all
duded up and go out. P I got to dude
up a little before we go.
duds [dadz] n. одежда (Простонар.
Всегда во мн.) О Are those new duds?
P I need some new duds, too.
dofer Cm. doofer.
duff [daf] n. ягодицы P Get off ypur
duff and get busy. P Don't you get
tired of sitting around on your duff?
duffer [ ’dafar] 1. n. глупый дурачок,
путаник D Some old duffer is weeding
otif garden for us. H e’s lost, I think. P
Tod’s just a duffer Щ he's not really
serious at it. 2. n. неумелый игрок в
гольф Р Those duffers up ahead are
holding up the game. P Don’t call me
a duffer!
dugout n. вид трубки для курения
гашиша (Нарк.) Р She keeps a little
dugout in her doobage. □ Somebody
dropped a dugout or something, arid
the cops then started searching every­
duji t’dudji] n. героин (Нарк.) □ Max
slipped a packet of duji into Molly's
pocket. □ Is she still on the duji?
duke 1. in. опустошать желудок,
блевать (Студенч. По созвучию с
рике.) О Н е left to duke. I saw how
green he Was. О She's in the John,
duking like a goat. 2. C m . dukes.
dukes 1. in. кулаки □ Okay, brother,
put your dukes up. □ The guy’s got
dukes like luitns. 2. n. колени □ H e
went down on his dukes and prayed
for all sorts of good stuff. П H e
| cracked one of his dukes on the rail­
duke som eone out и duke out som e­
one tr. вышибить, выставить коголибо откуда-либо (См. dukes.) О
Hob duked out the mugger with a jab
to the cheek. О Wilbur tried to duke
the guy out first
dull as dishwater mod. очень скучный
или тупой □ She’s cute, but dull as
dishwater. О Life can be as dull as
dull roar n. относительная тишина,
слабый шум О Hey, simmer down to
a dull roar! □ Try to keep it at a dull
roar if you can.
dullsville [ ’dalzvil] 1. n. скучное место
0 This place is just dullsville! □
Home is dullsville to a teenager. 2. n.
что-либо скучное О The lecture was
downtown dullsville for sure. О When
each movie I see turns into dullsville,
1 want to give up seeing them.
d u m b -a s s*
stu p id -a ss*
глупый, тупой (Употр. с остор.) □
That was a dumb-ass thing to do! О
You can be such a stupid-ass jerk!
dum bbell n. тупица (Тж . как грубое
обращение.) Q Look, dumbbell, pay
attention.1□ I 'm afraid I come on like
a dumbbell sometimes.
dum b bunny n .' глупец, дурачок □
Who is the dumb bunny in the doubleknits? О Don't be a dumb bunny. Pay
attention to what's going on.
dumb cluck n. глупец; человек с
“куриными мозгами” □ Sally is not
a dumb cluck, but she is sort o f slow.
О What a dump cluck!
d u m b-dodo [ ’dam’dodo] n. очень глу­
пый человек D What a dumb-dodo
you are! □ I ’m no dumb-dodo!
dum b Dora n. глупая или легкомы­
сленная женщина □ I ’m по dumb
Dora. I am just learning. Cl Who's the
dumb Dora with the blonde hair and
long fingernails?
dum b-dum b и dum -dum n. дурак, ту­
пица О Merton is no dumr-dum. H e just
looks that way. You can be such a dumbdumb without even trying.
dum bhead n. дурак □ Merton is not
dumbhead, but he sure is strange. О
I'm no dumbhead. Just a little slow.
dum bo [ ’dambo] 1. n. дурачок (Тж.
как грубое обращение.) О
dumbo, could you move out of the
way? □ Who's the dumbo in the plaid
pants? 2. n. человек с большими
ушами (Тж. как грубое обращение.
По имени персонажа мультфильма,
слона с ушами—крыльями.) □ Wow,
took at that dumbo with size twenty
ears! □ I better get new glasses, or I'm
going to be a dumbo when my head
starts growing.
dumb ox n. крупный и тупой
человек, обычно мужчина □ What
does that dumb ox want? О D o you
think I ’m going to argue with that big
dumb ox?
dumbski [ ’damski] 1. n. дурак □ H e’s
not the dumbski he seems to be. О
They used to think Cert was a dumb­
ski 2. mod. тупой, глупый О What a
dumbski jerk! □ It is not a dumbski
dummy 1. n. пустая бутылка из под
спиртного или пива □ Toss your
dummies over here, and I ’ll put them
in the bin. □ That was a sixty dummy
party. I counted. 2. n. окурок си­
гареты О The tramp collected dum­
mies until he had enough for a smoke.
□ The guy tossed a dummy out the
window of his car. 3. n. глупец О
Don't be such a dummy. О I ’m no
dummy up in. отказаться говорить
(Уголовн. См, clam up.) П Molly
dummied up when they got her into
the station. О Rocko dummied up
right away. He’s a real thoroughbred.
dum p* 1. tr. & in. опустошать же­
лудок, блевать □ H e ran straight to
dumped on
the john and dumped his dinner.' D
She turned green, and I knew she was
going to dump. 2.* in. испражняться
(Употр. с остор. См. тж. dump one’s
b a d .) □ Н е dumped and then came
back. □ H e said he had to dump. 3.*
n. акт испражнения (Употр. с ос­
тор.) □ Н е said he needed a dump.
О Н е had a dump and then came
back. 4. n. низкопробное или де­
шёвое заведение (Син. joint.) □ I
want out of this dump. □ M y mama
didn’t raise me to spend the rest of
my days in a run-down dump like
dum ped on 1. mod. обруганный,
оклеветанный □ I really feel dumped
on. □ The jerk who designed this
stupid congested stairway hasn't been
dumped on enough. 2. mod. за­
снеженный □ The entire Midwest
was dumped on with about 10 inches
of snow. □
Our town really got
dumped on last night.
dump o n e’s load* 1. in. опустошать
желудок, блевать □ He's in the john
dumping his load. □ Why can’t he
learn to dump his load silently? 2.* in.
Всегда с а.) О Н е had to go dump a
load. □ H e dumped his load and
settled back down to work.
dump on som eone , or something 1.
in. засыпать, заметать снегом □
Well, it dumped on us something. □
i The cold front dumped on the north­
east again today. 2. C m . do a dump on
someone or something.
n. потенциальная жертва мо­
шенничества (Син. patsy.) О The
crooks found a good dupe and stared
their scheme, О I don’t want to be a
dupe for anybody. 2. tr. обманывать,
обжуливать кого-либо □ You tried
to dupe me! П I did, not try to dupe
you. It was an honest mistake. 3. n.
дубликат, копия О Make a dupe of
this before уди send it off. □ I ’ve got
a dupe in the files. 4. tr. копировать
что-либо □ Dupe this and send the
original back. □ Just a minute, I have
to dupe a contract for the boss.
dust 1. in. уходить, уезжать □ Well,
ifs late. I gotta dust. □ They dusted
out o f there at about midnight. 2. tr.
побеждать кого-либо □ We dusted
the other team, 87 to 54. □ In the
second game, they dusted us. 3. tr.
убить кого-либо (Уголовн.) □ The
gang set out to dust the witnesses, but
only got one of them □ M a x knew
that Bruno was out to dust him. 4. n.
табак для сигарет—самокруток (Тюремн.) □ How about a little dust for
this candy bar? □ I don’t want dust.
I need chocolate. 5. n. наркотик в
порошке: героин, кокаин, Р.С.Р.,
героин; мелко истолчённая конопля
(Нарк.) □ It's the dust that can re­
ally do you damage. □ Wally got hold
o f some kind of dust and took it to
the police. 6. tr. добавлять порошок
наркотика к сигарете (Нарк.) О
Pete dusted one, then lit it up. □
M ax never dusts them before he sells
duster n. ягодицы (См. rusty-dusty.)
О She fell down right on her duster. □
M y duster is sore from all that riding.
dust som eone off и dust off som e­
one tr. избить кого-либо □ Bruno
threatened to dust M a x off. □ Bob
dusted off Larry; then he started for
dust som eon e’s pants tr. отшлёпать,
высечь кого-либо, обычно ребёнка □
M y dad will dust ту pants if he hears
about this. □ I ’m too old for somebody
to dust my pants.
dust-up n. драка О M ax got in a dustup with Bruno. О There was a dust-up
at the party that ruined the evening for
dusty butt C m . duck butt.
Dutch act и Dutch cure n. самоуби­
йство (Всегда с the.) □ Well, Ken
took the Dutch cure last week. So sad.
□ She had tried the Dutch act many
times in the past.
Dutch cou rage 1. n. спиртное; сме­
лость пьяного □ A couple o f shots of
Dutch courage, and he was ready to
face anything. О How about a little
Dutch courage to help you through the
first act? 2. n. наркотики □ M ax
deals in Dutch courage, as he calls it.
□ Too much Dutch courage and you're
in permanent trouble.
Dutch treat n. развлечение или эк­
скурсия, кода
расходы делятся
между участниками (См. тж. go
Dutch.) □ I propose a Dutch treat to
celebrate the day. □ We had a Dutch
treat, which gave us a chance to get to
know one another better.
Dutch uncle n. человек, дающий советы
менторским тоном или на правах
старшего родственника О /// can be а
Dutch uncle fo r a minute, 1 could give
you some good advice. □ Dutch uncles
can be as big o f a pain as parents.
dw eeb [d w ib ] 1. n. усердный студент
(Студенч.) ODon'tcallMertonadweeb!
Even if he is one. □ The dweebs get all the
A 's, so why work? 2. n. странный или
эксцентричный человек (Син. nerd.)
□ This place is filled with dweebs o f all
sizes. □ Here comes a dweeb. Ask him for
some money.
dynamic duo [ ’dai’naemik ’duo] n.
“Batman’’. Обычно
шут.) □ The dynamic duo, Merton
and Fred, showed up late and without
the beer. □ Next time tell the dynamic
duo to come earlier.
dynamite [ ’dainamait] 1. n. что-либо
потенциально мощное: наркотик,
новости, человек и т.д. О This
chick is really dynamiteI □
story about the scandal was dy­
namite and kept selling papers for a
мощный □ I want some more of
your dynamite enchiladas, please. □
These tacos are dynamite, too.
e a g e r-b e a v e r п. энтузиаст О Rocko is
an eager-beaver when it comes to col­
lecting money for Mr. Big. □ The
eager^beavers were trying to buy tick­
ets yesterday!
e a g le -e y e 1. n. человек, наблюда­
ющий за действиями других: сы­
щик, постовой полицейский О The
store detective is an eagle-eye and
caught the kleptomaniac. О Some old
eagle-eye across the street saw me
standing in the cold and called my
wife who came down and let me in. 2.
n. хорошее зрение D Keep your
eagle-eye trained on the entrance. □
M y eagle-eye tells me there's trouble
over there.
e a g le freak n. человек, озабоченный
Спасением окружающей среды, осо­
бенно спасением кондоров (Игра на
freak.) □ The eagle freaks oppose
building the dam. О They call me an
eagle freak, which doesn't bother me at
ear candy n. поп-музыка; музыка,
приятная для слуха □ 1 find that
kind of ear candy more annoying than
heavy metal О People joke about it,
but ear candy is restful
ear-d uster n. сплетник (ца) О Sally is
sort of an ear-duster, but she's all
heart. О I can be an ear-duster, 1
know, but have you heard about Sally
and her you-know-what?
earful [ ’irful] 1. n. огромное коли­
чество сплетен □ I can give you an
earful about the mayor. О I got a big
earful about Sally. 2. n. брань □ Her
mother gave her an earful when she fi­
nally got home. О Tom got an earful
for his part in the prank.
early bird 1. n. человек, который
рано встаёт □ I never miss sunrise.
I 'm an early bird. □ The early birds
saw the corpse on the street and
called the cops. 2. n. человек, кото­
рый рано приходит или приезжает
куда-либо □ The early birds get the
best seats. □ There were some early
birds who arrived before the tea things
were laid. 3. mod. относящийся к
раннему прибытию □ Early bird ar­
rivals will be given a free cup of
coffee. О The early bird special this
week is a free six-pack o f pop for the
first 100 visitors.
earp и игр [а-p] 1. in. опустошать
желудок, блевать □ Somebody earped
here! □ I wish people could игр
silently. 2. n. блевотина □ There's
earp on your shoe. □ Throw something
over the игр in the flower bed.
Earp slop, bring the mop phr. “ K ofo t o вырвало” (Детск. провокац. шут.)
О See whafs in the hall? Earp slop,
bring the mop. □ Earp slop, bring the
mop. Somebody was sick.
Easy do es it. 1. phr. “ Успокойся” ,
“Расслабься” Q Chill, man, easy does
it. □ Easy does it! Relax and go slow!
2. phr. “Осторожно.”, “ Обращайся с
осторожностью." □ Easy does it. Go
slow, and you won’t dent anything, о
Easy does It. Two people can handle,
this heavy old thing if they go slow.
ea sy mark n. предполагаемая жертва
□ Merton looks tike an easy mark, but
he's really quite savvy. □ Mary is an
easy mark because she is so unsuspect­
ea sy money n. “лёгкие деньги”; ден­
ьги заработанные или полученные
без особых сложностей О You know
where I can get some easy money? □
A ll you guys want easy money. Don't
you. want to work for it?
e a s y street n. место или положение,
где возможна “лёгкая жизнь” (См.
fat city, on easy street.) О Easy street
is no place for an active guy like Sam.
□ Easy street is exactly what I want
out of life.
eat 1. tr. (для чего-либо) беспокоить,
нервировать О Whafs eating you,
Bill? □ Nothing's eating me. I ’m just
the nervous type. 2. tr. расплачи­
ваться за что-либо (В прямом и
переносном смысле.) □ I t was our
mistake, and we’ll have to eat it. О
We’ll eat the costs on this one. I f s the
least we can do.
eat crow tr. выказывать полную по­
корность, особенно после сделанной
ошибки О Well, it looks like I was
wrong, and I ’m going to have to eat
crow. □ I ’ll be eating crow if I ’m not
shown to be right.
eater n. наркоман, принимающий
наркотики через рот (Нарк.) О The
eaters didn't get so heavily addicted.
□ In the opium days, some of the
smokers were also eaters at the times
when it wasn't possible to smoke.
eat nails
tr. выглядеть и быть
жестким и взбешённым О Bruno
looked mad enough to eat nails. □
They were all eating nails by the time
the IR S got the mess straightened out.
eat one’s hat tr. “съем шляпу” клятва,
иногда имеющая реальное во­
площ ение (есл и ч т о -ли б о прои­
зойдёт) ; обещание, сделать что-либо
неординарное если произойдёт же­
лаемое или нежелаемое событие О I f
she wins, I 'l l eat my hat. о I'll eat my
hat if our advertisement actually bring
us a president.
eat o n e 's heart out 1. tr. страдать,
печалиться, горевать □ She has been
eating her heart out over that jerk
ever since he ran away with Molly. □
Don’t eat your heart out. You really
didn't like him that much, did you?
2. tr. страдать от зависти или рев­
ности (Обычно как приказ.) О
Yeah, this one’s all mine. Eat your
heart out! О Eat your/ heart out! I
won it fair and square.
eats n. еда (Простонар.) □ You ready
for some eats yet? □ We have enough
eats, and we have a roof over our
heads. What else is there?
eat something up и eat up something
1. tr. быстро поглощать что-либо,
например еду или деньги □ The саг
really eats up gas. О Running this
household eats my income up. 2. tr.
поверить во что-либо □ Those people
really eat that stuff up about tax re­
duction. □ They'll eat up almost any­
thing you tell them. 3. tr. высоко
оценить, понять □ The audience re­
ally ate it up. О The stuff about the
federal budget went over welL They re­
ally ate it up.
eat up in, есть в свое удовольствие
(Обычно как приказ.) О Conte on
now. Sit down and eat up! О There’s
plenty more where this came from.
echo n. последствие наркотика Л СД
(Нарк. См. тж. flashback.) О The kid
was troubled with echoes for a month
afterward. О Echoes can lead to severe
psychological problems.
eco freak и eco nut [ ’iko ’frik и ’iko
net] n. человек, озабоченный сохра­
нением окружающей среды (Н е­
много унизит. От ecology.) О They
call те an eco freak, which is okay by
me. □ I f s we eco nuts who think about
the future of our planet.
Ecstasy [ ’eksfesi] n. галлюциноген,
аналогичный ЛСД (Нарк.) □ Chemi­
cals with names like “Ecstasy are being
put on the streets every day. □ Ecstasy is
just one of a dozen drugs with similar
ed ge n. опьянение; начальная стадия
опьянения или действия наркотика
(См. have an edge on.) □ She was
beginning to show a little edge, but she
obviously still could drive. D The edge
was starting, so Kelly slowed down her
ed ged mod. пьяный или опьянённый
наркотиком □ They set out to be
edged by midnight. □ We were edged
and full of rich food. We needed only
to sleep.
edgy mod. нервный, озабоченный,
неуверенный О I feel sort o f edgy
about the race. □ Don't let yourself get
so edgy.
eggbeater 1. n. подвесной мотор для
моторной лодки О M y eggbeater has
been acting up, so I didn't go out on
the lake today. О B y the time you get
about twenty eggbeaters on the lake at
once, it's really pretty noisy. 2. n.
вертолёт (См. т ж . rotorhead.) □ The
eggbeater landed on the hospital roof.
D I would think that eggbeaters all
over the place would disturb the
eggh ead n. интеллектуал □ The eg­
gheads aren't exactly taking over the
world. О M y uncle was an egghead,
but nobody in our family thought he
knew very much.
e g g s n. таблетки, пилюли (Нарк.) □
M a x doesn't normally carry eggs. □
M ost o f his customers want dust
rather than eggs.
e g g —sucker n. льстец □ The guy is a
chronic egg-sucker. Ignore him. □
Who's the egg-sucker who brought the
teacher candy?
eg o trip n. выставление на показ чув­
ства собственного превосходства и
самоуверенности □ The guy is on
another ego trip. Pay no attention. □
Sorry, I guess I'm on another ego
e g o tripper n. человек, часто выка­
зывающий собственное превосход­
ство (См. ego trip.) □ N ot another
ego tripper running for public office1
You have to be an ego tripper to be a
eight и 8 n. героин (Нарк.“Н ” — вос­
ьмая буква алфавита.) □ The o ld timers still call it 8. □ 7 asked Max
for some eight, and he didn't know
what I was talking about.
eighteen wheeler n. грузовик с при­
цепом (У грузовика и прицепа
вместе 18 колёс.) П A n eighteen
wheeler almost ran mr off the road. □
The eighteen wheelers rule the road at
elbow -ben ding n. пить спиртное;
перепиваться □ She spends quite a
bit o f time at elbow-bending. □ Thafs
a lot o f elbow-bending for one sitting.
e lb o w -g re a s e n. усилие, попытка □
Put out a little elbow-grease. О All
this job needs is a little more elbowgrease.
el cheapo [el ’tjjipo] 1. n. дешёвая
вещь, “дешёвка” (Наподобие испан.) □ I don't want one of those el
cheapos. □ I can only afford el
cheapo. 2. mod. дешёвый □ The el
cheapo brand won’t last. □ This is el
cheapo. I don't want it. □ Is this the
el cheapo model?
electric koolaid [...’kuleid] n. лимонад
или пунш с Л С Д (Нарк. См. electric
wine.) О Serving electric koolaid was
a favorite event in the 1960s. □ Elec­
tric koolaid was a big surprise to some
electric wine n. дешёвая “шипучка”
или вино с Л С Д (Нарк.) □ Electric
wine is making a comeback, I hear. □
In electric wine, the alcohol is more
powerful than the drug.
electrified mod. пьяный □ Her eyes
were staring straight ahead, and I
knew she was electrified. □
midnight we were all electrified.
elephant (tranquilizer) n. фенцикли­
дин, P.C.P., Транквилизатор для
животных (Н а р к .) □ Who needs
elephant tranquilizer? These kids take
stuff stronger than any doctor would
give to an elephant. □ Some of them who
say they like elephant really just want to
elevated mod. пьяный, выпивший □
Jerry was too elevated to drive home.
□ Sam was elevated from the drinking
he did.
elevator music п. скучная, монотон­
ная музыка, наподобие той, каторая
слышна в лифтах или магазинах
(Как противоположность джазу или
року.) □ I don’t want to have to hear
elevator music all day. □ Elevator
music is better than listening to some­
one chewing food.
eliminated 1. mod. убитый □ Mr. Big
wanted M ax eliminated. □ When M ax
is eliminated, there will be no com­
petition. 2. mod. пьяный □
midnight, Wally was eliminated. □
How Can anybody get eliminated on
four beers?
(el) primo [(e l) ’primou] mod. относя­
щийся к высококачественным нар­
котикам (Нарк. Из испан.) □ This
stuff is primo. □ I want some more of
that el primo C.
els [elz] n. “Elavil™,” антидепрессант
(Нарк.) □ She had to have her els or
else. □ You got any decent els? '
em [em] 1. п. и emm пустая бутылка
из-под спиртного О Put your ems in
the garbage, not on the floor. О Whose
emms are all these? 2. n. морфин
everything from soup to nuts
(Нарк. Устар. От заглавной ,'*М”..>)Ш • . be like some sort of Jamaican mojo. □
M ax favored English spliff, whichs^l
The addicts used to tramp frotttktown
not from England, by the .way.
to town begging doctors for “some
enhanced mod. исшлтывающийУнар­
em”, o '■■TkigSt'eini’tЩш:.щгу,оШ souiiee:
котическую эйфорию от употреблеof addiction,
■ « и я марихуаны (Нарк.);: □ Max is
embalmed mod. пьяный □ By morning
sort of enhanced, as usual. О Fred
they were all e m b a lm e d .S Bob was
is enhanced by dinner-time each
i: too embalmed to stand up.
embalming fluid n. крепкий спиртной
:-dayk:'Z> ■
Enjoy! exclam. “Наслаждайся!?^, “Про­
напиток; неочищенное писки □ Jed
шу!"’ □ Come! S-iti'Eat! Enjoy! □ Welseemed to favor some cjieap -embalmcome. Come in and enjoy!
•ing fluid as his poison. □ Bartender,
equalizer ' n. ружьё, пистолет.: «(Уго­
pour out this, embalming fluid and get
ловн.) □ Rocko carried an equalizer,
> me your best,*:::'
but wouldn't dream of using it'-.^ЩАп
em bro id ery -п. шрамы от инъекций
equalizer''Sin be d’angerous in M ax’s
•^наркотика н ар уках (Нарк. У стар-®
О Molly wears some embroidery as a
E.R. n. “emergency room.” реанимаци­
symbol of her past. □ She wears long
. sleeves to cover up the embroidery.
онная шмата (Больнич.) Я Get that
stuff up to E.R. now, or this guy's
empties и. пустые
gonna die on me. □ I 'v e pulled duty in
your empties in the вдйBpJ
i;(E.R. all weekend.
em pty-nesters п:чрйдители, чьи ^©чщ;
erase tr. убить кого-либо П Bruno
выросли и уехали из ;дома 0 There
had orders to erase Max. a Mr. Big
are a few adjustments that emptydecided- who was gonna erase who.
nesters have to make. О 1 don't mind
erb C m . herb.
. being an empty-nester. There's, more
En/ine Cm. Irv. .
eternity-box rift гроб 1Щ When I'm in
em seftftm ssl] n. йорфинЩрЯарк. ©т
“А/. i » ” сокращение 'bmOrphine su lmy eternity-box, then you can have
fate.vy □ The old-timer asked the
■my stereo. D I .Науе\Ш$1еШШШ;Ьо'х'
doctor for some emsel. □ Emsel is was ' ■Щ$$рщё<1-р1и.
euchre ■|!juka,l tr. обманывать, обжу­
. they called it back in the last century.
ливать кого-либо О ТИ&Щ!^Щ11'ёгу
end n. последнее оскорбление; “по­
следняя капля” ; “ Всё!” □ This is just
to euchre у ф ^ о -wdtch out. ':o I think
tlw end. I'm leaving. П When She
.the clerk euchred me.
poured her drink down my back, that
evened out mod. вернувшийся к нор­
ме; вернувшийся здравый смысл П
end of the ball gam e n. конец всему
When things are evened out after me
holidays, we can settle down. □ Fi­
□ Well, the car broke down. I guess
nally, at about age 30, you could say
tlwt's the end of the ball game. О #
that Sam was evened out.'
looked like the end of the ball ganu‘ as
even-Steven 1. mod. разделённый но­
we sped too fast around the curves
ends p n. день™ (Улй’^йО-’Р JYou get
р о в и H e made the 'two piles of di­
amonds even-Steven and then let me
enough ends to- get you through the
week? U We don't have enough ends to
choose which one I
pay the gas bill. 2. n. туфли □ You
cake is not exactly cut even-Steven. 2.
mod. ' ровный, '
even got holes in your ends. □ Could
расчёте) О Now we're even-Steven. И
you use some new ends?
Now that we've given each other black
enforcer п телохранитель'Л1'0';Ю'ворёз,
are we even-Steven?
наёмный убийца □ Пиши is ihc per­
everything from soup to nuts n. всё
fect enforcer.~Meaner than all get out.
□ Rocka is too tender-hearted to be. a
возможное; всё, что1'йоайэдд при­
good enforcer.
думать □ It looks like she brought
everything from soup to nuts. О I ЬдЩ
English spliff [...splif] n. сийгрета >cq
-everything from soup to nuts in im
смесью табака -и .конопли (Нарк.
См.1spliff.) □ English spliff looks to
evidence n. спиртное (Обычно с the.)
□ There is only one thing to do with
evidence like this, and thats drink it.
□ They knocked back all the evidence
very quickly.
evil mod. великолепный (См. wicked.)
О This wine is really evil! □ Man,
what evil fronts!
ex [eks] n. бывший супруг или лю­
бовник О M y ex is in town, but we
don’t talk much anymore.
Excellent! exclam. “Отлично!” (Как и
awesome, входит в общёупотр. сло­
варь, но часто в сленге.) Q A new
stereo? Excellent! О Excellent! Way
exec ftg’zEkl n. руководитель, ад­
министратор (От executive.) □ The
execs are well-treated around here.
О They are even firing the execs
extracted mod. опьяненный фрукто­
вой эссенцией (Военн. Фруктовая
эссенция содержит до 70% спирта.)
О The cook seems more than a little
extracted today. □ Being extracted
wasn't bad, he said, but the taste left
in his mouth the next day bad.
eyeball tr. внимательно глядеть на
что-либо; разглядывать □ I eyeballed
the contract and saw the figures. □
The two eyeballed each other and
walked on.
eyeball to eyeball mod. лицом к лицу
D They approached each other eyeball
to eyeball and frowned. □ L ets talk
more when we are eyeball to eyeball.
eyeful n. взгляд на что-либо, что
видеть не полагается О J got an eye­
ful of that contract. Yikes! What a
giveaway! □ She really gave us an eye­
fu l Shame.
ey e-o pen er 1, n. что-либо удивитель­
ное О H er confession was a real eyeopener. О This day has been an
eye-opener for me. 2. n. утренний
глоток спиртного; вообще порция
спиртного О Н е knocked back a quick
eye-opener and finished dressing. □
One eye-opener led to another. 3. n.
первая инъекция наркотика в день
(Нарк.) □ Now it was so bad that she
was up before dawn for an eye-opener.
О When you’re still nodding from the
night before and don't need an eyeopener, that's bad!
e y e-po pper 1. n. что-либо удивитель­
ное □ The description of the theft was
a real eye-popper. □ What an eyepopper of a story! 2. n. очень сим­
патичная девушка или женщина О
Isn't that foxy lady an eye-popper? □
/ may not be an eye-popper, but my
virtue is exemplary.
eyew ash 1. о. обман, чушь, чепуха □
Aw, that’s just a tot of eyewash! □ It ’s
not eyewash! I f s true! 2. n. спиртное
О How about some of that nice eye­
wash! O You've been putting away a
lot of that eyewash, haven’t you?
fa b [fe b ] mod. сказочный □ Man,
what a fab stereo! □ Your pad is not
what I 'd call fab. Just okay.
face card n. важный или самовлю­
блённый человек □ Who's the face
card getting out o f the benz? □ Mr.
Big is the face card in the local mob.
faced 1. mod. пьяный (От shit-faced.)
□ Lord, is he faced! О Who is that
guy on the corner who looks so faced?
2. mod. отвергнутый представителем
противоположного пола (Студенч.)
Q I'v e been faced again, and I have
it! □ Sally was faced by Tod, and she
won't speak to him or anybody else.
(face) fu n gu s { ’fes faqgas] n. усы;
борода О I f Johri would shave off that
face fungus, he'd took a lot better. □
What do you need all that fungus for
fa ce man n. симпатичный, но бесха­
рактерный молодой человек (Сту­
ден.) О Harry is just a face man and
as dull as dishwater. О Norm is the
perfect face man — all looks and no
fa c e -o ff [ ’ feisof] n. конфронтация,
столкновение (И з хокея.) О F or а
minute it looked like we were toward a
nasty face-off. О The face-off continued
for a few moments till both o f them real­
ized that there was no point infighting.
face the music tr. принимать за­
служенный выговор О You had bet­
ter go in and face the music now. □
You have to face the music eventu­
facilities tr. уборная □ Were are the
facilities around here? □ Can I use
your facilities?
fack [faek] in. утверждать факты,
говорить правду (Негрит.) О That
dude is not facking with me. U Now is
the time to start facking. Where were
facts of life 1. п. объяснение челове­
ческого размножения, особенно де­
тям О N o one ever explained the facts
o f life to me. I read books about it □
She is so naive. She doesn't even know
the facts o f life. 2. п. правда о труд­
ностях жизни □ You had better face
up to the facts o f life and get a job. Q
They taught me everything in college
except the facts o f life.
fa d e 1. in. уходить □ I think that the
time has come for me to fade. See ya.
Hey, man, let's fade. 2. in. терять
власть, терять влияние □ Ralph is
fading, and someone else will have to
take over. □ The positive effect of the
weekend faded fast.
fadoodle Ifa'dudjl n. что-либо смет­
ное или глупое, чепуха □ Oh, stop
your silly fadoodle! О That’s nothing
but fadoodle!
fa g * Ifsegl 1.П. сигарета О Hey, pal,
gimmeafag. □ Go buy your own fags! 2 *
и faggot n. гомосексуалист (Употреб.с
остор. Обычно унизит.) О Who's thefag
with thefancy hat? О Don’tact like a fag­
got, Gary. 3. n. отталкиваю щ ий
мужчина □ You creepy fag. Stop it! О
Bruno is such a fag!
fag-b u stin g* n. насилие по отно­
шению к гомосексуалистам (Остор.
с fag.) □ Those bums get some kind of
pleasure out of fag-busting. О What's
this strange need you have for fa g busting,? What's your problem?
fa gg ed out mod. утомлённый О Г т
really fagged out after all that running.
О John, you sure look fagged out.
faggot Cm. fag.
fail n. неудача; самая низкая оценка
(Ср. pass.) □ I pulled a fail in stat. О
fair-haired boy
Sorry, this paper’s a fail if I ever saw
fair-haired bo y n. многообещающий
молодой человек; чей-либо фаво­
рит, приближённый □ Ted is the
boss's fair~haired boy now, but he’ll
just like the rest of us in a month. О
H e 'd have been fired if he wasn’t the
fair-haired boy,
fair shake n. хороший шанс □ I want
to give you both a fair shake. □ A ll I
want from you is a fair shake.
fair-weather mod. временный, неис­
кренний’ (От fair-weather sailor.) □ I
need something more than a fairweather friend to help me through all
this. □ Well, I see you are just a fa irweather golfer like me,
fairy* n. гомосексуалист (Употр.; с
остор. Унизит.) □ I hear that youknow-who is a fairy. □ Who goes
around calling people fairies?
fairy tale и bedtime story n. упро­
щённое или снисходительное объя­
снение чего-либо, ложь □ / do not
want to hear a fairy tale, just the facts,
ma'am. □ What you're telling me
sounds like a bedtime story. Come
back when you can be more straight­
fake book n. книга с партитурой по­
пулярных песен; песенник □ Some­
body lifted my fake book. П I thought
fake books were illegal
fake it tr. притворяться (что делаешь
что-либо) О I f you don't know the
right notes, just fake iu □ I can't fake
it anymore. I ’ve got to be honest with
fake o ff in. тратить время (Син. goof
off.) □ Hey, you guys, quit faking off!
О A ll you clowns do is. fake off. Now,
get busy! .
fake som eone out и fake out som eone
tr. обманывать кого-либо, “обводить”
(как в футболе) □ They faked me out,
and then I stumbled over my own feet.
The coach was fuming. О We faked out
the teacher who thought we had gone out
in the hall.
fakus [ ’fekas] n. устройство, безде­
лушка, штучка □ This little fakus
goes right in here. D Hand me that
long fakus with the hole in one end.
falderal и folderol ['falderal] n. че­
пуха, зря потраченные усилия О I
had about enough of your falderal. □
Stop the folderol and get to work.
fall 1. in. быть арестованным (Уго­
ловн. См. тж. fall guy.) □ I heard
that Bruno fell. Is that right? □ Bruno
would never fall easily. 2. n. арест;
предъявление обвинения (Уголовн.)
□ : Who took the fall for the bank job?
□ Rocko will never accept a fall
fall apart in. сходить с ума, стано­
виться безумным (не обязательно в
прямом смысле) □ It looks like
everything around me is falling apart.
О Gert almost fell apart when she got
the news.
fall down and go boom in. упасть
(Детск.) О Poor Jimmy. D id you fall
down and go boom? □ Careful, now.
You'll fall down and go boom.
fall guy n. жертва (Первонач. уго­
ловн.) □ Rocko wasn’t going to be the
fall guy for this caper. □ I didn’t want
to be the fall guy, so I sat out the last
falling-dow n drunk 1. mod. пьяный,
очень пьяный □ She’s not just tipsy;
she’s falling-down drunk. О Poor
Fred’s falling-down drunk and has no
way to get home. 2. n. пьяный: человек, который не может стоять на
ногах □ Poor old Jed is turning into a
falling-down drunk. О One more fal­
ling-down drunk in this neighborhood
will not be anything new.
falling out n. несогласие (Всегда с а.)
□ Tom and Bill had a little fallingout. □ They patched up their little fal­
fall off the w agon in. вновь начать
пить после периода трезвости О
Poor Jed fell off the wagon again. □ It
look to me like he wanted nothing
more than to fall off the wagon.
fall out in. передозировать наркотик
(Нарк.) О Rocko took some junk and
just about fell out from it. О Gert is
going to fall out. Watch her!
fallout n. результат чего-либо (Син.
flack.) О The fallout from this after­
noon’s meeting was not as serious as
some expected. □ It’s not the crisis It ­
self, but the fallout from the crisis that
concerns us all.
fall out of bed in. сильно упасть (фи­
гурально) О The temperature really
fell out of bed last night! It was 23
below! О The stock market fell out bed
last year at this time.
fancy footwork и fast footwork n.
искусное маневрирование; смекалка
О Ken did a lot o f fancy footwork to
get out o f that one. □ Fast footwork is
the key to success in politics.
Fancy meeting you here sent. “Вот
странная встреча!” , “Вот кого я не
ожидал увидеть!” О Well, hello,
Тот. Fancy meeting you here! □
Fancy meeting you here, B ill How
have you been?
fancy-schm ancy
[ ’faentsi4maentsi ]
mod. красивый, сильный □ This one
is just too fancy-schmancy for Alice.
□ I don't care for these fancyschmancy get-togethers.
Fancy that! exclam. “Только пред­
ставь себе!” , “Кто бы мог подумать!”
□ So, you are a bus driver now. Well,
fancy that! О Fancy that! There’s a
piece of pie left in the fridge.
fandangle [faen’daeijgj] n. устройство,
безделушка, штучка □ Where is the
little fandangle that opens a can of
sardines? □ This fandangle on this
end fits into the slot on the end of this
fanny n. ягодицы (В С Ш А эвфем. В
Великобритании табу.) □ Н е fell
down right on his fanny. □ There’s
dust or something on your fanny.
fanny-bum per
влекающее столько людей, что они
лезут друг на друга □ The fair on
34th Street turned into a real fannybumper. □ There was a typical dull
fanny-bumper in the village last night.
fanny-dipper n. пловец (Как проти­
вопоставление серферу. Калифор.)
The fanny-dippers are not supposed
to go out that far. О It’s too windy for
fanny-dippers, let alone surfers.
fan som eon e’s behind tr. отшлёпать
кого-либо О You straighten out, or
I ’ll fan your behind. □ M y pop
threatened to fan my behind.
Fantabulous! exclam. “Великолепно!”
(Смешение fantastic и fabulous.) □
You are here at last. Fantabulous! □
Fantabulous! I t s finished.
fan the breeze tr. разговаривать,
болтать □ We're just fanning the
breeze, so you did not interrupt any­
thing. □ Stop fanning the breeze and
get to work.
far gone 1. mod. в крайнем состоянии
Wow, that chick is far gone. Listen
to her rave. О H e was too far gone to
make any rave. 2. mod. пьяный □
Larry’s far gone and looking sick. О
Wow, is she ever far gone!
far out 1. mod. отличный, вели­
колепный О This jazz is really far
out! □ You want to hear some far out
heavy metal? 2. mod. сложный для
понимания, запутанный, теоретиче­
ский □ This stuff is too far out for
me. О I can't follow your far out line
o f reasoning. 3. mod. пьяный или оп­
ьянённый наркотиком □ HoW d you
get so far out? □ Three beers and
Wally was really far out.
fart* [fart] 1.* n. пердеть, обычно с
шумом (Употр. с остор.) □ Who is
responsible for that fart? О Did I hear
a fart? 2.* in. выпускать с шумом
кишечный газ; пердеть □
farted? О Somebody farted. 3.* n.
неприятный или тупой человек (Тж.
как провокационное обращение.) □
Who’s the old fart with the enormous
mustache? О Who called me an old
fart sack * n. спальный мешок, по­
стель (Грубо. Употр. с остор.) □
Well, it is time I was getting into the
old fart sack. □ Get out of that fart
sack and get up and get going!
fast buck C m . quick buck.
fast footwork C m . fancy footwork.
fast one n. хитрый и умный трюк
(Обычно с а. См. pull a fast one.) □
That was a fast one. I didn't know you
were so devious, о This was the last
fast one like that you’ll ever pull on
fat mod. хорошо снабжённый чемлибо; имеющий что-либо в изоби­
лии О When it comes to printer
paper, this place is fat. □ We’re fat
with paper, but there's not a ribbon in
fat-cat 1. n. кто-либо очень богатый
или удачливый О I like to watch the
fat-cats go by in their beemers. П I ’m
no fat-cat. I ’m usually financially em­
barrassed in fast. 2. mod. относящи­
йся к богатству или к богачам О
You'll never see те driving any of
fat chance
tliose fat-cat car. □ I just have a bank
account. N o fat-cat investments.
fat chance n. очень слабая возмож­
ность (Саркастич.) □ Fat chance I ’ll
ever get a new car. □ M e, get an A ?
Fat chance.
fat city 1. n. состояние комфорта
(Син. easy street.) О She’s living in
fat city ever since inherited her for­
tune. 2. n. полнота (Выражаемая как
место. См. примеры.) □ I'v e had it
with fat city. I ’m going on a diet. О
Sally is well on her way to fat city.
fathead n. дурак ( У которого мозги
жиром заплыли.) □ You can be such
a fathead! О Paul, you are being a
perfect fathead,
fatheaded mod. глупый П Now that is
really a fatheaded idea. □ It's not fat­
headed! □ L ets not come up with a
fatheaded plan. This one has to make
sensefatso { ’faetso] n. толстяк (Грубо. Тж.
как грубое обращение.) О Неу,
fatso! Go on a diet! О Some fatso
tried to get on the plane and couldn’t
even get through the door!
fatty n. толстяк (Грубо. Унизит. Тж.
как грубое обращение.) О Okay,
fatty, you get the biggest piece of cake
because you deserve it. □ That fatty
over there is going to eat up all the
fattygews [ ’faetigjuz] n. униформа,
форма (Первонач. военн.) □ I 'l l slip
into some fattygews and be right with
you. □ Whose fattygews are piled here
in the corner?
feather brain n. дурак (Тж. как
грубое обращение.) О Gary is such а
feather brain. □ Hey, feather brain.
Wake up and get busy!
feature tr. воображать, представлять
себе что-либо О I do not feature
having a reptay o f what happened last
night. □ I can't even feature such a
thing. □ Can you feature what it would
be like to be fabulously wealthy?
fed 1. и the fed n. агент Ф Б Р: no
борьбе с наркотиками, налоговой
инспекции и др. □ Some fed was
prowling around asking questions
about you. О The feds are onto Rocko
and his gang. 2. n. федеральный
фондовый департамент «{Всегда с
the,) О The fed is not likely to raise
interest rates very soon again. □ There
is no way to predict what the fed is
going to do.
federal diploma n. банкнота С Ш А □ /
could use a few extra o f those federal
diplomas. □ How many federal di­
plomas you got with you?
federal ju g n. федеральная тюрьма
(Уголовн. См. jug.) О Rocko was set
to spend the next twenty years in the
federal jug. □ Lefty is fresh and sweet
— just out o f the federal jug.
feeb [fib] n. дурачок, тупица ( От fee­
bleminded — слабоумный.) □ Don't be
a feeb. Wake up! □ You are such a feeb!
feeb y и fe e b e e [ ’fibi] n. Ф Б Р ;
Федеральное Бюро Расследований
The local were going to call in the
feebies, but the D.A. said to wait. □
The feeby is in on this already.
feed o n e’s face tr. класть пищу в
свой рот; есть (что-либо) О You're
always feeding your face. You are
going to get fat. □ Stop feeding your
face and listen to me.
feel a draft tr. чувствовать, что тебя
отвергают или относятся прохладно,
возможно, по расовым причинам □
Oh, man, I feel a draft in here. Let is
leave. О What a reception! / sure feel
a draft.
feel groovy 1, in. чувствовать себя
удовлетворённым, добродушным р
I t s a beautiful day, and I really feel
groovy. О Everybody is feeling .groovy
and smiling and all. 2. in. быть
пьяным или опьянённым наркоти­
ком □ Looks like Kelly is feeling
groovy on gin again. □ Bruno feels
groovy because o f that he is smoking.
feeling no pain 1. mod. пьяный; оба­
лдевший от наркотика; упившийся
до бесчувствия □ She fell off the
wagon and is feeling no pain- О He
drank the whole thing, and he's feeling
no pain. 2. mod. мёртвый О Your
aunt is feeling no pain now. She
slipped away before dawn. □ Now,
poor led is feeling no pain.
feep [fip ] 1. n. зуммер компьютера □
This thing only makes a feep when I
try to run my program. □ What does
the feep mean? 2. in. (для комп­
ьютера) «удеть, пищать □ I t feeps
when it’s angry, I think. □ Now! It
just feeps to get your attention.
filthy lucre
fella ( ’fc b j n. приятель, парень (Тж.
как обращение.) □ Who’s the fella
With the dark glasses? О Hey, fella.
Got a match?
feller р е д ы п. приятель (Простонар.)
D Now, old John is a pretty smart
feller, but / think he is wrong on this
; one. □ I knew a feller who thought he
knew it all.
fell of a hix I'ftbvahiksl n. “hell of a
•fix’’, чертовский беспорядок (Наме­
ренный спунеризм. См. melt of а
. hess.) D Now I'm in one fell o f a hix.
This is a nice fell of a hix you've
gotten me into.
fenced mod. Злой (Калифор.) D Boy,
was that old man fenced! □ Too
many people around here are fenced
all the time.
fence hanger п. человек, который не
может решить, на чью сторону ему
встать □ We need to find a way to
persuade the fence hangers to come
over to our side. П The senator stated
he would be a fence hanger until the
very minute o f the vote.
fen der-bender [ ’fEnd^btnd?] 1. n.
мелкая авария (Ср. rear-ender.) □
There are a couple of fender-benders
on the expressway this morning, so be
careful. □ A minor fender-bemler
Mocked traffic for a while. 2. n. ли­
хач-водитель О I can not get in­
surance on my 17-year old, who is a
hopeless fender-bender. □ Don’t give
up on young fender-benders. 3. n.
барбитураты (Нарк.) □ Vince popped
a couple o f fendei—benders and went
on his way. О M ax usually has some
fender-benders on him. '
fe n (s) n. мощный анальгетик, фонтанил (Нарк.) о Even M a x says to stay
away from fens. □ Those fens'll lay
you low.
fer shur [fa ’jjaj phr. “for sure”, ра­
зумеется (В прямом написании. См.
for sure.ii Д This is way rad, fer shur.
П Tit be there. Fer shur! 1
feshnushkied [fe ’jn ujkid] mod. пья­
ный o wow, is that guy ever feshnushkied! □ Gert is too feshnushkied to
drive home.
fe t c h u p in. опустошать ж елуд о к ,
блевать □ / really felt like I was going to
fetch up. □ Somebody fetched up in here
and didn't clean it up.
fib [fib) 1. п. мелкая ложь О It was
fust a little fib. I ’m sorry. D Is this
another one of your fibs? 2. in. приви­
рать О Stop fibbing and tell me the
truth. □ Did you fib to the teacher?
fibber [ ’fib »] n. лжец О Harry can be
a fibber sometimes, You got to watch
h im D Jimmy is turning Into a little
Fiddle-faddle! и Fiddlesticks! [ ’fidlfaedl и ’fidlsliks] exclam. “Чепуха!” ,
“ Бред!” П Oh, fiddle-faddle! That's
silly! О Fiddlesticks! You can't be full.
Have some more.
Fiddlesticks! См. предыдущ. вокаб.
F.I.F.O. phr. “first in, first out”, “ин­
первой же и выйдет” (Компьют.
Акроним. См. тж. G .I.G .O ., L.1 .F.O.)
О O f course the wrong thing came out.
That register is f . i . f . o . о Oh, 1
thought this thing was F.I.F.O., and 1
put the stuff in in the wrong order.
fifth wheel n. лишний и ненужный
человек □ I feel like such 0, fifth
wheel around here. □ Hank is just a
fifth wheel Send him home.
fill-in n. заместитель О I was a fill-in
for the receptionist today. Q I ' m just a
fill-in. I ’ll have to refer you to the
filling station n. магазин спиртных
старого названия
автозаправочных станций.) О Please
stop at the filling station and get
some suds on your way home. □ The
filing station on the corner does a big
business on Fridays.
fill—mill n. кабак □ She spends a lot of
time at that fill-mill. □ She stopped
off at the fill-m ill again this evening.
fill or kill k F.O.K. phr. указание для
брокера биржи* выгезлмить заказ на
приобретение или продажу акций, а
при невозможности выполнить, ан­
нулировать заказ (Биржев.) О Get
rid of this order. It was fill or kill, and
it should have been killed yesterday. □
Where? I don't see that ifs marked
filly n. молодая женщина (Просто­
нар.) О Who's that young filly who
just came in? □ Your daughter is get­
ting to be a fine-looking filly.
filthy lucre [,..” 1икгг] п. деньги О I
sure could use a little of that filthy
filthy rich
lucre. О I don't want to touch any of
your filthy lucre.
filthy rich 1. mod. очень богатый □ I
wouldn’t mind begin filthy rich. □
There are too many filthy rich people
now. □ Ken is filthy rich because of
the money his uncle left him. 2. n.
очень богатые люди □ The filthy rich
can afford that kind of thing, but I
can’t. □ I sort o f feel sorry for the
filthy rich.
fin и finn [fin] n. банкнота в 5 дол­
ларов (Из нем. через идиш.) □ Who
says I owe you a fin? □ I gave the old
guy a finn, and he nearly passed out.
finagle и fanigle [fi’neg] и fe’nigl]
1. in. планировать; устраивать за­
говоры; выкручиваться; пробивать
H e's pretty good at finagling, о
She'd rather fanigle than ask out­
right. 2. tr. достигать чего-либо
способами описанными в п. 1. □
Can I fanigle a buck from you? О
She spent a lot of time trying to fi­
nagle a ride to work.
financially em barrassed mod. разор­
ённый □ / am a bit financially embar­
rassed at the moment. □ Gary found
himself financially embarrassed when
the time came to pay the bill.
fine and dandy mod. хороший, от­
личный (Часто саркастич.) О Well,
that's just fine and dandy. Couldn’t be
better. □ / feel fine and dandy, and
I ’m going to have a good time here.
finger 1. tr. указывать на кого-либо
О Tod fingered Marty as being the
one who arrived first. □ Nobody
would dare finger Rocko as the one
who did it. 2. n. человек, указы­
вающий полиции на преступников,
информатор (Уголовн.) О Molly
has become a finger for the cops. О
Yup, she turned finger after her last
vacation. 3. n. спиртного “на па­
лец”; уровень спиртного в стакане
на толщину пальца □ Molly said
she only drank one finger, but the
glass was 4 inches in diameter. □
N o fingers for you, chum. You’ve
had enough. 4. n. гашиш из Среди­
земноморья, в виде палочек □
Max, you got some fingers you can
lay your hands on? □ Rocko has
carried fingers for people, but he
never uses the stuff.
finger w ave n. оскорбительный жест в
виде выставленного вперед среднего
пальца (См. тж. give someone the
finger.) □ Two little kids gave the cop
the finger wave. О The salute turned
into a finger wave when the Major
turned away.
fink [figk] 1. n. охранник, нанятый
для защиты штрейкбрехеров (От
Pinkerton.) О Management called in
the finks. □ We would’ve settled if the
finks hadn't showed up.
2. n.
штрейкбрехер □ The finks moved in
with clubs. □ Bruno used to be a fink.
3. n. информатор (Син. stool pigeon.
Син. тж. rat fink.) □ Molly has
turned into a fink □ M r. Big doesn't
think much of finks. 4. C m . fink (o n
someone). 5. n. любой странный или
неприятный человек □ You are being
such a fink. Stop it! □ Merton is a
strange kind of fink
fink (on som eone) in. давать пока­
зания, доносить на кого-либо □ You
won’t fink on me, will ya? □ Rocko
never finks on his friends.
fink out (on som eone or som e­
thing) in. решить (в конце концов)
“не связываться” с кем-либо или с
чем-либо О Come on, don’t fink
out on us now. □ Bob finked out on
the planfire a line tr. вдыхать кокаин (Нарк.)
M ax left to fire a line. □ Rocko has
never fired a line in his life.
fire aw ay in. начать задавать вопросы,
заговорить □ Okay, I ’m ready. Fire
away. □ The cops fired away at him
for an hour.
fireball C m . ball of fire.
fired up mod. возбуждённый, восхи­
щённый □ How can you be so fired
up at this time of the morning? □ It’s
impossible to get Merton fired up at
fire som eone or something up и fire
up som eone or something 1. tr. (c
someone) побуждать кого-либо к
чему-либо □ See if you can fire John
up and get him to paint the house. □ I
have to fire up the electorate if I want
then to vote for me. 2. tr. запустить
Что-либо, включить □ Andy fired up
the snow blower and started to clear a
path. □ Fire this thing up, and let’s
get going.
fire up in. закурить сигарету с марих­
уаной Р M ax fires up at every chance.
□ Rocko says he never fired up in his
firewater n. виски (От ковбоев и
индейцев.) □ This firewater leaves a
lot to be desired. □ This isn't gin; ifs
fireworks 1. n. восхищение, восторг О
What're all the fireworks about around
here? □ When the fireworks are over,
come in and we'll talk. 2. n. вспышка
Bruno’s fireworks, we calmed down a
little. □ Cut out the fireworks, Sally.
Calm down and get back to work,
first-class и first-rate mod. отлич­
ный, превосходный, лучший □ This
is a first-rate za! □ It is really firstclass. □ You are being a first-class
feather brain.
firstest with the mostest mod. раньше
всего :ii.. в наибольшем количестве
(Всегда с the.) О / always like to be
there early — the firstest with the
mostest. □ Tod got the prize for being
the firstest with the mostest.
first-rate Cm. first-class.
fish n. глупый и неловкий человек
(Унизит.) □ The guy's a fish. Не
can’t do anything right. □ D on't be
such a fish, Merton, Anyone can work
a can opener.
fish—fight n. драка между женщинами
О There's a fish-fight over the biology
building. P Those fish-fights can get
fishing expedition n. предваритель­
ный сбор фактов (Включая вопросы,
задаваемые без определённой цели.)
□ The lawyer was on a fishing expedi­
tion. There was no real wrong com­
mitted to justify a lawsuit. □ Your
honor, counsel is just on a clumsy
fishing expedition. I move for dismiss­
fish -k iss 1. tr. & in. поцеловать (ко­
го-либо) сложенными трубочкой гу­
бами (Студенч.) □ Н е can fish-kiss
like an expert, which is like being an
expert at nothing. □ H e fish-kissed
me, then ran back to his car. 2. n.
поцелуй вытянутыми трубочкой гу­
бами (Студенч.) □ One more fishrkiss tonight, and I am going to
scream □ The actor planted a big
fish-kiss right on her lips and
frightened her.
Fish or cut bait. sent. “Сделай чтонибудь или убирайся.” О Fish or cut
bait, Chuck. There's work to be done
here. □ Decide whether you're going to
watch or help. Fish or cut bait.
fish story и fish tale n. ложь, пре­
увеличение (Как в рассказах рыбакашО Thafs just a fish story. Tell
me another! □ H e's a master at the
fish tale. Maybe he should be a politi­
fishtail in. (для автомобиля) заноси­
ться, особенно на поворотах □ The
caddy fishtailed on the curb and al­
most spun around. □ I t s easy to
fishtail in wet weather.
fish tale C m . fish story.
fishy mod. сомнительный; предпо­
ложительно незаконный или амо­
ральны й (С м . тж. smell fishy.) Р
Something here is fishy. □ That was a
pretty fishy story you told us.
five-finger discount n. добывание
чего-либо воровством; кража □
Bruno used his five-finger discount to
get the kind of ring Molly wanted. □ I
got this thingy with my five-finger dis­
five it C m . take the fifth.
fiver I’faivaJ n .. пятидолларовая ку­
пюра (См. tenner.) □ This thing only
cost me a fiver. □ Give him a fiver,
and lefs get outa here.
fix 1. и fix-up n. доза наркотика, осо­
бенно при похмелье (Нарк.) □ It
was clear that the prisoner needed a
fix, but there was nothing the cops
would do for him. □ M ax arranged to
get a fix-up into the con. 2. in.
покупать дозу наркотика; прини­
мать наркотик (Нарк. См. тж.
fixed.) □ M ax had to fix before he
could even talk to me. □ M olly was in
the other room fixing. 3. tr. кастри­
ровать животное, особенно домаш­
нее (Шут. и о людях. См. тж. fixed
п. 1.) р Get somebody to fix your cat!
□ Sally suggested that someone ought
to fix Merton — if he isn't already. 4.
n. взятка (См. тж. fixed n. 2.) □
Rocko never took a fix in his life. Q
The agent payed a fix to the cops. 5.
tr. повлиять на исход выборов или
соревнования (См. тж. fixed п. 3.) □
Who fixed this race? □ Bruno knows
what it takes to fix an election — cash.
6. n, план, повлиять на исход
выборов или соревнования О Some­
thing is wrong with this game. I smell
a fix. □ Bruno planned a great fix, but
the cops got wise, 7- n. исправление
(Компьвдт.) о This little fix should таке
the whole program run faster, о /
wrote a fix to make the program more
efficient, 8- n. “средство” от социал­
ьных проблем (См- тж. quick fix,) Р
There is по easy fix for a problem like
this. R Some people think there is no
fix at allfixed 1. mod. опьянённый наркотиком
□ M ax is comfortable now that he is
fixed, P He was fixed and broke '&«■ in
a fell of a hix, I'd say. 2. mod. (o
человеке) подкупленный P Don't
worry, the night watchman is fixed. О
The cop is fixed and won’t give you
guys any trouble. 3. mod. (о сорев­
новании или выборах) подстроен­
ный, с предрешённым исходом □
The election was fixed, and we are
going to protest. □ I t was not fixed! 4.
mod. кастрированный □ Now that the
cat is fixed, she seems even meaner, P
I wouldn't buy anything but an al­
ready-fixed dog.
fixed up 1. mod. снабжённый дозой
наркотика (Нарк.) Р Max got Molly
fixed up; then she felt better. P Kelly
saw Molly after she was fixed up, and
she looked better. 2. mod. с назначен­
ным свиданием P Sam got fixed up
with Marta. P Okay, Sam is fixed up
with a date for Saturday.
fixer 1. п. адвокат R I'll get my fixer
ОП it first thing in the morning. P
Bruno's fixer didn't show up in court,
2. п. торговец наркотиками (Нарк.)
P Max is the name of the local fixer.
P Molly has to get to her fixer fast.
fixins I’fiksi)?.] 1. п. составные части
чего-либо R Get out all the fixins
before you start. P D o we have the fix­
ins we need for a spice cake? 2. n.
приготовления к чему-либо P Hurry
up with the fixins. It is almost time for
people to be here. R We're ubout
through with the fixins. Just in time,
too, 3. п. специи; добавки; то, Что
(Простонар.) Р We had a big turkey
and all the fixins. P We couldn't af­
ford all the fixins, but we had a good
meal and there was enough for every­
fizzle [ ’fizjl 1. n. провал, неудача P
The whole project was a fizzle, P Her
first play was no fizzle, 2. in,
потерпеть неудачу (Син- peter out,)
P The whole plan fizzled, and we hod
to start over. P The play began to
fizzle in the second act,
flabbergasted fflaba-gaestad] 1- mod.
удивлённый, ошарашенный P We
were flabbergasted by your proposal. P
They all sat there flabbergasted, 2.
mod. пьяный P After about six beers,
Harry became flabbergasted and slid
under the table. P I thought you were
putting down, and here you are totally
flabbergasted again.
flack C m . flak.
flack (out) in, свалиться от усталости;
отправиться спать Р I just have to go
home now and flack out. P Betsy
flacked out at nine every night.
flag [fl®g] 1. tr. провалить курс P Pat
flagged English again- P I'm afraid I
flagged algebra. 2. n. оценка “F ”,
“плохо” P I 'll get a flag on algebra
for the semester. P I got three flags
and on A. 3. tr. арестовать кого-либо
P The cop flagged Molly for soliciting.
P They flagged Bob for speeding even
though he was a judge,
flagged [fhcgdl mod. арестованный P
M ax almost got himself flagged for
speeding. P Sally was flagged, and she
called her fixer to come get her out.
flak и flack (flaek] 1. n. жалобы, кри­
тика R Why do I have to get all the
flak for what you did? P We’re getting
a lot of flack for that news broadcast.
2. n. реклама R Who is going to
believe this flack about being firstrate? P If s all flak and no substance.
3. n. агент no связи с общественно­
стью П The flak made an an­
nouncement and then disappeared. P
There were flacks all over the place
telling lies and making false promises,
flake |flek| 1. n. человек, ведущий
себя глупо или легкомысленно □
Sally is such a flake! □ Who's the
flake In the plaid pants? 2. n. меди­
цинский кристаллический кокаин
(Нарк. To же, что crack.) □ Where
can I get some flake around here? П
M ax specializes in flake. 3. tr. (для
полиции) подкладывать арестован­
ному наркотик, с целью обвинения
арестованного в хранении наркоти­
ков (Уголовн.) О That's not mine!
You flaked me! О The fuzz must have
flaked Rocko. H e never touches the
Stuff. 4. и flakes n. фенциклидин,
P.C.P,, транквилизатор для живот­
ных О Even M ax won't sell flake, and
he's not what I would call a concerned
citizen. О Sometimes they smoke a
cigarette with flakes on it.
flaked out 1. mod. пьяный □ You are
too flake out to drive home. Give me
your keys. О Man, is she flaked out! 2.
и flaked mod. потерявший сознание
От наркотика (Нарк.) О Sally was
flaked out on the sofa. □ Jerry took
the stuff and ended up flaked. 3. mod.
без сознания; утомлённый* усталый
□ Тот? H e's upstairs flaked out from
work. □ There are too many flaked out
people working at dangerous ma­
flake down in. идти в постель, отправ- ляться спать □ Look at the time. I
gotta go home and flake down. □ After
1 flake down for about three days, r l l
tell you about my trip.
flake (out) 1. in. заснуть от усталости
□ I just flaked out. I had had it. □
After jogging, 1 usually flake for a
while. 2. in. Заснуть после приёма
наркотика (Нарк.) □ A n hour after
she took the stuff, she just flaked. □
Tod popped a few fender-bender and
flaked out.
flake spoon C m . cokespoon.
flako См. следующую вокаб.
flaky [ ’fleki] 1. mod. (о человеке)
ненадёжный □ She’s too flaky to hold
the job. □ H e's a flaky dude. □ I'm
getting so flaky. 2. mod. пристрасти­
вшийся к наркотику (Нарк.) О Н е
look a little flaky. Look at his eyes and
nose. □ M ax is flaky. H e's a walking
advertisement for what he sells. 3. и
flako [’ fleko] mod. пьяный □ Man, is
she flako! □ Paul was flaky and
couldn't drive.
flam doodle Cm. flapdoodle.
flap n. спор, мелкий скандал □ I ’m
sorry about that flap we had yesterday,
but it was all your fault. □ Who
started this flap anyway?
flapdoodle и flam doodle [ ’fUepdudl и
’fcemdudl] n. чепуха, чушь □ I'v e
heard enough of this flapdoodle. □
Cut out the flanuioodle and speak the
flapjaw [ ’flaepdjo] t. n. болтун □ Who
is the flapjaw who has Sally cornered?
□ Merton is anything but a flapjaw. I
bet he doesn’t say a dozen words per
hour. 2. n. болтовня □ Too much flap­
jaw for me to concentrate in here. О
Could you all turn down the flapjaw a
flash [flaej] 1 . n. что-то, что неожи­
данно вспомнилось или пришло в
голову; озарение □ I had a flash and
quickly wrote it down. 0 After we
talked a while, a flash hit me. Why
don’t we sell the house? 2. n. ко­
роткий период времени, мгновение
(См. in a flash.) □ I ’ll be there in a
flash. □ It was just a flash between the
time I said I 'd be there and when I
showed up. 3. tr. показать что-либо
на короткое время О The сор flashed
her badge and made the pinch. П
You'd better not flash a wad like that
around here. You won’t have it long.
4.* in. на короткое Время показать
свои половые органы (Употр. с ос­
тор.) О The guy flashed and moved on
down, the street. □ She flashed briefly,
providing'the show that people came to
see, and left the stage. 5* Cm. flash­
back n. 2. 6. n. глоток спиртного О
I 'l l have just a flash; then I ’ve got to
run. □ Here, have a flash, and let's
chat a little longer. 7. n. наркотичес­
кая эйфория (Нарк.) □ The flash of
this stuff is something to behold. □
Jerry's whole being is keyed to one
flash after another.
flashback 1. n. память о прошлом;
картинка из прошлого □ The next
scene in the film was a flashback to
the time of Ivan the Terrible. □ Sud­
denly, Fred had a wonderful flashback
to his childhood. 2. и flash n. повтор­
ные галлюцинаций после употре­
бления Л С Д (Нарк.) □ Gary was
having flashes for a mouth after he
took the stuff. □ These “flashbacks,"
as they call them, can occur at the
most inopportune moment.
flasher n. Эксгибиционист □ The cops
caught the flasher and took him away.
□ Sarah said she thought she saw a
flasher in the library.
flash on something in. неожиданно и
ясно вспомнить что-либо □ Then I
flashed on a great idea. □ I was trying
to flash on it, but I couldn’t bring it to
flash the hash tr. блевать □ Dave left
quickly to go out and flash the hash, I
think. □ Who's in there flashing the
flat broke mod. совершенно ли­
шённый денег □ Sorry, I ’m flat
broke. Not a cent on me. □ You may
be flat broke, but you will find a way
to pay your electricity bill or you will
live in the dark.
flatfoot и flatty [ ’flaetfut и ’flaetl] n.
полицейский, особенно патрульный
□ Think about how the flatfoot on the
beat is affected by this cold. □ The
flatty stopped at the door, tried the
lock, and moved on.
flathead n. дурак □ Carl, don’t act like
such a flathead. □ H e may seem slow,
but Carl is no flathead.
flatheaded mod. глупый О That is re­
ally a flatheaded idea, you know? □
Merton seems flatheaded, but he’s
quite brilliant.
o n e’s
утомлённый, полностью вымотан­
ный (Употр. с остор.) □ I 'm just
flat on my ass. I need some rest. □
After the day o f the marathon, Tod
was flat on his ass for a week. 2.*
mod. разорённый, без денег (Употр.
с остор. Усложнение flat broke.) О
Sorry, I can not help you. I am broke
— flat on my ass. The guy’s flat on
his ass. Can you help him out with a
flat out 1. mod. полностью □ She was
flat out mad as helL □ We were all
flat out disgusted. 2. mod. на пре­
дельной скорости □ They drove the
thing flat out for an hour. □ I f we
run fiat out, we can get there before
flatten tr. сбить ударом кого-либо с
ног □ M a x flattened the kid with a jab
to the nose. □ Wilbur will flatten his
flatty Cm. flatfoot.
fleabag [ ’flibaeg] n. дешёвый отель
(Син. flop house.) □ 1 won't stay in
this fleabag for one minute. □ Rocko
never stays in fleabags. H e's too
proud. Bruno doesn't care.
fleece tr. обжуливать кого-либо; ук­
расть что-либо у кого-либо (Уго­
ловн.) □ Bruno fleeced the kids for a
lot of money. □ Rocko never tried to
fleece anybody.
flesh -p resse r и palm -presser n. по­
литик □ It is that time o f the year
when the flesh—pressers really go to
work. О A palm-presser came to our
door to ask us what we thought about
his issues.
flexed out of sh ap e mod. очень злой
(Син. bent out of shape.) □ The boss
was completely flexed out o f shape, о
I am truly flexed out of shape.
flick [flik] n. кинофильм □ That was a
pretty good flick, right? □ Lets go see
that new Woody Allen flick.
flimflam [ ’flimflaem] 1. n. жульниче­
ство, обман □ The whole business
sounds like a bit of flimflam to me. □
The crooks pulled a nasty flimflam on
Betsy. 2. n. чепуха, чушь, обман О
Beware of the flimflam they will try to
pull on you. □ I can spot flimflam a
mile away. 3. tr. & in. обманывать,
обжуливать (кого-либо) □ Don’t try
to flimflam me. I wasn’t born yester­
day, you know. □ She is flimflamming over at the Adamsville fair this
flimflam artist n. профессиональный
жулик □ I don't trust that flimflam
artist at all. □ Pretty soon, you’ll
learn how to spot a flimflam artist.
fling up in. опустошать желудок,
блевать □ I was going to fling up. О
Who flung up on the sidewalk?
fling-w ing n. вертолёт □ The flingwing from the radio station is hovering
over the traffic ja m □ There must be
a dozen fling-wings up there making
all that noise.
flip in. сойти с ума □ Wow, I'v e got so
much to do, I was just flip. О The guy
flipped. H e was the nervous type,
flip-flop 1. n. изменение; возврат в
прежнее состояние □ The manager
did a flip-flop on the personnel policy.
2. n. возвращение из длительной по­
ездки (П о каналу автомобильной
flub something up
радиостанции. См. т ж . flip side n.
3.) О Nice talking to you, Silver
Streak. Catch you on the flip-flop. 3.
in. менять направление или силу U
Н е flip-flopped again, leaving us quite
confused. 4. in. колебаться в при­
нятии решения □ I am sorry I am
flip-flopping on this matter. I just can
not seem to decide. □ Well, you just
flip-flop all you want. I know what I
flip one’s w ig tr. потерять контроль
над собой; сойти с ума □ Тот nearly
flipped his wig. □ 1 flipped my wig
when I got the news.
flip (out) 1. in. потерять контроль над
собой □ Wow, I almost flipped out
when I heard about it. □ H e got so
mad that he flipped. 2. in. терять рас­
судок под действием наркотика
(Нарк.) □ After taking whatever it
was, two kids flipped out. Я Why did
they flip out? What did they take?
flipping mod. чёртов (Эвфем. для
fucking.) □ Get this flipping dog out
of here! □ Whafs the flipping idea?
flip side 1. n. другая сторона пласти­
нки □ On the flip side, we have
another version o f “Love M e Tender”
sung by Beverly Mills. □ Give a listen
to the flip side sometime. 2. n. другая
сторона в споре □ I want to hear the
flip side of this before I таке a judge­
ment. □ O n the flip side, he is no bar­
gain either. 3. n. возвращение из
(П о
автомобильной радиостанции.) Q
See у a. Catch you on the flip side,
maybe. □ Didn't I talk to you on the
flip side last week?
flip som eon e off и flip som eone out
tr. сделать оскорбительный жест
средним пальцем (Син. give someone
the finger. Студенч.) □ Did you flip
me off? О Ernie flipped Tom out, and
Tom flattened Ernie. АЯ, life in the
big city.
flip som eone out См. предыдущ. вокаб.
flip som eon e the bird tr. сделать ос­
корбительный жест средним паль­
цем (Син. give someone the finger.) О
M ax flipped the cop the bird — and
that was just the wrong thing to do". О
The little kid flipped the cop the bird
and didn't even know what it meant.
flivver [ ’fliv^r] n. старый автомобиль
(Бывшее прозвище модели Ford—Т .)
□ Whose fliw er is that parked out in
the street? □ 1 got an old flivver to get
to school and back.
flog [flag] tr. рекламировать что-ли­
бо; пытаться сбыть что-либо □ Fred
was flogging this car so hard, 1 figured
he was trying to get rid o f it. □ Don’t
flog it so hard: It makes people suspi­
flooey [ ’flui] mod. пьяный □ Wow, is
she flooey! О You’re flooey again.
Thafs every night this week.
floored 1. mod. удивлённый □ I was
really floored by what she had to say.
□ You looked floored when I came in.
Wasn’t I invited? 2. mod. сбитый с
ног ударом □ Wilbur was floored by
his opponent. D The guy was floored
and didn't move a muscle — ever
again. 3. mod. пьяный □ You'd be
floored, too, if you'd drunk a dozen
beers. □ H e's totally floored. Can't see
a hole in a ladder.
floor it Cm. put the pedal to the metal.
floozie [ ’fluzij n. сексуально нераз­
борчивая женщина □ M olly was en­
raged when Rocko called her a floozie.
□ “I didn't call you a floozie,” said
Rocko. “I said you were boozy."
flop 1. n. провал, неудача □ What go
you mean your life is a flop. P The
play was a flop. The entire audience
left during the second acti 2. n.
ночлег, место для ночлега (Уличн.)
The old man was looking for a flop
for the night. О D o you know where I
can find a flop?
flop house n. ночлежка О This place
is a flop house! I won't stay here for a
moment. □ A ll some of those guys
need in lif&^s a flop in a flop house,
flopper-stopper n. бюстгальтер □ She
is very shy. She won’t even hang her
fbpper-stoppers out on the line to dry.
□ Hey, Jimmy, does your sister wear a
flopper-stopper yet?
flower tops и flow ers n. почки коно­
пли с соком (Нарк.) □ They say that
flower tops are the best. □ Tiffany
only buys flowers.
flub something up и flub up som e­
thing tr. делать что-либо неправиль­
но □ Now don't flub this up. О I never
flub up anything.
flub the dub
flub the d u b S ’fb b 6э ’dab] tr. не
суметь исполнить необходимое О
Merton is flubbing the dub with the
fund-raising campaign. □ Please don't
flub the dub this time.
flub (up) 1. и flu b -u p n. ошибка,
провал О I tried not to make a flub,
but I did. О Who is responsible for
this flub-up? 2. iit. делать грубую
ошибку; портить; сбивать □ You are
flubbing up again, aren't you? О 1 do
my best to keep from flubbing.
fluff (flnf | 1. а. чепуха; чушь; вещи не
относящиеся к делу О This is just a lot
of fluff Nothing substantial at all Ь 2.
: tr. & [« . совершать ошибку, делать
что-либо неправильно О Tod fluffs his
lines in the same plate every night.
fluff-stuff i ’flafstsf] n. снег □ There is
supposed to be an Inch o f fluff-stuff
tonight. О Fluff-stuff looks pretty, but
it's no fun to shovel it.
flunk [ fbrjk] 1. tr. & in. провалить
курс обучения П I 'm flunking in
English lit. □
Wilbur is flunking
everything. 2. tr. поставить комулибо оценку “ Г", “плохо" О Good
grief! Shi flunked me! □ Г т sorry,
but I am going to have to flunk half
the class.
flunk Out (o f something) in. отчи­
слить из школы за неуспеваемость О
Fred flunked out of school and never
tried to go back. □ That's it All F’s.
I ’ve flunked out.
flush mod. богатый D Today I am
flush. By tomorrow, I 'll be bmke. Q
I 'm not exactly flush, but / can pay
the bills.
flusher n. уборная (в доме) (llpo стонар. Протииоп. холодной убор­
ной.) □ I hear they put in a flusher
over at the Babbits’. Q That's silly.
They've always had a flusher.
fly mod. знающий, умный П This dude
is fly; there's no question about it. О
We don't need any more fly birds
around here.
flyboy (flaibpi] (i. нилот (ВоёйфУ О
Rocko was a flyboy in Korea. □ Those
flyboys have it easy.
fly-by-n ight mod. ненадёжный, не­
честный □ Bruno seems like such a
fly-by-night at all. □ He's not fly -b y night at all □ Don't do business with
fly-by-night people.
fly kites tr. выписывать или выдавать
подложный чек (Уголовн. См. kite.)
Marty was picked up for flying kites
in there different cities. □ She got
caught flying kites in Philadelphia.
fly light in. пропускать приём пищи О
fly light until about dinner-time. □
Nothing for me, thanks. I'm flying
light today.
fly the coop tr. сбежать от куда-либо,
убраться □ I was afraid he would fly
the coop if I didn't tie him up. О I
flew the coop before my dad got home.
fly trap n. рот □ Close your fly trap.
You talk too much О Don’t talk with
your fly trap full.
foam n. пиво □ How about some more
foam? D A ll the guy thinks about is
F.O.B, mod. “Fresh off the boat” , до­
верчивый и наивный, как только
что прибывший иммигрант (Игра на
Free on Board.) О That new guy is re­
alty F.O.B. What a wimp!
foggiest (idea) n. (даже) малейшего
представления (Обычно с Отри­
цанием. Всегда с the.) О I'm sorry I
don't know. I haven't the foggiest. Cl I
don’t have the foggiest idea of how to
do this.
F.O.K. Cm. fill or kill.
fold 1. in. потерпеть неудачу, прова­
литься, закрыться □ The play folded
in the second week. □ I was afraid my
business would fold because o f the re­
cession, 2. in. потерять сознание от
алкоголя □ Dave had just one more
drink, and then he folded. Cl She
folded neatly and slid beneath the
folded mod. пьяный □ Tod is folded.
That's the third time this week. □
Matt, is he folded!;
folding money и folding stuff n.
Долларовый банкноты: (в проти­
воположность монетам) О Sorry, I
don’t have any folding money with me.
Can you pick up the bill? D I sure
could use some more of that folding
folks п. чьи-либо родители (Всегда с
притяжат. местоич.) О I ’ll have to
ask my folks if I can go. □ Her folks
are sort of mad at her.
fomp [famp] in. заниматься любов­
ными играми (Студенч.) О Who are
for the devil of it
those two over there fomping? О Jerry
wanted to fomp, and I wanted to get
him out o f my sight.
fooey Cm. phooey.
fo o -fo o water [ ’fufuwada-] n. лосьон,
одеколон □ Do not use so much of
that foo-foo water, о / got three bot­
tles o f foo-foo water for my birthday.
foot-in-m outh disease n. тенденция
“говорить не то и не там” О I suffer
a lot from foot-in-mouth disease. □
Well, Ralph has foot-in-mouth dis­
ease again.
foot it tr. идти; добираться пешком
или бегом (Ср. ankle, shank it.) □ I
have to foot it over to the drugstore for
some medicine. □ I'm used to footing
it wherever I go.
footsy-w ootsy [futsi’wutsi] n. нога
(Детск.) О Your little footsy-wootsies
are cold. □ Somebody stepped on the
toes o f my footsy-wootsy!
[ ’fuzj]
проваленное задание □ Who made
this foozle? О What a stupid foozle! 2.
портить работу (См. тж. foozlified.)
□ I'm afraid I 'l l foozle the camera if I
open it up. О Who foozled the copying
[ ’fuzlifaid]
испорченный (о работе) □ This job
is really foozlified.
Who was in
charge? □ I'v e never seen such a
foozlified mess in my life! 2. mod.
пьяный □ Why do you always come
home foozlified? □ Fred is foozlified
and can't see his hand in front of him.
for all I know phr. “насколько я
Знаю” ; “я действительно не знаю" О
For all I know, they just did it for a
lark. О She came in late because she
had an accident, for all I know.
for (all) o n e’s trouble phr. несмотря
на все усилия; за мизерную плату О
Н е got a punch in the jaw for all his
trouble. p For her trouble, she got
only honorable mention.
forbidden fruit n. “запретный плод”,
недоступностью О Liquor was forbid­
den fruit for Jed. □ A hew car became
Ralph's forbidden fruit.
for chicken feed C m . for peanuts.
For crying in a bucket! и For crying
out loud! exclam. “Боже мой!”, “Го­
споди!” □ For crying in a bucket!
Who did this? □ Look at this mess!
For crying in a bucket!
For crying out loud! См. предыдущ.
for free mod. бесплатно О And I get
all this for free? О Is all this really
mine for free?
Forget it! 1. exclam. “He обращай
внимания!” , “Забудь!” О Forget it! It
wasn’t important. □ I had an objec­
tion, but just forget it! 2. exclam. “ He
обращай внимания, всё в порядке!”
О N o trouble at all. Forget it! □ For­
get it! It was my pleasure.
“Сгинь!” ,
“Проваливай!” □ Oh, yeah! Forget
you! □ Forget you! Get a life!
for keeps mod. навечно □ Does that
mean I'm going to have this scar for
keeps? О This is yours for keeps.
Enjoy it.
for kicks mod. для забавы, для развле­
чения О We ju st did it fo r kicks. We
d id n 't mean to hurt anyone. □ Let's
drive over to Wally s place, just for kicks.
fork something over и fork over some­
thing tr. передать что-либо (какуюлибо вещь) кому-либо О Okay, fork it
over. I f s mine! □ Okay, fork over the
dough and be quick about it!
for peanuts и for chicken feed mod.
практически бесплатно (См. chicken
feed.) □ I won't work for peanuts. О
You surely don’t expect me to do this
for chicken feed, do you?
For Pete’s sake! и For pity’s sake!
For the love of Mike! exclam. “Боже
мой!", “Господи!” □ For Pete's sake!
HoW ve ya been? □ For pity's sake!
Ask the man in out of the cold!
For pity’s sake! См. предыдущ.
for real mod. настоящий, не вооражаемый □ Ken is really strange. Is he
for real? □ This whole day just isn’t
for real.
for sure phr. разумеется, абсолютно
(Син. fer shur.) О I 'l l be there, for
sure. □ Am I happy? For sure!
for the birds mod. нежелательный,
неприятный □ This pizza is for the
birds. О I don’t like this kind o f life.
I f s for the birds.
for the devil of it и for the heck of it,
for the hell of it* mod. без особой
for the heck of it
причины; Лиотому что нельзя”;, из
противоречия (Употр. е остор.) □
The kids broke the window just for the
devil o f it. П ' We -just drove over for
thi heck of it.
for the heck o f it См. иредыдущ.
for the hell o f it C m . for the'devil of it.
For the love of Mike! C m . For Pete's
(forty) winks п. сон, дремота (Обычно
с ' определением количества:,- forty,
some, a Jew, a bunch of и т.дЛгДр I
could use forty winks before I'.have to
get to work. □ / -need a ffw winks
before I get started again..
forwards ti. амфетаЖШШ стимулято­
ры (Нарк. Антоним backwards.) □
Tod popped some forwards to wake
himself up. □ Molly drop» forward's,
around tlie clock.
fossil i . n. старомодный, консервати­
вный человек □ Some , old fossil
called the police « a b o u t □
Oh, Tad, you are such a fossil., 2. n.
родители □ My. fossils would never
agree to anything■like
your fossils permit the#*.*
fouled up mod. испорченный, сломан­
ный, запутанный □ This is sure a
fouled up mess. О You sure are fouled
up, you know.
foul mouth n. человек, постоянно
употребляющий непристойности □
Terry, don't e such a foul mouth. □
Sally is turning into a real foul mouth
foul up 1. in. грубо ошибаться, ис­
портить □ Please do not foul up this
time. О The quarterback fouled up in
the first quarter, and that lost us the
game. 2. n. ошибка (Обычно fo u lup.) □ That was a fine foul-upI Is
that your specialty? О I can produce a
serious foul up with both hands tied
behind me.
four—b ag ge r n. обратный бросок (в
бейсболе) □ Wilbur hit his third fo u rbagger of the season. □ Another, fo u rbagger for Wilbur!
four—bits n. пятьдесят центов (1
bit-12,5 центов) D You got four—bits
can borrow? □ Here’s four-bits.
Keep the change.
fo u r-e y e s n. человек, носящий очки,
“очкарик” (Тж. как грубое об­
ращение.) □ Well, I'v e got to the age
where I ’m a four-eyes. □ Hey, fou reyes, betcha you can't see this!
four-flusher n. мошенник О Bruno, is
a lousy four-flusher, among other un­
pleasant things. P You dirty fo u rflusher!
fours and doors и fo u r-d oo rs n.
“Tylenol™ No. 4” (с кодеином) и
“Doriden*jH(HapK. См: тж. 'doon-.%
Any little kid around here can tell
you where to get fours and doors. Й
M ax won't deal with four-doors.
four sheets in the wind и four sheets
(to the wind) mod. пьяный (См. тж.
at three sheets in the wind.) □ After
only three beers, Gary was four sheets
to the wind. □ She’s not just tipsy.
She's four sheets!
four w heels n. автомобиль, тран­
спорт (Ср. wheels.) □ I need four
wheels to get me around town. □
Without four yvheels at my disposal,
feel trapped.
fox n. привлекательная девушка или
женщина О Man, who was that fox I
saw you with? □ That fox was my sis­
ter. Next question?
fox trap n. автомобиль, переделанный
и украшенный так, чтобы при­
влекать женщин □ I put every cent I
earned into my fox trap, but I still re­
pelled women. О To you its a fox
trap; to me it's a pimpmobile.
foxy [ ’faksi] 1. mod. сексуальный
(особенно о женщине) □ Man, is not
she foxy! □ What a foxy dame! 2.
mod. пахнущий потом □ Somebody
in this taxi is a little foxy. □ Who's
got the foxy pits? О Subway cars can
sure get foxy in the summer. 3. mod.
пьяный или .опьянённый наркоти­
ком □ He’s worse than foxy — he’s
stinking drunk. □ Gary is a little foxy.
Let him rest awhile.
fo x y la d y n. сексуально привлека­
тельная девушка или женщина О
You are really a foxy lady, Molly. □ A
couple of foxy ladies stopped us on the
fracture tr. вызвать у кого-либо
бурный смех О Now, this joke will
fracture you. □ I like to tell a few that
fracture everybody.
fractured 1. mod. пьяный □ This is the
third night this week that Tod has
rolled in fractured. О H e was so frac-
freak (out)
turcd he couldn't see. 2. mod.
“убитыйНсмехЩ:;:Л The- class was
fractured, and the laughter did not
stop until the teacher managed to get
up o ff the floor. О The whofe. audience'
was fractured by thg. time my ten
minutes was up. ..
frag [frasg] tr. совершить покушение
на ненавистного офицера во Ньетн аМ ^ВоенндаР Т^с gvy was so cer~
10ц that nobody was g@ii}g t&frag him
Jluft ,hc -got careless ahd Charlie got
him. □ I , saw some creeps frag -a guy
f ragged Sj&aegd] ipod. уничфженныйу?
дезрущеннад» О ‘ M y , cfothesm^ e
fragged, and
n ^JS
dues, your room look so: fragged? '
fraidy :pat®fredi...] п.;»труе.; человек,
который всего боится (Детск.) О
Don't be a fraidy cat Go ahead, jump!
□ Carl is such a fraidy cat
frame 1.
подставлять кого-либо;
<Яепа1 ь так, чтобы в преступлении
в-^швинилм -.невинного . Щерврнач.
/'Здрловн.) □ Jimmy Шеф 0 frame his
for pointing the oat, yellow. □
You. woft(t frame me and get qwayjpith
д д . 2. и fram e-up n. обвинение,
основанное на поддельных уликах
гДУ1:оловн ) □ Bruno would neyer fall
easy. Must-be a frame □ The frameup would have worked if it weretijL>for
one little thing.
fram e-u p См. предыдущ. вукаб. п»
frantic mod. великолепный, дикий □
We had a frantic time at Cfrez hreddy
□ 7 hat rally, was reajly frantic.
frat |fra:t] 1.?п/;Гга!етаиу студенческое
братство (Студенч ) □ Are you go{ng
to join a frat? □ My-Jjrother pis in. a
frat. 2. mod о i носящийся к 'студен­
ческим бра!С1 вач и их^япенцм □ ;fs
there a frat party tonight.,9
-f3 Frat (ife
is not for me.
frat-rat |‘fra:tra:t| n. член студенческого братства '(Огудрнч.) ОЦгThe
frat—rats are having a rally tonight □
Is Frank- й frat-rat, or is, he inde-
freak Ifr'ikjw 1. n. нр^ц$.вдтаемый
кем-либо мтркотик , (Нарк.)
M ax's freak i s . crack. □ I ley,.) man,
what’s your freak? 2. n, в сложных
• словах ■— человек, пристра! innn’iiiйся к чему-.чибо См barb freak,
соке freak, crank;freak, eagle freak,
(.со freak, freon freak, frost freak,
garbage freak, juice freak, kick freak,
meth freak,.. speed freak. 3. C m . freak
( out).
freaked (out) 1. mod. шокированный,
сбитый с толку □ I was too freaked
out to герЬЯ^чМал, iwqs^flfrei^ed.^i,
mod. yciалый-,:утомленный □ I ’m too
freaked out to go on.without.some rest,
a The chick is really,freaked. LetJier
rest. 3. mod. опьянённый .наркотиком
(Нарк.) □ Ye gods,-yoii're freaked! □
Molly was so freaked out, she refused;
J q keep her clothes on.,14, m od. sb
состоянии эмоционадьмош| воз­
буждения после приёма наркотика.
(Н ар к Ж п Tod was freaked out from
the stuff, fo r a month. □ She was so
freaked that she never torched- the stuff
freaker J’liska-] 1. n. что-либо шоки­
рующее, ошедрмляьдацес или утоми­
тельное (Студенч.) ,□ Wasn’t that
weird? Й Я M-.fr${i)sMr, □
ttykuhear m is0 ,ffyhat p. fiedkefy 2 . a.
чед£)век, коюрыn'-j'reakeif^(out)j (В
любом из значений СтудеичЖ □
Some poor freaker'sat in the corner
and ЕЩ.Ы □ Wheli Ihe freaker tn the
freak freely in. ви.ннь галлюцинации
ojt ЛСД , уже не^жиотребляя нарко­
тика (Парк.) □ After about the third
trip, Ernie was freaking freely, day
and night □ Fjfcakmg freely is no big
gift at all\lt’s horrible.
sneak house n. место, где продают и
употребляют наркотики, мстамферамрны Шарк ) ,□ The cops busted а
freak house over on Maple. □ I saw,a
couple of kids I know, going into й
freak house.
freaking mod., чёртов (Эвфем. '.!Тля
fucking.) □ Get your.freaking socks off
my bed. □ What is this freaking mess
freak (out) 1. in. паниковать, терять,
над собой контроль □ 1 was so
frightened, I thought I would freak P
Come on, relax. Don’I freak out. 2. n.
ненриядные ощущения от приёма
наркотика; психотическая; реакция
на Л СД (Парк. Обычно freak-out
или fre ak ou t) □ The poor kid a
freak-out and never really ‘ recovered.
freak someone out
Some of them get turned off to
drugs by a really good freakout, 3.
[ ’frikaut]
(Обычно freak-out или freakout.) 0
There is a big freak-out at Freddy's
Joint tonight, P What a frantic freak­
out! 4. [ ’frikaut] n. человек* который
freaked ' (-o u t ) (в любом из 4-х
значений) (Обычно freak-out или
freakout.) П Some poor freakout sat
in the corner and rocked. О Who’s ithe
freakout in the corner?
freak som eone out й freak out som e­
one tr. шокировать или ошеломлять
кого-либо □
The whole business
freaked me out, □ I didn't mean to
freak out everybody with the bad news.
freaky mod. странный, эксцентри­
чный О
get a freaky feeling when­
ever I hear that musif. P Thafs really
freaky. О What a freaky movie.
free b a se и (free)b ase |Tribes] 1. n.
чистый, пригодный для курения
Кокаин Р М ах is real big on free base.
P Bruno likes base, loo. 2. in. курить
чистый кокаин P Rocko won’t base,
smoke, or anything. P Rocko has
never freebased in his life. '
free b ase party n. сборище, место,
где употребляют free base (Парк.) О
Max has a free base party about once
a week. О The cops broke up a free
base party in Beverly Hills.
free—baser n. человек, употребляю­
щий free base (Парк.) P O f course
M ax is и free-baser! What doesn't he
do? P Some of these free-basers have
heart attacks.
fre e-b asin g и basebatling, basing n.
использование free base, как сред­
ства для расслабления (Парк.) Q
Rocko refuses to try free-basing. 0 He
saw whdt basing did to his brother.
freebie и freebee, freeby [ ‘fribi] ti.
что-либо, отдаваемое бесплатно □
■ They gave me a freebie with my pur­
chase. P I expect a freebee when I
spend a lot of money like that.
free for all и fre e-fo r-a ll n. арака,
мордобой P .4 free for all started on
the beach over near the concession
stand. □ The cops broke up the free1for-all.
freeload in. жить за чёй—либо счёт;
питаться за чей-либо счёт Р Don't
come around here and expect to
freeload P M y brother-in-law has
been freeloading at our house for
freeloader n. нахлебн и к, паразит,
тунеядец □ Ken is sort of a freeloader,
but he's a lot of fun anyway. □ There
are a lot o f freeloaders here: We are
going to have to ask to see tickets.
free lunch n, что—либо бесплатное
(Часто с отрицанием.) □ There's al­
ways somebody who'll do anything to
get a free lunch. О There is no such
thing as a free lunch.
free ride n. неучастие в работе,
безделье Р You have had a free ride
long enough. You have to do your
share o f the work now. П N o more free
rides around here. Get off your duff
and get a job!
free show n. взгляд на интимные
части женского тела □
looked like the type who was always
waiting for a free show that was never
to be. P .4 true gentleman, takes no no­
tice of a "free show".
free trip n. повторные галлюцинаций
после Прекращения приёма ЛСД
(Нарк.) 0 The kid got a free trip, and
it scared her to death■ о i f these free
trips continue, we may have to run
some lests.
free-w heeling mod. несдержанный,
буйный P These high-spending, free­
wheeling palm pressers appear out of
nowhere at election time. D She’s too
free- wheeling. □ She’s a free-wheeling
executive type.
freeze 1. n. игнорирование кого-либо,
“холодный приём” Р Everybody seems
to be giving me the freeze, о I got the
freeze from Julie. What did I do wrong?
2. tr. игнорировать, не замечать каго:либо О Don’t freeze те, gang! I used
mouthwash! P They froze him because
he didn’t send thank-you notes for his
birthday presents, 3. in. стоять совер­
шенно неподвижно (Тж, как приказ
полицейского.) Р The fuzz shouted,
"freeze., or you’re dead meat!" P I
froze: and the bull didn’t see me,
freeze som eone out и freeze out
som eone 1, tr. понижать Температу­
ру в помещении,;'“ вымораживая”
кого-либо (См. play freeze-out.) О
Are you trying to freeze out everybody?
front man
Close !ht' door. О Turn up the heat
unless you’re trying to freeze us out. 2.
tr. ограничивать кого-либо социал­
ьно □ They froze me out of the club,
j What did I do wrongi P We didn’t
want to freeze you out; You failed to
, pay your dues, however. ■
freezing cold mod. очень холодный P
I f s freezing cold out there. P / won't
go out in freezing cold weather. U Why
does it have to be so freezing cold?
French kiss t. n. поцелуй с исполь­
зованием языка О Whafs French
about a French kiss? О I didn’t know
whether I was going to get a French
' iiss-,. or a; fishfiMss.: 2. tr,; целоваться,
используя, язык □ Kids like to try to
French kiss, each other at an early age,:
If s part o f growing up. О He tried to
French kiss me, but I stopped him. ;
freon freak и frost freak j ’ frian frik и
’frost frik] n. наркоман, для дости­
жения наркотической эйфорий вды­
хаю щ ий фреон из аэрозольных
баллончиков (П а р к .) □ B ill was а
freon freak when he was a kid. О Mow
: those frost freaks can’ t get the stuff
anymore. They don’t sell it because it
ruins the air or something.
fresh t. mod. бесстыдный, дерзкий О
Ken sure is fresh sometimes. P Kids
get some pretty, fresh ideas. 2. mod,
несколько агрессивный,
ьный; “распускающий руки” О Иеу, .
buster.' Do not get fresh with me! О He
got fresh, so 1 slapped him. 3. mod.
хороший P Gee, that's not fresh. Too
bad. P That stuffs really fresh. I f s a
fresh and sweet mod. только что вы
шедший из тюрьмы (Уличн.) . 0
Molly is fresh and sweet and back on
the street. О Hey, Lefty, you look all
fresh and sweet.
fresh as a daisy mod. человек, кото­
рый всегда жизнерадостен О How
can you be fresh as a daisy so early in
the morning? О I always feel fresh as
a daisy.
freshm an ['frtjjmnn] и. недавно, при
страстившийся к наркотикам чело­
век 0
Max likes to deal with
freshmen. They become good custom; ers. О The freshmen replace the ones
who get flagged or freak out per; manently.
fridge [fridjl n. холодильник Cl Put
this in the fridge so it won't spoil. □
What's in the fridge for dinner
fried mod. пьяный или опьянённый
наркотиком (См. тж. brain—fried под
brain-burned.) и How the hell did you
get so fried? □ The chick got totally
fried on three beers.
frigging 1. mod. чёртов (Эвфем, для
fucking.) u Who made this frigging
mess? t l I smashed up my frigging
car! 2. mod. чертовский P What a
frigging stupid thing to do! P That is a
dumb frigging thing to do!
Frisco I'frisko] n. г. Сан Франциске
ш г. Калифорния П M y cousin lives
in Frisco. P Have you ever been in
I Frisco?
Frisco speedball [frisfco \spidb;>l| n.
вводимая внутривенно смесь ivpon •
на, кокаина и Л СД (Нарк. См. тж.
San Francisco bomb.) 0 Wasn't it й
Frisco speedball that killed what i s . his-пате? P Frisco sfseedbdlls mere,
popular over 41) years ago.
from A to Z mod: “от А до Я "; пол­
ностью и разнообразно Р W e have
just about everything from A to Z. О
She ordered everything on the menu
from A to Z.
from hunger Cm.
from (the) git-go mod. с самок» нача­
ла (См. git-go, jump (street).) D This
kind of thing has been a problem from
S the git~go. P I warned you about this
from git-go,
from w ay back mod. долго, издавна
(Простонар.) П Гт a banjo picker
front Way back. P Tod is a woodcarver
from way back.
front 1. in. шштить вперёд (См. front
money.) P I fronted about $ 550 for
the new computer. G How much do
you want her to front for this? 2. n.
респектабельная внешность P Jan
can put up a good front, but most of
us know the real Jan..P The front she
put up collapsed as She heard the bad
front man n. респектабельный и хо­
рошо известный человек,
стаилнюший менее респектабельную
организации! или человека Р The
former adviser now serves as a front
front motley
man for a large foundation.
front man came out ana made an Bn' nouncenwnt:<
front money 11. деньги, заплаченные
вперёд', честные деньги □ How much
front то^^^ШсЯШ; Meed? P ;'/ put up
a [ot of front money and have nothing
to show for il.
front runner
Лидер; наиёйее ве' роятный победитель □ The p/Avl
у found out tom e juice secrets about the
,froniifunner and ^М е.'Щ Щ щ зй publie. п ЩНоЛ&;4Ье;Щ}^ .rtawMr in the
race for senator?* ; «
fronts п. одежда; спортивный костюм
(Не.грит.) □ You got some good-l<x/king fronts theri. □ » 1 peed some new
froody (Sfru^lJ mod. велйко'Лепнйй;
ноехвительный П The curtains parted
j#o the'trt@&t froodpjunky svt I 'v e ever
seen. П Man. is this frtxxly! О D W }on
have se'me froody ideas-, all rigm. But
>J$q№$&liisarry them out? с •
frosh Ifrofghb n. новичок О Ken is just
■ a frosh, out he looks older. О1
f r o s h -t o do :A \ f o r уо<Щ 2. mod.
относяпйайся к новичкам О 'The frosh
dorm is full ago n 'his хеш И /ш\ i\ а
,>fresh dance You can’t come in
frost tr. разозлить кого-либо (См. тж.
,■ frosted (■over).) □ That really fronts
j,me. □ The little car frosted me Щщ
zooming into my parking place.
frosted (over) modi, злой, раздражён.«-ЛЩ1Й □ The clerk was reality'! frosted
over when I asked for a better one □
Why was he so frosted?
frost freak C m . freon freak. .
frosty 1vn frosty one 11. пиво, хйлоаi ное пиво О -.Неу, toss nw a frosty, will
wfrbs'tf'S ^ 'a fi^ fU M h & t
work. 2. mod. то же, что!ё|^*В0|!^Р?'
4-х значениях) О That music is’ re□ . We h
didn't We? 3. и frost(ed) mod. опьягйрнкый кокаино'м (Парк.) 'Oc0f^X\
seems frosty all the' time □ She
looked a little’frosty when she came
back t o ' her iifask. 4. :■и Frostyf?the
Snowman n. торговец кокаином
', (Нарк. Обычного заглавной буквы.
От названия' песни.) П^Юоп’} call
M ax Frosty. Н е doesn'Wflike that. -О
"Where can I find Frosty the SnowrH'an
in this'neighborhood? ;
froth n. пиво О Would' убЩИкёуёте
■ froth? О How about another pitcher o f
froth, innkeeper? ■
fruit 1. п.;;'«и|)|9»фй' чеЯЦек (Вытес
нСнно значением 2.) Р Ted is such ц.
fruit. □ ЗаЩ^'О'^Щ.ОП’Мке. a fruit, but
if S ju s t his ч Д й е of humor. 2.
'счигае гея оско po nf-eЛьн ым! )'- (1 Bob
thinks that you-know-whfr is а /гшгМИ
Who’s the'fnut who fust еатШп?
fruitcake 1. и fruit loop n. дурач"йк
(Someone who is as nutty" as a fruit­
cake ftTi<u1tv
вкусный и рехнувши­
йся!)'"’ 11 What a fruitcake! Doesn't
, even know where Ms heaa is at U ‘ Carl
acts' like such a Uxmy fruit loop. 2 . 11.
гомосексуалмст'*(гомосексущиста jij-i
слово, считается оскорбительным.]
Who's, fkei frtiitbahe who ]Ust'$mt0'.
in? U Ken iSid that убй—
a fruitcake.
fruit loop См. npe;ti>i;|j.ttV. вокаб. ,
в я я in. .умере1 ь на алектрйч&кбм
И ^ле (Уголовн jp P The D A is deter­
mined thht you will j j p * □ 1 don’t
want to fry' 2. tr казний, койрлибо
па электрическом стуле (УйШовн.р
. gonna fry you for this. □
■Nobody's gonna fry Rocko!1'
fuck* [fokl tr. & in. совокупляться с
кем-либо (Табу. У п оф . с большой
остор.* Многими* считается чрезвычаийй" оскорбительным. Входит-1
! во
многие словосочет.) а Тип tlni^'ni п
fucking out on the lawn. P H e adtiicilu
: said in public that he had — увШ$ёрЩ
t^Mfucked her.
fucking* mod. проклятый (ТабщУтЮтреб. с остор.) О Get this' fucking
■ idiot- outa here! P What the fucking
hell do you think you hre doing9
fud Cm. fuddy-duddy.
fuddy-duddy и fud [ ’fadidsMii и fedffl
n. старом'0Яиый человек (особенно
мужчина)"О Pay по attention to him
He's just art'old fud □ There seems to
be a contention of fuddy-duddies in
the park today.
fu dge jfadjl 1. in. обманывать, ж уль­
ничать P ■Bill, you’re fudging. Wait
till thff starting gun fires. □ N o fair
fudging! 2. n. чепуха, Ложь, обман □
€ut out the fudge and< talk straight. □
I'v e heard Enough of your fudge. L e t ’s '
get honest, okay?,
fu dge factor n. допуск (на ошибку,;
или неточность) О 1 never use а
fudge factor. I measure correctly, and
cut the material exactly'ithe way /
measured it. О / built in a fudge factor
o f 3 inches.
fugly J’fogli) mod. “fat and ugly”, жи­
рный и уродливый (Студенч.) О
Man, is that dog of yours ever fugly!
What or who did it ea t№ ’This is a re­
ally fugly problem we’re facing.
full Sjast mod. так сильно; как только
возможно □ Не honked the horn full
•blast for a long timei^rgThe whistle
blew full blast and woke everyone up.
f Щ1|тооп>1*йк большой кусок кактуса
пейотлм'ОДарк.) □ Don dumped a sack
f u ll-o f fu ll m oons on the table and
smiled. □ Within minutes, the fu ll
, moons had gone, and Don had himself a
fis t full o f clams. 2. n'f гашиш в виде
кp v глы x пакетов (Н а р к .) О Мах
tossed Brunt) a full moon and told him
to forget where he got it. □ Bruno, fat
-ф’Щ/ЫМЭ''011 -moons
the one M aX ga\>e
him and the two he kiped — smiled and
slowly walked away.
full of; beans mod; говорящий зуль^Сж
Oh, be quiet. You are just full of
• beans. □ Pay no attention. to John.
He’s full of beans.
full of hops mod. говорящий чепуху □
Aw, you’re just full 0 hops! □ The £jd|
was full of hops. Nothing he said made
any sem&iip
full of hot air и full of bull, full of it.
mod. говорящий чепуху
of hot air. I do not believe you, □ Aw,
you’re just full o f it! Be quiet!
full of Old Nick Cm ; full o f the devil.
full o f prunes mod. говорящий WeSiyjty
(Как "full of beans.) □ You’re' just
silly. Completely full of prunes. □ Oh,
you’re full of prunes. Get a life!
full of the devil и full o f Old Nick
mod. постоянно проказничающий □
Little Chuckie is -шге full o f the devil.
iln this weather, the kids are always
full o f Old Nick. •
full s e s h '{ 'Щ
mod. полностью,
совершенно (Калифор!) □ Н е was
really out
was a
great game. They went at it full sesh
P the whole time.
full steam ahead mod.. целеустремиЦ ййвйп %Ше started movingfuKj^0i(h-
ahead on the project. □ Full steam
ahead! L e fs see how fast this will go!
fun mod. приятный, занимательный О
W e had a real fun time. □ f’ fliiftiparfy
■was fun. □ What a fun evening!
fiih and gam es n. чепуха, пустая тра­
та времени □ I'v e had enough fun
and games, L e f s get on with the busi­
ness. D You spend too much time with
fun and games!
fun gus 6meffa ce) fungus.
fu n gu s-face ■йй бородач И С м . тж.
'f^kface)fungus. Ср. fu z z -fa ie ) □
Who’s the fungus-face in the striped
blazer? □ Hey, fungus-face! Who is
that behind all the fuzz?
funk [faqkl 1. n. неприятный запах,
вонь □ What is hat ghastly funk in
here? □ Openthew indow s and clear
out this funk. 2. п. табачный дым П
The funk teas so thick I couldn't see
across the room. О Most o f those im­
portant >decisions are' made by party
hacks in funk-filled back rooms. 3j.T(.
состояние депрессии □ I'v e been' in
such a funk that I can’t get my work
done. О As soon as I get out o f my
winter funk, T il be more helpful. 4. n.
трусость, испуг, ужас □ She suffers
Hhis terrible funk whenever she has to
give U 'talk. Q The dog Was in such a
funk that iP was crying. 5. n. джаз,
основаннЩ на госпелз; разнови­
дность блюзов О Man, groove on that
funk, would ya? □ Now this is the
kind o f funk- I ’ve been looking for.
funked out mod. пьяный или опь­
янённый наркотиком □
D o you
think you can go through life funked
out all the time? □ Are you funked
out again? •
funking* той. чёртов (УпОтр. с остор.
Эвфем. для fucking.)' □ Who put this
funking rnilk- crate in the hall? □ Get
the funking hell out of here.
:funky Я Ш ; ; страйный □ I like your
odi* основной, Iipoстойжфимитивнмй □ Everything she
does is so funky. 3. mod. неприятно
пахнущий; вонючий; гнуЬный □ Get
your funky old socks outa here. 4.
mod. : неопрятный; нечёсанный □
John's room is funky and -disorgan­
ized. □ Your hair is sort o f funky.
funky-drunk mod.^пьяный □ Wow, is
funky-drunk! □ The "gum s-
funky-drunk, and I think he’s going to
be sick.
funny busin ess C m. monkey business.
funny-farm n. психиатрическая ле­
чебница О I think they ought to send
you to the funny-farm. □ H e's too far
gone for the funny-farm.
funny-m oney n. любая замена денег:
фальшивка, квитанции, чеки и др.
0 I don't want any funny-money.
Real U.S. greenbacks or forget the
deaL □
Who'll change my funnymoney back to bucks?
fur n. полиция (См. fuzz) □ I think the
fur is on to you, Rocko. О The fur
ain't never gonna get Rocko.
furphy [ ’fafi] n. беспочвенный слух О
1 heard a furphy about you yesterday.
□ Who started that furphy anyway?
fu se box [ ’fjuz baks] n. голова, мозги
1 am afraid she's missing a little
something in the fuse box. □ Jed acts
like his fuse box is completely blown.
fu ssbu dget [ ’fasbadjst] n. человек
(особенно ребёнок), который посто­
янно Суетится, надоедает, пристает с
пустяками □ Oh, Gary, don’t be such
a fussbudget. О H e is such a
fussbudget. Get him a passy.
futz C m . phutz.
fuzz [fsz] 1. и fuzz man, fuzzy (tail)
n. полицейский; тюремщик; сыщик
О The fuzz is on to you, □ See if you
can distract the fuzz man while I lift
his keys. 2. и fuzzle in. напиваться □
They were just sitting there fuzzling
away the day. □ Stop fuzzing and
listen. 3. n. наркотическая эйфория
(Нарк.) О Just when she was begin­
ning to feel the fuzz, her parents came
home. О This stuff has no fuzz at all.
fuzzed и fuzzled, fuzzy mod. пьяный
□ You are too fuzzed all the time to
hold the job. О Why do you come
home every night fuzzled?
fu zz-fac e n. бородач (Ср. fungusface.) о Hey, fuzz-face, come here a
minute. О A couple o f fuzz-faces came
in and asked for mustache wax.
fuzz station n. полицейский участок'
□ H e had to spend about an hour
at the fuzz station, but nothing hap­
pened to him □ Drop by the fuzz
station and pick up a copy of the
driving rules.
fuzzword [ ’fszw^rd] n. непонятное
слово или термин, обычно при­
званное скрывать смысл сказанного
(От buzzword.) О D o not sling those
fuzzword at me! □ The current crop of
fuzzwords contains a few that have
cotne back from the twenties.
fuzzy [ ’fazi] 1. C m . fuzz п. 1 .2 . mod.
пьяный О She was too fuzzy to drive
home. □ Rudy seems a bit fuzzy. Did
he fall off the wagon again?
G. C m , grand,
g a b [gaeb] 1. in. болтать, сплетничать
□ Can you Stop gabbing just for a
minute? P We like to gab. Leave us
alone. 2. n. болтовня, сплетни о I
like to listen in on other people's gab.
P Enough of this gab — on with the
gabfest [ ’gaebfest] n. событие или
место, ще много болтают, сплетни­
чают □ There's a gabfest going on in
Clare’s room. О Say, your gabfest is a
little loud.
g a b room n. женская уборная P She
went to the gab room to powder her
nose. P There was a small commotion
in the gab room
gaffer I’g e s W n. старик;' старый
(От grandfather.)
Nobody out there but some old gaffer
with a cane. P The old gaffer smiled
and moved on,
gaffled [ ’gaefjd] mod. арестованный P
Fred got himself gaffled for speeding.
p I can just picture Fred gaffled and
acting all humble.
g a g [gaeg] 1. in. давиться или рыгать,
особенно шумно (Общеупотр.) Р
The food was so horrible I almost
gagged on it. P Don’t eat so fast.
You'll gag. 2, n. шутка! трюк P She
tells the best gags. P What a great gagI
Everybody will love it,
g a g a [ ’gaga] 1 mod. безумный, дикий, эксцентричный Р Sometimes
you are so gaga! P Sally is just natu­
rally gaga. 2. mod. ошеломлённый,
“обалдевший” P Tom was totally
gaga after he got promoted. P The
family was gaga about my success.
g a g e и g a u ge [gedj] 1. n. виски,
спиртное, самогон P This gage is
vile. P How about some more gauge?
2. n. табак, сигареты P You got any
gage on you? P N o more gauge for
me, 9, n. марихуана, сигарета с
(Нарк.) Р
This is
crummy gage, P Max is always smok­
ing gauge.
g a ge d и gau ged [gedjd] mod. пьяный
P The chick was gaged out of her
mind. P Wow, were they all gaged’
G ag
'‘Омерзительно!" (Провокац. шут.,
пущенная Moon Unit Zappa в записи
на пластинке “Valley Girls”.) О So
gross! Gag me with a spoon! P Gag me
with a spoon! You are way gross!
Gainesville green [ ’genzvil...] n. раз­
новидность марихуаны из Гейнесвиля, шт. Флорида (Нарк.) Р M a x will
call his stuff Gainesville green, African
b la c k -— whatever w ill sell it. P
Gainesville green iS just cheap local pot.
gallery Cm. shooting gallery,
galloping dandruff Cm. walking dan­
druffgalumph (around) [ga’lumpf...] in. ша­
таться вокруг, бродить P / spent all
day galumphing around, looking for a
present for Ted. P Stop galumphing
long enough to eat some dinner.
gam e mod. желающий сделать чтолибо P Is anybody game for some
pizza? P I'm game, what about you?
gam e plan n. план действия, схема
(Из спорт.) Р The game plan for the
election was beginning to shape up, P
Our game plan had to be scrapped.
gam e time n. рабочее время; время
делать что-либо (Из спорт.) Р Okay,
gang, lefs get going. I f s game time, p
Will this report be ready by game
gam s [gaems] n. женские ноги, осо­
бенно привлекательные Р Look at
the gams on that chick! О Is she the
one with the gorgeous gams?
gander n. взгляд □ Let me take a
gander at it and see if its done right.
We should all take a gander to see
what one is like.
g a n g -b a n g 1. n. групповое изнаси­
лование Q The fuzz was around inves­
tigating that gang-bang on the next
block □ There were reports o f a gangbang in the prison. 2. tr. & in. совер­
шать групповое изнасилование □
The pack of thugs set out to gang-bang
some innocent victim. □ Why can't
they stop, gang-banging people? 3. tr.
& in. коллективно бить кого-либо □
They looked like they were going to
gang-bang me. □
They're always
gang-banging. The punks!
gangbusters [ ’gaeijbasta-z] 1. n. собы­
тие, привлекающее много людей;
безумное событие □ The explosion
and fire two streets over was really
gangbusters for a while. О Our party
was truly gangbusters, for sure. 2. Cm.
like gangbusters.
gangster 1. n. гангстер, уголовник □
The gangsters run the whole town □
Doesn't Bruno just look like a gang­
ster? 2. n. марихуана, сигарета с
марихуаной (Нарк.) О How many
gangsters does M a x carry with him? □
M ax flipped him a gangster and
gangster pill n. капсулы или таблетки
барбитуратов (Нарк.) Р Molly is
having trouble with gangsters pilL О
Stay off those gangster pills.
Gangway! [ ’gaeqwe] exclam. “Прочь с
дороги!” □ Make way for the pas­
sengers! Gangway! □ Gangway! Here I
ganja и ganjah, ghanja [ ’gandja или
gamdjo] n. марихуана (Нарк. См.
тж. gunja.) □ A ll that kid think about
is ganja. □ M ax only deals with gan­
ganjah Cm. ganja.
G A P O и gapo [ ’gaepo] n. “giant armpit
odor”, неприятный запах из подмы­
шек □ Who’s got the gapo? □ That
cab driver really has the GAPO.
gapper [ ’gasp#] n. наркоман на пер­
вой стадии “ломки” (Нарк. По од­
ному из симптомов — зеванию.) □
The junk tank has a couple of gappers
in it. □ A gapper can get sort o f fran­
g a rb age 1. n. чепуха, ерунда, чушь □
H e's just talking garbage. □ I'v e heard
too much garbage here today. 2. n.
спутанный компьютерный код □ A ll
I get is garbage on the screen □ I f you
put garbage into the computer, you’ll
get garbage out. 3. n. наркотики ни­
зкого качества (Нарк.) □ M ax would
never sell anybody garage. □ A lot of
whafs on the streets these days is just
g a rb age freak и garbageh ead n. нар­
коман, который может употреблять
любой наркотик (Нарк.) □ We don’t
know what she took. She was such a
garbage freak о The garbageheads
will take beans or anything else.
garbageh ead См. предыдущ. вокаб.
g a rb age mouth n. человек, постоянно
употребляющий ругательства и не­
mouth! Watch your language. □ Who’s
the garbage mouth making all the
garb age something down и g a rb a g e
down something tr. глотать чтолибо, не разжевывая П D on't garbage
your food down! □ That guy will gar­
bage down almost anything.
gargle 1. in. пить спиртное □ They sat
and gargled for an hour or two. О
L ets go out and gargle for a while. 2.
n. спиртное, глоток спиртного □ You
want some more gargle? □ Pour me a
little, of that gargle, if you please.
gargle factory n. салун, таверна □
Gary spends a lot o f time at the gargle
factory. □ H e should open his own
gargle factory.
gargler n. пьяница, алкоголик □
Some old gargler froze to death last
night. О You are going to turn into a
gargler if you don’t let up on your
g a s 1. n. кишечный газ □ The baby
has gas and will cry for a while longer.
□ I ’m not too well, but I think ifs just
gas. 2. n. чепуха □ A ll we got in class
today was gas. □ Hey, thats about
enough of your gas. 3. in. говорить
чепуху; хвастаться (См. gasbag.) □
Pay no attention She’s just gassing. □
Stop gassing for a minute and listen
4. in. хорошо проводить время □ We
gassed all evening. □ L e t s go out and
gas tonight, how about it? 5. n. шутка;
шалость; хорошо проведённое время
□ The party was a gas. □ What a gas!
had a great time. 6. n. спиртное,
особенно низкого качества □ Pour
те a little more of that gas, will you?
O You want some more gas? 7. и gas
up in. пить спиртное; напиваться □
Let’s go out and gas up! □ I come
home every night and find that you've
been gassing all day.
g a s b a g n. хвастун □ Whafs the old
gasbag going on about now? □ Harry
is such a gasbag when he gets going
about himself.
g a s-g u z z le r n. большой автомобиль,
потребляющий много бензина □ 1
got rid o f my gas-guzzler and got a
smaller car. О The old gas-guzzlers
were certainly comfortable.
gash bucket n. корзина для отходов;
мусорное ведро; ведро, использу­
емое вместо уборной (Уголовн. и
военн.) О Don’t kick over the gash
bucket over there! □ Why don't you go
dump the gash bucket?
g a s -p a s s e r n. шуточное прозвище
анестезиолога (Больнич.) О M y gosh!
The gas-passer charged almost as much
as the surgeon. □ The gas-passer put a
needle in my arm.
g a ss e d (up) mod. пьяный или опья­
нённый наркотиком □ Н е was too
gassed up to drive home. О Fred is
gassed up and very wobbly.
gate n. отпор (Всегда с the.) □ I could
see in his eyes that it was the gate for
me. □ 1 got the gate, but I was going
to leave anyway.
gaucho [ ’gatjjo] tr. & in. показывать
(кому-либо) свои ягодицы, обычно
через окно автомобиля (Син. moon.)
О : Victor gauchoed the cops as they
* went by. □ Victor would gaucho at the
drop o f a hat — so to speak.
g a u ge C m . gage.
gau ge-bu tt и gage-bu tt [ ’geidjbat] n.
сигарета с марихуаной (Нарк.) О
Gimme a hit off your gauge-butt, will
ya? □ You got a gage-butt?
gay [ge] 1. mod. пьяный □ After about
an hour of guzzling, we were more than
a little gay. □ H e got a little gay and
slipped under the table. 2. mod.
гомосексуальный; относящийся к
гомосексуалистам □ Is this a gay bar?
О Is he gay? □ These gay guys seem to
be having a good time. 3. n. гомо­
сексуалист □ The gays were a little
upset at the remark. □ Some o f the
gays ju s t got up and left. 4. mod.
странный, неприятный, нежеланный
(Простонар.) □ I ’m not going to wear
that gay parka! □ Stop acting so gay.
gay as pink ink mod. относящийся к
очевидно гомосексуальному челове­
ку (обычно мужчине) □ Who said
Ron's as gay as pink ink? О These two
guys — as gay as pink ink — came in
gazinkus и gazunkus [ ’ga’zigkas и
gs’zaqkss] n. устройство, штучка,
безделушка □ Where is the gazinkus I
use for opening paint cans? О Is this
the little gazinkus you were looking
gazizzey и gazob [ga’zizi и go’zabi n.
дурак □ . What gazizzey put the sugar
in the salt shaker? О D on't call me a
gazob См. предыдущ. вокаб.
gazoo [ga’zu] n. задница; задний
проход □ H e fell down flat, smack on
his gazoo. P Look at the monstrous
gazoo on that guy.
gazoony [g s ’zuni] n. сутулый или му­
скулистый человек (Уголовн.) О
Bruno did not like being called a ga­
zoony, although that is what he is. □
A couple of gazoonies stood outside
looking menacing.
gazumph [g s ’zumpf] 1. tr. повышать
цену дома после того, как он продан
□ They tried to gazumph the price at
the closing. □ I just knew that the
owner was going to gazumph the final
figure. 2. tr. обманывать кого-либо,
поднимая цену дома после того, как
он продан □ They fried to gazumph
me! □ I f they try to gazumph you, tell
them to forget the deal
G.B. C m . goofball.
G .B.’ed [ ’dji’bid] mod. “Goofballed” ,
опьянённый наркотиком (Нарк.) □
Tod is G.B.’ed again. D Gert got
G.B.’ed fairly often before the acci­
gear 1. mod. великолепный, отличный
□ Man, what a gear pizza! □ This jazz is
really gear! 2. n.
“звёздочка” (ти­
пографический знак) □ Why is there a
gear after this word? О The gear stands
geezer fgizeH 1. n. странный старик
for anything you want it to Stand for.
(Син. buzzard.) О Who's the old
g e e [d ji] 1. n. порция спиртного, гал­
geezer with the straw hat oh? □ H e is
лон или рюмка О You want another
a nice geezer, but a little talkative. 2.
gee of this booze? D How about a gee
п. глоток спиртного □ Toss down a
for me? 2. exclam. “О -о Г , “Боже!”
geezer o f this stuff and see how you
(Сокращение от Jesusl, хотя это не
like it. О Can I have another geezer of
всегда признается. Обычно G ee!) О
this firewater? 3. n. доза наркотика
Gee! What a mess! О Golly gee, do I
(Нарк.) □ Gert said she needed a
have to? 3. mod: отвратительный (По
geezer. D Just a little geezer and I'll
начальной букве gross.) О This is
feel great.
just too gee! □ Tiffany is acting way
gender—bender t. n. устройство, меgee lately.
няющее разъёмы проходов —
ge ed is C m . geetis.
ш тепсель на розетку и обратно;
geedunk [gi’dagk или ’gidsqk] п. мо­
“ п а п а -м а м а ” □ You need what's
роженое □ Let’s go out and get some
called a gender-bender to match those
geedunk for dessert. □ Pineapple on
plugs. О I tried a gender-bender, but it
won't work- 2. mod. относящийся к
ge ed up и gh eed up [ ’djid-..и ’gid...]
чему-либо, что смазывает половые
mod. пьяный или опьянённый нар­
различия О Those gender-bender hair
котиком (Нарк. Устар.) □ Everybody
styles can be confusing. О H e always
was geed up and singing. □ Old Tom
wears gender-bender clothes.
was gheed up a tot.
genuine article [ ’ djsnjawan ’ artikl
g e e g a w и gew gaw , go o g a w [ ’gigs и
или ’ d jcn ’ju ’wain 'artikl} n. “настоя­
’guga] n. устройство, штучка, безде­
щая вещь” , не подделка или заме­
лушка О Now that's a cute little gee­
нитель Q Is this the genuine article
gaw. □ What do you do with these
or some cheap made-in U.S.A. substi­
gewgaws? Hang them on a tree?
tute? □ I ’ll take the genuine article,
geek и geke [gik] 1. n. отвратитель­
ge o rg e* 1.* tr. & in. соблазнять и со­
ный, гнусный человек (Син. creep.)
О Who’s the geek who just came inf О
вокупляться (С кем-либо, обычно с
The convention was a seething morass
женщиной. Употр. с остор.) Q They
say he georges her a lot. □ They were
of pushy sales geeks and glad—hand­
ers. 2. я. честный, усидчивый сту­
off somewhere georging. 2.* n. про­
цесс испражнения (Эвфем. Употр. с
дент О it looks like the geeks are
talking over this campus, How gross!
остор.) □ I gotta go take a george.
Cl Merton is a geek, but he will go
Back in a minute. □ I ’m okay. Noth­
ing a good george wouldn't cure.
place with his brains.
geetis и geedu s, geetus [ ’gidas] n.
German goiter C m . Milwaukee goiter.
деньги □ That kind of car takes a lot
Geronimo! [d js ’ ranamo] exdai». “П о ­
of geetis, doesn't it? □ I don't have
ехали!”, “Пошёл!” (Первоначально
the geetis to throw around on some­
фраза, произносимая, выпрыгиваю­
thing like that.
щим из Самолёта парашютистом.) П
g e e z и ge eze |giz] 1. tr. & in. делать
There's ту cue. Geronimo! О Неге
инъекцию наркотика (Нарк.) □ Gert
goes nothing, Geronimo!
geezed herself and lay down. □ She’s
get a bang out of som eone or som e­
in the back, geezing. 2. n. инъекция
thing и get a kick out of som eone
наркотика (Нарк.) D Give her a
or something tr. получать удоволь­
geeze,. will ya? □ Another geez before
ствие от чего-либо или кого-либо □
bedtime would hold poor Gert till
I always get a bang out o f her Jokes. D
She gets a kick out of her grandchil­
geezed (up) и g e e s e d (up) mod.
пьяный или опьянённый наркоти­
get a buzz out of som eone or som e­
ком О Get was geezed up by ten in the
thing tr. посмеяться над кем-либо
evening. О Why isn’t M ax always
или чем-либо (См. тж. give someone
a buzz.) □ I thought you’d get a buzz
get hot
out o f that gag. О I hope you get a
buzz out of Ted. H e’s a funny guy.
get a can on и get on a can tr. напи­
ваться; (Cp. tie one on.) О Let's go
out tonight and get a can on. О The
entire office staff got on a can to cele­
brate the contract.
get across in. преуспевать □ I really
want to get across in life. О When I
meet a prospective employer, / want
to do everything possible to get
get a fix и get a gift tr. покупать
наркотики; принимать наркотики
(Нарк.) О Gert had to get home and
get a fix. О What did Molly mean
when she said she had to get a gift
Get a life! exclam. “Перемени свой
образ жизни!" (Ср. Get real!) О You
are such a twit! Get a life! □ Get a
life, you clown!
get a load off o n e 's feet и take a
load off o n e’s feet tr. сесть и рас­
слабиться □ Sit down and get a load
off your feet. □ Take a load off your
feet and have a drink.
get a load off one’s mind tr. вы­
правду □ I 'm sorry, but I just had to
get a load off my mind. О I think
you'll feel better after you get a load
off your mind.
get a load o f something or som eone
tr. взглянуть на кого-либо или чтолибо О Wow, get a load o f Fred! О
Get a load of the chrome on that set of
get a toehold
tr. “зацепиться”,
закрепить свои позиции в какойлибо организации □ As soon as I get
a toehold in the company. I 'l l be more
relaxed. О Once he gets a toehold,
you'll never get rid o f him.
getaw ay [ ’getawei] 1. n. бегство от
полиции (Первонач. уголовн.) Р
Lefty made a quick getaway. □ There
was no time to make a getaway, so we
had to talk to Mrs. Wilson. 2. n.
короткий отпуск □ We took a little
getaway to the Bahamas. □ What you
need is a weekend getaway.
Get away! [’get a’we] exclam. “Пре­
крати!” , “ He верю!” О Don't bother
me! Get away! □ Get away! Nobody is
that stupid!
Get a w iggle on! exclam. “Поспеши!”,
“Пошевеливайся!” □ Get a wiggle on!
We don’t have all day! О Hey, you
guys! Get a wiggle on! We gotta finish
before nightfall.
get behind som eone or something 1.
in. поддерживать кого-либо или
что-либо □ L e ts all get behind the
party in the next election. □ Every­
body got behind Tod and cheered him
on. 2. in. (c something) наслаждаться
чем-либо, например, музыкой или
наркотиками (Первонач. Нарк.) □
I 'm really getting behind heavy metal.
Sam got behind some acid and got
stuck there.
get down 1. in. выкладывать деньги
на стол (Игори.) О Okay, everybody
get down, o Get down, and lets get
going! 2. in. концентрироваться, де­
лать что-либо хорошо О I ’m flunking
two subjects, num. I gotta get down. О
Come on, Sam, pay attention. Get
down and learn this stuff. 3. in.
совершать половой акт (Негрит.) О
A ll Steve wants to do get down all the
time. □ Hey, lefs get down!
get down to som eone in. критиковать
кого-либо (Син. get on someone’s
case.) О D o not get down on me. I
didn’t do it! О Г т gonna get down on
him for that.
get down to som e serious drinking
in. начать запой О Well, now we can
get down to some serious drinking: О
When the kids go to bed, lets get
down to some serious drinking.
get down to the nitty-gritty in. вер­
нуться к основам, общеизвестным
фактам (См. nitty-gritty.) □ Stop
messing around and get down to the
nitty-gritty. U I f we could only get
down to the nitty-gritty and stop wast­
ing time.
get fa ce tr. завоевать уважение, “про­
славить имя” (Антоним lose face.) О
He’s doing his best in life to get face.
□ L e fs do something to help her get
g e t h ot 1. in. “ ухватить у д ач у ” в
азартных играх О I knew I was getting
hot when I got all the right cards, a I f I
could only get hot, I might win back
everything I lost. 2. in. становиться
запутанным, беспокойным, суетли­
вым О Things always get hot around
get in bad (with someone)
here toward the end o f the month. О
When things start getting hot, we have to
hire more people.
get in bad (with som eone) in. влезать
в неприятности (с кем-либо) □ I
tried not to get in bad with Wally. □
We got in bad with each other from the
get in on the act in. быть вовлечёнво что-либо (не обязательно с
согласия остальных) □ Everybody
wants to get in on the act. □ Why are
you trying to gel in on the act?
get in the groove id. привыкать к
ваться с кем-либо р 1 was uncom­
fortable at first, but now I ’m beginning
to get in the groove. □ Fred began to
get in the groove, and things went
more smoothly.
get into Something in. быть глубоко
вовлеченным во что-либо О I got
into computers'whsft ^ w a s in junior
high school. □ When did you get into
foreign films?
get it 1; tr. понять шутку, понять
смысл информации О Sorry. I don't
get it. P Don't you get it? 2. tr.
получать наказание □ I just know I
am-going to get it when I get home. □
You’re going to get it all right!
get it (all) together tr. организовать
себя; “собраться” P When I get it to­
gether, I ’ll try to do back to school □
Try to get it all together and come
back to work next week, okay?
get it in the neck tr. получить наказа­
ние или быть критикуемым за чтолибо (См. pain in the neck.) □ You
are going to get it in the neck for that
remark, □ Jimmy was afraid he’d get
it in the neck for being late.
get it off* tr. совершать половой акт
(Употр. с остор.) Р Harry kept
saying he had to get it off or die.
Whafs wrong with Harry? □ The
entire crew of the yacht came ashore
to get it off.
get it o n* 1. tr. начать что-либо □
Time to go back to work. L e fs get it
on! □ Get it on, you guys! Time to
start your engines. 2. tr. начать тан­
цевать □ L e fs go out there and get it
on! P H e wanted to get it on, but my
feet hurt. 3.* tr. (для людей) сово­
купляться (Употр. с остор.) □ Соте
on, baby, lefs get it on. О I don’t
want to get it on with you or any other
creep. 4. tr. наслаждаться чем-либо
□ I can really get it on with that slow
jazz. □ L e fs go listen to some new age
and get it on.
get it out tr. высказаться; рассказать о
своих проблемах; “излить душу” □
Come on, get it out. You'll feel better.
□ H e would feel better if he could get
it out.
get it up tr. волноваться, возбуждать­
ся от чего—либо (Тж. другие, табуи­
рованные значения) Р I just couldn't
get it up about going off to college. P
Paul just couldn't get it up about life
in general
get lip tr. целоваться (Подрост.) P
Jim's been out getting lip again. Look
at the lipstick. О These kids talk about
getting lip. Ye gods, how crude!
G et lost! exclam. “Сгинь!” , “Прова­
лись!” P Get lost, you're bothering me!
□ Quit following me. Get lost!
get mad (at som ething) in. собрать
все силы, чтобы совершить что-либо
□ You're gonna have to get mad at it
if you want: to move it. О Come on,
you guys. Get mad.
Get my drift? и Do you get my drift?
interrog. “Ты понимаешь меня?” P
Get my drift? Should I explain it
again? О D o you get my drift, or shall
I run through it again?
get naked in. наслаждаться, полу­
чать удовольствие от чего-либо □
L e fs all go out and get naked
tonight. О Man, I feel like getting
naked tonight.
get narkied [...’narkid] in. вводить
наркотики; становиться наркоманом
(Нарк.) О Rocko only got narkied
once in his life. □ Gert couldn't wait
to get narkied.
get nowhere fast in. продвигаться
крайне медленно □ We are getting
nowhere fast around here, a I 'm get­
ting nowhere fast in this job. I quit.
get off 1. in. достичь понимания с
кем-либо (Н е сленг.) О We just
weren’t getting off well at all □ How
well do you get off with Ralph? 2 Cm.
get off ( on something).
get off o n e’s rear in. встать и при­
няться за работу □ It is time to get
off your rear and get to work. P Hey,
get one’s ticket punched
Chuck, get off your rear! There’s work
to be done.
get off (on something) 1. in. получать
удовольствие от чего-либо □ I don't
get off on music anymore. □ I listen,
but I just don't get off. 2. in. принять
наркотик и пребывать в состоянии
эйфории (См. rush.) □ M a x likes to
get off, but he's got his business to
run. О M olly likes getting off better
than anything else.
get off som eone’s back и get off som e­
o n e’s case in. перестать раздражать
кого-либо О I wish you’d get o ff my
back, □ Get off my case! You aren’t my
get off som eon e’s case См. предыдущ.
get off the dime in. (для кого-либо
или чего-либо) начать движение □
/ wish this organization could get off
the dime. □ I f this project gets off the
dime, we'll be okay.
get o n e right here tr. глубоко влиять
особым образом (Обычно сопровож­
дается жестом, указывающим род
влияния: сердце “ с любовью, живот
тошно.) щ That sort of thing gets
me right here. □ Tod clasped his hand
to his chest and said, " That sort of
thing gets me right here.”
get o n e 's act together и get o n e ’s
shit together*, get o n e’s stuff to­
gether 1. tr. собраться; собрать ве­
щи; организовать дела (Shit употр. с
остор.) □ Let те get ту act together,
and I will be right with you. □ I ’ll get
my stuff together and be right with
you. 2. и get o n e’s head together tr.
успокоиться и собраться ( И й употр,
с остор.) О Л * soon as I get my head
together, I can be of more help. □ Get
your act together and start living
get one’s bo w els in an uproar tr. ста­
новиться излишне возбуждённым
или восхищённым О Cool it! D o not
get your bowels in an uproar. □ Fred’s
,always getting his bowels in an uproar
about nothing.
get o n e’s head together C m . get one?s
act together.
get o n e’s hook into som eone or
something 1. tr. заполучить чтолибо или кого-либо; контролиро­
вать кого-либо или что-либо □ I
want to get ту hooks into the
operation o f this organization. □ I f
could get my hooks into the con­
trol of the company, I would change
things for the better. 2. tr. (c some­
one) (для женщины) заполучить
определённого мужчину □ She just
can not wait to get her hooks into
Chuck. О When she got her hooks
into him, she decided he wasn’t so
great after all
get o n e’s kick’s (from som eon e or
som ething) tr. получать удоволь­
ствие о чего-либо или кого-либо □
D o you get your kicks from this sort of
thing? □ I get my kicks from Billy
Simpson. What a great entertainer!
get o n e’s lumps tr. получить резуль­
тат или заслуженное наказание □ I f
she keeps acting that way, she will get
her lumps. □ We will see that Dave
gets his lumps.
get o n e’s nose cold tr. вдыхать ко­
каин (носом) (Нарк.) О M ax is al­
ways ready to get his nose cold. □
Rocko has never gotten his nose cold
in his life.
get one’s n ose out of Joint tr. быть
оскорблённым чем-либо (См. тж.
put someone's nose out of joint.) П
You get your nose out of joint too
easily about stuff like that. □ Now,
don’t get your nose out o f joint. She
didn't mean it. jj
get one’s rocks off (on something) tr.
наслаждаться чем-либо (Тж. другие
табуир. значения.) □ I really get ту
rocks off on heavy metal. О I ’ve
listened to the stuff, but I sure don’t
get my rocks off on it.
get o n e ’s shit together C m . get one’s
act together.
get o n e’s stuff together C m . get one's
act together.
get o n e’s teeth into something и sink
o n e ’s teeth into something tr. пред­
принимать что-либо; заняться чемлибо О I can not wait to sink my teeth
into that Wallace job. О Here, sink
your teeth into this and see if you
can't manage this project.
get one’s ticket punched tr. умереть,
быть убитым □ Poor Chuck got his
ticket punched while he was waiting
for a bus. □ Watch out there, or you’ll
get your ticket punched.
get one’s wings
get one’s wings № стать наркоманом;
первый раз попробовать вызываю­
щие привыкание наркотики (Нарк.
См. give someone wings.) О Gert got
her wings after fiddling around with
stuff for a long time. □ M ax got his
wings at about age 12.
get on som eone’s ca se in. разд­
ражать кого-либо О I 'l l get on Tom’s
case about being late so much □ I'm
sorry, I won’t get on your case any­
get on the stick in. собраться и на­
чать работу О Get on the stick and
get this Job done! О Come on, you
guys. L ets get on the stick!
Get out of my face! exclam. “Пере­
стань спорить со мной!” , “ Сгинь с
глаз !” О Get outa ту face if you
know whafs good for you. D Beat it!
Get out o f my face!
Get out of town! exdam. “Заткнись!’’,
“Вон отсюда!” О Go away, you bother
me! Get out o f town! О You’d better
get out o f town, my friend. You, are a
get (out) while the getting go o d и get
(out) while the goin’s good phr.
уйти, пока это ещё возможно или
безопасно О I could tell that it was
time for me to get while the gcttin's
good. О I told her she should get out
while the goings good.
Get real! exclam. “Проснись!”, “Вер­
нись к реальности!” (Ср. Get a life.)
□ Hey, cfmml You are way off base!
Get real! D Get real! Wake up to real­
get right C m . get straight.
get smart (with som eon e) in. дерзить
кому-либо, наглеть □ I f you get
smart again, I ’ll bop you. □ Don’t you
get smart with me!
get som eone going tr. возбуждать
кого-либо О I guess 1 really got him
going on the subject of politics. О The
whole business really makes me mad.
Don’t get me going
get som eon e’s goat tr. раздражать
кого-либо О D o not let Mary get your
goat She’s just irritable today. О
Everybody seems to be getting my goal
get so m e o n e's motor running 1. tr.
возбуждать кого-либо 0 What 11 I
have to do get your motor running
about algebra? □ I 'v e got some news
that' 11 realty get your motor running,
2* tr. возбуждать кого-либо сексуал­
ьно О She knows how to get his motor
, running. D It's funny how that wild
music gets her motor runnings
get som e shut-eye tr. поспать немно­
го □ I need to get home and get some
shut-eye before I do anything else. Q
We all could use some shut-eye.
get something a c ross (to som eon e)
и get something over (to som eone);
tr. заставить кого-либо понять чтолибо (Ср. get across, put something
across.), О I hope I'm getting this
across to you in a way you can under­
stand it. □ I 'l l try to get it over again.
This time T il go slower,
get som ething go in g (with som eon e)
tr. начать флирт, любовную историю
О Alice wants to get something going
With Tod. О Mary and Sam got some­
thing going.
get something over (to som eone)
Cm. get something across (t o some­
get straight и get right in. принять
дозу наркотика, чтобы избавиться от
непреодолимой потребности в нар­
котике (Нарк.) □ Gert needed a fix
to get straight. О I need to get right
before anything else; I
get the ax C m . get the sack.
get the drop on som eon e 1. tr.
получить преимущество перед кемлибо □ I guess I got the drop on you
because I was early. О I got the drop
on almost everybody by sending in my
registration by mail. 2. tr. (для A)
прицелиться в В прежде, чем В
успеет прицелиться в А (После чего
В роняет пистолет.) О Rocko got the
drop on M ax in a flash. О M a x was
too stoned to get the drop on Rocko.
get the g o o d s on som eone tr. рас­
крывать компрометирующие коголибо сведения О The fuzz has the
goods on Mr. Big. О The IR S tried to
get the goods on Rocko, but Rocko
knows all the angles.
Get the hell out (o f here)!* exclam.
“Вон!”, “Провались!”
(Употр. с
остор.) Р Go on, get the hell out o f
here! □ Get the hell out. Beat it!
Get the lead out (o f your ass)J* и
S h ake
giff of gab
“Шевелись!” , “Двигайся!” (Грубо.
Предполагается, что у того к кому
свинцовая задница.
Употр. с остор.) О Come on, you
turkeys. Get the lead out! о Shake
the lead out! I want it done today,
not next week.
Get the m essage? и Get the pic­
ture? interrog. “Понимаешь?”, “Со­
образил, чем пахнет?” □ Things are
tough around here, and we need
everyone's cooperation. □ We don't
need lazy people around here. Get the
get the nod tr. быть выбранным (См.
тж. give someone the nod.) □ Fred
got the nod for class treasure. P /
hope I get the nod for the job.
Get the picture? C m . Get the message?
get there in. напиться □ Another hour
of drinking and Tod knew he was
going to get there. О Those guys have
all got there. Now what?
get the sack и get the ax tr. быть
уволенным О Poor Tom got the sack
today. H e's always late. □ I was afraid
that Sally was going to get the ax.
get the show on the road tr. начать
что-либо О Lefs get startedI Get the
show on the road! □ Get the show on
the road. We don't have all day.
get to som eon e 1. in. (для кого-либо
или чего-либо) раздражать коголибо □ The whole business began to
get to me after a while. P H er remark
got to me after a while. 2. in. (для
кого-либо или чего-либо) радовать,
соблазнять, очаровывать кого-либо
□ Lovely flowers and things like that
get to me. О Sad music gets to me and
makes me cry.
ge t-u p 1. n. первая доза наркотика в
день (Нарк.) О Не always took а
get-up first thing in the morning. P
H e was very uncomfortable until he
got his get-up. 2. n. одежда, костюм
getup.) D Thafs the craziest looking
getup I have ever seen. О Where did
you get that strange getup?
get w ise to som eone or something
ill. понять что-либо или кого-либо
□ The boss is getting wise to want
John is up to. О The goon squad is
going to get wise to what you’re doing
and nab you.
get with it 1. in. обновить своё пове­
дение или внешность □ Get with it,
Merton. Get real! □ You really have to
get with it, Ernie. 2. in. спешить,
заниматься делом; быть занятым
чем-либо О Get with it; we have got a
lot to do, P L e fs get with Щ Therms a
lot of work to be done.
get with som eone in. разузнавать
сведения о ком-либо; знакомиться с
кем-либо (Негрит.) О I ’d really like
to get with her, but she's so distant. О
was just beginning to get with Alice
when she left.
g e w ga w C m . geegaw.
ghanja C m . ganja.
(ghetto) blaster и (ghetto) box [ ’gcdo
bia;stл и ’gedo baks] n. переносной
стерео радиоприёмник
часто носят на плече, особенно
негры.) Р Hey, turn down that ghetto
blaster in here! P You can't bring that
box on this bus!
(ghetto) box См. предыдущ. вокаб.
ghost turd* n. комки пыли, соби­
рающиеся под кроватями (Употр. с
остор-.) Р There’s a lot of ghost turds
under the bed. P Sweep out those
ghost turds and get rid of them.
G.I.B.* и GIB* mod. “good in bed” , хо­
роший сексуальный партнер (У п о треб. с остор.) Р How does he know he’s
GIB? P Tod lets on that he's G.l.B.
gib b e r-g a b b e r [ ’djibad^asb^r] n. че­
пуха, болтовня P There sure is a lot
o f gibber-gabber coming from your
room, Jimmy. P Whafs all this gib­
ber-gabber about?
Giddy up! [ ’gidi...] exclam. “Поше­
веливайся!” , “Двигайся быстрее!”
(Говорят о лошадях на скачках. В
шутку тж. о людях или предметах.)
0 Giddy up, Charlie! It is time to
start moving. D L e fs get going, chum.
Giddy up!
giffed [gift] mod. пьяный (От T.G.I.F.,
“ Thank God ifs Friday". Говорится о
лю дях, праздную щ их выпивкой
конец рабочей недели.) Р She was
pretty giffed for just a few beers. P He
left the tavern pretty giffed.
gift o f ga b n. способность говорить
перед .публикой; красноречие Р
Gary has the gift of gab, but it doesn't
get him anywhere. P I wish I had the
gift of gab. I ’m just so shy.
gig 1. n. выступление, ангажемент
(Муз.) □ I had a gig out on the
west side, but I couldn’t get there.
□ The gig was canceled because of
the snow. 2. in. выступать; играть
(Муз.) □ I didn't gig at all last
week, □ I ’m happiest when I ’m gig­
ging. 3. n. любая кратковременная
работа; Задание журналисту напи­
сать статью на определённую тему
О I didn’t want that election gig,
but I got it anyway. О Wally is
tired of getting the crime gigs. 4. n.
что-либо беспокоящее, раздражаю­
щее; работа (Негрит.) □ Man, this
paperwork is such a gig. □ This
day’s a gig. I ’ve had it.
gigam aree [gigama’ri] n. устройство,
штучка, безделушка □ Toss me one
of those little copper gigamarees,
will ya? □ Is this the gigamaree you
giggle go o [ ’gig] gu] n. спиртное □
Can I pour you a little of that giggle
goo? □ Haven’t you had about enough
o f that giggle goo?
G.I.G.O. и GIG O phr. “garbage in,
garbage out”. (Компьют. Акроним.
Если компьютер выдает чушь, то
это потому, что вы в него эту
чушь заложили. См. D .I.O .D .) □
The program failed, and I know it
is my fault. You know, G IG O .iO
G .I.G.I. is my theme song. I get out
just what I deserve.
gim m e* [ ’gimi] phr. “give me” (Ти­
пичное для разговорной речи прои­
зношение. При письме употр. с
остор.) □ Do you wanna gimme the
thingy and lemme go ahead with my
work? □ Gimme another one.
gimp [gimp] 1. n. хромой (Первонач.
уголовн. В ост. случ. унизит.) О
Lefty tried to mug an old gimp with a
cane. □ The gimp came hobbling
along, muttering something under his
breath. 2. in. хромать, прихрамывать
□ I ’ve been gimping a little bit since
my accident. □ I ’ll gimp over there as
soon as I can. >I t 11 take a while on
these crutches.
gimpy [ ’gimpi] 1. mod. хромой □
He’s sort o f gimpy since the football
season. □ I got a gimpy leg. I ’ll
catch up in a minute. 2. n. поли­
цейский (Тж. как грубое обраще­
ние. Игра на lame.) □ Here domes
gimpy, swinging his stick. □ Gimpy
has been around asking about you.
ginhead n. пьяница □ Gert could have
ended up a ginhead, but she went
another route instead. □ A couple of
ginheads sat in the corner booth
gin mill и gin dive, gin palace n.
салун, забегаловка □ Fred hit every
gin mill on the way home. О You'll
find Bob in some gin dive on the west
side of town.
girl 1. n. женщина; молодая жен­
щина (Иногда счит. унизит, для
женщин.) О A bunch of us girls got
together for coffee today. П Would
you girls care to come over to my
house next week? 2. и girly n. кокаин
(Нарк. См. lady.) О You got any of
that girly? □ M a x is totally out of
girl. I t s a famine. 3. n. “дама” в
игральных картах (См. bitch.) □
What I needed in that last hand Was
the girl □ Come on, dealer, I need
that girl!
girlie m agazine n. журнал, содер­
фотографии обнажённых
женщин □
The girlie magazines
were hidden under the counter. □
Some creepy character asked Sally if
she would pose for a girlie ma­
girlie sh o w n. представление с обна­
жёнными женщинами □ Bob and
Tod went to the city and tried to get
into a girlie show. □ This movie has
turned out to be nothing but a girlie
git-go [ ’gitgo] n. самое начало (Н е­
грит. См. тж. from (th e ) git-go.) □
Clear back at the got-go, I told you
this wouldn’t work, о H e's been
gritching ever since git-go.
giveaw ay n. что-либо, что открыва­
ет факты, которые должны быть
скрыты (Часто с dead.) □ The way
he was walking Was a giveaway to
the fact that he was the one who
was injured. □ The look on her face
was a dead giveaway.
Give it a rest! exclam. “Заткнись!”,
“Замолчи!” (Под it подразумевается
рот. Ср. Give те a rest!) О I'v e heard
enough. Give it a rest! □ Give a rest!
You talk too much.
give someone the finger
give it the gun tr. запускать двигатель
О Give it the gun for a minute. О I
gave it the gun, and it backfired.
G iv e it u p! exclam . “ П рекрати !” ,
“Хватит!” О Oh, give it up! You can’t
do it right. □ Give it up! You can’t pitch!
Give me a break! exclam. “П ре­
крати!” , “Достаточно!” □ D o you
have to go on and on? Give me a
break! □ Give me a break, you guys!
Thai's enough}
Give me a rest! exclam. “Прекрати!” ,
“Хватит!” (Ср. Give me a rest!) О
Haven’t I told you everything you need
to know? Give me a rest. □ Give me a
rest! I ’ve heard enough.
Give me five! C m . the following entry.
Give me (som e) skin! и Give me five!,
S lip me five! exclam. “Пожми мне
р у к у !” (Требование формального
приветствия. См. give someone five,
high five.) □ Hey, man! Give me some
skin! □ Give me five, my man!
give (out) with somethin]} in. соби­
рать сведения □ Come on, give out
with the facts, man. □ Give with the
info. We're in a hurry.
give som eone a buzz 1. tr. позвонить
кому-либо по телефону □ Give те а
buzz sometime. □ I ’ll give her a buzz
tonight and ask her. 2. tr. развесе­
лить, порадовать, Доставить удо­
вольствие кому-либо О I t always
gives те a buzz to watch Sally do her
act. □ Your little joke gave me a buzz.
give som eone a (go od) talking to tr.
бранить, ругать кого-либо О I think
I ’ll have to give Tod a good talking
to. □ The teacher gave Timmy a talk­
ing to.
give som eone a (go od) working over
tr. бранить или бить кого-либо □
The boss gave me a good working over
before firing me. □ Fred really gave
her a working over about her perform­
ance on the project.
give som eone an earful 1. tr. бранйть
когб-либо О I ’m going to give Ralph
an earful for doing that. О Sally gave
Sam an earful for the way he treated
Mary. 2. tr. сообщать кому-либо не­
ожиданные сведения, тайны □ Sally
gave earful-about Tod and the things
he said about Mary. □ Wally gave
Sally an earful about Tod’s tax prob­
6— 1224
give som eone a pain tr. раздражать
или беспокоить кого-либо □ Please
don’t give me a pain. / have had a
hard day. D You give me a pain!
give som eone five 1. tr. подать комулибо руку помощи □ Hey, give me
five over here for a minute, will ya? □
I gotta give this guy five with the crate.
B e right with you. 2. tr. пожимать
кому-либо руку (См. high five, Give
me five ! ) □ Jerry gave John five as
they passed in the corridor. □ Don
tried to give me five in class, but
give som eone hell* 1 .* tr. жестоко
выбранить кого-либо; обругать ко­
го-либо (Употр. с остор.) □ The
boss just gave me hell about it. О
I ’m really going to give Tome hell
when he gets home. 2.* tr. беспоко­
ить кого-либо (Употр. с остор.) О
M y arthritis is giving те hell in this
weather. О This problem is giving us
hell at the office.
give som eone the ax f . tr. уволить
кого-либо О They had to give Paul
the ax because he was so unproductive.
□ I was afraid they would give me the
ax. 2. tr. развестись с кем-либо □
Mary gave Fred the ax after only 6
months. □ She gave him the ax be­
cause he wouldn't stop smoking like he
give som eone the brushoff tr. игно­
рировать кого-либо; отсылать, от­
вергать, “посылать” кого-либо (См.
brush someone off, brushoff.) □ Sam
was afraid that Mary was going to give
him the brushoff. □ The manager gave
her the brushoff when she asked for a
give som eone the. bu sin ess 1. tr. бес­
покоить, изводить кого-либо, бра­
нить кого-либо о The guys have been
giving me the business about my hair­
cut. □ Sam was giving Tom the busi­
ness about being late all the time. 2.
tr. убить кого-либо (Уголовн.) □
Lefty wanted to give Rocko the busi­
ness for being so damn prefect. О Mr.
Big told Bruno to give M ax the busi­
give som eone the finger 1. tr. пока­
зывать кому-либо оскорбительный
жест, вытянутый вверх средний
палец (Жест табуир.) О Did one of
give someone the gate
you guys give Ted the finger? Q Some­
body gave the cop the finger. 2. tr.
оскорблять кого-либо □ You've been
giving me the finger ever since I
started working here. What's wrong? □
I ’m tired o f everybody giving me the
finger around here just because I ’m
give som eone the gate tr. избавиться
от кого-либо О The chick was a pest,
so I gave her the gate. □ H e
threatened to give me the gate, so I
give som eone the g o -b y tr. прохо­
дить мимо кого-либо, игнорировать
кого-либо (См. go-by.) □ Gert gave
us all the go-by when she was so sick.
О I didn't mean to give you the go-by.
I ’m preoccupied, that’s all
give som eone the nod 1. tr. подать
сигнал кому-либо кивком (Общеупотр.) □ I gave Tod the nod, and he
started the procedure. □ Just give me
the nod when you are ready. 2. tr.
выбрать кого-либо (См. get the nod.)
□ The committee gave Frank the nod
for the job. О They gave her the nod.
g iv e s o m e o n e t h e r a s p b e r r y tr.
издавать грубое фырканье в чей-либо
адрес (См. Bronx cheer, raspberry.) □
Even after his grandstand play, they
gave him the raspberry. О The audience
gave him theraspberry, which gave him
some second thoughts about his choice
o f career.
g iv e s o m e o n e th e s h a ft tr. обма­
нывать кого-либо; оскорблять коголибо (См . shaft.) О The boss really
gave Wally the shaft. □ Somebody al­
ways gives me the shaft, give someone
the slip tr. избегать преследования,
ускользнуть □ We were on his tail
until he gave us the slip. □ I can give
her the slip in no time at all
give som eon e wings tr. обучать коголибо употреблять героин инъекцией
(Нарк.) □ M ax just loves to give new
customers wings. О Gert was really
anxious for him to give her wings.
give something to som eone straight
и give something to som eone fast
tr. рассказать кому-либо что-либо
немедленно и кратко D Come on,
give it to me straight. I can take it. □
Give it to me fast and don't waste
gizmo [ ’gizmou] n. штучка, устрой­
ство, безделушка □ What is this silly
little gizmo on the bottom for? О This
gizmo turns it on.
gizzy [ ’gizi] n. марихуана (Нарк.) □
The cops found a little gizzy in the
guy's pocket. О Where'd you get this
glad mod. пьяный □ After a few beers
she was a mite glad. О In fact, she
was too glad to stand up.
glad-h an d tr. экспансивно привет­
ствовать кого-либо □ The Senator
was glad-handing everyone in sight. О
H e glad-handed Ernie and got a real
glad-hander n. человек, выказываю­
щий неудержимое дружелюбие □
What a morass o f eager glad-handers
and glitz! □ The glad-handers were
out in full force at the Independence
Day parade.
glad rags n. модная одежда; лучшая
одежда (См. rag.) О You look pretty
good in your glad rags. О I ’ll get on
my glad rags, and we'll go out
glam our pu ss n. красивый человек О
I 'm no glamour puss, but I 'm no dog
either. □ Now, Sally is what I would
call a glamour puss.
g lass gun n. шприц для подкожных
инъекций (Нарк.) О Gert broke her
glass gun and had to improvise. □ A
lot of those bangsters don't even use a
glass gun
g lassy -ey ed и g la s s-e y e d mod. пья­
ный или опьянённый наркотиком □
Mary is looking sort of glassy-eyed,
and its only midnight. О Ernie is usu­
ally glass-eyed, but tonight its much
glazed (drunk) и g l u e d (over) mod.
пьяный □ She has had too much.
She's glazed drunk. □ Fred looks a
little glazed. I think he’s done for.
gleep [glip] n. дурак, дурачок □ What
a gleep! Does he know what’s what? □
Don't act like such a gleep!
glitch [glitjj] n. дефект, ошибка □
There is a glitch in the computer pro­
gram somewhere. О I ’m afraid there’s
a glitch in our plans.
glitz [glits] n. блеск, показуха, ми­
шура, показное обояние □ The place
was a morass of eager sales geeks and
phony glitz. □ The glitz was blinding,
and the substance was invisible.
glitzy [ ’glitsi] mod. модный; обаятель­
ный □ It was a real glitzy place to
hold a meeting. □ Some glitzy blonde
sang a couple of songs, and then the
band played again.
glom [glam] 1. tr. украсть что-либо
(Уголовн.) □ Lefty glommed a little
car for the evening, о H e gloms just
about everything he needs. 2. tr.
кинуть взгляд на кого-либо или чтолибо (Уголовн.) □ Glom this layout
for a minute. □ Come over here and
glom the view of the bank from this
glommed [glamd] mod. арестованный
(Уголовн.) □ M ax got glommed on a
speeding charge. I didn’t even know he
could drive. □ Glommed again! Thats
the story of my life.
glooch [glutjj] n. наркоман, дегради­
ровавший из-за употребления нар­
котика (Нарк.) D Some old glooch
was lurking around outside. □ This
poor glooch was only about twenty and
was shaking like a leaf every minute.
gloom y G u s n. мрачный человек; пес­
симист □ D o not be such a gloomy
Gus, Wally. □ Well, gloomy Gus just
came in again.
glop [glap] 1. n. неприятная еда; чтолибо неприятное вообще □ D o we have
the same old glop again tonight? □ No,
this is different glop. 2. tr. уронить,
бросить ч то -ли б о с хлюпоющим
звуком О She glopped horrible onto my
plate. □ Don't glop any o f that pink stuff
anywhere near me.
glorified mod. раздутый, разреклами­
рованный; фальшивый □ Why, this
is just a glorified potato chip! □ She's
just a glorified dance-hall girL
G lo r y b e l exclam . “ О —о !” , “ Н у ! ”
(П р о ст о н а р .) О G lo ry b e! What a
wonderful surprise! О I'm as pleased as
could be. Glory be!
glory s e e d s n. семена вьюнка, упо­
требляемые как наркотик (Н арк .
Произ. от morning glory.) □ Some kid
ate so many glory seeds to get a high that
he was really sick. О Glory seeds were
popular in the sixties when kids would
take almost anything.
glow п. состояние лёгкого алкоголь­
ного или наркотического опьянения
О She had a nice glow, but was by no
means stewed. □ What was supposed
to be a nice glow turned out to be a
terrifying hallucination.
glow worm n. пьяница; алкоголик (От
glow.) О You are turning into a regu­
lar glow worm. □ Gary came out o f the
bar and tripped over a napping glow
worm near the entrance to the alley.
glued 1. mod. арестованный (Уго­
ловн.) □ Wally got glued for having
over three hundred parking tickets. □
M a x goes to great extremes to keep
from getting glUed. 2. mod. пьяный О
Fred is glued and can't stand up. □
About three more beers and I 'l l be
glue factory n. место, где кости ста­
рых лошадей перерабатывают на
клей; в переносном смысле — такое
место для людей О I am not as young
as I used to be, but I ’m not ready for
the glue factory yet. D I f you can’t
keep up, we’ll send you to the glue
gluey и gluer n. человек, обычно под­
(Нарк.) О Teddy is a gluey. That's
why he's failing in school О The glues
stand a chance o f having brain dam­
glug [glag] n. глоток или порция спи­
ртного □ Have another glug o f this
moonshine. □ I took one glug and spit
it out
glutz [gists] n. шлюха; женщина лёг­
кого поведения □ I didn't say she is a
glutz! О M olly knows some old dames
she would call glutzes.
G -m an [ ’djimaen] n. правительствен­
ный агент по расследованиям; агент
Ф Б Р О When I was a kid, I wanted to
be a G-man. □ The G -m en busted in
and started shooting.
gnarly и narly [ ’narli] mod. вели­
колепный, отличный (Калифор.) □
This pizza is too gnarly for words! □
Who is that narly guy in the white
g o * 1. n. попытка □ Let me have a go
at it this time. О I ’d like to have
another go at it, if I can. 2. n. порция
спиртного; доза наркотика □ She
had one go and then sat back for a
while. □ Another go and she was es­
sentially stoned. 3. in. мочиться □
Jimmy's gonna go in his paints! □ I
gotta go! 4.* t£. говорить, прои­
зносить что-либо (В осн. подрост.
При написании употр. с остор.) □
Then she goes, “Like...,” and just stop
talking. О So I go, “Gross!"
g o -a h e a d n. разрешение или сигнал
двигаться дальше (Ср. say-so.) Р We
are ready to go as soon as we get the
go-ahead.. □ I gave him the go-ahead,
and the tanks started moving in.
g o all the w ay * in. совокупляться
(Эвфем. Употр. с остор.) □ Did they
go all (he way? О H e keeps wanting
me to go all the way.
g o ap e (over som eon e or something)
in. излишне возбуждаться по како­
му-либо поводу О I just go ape over
chocolate. □ Sam went ape over Mary.
goat n. мощный и скоростной автомо­
биль; Понтиак О Т О □ Hey, топ,
where'd you get that goat? О His goat
conked out on him.
g o b [gab| 1. n. масса, клякса чеголибо О I ’d like a big gob of mashed
potatoes, please. □ Take that horrid
gob of gum out o f your mouth! 2. n.
большое количество чего-либо (Час­
то во мн.) □ I ’ve just got gobs of it if
you need some. О I need gobs of
money to get through, school.
g o ban an as in. немного сойти с ума
(См. bananas.) О Sorry, 1 just went
bananas for a minute. О I thought he
was going to go bananas.
gobbledygook [ ’gab|diguk] & n. че­
пуха; канцелярская или правитель­
ственная чущь ’^ Ш 'Ьеу must have а
full-time staff to dream up all this
gobbledygook. □ I can't understand
all this gobbledygook. 2. n. беспо­
рядок, путаница □ Dinner was just
gobbledygook again. □ Do we have the
same old gobbledygook tonight?
g o belly up C m : turn belly up.
g o blooey и g o flooey [go ’blul и
go ’flui] in. разваливаться; прихо­
дить в беспорядок Р Suddenly, all
ту plans went blooey. P I just hope
everything doesn't go flooey at the
last minute.
g o -b y [ ’gobai] n. момент (действие)
игнорирования кого-либо (См. give
someone the go-by.) P I got the go-by
from her every time I saw her. □ I
find the go-by very insulting.
Go ch ase yourself! и G o climb a
tree!, G o fly a kite!, G o fry an egg!,
G o jump in the lake!, G o soak youf.
head!, Go soak yourself! exclam.
“Сгинь!” , “Пошёл вон!” P, Oh, go
chase yourself! Get out of my face! P
G o soak your head! You're a pain in
the neck.
G o climb a tree! См. предыдущ,
G o d -b o x 1. n. церковный орган (ITpoстонар. Ср. groat box, ( squeeze-)box.)
P Would you believe that the one on
the left plays C ot-box on Sundays? P
That G o d -b o x sounds like it needs
tuning. 2. n. церковь (Простонар.) P
N obody’s gonna get me into on Got—
box. □ M y kids go to the G o d -b o x
every now and then.
God only knows! exclam. “А бог его
знает!” (См. тж. gork.) Р When will
it end? God only knows! P How long
it will be, God only knows! ■
g o down 1. in. случиться P Hey, man!
Whafs going down? P Something
strange is going down around, here. 2.
in. быть принятым (См. swallow.) P
We'll just have to wait to see how all
this goes down. P The proposal didn't
go down very well with the manager. 3.
in. быть арестованным (Уголовн.) P
Lefty didn't want to go down for a job
he didn't do. P M r. B ig said that
somebody had to go down for it, and
he didn’t care who. '
go downhill in. приходить в упадок P
This company is going downhill at a
great rate. P Things began to go
downhill when the county cut the
maintenance budget.
g o d o w n in fla m e s in. блистательно
терпеть неудачу (См. тж, shoot some­
one down in fla m es.) P The whole
team went down in flames• P I ’d hate
fo r a ll your planning to go down in
g o down the line in. вдыхать (носом)
кокаин (От line. Нарк.) Р Gert had
to leave the office to go down the line.
P They found her in the john, going
down the line.
g q down the tu be(s) и g o down the
Chute in. полностью разваливаться,
проваливаться P The whole project is
likely to go down the tubes. P A ll my
plans just went down the chute.
G o d ’s acre n. кладбище □ When I end
up in God’s acre, 1 want everything to
go on without me. О They re planting
somebody new in God's acre.
g o Dutch in. делить стоимость чеголибо на двоих (См. Dutch treat.) О
How about dinner tonight? We'll go
Dutch, okay? □ Yes, let’s go Dutch.
g o -fa ste rs и go ies [ ’gofaestoz и ’goiz]
n. амфетамины (Нарк.) □ H e was
habituated to “go-fasters," some kind
of pep pill. □ H e just had to have his
goies every morning.
gofer C m . gopher.
g o flooey C m . go blooey.
G o fly a kite! C m . G o chase yourself!
g o for a sleigh ride и go on a sleigh
ride, take a sleigh ride in. прини­
мать кокаин (Нарк. См. snow.) □
Ernie left the room briefly to take a
sleigh ride. О Sally says she heard
some druggies talking about going for
a sleigh ride in the middle o f sum­
g o for broke in. рискнуть, пойти на
риск □ I feel lucky today. I 'l l go for
broke. □ We decided to go for broke,
and that is exactly how we ended up.
G o fo r it! exclam . “Д а в а й !” , “ П о ­
пытайся!” □ Go for it! Give it a try! О
I t looked like something I wanted to
do, so I decided to go for it.
G o fry an egg! C m . G o chase yourself!
g o -getter n. энергичный человек О
Wally is a real go-getter. He’ll go
places. □ Sally was really cut out to be
a go-getter.
g o g g le -e y e d и go o gly -ey ed [ ’gagiaid и ’guglaid] mod. пьяный, с
остекленевшими глазами □ Wally
was goggle-eyed and couldn't stand
up. □ H e ’s too googly-eyed to drive
g o -g o [ ’gogo] 1. mod; относящийся к
танцовщицам в ночных клубах □ I
worked as a g o -g o girl for a while. □
Those g o-go . places have mostly
changed their style. 2. mod. энерги­
чный, сильный О H e’s a real go-go
guy, always up to something. □ I
bought some silly go-go stock, and it
collapsed immediately.
g o great gu n s in. делать что-либо
очень хорошо или быстро □ Every­
thing is going great guns around here.
We’re busy and making lots of money.
О The project is finally going great
guns, just as we planned.
go haywire 1. in. (для человека)
обезуметь □ I thought for a minute
that Tod was going to go haywire. □
Sorry, I guess I just went haywire for
a minute. 2. in. (для чего-либо) вых­
одить из строя, ломаться □ М у
stereo’s gone haywire. □ I ’m afraid my
car's gone haywire. It won’t start.
g o h og-w ild C m . run hog-wild.
go hom e in a box in. быть отправ­
ленным домой мёртвым □ Hey, I am
too young to go home in a box. □ You
had better be careful on this camping
trip, or you’ll go home in a box.
go hom e to mama in. оставлять чтолибо и возвращаться в родительский
дом □ I ’ve had it. I ’m going home to
mama. D Mary left him and went
home to mama.
going high n. длительная наркотичес­
кая эйфория (Нарк.) □ Freddie had a
going high and was in trouble, □ Gert
was always after a real going high.
going over 1. n. обследование □ After
a thorough going over, the doctor pro­
nounced me alive. □ I gave your car a
good going over, and I fixed a lot of
little things. 2. n. избиение □ Bruno
gave the guy a terrible going over. □
After a going over like that, the guy
spent two weeks in the hospital.
g o in g s-o n n. события, происшествия
О There are sure some strange goingson around here. О Some big goings-on
downtown tied up the traffic.
go into orbit in. сильно возбуждаться
О Wow, I thought the manager was
going to go into orbit, she was so
mad. О The entire staff went into
orbit when they got the new .
G o jump in the lake! C m . Go chase
gold 1. n. деньги (См. тж. ducats.) □
D o you have enough gold to pay the
bill? □ Therms no gold in my pockets.
2. n. золотая или золотисто-корич­
невая марихуана (Нарк. См. Aca­
pulco (g o ld ).) □ M ax can turn gold
into cash. □ This gold looks a little
green to me.
goldbrick 1. n. лентяй □ Tod is just a
lazy goldbrick. О Tell that goldbrick to
get back to work. 2. in. лениться;
уклоняться от своих обязанностей □
Stop goldbricking and get back to
work. О Whoever is goldbricking when
I come back gets a real talking to.
goldbricker n. лентяй (Тж . как об­
ращение.) □ Larry is such a gold­
gold bud n. золотистая марихуана,
особенно её цветочные почки О Her
very favorite was gold bud. □ Gold
bud sounds like it would be very ex­
gold Colombian Cm. Colombian (g o ld ).
gold digger n. женщина, ценящая в
мужчинах только богатство □ Sam
called Salty a gold digger, and she was
devastated. О “ You little gold digger!”
cried Sam.
gold duster и golden duster n. кока­
инист (Нарк.) О The gold dusters are
taking over this neighborhood. □ Who
can afford to be a golden duster?
g o ld e n -ag er n. старик П The goldenagers sat on the benches and chatted.
□ When I 'm a golden-ager, I'm going
to have a part-time job.
golden handcuffs n. прибавка к
жалованию, чтобы работник не
увольнялся (Обычно для высоко
чиновников круп­
ных корпораций. См. тж. golden
parachute.) □
The company pro­
vided a variety o f golden hand­
cuffs to keeps its execs happy
through a takeover. О The golden
handcuffs included a half million
in severance pay for one of the
vice presidents.
golden leaf n. марихуана высшего
сорта (Нарк. Син. Acapulco (g o ld ).)
□ M ax says he has a lot of goiden leaf
for sale. О Golden leaf must be pretty
high quality.
golden opportunity n. очень хорошая
возможность О This is my golden op­
portunity, and I can not pass it up. □
You get a golden opportunity like this
very rarely.
человеку, которого могут уволить
(Обычно для высокооплачиваемых
чиновников крупных корпораций.
Если их увольняют, они оказы­
ваются обеспечены. См. тж. golden
handcuffs.) □ M y golden parachute
was so attractive that I wanted to get
fired. О I f all the golden parachutes
were used at the same time, it would
bankrupt the company.
goldie locks n. женщина-полицей­
ский (По каналу автомобильной
приёмопередающей радиостанции)
О Goldie locks pulled те over and
gave me a citation. □ There was a
goldie locks waiting under the bridge
to spring on poor unsuspecting people
like me.
Golly! [ ’gali] exclam. “O -o !”, “Ой!” □
Golly, I ’m sorry! □ Did I step on your
gom er [ ’gom#] 1. n. дурак; человек,
отвергнутый обществом (От пер­
сонажа телефильмов Gomer Pyle.) О
Who’s that gomer in the overalls? □
That gomer is my uncle Ben. 2. и
goom er [ ’gum#] n. человек, при­
сутствие которого в больнице не
желательно (Предпол. акроним от
“ Get out of ту emergency ro o m ”) О
That goomer with the allergy is back in
E.R. □ I don't want that goomer back
in the emergency room.
go n e 1. и go n e under mod. без соз­
нания O He's gone. Prop his feet up
and call an ambulance. □ He’s gone
under. You can begin the procedure
now. 2. и go n e under n. пьяный или
опьянённый наркотиком Р Those
chicks are gone — too much to drink
О Ted is really gone under. 3. mod.
великолепный (См. cool; out of this
world.) О She is one real gone chick
This ice cream is gone, man, gone!
gone g o o se n. кто-либо или что-либо,
с кем (чем) закончено, “покончено”
(Игра на dead duck.) □ Г т afraid that
your old car is a gone goose. О This old
thing is a gone goose.
goner [ ’gon^r] n. что-либо или ктолибо, с кем (чем) закончено или
почти закончено О This one’s а
goner. Toss it. The horse was a goner,
so it had to be destroyed.
gon ged [goijd] mod. опьянённый нар­
котиком (Нарк. Первонач. опиу­
мом.) О Bruno found himself in the
alley, gonged. □ Ernie was too gonged
to stand up.
gonn a* [ ’gona или ’guns] phr. “going
to” (Н а письме употр. с остор.) О
What time you gonna be home? О I ’m
gonna get you, you little dickens!
good trip
gonsel и gonzel, gunzel [ ’ganz| и
’g3nz|] n. дурак, олух (Уголовн.) □
Bruno is such a gonsel. What a jerk! □
Why don't you send your gunzel out
after coffee and rolls?
gonzo [’ganzo] 1. n. глупый или без­
рассудный человек □ Some gonzo is
on the phone asking for the president
of the universe. □ Tell the gonzo I ’m
out. 2. mod. сумасшедший □ The guy
is totally gonzo! □ Who drew this
gonzo picture of me?
go o [gu] n. любое клейкое вещество
(См. gunk.) □ What is this goo on my
shoe? □ There is some sort of goo on
my plate. Is that meant to be my din­
go o b [gub] n. прыщи (Сокр. guber.)
The goobs are taking over my whole
| face. □ I have the world’s greatest
goob right on the end of my nose.
go o ber Cm. guber.
go o ber-grabb e r [ ’ gub? ’graeba] n.
сборщик арахиса (Обычно подраз.
житель Джоржии, где выращивают
а р ахи с. От guber.) О M y nephew
moved from Chicago to Atlanta, where
he became a goober-grabber in no time
at all. □ One of the local goobei^grabbers took us to a peanut boil
g o o b e r-g re a se [ ’guhagris] n. арахи­
совое масло □ Pass me some o f that
goober-grease, will ya? О This goobergrease is stale.
goobrain [ ’gubrein] n. дурак, глупец
(Тж. как грубое обращение.) О
What silly goobrain put sugar in the
salt shaker? □ Look, goobrain, think
about it a while, you'll catch on.
good arid something mod. совершен­
но что-либо (Где что-либо — это
прилагательное. См. примеры.) □ I
am really good and mad at you for
that. □ We are good and really to do
something about it.
go o d buddy n. друг, приятель (В пе­
редаче по каналу автомобильных
приёмопередающих радиостанций.
Тж. как обращение.) О Well, good
buddy, what's new with you? О John’s
my good buddy.
go o d-for-n othin g 1. mod. бесполез­
ный (Обычно по отнощению к
человеку.) О Tell your good-fornothing brother to find another place
to live. О Let’s get rid o f this good-
for-nothing car right now. 2. n. бе­
сполезный человек (Тж. как грубое
обращение.) □ Look, you g o o d -fo rnothings Go out and get a job. □ Tell
the good-fpr-nothing to leave.
good for what ails som eone mod. хо­
роший для кого-либо (Простонар.)
О This stuff is good for what ails you.
О Take some fo r John. Tell him it's
good for what ails him.
G ood golly, Miss Molly! exclam.
“Боже мой!” □ Good golly, Miss
M olly! This place is a mess! P Good
golly, Miss Molly, thafs awful!
G ood grief! exclam. “Боже мой!” (Во­
склицание отчаяния, удивления,
сочувствия и др.) □ It is ту own car!
Good grief! □ Good grief! I'm late.
G ood heavens! exclam. “Боже мой!”
(Выражение удивления, др.) □ Good
heavens! I didn’t expect you to be here.
□ Good heavens! There's a man at the
goodie n. человек, который всегда
ведёт себя порядочно □ She is such а
goodie! N o fun at parties. □ I ’m no
goodie, but I didn't care for his be­
g o o d Joe n. хороший парень О Fred’s
a little slow on the uptake, but he’s a
good Joe. P Frank’s a good Joe. He? II
help us.
good old boy и good ole boy n. хо­
роший парень, надёжный товарищ
(Простонар.) □ Old Тот is a good
old boy. H e'll help. □ One of these
good ole boys will give you a hand.
good-tim e Charley n. весельчак, оп­
тимист О Wally is such a good-time
Charley. Who would believe the trouble
he's had? □ Some good-time Charlie
is making a lot o f noise.
good-tim e it tr. хорошо проводить
время (Син. party п. 2.) □ You’re al­
ways good-timing it. Don’t you ever
study? □ I just Want to good-time it
for the rest o f my life.
good-tim e man n. продавец наркоти­
ков (Нарк.) О M ax is the main good­
time man in this neighborhood. □ The
fuzz wants to see all the good-time
men behind bars.
good trip 1. n. приятные ощущения
после приёма Л С Д или другого
наркотика (Нарк.) О Paul said he
had a good trip, but he looks like
Goody-goody gumdrop!
the devil □ One good trip deserves
another. A t least thats what my
guru says. 2. n. вообще хорошее
времяпрепровождение D This meet­
ing was a good trip. □ Compared to
the last class, this one is a good
G o o d y -g o o d y gumdrop! exclam. “O,
Боже!” (Обычно дстск.) p G oodygoody gumdrop! I got what I wanted
for my birthday! О We're here, we?re
here! Goody-goody gumdrop!
goody tw o -sh o es n. человек, пытаю­
щийся вести себя лучше, чем ос­
тальные (Тж. как, обращение.) □
Well, g(x>dy two-shoes, so you decided
to ctitne sit with usM^Rl’M 'n O - goody
two-shoes. I just like to keep my nose
g o o f [guf] 1. n. дурак, увалень (Син.
goofy.) О Sometimes I ’m such a goof.
I really messed up. О Don’t be a goof.
Get with it. 2. in. употреблять героин
или другие вызывающие привы­
кание наркотики, стараясь не при­
страститься (Нарк.) □ Gert spent the
first few years just goofing. □ She was
goofing, and you know what that leads
to. 3. in. чесаться, кивать и пускать
слюни после инъекции героина О
She just rocks and goofs for hours. □
She has been goofing for an hour. 4. и
go o f up in. совершать ошибку □
Whoops, I goofed! Ш This time you
goofed. 5. n. ошибка, провал □ Who
made this silly goof? О This goof is
yours, not mine.
g o o f around Cm. g o o f off.
g o o f artist n. человек, который эк­
спериментирует с наркотиками
(Н ар к .) □ Gert set Out to be a good
artist and ended up a junky. □ A good
artist is playing with fire.
goofball и go ofer I .e . дурак, глупец О
You are such a silly g o o fb a ll□ Chuck
acts like a goofer, but he?s really with it. 2.
и G.B. n. марихуана; сигарета смари­
ху ан о й ; таблетки из конопляной
смолы:(1н^рк.)М СаЯТ have a hit'off
your goof ball? О G o get your own
goofball, goof. 3. и goofballer n. ку­
рильщик марихуаны (Н арк.) П The
guy’s agoofball Thats why he’s flunking.
□ M ost o f his friends are goofers, too. 4.
n. таблетки или капсулы барби­
туратов; транквилизаторы (Нарк.) □
One goofer isn't enough anymore. О H e
popped a couple o f goofers and leaned
goofed (up) 1. mod. в беспорядке □ All
my papers are goofed up. □ Everything
on my desk is goofed. Who’s been here?
2. mod. смущённый, запутавшийся □
I ’m sort of goofed up today. I think I
am coming down with something. □ I
was up too late last night, and now I ’m
all goofed up. 3. mod. опьянённый
марихуаной (Нарк.) О Ted has never
been goofed up in his life. □ M a x has
been goofed most o f his life.
goofer Cm. goofball.
g o off half-cocked in. продвигаться
вперёд, не выяснив всех фактов □
The boss went off half-cocked and ex­
ploded into a rage about the mess. □ I
waited because I didn’t want to go off
go off the deep end in. делать или
испытывать что-либо в высшей
степени: влюбляться, сойти с ума,
совершить самоубийство, разгне­
ваться и т.д. О John is completely
in love with Mary and wants to
marry her. I was afraid he would go
off the deep end, and he did. □
Sally was so depressed that we had
to watch her day and night so she
wouldn’t go off the deep end. □ I
saw what he had done, and I just
went off the deep end. I was in a
blind rage and didn’t know what /
was doing.
g o o f-o ff Cm. goof off.
gOOf off 1. и go o f around in. тратить
время О Quit goofing off. □ Get busy.
Stop goofing around. 2. n. человек,
который попусту тратит время (Син.
jerk. Обычно go o f-o ff.) □ Tod is
such a goof-off! □ Г т no goof-off,
but I am no scholar either.
go o f on som eone in. подшучивать
над кем-либо □ The kid goofed on
Chuck, and he thought it was a pretty
good joke. □ Hey, don’t goof on me.
I ’m your buddy! '
go o f-p roo f 1. mod. “дуракобезопас­
ный” , не могущий быть исполь­
зованным неправильно □ I want а
goof-proof Scheme. □ Now, this time
I'v e made it goof-proof. 2. tr.
изготавливать что-либо с “защитой
от дурака" □ I ’ll try to goof-proof my
scheme. □ See if this can be goofproofed. by Monday evening.
g o o f something up и go o f up som e­
thing, go o f up on something tr.
запутывать, спутывать, портить что. либо □ Now don’t goof it up this time.
I hope I don't goof up the report
g o o f up C m . goof.
goofu s [ ’gufas] 1. n. устройство, без­
делуш ка, штучка □ Where is that
little goofus I use to pry open these
cans? □ H ere’s just the little goofus
you're looking for. 2. и goopus n.
дурак, дурачок (Т ж . как обра­
щение.) □ You are just acting like a
goofus. B e ierloitft m &i Hey, goopus!
Come here!
go o fy ' [ ’gufij 1. mod. глупый □ Stop
acting so goofy! What will the neigh­
bors say? □ You are really a goofy
chick. 2 mod. пьяный □ They went
out and got themselves good and
goofy. □ Wow, is she goofy!
go o f(y) butt n. сигарета с марихуаной
(Нарк.) □ M ax had a goofy butt stuck
behind his ear. П Ernie took a hit of
the goof butt and passed it on.
g o o -g o o eyes [ ’gugu ’aiz] n. собла­
зняющий взгляд; “глазки” (Которые
“строят". Часто с таке.) □ Mary was
making goo-goo eyes at Sam. □ Who’s
the chick over there with the goo-goo
gook [guk или guk] 1. n. слизистое
вещество; осадок, остаток, нагар,
накипь О There was a lot of gook in
my crankcase. □ Too much of that
gook will ruin your engine. 2. n.
дурачок □ Wow, Chuck is turning
into a real gook! О Don’t be such a
gook, you twit! 3. n. бродяга □ Some
old gook was asking for a handout. □
Give the gook some food and wish him
well. 4. n. проститутка □ Some old
gook was standing around with too
much leg on view. □ There are a lot of
gooks around here in the center of
town. 5. n. унизительное прозвище
азиатов (Грубо.) □ Let the gooks
fight it Out amongst themselves. □
Nobody wanted to go to war against
the gooks.
goom bah [ ’gumba] n. приятель, до­
веренное лицо (Тж. как обращение.
Первонач. из итал.) □ Hey, goom­
bah! How goes it! □ H e’s my goombah.
I can trust him.
goon [gun] 1. n. дурак, глупец □ Oh,
Wally, you are such a goon sometimes.
□ Tod p a silly goon, but he’s a lot of
fun at parties. 2. n. хулиган; гро­
мила; телохранитель (Уголовн.) О
Bruno is one of Mr. B ig s goons. □
Call off your goons!
Go on! exclam. “He верю!”, “Отри­
цаю!” □ Go on! You don't really know
what you are talking about! □ Go on!
You weren't even there.
g o on (and on) about som eon e or
something in. бесконечно буйство­
вать по какому-либо поводу О Не
just went on and on about the trouble
he was having with the post office. □
Why do you have to go on about your
sister so?
gooner [ ’guna] n. азиат (Ун и зи т.
В о е н н .) О These gooners sure can
cook. □ See if one o f the gooners will
show you how to do it.
goon-platoon n. подразделение, из­
вестное своими ошибками (Военн.)
□ Well, the goon-platoon’s done it
again! □ Which side is the godrt-platoon on?
goon sgu ad 1. n. организованная пре­
ступная группа; банда хулиганов
(Уголовн.) □ Bruno and his gOon
squad are lurking about □ The goon
squad Mr. Big sent around scared the
devil out o f Max. 2. n. полиция
(Негрит.) □ Here comes the goon
squad. Watch out! □ M y old buddy on
the goon squad tells me there’ll be
some action over on Maple Street
go o p и goup [gup] n. плохая еда;
дрянь (Син. gunk; slop.) О I refuse
to eat this goop. □ You get used to this
gdiip after a while..
goophead [ ’guphed] n. воспалённый
прыщ (Игра на blackhead.) □ Ye gods!
I ’m covered with goop heads. □ You
ought to see the goophead on your nose.
goopu s C m . goofus.
goopy [ ’gupi] mod. тягучий, клейкий,
резиноподобный □ I just love goopy
desserts. □ This is not goopy enough
D There is some goopy stuff coming
out of the car's engine.
g o o s e 1. n. слабоумный дурачок, ду­
рачок □ Oh, I am such a silly goose! □
goose egg
What a goose you are! 2. tr.
(попытаться) вставить что-либо (на­
пример, палец) в чьё-либо анальное
отверстие Р Freddy tried to goose me!
P D o n 't goose m e! 3. n. попытка
вставить что-либо в чьё-либо анал­
ьное отверстие □ Harry is a master of
the rude goose. О H e tried to give me a
goose. 4. tr. заводить двигатель; нажи­
мать на акселератор Р Who don't you
goose the thing and see how fast it'll go?
О Don't goose it too much. 5. n. резкое
нажатие на акселератор автомобиля
□ Give it a good goose and see what hap­
pens. □ One more goose, but don’t hold
it down so long.
g o o se e g g 1. n. нулевой счёт P We
got a goose egg in the second inning.
P It was double goose eggs for the
final score: 2. n. шишка на голове P
You've got Quite a goose egg there. P I
walked into a door and got a big goose
egg on my forehead. 3. n. провал;
нулевой результат (tip значению 1.)
P The outcome was a real goose egg.
P The result of three weeks' planning
is one big goose egg.
g o over big in. быть успешным P I'm
sure this will go over big with the folks
at home. P Well, it didn't go over very
big with the boss.
g o overboard in. делать больше, чем
необходимо P Н е has a tendency to
go overboard at these parties. P Now
don’t go overboard for us. We're just
g o over like a lead balloon in.
провалиться, потерпеть неудачу P
The joke went over like a lead balloon.
P I'm afraid your plan went over like
a lead balloon.
g o over the hil) in. сбежать из тюрь­
мы или дезертировать из армии
(См. тж. over the hill и следуют,
вокаб.) Р Jim went oyer the hill, and
they caught him. P Jed and Tom
planned to go over the hilt last night.
What happened?
g o over the wall in. сбежать из тюрь­
мы P Lefty tried to go over the wall,
but the warden got wind of it. P
Nobody goes over the wall in this
goozlum [ ’guzhm] n. любое клейкое
вещество: сироп, суп и др. Р Do you
want some of this wonderful goozlum
on your ice cream? P Just keep put­
ting that goozlum on my spuds.
gopher и gofer [ ’gofo] 1. n. посыль­
ный (Тж. фигур. От go for.) P You
got a gopher who can go get some
coffee? P Send the gofer out for ciga­
rettes. 2. n. подчинённый P The guy's
just a gopher. H e has no say in any­
thing. P I ’ll send a gopher over to pick
up the papers.
gopher ball n. сильный удар в бейс­
боле, с бегом “домой” Р Wilbur hit
another long gopher ball straight
across center field- P The center
fielder did a belly flop on the field try­
ing to get the gopher ball.
g o -pills n. амфетамины (Нарк.) P
She took go-pills to start the day. О
After a while, these go-pills just
demand to be taken.
g o places in. иметь большой успех P
I knew that Sally would go places. P /
really want to go places in life.
g o public 1. in. распродавать акции
частной компании (Биржев.) О The
company decided not to go public be­
cause the economy was so bad at the
time. P We’ll go public at a later time.
2. in. открывать что-либо скрытое,
тайное (Особенно с with.) Р It is too
early to go public with fhe story. P
Just let me know when we can go pub­
lic with this.
gorilla biscuits и gorilla pills n. ам­
фетамины (Нарк.) P M olly is big on
those gorilla pills. P Stay away from
gorilla biscuits.
gorilla juice n. стероидные анаболики
(Культуризм. Анаболики помогают
быстро наращивать мышцы.) Р
Andy really wanted to get hold of
some gorilla juice, but his parents said
no. P D o all those muscle-bound crea­
tures take gorilla juice?
gorilla pills C m . gorilla biscuits.
gorilla tabs n. фенциклидин, P.C.P.,
(Нарк.) P The kid was knocked for a
loop by something called gorilla tabs.
P Even M ax won’t sell gorilla tabs.
gork [gork] 1. n. дурак, простофиля P
Merton acts like such a gork some­
times. P The gorks are taking over the
world! 2. и GO RK phr. приписка к
диагнозу в истории болезни "G od
only really knows.” (Больнич.) P I
see old Mr. Kelly is in again With a
gouch off
hundred complaints. His chart says
CORK. О He’s down with gork again.
3. tr. давать пациенту успокоитель­
ное (Больнич.) □ Dr. Wilson says to
gork the patient in 226. □ He’ll quiet
down after we gork him.
gorked (out) [gorkt...] mod. получив­
ший успокоительное (Больнич.) □
Once the patient was gorked, he was
more cooperative. □ The guy in 226 is
totally gorked out now.
Go soak your head! C m . Go chase
Go soak yourself! C m . Go chase your­
self! ,
g o sour in. оказываться неприятным
или плохим О It look like all my
plans are going sour. □ M y whole life
is going sour right now.
go South и head South 1. in. сбежать,
исчезнуть О L efty went South the
minute he got out of the pen. □ The
mugger headed South just after the
crime. 2. in. упасть (в ц ен е) (Б и ржев.) □ A ll the stock market indexes
went South today. □
The market
headed South today at the opening bell.
go spel bird n. цыплёнок, которого
подают по воскресеньям (Простонар.) □
We used to have gospel
bird every single Sunday. □ I re­
member the Sunday dinners and the
gospel bird, as we called it.
go sp el (truth) n. истинная правда □
You gotta believe me. I t s the gospel
truth! □ H e speaks nothing but gospel
You can trust him.
g o straight 1 • in. прекратить нару­
шать закон О Lefty thought about
going straight once, but pulled himself
out o f it. □ I think I 'l l give all this
up and go straight — some day. 2. in.
прекратить принимать наркотики
(Нарк.) D Ernie wanted to go
straight more than anything else in
the world. □ I ’ll go straight one of
these days.
gotcha [ ’gatJJs] 1. phr. “Поймал (те­
бя)!” (Обычно Gotcha!) □ I gotcha,
and you can't get away. □ Ha, ha!
Gotcha here, you little dickens. 2. n.
арест (Уголовн.) □ The cop reached
out, grasped Bruno’s shoulder, and
made the gotcha. О i t was a fair got­
cha. Bruno was nabbed, and he went
along quietly. 3. phr. “Понял.” □
Gotcha! Thanks for telling me. □
Seven pounds, for ounces? Gotcha!
I ’ll tell everybody.
go the limit in. сделать или получить
максимум возможного П Let’s plan
to do everything we can. L e ts go the
limit. □ We'll go the limit. To heck
with the cost.
g o through som eone like a d o se of
the salts in. вызывать понос, дей­
ствовать как слабительное □ That
stuff they served last night went
thought me like a dose o f salts. □
Careful of the coffee. It ’11 go through
you like a dose o f salts.
go through the ch an ges 1. in.
испытывать перемены в жизни □
A good day, a bad day — it is all
part o f going through the changes, О
Nothing new with me, just going
through the changes. 2. in. менять
образ жизни О I went through the
changes all last year. It was a real
bad time. □ I ’ve been going through
the changes lately. I t s tough to grow
up at this age.
Go to! exclam. “Иди к чёрту!”, “П о­
шёл ты!” □ G o to, you creep! □ Oh,
you’re terrible. Just go to!
Go to blazes! и G o to the devil! ex­
clam. “Иди ты к чёрту!” □ G o to
blazes! Stop pestering me! □ I'm sick
o f your complaining. G o to the devil!
Go to the devil! См. предыдущ.
go to town in. делать что-либо энер­
гично и быстро О The main office is
really going to town on collecting over­
due payments. D Man, our team is re­
ally going to town.
gotta* [ ’gads] phr. “got to” (Обычно в
произношении. На письме употр. с
остор.) О Well, I gotta be off. О Ya
gotta do it when ya wanna do it, or
just forget it.
gotta g o и got to go ( ’gada ’go] 1.
phr. необходимо уйти □ Well, I gotta
go. See ya! □ We’ ve got to go in ten
minutes! 2, phr. необходимо отпра­
виться в ванную О Hurry, hurry. I
gotta go! О I really gotta go. Please!
gouch off [gautjj...] in. попадать под
действие наркотика (Нарк.) □ After
taking the stuff, Gary gouched off. □
After the fix, Gert waited patiently to
gouch off.
go underground
g o underground in. прятаться, yxo.дить в подполье □ The entire opera­
tion went underground, and we heard
no more about it. О We'll go under­
ground if We have to. Nothing will stop
the movement
g o Up in. начинать ощущать дей­
ствие наркотика (Нарк.) □ Gert
started to go up and suddenly fell
asleep. □ The guy couldn’t wait to
get /юте and go up.
gourd [gourd] n. голова P I raised up
and got a nasty blow on the gourd. □
M y gourd aches something awful.
g o w и ghow [gau] n. наркотики во­
обще (Нарк. Первонач. только опи­
ум.) □ The cops are looking for the
creeps who supply the gow that these
kids get hold of. □ The old man used
to carry his ghow in a little wooden
g o W e st in. умереть О Ever since
Uncle Ben went West, things have
been peaceful around here. □ When I
go West, I
want flowers, hired
mourners , and an enormous perform­
ance o f M ozarts “Requiem." :
g o with the flow и go with it in. сми­
риться с судьбой □ No, just relax
and go with the flow. О Go with it.
Don’t fight it.
g o y [goi] 1. n. не еврей (Из еврейск.
Не обязательно унизит.) □ But the
goys can do anything they want on
Sunday! □ Leave that kind o f thing to
the goys. 2. mod. не еврейский □ I
don’t care for that goy stuff. □ Goy
pickles are sort of blah
g o zonkers in, немного сойти с ума □
What a day! I almost Went zonkers. □
I Went a little zonkers there for a
g ra bbers n. руки P Keep your grabbers
to yourself. □ Wash your grubby little
grabbers before coming to the table.
g ra d e -g ru b b e r 1. n. честный, серь­
ёзный студент □ Merton is a gradegrubber and real hard worker. □ I f
there are too many grade-grubbers in
a class, it will really throw off the
grading scale. 2. n. студент, который
льстит преподавателю в надежде
получить хорошую оценку □ Toward
the end o f a semester, my office is
filled with grade-grubbers. □ A few
grade-grubbers help assure old profes­
sors that the world is not really chang­
ing at all.
grade-gru b b in g
учёба в Надежде получить хоро­
шую оценку □ I f all you are here
for is grade-grubbing, you’re going
to miss a lot. □ Get a hobby. All
grade-grubbing in college is no good.
2. n. лесть учителю в надежде по­
лучить хорошую оценку □ Some
teachers do not mind a lot of
grade-grubbing. О So you’ve come
in to do some grade-grubbing. 3.
mod. относящийся к студентам, ду­
мающим только о том, как по­
лучить более высокий балл О
driving me crazy. □
Two gradegrubbing seniors came in and begged
me to change their grades.
graduate [ ’graedjuat] 1. n. опытный,
особенно сексуально опытный че­
ловек О M olly is a graduate. Nothing
is new to her. □ You need someone
who is a graduate for this kind of a
job. 2. [ ’graedjuet] in. перейти от
обычного употребления наркотиков
к пристрастию О Gert graduated to
smack after only a year of skin-pop­
ping. □ Tod graduated and went into
treatment all in the same month
grand и G n. тысяча долларов □ That
car probably cost about twenty grand.
□ Four G.s for that thing?
Grand Central Station n. любое люд­
ное или лихорадочно возбужденное
место (От центрального вокзала в
Нью-Йорке.) О This place is Grand
Central Station on a Friday night, a
A t just about closing time, this place
becomes Grand Central Station.
granddaddy (of them all) и daddy (of
them all) n. наибольший или стар­
ший из всех; патриарх □ This old
fish is the granddaddy o f them all. О
This one is the daddy. Been here since
the place was built.
grandstand in. обратить на себя вни­
мание □ Stop grandstanding, Sally.
Everyone can see you. □ Don’t you
just hate the way that Pat grandstands
all the time?
grandstand play n. что-либо, сделан­
ное очень хорошо, чтобы произвести
впечатление на зрителей О The
grandstand play caught the attention
dancer, but his defeat places me in
of the crowd just as they were leaving.
line for a promotion. □ The guy's a
H e tried one final grandstand play,
grave-dancer. Anything to get ahead.
but the audience continued to give him
gravel-pou nder n. пехотинец (Воен.)
the raspberry.
□ D o you really want to join the Army
g ra p e (s) n. шампанское; вино (Ср.
and be a gravel-pounder? □ The life
berries.) □ These grapes are great! □
o f a gravel-pounder is not for me.
N o more of the grapes for me. It
graveyard shift n. ночная смена ра­
tickles my nose.
боты на фабрике (Ср. swing shift.) □
grape shot mod. пьяный (от вина) □
I ’d prefer not to work the graveyard
After the reception, Hank found him­
shift. □ The pay is pretty good on the
self a little grape shot. □ Man, is that
graveyard shift.
guy ever grape shot! How can he hold
gravy n. “лёгкие деньги” □ Virtually
enough to get that way?
every cent that came in was pure gravy
gra p es o f wrath n. вино □ Fred had
no expenses and no materials costs
taken a little too much of the grapes of
at alL О After I pay expenses, the rest
wrath □ How about another dose of
the grapes of wrath?
is pure gravy.
gravy train n. работа ' приносящая
grapevine n. слухи □ I heard on the
“лёгкие деньги” О This kind o f job is
grapevine that Sam is moving to the
a real gravy train. □ The gravy train Is
east. □ The grapevine was right. He's
just not for me.
already left.
grayhound in. (для негра) назначать
g r a s s 1. n. марихуана (Нарк. Ныне
свидание белым □ Somebody said
общеизвестно.) □ These kids manage
you were grayhounding. Is that so? □
to find this grass somewhere. □ Almost
I am not grayhounding.
everybody knows that grass means
grease n. взятка (См. grease some­
marijuana. 2. n. салат; салат латук
one’s palm.) O Rocko was in charge of
(См. rabbit food.) □ I could use a little
making sure that enough grease was
more grass in my diet. □ D o you want
spread around city hall. О See that the
some dressing on your grass?
commissioner o f the park district gets
g ra ss e r См. следующ. вокаб.
a little grease to help us get the con­
gra ssh e ad и grasser, grasshopper n.
курильщик марихуаны (Нарк.) □
greased [grizd или grist] mod. пьяный
The grassheads are taking over this
□ H e went out and got himself greased,
neighborhood. □ Imagine, a seveneven though he knew it would probably
year—old grasser!
kill him. □ She is way too greased to
grasshopper См. предыдущ. вокаб.
g ra ss party n. вечеринка, на которой
greased lightning 1. n. напиток содер­
курят марихуану (Нарк.) □ The
жащий большой процент алкоголя □
goon squad raided Tod's grass party
This greased lightning o f your nearly
without any warning. О Sally tried to
blew my head off. □ N o more greased
have a grass party, but didn't have any
lightning for me. 2. п. что-либо бы­
строе или мощное О That little car is
grassroots 1. n. простые люди; на­
just greased lightning. □ That kid can
род; крестьяне □ We really haven’t
run like greased lightning.
heard anything from the grassroots
g re ase monkey n. механик □ I took
yet. □ The grassroots isn’t organized
my car to my favorite grease monkey
on most issues. 2. mod. относящий­
who says I need a new something or
ся к простому народу □ A grass­
other. O How much money does a
roots movement pushed Senator Del
grease monkey make?
Monte toward the nomination. О
greaser [ ’griza- или ’grisa] n. грубый
Politicians love to create grassroots
и агрессивный мужчина, обычно с
длинными грязными волосами □
grave-dan cer n. человек, получа­
Who's the greaser who just swaggered
ющий прибыль от чьих-либо несча­
in? О Donna has been going out with a
стий (От dance on someone’s grave.)
real greaser.
О I do not want to see like a grave-
grease someone’s palm
g re a s e som eon e’s palm tr. давать ко­
му-либо взятку Q I had to grease the
clerk's palm in order to get the job
done. D Are you trying to grease my
palm? !
g re a s e the skids tr. помогать подгото­
виться к провалу или успеху коголибо или чего-Либо (Ср. put the
skids under someone or something.) О
Ray set out to grease the skids for the
right things to happen. □ We need
someone to grease the skids for the
Wilson contract,
greasy spoon n. неприятный, грязный
ресторан или столовая □ Let’s eat at
the grease spoon over on Maple. The
food is gross, but the people-watching is
good, □ I wouldn’t be caught dead in a
greasy spoon like that.
Great! exclam. “Великолепно!” , “От­
лично!” D Gre<itlФ т glad to hear it.
О You. got married? Great!
great divide 11. развод D How did Sam
survive the great divide? О The great
divide cost over two grand.
Great Scott!
I’gret ’skat] exclam.
“Боже мой!” О Great Scott! What
happened! □ I ’m late again! Great
great unwashed n. простой народ
(Всегда с the.) Р I usually find my­
self more in agreement with the great
unwashed than with, the elite. О The
great unWashed could probably tell us
a lot about life in the big city.
g reef о и griefo I’grifo] n. марихуана
или сигарета с марихуаной (Нарк.
Устар. Мекс, испан. “трава”. См.
тж. reefer.) П M ax had a soggy greefo
in his mouth. □ He tossed Fred a
griefo and held out his hand for some
Greek to som eone n. что-либо, непо­
нятное для кого-либо □ I do not un­
derstand this, It's all Greek to me. □
She said it was Greek to her, and that
it made no sense at all
green i!,. и green .folding, green
paper, green stuff it; деньги, бу­
мажные деньги
(См. тж.
green.) О How much green you got
on you? □ I have so much green
stuff, I don’t know what to do with
it. 2. и greenie n. зелёные та­
блетки амфетаминов
(Нарк,) j s
She took greenies to wake up with
the morning. □ Can I have one
o f your greenies? 3. и greens n.
слабая или низкокачественная ма­
рихуана (Парк.) □ / do not want
any old grien, Where’s the good
stuff? Q This slide shows “greens "
or low-quality cannabis. 4. n, ги­
родственный Л С Д (Нарк.) □ Now
he’s trying to get people to use
green — after having caused so
much trouble with acid. □ . Is green
likely to became as bad a problem
as acid?
green around the gills C m . blue
around the gills,
greenback { ’grinbsek] n. долларовая
банкнота □ She came out of the bank
and dropped this pack o f greenbacks
right there an the street, о I f s only
10 greenbacks. Anybody can afford
green bud и m ud-bud n. выращен­
ная на дому марихуана (Нарк. См.
domestic.) □ I suspect that green bud
is not anywhere near as good as gold
bud. □ She grows her own mud-bud.
green dragon и green hornet n. зелё­
ные таблетки амфетаминов (Нарк.)
th e truck driver said he had found
some green dragons outside Frisco. □
After getting wired a couple of times,
Alice won’t touch green hornets.
green hornet См. предыдущ. вокаб.
greenie I’grini) 1. n. пиво “Heineken”
(в зелёной бутылке) □ Tom ordered
a greenie and had it put on his tab. о
Can I have a couple of greenies over
here, please? 2. C m . green.
green light n. сигнал двигаться впе­
рёд, “зелёный свет” (Ср. go-ahead,
high.) □ She gave the green light to
the project. P When we get the green
light, we'll start.
greenmail n. вариант шантажа -г- бо­
гатая фирма скупает акции какойлибо компании, угрожая завладеть
контрольным пакетом и вынуждая
. компанию выкупить у него эти
акции по це^е выше рыночной (Бирж ев.) □ M r. Smith made about 20
million in greenmail last year. О One
state is trying to outlaw greenmail to
protect its industrial base,
green paper C m . green.
greens C m . green.}
green stuff C m . green.
green tea и green sn o w n. фенци­
клидин, P .С.P., транквилизатор для
животных (Нарк.) О Now the kids
are taking something they call green
tea, and they think it’s marijuana. □
There’s another one — green snow —
that makes them think they’re getting
green thumb n. удивительная спо­
собность к садовничеству и выращи­
ванию растений □ Alice has a green
thumb and can work wonders with
plants. О I f I had a green thumb, I
could grow my own bananas.
greenw ash tr. “отмывать” деньги;
маскировать незаконный источник
доходов путем финансовых опера­
ций (Уголовн.) □ I t was shown in
court that the mayor had been in­
volved in greenwashing some of the
bribe money. P The treasurer hired
someone to greenwash the cash
greldge [grsldj] 1. n. что-либо мерз­
кое, гнусное (Син. у иску.) □ What is
this greldge on my shoe? □ Thaf s not
greldge, thafs just plain mud. 2. ex­
clam. “Дрянь!” , “Чёрт!” (Обычно
G reldge!) □ Oh, greldge! I'm late! О
This is the last straw! Greldge!
gripe o n e’s soul tr. раздражать коголибо □ That kind o f thing really
gripes my soul! □ John, have I ever
told you that you gripe my soul?
grit n. храбрость, сила воли □ It takes
a lot of grit to do something like that.
□ Well, Tod has lost o f grit. H e can
do it.
gritch [gritjj] 1. in. жаловаться (Сме­
шение gripe и bitch.) □ Stop gritching
all the time. □ Are you Still gritching
about that? 2. n. человек, который
жалуется □ You are getting to be such
a gritch □ Don't be such a gritcht
gritchy t’gritji] mod. раздражитель­
ный, жалующийся □ I don’t feet as
gritchy today as I did yesterday. О
You seem quite gritchy to me.
n. аккордеон (См. тж.
squeeze-box) □ Clare is pretty good at
the groan box. О I used to play the
groan box when I was a kid.
groaty Cm. grody.
grod и groddess [grad и ’gradas] n.
особенно неряшливый мужчина или
женщина (Игра на god и goddess.)
□ Hello, grods and groddesses, whafs
new? О She is the groddess of scraggly
grody и groaty [ ’grodi] mod. отврати­
тельный (Q t grotesque. C m . grotty.)
□ What a grody view of the street from
this window. □ These shoes are getting
sort of groaty. I guess I ’ll throw them
grody to the max [ ’grodi tu So ’ masks]
mod. совершенно отвратительный
(К а л и ф о р . От grotesque. См. тж.
groaty, grody.) □ Оо, this is grody to
the max! □ This pizza is, like, grody to
the max!
grog [grag] n. спиртное □ Here, have
some more of this grog. □ Thafs
enough grog for me.
grogged (up) mod. пьяный □ The two
guys were totally grogged up by
midnight. О L e fs go out and get
groggery [ ’graga-i] n. бар; место, где
можно купить спиртное □ Sam
stopped at the groggery for a snort. О All
the groggeries are closed on Sundays.
gro gg y 1. mod. усталый, утомлённый,
заторможенный О Н е was too groggy
to care what happened to him. □
Who's that groggy guy? □ I 'm still
groggy by ten in the morning. 2. и
groggified [ ’grogifaid] mod. пьяный
□ John was a little groggy — from the
grog, o f course. D H e Was top
groggified to drive.
groghound n. пьяница □ I ’m afraid
that Ernie is getting to be a
groghound. □ I ’m an old groghound
from way back.
grpk [grok] tr. приветствовать чтолибо или кого-либо О I can really
grok what you're saying. О I don’t
quite grok that. Run it by again, would
gronk fgragk] n. неприятное веще­
ство, наподобие грязи; собирающе­
еся между пальцами ног □ / don’t
want to hear any more at all about
your gronk. □ What is this gronk
gronk (out) in. сломаться (Особенно в
автомобиле или компьютере.) □ М у
car gronked out on the way to work
this morning. □ The program gronks
every time I start to run it.
grooby C m . groovy.
gro ove n. что-либо приятное, успока­
ивающее (См. тж. in the groove.) О
This day has been a real groove. D
Man, what a groove!
grooved [gruvdfimod. удовлетворён­
ный □ / am so grooved. I 'l l just kick
back and meditate. □ You sure look
grooved. Whaf s been happening in
youf 4fe?
groove on som eone or something in.
выказывать интерес к чему-либо
или кому-либо; получать удоволь­
ствие от чего-либо или кого-либо □
Fred was beginning to groove on new
age music when fie met PhiL О Sam
is really grooving on Mary.
grooving mod. наслаждающийся; спо­
койный, расслабленный О Look at
those guys grooving in front o f the tel­
evision set. □ They were just sitting
there grooving.
grooyy 1. mod. приятный, спокой­
ный, успокаивающий Я Man, this
music is groovy. □ What a groovy
day! 2. mod. опьянённый наркоти­
ком (Нарк.) □ Three beers and he
was a little groovy. □ She's groovy,
but she can still stand up. 3. mod.
вышедший из моды (Калифор.) □
Your clothes are so groovy. □ Oh,
how groovy!
gro ss Igrosl mod. грубый, вульгарный,
отвратительный (Сленг только,при
избыточном употреблении.) □ This
food is grosslfS What a gross thing to
even suggest.
g ro ss-o u t 1. n. что-либо отвратитель­
ное □ This whole day has been a total
gross-out. □ That horror movie was a
real gross-out. 2. mod. отвратител­
ьный (Син. gross.) О What a grossout day this has been! □ Well, it looks
like another gross-out movie.
gro ss som eone out и gro ss out
som eone tr. вызывать отвращение у
кого-либо □ Those horrible picture
just gross me out. О Jim’s story totally
grossed out Sally.
grotty [ ’gradi] mod. крайне нежела­
тельный (Первонач.: из Великобрит.
От grotesque. См. grody.) О Let’s riot
see another grotty movie tonight. □
What is this grotty stuff they serve
here? D It’s not grotty!
grounded mod. приговоренный не вы­
ходите из* дома (Обычное наказание
для подростков. См. тж. campused.)
Molly is grounded for a week be­
cause she came in late. □ You are
grounded, and I don’t want to hear
another word about Й/’ ' ,
ground-pounder n. солдат, пехотинец
(Военн.) □ I f you join the Army, it
means a lot o f your life spent as a
ground-pounder. □ You won’t find me
among the ground-pounders. I have
flat feet.
gro u p-grop e n. группа людей, зани­
мающ ихся сексом □ That party
turned into a hopeless group-grope. О
The g ro u p -g ro p e was busted up by
groupie n. молодая женщина, следу­
ющая за ансамблем или музыкаль­
ной группой в поисках связи с кемлибо из участников □ Would you
believe that Sally was a groupie when
she was 19? □ Y o u mean all those
young girls are groupies?
grou se [graus] 1. in. жаловаться □
Paul is always grousing about some­
thing. □* Stop grousing and look on
the good side of things. 2. n.
женщина (Особенно как сексуал­
ьный объект.) □ Who's the grouse I
saw you with last night? □ Look at
that grouse over there. 3. in. ла­
скаться; заниматься ласками П They
stopped grousing in order to come up
for air. О They were grousing in the
back seat the whole trip.
grovel [’gra v jB in. ласкать □ They
spent the whole time in the back seat
groveling. □ H e always wants to go out
and grovel.
growler n. уборная □
Where's the
growler around here? □ We only have
one growler in this house.
grub [grab] 1. n. еда p i Hey, this
grub’s pretty good. □ What time’s
grub? 2. in. есть, питаться (Негрит.)
When do we grub? О L e f s grub and
get going. 3. n. усердный студент
(Студенч. См. тж. grade-grubber.) □
Merton is not exactly a grub. H e gets
good grades without trying. □ The test
\ was so hard, even the grubs did
poorly. 4. n. нерящливый человек
(От grub worm.) □ Don is such a grub
all the time. □ Sorry I look a grub.
I ’ve been doing some plumbing. 5. Cm.
grubs в следующ. вокаб.
grubbies и grubbers, grubs [ ’grabiz
и ’grabaz, grabzj n. поношенная
работы О I have to go home, put
some grubbies on, and paint the
There I was, running
around in my grubs when the Sena­
tor stop by to say hello!
gru bby J’grabif’fmod. грязный, неухо­
женный, небритый О Tod looks sort
of grubby today. Whafs wrong? □
Who's that grubby guy? □ I feel
grubby, and I want a shower.
gru esom e-tw osoine
[ ’grusam’tusatn]
n. пара людей или вещей (Шут. Оп­
ределение “gruesome'' лишено, пря­
мого значения’)' О Well, it is the
gruesome—twosome. Come in and join
the party. О The gruesome-twosome
will both start in tonights game.
grunch См. следукиц. вокаб.
gru nge и grunch [grandj и grant^]
1. п. любое неприятное вещество,
грязь □ There’s some gritty grunge
on the kitchen floor. О Whafs that
grunch on your tie? 2. n. уродливый, или отвратительный человек
Alice thinks that Max is a
grunge. О Some grunch came by
and dropped off this strange package
foe you.
grungy [ ’grSfldji,] mod. грязный и
вонючий □ Get your grungy feel off
the table! О M y feet are not grungy! О
What is this grungy stuff on the closet
floor? ■
grunt jgigrarii] 1. n. хрю канье (H e
сленг.) □ Mary made a loud grunt and
then threw the spear, о Did I hear your
grunt of assent, or did that mean no? 2.
n. пехотинец (В о ен н .) □ Hey, you
grunts! Get in line! □ Get those grunts
out on the field at sunrise! 3. n. при­
слуга, человек низкого положения □
Get one of the grunts over here to clean
this up. □ I^efs hire a gruAttQ'm fMis
kind o f work. 4. n. рыгание □ I heard
your grunt! □ Does that grunt mean you
like my cooking? 5. in. испражняться
(Детск.) О Jimmy’s got to go grunt,
mom. Q Okay, grunt, Jimmy. 6. n.
деф екация □ That's a good grunt,
Jimmy. □ Jimmy’s got to do a grunt,
mommy.'7 . n. усердный студент О
Merton is not a grunt. Everythings easy
for Merton, p The grunts got B 's on the
test. I t was that hard! 8. n. борец □ Two
big grunts wearing outlandish, costumes
performed for the television, cameras. □
O ne grunt threw the other grunt out of
the ring.
grunt work n. тяжёлая, утомительная
работа p I ’m tired of doing grunt
work for minimum wages. P Who is
supposed to do the grunt wprk around
here? Not me!
gubbish n. чепуха, бесполезная ин­
garbage и rubbish.) □ There's nothing
but gubbish on my printout. □ I can’t
make any sense out of this gubbish.
guber и go o b er [ ’gub?] n. прыщ на
лице (См. тж. goob.) О Wow, look at
that giant guber on my nose. □ How
does anybody get rid of goobers?
guck Igak] n. рустое, клейкое веще­
ство (Син. yuck п. 1;.) □ What is this
guck on the bottom of my shoe? О The
doctor painted, some nasty guck on my
throat and told me not to swallow for
a while. ;
gucky [ ’gaki] mod. густой и клейкий;
iS fC H b rt О This is a gucky day. Look
at the sky. □ Yes, it is gucky. □ There
is a lot o f gucky oil and grease on the
garage floor.
guff [gaf] 1. n. чепуха, чушь О Wow,
that vice president1guy can sure dish,
out the guff! □ N o more guff outa you,
okay? 2. n. жалобы; ответные реп­
лики □ I don’t want to hear anymore
o f your guff. □ Thafs enough of your
gu g [gag] n. отвратительный человек
'Ш Ю ф М а suck a gug! □ Rocko is not
a gug!
gulf n. героин из региона Персидского
залива (Нарк.) □ This gulf is flood­
ing the country. □ Those pushers can
call anything gulf How does anybody
know where it’s from?
gumdrop n. таблетка или капсула
наркотика (Нарк.) □ The kids Call
■ these things gumdrops. □ John's
pocket broke, and a bunch o f gum­
drops ran down his pants leg and out
on the floor.
gum p flgamp] n. дурак, дурачок О
Who's the gump in the yellow slacks?
'W i Don’t act like such a gump! ■
gu m shoe'W gan tfu ] n. полицейский
или сыщик (Уголовн. Тж. как об­
ращение. Название происходит от
бесшумных ботинок на резиновой
подошве.) □ Has that gumshoe been
around asking questions again? □
Look, gumshoe, what do you Want with,
gun 1. n. нанятый уголовник; тело­
хранитель, наёмный убийца (Уго­
ловн. и зап.) □ Bruno and his guns
came by to remind Gary of what he
Owed Mr. Big. □ Tell your guns to lay
off. 2. n. лидер, глава группы □
Who's the gun around here? О Bruno
is the gun, and what he says goes. 3.
tr. запускать двигатель, заставлять
двигатель работать короткими тол­
чками D See how loud it is when I
gun it? □ Gun the thing again and Jet
me hear it. 4. it. ■шприц д.™ под­
кожных инъекций (Нарк.) 43 Gert
broke her gun and had to get another.
□ She shouldn't use somebody else's
gunboats и battleships n. большие
ноги; башмаки большого размера □
Hasn’t he got the biggest gunboats you
ever saw? П Whose battleships are
these under the coffee table?
gun for som eone in. искать коголибо, tie обязательно с пистолетом Р
The French prof is gunning for you. □
Bruno is gunning for Max.
gunge [gnndj] n. раздражение кожи в
паху (У мужчин. См. тж. crotchrot.) □ I got the gunge. Whafll 1 do?
n The sawbones'll give you something
for the gunge.
gu ngeon [ ’gsndjan] n, крепкая мари­
хуана из Африки или с Ямайки; си­
гареты "гмз
(Негрит.) □ Where сап I get some of
that gungeon? D Is this gungeon really
from Africa?
g u n g-h o [ ’gag’ho] mod. ревностный;
полный энтузиазма □ We are really
gung-ho about the possibilities of this
.product. □ Tod always seems so gungho about everything. □ He's a gung-ho
gungy и grungy I’gandji и ’grsndji]
mod. мерзкий; запутанный; изно­
шенный (См. grunge.) □ Get your
grungy feet off the sofa. □ The weather
is so gru ngy today.
gunja и gu n jah , [ ’gandjaj п. мариху­
ана; марихуана из Ямайки (Парк.
См. тж. ganja.) □ M ax says he sells
only the best gunja. □ Is this ganjah
guaranteed to be from Jamaica? .
gunk fgagk] 1. п. любое неприятное
вещество О What is this gunk on the
counter? О Get this gunk up off the
flo o r before it dries. 2. n. клей,
который нюхают как наркотик
(Нарк.) О This kid is high on gunk. □
I thought that it was illegal to sell
gunner n. серьёзный студент (Студенч.) □ Merton is a gunner, all right.
P The gunners in my algebra class al­
ways get the A's.
gunny I’gani] n. марихуана из Ямай­
ки или Африки (Парк. Негрит.) □
Is this gunny really from Jamaica? □
This gunny is just junk, plain old
gunzel C m . gonsel.
gunzei-butt [ ’gattzlbat] n. странно вы­
глядящий человек, обычно мужчина
(Уголовн.) □ Bruno told the gunzelbutt where to get off. □ Rocko is no
gunzel-butt. He's a thinker.
guru [ ’guru] 1. n. опытный потреби­
тель ЛСД ,
который направляет
другого во время приёма наркотика
(См. trip. Нарк.) О M ax volunteered
to serve as a guru, but he never
Showed up- □ A guru can be a big
help. 2. n. биржевый маклер или
финансовый советник (Биржев.) □
M y guru says to sell all my bonds. П
M y guru just went bankrupt. 3. n. пси­
хиатр; психотерапевт □ I go to this
guru gets a lot of money just to listen.
□ I've started using my mirror for a
guru. It's cheaper.
gussied up [ ’gasid...] mod. одетый в
свой лучший костюм (Простонар.)
□ She was all gussied up in her finest.
О I like to get gussied up and go out
' on the town.
gusto [ ’gosto] 1. n. пиво (Негрит.) □
How about another tube of gusto? □
Can you stop at the filling station and
get some gusto? 2. in. пить пиво
(Негрит.) □ Don’t you ever do any­
thing but gusto? □ Lefs go out and
gusto all night!
gut [gat] 1. n. живот; кишечник □
What a gut that guy has. □ Tom poked
Bill right in the gut. 2. mod. основ­
ной, фундаментальный i3 This is a
g y n ie
. gut issue, and we have to deal with it
i* now. □ We are not dealing with what I
would call one o f the gut matters of
. the day. 3. mod- (о курсе в школе)
лёгкий □ That's a gut course. Nothing
to it. О I won’t take any more gut
economics courses. Even those are
heard. 4. n. лёгкий курс (в школе) □
That course is a gut. 0 I f it's a gut,
it’s for me. ;
gutbucket [ ’ g stb akit] 1. n. унитаз в
got something
around here I
can use as a
-gutbuckef! . □
I don’t want any
gutbucket around here. 2. n. уборная
Where’s the gutbucket around
here"! □ The kid tried to flush his
stash down the gutbucket. 3. n.
желудок О Hey, your gutbuckefs
getting sort o f big, isn’t if! □ Sam
poked Tod right in the gutbucket. 4.
толстяк □ Harry is getting to be a
real gutbucket. о
Look at the
gutbucket waddling down the street.
дешёвый салун, бар О Old Jed
is probably stuck in some gutbucket
someplace, talking' his head off. О
The pinstriper needed a drink so
bad he stopped at one of those
Oh Maple
Street. 6.
обыденная, ничем не примечатель­
ная музыка О I ’d like to hear some
good old-fashioned gutbucket. П You
don’t hear much gutbucket in public
places these days.
gutless wonder n. совершенно без­
вольный человек О George, don't be
such d gutless wonder! Stand up for
your right! □ Here comes that gutless
wonder, Merton.
gut reaction (to something) it. ос­
новная, рефлексная, немедленная
реакция на что-либо О Well, ту gut
reaction is quite negative. О H er gut
reaction to the plan is basically a good
guts [gotsl 1. n. храбрость, отвага □
Man, she's got guts! О It takes guts to
do something like that. 2. n. живот;
кишечник О Ted poked Frank right
in the guts. □ I'v e got some kind of
pdin in the guts. 3. n. внутреннее'
устройство чего-либо □
something wrong in the guts of this
clock. П M y tape recorder needs all
new guts. 4. n. суть чего-либо О I^et's
i discuss the real guts of this issue. □
The guts of your proposal are really
easy to understand.
gutsy I ’gstsi] mod. смелый, наглый □
She sure is a gutsy young thing, d
Ernie's acting sdrt o f gutsy today.
What happened?
gutter nl локтевая вена, в которую де­
лают инъекции (Нарк.) □ Gert likes
to take it in the gutter. □ There aren't
any places left in the gutter.
guy n. приятель; Мужчина, парень
(Во мн. не обязательно мужского
пола,) О When you guys finish getting
your makeup on, we can go back to the
guys: □ Hey you guys, lets go!
guzzle [ ’gazll t. tr. & in. перепивать­
ся, в избытке пить спиртное □ Stop
guzzling for a while and pay attention.
□ D on't guzzle all that beer, or you’ll
turn into a guzzle-guts. 2. n. запой О
Fred's out on another of his guzzles. □
I f s (me guzzle after another, day after
guzzled [ ’gazjdj 1. mod. арестован­
ный (Уголовн.) □ Rocko got himself
guzzled on a speeding rap. О Lefty is
guzzled again. He's so clumsy. 2. mod.
пьяный О Sam was plenty guzzled
when he got home, о Tod was too
guzzled to drive home.
guzzle—guts n. пьяница, алкоголик
О Old guzzle-guts here would like
another drink. □
D on't call me
guzzle-guts. I hardly ever have a
guzzler n. пьяница □ Harry is getting
to be quite a guzzler. □ A couple of
guzzlers at the bar were carrying on a
low conversation when Barlowe came
: inguzzlery и guzzery [ ’g a z W и gaza-ij
n. бар; магазин алкогольных напи­
тков □ Sam hit every guzzlery on
Maple Street on the way home. □ I
wouldn't be caught dead in a guzzery
like that!
g w eeb [gwib] n. усердный студент
(Студенч. Вариант dweeb.) □ I ’m in
a physics class full of gweebs. О M er­
ton is a gweeb, all right, but he's a
good guy.
gynie [ ’gain!] n. гинеколог □ M y gynie
says I'm fine. О She went to a new
gynie last week.
gup joint
gyp joint [ ’djip djointl n. магазин или
контора, где обманывают клиентов □
I ’m not going back into that gyp joint. О
Stay out o f gyp joints like that.
gyppy tummy [ djipi ’tomil n. понос;
расстройство желудка □ He's got a
bad case o f the gyppy tummy. ;Й I
need some medicine for a gyppy
gyve [djaiv] n. марихуана, сигарета с
марихуаной (Марк. См. тж. jive.) □
Why are you always smoking gyve? □
How about a hit of that gyve?
gyvestick -j’djaivstik] tt. сигарета с
марихуаной (Парк. Син. jivestick.)
□ M a x'll sell you all the gyvesticks
you Want. □ Where can I get a gyves­
tick like that?
Н. п. героин (Нарк.) □ Now he’s shoot­
ing Н. О First it was М .; now ifs H.
habit п. пристрастие к наркотику □
She has to steal to support her habit■
□ There are many treatment programs
to help with drug habit.
hack 1. n. такси О Go out to the street
and see if you can get a hack □ I
drove a hack for a few months; them
I quit. 2. n. кашель □ That’s a nasty
hack you've got there. D A hack like
that can lead to pneumonia. 3. n.
профессиональный писатель, кото­
рый пишет по заказу О This novel
shows that even a hack can get some, fhing published these days. О That
hack can’t even write her name! 4. n.
газетный репортёр □ She was a hack
for the newspaper for a while. □
Newspaper hacks have to know a little
of everything. 5. tr. & in. написать
неуклюжую или
программу для компьютера О / сап
hack a program for you, but it won’t
be what you want. □ Well, I can hack
myself. 6. tr. раздражать кого-либо
(См. тж. hacked (o f f ).) □ This really
hacks me. □ That kind o f behavior
hacks her a lot. 7. n. человек, ис­
полняющий неприятную или унизи­
тельную работу □ Oh, he’s just а
hack. What can you expect? □ There's
always plenty o f work for a hack.
hack around in. тратить время □ You
guys are always hacking around. Get
busy! □ / wanted to hack around for a
year after college, but my finances dis­
hacked [haekt] mod. измученный; го­
товый бросить (то дело которым за­
нимается) О What a day! Г т hacked.
□ We were all hacked at the end o f the
hacked (off) mod. злой, раздражён­
ный □ Wally was really hacked off
about the accident. □ Oh, Wally is al­
ways hacked about something.
hacker 1. n. водитель такси □ That
hacker nearly ran into the back o f my
car! □ You. wonder how some o f these
hackers keep their licenses. 2. n. не­
уклюжий или неэффективный про­
граммист □ This program was written
by a real hacker. I t s a mess, but it
works. □ I may be a hacker, but I get
the job done. 3. n. неудачник О Poor
Tod is just a hacker. H e’ll never go
any place. □ Hackers keep trying, but
they never succeed.
hack it tr. выдерживать что-либо □
I t s hard, but I ’m sure I can hack it. П
I ’m afraid you can’t hack it. I t just
isn’t working out.
had C m . taken.
hairy mod. сложный, трудный, опас­
ный □ That was a hairy experience! D
Wow, thafs hairy! What a hairy ride!
h a iry -a s s(e d )* 1.* mod. возбужда­
ющий, буйный (Употр. с остор.) □
We had a real hairy-ass time on the
roller coaster. □ The last part of the
climb was really hairy-assed. 2.* mod.
мужественный, мужской (Употр. с
остор.) □
This big hairy-ass guy
started to push us around. □ H e’s not
what I would call hairy-assed. □ Stop
acting like a hairy-assed jerk.
half-baked 1. mod. плохо проду­
манней □ That was a half-baked
scheme. Was that the best you could
do? □ That was a half-baked scheme.
□ I t would have been approved if it
weren’t so half-baked. 2. mod. пьяный
□ We're getting half-baked every Sat­
urday night. О Fred got himself sort: of
half-baked every Saturday night.
half-blind mod. пьяный □ Fred got
himself half-blind in no time at all. □
Get that half-blind jerk out of here! О
Four cans o f beer and she was halfblind.
half-canned mod. пьяный □ Old Don
is half-canned and can not drive
home. □ H e's half-canned and will be
no help at all
half-cocked 1. mod. неподготовлен­
ный (См. go off half-cocked.) D So
he’s half-cocked. So what? □ You’re
half-cocked for everything you do. 2.
mod. пьяный □ H e just sat there,
half-cocked and singing. О Old Jed
got himself half-cocked at the recep­
half-crocked mod. пьяный □ Sam and
John set out to get half-crocked. □
They came: home half-crocked at
half in the bag mod. пьяный □ Jerry
was half in the bag when we found
him. □ They were all half in the bag by
half-lit mod. пьяный □ John was half­
lit in no time at all □ Harry was halflit by noon.
half moon 1. n. гашиш, прессованный
в форме полумесяца (Нарк. См.
moon.) □ M ax is selling half moons,
too. □ Gert pulled out a half moon
and tried to temp him with it. 2. n.
пейотль, кусок кактуса пейотль
(Нарк. См. moon.) □ These half
moons look like little dead somethings.
D Gary poured out a bag of half
moons on the table.
half-sprung mod. пьяный □ Ted was
half-sprung and could hardly stand
up. □ They were half-sprung by noon.
half-stew ed mod. пьяный □ We were
half-stewed and had a lot o f drink­
ing yet to do. D Poor Fred was
half-stewed and still had to give a
half under 1. mod. полубессознатель­
ный □ I was half under and could
hear what the doctor was saying. О I
was afraid they would start cutting
while I was only half under. . mod.
пьяный □ Only four beers and she
was half under. □ H e was half under
and could barely stand up.
half up the pole mod. пьяный □ She
drank till she was half up the pole. О
Don was half up the pole when we
picked him up to come here.
halvsies [ ’haevziz] mod. когда каждый
(из двух) платит половину (См. go
Dutch.) О Let's do it halvsies. О Let’s
make it halvsies, and I pay for the
parking, too.
ham 1. n. актёр; плохой актёр (См.
тж. hams.) □ What a haml A real
show-off. О The cast was an assem­
blage of hams. . n. радиолюбитель □
M y brother is a ham, and he helped a
lot during the emergency. О The hams
helped by providing communication to
the outside world.
Hamburg n. гамбургер (Ср. burger.) О
This hamburg is as greasy as they come.
0 I 'd like a couple of hamburgs and a
hamburger n. глупый и бесполезный
человек о The guy is just hamburger.
You can’t teach him anything. □ There
is a lot o f hamburger around here. Who
hired them?
ham burgers n. акции корпорации
“McDonald’s” (Ж аргон Н ью -Й орк­
ской фондовой биржи.) □ I want 400
shares o f hamburgers. О Hamburgers
just dropped a point.
ham -handed mod. неуклюжий □ I f
1 wasn't so ham-handed, I could
probably fix the thing myself. О H e
is the most ham-handed guy I ’ve
ever seen.
hammer n. педаль акселератора □
She pressed down the hammer, and
off they went. О The hammer went
straight to the floor.
hammered mod. пьяный □ Man, old
Fred was really hammered. О She got
so hammered she couldn’t see.
hammerhead 1. дурак ( “У которого
голова тверда, как молоток.”) □ You
can be such a hammerhead! □ What а
hammerhead! Totally dense! 2. n.
пьяница или наркоман □
hammerheads can't even hold a simple
job for the most part. □ A couple of
hammerheads stood in the alley, look­
ing suspicious.
hams n. ноги, бёдра □ H er great hams
extended over the sides of the chair. □
I got to do something to get the size of
these hams down.
handful n. сложная, трудная вещь
или человек □ Little Jimmy is a
hang in there
handful. □ His dad can be a handful,
hand in glove mod. изначально co;ответствующие один другому □
These two go hand in glove, yf The
two pats went " together like hand in
hand ;№ to som eon e tr. признавать
..чьё-либо превосходство (в чёмлибо) if: Well, I have to hand it to
you. That was great! □ H e had to
hand it to her for her excellent per­
handle 1. А. имя или прозвище че­
ловека (Жаргон вестернов, а тж. по
каналу радиолюбительской связи.)
□ Well, what's your handle so I'll
know what to call you? О M y handle
is Goober. You can call me Goob. 2.
n. способ обращаться с чем-либо;
способ разобраться с проблемой В
As soon as I get a handle on this
Wilson matter, I’ll give you a buzz. □
I can't seem to get a handle on what's
handout 1. n. подачка □ I don't want
a handout, just a loan. □ Give him a
handout and send him on his way. 2.
n. листок бумаги с информацион­
ным сообщением О As you can see
on your handout, 40 percent of those
who started tiever finished.
get a handout.
hand over fist mod. многократно и
энергично (особенно получая боль­
шие суммы денег) □ We were taking
in fees hand over fist, and the people
were lined up for blocks. 0 : The
money came in hand over fist at the
hands down mod. легко; бесспорно О
She won the contest hands down. 0
They declared her the winner hands
down. 1
hand som eone something tr. рас­
сказать кому-либо что-либо; рас­
сказывать чепуху кому-либо □
D on’t hand те that stuff. That silly! P
She handed me a line about being a
famous author.
h an d s-on 1. mod. относящийся к обу­
чению на практике (после теоре­
тического курса) О Please plan to
attend a hands-on seminar on com­
puters next Thursday. □ After tree
weeks of hands-on training, I still
couldn't add two and two. 2. mod.
относящийся к чиновнику или ме­
неджеру, который сам принимает
участие в работе О John is a handson manager. I wish he would stay in
his office. О We expect that he will be
the kind o f hands-on president we
have been looking for.
H ands up! и Stick ’em up! exclam.
“ Руки вверх (,это ограбление).!”
(Уголовн. и из вестернов.) О Hands
up! Don't anybody move a muscle.
This is a heist, о Stick 'em up! Give
me all your valuables.
hang a fe w on и hang on a fe w tr.
выпить несколько порций спиртного
They went out to hang a few on. □
L e ts hang on a few and then go on to
the meeting.
hang a huey ('haen э ‘hjuij tr. по­
вернуть налево О Hang a huey at the
next corner. □ Right here! Hang a
hang a left tr. повернуть налево О He
hung a left at the wrong corner. □
Hey, here! Hang a left here!
hang a louie I’haeq э ’lui] tr. по­
вернуть налево О You have to hang a
louie at the stop sign. □ G o another
block and hang a louie.
hang a ralph I’hscq э ’raelfl tr. по­
вернуть направо □ H e skied down the
easy slope and hung a ralph near a fir
tree. □ Don't hang a ralph until you
get past the traffic light.
hang a right tr. повернуть направо □
Hang a right about here. О I told him
to hang a right at the next corner, but
he went on.
hang (around) in. бездельничать, тра­
тить время О D on't just hang around.
Get busy with something. O" Move.
Don’t just hang. There's work to be
hang five и hang ten tr. стоять на
доске для серфинга или трамплине
так, что пальцы одной или обеих
ног свешиваются вниз (Подроет, и
студенч.) □ The coach told her to
hang ten and not to look down. О Get
out there and hang five. You can swim.
Nothing can go wrong.
hang in there in. настаивать; про­
должать попытки □ Hang in there.
Keep trying. О I 'l l just hang in there.
Maybe things will get better.
Hang it all!
H ang it all! exclam. “Чёрт побери!” О
Oh, hang it all! J 'm late. □ H e’s late
again! Hang it all!
hang it up tr. прекратить что-либо □
I finally had enough and decided to
hang it up. О Oh, hang it up! I f s
hang loose и stay loose in. рас­
слабляться, оставаться спокойным □
Just hang loose, man. Everything11 be
all right. □ Stay loose, chum. See ya
hang one on tr. напиваться P Fred
was hacked and went out to hang one
on. □ Fred hangs one on about once a
hangout [ ’hsegaut] n. место, где мож­
но провести время, бездельничать □
I dropped by one o f his favorite hang­
outs, but he wasn’t there. 0 We went
over to the hangout and sat around
hang ten Cm. hang five.
hang tough (on something) in. це­
пляться за своё место, положение О
I decided I ’d hang tough on it. I tend
to give in too easy. □ Yes, just hang
hang up 1. n. проблема, забота, на­
вязчивая идея (Обычно h a n g -u p .)Р
She's got some serious hang-ups about
cats. □ I don't have any hang ups at
all. Well, almost none. 2. in. говорить
“нет”, отказывать □ I hung up.
That’s not for me anyway. □ I f you
don’t want to do it, just hang up. T il
hanky и hankie [ ’hseqki] n. носовой
платок, особенно женский Р D o you
have a hanky I can borrow? □ Here,
use my hankie.
hanky-panky [ ’haetjki’pasgki] 1. n. об­
ман, жульничество P Therms some
hanky-panky going on in the treas­
urer’s office. О I am going to get this
hanky-panky straightened out. 2. n.
любовные игры; тайная любовная
связь □ Sam and M ary are up to a
little hanky-panky, I ’ve heard. □
There’s some hanky-panky going on in
, the storeroom.
happening 1. mod. модный (Студенч.) □ Oh, Tiffany, your skirt is re­
ally happening.
happening! 2. n. событие P The con­
cert was a real happening. □ Well,
class is .never a happening, but it’s
never dull.
happy 1. mod. пьяный P She seems
a little Happy. M ust have had a few
already. О She's not happy. She’s
stewed. 2. mod. одержимый чемлибо (Как компонент в сложных
словах.) 0 A ll those guys are g irlhappy at this age. P Tod's carhappy right now. Thafs all he
thinks about.
happy ,hour n. время коктейля P
Happy hour starts at dawn for Harry.
P The hotel had a nice happy hour at
happy juice n. спиртное или пиво □ A
little more happy juicex John? P Too
much happy juice can make you very
happy prills n. транквилизаторы P She
asked-the doctor for some happy pills.
P She is now hooked on happy pills.
happy sh o p n. магазин спиртных
напитков (Негрит.) Р I need some­
thing; from the happy shop. P L e fs
stop off at the happy shop.
hard 1. mod. забродивший (См. тж.
hard1liquor.) P This juice got hard.
What shall I do with it? P Where’s the
hard; stuff? 2. mod. относящийся к
вызывающим пристрастие наркоти­
кам <Ср. soft.) Р G erfs on hard stuff
now. P Hard drugs are easier to get
than ever before.
hardbbiled mod. бессердечный, же­
стокий P She is a hardboiled old gal
P Do you have to act so hardboiled?
hard candy n. героин (Нарк.) P Mr.
Big:’ Wants to move in on M a x and
peddle hard candy. P Hard candy
brings in a lot o f cash
hard c a se 1. n. ящик спиртного P
Tod wanted a hard case delivered to
his house. P There’s a lot o f beer and
a hard case in the van. 2. n. человек,
вызывающий проблемы P Jed has
turned into a hard case. H e’s fighting
us at every turn. P The hard case we
dealt with last week is back again.
hard coin n. большая сумма денег
(См. coin.) Р A car like that takes
hard coin. P O ld Freddie is earning
Some hard coin these days.
h ard-core 1. mod. порнографический
P You can not sell that hard-core
I" stuff in a store like this! P You think
thafs hard-core? . mod.- мощный,
сильный, застарелый Q " She spend
some time teaching hafchcore illiter­
ates in a medium^sized town. О There
are too many hard-cori of poverty
hardhat I'hardhaet] 1. uv каска строи­
теля (Общеупотр.) О 'You'll need a
hardhat to come into 'this area. □
John swiped a hardhat from the con­
struction site. 2. n. стрбитель (Обыч­
но унизит.) □ The hardhats didn't
care much for the actress's politics. □
Some hardhat was waving a flag and
shouting something I couldn’t under­
hardhead n. упрямец О I ’m not really
a hardhead. You bring out the worst in
me. О You are a classic hardhead.
Lighten up!
hardheaded mod. упрямый □ Gary is
a real hardheaded guy. □ Anybody
that hardheaded is going to have
trouble with everybody.:
hard-liner n. человек, занимающий
твёрдую позицию (по какому-либо
вопросу) □ Тот is sort of a hard­
liner when it comes to spending pub­
lic money. О The mayor, is a hard­
liner on the question o f care for the
hard liquor n. крепкое спиртное: ви­
ски, джин, ром и т.п. О Hard liquor
makes те sick. О Stay off of hard liq­
uor until your stomach feels better.
h ard-n o sed mod. жесткий, занятой;
несимпатичный О She’s pretty hardnosed and tends to put people off. О
It takes a hard-nosed manager to run
a place like this.
hard sell n. торговля (чем-либо) от­
нимающая много времени и энергии
/ didn’t want to listen to any hard
sell, so I bought it from a mail-order
place. □ I 'm afraid I'm very suscep­
tible to the hard, sell
hard time 1. n. неприятное впечатле­
ние, неприятный^ опыт О I had а
hard time at the doctor’s office. □
She’s having a hard time with her
child. . n. тюремное заключение □
Lefty did hard time for his part in the
robbery. □ How much hard time does
he have behind him?
hard to sw allow mod. невероятный □
Your story is pretty hard to swallow,
but I am beginning to believe it. О The
news was hard to swallow.
hard up 1. mod. пьяный □ The whole
gang was hard up by midnight. □
After a couple of six packs, Wally
found himself a little hard up. . mod.
жаждущий наркотика или спирт­
ного □ Gert was hard up and needed
a fix. □ The old hobo was hard up for
a drink. 3. mod. страдающий от оди­
ночества P Freddie sftid he was hard
up and needed a date. □ Mary must
be hard up to date a jerk like that.
hardware 1. n. виски; крепкое спирт­
ное О This hardware is enough to
knock your socks off. О Pour me
some o f that hardware, will ya? 2. n.
Сильные наркотики или крепкое
спиртное □ N o wine for me. Give me
the hardware. □ This hardware is
pretty powerful. 3. n. оружие, ружьё
(Уголовн. и в вестернах.) О I think
I see your hardware showing. □ Lefty
mattress. 4. n. компьютерное обору­
дование (в противоположность про­
граммам) о What kind of hardware
are you running this program оп?Щ
The software is okay, so it must be
the hardware thafs off.
harpoon n. шприц для подкожных
инъекций (Нарк.) □ Gert kept her
harpoon in a drawer by the bed. □ She
dropped the harpoon and really
panicked when it broke.
Harry n. героин (Нарк.) □ Gerd said
she was going to spend the evening
with Harry. □ Harry isn’t a person.
Harry is smack.
harsh toke 1. n. раздражающая но­
соглотку затяжка дымом марихуаны
(Нарк.) О Wow, that was a harsh
toke. Yuck! □ Pat got a harsh toke and
coughed a lot.
. n. кто-либо или
что-либо неприятное □ Sally can
sure be a harsh toke when she wants.
□ This meeting has been a real harsh
h a s-b e en [ ’haezbin] t . n. кто-либо,
кто занимал ранее важные посты;
человек, чья* карьера кончилась □
Marty is just a has-been. There’s no
future for him. О A n old has-been was
hired to host the midnight show. 2.
mod. бывший □
Some has-been
singer croaked through the “Star
Spangled Banner." О Now I'm a hasbeen football player, and nobody even
knows my name.
hash [hseC] n. гашиш, конопля вообще
(Нарк.) о Hash is still the favorite first
drug other than alcohoL □ The amount
o f hash that moves into this city in a
single day would astound you.
hash brownies Cm. pot brownies.
hash cannon n. устройство для ку­
рения конопли (Нарк. Син. shotgun
п. 3.) О Gert kept a hash cannon in
her stash. □ Don had a hash cannon
in his office as a sample o f a device
for smoking pot.
hash—head n. курильщик конопли
(Нарк.) □ Kelly was almost a hope­
less hash-head. □ You can't stay a
hash-head all your life.
h a sh -h o u se 1. n. дешёвая столовая □
Tom worked for two days as a hashslinger in a hash-house. □ You see a
lot o f interesting people go in and out
of a hash-house like this one. 2. n.
место, где продают и используют
гашиш (Нарк.) D This hash-house is
due for a raid. Let's hit it. □ The fuzz
raided a hash-house over on Maple
hash pipe n. маленькая трубка для
курения конопли (Нарк.) □ John
kept a hash pipe on the shelf just for
show. □ The cops found a hash pipe in
her pocket.
h ash -slin ger n. повар, официант или
официантка в дешёвой забегаловке
(См. hash—house п. I.) □ I worked as
a hash-slinger in an all-night diner. □
The life of a hash-slinger is pretty
h assle [ ’ haesj] 1. n. спор, неприят­
ность □ It is a hassle every time I
come here. О 2. tr. беспокоить, из­
водить, раздражать кого-либо □
Listen, please don’t hassle me. I ’ve
had a hard day.
hatch n. рот (См. т ж . Down the
hatch!) О Shut your hatch! □ Pop this
in your hatch
hatch a brick и shit a brick* tr. очень
разозлиться (Употр. с остор.) □ I f
ту father saw те doing this, he’d
hatch a brick. □ M y uncle nearly shit
a brick when the roof collapsed.
haul 1. n. награбленное (Уголовн.) й
They divvied up the haul from the
bank job. □ The cops thought they
must have got a pretty good haul 2.
n. доход от какой-либо деятель­
сбора пожертвований и т.п. □ They
got a good haul from the benefit. О
They surveyed the haul of cans and
packages and decided they had done
a pretty fair job.
have a bail tr. хорошо провести время
(См. ball п. 1., 2.) □ I plan to have a
ball while I 'm there. □ Come on,
everybody! L e fs have a ball!
h a v e a b ig h e a d 1. tr. быть самодо­
вольным, “задирать нос” (Have got
может заменять have.) О You’ve got
such a big head, Kate. О I f you didn't
have a big head, you'd be easier to get
along with 2. tr. страдать от похмелья
О Wow, do I have a big head this morn­
ing! О He’s got a big head and can’t go
to work.
have a big mouth tr. говорить громко;
разглашать тайны (Have got может
заменять have.) □ Boy, do уди have a
big mouth! □ H e has a big mouth
Don’t tell him anything you don’t want
everybody else to know.
Have a blimp! exclam. “С новым го­
дом!” (Игра слов на название ком­
пании “ Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Company,” производящей воздуш­
ные шары.) О Goodbye. Have а
blimp! □ Have a blimp! See you next
have a buzz on tr. быть пьяным
(Have got может заменять have.) □
Tod has a buzz on and is giggling a
lot. □ Both o f them had a buzz on by
the end of the celebration.
have a crack at something Cm. take a
crack at something.
have a glow on tr. быть пьяным
(Have got может заменять have.) О
Since you already have a glow on, I
guess you won’t want another drink. О
Jed had a glow on and was just be­
coming civil.
H ave a good one. и Have a nice one.
sent, общая формула прощания (От
“Have a good morning, a fternoon or
evening” ) □ Thank you. Have a good
one. □ See you tomorrow, Tod. Have a
nice one.
have a head tr. страдать от похмелья
(Have got может заменять have.) □
have a whale of a time
Oh, man, do I have a head! О Tom
has a head this morning and won't be
coming into work.
Have a heart! exclam. “Сжальтесь!” □
Have a heart! Give me another chance.
Come on! Have a heart!
have a leg up on so m e o n e tr: иметь
преимущество перед кем-либо (Have
got может заменять have.) □ Tod has a
leg up on Wilbur because o f his physical
strength. О / don't have a leg up on any­
one. I ’m a loser.
have a little visitor tr. иметь мен­
струацию (I lave got может заменять
have.) □ Mary said she has a little
■ visitor. О She has a little visitor and
will call you later.
have all one’s m arbles tr. быть в
здравом уме (См. “гж: lose (a ll) one’s
marbles. Have got может заменять
have.) О I don 't think he has all his
marbles. О D o you think Bob has all
his marbles?
have a load on tr. быть пьяным (Have
got может заменять have.) О Fred
has a load on and is finished for the
evening. О You have a load on every
time I see you.
have a loose screw C m . have a screw
have a monkey on o n e’s back tr. при­
страститься к наркотикам (Н арк.
H ave got может заменять have.) о
Gert has a monkey on her back. □ Do
you think she wants to have a monkey on
her back?
have an ace Up one’s sleeve tr. иметь
какую-либо хитрость про запас (Have
got может Заменять have.) О I still
have an ace up my sleeve that you don "t
know about. □ I don't have an ace up my
sleeve. I f it doesn’t work, it doesn't
have an ed ge on tr. быть пьяным (См.
тж. edge. Have got может заменять
h a ve.) □ I ’ ve got an edge on and
shouldn’t drive home, □ Bob has an
edge on even though he hardly drank
■Have a nice day. sent, формальное
црощание (См. Have a good one.) О
Thank you fo r shopping at Wallace's.
Have a nice day. □ See you tomorrow.
Have a nice day.
have an itch fo r something tr. желать
чего-либо (Have got может заменять
have.) □ I have an itch for some ice
cream, о We had an itch for a good
movie, so we went.
have ants in o n e’s pants tr. быть
нервным и беспокойным (CM. antsy.
Have got может заменять have.) □
Н е seems to have ants in his pants
before each game. О All kids’ve got
ants in their pants all the lime at that
have a run-in (with som eone or
som ething) tr. иметь неприятности с
кем-либо или чем-либо О I h a d а
run-in with Mrs. Wilson. She's hard
case. □ We've had a run-in before.
have a score to settle (with som e­
one) Cm. settle a score ( with some­
have a screw lo o se и have a loose
screw tr. быть глупым, странным,
эксцентричным (Have got может
заменять have.) O’ He’s sort of
strange. I think he’s got a loOSe screw.
□ Yes, he has a screw loose some­
have a short fu se tr. быть раздражи­
тельным (Have got может заменять
have.) □ H e's got a short fuse, so
watch out. О Molly has a short fuse
and is likely to'lose her temper at any
have a skinful tr. (для кого-либо)
напиться; быть пьяным (См. skin­
got может
have.) О Tod had a skinful and just
sat there quietly. Й What is Wrong
with her is that she has a skinful,
thafs what.
have a sp az [...spaez] tr. злиться; за­
катывать истерику (См. conniption
(f it ). Подрост, и студенч.) □ // ту
dad hears about this, he’ll have a spaz.
□ The teacher had a spaz when I came
in so late.
have a tiger by the tail tr. связаться с
чем-либо мощным и потенциально
Опасным' (Have got может заменять
have.) □ You have a tiger by the tail
You bit off more than you could chew.
О You’ve had a tiger by the tail ever
since you took office.
have a whale of a time tr. вели­
колепно провести время (См. whal­
ing at wailing.) o We had a whale o f a
time at your party. О Yes we really
had a whale o f a time.
have a yellow streak down one’s back
have a yellow slreak down o n e’s
back tr. быть трусом (Have got
может заменять have.) □ I think that
Wally has a yellow streak down his
back. Thafs what's wrong, p I f you
have a yellow streak down your back,
you don’t take many risks.
have bats in o n e ’s belfry [...’belfri]
tr. быть сумасшедшим (См. batty.
Have got может заменять have.) P
You must really have bats in your bel­
fry if you think I ’ll put up with that
kind o f stuff. □ Pay no attention to
her. She has bars in her belfry.
have e g g on o n e’s face tr. быть
(Словно выйдя на люди с грязным
Лицом. Have got может заменять
have.) □ I was completely wrong, and
now I have egg on my face. □ She's
really got egg on her facet
have go o d vibes [...vaibz] tr. хорошо
относится (к чему-либо или комулибо) (Have got может заменять
have.) Р I ’ve got good vibes about
Alice. □ I know everything will go all
right. I have good vibes.
have hell to pay C m . There will be hell
to pay.
have it all together tr. быть душевно
и физически собранным; быть в
своём уме (Have got может заменять
have.) о I don't have it all together
today. О Try me again later when I
have it all together.
have it m ade tr. преуспевать; иметь в
жизни всё (Have got может заменять
have.) О I have a good job and a nice
little family. I have it made О He’s re­
ally got it made.
h a v e it m a d e in th e shtTde tr. пре­
успевать; иметь в жизни всё (Вариант
предыдущего выражения. Have got
может заменять have.) П Wow, is he
lucky! H e has it made in the shade. О
Who's got it made in the shade?
have kittens 1. tr. взбеситься □ When
I heard the news, I had kittens. I was
hacked! О I almost had kittens. I was
so mad. 2. tr. хохотать; чрезвычайно
чем-либо наслаждаться □ It was so
funny, I had kittens laughing. О She
had kittens laughing about it. 3. tr.
удивляться □ I nearly had kittens
when I heard. □ She had kittens when
she heard about the wedding.
have-nots n. бедные; нищие (Всегда
с the. Ср. haves.) Р The have-nots
seem never to be able to get ahead. P
Whafs in it for the have-nots?
have one foot in the grave tr. быть при
смерти (H a v e got может заменять
have.) □ I feel like I'v e got one foot in
the grave. P Uncle Ben has one foot in
the grave, but he's still cheery.
have o n e’s a s s in a crack* tr. быть в
состоянии в делах (Ass употр. с
остор. Have got может заменять
have.) Р H e's got his ass in a crack
and needs all the help he can get. P
Now he's really got his ass in a crack
and doesn’t know what to do.
have one’s a ss in a sling* tr. быть рас­
строенным или обиженным; дуться
(Ass употр. с остор. Have got может
заменять have.) Р She's got her ass in a
sling because she got stood up. P Why
do you have your ass in a sling?
have o n e ’s mind in the gutter tr. по­
думать или подразумевать что-либо
заменять have.) Р Tiffany has her
mind in the gutter. Thafs why she
laughs at all that dirty stuff. P You al­
ways have your mind in the gutter.
have rocks in o n e’s head tr. быть
глупым или сумасшедшим (Have got
может заменять have.) Р You have
rocks in your head! P She’s got rocks
in her head if she thinks that.
haves n. богатый (Всегда с the. Ср.
have-nots.) P The haves seem to be
able to take care of themselves. P I
live in the western suburbs with the
have som eone dead to rights tr. пой­
мать кого-либо на месте преступле­
ния; иметь неопровержимые улики
чьём-либо преступлении (См.
(ba n g) (d ea d ) to rights. Have got
может заменять have.) P We've got
you dead to rights on this one. P The
cops had him dead to rights.
have something cinched tr. разо­
браться, разделаться с чем-либо
cinched. Have got может
заменять have.) Р D on't worry. I'v e
got it cinched. P You just think you've
got it cinched.
have something on the brain tr.
постоянно думать о чём-либо (Have
headache man
got может заменять have.) □ You’ve
just got girls a the brain, you silly twit.
О I have money on the braiti, I guess.
h a v e t h e w r o n g n u m b e r 1. tr. за­
блуж даться, ошибаться (H ave got
может заменять have.) □ Boy, do you
have the wrong number! Get with it! О
You have missed the boat again. You
have the wrong number! . tr. обра­
титься не к .тому человеку (Have got
может заменять have.) О You have the
wrong number. Walter is my brother. We
look alike, though. □ No, I ’m Sally. You
have the wrong number.
have what It taker tr. иметь достаточ­
но мастерства, силы , ума и т.д.,
ч,тобы сделать что-либо (H ave got
может заменять have.) О I know I ’ve
got what it takes. □ I guess I d on 't
have what it takes to be a composer.
H aw aiian (su n sh in e) n. м арихуана
выращенная на Гаваях (Н а р к .) □
M a x says he knows where you can get
Hawaiian. О Hawaiian sunshine is
what they are all clamoring for now.
hawk 1. n. человек поддерживающийагрессивную внешнюю политику
С Ш А (С р. dove.) □ The hawks want
to raise taxes and buy tanks. □ The
doves want to sell the tanks, ignore the
hawks, and give the money to the poor.
2. in. сильно кашлять; отхаркивать
ч т о -ли б о □ The cold has had me
hawking for a week. О He's been hawk­
ing all night. 3. n. холодный зимний
ветер (Первонач. негрит. Всегда с
the. См. тж. M r. Hawkins.) □ Man,
just feel the hawk cut through you! □
It’s the time o f the year when the hawk
hay 1. n. марихуана; марихуана ни­
зкого качества (Нарк.) □ This stuff
isn’t anything but hay. О Even if it is
hay, its still illegal 2. Cm. Thai ain’t
hay burner 1. n. старая кляча; любая
старая и измученная лошадь □ Send
that old hay burner to the glue factory.
□ I went to a dude ranch, arid they
gave me an old hay burner to ride. 2.
и hay headD n. курильщик марих­
уаны (Нарк. См. hay) О Some hay
burner was around trying to sell raffle
tickets that looked handmade. О
Another hay head came in and applied
for the job.
hay head См. предыдущ. вокаб.
hayseed n. фермер; простак (Обычно
мужчина.) О I ’m not just some
hayseed fresh off the farm. О I t s hard
for these hayseeds to adjust to city life.
[ ’hewair]
1. mod. не в
порядке (Простонар.) □ This tele­
phone has gone haywire. □ M y stereo
is haywire, so I ’ve been listening to the
наркотика (Нарк. См. hay.) □ Wally
is sort of haywire from the grass. О
M a x has been haywire for years.
hazel [ ’hezj] n. героин (Нарк. Произ­
водное от Н .) Р Gert needs some
Hazel, but anything will help her. □
She wants to spend the evening with
head 1. n. головная боль □ Man, do I
have a head. You got any aspirin? □
Music that loud gives me a head. 2.
n. похмелье (Всегда с a.) □ Boy, do
I have a head this morning. О How
do you get rid of a head so you can
go to work? 3. n. уборная, гальюн
(Первонач. морск. Обычно с the.) □
Where's the head around here? О
Ralph is in the head. H e’ll be back in
a minute. 4. n. хиппи или человек
опустившийся из-за употребления
1970-х.) О You still see a few heads
around, even today. □ Some of the
heads became very, very straight.
headache 1. n. раздражающий чело­
век или вещь О Here comes that
Kelly Johnson. H e’s a real headache.
Cars can be such a headache. 2. n.
спиртное О Pour me some more of
that headache, wilt you? □ Give the
man some more headache.
headache department 1. n. централь­
ный источник ненужных проблем;
человек, постоянно вызывающий
проблемы О Here's another memo
from the headache department. □ Mrs.
Wilson is my least favorite headache
department. . и headache hou se n.
винный отдел или магазин □ I
stopped in at the headache department
for some supplies• О The headache
house is having a special on gin.
headache man п. судебный исполни­
тель (мужчина) □ The headache man
was here to see you, Ernie. □ Who
gave that hot tip to the headache man?
headbone n. череп О I got a nasty
bump on my headbone. О D o you want
I should conk your headbone, or will
you be coming along politely?
head cook and bottle w asher и chief
cook and bottle w asher n. человек,
ответственный за что-либо незначи­
тельное, обыденное □ Г т the head
cook and bottle washer around here. □
I want to see the chief cook and bottle
head drug n. наркотики, оказываю­
щие влияния на мозг; психоделичес­
кий наркотик □ It's these head drugs
that get the kidS into so much trouble.
Head drugs are just as addictive as
other drugs, but in a different way.
headfucker* [ ’hcdfak^j n. мощный
психоделик; Л С Д (Нарк. Употр. с
остор.) □ This stuff is a real head­
fucker. Stay away from it. D John’s
first experience with a headfucker was
not one he's likely to forget.
head hunt tr. & in: вербовать коголибо (на работу) □ Не went to the
conference to head hunt a new em­
ployee. □ A ll the managers were there
to head hunt.
headhunter n. кто-либо, кто нанимает
исполнителей на службу, вербовщик
(H ead в значении “начальник” .) □
The board o f directors hired a head­
hunter to get a new manager. □ The
headhunter brought in a few candidates,
but nobody promising.
head kit n. оборудование для употре­
бления наркотиков (Нарк.) □ Gert
kept her head kit hidden away. □ She
had a little hash cannon in her head
head sh o p й head store n. магазин,
где продают оборудование для упо­
требления наркотиков (Нарк.) □
The parents kept after the mayor until
the head shop was closed. О They'd
better not try to open a head store on
our block.
head som eone off at the p a ss C m .
cut someone off at the pass.
head South C m . go South.
H eads upl exclam. “Берегись!” □
Heads up! Watch out for the swinging
bucket! □ Here’s a rough spot on the
trail Heads up!
heads will roll phr. “кто-нибудь будет
наказан” □ When I find out who did
this, heads will roll. □ Heads will roll
when I get back to the office.
head trip 1. n. употребление психо­
деликов (Нарк. См. head drug и trip
п. 2.) О Bob had his first head trip
last night. □ H e says it will be his last
head trip. 2. n. выражение собствен­
ного превосходства (Син. ego trip.)
0 Wally is on another o f his head
trips. О Come down from your head
trip and see if you can get along with
the rest of us.
heap 1. n. старый автомобиль □ I'v e
got to get my heap fixed up. □ Is this
old heap yours? 2. n. любая развали­
вающаяся вещь или человек □
Marty is turning into a heap. □ We
have to fix up this heap if we’re really
going to live in it. 3. и heaps n.
большое количество О I have a whole
heap of papers for you. □ Mr. Wilson
has heaps o f money.
heaps См. предыдущ. вокаб.
heart 1. n. таблетка амфетамина, осо­
бенно в форме сердечка □ She was
taking nothing but hearts the last I
heard. О She takes hearts in the
mornings. 2. tr. любить что-либо или
кого-либо (Подрост.) О Oh, I just,
like, heart your letter. □ She’s heart­
ing him more every day.
hearts and flow ers n. сентименталь­
ность □ The movie was so full of.
hearts and flowers that I was bored. О
1 didn’t care for the hearts and flowers
heart-to-heart (talk) n. серьёзный и
интимный разговор □ We sat down
and had a nice heart-to-heart for
about an hour. О A little heart-toheart talk is just what you heed.
heat 1. n. полиция (Уголовн. Всегда с
the.) П The heat is gonna catch up
with you, Ernie. О Who tipped the
heat off about me? . n. давление О
There’s a lot of heat on Fred right
now. □ The boss put some heat on
Wally, and things are moving faster
now. 3. n. оружие; пистолет (Уго­
ловн. Ср. heater.) □ Lefty has his
heat on him at all times. О Rocko
never carries heat.
heater n. пистолет (Уголовн.) О Lefty
carried his heater with him that day. О
Put your heaters away, boys. This is a
job for reason.
heave [hiv] in. опустошать желудок;
блевать О H e heaved and heaved and
sounded like he was dying. О I think J
have to go heave.
heaven dust n. кокаин (Нарк.) □ A
little heaven dust and Pat was as good
as new. О She left her desk to take on
a little heaven dust.
heavies [heviz] n. “сильные” нарко­
тики; наркотики вызывающие при­
выкание (Нарк.) □ Stay away from
the heavies. О Heavies will stay with
you for the rest of your life.
heavy 1. n. злодей, мерзавец (Осо­
бенно в кинофильмах и т.д.) □ Н е is
well known for playing heavies in the
movies. О D o I always have to be the
heavy? 2. mod. важный, основатель­
ный, серьёзный □ This is a very
heavy matter. □ This matter is too
heavy. □ I have some heavy things to
talk over with you, Sam. 3. mod.
прекрасный Q Man, this is some
heavy chocolate cake! □ This stuff is
really heavy! d This is a real heavy
thing you're doing for me,
heavy artillery n. мощный или убеж­
дающий человек или вещь (См.
примеры.) □
Finally, the mayor
brought out the heavy artillery and
quieted things down. □ The heavy ar­
tillery seemed to know how to handle
heavy bread и heavy money n. боль­
шое количество денег □ Man, that
car cost some heavy bread. □ It. takes
heavy money to run a household like
heavy date n. важное свидание с
кем-либо; свидание со значител­
ьной персоной □ Mary has a heavy
dare with Sam tonight. □ Tod and
Sally were out on ■a heavy date to­
heavy drugs и heavy stuff n. нар­
вызывающий привыкание
(Нарк.) □ Ernie and Gert are both
into heavy drugs. О The heavy stuff
will hook them for sure
h eavy-handed mod. бестактный; не­
справедливый; сильный □ Paul is a
little heavy-handed at times, but
mostly he's reasonable. О That was a
pretty heavy-handed thing to do.
h e a v y h a s h n. крепкая конопля
(Н а р к .) □ M an , you came up with
some real heavy hash. □ This is heavy
hash, and it will cost you.
heavy Into som eon e or something
mod. очень озабоченный кем-либо
или чем-либо; преследуемый кемлибо или чем-либо (Негрит.) О
Freddie was heavy into auto racing
and always went to the races. О Sam
is heavy into Mary.
heavy Joint n. сигарета с марихуаной
(со стороны мундштука) обмакнутая
в Р.С.Р. (Нарк.) □ Н е said some­
thing about smoking a heavy joint just
before he passed out. О Bob found
something on the sidewalk he called a
heavy joint.
heavy metal 1. n. тип рок-музыки с
характерным громким звуком и пу­
льсирующим ритмом □ I just don't
care for that heavy metal. □ Heavy
metal is just too loud.
. mod.
относящийся к музыке или музы­
кантам исполняющим heavy metal □
Heavy metal stuff is a little harsh for
my old ears. □ Those heaVy metal
guys must have made a fortune.
heavy money Cm. heavy bread.
heavy necking n. объятия и поцелуи с
интимными ласками □ M ary and
Sam are past heavy necking. О The
teacher caught them at some heavy
necking in the closet.,
heavy scen e n. серьезное состояние
дел; ситуация Эмоционального на­
пряжения □ Man, that meeting was
really a heavy scene, d Another heavy
scene like that and quit.
heavy soul n. героин (Негрит.) О Ty­
rone is hung up on some heavy soul □
That heavy soul will be on your back
heavyweight 1. n. важная персона;
преуспевающий человек; лидер □
M r. Wilson is a heavyweight in local
government. О They’ll bring out the
heavyweights next time. Just wait and
. mod. важный; преуспе­
вающий О Vince is one o f the heavy­
weight operators in this business. □
H e’s good, but he's no heavyweight.
heebie-jeebies и heeby-jeebies [ ’hibi
’djibiz] n. состояние предельного вол­
нения, беспокойства или страха □
have the heebie-jeebies whenever I go to
the dentist. □ These movies give me the
heel n. низкий и презренный человек
□ You are the most impossible heel! U
The guy is a heel, and he seems to
work at it, too.
heeled 1. mod. пьяный □ Sally was too
heeled to drive home. О Man, were
those guys heeled!
. mod. в сос­
тоянии наркотического опьянения
(Нарк.) □ Maxis heeled and ready to
deal. О Gert was heeled when they ar­
rested her.
n. гашиш; конопля
(Нарк.) □ Ernie started out on heesh
and moved on from there. О Who's
dealing heesh around here?
Heinz 57 (variety) [hainz...] n. бес­
породная собака (От торговой марки
компании, тор1ующей приправами.)
We have one pedigreed dog and one
Heinz 57 variety. О M y Heinz 57 is
the greatest dog of all,
heist [haist] 1. n. воровство; кража
(Уголовн. Син. lift!) □ Lefty just had
to pull one last heist. О The heist went
off without a hitch . tr. украсть чтолибо; ограбить человека или место
(Уголовн. Син. lift.) d The thugs
heisted her and took her purse and
watch □ Lefty heisted a car and then
drove around in it all evening.
heister [ ’halsta] n. пьяница □ Two
old heisters were lifting drink after
drink and tossing them down. □ Wally
is getting to be quite a heister.
Helen n. героин (Нарк.) □ Gert said
she was spending the evening with
Helen, whatever that means. □ M ax is
dealing Helen and gets good stuff from
the east.
helium head [ ’hiliam ’htd] n. дурак
(Син. air head.) □ Well, whafs that
helium head done now? О You can be
such a helium head without even try­
hell* 1.* n. неприятность (Употр. с
остор.) □ I went through all sorts of
hell to get this done on time. О This
day was real hell. 2.* exclam. “П ро­
клятие!” (Обычно Hell! Употр. с ос­
тор.) □ Oh, helL I 'm late. □ Hell, I'm
too early.
hellacious* [htl’ejas] 1. mod. дикий,
великолепный (Употр. с остор.) □
What a hellacious good time we had!
□ Sally throws one hellacious party. 2.
mod. ужасный □ The food was just
hellacious. Yuck! □ The heat was hel­
lacious, and the mosquitoes wouldn't
leave us alone.
hell and halt o f G eorgia* [...’djordja]
и hell’s half ac re* n. огромное про­
(Простонар. Употр. с остор.) □ М у
family s scattered Over heel and half of
Georgia. □ M y papers blew all over
helts half acre.
hellbender* [ ’helbcnd?] 1.* n. запой
(Употр. с остор.) □ Jed is off on
another of his hellbenders. □ One of
his hellbenders can last for a week. 2.*
запойный пьяница
стакана ко рту — локоть при этом
согнут. Употр. с остор.) □ Wally is а
hellbender from way back. □ Jed is a
world-class hellbender.
heller* и hell raiser* n. буйный чело­
век; скандалист (Употр. с остор.) П
Ernie was a real heller when he was
younger. □ A bunch of hell raisers
kept me up late last night.
hellhole* n. жаркое и битком забитое
место; любое неприятное место
(Употр. с остор.) □ I want out of this
hellhole. □ The theater was an over­
crowded hellhole. Lucky there was no
hell o f a m ess* n. ужасный беспо­
рядок; жуткие неприятности (Употреб. с остор. См. тж. mell of a hess.)
О This is really a hell of a mess you've
gotten us into. □ I never dreamed I ’d
come back to such a hell of a mess.
hell of a note* n. неожиданная или
удивительная часть новостей (Употреб. с остор.) □ Well, thafs a hell of
a note! □ You forgot it. Thafs a hell
o f a note.
hell of a som eone or som ething* и
helluva som eone or som ething* 1.*
n. очень плохая вещь или человек
(Употр. с остор.) □ Thafs a hell of а
way to treat someone, d H e’s a hell of
a driver! Watch out! 2.* n. очень хо­
рошая вещь или человек (Употр! с
остор.) □ Н е is one hell of a guy. We
really like him. О We had a helluva
good time.
hell on w h eels* n. очень впечат­
ляющая вещь или человек; чрезвы­
чайно типичный человек или вещь
(Употр. с остор.) □ Fred is really
high and dry
hell on wheels when it comes to get­
ting those little jobs done on time. □
This little machine is hell on wheels
for general woodworking purposes.
Hell’s bells (and buckets o f blood)!*
exclam. “Проклятие!”
(Употр. с
,остор.) □ Oh, hells bells and buckets
of blood! I forgot my keys. О H ells
bells! I ’m late.
hell’s half acre C m . hell and half of
helluva som eone or something C m .
hell o f a someone or something.
hemp 1. n. вонючая сигарета □ Get
that vile hemp out o f here! □ Can you
imagine somebody bringing an old
hemp like that in here? 2. n. конопля
(Нарк. См. тж. rope.) □ The guy sort
of smells like hemp. □ / smell hemp in
hen fruit n. куриные яйца □ I always
have hen fruit for breakfast. □ There?s
nothing like hen fruit and bacon
hen party n. вечеринка сплетнич­
ающих женщин О I have a hen party
every few weeks. We love to get to­
gether. □ I wouldn't be caught dead at
one of those hen parties.
Henry n. героин (Hapk.) □ Ernie says
he's going to take a vacation with
Henry, □ Ask M ax where Henry is.
hep [hep] mod. знающий; информи­
рованный □ The chick is simply not
hep. □ Fred is one o f the most hep
guys you're going to run into.
hepped (up) mod. пьяный □ Wally is a
little too hepped up to drive home. □
H a rris too hepped to stand up.
her n. кокаин (Нарк.) □ M ax was try­
ing to sell a few ounces of her before
giving up for the night. □ You got any
her on you?
herb и erb n. марихуана (Нарк.) □
Bruno is very fond of herb. О Carl
has found a way to synthesize the
Herb and Al n. марихуана и алкоголь
I 'm afraid that Tom’s best friends
are Herb and Al. О Wally asked us
over to meet Herb and AL
Here’s looking at you. sent. “Я при­
ветствую вас.” (Вежливый тост.) □
Well, here’s looking at you. О Here's
looking at you. Bottoms up!
H ere’s mud in your eye. sent. “Я при­
ветствую вас.” (Шутливый тост.) □
Here's mud in your eye. Bottoms up!
Well, here’s mud in your eye. Care
for another■?
hero (of the underworld) n. героин □
Don says he knows the hero of the un­
derworld well □ Bruno stays away
from hero.
herped up mod. инфицированный ви­
русом лишая обыкновенного □ Why
do all the boys treat me like I was
herped up or something? о They say
all those frat guys are herped up.
herpie [ ’ herpi] n. человек инфициро­
ванный вирусом лишая обыкновен­
ного О Оо, somebody said he's а
herpie! О Stay away from that chick.
She's a herpie.
het up [het...] mod. злой; возбуждён­
ный (Простонар.) □ I wouldn’t want
him to get all het up. □ Now, don’t get
so het up!
hick [hik] n. фермер, “деревенщина”
Some hick brought his pig into town
to see the doctor. □ That hick only
shaves once a week.
hickey и hicky [ ’ hiki] 1. n. след от
поцелуя или укуса на коже (См. тж.
monkey bite.) □ H e’s mad at her be­
cause she gave him a hicky. □ She
wore a high collar to cover up a
hickey. 2. n. прыщ, особенно вос­
палённый О There is a hickey on my
nose! О Wouldn’t you know I ’d get a
hickey like this right when I have to
have my picture taken!
hicky См. предыдущ. вокаб.
hide n. кожа □ I need to get some rays
on my hide. □ Your hide looks pretty
pale, all right.
hides n. барабаны (См. тж. skins.) □
Andy can really bang those hides. □
They say his hides are worth about
4,000 clams.
high 1. mod. пьяный или опьянённый
наркотиком □ Wally is a little high
for so early in the evening. О They
went out for the evening to get high,
and for no other reason 2. n. эйфо­
рия, вызванная наркотиками или
алкоголем □ His life is nothing but
one high after another. □ Her only
goal is a high.
high and dry mod. оставленный без
поддержки (Как корабль, выбро­
шенный на берег.) □ Н е went off and
left me high and dry. О Here I sit high
and dry — no food, no money, no
highbrow 1. n. интеллектуал; человек
с тонким вкусам {Антоним lowbrow.
См. тж. longhair.) □ Sam used to be
a highbrow, but he gave up his fancy
ways. □ The highbrows usually congre­
gate in there 2. mod. относящийся к
Интеллектуалам или людям с тон­
ким вкусом □ / just don't care for
highbrow music. □ Tod is sort of high­
brow, but he's an okay guy.
highfalutin [ ’h a ib ’lutpj mod. каче­
ственный; утончённый; снобистский
(Простонар.) □ Maybe someday all
that highfalutin talk, will get you some­
where. □ She's too highfalutin. О Save
your highfalutin ideas for when you go
to the city.
high five 1. n. приветствие, при кото­
ром ладонью поднятой руки ударяют
о так ж е поднятую ладонь при­
ветствуемого (Ср. low five.) Р They ex­
changed a high five and went on with the
show. П How about a high five, man? 2.
tr. & in. приветствовать кого-либо,
как описано в п.
□ They high fived
and went off together, о Ted high fived
Sam, and they stopped to talk.
highjinks и hijinks [ ’haidjigks] n.
трюки; шалости О Enough of your
hijinks! Get busy. D I like to hear
about the kids and their latest hijinks.
high old time n. хорошо проведен­
ное время, как на хорошей вече­
ринке (Простонар») □
We had а
high old time at Sally's hoochfest. О
We're going to have a high old time
high on something mod. восторжен­
ный или получающий громадное
удовольствие от чего-либо о Тот is
really high on the idea of going to
Yellowstone this summer. О I ’m not
high ш going, but I will.
h igh -res и hi-res [ ’hai’rrz] mod. хо­
highr-resolution по отношению к
монитору компьютера. Ср. low-res.)
О This is a real high-res day for me.
I sure feel hi-res today.
high roller n. игрок, делающий боль­
шие ставки; любой рискующий че­
ловек О Rocko is a high roller and
isn’t afraid to lose some money. □
H e's a high roller from way back.
жест означающий
“okay.”; (Кончик указательного или
среднего пальца касается кончика
большого пальца.) О Тот got the
high sign and began to open the door.
□ Give me the high sign when you
want me to Start.
high tea n. курение марихуаны (Нарк.)
О Wally can’t wait for high tea once or
twice a week □ We went over to Claris
for high tea.
high ups и higher ups n. начальство
.JQ „/ have to speak to the high ups
about the refund■ □ One of the higher
ups is coming down to talk to you.
highway robbery n. невообразимо
большой счёт, от оплаты которого
невозможно уклонится (Как грабёж
на большой дороге.) □ But this is
highway robbery. I demand to see the
manager. □ Four thousand dollarst
Thafs highway robbery!
high, wide, and handsom e mod. сча­
стливый; беззаботный □
Wally is
high, wide, and handsome after his
great triumph. О H e sure looks high,
wide, and handsome. I ’m glad he’s
hike 1. n. увеличение количества де­
нег О I need a pay hike. □ Another
hike in the electric rates takes place
this spring . tr. увеличивать коли­
чество денег □ I wanted them to hike
my salary, but they refused. D The
utilities all hike their rates at least
once a year.
Hill n. Конгресс СШ А; здание Кон­
гресса СШ А, расположенное на Ка­
питолийском холме в Ваш ингтоне,
округ Колумбия (Всегда с the.) □ 1
really can’t tell whafs happening up
on the Hill. О The Hill moves at its
own speed.
hincty [ ’higkti] mod. снобистский;
надменный (Негрит.) О Some of
those people are so hincty. □ That
hincty lady told me to turn my radio
hip 1. mod. осведомлённый; получив­
ший сведения (См. тж. hep.) О The
guy is just not hip. H e’s a nerd. О Get
hip, Tom! 2. tr. рассказать комулибо; информировать кого-либо □
Hey, man, hip me to what's going on!
□ What’s happening? Take a minute
and hip me!
hit someone (up) for something
hipe C m . hype.
hippy и hippie [ ’hipi] п. длинноволо­
сый молодой наркоман 1960-х— 70-х
Q That guy looks like a hippy left over
from the sixties. О Who’s that has-been
hippie who just came in?
hip-shooter n. человек, который го­
ворит, не думая; очень прямоли­
нейный человек (См. shoot from the
hip.) □ He's just a loudmouth hipshooter. Pay no attention. P The press
secretary was a hyper and a hipshooter. She won't last long.
hipster [ ’hipsta-] n. молодой человек
1950-х годов, характеризующийся
интересом к джазу и модным вещам
Can you imagine your father as a
hipster? О Were the hipsters the ones
with the big shoulder pads?
hired gun n. наёмный убийца (Уго­
ловн.) □ Bruno is Mr. B igs hired
gun. P The cops are holding a wellknown hired gun until they can pre­
pare charges.
h i-res C m . high-res.
history n, то, что уже в прошлом (См.
тж, ancient history.) Р Dave? Oh,
he’s just history. I never go out with
him anymore. P Susan is just history.
We’re through P Don't make a move!
t f this gun goes off, you’re history.
hit 1. n. успех; то, что встречают с
одобрением (Часто с with.) Р The
play was a hit. Р The fudge with nuts
in it was a great hit at the sale. 2. n.
успешный результат P I t was a hit
— a real winner. P Your idea was
right on forget — a hit for sure. 3. n.
порция спиртного; доза наркотика
(См. тж. bop.) О Н е had a hit of
sauce and went out to finish his work.
P She popped a hit by the watercooler.
4. tr. достичь чего-либо О The car
hit 90 in no time at all P I hit sixty
next month, and I'm going to retire. 5.
tr. убить кого-либо (Уголовн.) P
Bruno was told to hit Max. P The
thug set out to hit the mayor, but got
nabbed first. 6. tr. напасть или
ограбить кого-либо или что-либо
(Уголовн.) Р Lefty and his gang hit
the bank for the second time. P Can
you believe that they tried to hit a
block party on 47th Street? 7. n.
ограбление; убийство (Уголовн.) P
There was a flit at the bank on Maple
Street last night. P Somebody died in
the hit last night, but they don’t know
who yet.
hitched mod. женатый (Простонар.)
P Sam and Mary decided to get
hitched. P They went out o f state to
get hitched.
hit list n. список людей, с которыми
должно что-либо произойти Р Ralph
is on ту hit list for contributing
money for the orphans. P She's on our
hit list for volunteers.
hit man t . n. наёмный убийца
(Уголовн.) P Bruno was the perfect
hit man. Hardly any brains or con­
science. P To look at Rocko, you’d
never believe he was a hit man. 2. n.
наркоманом, чтобы вводить нарко­
тики (Нарк. См. pinch hitter.) Р
Gert needed a hit man when she was
sick, P M a x refuses to be a hit man.
H e says that's not what he does best.
hit m e 1. и hit m e ag ain tr. (в кар­
точных играх) “Ещё одну (карту),” Р
H it те again, dealer! Р Okay, hit те. 2.
tr. “Дай пять.” (См. high five.) Р Hit
те! Where you been? H it me again! P
Long time, no see. H it me, man. 3. и hit
m e a g a in tr. “ Н алей те мне (ещ ё)
выпить.” О Hit те again, bartender. Р
I t s empty. Hit me.
hit on something in. обнаружить,
Открыть что-либо P She hit on a new
scheme for removing the impurities
from drinking water. P I hit on it
when / wasn’ t able to sleep one night.
hit pay dirt и strike pay dirt 1. tr.
обнаружить что-либо ценное P At
last, we hit pay dirt. P When we
opened the last trunk, we knew we had
hit pay dirt. 2. tr. добираться до
основ чего-либо Р Now we're begin­
ning to hit pay dirt. P When we
figured out the code, we really struck
pay dirt.
hit (som eone) below the belt tr.
поступить с кем-либо нечестно (Из
бокса.) Р Don't hit below the belt! P
You were hitting Tom below the belt
when you said that.
hit som eone (up) for something tr.
попросить кого-либо о чём-либо Р I
hit Fred up for some help with the
committee. P H e hit me up for a loan,
but I said no.
hit someone with something
hit som eone with something tr.
предложить 'ком^—либо идею, план
и т,п. О Tod hit те with a great idea
just before we left. □ Fred flit his boss
with a plan to save a bundle in the
front office.
hit spike n. запасная игла для под­
кожных инъекций (Нарк.) □ Gert
always kept a hit spike in a secret
place. □ Ernie couldn't'- find a
hit the books и pound the books tr.
' учиться (цН I spent the
weekend pounding the books. □ I gotta
go home and hit' the books.
hit the bottle и hit the b ooze tr. уйти
:'да запой; натйъся □ Jed's hitting the
bottle again. □ H e’s been hitting the
hit the bricks и hit the pavement 1.
tr. выйти на улицу; пойти пройтись
□ 1 have a long way to go. I ’d better
hit the bricks. □ Go on! H it the pave­
ment! Get going! 2. tr. начать заба­
стовку □
workers hit the
pavement on Friday and haven't been
back on the job since. □ Agree to our
demands, or we hit the bricks.
hit the ceiling и hit the roof ir; очень
разозлиться □ She really hit the ceil­
ing whenishe found out what hap­
pened. □ M y dad’ll hit the roof when
he finds out about this.
hit the deck ifpffc встать с постели
Come on, hit the deck I t s morning
'Q -fH it the deckI Time to rise and
, shine! 2. tr. упасть; лечь на землю О
H it the deck. Don't let them see you.
□ I hSt the deck the minute / heard
the shots.
hit the fan trweajtiTb известным пуб­
лике (О т выраженйя- ^wheri the shit
':'Щ !; 1Лё'/4>}В D I wasn't even in the
country when At kit- the fan.> □ I t hit
'''the fan, and within ten minutei'Hhe
press had spread p all Over the world.
hit the hay и hit the sack tr.|f|npaвиться в постель □ I have to go home
and hit the hay pretty soon. □ L ets hit
the sock W e have to get an early start
in the moftiing.
hit the jackpot 1. tr. выиграть боль­
шое количество денег О I ha the
jackpot in the big contest. Щ Sally hit
the jackpot iit'khe lottery. 2.; '^ б ы й ь
абсолютно правым; найти1 именно
то, что искал Р|1 hit the jackpot when
I found this little cafe on 47th Street:
□ I wanted a small house with a fire­
place, and I really hit the jackpot with
this one.
hit the pai|i| button и p ress the
panic button, push the panic button
tr. паниковать □ She hit the panic
button and just went to pieces^ □
Don’t press the panic button. ReMx.
and keep your eyes openM§
hit the pipe 1. tr. курить опиум □ The
old man told about the days when they
went down to Chinatown to hit the
pipe. □ They would hit the pipe about
once a week. 2. tr. курить коноплю
(Нарк.) □ Jack liked to hit^ the'pipe
every now and then. О Come over,
and well hit the pipe or something.
hit the road tr. уходить; уезжать-Ц
We plan to hit the road about dawn. О
L e fs hit the road. We have a long Way
to go.
hit the roof C m . hit the с&Шр. : ' .
hit the sack C m . hit the hay.
hit the skids tr. приходить в упадок;
уменьшаться в цене или отложении
Jed hit the skids when he started
drinking. О The firm hit the ’skids
when the dollar collapsed.
hit the spot 1. и hit the bull’s eye tr.
быть абсолютно Правым (См. тж.
ring the bell.) □ You realty 'hit the
spot with that prediction. □ Tod’s pre­
diction hit the b'fiWWe'ye.* 2. tr. быть
освежающим О This cold water really
hits the spot. U I Want something hot
— some coffee would really hit the
bulls eye.
i f i S t h e trail tr. уходить: уезжать
(Словно на лошади.) О Н have to hit
the trail before sunset. □ Lei’s Kit the
trail I f s late.
hit under the wing mod. Пьяный (См.
shot.) О Jed gotyhit under' the wing, □
Sally was a little hit under the wing,
but she wasn't bad off at all
Hiya! f’haija] exclam. “Эй!” (От Hi,
уди!) □ Hiya! Good to see 'ya! П Hiya!
Where you been keeping yourself?
hock Ш tr. закладывать что-либо □ f,
tried to hock my watch to get some
топеу.Щ i'v e got nothing left to hock.
2. n. состояние залога (Обычно с
in.) □ M y watch is already in hock. □
Get it out of hock or go buy a new one
hold the fort
3. n. нога □ M y hocks are sore from
all that walking. □ Have you ever seen
such humongous hocks?
hockey и hocky [ ’haki] mod. навоз­
ный (См. тж. horse hockey.) О Watch
out for that hocky there in the gutter.
□ Don't step in the fresh hockey.
hockshop n. ломбард □ We look the
watch to a hockshop, but couldn't get
enough money for it. □ The cops
checked all the hockshops in town for
the murder weapon.
hocky Cm. hockey.
hocus tr. подделывать что-либо; раз­
бавлять (с целью подделки) □ Who
hocused the check? □ Somebody has
hocused the booze.
[ ’hodaed
’hodaedi] n. отвратительный человек
(Калифор.) □ Ted is a total hodad.
□ Who's the hodaddy in the plaid
hog 1. и hog cadillac n. большой,
мощный автомобиль (См. тж. road
hog.) □ How do you like my new hog?
□ That hog cadillac needs new shocks.
. n. офицер полиции (Син. pig.) □
The hogs are on to you. □ Who called
the hogs? 3. ii. наркоман, которому
требуются большие дозы наркотика,
чтобы выйти из состояния наркоти­
ческого похмелья □ Gert isn't a hog.
She tries to keep her habit small. О
Ernie is turning into a hog. H e just
can't get enough 4. n. фенциклидин,
P .С.P., транквилизатор для живот­
ных (Нарк.) □ We're glad to learn
that the demand for hog is tapering
off. □ M ax won't sell hog to kids these
hogw ash 1. n. плохая еда или питье
□ This stuff is hogwash Take it away.
□ How about some more o f this highquality hogwash? 2. n. чепуха О Now
that's just hogwash, and you know it.
□ Hogwash! Thafs about enough of
your lies!
h og-w ild mod. неистовый, буйный
(См. run hog-wild.) О All the kids
were completely hog-wild by the time I
got there. О Things got sort of hogwild while you were away.
ho-hum [ ’ho’hsm] mod. скучный до
зеврты □ Clare played another h o hum concert at the music hall last
night. O It was a ho-hum lecture.
hoist o n e tr. выпить порцию спирт­
ного □ L e ts go out and hoist one
sometime. О Hey, Sam. L ets you and
me hoist one.
h o -jo (’s ) [ ’h o d jo (z)] n. ресторан или
отель Howard Johnson’s (Студенч.
Часто с the.) □ L e ts hit h o-jo's for
some grub. О We’re going to meet the
others at the ho-jo.
hokey [ ’hoki] mod. поддельный; вы­
думанный □ What a hokey way to
deal with a perfectly honest request. □
That idea is too hokey. О Thafs a
pretty hokey idea, but it may work.
hokum [ ’hoksm] n. чепуха, чушь □
A ll that is just hokum. □ N o more
hokum. I want the truth
hold tr. & in. обладать наркотиками
(Нарк.) □ Gert was holding coke
when she was arrested. □ M a x as
holding and wants to deal.
hold all the ac es tr. контролировать
всё происходящие □ The boss holds
all the aces on this deal □ I ’ll come
out okay. I hold all the aces.
Hold everything! exclam. “Прекра­
ти (те) всё!” □ Hold everything! 1 for­
got my wallet. О Hold everything! M y
door isn’t closed.
Hold It! exclam. “Стой!” □ Hold it!
Stop! □ Thafs enough! Hold it!
Hold it, Buster! exclam. “Прекрати!”
(Обычно говорит женщина, оттал­
кивая излишне настойчивого уха­
жера.) □ Hold it, Buster! Who do you
think you are? □ Hold it, Buster! Who
do you think I am?
hold o n e's high tr. находясь под дей­
ствием наркотика, вести себя отно­
сительно разумно □ Gert is having а
harder and harder time holding her
high □ Ernie can't hold his high
What a creep!
hold o n e’s horses tr. ждать; быть
терпеливым; расслабиться (Обычно
как приказ.) О Hold your horses!
Don’t get in a hurry. □ Now, just hold
your horses and let me explain.
hold o n e’s liquor tr. быть спо­
собным пить спиртное не напи­
ваясь □ Old Jed can sure hold his
liquor — and a lot o f it, too. О I
asked him to leave because he can’t
hold his liquor.
hold the fort tr. оставаться, охранять
тыл □ Hold the fort. I ’ll be there in a
hold water
while. □ I left John there to hold the
hold water №. (для идеи, плана и
т.п.) выдерживать проверку □ Noth­
ing you've said so far holds water, о
Her story doesn't hold water.
hole in the wall n. маленький мага­
зинчик (ненамного шире дверного
проёма) О I went into this little hole
in the wall where they had the nicest
little gifts. О His office is just a hole
in the wall.
hole up in. прятаться (где-либо) О
Lefty wonted to hole up somewhere till
things cooled down. □ / just want to
hole up until the whole matter is
holiday cheer n. спиртное, особенно
выпитое на Рождество и Новый Год
Р I think he had a little too much
holiday cheer. □ Would you care for a
little holiday cheer?
holier-than-thou mod. снисходитель­
ный; превосходящий благочестием
□ She has such a holier-than-thou
attitude. О Molly can act so holierihan~thou sometimes,
Hollywood 1. mod. с поддельным ши­
ком, блеском □ Who is this Holly­
wood dame who just came in? P This
whole thing is just too Hollywood. 2,
n. ярко одетый человек в солнцеза­
щитных очках (Тж. как обраще­
ние.) О Hey, Hollywood! Whafs
cooking? о Ask Hollywood over there
to taki off his shades and make him­
self known.
Holy cow! exclam. “O -o !” О Holy cow!
A red one! О Give me a chance! Holy
cow, don't rush me!
holy Joe 1. n. священник, капелан,
non P I went to see the holy Joe, and
he was a lot o f help. О Old holy Joe
wants to see all of us at services. 2. n.
очень благочестивый человек P
Merton looks stuff, but he's no holy
Joe. P Don't let that holy Joe hear
about, what you’ve done.
Holy mackerel! [ ’holi 'maskrai] exclam.
“O -o !” P Holy mackerel! What a day!
P Holy mackerel! Whafs this?
Holy moley! I ’holi ’moli] exclam. “O o!” P Holy moley! A whole quarter! О
Look, here’s another one! Holy moley!
holy stink n. что-либо отвратительное
P You really created a holy stink with
that silly remark. P What is this holy
stink about broken windows?
holy terror n. злобный человек; непо­
слушный ребёнок Р Jimmy has be­
come a holy terror lately, P Why is the
boss such a holy tenor today?
hombre [ ’ambre] п. мужчина (Из испан.) Р Who’s that hombre who just
came in? О Now, he's a strange sort of
h o m e-brew n. спиртное или пиво до­
машнего изготовления Р Is this your
awn home-brew, Wally? P M y uncle
makes his awn home-brew.
hom egrown t , mod. местный; просто­
народный; любительский C3 Every­
one enjoyed Sally’s homegrown humor.
P The homegrown talent at the fair
was just as entertaining as anything
could have been. 2. n. марихуана,
выращенная лично или марихуана
местного производства (Нарк.) Р
She’d rather use homegrown than have
to deal with Max. □ This homegrown
is from the pots in her room.
homer [ ’homa] 1. n. (в бейсболе)
удар при возвращении на исходную
позицию Р Wilbur hit one homer
after another. P Another homer for
our team! 2. tr. & in. (в бейсболе)
ударить при возвращении на исх­
одную позицию Р Wilbur homered
another one and brought in two runs
with him, P Sam has never homered
in six years o f playing.
homespun n. спиртное или пиво
домашнего изготовления Р Jed offered
a little o f his homespun round the table.
P How about a swig o f homespun?
homo [ ’homo] 1. mod. гомосексуаль­
ный (Часто унизит. Гомосексуали­
стами считается оскорбительным.)
Р Is this one of those homo bars? P
Where’d you get those homo shoes? 2»
n. гомосексуалист (Часто унизит.
Гомосексуалистами считается оскор­
бительным.) Р Somebody said she is
a homo. P So what if he’s a homo? H e
can still vote, can’t he?
honcho [ ’hantjjo] 1. n. начальник
(любого пола) P The marketing hon­
cho couldn't say when the product
would be on the shelves. P The top
honcho at the water department was
no help at all. 2. tr. руководить,
управлять чем-либо P Who's sup­
posed to honcho this affair? □ I'll
honcho it until Larry gets here.
honest injun [ ’anost ’indjsn] interj.
“Это правда.” О You actually did
that? Honest injun? □ Sure I did,
honest injun.
honey [ ’hani] n. пиво □ Let's stop at
the happy shop and get some honey, о
You want another can of honey?
honeybunch n. любимый(ая) (Тж.
как обращение.) D Look, honey­
bunch lets hurry up. We're late. □ I
can’t wait to get back and see my
honeycakes C m . babycakes.
honey cart C m . honey wagon.
honeymoon и honeymoon period,
honeymoon stage n. начальный
период в какой-либо деятельности
(прежде чем возникнут проблемы)
0 O f course, this is still the honey­
moon stage, but everything seems to be
going all right. О The honeymoon is
over, Carl. You have to produce now.
honey of a something n. что-либо
особенное; великолепный пример
чего-либо □ This is a honey o f a car.
Wanna drive it? D Now here's a honey
of a little stereo receiver.
honey w agon 1. и honey cart n. лю­
бой автомобиль, используемый для
перевозки экскрементов □ I drove а
honey wagon in Hollywood for a year.
How’s that for glamour? О The honey
cart was stalled with a flat tire in front
of the plane.
. п. грузовик, раз­
возящий пиво □ What time does the
honey wagon bring in new supplies? О
1 drove a honey cart in the city for a
Hong Kong dog [ ’hoi] ’koi) ’dog] n.
понос О Andy has a touch of the
Hong Kong dog and needs some med­
icine. О I got rid of the Hong Kong
dog by meditating.
honk 1. n. запой (См. toot п. 1.) □
Jed’s last honk lasted nearly a week. О
The guys went off on the honk to end
all honks.
. n. белый мужчина
(Син. hunky. Негрит. He обязатель­
но унизит.) □ Who’s the honk who
keeps driving by? □ There are mainly
honks where I work.
honked и honkers, mod. пьяный □
Wally was too honked to stand up. □
Man, is that guy honkers!
honker 1. n. гусь □ A whole flock of
honkers settled on our pond. О Can
M e have honker for Thanksgiving din­
ner? . n. странный или эксцентрич­
ный человек □ Clare is a real honker
these days. Is she all right? о Merton
is a classic honker.
honky и honkey, honkie [ ’hoqki] 1. n.
белый человек (Н егри т. H e обя­
зательно унизит. Возм ожно от
hunky.) О The hankies are taking over
this neighborhood. О Some honky was
around asking fo r you. 2. mod. как
белый человек; в манере белых □
Where’d you get that honky car? □
That’s honky music. I want to hear soul.
hooch и hootch [hutjj] n. крепкое
спиртное; спиртное вообще □ Let’s
go guzzle some hooch □ M ore hootch
for you?
hooched (up) mod. пьяный □ Sally is
too hooched to drive. О She got herself
hooched up and couldn’t give her talk.
hoocher и hootcher n. пьяница О
Ernie isn’t a hoocher, you can say that
for him. О A hootcher staggered in
and staggered right out again.
hooch hound и hooch head n.
пьяница □ Jed is a classic hooch
hound. H e lives for the stuff. □ The
party turned into a drinking Session
for hooch heads.
hood n. хулиган О A couple of hoods
hassled us on the street. О That hood
should be behind bars.
hooey [ ’hui] n, чепуха □ The whole
newspaper is nothing but hooey today.
О What's all this hooey about getting a
new car?
hoofer n. (профессиональный) тан­
цор □ Clare was a hoofer when she
was younger and lighter. О She was a
hoofer on Broadway.
hoof it tr. убегать Q I saw them coming
and hoofed it home. □ Lefty hoofed it
when he saw the uniform.
h o o -h a I’huhoJ 1. n. движение; суета
О What is all this hoo-ha about? О A
deer created quite a hoo-ha by running
frantically through the department
store. 2. n. чепуха, чушь □ What is
all this hoo-ha about your leaving the
company? □ Stop talking hoo-ha and
tell the truth
hook 1. tr. обманывать кого-либо □
Watch the clerk in that store. He
hooked (on someone or something)
might try to hook you. □ They hooked
me on the car deal. . tr. украсть чтолибо □ Lefty hooked a couple of
candy bars just for the hell o f it. □
What did they hook Iasi night? 3. tr.
пристраститься к чему-либо (не об­
язательно к наркотикам) □ The con­
stant use o f bicarb hooked him to the
stuff. □ The pot hooked him.
hooked (on som eone or something)
1. mod. (c something) пристрасти­
вшийся (к наркотикам) □ Gert is
hooked on horse. □ Everybody knows
she is hooked. 2. mod. предпочи­
тающий что-либо или кого-либо;
влюблённый в кого-либо или чтолибо О I 'm really hooked on chocolate
anything. □ Sam is hooked on Mary
for good. 3. mod. (c something)
обманутый □ I was really hooked on
this travel deal О You were hooked all
hooker n. проститутка; шлюха □
There were some hookers standing
right on that corner. □ Clare dresses
like a hooker.
hook, line, and sinker mod. полно­
стью О She fell for it hook, line, and
sinker. □ They believed every word
hook, line, and sinker.
hooks n. руки (См. т ж . meat-hooks.)
D Get your hooks off my newspaper! □
D on't stand there with your hooks in
your pocket. Get busy!
hook shop n. бордель (См. hooker.) □
Guess who I saw coming out of a hook
shop? □ There is a secret hook shop
over on Maple Street.
hook something down и hook down
something tr. проглотить что-либо
□ Hook down one of these cookies and
see what you think about them. □ He
hooked a drink down and turned to
face his brother.
hoopla ['hupla или hupta] n. шум;
суета □ Whafs all this hoopla about?
□ There is too much hoopla in these
hoops n. баскетбол О You wanna go
play some hoops? □
Welcome to
another evening of college hoops,
brought to you by the Nova Motor
h o o sego w [ ’husgau] n. тюрьма □
Learning to read can shorten one's
time in the hoosegow. □ The judge
threw the punk in the hoosegow for a
few days.
hoot 1. in. громко смеяться □ The
audience screamed and hooted with
their appreciation. О They howled and
hooted. I know they just loved it. 2. n.
шутка □ The whole business was a
terrific hoot. О The skit was a hoot,
and everyone enjoyed it. 3. in. освис­
audience hooted until the performer
fled the stage in disgrace. □ They
hooted for a few minutes after she left
the stage.
hoo(t)chfest n. запой; попойка □ We
stopped by Sally's to join in the
hoochfest for a while. □ L e ts throw a
big hootchfest next month.
hooted mod. пьяный □ Jed got himself
good and hooted. □ Ted is too hooted
to drive.
hooter 1. n. нос; большой нос P I sort
o f wish my hooter wasn't so doggone
big. О H e blew his hooter and went
back to his reading. 2. n. порция спи­
ртного □ H e tossed back a big hooter
o f booze and stood there a thinute. О
Have another hooter? 3. n. кокаин
(Нарк.) О M a x is known for his highquality hooter. □ Where can I get
some hooter around here?
hop 1. и hops n. опиум; наркотики
вообще (Нарк.) О His great-grand­
father smoked hop once. О A ll he can
think about is where he can get his
hops, 2. n. пиво □ Pretty good, hops,
Tom. □ How about some hop with
your hamburger? 3. n. вечеринка с
танцами для молодых людей □ The
kids are out at some school-sponsored
hop. О The hop was a lot of fun. 4. tr.
сесть на поезд или самолёт □ I 'll
hop a plane and be there in a couple of
hours. □ Hop a train or anything, but
get here as soon as you can.
hopfest n. вечеринка с пивом □ We
went to a big hopfest over at Wally's,
but it broke up early. О That was some
hopfest! N o potato chips!
hophead 1. n. алкоголик или нар­
коман □ I ’m afraid that Wally is be­
coming a hophead. О Ernie is a
welt-established and incurable hop­
head. 2. n. наркоман; человек оп­
ьянённый наркотиком (Нарк.) □
The hopheads are taking over this part
of town. □ What happens to these hopheads when they grow up?
hopheaded mod. пристрастившийся к
наркотикам (Нарк.) □ I don't want
any hopheaded hay burner working for
me! □ That whole area is populated by
hopheaded hookers.
hopped up 1. mod. стимулированный
наркотиком (Нарк.) □ The two of
them were hopped up most of the time.
0 Two hopped up kids were hunkered
down in the alley; 2. mod. (o
автомобиле) с повышенной мощно­
стью по особому заказу □ As soon as
1 get this hog hopped up, you'll see
some real speed. О Sam drives a
hopped up old Ford. 3. mod. возбужд­
ённый □ Paul is certainly hopped up
about something. О Why are you so
hopped tip?
hopping mad mod. очень злой; под­
прыгивающий от злости □ I was
hopping mad about the broken win­
dow. □ The boss was hopping mad at
the secretary.
Hot to It! exclam. “Двигайся!” ; “Ш е­
велись!* □ Hop to it! 1 don’t pay you
to stand around. О I need it now! Hop
to it!
horizontal mod. пьяный □ The boss
was horizontal at the Christmas party.
□ Stewed? No, he’s totally horizontal!
horn 1. n. нос О H e scratched his bom
with his pencil and opened his mouth
to speak. □ H e had the most humongous horn I have ever seen on
man or beast. 2. n. телефон □ Get
Mrs. Wilson on the horn, please. □
She’s on the horn now. What'll I tell
her? 3. tr. “нюхать” наркотик
. (Нарк.) □ Ernie horned a line and
■ paused for a minute. □ H e'd rather
horn it than shoot it.
hom er 1. n. пьяница; алкоголик □
Wally is a real horner. H e has an
enormous capacity. □ Jed is the king
o f horners around here. 2. n. кокаи­
нист (Нарк.) □ Sure, M ax is a
horner. H e sells the stuff to support
his own habit. □ I think the new em­
ployee is a horner.
horny* mod. сексуально возбуждён­
ный (Употр. с остор.) □ Тот said he
was hQrny. □ Who is that horny jerk.
□ A ll the guys in that fraternity are
horrors 1. n. белая горячка О The old
wino had the horrors all the time. □
H e has a bad case of the horrors. 2. n.
пугающие наркотические галлюци­
нации (Нарк.) □ Once he had gone
through the horrors, he swore off for
good. □ Tod had the horrors and had
to be hospitalized.
horse 1. n. героин (Нарк.) □ Now,
horse is all that Gert will touch □
Horse is still very popular in the big
cities. 2. n. лошадиный навоз □ I use
horse on my vegetables. □ I got a job
shoveling horse out of the stables. 3.
Cm. horse ( tranquilizer) .
horse around in. бездельничать; тра­
тить время (См. тж. goof around.) О
Stop horsing around and get busy. □
You guys are always Horsing around.
hbrsed и on the horse mod. опья­
нённый героином; пристрастивший­
ся к наркотикам (Нарк.) □ Gert was
totally horsed. □ How long have you
been on the horse?
horse doctor n. доктор, “коновал”
(Унизит. Имеется в виду ветери­
нар.) О That horse doctor says there’s
nothing wrong with me. D M y horse
doctor says everything is wrong with
“Тьфу!” ;
“Чушь!” □ Oh, horsefeathers! You’re
nuts! □ Horsefeathers! I did no such
horse hockey 1. n. лошадиный навоз
□ I try to get horse hockey for my gar­
den. □ You don’t see horse hockey in
the streets anymore. 2. n. чепуха О
I ’ve heard enough o f your horse
hockey. □ The guy specializes in pro­
ducing horse hockey for the gossip
horse laugh n. насмешливый, сар­
кастический смех □ H e came out
with a horse laugh that caused some
eyebrows to raise. □ The horse laugh
from the back of the room did not go
horse opera n. вестерн (См. тж.
oater.) □ They're showing a series of
old horse operas at the theater tonight.
□ Haven’t I seen this horse opera
before? About a hundred times maybe?
horseradish n. героин (См. horse.) □ .
M ax can get you some horseradish □
Gert is hooked on horseradish
horses n. лошадиные силы (мощ­
ность двигателя) Q How many horses
does this thing have? О Isn’t 400
horses a lot for just one car?
h o rse’s a s s * n. дурак (Грубо. Употр.
с остор.) □ M y ex-husband was a real
horse?$ ass, P Stop being such a
horse?s ass and listen to some sense.
horse (tranquilizer) и horse trank n.
фенциклидин, P.C.P., транквили­
затор для животных О One hit of
that horse trank and he was really
hurt- О Jim said he knows of a kid
trying to sell horse trank or something
like that.
hoser [ ’hoza-] 1, n. хороший парень
или приятель □ You're a real hoser,
Ted- □ Old Fred is a good hoser. H e'll
help. 2. n. обманщик; жулик □ Stop
acting like a hoser and tell me the
truth! □ You dirty lying hoser!
h ose som eone down и hose down
som eone tr. убить кого-либо (Уго­
ловн.) □ Mr. Big told Bruno to hose
M ax down. □ The thugs tried to hose
down the witness.
hoska C m . (ma)hoska.
hot 1. и hot under the collar mod.
злой О Don’t get so hot under the col­
lar. Chill, man. □ What a hot dude! О
Gee, that guy is really hot. What did I
do? 2. mod. разыскиваемый полиц­
ией (Уголовн.) О Lefty is hot because
o f his part in the batik job. О Bruno
was hot and wanted somebody to hide
him■ 3. mod. украденный □ This
watch is hot. Keep it. о Rocko won't
touch a hot watch or anything else hor.
4. mod. имеющий при себе кон­
трабанду, такую, что при её обна­
ружении может быть арестован □
M ax was hot and on the run. О Lefty
was hot and needed a place to stay. 5.
mod- имеющий удачу в азартных иг­
рах D I 'm hot tonight! Here I go
again. □ I was hot when I started. I ’m
broke now. 6, mod. прославленный;
известный □ The opera tenor was hot,
and even the lowbrows would pay to
hear him. О The dancer was hot and
was offered movie roles and all sorts
of things. 7. mod. пьяный P You
could see that Wally was pretty hot
from all the whisky. P H e was too hot
to stand up. 8. mod. хорошо распро­
дающийся P These things are really
hot this season. P Now, here’s a hot
item. 9. mod. сексуальный; сексуаль­
но возбуждённый □ Man, is that
chick hod! P She's not my idea of hot.
P Wow, who was that hot hunk you
were with?
hot air n. хвастовство; ложь; чепуха P
I ' ve heard enough of your hot air. P
That's just a lot of hot air. Ignore it.
hotbed of something n. место соб­
рания кого-либо; гнездо кого-либо
Р This office is a hotbed of lazy
people. P M y class is a hotbed of
nerdshot check n. подложный чек P The
crook got picked up after passing a hot
check. P The clerk got in trouble for
taking a hot check.
Hot diggety
( ’hat ’ digsdi
( ’d og)] exclam. “O -o !” P Hot diggety
dog! I won! О I made it on time. Hot
Hot dog! exclam. “O -o !” P Hot dog!
I f s my turn. P Look at that! Hot dog!
I f s coming this way!
hot head n. человек с плохим
характером; человек, которого легко
разозлить Р M a x is a hot head.
Watch out. P Don’t be such a hot
head, Chuck.
hot item 1. i f хорошо распродающий­
ся товар P This little thing is a hot
item this season. P Now here’s a hot
item that everybody is looking for. 2.
n. романтическая пара P Sam and
Mary are quite a hot item lately. О A
hot item like Bill and Clare isn't likely
to show up for the party.
hotkey 1. n. одна или несколько кла­
виш компьютера, вызывающих при­
кладную программу (Компьют.) Р
The hotkeys for ту thesaurus are
" control’ and “F2." P Press the
hotkey to bring up a calendar. 2. tr.
нажать одну или несколько клавиш
компьютера, как описано в п. 1.
(Компьют.) Р I hotkeyed ту calcula­
tor and figured out the total charges as
I was writing the letter. P I forget how
to hotkey my calendar.
hot number 1. n. выдающийся му­
зыкальный номер О Now here’s a hot
number by the Wanderers. P Another
hot number after this message. 2. n.
привлекательная или сексуальная
девушка или женщина Р She’s quite
how the other half lives
a hot number. □ Who’s that hot num­
ber I saw you with last night?
hot paper n. недействительный чек
(Уголовн. См. hot check.) О Molly
got caught passing hot paper. О That
teller can spot hot paper a mile away.
hot potato n. сложная проблема О /
sure don't want to have to deal with
that hot potato, о This one is a hod
potato. Ignore it for a while.
(hot) rod n. автомобиль, мощность
двигателя которого увеличена по
особому заказу О M y rod’ll Outrun
yours any day. □ Is That a hot rod or
a junk heap?
hot seat 1. n. электрический стул
(Уголовн.) □ Lefty, you're headed for
the hot seat. □ The hot seat is just
waiting for you, Lefty. 2. n. допрос О
was in the hot seat for about an
hour, but they didn't learn anything
■from me. О This new information puts
Torn in the hot seat, doesn’t it?
hot-shot и hotshot 1. n. важный и
энергичный человек (Часто саркастич. Тж. как обращение.) d I f
you're such a hotshot, why not
straighten out the whole thing? □
Look, hot-shot, get busy, will you? 2.
mod. великолепный □ Wally is be­
coming a real hotshot tenor with the
local opera company. □ So, you're the
hot-shot guy who's going to straighten
this place out?
hot skinny Cm. skinny.
hot stuff n. человек, высокомерно
относящийся к окружающим (Тж.
как обращение.) □ What makes you
think you're such hot stuff? □ Hey,
hot stuff, come down here and say
hotsy-totsy [ ’hatsi’tatsij mod. отлич­
ный; великолепный □ Well, isn’t
that just hotsy-totsy. □ I don’t feel so
hot tip n. особая, предположительно
верная, информация □ Ted got a hot
tip on a horse. □ I phoned in a hot tip
about a news story to the papers.
hot wire tr. завести автомобиль без
ключа зажигания О Lefty hot wired
the car and used it for an hour or two.
О Isn’t it illegal to hot wire a car?
Hot ziggety! ( ’hat ’zigadi] exclam. “O o!” □ Hot ziggety! I made it! О The
planets on time! H ot ziggety!
h ou se dealer n. продавец наркотиков,
который живёт и торгует в соб­
ственном доме (Нарк.) П This build­
ing even has its own house dealer. О
When the cops can’t even get a line on
a house dealer, there’s something
house m oss n. комки пыли (См. тж.
ghost turd.) D There is some house
moss tinder the sofa. d Sweep up this
house moss, please.
H ow come? interrog. “Почему?” d
You’re late. How come? d How come
we never see you anymore?
How do es that grab you? interrog.
“Что ты об этом думаешь?” d Looks
good, okay? How does that grab you?
D How does that grab you! Enough
howdy interj. “Привет.” D Howdy,
friend, p Well, howdy. Long time, no
How g o e s It? interrog. “Как дела?” d
Nice to see you. How goes it? □ How
goes it? Everything okay?
howl 1. n. что-либо смешное (См.
Scream.) □ What a howl the surprise
party turned out to be when the guest
o f honor didn't show up. о The gag
was a real howl. 2. in. сильно сме­
яться О Everybody howled at my mis­
take. □ John howled when the joke
was told.
howler n. смешная ошибка □ Who is
responsible for this howler on the Wil­
son account? □ That howler cost us
howling (drunk) mod. пьяный □ Wally
got howling drunk and ran in the
streets with his coat off. О H e was just
How ’s by you? и H ow ’s with you?
interrog. “Как Дела?” d How’s by
you, Wilbur? d I'm fine. How's with
H ow ’s tricks? interrog. “Как дела?”;
“Как поживаешь?” □ Hiya, Chuck.
How’s tricks? О How’s tricks? What's
How ’s with you? Cm. How's by you?
how the other half lives n. как живут
более бедные или более богатые
люди □ Now I am beginning to un­
derstand how the other half lives. □
M ost people don't care how the other
half lives.
How you been?
How you been? interrog. “Как дела?”
□ Good to see you. How you been? □
How you been? Long time, no see.
H.T.H. n. “hometown honey,” люби­
мый (ая) из родных мест (Студенч.)
□ Wally is ту Н.Т.Н., but I think I ’ve
outgrown him. О I hard that Mary is
Sam’s H.T.H.
h u bbas n. кристаллический кокаин
(Син. crack.) □ A ten-year-old died
yesterday from hubbas. □ They ar­
rested an eight-year-old for selling
hubby [ ’hsbi] n. муж □ M y hubby will
be late tonight. □ Where is your hubby
buffer [ ’hsfo] n. человек (подросток),
который для опьянения нюхает клей
или растворитель (Нарк.) О The age
of the buffers has come to an end.
Now they start out on crack. □ His
schoolwork suffered because he was a
huffy mod. злой; высокомерный □
Now, don’t get huffy. I said I was
sorry, didn’t I? О Who's the huffy old
lady? О She was so huffy about it.
hughie [ ’hjui] in. опустошать желу­
док; блевать (См. тж. cry hughie.) □
I gotta go hughie. О Oo, who hughied?
humdinger и hummer [ ’hs’miq# и
’ham#] n. что-либо или кто-либо
великолепный О Now, this one is а
real humdinger. □ Yup, he's a hum­
mer all right.
hummer См. предыдущ. вокаб.
hum ongous (hju’matjgss) mod. огром­
ный □ She lives in a humongous
house on the hilL О Wally has a hu­
mongous nose. О That nose is not hu­
hump (along) in. постоянно двигать­
ся О / guess I ’d better hump along
over there. □ Come on, move it!
Hump to the main office and be fast
about it!
hump it (to som ew here) tr. быстро
двигаться (куда-либо) □ I have to
hump it over to Kate’s place right now.
П You’ll have to hump it to get there
in time.
hung 1, mod. похмельный □ John is
really hung this morning. О I ’m mis­
erable when I'm hung. 2. mod. раздра­
жённый □ Fred is hung and looking
for somebody to take it out on. □ How
can you get so hung about practically
hungover mod. похмельный □ John is
really hungover today. □ I can't eat
when I ’m hungover.
hungries n. голод (Всегда с the. См.
тж. munchies.) □ Jimmys crying be­
cause he’s got the hungries. О I get the
hungries about this time every day.
hungry 1. mod. жаждущий делать
деньги □ H e doesn't sell enough be­
cause he's not hungry enough. □ When
he gets hungry for wealth, he'll get
busy. 2. mod. амбициозный □ H e gets
ahead because he's hungry. □ We like
to hire the hungry ones.
hung up (on som eone or something)
1. mod. одержимый чем-либо □
Mary is really hung up on Sam □
Sam’s hung up on his car. 2. mod.
обеспокоенный чем-либо □
hung up on the new tax rules. □ I just
read the things, and I'm hung up, too.
3. mod. пристрастившийся к нар­
котикам □ Gert is hung up on Hazel.
Ernie was hung up on pot till he
discovered coke.
hunk n. сильный и сексуально при­
влекательный мужчина □ Larry is а
real hunk. О Who was that hot hunk I
saw you with?
hunker down (to do something) in.
решиться, собраться сделать чтолибо (Простонар.) О I have to
hunker down to finish my algebra this
evening. □ Yes, you'd better hunker
hunky Cm. honky.
hunky-dory [ ’hsgki’dori] mod. хоро­
ший, отличный О As a matter of
fact, everything is just hunky-dory. □
That is a hunky-dory idea all right.
hurl in. опустошать желудок, блевать
(Как throw в throw up.) О I think 1
gotta go hurl □ Who's in the John
hurling so loud?
hurry up and wait phr. быть попе­
ременно подгоняемым и задержи­
ваемым в беспорядочной ситуации
(Часто как определение. См. при­
меры.) □ I hate to hurry up and wait.
I t s always hurry up and wait
around here.
hurt 1. mod. очень уродливый; нека­
чественный и уродливый (Негрит.
Син. hurting.) □ Man, are you hurt!
hype artist
□ That poor girl-is really bad hurt. 2.
mod. опьянённый наркотиком (I leгрит.) О Gert was really hurt and
nodding and droolingi fig One
.that horse trank and he was really
hurt for som eone or something In,
% желать чего-либо или кого-либо □
Sam really hurts for Mary. О / sure
am hurting for a nice big steak. ■
hurting 1. mod. очень уродливый;
- такой уродливый, что глядеть боль­
но (См. hurt п. 1
dog of
$-.yours is something to behold. I t s re’ ally hurting ЩгМап, is she hurting!> .
|да.Ш;;серьёзнщ?ЭждаЩ1^Р»ея в чём­
-л и б о , особенно в дозе наркотика
{Ж .Щ арквз Gert is hurting. She needs
^m$ fthing: spqn. О When; I rnw is
gihurting-, he takes barbs.
hush-hush ( ’hojj’hajjl 1. mod. тайный; скрытый □ The matter is so
§Ш яЬгф$Щ
can’t talk about it over
the phone. Щ What is all this huskhush stuff? 2. mod. тайно □ They did
l|$§ijsOhush-hush that no one knew for a
long time. D H f yvos' not done hushhush. It was just private.
hush money n. взятка за молчание □
They paid enough hush money to
silence an army. - □ There was some
в » ® } money paid to someone in city
■ hall.
hush som eone or something up и
hush up som eone or something 1.
.;1r, ||Ш 80теО!ЧЙ|~;убиТЬ кого-либо □
Mr. Big told Bruno to hush up Max. □
■li.Nobody.knew how to get to Mr. Big to
hush him up. 2. tr. (c something) coxранять что-либо в тайне; удержи­
вать ;слух от распространения Q Ve
b, wanted to hush up the story, but there
was no way to do it. □ ' We just
couldn't hush it up.
husky [ ’haski] n. сильный человек;
головорез □ Tell your husky to lay
off, ВгипоЩ ш A .couple of huskies
’. .helped nw get my car unstuck. ,
hustle [ ’hasjj 1. in. быстро двигаться;
спешить □ Come on, hustle, you guys.
р Ш д Щ р la te.- ^
got Ш hustle. 2. n.
Ьспешка; суета □ A ll the hustle and
confusion made it hard to concentrate.
□ I
hustle around me. 3. n. способ; iMстол
делать деньги (Уголовн. Включает
наркобизнес, рэксЯпроституцм-ю и
Each , o f these punks has
hustle щ ф . specialty m crime, a We
all know what M ax’s hustle is. 4. In;:;
использовать свой излюбленный ме­
тод делать день™ О .H e’s out there on
streets hustling all the time■ Q I
gotta go hustle. / need some bread. 5.
tr. обманывать человека, чтобы де­
лать деньги (С.ии. гпп«иЩЗ.) □ D on't
’Л г у to hustle те, sister. I know which,
end is up. О Sam iSbalways trying to
ihustle people. 6. tr. пытаться соблаз­
нить кого-либо □ M ax j s hustling
M o U v ;№ M think that Molly[s hustling
hustler Phasic] 1. n. профессиональ­
ный игрок в бильярд □ Wasn't he the
guy who played the -hustler jji that
' famous movie? p M e made plenty as a
hustler. 2. n. жулик D The сЫещ^ш-:
real hustler. I wouldn't trust her at all.
The hustler conned me out o f a
-^tbnW .fiay>:.'-3j,;: n. проститутка □
Gert almost became a hustler to pay
for a habit. □ A lot .©/ hustlers are
hooked on horse: 4. n. человек с высокой половой активностью □ That
guys a hustler. Watch but. P pfe.
thinks he's a hustler. The chicks think
hefs a wimp.
hype |haip] 1. n. реклама; поддержка
кандидатов на выборах, особенно
наглая и агрессивная □ Tfier? was so
-much hype before the picture was re­
leased that the picture, itself
letdown. m T h ere is hype for the election all over the place 2. tr. ^злиииге
рекламировать, поддерживать коголибо или что-либо □ Don’t hype, the
thing, to dealm Q Let’s ‘hy,p.e it until
everyone in the country has hard about
it. 3. и hipe n. шприц и игла для
подкожных инъекций (Нарк.) □ She
forgot to clean the hype. О H e got an
infection from a dirjy hipe. 4. n.
инъекция., наркотика
(Нарк.Щ □
Ernie needed a hype real bad. □ Щах
told him who could help him with a
n. нарщуиш, коюрый дела
ет себе инъекции наркотика щприцем (Парк.) □ Gert's been a hype for
about a year. □ The .-hypes have a
rough time in prison.
hype artist n. рекламный агент □ She
is a hype artist for a public relations
hyped (up)
firm. O How much does a hype artist
get paid for all that junk?
hyped (up) 1. mod. возбуждённый □
She said she had to get hyped before
the tennis match. 2. mod. поддель­
ный; подставной; сильно реклами­
руемый О I just won’t pay good
money to see these hyped up movies.
О I f it has to be hyped so much, it
probably isn’t very good. 3. mod. опь­
янённый наркотиком (Нарк.) О
Gert is happiest when she's hyped. □
Here comes another hyped up musi­
hyper [ ’haip?] 1. mod. перевозбуж­
дённый a / 'm a little hyper because of
the doctor's report. □ Here's another
hyper patient. О Now, now, don't get
hyper. 2. n. человек, который хвалит
или рекламирует что-либо О She's а
hyper, and she doesn’t always tell
things the way they are. □ As a hyper,
she is a whiz. 3. n. человек, который
постоянно возбуждён или излишне
активен Q Pat is such a hyper. Just
can’t seem to relax. О M y dad is a
hyper. 4. n. наркоман, который вво­
дит наркотики подкожными инъек­
циями О H ow long have you been a
hyper, Gert? U M a x has been a hyper
since he was 24.
hype something up и hype up som e­
thing tr. расхваливать, пропаганди­
ровать что-либо □ They hyped it up
too much. О Why do they hype up on
I am so surel exclam. “Я прав!”
(Калифор.) О You are way rad! I am
so sure! □ This is too much. I am so
(!-)b e a m [ ’aibim и bim] n. “IBM ”, ак­
ции IBM (Биржев. См, тж. big blue.)
О I-beam fell out o f bed and took the
market with it. О How much beam do
you own?
(I) beg (your) pardon 1. sent. “Изви­
ните” . 0 I beg your pardon. I did not
mean to step on your toe. О Beg your
pardon. I didn't see you. 2. sent. “Я
извиняюсь, но я вас не расслышал.”
П I beg your pardon. I t s so noisy in
here. □ “/ am sorry, but I did not hear
what you said." 3. sent, “Я возра­
жаю!” (Неудовольствие передается
тоном голоса.) □ I beg your pardon! I
am not a clerk! □ Beg pardon. I didn' t
catch that last comment
ice 1, п. алмазы, драгоценные камни
(Уголовн.) р That old dame has tons
o f ice in her hotel room. □ Look at the
ice on her! 2. п. кокаин, кристал­
лический кокаин (крек) (Нарк.) Р
M ax deals mostly in ice, but can get
you almost anything. □ This ice isn’t
good enough. 3. tr. убить кого-либо;
убить предателя (Уголовн. См. chill
п. 2.) р Mr. Big ordered Bruno to ice
you-know-who. О Somebody set out to
ice Molly— the dirty squealer. 4. tr,
игнорировать кого-либо (Уголовн.
См. chill п. 4.) □ M ax iced Bruno for
obvious reasons. P The members of
the gang iced Bruno, and that really
made him worry. 5. tr. ошеломлять
кого-либо, выставлять кого-либо в
глупом виде Р Don’t ice те in front
of my friends. P Why does she feel
like she has to ice everybody? 6, n.
взятка, особенно данная полиции
(Уголовн.) Р Did you give Ervine the
ice? P A lot of those cops take ice.
iceberg 1, п. холодный, бесчув­
ственный человек P Sally can be
such an iceberg! P What an insensitive
iceberg! . n. марихуана, скрытая в
замороженном салате (Нарк. Кали­
фор.) Р Can you get те some iceberg?
Р The inspectors found a load o f what
they call “ iceberg."
iceberg slim 1. n. сутенёр P When
iceberg slim came by in his pimpmobile, Jed made a rude sign at him. P
N o iceberg slim is gonna push me
around! . n. человек, эксплуатиру­
ющий других; холодный, бессердеч­
ный человек О The guy’s a regular
iceberg slim, p Rocko is a perfect ex­
ample o f an iceberg slim. He’s heart­
iced mod. сделанный с лёгкостью;
(уже) сделанный, решённый Р I'v e
got it iced. Nothing to it. P The whole
business is iced. Don’t fret.
iceman п. убийца (Уголовн-) О I t is
hard to believe that Rocko is a pro­
fessional iceman. P The mob employs
a number of icemen.
ice queen п. холодная, высокомерная
женщина P Molly is not exactly an
ice queen, but comes close. О I t s Jane
who’s the ice queen.
icicles [ ’ais sikj/.| п. чистый кокаин в
форме кристаллов (Нарк.) Р Are
icicles the same as crack? P Icicles are
probably more pure than crackicing on the cake п. дополнительное
улучшение P Oh, wow! A tank full of
gas in my new car. That’s icing on the
саке! P Your coming home for a few
days was the icing on the cake.
ick [ i k ] 1. n. любое мерзкое вещество
P What is this ick on my shoe? P
idiot pills n. барбитураты (Нарк.) □
Thafs not ick; its good clean mud. 2.
Lay off those idiot pills* why don’t
exclam .
“ Г н у с н о !” , - “Д р я н ь !”
you? □ She takes idiot pills every
(Обычно Ick!) □ Oh, ick! What now?
□ Ick ! I ’m late! 3. n. неприятный
I don't believe this! exclam. “To, что
человек О Tell that ick to leave. H e’s
происходит сейчас, неслыханно!” □
polluting the place. О Oh, Tod, don't
Gross! / don’t believe this! О I don’u
be an ick.
believe this! I t can’t be happening.
icky [ ’iki] mod. неприятный, мерзкий,
I don’t know. sent. “Я не согласен.” □
гнусный □ What is this icky old stuff?
I don’t know. I like it. Whafs wrong
□ This is icky. □ This was an icky
with it? □ I don't know. I t looks good
to me.
icky-poo [ ’ikipu] 1. mod. отвратитель­
I don’t m ean maybe! exclam. “Я не
ный, гнусный a I do not like all this
шучу!” □ Уои get over here right now#
icky-poo talk. О What is that icky-poo
and I don't mean maybe! □ I well
stuff in the soup bowl? 2. exclam.
spank you if you ever do that again,
“Дрянь!” (Обычно Icky-poo!). □
and I don’t mean maybe.
Icky-poo! What a mess! □ Oh, ickyiffy I’iful mod. не совсем определён­
poo! I messed my bus!
ный О Things are still sort of iffy, but
I co u ldn ’t c a re le ss, и I could care­
we'll know for sure in a few days. □
less. sent. “П левал я на это!” (У т ­
I t s sort of an iffy matter, but things
вариант лиш ён
will get straightened out.
смысла, но тем не менее широко
if I've told you once, I’ve told you a
применяется.) □ So y o u 'r e late. I
thousand times... phr. “Я тебе уже
could not care less. О I could care less
много раз говорил.” □ I f I ’ve told
if you fell off a cliff.
you once, I'v e told you a thousand
I.D. и ID 1. n. удостоверение личности
times, don't lean back in that chair. □
□ Can you show me an I.D.? □ I
I f I ’ve told you once, I ’ve told you a
don’t have any I D on me. 2. tr. про­
thousand times, wipe your feet!
верять чьё-либо удостоверение лич­
ности О They ID ed us at the rfoor|gi; if one know what’s good for one phr.
“Лучше бы тебе делать то, что от
I hate being I.D.ed.
тебя ожидают,” О You’d better be on
idiot box n. телевизор □ You spend too
time if you know whafs good for you.
much time watching the idiot box. О
I f you know whafs good for you,
Whafs on the idiot box tonight?
you’ll call and apologize.
idiot card n. карточка, на которой
if one’s a day phr. выражение, при­
написан текст для актёра на телеви­
бавляемое к указанию на чей-либо
дении □ The floor director held up an
возраст (См. примеры.) □ She’s fifty
idiot card so I could read out the tele­
if she’s a day! □ I am sure he’s fortyphone number. О I couldn’t real the
five if he's a day.
number off the idiot card.
it push com es to shove Cm. when
idiot juice и idiotic [ ’Idiot djus и
push comes to shove.
idi’adik] n. смесь мускатного ореха
If you can not stand the heat, keep
с водой (Тюремн.) □ Н е drank
out of the kitchen, sent. “Волков
about a gallon. o f idiotic to get the
бояться— в лес не ходить” О Yes, it
kick of one beer. □ Somehow a bunch
is difficult to be a candidate. I f you
of these guys got hold of some idiot
can not stand the heat, keep out of the
kitchen. P Relax. I f you can’t stand
idiot light n. индикаторы (вместо ци­
the heat, keep out of the kitchen.
ферблатов) на приборной доске ав­
if y ou ’ll pardon the expression phr.
томобиля a I do not want idiot lights.
“простите за выражение” □ This
I want meters! О The idiot light went
thing is— if you will pardon the ex­
on, and I knew I was in some sort of
pression— bused up. □ I 'm really
jacked, if you’ll pardon the expression.
idiot oil n. алкоголь □ She drink too
I hear what you are saying. 1. и I
much o f that idiot oil. О Idiot oil can
hear you. sent. “Я понимаю, что ты
wreck you as much as smack does.
in a month of Sundays
хочешь сказать.” □ Yes, yes. I hear
what you are saying, and I am with
yOu. □ Yeah! I hear you! 2. sent. “Я
понимаю твою позицию, но соглаш­
аться не намерен.” О I hear you. So
do what you want. □ I hear you, but it
doesn’t matter.
I hear you. См. предыдущ. вокаб.
I kid you not. sent. “Я не шучу” □ She
is a great singer. I kid you not. □ 1
kid you not. This is the best.
I’ll bite. sent. “Ты хочешь, чтобы я
спросил, что (или почему), ну, так
что (или почему)?” О Okay, 1 will
bite. Whafs the answer? □ I 'l l bite.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
illuminated mod. пьяный □ Paul is a
bit illuminated. П H e's too illuminated
to drive home.
(I) love iti exclam. “Это прекрасно!”
(Провокац. шут.) О You are so
clever! Love it! Love it! О Love it!
More, more!
I’m listening, sent. “Говори.” , “Объяс­
няй.” , “Продолжай.” О You did it
wrong. I ’m listening. □ I 'm sure
there's an explanation. Well, I ’m
I'm not kidding, sent. “Я говорю
правду.” , “Серьёзно.” □ Get over
here now! I ’m not kidding. □ I ’m not
kidding. It was this big!
I’m out o f here, и I’m outa here. sent.
“Я ухожу немедленно.” О I ’m out of
here. Bye. О In three minutes I ’m outa
impaired mod. пьяный (Эвфем. для
impaired physician.) □ Don is a bit
impaired because he drinks like a fish.
□ H e was so impaired he couldn't see
■his hand in front of his face. □ The
impaired driver was arrested.
I’m sorry, sent. “Я не понял.” , “Я не
расслышал.” □ Т т sorry. What did
you say? № I ’m sorry. I f s noisy in
in 1. mod. пьяный от марихуаны
(Нарк. Син. high.) О Larry is really
in. He’s fried. □ The kid comes to
school completely in every day. 2.
mod. модный □ This kind of thing is
in now. □ What's in around here in
the way of clothing? 3. mod. частный
□ Is this in information? □ I f 4. n.
человек, находящийся в особом
положении; выборный деятель или
чиновник □ Well, now that I am an
in, there is going to be some changes.
n. билёт; способ пройти внутрь
(куда-либо) □ I lost ту in. Can I
still see the show? О Lemme see your
in or give me a buck.
in a bad w ay Cm. in bad shape.
in a big w ay mod. очень сильно,
настоятельно □ I 'm really interested
in her in a big way. □ H e plays to
win— in a big way.
In a blue funk mod. печальный,
грустный, в депрессии □ I'v e been in
a blue funk all week. □ Don’t be in a
blue funk. Things’11 get better.
in a cold sw eat mod. испуганный; “в
холодном поту” □ Н е stood there in a
cold sweat, waiting for something to
happen. □ I was in a cold sweat while
they counted the ballots.
действующий О When will she be in
action again? О After I got well, I was
in action again immediately. 2. mod.
наркотики (Нарк.) □ M a x is in ac­
tion about 20 hours a day. □ In this
neighborhood, somebody is in action
24 hours a day.
in a dither mod. смущённый, нере­
шительный □ Mary is sort of in a
dither lately. О D on't get yourself in
a dither.
in a familiar w ay mod. беременна
(Эвфем. для in a family way.) D
Molly is in a familiar way, have you
heard? О In a familiar way again?
in a family w ay и in the family way
mod. беременна P Is she in the
family way again? □ I hear that Molly
is in a family way?
In a flash mod. немедленно (См.
flash.) О Get over here in a flash, or
else. О I ’ll be there in a flash.
in a heap mod. пьяный □ Poor Jed’s
in a heap again. □ The guys were all
in a heap after the blast.
in a Jam mod. в трудном положении □
I think I ’m sort of in a jam. □ Sam is
in a jam.
in a jiff(y) mod. немедленно (См.
jiffy.) □ I ’ll be there in a jiffy. □ The
clerk’ll be with you in a jiff.
in a month of Sundays mod. за очень
долгое время (Простонар.) О /
haven’t seen you in a month o f Sun­
in a pinch
days. O We haven't visited the city in
a month o f Sundays.
In a pinch 1, mod. 8 трудном положе­
нии (Син. in a jam .) О I'm sort of in
a pinch. Can you come over? £3 When­
ever you get in a pinch, give me a ring.
2, mod, когда кому-либо необходима
вещь, которой у него нет О it’ll do
in a pinch, (3 You got something I can
use in a pinch?
in a snit mod- в приступе гнева или
раздражения О D o not get in a snit.
It was an accident. □ Mary is in a snit
because they didn't ask her to come to
the shindig,
in a tizzy modi безумный, обезумев­
ший D The whole office is in a tizzy
today, О Fred is all in a tizzy.
in a twit mod. раздражённый, нерв­
ный □ She's all in a twit because she
lost her keys. □ Tod was in a twit and
was quite rude to us.
in a twitter, mod. легкомысленный,
глупый О D on't get yourself in a twitter. □ We were all in a twitter over the
upcoming event.
in bad shape и in a bad way 1. mod.
повреждённый О Fred had a little ac­
cident, and he's in bad shape, о Tom
needs exercise. l№ s in bad shape. 2,
mod. беременна О Molly's in bad
shape again, I hear. □ Yup, she’s in
bad shape all right— about three
months in bad shape. 3. mod. ньяный
P Two glasses of that stuff and I am
Iti really bad Shape. P Fred is in bad
shape. I think he’s going to toss his
in busin ess mod. действующий; го­
товый к работе Р We're in business
now, and things are running smoothly.
P Now it works. Now we're in busi­
incense n. марихуана (Нарк.) P /
think I smell sortie incense somewhere
in this building. P Hank likes to burn
a little incense every now and then.
incentive n. кокаин (Парк. См. initia­
tive.) P Maybe a little o f that incen­
tive would make me work harder. P
Thats pretty expensive incentive.
in cold blood mod. с жестокостью;
хладнокровно (Ср. cold blood.) P
Носко kills in cold blood and never
gives it a thought. P The prof flunked
me in cold blood.
in cold storage mod. мёртвый P
Rocko gets paid for putting his sub­
jects in cold storage. P Poor old Jed is
in cold storage.
incy-wincy il'intsi’ wintei] mod. кро­
шечный (Ср. itty-bitty, itsy-bitsy.) Щ
Just give me an incy-wincy bit. I'm on
a diet. P Well, maybe an incy-wincy
bit more wouldn't hurt.
In deep 1. mod. глубоко вовлечённый
(во что-либо) Р Mary and Sam are
in deep. P M ax is in deep with the
mob. 2. mod. в долгах P Bruno is in
deep with his bookie. P I'm in deep to
the department store.
Indian hay и Indian hemp n. марих­
уана (Нарк. От Cannabis indicus.) P
Nobody calls pot Indian hay anymore,
do they? P Sure they do, and Indian
hemp, too.
in drag mod. в одежде противопо­
ложного пола (Обычно о женской
одежде.) Р Gary looks better in drag
than he does in a suit. P Two actors
in drag did a skit about life on the
in dribs and drabs mod. малыми час­
тями, по кусочку Р I ’ll have to pay
you what / owe you in dribs and drabsО
The whole story is beginning to
come in in dribs and drabs.
in Dutch mod. в неприятностях □ I
think I ’m in Dutch with my folks. P I
didn't want to get in Dutch with you.
in fine feather 1, mod. хорошо
одетый; отлично выглядящий Р
Well, you are certainly in fine feather
today. P / like to be in fine feather
when I have to give a speech. 2. mod.
в хорошей форме, в хорошем на­
строении Р M ary is really in fine
feather tonight. P I feel in fine feather
and really to go!
In high mod. опьянённый наркотиком
(Нарк.) P Sally was in high and
couldn't come to the phone. P M ax is
in high a good part o f each day.
initiative n. кокаин (Нарк. См. incentive.) P Maybe I need some more Of
that initiative to get me going. Щ That
kind o f initiative is pretty expensive.
in Jail mod. (человек) передозировав­
ший наркотик (Нарк.) О Ernie was
in jail twice last year, but he still
won’t give up the smack. P The kid’s
in jail and may not get out this time.
in the driver’s seat
ink n. дешёвое красное вино □ The old
wino prefers ink to anything else. О
All I have is some ink. Is that okay?
ink stinger n. профессиональный пи­
сатель, газетный репортёр О The ink
slingers have been at the candidates
again. О The problem is that there are
too many ink slingers around.
in nothing flat mod. немедленно P I ’ll
be there in nothing flat. □
changed the tire in nothing flat.
in o n e’s blood mod. врождённый, на­
следственный □ It is in my blood. I
can't help it. P Running is in his
blood. H e loves it.
in orbit 1. mod. в состоянии экстаза
или эйфории Р She was just in orbit
when she got the letter. P Tod was in
orbit over the promotion. 2. mod.
пьяный или опьянённый наркоти­
ком Р Gary is in orbit and can’t see a
hole in a ladder. P After a six-pack
all to herself, Julie was in orbit.
in play 1, mod. “в игре” , “на поле” (О
мяче в спорте.) Р The ball’s in play,
so you made the wrong move. О No, it
wasn't in play, you twit! 2. mod.
относящийся к компаниям или акц­
иям, которые мотут быть куплены
(Биржев.) Р The company was in
play, but nobody was buying it. P
These deal stocks that are in play right
now offer excellent buying opportuni­
in power и in the power mod. отно­
сящийся к человеку, продающему
героин Р Who's in power around
here? P M a x is in power, as always.
in rare form 1. mod. прекрасно на­
строенный для хорошего исполне­
ния; в наилучшей форме О Н е is in
rare form today. P We are not exactly
in rare from on Monday mornings. 2.
mod. пьяный P Gert is in rare form,
but she will have time to steep it off.
P When Harry was finally in rare
from, he slid beneath the table.
ins and outs n. детали, мелочи P I'm
learning the ins and outs of this busi­
ness. P M y father taught me the ins
and outs of hog calling.
inside dope n. особые, тайные све­
дения (Ср. skinny п. 2.) Р Can you
give те the inside dope on Marty? P
Whafs the inside dope on the candi­
date's drug addiction?
inside jo b n. преступление, совершён­
ное против какой-либо организации
сотрудником этой организации
(Уголовн.) Р I t was an inside job a!
right. The butler did it. P The cops
figured that it was an inside job.
in sp a d e s mod. наилучшим образом;
экстравагантно P H e flunked the test
in spades. P They won the champion­
ship in spades.
insy [ ’inzi] n. втянутый пупок (Ср.
outsy.) P I t is an insy. So what? P Is
yours an insy or an outsy?
in tall cotton mod. успешный; фи­
нансово независимый P
some money at the track, and I am
really in tall cotton, a We were in
tall cotton until the IR S caught up
with us.
intense mod. серьёзный P That man is
so intense! P This is an intense mat­
ter. P Oh, wow! Now thats what I call
in the b ag 1. mod. достигнутый,
решённый P It is in the bag— as good
as done. P The election is in the bag
unless the voters find out about my
past. 2. mod. пьяный P Kelly looks
like he is in the bag. О John is in the
bag and mean as helL
in the black mod. доходный; финан­
сово устойчивый; не в долгах Р Now
that the company is in the black, there
is a good chance it wilt become a deal
stock. О We’re in the black now and
making a profit.
In the buff mod. обнажённый P
You-know-who sleeps in the buff. P
You can save hundreds of dollars in
a lifetime by not buying pajamas
and sleeping in the buff insteadin the catbird seat mod. в преи­
мущественной или контролирующей
позиции Р Sally is in the catbird
seat— telling everybody where to go. P
I hold all the aces. I'm in the catbird
in the chip mod. богатый, “при ден­
ьгах” P
in the chips this
month. Let’s go squander it. О I f I
was in the chips, I ’d buy a jag,
in the d riv e r’s se a t mod. управляю­
щий, контролирующий P She’s just
not com fortable unless she’s in the
driver's seat. О I ’m in the driver's seat
now, and I get to decide who gets raises.
in the groove
in the g ro o v e mod. спокойный; при­
ятный и восхитительный (С м .
groove.) О Man, is that combo in the
groove tonight! □ Get in the groove!
in the gun mod. пьяный (См. тж.
shot.) □ Ted is in the gun again. О
When Fred is in the gun, he's mean.
in the hole mod. в долгу о Looks like we
are in the hole again this month. □ We
always end the month in the hole.
in the (home) stretch mod. в по­
следней стадии (Из скачек.) □ We’re
in the home stretch with this project
and can't change it now. □ We’re in
the stretch. Only three more days till
we graduate.
in the hopper mod. обрабатываемый;
в очереди на обработку О Your job is
in the hopper, and your turn is next.
О I f s in the hopper. Г II get to it.
in the know mod. знающий (чтолибо); осведомлённый о чём-либо
тайном □ Ask Harry. He’s usually in
the know. □ Sure I ’m in the know. But
I ’m not telling.
in the ozone mod. пьяный или опь­
янённый наркотиком □ We were in
the ozone, but we still made a lot of
sense. О Four beers and Tom is in the
in the pink 1. mod. хорошо себя
чувствующий; в хорошем располо­
жении духа □ I'm in the pink today.
Feeling great. □ When she’s in the
pink again, she’ll give you a ring. 2.
mod. пьяный □ Tod is in the pink
and singing at the top of his lungs. □
When he's in the pink, he's a handful.
in the pipeline mod. отложенный;
ожидающий, в очереди □
papers are in the pipeline somewhere.
You shall just have to wait. □ There’s
a lot of goods still in the pipeline.
That means no more orders for a
in there mod. искренний, приятный □
Martha is really in there. Everybody
likes her. □ I like a guy who’s in
there— who thinks about other people.
in the sou p mod. в неприятностях □
Now you’re in the soup, о I ’m in the
soup with the boss.
in the sud s mod. пьяный □ Fred is in
the suds and can't see. О When Bob is
in the suds, he’s mean.
in the tube 1. mod. на гребне большой
волны (Серфинг.) □ Tod is in the
tube and looks great. □ On d day like
today, I want to be out there in the
tube. 2. mod. рискующий □ H e's in
the tube now, but things should
straighten out soon. □ I f you find
yourself in the tube in this matter, just
give me a ring.
in thing to do n. то, ч т о модно или
принято делать (Всегда с the. См.
(п .) □ Cutting your hair shot on the
sides is the thing to do. □ Smoking is
no longer the in thing to do.
invite [ ’invait] n. приглашение (Про­
стонар.) □ Thanks for the invite, but
we can’t come. □ Let’s send an invite
to the Babbits.
I ow e you one. sent. “Благодарю. Я в
долгу у вас.” О Thanks. I owe you
one. □ You’ve been a big help. I owe
you one.
iron 1. n. ружьё, револьвер (Уго­
ловн.) □ Rocko never carries iron un­
less he's going to use it. □ What kind
o f iron do you carry? 2. n. компью­
терное оборудование, сам компью­
тер (См. тж. big iron.) □ What kind
o f iron are you people running over
there? О This is good old compatible
Irv и Ervine, Irvine n. офицер поли­
ции (Негрит. См. тж. Chtiflie I r vine.)i№ Irv is after you, : did you
know? □ Tell Ervine to go catch a
speeder or something.
It cuts two w ays. sent. “Есть и проти­
воположная сторона.” , “Вовлечено
двое.” □ You have to help, too. I t cuts
two ways. □ You have to help, too. It
cuts two ways.
It’s a deal. sent. “Решено.” О Okay,
man. It 's a deal. □ I f s a deal See you
at noon.
itsy-bitsy Cm. itty-bitty.
it’s your funeral! exclam. “Бели ты
это сделаешь,
отвечать за последствия.” □ G o if
you want. I t s your funeral! □ Go
ahead, swim to Cuba. I f s your
itty-bitty и itsy-bitsy
[ ’idi’bidi и
mod. маленький, кро­
шечный О What an itty-bitty car! □
Give me an itsy-bitsy piece. I'm on a
I wouldn’t know.
I’ve been there, sent. “Я по своему
опыту знаю, о чём ты говоришь.” □
know what you mean.
have been
there. □ I'v e been there. You don’t
need to spell it out for me.
I’ve got to fly. и l(’ve) gotta fly. sent.
“Я должен уходить немедленно.” □
Time's up. I ’ve got to fly. □ I'v e gotta
fly. See you later.
I've got to split, sent. “Я должен ухо­
дить немедленно.” □ See you later.
I ’ve got to split. U I'v e got to split.
Call my service.
ivories [ ’aivriz] 1. n. зубы (См. тж.
China.) □ I gotta go brush my ivories.
□ Look at those nice white ivories! 2.
n. клавиши фортепьяно (С тех пор,
когда клавиши делали из настоящей
слоновой кости.) □ She can really
bang those ivories. □ I 'd say she has
mastered the ivories.
ivory tower n. воображаемое место,
где обитают ушедшие от мира
учёные; “башня из слоновой кости”
О Why don’t you come out o f your
ivory tower and see what the world is
really like? □ Better yet, stay in your
ivory tower.
I w ouldn’t know. sent. “He знаю и не
могу знать” О I wouldn’t know. Ask
your mother. Where's the mustard? I
wouldn't know.
J. и jay n. сигарета с марихуаной; ма­
рихуана. (Парк. От первой буквы
слова joint.) □ Toss те a jay, huh? О
A jay is two clams.
ja bber [ ’d jx b # ] 1. n. бессмысленная
болтовня О Stop all this jabber and
get to work. □ I ’ve heard enough of
your jabber. 2. in. болтать □ Come
over and we'll jabber about things over
coffee. □ What are those kids jabber­
ing about? 3. n. наркоман, инъециру­
ющий наркотики (Нарк.) □ The
guy's a jabber. Look at those tracks. О
These scars show that the victim was a
ja b pop [ ’djaeb’pap] in. делать инъек­
цию наркотика (Нарк.) □ Gert war
jab popping when she died. P Jab pop­
ping is a ticket to cement city.
jack 1. n. деньги □ I don’t have the jack
for a deal like that. О How much jack
will it take? 2. n. табак для самодел­
ьных сигарет □ You got some jack I can
bum? □ I don’t use jack at all.
jackal n. низкий, подлый человек □
You are nothing but a slimy jackal! О
What does that jackal want here?
jack around in. тратить время! прох­
лаждаться □ Stop jacking around and
get bury. P The gang was jacking
around and broke your window.
jacked (out) mod. злой; раздражён­
ный P Boy was that old guy jacked
out at you. P Yup, he was jacked all
jacked up 1. mod. возбуждённый P
Don was really jacked up about the
election. P The gang was jacked up
and ready to party. . mod. аресто­
ванный (Уголовн.) P What time did
Bruno gel himself jacked up? P He
was jacked up at m id - night. 3. mod.
взволнованный; обеспокоенный P I
was really jacked up by the bad news.
P Don’t get jacked up. I f 11 work out.
4. mod. получающий удовольствие
от наркотика (Син. high.) Р H e’s
jacked up, and he may have O.D.ed. P
The poor kid is jacked up most o f the
time now.
jacket Cm. (yellow ) jacket.
jack som eone around и jack around
som eone tr. преследовать, трево­
жить или изводить кого-либо (Ср.
jerk someone around.) Р The IR S is
jacking my brother around, P The boss
was jacking around Gert, so she just
walked out.
jack som eone or something up и
jack up som eone or something 1.
tr. (c someone) мотивировать или
стимулировать кого-либо сделать
что-либо Р Г U jack him up and try to
get some action out o f him. О What
does it lake to jack you up? . tr. (c
something) поднимать цену P They
kept jacking the price up with various
charges, so I walked. P How can they
jack up the published price?
jack -up s n. капсулы барбитуратов
(Нарк.) P Walter took few jack-ups
and went on to work P Gert took her
jack-ups with whiskey. She’s gonna get
jag 1. n. автомобиль “Jaguar” P What
I really want is a jag. P How much
will a jag set me back? . n. запой;
состояние длительного алкогольного
или наркотического опьянения Р Is
he off on another jag, or is this the
same one? P One more jag will kill
her. Try to keep her away from the
stuff. 3. n. состояние растянутого
эмоционального перевозбуждения О
I'v e been on a jag and can't get my
work done. P She's off on a jag again.
Jane Q. Public
4. n. наркотическая эйфория (Син.
rush п. 5. Нарк,) О This stuff has no
jag at all. О How big a jag do you
ja gge d mod. пьяный P Man, is that
chick jagged! □ Lets go out and get
ja g party n. собрание, где употре­
бляют наркотики (Нарк.) о There
was a jag party scheduled at Freddy's,
but Irvine got wind of it. □ The jag
party ended in a bust.
jagster n. человек в запое; пьяница Р
Cary is a typical jagster. Drunk for a
week and sober for three. P There's
not a lot that a doctor can do for a
jagster like that.
ja i-b y -ja i
[ ’djai
“столько на столько” (Простонар.
О измерениях предмета. Всегда со­
провождается жестикуляцией.) Р
It wasn't very big. About jai-by-jai.
P The room was only jai-by-jai.
Not big enough to house two people.
ja|| bait Cm. (San Quentin) jail bait,
jake 1. n. мужская уборная P Where's
the jake? P The jake is around the
corner. 2. n. дурак (Обычно муж­
чина.) P Some loony jake told me we
are going the wrong way. P Who's the
jake in the plaid pants? 3. mod. хо­
роший; удовлетворительный P All
right? Then everything is jake. P I f
you get here by nine, i f be just jake.
4. n. незаконное спиртное (Времена
сухого закона.) О You know where I
can get some jake? P Why, there’s no
jake around here. There's a law
against it, you know.
jam 1, n. проблема; неприятность P I
hear you’re in a bad jam. P Well, its
not a bad jam. 2. in, (для му­
зыкантов) импровизировать вместе
Р They jammed until the neighbors
complained. P Come over and lefs
jam, okay? 3. n. кокаин (Нарк.) P
Anybody got a little jam? P There's no
амфетамины (Нарк.) P That kid ac­
tually shoots jam. P Is there a lot of
jam in this neighborhood? 5. tr. & in.
в баскетболе— отправить
корзину (Син. slam dunk.) □ Не
tried to jam it, but blew it. P Andy
broke the goal by trying to jam. 6. n. в
баскетболе— действие,
отправляют в корзину (Син. slam
dunk.) Р The jam didn't work, and
Fred’s team got the ball P One more
jam for Wilbur!
Jamaican (gold) n. крепкая марих­
уана с Ямайки (Нарк.) Р She says
its Jamaican gold, but I ’ll bet you it’s
domestic. P Real Jamaican costs more
than this.
jambled [ ’djasmbjd] mod. ньяный P
Jerry was too jambled to stand up. P
L e ts go out and get good and jambled.
jammed [ ’djaemd] 1. mod. арестован­
ный (Уголовн.) □ Bruno got jammed
for speeding. P When did he get
jammed? 2. mod, пьяный P I ’m a
little jammed, but I think I m n still
drive. P They were jammed by mid­
night. 3. См. следуют, вокаб.
jammed up 1. и jammed mod. в не­
приятностях P
H e got himself
jammed up with the law. P I'm sort of
jammed and need some help. 2. mod.
наевшийся или напившийся P Г т
jammed up. I can't eat another bite. P
After dinner, I am so jammed up that
need a nap. 3. mod. (человек) пе­
редозировавший наркотики (Нарк.)
Р Не gets high, but never jammed up.
P Tod is jammed up and out o f com­
mission for a while.
jamming mod, превосходный □ This
music is really jamming. P What a
jamming class session.
jampacked и jam -pack ed mod. пол­
ный P This day has been jampacked
with surprises. P The box was jam­
packed with goodies.
jam s Cm. (jim -)ja m s.
jan [d jx n ] n. январь (Биржев. Во
фьючерсных сделках.) Р The bean
futures for jan fell out of bed yester­
day. P Are these figures jan or March?
jane 1. n. марихуана (Нарк.) P You
god any jane? P M ax has jane coming
out of his ears. 2. n. женская уборная
(Син. ruth п. 1.) P Where’s the jane
around here? P The jane is upstairs.
Jane Doe I’djen ’do] n. общие наз­
вание женщины (Ср. John Doe.) P
A Jane Doe was pulled out of the river
this morning. P There was an accident
involving a Jane Doe.
Jane Q. Public I’djen ’ kju 'pobiikj n.
общие название средней” женщи­
ны (Ср. John Q. Public.) P And what
does Jane Q. Public think about all
this? Я - Jane Q. Public doesn’t care at
java [ ’ djava] (j. к о ф е щ UiOw;about a
cup of java? О Some black java would
be real good.
jaw 1. n. болтовня □ Come over for a
jaw this weekend. □ Щ could use ш
good jaw with my old friend. 2. in.
болтать О Stop jawing and igetfl^r
work. П Come over, and we can jaw
for a while. 3. Cm. jawbone.
jaw bon e и jaw tr. пытаться убедить
(словесное) на кого-либо □ They
tried to jawbone me into doing it. □
Don’t jaw me. I won't do
jay Cm. J.
jay sm oke n. сигарета с марихуаной
(Парк. Смй.£,|:! П ЁМ ; had a jay smoke
hanging from his lower ; l,ip„ □ H e lit
up a jay smoke and smiled.
jazzed (up): 1. mod. жиной;упроворныйШши am jazzed up and И Д И
face life □ Those guys were jazzed
and ready for the game 2. mod. пья­
ный или опьянённый наркотиком □
Dave was a bit jazzed up, but not ter­
ribly. □ Gert was jazzed out of her
mind. 3. mod. у с и л е ^ ^ ^ ; с до­
бавлением чего-либо □ The. third uct
was jazzed up with a little skin. О
.у was jazzed enough to have the police
chief around asking Questions. 4. mod.
поддельный или изменённый '■{ щ :.
ловн См tinseled.f □ This check is
'<jazzed. Deep six ff/ □ Better not try to
cash a jazzed check at this bank.
jazz som eone or something up и jazz
up som eone or something tr. делать
что-либо или кого-либо более В )и влекательным, сексуальным, совре­
менным □ Let's jazz fhis'.up (i little
bit. □ They jazzed up the old girl till
she looked like a teenager. □ Dotft
■jazz up the first number too tnuch
jazzy M djseiHi mod. стимулирую щ ий;
п р и влек а тельн ы й □ That's a jazzy
sweater you got. □ He’s a real jgzzy guy,
J.C.L. Cm. Johnnie-conw-lately..
J.D. 1. n. виски ‘^Jack Daniels'"” □ He
poured a little J.D. into a glass, set it
aside, and drank allt of what H'aswi;
'i’ythe bottle. О Then he poured the glass^
of J.D. back into the bottle. 2. n. a
Ж juvenile deHnquenglM малолетний
правонарушитель □ Some J.D. broke
my window. □ The J.D.s are talcing
over the neighborhood.
J. Edgar (Hoover) [ ’dje ’tdga- (huvir)ffl
n. полиция; офицер Ф Б Р (Уголовн.)
В Ц M ax got out of town when he heard
that th% %. Edgars were, on his tail. fM
Well, J. Edgar Hoover, looks like you
got me!
je ege e См
J eep ers(-creep ers)l
exclam. “Oo!” □ Jeepers—creepers!
I ’m sorry! WJeeoers. she’s wonderful!
jeff [djEf] 1. п. белый человек (Во
всех значениях первонач. негрит. От
AjefferSon Д а ^ р ^ Ь е н ц и а л ьнб ,3? » - ;
зит.) □ The jeffs are coming around
more often. Whafs up?- □ Those jeffs
like you, man. .уЩ. скучный, ста­
ромодный человекВСин, square « .
l i S r t o jeff bugs me. □ Don't be a
jeff, man! 3. tr, убеждать -Или обманывать ког^-либо О $he guy tried
to jeff me! □ You’re just jeffing us! 4.
in. вести себя как белый человек □
Cool it man; stop your jeffing. О I ’m
jel [djel] n. дурак (у которого в
голове; “Jello
(желатин) вмеЙрЬ
мозгов) □ The glia's a jel. Forget him.
О Oh, Wallace, don't act like such- й
jellies Cm. jelly shoes.
jelly babies n. амфетамины в таблет' как или капсулах (Нарк. Син. jelly
bean.) О You got any jelly babies? P
Is there much o f those jelly babies in
thw neighborhood?
jelly sh o es и jellies, jelly san d als n.
разноцветные туфли из мягкого, гиб­
кого пластика (От jelly bean.) □ I f m
Щ о о cold to wear jelly shoes. □ ' Jellies
will crack in this weather.
jerk n .. глупый или бесполезный че- ■'
Иловек (Теперь, и о м у ж ч и н а х » о
, женщинах.) П :;Щгаt m l a n y j‘erk!', P
You are such n classic jerk!
jerk around in. тратить время □ Stop
jerking around and get to work. О All
you do ij jerk around. Get a move on!
jerker 1. n. пьяница; алкоголик (См.
jerker.) □ Some of the jerkers have me
D.T.&jlMAsk the jerker to come in and
have, a drink. 2. n. закоренелый
кокаинист (Нарк.) ,Q The new guy is
a jerker. You can see it in his eyes. □
The jerkers who need immediate treat­
ment are sent from E.R. up to detox.
jerks n. белая горячка О The old guy.
has the jerks. □ What can they do for
the jerks—other than hospitalize the
jerk som eone around и jerk around
som eone tr. тратить чье-либо вре­
мя; беспокоить кого-либо □ Stop
jerking те around and give me my
money back. □ They sure like to-jerk
around people in that musicjshop.
jerkwater mod. незначительный;:>(жсталый (См. тж. one-horse town.) □
Pm, from a little jerkwater tow iS m h e
Midwest. □ He's sort of the jerkwater
jerry-built mod. н е ук лю ж и й и плозсщ;
построенный (Т ж . ф игурально-.) □
L'/ hn и, on Qld;,jetr^bui!t^ic^eiibiid we
love it. □ The lawyers case was jerrybuilt, but the ’jury bought'it anyway.
Jesus! и Jeez! ЩТ djizas и ’ d jiz] ex­
clam. “ Господи!” (H e упоминай имя
Божье всуе!) □ Jesus, with a;jerk! □
Jesus! J'ni late.
Jesus boots* n. сандалии (lie ущоминай
Божье всуейШ/етад bools
are okay in the Summer. О Who isi.the
kook in Jesus boots?
jet n. гидрохлорид кетамина, нар­
котик , подобный Л С Д (Н а р к .) О
Now he’s trying to get kids to use jet
instead of acid. □ , ГрЩ}. that green
jet-set и. jet-setters n. богатые моло­
дые ;'люди, перелетающие с одного
курорта на другой на реактивных
самолетах □ The jet-set doesn;t come
here anymore. □
Jet-selters have
turned to other kinds of excitement.
jibe [djaib] in. соглашаться; подхо- Дить; быть в гармонии (Ср. track.) □
\),’Уоиг: story just doesn't jibe with the
facts. P These things just don’t jibe.
jiffy |’.djifi I n. очень короткое время
■ (См. in a jiffCy).) □ That was a pretty
long j i f f f j had towiffiifjMiJust a jiffy.
I 'l l be there.
‘jig* (’djigjBtr. & in. совокупляться i|
кек-либо I l ’noTp.
остор.щр He's
telling everybody that he didn't jig her.
She's claiming they jigged twicp..-.^
jigalorum и jigam aree [djiga’loram и
djignmn’ri] n. устройство;. штучка;
безделушка □ Now, put this1little, j i galorum over the end, and you've got a
perfect and efficient little jigamaree. a
•This’jigamaree is broken.
jigamy [ ’djigami] п. Слово, употребляе­
мое вместо забытого названия □
Where is that jigamy I use for opening
paint cans? □ I put that jigamy away the
last time I used it
jigger 1. п. порция виски (Стандарт­
ное обозначение мерного стаканчика
для виски-.) О How about another jig­
ger of that shine? О Okay, I ’ll have a
jigger. 2. n. сигарета □ , You got a jig­
ger I can bum? □ Here’s ’a pack of jig­
gers. Help, yourself. 3. n. устройство;
штучка; безделушка □ T.oss me one
o f those copper jiggers there in the
box. О This kind of jigger?
jiggered 1. mod. проклятый P Get
that jiggered cat out of Ь е ге !Щ ш е ;
I ’ll be jiggered! 2. mod. пьяный (См.
jigger.)^ Q Tod was more than just a
, little jiggered. □ Tod was too jiggered
to stand up.
jiggus и jiggum [ ’djigas и ’djigam] n.
устройство; штучка; безделушка □
Toss me that jiggus, wi&you? □ Do
<yau want this jiggum or that one?ktL'ij
jig is up phr. “игра окончена” ;.-“з а т ­
вор раскрыт” ;(Всегда с the.) О Okay,
you kids. The jig s up! □ Who says the
jig is up?
jiilion [ ’ djiljanj n, Н еопределённо
очень большое число □ I'v e got а
- lipn things to tell you. □ This car cost
me About a jiilion bucks.
(jim -)jam s и jimmies [ ’djim ’djaemz и
’djimiz] 1. n. депрессия; нервный при­
падок □ He gat the jim-jams whenever
he went our. О This kind of movie gives
me the jimmies. 2. n. белая горячка;
похмелье □ When the jim -jam s began,
I knew I'm gone too far. □ The jimmies
nearly tore him apart.
jimmies См. прсдыдущ. вокаб.
jingle 1. n. состояние легкого опья­
нения □ H e hud a little jingle, but he
wasn’t even tipsy. О This stuff gives
me a little jingle, but that’s all . n.
запой О Jack was put on a jingle all
night. О The guys planned a big jingle
for Friday.: 3. n. звонок по телефону
■ '(См Ш ж Й 'Й ^Й Щ ОйЙдае a jingle
when you get into town. □ I got
: jingle from Gert today.
jingled mod. пьяный □ She was a little
jingled, but not worse than that. D
Let’s go out and get good and jingled.
jingler n. пьяница; алкоголик П The
jinglers have taken over the streets. □
Where do all these jinglers sleep?
jitters [’djida-z] n. нервная дрожь
(Всегда с the.) О I get the jitters when
have to talk in public. □ Too much
booze gives me the jitters.
jive [djaiv] 1. n. наркотики; мариху­
ана (Нарк. Негрит. См. тж. gyve.) □
Stop using all that jive all the time. □
That jive is gonna be the and of you.
2. n. ответная реплика □ Cut the
jive, man! □ D on't you give me any of
that jive! 3. n. ложь; обман; чепуха
□ N o more of your jive. Talk straight
or don’t talk. D I'v e listened to your
jive for years. You’ll never change. 4.
mod. обманчивый; неискренний □
Don’t give me all those jive excuses. □
listened to her little jive speech and
then fired her.
jiv e -a s s * mod. глупый (Негрит. Употреб. с остор.) О You can tell that
jive-ass jerk to forget it. □ Don’t pay
any attention to that jive-ass jeff.
jivestick и gyvestick n. сигарета с
марихуаной (Нарк.) □ M ax flipped a
jivestick to Bruno and smiled. □ H e
had a gyvestick stuck behind his ear.
jive talk n. сленг; жаргон; современ­
ный жаргон □
like to hear jive talk.
I t s like trying to work a puzzle. □ He
stands by the window with a pad of
paper and takes down the jive talk he
jive turkey n. дурак □ What jive turkey
made this mess? □ Get that jive turkey
out o f here!
jo b n. пьяница □ What does this old
job want besides a drink? О Give the
job a drink and make somebody happy
jobber и jo bby [ ’ d ja b a и ’ djabi] 1. n.
устройство; штучка; безделушка □
Where is the little jobber I use to
tighten this? □ D o you mean this little
jobber? 2. n. процесс испражнения
(Детск.) О Don't forget to jobber,
Jimmy. □ Mommy, I gotta jobby.
jober a s a s u d ge [ ’ d job a sez э ’ sod;]
mod. трезвый (Намеренный спунеризм на sober as a judge.) □ M e? I ’m
as jober as a sudge. □ What I mean to
shay is that I am shertainly as jober as
a sudge!
jock 1. n. атлет (См. strap. См. тж.
jockstrap п. 1. Теперь любого пола.)
□ The jocks are all at practice now. □
She’s dating a jock who has to be
home by ten. 2. n. атлетическое три­
ко □ Somebody dropped a jock in the
halL □ Whose jock is that out there on
Molly’s clothesline?
jockey и jocky n. наркотик, вызываю­
щий привыкание (Нарк. Потому что
наркотик управляет человеком, как
жокей лошадью.) О That jockey rode
her for years. □ She fought that jocky,
and it finally won.
jockstrap 1. и jockstrapper n. атлет
(От названия трико, которое носят
атлеты.) □ The jockstrappers are all
at practice now. □ Here comes one of
the best jockstrappers on the team. .
in. работать профессиональным ат­
летом □ I jockstrapped for a few years
and the lost my interest in it. о I
made a lot o f money jockstrapping.
joe 1. п. кофе □ How about a cup of
joe? О Yeah, a cup of black joe would
be great. 2. п. обычный, средний
мужчина О What does the everyday
joe make of all this nonsense? □ Do
you know even one everyday joe?
Joe Blow и Joe Doakes [ ’djo ’Ыо и
’djo ’doks] п. типичный или сред­
ний американец □ What do you think
Joe Blow really thinks about all this?
О According to surveys, Joe Doakes
can hardly read.
J o e Citizen [ ’ djo ’ sitosn] n. общее
обозначение среднего представителя
общественности (Ср. John Q. Public.)
□ Joe Citizen hasn’t spoken yet. О Joe
Citizen is watching T.V.
Joe College п. типичный или средний
студент колледжа О You sure look like
Joe College from the good old days. □
Joe College never had a computer or a
laser-powered record player in the good
old days.
Joe Doakes Cm. Joe Blow.
Joe Schmo [ ’djo ’jm o] n. глупый или
бесполезный человек □ Joe Schmo
doesn't really care. О L e t’s say Jog
Schmo wants a new car. What does he
Joe Six-pack n. средний парень,
чьи интеллектуальные запросы—
join up
в , шесть банок
(Употреб, тж- как показатель ин­
теллекта.) □
Joe Six-pack, likes
that kind of television program. □
A ll Joe Six-pack wants is a good
game on Т. V.
john 1. n. уборная; ванная □ Some­
body's in the John- 0 Is there another
john around here? 2. n, мужчина О
Some john was around asking for you.
P This john come up and asked if I
had seen the girl in a picture he had.
3, n. клиент проститутки D She ted
the john into an alley where Lefty
robbed him. n The john looked a little
embarrassed. 4. n, жертва преступ­
ления или обмана (Син. sucker п.
1.) О The john went straight to the
cops and told the whole thing- О Clob­
ber the john a good one when he turns
John Doe i’djan ’do] n. общее обоз­
начение мужчины (Ср. Jane Doe.) P
John Doe was the name at the bottom
, o f the check. p Oh, you m em John
Doe isn't his real name?
John Hancock n. подпись (От под­
писи Джона Хэнкока под Декларац­
ией о Независимости.) Р Put your
John Hancock right here, if you don't
mind. P Mr. Wilson's John Hancock
is worth about 30 million.
Johnnie-com e-lately и J .C .L n. ктолибо незнакомый с ситуацией; но­
вичок Р This Johnnie-come-lately
doesn't know what it was like in the
' old days. P I'm just a Johnnie-comelately, but I'm eager.
Jo h n n y -b e-go od n. офицер полиции
P Here comes Johnny-be-good, so be
good. P Johnny-be-good went through
my pockets.
Johnny Law и John Law n. полицей­
ский P Johnny Law is supposed to be
your friend. P John Law showed up
with a piece of paper that says you are
in trouble.
John Q. Public [ ’djan ’kju ’pablik] n.
общее название человек со средним
общественным мнением (Ср. Jane Q.
Public.) □ John Q. Public doesn't
seem to like the new tax forms. P
John Q. Public tends not to like regi­
Johnson* 1. n. предмет; вещь; нечто
(Негрит. См. jones п. 1.) Р What is
this johnson about you snitching? P
H e’s got this smack johnson riding
him. 2,* n, мужской член (Негрит.
Употр. с остор. От значения 1.) О
Zip up, or your johnson’II get out. P
H e covered his johnson and ran for
the dressing room. 3, и johnson
g ra ss n. марихуана; наркотики; лю­
бая контрабанда (Нарк- Негрит. См,
следующ. вокаб.) о
Is johnson
around here? P M e and johnson
gonna rap tonight.
johnson (grass) Cm. johnson.
joined at the hip mod, тесно связан­
ные (Как сиамские близнецы,) □
Those two are joined at the hip, They
qre always together, P Sam and Mar*
tha are joined at the hip.
joint* 1. n. таверна; подпольный бар
(Времена сухого закона.) Р Lefty has
his own joint over on 12th. P I wanted
to open a joint, but I don't have the
cash. 2. n. низкопробное заведение
(С и н , dive.) P L e t's get out o f this
crummy joint, P This joint bores me.
3, n. сигарета P You got a filter joint
on you? P Why are beggars being
choosers about their joints all of a sud­
den? 4 . Ei. сигарета с марихуаной
(Н арк. Ср. jointstick.) Р Н е always
has a jo in t with him. P The join t
wasn't enough to carry him very long.
5.* n. мужской член (У п о тр. с
остор.) Р Н е told some joke about a
joint, but people just turned away. P
H e covered his joint and ran for the
dressing room. 6. n. приспособления
для приготовления и введения
наркотиков (Н арк.) Р Н е keeps his
joint at his aunt's house. P H is aunt
found his joint and threw it out. 7. n.
спрятанные наркотики вместе с при­
способлениями для их употребления
(Н а р к .) Р H er joint was thrown out
accidentally. P What does a 12-yearold need with a jo in t anyway? 8. n,
тюрьма (Уголовн.) P Lefty just got
out o f the joint. P H e learned a lot in
the joint that he was anxious to try out.
jointstick n. сигарета с марихуаной
(Нарк.) Р Н е had a jointstick stuck
behind his ear. That was his signature.
P M ax sold the kid a jointstick made
o f ragweed.
join up in. пристраститься к наркоти­
кам (Нарк.) Р M ax is always trying
to get somebody to join up. □ Once
you join up in Marts club, you've got
to be nice to Max.
jojee и je ege e [ ’ d jo d ji и ’ d jid ji] n.
героин (Нарк.) □ M ax keeps a supply
of jojee somewhere in the Bronx. □
Jeegee is hard to stockpile I f s a real
joke tr. высмеивать кого-либо: под­
шучивать над кем-либо О Everybody
was joking ту roommate because of
her accent. □ Don't joke me, man. I
do the best I can.
joker n. мужчина; парень □ Who was
that joker I saw you with last night? □
Some joker was at the door selling
jollies n. возбуждение, напряжение;
сексуальное возбуждение (С и н .
kick.) О Н е got his jollies from skin
flicks. □ This gyvestick gives Ernie all
the jollies he wants.
jollop [ ’ d ja b p ] n. джулеп, спиртной
напиток (виски, мята, лёд) О She
poured a big jollop into each of the
glasses and then drank them one by
one. □ “Have another jollop,” she said
to herself.
jolly mod. пьяный; выпивший □
Everybody was jolly and singing by the
time the food arrived. □ Kelly was a
little too jolly, and her sister told her
to slow down.
jolly-well mod. определённо; точно □
You jolly-well better be there on time.
I jolly-well will.
jolt 1. n. степень крепости спиртного □
I t d o e s n 't have much o f a jo lt. О
Watch out. This stuff has quite a jolt.
2. n. порция, глоток крепкого спирт­
ного напитка □ Can you give те а
little jolt of shine? О H e knocked back
a jo lt and asked fo r another. 3. n.
порция или доза наркотика (Нарк.)
о How about a little jolt as a taste? □
A jolt costs. 4. n. наркотическое опья­
нение (Н а р к .) □ This stuff doesn’t
have much jolt. □ What kind of jolt do
you want?
jo n e s* 1. n. предмет; нечто (Негрит.
См. johnson п. 1.) □ There’s a big
turf jones down on the corner. D This
get-rich-quick jones will land you in
the joint, Lefty. 2.* n. мужской член
(Негрит. Употр. с остор.) □ Zip up,
man. You Want your joties getting out?
□ Cut out all this talk about jonesesl
3. n. пристрастие k наркотикам
(Негрит. Нарк. См. skag jones.) О
That jones is really riding that guy. □
He’s got a real bad jones with that
jo og [ ’djug] tr. ударить кого-либо
ножом (Уголовн.) □ Lefty jooged the
screw. □ Man, who'd you joog?
josh [djajj] tr. & in. высмеивать, на­
смехаться над кем-либо □ Stop josh­
ing. Be serious. □ You're just joshing
joybox n. фортепиано О Can you play
this joybox at all? □ Your joybox
needs some tuning.
joy dust и joy pow der n. порошок
сильного наркотика: кокаин, геро­
ин, морфин (Нарк.) □ There are old
houses in that part of town where they
sell joy dust to just about anybody
they recognize, even kids. □ Am y is
always trying to get hold o f some joy
joy flakes и joy dust n. порошкооб­
разный или кристаллический кока­
ин (Нарк. См. crack.) □ Is joy flakes
the same as crack? □ Joy dust is sort
o f crack without the press coverage.
joy juice n. спиртное; пиво □ Joy juice
makes Ted sad. □ Can I pour some
more of this joy juice?
joy pop in. вводить героин подкожно
рали удовольствия, а не для купи­
рования похмелья (Нарк.) □ What's
wrong with joy popping? □ She started
out joy popping, but the scars o f real
addiction looked like rows of buttons
up and down her arms when they
pulled her out of the river.
joy popper и joy rider n. кто-либо
употребляющий наркотики иногда
(Нарк.) □ You could see by her arms
she was a joy popper. □ Joy riders
don’t stay innocent for long.
joy powder C m . joy dust.
joy ride 1. n. запой; вечеринка □
There’s a little joy ride over at Tom’s
О Some joy ride! They ran out of
booze. 2. n. эйфория от наркотика
(Нарк.) □ This stuff is a real joy ride.
О Ernie's on a little joy ride right now
and can’t come to the phone. 3. n.
поездка, из которой пассажир жи­
вьём не возвращается (Уголовн.) □
M r. Big wanted Bruno to take M ax on
juice and beans
M i l j o y ride. □ You’re going on a little
trying to figure out how to get some
W 'jayfid ew ith me. Now, get moving.
more. □ H e's a jugger, and he will
||t?y rider Cm. joy popper.
never change.
joy sm oke и joy hemp, Joy root n.
jughead 1. n. дурак □ You can be such
' марихуана; сигарета с марихуаной
a jughead!
guess I ’m sort of a jugp j i a p K . ) □ Н е just wanted a little'■■•jjtfy
head lately. 2 n. пьяница
■ smoke.
Nothing serious.
jughead a drink. That’ll shut Ш тЩ к1
developed a fondness for joy root
□ You don’t see jugheads at parties as
ppjv/tt/e he was in Vietnam.
much as you used to.
joystick 1. n. трубка для курения опиjug man и ju g broad n.■наркоман, у
|||ума 'Шарк. .Устар.) □ I think that
которого для инъекций остались до­
. old man.- was married to '&• joystick
и when he war n little younger. □ Many
(Нарк. Man— мужской род, broad—
of the okl-time joysticks were very orженский род.) О When / got to be cl
IP P ffe .'"Zi:. n. сигарета с марихуаной;
трубка для марихуаны ;.-(H apfe)l||]J
screamed at me to stop. □ The jug
Bring your joystick over, and we?II do
broad finally bled to death trying:for
a big jolt.
mioritie bongs. □ Tod refused th ejoysjug wine n. дешёвое вино,' прода­
ЩМск, which surprised everybody; :
joy water n. спиртное; крепкое спиртющееся no объёму,обы чно гал­
j-' ное □ ' How about soine more joy
лонами □ We’re having a little do
& water?^lI N o more joy water for me,
tomorrow-nothing special. A.little jug
Kihdnks. ..
wine and chips. □ Can you stop by the
joy w eed й. конопля (Нарк. См.
juice shop and nick some jug wine?
The kids can even buy
“ i n. Спиртное; вино О L e ts go
; in school. □ Some little kids
get some, juice and get stewed. □ You
Щ %vei!i sell jt>y weed In school
got any juice in your room? 2. -in.
juane и juana [ ’wans] n. конопля;
напиваться (£м . jUiced (u p ).) □ Both
■ марихуана (Нарк. См. Mary Jane.) □
o f them were really juicing. □ Stop
Ш е had some juane on him when he was
juicing and listen to me 3. п. раствор
arrested. □ This juana is all dried out.
амфетамина для инъекций (Нарк.)
jug 1. n. тюрьма (Обычно с the.)' □
□ For some reason', juice has always
Щ^аке и easy. J don’t want to end up iit
been easy to get. □ Juice seems to be a
the jug. □ A couple of days in the jug
favorite with the college crowd. 4. n.
would do you fine. 2. n. бутылка спиейроп от кашля с кодеином (Нарк.)
, ртного; банка самогона; бидон пива
□ Kids take juice just for jun. □
; -П iswhere’s ту jug? I need a swig. О
Howard has some juice in his stash. 5.
1 ’ Pass her the jug, Sam. 3. и jug up In.
n. электричество & The juice has
напиваться (См. jugger.) □ L e fs jug
been off since dawn. □ Turn on the
up and have a good time. □ We jugged
iju’tce, and lefs see if .it runs. 6. ti.
Wjtibl-ahout noon and then went to sleep.
энергия; сила; власть политическое
n. стеклянная ампула с раствором влияние О The boss has the juice with
амфетамина для инъекций (Нарк.)
the board to make the necessary
f D His mother found a jug and look' Щ
changes. □ Dave left'the president's
I 1'to a drugstore to find out what it was.
staff because he’ just didn’t have the
S t y kid can get jugs just by asking juice anymore to be useful. 7. n.
фьючерсные сделки на апельси­
around. 5. n. ярёмная вена, в котоЁ иую вводят наркотики (Щ рк. От
новый' со* (Биржев. Обычно с the )
jugular.) □ Now Ernie has to take it
О The juice opened a little high today,
№in$ihe' jug.’.Q' H e’s even got scars on
but fell quickly under profit taking. □
his jugs.
It's time to sell the juice and buy bel­
lies. , I
ju gg ed (up) тШ.?'-пья)йЩ|!'0-.;^ р ;п о ?
jugged up. I ’m not even tipsy. □ Fred
juice and beans n. Сироп от- кашля (с
war too jugged to drive hotnei
кодеином)' й; снотворное (Нарк. См.
ju gg er n. алкоголик; пьяница О A
beans п. 3.,‘-jUice п. 4.) О A ll these
/•> couple of old juggers sat in the alley,
kids know where they can get juice and
juiced (up)
beans. О This Juice and beans stuff
can be found all over the city.
Juiced (up) и Juiced to the gills mod.
пьяный (См. juice.) □ L e fs go out
and get juiced up, Q Man, that chick
is really juiced,
juice freak n. кто-либо предпочитаю­
щий спиртное наркотикам (Нарк-)
Freddy is a juice freak. Не won't
touch dolls, o Juice freaks end up
with addictions, too.
juicehead и Juicer n. пьяница О Hank
is turning into a regular juicehead. P
The tavern is always filled with juicers
on Friday night.
juice house n. магазин спиртных
напитков (Негрит.) □
Would you
stop by the juice house for some foam?
P The juice house was held up last
juice joint if. бар, ночной клуб, любое
место, где подают спиртное (Вре­
мена сухого закона) □ His grand­
father ran a juk e joint during
prohibition. 0 The cops raided the
juice joints over and over,
juicer C m . juicehead.
Juice racket n. род вымогательства-’
проценты с процентов по ссуде
(Уголовн.) Р The cops got one o f the
leaders of the juice racket. □ The juice
racket is no picnic, I guess.
juice something back и juice back
something tr. употреблять алкоголь
□ H e's been juicing it back since noon.
□ Juice back your drink, and lefs go.
juicy mod. пьяный О Mary is just a
little bit juicy, I'm afraid. О She's so
juicy she can't stand up!
juju [ ’djudju] 1. n. сигарета с мари­
хуаной □ You got a spare juju? о
Ernie passed the juju to Molly. 2. n.
ампула с наркотиком (Нарк.) Р The
pushers call all pills “jujus." □ M ax
says that jujus are kid stuff
jump C m . jump (street),
jump all over som eon e и jump down
s om eon e's throat, jump on som e­
one in. жестоко бранить кого-либо
□ M y dad jumped all over me for
being late. □ Don’t jump down my
throat. I didn't do it,
jump bail tr. не явиться в суд по
повестке О Lefty jumped bail, and
now he’s a fugitive. □ Once you've
jumped bail, everybody is after you.
jump smooth in. оставить уголовную
деятельность (Уголовн.) О Freddy
jumped smooth just in time. О After a
night in the junk tank, I knew I had to
jump smooth
Jump start 1, n. запуск двигателя
автомобиля при помощи аккумуля­
тора другого автомобиля Р I got а
jump start from a friend. □ Who can
give me a jump start? Z. tr. запустить
двигатель автомобиля при помощи
аккумулятора другого автомобиля □
I can't jump start your car. M y battery
is low.
jump (street) n. начало (чего-либо)
(Тюремн. и уличн.) P I knew from
jump that you were going to be trouble.
О Way back or jump street. I spotted
you as a troublemaker.
jump the gun tr. начать слишком ра­
но: начать до сигнала к старту □
Don’t jump the gun again. Wait till I
tell you. О The secretary jumped the
gun and gave out the letters too soon.
jumpy mod. нервный P I 'm a little
jumpy today, and I don't know why, P
Now, don't be jumpy. Everything will
be all right.
jungle n. реальный мир; жестокий
мир Р The place is a jungle out there.
You’ll grow up fast out there, P Once
you’re out in that jungle, you'll appre­
ciate home more,
jungled mod. пьяный (От jungle juice.)
P Tod is a little jungled. P H e was
jungled before he came here.
jungle juice n. самогон; любое креп­
кое спиртное Р This jungle juice will
knock you for a loop. P Jungle juice
will do in a pinch
juniper juice n. джин (От можже­
веловых ягод, которыми ароматизи­
руют джин.) Р Н е just lived for his
daily ounce o f juniper juice. P M olly
used to like juniper juice before she
went on the dust.
junk 1. и. спиртное: низкокачест­
венное спиртное □ Pour this junk
down the drain and get me something
good. P After a while the derelicts
grow to prefer junk. 2. tr. выбросить,
избавиться от чего-либо Р Junk this
thing. It ’s broken, p I can’t junk it.
I t s the only one I have 3. n.
наркотики (Нарк.) P You don’t have
to go downtown to buy junk anymore
D You can get junk on any street
junk bond n. акционерное общество
или фирма, выплачивающее боль­
шие дивиденты из-за большого рис­
ка прогореть (Игра на junk food.) □
D on't put all your money into junk
bonds. О Junk bonds pay a lot o f in­
Junk connection n. человек, знаю­
щий, где и как можно достать нар­
(Нарк.) □ Who is M ax’s junk con­
nection? □ Ernie has no fixed junk
junked (up) mod. опьянённый нар­
котиком □
Fred has never been
junked up even once. □ Paul came in
junked this morning.
junker 1. n. торговец наркотиком
(Нарк.) □ M a x is the best-known
junker in the area. □ The junkers all
belong behind bars. 2. n. наркоман
(Нарк.) □ Molly is a full-fledged
junker now. □ Once you're a junker,
i f s hard to jump straight.
junker man n. курильщик марихуаны
Ernie is a junker man. H e doesn't
like the juice. □ Can you imagine a
-yea r-old junker man?
junk fo o d n. жирная, солёная, несба­
лансированная по питательным ве­
ществам пища из ресторанов
быстрого обслуживания □ Stay away
from junk food. I f s bad for you. О Junk
food tastes good no matter how greasy it
junk heap n. старый, разваливаю­
щийся автомобиль; старый, разруша­
ющийся дом О They lived in that
junk heap for 30 years and never
painted it. О Why don't you fix up
that junk heap?
junk hog См. следующ. вокаб.
Junkhound и junk hog n. наркоман
(Нарк.) D Gert became a shameless
junkhound. О The junk hogs are
taking over this neighborhood.
Junkie и junky [ ’djagkl] 1. n. торговец
наркотиками (Нарк.) □ Max is о
junkie. О Junkies should be put into
the jug. 2. n. наркоман (Нарк.) □
The junkies can be helped, you know.
□ Junkies have to steal to support
their habits.
Junk mail n. назойливая, раздража­
ющая реклама по почте □ A ll we got
was junk mail today. О I read every­
thing that comes in the mail, even the
junk mail.
junk peddler и junk pusher n. тор­
говец наркотиками (Нарк.) □ There
is only one major junk peddler around
here. D M ax is a very wealthy junk
junk pusher См. предыдущ. вокаб.
junk squ ad n. отряд полиции по
борьбе с наркотиками (Уголовн.) □
The junk squad has more than it can
handle trying to keep up with the hard
stuff. □ We need a bigger junk squad
in this part o f town.
junk tank n. тюремная камера, где
содержат наркоманов (Ср. drunk
dank.) □ That junk tank is a very
dangerous place. □ Nobody sleeps in
the junk tank
junky C m . junkie.
just off the boat mod. недавно эми­
грировавший в СШ А, и предполо­
жительно доверчивый и наивный
(См. F.O.B.) □ I'm not just off the
boat. I know whafs going on. □ He
may act like he's just off the boat, but
he?s all right.
just the ticket n. именно то, что пре­
восходно подходит D This little jigger
is just the ticket. О A nice cup o f tea
will be just the ticket.
just what the doctor ordered n.
именно то, что необходимо □ This
nice cool beer is just what the doctor
ordered. □ A nice chat with friends is
just what the doctor ordered.
juvie [ ’djuviJ 1 .n . офицер полиции,
работающий с несовершеннолетними
(У г о л о в н .) Р I 'm a ju v ie in the
Shakespeare district. О The juvies have
to know juvenile law cold. 2. n. под­
росток до 18-ти лет (Уголовн.) □ I
work with juvies a lot. I try to get them
back on the track. О They brought in a
juvie and charged him with shoplifting.
3. mod. детский О That was sort of a
juvie thing to do. □ D o n 't be so juvie.
О She still has a lot of juvie attitudes.
К. [ke] 1. и kee, key, ki [ki] n. кило­
грамм конопли (Нарк.) □ You want
a whole K ? □ Well, how much is a ki?
2. n. гидрохлорид кетамина, нарко­
тик, подобный Л С Д (Нарк.) □ You
want to try this JC stuff? □ What is
this K. anyway? 3. n. тысяча (чеголибо: долларов, байт и т.д.) □ This
car is worth at least 20 К. О J have
640 К. memory in my computer.
kack и kak in. опустошать желудок;
блевать □ I thought I was going to
kack when I saw that stuff. О Some­
bodys in the jake kaking.
kafooster [ka’fusto] n. чепуха □ We
have heard enough of your kafooster.
This kafooster about me being a
cheater is too much.
kajody [ka’djodi] n. устройство, вещь,
штучка □ Now, put this kajody right
into this slot. □ Toss me a clean
kajody, will ya?
kaka Cm. caca.
kangaroo court 1. n. фальшивый или
незаконный суд О Is this a news­
paper office or a kangaroo court? О
You have turned this interview into a
kangaroo court. 2. n. легально соз­
ванный суд, действующий неспра­
ведливо О “Let те out of this
kangaroo court,” muttered Fred. О
The judge held Fred in contempt for
calling the proceedings a kangaroo
karma [’karma] n. ощущение, чув­
ство, аура (Син. vibes.) □ There's
bad karma here, о She had this ex­
quisite karma that attracts everyone.
K au ai (ele ctric ) [ ’k a w a i...] n, вид
м арихуаны , предполож ительно с
Гавайских островов О I s this real
Kauai electric? □ Sure, this is real
kayo См. К О .
kee См. K.
keef и kef kif [kif] n. конопля (Hapk.
Из Арабск.) □ Don’t even mention
keef around that guy. H e kills for it. О
The stuff they call kif is just plain old
keep cool in. оставаться спокойным □
Now, keep cool. I t s going to be all
right. О Just keep cool, man. Chill.
keeper n. что-либо, что следует ос­
тавить (из-за хороших качеств) □
This fish is a keeper. Throw the others
out. □ The chipped one is not a
Keep in touch, sent. “До свидания.”
(Иногда саркастическая форма про­
щания с неинтересным человеком.)
□ Nice talking to you. Keep in touch
0 Sorry, we can't use you anymore.
Keep in touch
keep o n e ’s cool tr. сохранять спо­
койствие и самообладание (См. keep
cool, lose one’s cool.) □ Relax, man!
Just keep your cool. □ I t s hard to
keep your cool when you’ve been
keep o n e’s head right tr. сохранять
контроль над собой (Негрит.) □
Chill, man, chill. You’ve got to keep
your head right. P I can keep my head
right. I ’m mellow.
keep o n e’s nose clean tr. остере­
гаться неприятностей с законом □
Okay, chum. Keep your nose clean. □
1 can keep my nose clean. Don’t
Keep on trucking, sent. “Делай то,
что делаешь.” □ See ya, man. Keep
on trucking. □ Keep on trucking.
Things'll get better.
Keep out of this! exclam. “Займись
своим делом!” , “H e твое дело!” О
This is not your affair. Keep Out of
this! □ Keep out of this! I 'l l settle it.
Keep the faith (baby)! exclam. общее
выражение поддержки или соли­
дарности □ You said it! Keep the
faith, baby! О Keep the faith! See ya
K eep your hands to yourself. 1. sent.
“ H e трогай чуж ие вещ и .” , “ H e
трогай хрупкие вещи.” (Говорят ре­
бён к у .) □ You can look, but d o n 't
touch Keep your hands to yourself. □
Put that down and keep your hands to
yourself. 2. sent. “He толкай и не бей
других детей.” (Говорят ребёнку.) О
Jimmy! Leave him alone and keep your
hands to yourself. О Keep your hands
to yourself when you go to school. 3.
sent. “ Интимны© ласки не раз­
реш ены .” (Говорят взрослым, об­
ращаясь обычно к муж чинам.) □
Keep your hands to yourself, Buster. □
Just keep your hands tn yourself or
take me home.
Keep your pants on! См. следующ.
Keep your Shirt on! и Keep your
pants on! exclam. “Подождите ми­
нутку!” О I'll be right with you. keep
your shirt on! □ Keep your pants on!
You're next.
keester и keyster, kiester [ ’kisfcr] 1.
n. сундук; небольшой плоский чемо­
дан □ The old lady was hauling the
most enormous keester. □ The keester
was full of cash. 2. n. ягодицы □ Get
your keester over here! О H e fell flat
on his keester.
kef Cm. keef.
keg 1. n. один килограмм конопли
(Нарк.) □ M a x has a good price on
a keg. О How long will a keg last? 2.
in. обращать особое внимание □
You’re not kegging. I 'l l try it again. □
Keep kegging, you guys! This is im­
k egger 1. n. вечеринка, где пиво по­
дают в бочонке (Подрост, и сту­
денч.) О Tiffany is having a kegger,
and a few o f her intimates ore invited.
□ Isn’t there a kegger somewhere
tonight? 2. и k eggers n. бочонок
пива (Студенч.) О We need another
kegger. I t s only 9 o’clock. □ We
came here because somebody said
there was keggers.
keg party n; вечеринка, где подают
спиртное, особенно пиво □ There is
a free keg party at Freddy's. □ The
keg party ended early owing to the ar­
rival of uninvited nubs.
keif Cm. keef.
keister Cm . keester.
Ken doll n. барбитурат в таблетках
или капсулах (Нарк. См. Barbie
doll.) □ She liked to dope up on Ken
dolls. □ She takes Ken dolls with
Kentucky blue n. марихуана (Нарк.
От “Kentucky bluegrass.”) □ No, I
don't have Kentucky blue. I ’m a
pusher, not a travel agent. □ Many of
the terms for pot are really puns, like
“Kentucky blue." I t s just another way
of saying grass.
Kentucky Corn n. кукурузное виски;
самогон (Простонар.) О Kentucky
corn is what Jed makes back in the
woods. О H e has a jar of Kentucky
corn behind the closet door.
Kentucky tried mod. пьяный (П р о ­
изводное от “ fr ie d .” Основано от
торговой марки “ Kentucky Fried
Chicken.” ) □ Man, is that guy really
Kentucky fried! □ I'v e never seen any­
body so down right Kentucky fried an six
key См. K.
keyed (up) 1. mod. нервный, возбуж­
дённый, взволнованный О Sally was
a little keyed up before the meet. О
When I get keyed, I meditate. 2. и
keyed up to the roof mod. пьяный
или опьянённый наркотиком □ Не
was a mite keyed, but still technically
sober. О She was so keyed up she
could hardly stand up.
key fig u r e n. важная, центральная
персона в происходящем; ключевая
фигура □ Wally is a key figure in the
investigation. □ Bruno is not exactly a
key figure, but he can lead us to M r.
key grip n. начальник рабочих кино­
съёмочной группы (Кинопроизвод­
ств.) О The key grip has a complaint
that could hold up production. □ What
is the key grip’s beef?
ki См. K.
kibosh [ ’kaibajj или ka’bajj] 1. tr.
покончить с чем-либо; разрушить
что-либо □ Please don’t try to. kibosh
the scheme this time. □ Fred kiboshed
our plan. 2. n. конец; финал; по­
следний удар (Обычно с the. См. put
the kibosh on something.) О The ki­
bosh was a real corker. □ They thought
the kibosh was overdone.
kick 1. n. приятное чувство, удоволь­
ствие, наслаждение от чего-либо
(См. get a kick out of someone or
something at get a bang out of some­
one or something.) О That song really
gives me a kick. I love it! О What a
kick that gives me! 2. n. эмоциональ­
ный и физический подъём от при­
ёма наркотика или спиртного □ This
stuff really has a kick, о The kick
nearly knocked Harry over. 3. tr. доб­
ровольно отказаться от употребле­
ния наркотиков (Нарк.) О I knew I
had the guts in me somewhere to kick
juice. □ It’s hard to kick that stuff. 4.
n. жалоба О Whafs the kick, man? О
You got another kick, troublemaker? 5.
in. жаловаться о Why are you always
kicking? □ Ernie kicks about every­
thing. 6. C m . kicks.
kick around C m . knock around.
kick back 1. in. расслабиться (и по­
лучить удовольствие от чего-либо)
Now you just kick back and enjoy
this. О I like to kick back and listen to
a few tunes. 2. n. получение денег в
благодарность за услуги; взятка
(Обычно kickback.) □ The kickback
the cop got wasn't enough, as it turned
out. O You really don’t believe that the
cops take kickbacks! 3. in. (для
наркомана) возвратиться к употре­
блению наркотиков, после перерыва
с выходом из состояния наркотиче­
ского похмелья □ Gert stopped and
kicked back a number o f times. О
They may kick back a dozen times
before it takes.
kick cold (turkey) in. прекратить при­
(Нарк.) □ Molly tried to kick cold
turkey, but it was just too much. О
Kicking cold may be the only way to
do it.
kicked by a horse mod. употребляю­
щий героин (Нарк. См. horse.) О
Gert was kicked by a horse when she
was very young. О From the way Ernie
was nodding, you could see he had
been kicked by a horse.
kicker n. умное но язвительное заме­
чание; острая критика (Син. linger
п. 2.) □ I waited for the kicker, and
finally it came. □ The kicker really
made me mad.
kick freak n. человек употребляющий
наркотики, но не пристрастившийся
к ним (Нарк.) □ Ernie used to be а
kick freak, but all that has changed. О
Yeah, the kick freak, became a junky.
kickin’ { ’kikg] mod. дикий; превос­
ходный; прекрасный □ Your rally
was really kickin’. □ I don't know
where you get your clothes, but that
jackets kickin'.
kick in the guts n. жестокий удар (в
прямом или переносном смысле);
“удар ниже пояса” О The news was а
kick in the guts, and I haven't re­
covered yet. □ I didn't need a kick in
the guts like that.
kick in the (seat o f the) pants и kick
In the a s s *, kick in the butt*, kick in
the teeth n. выражение сильного
одобрения или требования (Употр. с
остор.) О All he needs is a kick in the
seat o f the pants to get him going. О A
kick in the butt will get her moving.
kick In the wrist n. порция спиртного
□ You want another kick in the wrist?
□ I 'l l take another kick in the wrist.
kick man n. продавец наркотиков
(мужчина) (Нарк.) □ M ax is every­
body s favorite kick man. О Go see the
kick man about some juana.
kick off 1. in. умирать □ We've been
waiting for years for that cat to kick
off. О The old girl finally kicked off.
2. in. спать для избавления от нар­
котического похмелья □ H e's in the
back room kicking off. О He?II have to
kick off for an hour or two.
kick party n. вечеринка, на которой
употребляют наркотики (Нарк.) □
The kick party broke up early with the
help o f Johnny-be-good. □ There was
a kick party at one of the crack
houses, and even little children went
kicks n. туфли, сандалии (Студенч.
См. тж. kick.) О Don't you dare wear
those kicks in here! О Take your kicks
off before coming in.
kick so m e a s s (a ro u n d )* tr. принять
командование и начать отдавать
приказы; поднимать шум (См. raise
hell.) a D o I have to come over there
arid kick some ass around? О Bruno is
fust the one to kick som e ass o ve r
kickstick и kick-stick n. сигарета с
марихуаной (Нарк.) О Gimme a hit
off your kickstick, okay? О Get your
Own kick-stick.
kick the bucket tr. умереть □ I'm too
■young to kick the bucket Q The car
тkicked the bucket last night.
kick the habit tr. добровольно отка­
заться от (любой) привычки, осо­
бенно от наркотиков □ She tried and
tried to kick the habit. □ it’s hard to
kick the habit
kick up a storm tr. нарушать покой;
проявлять гнев О М у dad will just
kick up a storm when he finds out. О
The demand made us all kick up a
kicky i’kiki] mod. волнующий; возбуж дающий; энергичный □ Man,
■ what a kicky idea! О She is a real
kicky gal.
kidney-buster 1. n. неровная или
просёлочная дорога □ This road is a
■kidney-buster. I wish they’d fix it. □
That kidney-buster damaged my car.
2. 11. неудобные или некачественные
сидения в автомобиле □ I have to
get this kidney-buster replaced. □
This kidney-buster is going to ruin
my back.
kid stuff n. марихуана, наркотик для
начинающих (Нарк.) □ That grass
is kid stuff. О He’s still using kid
kid-vid. J’kidvid] n. детское телеви­
дение; телепрограмму для детей О
K id-vid isn’t good for anything other
than selling cereal. О I don’t know.
1 K id-vid is fun.
kif S ee keef.
kill 1. tr. иметь успех у публики; очень
. хорошо исполнять на публике О She
realty killed them with that last joke. □
; She killed them, and they died with
laughter. 2. tr. съесть всё; выпить всё
О Kill this bottle so we c(in get another.
We fin a lly killed the last o f the
turkey. 3. tr. ту шить свет U Kill that
lightIQ Would you kill the ligfit so they
, can’t see we’re home? 4. tr. остановить
или положить конец чему-либо; не
допустить печатание рассказа в
газете о K ill that story, it’s gat too
many errors. Q this issue has gone to
press. Too late to kill it
killed (off) mod, пьяный или опья­
нённый наркотиком D The team went
out drinking and came home killed off.
О Man, were those guys kilted.
killer 1, n. сигарета начинённая мари­
хуаной (Нарк. См. killerstick.) D
How about a killer. Max? П He’s al­
ways smoking a killer. 2. n. очень
смешная шутка Q That last one was a
killer! О She told a killer about a red­
nosed juicer. 3. n, нечто необычное О
That jacket is a real killer! □ That car
is a killer. I like it! 4. mod. не­
обычный □ What a killer jacket you're
wearing! □ This is a killer hamburger
all right.
killer—dilier п. великолепная вешь или
человек □ She is just a real killerdiller. p This story is a real killerdilier.
killerstick n. сигарета с марихуаной
(Нарк.) О Н е had a killerstick in his
shirt pocket ready to light up when
school was out. □ Hey, peddle me a
killerstick. Max.
killer w eed 1. n. очень крепкая мари­
хуана (Нарк.) □ Wow, this stuff is
killer weed! О This killer weed is ore­
gano, I think. 2. п. фенциклидин,
P.C.P., транквилизатор для живот­
ных (Нарк.) □ Killer weed seems to
be a, favorite around here just now. a
Killer weed, K.J. — ifs all exactly the
same stuff.
killing n. крупный финансовый успех
Q Sally, made a real killing in the
stock market. О Fred made a killing in
real estate.
killjoy n. человек, одним своим при­
сутствием убивающий веселье (Син.
party-pooper.) О D on't be such a kill­
jo y ! □ Larry is such a killjoy when he
gets nervous.
killmequick и killemquick [ ’ kilmikwik
и ’ kilamkwik] n. крепкое спиртное;
неочищенное виски (Простонар.) □
Pour те a little o f that killmequick,
would yd? □ That killemquick will
knock your socks off.
kilo n. килограмм наркотика, обычно
конопли (Н арк.) О Tiffany wanted а
kilo for a party. □ How much is a
. .... _.....................................
kilo brick
kilo brick n. прямоугольный брикет
марихуаны весом приблизительно
один килограмм О How much profit
do these dealers make off a kilo brick?
□ A kilo brick of high Q. will really set
you back.
kilobucks n. огромная сумма денег
(См. тж. megabucks.) П These boon­
doggles waste kilobucks! □ How many
kilobucks does a set of wheels like that
kingdom w eed n. марихуана; мариху­
ана хорошего качества (Нарк.) О
M a x has something he calls kingdom
weed. I f s just pot. О Yeah, but king­
dom weed sounds better and more
King Grod [...grad] n. отвратитель­
ный, омерзительный мужчина (K aлифор.) □ You are just King Grod!
So gross! □ Ralph is almost King
King Kong pills и King Kong specials
n. барбитураты (Нарк. См. gorilla
pills.) О Watch out for those King
Kong pills. □ Don't mix these King
Kong specials with booze.
kingpin n. крупная фигура в органи­
зованной преступности (Уголовн.)
□ Mr. Big is not your typical kingpin.
H e likes to play the stock market, too.
D The drug kingpins are well pro­
kink 1. n. странный или жутковатый
человек О The guy’s a kink. Watch
out for him. □ There are kinks all over
this place. 2. n. человек с сексуал­
ьными отклонениями □ Не was а
kink, and I broke up with him. □ The
kinks congregate two streets over.
kinky 1. mod. относящийся к чемулибо странному или жуткому О The
guy is so kinky that everyone avoids
him. □ Who is that kinky dame in the
net stockings? 2. mod. относящийся к
или людям его исполняющим □ She
seems to have a morbid interest in
kinky stuff. □ H e showed her a picture
o f some kind of kinky sex thing.
kip in. спать □ He’s upstairs kipping.
Can he call you back? □ Hell kip for
about another hour.
kipe tr. украсть что-либо □ Where did
you kipe this thing? □ The punk kiped
a newspaper just for the heck o f it.
kiper [ ’kaip#] n. вор □ The punk is a
two-bit kiper and needs to be taught a
lesson. О You dirty little kiper. Give it
k is s -a s s * 1.* mod. прислуживающий;
раболепный (Употреб. с остор.) □
D on’t be such a kiss-ass jerk. Tell off
your boss. □ H e is a little kiss-ass
bastard who’ ll do anything to get
ahead. 2.* in. прислуживать, рабо­
лепствовать (Употр. с остор.) □ Stop
kiss-assing around and stand up to
your employer. □ That guy will kissass his way to the top.
kisser n. лицо; рот (См. тж. right in
the kisser.) □ I poked him right in the
kisser. □ There he stood with a bloody
kiss Mary и kiss Mari, kiss Maryjane
tr. курить марихуану (Нарк.) □ I ’m
gonna spend the evening kissing
Mary. □ Come over and let's kiss
k is s o f d e a th n. непосредственная
причина смерти кого-либо или чеголибо □ The ordinance was the kiss of
death fo r our budding jazz band. О
Your attitude was the kiss o f death for
your employment here.
kiss off 1. [ ’kis of] n. увольнение; по­
теря; расставание (Обычно k iss off.) О The kiss-off was when I lost
the Wilson contract. □ Tod got the
kiss off and is now looking for a new
job. 2. [ ’kis of] п. смерть (Обычно
k iss-off.) D When the time comes for
the kiss-off, I hope I ’m asleep. □ The
kiss-off came wrapped in lead and it
was instant. 3. [ ’kis ’of] in. умереть
П The cat is going to have to kiss off
one o f these days soon. О The cat
kissed off after 18 years of joy and
kiss som eon e or something off и
kiss off som eon e or something 1.
tr. (c someone) убить кого-либо О
Bruno had instructions to kiss M ax
off. О M ax wanted to kiss off Bruno,
too. 2. tr. (c something) забыть о
чём-либо; игнорировать что-либо О
Just kiss off any idea you might have
had about running for office. □ Just
kiss it off. You've lost your chance.
kiss som eon e’s a s s * tr. раболеп­
ствовать перед кем-либо; льстить и
заискивать перед кем-либо □ What
does he expect me to do? Kiss his
ass? О I won’t kiss your ass for any­
kiss something go o d b ye tr. прими­
риться с потерей чего-либо О Well,
you can kiss that
bucks goodbye.
□ I kissed my chance for success
k is s the b a b e и k is s th e b a b y tr.
выпить порцию спиртного О Не
stopped off at Freddy's place to kiss
the babe. О The guys are.fn the back
raoni kissing the baby.
kiss the dust tr. упасть на землю (по
причине смерти или сильного удара)
(В кинофильмах — вестернах. См.
•• "тж. bite'the dust.) □ I 'l l see that you
kiss the dust, before si^etsfyowboywm
You'll kiss the dust before I will. Sher­
kiss the porcelain god tr. опустошать
желудок; блевать О Н е fled the room
to kiss the porcelain god. I guess. О
Who’s in there kissing the porcelain
kiss up to som eone in. льстить комулибо; уступать кому-либо О I'm not
going to kiss up to anybody to get
whafs rightfully mine. О I f l have to
’'kiss up to her, I guess I will.
kissyface f|paijfeS] 1. n. поцелуй®/
There was a lot of kissyface going on
in the back seat. □ They're mostly in­
volved with kissyface at this age. .
mod. чувствующий потребность по­
целовать и принимать поцелуи □ I
'feel all kissyface. О They were both
sort o f kissyface, so they left.
kit n. оборудование дли приготовле­
ния и введения наркотиков (Нарк.)
□ Ernie laid his kit out and rolled up
his sleeve. □ The parole officer fouiid
the kit under Erniejs bed.
kit and caboodle S k it n ka'bud]] n.
всё; все части и имущество (Часто с
whole.) □ I wont you out o f here Я й (
and caboodle — by noon. 0 She
moved, in to sit/fa, kit,and caboodle. U
She plunked her whole kit and
caboodle right in my way.
kite 1. п. наркоман, который всегда
находится в состоянии эйфории от
наркотика (Игра на high.) □ The
guy's a kite. Н е won't make any sense
no matter what you ask him. о Gert
is a kite, and she's getting worse. .
tr, подписать необеспеченный чек®
увеличить сумму на чеке (Уголовн.)
Chuck made a fortune kiting
checks. □
H e kited a check for
$50,000. 3. n. необеспеченный чек
(Уголовн. См. fly kites.) □ H e 'f i ­
nally wrote one kite too many, and
they nabbed him. □ She passed kites
from one end of town to the other,
then dyed her hair, took off her
glasses, and did it aU. over again.
kited mod. пьяный (От “high as a
kite.”) □ Molly was too kited to see
her hand in front o f her. □ Both guys
were kited by midnight. ;
kitsch [kltsjj п. любая форма зрелища
и искусства: киноф ильм , книги,
пьесы — с ненорм альной попу­
лярностью; китч □ This kitsch sells
like mad in the big city. □ Most people
prefer kitsch to art.
kitschy [ ’kiwi] mod. примитивный и
крайне популярный; китчевый □ А
lot of people like kitschy art. □ This
stuff is too kitschy for me.
K,d. C m . krystal joint.
klepto I'klcpto] n. клептоман; человек
J‘ навязчивой идеей украсть чтолибо, обычно мелкие вещи Й, The
cops thought Gert was a klepto until
she showed them her receipts. □ The
jury awarded Gert five grand for being
falsely arrested as a klepto.
klotz C m . klutz.
kluck C m . cluck. '■
kludge и kluge [kladj или kludj] 1. n.
ошибка, небрежно сделанное место
в программе □ This is a messy
kludge, but ii will do the job. □ Kluges
that are invisible don't bother anybody,,,
. tr. исправлять, приводить в поря­
док компьютерную программу □ I
only have time to kludge this problem.
О The kid kluged a program for us in
an hour.
kludgy ( ‘k bdji или ’kludji] mod.'
относящийся к неэффективной или
небрежно написанной компьютер­
ной программе □ This program is too
kludgy •to be acceptable. О Who wrote
this kludgy mess? о I don’t care if it's
kludgy. Does it work?
klutz и klotz [klsts и klats] n. глупый
и неуклюжий человек □ Don’t be a
klutz! О Some klotz put mustard in
the stew. '■
klutzy [ ’ktatsi] mod. дурацкий; глу­
пый О That was really a klutzy thing
to do. □ You are so klutzyl D Whose
klutzy idea was this?
k n ee-deep in something mod. обла­
дающий большим количеством чеголибо (См. тж. up to one's knees.) □
We are knee-deep in orders and loving
it. О Right now, we are knee-deep in
knee-high to a grasshopper mod. (o
(Простонар.) □ I knew you when you were
knee-high to a grasshopper. □ I was
knee-high to a grasshopper when I
first heard that joke.
knee-jerk mod. рефлекторны й, бы­
стрый и бессознательный □ That was
only a knee-jerk response. Pay no at­
tention. О M y knee-jerk response is
that you should not go.
knee-siapper n. ч т о -ли б о очень за­
бавное или смешное (Простонар.) □
Old Billy told a knee-slapper about the
farmer down the road. О I like to hear
a good knee-slapper. It keeps my blood
knock tr. критиковать кого-либо или
что-либо □ Don't knock it if you
haven't tried it. Q The papers are
knocking my favorite candidate again.
knock around 1. in. тратить время □
Stop knocking around and get to work!
□ I need a couple of days a week just
for knocking around. 2. и kick around
in. бродить, бродяжничать, околачи­
ваться вокруг (См. bum around.) □ I
think I ’ll knock around a few months
before looking for another job. О We’re
just knocking around and keeping out
o f trouble.
knock beck a drink tr. выпить пива;
выпить спиртное одним глотком П
Н е knocked back three beers in a row.
□ L e ts knock back another one or two
and leave.
knockdown drag-ou t fight n. длин­
ный и тяжёлый бой □ Trying to get
my proposal accepted was a knock­
down drag-out fight. О I don’t want to
get involved in a knockdown drag-out
fight over this business.
knock down something и knock
something down t. tr. выпить пор­
цию спиртного О Н е knocked down а
bottle o f beer and called for another. □
Here, knock this down and lets go. 2.
tr. заработать определённое коли­
чество денег □ She must knock down
about 40 thou a year. О I ’m lucky to
knock down
knocked in mod. арестованный (Уго­
ловн.) □
Would you believe that
Rocko has never been knocked in? □
When Lefty was knocked in, they
found his heater on him.
knocked out 1. mod. измученный □
We were all knocked out at the end of
the day. □ I ’m knocked out after just
a little bit o f work. 2. mod. подавлен­
ный О We were just knocked out when
we heard your news. □ Were we sur­
prised? We were knocked out —
elated! 3. mod. пьяный или опья­
нённый наркотиком □ They were all
knocked out by midnight. □ Gary was
knocked out when we dropped by, so
we tried to sober him up.
knocked up 1. mod. избитый; потрё­
панный □ Sally was a little knocked up
by the accident. О This book is a little
knocked up, so I ’ll lower the price 2.
mod. пьяный □ Bill was knocked up
and didn’t want to drive. О Wow, was
that guy knocked up! 3. mod. бе­
ременная □ M o lly got knocked up
again. □ Isn ’t she knocked up most of
the time?
knockers 1.* n. грудь (Употр. с ос­
тор.) О Nice knockers, huh? О All you
think about is knockers. .* n. муж­
ские семенники, “ яйца” (Употр. с
остор.) □ Pow, right in the knockers.
Ye gods, it hurt! □ H e turned sideways
to protect his knockers.
Knock it off! exclam. “Заткнись!” ,
“Тихо!” D Hey, you guys! Knock it
off! □ I ’m trying to sleep! Knock it
knock off (work) tr. & in. оставлять
работу для перерыва или в конце
рабочего дня □ What time do you
knock off work? О / knock off about
knock one over и knock over one,
knock one back, knock back one tr.
выпить порцию спиртного □
knocked one over right away and
demanded another. □ H e knocked
back one and belched grossly.
knockout 1. n. что-либо потрясающее
О Your new car is a knockout □ Isn't
her dress a knockout? 2. n. хорошо
выглядящие мужчина или женщина
0 Your date is a real knockout. О
Who was that knockout I saw you with
last weekend? 3. mod. очень волну­
ющий О It was a real knockout eve­
ning. □ What a knockout ideal
knock som e heads together tr. ругать
несколько человек; заставлять не­
сколько человек делать то, что они
должны делать О D o I have to come
in there and knock some heads to­
gether, or Will you kids settle down? О
1 knocked some heads together and got
the proposal out on time.
knock som eon e deed tr. великолепно
исполнять или показывать перед кемлибо □ She knocked us dead with her
stunning performance. □ Go out on that
stage and knock them dead, Sally.
knock som eone or something off и
knock off som eon e or something 1.
tr. (c something) изготовить или сде­
лать что-либо, особенно наспех О
Г И see if / can knock another one off
before lunch. О They knocked off four
window frames in an hour. . tr. (c
someone) убить кого-либо (Уголовн.
См. bump someone off.) D The mob
knocked the witnesses off. О The cops
would be happy if someone wanted to
knock off Mr. Big. 3. tr. (c something)
опускать цену на что-либо, на не­
сколько долларов или центов О The
store manager knocked 30% off price
o f the coat. D Can't you knock some­
thing off on this damaged item? 4.
См. следующ. вокаб.
knock som eone or something out и
knock out som eone or something
1. tr. (c someone) удивлять коголибо □ Her stunning beauty knocked
us all out. О The news knocked out
the entire crowd. . и knock som e­
thing off, knock on something tr. (c
something) написать что-либо бы­
стро □ I 'll knock out a letter explain­
ing the whole thing. □ Would you
please knock a speech out for the sen­
knock som eon e’s block off tr. сильно
ударить кого-либо по голове (См.
block.) О
Wilbur almost knocked
Tom’s block off by accident. О H e
threatened to knock my block off if I
didn't do as I was told.
knock som eone som e skin tr. пожать
руку кому-либо □ Hey, man, knock
me some skin! О Tod knocked Sam
some skin, and they left the building
knock s o m e o n e ’s so c k s off tr. уди­
вить или поразить кого-либо; пода­
влять к о го -л и б о □
Wow, that
explosion nearly knocked my socks off.
□ This news'll knock your socks off.
knock som eon e up и knock up som e­
one tr. делать женщину беременной
(Грубо. См. тж. knocked up.) □ They
say it was Bruno who knocked her up.
О H e did not knock up Molly. I did.
knock something into a cocked hat
tr. разрушить план, историю и т.д.
□ / knocked his plans into a cocked
hat. □ You've knocked everything into
a cocked hat.
knock something together и throw
something together tr. собрать чтолибо (например блюдо) в последний
момент □
knocked together а
vegetable dish at the last minuteI О
I ’ll see if / can throw something to­
knock the
употреблять наркотики (Нарк. См.
kick the habit.) □ I Just can't knock
the habit. □ H e tried to knock the
habit by drinking lots of booze.
knock up in. ввести наркотик (Нарк.
Син. shoot up (o n something) п. 1.)
0 Ernie had to leave for a minute to
knock up. □ While he was knocking
up, he broke the needle.
knothead n. глупец О Don't be such a
knothead! □
You're no knothead.
You’re just great!
know all the an gles tr. знать все хит­
рости, сложности в отношении коголибо или чего-либо О Ask ту
mouthpiece about taxes. Н е knows all
the angles. О Rocko knows alt the an­
gles. That's how he keeps out o f the
know from something in. знать о
чём-либо (См. тж. not know from
nothing.) О D o you know from timers,
1 mean how timers work? О I don't
know from babies! Don't ask me about
feeding them!
know -how [ ’nohau] n. знание, как
делается что-либо; техника, умение,
технология □ I don't have the know­
how to do .this job. □ You’ll get the
know-how on the job.
know-it-all n. всезнайка □ Tod is such
a know-it-all! □ That know-it-all
isn't of much use to our committee.
know ledge-box n. голова Q Now, I
want to get this into your knowledgebox once and for all □ M y knowl­
edge-box is just spinning with all this
know the score tr. знать, как дела­
ются дела в жестоком мире О Don't
try to con me. I know the score. □ She
knows the score. She wasn't born
know what’s what tr. быть осведом­
лённым. что,делается в мире □ Alice
knows what's what. She can help. JB l
We don't know whafs what around
here yet.
know where it’s at tr. знать реальное
положение вещей Б I know where
ifs at. I don’t need to be told. □ We
know where it's at, and we want to
change it.
know where one is coming from tr.
понимать чьи-либо мотивы;, пони­
мать и воспринимать чью-либо по­
зицию □ I know where you’re coming
from. I ’ ve been there, m W e dll know
where he's coming from. That's why we
are so worried.
kndw which end is up tr. быть бди­
тельным и осведомлённым □ Don't
try to hustle те, sister. I know which
end is up. □ Poor f e d doesn't even
know which end is up.
knuckle down (to something) in. за­
няться!'чем-либо P Please knuckle
down to your studies. □ You have to
knuckle down if you want to get ahead.
knuckle-dragger n. крепкий, обе­
зьяноподобный Человек О Bruno is
M r : B ig s favorite knuckle-draggerWi+
..Call off your knuekle-draggers. I ’ll
pay you whatever you want. •/
knucklehead n. глупец □ Oh, I feel
like such a knucklehead! □ Don't
worry, you’re not a knucklehead,
knuckle sandwich n. сильный удар в
Зубы/рот иди по губам □ How would
you like a knuckle sandwich? □ Н е
threatened id give me a knuckle sand­
wich. :
knuckle under (to som eone or som e­
thing) «.{сдаваться, принимать что-
либо □ She always refused to knuckle
under to anyone. P You have to knuckle
under to the system sometimes.
ICO. и kayo I’ke'o] 1. n. нокаут (Бокс.)
□ It was a quick K.O., and Wilbur was
the new champ. □ It was a classic kayo.
It was quick and effective. . tr. послать
в нокаут кого-либо (Бокс.) О Wilbur
K.O.ed Wallace in the third round. □
Wilbur usually kayos his opponent.
KO ^^'^e’oavmod^iEnocked'.^'Mlt'^
нокаутированный (Первонач. из бо­
кса.) Р Wilbur was K.O.ed and got а
cut over his eye. P He stayed K. O.ed
for about two minutes. . mod. пья­
ный или опьянённый наркотиком Р
Both guys "Were K.O.ed and spent the
night. P How could anybody get so
K.O.ed on a six-pack?
Kofakttkodj»k];''tob. офицер полиции
(От имени телевизионного героя.) Р
Ask Kojak in for a cup of coffee. P
Here comes Kojak. Beat itl
Kona (coast) gold [ ’копэ...] и Kona
Kona n. сорт марихуаны с Гавай­
ских островов Р Is this Копа gold or
just local weed? P This is the genuine
Kona coast gold.
kong [koq] n. крепкое виски; неза­
конное виски (Негрит. От имени ки­
ноперсонажа обезьяны Кинг-Конг.)
Р How about a big swallow of that kong?
P Here, have some kong.
konk Cm. conk.
kook [kuk] n. странный человек P
She seems like a kook, but she is just
grand, really. P Tod’s a kook, but I
love him.
kookish [ ’kukijl mod. странный; экс­
центричный P
There's a lot of
kookish things going on around here.
P H e is just too kookish. P Who is the
kookish one over there with the purple
kosher [ ’k oj# или ’koj^rBI, mod. цреемлемый; правоверный (Син, cricket.
От иврит “kasher" через идиш.) P./s
it kosher to do this? P It 's a kosher
thing, okay. P O f course, it’s kosher.
Everybody does it 2. n. кошерная пи­
ща; нища приготовленная в соот­
ветствии с заповедями Еврейской
религии,ti I^et’s eat kosher tonight. P
They serve kosher at Monty's now. 3. tr.
делать что-либо преемлемым; улажи­
вать Р D o you want me to kosher it with
the boss for you? □ Look, if you can
kosher this stuff with my parents. I
agree. 4. mod. относящиеся к нераз­
бавленному спиртному □ I 'l l take
mine kosher with a little ice. □ D o you
want this kosher or with soda?
krystal joint и C.J., K.J. n. фенцикли­
дин, P.C.P., транквилизатор для
животных (Нарк. См. тж. C.J.) □
Some little kid was trying to sell krys­
tal joints right in the school hallway.
О That K.J. is dangerous stuff.
kvetch и quetch [kvejj и kwctj] 1. in.
жаловаться (От нем. “quetschen” че­
рез идиш.) □ Quit your kvetching! □
H e quetches from dawn to dusk. 2. n.
человек, который постоянно жалу­
ется О What a kvetch you areI О We
don't need another kvetch around
L7 ЩМ ’ sevij] 1. n. старомодный, за­
конопослушный, скучный человек
(Син. square.) П That guy is an L7. О
Who is that L7 in the wing-tip shoes?
. mod. тупой, старомодный, скуч­
ный (С и н .square.) □ This guy was
real, like, you know, L7. □ Who is the
most U person you know?
label mate n. кто-либо кто записы­
вается у той же фирмы (что и го­
ворящий) (Звукозап. промыш.) О
Frank Duke is ту label mate, and we
like to get together and gossip about
the record industry. □ / feel like a real
success because my label mates are so
labonza [lo'ban/o] 1. n. ягодицы, зад
□ Good grief, what a gross labonza!
□ She fell flat on her labonza. 2. n.
подложечная ямка о That kind of
beautiful singing really gets you, right
in the labonza. О She experienced the
kind of gut-wrenching anger that
starts in , your labonza and cuts
through right to the tip of your nog­
gin. 3. n. живот P I feel the effects
of last night's celebration in my wallet
and in. my labonza: □ Look at the
labonza on that creep! He's gofina
deliver triplets.
lace t. tr. добавлять алкоголь в кофе
или чай; добавлять алкоголь в
любую еду или напиток □ Who laced
the punch? О I think I ’ll lace my
coffee with a little whisky. 2. tr. добав­
лять один наркотик в другой; добав­
лять наркотик в любую пищу или
напиток (Нарк.) □ Somebody laced
the ice cubes with acid. О This fag is
laced with opium. 3. n. деньги (Уго­
ловн.) □ You got any lace in those
pockets? □ M y lace won't reach that
far. I can't afford it.
lacy mod. женственный; женоподоб­
ный □ H e’s sort of lacy, but when
he settles down to work, the sparks
fly. □ This place is too lacy. □ The
hotel lobby is a little lacy, but ifs
ladies’ room n. женская уборная □
Is there a ladies' room somewhere
close? О Solly has gone to the ladies'
lady n. кокаин (Нарк. Всегда с the.) О
I ’m in love with the lady. О The lady
is the favorite with many of the floor
lady bear n. женщина— офицер поли­
ции (См. Smokey (the bear).) О This
lady bear asks me if I'm going to afire
□ These two lady bears walked in and
took a booth by the door.
ladyfinger n. сигарета с марихуаной
(Нарк.) □ Bruno knows how to roll a
ladyfinger. □ Hell, any old joint is a
ladyfinger. D o n 't be so particular.
Lady H. n. героин (Нарк. См. H .)
О Lady Н. can break your heart. □
You have to watch your step with
Lady H.
lady-killer n. мужчина, имеющий
большой успех у женщин □ Bruno is
anything but a lady killer. □ We saw
an old-time lady-killer with a closecut black mustache and everything.
Lady Snow n. кокаин (Нарк. См.
lady.) О I spent the afternoon with
Lady Snow. О Lady Snow is about the
only friend I have left.
lah-di-dah [ ’ta’di’daj 1. mod. случай­
ный; расслабленный; беззаботный □
H e is so lah-di-dah with financial
matters. □ She’s not all that calm
about her possessions, but she is very
lah-di-dah with men. . interj. кол­
кость; насмешливый ответ О So you
lap of luxury
have a new car! Well, lah-di-dah. О
Lah-di-dah! Excuse me!
la id * t . и layed* mod. опьянённый
наркотиком (См . тж. laid out.) О
Man, did I get myself laid. □ Are you
too layed to drive home? 2.* mod.
совокуплявшийся (Грубо. Употр. с
остор.) О Well, you look laid, all right.
I f you come home laid, don't say I
didn't warn you.
laid back 1. mod. спокойный и рас­
слабленный □ Bruno is not what I
would call laid back. □ You are really
one laid back guy! 2. mod. пьяный
или опьянённый наркотиком □ He's
a little laid back and can't come to
the phone. □ How can those guys
work when they are laid back by
laid out 1. mod. пьяный или опья­
нённый наркотиком О Man, you got
yourself laid out! О I ’m too laid out to
go to work today. 2. mod. хорошо
одетый (Негрит.) О Look at those
silksI M an are you laid out! О She is
all laid out in her Sunday best 3.
mod. мёртвый; относящийся К по­
койнику, обряженному для отпе­
вания (Н е сленг.) О When the
remains were laid out, the children
were allowed to come in. □ When I ’m
laid out and ready to be planted, make
sure this little book is in my hand. 4.
mod. сбитый с ног (ударом) О Не
was down, laid out, and the cowboy
just stood there panting. О There he
was, laid out on the sidewalk, and no
one made a move to help him.
laid to the bone mod. пьяный
(Негрит.) О H e got himself laid to the
bone, о We were all laid to the bone
by midnight.
lame и lalne, lane 1. mod. неподхо­
дящий; тупой; неполноценный; D
That g u fs so lame, it's pitiful D This
mark is about as lairn as they come 2.
n. законопослушный человек (Уго­
ловн. Уличн.) О Let's see if that lame
over there has anything we want in his
pockets, a H e won't drink anything at
all. H e is such о lame! 3. п. глупый,
неспособный человек О The guy
turned out to be a lame, and we had to
fire him. □ Maybe the latte can work in
the front office answering phones or
lamebrain и lam e-brain 1. n. дурак
□ Please don’t call me a lamebrain.
I do my best. О What a lame-brain!
She put stMlops in scalloped po­
tatoes! 2. и lam ebrained mod. глу­
пый □ N o more of your lamebrain
ideas! □ M y last scheme looked
lamebrained at first, but it worked,
didn't it?
lam ebrained См. предыдущ. вокаб.
lam e duck 1. п. кто-либо, чей срок
пребывания на выборной должности
истекает о You can’t expect much
from a lame duck, о As a lame duck,
there's not a lot I can do. 2. mod.
относящийся к человеку, чей срок
пребывания на выборной должности
истекает □ You don’t expect Much
from a lame duck president. О la m e
duck congresses tend to do things they
wouldn’t dare do otherwise.
lam ps n. глаза (Грубо.) о His lamps
are closed. H e's asleep or dead. О
Look at them blue lamps that dame’s
land a blo w I . tr. ударить кого-либо
□ H e kept moving, and I found it al­
most impossible to land a blow. О
The boxer landed a blow to the face
o f his opponent. 2. tr, указать (на
что-либо) О / think I really landed a
blow with the remark about extortion.
d The point about justice landed a
land a jo b tr. найти работу и быть на­
нятым о A s soon as I land a job and
start to bring in some money, I ’m
going to get a stereo. О I managed to
land a job at a factory.
land office b u sin ess n. большое коли­
чество коммерческих дел сделанных
в короткий промежуток времени □
We always do a land office business at
this time o f year. □ We keep going.
Never do land office business—just
enough to make out.
landowner [’tendon-er] n. труп; мертвец
(См. тж. buy the farm.) О Now old Mr.
Carlson was a landowner fo r real. □
“How would you like to become a land­
owner?" snarled the mugger.
lane Cm. lame.
lap of luxury n. роскошная обстановка
О I rather enjoy living in the lap of
luxury. □ You call this pigpen the lap
o f luxury?
lapper n. пьяница П The street was
empty except for an old lapper stag­
gering home, □ The party was ruined
by the anti& of a few tappers.
lard n. полиция (Уличн. Уголовн. См.
тж. bacon, pig, pork,) □ Here comes
the lard! □ I f the lard catches you v i­
olating yoUr parole, you're through.
lard a s s * n. толстяк (Грубо. Унизит.
Тж. как грубое обращение. Употр. с
остор. Ср. crisco.) □ Who’s,Jhe lard
ass with the 60-ihcli waist? □ Hay,
lard ass, get moving!
lardhead 1. n. глупый человек □ What
a lardhead! Where are your brains? □
I ’m not a lardhead. I'dwelSm a differ­
ent dimension. 2. mod. глупим. О
Now Iter's something from the lard­
head department
N o more of those
lardhead ideas!
large as life (and twice a s ugly) C m .
big as life (and twice as ugly).
last roundup n. смерть (Из вестерн.)
О То everyone's surprise, he clutched
the wound and faced ihe'taSI roundup
with a smile. □ When I- know I ’m
headed for the last rouiidup, I'll write
a will.
last straw л. заключительное Действие
или оскорбление, вызывающее, на­
конец^ ответную реакцию □ This is
the last straw. I'm calling the police □
Someone's leaving the eggshells in the
sink was the last straw.
later interj. “До свидания.Ьп It’s
time to cruise. 1м1ег. □ Ixder. Gotta
lathered [ЧаеЗггй] mod. пьяный □ The
two brothers sat there and got
lathered. Д She is too lathered to
latrine lips I b ’trin ’lips] n. человек,
который использует ^непристойные
выражения □ Нёу, latrine lips! Cool
Ш □ When old latrine lips finishes
shocking everyone, I have something
to say.
latrine rumor I b ’trin ’ruma-] n. любой
слух, особенно такой, который ра­
спространяется в отхожих местах
(Военн.) О Somebody started spread­
ing a latrine rumor about the Colonel's
wife. □ Thafs just a latrine rumor.
The Colonel isn't married.
latrine wireless I b ’trin ’w aiabs] n. сво­
бодный обмен информацией и бол­
товня в уборной (С м . предыдущ.
вокаб.) □ И came over the latrine wire­
less this morning. We’re all shipping
out. О The latrine wireless was virtually
silent while you were, in sidk bay.
latrino(gram) [ b ’trino(grsem)] n. лю­
бой рлух, особенно такой, который
распространяют в отхожих местах
(Син. latrine rumor.) □ There was a
latrino yesterday about the Colonel
and his golf game. P There's another
latnnogram that says' we're moving
latsM listsl n. мускулы спины (От
latissimus ' dorsi.
Культуризм.) □ Your lots are coming
along fine. Now let's start working on
your dells. U Nice lats on that guy. ,
L.A. (turnabouts) и California turn­
aro u n d s, (L.A .) tu rn aro un ds, turn­
abouts n. амфетамины (Н а р к .
Подразум евается использование
амфетаминов водителями грузови­
ков.) □ You got anjf of those I . A. turn­
abouts on.you? □ That L A . can get you
in a whole heap of trouble.
laughing academ y n. психиатричес­
кая лечебница □ About four years in
the laughing academy would get you
straightened out. □ I ’m not ready for
the laughing academy. A little while
longer around here and I will be,
laughing gra ss n. марихуана (Нарк.)’
□ Where can I get same laughing
grassZ Wy Bruno got to; the point where
he had to have his laughing grass once
laughing soup и laughing water n.
спиртное; шампанское □ Laughing
soup flowed like fury at the reception.
О How about some more laughing
launch (on e’s lunch) tr. & in. опус­
тошать желудок; блевать Q When I
saw that mess, I almost launched нйК
%uhch,9. Watch Out! She'#* going to
launder ц. прятал, источник укра­
денных или незаконно полученный
денег путём финансовых операций
(Уголовн. См. greenwash.) □ The
wonmn's sole function was to launder
the money from drug deals. О When
you finish IqUrtderitig the last job, we
want you to do another. ;*
lay rubber
laundry list n. любой длинный список
вещей (Ср. shopping Ш к дщ Н е came
to the interview with a laundry list of
things. □ Now 1 have a laundry list of
items we have to discuss. ■ '
law n. полиция (Всегда с the■) P She
is in a little trouble with the law. □
Mrs. Wilson finally called the law ih
on her old mark
lawn n. марихуана: плохого качества
(Нарк.) □ This isn't good grass; it’s
lawn. □ Put this lawn in your pipe and
smoke if.
lay* 1. n. периоввремени, использо­
ванный для курения опиума лёжа
на одном боку; курение опиума;
затяжка опиумом (Парк.) □ The old
man limped in the door o f the laun­
dry saying,Щ1 want a lay! I want a
lay." □ There are not maiiy t&pium
smokers nowadays, and they call a
lay a “session." 2. n. опиокурильня
(Нарк.) □ There used to be a whole
string of lays in New Orleans. О You
could spot a lay easy.by the smelL
Opium really reeks. 3. n. доза любого
наркотика- (Нарк.) : □
Where can I get a lay o f H.? □ Here's
a lay o f old horse-. You pay me later.
4.* tr. совокупляться (с кем-либо)
(Грубо. Употр. с остор.) □ She laid
him on the spot. □ He said he was
going to lay her: I thought he was just
talking tough. 5.* n. половой акт
(Грубо. Употр. с остор.) □ 1 could
use a good lay about now. □ A ll the
shipwrecked sailor could think about
was a lay. 6 .* n. человек, рассматрииаемый как потенциальный половой
партнер (Грубо. Употр. с. остор.) □
Н е actually said that she was a good
lay. □ I f anybody said I was a good
lay, I ’d sue— probably.
lay a (heavy) trip on som eone 1. tr.
критиковать кого-либо □ There’s no
need to lay a trip on me. I agree with
you. □
When he finally does get
there, I ’m going to, lay a heavy trip
on him like he'll never forget. 2. tr.
смущать или поражать кого-либо □
After he laid a heavy trip on me
about how the company is almost
broke, I cleaned out my desk and left.
□ After Mary laid a trip on John
about her other self, he sat down and
stared at his feet. 3. и lay a guilt trip
on som eone tr. попытаться заста­
вить кого-либо чувствовать себя
очень виновным □ Why do you have
to lay a guilt trip on me? Why don’t
you go to a shrink? О O f course, she
just had to lay a trip on him about
being bossy, self-centered, and aloof.
lay an e g g 1. tr. (о ком-либо) делать
что-либо плохо или неудачно □ As
guess -I really laid an egg, huh? О
The cast laid an egg in both perform­
ances. . tr. (о чём-либо) не иметь
успеха, “провалиться” D The com­
munity theater laid an egg last night
yith J the opening performance o f
Death o f a Salesman., □ The film was
fun to make, but it laid an egg at the
box office.' 3. tr. очень сильно сме­
яться; долго и громко “гоготать”
й(Как квохчет курица.) О Half the
audience laid an egg when I told this
One. □ I didn't know whether to c.ry
or lay an egg.
lay dow n Щ сдаться □ D o you expect
me to just lay down? О You really
think I should just lay down and let
them walk all over me?
lay it on the line tr. говорить честно и
прямо □ I ’m going to have to lay it on
the line with you. I guess. О Go
ahead; lay it on the tineim want to
know exactly what, you think.
lay o ff (som eone or something) in.
прекратить беспокоить или вредить
кому-либо или чему-либо О Lay off
the booze for a while, why don!t ya?:t4'
Lay off me! I didn’t do anything!
lay one on Cm. tie one on.
layout 1. n. место; жильё (Ср. setup Ж
How much does a* layout like this
set you back a month?il This is a nice
layout you got here. . n. план этажа
О Let’s see if the layout is what -we
want. □ The layout looks awkward; and
wasteful of space 3. n. план, заговор
(Уголовн.) О Now here’s the layout.
Lefty goes in this side, and Ratface
comes in the other way. □ The layout's
rio g o o d .» h e cops are wise to: your
style, boss.
lay rubber и lay (som e) rubber tr.
быстро трогаться с места на авто­
мобиле, оставляя чёрные следы на
асфальте (Ср. burn rubber.) □ ,^et
v that age all they want to do is get in
the edr and lay- some rubber. P You
lay someone or something out
wanna know how well I can lay some
rubber in this thing?
lay som eone or something out и lay
out som eone or something 1. tr. (c
someone) строго бранить кого-либо
(См. тж. laid out п. 4.) О Don't lay
те out! I didn’t do it! О She really
laid him out but good. What did he
do, rob a bank? . tr. (c someone)
ударом сбить кого-либо с ног О The
boxer laid out his opponent with a
blow to the head. П I can't wait to get
into that ring and lay the guy out. 3,
tr. (c something) тратить какуюлибо сумму денег О I can't lay out
that kind o f money every day! О She
laid out about $ 24,000 for that
beemer. 4. tr. (c something) объяс­
нять план действия или ход собы­
тий О Let' те lay it out for you. □
Lay it out very carefully, and don't
skip anything. 5. tr. (c someone) го­
товить кого-либо к похоронам (Не
сленг. См. так. laid out п. 3.) О The
women o f the town helped the young
widow lay out her husband. О The
undertaker did not lay Aunt Fanny
out to my satisfaction.
lay som eone out in lavender tr.
строго 6piaUHTb или упрекать коголибо □ She really laid him out in
lavender for that. □ N o need to lay me
out in lavender. I wasn't there.
lay som e sw eet lines on som eon e и
put som e sw eet lines on som eone
tr. доброжелательно поговорить с
кем-либо (См. soft soap.) О I just
laid some sweet lines on her, and she
let me use her car. О I f you put some
sweet tines on him, maybe he won't
ground you.
lay something on som eone 1. tr.
представить план или идею комулибо О Here is this century’s greatest
idea. Let me lay it on you. □ I ’m
going to lay n great idea on you. 2. tr.
чувствовать вину за что-либо О
Don’t lay that stuff on me. Face your
own problem. О Every week She calls
up to lay a guilt trip on me about
something or other.
lazybones n. лентяй □ I ’m just a lazy­
bones, but I don’t eat much. О That
lazybones is out there sleeping in the
L.B.O. и LBO n. “ leveraged buyout.”
уравновешенный выкуп (Биржев.)
P The money used for the L B O came
from the issuance o f junk bonds. □
Mr. Boone specializes in L.B.O.S. H e's
made a fortune at it.
lead poisoning n. смерть от огне­
стрельного ранения (свинцовой пу­
лей) (Уголовн.) О Н е pifted because
o f a case of lead poisoning. □ The
fourth mobster to die of lead poisoning
this month was buried today in a pri­
vate service.
leaf n. кокаин (Иногда с the. Кокаин
получают из молодых листьев рас­
тения кока.) □ Sure / like plants. I
am especially fond o f the leaf, о The
entire shipment o f leaf was seized by
the feds.
lean and mean mod. способный и го­
товый к тяжёлой, эффективной ра­
боте О Ron got himself lean and mean
and is ready to play in Saturday's
game. О The management is lean and
mean and looks to turn a profit next
leapers n. амфетамины (Нарк.) □
You can tell Bruno's on leapers. H e's
wired m hell. O ' H e needs some barbs
to balance the leapers, or maybe he
just ought to go cold turkey and go
leave som eone cold №. не затраги­
вать кого-либо a H e said it was dull,
and it left him cold. О The music's
good, but the story left the producer
leeky store ( ’ liki stor] n. запас спирт­
ного (Негрит. От liquor, но тж. см.
take а как.) О Get те some grapes at
the leeky store. □ The leeky store is
closed till 10.00 A.M .
leerics [ ’ liriks] n. песня со стихами,
вызывающими сексуальные мысли
О For those o f you out there who go in
for leerics, listen carefully to this tune.
A group of parents has banded to­
gether in the eastern suburbs to fight
the naughty leerics o f some o f the cur­
rent hot rock tunes.
left-handed monkey wrench n. не
существующий инструмент (Новых
рабочих иногда посылают за не су­
ществующим инструментом. См. sky
hook.) О Hand те the left-handed
monkey wrench, huh? О D o you think
licorice stick
you can dig up a left-handed monkey
le g a l-b e a g le и le gal-e ag le [ ’ligj’bigl
и ’ligl’igj] n. юрист О I ’ve got a
legal-beagle who can get me out o f this
scrape. □ She keeps a whole bunch of
tegal-eagles to handle that sort of
legit [la’djit] mod. честный; законный
□ I f she's not legit, I won’t work with
her. □ Is this deal legit?
leg work n. физическая работа, со­
провождающая какую-либо задачу
□ I don't mind making the phone
calls if you do the leg work. □ I have a
gopher to do the leg work for me.
lemme* [Mcmi] phr. “let me.” “поз­
воль (те)” (Обычно в разговорной
речи, но на письме следует употр. с
остор.) □ D o you wanna gimme the
thingy and lemme go ahead with my
work? О I f you won’t give me one of
my own, make him lemme use his.
Let her rip! и Let it rolll [ ’led? ’rip и
’ledit ’rol] exclam. “Let it go!” ; “Let
it start!” “Начали!”, “Поехали!”,
“Запускай!” О Time to start. Let her
rip! □ There’s the Signal! Let it roll!
let it all hang out tr. быть самим
что это
обычно не так) □ Come on. Relax!
Let it all hang out. □ I let it all hang
out, but I still feel rotten.
Let it roll! Cm. Let her rip!
let off steam blow off (some) steam.
Let’s do lunch (sometime), sent.
“Пообедаем вместе как-нибудь.” О
Great seeing you, Martin, absolutely
great. Let's do lunch. О Lets do
lunch sometime, so we can catch up.
Let’s have HI exclam. “Пожалуйста,
расскажите, что нового.” □ Whafs
happened? L e fs have it! О Don’t beat
around the bush. L e ts have it!
let something ride tr. оставить чтолибо, как оно есть; игнорировать
что-либо (временно) □ D on't bother
with it now. Let it ride for a day or
two. □ Let it ride. I t s not that im­
let’s say phr. предваряет оценку
...” , “ Скажем ...” □ I need about—
let’s say— 20 pounds. □ L ets say I
go over find talk to him. What do
you think?
lettuce п. деньги О Put your lettuce on
the table; then we'll talk. О How much
lettuce do you have left?
level best n. одно большое усилие □ I
will do my level best to find your
husband. О Don’t go to a whole tat o f
trouble. Your level best is good
level with som eone in. искренне и
ласково говорить с кем-либо О
Okay, Г т gonna level with you. This
thing is a steal at this price! □ I want
you to level with me. D id you do it?
libber {'lib? ] n. женщина, которая
защищает движение освобождения
женщин; феминистка (Обычно уни­
зит.) □ She sure sounds like a libber.
О This libber on the radio says men
are unnecessary.
liberate tr. украсть что-либо (Первонач. военн.) О We liberated a few
reams of paper and a box of pens. О
The privates liberated a jeep and went
into town.
library n. ванная (комната); уборная
0 John is in the library at the mo­
ment. О H e keeps stuff like that to
read in the library.
lick and a promise n. небрежное об­
ращение (Всегда с а.) □ A lick and
a promise isn't enough. Take some
time and do it right. О She gave it a
lick and a promise and said she was
lickety—split [likidi’split] mod. очень
быстро О They ran across the field
lickety-split. О We were there licketysplit in my new car.
lick something into shape и whip
something into shape tr. привести
что-либо в хорошее состояние, воз­
можно, со значительными усилиями
□ I'v e got about two days more to lick
this place into shape so I can sell it. О
want to whip this house into shape
for Saturday night.
lick up a tab и lick up som e tabs tr.
проглотить таблетку или капсулу
(Нарк.) О She leaned against the side
o f a building to steady herself while
she licked up a tab or two. □ They
went into the back room to lick up
some tabs before going out to roam the
licorice stick [ ’ likrijj stik] n. кларнет
(Муз. инструм.) О Man, can he play
the licorice stick. □ Frank makes the
old licorice slick talk.
lid 1. n. веко □ H er lids began to close,
and the professor raised his voice to a
roar. О Pop your lids open! I f s morn­
ing! 2. n. половина одной унции
марихуаны (Нарк. Такое количество
умещается в крышке (lid) от банки
табака “Prince Albert,” Часто во мн.)
□ How much a lid? D It looks like a
matchbox to me. Why do they call it a
lid proppers и lid poppers n. амфе­
тамины в таблетках или капсулах
(Нарк. Имеются в виду веки.) □
Kelly has to have a couple o f lid prop­
pers each morning. □ Are lid poppers
lie d o gg o ['lai ’dogo] in. оставаться
неизвестным (Долгое время. См.
doggo.) о This problem has lain
doggo since 1967. □ I f you don't find
the typos now, they will lie doggo until
the next edition.
lifer [laifo] n. человек, прикованный
на всю жизнь к одному месту, как
например, пожизненно заключён­
ный или солдат, завербованный на
всю жизнь (Тюремн. и военн.) □ M e
a lifer? N ot in this army! О The lifers
begin to accept their fate after a few
years. □ M ost of the lifers are kept in
this cellblock.
L.l.F.O. и LIFO phr. “last in, first out.”
“последний вошёл, первый вышел”
(Компьют. акроним. Относится к
выводимых из процессора.) □ I can’t
remember whether the stack is U F O
or FIF O . О This one is L.I.F.O.
lift 1. n. процент алкоголя в напитке
□ This stuff doesn’t have much lift! D
Now, this imported stuff has enough
lift to raise the dead. 2. n. случай,
происшествие, поднимающее на­
строение или самОлюбие □ Your
kind words have given me quite a lift.
□ I could use a lift today. I am
glummer than usual. 3. и lift-up n.
наркотическая эйфория (Син. rush
it. 5. Нарк:) □ This stuff11 give you
quite a lift. О The lift-up from the
shot jarred her bones. 4. tr. украсть
что-либо o She had lifted this ring.
We found it on her when we arrested
her. □ Some o f these really young
kids will lift something just because
they like it. 5. tr. удалять, снимать,
отбирать что-либо О I t was his third
offense, so they lifted his license. □
They lifted the rule about not having
two different jobs. 6. n. высокий
высокого роста (Обычно во мн.) □ I
feel better in ту lifts. О Some people
wear lifts just to make them a little
more confident. 7. n. пластическая
операция лица (подтяжка) О Н е
had a lift on his vacation, but his face
Still looked two sizes too big. □ We’ve
got three lifts and a nose job in O.R.
this morning. 8. n. устройство, но­
симое под волосами на висках,
которое обеспечивает эффект хи­
рургической “подтяжки” лица □ D o
you think she’s wearing a lift? □ Lift,
hell, she’s got a damn pair o f cranes
under that hairdo. 9. n. поездка,
перевозка □ Can you give me a lift?
О Would you like a lift over to your
lift o n e’s elbow C m . bend one’s elbow.
lift pill n. возбуждающий наркотик в
(Нарк.) □ They're just lift pills. They
can’t hurt you. □ First she takes a
downer at night, then a lift pill in the
morning, then another downer to
sleep. She's never normal!
light 1. mod. пьяный □ I began to feel
a little light after the fourth beer. □ I
feel a little light. You’d better drive. 2.
n. глаз (Грубо. Обычно во мн.) □
You want I should poke your lights
out? □ Open your lights and watch for
the turnoff sign.
light artillery 1. n. оборудование для
приготовления и введения наркоти­
ков (Нарк. Ср. heavy artillery.) О A ll
that junk on the table is my light ar­
tillery. □ This bottle cap is part o f the
light artillery o f an old-time addict. 2.
n. оборудование для употребления
наркотиков, не вызывающих при­
выкание (Нарк.) О The light artillery
o f a mugglehead is likely to include a
pipe and a roach clip. □ M a x keeps
his light artillery upstairs.
light bulb n. беременная женщина
(Шут. Относится к фигуре беремен­
ной женщины,) □ Who’s the light
bulb on the sofa? □ I can't possibly fit
like nobody’s business
that light bulb out there. She?II have to
wait a few months before buying ex­
pensive clothing.
lighten up (on som eone or som e­
thing) in. снижать давление (на
кого-либо или что-либо); успокаи­
ваться О Cool it, man. Lighten up!
We all gotta get along here. □ Lighten
up on the guy. H e only stepped on
your toe.
light into som eone C m . sail into some­
lights out 1. n. время ложиться спать
□ It's lights out, kids. Radios off, too!
□ I was finished with it by lights out.
2. n. смерть; время умереть (Уголонн.) □ I f $ lights out for you,- churn.
О When ifs lights out, I want it to be
light stuff 1. n. спиртное низкой
крепости □ The light stuff is okay for
' parties, but hot for serious drinking. □
Poor Sam is trying to cut down by
drinking the light stuff. H e drinks
twice as much, though. 2. n. марихуана и наркотики не вызывающие
привыкания (Ср. heavy drugs.) □
Sure, its innocent. Sure, they're just
kids. D o you know what kids do when
they get through with the light stuff?
They do coke, they shoot H., and they
do the big one somewhere in an alley!
□ The cops just found some light stuff
in his pockets. They let him go.
light up и fire up, flame up, torch up
in. курить сигарету с марихуаной;
получать удовольствие от курения
марихуаны (Нарк.) О I just can’t
wait these days to get home and light
up. □ I almost had to light up on the
subway yesterday.
lightweight 1. mod. незначительный;
непоследовательный О This is a
fdirly lightweight matter. О We need
an executive here, not just a light­
weight flunky. 2. n. непоследовател­
ьный человек □ D on't worry about
her. She’s just, a lightweight. О Those
lightweights don't know how to run
things right.
like* 1.* interj. “типа” ; усилительная
или бессмысленная частица, кото­
рая при частом употреблении край­
не характерна для разговорной или
сленговой речи (Употр. с остор. На
письме не употр. Ср. okay, you
know.) О This is, like, so silly! □ She
is like so, like, way rad! 2.* interj.
слово, приблизительно обозначаю­
щее “говорите” (Всегда с какойлибо формой глагола “to be.” Употр.
с остор. Н а письме не употр.) □
Tiffany was like, “ W owr □ And I ’m
like “ Well, you should have put your
hat on!"
like a bat out of hell mod. очень бы­
стро или внезапно (Употр. с остор.)
о The car took off like a bat out of
hell. О The car pulled away from the
curb like a bat out of hell.
like a million (dollars) mod. очень
хорош или прекрасен (Обычно с
feel.) □ This old buggy runs like a
million dollars. □ Man, I feel like a
like a ton o f bricks mod. как что-либо
очень громоздкое и тяжёлое О The
whole thing flit me like a ton of bricks.
П Hitting the back end of that truck
was like hitting a ton o f bricks.
like crazy и like mad mod. яростно;
очень быстро, много или активно О
They’re buying tickets like crazy. □
Look at those people on the bank.
They re catching fish like mad!
like death warm ed over mod. стран­
ный; подобный смерти □ Oh, my
God! You look like death warmed
over! □ A tall, black-garbed gentle­
man lay there, looking like death
warmed over.
like gangbusters mod. возбуждённо и
яростно (От названия радио-шоу.)
□ She works like gangbusters and gets
the job done. □ They are selling tickets
like gangbusters.
Like hell!* exclam. “Врёшь!”; “Я не
верю!” (Употр. с остор.) □ You’re
going to a Dead concert! Like hell! О
Like hell, you are!
Like it or lump It! exclam. “Брось!”;
“Заткнись!”; “Соглашайся или ухо­
ди!” (Ср. Lump it!) О I f you don’t
want to do it my way, lump it! □ Too
bad! Like it or lump it!
like mad C m . like crazy.
like nobody’s busin ess mod. очень
хорошо; очень много □ She can
sing like nobody’s business. What a
set o f pipes! О M y mom can cook
chocolate chip cookies like nobody’s
like stink
like stink mod. быстро (Со скоростью
распространения запаха.) О Those
kids moved through the whole teat like
stint Real eager-beavers. Q As long
•as -she can run tike stink, swim like
stink, and smell like a flower, she gets
my support.
like there w a s no tomorrow mod. так,
словно Другой возможности уже Не
будет □ She was drinking booze like
there was no tomorrow. D H e lived
like there was no tomorrow.
like; you know* interj. объединение
выражений like и you know. (Н а пи­
сьме употр. с остор.) О She is, well,
like, you know, P.G. □ This is, well,
like, you know, too much!
tily-fivered mod. трусливый □ Don't
be so lily-livered. Give it a try. □ That
lily-livered guy is up hiding under his
bed till this blows over.
limp dishrag и dishrag n. совершенно
трусливый человек; трусливый и
бесхребетный человек О He's sweet,
but he’s a dishrag. Q A limp dishrag is
no help at ail in a crisis.
line f . n. рассказ или довод; история,
предназначенная соблазнить коголибо (См. тж. lines.) О I ’ve heard
that line before. D Don’t feed me that
line. D o you think I was born yester­
day? . я.» срединная вена предпле­
чья, используемая для инъекций
наркотиков (Нарк. От mainline.) О
There’s по place left to shoot in the
line. □ You see, you have to find a
soft spot in the line and slick the
hype right in. 3. in. ввести наркотик
в вену на руке (Нарк.) О Bruno will
line every now and then, but he can
take it or leave it. □ This slide shows
an addict "lining," that is, injecting
Into a Vein. 4. и lines п. ДОЗа ко­
каина в порошке, выровненная в
дорожку для вдувания или вдыха­
ния (Нарк.) О L e ts you and те go
do sortie lines, okay? D See these
tines here? Watch what happens to
line o n e’s own pocket(s) tr. делать
деньги Нечестным образом или не
думая об окружающих □ They are
interested in lining their pockets first
and serving the people second. О You
can't blame them for wanting to line
their own pockets.
lines n. слова; разговор (Негрит. См.
line.) О I tike your lines, bur I don’t
have the time. О We tossed some lines
back and forth for a while and then
lineup n. (в полицейском участке) по­
дозреваемые выстроенные в ряд для
опознания (Уголовн.) О / had to
stand in the lineup with this bunch of
yahoos. □ When they round up all the
likely suspects and put them in the
lineup, they always stick in a desk ser­
geant to spy on the rest.
lingo n. язык; специальный словарь-О
When you cash on to the lingo, every­
thing becomes clear. b I f you don’ t
tike the lingo, don't listen.
lion's sh are n. большая часть; “льви­
ная доля” О I earn a lot, but the
lion’s share goes for taxes. □ The
lion's Share of the surplus cheese goes
to school cafeterias.
lip 1. tr. & in. поцеловать кого-либо
D The two of them were in the
corner, lipping intently. О Hey,
honeycakes, I really wont to lip you
2. n'. юрист (Уголовн. См. mouth.)
О So I brought in my lip, and he got
me off the rap. О How much do you
pay your lip? 3. n. ответная реплика;
дерзкий ответ □ Don’t give me any
more of your lip! О I ’ve had enough
of her tip.
Li.Q . n. винный магазйн (Негрит.
Тж. как акроним.) □ L ets stop at
the L.I. Q. and get some berries.; O ’ I
got a head- ache already. I don 'r
need anything from any L.I.Q. to
make it worse.
liquefied mod. пьяный D Ten beers
and I am absolutely liquefied! О She
is too liquefied to walk, let alone drive.
liquidate tr. убить кого-либо (Уго­
ловн.) О The boss wants me to liqui­
date Mr. Bruno. D They used a
machine gun to liquidate a few
troublesome characters.
liquid cork n. Лекарство с крепящим
действием О This nasty-tasting stuff
is a good liquid. cork for what you
have О This liquid cork isn’t so bad if
you get it good and cold before you
take it.
liquid laugh n. рвотные массы О I f
you drink much more, you're gonna
come out with a liquid laugh □
loaded remark
There's some liquid laugh on your
listen up in. слушать внимательно
' (Обычно как приказ.) О Now, listen
up! This is important. Cl Listen up,
you guys!
lit n. литература (как школьный пред­
м ет) О Т т flunking English lit again.
□ I hate lit. Give me numbers any
little b lack b o o k я. записная книжка
с именами и адресами знакомых,
которые могут рассматриваться как
потенциальные любовницы О I'v e
got a nice collection in my little black
book. В Am I in your little black book,
or can you already tell that 1 wouldn’t
go out with you?
little b o y b lu e п. офицер полиции
‘ (мужчина) (Й егрит.) О I hear that
little boy blue is looking for you. О
Little boy blue is coming this way, and
he’s mad.
little b o y s ’ room п. уборная для маль­
чиков; мужская уборная □ Can you
tell т е where the little boys’ room is?
0 Ted’s in the little boys’ room. H e’ll
be right back. :
little g irls ’ room п. уборная для д е ­
вочек; женская уборная □ Can you
please tell те where the little girls'
room is? □ Is there an attendant in
the little girls' room?
(little) pinkie и (little) pinky п. мизи­
нец (См. тж. pinkeye.) О Ouch’ I
smashed my pinky. О M y little pinkie
nearly froze because there's a hole in
my glove.
livew a re (la iv w c r l п. ч е л о в е ч е с к и й
компонент в использовании компью­
тера (О бразовано по примеру soft­
ware и hardware.) О The hardware is
okay. It's the liveware thafs bad. O ' I f
1 don't get some sleep, you’re going to
see a liveware crash.
(liv e ) w ire п. энергичный и живой
человек О Molly is a real live wire. О
With a wire like Molly in charge,
things will get done, thafs for sure.
lo a d 1. п. столько спиртного, сколько
человек способен выпить (Обычно
loaded.) □ Harry had quite a had o f
booze. И Mary is carrying a load. 2. n.
порция спиртного Cl Can I have a
load from your bottle? □ Help yourself
to a toad. 3. п. доза наркотика; инъ­
екция наркотика (Hapks. См. тж.
loaded.) О She shoots a load every
day or two. О H e scored enough for ft
load only yesterday. 4. п. запас нар­
котика (Син. stash. Нарк.) □ M y
load is up in the Closet. □ I f his load
dwindles, he gets more easily. 5. n.
большая закупка героина (Н арк.) □
I ’ve scored a load that 11 last me a few
days. □ That load must be worth about
$■ 50,000.
loaded 1. mod. пьяный и ли опьянён­
ный наркотиком О I f ‘ yoiCre loaded,
don’t drive. О I'm not loaded. I'm just
a little tipsy. 2. mod. содержащий
много спирта О There's a tittle rum
in the eggnog, but its certainly not
what I would call loaded. И Wow, this
punch is loaded! 3. mod. (на автомо­
биле) со всеми возможными принад­
лежностями О Did you want to See a
car that’s loaded, or is this to be a
budget car? Q Now, this tittle gem is
loaded with everything. 4. mod. бога­
тый; набитый деньгами Q Mr. Wil­
son is loaded, but he Is also generous
with his money* о м у Uncle Fred is
loaded, but he’s going to take Ш M l
with him.
loaded for b ear 1. mod. пьяный О H e
is loaded for hear, and anything else.
□ H e’s been drinking mule since
dawn, and he’s loaded for bear. 2;
mod. готовый к трудным проблемам
0 Bring on the hard cases. I ’m loaded
for bear. 0 I ’m loaded for bear, and
that's good because this Is going to be
a rough day. 3. mod. очень злой □ By
the time he finished talking, 1 Was
loaded for bear. □ I had been loaded
for bear when I came into the room,
and I left as meek as a lamb.
loaded question п. вопрос, честный
ответ на который открывает вещи,
которые говорящий хотел бы скрыть
D Now, that’s a loaded question, and
1 don’t think I have to answer it О I
didn' t mean it to be a loaded ques­
loaded remark п. замечание, содер­
жащее важный намёк О
loaded remark did not go over well
with the host. □ In spite o f your
numerous loaded remarks, I do hope
you will return sometime when it Is
loaded to the gills
loaded to the gills и loaded to the
barrel mod. пьяный □ H e's loaded to
fhe gills. Couldn't see a hole in a lad­
der. О Man, he's loaded to the barrel
and fighting mad.
loady и loadie [ ’lodi] n. пьяница
или наркоман (Подрост, ц. студенч.
От load п. 2., п. 3.) О I hear that
Wally is a loady. Is that true? □
These loadies are all very difficult to
deal with.
local yokel [4ok| ’jokj] n. постоянный
житель сельский местности (Сленг,
унизит.) □ One o f the local yokels
helped me change the tire. О The local
yokels ail-listen to. the same radio sta­
loco [ ’loko] mod. сумасшедший (Из
испан.) О Who is that loco kid jump­
ing up and down in the front seat? □
This zit is gonna drive me loco.
locow eed n. марихуана (Нарк. Ко­
вызывает возбуждение у
съевших ее коров.) О You got any lo­
coweed you can spare? □ This lo­
coweed is pretty powerful.
lollapalooza [ЫэрэЧигэ] 1. n. чтолибо очень большое или удиви­
тельное □ Look at that bump on
your head. Thafs a lollapalooza! □
Her singing voice is a real dandy—a
lollapalooza. 2. n. ложь □ She just
' told a lollapalooza. □ What a lolla­
palooza! You expect rne to believe
lone wolf n. человек, ушедший в себя
Fred is sort of a lone wolf until he
has a few drinks. □ I t s the lone
wolves you read about in the paper
when they pull a drowning person
from the river.
long arm of the law n. полиция;
закон (См. тж. arm.) □ The long
arm of the law is going to tap you on
the shoulder some day, Lefty. О The
long arm o f the law finally caught up
with Gert.
long bread и long green n. деньги
(Негрит.) □ Man, that must have
cost you some long bread! □ Look at
the long green you get for doing the
long dozen n. тринадцать (См. baker's
dozen.) О Don’t you sell a long dozen
anymore? □ They used to give you a
long dozen in that bakery.
long green Cm. long bread.
longhair 1. n. интеллектуал с длин­
ными волосами, особенно музыкант
О There were a few longhairs at the
bar, but none o f the regulars. □ I am
sort of a longhair, but I still watch
T.V.. 2. mod. относящийся ко вкусам
интеллектуалов; (в музыке) класси­
ческий □ I don’t care for longhair
music. □ I t s too longhair. О Long­
hair stuff like symphonies and art
galleries bores me to tears. 3. n. “хи­
1960-ых годов □ Tell that longhair to
get our o f here. □ There are fewer
longhairs around here than there were
in the sixties.
long knife 1. n. убийца (Уголовн.) □
The boss sent one of his long knives to
kill the guy. o
Some long knife
showed up, but Marty took him out
before he made his move. 2. n.
разрушитель; наёмный убийца □
The secretary was acting as n long
knife for the President. □ One of his
long knives came over to pressure us
into cooperating.
long shot n. догадка; попытка имею­
щая мало шансов на успех □ Well, it
was a long shot, but I had to try it. О
You shouldn't expect a long shot to
pay off.
long story short phr. “сокращая рас­
сказ” , “короче’’ □ Okay, long story
short: everything that goes up conies
down, okay? □ Then the guy comes
over, and— long story short— “ You got
a match?"
long tall Selly n. высокая девушка
или женщина О Isn't she a gorgeous
long tall Sally? О She’s guile a long
tall Sally.
Long time no see. phr. “Я Вас давно
не видел.” □ Hey, John! Long time
no see! о Long time no see! How ya
look after number one in. заботиться
прежде всего о себе (См. number
one.) □ You gotta look after number
one, right? □ It’s a good idea to look
after number one. Who else will?
Look alive! exclam. “Шевелись бы­
стрее!” ; “Смотри и действуй жи­
вей!” □ There’s work to be done! Look
alive! О Look alive! I t s a long hard
day ahead!
Lots of luck!
lose (all) o n e ’s m arbles tr. сойти с
lo o k -see n. взгляд; осмотр □ L e ts go
ума (См. have all one’s marbles, mar­
and have a look-see at this monster of
bles.) О Have you lost all your mar­
yours. □ Take a look-see at this one
bles? □ She acts like she lost her
and see if you like it.
Look w h o ’s talking! exclam. “Ты так
lose It 1. tr. очищать желудок; бле­
■ же виноват!”; “Кто бы говорил!” □
вать (Студенч.) □ Oh, God! I think
M e a tax cheat? Look who’s talking! О
I ’m going to lose it! □ G o lose it in
Look who's talking. You were there
the bushes. 2. tr. рассердиться; те­
before I was.
рять самообладание □ I t was too
loony и loonle [luni] 1. n. сумасшед­
much for him Ted lost it. О I sat
ший человек (От lunatic.) □ I ’m
there calmly, biting my lip to keep
beginning to feel like a loonie the
from losing it.
longer I stay around here. □ Don’t be
lose o n e ’s cool tr. терять самообла­
a loohy. Use common sense. 2. mod.
дание; выходить из себя (Ср. keep
сумасшедший □ That is a loony idea.
one’s cool.) □ Now, don’t lose your
Forget it. □ I'm not really as loony as
cool. Relax. □ I ’m trying not to lose
seem. 3. mod. пьяный □ She’s ac­
my cool, but its hard.
ting a little loonie. Let’s get her home
lose o n e’s doughnuts Cm . blow one’s
before she’s sick- П A couple o f drinks
and she’s as loonie as hot cakes.
lose o n e’s grip и lose o n e’s hold tr.
loony bin n. психиатрическая боль­
терять контроль над чем-либо □
ница □ I feel like I ’m about ready for
When I begin to lose my grip, I will
the loony bin. О Todays loony bins
just quit. О I'm losing my hold. It
are far different from those just a few
must be time to chuck it.
decades ago.
lo se o n e’s hold Cm. lose one’s grip.
looped и loopy mod. пьяный □ Sam is
lose o n e’s lunch Cm. blow one's lunch.
too looped to drive. О She got loopy
lose o n e ’s shirt tr. разориться; по­
very quickly and had to be helped to a
терять всё имущество (даже по­
следнюю рубашку) О I lost ту shirt
lo o p -le g g e d mod. пьяный □ H e’s too
on that bank deal □ Try not to lose
loop-legged to drive. □ She has this
your shirt in the marker again.
strange tendency to get a little loop­
loser [luzzr] n. неподходящий чело­
legged when she has four or five
век; нежелательный или надоедли­
вый человек □ Dave is a real loser. □
lo ose cannon n. крикун; хвастун □
Only losers wear clothes like that.
it turned out, he's not just a loose
losing streak n. период невезения,
cannon. H e makes sense. □ Some
особенно в азартных играх □ After
loose cannon in the State Department
has been feeding the press all sorts of
a prolonged losing streak, Diamond
Jane retired and opened some sort of
crap as a diversion.
manicure parlor outside Las Vegas. □
loot 1. n. украденные вещи; укра­
I 'v e been on a three-year losing
денные деньги О The loot was
streak in my business. I'm just about
stashed in the trunk of the getaway
car. О Where's the loot? I want my
lost cau se n. безнадёжная или нику­
piece. 2. n. деньги вообще О I left
дышная вещь или человек □ The
home without any loot. О I t takes
whole play began to wash out during
too much loot to eat ar that restau­
the second act. It was a lost cause by
the third. D M ax is just a lost cause.
Lord love a duck! exclam. “O -o !”,
Just forget about him
“Боже!” □ Lord love a duck! I f s
Lots of luck! 1. exclam. “Удачи!” □
; Mary! Й ' Lord love a duck, I'm tired!
I ’m glad you're giving it a try. Lots of
lo -re s Cm. low-res.
luck! О Lots of luck in your new job!
lorg [lorg] n. тупица, глупый человек
2. exclam. “У тебя нет шансов!” ;
□ Why is Frank such a lorg? Can’t he
“Удачи, она тебе очень понадоби­
got with it? □ Tell that lorg to find his
тся!” (Саркастично.) □ Think you
own chair.
loud mouth
stand a chance? Lots o f luck! О You a
senator? Lot of luck!
loud mouth n. человек, который го­
ворит очень много или очень гром­
ко о I try not to be п loud mouth,
but I sometimes get carried away. О
There are a number of loud mouths in
here who are competing with one
louse {laus] n. совершенно отврати­
тельный человек (Обычно мужчи­
на-) О You can be such a louse! □
M ax turned out to be a louse, and his
wife o f two weeks left him.
louse something up и louse up
something tr. испортить что-либо О
Please don't louse the typewriter rib­
bon up this time. О Jack loused up my
effort to win approval for my plan.
lousy f’lauzi] mod. плохой; неудач­
ный □ This is a lousy day. □ This
mushy stuff is lousy. D o 1 have to eat
lousy with som eone or something
mod. имеющий большое количество
чего-либо или кого-либо (Словно
кишит вшами.) □ Old Mr. Wilson is
lousy with money. О Tiffany is lousy
with jewels and furs, but she's got bad
love bom bs n. подтверждение привя­
занности □ These two dropping love
bombs on each other, even though
they hate each other’s guts. О What a
phony bunch of kooks. They were
throwing love bombs all over the
love drug n. наркотик действующий
как сексуальный возбудитель; мари­
хуана или другое подобное вещество
(Нарк.) О I ’ve heard tot about this
love drug stuff, but it doesn't do any­
thing to me. □ Nearly ever one of
these substances has been called the
love drug at one time or another.
love handles п. жировой валик во­
круг талии О I wish J could get rid of
these love handles. □ Are you troubled
with a spare tire or love handles? Mere
is a product which has helped thou­
sands and will help you!
love-in 1. п. событие 60-ых годов,
когда одна или больше пар зани­
мались любовью в общественном
месте □ M y uncle was at one o f those
love-ins, and he said if anything was
going on, it was going on under
blankets. О 1 think the only people
who went to love-ins were reporters. 2.
n. событие 60-ых годов, когда все
участвующие с помощью мариху­
аны впадали в эйфорическую лю­
бовь к людям о The meeting was по
love-in, but we got along. О Everyone
at the annual company love-in was
throwing love bombs around at each
Love itl См. ( I ) love it!
Love you! exclam. “Ты. великолепен!”
(Почти бессмысленная фраза.) □
See ya around, Martin. L e ts do lunch!
Love ya! Bye bye. О Nice talking to
you. babe. Love you!
lo w -b low п. нечестный удар (ниже
пояса) (См. тж. hit (som eone) below
the belt.) □ N o fair! That was a low blow. □ Coming in like that unan­
nounced was a pretty low-blow.
low brow { ’lobrou] 1. n. не интелли­
гент; “простой человек” О Some
lowbrow came in and made a stink
about not being able to find any Gene
Autry records. О N ot that Gene Autry
is lowbrow. The guy who came in was.
2. mod. неинтеллигентный; не ин­
теллигентский □ / like my lowbrow
music and my lowbrow friends! О
Whafs lowbrow about soft rock?
lowdown 1. mod. плохой; грязный □
What a dirty, lowdown thing to do. О
You are a lowdown rat! 2. n. факты
чего—либо; сплетни о чём-либо □
What's the lowdown on that funny
statue in the park? О Give me the
lowdown on the project we just
low five n. хлопок ладонями на уро­
вне пояса в качестве приветствия
(Ср. high five.) О They turned to each
other, throwing о quick low five as
they passed. О The two 8 year-old
tried to give each other a low five, but
they both hurt their hands.
low -key mod. не очевидный; незамет­
ный О Let’s try to keep this low-key
so as not to upset the family. □ It was
a very tow-key meeting, but we got a
lot done.
low 4 ife 1. п. низкий человек; отвра­
тительный человек О This low-life
smells like bacon. D Hey, low-life,
keep out of my way. 2. mod. низкий;
подлый; злобный (Негрит.) О Don't
be so low-life, man! о We don’t need
any low-life characters around here.
low rent t. n. низкий человек; непри­
влекательный или бездуховный че­
ловек (Тж. как грубое обращение.)
П Look, low rent, where is what you
owe me? □ This low rent here thinks
he can push Bruno around, huh? 2.
mod. дешёвый; непритязательный □
This place is strictly low rent □ Why
don’t you go live with some of your
low rent friends?
lo w -res и lo -re s [ ’lo’rszj mod. плохой;
неприятный (От low resolution— низ­
кая разрешающая способность мони­
тора компьютера Ср. high-res.) □ 1
, feel sort of low-res today. □ The party is
lo-res. Let’s cruise.
L.S.D. n. Л.С.Д. диэтиламид лизергиновая кислота! галлюциноген (Нарк.
Основной наркотик 1960-х — 70х.) □ Is there much L.S.D. still
. around? □ L.S D. isn’t the problem it
used to be, but ifs far from gone.
L.T. и LT in. “living together.” “жить
вместе” ; сожительствовать (Эвфем.)
О Guess who’re LT? О They have been
L T , for some time.
lube n. масло □ Pass the lube, will ya,
huh? □ We’re outa lube.
lubricated mod. пьяный □ They are
: sufficiently lubricated for the night. О
H e’s not fit to talk to until he’s lubriy„ cated a bit.
lubrication n. спиртное □ A little lu­
brication would help this party a lot. □
; Wally has had a little too niuch lu­
luck o f the draw n. отсутствие вы­
бора; дело случая О Why do I al­
ways end up with the luck of the
draw? □ The team was assembled by
chance. It was just the luck o f the
draw that we could work so well to­
luck out in. быть удачливым □ / re­
ally lucked out when I ordered the
duck. I f s excellent. □ I didn't luck
. out at all. I really make the right
lucky dog n. счастливый человек, воз­
можно незаслуженно (Тж. как об­
ращение.) □ You lucky dog! D M ax
was a lucky dog because he won the
i football pooL
lude [lud] n. капсула “ Q uaalu de"”
(Нарк.) □ A couple o f ludes put M ax
in a better mood. О I don't know what
he gave me. Mary said it was a lude or
lUded out mod. опьяненный транкви­
лизатором и снотворным “ Q u aa­
lude™” (Нарк.) O M ax is luded out, but
maybe Bruno can help you. О Some stu­
dents come to school luded out.
lug [lag] n. тупица □ Is this lug
bothering you, lady? □ Some tug on a
tractor was holding up traffic. У.
lughead n. глупый человек (Тж. как
обращение,) О What a lughead! How
can you be so dumb? □ Hey, lughead!
Watch where you are going.
lumber n. стебли и мусор в порции
конопли (Нарк.) □ This stuff is full
o f lumber! О Take the lumber out, un­
less you want flames.
lumbo и limbo [ ’ lambo и ’ limbo] n.
Колумбийская марихуана
См. тж. lu m (s ).) О Н е showed up
with a bag of lumbo. □ Hey, M ax! You
are just in time with the limbo, man.
lummox и lommiXj lummux ( ’bmaks и
lamaks] n. тяж ёлы й, н еуклю ж ий,
глупый человек О Н е looks like a big
lummox, but he can really dance. □
Bruno is what you would call a lum­
mux—but not to his face, of course.
lump n. тупица □ I am not a lump! I
am just sedate and pensive. О Who is
that lump leaning over the bar?
Lump it! exclam. “Забудь!” ; “Уходи!”
(См. тж. Like it or lump it!) □ Well, you
can just lump it! □ Lump it! Drop dead!
lumpus [ ’ lampas] n. глупый дурачок
□ You ate a silly lumpus! U Is this
lumpus giving you any trouble,
lum(S) [lam (z)] n. конопля из Колум­
бии <“l;um” от неправильного прои­
зношения слова “Columbia.”)
Bruno preferred lums, but he would
take what he could get. □ I f it weren’t
for him, our trade deficit wouldn’t be
so bad.
lush 1. n. спиртное □ Who’s bringing
the lush to the party? D Lead me to
the lush 2. и lush up in. выпить сли­
шком много алкоголя О Come over
sometime, and we'll lush □ We sat
lushing up for an hour waiting for the
plane. 3. n. пьяница 0 / was afraid of
lush hound
it for some time, but now I know.
Molly is a lush. o.-.There were four
confirmed lushes at the party,-but they
all passed out didn't bother us much.
lush hound n. пьяница □ What a lush
hound you’re getting to be! □ Give this
lush hound a drink The sooner he’s
tanked, the sooner he’ll go home and
leave us alone. .
lush house n.•-'пивная или таверна О
Lefs stop in at this lush house for a
bear. □ Hurry? You" It find hint at the
closed lush house.
lush merchant n. пьяница □ Some
lush merchant sat by the door waiting
for a handout. □ Do you think I want
to see you turn into a lush merchant?
lush up Cm. lush.
M g 's ; и M.sn.. морфин (Парк.) О М.
is nice if you can get i f It',s not nice if
■you can't get off it. □ M . is too hard
to get t.a have to depend on it. 2. n.
марихуана (Нарк.) □ Can you sell
me sbing М.? □ M ax deals nwinlji in
;w .
manana [ma’ njano] mod, завтра (И спан.) □ It's always manana with you.
Isn't there any 'today or 'now' in your
vocabulary? □ He's a manana kind of
guy■ You. know— real raid back.
Ma Bell n. американская телефонная
и телеграфная компания “АТ&'В.”;
Любая |;|&ефрнная компания (Ср.
Baby Bell.) □ I forgot to pay M a Ball
this тоПЩ О M a Bell is still o n e o f
the largest firms in the nation. '
m a ce s o m e o n e ’s fa c e [mes...] tr.
. С д е ^ Й » что-либо решительное: рц
‘ неприятное (От торговой марки
компании “ Chemical М асе“” выпус­
кающей баллончики со слезоточи­
вым газом.) □ Do you want те to
mate your face? Then shut ир.'ЩАТ
' look at him, and' suddenly I just want
: to made his face or something.
macho |’ matjjol 1. mod. мужской;
4 мужественный (Из испан. фемини­
стками, используется рак унизит.) □
Does the world really need one more
, macho п и нф о He's hardly macho. □
You know— that ■] bright-eyed macho
type. 2. n. мужественный мужчина
□ He'S such a macho. H e even chews
* tobacco. □ Watch out for that macho
; over there. H e's cruising for a bruis-
he has Machu Picchu. 4 1 looks. like
ragweed to me.
M ac(k) [mask] n. общее имя для мужчин (Тж. как обращение.) □ Look,
Mac, you want to make some big
money? □ Hey, Mack! Come here a
Machu Picchu I'm atju ’ pit^uj n. креп>зкая марихуана из Перу (Нарк. Наз.-.:вана но наз. г. Мачу Пичу.) О I got
Шроте 1Machu Picchu. Wanna come
'■over? o Some guy across the hall says
m ac out in. переесть, особенно в ре­
сторане быстрого обслуживание
сандвича “Big Мае'”” Ср. Big Mac
attack. См. тж. blimp out, pig out,
pork out, scarf out.) □ I ’ve been in
Europe for a month, and I just want
to get home and пше out. □ I mac out
every weekend. It's like going to
m adam n. содержательница публич­
ного дома □ The madam was caught
’ .i'n-, a sting operation. □ The cops led
the madam away, followed by a parade
M adison A v e n u e Bm xdasan ’ aevanu]
1. fh. стиль крупных рекламных
агенств (расположенных на Mejjij*
сон-авеню в ^Нью-Йорке.) □ It’s too
much like Madison Avenue. We want
a calm,’ sincere mood. D This is plain
old Madison Avenue. I want some■thing more subtle. 2. mod. реклам­
ный; пропагандистский □ More and
more people simply do not respond to
Madison Avenue hype. О Can Madi­
son Avenue techniques sell a political
candidate? *
mad m o n ey п. .деньги, которые можно
:тратить в свое удовольствие □ This
•j|i§ myvmad money, awi 0 1 do with it
as I please. □ / got $ 100 in mad
money for mybirthday.
m ag n. журнал П / gotta stop and get
a computer mag. □ /' ve seen your face
lit the mags, haven't I?
m aggot 1. n. сигарета (Вероятно,
игра на faggot от fag.) □ Can I bum a
maggot off of you? D Get your own
maggots. 2. n. низкий, гнусный, пре­
зренный человек □
You maggot!
Take your hands off me! □ Only a
maggot would do something like that.
maggotty и m aggoty mod. пьяный □
Rotten, hell They were absolutely
maggotty! О How can anybody reach
the state o f being maggoty on three
magic bullet Cm. silver bullet.
magic mushroom s и sacred mush­
rooms n. грибки рода Psilocybe,
вызывающие галлюцинацию при
употреблении в пищу (Нарк.) О
Magic mushrooms are okay because
they are natural, or something tike
that. О This is the so-called "Sacred
mushroom," named for its use in
Amerindian ritual
magic pumpkin n. мескалин (Нарк.)
О Magic pumpkin is really a chemical
that comes from part of a cactus. □
This magic pumpkin tastes like rotten
m agpie n, болтун, болтушка □ Sally is
such a magpie! □ Why do those hor­
rendous magpies all go to the same
movies 1 go to?
(m a)hoska [ma’hasks] 1. n. нарко­
тик; любая контрабанда (Уголовн.)
The tall pinstriper asked where he
could get some mahoska. □
hoska must be for a friend. He’s a
blower if I ever saw one. 2. n.
энергия; сила □
The guy's got
mahoska and guts! О She’s quick
and has lots of mahoska.
main drag n. главная улица □ I have
a shop over on the main drag. О The
main drag is solid with traffic on Sat­
urday nights.
mainline 1. n. срединная вена пред­
плечья (Нарк. Излюбленное место
инъекций. См, тж. line.) □ She
pumped the stuff right into the main­
line. О See the scars along the main­
line.- Those are from abscesses. 2. In,
инъекция в срединную вену пред­
плечья (Нарк.) О Yesterday it was
busters and thrusters—today he's
mainlining. О You can tell from the
scars that he has been mainlining re­
main squeeze t. n. начальник □ The
main squeeze has a lot of responsi­
bility. О The main squeeze is out of
town for a week. 2. n. постоянный
друг (подружка); любовник(ца) О
M y main squeeze is coming over to
talk tonight. О She plans to marry her
main squeeze.
main stash n. дом наркомана (В зна­
чении место, где хранятся запас
наркотиков. Нарк. См. stash п. 3.) О
His apps are in his main stash. D M y
main stash is on Maple, but I'm usu­
ally not there.
major mod. великолепный (Студенч.)
This rally is, like, major! P Wally is
one of the most major beach guys!
make Ha tr. опознавать кого-либо
(Уголовн.) □ We tried to make him
down at the station, but came up with
nothing. О Given another second or
two I could have made the guy—but he
moved for his gun, and the shot I fired
into his face will keep his name a
secret for a long time, 2. n. опознание
(Уголовн.) □ We ran a make on her.
She's got two priors. О The make
didn't come through until after she
was released. 3. tr. прибыть кудалибо; покрыть расстояние □ Can we
make Boston by sunset? □ We made
40 miles in 30 minutes. 4 . tr. достичь
определённой скорости □ See if this
thing can make 90. □ This buggy will
make twice'the speed o f the old one.
make a b o o -b o o tr. делать ошибку
(См. boo-boo.) О Everybody таке a
boo-boo every now and then. □
Whoops! I made a boo-boo.
make a bundle и make a pile tr. де­
лать “кучу” денег (См. bundle.) О I
made a bundle off that last deal. О I
want to buy a few stocks and make a
pile in a few years.
make a buy и make a connection,
make a meet, m ake the man tr.
найти торговца наркотиками и ку­
пить наркотики (Нарк.) □ Н е slunk
out the door saying something about
making a connection □ When ifs
time to make a buy, you’d better be
make a federal c a se out o f som e­
thing tr. преувеличивать значение
(ошибки, промаха) О D o you have to
make a federal case out of everything?
make one’s bed
t only spilled my milk. Why make a
federal case gut of it?
make a killing tr. получить огромный
доход; добиться огромной извест­
ности □ The company made a killing
from the sale of Us subsidiary, О I
wanted to make a killing as a banker,
\ybut it didfi't work out.
Make a lap! exclam. “Садись!” О Hey,
make a lap and get out of the way! О
Pull up a chair and make a lap!
make a meet C m , make a buy.
make a pig of oneself tr. переедать;
брать больше чего-либо, чем остал­
ьные; быть эгоистичным □ Please
don' t make a pig out o f yourself. □ I
have a tendency to make a pig of my, self at affairs like this,
make a pile C m . make a bundle.
make a score tr. совершить преступ­
ление; покупать или продавать нар­
котики; ограбить или обворовать
кого-либо (Уголовн, Син. scam.) □
We made и score with that bank fob in
Adamsville, didn’t we? О They made
quite a score off that junky.
make a stink (about som eone or
something) C m . raise a stink (about
someone or something). .
make book on something tr. делать
ставку; заключить пари D Well, she
might. But 1 wouldn’t таке book on it.
О D on’t make book on my success in
this game.
make for som ew here in. направиться
куда-либо; убежать или путешест­
вовать куда-либо □ M a x made for
Philadelphia when he heard the pigs in
the Big Apple were after him. □ Barlowe made for the stairs, but two shots
rang out, and he knew it was all over
for Mary.
make ham burger out of som eone or
something и make mincemeat out
o f som eone or something tr. уни, чтожить кого-либо □ The puppy
made mincemeat out of my paper. О
They threatened to make hamburger
, out of me.
make it I . tr. достичь своей цели (См.
make (i t ) big.) □ I can see by looking
around this room that you have, really
made .it. □ I hope I make it someday.
But if not, I tried. 2. tr. совоку­
пляться (с кем-либо) □ There was no
doubt in his mind that those bedroom
eyes were telling him their owner
wanted to make it. О She waned to
make it, but he convinced her they
should wait.
make (it) big tr. & in. преуспевать
(особенно в области финансов) О I
always knew that someday I would
make it b ig. П M y brother made big,
but it has just led to tax problems.
make it hot for som eone tr. вызывать
у кого-либо СЛОЖНОСТИ, трудности
(См. примеры.) □ The cops were
making it hot for him, so he blew
town. □ The boss is making it a little
hot for me, so J had better get to work
on time.
Make it snappy! exclam. “Торопись!”;
“Давай быстрей!” О
Were late,
Molly. Make it snappy. □ Make it
snappy, Fred. The cops are headed itp
the walk now.
make like som eone or something in.
вести себя как кто-либо или чтолибо □ Why don’t you make like a
bunny and run away? Beat it! P
Would you please make like a butler
and hold the door open for me?
make mincemeat out of som eone or
something C m . make hamburger out
o f someone or something,
my day!
делай, что собирался, и я буду
крайне рад делать, что должен!”
(Как правило, произносит в ки­
пистолет на преступника. Подразу­
мевается, что преступник даст по­
лицейскому повод нажать на курок,
что тот и сделает с удовольствием.
В жизни употребляется в любом
контексте., особенно саркастич.) □
M ove a muscle! Go for your gun! Go
ahead, make m y day! □ Make my
day. Just try it.
Make no mistake (about it) I sent,
выражение, подтверждающее прав­
дивость предыдущих, высказыва­
ний; “Клянусь!” □ Make no mistakeI
This is the real thing. О This is a very
serious matter. Make no mistake about
make o n e ’s bed tr. быть причиной
собственных несчастий □ Well, I
guess I made my own bed. Now I have
to lie in it. □ " We all make our own
beds.” said the minister.
make oneself scarce
make oneself scarce tr. уходить;
реже появляться где-либо □ Here
come the boys in blue. I 'd better make
myself scarce. □ I suggest that you
make yourself scarce before she re­
make out 1. in. заниматься сексуаль­
ными ласками □ I still like to make
out, but it's hard with dentures. О He
started making out when he was 12. 2.
in. преуспевать; иметь успех □ How
did you make out? О I hope I make
out Okay tomorrow.
m ake-out
artist n. соблазнитель;
развратник (См. lady-killer.) □ The
guy thinks he's a make-out artist, but
the women all think he's a nerd. П H e
might have been a make-out artist in
his youth, but I doubt it.
make the scen e 1. tr. посетить какоелибо событие (См. тж. scene п. 1.) □
We plan to таке the scene, but you
know how things are. □ I hope every­
body can make the scene. 2. tr. пони­
мать полож ен и е; приветствовать
положение (Уголовн. См. таке п. 1.,
п. 2.) □ / can’t quite make the scene,
but it looks like Bruno punched the guy
over here. Then he moved to the win­
dow over here, and thafs when the old
dame across the street saw him. О I
can make the scene. It 's just like you
said, except Bruno came in and found
the guy laid out on the floor.
make tracks 1. tr. быстро двигаться
откуда-либо О I gotta make tracks
home now. □ L e fs make tracks. We
gotta hit Adamsville before noon. 2. tr.
делать инъекцию наркотика (Остав­
ляя след от укола. Нарк.) □ I see
you’re making tracks. What are you
on? a Ernie had been making tracks
for about a week when his place was
make w aves tr. вызывать трудности,
сложности (Часто с отрицанием.) О
Just relax. Don't make waves, ft1 I f
you make waves too much around
here, you won’t last long.
make with the something in. делать
что-либо видимым; использовать
что-либо □ Come on, таке with the
cash, □ I want to know. Come on,
make with the answers!
malarky и malarkey [ms’larki] n.
чепуха; чушь; лесть □ Don't give me
that malarkey. О What ridiculous
male chauvinist pig См. M .C.P.
mallet n. полицейский (Негрит.) □
Sam was struck by a mallet this noon.
Some mallet is going around asking
questions about you.
mama bear n. женщина—полицейский
(Ср. lady bear.) 0 As we came under
the bridge, we saw a mama bear sitting
in a pigmobile. О A mama bear pulled
the trucker over.
man 1. n. друг, приятель, знакомый
(H e обязательно мужчина. Тж. как
обращение.) □ Look, man, take it
easy! □ Hey, man. That one's mine! 2.
exclam. “О—о!” (Обычно Man!) □
Man, what a bundle! О Man, what an
ugly mug. 3. и the man n. продавец
наркотиков (Нарк.) □
The man
won’t give you credit, you numskull! О
When your man doesn't show, there’s
always a good reason. 4. и the man n.
полиция; государственные службы
(Негрит.) □ You better check with the
man before you get seen with me. □
We are about to rap a little with my
M. and M.s n. капсулы “Seconal™”,
барбитурат (От торговой марки раз­
ноцветных драже.) □ Is there some­
where around here I can get some M .
and M.s? О N o M . and M .s for me.
I ’m on blues.
Manhattan white и Manhattan silver
n. воображаемая белая (из-за пол­
ного отсутствия света) марихуана,
выращенная из семян, смытых в
канализационный коллектор Н ью Йорка (Совершенно шут.) О Some
clown on the corner was trying to sell
Manhattan white to the tourists. □
The package was supposed to contain
Manhattan silver. The lab tests show
it to be some dried Boston fern.
manicure 1. tr. чистить и подрезать
марихуану для курения (Нарк.) □
Bruno never would manicure the stuff.
Some people would buy it anyway. □
M ax wants to manicure his own dope.
2. n. хорошего качества, очищенная
марихуана □
Ah, this manicure
should bring some good coin. □ You
dot any high Q. manicure?
man on the street 1. n. обычный,
средний человек; случайно выб­
Mary Jane
ранный человек □ But what does the
man on the street think about all this?
The man on the street really doesn’t
care about most o f what you think is
important. .2. mod. обычный; пов­
седневный (Обычно m an-on—the—
street.) □ These man-on-the-street
interviews all seem sort o f phony. □
The m an-on-the-street opinion spots
are fun to make, but we can’t show
half o f them.
m an -size(d) mod. большой, особенно
no отношению к порции ; пищи □
This is a man-sized steak! Thats what
want □ For a man-size meal, open
a can of Wallace's Chili tonight!
map 1. n. лицо □ There was fear and
hatred all over his map. □ With a map
like that, she could really go some­
where: 2. n. ноты (Джаз. муз. Син.
chart.) О Check ту -т ар, and see
where you come in. О I left the map at
home. Can 7 look at yours?
m arathons [ ’mcraOanz] n. амфетами­
ны (Нарк.) О She is running on
marathons and no food at all □ Now,
these things they call “marathons" be­
cause they keep you running day and
m arble dom e n. дурак (У которого
мрамор вместо мозгов.) О The guy's
a marble dome. Н е has по knowledge
of whafs going on around him. □ Is
this marble dome giving you any
m arble orchard и Marble City n.
кладбище □ I already bought a little
plot in a marble orchard. О When I
take a trip to Marble City, I want
truckloads of flowers.
m arbles 1. n. капсулы транквилизато­
ра “Placidyl” ” (Нарк.) □ I don’t like
those Anarbles. □ The cops found a
couple of marbles in her purse 2. n.
разум, ум, рассудок (См. тж. lose
(a ll) one’s marbles.) о i f I had my
full quota of marbles, I could handle
this. □ When your marbles are lost,
you’re done for.
mari [ ’men] n. марихуана; сигарета с
марихуаной (Нарк. См. М агу.) □
How about a little mari on me? О How
much do you want for a mari?
n. человек,
пристрастившийся к марихуане (По
образцу alcoholic.) □ This child was a
mariholic at age 11! □ Mari holies tend
to lack ambition.
marijane [mcri’djen] n. марихуана
(Нарк.) □ Marijane has been around
since the turn of the century. □ You'd
be amazed at how many country kids
use marijane.
marijuanaful [mera’wanafl] mod. от­
носящийся к (отличной) марихуане
□ Ah, this stuff is really marijuanaful! □
Well, Bruno, it looks like you’re fuiving
another marijuanaful day.
marine и marine recruit, marine of­
ficer n. пустая бутылка из-под ал­
когольного напитка (Другая версия
dead soldier или dead marine.) О
Every now and then the gentle mutter­
ing of the customers was accented by
the breaking of a marine as it hit the
floor. О The guy in a uniform tossed
the marine officer in the barrel and
m ariw eegee [meri’widji] n. мариху­
ана (Нарк. Негрит.) □ Give the man
some mariweegee for his trouble. О
I f s just a little mariweegee. Irvine
won’t mind that one bit.
mark n. намеченная жертва огра­
бления или жульничества (Уголовн.
Син. dupe п. К ) □ I bumped the
mark on the shoulder, and he put his
hand on his wallet just like always. □
We picked the marks out o f the crowd
in front o f the two-dollar window.
mark time tr. ждать; тратить время в
ожидании □ I 'l l just mark time till
things get better. О D o you expect me
to just stand here and mark time?
martooni [mar’tuni] n. коктейль “мар­
тини” (Как произносят пьяные.) □
I 'll have just one more martooni, inn­
keeper. О I am going to drink three
double martoonis, and I might as well
have them all at once.
Mary 1. n. морфин (Нарк.) □ Mary
was at the root of an addiction prob­
lem for years before the other mari
came along. □ Mary was first made
as a cure for opium addiction. 2. и
mari n. марихуана (Нарк. Может
быть употр., как кодовое имя. ) □
M ax pulled a little packet of Mary
out of his pocket. □ Somebody told
me that M ary is here. Is that right?
Mary Jane и Mary J., Maryjane n.
марихуана (Нарк. См. тж. Jane.) □
Mary Warner
I can't live another day without Mary
Jane О 1 could sure rap with Mary
Jane about now.
Mary W arner и Mary Werner, Mary
W orner n. марихуана О This guy
came in and said he was looking for
Mary Warner. I told him she must
have been the last tenant. □ "Does
Mary Worner live here?" he asked.
mash in. заниматься сексуальными
ласками (Студенч.) О Who are those
two mashing in the corner? О / can't
spend every evening mashing with
m ashed mod. пьяный □ Both guys
were totally mashed. I called my
brother, who came and rescued me. □
Bruno was mashed, but he wouldn't let
anyone else drive.
m assive mod. великолепный (Кали­
фор.) Q The bash at Tiffany's was,
like, massive! □ That was a totally
massive party. Tiff.
m assively mod. великолепно; пол­
ностью □ M a x showed up for the
meeting massively stoned and singing
att the top of his lungsi О Robert pre­
sented us with a massively gross belch
that actually made the window rattle a
match (box) n. маленький спичечный
коробок полный марихуаны (Нарк.)
О How much for a match of manicure?
□ I 'm looking for a matchbox for a
Maui W aui и Maui (w ow ee), Maui
wowie I'maui ’wauil n. крепкая ма­
рихуана с острова Мауи на Гаваях
(Нарк.) О Maui wowee is all the craze
on the East Coast now. □ Is there any
such thing as Maui Waui, or is it Just
a joke?
maven и mavin [ ’mevn] n. эксперт;
самозваный знаток (От иврит “mevin” через идиш.) □ A maven in the
stock market you are not. О Harriet—
a well-known clothing mavin in R o ­
chester— keeps giving pointers on
fabrics, but I don’t listen.
maw [mo] tr. & in. обнять и поце­
ловать; заниматься сексуальными
ласками (Возможно от maul.) □
Come on, don’t maw те. You've been
watching too many movies—or too
few. P Let’s go out somewhere and
max n. максимум (См. тж. the max.)
П Is this the max J can have? D I
want the max. I'm hungry.
m axed out 1. mod. утомлённый, уста­
лый О I am just maxed out. I haven't
been getting enough sleep. О I had to
stop work because I almost maxed out
on the keyboard. 2. mod. пьяный □
Sam was maxed out and seemed
happy enough to sit under the table
and whimper. О I hadn’t seen Barbwe
so maxed out in years. H e was nearly
mayo [ ’meo] n. майонез □ You want
mayo ok mustard? Q I'll take both
mayo and mustard, thank you.
mazulla Cm. mazuma.
mazuma и mazulfa
[ma’zunw и
ma'zuh] n. деньги (От иврит “mezu”
через идиш.) О How much mazuma
do you want for this? □ She’s got more
mazuma than she knows what to do
M cCoy Cm. (rea l) McCoy.
McDoctor(s) и M cDoc(s) n. шуточное
название медпункта в универмаге
(Ср. doc($)—in-ar-box.) □ They took
the kid to McDoctors, or whatever it
is, over in the mall О M cDocs is not
cheap, but ifs handy.
McD’s и Me Duck’s n. ресторан бы­
строго обслуживания “McDonald’s”
(Подрост, и студенч. duck игра на
“Donald Duck", имени персонажа
мультфильмов.) О Can you take
M c D ’s tonight, or do you want some
slow food? □ I can always handle
McDuck’s См. предыдущ. вокаб.
M.C.P. и male chauvinist pig n.
мужчина, ведущий себя агрессивно
по отношению к женщинам и пока­
зывающий своё над ними превос­
ходство (Со времен движения за
права женщин в 1970-х.) О The guy
is just a male chauvinist pig, and he It
never change. О Don’t you just hate
walking through a room filled with
M .C .P.s and just knowing what they
are thinking about you?
mean t . mod. относящийся к комулибо или чему-либо очень хо­
рошему О This music is mean,
man, mean. What a great sound! □
This is the meanest wine I ever
drank. 2. mod.
относящийся к
умению делать что-либо превосх­
одно и профессионально (См. при­
меры.) D John plays the piano quite
well. Fred says that John plays a
mean piano. □ You may say that
your mother bakes delicious pies, but
all my friends say she bakes a mean
pie. □ Tom says that his father
plays a mean game o f golf.
mean busin ess tr. быть крайне серь­
ёзным □ Stop laughing! I mean busi­
ness. □ I could tell from the look on
her face that she meant business.
m ean-green 1. n. деньги О How much
o f that mean-green do you need? О
Can I borrow a little mean-green till
payday? 2. n. фенциклидин, P.C.P.
(Нарк.) О H e's stoned on тейпgreen. □ The hog thats nearly spoiled
turns yellowish and is called meangreen.
meany и meanie n. неприятный, под­
лый человек; мрачный человек □
Come on! Don’t be such a meany. О I
don't wont to be a meany, but if you
don’t turn down that radio, I don't
know what I ’ll do.
meathead n. глупый дурачок □ Don’t
call him a meathead. H e does his best.
О Is this meathead bothering you,
m eatheaded mod. глупый; простова­
тый О O f all the meatheaded ideas.
This one takes the cake! О How meat­
headed! О When someone conducts a
meat- headed operation like this, we
tend to lose faith in the whole system.
meathooks n. руки (См. тж. hooks.)
О Get yow meathooks off my car! □ I f
your meathooks so much as brush by
my jacket again, you are finished!
meat w agon n. машина “скорой по­
мощи” О The meat wagon showed up
just as they were pulling what was left
of Marty out of what was left of her
car. □ When the meat wagon stops at
all the traffic lights on the way to the
hospital, you know somebody’s pifted.
medico [ ’mcdiko] n. врач (От испан.)
О The medico says I should lose some
weight. □ I t s hard to take it seriously
when a fat medico tells you to shed a
few pounds.
meet n. встреча (Обычно уголовн.) □
I f this meet works out, we could score
a cool million О What time is the
meeting o f the minds n. согласие □
A t last we’ve reached a meeting of the
minds. □ This meeting o f the minds is
nothing more than a truce.
m ega [ ’megs] mod. большой □ Some
mega beast boogied down to the front
o f the auditorium and started scream­
ing. О You see I have this, like, mega
problem, ya know.
m egabucks [ ’megsbsks] n. большая
сумма денег (См. тж. kilobucks.) □
A stereo that size must cost mega­
bucks. О M r. Wilson has megabucks in
pharmaceutical stocks.
m egadork [ ’mcgadork] n. очень глу­
пый человек (См. dork.) □ What a
wimpy megadork! О Tiffany, you are,
like, such a megadork!
[ma’g ib ]
n. длинный и
сложный рассказ (От иврит “megil­
lah” через идиш.) О Не struggled
through this megillah and nobody
believed him. □ Here you come in here
with this megillah about a flat tire and
how your brother-in-law stole your
jack and how your arthritis is kicking
up— what do you think I am, some
sort o f shoulder to cry on?
mell o f a h e ss n. “hell of a mess” жут­
кая путаница (Намеренный спунеризм.) О What a mell o f a hess you’ve
gotten us into this tine. О Have you
ever seen such a mell of a hess?
mellow 1. mod. расслабленный, спо­
койный (Син. laid back.) □ Being
mellow is my only goal in life. О She
is the mellowest fox I know. 2. mod.
слегка пьяный или опьянённый нар­
котиком □ I got mellow and stopped
drinking right there. □ I'm only mel­
low, but you drive anyway.
mellow out 1. in. успокаиваться □
When you mellow out, maybe we can
talk. □ Come on, man, mellow out! 2.
in. расслабляться О Gary was nearly
forty before he start ed to mellow out a
little and take life less seriously. О
After his illness, he mellowed out and
seemed more glad to be alive.
meltdown n. полный упадок, распад
саморазрушение ядерного реактора.)
О There seems to have been a
meltdown in the computer center, and
all our records were lost. □ The
meltdown in the financial markets was
caused by a combination of things.
melvin [ ’ms;Ivan] n. усердный студент;
непривлекательный парень (Под­
рост. и студенч.) □ Gary is such, а
melvin! О D o you think I would go out
with that melvin?
men in blue и bo ys in blue n. поли­
ция; полицейский □ The men in blue
are looking for you. □ You can depend
on the boys in blue to clean things up
in this town.
mensch [mentj] n. взрослый, совер­
шеннолетний, отвечающий за себя
человек (Из нем. через идиш.) □
Now there goes a real mensch! О I am
honored to invite such a mensch into
my home.
men’s room n. мужская уборная □
Where's the men’s room, please? □ I
gotta use the men’s room.
mental* 1 .* mod. умственно отсталый
(Употр. с остор.) О The girts mental.
Leave her alone. □ Everybody in this
ward is mental. 2.* n. умственно от­
сталый человек (Употр. с остор.) О
He's a mental H e’ll need some help.
□ Who doesn't need help? Mentals are
normal on that point. 3. n. дурак,
глупец □ You’re such a mental lately.
□ Don't be a mental.
mental giant ti. гений □ I'm no mental
giant, but I do know trouble when I
see it. □ Don was a mental giant, but
didn’t ever take advantage of ItiU'.
mental midget ri. дурак, глупец □ I
hate to seem like a mental midget, but
what'S so great about that? □ This
mental midget here thinks he can solve
it for us.
m ep(s) п. мерердин, болеутоляющее
“Demerol™” (Нарк. и больнич.) □
The nurse was sneaking a little meps
now and them. О For some people,
mep is highly addictive.
merchandise n. любая контрабанда
(УгОловн.) □ The merchandise is still
at the boss’s place. □ How much of the
merchandise can you deliver by
mercy buckets Cm. messy buckers.
m erger-m ania n. очевидная необх­
одимость слияния двух компаний
(Биржев. и журналист.) О M ergermania is in the news again t o - night
with Ford's offer to take over G M C . О
The market meltdown put an end to
m esc [mcsk] n. мескалин, галлюци­
ноген (Нарк.) □ Tiffany is totally
hooked on mesc. I don't know where
she gets it. □ Jerry refuses to take
mesc or any other dope.
mesh n. знак
(См. pigpen.) О
Put a mesh on each end o f your
formula. □ What does the mesh stand
for in this equation?
m eshuga и m eshugah
mod. сумасшедший, безумный (От
иврит meshuggah через идиш.) □
What a meshuga day! О This guy: is
m ess 1. n. безнадёжно глупый че­
ловек □ Harry has turned into a mess.
Q The guy’s a mess! 2. n. испраж­
нения (Обычно с a.) □ There is a dog
mess on the lawn again this morning.
О There's a mess in Jimmy's diapers,
m ess around (with som eone or
something) и m ess about (With
som eone or something), monkey
around (with som eone or som e­
thing) 1. in. (c someone) заниматься
сексом с кем-либо П Those two have
been messing around. О Tod was
messing around with Maria, and now
she’s storked. 2. in. (c someone)
тратить чьё-либо время □ D on't
mess around with mr. Just answer the
question, if you please. Q I don't have
the time for this. Stop messing
around. 3. in. (c someone) тратить
время с кем-либо ещё О I was
messing around with John. О John
and I were monkeying around. 4. in.
(c something) играть или забавляться
с чем-либо) □ D on't mess around
with the ash tray. □ You’ll break it if
you don't stop messing about with it
m essed up 1. mod. спутанный, запу­
тавшийся, смущённый □ I ’m sort of
messed up since my divorce. □ M ost
kids are sort of messed up at this age. 2.
mod. пьяный или опьянённый
наркотиком □ Somehow I must have
got messed up. What caused it, do you
think? □ Everybody at the party was too
messed up to drive home. 3. mod. при­
страстившийся к наркотику; осла­
бленный умственно и физически от
употребления наркотиков (Нарк.) О I
was a druggy, and by the age of 121 was
too messed up with H. to get anything
out of school □ See the needle marks on
his arm? That means he’s probably
messed up.
m ess som eone or something up и
m ess up som eone or something 1.
tr. приводить что-либо или коголибо в беспорядок (Ср. messed up.)
Who messed this place up? О You
messed me up a little bit, but I know
'if:you didn’t mean to bump into me. 2.
tr. (c someone) избить кого-либо
(Уголовн.) □ The boss says me and
the boys is supposed to mess you up a
little. □
Is that your job—going
around messing up people?
m ess som eon e’s face up и m ess up
som eon e’s face tr. бить кого-либо
по лицу (Уголовн.) □ You want те
to mess up your face, or do you want
to come along quietly? О I had to
mess his face up a little, boss, but he’s
been real cooperative since then.
m ess up in. сделать ошибку; сделать
что-либо неправильно (Ср. to flub
( up), □ I hope I don’t mess up on the
quiz. □ You really messed up!
m ess with som eone or something и
monkey with som eone or som e­
thing in. суетиться вокруг чеголибо; мешать кому-либо □ Come on,
don’t monkey with it. □ Don’t mess
with me unless you want trouble.
messy bucket(s) и mercy buckets,
murky bucket(s) in. спасибо (От
франц. merci beaucoup.) □ Thats
very nice. Murky buckets, □ Messy
bucket for the cookies you sent.
meth 1. n. метиловый спирт; денату­
рат (Уличн. Уголовн.) □ Oh, yeah,
we drank meth. We drank anything we
could get. □ Meth used to be pink.
Now they put something in it to make
you vomit. 2. n. амфетамины (Нарк.)
О Usually meth is injected, having al­
most an immediate effect. О Meth
comes in little glass tubes. 3. n.
метадон (Нарк.) □ Sometimes meth
means methadone, a drug used in
drug treatment. □ Jerry gets meth
from a clinic in the city.
meth freak и methhead n. наркоман,
пристрастившийся к метамфетамину
(Нарк.) □ The guy was jumping
9— 122.4
around like a meth freak, о They
pulled a meth freak out o f the river
this morning.
methhead Cm. meth freak.
meth monster n. наркоман, пристра­
стившийся к метамфетамину □
Sometimes a meth monster will do
okay in schooL О These teenage meth
monsters can be a real menace when
they need juice.
metros [ ’mstroz] n. полиция; муни­
ципальная полиция (Употреб, не во
всех крупных городах.) □
metros took ten minutes to get to the
scene of the crime, and the entire city
is enraged. О The metros showed up
and managed traffic for the fire com­
Mexican breakfast n. сигарета и чаш­
ка кофе или стакан воды О After а
Mexican breakfast, I went to Barlowe’s hotel, hoping to catch , him
before he went out. □ When some
punk kid crosses the border into M e x ­
ico for a night of fun and games, all
he can get to help him sober up and
get out o f the country the next day is a
Mexican breakfast.
Mexican brown 1. n. коричневатая
мексиканская марихуана (Нарк.) П
That Acapulco gold you scored is
nothing but Mexican brown. □ I f you
burned a kilo at one time. Mexican
brown wouldn’t give you a decent high.
2. и Mexican mud n. слабый героин
из Мексики (Нарк.) □
brown is mostly sugar. □ This M exi­
can mud might be good in your coffee,
but its not worth much otherwise.
Mexican bush n. мексиканская мари­
хуана низкого качества (Нарк.) □
You can send this Mexican bush buck
where you got it! □ You can call it
Mexican bush if you want. 1 call it
Mexican mud Cm. Mexican brown.
Mexican standoff n. безнадёжное про­
тивостояние □ We finally got to the
point where it was a Mexican standoff.
Nobody won. □ A Mexican standoff is
better than a fight.
mic и mike [maik] n. микрограмм □
There were just two mics of dust on
his cuff and they nailed him for it.
□ How many mics do I have to
grind off?
Michoacan и Mishwacan [mijja’waksn
и miJJ’wakan] n. качественная марих­
уана из мексиканского штата Мишоакан О Michoacan was good ten
years ago. Now you don't know what
any of this dope really is. О Some of
these rip-off artists sell ragweed as
mickey и micky 1. n. фляжка для
спиртного □ He took a little swig out
of a mickey he carries in his pocket. □
His micky made a clunk as he sat
down. 2. C m . Mickey Finn. 3. n. ма­
ленькая бутылка вина □ See if you
can get a mickey of something for a
buck. □ The old guy just wants to get
a micky to help with his wineache. 4.
n. транквилизатор (Нарк.) □ What­
ever that mickey was you gave me, it
helped. □ Maybe a little mickey would
help me relax.
Mickey D’s n. ресторан “McDonald’s”
(Подрост, и студенч.) □ Let’s hit
Mickey D 's for chow this noon. □
We’re going to Mickey D 's for dinner,
Mickey finished mod. пьяный (Игра
слов на Mickey Finn.) О I guess the
old guy is about Mickey finished. He's
plootered! □ What gets into guys that
makes them want to get Mickey
finished before they stop?
Mickey (Finn)
1. n. напиток с
подмешанным к нему хлоралгидратами; напиток с подмешанным к
нему сильнодействующим снотвор­
ным □ Н е slipped her a Mickey Finn,
but she switched glasses. □ Once
you've had a Mickey, you'll never for­
get it. 2. n. хлоралгидрат (мощное
снотворное), при добавлении в спи­
ртное вызывает сон и потерю
памяти □ There was a Mickey Finn in
this drink, wasn’t there? О Now where
would I get a Mickey?
mickey m ouse 1. n. чепуха; чушь;
что-либо обыденное (От имени пер­
сонажа мультфильмов У . Диснея.)
□ This is just a lot of mickey mouse.
О This mickey mouse is wasting my
time. 2. mod. обыденный; отни­
мающий время; плохой, паршивый
0 N o more mickey mouse Questions if
1 agree to stay? 3. n. полицейский
(Уличн.) □ Mickey mouse is hanging
aroutul asking about you. О Tell
mickey mouse he knows where to find
me. 4. n. кусочек промокательной
бумаги с рисунком Микки Мауса,
пропитанный Л С Д (Нарк.) □ How
much Is the mickey mouse? □ The
mickey mouse is more than you want
to pay.
mickey m ouse ears n. сигнальные
огни полицейской машины Р There
were по mickey mouse earS, but the
jerk inside looked like your average
ossifer. О I could see the outline of the
mickey mouse ears on the blue and
white behind me.
mickey m ouse habit n. слабое при­
страстие к наркотикам (Нарк.) □
Nothing to it. Just a little mickey
mouse habit. I can stop any time I
want. О I don't care if it is a mickey
mouse habit. I t s a habit, and it's ille­
middle brow mod. среднего класса
(общества); обыкновенный, средний
О She has average middle brow tastes
and drives a mid-size Chevrolet. D
H e’s just too middle brow. □ There are
some who look down on middle brow
interests as trivial.
middle of nowhere n. изолированное
место О I don’t want to stay out here
in the middle of nowhere. D I was
stranded in the middle o f nowhere for
an hour with a flat tire.
midi { ’midi] 1. n. женская одежда ми­
ди, средней длины О Shall I wear ту
midi, or is it too hot? □ The midi is
okay. 2. mod. относящийся к жен­
ской одежде средней длины, миди □
This midi style is out, and the mini is
back in. О The midi length was just
transitional Who decides on these
things anyway?
miffed [ ’mift] mod. оскорблённый, об­
иженный □
She seemed sort o f
miffed when I told her. О Don’t get so
miffed. It was only a joke.
mighty mod. очень (Простонар.) □
I ’m mighty tired o f all your Questions.
О Well, I'm mighty glad you came.
Mighty Joe Young n. сильное, непре­
одолимое пристрастие к наркотикам
(Нарк. По имени огромной обезьяны
из кинофильма.) □ She has a wicked
habit— a Mighty Joe Young. □ That
monkey on his back is a Mighty Joe
mixed (up)
mike C m . mic.
milk 1. tr. пытаться заставить аудит­
орию смеяться- или аплодировать □
Mitzy tried to milk the audience for
applause.' □ She went onMilking the
crowd for adulation long after they
had demonstrated their appreciation.
tr. пытаться завоевать располо­
жение аудитории □ His performance
was marred by an amateurish attempt
to milk applause. О I f you're good,
they'll let you know it. I f not, don't
milk cheers, applause, or laughter.
milled mod. пьяный (См. тж. cut) □
She was cut up with all that booze—
milled, I guess. □ She was too milled
to drive and couldn’t walk either.
milquetoast [ ’milktost] n. трус; сте­
снительный человек; женственный,
мягкий мужчина ( См. Casper M il­
quetoast.) □ This little milquetoast
■ goes up to the biker, looks at him sort
o f sad-like, and then karate Chops him
into a quivering pulp. О Some guy who
looked like a milquetoast came in and
asked for a set of brass knuckles.
Milwaukee goiter и German goiter
[mil’woki ’gord. и ’djarnan ’gold?] n.
“пивной живот’’ (Имеется в виду
центр производства пива г. Миллуоки шт. ВискОнсин и Германия.) □
By the time he was 26, he Was balding
and had a Milwaukee goiter that
would tip him over if he turned too
fast, о He was proud of his German
m ind-bender и m ind-blower n. гал­
люциноген, обычно Л С Д (Нарк.) □
You wanna try some mind-blower? Q
That mind-bender takes a long time to
wear off.
mind your own beesw ax [...’Wzwaeks]
tr. to “mind one’s own business.”,
“займись своим делом”, “не мешай”
(Детск.) О You just mind your own
beeswax! О Lay off! M ind your own
mingy [mindy] mod. гнусный и жад­
ный (От“теап” and “stingy.”) О
Why can’t you borrow it? I ’m just
mingy, thafs all. □ What a mingy
jerk! o Aw, don’t be so mingy!
mini [ ’mini] 1. mod. маленький, ми­
ниатюрный □ 1 have a mini problem
you can maybe help me with. □ This is
just a mini office. I ’ll get a bigger one
later. 2. n. миниюбка D / look pretty
good in a mini. О I ’ll try a mini this
time. I was too plump the last time
they were in style;
mink n. женщина (Негрит.) □ I see
your mink has some new silks, man. О
Take this home to your mink. She’ll
like it.
Minnehaha [mini’haha] n. шампанское
(И з поэмы Лонгфелло “Гайавата” .
‘‘ Minnehaha” означает “смеющаяся
вода” ,) □ Have a glass o f Minnehaha.
О Minnehaha tickles my nose.
minstrel C m . black and white.
mint n. большое количество денег ®
H e makes a mint. He can afford a
little generosity. □ That kind o f car
costs a mint!
miser [ ’maiza] n. мундштук для си­
гареты с марихуаной (Нарк.) □ /
lost ту miser. You got one? □ I ’ll
show you how to use a miser. You're
throwing the best part away.
m ish-m ash и m igh-m osh [ ’mijjmaejj и
’mijjmajj] n. смесь; беспорядочное со­
четание О What a mish-mash of
colors and designs! О There’s no
theme or focus. I f s just a mish-mash.
miss a trick и m iss any tricks tr.
забыть или недоглядеть что-либо
(Обычно с отрицанием.) □ Н е didn't
miss a trick. Н е tried every thing. О
She hadn’t missed any tricks when she
chose her clothes.
m issionary n. торговец наркотиками,
который пытается обзавестись новой
клиентурой (Нарк.) □ M ax is a mis­
sionary— the kind the judges want to
send straight to hell. П Missionaries
who pass out monkey bait to young
kids are going to see the inside of a
house of correction for a long time.
miss the boat tr. сделать ошибку,
ошибаться □ I f you think you can do
that, you have just missed the boat. О
The guy's missed the boat. He's a
mitt n. рука О Get your mitts off my
glass. О The kid’s got mitts on him
like a gorilla.
mixed (up) 1. mod. обеспокоенный;
смущённый; спутанный И I was a
little mixed up after the accident. □
This kid’s: just a little mixed. She’ll
straighten out. □ She's a crazy mixed
up kid. 2. mod. пьяный □ I ’m just a
mix it up (with someone)
little mixed up, nothing serious. N o
reason you should be swaying around
like that □ Jerry's too mixed to drive
mix it up (with som eone) tr. драться с
кем-либо; спорить с кем-либо О
M ax and Bruno mixed it up for a
while, arid then things calmed down.
□ M ax came out of the shop and
began to mix it up with Bruno.
M.J. п. марихуана (Нарк. От иници­
алов Mary Jane.) □ Lets go talk with
M.J. О H e found a little bag Of M.J.
under the car seat.
mo и M.O. n. марихуана (Нарк. Ини­
циалы и акроним.) О You got a little
то I can bum? О Where's somebody
who can come up With some M .O.?
mob [mab)- ;n. преступная органи­
зация (Уголовн. и журналист.) □
The mob has held this city in abject
terror for years. О One of the biggest
fish in the mob was pulled from the
river yesterday.
moby I'mobil 1. mod, огромный, гро­
мадный (Как белый кит из романа
Г. Мелвийла “Моби Дик” .) □ This is
a very moby old car. □ Why does he
let himself get so moby? 2. n. мега­
байт^ единица измерения компью­
терных носителей информации (1
миллион байт) О M y fixed disks give
те a capacity of over 75 mobies. о
M y new computer has one moby of
random access memory.
mod (madj mod. модный, современ­
ный (об одежде и образе мыслей)
О Your clothes are mod, but you're
:jj»!st: <i: plain, old-fashioned prude. □
Your mod friends might appreciate
. this article in the paper.
mod p o se r [’mad ’рогя] n. человек,
выглядящий современно и модно
л и ш ь в соответствующей одежде
(Студенч.) □ Tiffany is such a mod
poser. At home it's jeans and a T-shirt.
□ The more extreme the style gets, the
more mod posers there are.
moist around the ed g e s mod. пьяный
□ Charlie is more than moist around
the edges. He is soused. □ Didn’t that
guy seem a little moist around the
mojo ipmodjo] 1. n. героин; морфин;
конопля (Парк. См. тж. on the mojo.
■$*.□ This mojo is no good. □ Why
don’t you try to kick the mojo? 2. n.
наркоман (Нарк.) □ These mojos will
rob you blind if you don’t keep an eye
on them. □ Bruno’s no mojo, and if he
was nobody d mention it.
moldy fig n. старомодный человек
(Син. square п. 2.) □ Don’t be a ,
moldy fig! Lighten Up! О Some moldy
fig objected to our music.
mom n. мама (Тж. как обращение. С
большой буквы, когда относится к
матери говорящего.) в M y mom is
the greatest! □ Мот , can I have a big­
ger allowance?
mondo [ ’mando] mod. полностью (Kaлифор;) P You are, like, mondo
gross! □ This place is like, so, '• like,
mondo beige.
m oneybags n. богач, толстосум □
When old moneybags does finally bum
the farm, who gets the loot? □ When
you get to be a big moneybags, don't
forget those you left behind.
money from home 1. n. легко добы­
тые деньги (Уголовн.) □ There • is
nothing to a simple con job like this.
I t s money from home. □ This job is
like taking candy from a kid. It’s
money from home 2. n. что-либо
настолько приятное и желанное,
как присланные из дома деньги □
This cool drink is money from home
right now, □ Having you visit like this
is like getting money from home,
money grubber n. жадный, прижи­
мистый человек □ Why is he such a
money grubber? Is he going to take it
with him? □ The boss is such a money
grubber. H e still has his first paper
clip. '
money talks phr. “деньги могут ку­
пить сотрудничество” , “деньги озна­
чают влияние” □ I know that money
talks, but I don’t have the scratch to
say anything with. □ Like they say,
money talks, but don’t try making it
talk to a cop.
moniker и monniker [ ’manak?] n.
прозвище; кличка □
Whafs your
moniker, chum? □ With, a monniker
like that, you must get in a lot of
m onkey 1. n. шаловливый ребёнок
(Тж . как обращение.) О Come here,
you little monkey! □ Hey, monkey,
where are you going? 2. n. наркомания
(Н арк. См. have a monkey on one's
back.) О That monkey of mine is get­
ting hungry again. □ Why don't you try
to get rid o f that monkey? 3. n.
наркоман (Н арк. Негрит.) □ Some
monkey lay there in the alley, rolling
back and forth - in ecstasy, I guess. О
The guy's a monkey! H e can 't help
himself. 4. n. килограмм наркотика
(Нарк. Усложнение key.) □ Where
can I find a monkey o f grass? О I
don’t want a whole monkey. I ’m no
monkey around (with som eone or
something) Cm. mess around ( with
someone or something).
monkey bait n. бесплатная доза вызы­
(Нарк.) □ Don’t you dare take any of
that monkey bait from that man! □
M ax started out by taking monkey bait
from a bunch of different pushers and
selling it himself.
monkey bite n. поцелуй, оставляю­
щий след (См. тж. hickey.) О Who
gave you that monkey bite? о D o you
have some makeup that'll cover this
monkey bite?
monkey business и funny business
n. глупости; шалости; подлости □
That's enough monkey business. Now,
settle down. О Stop the funny busi­
ness. This is serious!
monkeyshines n. шалости; проказы □
You and your silly monkeyshines! □
These kids are a lot o f fun despite
their monkeyshines.
monkey swill n. низкокачественное
спиртное; крепкое спиртное О This
monkey swill will probably make me
blind. □ Where did you get this
monkey swill? This would kill a
monkey anyway.
monkey talk n. бессвязная, неразбор­
чивая речь наркомана (Нарк.) □
M ax slapped the poor junky to get
him to stop the monkey talk. □ Their
pupils are pinpoint-sized, and they
talk monkey talk. Thafs how you can
tell they re on H.
monkey wagon n. наркомания (Нарк.)
□ I ’ve been riding this monkey wagon
long enough □ Some of these treatment
centers won't get you o ff the monkey
wagon unless you have insurance.
monkey w ards n. сеть уневермагов
“Montgomery Wards,” □ I get that
kind o f stuff at monkey wards. О They
closed the monkey wards near us.
monkey with som eone or something
Cm. mess with someone or something.
monolithic [mans’UOik] mod. сильно
опьянённый наркотиком (Нарк. Иг­
ра на stoned.) □ She's not just
stoned, she’s monolithic! О I was
monolithic—dead drunk.
monster 1. n. сильный наркотик, дей­
ствующий на центральную нервную
систему (Нарк.) □ This P.C.P. is а
monster. W hy don’t the cops put a stop
to it? □ That monster just about did
me in. 2. mod. относящийся к силь­
нодействующему или вызывающему
привыкание наркотику (Нарк.) О
Where the devil did you get that mon­
ster dust? □ That is monster C., and
it will make you its slave.
monster w eed n. конопля; крепкая
марихуана (Нарк.) □ Where on earth
does she get that monster weed she’s
been blowing? □ This is what they call
monster weed. Stay away from it. It
may have angel dust on it.
Montezuma’s revenge [manta’zumsz
ri’vsndj] n. понос; понос у туристов
(Относится к туристам в Мексике.)
О I had a little touch of Montezumas
revenge the second day, but other than
that we had a wonderful time. П M ost
people blame Montezuma’s revenge on
the water.
monthlies n. период менструации □
It's her monthlies. You know how she
feels then. □ The monthlies have
struck again!
mooch [mutj] 1. tr. & in. попрошай­
ничать деньги, выпивку или нарко­
тики в общественном месте □ No
mooching around here! M ove along! □
Jed mooched drinks all evening. 2. n.
попрошайка □ The guy is a mooch
Get him out of here. О I don’t want to
be a mooch, but could I borrow your
lawn mower? 3. n. наркотики (Нарк.
Ср. hooch.) П Mooch is what Minnie
the Moocher is famous for. □ H e’s
gonna have to work hard to get off the
moocher 1. n. нищий □ What do you
usually give a moocher? О I try to give
every moocher a little change. 2. n.
moo juice
наркоман (Нарк.) □ The guy's a
moocher and can’t be trusted. О These
moochers will do anything to get a few
bucks for a load.
moo juice и cow juice n. молоко □
How about another glass of moo juice?
□ While you’re at the store, get some
more cow juice.
moolah i’mula] n. деньги (Первонач.
уголовн.) □ That is a whole lot of
moolah! □ There was no moolah in
that safe!
moon 1. n. ягодицы □ H e rubbed a
plump moon where he had been
kicked, but said no more. О She fell
square on her moon and slowly broke
into a smile. 2. tr. & in. показывать
(кому-либо) свои обнажённые яго­
дицы через окно (обычно автомо­
биля) (Ср. gaucho, moaner.) □ When
the plane flew over Cuba, this guy
named Victor actually mooned a
Russian M .I.G . that flew by. О The
kids were mooning, and they got ar­
rested for indecent exposure. 3. n.
алкоголь; виски; самогон (Просто­
нар.) □ Where’s т у jug of moon? D
Some kid came in and ran off with my
last jar of moon. 4. и moons п. кусок
кактуса пейотль, содержащий ме­
скалин (Нарк.) О You got any
moons? □ Harry actually went to the
desert to try to find some moon. 5. n.
плитка гашиша (Нарк.) □ A whole
moon ought to last you a while. О How
much for a moon?
mooner 1. n. пьяница (От moonshine
n. 2.) □ This old mooner from up in
the hills wandered into town last
Friday and died in the town square. О
There must be dozens of mooners who
beg in town in the day and drink in
the woods at night. 2. n. бездельник
(который смотрит на луну) О I f he
ever outgrows being a mooner, he may
be all right. О / feel like a mooner
tonight. There is nothing better to do.
moonlight 1. n. незаконно произвед­
moonshine п. 2.) □
Where’s that
bottle of m oon- light you used to keep
under the counter? □ How about a sip
of moonlight? 2. in. перевозить са­
могон (Лучше под покровом ночи.)
О Н е moonlighted during prohibition.
□ Jed was moonlighting around the
clock. 3. in. работать на второй
работе О Larry had to moonlight to
earn enough to feed his family. О A
lot o f people have to moonlight to
make ends meet.
moonlight requisition n. кража в ноч­
ное время (Военн. См. liberate.) О It
took a moonlight requisition to get the
medicine we needed. □ They got the
spare part on a moonlight requisition.
moonlit mod. пьяный (от самогона) □
H e’s on the jug again. See, he's all
moonlit. □ He's too moonlit to drive.
m oonshine 1. n. чепуха; чушь □
Thafs just moonshine! I don't believe
a word. О H e's a master at moon­
shine. 2. n. самогон; дешёвое или
низкокачественное спиртное вообще
О This moonshine isn’t the best you’ve
made. О Moonshine is supposed to be
strong, not good. 3. in. гнать или
monshiner.) О Yeah, I moonshine a
little. So what? □
You would be
amazed at how much people moon­
shine back in the hills.
m oonshiner
n. самогонщик
moonshine п. 2., п. 3.) Q Moonshin­
ers in the Georgia hills are using
sophisticated electronic warning sys­
tems to keep one step ahead o f the
feds. □ I have an uncle who was a
moonshiner for a while.
moony [ ’muni] 1. n. самогон (Просто­
нар. От moonshine п. 2.) □ This here
moony is good for what ails you. □
Where’s my jar o f moony? 2. mod.
пьяный О She looks a trifle moony. □
Who's that moony dame? О Tod is too
moony to drive.
m oose n. подружка японка; любая
подружка (Грубо Военн.) □ She’s
ту moose, and you’d better remember
it! □ She’s one fine moose, if you ask
mooter и moot a, muta, mootah
[ ’muta- и ’muta] n. марихуана; си­
гарета с марихуаной (Нарк.) □ Н е
stood tall and panted over a smolder­
ing moota. □ M ax says this is the
finest mootah I ’ll ever see.
mop [map] 1. n. запой О She is off some­
where on another mop. О This mop
lasted about a day and a half. 2. n.
пьяница О The guys a mop. There is
nothing you can do till he decides he’s
had enough. □ The mops harig out here
looking for handouts. 3. n. волосы;
причёска □ How do you like my new
mop? □ Why don't you comb that mop?
mope [mop] 1. n. усталый, слабый
человек □ I can’t afford to pay mopes
around here. Get to work or get out! О
I feel like such a mope today. 2. и
медленно и печально □ I feel like
moping and nothing else. □ He just
mopes around all day and won’t eat
mopped и moppy mod. пьяный □
Jack was a little moppy to be driving.
O He's not mopped; he’s sloshed.
m opping-up operation n. заверш­
ающая часть проекта, операции;
отделка; подчистка □ It s all over ex­
cept a small mopping-up operation, о
The mopping-up operation should cost
just under 20 million.
mop up the floor with som eone и
mop the floor up with som eone,
wipe up the floor with someone,
wipe the floor up with som eone tr.
избить кого-либо (Тж. с другими
глаголами: clean, dust, и т.д.) О One
more crack like that, and I 'l l have
Bruno wipe up the floor with you, □
Bruno's job is dusting up the floor
with people who don't wipe off their
feet before coming in,
morals n. таблетка болеутоляющего
“Demerol™” (Нарк.) О I need a few
morals to tide me over till I can score
Some horse. □ I got no morals. Check
out M a x or Bruno.
More power to youl exclam. “Тем
лучше для тебя!” □ I f you can get the
job done, more power to you! □ Go
ahead neglect your family and make a
million. M ore power to you!
more than one bargained for n. (по­
лучить) больше, чем ожидалось □
This is certainly more than I bar­
gained for! □
Trouble and more
trouble. I ’m getting more than I bar­
gained for when I took the job.
morf Cm. morph.
morning after (the night before) n.
похмелье (Всегда с the.) О D o wor­
ries about the morning after keep you
from having a good time at parties? О
Site's suffering from (he morning after
the night before.
morph и morf [m o rf] п. морфин
(Н а р к .) О M o r p h was her drug o f
choice when it was easy to get. □ There
were lots of men who wondered from
town to town begging the local doctors
to give them just a little morf.
m ossback pmosbaek] п. старый; ста­
ромодный, законопослушный чело­
век (Син, square п. 2.; stick in the
mud.) О Walter, you are such an old
mossback. □ I enjoy appearing to be a
mossback. People expect so little from
most n. что-либо наилучшее (Всегда
с the.) □ This noodle stuff is the
most, M o m ! О Sally is the most! Can
she dance!
mother 1. n. марихуана (Нарк. См.
mother nature.) □ She grows her
own mother in a pot in her room. □
This mother is way rad! 2. n.
торговец наркотиками; поставщик
наркотиков (от которого зависишь)
(Н арк.) О Bruno is ту mother. □
I f you can't trust your mother, who
con you trust?
mother nature и mother nature’s n.
марихуана (Нарк.) О N o chemicals
for me. I find that mother nature is
everything I need. □ See if you can get
some of mother nature's.
motion-lotion n. бензин; горючее (П о
каналу автомобильной радиостан­
ции.) □ Let's stop up ahead for some
motion-lotion. О I ’m about out of mo­
motor-mouth Cm. ratchet-mouth.
Motown [ ’motaun], n. “motortown,”
Детройт, шт. Мичиган □ Have you
ever been to Motown? □ We went to
Motown to buy a car once.
(mountain) dew 1. n. шотландское
виски D Mountain dew is bar when
ifs from the old country. О The real
mountain dew is smoky tasting and
amber. 2. n. контрабандное или
вообще □ Mountain dew is what I
want. As long as ifs not store bought.
□ M y pappy mode his own mountain
mouth 1. n. похмелье (Всегда с a.) □
I ’ve got quite a mouth this morning. I
guess I overdid it. О What a mouth! It
tastes like a bird slept in it! 2. Cm.
mouthf piece).
mouth-breather n. дурак, тупица □ I
always end up with a mouth-breather
on n blind date. □ Who's the mouthbreather with Fred?
mouthful 1. n. истина, правда □ You
said a mouthful, and I agree. □ That
is a mouthful, and I know it took
courage to say it. 2. n. тирада;
отповедь О Paul really gave me a
mouthful. I didn't know I hurt his
feelings. □ She sure had a mouthful to
say to youi
mouth full of South n. южный акцент
□ You sure do hove a mouth full of
South □ I just love to hear a man
with a mouth full o f South
mouth off 1. in. отвечать □ I f you
mouth off, I will ground you for three
weeks. □ Don't mouth off at me,
buster! 2. in. выступать вне очереди
0 Don’t just mouth off. Wait your
turn. □ Hold up your hand. I won "t
deal with people who mouth off.
mouth (piece) n. адвокат по уголов­
ным делам (Уголовн.) О The guy
hired a mouthpiece and beat the rap.
□. I won't answer anything without my
mouth right here by me.
n. спиртное;
спиртного О I could use a shot of
that mouthwash. □ You could use a
little mouthwash after that long trip,
1 bet.
move on som eone in. пытаться
соблазнить, познакомиться с кемлибо (Студенч.) □ Don't try to move
on my date, old chum. □ Harry is try­
ing to move on Tiffany. They deserve
each another.
m overs and shakers n. организаторы;
менеджеры □
The movers and
shakers in this firm haven't exactly
been working overtime. □ Who are the
movers and shakers around here?
movies n. понос □ A case o f the mo­
vies kept me going all night. О I can't
go too far from the little boys' room. I
got the movies.
moxie [ ’maksi] n. энергия; пыл □ Now
here’s a gal with real moxie. О Come
on. Show some moxie!
Mr. Big n. начальник; важная персона
□ So you're Mr. Big. I thought you’d
be taller. О The office suite o f Acme’s
Mr. Big was cold and ostentatious, as
was its occupant.
Mr. Hawkins n. зимний ветер (Н е­
грит. См. hawk.) □ We have an ap­
pointment with Mr. Hawkins in
January. □ Put something on your
head, or Mr. Hawkins will cut you
Mr. Nice Guy n. дружелюбный, не­
злопамятный человек □ You’ll find
that I am Mr. Nice Guy as long as you
play fair with me. □ Oh, my boss is
Mr. Nice Guy. Hell let me off, I'm
Mr. Right n. идеальный мужчина (для
какой-либо женщины) □ Some day
M r. Right will come along and sweep
you off your feet. О I ’m tired o f wait­
ing for Mr. Right. Where is Mr.
Mrs. Murphy n. ванная □ Whose turn
is it at Mrs. Murphy's? □ When will
Mrs. Murphy be free?
Mr. W hiskers и whiskers (man) n.
агент Ф Б Р (Уголовн. От бакенбар­
дов “Дяди Сема” .) О Mr. Whiskers is
trying to get me to pay tax on those
few bucks. □ Mr. Whiskers is on our
taiL Lefs blow town
M.T. n. пустая бутылка □ Put your
M .T.s in the garbage. □
another M .T. for your collection.
mu n. марихуана (Нарк.) □ This mu
is stale. О Are mu and bu the same
mucho [ ’mutjjo] mod. очень (Испан.)
□ This is a mucho happy young man
□ We are mucho disgusted with your
muck something up и muck up
something tr. разрушать, лрмать,
запутывать что-либо О Try not to
muck it up this time. □ You seem to
have mucked up this one, too.
mudbud n. марихуана, выращенная
дома (Нарк.) О Mudbud, hell! It ’s
garbage. □ I f you sell your mudbud,
you're a pusher!
muddled (up) mod. пьяный □ I'v e had
n little too much muddler, I think.
Anyway, I'm muddled. □ Larry is too
muddled up to drive.
muddler n. спиртное □ I ’ve had a little
too much muddler, I think. Anyway,
I 'm muddled. □ L e fs stop here for
some muddler.
mug 1. n. лицо (Грубо.) □ Wipe that
smile off your mug! □ What a gor­
geous mug! 2. n. головорез; ох­
Уголовн.) □ Call off your mugs. I'll
come peacefully. □ Bruno is just
aiwther one o f the mugs from the mob.
tr. ограбить кого-либо □ Some­
body jumped out of an alley and tried
: to mug me. □ Some punk mugged
Mrs. Lopez last night.
m ugger n. грабитель □ I clobbered the
mugger with a tire iron I carry just for
such occasions. □ The muggers have
the downtown almost to themselves
after dark.
m uggled (up) mod. опьянённый мари­
хуаной (Нарк. См. m uggle(s).) □
Bruno is just a tad muggled up, but
what else is new? □ M ax was muggled
up all through his senior year.
m ugglehead n. курильщик мариху­
аны (Нарк. См. muggle(s).) □ Bruno
is a mugglehead, but 1 wouldn’t call
him that to his face. О Muggleheads
tend to be solitary and aren’t into
heavy crime.
m uggle(s) 1. n. марихуана; сигарета с
(Нарк.) □ She is famous for the high
■ Q. muggles she gives out at parties. □
You got a muggle to spare? 2. n. ку­
рильщикам) марихуаны (Нарк.) □
When you muggles get through smell­
ing up the place, will one of you take
the garbage out? □ We found a young
muggle in the alley, blissed out
amongst the garbage.
m uggy [ ’magi] mod. пьяный □ George
is just a little muggy. It doesn’t take
much anymore. □ I'm too muggy to
mug shot n. фотография для полиции
(Уголовн.) □ I 'm going to have to ask
you to come down to the station and
go through some mug shots. □ How
can a professional photographer take a
portrait that looks like a mug shot?
mule 1. n. неочищенное кукурузное
виски (Простонар.) о Man, this
mule really has a kick. □ Where's my
jug of mule? 2. n. марихуана, вымо­
ченная в виски (Нарк.) □ This mule
is made with an old family recipe. О
M ule is moist and fragrant. 3. n.
который подвозит или
(Нарк.) О The jerks use а 12 year-old
kid for a mule! О A car drove by, and
suddenly the mule was riddled with
machine gun bullets.
munchies 1. Cm. (b lin d ) munchies. 2.
n. закуска, наподобие картофельных
чипсов; любая обыденная еда П
What kind o f munchies are we going to
have? P The munchies at the party
were great!
munchkin [ ’тэпКкэп] n. маленький
или незначительный человек □
You’re not going to let that munchkin
push you around, are you? О Who is
the munchkin holding the clipboard?
munch out in. жадно есть (Нарк. См.
тж. pig out.) О I had to munch out
after the party. I can’t imagine why. □
I can munch out for no reason at all
mung 1. и M UN G [msij] n. “ mashed
until no good”; что-либо отврати­
тельное, мерзкое или слизистое О
This mung is cruel and unusual
punishment. I demand to see the war­
den. 2. n. неприятное ощущение
после приёма Л С Д (Нарк. См. тж.
(a cid ) mung, mungy п. 2.) □ Oh,
man. I ’ve got the mung. □ The mung
might set in any time for a week after­
wards. 3. tr. разрушить, сломать
что-либо О You munged my car! □
Look at it! You munged it!
mung something up и mung up
something tr. портить что-либо □
Don’t mung it up this time. □ The
team munged up the play, and the
coach blasted them but good.
mungy [ ’maqi] 1. mod. скользкий,
слизистый; испорченный □ Get that
mungy stuff off my plate! □ The
spaghetti was cold and mungy by the
time it was served. 2. mod. относя­
щийся к ощущению масла на лице
после приёма Л С Д (Нарк.) □ I feel
so mungy after I take the stuff. Yuck!
I can do without the mungy feeling
and the flashbacks.
murder и slaughter tr. победить □
The other team murdered us. □ We
went out on the field prepared to
slaughter them.
murky bucket(s) Cm. messy bucket(s).
murphy* [ ’ merfi] 1. n. картофель □ I
spent half my tour o f duty peeling
murphies. □ Look, this murphy looks
like my mother-in-law. 2.* n. грудь
(Грубо. Обычно во мн. Употр. с
остор.) □ Look at the murphies on
that dame! О She stood about six feet
tall and was turned in the light so her
murphies stood out in silhouette.
m uscle in. вводить наркотик внутри­
мышечно (Нарк. См. skin п. 5.) □ I
just muscle, so I can't get hooked. О
The worst o f those junkies started our
with the idea that they could muscle
and come to no harm.
musclehead n. дурак (у которого
мышцы вместо мозга) (Тж. как грубое
обращение.) □ Look, musclehead, do
exactly what I tell you! П An overstuffed
musclehead waddled oyer and offered to
bend me in half if 1 didn't beat it.
muscleman 1. n. головорез, выши­
бала, охранник (См. goon п. 2. Уго­
ловн.) О Bruno is a muscleman for
the kingpin o f a local drug ring. D Tell
your muscleman to lay off. 2. n. атлет,
doesn't have a single ounce of fat on
him. □ Being a muscleman requires
most of your time.
mush 1. n. чепуха, чушь О What
mush! Come on, talk straight! □
That's just mush. Don't believe it. 2.
n. романтика; поцелуи; занятие лю­
бовью □ I can’t stand movies with
lots of mush in them. О When an
actor looks at an actress like that, you
just know that there’s gonna be some
mush 3. n. лицо (Грубо.) О Put
some paint on your mush, and lets get
going. □ With a mush like that, you
ought to be in pictures. Maybe another
King Kong remake.
m ushhead n. дурак □ Oh, good grief,
I'm such a mushhead! О Who is the
mushhead in the cowboy boots?
mushmouth n. человек, который го­
ворит неразборчиво, мямля □ Don't be
a mushmouth. Talk plainly. О How can
a mushmouth like that get a job reading
news on network television?
m ushrooms Cm. shrooms.
musical beds n. сексуальная нераз­
борчивость; постоянная смена парт­
нёров (От названия игры “musical
chairs.”) О Mary has been playing
musical beds for about a year. □ She
thinks that playing musical beds is the
way to get ahead.
must do и do n. что-либо, что необхо­
димо сделать (Всегда с а.) О Seeing
the Eiffel tower is a must do in Paris.
□ This is a do when you’re in town.
My foot! exclam. “He верю!”; “Да
ну!” (Восклицание противоречия.)
□ You're the best in town, my foot! □
She’s going to marry you2 M y foot!
my man 1. n. постоянный поставщик
наркотиков для наркомана (Нарк.)
О I gotta get to ту man fast. I hurt.
□ M y man’s been burning me with
blanks. 2. n. друг, приятель, брат
(Только между неграми.) D This is
ту man Sam who’s gonna show you
how to boogie. □ Come on, my man,
we have to be taking care o f business.
mystery meat n. любое неопределённое
мясо (Студенч.) □ What is the mystery
meat tonight? О There are no hints as to
what this mystery meat is— except its
strange pinkish color.
nab [nasb] 1. tr. арестовать кого-либо
(См. nabbed.) О They nabbed Тот
with a stolen watch on him. □ I knew
they would nab him sooner or later. 2.
и nabber n. полицейский (Син. cop
п. 3.) □ The nabs got him, and he had
the evidence on his person. О There's
a nabber at the door who wants to talk
to you.
nabbed mod. задержанный полицией;
арестованный □ H e got nabbed last
night with a stolen watch on him. □
She’s down at the police station. She's
nabe [neb] 1. n. соседство; соседи □
/ can’t wait to get back to my own
nabe □ Hey, man, welcome back to
the old nabe! 2. n. окрестности О Do
I have to go downtown to see that
movie, or is it playing at the nabes
yet? □ Why drive all the way out
there when you can see it at the nabe
for half the cost?
nada [ ’nada] n. ничего; нет (Испан.)
□ I asked him, but he didn't say nada.
О The score was nada to nada. N
nag 1. tr. постоянно досаждать комулибо П Stop nagging me! О I 'l l nag
him until he remembers on his own. 2.
n. старая лошадь, кляча □ I bet a
week's pay on that nag. Look what
happened! □ The cowboy came riding
into town on an old gray nag.
nail 1. tr. арестовать кого-либо (См.
nailed п. 2.) □ The cops nailed him
right in his own doorway. О “I ’m
gonna nail you." said the officer. 2.
C m . coffin nail. 3. tr. установить ли­
чность; опознать (См. тж. nailed п.
1.) □ They nailed him from his pic­
ture. □ The officer nailed Freddy,
thanks to the description the victim
nailed 1. mod. опознанный □ The
thugs sure got nailed fast. О The killer
was nailed with the help of the F.B.I.
2. mod. арестованный (См. nail.) □
Okay, chum. You are nailed. L e ts go.
□ Why am I nailed? I didn’t do any­
n a il-em -an d -jail-«m и nailer n. поли­
ция вообще; полицейский (Негрит.)
О The nailers caught Freddy last
night. О Old nail-em -and-jail-em is
going to be knocking at your door any
day now.
nail som eon e’s hide to the wall C m .
nail someone to a cross.
nail som eone to a cross и nail someo n e f s hide) to the wall tr. жестоко
наказать или бранить к о го -ли бо
(Б уквальн о распять или прибить
ч ь ю -ли б о ш куру на стену для
украшения.) О That guy was really
mad. H e really nailed you to a cross. □
She must hate your guts. She sure nailed
your hide to the wall
nail som eone to the wall C m .
предыдущ. вокаб.
naked mod. неразбавленный (Особен­
но о джине. См. raw.) □ N o ice,
please, I want mine naked. О G ive
me a naked whisky, if you don’t
naked truth n. чистая правда □ Sorry
to put it to you like this, but it’s the
naked truth □ I can take it. Just tell
me the naked truth.
Nam n. Вьетнам □ How long were you
in Nam? □ Things were pretty bad in
Nam black и Nam w eed [ ’ naem’ blaek и
’ hasm ’wid] n. черная, хорошего
качества марихуана из Вьетнама
или Юго-Восточной Азии □ М ах
says he knows where you can get some
of that Nam weed. □ That Nam black
is really powerful.
nam by-pam by [ ’naembi’paembi] mod.
излишне чувствительный; милый; (о
мужчине) женственный, слабый □
Fred is too namby-pamby when it
comes to making up his mind. □ A
real namby-pamby guy. О What a
namby-pamby guy!
nam e of the ga m e n. ход вещей; по­
ложение вещей (Всегда с the.) □ The
name o f the game is money, money,
money. □ I can't help it. That's the
name of the game.
Nam e your poison, sent. “ Скажи, что
ты будешь пить.” (Относится только
к спиртным напиткам.) □ Okay,
friend, name your poison. □ Step up
to the bar and name your poison.
narc и narco [nark и ’narko] 1. n. нар­
котик (См. тж. nark n. 3.) □ She’s been
raking narcs. □ How long has he been on
narcs? 2. mod. относящийся к нар­
котикам □ Does he have a narc prob­
lem? О She is a narco officer. 3. n. агент
Ф Б Р из отдела по борьбе с наркоти­
ками; оф ицер лю бой противонаркотической службы □ The narcs
caught him. □ There is a narco at our
narco См. предыдущ. вокаб.
nark и narc [nark] 1. n. полицейский
информатор □ F red is a nark. H e
squealed. О I ’m going to get that narc
for squealing. 2. in. доносить (на коголибо) в полицию (Син. squeal. Часто с
о/i.) □ Don’t nark on те! □ A ll right.
Who narked? 3. Cm. narc. 4. tr. разд­
ражать кого-либо (См. narked.) □
Stop narking me! □ Why are you always
narcing someone? 5. n. любой непри­
ятный человек □ Tell that narc to get
lost. □ Stop being such a narc. Beat it!
narked [narkt] mod. раздражённый,
озлобленный (Обычно с at или
with.) □ H e’s really narked at us. P
She is narked with you and your
narky [harki] n. наркотик □ They
caught him with a lot of narky in his
pockets. □ The mugger wanted money
to buy some narky.
narly Cm. gnarly.
narrow squeak n. случайная удача; с
трудом доставшийся успех; почти
неразрешимая проблема □ That was
a narrow squeak. I don ’t know how I
survived. □ Another narrow squeak
like that and I ’ll give up.
natch [naetjj] 1. mod. в природном
состоянии; не употребляющий нар­
котиков (Нарк. См. on the natch;
straight п. 1., п. 5.) О I f I could only
get natch again. □ M ax wasn’t close to
natch for a year. 2. interj. “да”; “ес­
тественно” □ I guess its okay. She
said natch □ Natch, you can borrow
my car
natch trip и natural high, natural trip 1.
n. наркотическая эйфория от раз­
решённых законом веществ (Нарк.
См. тж. rush. ) □ Н е tried to get a natch
trip from a banana peel. □ M y brother
had a natch trip on a banana peel. 2. n.
любое приятное чувство, ощущение в
обыденной жизни □ That guy’s music
is a real natch trip. О A ll o f life is a
natch trip, man.
natural n. человек с очевидным при­
родным талантом О That guy is а
natural! □ Can she ever dance. What a
natural-born mod. талантливый; при­
рождённый □ She is really a naturalborn dancer. □ Mary is a natural-born
natural high Cm. natch trip.
nature’s call и call of nature n. же­
лание облегчиться (См. следующ.
вокаб.) □ I think I feel nature's call
coming on. О A call of nature forced
us to stop along the way.
nature stop n. остановка (автомо­
биля) для выхода в уборную (Эвфем.) □ I think I need a nature slop
when it's convenient. О I left my comb
back at the last nature stop.
nause som eon e out tr. вызывать у
кого-либо тошноту □ That horrible
smell really nauses me out. □ Things
like that nause me out, too.
naw interj. “нет” □ Naw, I didn't do
that. □ Naw, I won't go.
nay mod. уродливый; неприятный (От
nasty.) □ She is really nay. О What a
nay thing to say.
N.B.T. n. “no big thing.” , мелочь О
Hey, man! Don’t make a fuss! It's
N.B.T. □ Listen up, Fred. This is
N.B.T., but listen anyway.
neanderthal [ni’asndaeal] n. крупный
и уродливый мужчина □ Tell that
neanderthal to get out o f here. □ Tom,
don't act like such a neanderthal.
n e ar-bee r n. пиво, содержащее менее
0,5% спирта (Первонач. со времён
сухого закона.) □ I read in the paper
that near-beer is making a comeback,
0 You Cdn drink a lot of near-beer
without getting drunk.
neat 1. mod. хороший; отличный □
What a neat idea! □ That was not a
very neat thing to do. 2. exclam. “O o!” (Обычно Neat!) □ Neat! I'm glad
you came. □ Five of them! Neat!
nebbies и neb, nemb [ ’nebiz и neb,
nem] n. “Nembutal7"” капсулы барби­
турата (Нарк.) □ Susan has been
taking nebbies for yeah in order to get
to Sleep. □ Nemb can be abused like
any other drug.
nebbish и neb [ ’nebij; и neb] n. скуч­
ный человек; зануда (Из идиш.) □
Molly is such a nebbish. Why doesn't
she just give up? □ You are such a
‘ neb!
necessary n. деньги; прибыль (Всегда
с the.) О 1 can always use more o f the
necessary. □ I gotta have more of the
necessary, man.
neck in. целоваться, обниматься л а ­
скаться (Всегда об отношениях между
лю бовникам и.) О There are som e
teenagers in the back room necking. □
L efs go somewhere quiet and neck.
neck and neck mod. почти вровень
(См. тж. nip and tuck.) □ The horses
were neck and neck at the finish line.
□ They ran neck and neck for the en­
tire race.
needle tr. раздражать кого-либо D
Tom is always needling Frank. □ Stop
needling me!
needle candy n. наркотики, вводимые
при помощи инъекции (Нарк. Ср.
nose (cand y).) О M a x likes needle
candy best of all. □ Some people pre­
fer needle candy to food.
negative 1. n. любой недостаток;
качество кого-либо
чего-либо О There are too many
negatives associated with your plan, □
1 know another negative you didn't
mention. 2. n. неприятные ощуще­
ния вызванные наркотиком (Нарк.)
M ax had one negative after
another, and he finally O.D.ed, □
That stuff gave me a real negative.
nem b Cm. nebbies.
nerd и nurd [na-d] n. скучный,
учёный педант (Обычно мужчина.)
□ Fred can be such a nerd! О That
whole gang of boys is just a bunch of
nerd mobile n. обыкновенный, не вы­
деляющийся автомобиль; семейный
автомобиль □ M y father always buys
some kind of stupid nerd mobile. Q
There is nothing but nerd mobiles on
our block.
nerd pack n. пластиковый пакетик
для авторучек, защищающий Одеж­
ду от чернил (Как непременная
принадлежность педанта. См. nerd.)
□ A lot o f engineers have nerd packs.
О A real nerd wears a nerd pack in
the pocket of a dirty shirt.
Nertsl [na-ts] exclam. “Чёрт!” (Час­
тично эвфем.) □ Oh, nerts! I forgot
my wallet. О Nerts! I dropped my
nervous Nellie n. нервный человек □
Sue is such a nervous Nellie. She
should calm down. □ Relax! Don’t be
such a nervous Nellie.
nervy 1. mod. нервный □ Mary is so
nervy. Anything will set her off. О
Now, don't get nervy. 2. mod. дерз­
кий; отважный □ What a nervy guy!■'.
О Don’t get nervy with me!
nest e g g n. деньги, сберегаемые для
какой-либо определённой цели (на­
пример, пенсионный фонд.) □ / lost
most of ту nest egg in the market
crash. □ I t takes years to build up a
nest egg.
net result n. итог; конечный резуль­
тат □ The net result was that I was
fired. О I don 't care about the little
things. What is the net result?
never mind phr. “Забудь.” ; “Неваж­
но.” О Never mind. I f o r - get what I
Was going to say. □ Oh, never mind.
Nobody really cares anyway.
newshound n. репортёр (выискиваю­
щий новости с упорством гончей) □
I f the newshounds get hold o f this
story, we'll never have any peace. □
Tell that newshound that I ’ll sue her if
she prints that!
newt n. дурак; скучный и неинтере­
сный человек □ Look, you silly newt,
you are wrong! О Don’t act like such a
New York’s finest
N ew York’s finest n. полицейский в
Ныо-Йорке □ One o f New York's
finest gave me a parking ticket. О
Three o f New York's finest were
standing there at my door with my
lost dog.
nibble 1. n. осторожный или предва­
рительный ответ на что-либо (См.
тж. пуЬЫе.) О M y advertisement got
three nibbles this morning. □ We will
see if anyone else gives it a nibble. 2.
in. осторожно или “на пробу” отве­
чать на что-либо О Someone nibbled
at your want ad. О I hope someone
who wants to buy my car nibbles ar the
description I posted on the bulletin
nice meeting you phr. “Приятно было
познакомиться.” (Говорят, расстава­
ясь с человеком, с которым только
что познакомились.) □ I must go
now, Fred. Nice meeting you. о Well,
nice meeting you. J must get home
nice talking to you phr. “до сви­
дания, приятно было пообщаться”
(Форма прощания, иногда с непри­
язнью.) О D o tell. Well, nice talking
to you. О Nice talking to you. Call
my service.
nick 1. tr. арестовать кого-либо (См.
тж. nicked.) О The cops nicked Paul
outside his house. □ They are going to
nick Joe, too. 2. tr. украсть что-либо
О The thugs nicked a couple of apples
from the fruit stand. □ Don't ever nick
anything! D o you hear me? 3. tr.
достать, взять что-либо □ Would you
please nick me a slice o f bread? О
Tom nicked a copy of the test for
Sam, who also needed one.
nicked mod. арестованный □ Paul was
nicked last night. О
“Now I'm
nicked," he said.
nickel and dime som eone (to death)
tr. собирать внушительный счёт из
мелких сумм □ Those waiters nickel
and dimed me to death. D Just give
me the whole bill at one time. Don't
nickel and dime me for days on end.
nickel (b a g ) n. пятидолларовая упа­
ковка с героином, марихуаной или
другим наркотиком (Нарк.) □ Some
kids found п nickel bag on the street
corner. О Can I borrow a fin so I can
buy a nickel?
nifty mod. хороший; умный □ That is
a pretty nifty car you have there. □
Yes, it is nifty.
night person n. человек, более актив­
ный ночью, чем днём (Мн. с people.
Ср. day person.) О I can't function in
the morning. I'm strictly a night per­
son. О Night people prefer to sleep in
the daytime.
nineteenth hole n. место, где можно
купить спиртное после игры в
гольф (Игра заканчивается на во­
семнадцатой лунке, и игроки от­
правляются в “девятнадцатую”.) О
A ll off us gathered at the nineteenth
hole to celebrate a great match □ 7
hit a hole-in-one on the first hole
and went straight to the nineteenth
hole to celebrate.
nin e-to-five mod. о рабочем времени
стандартный; идущий по рас­
писанию; размеренный (От выра­
жения from nine to five, нормальное
рабочее время.) □ I work n in e-tofive. О I really wanted a nine-to-five
job until I finally got one. □ I can't
stand the nine-tcr-five rat race.
nip 1. n. маленький, быстрый глоток
спиртного □ Here, have a nip o f this
stuff. D One nip is enough. That is
powerful! 2. in. периодически делать
маленькие глотки спиртного (См.
nipped.) П Paul has been nipping
since noon. □ After nipping all day,
Fred was pretty well stewed by din­
nertime. 3. tr. украсть что-либо О
The thief nipped my purse. □ The
punk kid nipped two candy bars from
the drug store.
nip and tuck mod. почти вровень;
почти одинаково (См. neck and
neck.) □ They ran nip and tuck all the
way to the finish line, but Tom won
the race. О It was too close to call—
nip and tuck all the way.
nipped mod. пьяный (См. nip п. 1., п.
2.) О A ll four of them went out and
got nipped. □ How can anybody be so
nipped on four beers?
nippers n. наручники; ножные кан­
далы □ The cops put the nippers on
the crooks. □ No, not the nippers.
They hurt my arms.
nitery [ ’naita-i] n. ночной клуб □ We’ ll
hit a few niteries and then come back
to my place. □ There is a cheap nitery
over on Twelfth Street where Chuck
has a job .
nit-picker n. мелочный, сверхкритичный человек □ Mary is such a
nit-picker. О Nit-pickers drive me
nit-picking n. мелочная критика; при­
дирки □ I am tired of all your nit­
picking. □ Enough nit-picking! What
are the major problems?
nitty-gritty [ ’nidi ’gridi] n. сущность;
Суть (Обычно в выражениях get
down to the nitty-gritty.) О Whafs the
nitty-gritty about the broken window?
О Once we (ire down to the nittygritty, we can begin to sort things out.
nitwit n. глупец (Тж. как обращение.)
О You are such a nitwit! □ Please stop
acting like n nitwit all the time.
nix [niks] 1. interj. “нет” (Во всех
■ смыслах. От нем. nichts.) О The man
said nix. and he means nix. □ Nix, I
won't do it. 2. exclam. “Нет!”;
“Стой!’’;^ “H e согласен!" (Обычно
Nix!) □ N ix! I won't do it. О “Nix."
said Paul. “1 can't permit that.” 3. n.
нечего □ What did I get for all my
trouble? N ix! □ I got nix for a tip.
And after 1 was so helpful! 4. tr.
остановить что-либо;
что-либо; запретить что-либо О The
boss nixed ту plan. О I wanted to say
a certain word in my speech, but the
management nixed it.
no* mod. какой-либо, сколько-либо,
всякий, любой (Н а письме употр. с
остор. Не общеупотр., но часто в слэнге и разговор, речи. См. тж. ain’t.)
О 1 don’t want по trouble from you. □
This ain’t no good.
no-account 1. mod. бесполезный, ни­
куда не годящийся, никудышный О
Her uncle is a no-account gambler. □
She is a no-accoknt part-time dealer
at the casino. 2. n. бесполезный, ни­
кчемный человек (Тж. как грубое
обращение.) О Ask that no-account
to come over here and explain himself.
Look, you no-account! Take your
problems and go away!
no bargain п. не слишком хорошая
вещь или человек О Fredis okay, but
he’s no bargain, a This car gets me to
work and back, but it's ho bargain.
no big deal и no biggie п. что-либо
(См. тж.
N .B .T .) О Don’t worry. It’s по big
deal. □ N o problem. It's no biggie.
no biggie См. предыдущ, вокаб.
nobody it незначительный человек
(Всегда с а. Ср. somebody.) О Don’t
pay any attention to him H e’s just a
nobody. О That silly girl is a nobody
and a pest.
no can do phr. “Это невозможно”; “Я
не могу сделать это.” П Sorry. N o
can do. Щ Lend you $ 200? N o can do.
nodded out mod. в состоянии герои­
новой эйфории (Нарк.) □ M a x was
nodded out after his fix. □ H e is up­
stairs nodded out.
no dice Interj. “нет”; невозможно □
When / asked about a loan, he said,
“N o dice." □ No. It can’t be done, no
no earthly reason n. никакой вообра­
зимой причины □ There is no earthly
reason for your behavior. О I can
think o f no earthly reason why the re­
pairs should cost so much.
no end o f something п. бесконечно
большое количество чего-либо О
Have some candy. I have no end of
chocolate drops. □ I ’ve had no end of
trouble ever since I bought this car.
N o fair! exclam. “Это нечестно!” □ N o
fair! I saw it first! О Thafs no fair!
We paid full price to see this movie.
no flie s on s o m e o n e phr. кто-либо
энергичный, активный (Двигается
так быстро, что муха не успевает
сесть. Простонар.) □ Old Тот is really
swift. There are no flies on him О N o
flies on Mary. She’s very ambitious.
no-frills mod. без дополнительных ус­
луг □ I'll take the no-frills package,
thank you. □ M y no-frills flight to
Mexico was most uncomfortable.
noggin [ ’nagg] n. голова □ I have a
bump on my noggin. □ Put a hat on
your noggin and lefs go out.
no go и n o -g o [ ’no ’go] mod. не­
своевременный; неподходящий; от­
рицательный О We're in a no-go
situation. □ Is it go or no go?
n o -go od 1. п. бесполезный, никчём­
ный человек □ Tell that no-good to
leave. О The no-good is back again. 2.
mod. бесполезный, никудышный,
плохой □ Get that no-good jerk out of
here! □ I have never heard of such a
no-good car dealership before.
no-goodnik [no’gudnik] n. неподходя­
щий, никудышный человек (nik из
русского через идиш) □ That n o goodnik is pestering me again. □ Tell
the no-goodnik to leave quietly, or I
will call the police.
no great shakes n. кто-либо или чтолибо не слишком хорошее (Утверди­
тельный вариант нет.) □ Your idea is
по great shakes, but we'll try it any­
way. □ Ted is no great shakes when it
comes to brains.
no holds barred mod. без ограни­
чений □ I want you to get that con­
tract. Do anything— no holds barred.
□ Try anything that will work, no
holds barred.
nohow* [ ’nohau] mod. к а к -л и б о
.(П р о с т о н а р . Обычно в сложном
отрицании. Н а письме употр. с
Остор.) □ It don't matter nohow. О I
don’t care if you do nohow.
noid n. параноик, псих (От paranoid.)
□ Some of those noids write hilarious
letters to the editor. □ Who’s the noid
screaming about Big Brother?
noise iffl n. чушь; чепуха; пустая бол­
товня □ I'v e had enough of your
noise. Shut up! □ Thafs nothing but
noise. I want the truth. 2. n. героин
(Нарк.) □ Man, I need some noise
now! 1 hurt! О M ax is hooked on
N o kiddingl exclam. “Я не шучу!” ;
“Ты не шутишь?" □ N o kidding! J
never thought she would do that. □ No
kidding, he's really going to join the
A ir Force.
N o lie! exclam. “Честно!” ; “Без шу­
ток!” □ I really did ЧЙ? N o lie! □ I
was there on'titne. N o lie! Ask my
non com pos |’nan ’kampos] 1. mod.
не в своём уме (От латин. non com­
pos mentis.) □ She is strictly non
compos! □ D on't pay any attention to
her. She's non compos. 2. и non
com pos poopoo mod. пьяный до
потери сознания □ That gal isn’t
just drunk. She's non compos poopoo.
□ Two glasses and he was non com­
non com pos poopoo См. предыдущ.
none of som eon e’s beesw ax [...’bizwseks] n. не (чьё-либо) дело □ It s
none o f your beeswax. I'm not telling.
You'll never know. The answer is
none o f your beeswax.
no never mind n. разница; беспокой­
ство (Простонар. Особенно с don’t
make...) О / don’t care. I t don’t make
no never mind. □ So what? It’s no
never mind with me.
n o -n o [ ’nono] n. что-либо, чего де­
лать нельзя (Детск.) □ You can’t
smoke in here That’s a no-no. □ She
seems to delight in doing all the n o nos.
N o nukes! [ ’no ’nuks or ’no ’njuks]
exclam. лозунг против ядерной энер­
гии, оружия подводных лодок и т.д.
И The marchers kept chanting, “N o
nukes! N o nukes.1” □ N o nukes! Make
my electricity the old-fashioned way.
noodle n. голова О Thafs using your
noodle. □ Put your hat on your
noodle, and let’s go.
nope interj. “нет” □ I won't do it!
Nope. I won’t! O She asked him to do
it, but he said, “Nope.”
no sale Interj. “нет” □ / wanted to go
to Florida for the holidays, but my
father said, “N o sale." □ N o sale. You
can't do it.
nose-burn er и nose-w arm er n. оку­
рок сигареты с марихуаной (Нарк.
Син. roach п. 2.) □ Hey, man! Can I
have a hit of that little nose-burner? О
The cops found a nose-warmer under
the chair.
nose (candy) n. порошок наркотика
для вдыхания, обычно кокаин, реже
героин (Нарк. См. needle candy.) □
M a x has some nose candy for sale. □
Hey, man! Where can I get some
nosedive n. падение, упадок (Как са­
молёт пикирует носом вниз. См. take
a nosedive.) О This year our profits
have taken a nosedive. □ Confidence
in the government took a sudden nose­
nose habit n. пристрастие к наркоти­
кам, вдыхаемым через нос, обычно
героину или кокаину. (Нарк.) □
M ax is suffering with his nose habit. □
One sniff of that white powder and
she?II get a nose habit, for sure.
n ose hit n. дым марихуаны, вдыха­
емый через нос с горящего конца
сигареты (Нарк.) О M a x likes to take
nothing upstairs
nose hits. О Come on, Max. Give me
a nose hit!
nose job n. пластическая операция
по изменению формы носа □ How
much does a nose job cost? □ I don't
want a nose job. What I got is good
nose-w arm er 1. n. короткая трубка □
Fred smokes a nose-warmer, espe­
cially in the winter. О His nose­
warmer almost set his mustache on
fire once. 2. C m . nose-burner.
nosh [naJJ] 1. n. закуска (Из нем.
через идиш.) □ How about a little
nosh? P I don’t wont a nosh I need a
whole meal. 2. in. жевать что—либо,
грызть □ You nosh tod much □ Every
time I see you, you’re noshing.
nosher [ ’ па^гг] n. человек, постоянно
что-либо жующий или грызущий
(См. nosh.) □ I don’t know o f a single
nosher who's not fat. □ Fred's a
nosher. H e's always eating.
no show и n o -sh o w n. кто-либо, кто
не приходит в назначенное место и
время (например, опаздывает на
самолёт) □ The flight war cancelled
because there were too many n o shows. □ I have never been a no show,
but ihy brother does it all the time.
No siree! ( ’no ’s^’ri] exclam. “Нет!”
(Простонар.) □ Did I? N o siree! P
Thats no good. N o siree, no good at
no soap interj. “нет” □ I can t do it.
N o soap. О N o soap. I don’t lend any­
one money.
no stress interj.' “нет проблем”; “Это
неважно” О Don’t worry, man, no
stress, o Relax. N o stress. It doesn't
bother me ar dll.
no sweat interj. “нет проблем”; “He
беспокойся, это неважно.” П I f s по
big deal. N o sweat. □ N o sweat, don't
fret about it.
nosy parker [ ’nozi ’parka] n. человек,
всюду сующий свой нос (Тж. как
обращение.) □ Mary can be such а
nosy parker. □ Look, you nosy parker,
mind your own business.
not able to cut something C m . able to
cut something.
not a chance interj. “нет” , “ни за
что” □ M e lend you money? N ot a
chance! □ I won't go, not a chance.
. D on't ask.
not all there mod. сумасшедший, дур­
ной, глупый □ Tom's not all there.
Really dense. P You can't depend on
Paul for much help. He's really not all
notch tr. прибавлять; засчитывать на
свой счёт □ Well, it looks like we
notched another victory. P The crooks
notched one more theft before they
were caught.
not cricket mod. нечестный; незакон­
ный □ You can’t do that! I f s not
cricket! □ What do you mean its not
cricket? You do it.
not for the world и not for anything
in the world, not for love nor
money, not on your life mod. ни за
что; ни за какие деньги (Варианты в
примерах. ) Р I won’t do that! N ot for
the world. I won't. P I won't do any­
thing like that for anything in the
world. P I wouldn't buy anything there
for love nor money.
not give e hoot tr. не интересоваться;
быть безразличным (Простонар.) Р
G o ahead. D o it if you want. I don't
give a hoot. P She doesn’t give a hoot
if you go into town without her.
not grow on trees in. быть в не­
(Обычно о деньгах.) Р I can’t afford
that. Money doesn’t grow on trees,
you know. P D on't waste the glue.
That stuff doesn’t grow on trees, you
Nothing doing! exclam. “Нет!” P M e,
go to the opera? Nothing doing! P
Nothing doing! I refuse to do it.
Nothing to It! exclam. “Это очень
Легко!” P Look, anybody can do it!
Nothing to it! P Changing a light bulb
is easy. Nothing to it!
nothing to sneeze at n. не маленькая
сумма денег; что-либо не незначи­
тельное Р I t s not a lot of money, but
its nothing to sneeze at. P She worked
hard and did not accomplish much,
but its nothing to sneeze at.
nothing to write home about n. чтолибо маленькое, незначительное,
неважное Р I got a little bit of a raise
this year, but it was nothing to write
home about. P The party was nothing
to write home about.
глупый P Tom is sort o f stupid-ac­
not just whistling Dixie
ting. You know-nothing upstairs. О I
know what's wrong with you. Nothing
not just whistling Dixie [...’ diksij tr.
"не:'говори ер ун д у” ( S3ростонa p .
Имеется в виду песенка “Dixie.”) О
M ail, you are right! You’re not just
whistling. Dixie. О When you Say she is
wrong, you’re not just whistling Dixie.
not Know beans (about something)
tr. не знать ничего (о чём-либо) Р
Don't pay any attention to her. She
doesn't know beans. □ I don't know
beans about fixing cars.
not know from nothing in. быть глу­
пым, наивным, невинным (Обычно
с don't, как в примерах.) □ Тот
don't know from nothing. He is really
dense. О Don't pay any attention to
her. She don’t know from nothing.
not on your life C m . not for the world,
not too shabby 1. mod. (с ударением
йп shabby) “неплохо сделано” , “не­
плохо” О Is that your ear? Not too
shabby! □ That play was not too
shabby. 2. mod. (с ударением на too)
очень плохой, очень потрёпанный
(Саркастич.) □ Did you see that
basket she missed? N ot too shabby! □
What о way to treat someone. Not too
Not to worry, sent. “He беспокойся.”
о You lost ydur ticket? Not to worry.
I'll give you mine. □ Not to worry.
Everything will be all right.
not worth a damn mod. бесполезный,
'никудышный, нестоящий □
pen Js not worth a damn, о When it
comes to keeping score, she's not
worth a damn.
not worth a plugged nickel mod. ни­
чего не стоящий; никудышный □
This new battery is not worth a
plugged nickel. □ Mary isn't worth a
plugged nickel at baseball.
not worth beans mod. беешзлеаный,
никудышный О This paint is not
worth beans. I'll have, to buy another
can. I ) Sue., you’re not worth beans as
a. painter.
No way! exclam. “Нет!” Q M e join the
Army? N o way! О She can't do that.
now generation n. (прошедшее) поко­
ление молодёжи, ожидавшей только
Ибмедлеиного удовлетворения своих
желаний □ A ll those people in the
now generation want to start out with
fancy cars and nice houses. □; What
will happen to the now generation
when times are hard?:
nowhere mod. плохой; скучный □ This
place is really nowhere. Let's go. О I
want to get out of this nowhere party.
no-win situation n. ситуация, в кото­
рой нет надежды на успех: О I find
myself in a no-win situation again. □
T he te a m -in a n o -w in situation£
N ow what? interrog, “Что теперь?” ;
i “Ну и что?” D 1 ran into the room
and stopped in front of Tom. “Now
what?" asked Тот. П I see you stand­
ing there. Now what?
Now you ’re talking! exciatn. “Вот
теперь ты говоришь^ дельно!” О Now
you’re talking! You've got a great
idea! О .?Now you’re talking!" said
the coach when I told him I was
going to Win.
nudge и noodge [ nu dj ] 1. n. при­
дирчивый, мелочный человек О
Sally can he such a nudge! О / really
can’t stand a noodge. 2. in. приди­
раться □ Don't noodge all the time.
Stop always noodging. 3. tr.
изводить кого-либо О Stop nudging
me about that. □ I'll noodge him a
little to remind him.
nudie [ ’nudij n, эротический фильм
□ There is a nudie playing over at the
Roxie Theater. D I didn't know this
movie was a nudie!
nudnik [ ’nudnik] n. зануда; псих (Из
русского через идиш, Тж. как об­
ращение.) □ Tell that nudnik to stay
away from here. H e is such a pest. О
Allice can be such a nudnik!
nuke 1. п. ядерное оружие О Are there
nukes aboard that ship? □ The mili­
tary establishment is working on a
number of new nukes. 2. tr. унич­
тожить что-либо
бомбой.) О Your cat ran through my
garden 'and totally nuked my flowers!
□ I 'm going to nuke that cat the next
time I see it.
numbed out mod. почти парали­
зованный P .С.P. (Нарк.) □ The
teenager was nearly numbed out when
they brought her in. О M ax was totally
numbed out on angel dust.
nuts and bolts
number 1. n. девушка; сексуально
привлекательная девушка О Who is
that cute little number I saw you with?
□ She is really some number. 2. n. си­
гарета с марихуаной (Нарк.) О Мах
lit up a number just as the boss come
in. □ Can J have a hit off your num­
ber? 3. n. любая вещь или человек О
This is an interesting little number.
You attach it to your bicycle handle­
bars. □ Yes, Tom can be a strange
number when he wants• 4. n. пред­
ставление; номер □ Ann did her
number and left the stage Q I ’ll talk to
you after my number.
num ber-cruncher 1. n. человек, ра­
ботающий с большими числами;
бухгалтер □ The number-crunchers
are trying to get the annual report
ready. □ 1 enjoy being a numbercruncher. Math doesn’t scare me. 2.
и. большой и мощный компьютер
О They traded in the old computer
for a powerful number-cruncher. □
The small one is reserved for minor
projects. The really big and impor­
tant jobs are run on the number; cruncher.
number crunching п. использование
компьютера для решения сложных
или трудоёмких задач О 1 don't do а
lot of number crunching, so I don't
need a terribly fast machine. О I use
the big mainframe computer for num­
ber crunching.
number eight и eight, 8 n. героин
( “И ”— восьмая буква алфавита.) О
You got any number eight? О What’s
8? You mean horse?
number one t. mod. наилучший;
превосходный; ближайший (См. тж.
питего ипо.) □ We heard the number
one high school band in the whole
state last night. □ This is my number
one buddy, Tom. 2. п. сам, себя □ 1
don’t know who will pay for the broken
window, but old number one won’t! О
Everything always comes back to num­
ber one. I have to solve everybodys
number thirteen и thirteen, 13 n.
морфин (Нарк. “M”— тринадцатая
буква алфавита.) □ They caught her
smoking old number thirteen and
threw her out of school. □ M ax has got
some pretty good thirteen.
number three и three, 3 п. кокаин
(Нарк. “С ”— третья буква алфа­
вита.) d Н е found a whole ounce of
number three! О Paul is hooked on 3.
num bhead и numskull п. дурак,
тупица О Stop being such a num­
skull! П Tom can really be a numbhead if he hasn't had a good nights
numero uno [humao ’uno] 1. n. луч­
ший (Из испан. См. number one.) □
This coffee is numero uno in my book.
Mary is numero uno in our office.
You'll have to ask her. 2. n. сам, себя
(Син. number one п. 2.) □ I always
look out for numero uno. О What’s in
it for numero uno?
numskull C m . numbhead.
nurts и nerts [пз-ts] n. чепуха, чушь
О Don’t talk that kind of nurts to me!
0 Oh, thats just nerts. 1 don’t believe
a word of it.
nut 1. n. странный человек; сумас­
шедший О Who is that nut over there
in the corner? □ Some nut is going to
' try to fly from the top of one building
to another. 2. n. голова □ A brick fell
and hit him on the nut. □ The baseball
came in fast. “Clonk!" Right on the
nut! 3. n. любитель (чего-либо) О
Paul is a nut about chocolate саке. О ,
Mary is a party nut.
nutcake n. дурачок (Син. fruitcake п.
1.) О Stop acting like such a nutcake
all the time. □ M y sister can be a real
nutcake if she tries.
nuthouse и nut factory, nut-foundry,
nuthatch n. психиатрическая боль­
ница □ The judge spent three years in
the nuthouse. □ They’re going to sad
you to the nut-foundry some day.
nutpick n. психоаналитик □ Bill pays
a nutpick about $ 100 an hour just to
listen. О What do you have to know to
be a nutpick?
nuts 1. mod. сумасшедший □ You're
nuts if you think I care. П That whole
idea is just nuts! 2. exclam. “Нет!”;
“He верю!” ; “Плевать!” (Обычно
Nuts!) □ Nuts! You don’t know what
you are talking about. О Oh, nuts! I
forgot my wallet.
nuts and bolts n. основы чего-либо □
1 want you to learn how to write well
You have to get down to the nuts and
bolts o f writing. О She’s got a lot of
Nuts to you!
good general ideas, but when it comes
to the nuts and bolts of getting some­
thing done, she's no good.
Nuts to youl exclam. “Убирайся!”;
“Уходи!” □ Well, nuts to youJ You
are just plain rude! □ Nuts to you!
will N O T lend you money!
nutter n. странный, сумасшедший
человек (Син. nut п. 1.) □ Sally is
such a nutter. She would forget her
head if it wasn’t screwed on. Q That
guy is a real nutter. Thinks he can
get a cab at this hour.
nuttery п. психиатрическая больница
(Тж. фигурально См. nut.) □ I f you
keep acting so odd, we?II have to put
you in a nuttery. □ This place is a
nuttery! I'v e never seen so many silly
nutty mod. глупый; странный О What a
nutty idea! О That’s nutty! □ Mary is a
real nutty girl, but she is my best friend.
nutty as e fruitcake mod. очень
глупый или странный □ The whole
idea is as nutty as a fruitcake. □ Tom
is as nutty as a fruitcake. They will put
him in a nuttery someday.
nut up in. сойти с ума □ I ’ve got to
have a vacation soon, or I ’m going to
nut up. □ Poor Sue nutted up and had
to take it easy for a few months.
nybble [ ’nib|] n. четыре бита памяти
компьютера (Буквально половина
байта, по созвучию bite и byte.) О М у
program wouldn’t work just because I
had one silly little nybble wrong! □ You
don’t program a nybble! I f s just half a
О. 1. п. опиум (Нарк.) □ M ax knows
an old man who used to smoke O. □
O. stinks to high heaven, so the cops
caught the smokers: 2. n. унция
наркотика (Нарк. См. тж. O .Z.) □
Can you tell те where I can get an O.
o f stuff? □ M a x has an O. or two on
oak (s) [oks] mod. “O.K.” ; удовлетво­
рительный, хороший (Тюремн.) О
That guy's oaks. □ This stuff is oak.
o asis [o ’esss] n. место, где можно ку­
пить спиртное □ L e fs go into this
oasis here and pick up a few bottles. □
There is an oasis on almost every
corner in this district.
oater [ ’oda-] n. кинофильм—вестерн
(От того овса, который едят лошади.
См. тж. horse opera.) О I don’t want
to see an oater. Isn’t anything else
showing? О L e fs go out and see a
good old-fashioned oater.
obit [o’bit] n. некролог, объявление о
чьей-либо смерти □ I saw M r. Wil­
son's obit in the paper this morning. □
There are no obits in the newspaper.
Maybe Death has taken a holiday.
occifer Cm. ossifer.
O.D. 1. n. передозировка наркотика
(Нарк.) □ M ax took an O.D. and was
sent to the hospital □ I f you take an
O.D. and no one is around, you may
end up dead. 2. in. случайно или
намеренно принять смертельную до­
зу наркотика (Нарк.) □ M a x O.D.ed
on heroin. □ I knew he would O.D.
someday. 3. in. умереть от передози­
ровки наркотика (Нарк.) О Two kids
at ту school O.D.ed last weekend. О I
think M a x may O.D. in a week or two.
4. n. человек, страдающий от пе­
редозировки наркотика (Больнич.)
□ This O.D. has just stopped breath­
ing. □ How many O.D.s did you get in
here last weekend?
oddball 1. n. эксцентричный человек
□ Tom is sure an oddball. H e ordered
a pineapple and strawberry milkshake.
□ We oddballs love concoctions like
that. 2. mod. странный, особенный □
What an oddball combination of
things! О I f s too oddball for me. □
Your oddball ideas have cost us too
much money.
odd bird и strange bird n. странный
или эксцентричный человек □ Mr.
Wilson certainly is an odd bird. □
What a strange bird you are.
o d d -b o d [ ’adbad] 1. n. странный
человек □ Who is that odd-bod over
in the corner? □ Ralph can be sort of
an odd-bod now and then. 2. n.
человек странного телосложения □ /
am such an odd-bod that ifs hard to
find clothes that fit. □ I 'v e never seen
anyone so tall What an odd-bod! 3. n.
необычное телосложение □ I have
such an odd-bod that its hard to find
clothes. О With an odd-bod like that,
he'll never make good in the movies.
o d d s-o n mod. относящийся к вещи
или человеку, имеющему большие
шансы на успех □ M y horse is an
odds-on favorite to win. □ M y plan is
odds-on to be selected.
O f all the nervel exclam. “Я поражён
твоими наглостью и высокомерием!”
□ You want те to do your laundry?
O f all the nerve! □ O f all the nerve!
Asking me to do a thing like that.
off 1. mod. пьяный или опьянённый
наркотиком □ She is truly off. □ Tom
is so off he can’t stand up. 2. mod.
свободный от наркотика; отошед­
ший от употребления наркотика
(Нарк.) О She’s been off for a week
off artist
now. □ She’ll have to be off for the
off—the—Shelf mod. легкодоступный
rest of her life. 3. tr. избавиться от
; (который можно купить без какихкого-либо или чего-либо, убить
либо сложностей или задержек) И
кого-либо □ The crooks offed the wit­
This is just plain old off-the-shelf
ness before the trial. 0 Forget the
hand lotion. Isn 't it great? □ Is it
whole idea! Just off it once and for all.
off-the-shelf? О I don’t use o ff-th e4. in. умереть (См. тж. outed.) О The shelf software in my computer. I write
my own.
guy just falls down and offs, right
there on Main Street. О I don't want
off the track mod. на неверном пути □
to off before my tithe.
You are off the track just a little. Let
off artist Cm. rip-off artist.
me help you. □ I was off the track for
a while, but now everything is O.K.
off b ase mod. неправильный, невер­
off the w agon 1. mod. употребляю­
ный; неважный □ Your answer was
completely off base. Try again. 0 You
щий спиртное после периода воздер­
are off base. I will have to deal with
жания О Poor John fell off the wagon
someone else.
again. Drunk as a skunk, □ H e was off
the wagon for a year the tost time
offbeat mod- странный; непривыч­
ный, не принятый □ That is really an
before he sobered up. 2. mod. вернув­
offbeat idea. □ Tom is sort of offbeat.
шийся к употреблению наркотиков
Well, he's weird.
после периода воздержания □ М ах
is off the wagon and shooting up
o ff-bran d cigarette n. сигарета с ма­
again. U H e can't be off the wagon,
рихуаной (Нарк.) □ M ax smokes
because he has never stopped using,
nothing but those off-brand cigarettes.
for a day.
о I smell on off-brand cigarette in
off the wall и off-the-w all mod. стран­
ный; невозможный; бессмысленный
Off color mod. непристойный, грязный
(Син. raunchy п. 1.) D That joke was
□ What an off-the-w all guy! О Your
ideas are generally off the wall, but this
sort of off color. □ Tom told an off
one makes sense.
color joke that embarrassed everyone.
Oh, boy! exclam. “O -o !” О Oh, boy!
offed Cm. outed.
What a mess! О Oh, boy! That was a
off o n e ’s chump mod. сумасшедший
great play!
You silly clown. You're off your
Oh, yeah? [ ’o ’jaea] exclam. “Ты так
chump. О Am 1 off my chu mp, or did
думаешь?” ; “Ты пытаешься завязать
that car suddenly disappear?
драку?” □ Oh, yeah? What makes you
off on e's nut 1. mod. сумасшедший О
think so? О Oh, yeah? You want to
Shut up! You're off your nut! О Don’t
start something? О Tom said. “Bill,
pay any attention to her. She’s off her
you are a numskull.” Bill whirled
nut. 2. mod. пьяный □ Those guys
around, saying, “Oh, yeah?”
are really off their nuts! □ She just
oiled mod. пьяный или опьянённый
sat there and got more and more off
наркотиком О Will this stuff таке me
her nut.
really oiled? □ She's not just drunk;
o ff o n e ’s rocker mod. глупый; слабо­
she's totally oiled.
умный; сумасшедший (С м . тж.
oilhead n. пьяница, алкоголик □
rocker.) □ That silly dome is o ff her
There is an old oilhead over there on
rocker. □ You’re off your rocker if you
the street corner. □ Paul gave the oil­
think 1 believe that!
head a quarter, knowing it would be
o ff
spent on cheap wine.
эксцентричный □ D on't mind Uncle
oil it tr. учиться всю ночь (Буквально
Charles: H e’s a bit off his trolley. □
“burn the midnight oil.”) О I have a
That silly old man is just off his trol­
test tomorrow, and I really have to oil
it tonight. О I f you studied all
off the hook mod. в безопасности;
semester long, you would still have to
более не обязанный (кому-либо) □
oil it before final exams.
I ’ll let you off the hook this time, but
oil som eon e's palm C m . grease some­
never again. □ We're off the hook. We
one's palm.
don't need to worry anymore.
old soldier
oink [oiqk] n. полицейский (Игра на
pig п. 4.) □ There is an oink following
us on a motorcycle. D Here come the
O.J. 1. n. “orange juice” , апельсино­
вый сок □ I like to have a big glass
of fresh O.J. every morning. □ The
price of O.J. is going to go up again
soon 2. Cm. overjolt. 3. n. сигарета с
марихуаной с добавкой опиума
(Нарк. От opium joint.) О A lot of
guys in Nam smoked O.J.s. □ Are
O.J.s addictive?
O.K. и OK, okay 1. interj. “согласен”
(Первонач., возможно, от шут. “oil
kerrect” , но точное происхождение
неизвестно.) О O.K., I 'l l do it. О You
want me to lend you $ 100? Okay. □
So, he said, like, “okay,’’ and, like, 1
go “okay." So we both go “Okay."
Okay? 2. mod. преемлемый □ Fred is
an O.K. guy. О This cake is okay, but
not what I would call first-rate. 3.
mod. преемлемо □ She ran okay nothing spectacular. □ They usually
do it okay. 4. n. (чьё-либо) согласие
I won't give the final okay until I
see the plans. □ We got her O.K. and
went on with the job. 5. tr. одобрить
что-либо О She refused to okay our
plans. О Please O K this bill so I can
pay it.
okay C m . O.K.
okey-dokey [ ’oki’doki] interj. “да” ,
“согласен” (Простонар.) □ O keydokey, I 'l l be there at noon. О O keydokey. You sure can.
old flame n. бывший(ая) любов­
ник (ца), любимый (ая) □ Mary's old
flame, Tom, will be at the party. О it
is best to forget an old flame.
old fogey n. старомодный человек;
старик О M y uncle is an old fogey.
H e must be the most old-fashioned
man in the world. □ D on't be such an
old fogey.
old girl n. старушка, бодрая старуш­
ка □ That old girl is still going. □
What makes an old girl like that so
old hand (at something) n. опытный в
чём-либо человек О I ’m an old hand
at fixing cars. □ D o you need help
with your painting? I ’m an old hand.
вышедший из моды человек или
вещь □ That’s just old hat. This is the
modern world! □ H er latest work is
nothing but old hat. She’s through.
old h e av e -h o [ ’old ’hiv’ho] n. уволь­
нение; физическое удаление коголибо откуда-либо □ / thought ту job
was secure, but today I got the old
heave-ho. Q You had better act right,
or my friend will give you the old
oldie but goodie n. что-либо (или
даже кто-либо) старое, но ещё хо­
рошее, приятное П I love that piece
o f music. I f s an oldie but goodie, о
M ary is an oldie but goodie. I ’m glad
she’s still around.
old lady и old wom an 1. n. (чьялибо) мать □ I 'l l ask my old lady if I
Can go. □ What time does your old
lady get home? 2. n. (чья-либо) жена
□ I wonder what my old lady is cook­
ing for dinner tonight. □ M y old lady
doesn't like for me to go out without
her. 3. n. (чья-либо) подружка □ M y
old lady and I are getting married
next week. О I got my old lady a
bracelet for her birthday.
old man 1. n. (чей-либо) отец □ I ’ll ask
my old man if 1 can go. □ What time
does your old man get home? 2. n. (чейлибо) муж О M y old man is downstairs
fixing the furnace. О M y old man is sick
and can't come with me. 3. n. (ч е й либо) любовник □ Ask your old man to
come to the party, too. О I got my old
man to take me to see that movie I told
you about. 4. n. н ачальник; вы­
сокопоставленный чиновник (Всегда
с the.) □ The old man says do it, so you
had better do it. О Quiet! Here comes
the old man.
old one-tw o 1. n. два удара, нане­
сённых быстро один за другим
(Всегда с the.) О Тот gave Bill the
old one-two, and the argument was
ended right there. О Watch out for
Tom. H e's a master of the old o n e two. 2. n. разгром, разрушение; ата­
ка на идею, предмет или человека
□ By the time the committee had
given the plan the old one-two, there
was nothing left I could do. О I gave
his proposal the old one-two. Next
time he will be better prepared.
old soldier 1. n. сигарета; окурок; ку­
сок прессованного табака □ The
old timer
tramp bent over to pick up an old sol­
dier off the pavement. □ H e's never
had anything but an old soldier for a
smoke. 2. n. пустая бутылка из-под
спиртного или пива □ Larry hid all
his old soldiers under the bed. О Bill
hit Tom over the head with an old sol­
old-timer n. старик (Т ж . как об­
ращение.) О Hey, old-timer, hoW sit
going? О Ask that old-timer over there if
it has always been this bad around here.
on a rip mod. опьянённый ЛСД
(Нарк.) □ M a x is on a rip. Stay away
from him. О The kid started out the
evening on a rip and ended up in the
on a roll mod. удачливый в настоящее
время (См. roll.) □ Don’t stop me
now. I ’ m on a roll О Things are going
great for Larry. H e's on a roll now.
on a shoestring mod. практически без
денег; в нищенском состоянии (См.
shoestring.) □ I run ту business on а
shoestring. I never know from day to
day whether I will survive. О We live
on a shoestring— hardly any money at
on a tight leash 1. mod. под тщатель­
ным контролем □ M y father keeps my
brother on a tight leash О We can't do
much around here. The boss has us all
on a tight leash 2. mod. пристрасти­
вшийся к какому-либо наркотику □
M ax is on a tight leash. H e has to
have the stuff regularly. □ Gert is kept
on a tight leash by her habit.
once and for all mod. навсегда □ I ’m
gonna take care of you once and for
all! □ I would like to get this rid­
iculous problem settled once and for
once in a blue moon mod. редко □ I
do this only once in a blue moon. О
Once in a blue moon I have n little
wine with dinner.
o n ce-over n. осмотр, особенно чело­
века противоположного пола (Все­
гда с the.) О The way she was giving
him the once-over, I knew she would
say something to him. □ Tom, you
are always giving the girls the once­
once over lightly 1. mod. быстро и по­
верхностно; небрежно; бегло □ Н е
looked at it once over lightly and
agreed to do it. О It needs more than
a once over lightly look. 2. n.
взгляд О Please give it more than the
usual once over lightly. □ A once over
lightly is not enough
one mod. относящийся к чему-либо
особенному, уникальному (Равно­
значен определённому артиклю. См.
примеры.) О M olly is one fine cook.
О H e was left with one powerful hang­
over. □ Hank? Now there is one ugly
son o f a gun for you.
one and one mod. относящийся к
использованию обеих ноздрей при
вдыхании наркотика, обычно кока­
ина (Нарк.) □ M ax always takes it
one and one. I f s the only way he can
get enough □ H e does it one and one
because it hits him faster that way.
one and
only n. любимый (ая),
любовник (ца) □ I bought a gift for
my one and only. □ She's my one and
only, and I love her.
on easy street mod. в состоянии фи­
нансовой независимости и комфорта
(См. easy street.) □ I want to live on
easy street when I grow up. □ When I
get this contract signed, I 'l l be on easy
one for the road n. глоток (спирт­
ного), особенно перед выходом ( “ на
дорожку”) О Let’s have one for the
road. □ Don’t have one for the road if
you are going to be the driver.
on e-h orse town n. очень маленький
городок; маленький и отсталый
город О I refuse to spend a whole
week in that one-horse town! □ I grew
up in a one-horse town, and I liked it
very much
one jump ahead of som eone or
something n. на шаг впереди коголибо или чего-либо; впереди коголибо или чего-либо О I try to be one
jump ahead of the problems. О You
have to keep one jump ahead o f the
boss in order to succeed.
one-m an sh o w 1. n. представление,
даваемое одним человеком, театр
одного актёра □ It was a one-man
show, but it was very entertaining. □
For a one-man show, it was very
long. 2. n. персональная выставка □
She is having a one-man show at the
Northside Gallery. О I ’m having a
on target
cow led her onliest little calf to the
one-man show next weekend. Come
and see what / have done.
only w ay to go n. наилучший способ
one-night stand 1. n. представление,
делать что-либо; наилучший выбор
идущее только один вечер О The
□ Get a four-wheel—drive car. I f s the
band did a series of one-night stands
onlyw ay to go. P Thafs it! A new
down the East Coast. О You can’t
house. I f s the only way to go.
make a living doing one-night stands.
on o n e’s high horse mod. нагло, на­
2. n. “роман” или сексуальная связь
хально □ Larry is on his high horse
на одну ночь □ It was not a romance,
again, bossing people around. □ The
just a one-night stand. □ It looked
boss is on her high horse about the
i:ttke yUnigffiing that would last longer
number o f paper clips we use.
than a one-night stand.
on o n e’s or its last legs mod. готовый
one of the faithful.n. пьяница Щ Неге
сломаться, окончиться □ This car is
comes Mr. Franklin— one of the faithon its last legs. We have to get a new
ful-^staggering down the street □ 4v
one. □ Poor old Chuck is oh his last
. saw one of the faithful standing at the
on o n e’s own hook mod. сам, само­
o n e’s bag п. что-либо, предпочи­
стоятельно □ I don't need any help. I
таемое кем-либо; что-либо, в чём
can do it on my own hook. □ She did
человек талантлив □ Working crossit on her own hook without having to
word puzzles is my bag. □ Hey, Tom,
call on anyone.
whafs your bag? What do you like to
on som eone’s ca se и on som eon e’s
\ do?
o n e ’s best shot 11. чей-либо лучший
tail mod. раздражающий кого-либо
критикой, надзором, придирками □
результаи(в чём-либо) □ That was
You have been on my case long
his best ; shot* but it wasn’t good
enough. Mind your own business! □
■ enough. □ I always try to give someThe boss has been on my tail about the
fling my best shot,
large number of telephone calls I
one smart apple n. умный, сообрази­
тельный человек (См. one.) О That
on som eon e’s tail 1. См. предыдущ.
Sue is one smart apple. □ M y brother
is one smart apple.
вокаб. 2. mod. преследующий когрг
one too many n. лишняя порция спирт­
либо □ There is a huge truck on my
ного (за которой следует опьянение)
tail What should I do? □ Keep on
Sthink I'v e had one too many. It’s; her tail and don't let her out of your
lime to stop drinking. П Don'.t drive if
on som eone’s watch mod. в чьё-либо
B j ^ ')> e uhad one too many.
one-track mind n. разум (человека),
дежурство или рабочее время О I
занятый только одной' мыслью □
am hot responsible since’it didn’t hap­
pen оп ту watch. □ I guess I have to
When it comes to food, Тот has a
bear the blame since it happened on
one-track mind- G Mary has a o netrack mind. All she thinks about is
my watch.
on tap 1. mod. относящийся к разлив­
T o m ,/.
ному пиву □ D o you have any im­
on fire mod. очень привлекательный
ported beers on tap here? О I like beer
или сексуальный О She is really on
on tap. The canned stuff tastes funny
fire! □ Look at those jet-set people!
Each one Of them is just on fire.
to me 2. mod. доступный в любой
момент □ I have just the kind of per­
on ice mod. в запасе □ Thafs a great
son you're talking about on tap. □ The
idea, but we!II have to put it on ice
cook has any kind of food you might
until и/e. can afford to put it into ac­
tion. □ / have two boyfriends. One I
want on tap.
see vwry weekend, and the other I
on-target mod. своевременный; точ­
ный; острый, проницательный □
keep on ice for a rainy day.
onliest mod. единственный ШростоYour-criticism is exactly en-targetMK
We are on-target for a December com­
нар.) О This is the onliest nose I
pletion date.
have. Please den't punch it. О The
on the back burner
on the back burner mod. выведенный
из игры; отложенный; лишённый
значения (См. on the shelf.) О We
will have to put this on the back
burner for a while, □ She kept her boy­
friend on the back burner until she de­
cided what to do about him.
on the ball t. mod. знающий; компе­
тентный; внимательный О Г his guy
is really on the ball. U i f you. were on
the ball, this wouldn't have happened.
2. mod. в чьём-либо мозгу; в чьёмлибо распоряжении (Особенно с
have a lot.) О Н е sure has a lot on the
ball O When you’ve got it on the ball
the way she does, things generally go
on the bandw agon mod. £ больши­
нством; по последней моде (Часто с
1юр, get, climb, jum p.) О Come on!
Hop on the bandwagon! Everyone eke
is joining. Q Tom always has to climb
Oil the bandwagon. He does no inde­
pendent thinking.
o n th e b e a m 1. mod. настраива­
ющийся no авиационному радио
маяку (дополнительное навигаци­
онное устройство) □ The plane was
on the beam and landed safely in the
fog. D / couldn't get on the beam, and
I flew right over the airfield. 2. mod.
на правильном пути или направ­
лении (От значения 1.) □ That is ex­
actly right. You are right on the beam.
You're on the beam. You will finish
this with no problems. 3. и beaming
mod. под воздействием марихуаны
(Н а р к .) □ W alter is on the beam
again. How can he hold a job? □ The
only time that M ax is happy is when he
is beaming. 4. mod. умный, сообрази­
тельный □ That was well done, Tom.
You’re on the beam. О She is really on
the beam. Glad she came along.
on the bean Cm. on the button.
on the blink 1. mod. испорченный;
больной (Ср. on the fritz.) О I was a
little on the blink yesterday and de­
cided to stay at home. Q M y refrigera­
tor is on the blink again. 2. mod.
пьяный; в запое О They all went out
and got on the blink. О M y brother is
a little bit on the blink this morning.
on the button и on the bean mod.
точно в нужное время или место □
Н е was there on time, right on the but­
ton. □ I want to see you here at
noon— on the bean.
on the chopping block mod. в серь­
ёзном, угрожающем положении □
Our whole future is on the Chopping
block. □ Until this is resolved, our
necks are on the chopping block.
on the double mod. очень быстро; бы­
стрее (Первонач. военн.) О Get over
here right now— on the double! □ She
wants to see you in her office on the
on the fly mod. покуда что-либо или
кто-либо ещё работает, действует О
I ’ll try to capture the data on the fly.
□ Please try to buy some aspirin
somewhere on the fly today.
on the fritz 1. mod. испорченный, не
работающий □ This T.V. is on the
fritz again. □ M y watch is on the fritz.
2. mod. пьяный □ Sue is a bit on the
fritz. □ She drank till she was totally
on the fritz.
on the hype mod. пристрастившийся
к наркотику в виде инъекций
(Нарк. Ср. on the needle.) О Gert is
on the hype. She shoots twice a day. □
Will she be on the hype all her life?
on the juice mod. в запое (См. juice.)
□ Fred spent the whole week on the
juice. О She won’t be able to return
your call. I'm afraid she's on the juice
on the junk mod. пристрастившийся
к наркотикам (См. junk п. 3.) О
M ax has been on the junk for all of
his adult life. О H e’s not really on
the junk. H e's only addicted to ciga­
on the lam [...iaemj mod. скрываю­
щийся от полиции (Уголовн.) □
M ax has been on the lam for a week
now. □ When the boss found out you
was on the lam, he got real mad.
on the level mod. прямой, честный □
Come on now. B e on the level with me.
О Is the ad on the level?
on the make mod. амбициозный; пы­
тающийся вырваться вперёд □ That
young lawyer is sure on the make. О
This university is on the make.
on the mojo [...’modjo] mod. при­
страстившийся к морфину (Нарк.
См. mojo п. 1.) О How long you been
on the mojo? О How con you hold a
steady job if you’re on the mojo?
on the skids
on the money mod. точно, как хоте­
лось; за предполагаемую сумму де­
нег О Your new idea is right on the
money. □ The bid for the new hospital
came in on the money.
on the natch [...naeijjl mod. более не
употребляющий наркотиков (Син.
straight п. .5.) □ M ax says he wants to
get on the natch, but I don't believe it.
□ I have been on the natch for almost
a year.
on the needle mod. пристрастивший­
ся к наркотикам в виде инъекций
(Нарк. Ср. on the hype.) О M y sis­
ter’s on the needle, and I want to help
her. □ Once you’re on the needle,
you’ve had it.
on the n o d 1. mod. в наркотическом
ступоре (Нарк) О M ax is in the back
room on the nod. О The addict shot up
and spent the rest of the day on the
nod. 2. mod. пристрастившийся к
наркотику, обычно к героину
(Н а р к .) О M a x has been on the nod
for three years now, О I f you take that
stuff, you'll be on the nod for the rest
o f your life.
on the nose mod. точно вовремя;
точно как запланировано □ I want
you there at noon on the nose. □ All
three of them were at the appointed
place right on the nose.
on the outs (with som eone) mod. в
споре, в раздоре (с кем-либо), “на
ножах” О Тот and Bill are on the
outs again. О Tom has been on the
outs with Bill before. They'll work it
on the pill mod. принимающая проти­
возачаточные таблетки О Is it true
that Mary is on the pill? □ She was on
the pill, but she isn’t now.
on the prod mod. пристрастившийся к
наркотикам в виде инъекций (Нарк.
То же, что on the needle.) О M ax is
on the prod and looks real sick. О H e
thought he would just snort the stuff
and never get on the prod.
on the prowl mod. в поисках сексу­
ального партнёра □ Тот looks like
he is on the prowl again tonight О
That whole gang o f boys is on the
prowl. Watch out.
oh the road mod. путешествующий,
переезжающий с места на место
(См. тж. get the show on the road.) □
I was on the road with the circus for
six months. О I don’t work in the
main office anymore. Now I ’m on the
on the rocks 1. mod. (об алкогольном
напитке) со льдом (См. rocks п. 1.)
□ I ’d like mine on the rocks, please. □
Give me a scotch on the rocks, please.
2. mod. в состоянии банкротства,
разрухи (Как корабль, выброшен­
ный на рифы.) □ That bank is on the
rocks. Don’t put your money in it. О
M y finances are on the rocks just now.
on the run 1. mod. “на бегу”, во
время движения с места на место □
will try to get some aspirin today on
the run. О I will think about it on the
run. 2. mod. скрывающийся от поли­
ции О M ar is on the run from the
cops. D The gang o f crooks is on the
run. Probably somewhere in Florida.
on the s a fe side mod. избирая без­
опасный путь □ Lets be on the safe
side and call first. □ I think you
should stay on the safe side and call
the doctor about this fever.
on the sam e wavelength mod. думая
одинаково □ We're not on the same
wavelength. Lets try again. □ We kept
talking until we were on the same
on the sau ce mod. пьяный; регулярно
выпивающий О Poor old Ron is on
the sauce again. □ H e is on the sauce
most of the time.
on the shelf t. mod. социально не
активный; одинокий О I ’ve been on
the shelf long enough. I ’m going to
make some friends. □ She likes being
on the shelf. 2. mod. отложенный
(См. on the back burner.) D Well have
to put this matter on the shelf for a
while. □ I have a plan on the shelf just
waiting for an opportunity like this.
on the side 1. mod. дополнительный;
побочный (о гарнире, работе и т.п.)
□ I would like an order o f eggs with
toast on the side, please. □ She is a
bank teller and works as a waitress on
the side. 2. mod. внебрачный, “на
стороне” □ H e is married, but also
has a woman on the side. □ She has
boyfriends on the side, but her
husband knows about them.
on the skids mod. в упадке (См. тж.
put the skids under someone o r some­
on the sly
thing.) □ M y newly started business is
on the skids, о Her health is really on
the skids, but she stays cheery anyway.
on the sly mod. тайно, скрытно □ She
was stealing little bits of money on the
sly. □ Martin was having an affair
with the maid on the sly.
on the squiff [...skwif] mod. в запое
(См. тж. squiff.) □ Bob is out on the
squiff again. □ M ax is always on the
squiff, except when he's shooting dope.
on the street 1. mod. употребляющий
наркотики; продающий наркотики;
в поисках наркотиков (Нарк.) □
Fred spent a year on the street before
he was arrested. О M ax will be on the
street all his life: 2. mod. зани­
мающийся проституцией □ Mary
said. “ What am I supposed to do—go
on the street?" □ All three of them
went on the street to earn enough
money to live. 3. mod. общеиз­
вестный О Sue put it on the street,
and now everyone knows. □ I t s on the
street. There isn't anyone who hasn’t
heard it. 4. mod. на Уолл-стрит или
в каком-либо ином финансовом
центре Нью-Йорка (Совпадает по
смыслу с п. 3., но относится к оп­
ределённой улице.) О I heard on the
street today that Apple is buying IB M .
□ It's on the street that the market is
due to crash again. 5. mod. по цене
распродажи (Как если бы прода­
валось разносчиком на улице.) □ It
lists at $ 2200 and can be got for
about $ 1650 on the street. □ On the
street it goes for about $ 400,
on the take mod. принимающий взят­
ки (Уголовн.) О I heard that the
mayor is on the take. □ Everyone in
city hall is on the take.
on the tank и on a tank mod. в запое
O All the guys were on the tank last
Saturday. □ Paul spent all weekend on
a tank.
on the up and up mod. законный; от­
крытый; честный, без подвохов (См.
open and above board.) о Is this deal
on the up and up? Whafs the catch? □
Everything I do is on the up and up. I
am totally honest.
on the w agon mod. трезвый; в насто­
ящее время не пьющий □ How long
has John been on the wagon this time?
□ H e’s on the wagon again.
on the warpath mod. очень злой □
The boss is on the warpath again.
Watch out! О I am on the warpath
about setting goals and standards
onto a good thing mod. обнаружив
что-либо, приносящее преимуще­
ство (доходное, недорогое и т.п.) □
I think that Bill got onto a good thing
when he opened his own store. □ I
won't quit now. I'm onto a good thing,
and I know it.
onto som eone or something mod.
осведомлённый о плане жульниче­
ства, вымогательства или местона­
хождении преступника □ The cops
are onto your little game here. О M ax
thought he was safe, but the fuzz was
onto him from the beginning.
oodles [ ’ udlz] n. большое количество
(ч его-ли бо) □ M y uncle has just
oodles and oodles of money. □ I don't
have oodles, but I have enough to keep
me happy. О When I have spaghetti. I
just love oodles of noodles.
oof [uf] 1. exclam. звук, который из­
даёт человек после удара в живот
(Обычно Oof!) О So, then Bob hit
him in the belly. Oof! □ “Oofi" cried
T om H e couldn't talk any more after
that. 2. n. крепость спиртного; сила
действия крепкого спиртного □ This
stuff really has oof. How old is it? □
Beer doesn't have enough oof for her
oomph [u m p f] 1. n. энергия, сила,
мощность, жизненная сила □ Соте
on, you guys. Lets get some oomph be­
hind it. P U S H ! □ You need more
oomph if you want to work at heavy
labor. 2. n. сексуальная привлекател­
ьность (Эвфем.) О She had a lot o f
oomph, but didn't wish to become a
movie star. □ N o amount o f oomph
can make up for a total lack of talent.
O o p s-a -d a isy ! и O opsy-daisy!, Upsy-daisy!, W h o o p s-a -d a isy ! [ ’ ups э
’ dezi и ’ upsi ’ dezi, ’ apsi ’ dezi, ’ mups э
’ dezi] exclam. “Оп-па!” (Произ­
носят, когда ребёнок падает или его
переносят с места на место.) □
" Oops-a-daisy!" said Mrs. Fletcher
when little Jimmy Fletcher fell down
on his bottom. □ As her daddy lifted
her up into bed, he said, “Upsydaisy.1"
out of it
open and above board и above
board mod. честный, прямой □ Lets
keep everything open and above board.
Honesty is the best policy. □ I f all our
discussions are above board, no one
will question our procedures.
O.P.s [ ’o’piz] n. чужие сигареты; вы­
прошенные, или одолженные сига­
реты (От other people's.) О М у
favorite kind of cigarettes is O.P.s.
They’re the cheapest, too. О Ted only
smokes O.P.s.
O.R. n. “operating room” операцион­
ная (Больнич.) □ The doctor is in
O.R. now. □ The O.R. has to be
scrubbed between each use.
orals n. устный экзамен □ H e flunked
his orals, but he got another chance. О
I hate orals. I ’d rather write.
org [o rg ] 1, n. эйфория, вызванная
сильнодействующим наркотиком
(Нарк. От orgasm.) о M ax hated the
vomiting when he first took it, but he
loved the org. О Does this stuff give
you a real org? 2. n. организация □
She’s a member o f the org and can’t be
expected to use independent judge­
ment. О Come on, join the org.
ork-orks [ ’orkorks] n. белая горячка
H e has the ork-orks. H e’s a real
drunk. □ Whenever he gets the orkorks, he gets himself arrested and put
in jail where he can sober up.
or what? phr. “или что?” , “или нет?”
(Ожидается ответ “yes.”) □ Look at
what 1 am wearing! Is that a great
jacket or what? □ That's my son. Is he
a superman or what?
О- s ig n n. круглый, полуоткрытый рот
трупа (Полушуточн. Больнич. См.
тж. Q -sign.) □ The guy in room 226
is giving the O-sign. □ That's the
third О-sign we've got since noon.
ossifer и occifer [ ’asafer] n. полицей­
ский (От officer. Тж. как не­
доброжелательное обращение.) о
Look here, ossifer, I was just having a
little fun. □ Ask the occifer there if he
wants to step outside and discuss it:
ossified [ ’asafaid] mod. пьяный или
опьянённый наркотиком (От stoned
(o u t ).) □ How can anybody be so
ossified on four beers? □ I ’ve never
seen anybody so ossified.
out 1. mod. пьяный или опьянённый
наркотиком (Возможно, от far out.)
□ A ll four of them were totally out. О
Those guys are really out! 2. mod. вы­
шедший из моды (Антоним in п. 2.)
О That kind of clothing is strictly out.
0 You need to tell me which of my
dresses is out this season.
OUta* [ ’auda] phr. “out of” (Н а пись­
ме употр. с остор.) □ Get outa here!
□ In two minutes I ’M outa here!
out and out mod. полный, совершен­
ный; крикливый □ Fred was an out
and out liar. □ Don’t be such an out
and out stinker!
out cold 1. mod. без сознания □ Paul
was out cold when we found him. □
Who knocked him out cold? 2. mod.
пьяный □ Four beers and he was out
cold. О H e sat in his chair at the
table, out cold.
outed и offed mod. мёртвый, убитый
□ The witness was outed before a sub­
poena could be issued. □ The guy was
offed when we found him.
outfit 1. n. группа, компания О That
outfit cheated me out of my money. □
1 will never deal with that outfit
again. 2. n. одежда, костюм □ You
look lovely in that outfit. О Should I
wear my gray wool outfit? 3. n.
комплект, набор □ I got a fine
chemistry outfit for my birthday. □
M y tool kit has everything I need. It's
the whole outfit.
out in left field mod. ошибающийся;
глупый; чокнутый □ D on't pay any
attention to her. She's out in left field
as usual. □ That guy is out in left
field—a real nut.
out like a light 1. mod. без сознания;
крепко спящий □ / fell and hit my
head. I was out like a light for two
minutes, they tell me. О I closed my
eyes and was out like a light in no
time at all. 2. mod. сильно пьяный □
Those guys are really out like a light!
□ A ll four of them drank till they were
out like a light.
out of it 1. mod. “не от мира сего” □
You never pay attention to what’s
going on. You’re really out of it. О
Fred is out o f it most o f the time. H e
even looks dull 2. mod. пьяный или
опьянённый наркотиком □
drinks and she was totally out of it. □
When they are out o f it, they are Quite
out of kilter
out of kilter 1. mod. неработающий,
как положено (Син. on the fritz, out
of whack.) □ M y car's engine is out of
kilter and needs some repair work. D
M y coffee pot is out o f kilter, so I
have to make coffee in a pan. 2. mod.
отличающийся от прямого угла О
That picture is out of kilter. Please
straighten it. □ That corner is not
square, and the wall even looks out of
out of left field mod. неожиданно; из
неожиданного направления или ис­
точника □ M ost o f your ideas are out
of left field. □ A ll of his paintings are
right out of left field.
o u t o f lin e mod. не совпадающий с
ожидаемым, особенно пО отношению
к цене или поведению О Your behavior
is quite out o f line. I shall report you. □
Your price is out of line with the other
out of luck mod. неудачливый; в без­
надёжном положении □ I f you think
уди are going to get any sympathy
from me, you're just out of luck. □ /
was out o f luck. There were no eggs
left in the store.
out of one’s head и out of one’s
mind 1, mod. безумный; бесчув­
ственный; сумасшедший О For а
moment after the accident, I was out
of my head. □ Don’t pay any attention
to him. He’s out of his head. 2. mod.
пьяный или опьянённый наркоти­
ком □ Who wants to go out and get
out of h is head? D Tod is out of his
head on four beers.
out o f one’s skull mod. пьяный □ Oh,
man. 1 drank till I was out of my
skull, a Two beers and he was out of
his skull.
out of sight 1. mod. сильно пьяный
или опьянённый наркотиком (Син.
high ri. 1.) О They've been drinking
Since noon, and they’re out of sight. D
Man, is she ever out of sight! 2 . mod.
очень дорогой О Prices at that restau­
rant are out o f sight. □ The cost of
: medical care is out of sight.
out of sync [...siqk] mod. неоргани­
зованный; нескоординированный □
Our efforts are out o f sync. О M y
watch and your watch are out of sync.
out of the picture mod. более не вли­
яющий на ситуацию; уехавший; мё­
ртвый □ Now that Тот is out of the
picture, we needn’t concern ourselves
about his objections. □
With her
husband out o f the picture, she can
begin living.
out of the w ay 1. mod. мёртвый; уби­
тый О The crooks put the witness out
o f the way before the trial D Now that
her husband was out o f the way, she
began to get out and about more. 2.
mod. пьяный О She spends a lot of
time out of the way. О After (t few
more drinks, Bill will be out of the
out o f the w oods mod. вышедший из
критического состояния; в безопа­
сности О As soon as her temperature
is down, shell be out of the woods. О
We’re out o f the woods now, and
things aren’t so chancy.
out of this world 1. mod. удивител­
ьный, восхитительный □ This pie is
out o f this world. О M y boyfriend is
just out o f this world. 2. mod, оп­
ьянённый наркотиком О Man, is she
ever out o f this world! What did she
drink? О H e drank until he was out of
this world.
out o f whack и out o f wack mod. вы­
шедший из строя; не действующий
(Ср. out o f kilter.) □ M y watch is out
o f whack. О I think my left eye is out
o f wack a little. Maybe I need glasses.
outsy [ ’autsi] n. выпирающий пупок
(Ср. insy.) О Is yours an insy or an
outsy? О I have an outsy. Why on
earth do you ask?
out the window mod. потраченный
зря; испорченный О A ll that work
gone out the window. П M y forty dol­
lars - out the window. Why didn’t I
save my money?
out to lunch mod. забывчивый; рас­
сеянный; легкомысленный; бестол­
ковый □ Old Ted is so out to lunch
these days. Seems to be losing his
mind. □ Don’t pay any attention to
my uncle. H e’s out to lunch.
overam ped mod. в состоянии амфета­
миновой эйфории; передозировав­
ший амфетамины (Нарк.) О M a x is
overamped again. П Two students
were overamped and got sent.to the
over and unders n. амфетамины и
барбитураты (Нарк. См. тж! upper,
downer.) О They found a big pile of
over and unders in Marts room. □ He
takes over and unders day and night.
over easy mod. (о яичнице) акку­
ратно перевёрнутая О I want mine
cooked over easy. О Over easy eggs
are better than scrambled.
overjolt и O.J. 1. n. передозировка
любого наркотика, особенно геро­
ина (Нарк.) □ Ted is suffering from a
serious O.J. □ That overjolt nearly
killed her. 2. in. передозировать нар­
котик (Нарк.) □ She overjolted once
too often. И I f you O.J. again, you will
probably die.
overkill n. слишком много □ That is
enough Any more is just overkill. О
Your policy of overkill is wasteful and
over my dead body phr. “нет, если
только я смогу помешать”; “только
через мой труп” □ You'll drop out of
school over my dead body! □ Get
married and" move to Arizona? Over
my dead body!
over o n e’s head mod. сложный для
понимания; запутанный □ This stuff
is too hard. I t s over my head. □ Cal­
culus is all over my head.
overserved mod. относящийся к пья­
ному в баре; пьяный (Эвфем.) □
Four customers were overserved and
had to leave. □ The overserved guy
there in the corner is going to be sick.
over-the-counter 1. mod. относящий­
ся к акциям, продаваемым через ди­
леров, а не через биржи □ You сап
make or lose a lot of money on over-
the-counter stocks. □ Is this stock
over-the-counter or available on the
exchange? 2. mod. относящийся к
лекарствам, продаваемым без рецеп­
та □ Over-the-counter drugs can be
helpful in some diseases. О Is this
medication over-the-counter or by
prescription only?
over the hill 1. mod. бежавший из
тюрьмы; дезертировавший с военной
службы (См. A .W .O .L.) О Two pri­
vates went over the hill last night. □
They broke out o f jail and went over
the hilL 2. mod. слишком старый
(для чего-либо) О You're only 50!
You’re not over the hill yet. □ Some
people seem over the hill at 30.
over the hump 1. mod. опьянённый
наркотиком О M ax is over the hump
now. H e is stoned. О This stuff makes
you sick at first. Then suddenly you
are over the hump and floating. 2.
mod. переваливший за середину □
Things should be easy from now on.
We are over the hump. О When you
get over the hump, life is much better.
over the long haul mod. за долгое
время; длительный О Over the long
haul, this one will prove best. □ This
will last over the long haul.
O.Z. и Oz., о-z e e n. унция наркотика,
теперь обычно марихуаны (Нарк.)
You got on Oz. I can buy? О M ax
has an O.Z. or two to spare.
ozoned mod. под воздействием P.C.P.
(Нарк.) О M ax is ozoned again. I
think he’s really sick this time. □ He's
got himself ozoned again.
Р. См. pee.
pack tr. чести, иметь при себе чтолибо;' Обычно пистолет (Уголовн.
Может употребляться с любым из
.сленговых синонимов для пистолета:
rod, iron, heat и т.д.) □ I can tell that
guy's packing heat from the bulge in
his jacket. □ I never pack a rod on
package 1. n. комплект, набор, ком­
бинация (См. тж. package deal.) □
You can’t buy just one part. I t comes
as a package. □ The first college I ap­
plied to offered me a good aid pack­
age, so I Went 2. n. большая сумма
денег (См. bundle.) □ She made quite
a. packageieri that bank deal ш came
away from the dog track with a nice
little package. 3. n. симпатичный,
сексуально привлекательный чело­
век (Первоначально по Отношению
к женщинам как к “упаковкам” с
сексуальностью. От значения 1.) О
How do you like that little package
who just came in? O She's quite a
package, if you like the giggly type. 4.
. tr, показывать или предлагать чтолибо,
достоинства ,jt*r
скрывая недостатки О The agent
packaged the actress so that everyone
thought she only did dramatic roles. □
I f you package your plan, correctly,ijhe
committee will accept it.
packaged mod: пьяный □ Man, M ax
was really packaged last night! О By
mid night she was totally packaged.
package deal n. набор, комплект □ I
got all these tools in a package deal
for only $ 39.95. □ What about giving
me all three shirts as a package deal?
packed up mod. опьянённый наркоти­
ком (Нарк.) □ That guy doesn't make
any seiise. He's packed up. О Tom is
so packed up all the time that he can't
get his work done.
pack of lies n. сплошная ложь □ I ’ve
heard you talk about this before, and
its' all a pack o f lies. О Her story is
nothing but a pack of lies.
pad 1. n. квартира, комната, чьё-либо
жилище О Why don't you come over
to my pad for a while? □ This is%a
nice pad you've got here, 2. tr. удли­
нять, разбавлять текст ненужным
материалом (См. тж. padded-) Ц
This story would be better if you
hadn’t padded it with so much chit­
chat. □ I think I can pad the report
enough to make it fill twenty pages.
padded 1. mod. (о тексте) перегру­
(См. pad п. 20 Q Your report is
padded and uninformative. □ Next
time, don’t give me a padded report.
Its‘ too long, 2. mod. провозящий
контрабанду (особенно наркотики)
на собственном теле (Нарк.) О The
police examined him and found that
he was padded with packets, of co­
caine, □ That guy over there looks
padded. The customs officer is going
to check him out. 3. mod. толстый,
жирный □ H e didn't hurt himself
when he fell down. He’s well padded
there. U Your clothes would fit better
if you weren't so— ah—padded.
paddy n. полицейский, особенно ир­
ландец (Обычно унизит. Тж. как
неприязненное обращение.) □ Tell
that paddy to go catch a crook or
something. О Look here, paddy, I
wasn’t doing,anything.
paddy w agon n. полицейский фур­
гон, в котором; арестованных отвозят
в полицейский участок О Щ took two
paddy wagons to carry away the people
they arrested.ll The cop put the
. woman in handcuffs and then called
the paddy wagon,
pad out in. отправляться спать (См.
pad и. 1.) □ Man, if I don't pad out
by midnight, I ’m a zombie. □ Why
don’t you people go home so I can pail
padre [padre] n. священник, капелан,
. Монах (И з испан. Обычно военн.
Тж. как обращение.) □ 1 went to see
the padre for some advice. □ Hey,
padre, anything new on the religion
pafisticated [ps’fistskedsd] mod. пья■ный (Искажённое “sophisticated”.)
□ Whenever I drink champagne, I get
totally pafisticated. □ Look at her
drive. She is a real pafisticated lady.
paid mod. пьяный □ I think I ’ll go out
and get paid tonight. О Tom went to
the tavern and spent all his money on
getting paid.
pain n. источник беспокойства; что-­
либо раздражающее □ That woman
is such a pain. П Those long meetings
are a real pain.
pain in the a s s * и pain in the butt*,
pain in the rear n. крайне раздра­
жающая вещь или человек (Употр.
с остор. “Butt” менее оскорбительно.
“Rear” как эвфем.) □ That guy is а
real pain in the ass. □ Things like that
give me a pain in the butt. О You are
nothing but a pain in the rear.
pain in the butt См. предыдущ. вокаб.
pain in the neck n. раздражающая
вещь или человек (Ср. pain in the
ass.) □ This tax form is a pain in the
neck. О M y boss is a pain in the
pain in the rear Cm. pain in the ass.
painkiller n, спиртное (См. тж. feeling
no pain.) О Pass that bottle of
painkiller over here. M y throat hurts.
□ H e should look happy. H e’s full of
paint rem over n. крепкое или низко­
качественное виски или другой ал­
когольный напиток □ That paint
remover you gave me nearly burned my
throat. □ What do you call that paint
remover anyway? It sure is powerful
paint the town (red) tr. праздновать
что-либо; уходить в запой; напи­
ваться □ I feel great. L e fs go out and
1Q— 1224
paint the town. □ They were out paint­
ing the town red last night.
pal [рге!] 1. n. близкий друг, приятель
О Be nice to him. Hets my pal. □ Hey,
be a pal. G ive me a match. 2. n. об­
ращ ение к незнакомцу, обычно к
мужчине □ Hey, pal. Got a match? □
Look, pal, I was in line in front of you!
pal around (with so m e o n e) in. быть
чьим-либо другом; быть знакомым с
кем-либо О Тот and Alice have palled
around for years. □ Young people like to
pal around with one another.
palimony [ ’paehmoni] n. алименты,
выплачиваемые сожительнице или
браке □ Н е left her, and she took him
to court to try to get him to pay pali­
mony. □ With a good lawyer, she got
more palimony than she could ever
have gotten as alimony if they had
been married.
pally .(with som eone) mod. друже­
любный, излишне дружелюбный с
кем-либо □ I don't know why Sue
acts so pally. I hardly know her. □
She doesn't seem pally with me.
palm tr. спрятать что-либо в ладони
(при краже или исполнении фоку­
са); получить взятку
The kid
palmed the candy bar and walked right
out o f the store. □ The waiter palmed
the $ 20 bill and led us to a table.
palm -oil n. взятка, чаевые (См. тж.
oil someone’s palm.) □ How much
palm-oil does it take to get this deed
recorded in reasonable time? □ The
messenger seemed to move his legs
faster after an application of palm-oil.
palm -presser Cm. flesh-presser.
palm som eone or something off (on
som eone) и palm off som eone or
something (on som eon e) 1. tr.
пересылать нежеланную вещь или
человека кому-либо другому О
Don’t palm her off on me. I don’t
want her. a M y uncle palmed off his
old clothes on me. 2. tr.(c something)
деньги или чек (Уголовн.) О М ах
palmed off four phony twenties in less
than an hour. □ Somebody palmed off
a rubber check on me yesterday.
palooka и paluka [psluka] n. бес­
толковый; неумелый боксер; посред­
ственность (Тж. как обращение. От
palsy-w alsy
имени персонажа комиксов боксера
“Дой Palooka”.) П Tell that stupid
palooka to sit down and shut up. □
Get out of here, you paluka. You're
just in the way.
p alsy-w alsy [ ’paslzi’waeizl] 1. п. друг,
приятель (Син. pal 11. I., buddy. 'Гж.
как обращение.) О Ijook here, palsywalsy, let's you and me get out of here.
Meet tny old palsy-walsy, John.
We've known each other since we were
kids. 2. mod. дружелюбный; преу­
величенно дружелюбный (Часто с
with.) □ Why is Тот, so palsy-walsy
M th everyone? O' that guy is a little
, too palsy-walsy.
pan n. лицо (См. т ж . deadpan.) □
Шок at that guy! I ’ve never seen such
an ugly pan in my life. О / stared her
right in the pan and told her shut up.
panic ». кто-либо или что-либо восх­
итительное или очень смешное D
John's party was a real panic. □ Paul
is a. paitic. H e tells"a joke 'a minute.
pan out in. (для чего-либо) сработать,
получиться □ Don't worry. Every­
thing will pan out okay. □ Nothing
seems to pan out for me anymore.
pants rabbits n. вши (См. тж. seam squirrels.) □ M ax is sure scratching a
lot. Do you think he's got pants rab­
bitsf О 1 don't want to be around
people who have pants rabbits and
stuff like that.
paper 1. n. документ в письменном
виде; письменное подтверждение;
“бумага” (Часто с some.) О Don't
tell те over the phone! / want paper!
О Come on, send me some paper.
Let's make this official 2. n. доза
наркотика, завернутая в бумажку
(Парк.) □ The cops caught the guy
with two papers up his sleeve. О One
paper isn't enough to last poor Ernie
an hour. He’s really hooked. 3. n.
поддельный чек (См. тж. paperhanger. ) О She was arrested for pass­
ing paper. П The police actually lost
the pfiper and ended up with no evi­
paper-hanger n. человек, пытающи­
йся сбыть поддельный чек (Уголовн.
См. paper н. 3., paper-pusher.) Ш The
cops caught the paper-hanger redhanded. D He’s wanted as a paperhanger in four states.
paperhanging n. изготовление и сбыт
поддельных чеков (Уголовн.) □ She
was accused of paperhanging and didn't
even know what the cops were talking
about, so they let her go. □ She is good
at both paperhanging and acting.
paper over something и paper som e­
thing over tr. пытаться скрыть чтолибо неприятное; пытаться скрыть
что-либо О This is a severe social
problem. Don't try to paper this over
it. □ You can't paper this over. It has
to be dealt with now!
paper-pu sh er 1. n. бюрократ, мелкий
чиновник (См. тж. pencil—pusher.) □
I f those paper^pushers can't get their
work done on time, make them stay
late. □ / don’t want to talk to some
paper-pusher, I want to talk to the
boss. 2. n. человек, сбывающий под­
дельные чеки (См. paper п. 3.,
paper-hanger.) □
The bank teller
Spotted a well-known paper-pusher
and called the cops, # aThe old lady
was charged as a papei^pusher and
sent to jaiL
parboiled mod. пьяный (См. тж.
boiled н. 2.) О Sally stayed at the bar
just long enough to get parboiled, n
She's not really stewed, just parboiled.
pard n. партнер (От pardner. Тж. как
обращение.) □ Come on, pard, let's
go find some action. □ This is my old
pard, Clarence.
P a rd o n my French , и E x c u s e my
French, sent. “Прошу извинить меня
за употребление ругательств.” ,
“ Извините за вы раж ение.” (К
французскому не имеет отношения.)
□ Pardon ту French, but this is a hell of
a day. □ What she needs is a kick in the
butt, if you'll excuse my French.
(parental) units n. родители (Подростк. Тж. как обращение.) О /
don't think ту parental units will let
me stay out that late. D Hey, units! I
need to talk to you about something
really important.
park in. заниматься любовью или
сексуальными ласками, особенно в
припаркованном автомобиле D D o
kids still park, or they just watch tele­
vision? □ They still park, but they
don't have a name for it anymore.
park it (som ew here) tr. сесть; при­
сесть где-либо □ Hey, park it! You’re
in the way. □ Max. park it over there
in the corner. Stop pacing around. You
make me nervous.
parting shot n. последнее слово (пе­
ред расставанием) О For a parting
shot, she called me a miser. □ His
parting shot concerned some com­
ments about my ability to do simple
part that went over the fence last 1,
n. цыплячья гузка (Простонар. Все­
гда с the.) □ I f there aren't any more
wings, I 'l l take the part that went over
the fence last. □ M y favorite piece of
chicken is the part that went over the
fence last. There’s not much meat on
it, but I don’t like chicken anyway. 2.
n. задняя часть любого животного;
ягодицы человека □ / slipped and
fell down on the part that went over
the fence last. □ The cat caught the
part that went over the fence last in
this door.
party 1. n. p сложных словах — груп­
повая деятельность (Как примеры,
см. соке party, free base party, grass
party, hen party, jag party, keg party,
kick party, pot party, stag-party, tail­
gate party, tea party.) 2. in. курить
марихуану, или употреблять другие
наркотики; пить спиртное (Может
тж. включать в себя сексуальную
активность.) □ Come on. man! L efs
party! □ I f you didn't party so much,
you’d get better grades.
party animal n. любитель вечеринок
□ M y boyfriend and I are real party
animals. L e fs party! □ I f you weren’t
such a party animal, you'd have more
time for studying.
party bowl n. большая (на нескольких
человек) трубка для курения мари­
хуаны (Нарк.) О When they arrested
Max, he had two pipes and a party
bowl with him. О The cops thought the
party bowl was a flower vase!
party-hearty in. хорошо провести
время; праздновать (Первонач. подростк. Нет определённой формы
прошедшего времени.) □ L e ts get
some stuff and party-hearty. □ The
whole class decided to celebrate and
party-pooper n. человек, первым ухо­
дящий с вечеринки; тот, кто портит
веселье (скукой или ранним ухо­
дом) П Don’t leave! Don't be a partypooper! □ Don’t invite Martha. She’s
such a party-pooper.
p a ss 1. n. проходной балл (Ср. fail.)
О Did you get a pass or a fail? О This
is my third pass this semester. 2. in.
отклонять что-либо, отказываться от
чего-либо □ No, thanks. I pass. □ I ’ll
have to pass. I am not prepared. 3. n.
отказ (от чего-либо) □ I'll have to
take a pass. О Can I have a pass on
that one? There is nothing I can do. 4.
n. ухаживание; сексуальное при­
глашение (Обычно с таке.) □ Не
made a pass at те, so I slapped him.
When he made a pass at me, he got
a pass right back. 5. tr. удачно сбыть
фальшивые деньги или обратить в
наличные поддельный чек (Словно
передавая их кому-то.) 6. п. удач­
ная продажа или покупка наркоти-.
ков (Нарк.) □ In four passes the
dealer made $ 100. □ I didn't make
the pass and was stuck carrying the
stuff all night.
p a ss go tr. успешно выполнить слож­
ное или опасное задание (Из игры
“Monopoly™”) □ Man, I tried to get
there on time, but I just couldn't paps
go. □ You had better pass go with this
job, or you've had it.
passion-pit n. кинотеатр для автомо­
билистов; любое укромное место для
занятий любовью (Устар., но ещё
встречается.) □ She wanted те to
drive down to the passion-pit, but I
said I had a headache. О M y mother
used to tell me about her trips to the
p a ss the buck tr. перекладывать от­
ветственность на кого-либо другого;
уходить от ответственности (См. тж.
buck-passer.) О When things get а
little tough, do what I do. Pass the
buck. □ Don't pass the buck. Stand up
and admit you were wrong.
passy n. соска-пустышка (Детск.) □
Does little Johnnie want his passy? □
Mommy, Mary threw her passy on the
paste 1. tr. ударить кого-либо, осо­
бенно в лицо (См. тж. paste someone
one.) □ I hauled off and pasted him
right in the face. □ H e tried to paste
me, but I ducked. 2. tr. победить
кого-либо (особенно в спорте) (См.
pasting, pasted ft. 2.) О The Warriors
pasted, the Rockets; 70-49. D They re­
ally pasted our team in last week's
pasted 1. mod. пьяный или опьянён­
ный наркотиком ( О т paste.) □ Poor
Тот is totally pasted, о M ax got
pasted on beer. 2. mod. побеждённый
□ Our team really got pasted. □ He
sure looked pasted the last time I saw
paste som eone one tr. ударить коголибо (См. тж. paste.) О I pasted him
one right on the nose. О Next time you
do that, I 'l l paste you one!pasting n. поражение; взбучка (См.
paste.) О Our team took quite a past­
ing last weekend. □ I gave him a past­
ingpatootie C m . ifsweetJ patootie.
patsy [ ’ paetsl.1 n. жертва жульничест­
ва (Уголовн. См. тж. dupe и. 1.) □
Thai guy over there looks like a perfect
patsy. □ We got nearly 25 hundred
bucks off that patsy.
pattern il. определённый тип нарко­
тических галлюцинаций (Нарк.) О
M ax kept having patterns and finally
had to go to the hospital. □ H e seems
to have gotten stuck in one of his pat­
patter of tiny feet n. детский шум;
дети в доме □ I really liked having
the patter of tiny feet in the house, о
Darling, I think we’re going to be
hearing the patter o f tiny feet soon.
paw 1. n. рука, “лапа” (Шут.) О Get
your paws off me! □ That dog bit my
paw. 2, tr. прикасаться к кому-либо,
трогать кого-либо с сексуальными
намерениями, “лапать” □ I f you paw
те again, I'll slap you! □ I can't
stand men who paw you to pieces. 3.
tr. прикасаться к кому-либо сильнее
или чаще, чем следует, без сексу­
альных намерений О I don't like for
people to paw me while they're shaking
hands. There is no reason to shake my
shoulder, too. U: Tom doesn't realize
that he paws people and that it annoys
pay a call tr. пойти в уборную (См.
тж. call of nature, nature's call.) □
Excuse me. I have to pay a call. О
Tom left to pay a call. H e should be
back s oo/i.
payola [pe’ola] n. взятка, даваемая
диск-жокею фирмой звукозаписи,
чтобы тот оказывал большее внима­
ние их продукции; взятка вообще П
The announcer was fired for taking
payola. □ There was a big scandal of
payola in the 1950s.
pay o n e’s du es js tr. работать в сфе­
ре обслуживания; быть слугой О I
spent some time as a busboy', so I ’ve
paid my dues in the serving business.
□ You have to start out at the bottom.
Pay your dues; and then you'll appre­
ciate better what you have. 2. tr. и
pay one’s du es to society tr. от­
бывать срок тюремного заключения
■[Щ ,1:.served 10 years in prison. I’ ve
paid my dues to society. The matter is
settled.-й ; I took my medicine and
paid my dues. Stop trying to punish
me more.
P.C.P. и PC P n. фенциклидин, вете­
емый как наркотическое средство
(Н арк.) a P C P is okay for hogs, but
it kills people. □ A lot of kids end up
with P.C.P. when they think they’re
getting something else.
P.D.Q. и PDQ mod. “pretty damn quick” .
Очень быстро □ You get those papers
over here P.D .Q .! □ They had better get
this mess straightened out P D Q if they
know what's good for them.
p eace pill и p eace tab (let) n. та­
блетка одного из следующих,нарко­
тиков: Л С Д , “Methedrine"”’, P.C.P.
(Нарк.) О M ax gave те this stuff and
said it was peace pills. I think it’s
dangerous. □
One peace tab and
you’re in heaven.
peach n. кто-либо или что-либо ве­
ликолепное (Обычно человек.) □
That guy’s a real peach. О This is a
peach of a car!
peachy (keen) mod. хороший, вели­
колепный О Your idea is really pea­
chy! О What a peachy keen idea!
peak 1. n. максимум, пик наркоти­
ческой эйфории (Нарк.) □
reached the peak and then went to
sleep. □ H e freaked our before he ever
got to the peak. 2. in. достигнуть
эйфории (Нарк.) О Н е peaked, then
passed out. □ With this stuff you
vomit a lot before you peak
peanuts 1. n. мизерная сумма денег
(Син. chicken feed.) □ They want me
to do everything, but they only pay
peanuts. □ The cost is just peanuts
compared to what you get for the
money. 2. n. капсулы барбитуратов
(Нарк.) □ The cops busted him while
he had a handful o f peanuts. П Those
cheap peanuts nearly killed him.
peckish mod. голодный □ I'm just a
little peckish right now. I need a bite
to eat. О Wow, you look peckish! .
pecks и pecs, pects [peks и pekts] n.
грудные мышцы (От pectorals. Из
тяжелой атлетики и культуризма.)
Look at the pecks on that guy! О
With pects like that he needs a bra.
pects См. предыдущ. вокаб.
p e e* и P.* 1. n. кактус пейотль (На
письме обычнее Р. Нарк.) D Неу,
Mac. You got any P.? □ That P. you
gave me made me sick as a dog. 2. n.
чистый или почти чистый героин;
очень крепкий героин (Нарк.) □
They say that real P. will kill you. □
H e was so addicted, he had to have
pee three times a day. 3. n. P.C.P.,
фенциклидин (Нарк.) О Bob's been
smoking pee, and he really looks bad.
D P. is cheap, but deadly. 4.* n.
моча (Н а письме обычнее pee.
Употр. с остор. Первонач. эвфем.
для piss.) □ Don’t step in the pee. □
That dog got pee all over my tires.
5.* п. мочеиспускание (Обычно с
take. Употр с остор.) □ Н е left to
take а pee. D When the dog finishes
with its pee, it runs away. 6.* in.
мочиться (Употр. с остор.) □ Stop
the car! I gotta P .! О You can’t pee
p e e ’d mod. пьяный (Эвфем. для piss­
ed.) О This old boy is really pee’d. □
His old lady gets pee’d after a few
p e e ’d off mod. очень злой (Эвфем.
для pissed (o f f ).) P I certainly was
pee'd off! □ I ’ve never been so pee’d
off (n my life!
peel in. раздеваться □ I had to peel for
my physical examination. □ She stood
up on the stage and peeled right down
to nothing!
peep n. звук, слово □ Don’t you mxike
another peep! □ I don't want to hear
another peep out o f you.
peepers n. глаза □ Come on, use your
peepers. Take a good look. □ M y
peepers are tired.
p e g -le g n. грубое прозвище человека с
деревянной ногой (Сейчас исполь­
зуется преимущественно по отноше­
нию к пиратам в пьесах или
кинофильм ах.) □ See that p e g -le g
over there? H e lost his foot to a shark.
O Hey, peg-leg. Race you to the bar!
pen n. исправительное учреждение,
тюрьма (Уголовн.) □ M ax got sent to
the pen for 15 years. □ After a few
years in the pen, he began to appre­
ciate freedom.
pencil-pusher n. бюрократ, мелкий
чиновник, клерк (См. тж. рарегpusher п. 1.) О Look here, you lousy
pencil-pusher, I want to talk to your
boss! □ City Hall is filled with a
bunch o f overpaid pencil-pushers.
Pennsy n. Пеннсильвания P I went to
a conference in Pennsy last year. О
M y cousin lives in Pennsy.
penny n. полицейский (Игра на cop­
per. См. примечание к copper п. 1.)
□ The penny over on the corner told
the boys to get moving. □ We better
get going before the pennies get here.
penny-ante mod. дешёвый; обыден­
ный (См. ante.) П I ’m sick o f this
penny-ante stuff. Let’s get serious. □
M a x moved from penny-ante crimes
into drugs.
penny-pincher n. скупец, скряга □ I f
you weren’t such a penny-pincher, you'd
have some decent clothes. О Let's elect
some penny-pinchers to Congress.
peonied mod. пьяный (Связано с
pee’d и pissed.) □ M an, was she
peonied! Really stoned. □ Let’s go get
peonied, just for the hell o f it.
people-watching n. наблю дение за
людьми как род времяпрепро­
вождения О L et’s eat at the greasy
spoon o ve r on M a p le . The fo o d is
gross, but the people-watching is good.
□ I enjoy people-watching, especially
at airports.
pepped (up) и peppy mod. пьяный
(Эвфем. Ср. perked (u p ).) О That
guy looks a little pepped up. Don’t
give him any more booze. □ I feel sort
o f pepped up. Time to stop drinking.
pepper-u pper n. таблетка или капсу­
ла амфетамина (Син. pep-pill.) □ I
pep pill
need me a little peppei~upper. Can I
have a prescription? □ You need more
sleep, not a pepper-upper.
pep pill n. таблетка или капсула сти­
мулятора типа амфетамина (Син.
pepper-upper.) О The doctor pre­
scribed some kind of pep pills, but I
refused to take them. □ Got any pep
pills or anything?
peppy l.m od. энергичный, сильный
(Ср. perky.) О She's such a peppy
thing. О 1 sure don't feel very peppy
right now. 2. C m . pepped (u p ).
pep talk n. напутствие, ободрение □
The coach gave the team a good pep
talk, but they lost anyway. О The pep
talk grew into a real gripe session.
Period! exclam. “ ...и это мое послед­
нее слово!”, “Точка!” (Выражение
указывает, что больше спора или
переговоров не будет.) О I don’t
want to hear any more about it! P e­
riod! □ M y final offer is $ 30,00. P e­
perk 1. n. дополнительная прибыль;
награда, поощрение (От perquisite.
См. тж. benies.) О I don't get paid
much, but the• perks are good. □ I
don’t get paid much, and I don’t get
any perks! 2. n. таблетка болеутоля­
ющего “Percodan'"” (Нарк. и мед.
Обычно во мн.) О Hey, man, got any
perks? □ H e was secretly hooked on
perks for years.
perked (up) mod. пьяный (Ср. pepped
( u p ).) □ Three beers and he’s perked.
□ N o more. She's done. She's perked
up for good.
perky mod. энергичный, бодрый (Ср.
peppy.) О M ost poodles are quite
perky. □ A perky hostess keeps parties
persuader n. пистолет или другое
оруж ие, используемое как угроза
(Уголовн.) О Н е pulls out this per­
suader, see, and aims it right at me, see.
□ Maybe my little persuader will help
you remember where the Money is.
pesky mod. раздражающий, утоми­
тельный О I ам going to kill that
pesky fly! О I ’ve had a pesky headache
dll day.
Peter Jay n. кличка полицейского
(Негрит.) О You walk straight, or
Peter Jay is going to bust you. □ Here
comes Peter Jay in his pigmobile.
peter out in. сдаваться, истощаться □
I ’m about to peter out. I need a rest. О
What 11 we do when the money peters
pet peeve n. главная, основная жало­
ба или источник беспокойства □
Dirty dishes in restaurants are my pet
peeve. □ H e has no pet peeve. H e
hates everything.
petrified mod. пьяный (Буквально,
обращенный в камень. Ср. stoned.)
0 She's not drunk; she's petrified. □
H e drank moonshine till he was
petting-party n. занятия сексуаль­
ными ласками □ I just want to watch
the movie. I didn't come here for some
teenage petting-party! □ We went to
the passion-pit for a petting-party.
peyote (button) [pe’odi..*] n. головка
кактуса пейотль, используемая как
(Нарк.) О They thought they were get­
ting peyote buttons, but it was just
some old dried mushrooms. □ The
stuff they found in the desert was real
P.F.D. n. a “potential formal date” ,
человек, достойный быть потенциа­
льным женихом (невестой) (Сту­
денч.) □ That gal is a real P.F.D . О
M ike is no P.F.D , bur he is a great
friend anyway.
P.G. и P G 1. mod. “pregnant” , бере­
менна О D o you think Sally is P.G.?
□ I think I'm P G , you know, preg­
nant. 2. n. “paregoric”, болеутоляю
щее средство (Нарк. См. Proctor and
Gamble.) □ M ax's been drinking P G
again. D The cops could smell the
P.G. on his breath.
phazed и p h a s e d " [fezd] mod. опья­
нённый марихуаной (Нарк.) □ Man,
1 was phazed out of my mind! □ How
much booze does it take you to get re­
ally phased?
phedinkus [fi’diijkas] n. чепуха, чушь
О Stop your silly phedinkust'O That is
just phedinkus. N o one will believe
phennies и phenies [ ’feniz] n. таб­
летки, капсулы или микстура с фе­
нобарбиталом (Нарк. И больнич.) □
Get that big bottle o f phenies up to the
third floor, stat. □ Hey, man, you got
any phennies? I need them bad.
pheno [ ’fino] 1. n. и phenobarb
[ ’finobarb] таблетка фенобарбитала
, (барбитурата) (Нарк. и больнич.) □
Pheno can wreck уди as well as any
street drug.
They gave
phenobarb iti the hospitaL I really
grew to like that stuff. 2. n. наркоман,
употребляющий фенобарбитал (Мед.
и нарк.) О That guy in the next room
is turning into a real pheno. Why Hoes
the doctor keep giving him that stuff?
О H e doesn't need pheno to Sleep!
phenobarb См. предыдущ. вокаб.
phfft [ffft] 1. mod. конченный (См.
тж. piffed п. 1., п. 2.) □ There is my
cat, and zoom comes a car. M y cat is
phfft. О Yup. Deader than a doornail.
Phfft! 2. mod. пьяный П You won't
wake him up for hours yet. H e's phfft.
□ Three beers and she’s phfft for sure.
Philly n. Филадельфия, шт. Пеннсиль, вания □ We stopped off in Philly for a
day. О We left Philly for the Big Apple
at noon.
phony 1. mod. фальшивый, поддель­
ный □ This money looks phony to me.
□ I can't stand phony vanilla flavor­
ing. 2. n. кто-либо или что-либо
фальшивое, поддельное □ That guy
is a real phony! □ Look here, you
phony, get out of my office! О This is
a phony. Get me a real one.
phony a s a three-dollar ЫН и queer
as a three-dollar bill mod. фальши­
вый, поддельный □ This guy’s as
phony as a three-dollar bill. □ The
whole idea stinks. I f s as queer as a
three-dollar bilL
phooey и fo oey 1, n. чепуха, чушь □
Your story is just a lot of phooey. О
I ’ve heard enough fooey. Let's get out
of here. 2. exclam. выражение не­
доверия, несогласия или отвра­
щения (Обычно Phooey! или Fooey!
Как правило, используется, когда
чувствуют неприятный вкус или
запах.) D Who died in here? Phooey!
p This is the worst food I ever ate.
phumfed I’fom(p)ft] mod. опьянённый
наркотиком □ You can't get your
work done when you are totally
phumfed. □ She gets phumfed on pot
every afternoon,
phutz и futz [fats] tr. ограбить или
обмануть, обжулить кого-либо О
D on't futz те! Tell the truth! О The
muggers phutzed his wallet and watch.
pickled mod. пьяный (Очень часто
употр.) □ She's usually pickled by
noon. О I t only takes a few drinks to
get him pickled.
picklepuss n. человек с поджатыми
губами; готовый расплакаться ре­
бёнок □ Don’t be such a picklepuss.
Smile! □ She is such a picklepuss.
Nothing seems to please her.
pickier n. пьяница, алкоголик (См.
pickled.) □ What a pickier. H e could
drink all night. □ The cops brought in
about 30 picklers by night.
pick-m e-up n. любая еда или питье,
которая подстегивает, дает силы,
например, глоток спиртного, кон­
фета, и т.п. □ I ’m pooped. I really
need a pick-me-up. □ I can’t finish
the day without a little pick-m e-up at
pickup 1, n. что-либо съеденное или
выпитое, чтобы поддержать себя,
подстегнуть свои силы (Син. pickm e-up .) □ Bartender, I need a little
pickup. О She stopped at a candy ma­
chine f o r a pickup. 2. n. вос­
становление си л; наркотическая
эйфория (Нарк. и студенч.) □ Candy
always gives те a pickup. □ Man, that
stuff really has a pickup. 3. n. неожи­
данное увели чен и е ч его -л и б о ,
наприм ер, скорости или темпа в
музыке □ We need a bit o f a pickup at
measure 43. □ There will be a pickup
in sales during the Christmas season.
4. mod. неожиданный, незаплани­
рованный (Особенно о спортивных
играх, когда команду набирают из
тех, кто есть под рукой. Ср. scratch
п. 3 .) □ Н е stopped at the basketball
court for a pickup game with the boys.
О A pickup game can be fun if the
sides are evenly matched. 5. n. арест
(У г о л о в н .)
S end Sergeant
Townsend out to make the pickup. □
The cop made a pickup right across the
street. 6. n. к т о -л и б о , с кем зна­
комятся исключительно с сексуаль­
ной целью □ She’s по date. She’s just
a pickup. □ She had the gall to show
up at the dance with a pickup in street
clothes. 7. n. мощность автомобиль­
ного двигателя; способность ав­
томобиля быстро разгоняться О This
pick up on something
car has more pickup than I really need.
Little cars- hardly ever have enough
pickup. S. n. принятие